Threat Assessment Essays Prompts

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Prepare paper planning and threat assessment paper dealing with the scenario of In recent months, the city has been terrorized by a series of : In attendance at the courthouse will be new organizations, fundamentalist religious groups, white supremacist groups, and civil rights groups, all picketing what promises to be a very emotional trial. Be as specific as you can with the information provided.


I am requesting freelance writer for this paper. Freelance Writer: Please be as specific as you can with the details for the planning and threat assessment for the individual. Strict APA format as usual.

This is a planning and threat assessment paper based on the scenario that you have to provide planning and thgreat assessment for a man in his 40's who is confined to a wheelchair and requires attendance by a nurse 24/7 due to respiratory and other medical conditions. He is an extremely high profile white supremacist who is outspoken and controversial. Many people hate him.

Assignment: Planning and Threat Assessment Paper

? Your client is a man in his 40s. He is confined to a wheelchair and requires attendance by a nurse 7 days a week due to respiratory and other medical conditions. He is a high-profile, outspoken, and controversial white supremacist; many people hate him.
? He has been scheduled to appear in court in his home city, Los Angeles, as a defendant to answer charges involving murder and violating civil rights. He is currently free on a $1 million bond; the local police are not providing any protection.
? In recent months, the city has been terrorized by a series of related homicides of white supremacist followers and the brutal beating of the client?s assistant. The media have speculated that several victims have been linked to your client and the police suspect a rival white supremacist group is vying for political power in the movement. The police, however, have no direct evidence of that theory.
? Security at the client?s estate has been increased because of threats on his life, but your client likes to speak his mind to everyone, especially the press. He plans to make a grand entrance and wants to meet with the press on the courthouse steps.
? You are the head of a security detail of eight individuals for this day?s work. You must plan the security for the client?s estate on the beach. The client?s home is in Laguna Beach, about an hour?s drive by freeway to the courthouse.

Prepare a planning and threat assessment paper dealing with SECURITY for client?s estate. Please run paper through plagiarism checker.

Please only discuss the security aspect for client?s estate.

Based on your readings and experience, please describe, in detail, how you would establish, train and and manage a Threat Assessment Team (also could be called Behavioral Intervention Team) for a college campus. Please use a minimum of five references and ensure it is within APA standards.

Reference Book:

Nicoletti J, Spencer-Thomas, S, Bollinger, C.(2010. ) Violence Goes to College. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publishers.

or other references

I need to: Present the following scenario:

Your security team has been tasked with conducting a threat and vulnerability assessment for the Acme Corporation, a manufacturer of high-tech night vision equipment used by military personnel.

Create a 400-word threat assessment that specifies and defines the threats against your organization. Additionally, define the countermeasures that would protect the organization from your defined threats.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

There are faxes for this order.

(I) The authentic assessment corresponds to the following course objectives:

Describe the structure of the Constitution and the powers and rights conferred in it.
Name historic threats to homeland security and describe how the nation formed policies to address them.
Describe how public policy evolves into law through the interaction of the legislative and executive branches.
Describe how the judicial branch reviews laws and creates public policy by finding that the laws sponsored by the legislative or executive branches are consistent or inconsistent with the Constitution or other existing laws.
Identify and discuss the pertinent legislative acts of the Global War on Terror.
(II) Tasks

(a) Analysis of the Constitution

Read and analyze the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Choose the institutional power and the personal right you believe to be the most important, and explain why; choose the institutional power and the personal right you would remove, and explain why; and add a power and a right that you would include, and explain why (two to four pages, double-spaced).

Two Examples of Homeland Security Issues in Art or Popular Culture
For this task, identify two expressions, representations, statements, etc. of a homeland security topic and explain the relation and significance of the work.

For example, English singer Billy Bragg wrote and recorded "Help Save the Youth of America." Take a look at the lyrics online and see below for a sample commentary:

In the song, Bragg presciently identifies a number of topics that will become central in the homeland security dialogue. Written in 1986, some 15 years before the events of September 11th, Bragg's core theme circles around the familiar accusation that U.S. foreign policy is too isolationist. This accusation has been made numerous times, most notably during the twentieth century's two world wars. This is an ironic argument since the United States ultimately became a major contributor, and arguably??"perhaps even obviously??"the catalyst for victory in each conflict.

Bragg also opines upon globalization, U.S. military engagement, illegal immigration, consumerism, crime, and the general narcissism/navet of American culture. These topics ...

Identification of Two Pre-9/11 Homeland Security Events
As we study this new concept of "homeland security," we quickly learn that threats to national security are not new. In fact, the United States faced major threats to its existence even before it was officially a nation. Identify and describe two such events in U.S. history that occurred prior to September 11, 2001, and explain why this event/threat was similar to current homeland security events.

Legal Counsel Exercise
Assume that you are legal counsel for the Scorpions, a militant nongovernmental subset of a Serbian political opposition group, the Bosniak Srpska. During a strategic planning meeting with top officials, Scorpion Subcommander (there are no commanders in the Scorpions in order to mitigate assassinations) Bensayah Belkacem is discussing his plans to commit violent attacks against U.S. citizens and property. Subcommander Belkacem confides that these acts will be performed on behalf of the internationally recognized government of Pasdora, a small country in Southwest Asia near the Caspian Sea.

Subcommander Belkacem knows that you have been educated in the United States and have studied legal and political issues involving U.S. domestic and foreign policy, particularly in the areas of homeland security and the U.S.'s professed Global War on Terror/Overseas Contingency Operations. During the meeting, your opinion on the following matters is asked:

1) If the United States learns about the Scorpions' plan, is President Obama empowered to order a military attack against us? If yes, how would he most likely justify his actions?

2) If U.S. Army soldiers detain our fighters and transfer them to Saudi Arabia (a country known to torture people) for questioning, what is this process called? Does U.S. public policy allow for such a practice? If the current U.S. policy is to allow such a practice, is this policy lawful?

3) As part of its Global War on Terror, the Bush Administration took many captured fighters to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. If our soldiers are taken there, is it likely that they??"none of whom are United States citizens??"will be able to access the U.S. federal court system and wage litigation warfare? What is the background and current status of this issue?

4) What is a military tribunal? Has the United States used military tribunals in the past? Is the United States currently using military tribunals and, if so, what is their status?

5) Is it true that the United States spies on its own citizens? What are some of the governmental organizations/agencies involved in doing this? Is it lawful for the military to participate in this type of domestic activity?

6) If we believe the United States is going to attack us, is it lawful for us to attack them first? How would we justify it?

7) We understand the United States has a document called the Constitution. Describe its framework and the main concepts, powers, and rights that it contains?

8) Which branch of the U.S. federal government is the most powerful?

(e) Statute Draft

For this task, you need to identify the next great idea in homeland security. Articulate and format your idea as the introduction to a new legislative act. Below are a few paragraphs from the USA PATRIOT Act as an example of how to format the task:


To deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) SHORT TITLE??"This Act may be cited as the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001."



(a) ESTABLISHMENT; AVAILABILITY??"There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States a separate fund to be known as the "Counterterrorism Fund," amounts in which shall remain available without fiscal year limitation??"

(1) to reimburse any Department of Justice component for any costs incurred in connection with??"

(A) reestablishing the operational capability of an office or facility that has been damaged or destroyed as the result of any domestic or international terrorism incident;

(B) providing support to counter, investigate, or prosecute domestic or international terrorism, including, without limitation, paying rewards in connection with these activities; and

(C) conducting terrorism threat assessments of Federal agencies and their facilities; and

(2) to reimburse any department or agency of the Federal Government for any costs incurred in connection with detaining in foreign countries individuals accused of acts of terrorism that violate the laws of the United States.

(b) NO EFFECT ON PRIOR APPROPRIATIONS??"Subsection (a) shall not be construed to affect the amount or availability of any appropriation to the Counterterrorism Fund made before the date of the enactment of this Act.


(a) FINDINGS??"Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and Americans from South Asia play a vital role in our Nation and are entitled to nothing less than the full rights of every American.

(2) The acts of violence that have been taken against Arab and Muslim Americans since the September 11, 2001, attacks against the United States should be and are condemned by all Americans who value freedom.

(3) The concept of individual responsibility for wrongdoing is sacrosanct in American society, and applies equally to all reliious, racial, and ethnic groups.

(4) When American citizens commit acts of violence against those who are, or are perceived to be, of Arab or Muslim descent, they should be punished to the full extent of the law.

(5) Muslim Americans have become so fearful of harassment that many Muslim women are changing the way they dress to avoid becoming targets.

(6) Many Arab Americans and Muslim Americans have acted heroically during the attacks on the United States, including Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a 23-year-old New Yorker of Pakistani descent, who is believed to have gone to the World Trade Center to offer rescue assistance and is now missing.

(b) SENSE OF CONGRESS??"It is the sense of Congress that??"

