Technology Management Essays Prompts

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You are the task manager for a large customer service corporation consisting of 1,000 employees. You are responsible for 25 direct reports in your department. You have noticed that over the past year there has been a significant decline in the ability of employees to use and manage the technology of the organization. It?s to the point where production is suffering. Your task is to improve the Technology Management of your employees in your department. You are given 6 months to complete this, as the season nears when you are the busiest with customers. Using the APA style format.

Key Grading Points ?

? Identification of issues, concerns, and incidents leading to poor Technology Management
? Strategies and techniques used to improve Technology Management
? The timeframe strategy used for producing these results with a 6-month period.
Applied the correct APA style, usage, grammar and punctuation.

Individual Project


Consider the five functional areas of engineering and technology management as identified by Babcock [Managing Engineering and Technology,Second Editon, Prentice-Hall, 1996]: (1) Planning and Forecasting [Chp3];
(2) Decision Making [Chp 4];
(3) Organizing [Chp 5 and 6];
(4) Leadership [Chp 7]; and
(5) Controlling [Chp 8].
Conduct exploratory empirical and literature research and prepare a paper addressing all of the following:

(1)the functions performed by first- and second-level managers in the organization with which you are employed (or an organization with which you would like to be employed), as determined by interviews and/or organizational documentation.

(2)a personal assessment of your own qualidications and competencies with respect to performing these functions,and

(3)a personal professional development plan for capitalizing on your strengths and improving your weaknesses with respect to performing the functions of the positions.

Other information:
I am interested in working for the navy base at Port Hueneme California. I can draft a resume'' and my improvements would be writing and presenting myself capable of performing engineering tasks and project managing.

Like many things in information technology management, business intelligence is typically implemented in the form of a "project" -- that is, a special kind of organizational arrangement set up do certain specific things over a specific period of time, as opposed to a regular and ongoing part of the organizational structure. If effective, projects often turn into regular structures, but it's also easy to terminate them if they don't seem to be progressing.

Projects are critically dependent on a special kind of leadership and administration called "project management". Project managers need most of the kinds of administrative skills that other managers need, but also usually some fairly specific kinds of expertise to handle the unusual requirements of projects. Undoubtedly, you have all been part of a project at one point or another, so you have some perspective on what project life is like. And it's highly likely that you already have been or will be designated to be a project manager on some effort or other. It can be a shortcut to the top, but it can also be a professional graveyard if mismanaged. Understanding particular requirements of project management is a key personal skill.

Jonathan Wu has written a short piece on project management outlining specific skills required to do the job well. In fact, it can serve effectively as a sort of checklist for assessing project management skills. Please read his article:

Wu, J. (2005) Characteristics of an Outstanding Business Intelligence Project Manager. Information Management Magazine, May. Retrieved September 16, 2011, from

I have taken the liberty of putting his list of qualifications in the form of a specific checklist that you can use to assess yourself. You can use either the Excel spreadsheet version of the checklist or the PDF printable version (they're identical -- click to download).

The exercise calls for you to form an assessment of yourself as a possible project manager and then to, if at all possible, confirm it with another person. Here are the instructions given on the sheet:

SLP Assignment Expectations

The following items will be assessed in particular:

The degree to which you have carried out the assignment completely, or clarified why you could not and investigated alternatives

Your ability to describe your experiences clearly and draw conclusions from them, not just narrate events

Your ability to focus on the overall purposes of the assignment, not just its specific steps

Your use of some in-text references to what you have read, where appropriate; please cite all sources properly.

Write each question followed by an answer
Assignment Title: Technology Assessment

1) Analyze the basic technology underlying healthcare information and determine the most pressing need for innovation.
2) Explain (with specific examples using local hospitals or other health care providers) how your recommended innovation will improve the overall level of health care in your own community (example: west Oak Lane).
3) Recommend actions that senior management could take in the community (west Oak Lane Philadelphia) in which you live to push the boundaries of information technology management
Cite at least two (2) references from peer-review sources to support your argument
Austin, C. J., & Boxerman, S. B. (2008). Information systems for healthcare management (7th ed.). Chicago: Health Administration Press.

Need to write about to incorporate "Knowledge Management" into my organization (Army National Guard G6) or any military organization and what is the benefit of doing so? I have included our current st...rategic plan (Includes my jobs purpose and mission, etc) which may help personalize for some verbiage. We currently use Microsoft SharePoint 2003 and will be migrating all info on SharePoint sight to Microsoft 2010. But how can an organization incorporate Knowledge Management and what are the benefits of doing so?

Purpose: Develop a strategic plan to communicate to the States, NGB Leadership, Army CIO/G6, Department of Defense (DoD), Interagency partners and other stakeholders the focus of the Army National Guard (ARNG) CIO/G6 in accomplishing major initiatives within the ARNG in support of the Director Army National Guard (DARNG) and Chief National Guard Bureau (CNGB). Timeframe for these activities include October 2014 ??" September 2019.

Vision: An innovative, agile, and adaptable organization providing mission-critical information technology and communication resources and services to the ARNG in a dynamic operational environment committed to developing quality partnerships that foster effective communication and collaboration.

Mission: As the Executive Agent for the CNGBs Enterprise Network, the ARNG CIO/G6 will provide GuardNet to Joint Forces Headquarters (JFHQ) and ARNG operating and generating forces in support of State-based, information-enabled expeditionary and Defense Support to Civil Authority (DSCA) missions. The ARNG CIO/G6 will further provide integration, security and defense of the ARNG segment of the cyber domain while exploiting knowledge management capabilities, enabling the global collaborative environment for joint warfighting, first response, business systems, intelligence operations, cyber operations, and access to the Armys LandWarNet, all while providing the best value for America.

Strategic Priorities:
1. Efficient use of IT resources. (ITMR)
2. ARNG warfighter readiness.
3. Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) Support.
4. Cyberspace defense. (Provide Information Security)

Goals and Objectives:
1. Ensure the Efficient Use of IT resources
a. Integrate ARNG G6/CIO as part of a joint NGB IT Enterprise.
i. Continue to manage GuardNet and federate with DoD Joint Information Environment (JIE)
ii. Continue to modernize the network
b. Integrate IT Management into NGB Business Processes
i. Demand Management
ii. IT Portfolio Management (PfM)
iii. Leverage IT to enable integration of all business processes.
2. Realize IT Efficiencies and Improve Effectiveness
a. Information Technology Management Reform (ITMR)
i. Governance
ii. Consolidate multiple Data Centers to an Enterprise Data Center
iii. Eliminate and/or Regionalize State DOIMs
iv. Expect Army to request Congressional approval to re-appropriate ARNG IT funding to the Army for perceived
IT efficiency gains
b. Provide Responsible Financial Management
i. Leverage IT resources from the Army and Air National Guard
ii. Provide 37% of the Armys Operational Force with 10% of the total Army IT Budget, supporting 95% of the
Domestic Response capabilities.
iii. Support T-10/T-32 Soldiers, Technicians & JFHQ-S at 3002 facilities for less than $280m.
3. Enable ARNG readiness
a. Support warfighter readiness
i. Operationalize GuardNet
ii. Realize Armory as a Docking Station
iii. Federate with JIE to provide interoperability with Domestic Mission Partners
b. Develop Staff Officers to Ensure they are Value Added
i. Provide Joint qualified and experienced professionals
ii. Interchangeable between DoD, NGB, States and interagency
iii. Generalists who can perform functions across ARNG staff
iv. Set standards of excellence to develop resilient, confident and capable professionals in technology, cyber and leadership.
4. Enable Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA).
a. Enable States, the Adjutant Generals (TAGs) to Services:
i. Training
ii. Mission Readiness
iii. Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA)
iv. Support Army Mobilizations
v. Support TAG Mission Command
vi. Provide Information Security
vii. Value Proposition for all Stakeholders
b. Resource CNGB and Governors (TAGs) to Fulfill their Mission
i. Enable the statutory requirement that CNGB be the conduit of info to/from T-32 forces and AC USAF, AC Army and DoD
ii. Provide trusted flexible communication capabilities to meet National Guard dual use mission command requirements for CNGB, DARNG, DANG, TAGs, ARNG commanders and ANG commanders within the joint environment
5. Enable Cyberspace Defense
a. Protect and Defend ARNG Cyber Domain
i. Provide Information Security
ii. Continue to develop Continuity of Operations (COOP)
iii. Provide Knowledge Management
b. Support expanding role of ARNG operation in Cyberspace
i. Provide trained and experienced operators in defensive counter measures
ii. Provide cyber security assessment team guidance and training
6. Enterprise Architecture.

