25+ documents containing “Team Dynamics”.
The primary purpose of this paper is to examine conflict resolution in an adult learning team enviroment.
It needs a very clear thesis statement along the lines of this I have aded below.
This paper on conflict resolution and team dynamics will include information about communication, responsibility, and conflict. Understanding team dynamics is important to working successfully with others. The dynamics of a team are the forces that produce activity and change of the team as well as the forces and motions that characterize the team. As every team is comprised of different people the dynamics of each team will be unique. In today's online education systems we must understand the real execution of team effort and how to achieve quality work and top performance as a group.
Communication plays an essential role in team dynamics. Each team member should be able to communicate well with other members of the team both individually, and as a group. A team captain can help with communication issues as well as keeping the team on track. Lack of leadership, conversely affects the team in its focus and goal achievement
In one 700- to 800-word paper, examine one aspect of team dynamics. Include the following elements in your examination:
* A thesis statement, introduction, body, and conclusion
* A minimum of four references
* APA formatting
Thank you.
Select one of the following aspects of team dynamics to serve as the basis of the Individual Paper on Team Dynamics. Possible topics include:
1. Project planning in teams
2. Team communication
3. Conflict resolution strategies
4. Team members roles
Freewrite what is known about the topic and look for threads of an idea. Develop some potential paragraph topics.
paper that analyzes team dynamics:
a.Describe the process your team has used to form, storm, norm, and perform. At this point, where do you believe your team is in the team formation proces...s?
Please write a brief summary (100 words) on how the processes you belive the team uses:Perform and Where the Team Currently stands?As of right now the group is between norming and perform since just one of the group members just left due to personal issues. but noticed a decline in thats members particpation since are last class.
Here are some sites that can help you get started and give you a better understanding of these processes:
b.What strategies have you used as a team to manage your group process?
Assignment: Please write a brief summary (100 words) about some of the strategies used to manage the team:Brainstorming
c.What roles has each team member played thus far? How has that affected the team?s dynamics? Be sure to use the roles identified in the text to support your analysis. This can be very general.
d.Each team member please take the Jung Personality Profile.My personality is ENFJ which means that I am slightly expressed extrovert
moderately expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed judging personality
Each team member should write a little bit about your personality based on the test. (please name and give a brief description of your personality, mention strengths and weaknesses) remember to include what role ( based on the book) your specific personality has contributed to the team.
I found this helpful website that analyzes all the personalities.
www.typelogic.com more
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.
? Paper is 700-1,050 words in length.
Paper explains the difference between a group and a team
An examination of the importance of workplace diversity in an organization.
An explanation of how diversity relates to team dynamics in the workplace.
Group and Teams Paper
? Write a 700-1,050-word paper in which you explain the differences between a group and a team.
? Include an examination of the importance of workplace diversity in an organization, and how it relates to team dynamics in the workplace.
? Cite your references. If you used an electronic source, include the link.
? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
The content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive.
The paper develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience.
The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.
Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.
Work Team Dynamics
Reading Assignment
Shortell & Kalunzy, Chap. 6,7,8
Assignment Type: Individual Project Points Possible: 50 Deliverable Length: 2?3 pages
Choose one assignment. You will be graded on only one assignment.
Choice 1:
All power is relational. So to truly understand power, one must know the different types of relationships that define the organization and, more importantly, how these relationships manifest themselves. This involves observing the relationships as they play out under normal everyday circumstances.
? What are specific ways to limit the potential for power abuse in health care organizations?
? What specific human resource strategies and transparency mechanisms could be created within hospitals or physician practices, for example, that would help prevent any stakeholder, particularly the top leaders of an organization, from pursuing self-interested goals in suspect ways?