(1) the civil rights and civil liberties of all Americans, including Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and Americans from South Asia, must be protected, and that every effort must be taken to preserve their safety;

(2) any acts of violence or discrimination against any Americans be condemned; and

(3) the Nation is called upon to recognize the patriotism of fellow citizens from all ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds.

Topic- Weather Underground Terrorist Group
Terrorism Threat Assessment
BITMC-Background, Intentions, Targets, Membership & Capabilities
Assessment has to follow the BITMC Outline
Background- The history of the group, including a brief history of the group or groups derived from. Includes chronology of current series of events.
Intentions- What are the groups goals ??" tactical and if applicable, strategic? Do they intend to overthrow and/or replace the current government or are the just gathering arms/money for the next attack?
Targets- At whom and/ or what does the group direct its attacks? Is this static or progressive?
Membership- Who makes up the administrative, active and support elements of the group? From what segment of the population (students, peasants, refugees, political, economic, etc.) do they derive backing and sympathy? If the group is currently inactive, where are they? In jail, dead, out of the movement?
Capabilities- What recourses, talents, skills, etc. can this group call upon (both internally and externally) in order to accomplish their goals?

Narcoterrorism and the Future
PAGES 70 WORDS 18088

I am looking for a Capstone project that is based on drug trafficking/abuse in the United States that is connected to terrorism. This Capstone will need an introduction, purpose and need, project beginning, theoretical framework, goals and objectives, critical assets identification, threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, risk analysis, conclusion, literature review and references With a table of contents. I am also able to provide a 30 page document with various different drug addiction, drug trafficking details from within the Wilmington, DE and Philadelphia, PA areas. I would like to tie this Capstone project into the Mexican cartels that are connected to terrorism.

Please write approximately 2-3 pages per question- Total of 4 questions. Please provide at least 3 references per question with at least one of the references being a primary source reference.

References to possibly use:
*Interventions for Academic and Behavior Problems II: Preventive and Remedial Approaches. Edited by Mark R. Shinn, Hill M. Walker, and Gary Stoner. 2002.

*Best Practices in School Crisis Prevention and Intervention. Edited by Stephen E. Brock, Philip J. Lazarus, and Shane R. Jimerson. 2002.

*Best Practices in School Psychology IV and/or V. NASP

*Childrens Needs III: Development, prevention, and intervention. Bear and Minke 2006.

*California Special Education Programs Twenty-Ninth Edition: A Composite of Laws. 2007.

*Neef, N. A. et al. (2004). Behavior analysis in education (2nd Edition). Lawrence, KS: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

4 Questions:
1. In many cases, children learn the majority of their prosocial behaviors from school. Please discuss the process of teaching social skills to young children and adolescents. Please discuss the challenges associated with each age group and describe in detail procedures to assess need acquisition, progress, and mastery of social skills in elementary and secondary settings.
a. Possible references:
i. Shinn et al. Ch 15 and 17
ii. Kohler & Fowler (1985). Training prosocial behaviors to young children: An analysis of reciprocity with untrained peers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 279.

2. An 11th grade Special Day Class student has met his 10 days of suspension due to destruction of property in the classroom. Please discuss in detail the process of completing a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) of property destruction. Include the rationale of conducting an FBA. Please discuss all possible hypotheses, as well as corresponding interventions by function keeping in mind that our prevention approach attempts to make disruptive behaviors irrelevant, inefficient, and ineffective.
a. Possible references:
i. Shinn et al. Ch 31: Mayer & Sulzer-Azaroff (2002). Intervenitons for vandalism and aggression.
ii. Mayer (1995). Preventing antisocial behavior in the schools. JABA 338

3. Research on school refusal, bullying, substance abuse, and school failure have revealed that a primary protective factor for students in a positive relationship with one adult in a school. Please discuss ways that school psychologist can foster such relationships with students, as well as be an advocate for other school staff to do the same. Please describe how these efforts fit into a comprehensive hierarchical and preventive model of school-wide mental health support.
a. Possible references
i. Shinn et al. Ch 31, 7,
ii. Brock et al. Ch 12
iii. Bay-Hintz et al (1994). Cooperative Games: A way to modify aggressive and cooperative behaviors in young children, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 417.

4. A 5th grade student uses a drill bit to carve profanity and a threat to harm a teacher into a cafeteria window. The principal determines that you need to complete a Threat Assessment for the student and that a hearing must be held before the student returns to school. Please describe what behaviors prompt a threat assessment and discuss the process of completing a thorough threat assessment for a student.
a. Possible References
i. Shinn et al. Ch 31

*Please use no more than 1 quotation per question.
*Please write from a behavioral school psychologists perspective


compose a 10-page minimum, to 15-page maximum paper, single-spaced, not inclusive of cover or references. The narrative should include a self-assessment profile analysis to ones potential in the leadership of others. Synthesis of how ones personality profile impacts the potential leadership of others is paramount. Do not include the actual self-assessment exercise but rather refer to assessment scoring in development of analytical content. Please note the project is not a typical research paper but rather a demonstration of critical thinking skills.

Students should experience the following learning standards upon completion of the self-assessment project:

Leadership??"Students assess ones capacity to lead in organizational situations.

Reflective Thinking and Self-Management??"Students develop reflective thinking through identifying personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as a first step in leading others.

Analytic Skills??"Students learn to set goals, adjust, and resolve problems and make decisions as they respond to internal and external stakeholders needs by applying knowledge in new and unfamiliar circumstances.

Communication Abilities??"Students learn to effectively listen, share ideas, negotiate, and facilitate the flow of information to improve performance.

Ethics??"Students are challenged to recognize the impact of global trends on an organization to value diversity, and to conduct business in an ethical manner.

In content development, specifically include the following as topical headings, listed in the following order, within the paper. For each topic articulate a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) assessment to leadership implications based on information gleaned from the text at a minimum and the relevant self-assessment tool used for that category. Note additional research beyond the text may be required. Also note several assessment tools may be available for each profile. Select at least one, unless otherwise indicated, and discuss thoroughly.

a) Leadership Potential Profile

b) Personality Profile ??" Big Five (also include Myers-Briggs profile)

c) Motive Profile

d) Moral/Personal Values Profile

e) Political Behavior Profile

f) Normative Leadership Style

g) Communication Style

1. How does terrorism affect children?

2. What makes ?martyrdom? such an effective tool for terrorists? Discuss in terms of social construction.

3. How do threat levels and vulnerability assessments assist military installations with terrorist response? Is this a good model for civilian governments to use?


Dyson, W. E. (2001). Terrorism: An investigator?s handbook. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2007). Retrieved March 25, 2007, from

Gunaratna, R. (2002), Inside Al Qaeda: Global network of terror. New York: Berkley Books.

Hall, H. V. (2003). Introduction: Psychological study of terrorism. Journal of Threat Assessment
2(3), 1-8.

Presley, S. M. (1996). Rise of domestic terrorism and its relation to United States Armed Forces.
Retrieved March 25, 2007, from

Zaideman, W. H. (n.d.). Middle Eastern terrorism: A primer. Unpublished manuscript.

Safe School the State of

Assignment : Safe Schools
The school district would like to take all necessary steps to promote safe schools. In this regard, theyre willing to work with law enforcement, community groups, private concerns, and federal and state agencies. The district also wants to target at-risk students who have the potential to perform acts of violence in their schools. Therefore, they want you to advise them of possible warning signs and of the most current methodology for conducting a detailed threat assessment. Finally, the school district is aware of a growing gang problem in the community. Theyre interested in understanding the causative factors that drive juveniles to join gangs, the nature and conduct of the gang culture, and any anti-gang programs and measures they might put into place.

As the chief project manager, you must respond to these issues in a comprehensive and relevant written research analysis. Youre free to use all available research tools. In your report, you must include information on the following items:
Safe Kids/Safe Streets, Safe Start, and Safe Future programs
School Safety Pyramid
Four-pronged threat assessment
Gang Resistance Education and Training
Teens, Crime and the Community

Customer is requesting that (wizzy) completes this order.

give complete answers referring to what you have read. Reference to, or the use of critical thinking, analysis, what you have learned in previous courses, the media, and in your professional lives is also expected. Define the subject; make references to what you have read, what you have learned elsewhere, and then form a response.

1. What is meant by the collaborations between port security and enforcement operations?

2. What are the challenges of collaboration in managing port security operations?

3. Assess the article "Port and Maritime Security Special Report"?

4. What is a "Dirty Bomb"?

5. Examine the 2012 DNI Threat Assessment Report Final Unclassified.

Phases of Protection

Conduct the phases of a protective service operation for one of your high level employees who is at high risk for targeting.
First Stage: Research, Reconnaissance, Surveillance/Counter surveillance
Second Stage: Planning
Third Stage: Execution

What elements must you consider in the program or operation?

Why those specific elements?

What specific guidelines would you include in the early stages of your program or operation to ensure its continued success? Why?