Rapp, Adam; Trainor, Kevin J;

For SLP5, we depart slightly from prior protocol. Instead of applying the concepts learned in CASE5 by using SPSS to run the Statistics covered in CASE5, the purpose of SLP5 is to give you the opportu...nity to practice taking a Qualifying Exam by giving you a recently administered exam.
Available on 2010 September 16 at
As your assignment, you are to choose any one of the articles following the guidelines you are use to analyze the article that you have chosen to analyze. The following guidelines were available on 2010 September 16 at
Flaschner, Alan (2010). Qualifying Examination Guidelines for Article Analysis. Trident University
Available on 2010 September 16 at
Note, as you learned by completing the TDs in Res603, do NOT assume that because an article has been published that it can NOT be improved.
Organizational Behavior (Behavior Between Individuals Within Organizations)
Richard, Orlando; McMillan-Capehart, Amy; Bhuian, Shahid N; & Taylor, Edward C (2009, August). Antecedents and consequences of psychological contracts: Does organizational culture really matter? Journal of Business Research, 62,(8). 818-825.
Available on 13 November 2009 in Science Direct via the Trident University / Touro College eLibrary.
Organizational Theory (Behavior Between Organization)
Evanschitzky, H., Iyer, G. R., Plassmann, H., Niessing, J., & Meffert, H. (2006). The relative strength of affective commitment in securing loyalty in service relationships. Journal of Business Research, 59(12), 1207-1213.
Available on 13 November 09 in Science Direct via the Trident University / Touro College eLibrary.
Marketing or Purchasing
Rapp, Adam; Trainor, Kevin J; & Agrihotr, Raj (ND). Performance implications of customer-linking capabilities: Examining the complementary role of customer orientation and CRM technology. Journal of Business Research, In Press, Corrected Proof,
Available on 28 November 2009 in Science Direct via the Trident University / Touro College eLibrary .
Economics, Accounting, or Finance
DeSousa, C., Changshan, W., & Westphal, L. (2009). Assessing the Effect of Publicly Assisted Brownfield Redevelopment on Surrounding Property Values. Economic Development Quarterly, 23(2), 95-110.
Available on 17 February 2010 in Sage Premier Collection via the Trident University / Touro College eLibrary.
Information Science or Information Technology Management
Au, N., Ngai, E. W. T. and Cheng, T. C. E. (2008). Extending the Understanding of End User Information Systems Satisfaction Formation: An Equitable Needs Fulfillment Model Approach. MIS Quarterly. 32(1). 43-66.
Available on 13 November 2009 in EBSCO via the Trident University / Touro College eLibrary.
In addition to your uploaded MS Word file for your SLP5, you are expected to upload as an additional file the pdf version of the article you analyzed.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to acquire experience in critically reading, examining, and analyzing research at a high level and evaluating it. In that regard, the content of your report is to demonstrate an understanding of the assigned reading and the research. You will be accomplishing this type of work throughout the course.
1. Evaluate a quantitatively-based academically-oriented article of the caliber that PhD students are expected to use as references in their dissertations
2. Analyze the importance of the article being reviewed
3. Evaluate the importance of the article being reviewed
4. Analyze the theory/hypothesis in the article being reviewed
5. Evaluate the theory/hypothesis in the article being reviewed
6. Analyze the methodology in the article being reviewed
7. Evaluate the methodology in the article being reviewed
8. Analyze the results in the article being reviewed
9. Evaluate the results in the article being reviewed
10. Analyze the discussion of the results and discussion of the implications for future research in the article being reviewed
11. Evaluate the discussion of the results and discussion of the implications for future research in the article being reviewed
Note that this assignment does NOT require you to prepare a detailed essay. Instead use section headings (the questions) for each of the topics you address in your paper followed by your discussion (answers) of that topic (the questions).
In terms of the article that you are to critically evaluate, question everything. Do NOT assume that just because the article was published, that everything in the article is perfect. And do not assume that the article is a hypothesis driven study. If you determine that the purpose of the study is to develop and test the validity/reliability of a scale; use Churchill (CASE3) to evaluate the quality of the study,
The following guideline defines the approximate length of the assignment if you choose to evaluate a an article with the primary purpose of testing a hypothesis or hypotheses
Flaschner, Alan (2010). Elaboration of Guidelines for Article Analysis. Trident University
Available on 2010 September 16 at
The following is a listing of the resources that were used in preparing the assignment
Flaschner, Alan (2010). Sources of Guidelines for Article Analysis. Trident University
Available on 2010 September 16 at

Customer is requesting that (cwanga) completes this order.

Design Point-Of-View

Inspire Us!

We want to know what drives, motivates and inspires you.

Gensler is a global firm with a compelling design philosophy; we believe in the power of design to transform orga...nizations and improve people's lives. No matter what your professional discipline, we want you to tell us about your personal relationship with design.

Design Point of View:

Please answer the above question using the Quote "The whole is more than the sum of its parts. Aristotle, Metaphysica." and synergy:

'the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects' (New Oxford Dictionary of English).

Back ground View point. My back ground is that of Construction Electricity,( Electrician and Instructor of Electricians) with over 16 years of experience facilitating and managing large-scale electrical projects and system installations, I now wish to pursue a career as a IT Technician, seek new opportunities and take on fresh challenges. I hold a Masters Degree in Information Technology management.

growing up as a child of missionary parents I have learned though example of my parents that same actions can have larger effects. I have tried to carry this lesson of servitude in to my adult life. I have helped build schools in the Dominican republic and Haiti, I have provided school books lab equipment and school supplies to children in on Komodo Indonesia. and AS an scuba diver I am inspired by the sea and work to keep are shores and Reefs Clean.

Though my roles may have been small I have seen Great things come by my efforts thou the inspiration of others.

though synergy the Grand Design is much greater then the sum of its parts.

This is an admission question for a masters of science in Technology management, So please organize your answer and provide a very appealing and accurate answer.

Essay : "Can all business problems be solved by technology?"
Please upload essay entitled, "Can All Our Business and Societal Problems Be Solved by Technology?" Justify your position.

Strategic Management Plan Process

Suggested Outline for Final Paper

1. Mission Statement:

This is usually found as a statement by the President of the CEO in the case. If no statement is found, then you must construc...t one.

2. SWOT Analysis:


Strengths serve as major building blocks for strategy. Examples:

Competitive edge

Financial reserves or credit lines

Proprietary technology



Weaknesses make the company vulnerable competitively and may make the pursuit of certain options impossible. Examples:

Obsolete facilities

Too narrow a product line

Old or poor management

Excess debt


These are the opportunities in the environment where potential markets may exist. Opportunities are available to any company in the industry environment. Examples:

Changes in government regulations

Technological breakthroughs

Specific demands by a narrow group of customers


These are adverse changes in the environment, which may represent threats to future business opportunities. Threats may effect any company in the environment. Examples:

Geographical interventions

Unexpected competition

New substitute products

3 Operational Environments

These are factors in the immediate environment in which the business operates. Examples:



Customer profiles


Environmental factors such as EPA

4. Key Success Factors


Hours open

Inventory levels




Distribution system

5. Environmental Analysis:

A. Remote environment:

These are the factors, which affect all businesses, and frequently, neither the business nor the industry has any control over them.

Entry barriers




Ecological factors

Economic factors

B. Industry Environment:

These are the factors in the specific industry being studied which impact on the company. Key success factors are the product of this analysis. Examples:

Entry barriers

Supplier barriers

Buyer Power

Competitive rivalry

? Substitute availability

6. Financial Analysis:

In many cases the data is not presented to make an analysis, but where it is presented, all means of analysis available should be used to determine the financial condition. Ratio analysis may be useful along with trend analysis of the most recent earnings. Where no data is presented, other sources may be sought, e.g., newspapers, magazines, trade journals, etc.

7. Corporate Strategic Objectives

These are specific for each company and represent the results of a match between strengths and perceived opportunities in the industry. Examples:

Increased market share, e.g.____% per year in _____years

Below cost leader with highest quality product in the ______industry.

Increase revenues_____% in _____years.

Reduce debt______% per year for the next____years

8. Corporate Strategy:

These represent the "how to" implement the achievement of the corporate goals and usually involve the functional and section-levels of the organization. They represent long term objectives and the ultimate survival of the firm. Examples:




Divestment - all or in part

9. Long Term Goals

The long term goals should be clearly stated. Be sure the goals you select relate to the SWOT analysis and the So many of you are asking about the final paper that I am posting the format for the papere.
strategy section described in the paper.

