25+ documents containing “Television Shows”.
Television Character Assessment Assignment:
1. Identify one television character that you believe to be abnormal.
2. Explain this characters role in the television show, elaborate on the behaviors that they portray, and align it with what the text says in regard to abnormality.
3. You must also make reference to the DSM -IV and your text.
4. Ensure that your paper is academically sound and free of grammatical errors and consist of a reference page.
Your paper must follow the guideline listed below:
* APA Formatted
* Double Spaced
* Cover page
* No more than 4 pages in length to include the cover page and reference page
* Academically sound
Customer is requesting that (bolavens) completes this order.
Overview Reception Theory Paper
4 pages Do television shows such as Dexter, and Breaking Bad influence desensitize people?
introduction: what attempting to understand, broad overview, so what?, why perhaps pick this particular text/topic, clear statement of purpose/thesis
Overview of reception theory: refer to Real, Geiser-Getz
Use either APA or MLA standards if using a direct quote or paraphrase
(about 1 paragraph in length)
Method: summary of what and how you did analysis (3 people at least)
(about 1 paragraph in length)
Text: brief summary of film, TV show, or whatever text you pick-(Dexter, Breaking Bad)
(about 1 paragraph in length)
Analysis: not just a listing of Q/A, but summary of themes, critical reflection, should include detailed comments and quotes from participants
{major emphasis of paper}
Conclusion: broader implications, why important, connections to other issues
*Be sure to attach a copy of the questions asked (not included in page count)
Look critically at three movies with different ratings and three television shows with different ratings. Currently there area number of shows on television that are portraying negative aspects... with regards to race, class and gender. For example, the show "Family Guy" is a show that is played during "primetime" yet the materials in the show are far from "kid-friendly." You will look at a "G," "PG'" and "PG-13" movie and keep track of violence, nudity, bad language, inappropriate actions. You will then do the same for the television shows.
Prior to watching the shows, you need to look up what each rating system means and if you feel the rating is inappropriate for the shows/movies that you have reviewed. You can do a web search of television and movies ratings and explain what each rating means.
For example Lion King-Rating:G
After watching the Lion King, there were many violent scenes such as...After reviewing carefully, I believe the G rating is inappropriate and it should be...
You need to have at least a one page for each show/movie and a 3-5 page write up for the assignment after you complete the charts. Please complete as asked by the professor. I need to pass. Thanks so much for your help. more
Title: Friends
Write about the TV Show "Friends,"
1-The writing should be thesis driven, argumentative not a descriptive.
2- Analytical and intepretive and from a Christian point of View
3- Footnotes
4- I personally loved the show, so I would like to see the writing from a positive point of view
5- also please discuss what some/other television show critiques have said about the show and their point of view
This essay about four TV shows that are based on a family setting. Two of the shows must be modern day shows that are still being produced. The remaining two shows must be at least 20 years ol...d and no longer in production. Each show must include a family dynamic.
Review each show and take note of the types of family issues, problems, conversations and relationships exist. Make special note of the language being used and non verbals.
Your project paper shall include the following (for each episode, so you should answer these questions four times, one time for each show):
Provide a short narrative description of each show that was watched, the plot of the episode and what happened
Indicate the types of family issues, problems, conversations and relationships that existed. Make special note of the language that was used and non verbals
Answer the question, how is family and individual family members portrayed in this particular show and why?
View each of the shows through the lens of Symbolic Interaction, Structural-Functional and Conflict Theories. Compare and contrast each show within the lens of each theory. Provide a short summary of what each theory says about each show
After answering the above questions provide a short summary of how the modern TV shows about families have or have not changed from the shows you reviewed that were 20 years old or older. Also your final comments must answer the question of if any of the TV shows are reflective of families as you know them and real life.
This project should result in a written document to be submitted to the instructor of at least five pages. more
one inch margins, double-spaced, four pages not dounting works cited, 12 point typeface, prefer Courier New, no script, italic or other fancy fonts
My name (Trae Masters) in the upper left-hand corner, skip two or three lines, title of paper, skip a line, start.
must be written in third person. Use footnotes.