Department of Homeland Security. (2008, October). Active shooter: How to respond. Retrieved from

Fein, R.A. & Vossekuil, B. (1998). Protective intelligence and threat assessment Investigations: A guide for State and local law enforcement officials. U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. Retrieved from

Hayes, B. (2010). Protecting people at risk. Security, 47(12), 40-40. Retrieved from H-PU library Proquest criminal justice

Customer is requesting that (Boethius) completes this order.

Please list sections according to instructions
Customer is requesting that (HopHead) completes this order.
Exercise 1.1: Review of Research Study and Consideration of Ethical Guidelines

Option 1: Stanford Prison Experiment
Go to: , the official site for the Stanford Prison Experiment.

Research questions:
What do you think the research questions were in this study? List 2 or 3 possible research questions (in question format) that may have been the focus of this experiment.

Data Collection Methods:
Identify the methods used to collect data in this study.

Who were the participants in the study? Did they volunteer or were they selected? If selected, how were they selected? Were they free to leave the study?

What about anonymity and confidentiality of the participants?

Issues of informed consent? Even if participants sign informed consent forms, if they begin to get harmed or show signs of distress, physically or psychologically in an experiment (or interview), should the researchers intervene?

Ethical concerns:
Using the ASCA and/or APA Code of Ethics, discuss some of the ethical codes that applied to the study you reviewed.

Do you believe the researchers acted ethically? Support your answer with documentation from the ASCA or APA Code of Ethics

How did the outcome of this experiment impact the future of research?


Exercise 1.2: Definitions and short answers
What are some of the purposes of research?

Identify four steps of the scientific method.

What is a research question? Make up and write 3 research questions using topics of personal interest. Be sure to properly state the research question.

Identify independent and dependent variables


Exercise 1.3: Evaluation of a Research Study
Read the research article (supplied by the instructor via eCmail) to answer the following questions. Cite your sources (using APA format) to support your answers whenever it is appropriate.

What was the purpose of this study?

What was the research question that was studied in this experiment? (If you believe there are more than one research question, list each one.) Be sure to write the research question as a question.

Identify the independent and dependent variable of this study.

What was the hypothesis that was being tested?

Who were the participants? How were they selected?

What methods were used to collect data to test the hypothesis?

What ethical codes applied to this study or should have been considered? Was the researcher ethical (why or why not)?

What were the outcomes of this study? What data were obtained and how was it used?

Do you think this was a good study? Why or why not?

What changes would you make to this study (if any)? Other comments?

Exercise 2.1. This exercise has three parts (A, B, & C). Please read each section carefully then complete the chart on page 2.

Part A: Variables of Quantitative Research Studies

Complete the form on page 2-3. Using the short descriptions listed below identify the variables of the studies. In your answer, determine whether the study has one or more independent variables, dependent variables (outcome variable), variables that are related to one another but are not clearly dependent or independent, or a descriptive variable that can be analyzed through survey research.

Study 1: The effects of aerobics on depression of individuals in a beginning aerobics class.
Study 2: The relationship between multicultural counselor training and sensitivity toward clients of different cultures.
Study 3: An examination of the types of ethical complaints made against licensed professional counselors.
Study 4: The relationship between scores on the graduate record exam and achievement in graduate school.
Study 5: The effects of anti-depressant medication on depression.
Study 6: If group guidance techniques affects the self-esteem of children whose parents have recently divorced.
Study 7: An analysis of the career development needs of first-year college students.
Study 8: The effectiveness of drug and alcohol intervention programs on substance abuse by adolescents.
Study 9: The impact of participation in a credit recovery program on student graduation rates.
Study 10: Diabetes and obesity.

Part B: Population

Complete page 2-3: Identify the population being examined in each of the above studies.

Part C: Hypothesis and Research Questions
Complete page 2-3: Develop a research question, a null hypothesis, and/or a directional hypothesis for each study listed.

Complete the information below based on Parts A, B, & C.

Study 1:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Study 2:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Study 3:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Study 4:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Study 5:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Study 6:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Study 7:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Study 8:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Study 9:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Study 10:
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
Research Question:

Exercise 2.2. To complete this exercise, read the research study provided to you by the instructor.

1. What was the purpose of this study?

2. What was the research question that was studied in this experiment? (If you believe there are more than one research question, list each one.) Be sure to write the research question as a question.

3. Identify the independent and dependent variable of this study.

4. What was the hypothesis that was being tested?

5. Who were the participants? How were they selected?

6. What methods were used to collect data to test the hypothesis?

7. What ethical codes applied to this study or should have been considered? Was the researcher ethical (why or why not)?

8. What were the outcomes of this study? What data were obtained and how was it used?

9. Do you think this was a good study? Why or why not?

10. What changes would you make to this study (if any)? Other comments?

Assignment 3: Assignment 3 consists of exercise 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.
3.1: Submit research question for instructors approval
3.2: List and describe Threats to internal validity
3.3: Validating Qualitative Research
o Note: Two studies (ethnographic & historical) will be provided by the instructor
3.4: Comparison between quantitative, qualitative, and evaluations
o Note: study to critique will be provided by the instructor

Exercise 3.1: Research Question

In the space below, write a research question that you would like to design a research proposal around. This should be on a topic that you find interesting since you will be required to read a number of other studies related to it. Be sure to write the research question being careful to consider the variables. Do not write a question that solicits a yes/no response.

Exercise 3.2: In the space below, list and describe some of the threats that may compromise the internal validity of a study.

Exercise 3.3: Validating Qualitative Research

Ethnographic Research: Read the study (Part C, Ethnographc) provided by the instructor and using the questions below developed by McMillan and Schumacher (1993), assess the quality of the research.
1. How long was the field residence? What social scenes were observed? Which participants were interviewed?
2. Were the selection criteria reasonable for the purpose of the study?
3. What was the research role assumed by the ethnographer? How did this role affect data collection?
4. What was the training, background, and previous field work experience of the ethnographer?
5. Did the ethnographer actively seek different perspectives? Were multiple data collection strategies employed?
6. Is the evidence presented, such as the use of participants language, appropriate for an inductive analysis?
7. Are the limitations of the data collection strategies recognized?

Historical Research: Read the study (Part C, Historical) provided by the instructor and assess the quality of the study.
1. Is the topic appropriate for historical research?
2. Does the problem statement identify the topic to be explored and the viewpoint of the researcher? Is it not too broad?
3. Does the study use secondary sources even though primary sources are available?
4. Are documents understood within their historical context??"within the context of their time?
5. Are multiple methods of data collection used to validate and conclusions that are drawn (triangulation)?
6. Are the explanations and conclusions reasonable?
7. Are any generalizations made reasonable?
8. Do the explanations show complex thinking and multiple perspective taking? (Does the researcher present various perspectives when interpreting the research??"all of which may hold some truth?)

Exercise 3.4: Comparison between Quantitative and Qualitative research, and Evaluations.

In the space below, describe the major differences between quantitative and qualitative research studies and evaluations. Be sure to include a brief discussion of when they are most beneficial to use.

Quantitative Studies:

Qualitative Studies:


Review the study (Assignment 3, Part D) provided by the instructor and answer the questions that follow.

1. What type of study was conducted by the researcher?

2. What were the variables?

3. Who were the participants?

4. What kind of sampling was used to select the participants?

5. What methods were used to collect data?

6. What conclusions or findings were obtained?

Part B: Case Analysis Project

Refer to Fed Ex. Using the Big Five Model of personality, prepare a SWOT analysis of Fred Smiths CEO leadership skills. The case should revolve around four identified areas (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) in terms of the Big Five model of personality to support leadership skills. Research beyond the text may be required. Note grade is based on critical thinking content development and proper grammatical format. Section B should contain no more than four pages, single-spaced. Return Part B as a separate file with the answer

Part C: Graduate Project: SWOT Analysis ??" Self-Assessment Project

The graduate project, a leadership skills self-assessment application and evaluation, will be based on individual chapter self-assessment exercises and readings from the text. After completion of each chapters individual self-assessment, student should initiate and compose a 10-page minimum, to 15-page maximum paper, single-spaced, not inclusive of cover or references. The narrative should include a self-assessment profile analysis to ones potential in the leadership of others. Synthesis of how ones personality profile impacts the potential leadership of others is paramount. Do not include the actual self-assessment exercise but rather refer to assessment scoring in development of analytical content. Please note the project is not a typical research paper but rather a demonstration of critical thinking skills through application of course concepts.

Students should experience the following learning standards upon completion of the self-assessment project:
Leadership??"Students assess ones capacity to lead in organizational situations.
Reflective Thinking and Self-Management??"Students develop reflective thinking through identifying personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as a first step in leading others.
Analytic Skills??"Students learn to set goals, adjust, and resolve problems and make decisions as they respond to internal and external stakeholders needs by applying knowledge in new and unfamiliar circumstances.
Communication Abilities??"Students learn to effectively listen, share ideas, negotiate, and facilitate the flow of information to improve performance.
Ethics??"Students are challenged to recognize the impact of global trends on an organization to value diversity, and to conduct business in an ethical manner.