10. Strategic Choice and Implementation

Choose a Grand Strategy of combination of Grand Strategies and develop implementation guidelines to achieve your objectives

I would like to request Writergirl to complete this. I WOULD LIKE IT COMPLETED/REUTRNED BEFORE 5PM EST ON THE 11th(TODAY)


S&F Online is an ...electronic commerce division of Smith & Falmouth, which is a television shopping and mail order network with operations in the United States and Canada. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Irene Seagraves. I play the role of the newly selected Chief Operating Officer (COO). Reporting to the COO is James Argyle, Project Manager, Brian Kervor, Logistics Manager, and Adam Searle, Marketing Manager. A Web development team reports to James and a Logistics team reports to Brian.
The organizational structure of S&F Online is functional with a specific corporate structure, division of labor, and paths of communication, which is comparable to many corporations and military organizations but on a much smaller scale. In this situation, the organizational structure of S&F Online might be viewed as a simple structure because there are a small number of employees and the hierarchy is minimal. However, the organizational structure of S&F Online does not fit this model since the roles of the employees are specialized. One could also argue that the company?s organizational structure is a team-based structure because it uses two specialized work teams organized around specific work processes. While this is true, both teams are not self-directed and report to separate managers (McShane & Von Glinow, 2004, pp. 455, 456, & 461.).
An organization?s informal culture can have an influence on how employees trust their managers, how managers trust managers, and how managers trust their superiors. These informal cultures can provide incentives for greatness as well as barriers to the necessary changes required for survival (Merrifield, 2005, p. 10.). Both the project and logistics managers for S&F Online have informal relationships with the Web development and logistics teams (respectively), which is an important factor in the success of the organization. Working through the simulation, I found that an appreciation for the informal relationships within the group was essential to finding ways to motivate managers and employees. For example as the simulation progressed, problems arose that required me to select allies to motivate the team to higher and higher levels of performance. I chose James Argyle, because he is well respected by all members of the team and has demonstrated experience, but the key did not rest with just selecting him as an ally; I needed to determine the best way to approach him with my ideas. From the listed approaches, I decided to have a one-on-one meeting with James to keep him at ease and also to convey that I respected his authority and his leadership abilities. In fact an organization whose work environment responsively supports the quest for individual unity and direction, and fosters spiritual development, will realize heightened individual and organizational performance (Castka et al, 2003, p. 153.). Once I selected a strong ally, my next step was to choose the right courses of action to motivate the organization and demonstrate to everyone that I had as much or even more to risk should the team succeed or fail.
Given the evolution of S&F Online, one can easily see the role power and politics has on the organization?s performance. Prior to my selection as Chief Operating Officer (COO), the project manager, James Argyle was clearly the recognized leadership authority of the managers and teams in the organization. He had earned the respect and loyalty of those reporting to him, while I was someone who was obviously untested. Significant organizational change, such as my placement as the COO, had the potential to intensify political issues, as jobs, structures, and allocation of resources alter (Buchanan et al., 1999, p. 22.). Under James leadership, S&F Online had achieved success so it was easy to see why the appointment of new leadership would be very unwelcome. Everyone had a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities, they were secure in the jobs they performed, and the resources needed to perform their jobs were available. Obviously I needed to be very sensitive to the four types of power bases available to me to effect the changes needed to meet Irene Seagraves?, S&F Online?s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), objectives. Using fear (coercive power) to get results was never a consideration. Taking that approach would have resulted in disaster because I needed the support of the entire organization to succeed. I also did not consider using knowledge since I had no control over any unique information required for decision-making. However, I was in the position to provide the team with positive benefits through reward power and I had the ability to allocate and manipulate symbolic rewards through persuasive power (Pheng, 1998, p. 36.).
I immediately realized that an autocratic leadership style would definitely not work in this situation for several reasons. First, the only person in the organization who recognized my authority was Adam Searle, the marketing manager. Second, with the exception of Adam, the organization recognized the authority of James Argyle over any I had. Lastly, the organization had no reason to recognize my authority other than my appointment to the position of COO. Using an autocratic leadership style would have further alienated me from the team and ruined any chance for me to successfully achieve the CEO?s objectives. Therefore, I decided to use a transformational and charismatic leadership style to gain the support of James Argyle first and then the other members of S&F Online. Taking this approach earned me James?s trust and lead him to the realization that I was no threat to his authority and the visions he had for the organization. Furthermore, as the simulation progressed the members of the organization concluded that I was willing to risk my success on their behalf through my actions to accept a salary based upon the team?s performance, effectively connecting my future with theirs. Working through James, I was able to create a clear vision for the teams and provide my expectations to each person in the organization. I made myself available to anyone in the organization by establishing an open door policy and conducting open house sessions to address employee satisfaction issues. As S&F Online continued to grow and prosper, I continued to work through James to empower the teams by letting them mutually decide on targets and expand job roles and responsibilities. As demands increased, the teams were offered additional resources like larger budgets for equipment, training, and software to bridge gaps in their skills. James and I created metric sheets and progress reports as leadership symbols to keep the teams motivated.

Reference List
*Buchanan, D., Claydon, T., & Doyle, M. (1999). Organization development and change. Human Resource Management Journal. 9(2), 20-37.
*Castka, P., Bamber, C. J., & Sharp, J. M. (2003). Measuring teamwork culture: The use of a modified EFQM model. The Journal of Management Development. 22(1), 149-170.
McShane, S. L. & Von Glinow, M. A. (2004). Organizational behavior: Emerging realities for the workplace revolution (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
*Merrifield, D. B. (2005). Obsolescent corporate cultures. Research Technology Management. 48(2), 10-12.
*Pheng, L. (1998). Managing total service quality: A systemic view. Managing Service Quality. 8(1), 34-43.

For this course you will be writing a research paper. The topic must incorporate one or more of the new
trends described in the Topics section below but you are free to choose which trends and the...
organization or industry you wish to focus on.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop practical research and reporting skills.
Throughout your career, you will be asked to investigate and advise on new technologies, approaches to
work, and solutions for the organizations that you work for. An essential skill is the ability to see
through marketing hype and unsubstantiated claims and extract critically examined, unbiased and
relevant information. You should to be able to focus on the practical significance and application of
products, services and practices for your organization and provide authoritative support for any
evaluations and recommendations.
Address one or more of the new trends in the areas of technology, management and organizations
identified as ?What is new in MIS? in Laudon et al, page 6. Select an organization or industry and show
how one or more of these new trends could be implemented and benefit the organization. The
organization could be a large or small business, non-profit organization, or special interest group.
If you have any questions regarding your choice of topic, check with your instructor.
Your reports should:
? Identify and briefly describe the organization or industry the business processes that will be
relevant to your report.
? Describe and assess a problem or an opportunity and which new technologies, management tools
and/or organization tools you think could benefit that organization. Describe how you think these
particular technologies or tools will benefit the organization. Where needed, provide relevant
background about the particular technologies or tools to support your work and help the reader
understand your selected technologies and tools. Tell the reader what they are, what they do and,
where possible, identify real products, tools and/or services.
? Describe how the organization might go about adopting the particular technologies or tools
you?ve select. Pilot test? Is training needed?
? Provide some evidence that this has worked for similar organizations, a related industry or for
similar situations or processes.
? Identify the costs and describe some of the tangible and intangible benefits. Providing actual
dollar amounts for the costs or tangible benefits may not be practical so these are not required.
Format and Organization
? Your report should contain the following components:
i. A heading or title page showing a title, your name, student number, assignment number
and submission date.
ii. A short description of the organization and the business processes relevant to your report
(about 1-2 paragraphs).
iii. A description and assessment of the problems or opportunities you?ll be are addressing
(about 1-3 paragraphs).
iv. Evidence of research and an evaluation of possible solutions - technologies, services,
products, procedures that will help solve the problem or take advantages of the
opportunity. Provide just enough background to help the reader understand your selected
technologies and tools, and only what is relevant to your application (about 1-4
v. Evidence that your solutions have worked for similar organizations, a related industry or
for similar situations or processes (about 1-2 paragraphs but could be as little as 1-2
sentences with references to case studies and ?success stories?).
vi. A plan to adopt the particular technologies and tools that you?ve identified (about 1-2
vii. A description of the costs and the tangible and intangible benefits. (about 1-2 paragraphs).
viii. In-text citations and a bibliography showing your sources.
? The paragraph counts shown above are guidelines and not requirements.
? Your report should be about 1400-1900 words or about 3-4 full-length, single-spaced pages
(excluding headings, titles, works cited, diagrams, charts or illustrations). The emphasis is on a
comprehensive coverage and not about the volume of your work.
? Use paragraph or point form, whatever best suits the subject. E.g. a description of the
organization is best presented in a paragraph format but listing business functions may be easier
to write and read in point form.
? Use several sources of information. Consult other references to verify your information and
support your writing.
? Use either the APA or MLA format for your citations. List all the sources that you used for your
research in a section titled References (APA) or Works Cited (MLA).
? Submit your report in Microsoft Word format. You may use Microsoft Word, LibreOffice,
OpenOffice or WordPerfect but save your document as a Microsoft-standard ?.doc? file.
Reports that do not conform to these requirements may be returned ungraded. You will have one
opportunity to re-submit an assignment within 3 days but 50% will be deducted from your grade.
Guidelines and Grading
? Limit your use of potentially biassed sources such as promotional material or vendor
commissioned ?white papers?.
? You can use Wikipedia but not as your only source. Be sure to follow the citations in the
Wikipedia artcle relevant to your work and make sure you provide credit for all Wikipedia
articles and quotes by using proper citations.
? Your reports may be related to personal experience but they must be supported by credible
sources obtained from books, magazines, journals, seminars, or interviews with industry
? Your reports must not be a translation of course material or your notes from this or any other
? Write your report so that it can be understood by other students in this course. Read your report
and consider: ?If the instructor gave me this report, would I understand it??.
? You may use quotations to support your position but use them sparingly. They are not a
substitute for your own work. A series of quotations, no matter how skilfully presented, does not
make a research paper. Quotations must be shown in quotes with credit given to the author and
source, and included in your Works Cited section.
? Your report must be written in your own words. Don?t copy or simply reword your sources;
that?s called ?plagiarism? and is a serious academic offence.
? Your reports must not be substantially similar to another student?s work. If, in your instructor?s
judgement, there is a strong similarity, all marks will be lost by all students submitting similar
? Don?t use ?sales-babble? - e.g. ?... this program boosts productivity by leveraging state-of-theart
technology making it faster and more powerful ...?. Your report should not be a sales pitch.
? Don?t use ?techno-babble? - i.e. the use of technical or proprietary terms without clear definitions
and explanations of the practical significance of those terms. Don?t recite technical specifications
or features unless they directly support your work and you can clearly explain the practical
significance of these specifications and features.
Some things you will lose marks for . . .
? Unsubstantiated use of terms like ?increased productivity?, ?powerful? and ?greater
efficiency?. These must be qualified and quantified - e.g. What does this mean in terms of
actual sales volumes, production volumes, quality of product, and profits the
? Gratuitous use of empty superlatives and marketing hype such as ?innovative?,
?powerful?, ?flexible?, ?state-of-the-art?, ?award winning?, etc. This is ?literary candy? -
very sweet but little nourishment.
? Plagiarism, in any form and to any degree, will automatically result in a grade of zero and
you will not be given the opportunity to resubmit that report.
Grading and Regrading
Each report will be graded out of 100. The criteria are:
? Evidence of research and use of resources
? Evidence of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis
? Technical accuracy - using the terminology correctly
? Presentation and quality of writing - e.g. sentence structure, grammar, spelling, etc.
? Providing information sources - Use of in-text citations and a bibliography
These criteria are not weighted equally. See the Assignment Rubric for more details and a better
idea of what I am looking for and how I will be evaluating your work. While this is not a writing
class, clarity and accuracy are important, particularly for when the subject is information
Provided you have submitted your report on time, abided by the guidelines and show good
evidence that you have put a reasonable (in my judgement) effort into your report, you may
revise and resubmit your report as many times as you want. I will re-assess your report and
update your grade to reflect your work.
Due Dates
Refer to the dates shown in the Assignment tool.
Refer to the College Style Sheet (Jon Furberg & Richard Hopkins) for information about writing
research papers and the APA and MLA format and citation styles. Reference copies are available
in the College library or you can purchase a copy from the College bookstore. There are also
some excellent on-line guides to the citation styles.
Langara College?s Writing Centre has excellent resources for developing research and reporting
skills including how to do citations and what plagiarism is. The Writing Centre provides personal
tutors to help you with your writing. You can visit the Writing Centre?s web site at