I need a paper about how I go about getting my idea for a television show to make it on air. All about money, pilot episodes, people I need to talk to, so on and so forth.
Watch television shows produced in the 1950s,1970s,1980s that center on family life and compare these to current television shows depicting contemporary families and family forms. Write your reflections about changing family structures,typical and atypical family life, how television families are socially constructed in different eras, and how they reflect or distort the realities of actual families and family problems in each era. Provide title, date of production of the show and date of viewing.
The research that I will conduct will be on the topic, ?Values Portrayed in Reality TV? and will primarily focus on the age of viewer targeted and the values portrayed. Today there is a growing trend towards reality TV shows that are based on external shallow values. They can have a powerful effect even on the strongest minds. While reality TV may seem like a harmless entertainment, the damage, which is oh so subtle, is very powerful and therefore it deserves a closer look. So the question is does our society need another reality TV show or do we all need a reality check? Examples of successful reality television programs include Real World, Jersey Shore, Survivor, Jackass, Big Brother, The Apprentice, and Wife Swap.
An Introduction with your stated claim
A Conclusion with your interpreted results
Five scholarly sources
Seven pages of text (excluding your title and references pages)
Proper APA style formatting
Please include a works cited page using MLA format and use in text citations throughout the paper.
Please follow the instructions below thoroughtly.
Using research, you should constr...uct an argument related to the subject of the television portrayal of family. You may choose any specific topic to argue within this broad subject area. Your argument could be based on the portrayal of family in just one TV show; you could argue about the change in portrayal over the years; you could compare family portrayals between different shows, eras, etc.; you could discuss the portrayal of certain ethnic groups, classes, or other demographic group. The possibilities are vast.
In this assignment you are arguing a position and persuading others to agree with you about a topic that you have analyzed and for which you have offered a well-developed opinion in an essay. To write this essay, you will rely upon the different types of writing we have discussed and practiced earlier in the semester (such as narration, process analysis, and comparison). You will also use outside sources to give your position support and evidence.
Choose a topic related to the prompt provided. Research the topic using various sources. Once you have researched your topic and have a good grasp on your ideas about the issue, you will need to decide exactly who your audience is and what it is that you want your audience to do. Persuasive papers usually try to change not only the readers minds but challenge them to change an action as well.
You are able to choose your own topic within a greater subject area. Be sure it is narrow and specific enough to be addressed in only 4-6 pages. Your topic should have already been approved (or not) according the feedback left in the related discussion forum.
You must be able to make a case for your argument that will stand up to opposition. Think about trying to argue for your position as you would if you were a lawyer in a courtroom.
Decide upon a topic about which you can write a properly focused argument. Try to pick a topic you feel strongly about as you will find the research and writing process more interesting and enjoyable. Support your argument with facts, experience, expert testimony, statistics, logic, and/or whichever types of evidence are appropriate for your essay. Remember to read several sources and to take into account any opposition to your argument. Study all sides of the issue, so you can argue your proposition effectively and appeal to a particular audience.
You will be conducting research for this essay. In the meanwhile, make sure to get all the publication information you can about any source you might use in your essay.
General information:
We will be working on this essay for a few weeks. However, do not plan on waiting until the last minute to research and write your paper. We will be turning in parts of the paper in sections. You will be asked to turn in an argument summary with a working thesis and supporting research, and an annotated bibliography rough draft.
General requirements:
&????;You must research the topic you address in your essay.
&????;You must use the MLA format for your essay, citations, works cited page, and annotated bibliography.
&????;You must use citations in your essay.
&????;You must have a works cited page that includes all of your sources.
&????;&????;You should use at least 4 different sources for your paper.
&????;Your final paper should be 4-6 pages in length. This page limit does not include your works cited page. If your paper is 5 pages long, when you add your works cited page, you have 6 pages total.