In content development, specifically include the following as topical headings, listed in the following order, within the paper. For each topic articulate a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) assessment to leadership implications based on information gleaned from the text at a minimum and the relevant self-assessment tool used for that category. Note additional research beyond the text may be required. Also note several assessment tools may be available for each profile. Select at least one, unless otherwise indicated, and discuss thoroughly.

a) a) Leadership Potential Profile
b) b) Personality Profile ??" Big Five (also include Myers-Briggs profile)
c) c) Motive Profile
d) d) Moral/Personal Values Profile
e) e) Political Behavior Profile
f) f) Normative Leadership Style
g) g) Communication Style

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Customer is requesting that (HopHead) completes this order.

Im Requesting for "FreelanceWriter" to write this essay Thank you.

Below are 5 questions in parenthesis with some of the texts book answers below. Please use your experience to write an essay, APA style from the 5 answers to the questions using your experience. Thank you

1. (Explain the four phases of emergency planning (i.e. mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery) in detail. Practically speaking, which phases do you think most emergency managers spend time thinking about? Which phases should they spend the most time thinking about? How, if at all, has 9-11 changed where the emphases should lie?)


Mitigation is the cornerstone of emergency management. It's the continuing effort to lessen the impact disasters have on people and property. Mitigation is defined as "sustained action that reduces or eliminates long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards and their effects." ----
Through effective mitigation practices we can ensure that fewer people and communities become victims of natural disasters. Mitigation can take many forms. It can involve such actions as:----

promoting sound land use planning based on known hazards
Buying flood insurance to protect your belongings
Relocating or elevating structures out of the floodplain
Securing shelves and hot water heaters to walls
Developing, adopting and enforcing building codes and standards
Engineering roads and bridges to withstand earthquakes
Using fire-retardent materials in new construction
Developing and implementing a plan in your business or community to reduce your susceptibility to hazards-----

Mitigation links include:---
FEMA Mitigation Division
Protect Your Property, Home or Business From Disaster ---
National Flood Insurance Program ----

Preparedness takes the form of plans or procedures designed to save lives and to minimize damage when an emergency occurs. Planning, training, and disaster drills are the essential

elements of preparedness. These activities ensure that when a disaster strikes, emergency managers will be able to provide the best response possible. Disasters are caused by gale force winds, floods, releases of deadly chemicals, fire, ice, earthquakes and other natural and man-made hazards. When disaster strikes, the best protection is knowing what to do. Preparedness links include:---

Preparedness --

Response & Recovery---
Response is defined as the actions taken to save lives and prevent further damage in a disaster or emergency situation. Response is putting preparedness plans into action. Response activities may include damage assessment, search and rescue, fire fighting, and sheltering victims.---

Recovery is defined as the actions taken to return the community to normal following a disaster. Repairing, replacing, or rebuilding property are examples of recovery.----
Local and State governments share the responsibility for protecting their citizens from disasters, and for helping them to recover when a disaster strikes. In some cases, a disaster is beyond the capabilities of the State and local government to respond.---

The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended (the Stafford Act) was enacted to support State and local governments and their citizens when disasters overwhelm them. The Disaster Process and Disaster Aid Programs explains the disaster declaration process and provides an overview of available assistance.--

There are individual assistance programs (an overview of individual assistance programs) that assist people and businesses following a disaster and help you get back on your feet. Public Assistance Programs provides supplemental federal disaster grant assistance to help state and local governments and certain private non-profit organizations rebuild.--

The four phases of emergency planning are mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
There are seven categories that makeups the Mitigation phase. The Federal assistance programs,
there are numerous federal programs available to assist local officials in the mitigation
phase of their emergency management plans. Specialize training programs provided by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Fire Administration, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, the Departments of Justice, Health and Human Services and Defense and Energy.
Many of these programs are provided free of charge or for limited cost, to local government
officials. Second the Mitigation phase deals with U.S. Homeland Security Advisory Thomas Ridge,
the Director of the Office of Homeland Security, set forth a national system of advising all levels of government-federal, state, and local as well as the American people of the risk of terrorist threats. A color corded system low green, guarded blue, elevated yellow, high orange and severe red. This alerting system spells out protective measures suited to each warning category.--

The Third category is Threat assessment, to asses the threat of terrorist acts by individuals or groups within their jurisdiction, cities and counties must work with state and federal agencies---

Building design and physical structures, Municipal and county building codes, Nonstructural
safety measures, Pedestrian and vehicular evacuation routes.---

The fourth category deal with Building design and physical structures to improve public safety. Certain types of construction are more likely to withstand a terrorist attack than others. High-quality sprinkler systems and new fireproof roofing materials can reduce the chance of fire. The selected placement of steel and concrete barriers around public buildings is frequently used to restrict vehicular access.----

2 ( Explain in detail the process of risk analysis? In light of the readings and your own experience, how would you define risk? How would you weigh it? If you were the city manager or police chief in a small town with limited resources, how much effort would you put into risk analysis? Would you simply "eyeball" risk and give it your best guess, or would you be inclined to conduct an actual assessment? )
The four parts of risk assessment. The particular procedure necessary for such an analysis of local law enforcement jurisdictions can be readily accomplished by dividing the risk assessment process into four individual arts: (1) external general, (2) external specific, (3) internal general, and (4) internal specific. The first three categories generally measure the acquired risk; the last measures the institutional ability to minimize that same risk. Overall, the risk ascribed by this analysis is weighted not only by the terrorists operational abilities but also by those of the local agency. The categories are as follows:--

External general- The first variables are of a general nature that is not related to any specific circumstances within the jurisdiction. They refer to external factors that can create a climate conducive for contemporary guerrilla activity in the world and may lead to the injection of the activity into a local jurisdiction if relevant targets exist. (Factor are Geopolitical, Economic, Ideological, and Guerrilla).----

External specific- These are events in the world that have a specific relationship to the jurisdiction in question. These variables focus on question regarding the general environment and its conduciveness to immediate guerrilla group formation and operations. Weather: Is the current weather conducive to supporting a campaign of terrorism likely to hinder a counter terrorist operation? Population demographics: and Target access viability: are roads and airfields available and rivers navigable? ----

Internal general- These are the events within a jurisdiction that have a general relationship to the formation of terrorist groups within the area. Increased activism, New local organization, Initiating violence, Increased ordnance and Politically motivated intelligence gathering .---

Internal specific- These are the variables that repreent the counter terrorist ability specific to the jurisdictions resources. Expertise: what is the level of training in the areas necessary for the creation of an effective crisis management operation? A survey of all personnel regarding their relevant knowledge must be conducted. Training, Preparation and Liaison---

3 (How important to a community or an agency is an emergency plan? If you were crafting or revising such a plan for your own agency or community, what components would you make sure were present in the plan and why? What would you do to ensure knowledge of the plan's provisions?)

The emergency plans of cities and counties should include preparedness procedures for all types of likely disasters. These plans should detail the technical expertise that might be needed in the event of a terrorist attack, required resources, and the proper procedures to request assistance from neighboring jurisdictions as well as higher levels of government. Increasing emphasis must be placed on the interaction of local, state, and federal officials . Cities and counties with sites that might be prime targets of terrorists such as nuclear power plants and busy ports, should include these sites in local emergency plan. Early-warning public notification systems, a key feature of a local governments response to an emergency is prompt notification of the public (citywide sirens). Training for local government employees is very essential for preparedness. --

4 (What role, if any, should emergency managers play in ensuring emergency medical care for a mass-casualty incident? In other words, what can emergency managers and disaster planners do to facilitate such care? In what ways may public safety agencies or infrastructure agencies (such as the utility companies or public works) play a role in effectively responding to mass casualties?)