Book: Austin, C. J., & Boxerman, S. B. (2008). Information systems for healthcare management (7th ed.). Chicago: Health Administration Press.

Assignment: Write a 5-7 page paper in which you:
1.Analyze the basic technology underlying health care information systems and determine the most pressing need for innovation.
2.Explain (with specific examples using local hospitals or other health care providers) how your recommended innovation will improve the overall level of health care in your own community.
3.Recommend actions that senior management could take in the community in which you live to push the boundaries of information technology management.
4.Cite at least two (2) references from peer-reviewed sources to support your argumentation.

Please include cites with web addresses and please reference course book as needed...Thanks in advance!

Wind vs. Solar Power

The paper should include the cover sheet with name, class, date, course and section number. Use suitable fonts no smaller than 12-point (except perhaps for footnotes, references, etc.). Use at least margins all around. Note: all graphics and charts, if any, should be incorporated (inserted) directly into the paper (on a Word page) seamlessly, not attached separately in a different format or embedded in a program icon. The paper and all charts should form a single, continuous Word document (and print out as such). All of the work must be original (will be verified via Turn It In), show how numerical solutions were calculated, if any, and cite references for quoted or paraphrased material. Please make the paper sufficiently interesting.

Select TWO potentially disruptive (or transformational) technologies (Specific examples: Cloud,3D printing, renewable energy, advanced robotics, mobile internet , autonomous vehicles, automation of knowledge work) both involving shifting technological or scientific paradigms, where one technology was transformed by the proper management of the technology into a successful product or products while the other failed as a commercial product. Try to be imaginative with the selection. Discuss why the technologies are potentially disruptive or transformational (to a company, industry, or society). For the two selected technologies, compare and contrast the successful technology management process with the unsuccessful one in terms of technology management best practices (i.e., the tools and techniques of technology management). What are the key issues and lessons learned from the selected cases? (The two technology cases, one success and one failure, may be from a single organization or two organizations).

Innovation holds important consequences for the well being of nation states, regions and organizations. The ability of organizations, industries, regions and states to nurture and sustain innovation defines their vibrancy and competitiveness. The understanding and appreciation of the processes through which, and the effectiveness and efficiencies with which each of these institutional structures executes this fundamental task is of paramount importance. Critically demonstrate your understanding and appreciation of innovation processes at the micro-, macro-, and para-institutional level by undertaking the following analyses.

Task: Read the papers by Chesbrough (2003), The Era of Open Innovation, Sloan Management Review, Spring, 44(3), 35-41; and, Chesbrough (2004), Managing Open Innovation, Research Technology Management, Jan/Feb, Jan-Feb, 47(1), 23-26.
Choose a sector and identify one company within it that is an open innovator, as defined by Henry Chesbrough. Elaborate carefully how the company builds an open innovation premise, and detail from your appreciation of this companys efforts the major and pressing challenges of becoming an open innovator.

Please use the Harvard Style of Referencing.

Any questions please let me know.



Teacher requirements-

Your job is to tie the following MAJOR areas of the fields of business together. You may certainly break each area down into its component parts, but you will be graded... on how well you explain the way they impact on each other?.and (the) business as a whole. Remember, your task is not to examine each area individually?you?ve done that over seven tests?but to discuss the interrelationships which create a dynamic, successful, responsive business.

The major areas we?ve examined are:
-forms of ownership
-legal & societal impacts/ethics
-marketing (the widest area)
-accounting/computers & technology/management information
-international implications

How you explore the interrelationships is up to you. Some find it easier to start from scratch, building up a business and exploring the many connections as they go. Just be careful not to fall into the trap of sequentially listing your actions. Your paper should be about interrelationships, although sometimes explaining WHY you made various decisions will give the proper analysis. A paper which doesn?t discuss or point out the interconnections, but instead is a step by step approach to setting up a business, is limited to a maximum score of ?C? (75%), assuming everything is covered well. Others find it easier to sift through an existing (perhaps hypothetical) company, tracing threads through the various areas until the completed fabric is woven. Still others dispense with the ?skeleton? an organization provides, just tracing the ?nerves? (areas) throughout the system, explaining how they impact on each other along their length. Much as some managers or bureaucrats would like to believe it, their piece of the action alone is not the most important part of the operation. A business is a synergism?top marks will go to the person who can explain WHY.

Student requirements-

I'd like to either use a small retail business or an internet retail business as a model. The business would be located in the Rocky Mountains and cater to skiers, climbers and hikers (the teacher knows where my interests lie). The business would relate to the major areas mentioned above as follows-
-owned by me
-financed by local banks
-the business would push/educate consumers on low impact environmental practices
-organizational structure would be flat
-outdoor enthusiasts/?* /commission/no unions
-advertising through outdoor publications, internet, festivals and competitions?employees would have their fingers on the pulse of the target market

* = all question marks are areas left up to writer

All I want to make on the assignment is a "B". Because the teacher knows I work full time and I'm taking another class he'd probably bump a "B" paper up to an A. Thank you....

Evidence-based strategies and materials related to classroom management, engagement, and motivation form a foundation from which teachers can create an emotionally safe classroom where all students ca...n learn. This foundation includes designing classroom management plans, including procedures and policies (e.g., policy for late work, process for taking attendance, use of technology, managing misbehaviors) which promote self-awareness, self-management, self-efficacy, and self-esteem; and encourage interaction, motivation, and engagement.

You will use the following scenario to demonstrate your knowledge of evidence-based strategies and materials related to classroom management, engagement, and motivation and how to apply this knowledge to your licensure area. You may adapt or highlight specific aspects of the scenario to relate it more specifically to your licensure area (e.g., elementary school age students).


Ms. Zalogwe is a teacher with a class of 20 students who vary greatly in their academic and social skill levels. Some of the students are very good in all subjects, some are good in mathematics but do not read well, others are good readers but not do as well in mathematics, and a few are struggling with everything. Because Ms. Zalogwe has had problems in the past with students not completing homework on time or thoroughly, she has developed the following procedures to which she strictly adheres. She has a zero-tolerance policy.

At the beginning of the year, she verbally explains her homework policy. She also gives her students a handout for themselves and for their parents with all the information explained. Throughout the year, when students are not following the policies, she refers them back to the handout.