3. Individual Reflection on Team Experience
Team work is an important skill in today?s workplace whether it?s virtual teams or face-to-face. In this class you will be sharpening this skill; m...uch of your coursework will be done collaboratively and virtually. This individual assignment will give you the opportunity to reflect on your team experience and connect it to concepts and theories presented in the course. You are asked to describe how your group/team evolved over the term of the course including:
? the dynamics that occurred between the members and within the group/team
? the structure that emerged for the group/team
? any conflict that may have arisen in your group/team
You are then asked to connect your experience with group dynamics concepts presented in the course to illustrate their relevance. You are also asked to compare and contrast your intra-group conflict experience with techniques presented in the course. The reflection paper should be 10-15 pages in length and should include references to the textbook as well as at least 5 relevant journal articles.
The format of your paper should be as follows:
Cover page
Table of contents
Evolution of the group/team over the term
Group/team dynamics
Group structure
Intergroup/intra-group conflict
Reference List
Here is the grade rubric that will be used for the individual reflection on the team experience paper.
5020 Grade Rubric for Individual Reflection on Team Experience ?
Course Competency 3 & 4
Criterion Does not meet basic criterion Meets basic criterion Proficient Outstanding
Provides a complete overview and discussion of the team?s evolution through effective Table of Contents, Introduction and Summary Does not provide Table of Contents introduction and summary. (14) Introduction and summary related to the chosen OB topic; may lack Table of Contents. (16) Provides sufficient information about the team?s evolution to provide robust context for the rest of the paper; provides Introduction, Summary and Table of Contents. (18) Gives detailed and compelling information about the team?s evolution and provides robust summary and Table of Contents. (20)
Discusses group/team dynamics for both individuals and the group, and illustrates them with relevant course concepts and theories Does not discuss the team dynamics as they affect the individuals and group; does not illustrate dynamics with relevant concepts and theories. (22) Discusses group dynamics and provides limited illustration with one relevant course concept and/or theory. (27) Discusses group dynamics and provides limited illustration with two relevant course concepts and/or theories. (29) Discusses group dynamics and provides limited illustration with more than two relevant course concepts and/or theories. (32)
Discusses conflict that arose within the team and compares an contrasts it with relevant course concepts and theories Did no discussion of conflict; did not compare and contrast conflict with relevant course concepts and theories. (22) Discusses group conflict and compares and contrasts with one relevant course concept or theory. (27) Discusses group conflict and compares and contrasts with two relevant course concepts or theories. (28) Discusses group conflict and compares and contrasts with more than two relevant course concepts or theories. (32)
Writes at graduate level including sufficient and appropriate references in APA style Poorly written, incoherent sentences, poor spelling, unacceptable grammar and/or fewer than 5 references. (11) Numerous writing errors but sufficient, appropriate and correct references or vice versa. (13) Very few errors in writing and referencing; more than 5 journals cited. (14) Virtually no errors in writing and referencing; more than 8 journals cited. (16)
Total 69 83 89 100
Total grade percent for Individual Reflection Paper = 17
4. Participation
The atmosphere of the class is intended to be open, non-critical, exploratory, and opinion-forming. The honest academic search for facts, current status, and investigation needs to occur in an open, risk-free type situation. Ask your questions, formulate your thoughts and learn to express them to the class, while being open to and respectful of others? beliefs, values, and contributions.
The name of the course is Managing Organizational Behavior.
The name of the book is Organizations, Behavior, Structure, Processes, Fourteenth Edition by James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich, James H. Donnelly, Jr. Robert Konopaske.
Please feel free to use your experience and or your imagination dealing with group projects. A little to know about my team lead is that she?s a go getter. She is the type who ensures that everything is done on time and correctly. She?s really a true leader.
Please note that the group was selected by the professor and Michele volunteer to me the team lead. Feel free to call me at 347-528-3073 or email me nolberto11234@juno.com if you have any questions. Thanks!
Please write an assignment titled: Individual Reflection on Team Experience..Use, username KIRAN 1976 more
Note: Basic information on all subjects provided below. Associate how I can apply these skills to my job as Health Readiness Coordinator.