&????;You should use a title that is at least somewhat creative and that reflects what your paper is about. more
You will begin by researching what has already been published on the topic (aka Review of the Literature), which you will do by conducting extensive book, journal, newspaper, and electronic research o...n. Rather than simply state your opinion on a topic you should construct an argument based on a review of existing literature. By this I mean that the research project should include a review of the literature as well as your interpretation of the research findings (i.e. what do you want to say about this particular topic?)
Here is the abstract of the research paper (In this case, "I" would be "You"):
For my research paper, I have decided to explore family values as well as gender relations by analyzing the popular television program Gossip Girl. The nature of the paper will be based around audience research. Since the television shows premiere, it has been a big hit and I plan to find out why by analyzing the shows audience. More importantly, I will be looking at who the shows target audience is and how the show relates to them in terms of traditions and values.
The television show covers many topics of interest to young adults such as the importance and difficulty of maintaining relationships with those around you. Given the media's portrayal of how family life should be, how does this impact teenagers? My paper will answer some of the following questions: Is the show an accurate depiction of family life? Do teenagers in todays society prioritize academics the same way that the teenagers in the show do? To what extent do teenagers try to mimic the characters on the show, if at all? Does the show relate to any other of its kind? And if so, do these shows perpetuate any stereotypes (ex: promiscuity of teenage girls)?
I want you to answer the following (as well as discuss the above questions): Does this program represent real life or is it creating an inaccurate portrayal of society that young adults (the show's primary audience) feel pressured to live up to? Give an in-depth analysis of gender roles using examples from the show. How are girls treated by the boys? If they are often mistreated, do you think that this happens in real life as well? I would like you to discuss every aspect of the show that can relate to this essay. Please support your opinions with many examples (from the show and from other sources). It is very important that you review other literature, such as what has already been written about gender roles or family portrayal in the media and to then cite those works in your paper.
Essays are to have normal margins, double-spaced lines, and 12-point font size (no larger).
The titles of all books, magazines, and newspapers must be consistently italicized.
When talking about films, do not confuse the term "clip" with "shot." A clip is a section of a film, which is made up of one or more shots, or continuous pieces of film edited together. And remember that a "long shot" refers to a relatively large distance from the camera to the subject, while a "long take" refers to a shot that lasts a relatively long time.
Whatever style you chose (MLA, Chicago, or APA), use it consistently throughout your paper. If you chose to use footnotes, at the end of the sentence with the quotation or reference, include a footnote in superscript, either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the essay. If you reference a book, upon first mention, full details should be provided; e.g.
1. Bill Nichols, Introduction to Documentary (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001), 7. [Authors full name; Full title in italics; Place of publication followed by colon; Publisher; Year all in parenthesis; comma, page number.
If your second footnote is also from Nichols and is on the same page, simply write the word Ibid; if its from the same book but a different page, then shorten the reference:
2. Ibid. [only if reference is from the same page]
3. Nichols, Introduction, 9.
As long as you continue to cite Nichols for the rest of the essay, use the shortened version. Same logic applies to journal articles and essays in anthologies.
For web sources: Author, title, URL and date you accessed the site, e.g.
Arthur Delaney, Bobby Rush: A Black Panther in Cuba, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/22/bobby-rush-a-black-panthe_n_189474.html (accessed April 22, 2009).
Films and Television Shows: Whenever you refer to a film and television show, the title should be in italics with the directors full name and year of release in parenthesis e.g. The Changeling (Clint Eastwood, 2008). TV series and shows should also be in italics, although if you know the title of the episode that goes n quotes along with the year of the broadcast. If referring to an entire TV series, include the inclusive years when the show aired e.g. Sex and the City (1998-2004).
If there are any questions, please email me or call me at (347) 217-0400. Please make sure that the paper arrives on time and also keep in mind the notes above. more
Title: I like the title "Girls Guide to Navigating Hollywood: Part 1"
If you don't like the title, please feel free to change, but that was my working title.
This assignment is ask...ing me to address a readership made of professionals working in my intended field, acting. Now turning the attention to a more serious engagement with outside sources.