She has a section of the blackboard devoted to homework information. On this section, she details exactly what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, how many points it is worth, and any other pertinent information. She expects students to read and understand this without devoting class time to it.

All homework assignments must be put into the inbox on the right-hand side of her desk at the beginning of class. All late assignments without acceptable excuses have 5% deducted for each day late. The only excuses accepted are notes from parents or doctors with legitimate reasons for why the student could not have done the homework. Then, the new due date is up to the discretion of the teacher. Typically, a one- or two-day extension is granted.

All graded homework assignments must be picked up from the outbox on the left-hand side of her desk at the beginning of class. This is the responsibility of every student. If graded assignments are not picked up within two days, Ms. Zalogwe takes them out of the outbox, and students must ask her for them after class.

If students believe a mistake has been made in the grading of any assignment or exam, they may make a formal appeal. They have two class sessions after they get their work back to submit an appeal. The appeal should consist of a sentence or two explaining why they believe their answer is correct, and they must support this with the textbook, notes, or other reasoning. The original answer must be stapled to the back of the grade appeal.


A. Evaluate whether the homework policy from the scenario would promote best practices for each of the following within your licensure area:

Rubric: The candidate provides a logical evaluation, with sufficient support, of whether the homework policy from the chosen scenario would promote best practices for positive social interaction within the candidates licensure area.

1. Positive social interaction (use 1 source)

Rubric: The candidate provides a logical evaluation, with sufficient support, of whether the homework policy from the chosen scenario would promote best practices for self-motivation within the candidates licensure area.

2. Self-motivation (use 1 source)

Rubric: The candidate provides a logical evaluation, with sufficient support, of whether the homework policy from the chosen scenario would promote best practices for active engagement within the candidates licensure area.

3. Active engagement (use 1 source)

Rubric: The candidate provides a homework policy, with sufficient detail, for the candidates licensure area using evidence-based strategies and materials.

B. Develop a homework policy for elementary education using evidence-based strategies and materials.

Rubric: The candidate provides a logical explanation, with sufficient support, of how the candidates homework policy promotes principles of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

1. Explain how your homework policy promotes principles of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Note: You must cite the sources that contain the evidence-based strategies and materials that you use to develop your homework policy, as well as any other sources you use.

*When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

RFID in the Military New

We will pay $300.00 for this order!!

The structure for the paper must be as follows
- Introduction (including the thesis or proposition that you intend to support)
- Description of th...e technology
- Its potential applications
- Which technologies will compete with this particular one and why
- How this competition affects businesses
- The possible improvements in the scope of IT if the use of such technology succeeds
- Conclusions supporting your thesis (your perspective in the future of such techonology be it good or bad)

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and its use by and for the military

** Please have the writer re-write the abstract so that it is worded better and is more in tune with the paper**
Premise: Focus the operational needs of the military that can be satisfied by RFID, which will in turn determine future use, selection (what will that be) and justification for purchase of future RFID technology for use by the US. Army.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has numerous applications in both military and civilian organizations. Various configurations are possible, and multiple new applications are envisioned in the near future. Currently, RFID technology is evolving quickly, leaving room for speculation regarding the benefits that RFID investments may or may not provide in the future. Meanwhile, Military commanders/Leaders at all military and Department of Defense levels continue to struggle with the decision to adopt this technology, trying to select the configuration that is most appropriate for their operational needs and that enhances their organization's operational performance. In planning for the introduction of RFID, a Leader must deal with four major technology management issues: selection, justification, implementation and coordination. In this paper, I will primarily deal with the first two issues in technology management -- selection and justification -- and will attempt to show how the military will use these two issues to decide what future uses RFID will have in the military. To better understand the RFID configurations that have been used in practice in a wide range of situations, I will discuss and analyze several current applications of RFID technology that are currently undergoing review in the military and that will set the standards for future use. In this research paper, I will focus on the operational needs satisfied by RFID technology and on the benefits realized in terms of four major process capabilities of an operation: quality, speed, flexibility, and cost.

I need a paper to answer the following question:

META Group research indicates that full-time telecommuters have doubled in number since 2000. Conduct a literature review on telecommuting to identify the Information Technology management challenges associated with a work force that has increasingly more telecommuters including issues such as remote access, security and standard operating environment.

Of the 30 sources, 10-15 need to be peer reviewed journals

Inside Corporate Innovation


Robert A. Burgelman, Inside Corporate Innovation (Free Press, 1988) paperback, ISBN 0-029-043-417.

Read Burgelman?s book and prepare an essay based on, the conc...epts presented by Burgelman and your own business experience (Military electronics)

MS Word document must be no more than 1000 words, but it may include embedded PowerPoint or Excel graphics to illustrate points.

Topic: The Role of Technology and Innovation in Business Strategy

Burgelman?s book Inside Corporate Innovation provides some interesting perspectives for technology management.

Late Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter defined innovation as ?creative destruction of the past? and ?planned abandonment? of historical activities in order to prepared to grasp the future.
But, if strategy is really ?the persistence of a vision? then there is an apparent conflict.

Illustrating with some of the points made by Burgelman regarding technology and innovation, how do you resolve the apparent conflict between ?innovation as abandonment? and ?strategy as persistence??

Please footnote the points used from Burgelman for cross-reference and easy identification. Paper length should be single-spaced and between 4-5 pages long.

? Use the following books as reference:

1. Geoffrey A. Moore, Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Products to Mainstream Customers (New York: HarperCollins, 1991).

2. Richard Foster, Innovation: The Attacker?s Advantage (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986).

Using all the sources, below, synthesize relevant information into 4-6 paragraphs. Examine the sources collectively for similarities and differences, and note patterns that emerge. Organize your synth...esis around those patterns/subheadings. Use subheadings to structure your synthesis so that there is a logical and coherent flow of thought.

Dissertation Review

1. Social media and the Fortune 500: How the Fortune 500 uses, perceives and measures social media as a marketing tool

Grainger, J. (2010). Social media and the fortune 500: How the fortune 500 uses, perceives and measures social media as a marketing tool. Journalism & Mass Communication). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Retrieved from
This study aims to explore if and to what extent social media are being used as a marketing tool at America's largest, most prestigious companies. More specifically, this study aims to determine what social media assets the Fortune 500 (based on the 2009 list) is employing, how communication and social media professionals at these companies perceive the importance of social media as a marketing tool and how the Fortune 500 is measuring the effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool.
The rise of digital and social media has brought about significant changes in the advertising and marketing world. Firms are now being forced to look for new and different ways of communicating with consumers as social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have forced companies to approach consumers differently, more informally and more conversationally. This "new approach" to marketing and advertising also comes with its own set of rules to determine, identify and ultimately measure the effectiveness of social media. This study aims to explore these queries through a multi-method approach that includes Internet searches and a Qualtrics online survey.
The theoretical framework of this topic is still in its early stages of development. Much of the current theory on this topic originates from industry publications and deals with how social media and digital technologies have changed the way in which people communicate, in general, and the way in which consumers interact with products, services and companies, more specifically. This study will add to that theoretical framework by exploring how firms perceive this change in communication and ultimately how they are measuring the effectiveness of social media tools when used in their marketing programs. Moreover the literature on how the measure social media as a marketing tool is very underdeveloped. This research will offer significant and original material to the academic literature on the topic of measurement.

2. Consumers' responses to mobile advertising: A normative social behavior perspective
Soroa-Koury, S. (2008). Consumers' responses to mobile advertising: A normative social behavior perspective. Communication). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Retrieved from
As mobile technology continues to diffuse, the numbers of mobile subscribers continue to grow. With a high penetration of mobile subscribers in the United States, the mobile phone and network is promptly becoming a feasible marketing channel as mobile phones facilitate the exposure to mobile technology.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether social norms and perceptions of mobile advertising play any role in predicting consumers' responses to mobile advertising. The study used a questionnaire survey method to measure mobile users' attitudes, perceptions and adoption intention of mobile advertising. A total of 300 college students from a large southwestern public university were recruited to participate in this study.
The study demonstrated that social norms and misperceptions predicted perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) of mobile advertising. The study also found that PU predicted attitude towards mobile advertising, whereas PEOU did not predict attitude towards mobile advertising. Lastly attitude towards mobile advertising significantly predicted the intention to adopt mobile advertising.
Keywords: Mobile Advertising, Social Norms, Technology Acceptance Model, Questionnaire Survey Method
3. Essays on the influence of social networks on the marketing distribution channel and new product diffusion

Li, S. (2010). Essays on the influence of social networks on the marketing distribution channel and new product diffusion. University of Alberta (Canada)). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Retrieved from

The first essay studies the channel relationship between the reseller and the manufacturer based on a social network theory framework. We propose a conceptual model that approaches this topic from a relational embeddedness perspective. Our analysis shows how the reseller can strategically develop relational ties with a manufacturer that transform the latter's common marketing mix into unique resources that enhance the reseller's own profit.
Results from a large scale survey of beer resellers in a local Chinese market suggest that in a channel setting, social norms (e.g. communication effectiveness and conflict resolution) and social relations influence the reseller's access to the manufacturer's valuable resources. Furthermore, we find that over embeddedness affects the reseller's profit in a non-linear manner. That is, a reseller's effort to develop a relationship with a particular manufacturer may generate information that lacks freshness, objectivity or usefulness, thereby diminishing the reseller's profitability.
Theory of social contagion states that individual's adoption of new product depends on the adoption of his immediate neighbors in a social network in addition to the influence from other sources. This research models the dynamic diffusion process of new drug in a social network of physicians. We simulated the information transmission process in a social network, where each network entity repetitively influences the probability of connected entity's new product adoption. The simulation approach integrates two seemingly contradictive concepts of cohesion and structural equivalence into a single modeling framework. Besides, it incorporates a coefficient that describes an individual entity's efficiency of information transmission. On the one extreme it assumes that information transmits to only one of the network neighbors and on the other extreme it assumes that information transmits to all of the network neighbors.
We revisited Medical Innovation data and empirically find an optimum point for each of the four cities in this data set, using a discrete time hazard model. The four cities demonstrate different patterns of information transmission. Managerially, we suggest different ways of pinpointing initial adopters in different types of social networks.