Public officials in the jurisdiction where a natural or man-made disaster occurs should establish a clearinghouse to coordinate assistance to victims and their families. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, state governments, Red Cross, and other nonprofit organizations frequently offer this type of assistance. By providing a centralized location for assistance information, a local government will be able to speed up the process of restoring order after a disaster. ---

Local government officials may need to make arrangements for temporary morgues. Local mortuaries must also be put on alert to handle the additional deaths from mass-casualty---
After a disaster, citizens expect local public officials to restore public infrastructure (sewer water lines electricity est.) in a timely manner. City and country officials should take prompt action to merit citizens trust in this regard.---

Because a terrorist bombing can cause a large number of seriously injured persons, prehospital care systems play a critical role in managing the emergency medical response to this kind of mass casualty event. The quality of prehospital emergency medical response will affect the quality of all subsequent clinical care activities, and it may directly affect patient mortality and morbidity rates. The complexity and scope of a mass casualty event caused by an explosion requires that prehospital emergency medical care systems address the following issues:---

Recognition of specific hazards associated with a terrorist bombing, such as secondary devices, environmental hazards (e.g., toxins, fires) and structural instability. --

Effective communication with acute care medical resources and emergency management resources. --

Expedient patient triage to match available resources with patient needs.---

In the United States, the majority of emergency medical service (EMS) systems are organized and coordinated at the local level. Nationwide, this results in an incredibly diverse prehospital emergency medical care system that is often markedly different in operational and clinical approaches among jurisdictions. According to the Institute of Medicine, EMS systems are challenged by the following key issues: insufficient coordination, response time disparities, inconsistent quality of care, lack of disaster readiness, divided professional identity, and limited evidence base for the profession.--

5(What makes for a good emergency manager or disaster planner? What personal attributes would contribute to the success of such an official? Also, what kind of resources and support must be available to multiply the effectiveness of the emergency management function in an agency or community? To what degree do you think those resources are available to the emergency management profession today? )

Emergency manager are Committed to Helping Make Families and Communities Safer From the Ravages of Natural Hazards and Terrorist attack--

Emergency manager Mission, protects communities by coordinating and integrating all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the capability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.--

Those individuals and departments assigned emergency responsibilities will participate in developing and maintaining current Standard Operating Procedures and checklists for the support of the EOC. Elements of these procedures include:---

Provision to support, maintain, staff, direct and control University resources during the time of a major disaster. --

Specific emergency actions that will be assumed by staff and designated successors during emergency situations. --

Circumstances under which successor emergency authorities would become effective, and when they would be terminated. --

Current department personnel notification/recall rosters procedures and the means to implement. This should include a communication system to implement call-out rosters for personnel assigned to the EOC, support functions and field response team. ---

Establishment of a system for communication to the EOC, Public Safety dispatch and Physical Plant dispatch/work order control center, and to manage organizational resources, response field personnel and maintain contact with the EOC during emergencies. --

Developing mutual aid and other support agreements with appropriate local and state agencies, vendors, and "sister" departments within the CSU system. ---

Reporting of damage assessment information (casualties, damage observations, evacuation status, radiation levels, chemical exposure, etc.) to the EOC during an emergency.

Support of cleanup and recovery operations following disasters.

Training of assigned response staff and campus volunteers to augment the performing of emergency functions.

Topic: Metrics, Implementation, and Enforcement.

Requirements: When a problem is identified, one need to put together a plan to address it, demonstrate results, verify that the measure itself is in place and working, and have means to deal with noncompliance.

10 pages are required
10 good peer-reviewed academic sources (NO TRADE MAGAZINES)

Instructions: Use your incident response policy from the previous assignment and add the following information: ALL sections must be completed
1. a. How do you determine if there is a malware outbreak?
b. What metrics do you use to make that decision?
2. How are you going to implement your response plan and the monitoring of your metrics?
3. What measures are you going to add in an attempt to reduce the potential for malware infection?
i. How will you measure compliance?
ii. How will you enforce the policy?
4. What other measures will you implement to reduce the probability of security incidents such as data exfiltration?
i. Metrics? How can you measure success or failure, and how can you measure compliance?
ii. How would you implement these measures?
iii. How would you enforce compliance with the policies and measures?

Previous Incident Response Policy Below:

Malware Incident Response Plan
The Policy
This plan is devised to mitigate the effects of malware used during a cyber-attack on a companys security system. The plan uses three levels of staging??"set up, response and recovery. This plan is based on evidence from research that has been conducted to protect the highest levels of secure documents.
Set Up
The first priority of the plan is to educate all levels of the company regarding the danger incurred from breaching security protocols on their work stations. Whereas it may only seem necessary to conduct in-depth training with individuals new to the company, it has been shown that executives are the most lax when it comes to cyber security. Therefore, a training schedule which updates users regarding any new information and reminds them regarding what they need to be doing every day to protect the overall system is essential. This training will recur in a semiannual basis to make sure that it is fresh in the heads of the individuals concerned.
The training that every employee receives will not be at the same level as that received by the information technology personnel tasked with detection and response. These individuals need to be trained daily on the threats that could occur to the particular systems the company uses. This means that there will be a dedicated threat assessment team (consisting of at least two people) who are responsible for monitoring outbreaks that have occurred in other networks. These will be assessed to see if they could possibly endanger the operations of this company. The importance of this cannot be overstated. There are constant threats occurring against all manner of server systems, and it is necessary to determine if that type of threat, no matter how small a risk, could occur within this companys system. This team will report to the rest of the IT department on a daily basis to make sure that all are aware of the current threats plaguing the industry. Also, a Threat Sheet will be generated and distributed to these personnel daily to make sure that they have a constant reminder of the current issues. All company personnel will receive a daily email describing what threats they need to be aware of also.
The priority of training is something that should occur to any organization, but it is also necessary to devise layers of security that start with the people using the different stations. A persons position within the company dictates the level of information to which that individual should be privy. A line employee, depending on the type of employment, will have access only to that information that is crucial to their job description. It is unnecessary to give that individual access to information which does not have to do with their job unless that are promoted to another position or given a project for which it is required. All supervisory personnel will have a higher level of access because they have responsibility, at least in part, for a group of individuals and their employment. Thus, this person will have another level of access to the system. This procedure follows throughout the entire organization until it reaches the highest level of the company. Most likely information systems technicians and staff will also have the highest level of security clearance within the company because they may be required to service and station within the company. The policy may have a caveat that when an IT professional is working on a system, he or she must have that access checked by a supervisor or another officer. This plan requires that any IT access above the supervisory level have this protocol in place.
One of the duties of the IT office will be to protect all company computers with the latest security software. Threats happen constantly across the globe (though not necessarily to an individual company), so there also has be attention paid to updates for the software and an awareness by the IT office that some software designs are not updated often enough or may longer work with the hardware of this company. Therefore, there will be updates as often as they are available (sometimes this will happen daily, but the software should be routinely checked at least once per week), and technicians will constantly seek to upgrade the software as more appropriate programs become available. Since there are multiple detection systems available, this plan requires antivirus protection that is multilayered and looks for threats for threats, as well as protects against their intrusion, using a variety of methods. This includes threat protection, identification of suspicious activity and an advanced firewall that is installed on every computer.
The final issue that has to be taken care of in the preparation/set up stage is to ensure that all employees know how they can report a bug in their system. Because there are a vast array of threats, it is not possible for everyone to be caught by the IT team even if they are monitoring constantly. Employees are required to have the front desk check any electronic medium that is brought in from outside the company and can somehow be connected to a company computer. However, sometimes people become lax in their security and do not report something that they are working on or a website they have used which has not been properly vetted by the system. Thus, there will be a central call center that can be accessed by employees at any time. Personnel will have the number for the call center attached to their PCs in a conspicuous place so that they can access it in a moments notice. This system will also be able to detect when a specific employees computer has been infected in some way and by what type of infection. This will allow the response to start even if the employee does not realize what has happened to their station.
There will be a tiered plan in place due to the fact that there are different levels of attack. The first level will be for a low level outbreak which only affects one computer or a small group of computers. The second level is for a company-wide breach, which affects all computer systems in the company, but concerns documents which are of a low security level. The most important type of breach would be one in which high level sensitive material is in danger. The responses to the threat levels are necessarily different.
Although the lowest level of response only concerns a single computer or a small group, it is necessary to take immediate action after it is detected to make sure that it does not spread to other computers in the network. Initially, this level will probably be detected by the antivirus software, but it may also be phoned i by the system of an employee. The action is to isolate this computer or small group until the problem is solved and the threat is eradicated. It will be necessary for IT to run a systems check to detect the bug, then they can run the same diagnostic on the remainder of the system to make sure that it has no chance of recurring anywhere else.
The second level of response involves a larger number of computers, generally a system-wide issue that has does not have access to the most sensitive material. The response in this case will likely be triggered when employees make the system administrators aware of a glitch in their computers. This could also be triggered by multiple network red flags. The most important part of this malware response is to ensure that the entire system is tested to determine the extent of the problem and to stop it immediately. This may require shut down of the entire system, but this is not usually warranted until a level three issue. For this middle level, the crux of the issue will generally come down to a few centralized computers that need to be shut down for maintenance of the network issue.
The final level of response is by far the most serious and directly effects the continued, immediate functioning of the company. This is generally triggered by the system which is responding to a vulnerability in critical systems. This will require a shutdown of at least some of these critical areas to ensure that the whole system is not infected. This type of attack is also the most serious because it involves the most sensitive material that the company owns.
Depending on the severity of the issue, recovery could be difficult. Some viruses that have been detected in the recent past have completely shut down major networks and caused a significant amount of damage and time lost. It is essential to know what level of threat is active quickly, and to take the appropriate action immediately. Recovering the system will always require, at the very least, that the system is rebooted after upgrades have been installed. It may require that data, which has been securely stored on another server is reinstalled on the infected machines. In the most serious cases, the infected machines will need to have a complete software overhaul in which the infected machines operating system is reinstalled and then the information lost is recovered from the secure source.