The changing nature of my field has presented new ethical concerns which have yet to be resolved. A professional publication in entertainment has asked me to address a particular ethic situation that will be relevant to the readers who are actors.
Please include: Does the moral include a solution?
Not a simple solution?
Argue for the course of action; this is NOT just a discussion
Core dilemmas: is the increasing nudity in tv and film female empowerment?
is this trend anti feministic?
what are the dangers to the trend of increasing nudity?
(more and more girls at a younger ages feel the pressure to be nude on camera, although all actors must be legally 18, 18 is still a young age to make a life changing decision to have your nude body on film forever. In addition casting directors cast actors who look much younger than 18 for nudity. So although the actor may be legally able to do nude scenes, the audience perception is that they are much younger) Please see this website for an example:
second dilemma: when is nudity art v/s porn?
(ex: is nudity justified if you are recreating a historical event on history channel, or is it justified by working with a world famous director) what justifies the act of taking off your clothes? Please use the example of the new Lars Von Trier movie
*What are some solutions to this issue? I want to stress that I am not trying to change Hollywood or the entertainment industry; however, the purpose of this essay is to start a conversation about the topic and provide a guide to young actresses who are facing this dilemma. Hollywood will never change, so my "guide" is to help young actors navigate within the rules, already established by Hollywood.
*Also, nudity has its place. For example having pay channels that air nudity filled shows at night v/s nudity in tv shows that air on CBS or NBC during prime time family viewing.
*What are some other alternatives to nudity without just saying no?
CGI Effects
*personally I think this is a great alternative
Body doubles
*also, another great alternative
*Although, the dilemma with CGI and body doubles, is the audience being punked, is the nudity "earned"?
(This is not a Core Dilemma within the paper; however it should be addressed. There are already so many special effects and digital editing within the movie industry, digital editing to preserve the actors modesty is more than ok with me)
*How do other actors base their decisions/criteria?
*How does a personal choice of doing nudity affect career in Hollywood?
(Example: Jessica Alba refuses to do nudity and her career is soaring.)
(Maybe include another actress who did do nudity and her career did not)
*dont just write about what is advantageous to a successful career, such as, money, fame, more movie roles, pleasing your agent, etc..... What are the broader implications (back to CORE DILEMMA)
Special Note: I am an actress who has auditioned for nudity in tv and movie films such as Spartacus and Cinemax's Chemisty and an "Untitled Movie". I did not audition nude as there are safe guards to protect actors during the audition. For example, you do not audition nude in most cases until it is down to the final 2 actresses and the audition goes to a producers session. I did have to audition in a bikini for the "Untitled Movie". These safe guards of auditioning in a bikini and not being nude until the very last audition, in the producers session there is usually only one other executive (a lot of times a female), and you are provided a robe. These safe guards to meant to protect you in the auditioning process but what alternatives are there to not going nude* (CGI digital effects, body doubles)
My opinion is that each actor has to weigh his or own decisions with his or her own personal beliefs. At my age, 34, I do not think I am contributing to the trend of using younger and younger actresses for nudity. I will weigh each script and evaluate whether or not the nudity is warranted. Does it actually add to the artistic value of the story? Will I be ok with screen shots of my naked bits on the internet forever? Although I will be tempted by the paycheck, I know there are moral dilemmas larger than money at stake. Will my family be upset with me if I do appear nude? How will I explain to my future children what I have done?
So you can include some personal anecdotes from the above personal story, but I dont want this to become just about me.
Primary: http://variety.com/2013/biz/news/cover-story-brave-nude-world-pay-tv-pushing-boundaries-1200703785/
Secondary: http://www.screenjunkies.com/movies/movie-lists/10-hottest-actresses-topless/
Secondary: http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/technology-is-evil-jessica-albas-nudity-in-machete-was-cgi
Secondary: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/lars-von-trier-nymphomaniac
Secondary: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-cw-reins-in-steamy-sex-scene-on-reign-20131015,0,6260540.story#axzz2jKf2BT7b
Please feel free to use more sources, maybe just 1 or 2 more. more
In 500-550 words: Write an essay that compares and/or contrasts two books, television shows, or movies that have similar themes
COM 200 WEEK 4
ord 5: - Week 4 - Assignment
Interpersonal Conflict in Television
Choose one television show from the list provided below.