Article Review

1. Friends, Fans, and Followers: Do ads Work on Social Networks?

Journal of Advertising Research; Mar2011, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p258-275, 18p


The article presents research on Internet advertising, which examines consumer attitudes towards advertising presented on social media by users of those media. It is posited that advertising presented on online social networks can be effective, but that a perception of excessive commercial exploitation of a social network can lead its members to abandon it. A mathematical model of consumer attitudes towards advertising on social media is created based on media use and gratification theory and tested. It was found that consumers reacted most favorably to advertising which was perceived as offering entertainment or information value.

2. Following the Fashionable Friend: The Power of Social Media.

Journal of Advertising Research; Mar2011, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p313-320, 8p


The article presents mass media research on the effects of publicity about brands and brand name products presented in social media or in other digital media. Consumer responses to brand publicity presented in blogs with large audiences and in online periodicals are compared. It was found that the publicity in blogs generated more positive attitudes towards brand and a higher intent to purchase the product. This is partially attributed to the higher degree of social interaction between blogs and their readers. Marketing implications of the findings are discussed.


Journal of Advertising Research; Mar2011, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p313-320, 8p


The article presents mass media research on the effects of publicity about brands and brand name products presented in social media or in other digital media. Consumer responses to brand publicity presented in blogs with large audiences and in online periodicals are compared. It was found that the publicity in blogs generated more positive attitudes towards brand and a higher intent to purchase the product. This is partially attributed to the higher degree of social interaction between blogs and their readers. Marketing implications of the findings are discussed.

4. Schwartz communications, inc
Schwartz communications, inc. (2011). Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Retrieved from
Schwartz Communications is a public relation firm that focuses on serving companies in the health care and technology industries, including medical technology and biotech companies. The independent agency offers traditional public relations and outreach services, as well as specialized services tailored for government and media relations. Other services include branding, crisis management, and social media marketing. Schwartz Communications has offices in San Francisco and Waltham, Massachusetts, and overseas in London and Stockholm. Husband-and-wife team of Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz started the agency in 1990.

5. The Rogers Group
The rogers group. (2011). Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Retrieved from
The Rogers Group offers public relations, public affairs, and strategic communications to business, government, as well as non profit organizations. Services include media relations, crisis communications, multicultural marketing, and government relations. It also has Internet and social marketing expertise. The company has worked with clients such as Junior Blind of America, Los Angeles Unified School District, and Watt Commercial Properties. Founded in 1978, The Rogers Group was acquired by Ruder Finn, a public relations firm based in New York, in April 2011. The Rogers Group is being merged with Ruder Finn's West Coast office network and will be known as Rogers/Ruder Finn and Ruder Finn/West.
6. Social Communications in Advertising
Leiss, W., Kline, S., Jhally, S., & Lake, R. (1993). Social communication in advertising // review. Canadian Journal of Communication, 18(1), 104-105. Retrieved from
This is a revised and enlarged edition of the 1986 book. Changes include a completely new chapter on political marketing; Chapter 12, "Issues in Social Policy," has been substantially re - written, as has Chapter 7 on the modern advertising industry. The revisions to Chapters 12 and 7 strengthen an already useful contribution to the literature that looks at advertising as something other than merely the manipulation of "false" needs. The new chapter on political marketing is less successful. The many merits of this book issue from the authors' success in pursuing what they call a single thread of argument: "national consumer product advertising has become one of the great vehicles of social communication" (p. 1). To this end they briefly look at neoliberal and Marxist critiques of advertising. Part 2 takes us from the origins of the consumer culture through the linking of media and advertising to a description of the modern advertising industry. Part 3, the Theatre of Consumption, is the main course. The authors apply semiological and content analyses to advertising including a discussion of the pitfalls of each. The advertisements they choose to accompany their text are invariably apt, ranging from a lipstick recommended by a very young Henry Fonda to Castoria, the safe laxative for children.
7. Accidental Activists: Using facebook to drive change
Vericat, J. (2010). Accidental activists: Using facebook to drive change. Journal of International Affairs, 64(1), 177-180. Retrieved from
In an interview, Randi Zuckerberg, who works on marketing, politics, current events and nonprofits for Facebook Inc, talked about how 500 million friends are turning the online social network into people power and change for the better. According to Zuckerberg, he thinks it is important to remember that social media used effectively for fundraising is, in many ways, still in its infancy. In the cancer research example, $135,000 was raised, but 5.5 million people were also made more aware of that particular issue. Awareness is an immensely powerful tool to effect social change. He said that Facebook as a whole represents the cumulative interaction of 500 million people, each creating their own story. They are incredibly inspired by the stories they hear on a daily basis, about how people have used Facebook to change their lives and the lives of those around them.
9.Trustine in different advertising media
Soh, H., Reid, L. N., & King, K. W. (2007). Trust in different advertising media. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 84(3), 455-476. Retrieved from
Trust has been investigated by behavioral and social scientists from different disciplines. Despite the interdisciplinary research, studies of advertising trust are not abundant in the literature, though both academic and trade investigations have incorporated and measured the construct. This study was conducted to examine consumer trust in different advertising media and the relationship of that trust to media credibility. Results indicate that (1) advertising media are neither especially trusted nor distrusted by consumers; (2) there is variation in consumer trust across different advertising media; (3) trust in specific ad media is differentially associated with education and income; and (4) trust in advertising media and media credibility are correlates, though trust in advertising is distinct and separate from the credibility construct. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
10. Moral distinvtions in advertising, public relations, and journalism
Boynton, L. (2004). Mixed media: Moral distinctions in advertising, public relations, and journalism. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(1), 187-188. Retrieved from
Although Smith's text is structured specifically for the print and broadcast journalist Thomas Bivins acknowledges the non-vacuous nature of the mass communication profession, and includes journalism, advertising, and public relations issues within his book, Mixed Media. As Bivins notes, it is important to consider the ethical aspects of various forms of communication, particularly in a time when many journalism programs offer ethics courses for all mass communication students, not just those pursuing journalistic reporting and editing.
The author, who is professor and John L. Hulteng Chair of Media Ethics at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication, has written extensively on mass communication ethics and the application of ethical theory to public relations. His broad viewpoint helps bring the main mass communication players under the same publication "roof."
The text is designed to provide readers with ethical decision-making guidelines, and calls on students to apply their critical thinking skills to resolve dilemmas. Bivins presents the crux of the teaching challenge: "The only possibility of arriving at anything approaching a satisfactory response to our moral dilemmas lies not with rote answers to prepackaged questions but with real sweat that comes only from real thinking." This approach is most evident in the end-of-chapter questions that ask students to apply concepts and defend their responses.
The book's structure permits examination of ethical issues and dilemmas common to the three disciplines, including avoiding harm and telling the truth, professionalism, and social responsibility. The opening chapter helps set the stage of ethical discussions by providing some much-needed guidance into what constitutes an ethical issue; distinctions among values, ideals, and principles; the interplay between personal and professional ethics; and basic similarities and differences in how ethical foundations are applied in the three disciplines. A chapter on ethics theory, although relatively short, is structured in a way to reflect how these primary philosophies may be useful in resolving modern-day dilemmas. A thirty-plus-page appendix includes codes of ethics for print and broadcast journalism, public relations, and advertising.
Although Bivins includes all three professions, the focal point of the text remains under the umbrella of journalism and less on the inter-relationship that exists among the disciplines. Many of the case examples are journalism-based, and follow-up questions steer students toward dilemmas of the reporters and editors. The text could use more elements of comparison to show how these professions interact. For example, an exercise calling for students to examine one of the media/communication ethics codes could be broadened to ask students to compare codes and see for themselves where similarities, differences, and interactivity exist. A case study called "Defining a Journalist" omits the opportunity to define the other two professions.
Despite this shortcoming, it is encouraging to see one text that acknowledges the three disciplines. It is a practical handbook for students who will enter mass communication fields.
The two other books seem to take the teaching ethics challenge out of its traditional box of practical wisdom, encouraging readers to tackle diverse viewpoints and utilize nonjournalistic catalysts for critical thinking.
11. Marketing changes the corporate culture
Messikomer, E. (1987). Marketing changes the corporate culture. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2(4), 53-53. Retrieved from
In order to make a company a first-class marketing organization, a marketing community must be created within the company. This means changing the basic way in which the company and employees see themselves, the business environment, and the future. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Inc. management saw that new strategies were needed because of changes in the industry and the world marketplace. First, the basic product line was redefined, including rapid diversification. This required no changes in the corporate culture. Then, a major new emphasis was put on marketing. Du Pont's effort to build a marketing community began with the presentation of a series of marketing seminars. Then, programs were instituted to reemphasize quality so that everyone in the firm had higher standards. The organizational chart was revised from departments organized by product technology to a marketplace focus. A Corporate Marketing Recognition program publicly showed management support for the new focus.
12. Are we losing trust through technology
Rich, M. (2002). Are we losing trust through technology? The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 17(2), 215-222. Retrieved from
The field of marketing has had a history of individuals and organizations attempting short-term gain through less than ethical means. The advent of the Web and other technological advances has placed powerful resources in the hands of practitioners. Coupled with that power is an acute public awareness of marketing abuses that have adversely hindered subsequent marketing efforts. Marketers need to address basic marketing skills through old-fashioned personal contact and personal relations that probably never will be effectively replaced with modern IT methodology. Additionally, marketing should take a proactive approach to defining marketing responsibilities to the public it serves to overcome the reputation that is established by a few who are unethical in their approach to the craft.
13. The importance of advertising and the relative lack of research
Johnston, W. (1994). The importance of advertising and the relative lack of research. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 9(2), 3-3. Retrieved from
An editorial states that although business advertisers rarely expect instant orders from advertising, advertising programs must be held accountable. Expenditures on advertising must also be evaluated in comparison with money spent on other elements of marketing communications and promotion. There is no single measure of advertising effectiveness. In general, there are 2 approaches used: 1. communication-effect research, and 2. sales-effect research. Researchers have a major role to play in advancing the state-of-the-art in business-to-business advertising, especially in measuring effectiveness.