Group & Organization Dynamics
A) Decision Making Process
B) Communication & Motivation
1) Body Positioning
2) Facial Expressions
3) Encoding & Decoding
4) Formal & Informal Comunication
5) Listening Styles
C) Leadership Styles
1) Autocratic
2) Democratic
3) Free Rain
A) Team Building (Team Dynamics)
1) Organizational boundaries/level
2) Internal Barriers
3) Theories of behavior (Conflicts)
A) Emotional & Cognitive
4) Process of Team Building
Basic Statistics
A) Analyzing data
1) Population & Sample
2) Mean, Median, and Mode
3) Stem & Leaf
B) Interpreting data
1) Bias or unbiased
C) Displaying data
1) Descriptive Data: Bar graph, Histgram, etc.
D) Making decisions based on data
E) Inferential Statistics
700 word paper in which you explain the differences between a group and a team.
Include an examination of the importance of workplace diversity in an organization, and how it relates to team dynamics in the workplace.
Cite your references. If you used an electronic source, include the link.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Write a 900-word paper in which the paper explains the differences between a group and a team. Include an examination of the importance of workplace diversity in an organization, and how it relates to team dynamics in the workplace.
Please sources that are available from the internet.
Please find attached herewith some important information about my assignment:
The requirement: making a Book Report
Degree: MBA in Human Resources Management from
Washin...gton International University
No. of pages: 5 pages (double spaced)
Name of the book: The Team Trainer, Winning Tools and Tactics for Successful Workouts
Authors: William Gorden, Erica Nagel, Scott Myers and Carole Barbato
Date of Publication: 1996
Published by: McGraw-Hill
Place of Publication: USA
Guidelines given by the University to make the Book Reports:
1.Bibliography Entry including the following: Author, title, Place of Publication, Publisher and Date of Publication.
2.The statement: three to five sentences written in present tense, focused directly on what is the central idea of the book.
3.What in this book is relevant to (HRM)?
4.What are the author?s main points?
5.Are the author?s main points valid? Why?
6.Critical issues: two or more statements about topics and positions taken on topics. With each of the issues you uncover, indicate briefly the author?s stand on the issue and what the author is trying to say about the issue.
7.Presentation: discuss the author?s use of language, clarity, and readability.
8.Use of evidence: what types of evidence does the author use? Primary? Secondary? Comment on the nature of the evidence.
9.What have I learned from this book?
What common issues are there with other two books? (1. Accountability in Human Resources Management by Jack J. Phillips and 2. The Management of a Multicultural Workforce by Monir H. Tayeb).
10.Grasp new ideas quickly that are presented in book and incorporate them into your body of information. Make efforts to excel by learning and asking questions.
11.Be critical and creative. Use your own words when writing the Book Report, agree or disagree with the author and justify your statements.
Contents of the Book:
Part I:
Foundations for Teamwork
Chapter 1: Give Me A T..
Chapter 2: Highly Effective Teams:
Chapter 3: From Quality Circles to Self-Directed Work Groups
Chapter 4: The Benchmark Process
Chapter 5: Understanding Team Dynamics
Part: II :
Experimental Workouts for Team Building
Chapter 7: Note to The Trainer-Facilitator
Chapter 8: How is our Workplace a System?
Chapter 9: How Does our System Operate?
Chapter 10: We are all in this Together
Chapter 11: And Now for the Weather
Chapter 12: Uncommon Sense
Chapter 13: Teamwork (Brainstorming)
Chapter 14: Head Over Heels
Chapter 15: It Begins With Me
Chapter 16: Presentations Made Easy
Chapter 17: Listening is a Team Effort
Chapter 18: When The Ball Is In Your Court
Chapter 19: Improving Your Team?s Listening Skills
Chapter 20: Friendly Teamwork
Chapter 21: Clash, Bang, Boom
Chapter 22: The Team That Plays Together Stays Together
Chapter 23: Can This Decision Be Made?