Any malware incident response plan should be well-reasoned and include all of the elements necessary to completely recover the lost capability. Research has shown that there is a greater need every day to protect data because the means and methods of computer malware creators is not decreasing (Sritapan, Stewart, Zhu, & Rohm, 2011). This may go without saying, but it is the basis of any organized plan. The data provided for this plan was taken from research conducted on the most secure facilities in the world (generally those with military or federal government level information), and the research showed what should be the most important parts of the plan.
The first issue discussed was the need for training of employees and IT personnel, and the fact was presented that even top company officials often did not know the extent of the network security plans or how often their particular companies had undergone threats. One researcher, Choo (2011) conducted an Australia-wide survey of businesses to identify the prevalence, nature, costs and impacts of computer security incidents against Australian businesses during the 12 month period ending 30 June 2007. He found that respondents were not aware that their businesses had experienced one or more computer security incidents (Choo, 2011). The people surveyed were in the highest levels of the companies surveyed. This showed the author of the study that there was a significant need for training of employees at all levels of the companies surveyed, and that every employee, from the top down, needed to have at least a minimum of knowledge regarding the threats that they should be looking for and the symptoms of popular attacks. This research contributed to the training and threat awareness sections of the set up portion of the plan.
Cyber security is of the largest concern to governmental entities which have large amounts of highly classified data and military installations with equally sensitive material. Because of this problem, it has been necessary to devise systems that warn other entities when there is a threat which could occur to them. This network was discussed in an article by Sritipan, et al (2011) in which the authors outlined the need for a security network that spanned not just a single company or industry, but provided information that was available to all people. The given plan takes advantage of such a network by requiring that there be at least a two person team that monitors outside threats that could happen to the company in question. This type of response was also discussed in an article by Schwalb (2006), in which he discussed the legislation that had occurred as a direct response to the 9/11/2001 attack on the World Trade Center. The legislation mandated a network that could alert businesses and government of threats that could cause significant damage to security either on a local or national level.
A great deal of research has also been dedicated to the way that security should be conducted in a company. The most prevalent issue has been that there are not enough levels of security, so computer systems remain vulnerable even after repeated warnings from government safety administrations (Glennon, 2012). One author talked about how the United States government is beginning to look at the problem with a new perspective because many believe that the next large attack against Western interests will be of the cyber variety. The authorities have seen that there is a need to have different levels of security that can be directed regardless of the threat. The given plan talks about the manner in which IT personnel will respond to the threats, but it also discusses which personnel should have access to certain types of material, how they should be trained, what types of security software will be used for each station, and how the system and employees will report incidents. The article discusses security on a state (national) level, but it can easily be applied to a company.
The final issue was to determine a direct response plan that would deal with all levels of threats no matter what type, where they came from or their level of security breach. The three response types are the key to the plan because they happen when some type of breach has been detected. For this part of the plan it was necessary to seek research that specifically dealt with. In an article for The Journal of Accountancy, Joel Lanz (2012) gave specific steps that should be followed in order to thwart or recover from most types of attacks. This article discussed how threats would be dealt with in a tiered plan depending on the level of material that was compromised. He noted that firms need to:
Identify and classify the types of information the firm maintains.
Assess your current controls and the threats facing high-risk data.
Upgrade protection strategies as needed.
Review the impact of vendors and third-party service providers.
Know the requirements of applicable data privacy protection laws and regulations.
Destroy sensitive or confidential data when it is no longer needed.
These are all contained in the initial stage of the plan, but he also included a plan that helped to form the responses and recovery sections of the paper. The entirety of the research was selected to ensure a complete and secure plan. It was also necessary to ensure that all possible levels of threat were covered for the plan to have any validity.

Choo, K.-K. R. (2011). Cyber threat landscape faced by financial and insurance industry. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 408, 1-16.
Glennon, M. J. (2012). State - level cyber-security. Policy Review 171, 85-105.
Lanz, J. (2012). Protecting privacy. Journal of Accountancy, 214(2), 22-23.
Schwalb, M. (2006). Exploit derivatives & national security. Yale Journal of Law & Technology, 9, 62-106.
Sritapan, V., Stewart, W., Zhu, J., & Rohm, C. E. T., Jr. (2011). Developing a metrics framework for the federal government in computer security incident response. Communications of the IIMA, 11(3), 55-69.

Risk of Violence in Juveniles

To satisfy the requirements for this project, you?ll complete
four specific assignments at the conclusion of this course.
Each assignment should be a clear, well-written essay of
250?400 words. The assignments are based on the following
fact pattern.

Juveniles and the Legal Process
Fact Pattern

You?re employed by a private consulting firm, Juvenile
Administration, which specializes in the field of juvenile
justice in all of its applications. Your firm is often retained by
school districts and municipalities to advise them on the law
and to suggest solutions for specific issues and problems in
this most important and complex area.
Juvenile Administration has just been retained by your
local school district, which is interested in revamping many
of the procedures that it currently has in place with respect
to its administration of various juvenile justice issues. For
the purpose of this project, you don?t have to research the
procedures being used by your local school district. Assume
that the district wants to operate from a clean slate and is
interested in a wide array of information that you must sup-
ply, even if they?re already employing some of the methods
and procedures that your information covers.
The managing partner in your firm assigns you as the chief
project manager for this client. After many weeks of meetings
with the members of the school district?s administrative
board, you?ve been able to catalog their concerns into four
major categories.

Assignment 1: Juvenile Crime Problem Issues

The school district wants information on the nature of the
juvenile crime problem in your community. They want to
know the prevalence of the various types of crimes. They also
want to know how their juvenile crime rates compare with
other communities throughout the nation.
In addition, the district wants to learn about the latest
studies and findings on the factors that contribute to juvenile
crime and violence, including the economic, social, and
familial influences.

Finally, some of the school administrators have heard that
other school districts are working with the National Crime
Prevention Council. They want to find out more about this
agency, its methods of operation, the programs it administers,
and whether it can be a valuable tool for them to use in
addressing some of their problems.

As the chief project manager, you must respond to these
issues in a comprehensive and relevant written research
analysis. You?re free to use all available research tools,
including the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, which should be
used for your local community?s crime information.

Assignment 2: Safe Schools Issues

The school district would like to take all necessary steps to
promote safe schools. In this regard, they?re willing to work
with law enforcement, community groups, private concerns,
and federal and state agencies.
The district also wants to target at-risk students who have
the potential to perform acts of violence in their schools.
Therefore, they want you to advise them of possible warning
signs and of the most current methodology for conducting a
detailed threat assessment.
Finally, the school district is aware of a growing gang problem in the community. They?re interested in understanding
the causative factors that drive juveniles to join gangs, the
nature and conduct of the gang culture, and any antigang
programs and measures they might put into place.


As the chief project manager, you must respond to these
issues in a comprehensive and relevant written research
analysis. You?re free to use all available research tools. In
your report, you must include information on the following
? Safe Kids/Safe Streets, Safe Start, and Safe Future
? School Safety Pyramid
? Four-pronged threat assessment
? Gang Resistance Education and Training
? Teens, Crime and the Community

Assignment 3: Traumatic Events Issues

The school district has many students who have experienced,
or are in the process of experiencing, traumatic events. These
events involve physical, sexual, and mental abuse, as well as
abandonment issues. The district wants your help in identifying such children by learning more about the common
indicators of such abuse and the links that this abuse plays
in leading to delinquency and crime. They specifically want
direction with respect to federal laws and your state?s laws
applicable to this problem and the options available to help
address this most serious threat.
Your school district, like many other districts, has a problem
with student substance abuse. They?re interested in targeting
these students and in applying the latest methods of intervention, prevention, and treatment. These methods include
community education, after-school programs, counseling,
and detoxification programs.
Finally, the school district wants to receive information on
the problem of youth suicide, including warning signs to
watch for and proactive plans to put into place.


As the chief project manager, you must respond to these
issues in a comprehensive and relevant written research
analysis. You?re free to use all available research tools. In
your report, include, among other relevant responses, the
following items:
? Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Enforcement Act
? Seesaw model of child abuse
? Maximalist alarmist perspective
? Minimalist skeptical perspective
? DARE programs
? Binge drinking
? Life Skills Training
? Midwestern Prevention Project

Assignment 4: Law and Procedures Issues

The school district wants to ascertain the applicable law and
procedures that govern juvenile crime and the courts. You?ll
have to research and inform them about both federal laws
and your state?s laws in this area. They?re interested in the
kinds of courts used, the differences in the procedures used
for juveniles and adults, as well as the juvenile sentencing
options. They also want to discover the circumstances that
would permit a juvenile offender to be treated as an adult.
Finally, they want to know if the teachers in their school
district are allowed to search the students and their lockers
any time that they want or if there are restrictions on such
conduct. They again want both the federal and state laws in
this regard.