14. Transforming marketing strategy for small businesses
Harris, L., & Rae, A. (2010). The online connection: Transforming marketing strategy for small businesses. The Journal of Business Strategy, 31(2), 4-12. doi:10.1108/02756661011025017
The purpose of this paper is to review recent developments in online marketing strategy which demonstrate the growing power of online communities in building brand reputations and customer relationships. The work draws upon the results of an ongoing research project which is investigating the use of new technologies by entrepreneurial businesses in the London area. A range of examples from our 30 case study businesses are drawn upon to illustrate some of the opportunities and threats associated with these new marketing priorities. We conclude that social networks will play a key role in the future of marketing; externally they can replace customer annoyance with engagement, and internally they help to transform the traditional focus on control with an open and collaborative approach that is more conducive to success in the modern business environment. Further research should aim to track this activity as it integrates with more mainstream marketing over time. Developments in the technologies themselves, as well as a reduction in costs, will mean that more and more information will be available to consumers. This results in unprecedented levels of transparency of dealings between businesses and their customers. A key challenge when engaging customers through these social networks is how to give away power and control while at the same time avoiding embarrassment to the company. The paper provides practical guidance on the opportunities and threats associated with marketing through social networks, based on lessons learned from early adopters.
15. Social Media and Innovation
The revolution will be shared: Social media and innovation. (2011). Research Technology Management, 54(1), 64-66. Retrieved from
Many executives still hear only the social in social media -- and think recreational time waster. But social media has a place in the business world, and that place is much bigger than LinkedIn and extends far beyond the marketing department. From CEOs on Twitter to corporate Facebook pages, social media has decidedly grown up and gone to work. For most of people, social media means Facebook, Twitter, and maybe LinkedIn. But social media extends far beyond the Facebook profile to include wikis, blogs, sites for sharing pictures or bookmarks, and a host of other focused applications. Users of social media don't consume content or even interact with it. Instead, they generate content, collaboratively creating, editing, sharing, tagging, and organizing information, reshaping the contributions of others and engaging in peer-to-peer discussion. The most obvious uses of social media for innovation fall under the broad umbrella of open innovation.

The idea of Net-Centric computing is a relatively recent formulation, although in many ways it revisits the old architecture of mainframes and terminals. The WikiPedia definition ( is short and to the point:

"A net-centric environment is one in which users and local applications depend upon common services for functionality and data. Users can access applications and data through web services. This provides an information environment that comprises interoperable computing and communication components. A net-centric environment exploits advancing technology to move from an application-centric to a data-centric paradigm."

It is clear that this perspective commands a lot of interest and has some powerful forces behind it, not the least of which is the US Department of Defense. But it is also clear that like many powerful concepts, it is capable of being interpreted in so many different ways that its functional meaning is frequently obscure. To say, as one analyst has described it, that "the underlying principle of net-centric computing is that of an intelligent distributed environment where applications and data are available on demand" is to promise a great deal, but none of it particularly specific.

The paper by Mark V. Goodyear and Richard A. Chang (The next computing wave: Gift or Pandora's box? Outlook Journal. 1999, #1: is a very descriptive and very provocative development of these ideas, suggesting many possibilities and promising many returns. However, it is so much longer on suggestion than on specifics.

To make sense of this concept, it's necessary to put in context and observe the specific implications that can be drawn from it within that context. One attempt to do this has been the paper "NET-CENTRIC COMPUTING: A POSTGRADUATE COURSE"

Krassie Petrova, Nurul Sarkar, and Jim Buchan of the Auckland University of Technology, outlining an approach to using a Net-Centric model in an educational context. As the case for this module, we're asking you to extend this idea in what we hope is an interesting fashion.

Please read the two papers referenced above, and research the concept of Net-Centric computing using the background materials and any other material that seems useful to you. Next, please examine the curriculum for TUI's Information Technology Management programs, described at; you are probably generally familiar with it already, but we are inviting you consider here from a Net-Centric perspective.

When you have finished your research here, you'll be in a position to write a short

(5-7 page) paper discussing the question:

How could TUI incorporate Net-Centric principles into its existing information technology management degree programs?

This is an open-ended assignment; we've chosen not to provide specific questions to guide you here, but rather to let you formulate your answer in a Net-Centric fashion; the Petrova et al. article should provide some structure if you need it. If it's really frustrating you and you need some further guidance, please contact your professor and we'll try to see what we can to help.

Clearly, there is no single right answer to this question; we aren't looking for you to come up with a particular answer, but rather to creatively apply some new principles to a setting you are reasonably familiar with. There are lots of possibilities, and we will be interested to see what you come up with.

I request that this paper be written by ?bolavens?. This is the 3rd of 5 and again use the ?Making A Case? to structure the arguments.
5 pages
1 inch margins all around
Times ...New Roman, 12 pt Font

Objective: Identify key inputs and determine how they interact and support strategy.
Background: This paper focuses on the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model. Refer to the Case 2 for any specifics on the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model. Then read ?A Model for Diagnosing Organizational Behavior. Organizational Dynamics. Pgs 35-51. (file is attached)
According to the authors, "Our congruence model of organizational behavior is based on how well components fit together ? that is the congruence among components; the effectiveness of this model is based on the quality of these ?fits? or ?congruence.? (p.39).
From the reading you will see that there are four input categories:
? Environment (factors external to the organization)
? Resources (factors internal to the organization)
? Organizational history (Persistent Traditions)
? Strategy (goals, objectives and strategic initiatives)
Workforce cultural factors in TQM/CQI implementation in hospitals. Health Care Management Review, Vol.25, Iss.3; p.80-93
Water utilities as integrated businesses. American Water Works Association Journal, Vol.91, Iss.11; p.72
Closing the channel loop. Marketing Direct, p.S11-S12,S14-S15
Innovation and enterprise growth. Research Technology Management, Vol.48, Iss.4; p.34-44
An Empirical Study of the Relationships Between IT Infrastructure Flexibility, Mass Customization, and Business Performance. Database for Advances in Information Systems, Vol.36, Iss.3; p.26-44
Using the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model, conduct an analysis of Skype's inputs and how they align with the strategy.
For the analysis, I suggest that you start with strategy, since you have already done some work on this aspect in your first report. Review Skype?s strategy and then determine which one of Porter?s competitive strategies fits with this strategy. Then review the company?s inputs and determine one or two specific critical inputs from each input category: environment, resources, and history.
Ultimately, I want you to determine how aligned the critical inputs are with the strategy. Is there high congruence (alignment), some congruence, or little to no congruence? I expect you to support your claim with a good, logical argument using the information you have collected
In order to make this case, you first need to review the strategy and then classify it as one of Porter?s competitive strategies. Then identify the Key Input factors in the first three categories. Explain why these are the critical input factors. Then determine how congruent the three input factors are with the strategy.
Be sure to include references. Turn in the 5 page paper by the end of the module.
First discuss the organization?s strategy and classify it according to Porter?s three generic competitive strategies.
Then identify the most critical inputs in each of the first three categories and justify WHY they are critical. Also explain what effect the inputs from one category have on inputs from the other categories. How well does the strategy fit with the environmental, resource and historical inputs you identified?
Make a Case for your proposition as to how the Key Inputs support (are congruent with) the Strategy. Specifically make a claim: ?The inputs at Skype consisting of Organizational Environment factors. Internal Resource factors, and Historical Tradition factors are, [highly, partially, or minimally] congruent with the company?s strategy.?
Support your analysis with objective evidence. Sources of information for the entire project may include interviews, organizational documents and reports, articles in newspapers and trade publications. Be sure to cite your sources and provide a list of references.