Chapter 24: A Tool Kit for Problem Solving
Chapter 25: When People Agree (Decision By Design)
Chapter 26: Team Think (Goal Setting)
Chapter 27: Transforming Work Into A Vision of Love (The Nonverbal Element)
Chapter 28: The Final Frontier
Chapter 29: The Smile Doesn?t Mean I am Happy
Part III:
Roots of Work Groups Research
The 1920s And 1930s
Chapter 31: Work Group Action Research in The 1940s
Chapter 32: Studies of Work Groups in The 1950s
Chapter 33: Studies of Work Groups in The 1960s
Chapter 34: Work Group Action Research on More Recent Times
Thnaks !! more
Groups and Teams Paper Write a 700- word paper in which you explain the differences between a group and a team.
Include an examination of the importance of workplace diversity in an organization, and how it relates to team dynamics in the workplace.
Cite 3 references. If you used an electronic source, include the link.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Please note references to use from book
****use writergurl1011 from my last paper*******
****1 page is for 6 journal entries*******
******2 pages are for the essay*********
Team/Individual Case Study:
Select a team or ...individual that is currently in-season so that you can track their progress and any issues they encounter. You can choose a team that is not currently in-season but make sure you can gather information from their most recent season.
A. Case Study Information: Gather information on your team over the past month from any available sources (i.e., websites, newspapers, magazines, television etc). Information gathered should be related to mental training, team dynamics or the mental components of sport. In addition, you should pay particular attention to direct quotes from players or coaches that relate to mental training. You will want to gather as much information as possible because you will be using it to identify potential issues.
B. Journal: As you gather information you should write journals briefly summarizing your findings. 6 journal entries are required which cover the past month. Each entry should summarize the information that you found with a focus on the mental components of your team or individual?s performance. You should also include any thoughts on how to deal with each issue. This journal will help you identify the key issues the team or person is facing. Each entry should be dated and included in your final paper.
Final Paper: The final part of your Case Study will be a paper which identifies 3 issues your team or individual faced and your ideas for how to deal with those issues. You should use the information you gathered to identify the issues. In most cases it will be easy for you to identify an issue or problem the team faced, however there will be some leeway in how you choose the issues. As long as there seems to be some evidence supporting your claims that the team or individual struggled in some area will be acceptable. After identifying 3 issues you should discuss strategies that you might use to deal with each issue. Your paper should follow the following format:
Introductory paragraph: Provide general information about your team or player. This can include their record, any relevant history, useful information on certain players or coached etc. This paragraph should just introduce the team or person and give any information you think would be useful.
Second paragraph: Identify the first issue your team or individual faced. Discuss the issue and why you think it arose. Provide evidence for why you chose that issue and talk about how it affected the team or player. Then provide some suggestion for how you might deal with the issue if you were working with the team or player. Give specific examples of things you would do, or discussions you would have to help resolve the issue.
Third paragraph: Identify the second issue and discuss as above.
Fourth paragraph: Identify the third issue and discuss as above.
Final paragraph: Briefly discuss this project, what you learned, and how it might help you in the future.
Journals: After your last paragraph you should include the 6 journal entries from the past month.
Break down:
Intro 10%
Identification of issues 30%
Strategies 45%
Summary 15% more
Individual Paper on Team Dynamics Instructions
Over the coming weeks of this course students will complete a short research paper examining one aspect of team dynamics. The final ver...sion of students Individual Paper on Team Dynamics will not be due until Week Five. However, students will begin the writing process this week by selecting a topic, performing prewriting techniques, and creating a rough draft of the final version of the paper.
Select one of the following aspects of team dynamics to serve as the basis of the Individual Paper on Team Dynamics. Possible topics include:
1. Project planning in teams
2. Team communication
3. Conflict resolution strategies
4. Team members roles
In the prewriting stage, students will need to begin reading and gathering information for the Individual Paper on Team Dynamics. The following readings in the Learning Team Toolkit are highly recommended as a starting place for researching team dynamics:
1. Team Basics section Teams in the Workplace
2. Getting Started section Group Dynamics
3. Getting Started section Synergistic Team Relations
4. Getting to Results section The Team Working Together
After completing preliminary research students will need to complete the following prewriting activities:
1. Describe the assignments general topic as well as the papers purpose and audience.
2. Use one or more of the following techniques to narrow the topic:
a. Use the University of Phoenix Material Brainstorming Techniques to generate ideas.
b. Freewrite what is known about the topic and look for threads of an idea.
c. Ask the six journalists questions to focus on possible writing topics:
1) Who?