Bellisario, D.... & Brennan, S. (Producers). (2003-2014). NCIS: Naval criminal investigative service [Television Series]. United States: Columbia Broadcasting System.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at NCIS ? CBS.
Kaplan, E., Holland, S., Molaro, S., Lorre, C., & Cohen, R. (Executive producers). (2007-2014). The big bang theory [Television series]. United States: Columbia Broadcasting System.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at The Big Bang Theory ? CBS.
Rhymes, S. (Executive producer). (2012-2014). Scandal [Television series]. United States: American Broadcasting Company.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at Scandal TV Show ? ABC.com.
Walsh, R., Levitan, S., Richman, J., Chupack, C., & O?Shannon, D. (Producers). (2009-2014). Modern family [Television series]. United States: American Broadcasting Company.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at Modern Family TV Show ? ABC.com.
Wilmore, L. (Executive producer). (2014). Black-ish [Television series]. United States: American Broadcasting Company.
This television show can be found for no charge with closed captioning at black-ish TV Show ? ABC.com.
Watch one episode of one of the above television programs and identify and describe one interpersonal conflict that was not handled effectively. Based on what you have learned in class this week in Chapters 8 and 9 of our text, write a paper explaining why the conflict was not handled effectively and what could have been done differently. Be sure to focus on one particular interpersonal conflict and not the television show as a whole. The television programs can be found in syndication, weekly on air, and through the links provided above.
Please Note: A synopsis of the television program (e.g., which actors are in the television show or what it is about) should not be included. Be sure to reference at least one of your course readings from this week in your paper.
The assignment
Must be at least two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student?s name
Course name and number
Instructor?s name
Date submitted
Must use at least one of this week?s resources to support points.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center more
I need you to write me 3 essays with 3 different topics, each essay 2 pages long.
Topic 1:Watch a TV show or film and analyze the types of messages it is giving you. How are those messages conveyed? Be sure to talk about the visuals as well as the If you saw the show or film as a realistic portrayal of the world, what would the world look like?
Topic 2: Identify an independently owned bookstore, music store, clothing store, grocery store, restaurant and movie theater in Chicago. Travel to two of these establishments and write a description of what they carry and how it differs from a larger chain store that specializes in the same type of merchandise. What are the pros and cons of independent stores vs. chain stores? Be sure to clearly identify the name and address of each business you mention.
Topic 3: In a two-page typed essay, reflect on what you learned about media literacy. Did your view of media literacy change over the course of the class? How will your consumption of media be affected?
Write an evaluation/argumentative essay on a topic of your choice.Several possible topics are listed below,but you are free to come with your own.Develop your evaluation/argument in an essay of about 500 words.If you wish,use statistics,examples,or quotations from sources you find helpful and supportive.
Possible topics
A review of a book you have read or a movie or television show you have seen.
An evaluation of a work process with an argument for how to do it more efficiently.
An evaluation of a course you have taken that includes either an argument for why students should take it of for how it could be made better
An exploration of any controversial issue interest to you.
I want to discuss the five-page midterm paper that is due Wednesday, March 21. As mentioned before, you are to use your media literacy skills to deconstruct a television series or film, using the NA...MLE criteria.
The Purpose of the paper is to Analyze (the medium) and Interpret (the culture) of a particular television show. This will relate to the Commercial Appeal and Ad Detectives except the medium is an entertainment television show.
The paper will be an essay, not unlike the essays we have been reading in the Reader. You will take a position and persuade us with your argument (Media Literacy), by using examples about the show such as how and when it was created, how long it ran or is running, the social implications of the characters and stories, etc. Compare and contrast it to similar shows from the past. How have certain sociological points of view changed over time? Look at TV shows over the last 50 years. Most important ??" be specific!