As the chief project manager, you must respond to these
issues in a comprehensive and relevant written research
analysis. Your research, as previously stated, must focus on
the federal law and on your state law. In addition to other
relevant responses, your report should include
? Juvenile courts
? Juvenile trials and hearings
? Juvenile sentencing laws
? Incarceration alternatives
? Youthful offender treatment
? Community corrections
? Confidentiality issues
? School sanctions
? The Fourth Amendment

Prepare four separate essays of 250?400 words each,
following the instructions given for each assignment.
Each essay should have a brief introduction, several
paragraphs that cover the required information, and a

Incorporate and properly reference the sources of
information obtained from your four assignments, as
well as from any other sources of information that you
deem relevant. To cite your sources, please follow this
a.Use in-text citations to indicate references to informa-
tion from outside sources. Include the author?s name
and the relevant page number(s) in parentheses.
Here?s an example: Human beings have been described
as ?symbol-using animals? (Burke 3).
b.Prepare a Works Cited page for each essay, listing all
of the sources you?ve consulted. Use either MLA or
APA format for this page.

Be sure to include all of the information as explained in

The student
? Composes each report as a project manager of Juvenile
Administration, as if he or she were submitting the work
to the school district client
? Uses a writing style that conveys accuracy, relevance,
authority, and professionalism

The student
? Provides sufficient and relevant content for each essay
? Responds to each of the issues posed in an accurate
The student
? Provides good quality information gathered from outside
? Provides a diversity of research material included in
proper in-text citations and a Works Cited page
Spelling, Grammar, and
Sentence Structure
The student
? Develops each essay with no spelling or grammatical
? Uses proper sentence structure and a variety of
sentence types

Please answer the following questions:

1. Ever since 9-11 the Federal government has stressed the need to plan for a terrorist incident involving a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). The key consequence regarding management planning issues for a WMD incident are medical and public health. The four major components for a response to a WMD incident are threat assessment; emergency consultation; specialized technical assistance; and additional assets as needed from the Federal and private sector. Response plans should address these components.

Health response requires cooperation with all state and local health agencies including private health care providers. In your opinion, do you believe that the health component is adequately addressed in the planning for a WMD incident? Do you believe that States and local governments, including local health care facilities, will receive sufficient funding to adequately plan and prepare for such an incident?

2. In the field of construction, vulnerability is defined as a measure of the susceptibility of an element or combination of elements to fail once they are exposed to potentially damaging natural phenomena. It is obvious that this definition is deficient given the potential threats to in this country's infrastructure from terrorist activities.

Traditionally, vulnerability analysis met five basic objectives. These objectives are as follows: 1) identification and quantification of hazards that can affect system, whether they are natural or derive from human activity; 2) estimation of the susceptibility to damage of components that are considered essential to providing water in case and disaster; 3) definition of measures to be included in the mitigation plan. These measures aimed to decrease the physical vulnerability of the systems components; 4) Identification of measures and procedures for developing and emergency plan; and, 5) evaluation of the effectiveness of the mitigation and emergency plans, and implementation of training activities.
In your opinion, which of the above basic objectives are flawed, and that the objectives and do not adequately allow for consideration of terrorist threats to our infrastructure?

3. With the emerging threat of a bioterrorist attack on communities in the United States there has been much discussion by leaders in emergency management as to whether or not the model taught for preparing for emergencies needs to be changed. Some EM leaders argue that the model does not require any fundamental changes while others disagree. One suggestion put forth is that the most important element of an emergency management and operations plan is communications. The logic is that it is of upmost importance to communicate quickly and effectively across all levels to coordinate and management the response. The argument also presents the point that we already know our hazards and that a vulnerability analysis will not yield the benefits of first establishing a strong communication system. Perhaps the strongest point is that "all we really have to use initially to respond to a bioterrorist attack is communication." What is your opinion on this issue? Do you believe that the present approach to emergency management and planning requires a change to effectively confront the bioterrorist threat?

4. Germany is pulling out all the stops to locate the exact source of an outbreak of food poisoning blamed for 10 deaths ? Authorities suspect it originated in Spain.

Do not you think is was a bioterrorist attack?

5. Span of control is an important concept in manangment. Where it is important in management, it is critical in disaster management. Having too many responders on site can cause serious problems.

Manageable Span-of-Control within SEMS/ICS is a limitation on the number of emergency response personnel who can effectively be supervised or directed by an individual supervisor. The type of incident, the nature of the response or task, distance, and safety will influence the span of control range. Each activated function will have a person in charge of it. Every individual will have a supervisor and each supervisor should be responsible for no more than seven employees, with the ideal span-of-control being three to five persons.

Do you believe that a span of management of three to five persons to be the most effective span of control during a response to a disaster? If not, Why? Would this recommended span of management possibly result in too many leaders and not enough people to actually do the work being located on site at any one time in ICS?

6. EMS personnel are routinely called to treat and transport patients with infectious disease. This may include a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis or the flu. It also includes victims of a bioterrorist attack. In a biological WMD release, EMS personnel may respond to the initial 9-1-1 call(s) for a patient with a fever and rash illness long before the cause of the illness is known.
In the event of an announced release of anthrax or smallpox into a building ventilation system, exposed people may take anywhere from a couple of days (anthrax) to 7-17 days (smallpox) to become ill. These people may not need transport to a medical facility, but will need to be identified for public health information purposes so they can receive antibiotics or vaccine at a later time. EMS may be the primary health care provider at these scenes initially and must assure that an accurate accounting of all patient contacts is made and then provide such to public health officials. In such cases should the ICS be commanded by a public health official/EMS Chief/MD rather than the police and fire units? To what extent should non-medical personnel/managers make medical decisions during a bioterrorist incident?

Section 1)Company overview/key strategic issues.
Company name/industry in which they operate. statement and discussion of the case and major issues - what is the problem at play here? Company's history - inception and key milestones. Mission statement. Recent company performance - 3 positives/3 negatives.
Section 2) In depth analysis/review of the data presented in the case. competitive analysis, major competitors in the industry, MUST COMPLETE A SWOT (strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,threats)ASSESSMENT! socio-economic trends of importance, financial health of company, management philosophies/styles?
Section 3) Analysis of key strategic issues - create 2-4 alternatives the company should consider to fix a problem or to take advantage of a potential opportunity.
Section 4) Recommendation - based off of the analysis of key strategic issues and the alternatives the company should consider, state recommendation. List positives and negatives of recommendation, suggest implementation of recommendation timeline.
Section 5) Post audit analysis plan - specific actions that will be taken in order to measure actual performance against targets established in recommendation section, identify exit strategy if post audit does not measure up to recommendation. PAPER MUST HAVE 2 TABLES/CHARTS
PAPER MUST HAVE 5 SOURCES - One will be from textbook,4 others needed.
Textbook: Strategic Management:Formulation,Implementation, and Control - 9th ed., Pierce,J.A. & Robinson,R.B., McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, 2005.
I will be faxing necessary pages.
There are faxes for this order.

european union and crime

Hi, may I please ask Aristotle to complete?

I need two separate essays on Organised Crime.

Organised Crime
You are required to submit TWO 2000 word artefacts Essays
Part 1 ? 2000 words
Critically assess the efficacy of the EU Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment (SOCTA) methodology in the framework of the EU Policy Cycle and the setting of crime priorities in the European Union Member States.

Part 2 ? 2000 words
?Organised crime is a contested concept?. Critically discuss this statement.

Discussion Questions

1.There is a saying that one country?s terrorist is another country?s freedom fighter. If you were to use the definition of terrorism provided by Hall (2003) above, what other techniques would factor into counter-terrorism operations besides military tactics and investigation?

2.What potential organizational conflicts do you see between FBI-CIA, FBI-DHS, and CIA-DHS? How would you propose to reduce or eliminate this conflict?

3.Explain the Governmental Response Continuum in regards to the Iraq or Afghanistan wars.

Central Intelligence Agency. (2007). Retrieved May 24, 2007, from

Department of Homeland Security. (2007). Retrieved May 24, 2007, from

Department of Defense. (2001). DOD antiterrorism standards. Instruction 2000.16. Washington,
DC: Author.

Dyson, W. E. (2001). Terrorism: An investigator?s handbook. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2007). Retrieved May 23, 2004, from

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2006). Terrorism Mindsets. Quantico, VA: FBI National

Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2007). Retrieved May 23, 2004, from

Hall, H. V. (2003). Introduction: Psychological study of terrorism. Journal of Threat Assessment

Social Work Assessment From My

ASSESSMENT PAPER- this paper is due April 14,2010
Students will complete a paper which presents a self assessment of ones motives for choosing a career in social work and how those motives are consistent with the knowledge, values and skills of social work as learned thus far. Assessment should include strengths and limitations for a career in social work. This assessment should be sensitive to racial, cultural and other lifestyle diversity.
Please feel free to discuss any aspect of this paper with me. This should be viewed as a "Current learning and evaluation process" that relates to the general course objectives ofSCWK 220.
Self- awareness, objectivity about current strengths, and additional development of areas in need of your attention are the main factors you should consider.
This paper is between you and me. No individual reports or small group discussion will be required. Your copy will be returned to you with my comments by the time of the class fmal exam.
I. This paper needs to be not less that IS, not more than 20 pages long, typed, and double-spaced with normal margins. It must include an Introduction and a Conclusion.
2. It needs to include how you size up in the areas of social work (1) skills, (2) knowledge and (3) values.
3. Need to see yourself in a holistic approach: social, emotional, physical and spiritual and address all.
4. Have you established some empathy or competence for racial, cultural or lifestyle diversity? Or, how do you intend to do this? Please answer and address.
5. Student should discuss personal background. Specifically how does your personal background strengthen or challenge you for the field of social work? Are there specific issues in your background that need to be addressed prior to engaging in an effective helping relationship and how have you or do you intend to address these issues? Please address.
6. Discuss who in your life mentors you, holds you accountable, challenges you, and encourages your growth. If you don't have someone in your life to do this for you, what are your plans for establishing effective mentorship/ directions?
7. Be very specific when discussing your strengths and limitations. Regarding your limitations, what are your plans for developing capacities in this area?
8. What do you hope to see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 years? within the social work field?
9. This paper is to be taken seriously and written as such.
10. Make sure that you address all the areas required.