The student will select the two techniques from the following list (note that data-driven decision-making aka data analytics is a mandatory selection):
? Data-driven decision-making aka data analy...tics (mandatory selection)
? Decision support systems
? Outsourcing to include offshoring
? Sustainable supply chain management

The student will submit a report in pdf format which integrates their analysis and the application to their organization and/or to Acme Mexico City.

Critical thinking, information literacy, problem-solving, systems thinking, and technology fluency are required.


Within your report, on the first two techniques, address the following:
Describe the purpose of each technique chosen

How does or should this help operations?

What are the limitations of the technique?

What are the costs involved? What training is needed to use the technique? What else is needed?

In your own organization or at Acme Mexico City, what is the problem, opportunity, or challenge to be addressed?

How will each technique help your own organization's or Acme Mexico City's operations? Why?

?What would be the areas which present challenges in the approach (e.g., cost, training, culture, technology, management commitment, etc.)

Within your report, on linear programming applied at Acme Mexico City, address the following:

The specific task of this second part of the assignment, which is to recommend a low-cost (not necessarily the minimum cost) customer service employee daily assignment schedule.

The following information is provided:

To the extent permitted by local law, each Acme Home Improvements store, including Acme Mexico City, is open from 7 am - 11 pm every day.

Acme Mexico City advance planners in North Carolina have provided the following table, which identifies the minimum number of customer service employees estimated to be needed on the floor of the store each hour of a typical work day:

Customer Service Employees

Time Period

Minimum number needed on the floor

7 am - 8 am


8 am - 9 am


9 am - 10 am


10 am - 11 am


11 am - 12 pm


12 pm - 1 pm


1 pm - 2 pm


2 pm - 3 pm


3 pm - 4 pm


4 pm - 5 pm


5 pm - 6 pm


6 pm - 7 pm


7 pm - 8 pm


8 pm - 9 pm


9 pm - 10 pm


10 pm - 11 pm


In the interest of cost control, the planners have also imposed a not-to-exceed maximum of 30 customer service employees on the floor at any time.

Full-time customer service employees at AMC work a 9 hour shift (8 hours of work plus a 1 hour meal break) either from 7 am to 4 pm or from 2 pm to 11 pm. Workers on the 7-4 shift are assigned an hour-long lunch break at either 11 am or 12 noon. Workers on the 2-11 shift are assigned an hour-long dinner break at either 5 pm or 6 pm.

Part-time customer service employees work four consecutive hours per day and their shifts can start any hour between 7 am and 7 pm. They receive no meal breaks.

By corporate policy, which is consistent with Mexican labor law, the company limits the hours worked by part-time customer service employees to 50% of the day's total scheduled hours.

Part-time customer service employees earn $500 per day, and full-time customer service employees earn $1100 per day in salary and benefits (here, $ = Moneda Nacional, ie, the Mexican peso).

Acme operations analysts working in North Carolina, working with the AMC advance planners, have used linear programming to propose in accordance with the foregoing factors, an employee assignment schedule for a typical day. Their proposed schedule is the following item in Course Content. You may elect to recommend this schedule or one that is different.

Within your report, include the following:
1.An employee assignment schedule for a typical day
2. A discussion of your underlying assumptions and of the qualitative factors that you believe are involved.
3.A further discussion of how non-typical days might affect the schedule
4. Optionally, and for extra points to be determined by your section professor, a sensitivity analysis that shows how relaxation of the 50% constraint on the hours worked by part-time customer service employees might affect the daily personnel costs

Respectfully request writer bolavens. Each of the diagnostic models presented in Module One had particular strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model is particularly... strong in terms of Inputs. Therefore, for this part of the case, I would like you to analyze your chosen organization's key inputs. (The Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company. Start by reading the article by Nadler and Tushman in the Background page.
David Nadler is the founder and CEO of Mercer Delta Consulting Group
Nadler, D.A. & Tushman, M.L. (1980) A model for diagnosing organizational behavior. Organizational Dynamics, 9 (2), 35-51. This will tell you how to go about completing such an analysis. The description in the module one Falletta reading will not be enough and lead to a shallow analysis.

Remember that inputs include:



Organizational history


You will not be able to identify all of the inputs in such a short paper, but try to

identify the most critical ones in each category and justify WHY they are critical.
Consider how they impact the organizations and any problems associated with insuring their availability.
Also, explain how these inputs interact with each other.
You must support your analysis with objective evidence. Sources of information for the entire project may include interviews, organizational documents and reports, articles in newspapers and trade publications, and personal knowledge (though you should corroborate this when possible.) Be sure to cite your sources and provide a bibliography for each module's case.

TIP: The "Optional Material" provided below contains several journal articles that take an open systems view of organizational analysis. If you want to get a "feel" for what comes out of this type of analysis, feel free to check some of them out.

Write up your case in a 4-5 page paper and submit it by the end of the module.

Optional Material

What follows is a sampling of six articles that approach organizational analysis and/or diagnosis from an open systems perspective. They demonstrate that the principles of open systems apply to a wide variety of organizational concerns - from community development efforts to supply chains.

All of these articles are available through the Touro College Library system. The specific databases are indicated following "Source".

Wiley, Angela R.; Thomas, R. Elizabeth; Stewart, Eric; McCoy, Jon; Kloos, Bret; Hunt, Gladys D.; Moore, Thom; Rappaport, Julian; Good, Trudy L. (1997). Bridging the Gap Between Schools and Community: Organizing for Family Involvement in a Low-Income Neighborhood. Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation, Vol.8, Iss.3; p.277

Source: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

Ziaul Huq; Thomas N Martin. (2000) Workforce cultural factors in TQM/CQI implementation in hospitals. Health Care Management Review, Vol.25, Iss.3; p.80-93

Source: ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry

Miriam Heller; Eric W Von Sacken; Richard L Gerstberger. (1999) Water utilities as integrated businesses. American Water Works Association Journal, Vol.91, Iss.11; p.72

Source: ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry

Rob McLuhan. (2005) Closing the channel loop. Marketing Direct, p.S11-S12,S14-S15

Source: ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry

Marc H Meyer; Mark Anzani; George Walsh. (2005) Innovation and enterprise growth. Research Technology Management, Vol.48, Iss.4; p.34-44

Source: ABI/INFORM Global

Sock H Chung; Terry Anthony Byrd; Bruce R Lewis; F Nelson Ford. (2005) An Empirical Study of the Relationships Between IT Infrastructure Flexibility, Mass Customization, and Business Performance. Database for Advances in Information Systems, Vol.36, Iss.3; p.26-44

Final Project (Week 8)

The final project is a case study based on a business experiencing a significant change in its environment, e.g., a business that has been a success as a sole proprie...torship and is now deciding to grow. It will need a new business form, additional people, and a rethinking of its business plan. Among the things that the business leadership must now deal with are these:

What are the critical business functions that must be considered (and protected) in making the change? Why is it so important to consider these functions generally and during a transition of this type?
What will be the needs of current employees going through this change? How might those needs be met while successfully integrating new employees into the business?
What systems or processes need attention or adjustment to ensure that they will meet the needs of the expanded business (e.g., internal and external communications processes, financial systems, technology, management processes, etc.)?
What are the ethical issues highlighted by this change? (Consider customers, employees, the community, other stakeholders.) How can the business ensure that ethical issues will be dealt with most appropriately when it is an expanded entity? What social responsibilities might the new business entity assume? Why would it be to its advantage to assume these responsibilities, especially now?

3 Pages

Technology Management and Improving Department Performance as

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Technology Underlying Healthcare Information and Determine the

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Inside Corporate Innovation

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Net-Centric Computing Computers, More Specifically

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The idea of Net-Centric computing is a relatively recent formulation, although in many ways it revisits the old architecture of mainframes and terminals. The WikiPedia definition ( is short…

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Msft Skype the Nadler Tushman Congruence Model

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I request that this paper be written by ?bolavens?. This is the 3rd of 5 and again use the ?Making A Case? to structure the arguments. Format: 5 pages 1 inch…

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ACME Mexico City Analysis Acme New Mexico

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HD Inputs the Nadler-Tushman Congruence

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Respectfully request writer bolavens. Each of the diagnostic models presented in Module One had particular strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model is particularly strong…

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