2) What?
3) When?
4) Where?
5) Why?
6) How?
3. Using the outcomes of the previous activity, develop some potential paragraph topics.
Create a rough draft of the Individual Paper on Team Dynamics. Include a thesis statement, introduction, supporting details, and a conclusion. Be sure to address the benefits and challenges of working in teams in relationship to the selected topic. Also, examine how teams can enhance their performance in and realize more benefits in the selected topic area.
Remember, this draft will be a starting place. In all likelihood, students will makes changes to it as they refine their paper and work towards a final version of the Individual Paper on Team Dynamics due in Week Five. Submit the draft and results of the prewriting activity to the faculty member.
There are faxes for this order. more
Hello. Could you write 3 essays please.
1.Groups remain the context for most of our social and work activities. An effective group must develop methods for:
? Strategic Planning
? Communication
? Problem-Solving
Discuss the difference between informal and formal groups?
2.Develop an exercise which will create a team, utilizing the best characteristics of each individual and accomplish a task. The task completed is not important, however the team dynamics and cooperation of the group is.
3.Discuss employee motivation. What are non-money motivators and do they work?
Tow e-mails has been sent including a case study about Lumen and Absorb Team.
3 pages analysis paper is required. The analysis should answer the following questions:
1.What are the differences between the two elite technology development teams at Crutchfield Chemical Engineering in terms of motivation and creativity?
2.From the electronic daily diaries what are the differences in team leader behavior, team members? thoughts and behaviors and team dynamics?
you have to use this link to answer the folowing Question:
3.From your reading ?Managing for Creativity?, what are key components to enhance creativity? How do the teams compare?
? Global Leadership Competencies: Managing Cultural Conflict
This assignment is designed to get you to think about how you would function as a leader in a situation where there is cultural co...nflict among people who are from various parts of the world, but who must work together as professionals.
Assume you are the leader of a six-person team, and all team members work out of an office in New Jersey. The team is a diverse group, including people from different backgrounds, ages, and perspectives. Your team comprises the following individuals:
? John, a 43-year-old African American man has lived in New Jersey his whole life; ? Julie, a 22-year-old Asian American woman who just graduated from a college in California; ? Tom, a 50-year-old white American man who grew up in a small town in the Midwest; ? Jinsoo, a 30-year-old South Korean national who maintains close ties with his homeland; ? Darius, a 32-year-old man, now a U.S. citizen, who came to the United States from Iran 10 years ago; and ? Harpreet, a 30-year-old woman who came to the United States from India with her parents as a young child.
The team is working together on a project for a health care client, called the Monitor Project. This effort has the goal of developing a mobile software application for patient monitoring, and it is due to be delivered in 30 days. You, as the team leader, have a lot riding on this project, including a promotion and a bonus.
But you are having a problem with team dynamics. Darius and Harpreet, the newest members of the team, joined the team three months ago, and each was hired to bring a specialized skill set that is required by the project. The rest of the team members have been together for a year. All team members, including Darius and Harpreet, need to work together closely. However, these two team members do not get along, and they have been arguing and complaining about each other for the last month. Today, Harpreet complained to you that Darius, as a Muslim, has been deliberately undermining her and does not respect her because she is a woman and a Hindu. The rest of team is becoming distracted by the situation, and their performance has begun to slip. Your ability to keep the project on schedule is also becoming compromised. You are concerned that the situation will undermine productivity and create an unpleasant work environment.
What do you?their team leader?do? What types of leadership will you use? Describe how you would manage the situation. Your response should take the form of a 4-page double-spaced essay. Your essay should fully address each of the following components:
1) An assessment of the situation. What is happening, and why? 2) An identification of the general options for addressing the situation. What are the different approaches for dealing with the problem? What leadership behaviors and methods will be needed? 3) Your decision on what you will do and why. What are some options? What is your preferred solution, and why will it work? 4) A description of the specific steps you will take. How, exactly, will you implement your solution? 5) Your expectation for the outcomes of those steps. What do you expect will happen if your solution is successful? 6) A ?Plan B.? What will you do if your initial approach does not work out?