We been looking at different mediums in media from various essays found in the Reader. There are many ways to look at the medium and the message, and deconstructing an entertainment program is no different.
The presentations and short writing assignments have been low stakes writing. That is, I am more interested in the content then the presentation or writing style. However, the midterm paper and the final presentations are considered high stakes. Content and style will be counted for the final grade.
You should consider documenting your argument with footnotes that demonstrates that you have done research beyond simply watching the television show. For example, on the subject of Malcolm in the Middle, I stated that entertainment shows tend to avoid mentioning anything regarding money and that the reality created is that young people can afford a loft in Greenwich Village (Friends) and everyone lives in beautiful surroundings and never a care for money.
When in reality most people are thinking about how to get through the month or until the next paycheck. I would expand on that by writing about how blue-collar shows tend to be popular when economic times are good. I would document this with a little history of sit-coms from radio into television, and discuss past blue-collar programs such as The Honeymooners or Roseanne.
I would discuss how the characters are portrayed in a blue-collar comedy (crass, loud, perhaps lacking manners, but a big heart and good intentions), and again use examples from previous shows. Perhaps pull a quote from an essay that supports my argument.
Malcolm in the Middle is a single-camera show in which it is produced just like a film with one camera, as compared to the multi-camera sit-coms (The Big Bang Theory). I would compare Malcolm to other single camera shows in the past, such as The Andy Griffith Show. How has this technique changed? In Malcolm, we see fantasy sequences and breaking the fourth wall where Malcolm talks directly to the audience. more
visual sociology essay
Topic: The Role of Reality TV Shows about Teens:On the Pregnancy Intentions of Adolescent Viewers
have to write an illustrated research paper with photos collected online that illustrate some aspect or meaning to the topic. paper should be between 4-5 pages of text and about 5-8 photos. Photos can be placed within the text or at the end of the paper. need in text citations and a refrences (APA) or word cited (MLA) page.
also have to have sociolgical jounal articles , book etc included in the paper
Pick a TV show that is targeted for children birth ? 13: Sesame Street Show
Then analyze the show and explain why it is and/or isn?t appropriate for that age level. It can be appropriate but have aspects that are not, and you can talk about those ? you do not have to pick one side for the paper. Use resources to defend your opinion on why this show is/isn?t appropriate. There is no right or wrong answers but you need to be able to defend your opinion using the following:
You will discuss if the show is suitable for the recommended age range, if it recognizes the qualities that are appropriate for that age, etc. Here is where you will use for example: is it appropriate for children to model? Can children learn skills from it for example counting etc.
In addition, you will evaluate the social/emotional value of the show by reflecting on the issue(s) that it rises, and how it benefits the children within the recommended age range. Does it encourage friendship, family values, morals ETC.
Watch a minimum of four segments of reality-based television shows such as Cops and keep a record of the following information for each crime/event:
The gender and race of the suspects
The gender and race of the police officers
The type of crime
The products being advertised during these programs
Then write a 3-4 page essay about what you watched. Be sure to identify the shows you watched as well as the dates and times. In your essay, address the following:
What is the predominant race of the suspects? The police officers?
Do you notice any difference in the behavior of the suspects and police officers when they are both of the same race? Of different races? Of different genders?
What types of crimes are featured? Does one type of crime predominate?
Are the products advertised during these programs directed toward any specific subgroup of the population? Are they age- or gender-based?
"Yet another new service that tries to give consumers information on TV shows and movies is rather widely criticized. A firm named ASI market Research Inc. has a service called Preview House. The service hooks up movie theater audiences ( Which it gets from telephone lists with promises of free movies) with an instantaneous response machine that has dials for recording likes and dislikes. The form can test upcoming shows, entire movies ( for example, if they had tested Heaven's Gate, a bundle might have been saved) records, and so on. Granted, audiences go especially big for sex, puppies, little children, and so on, but if that's what they like, that's what they want. What they want. What do you think of a service like this?"