I have worked at a placement center for delinquent and neglect, abused children for 18 months. I want to receive a bachelors degree in social work, get a state license and work with the older generations or possibly with veterans who need social work assistance. I am 62 years old and this is my second (or third) career attempt. My major is: Social Work Gerontology with a minor in Psychology. Please don't hesitate to ask for more information. Right now I am not sure what you need.

Assessment Task:
According to an article in a recent Harvard Business Review (HBR September
2012), companies could adopt one of 'four broad strategic styles each one
particularly suited to a distinctive environment'. These styles have been
researched by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and are named as classical,
adaptive, shaping and visionary. A survey carried out by BCG showed that most
companies consistently overestimated both their ability to predict and to change
their business environments. For example, the now bankrupt Eastman Kodak
Corporation adopted a classical style when it should have been a shaper.
During the last 20 years, Tesco has successfully developed a visionary strategy
while computer companies which are not adaptive - like Osborne, which crashed
in 1983 - will die.
Please answer the following questions:
(a) You are a strategic planning manager in a large international oil company.
Explain what strategic style you would adopt and why. Cite relevant
examples from any relevant sector. Refer to models learned on the
course such as SWOT analysis, Porter's Five Forces etc. (50 marks)
(b) Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (Exploring Strategy, the key module
text) have developed the "lenses" model of strategic analysis, Compare
and contrast their research with the BCG findings as outlined in the HBR.
Refer to value chain analysis and the development of distinctive core
competences in an organization (50 marks)
(Students are recommended to read the relevant HBR article and the
extensive discussions on the lense model in the course text - recent
Total 100 marks
Page 2 of 3
(a) The HBR approach suggests templates which organisations could adopt in
order to meld in with their environments. The industry structure analyses
advocated by Porter, Rumelt and Baden-Fuller suggest that strategic
plans should be based on an external scanning technique to identify the
more attractive environments.
(b) The lenses approach typifies a resource-based strategy innate in the
adopted positioning of each company based on their culture of experience
modeling, of their innovative characteristics. This internalised process of
audit contrasts strongly with the environmental scanning approach of the
BCG model (see Pratialad and Hamel). More adventurous (nondescriptive)
students are likely to suggest some possibilities of
complementarity between the two approaches and they are likely to score
in the A/B grade categories.

Marketing Plan for Moist Toilet

Assessment Method

The module will be assessed via an individual submission of a marketing plan for a product and market selected by the student from a list of options.Student are requires to take the role of a marketer and to assess the characteristics of the market segment it and develop an appropriate marketing plan for the target segment.The plan will include a written element and also contain visual material(PPT etc).A comprehensive set of guidelines will be provided.

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Threat Assessment the Objective of

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Open to all writers!! Prepare paper planning and threat assessment paper dealing with the scenario of In recent months, the city has been terrorized by a series of : In…

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Law Enforcement - Threat Assessment

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I am requesting freelance writer for this paper. Freelance Writer: Please be as specific as you can with the details for the planning and threat assessment for…

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Security Planning Threat Assessment Controversy Surrounding the

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Assignment: Planning and Threat Assessment Paper ? Your client is a man in his 40s. He is confined to a wheelchair and requires attendance by a nurse 7 days a…

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Stress and Management Team Threat Assessment Team

Words: 777
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Based on your readings and experience, please describe, in detail, how you would establish, train and and manage a Threat Assessment Team (also could be called Behavioral Intervention Team)…

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Threat and Vulnerability Assessment in

Words: 620
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Type: Essay

I need to: Present the following scenario: Your security team has been tasked with conducting a threat and vulnerability assessment for the Acme Corporation, a manufacturer of high-tech night vision…

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10 Pages
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Powers and Rights of the Constitution Institutional

Words: 3017
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(I) The authentic assessment corresponds to the following course objectives: Describe the structure of the Constitution and the powers and rights conferred in it. Name historic threats to homeland…

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Weather Underground Terrorist Group History

Words: 2401
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Topic- Weather Underground Terrorist Group Terrorism Threat Assessment BITMC-Background, Intentions, Targets, Membership & Capabilities Assessment has to follow the BITMC Outline Background- The history of the group, including a brief history of the…

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70 Pages
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Narcoterrorism and the Future

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I am looking for a Capstone project that is based on drug trafficking/abuse in the United States that is connected to terrorism. This Capstone will need an introduction, purpose…

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School Psychology: Behavioral Interventions as

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Please write approximately 2-3 pages per question- Total of 4 questions. Please provide at least 3 references per question with at least one of the references being a primary…

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Corporate World Recently Has Evolved

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compose a 10-page minimum, to 15-page maximum paper, single-spaced, not inclusive of cover or references. The narrative should include a self-assessment profile analysis to ones potential in the leadership…

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2 Pages

Terrorism How Does Terrorism Affect Children? Children

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1. How does terrorism affect children? 2. What makes ?martyrdom? such an effective tool for terrorists? Discuss in terms of social construction. 3. How do threat levels and vulnerability…

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Safe School the State of

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Assignment : Safe Schools Issues The school district would like to take all necessary steps to promote safe schools. In this regard, theyre willing to work with law enforcement, community groups,…

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Port Security Collaborations Between Port Security and

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give complete answers referring to what you have read. Reference to, or the use of critical thinking, analysis, what you have learned in previous courses, the media, and in…

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7 Pages
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Phases of Protection

Words: 1905
Length: 7 Pages
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Conduct the phases of a protective service operation for one of your high level employees who is at high risk for targeting. First Stage: Research, Reconnaissance, Surveillance/Counter…

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Business (General) Please List Sections According to

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Please list sections according to instructions Customer is requesting that (HopHead) completes this order. Exercise 1.1: Review of Research Study and Consideration of Ethical Guidelines Option 1: Stanford Prison Experiment…

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Criminal Justice - Homeland Security

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Im Requesting for "FreelanceWriter" to write this essay Thank you. Below are 5 questions in parenthesis with some of the texts book answers below. Please use…

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Metrics Implementation and Enforcement Security Governance

Words: 2896
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Topic: Metrics, Implementation, and Enforcement. Requirements: When a problem is identified, one need to put together a plan to address it, demonstrate results, verify that the measure itself is…

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Risk of Violence in Juveniles

Words: 1329
Length: 4 Pages
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To satisfy the requirements for this project, you?ll complete four specific assignments at the conclusion of this course. Each assignment should be a clear, well-written essay of 250?400 words. The assignments are…

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2 Pages

Federal Government I Do Not Believe That

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Please answer the following questions: 1. Ever since 9-11 the Federal government has stressed the need to plan for a terrorist incident involving a weapon of mass destruction (WMD).…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Apollo Group, Inc. - (University

Words: 2040
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Section 1)Company overview/key strategic issues. Company name/industry in which they operate. statement and discussion of the case and major issues - what is the problem at play here? Company's history…

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15 Pages

european union and crime

Words: 2237
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Hi, may I please ask Aristotle to complete? I need two separate essays on Organised Crime. Organised Crime You are required to submit TWO 2000 word artefacts Essays Part 1 ? 2000…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Saying That One Country's Terrorist Is Another

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Writer?s Discussion Questions 1.There is a saying that one country?s terrorist is another country?s freedom fighter. If you were to use the definition of terrorism provided by Hall (2003)…

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20 Pages

Social Work Assessment From My

Words: 6527
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

ASSESSMENT PAPER- this paper is due April 14,2010 Students will complete a paper which presents a self assessment of ones motives for choosing a career in social work and…

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13 Pages
Research Paper

Harvard Business Review Assessment Task: Strategic Planning

Words: 3810
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assessment Task: According to an article in a recent Harvard Business Review (HBR September 2012), companies could adopt one of 'four broad strategic styles each one particularly suited to a distinctive environment'.…

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8 Pages

Marketing Plan for Moist Toilet

Words: 2132
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Assessment Method The module will be assessed via an individual submission of a marketing plan for a product and market selected by the student from a list of options.Student are…

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