This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade. It will be graded based on the following:
1) the quality of your analysis of the situation; 2) the quality of your proposed solution; 3) your use of the reading material demonstrated through the required references; and 4) the clarity of your presentation of the material. Use more than four pages if necessary to explain your solution to this situation. more
From the healthcare profession discuss from the reading assignments how you would develop a successful team in a healthcare setting. You can select a laboratory, nursing unit, diversified team of spec...ialists, etc.
Items to address in the paper:
1. Describe and explain how and why your team was developed. Discuss barriers you may encounter in developing the newly formed team.
2. How will you overcome the barriers to achieve success? Explain the types of conflict that may arise between team members and implement ways in which you will solve conflict among team members.
3. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of developing a team.
Assignment Guidelines
LENGTH: 4 full pages. Double space the paper and use Times New Roman 12 with 1 inch margins.
Use and apply background readings/literature, library readings, references from your research to support the paper, key points, and explanations.
Paper should have a title page, reference page, (title page and reference page do not count in the total page count)
introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph.
Make sure you proofread your paper for spelling and grammar areas, and provide at least 2 citations (page numbers etc.) for outside sources to avoid plagiarism.
Provide at least two references/sources to support your paper from the readings.
Mind Tools. (2015). Improving Group Dynamics: Helping Your Team Work More Effectively. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/improving-group-dynamics.htm
Nair, T. (2016). Developing Positive Team Dynamics in the Workplace is a MUST! Retrieved from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/team-dynamics-in-the-workplace.html
Ray, L. (2017). The Advantages of Teamwork in Today?s Health Care Organizations. Retrieved from http://work.chron.com/advantages-teamwork-todays-health-care-organizations-5143.html
Loehr, A. (2014). 7 Learning Styles to Up Your Management Game. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anne-loehr/use-the-seven-learning-st_b_5844792.html
MindTools. (2017). Learning Styles: Understanding Learning Preferences. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/mnemlsty.html
Society for Simulation in Healthcare. (2017). About Simulation. Retrieved from http://www.ssih.org/About-SSH/About-Simulation
Kevany, T. (2015). How To Cultivate a Team Culture. Retrieved from http://www.cose.org/en/News/Press%20Releases/General/How%20to%20Cultivate%20a%20Team%20Culture.aspx
Pollack, S., and Frolkis, J. (2017). Creating Strong Team Culture. Retrieved from https://www.stepsforward.org/modules/create-healthy-team-culture
Sullivan, M. (2014). Cultivating A Culture of Lean Healthcare. Retrieved from http://www.leanhealthcareexchange.com/?p=4480
MindTools. (2017). Resolving Team Conflict: Building Stronger Teams by Facing Your Differences. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMM_79.htm
Simpao, A. F. (2013). Conflict management in the health care workplace. Physician Executive, 39(6), 54-58. more
Prepare a 900-1,050-word paper in which you analyze how a group can become a high-performance team. Include in your paper an evaluation of Microsoft and ethical considerations of globalization, and how it may affect team dynamics
If you used a printed source please attach a copy of the data to your paper.
Find an in-depth profile of a current business organization. (For suggestions, check out Yahoo! at http://biz.yahoo.com/i/.) Put yourself in the role of an outside consultant who has been brought in t...o analyze the team dynamics and conflict situations in this organization. Based on the Organizational Behavior theories you learn in this course, ask yourself, "How can this organization run more efficiently and effectively?" Write a 12-page report that describes your findings and makes detailed recommendations.
Part One
Write a one-page summary of the organization you chose.