You are currently working at a think tank that is examining the effect of popular culture, such as television and movies, on criminal justice. Discuss the effect of the popular culture on your personal perceptions of occupations in the criminal justice system. Mention the television shows and movies that have had an effect on your perceptions of the system.
Also, discuss which criminal justice occupations are most misrepresented in the popular culture. Which group do you believe is portrayed most realistically?
If you are having difficulty with this question, simply watch one or two of the many police / CSI / medical examiner / profiler / courtroom / prison dramas that are to be found every single night on television. Tell us what you believe the show portrayed accurately and what you believe they misrepresented.
Please add references in APA format with the URLs is applicable.
The research paper will be about Reality television, show some examples of how Television companies create programs that are appealing to the public, how producers or directors have found a way to considered reality television, while not always showing a complete reality. Is really television as realistic as it seem?
quotations is about 10% in the essay. and the
> research project that i am planning to carry on is
> "analyze the contemporary reality TV shows"
that preferred citation style is
harvard system. and could u please make sure to use
british spelling? thank you
"Choose one influential figure or television show and discuss the degree of his, her, or its influence. Determine the values or ideology that person or show represents, and to what extent the overall contribution to television has been positive or negative."
This 2500 word research essay is designed to give you and opportunity to integrate library research and work with primary sources (television shows) as you make critical exploration of a topic of interest. You are expected to make use of books and articles in your paper, and to refer to particular television shows as often as possible, to support the points you make.
Your paper will be evaluated on the following: 1) novel and creative handling of the topic, reflecting analysis of the topic and possible and appropriate approaches; 2) credible and current sources of... the type required, reflecting thorough and unique research; 3) appropriate critical use and application of intercultural communication terminology and concepts as presented in your textbook and course materials; 4) collegiate-level writing reflected in fully developed introduction and conclusion, clarity in the paper, style, grammar, organization, spelling, punctuation, etc.; 5) correct use of 2001 APA format; and 6) full adherance to all other instructions and guidelines.
TOPIC: Must See (or not) TV
When asked the question where do our stereotypes and prejudices come from, one of the more common targets is the media. No other medium is as pervasive, on a daily basis, as television. In this assignment, you will explore a segment of television to "see" what messages are being sent about issues of race and gender. More than just a passive visual display, the mass media hold the power to define reality and how we as human beings relate to one another. Our question is, what is the media, specifically television, teaching us about each other? Identify a present-day television show you watch on a regular basis. Also find a present-day television show that you have never viewed before, and from a channel you do not normally watch. View at least 2 hours of television programming for each show and answer the question-framed thesis presented above to write your analytical paper. The TV shows you select should be regularly scheduled television shows, not movies or "specials").
Required Content:
1) What programs did you watch for this paper? Which channels broadcast the shows, and when they are on? Give a brief snyopsis about the general idea of each program -- this isn?t what the specific episodes were about, but what the shows? premises are. (For example, a synposis of the TV show ER would be "ER is set inside a modern-day, urban Chicago trauma center. The characters are medical professionals who regularly balance the daily stresses of their careers with personal dilemnas and challenges.")
2) Who do you think is/are the target market(s) for this program? Why?
3) How were gender roles portrayed? How was race portrayed?
4) Were there any obvious stereotypes in any of the portrayals? Subtle stereotypes? Explain and provide specific examples.
5) How did the various portrayals influence how people, especially from different backgrounds, understand and relate to one another? Were there any specific references to gender or race in the episodes you watched and, if so, how did the characters address those issues?
6) What was the most surprising and/or interesting thing you noticed in doing this analysis? Why do you watch the TV shows you do? Why have you never chosen to watch the previously unseen program prior to this assignment?
Throughout your paper you must use applicable course concepts and credible research to create a comprehensive analysis of cultural messages on contemporary television. more
Television Character Assessment Assignment: 1. Identify one television character that you believe to be abnormal. 2. Explain this characters role in the television show, elaborate on the…
Read Full Paper ❯Overview Reception Theory Paper 4 pages Do television shows such as Dexter, and Breaking Bad influence desensitize people? introduction: what attempting to understand, broad overview, so what?, why perhaps pick this…
Read Full Paper ❯Look critically at three movies with different ratings and three television shows with different ratings. Currently there area number of shows on television that are portraying negative aspects with…
Read Full Paper ❯Title: Friends Write about the TV Show "Friends," 1-The writing should be thesis driven, argumentative not a descriptive. 2- Analytical and intepretive and from a Christian point of View 3- Footnotes 4-…
Read Full Paper ❯This essay about four TV shows that are based on a family setting. Two of the shows must be modern day shows that are still being produced. The…
Read Full Paper ❯one inch margins, double-spaced, four pages not dounting works cited, 12 point typeface, prefer Courier New, no script, italic or other fancy fonts My name (Trae Masters) in the upper…
Read Full Paper ❯Watch television shows produced in the 1950s,1970s,1980s that center on family life and compare these to current television shows depicting contemporary families and family forms. Write your reflections about…
Read Full Paper ❯The research that I will conduct will be on the topic, ?Values Portrayed in Reality TV? and will primarily focus on the age of viewer targeted and the values…
Read Full Paper ❯Please include a works cited page using MLA format and use in text citations throughout the paper. Please follow the instructions below thoroughtly. Using research, you should construct an argument related…
Read Full Paper ❯You will begin by researching what has already been published on the topic (aka Review of the Literature), which you will do by conducting extensive book, journal, newspaper, and…
Read Full Paper ❯Title: I like the title "Girls Guide to Navigating Hollywood: Part 1" If you don't like the title, please feel free to change, but that was my working title.…
Read Full Paper ❯In 500-550 words: Write an essay that compares and/or contrasts two books, television shows, or movies that have similar themes
Read Full Paper ❯COM 200 WEEK 4 ord 5: - Week 4 - Assignment Interpersonal Conflict in Television Choose one television show from the list provided below. Bellisario, D. & Brennan, S. (Producers). (2003-2014). NCIS: Naval…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi, I need you to write me 3 essays with 3 different topics, each essay 2 pages long. Topic 1:Watch a TV show or film and analyze the types of…
Read Full Paper ❯Write an evaluation/argumentative essay on a topic of your choice.Several possible topics are listed below,but you are free to come with your own.Develop your evaluation/argument in an essay of…
Read Full Paper ❯I want to discuss the five-page midterm paper that is due Wednesday, March 21. As mentioned before, you are to use your media literacy skills to deconstruct…
Read Full Paper ❯visual sociology essay Topic: The Role of Reality TV Shows about Teens:On the Pregnancy Intentions of Adolescent Viewers have to write an illustrated research paper with photos collected online that illustrate…
Read Full Paper ❯Pick a TV show that is targeted for children birth ? 13: Sesame Street Show Then analyze the show and explain why it is and/or isn?t appropriate for that…
Read Full Paper ❯Watch a minimum of four segments of reality-based television shows such as Cops and keep a record of the following information for each crime/event: The gender and race of the…
Read Full Paper ❯"Yet another new service that tries to give consumers information on TV shows and movies is rather widely criticized. A firm named ASI market Research Inc. has a service…
Read Full Paper ❯You are currently working at a think tank that is examining the effect of popular culture, such as television and movies, on criminal justice. Discuss the effect of the…
Read Full Paper ❯The research paper will be about Reality television, show some examples of how Television companies create programs that are appealing to the public, how producers or directors have found…
Read Full Paper ❯quotations is about 10% in the essay. and the > research project that i am planning to carry on is > "analyze the contemporary reality TV shows" that preferred citation style is harvard…
Read Full Paper ❯"Choose one influential figure or television show and discuss the degree of his, her, or its influence. Determine the values or ideology that person or show represents, and to…
Read Full Paper ❯Your paper will be evaluated on the following: 1) novel and creative handling of the topic, reflecting analysis of the topic and possible and appropriate approaches; 2) credible and…
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