Part Two
Write an assessment of each of the following topics:
Work-group productivity
Social influence
Individual differences and personality
The habits of effective people
Perception and attribution
High-performance teams
Effective and ineffective team roles
Quality management and teamwork
Group decision-making techniques
Leadership, management, and followership
Employees managing their managers
Power and politics
The communication process
Giving and receiving feedback
Sources of conflict
Conflict resolution
For each bullet point listed above, provide a definition of the term/idea/process and then make a recommendation about how the company can improve in that area.
When you cannot find information for your organization on one of the topics, you should make assumptions based on other information in the profile. Be sure to note all assumptions.
Part Three
Write a one-page summary of your findings.
Additional Requirements
The paper must conform to the following guidelines:
It must be at least 12 pages long (double-spaced, using a standard 12-point proportional font).
You must refer to at least three sources.
You may refer to no more than two Internet sources, not including printed books or articles from magazines and journals that you access through the Web.
All citations should be in APA (American Psychological Association) style.
While looking for sources for your paper, bear several points in mind. In the paper itself, you must demonstrate how each source is related to the overall theme of the paper and to the other sources. If a source is only tangentially related to the topic and the other sources, then do not cite it unless you absolutely must. Read your sources closely; when you write about them, analyze the component parts of the author's argument in order to explain how it supports your own. This process starts with your choice of the passages to cite and the analysis of specific phrases or passages of the text. Be wary of information from the Internet; some of it is not reliable. The following are a few general standards to consider when trying to judge the validity of online sources:
Authorship: Can you determine the author of the text/site? If it is not clearly stated, can you find out more through an Internet search? Reputable texts should clearly acknowledge their source.
Accuracy: Does the general context of facts, events, etc., seem reasonably accurate? Outdated or clearly inaccurate information should be warning signs for the text as a whole.
Access: How did you get to the site? Through a reference search engine, a recommendation, an advertisement? The more random and/or commercial the path you took to the site, the more cautious you should be about its content.
Availability: Is the site accessible visually? Are there frequent errors in downloading, or large files that are unreliable? For scholarly reference purposes, the site must be accessible, reliable, and stable.
For more information about assessing online sources, see the following Web sites:
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/hypertext/ResearchW/critical.html more
Quality improvement is Patient falls
To prepare:
Focusing on quality improvement at the unit level??"not at the organizational level??"select one nursing sensitive indicator that is in need of... significant improvement at your practice setting.
Remember, indicators can range from not meeting customers expectations to inability to fulfill organizational goals. You may wish to review the NDNQI indicators prior to beginning this Application.
Articulate a hypothetical or real quality improvement initiative that is specific and has a localized focus.
Analyze the culture of the patients and providers that this initiative will impact.
Determine processes that need to be implemented to ensure a smooth transition.
Consider the stages that the practice setting would go through over a nine-month time frame.
Examine data that supports the need for your improvement initiative and determine which quality improvement and patient safety tools would best represent the data (flow charting, cause-effect diagrams, control charts, root cause analysis).
Select team members for your quality improvement effort.
Identify who at your practice setting would be the senior leader or sponsor for meeting the improvement needs of chosen indicator.
To complete:
In a paper approximately 15??"20 pages in length:
Part 1: State the problem and mission in measurable terms; clearly state the unit of analysis.
Explain why your selected nursing indicator is a priority for your organization and support your selection with data.
Identify which quality improvement model best fits your nursing indicator and justify your selection with evidence from the research literature.
Detail the primary measurement that you will be utilizing, and the goal, in comparison to an external source (i.e. scores received by other similar health care organizations on your nursing indicator).
Synthesize strategies for managing any ethical dilemmas presented by the initiative.
Part 2: Describe the team: membership, roles, facilitators, background/experience, and motivation within, followed with an analysis of the leadership role of the sponsor for this project.
Document the team process: determine meeting frequency, ability to fulfill roles on the team, etc. As this is a simulation exercise, you will create this information using best practices as a guide.
What leadership qualities should this senior leader or sponsor possess?
Do you believe this sponsor to be a transactional leader or a transformational leader?
What managerial attributes and actions would this senior leader need to employ to ensure that the staff will buy into workplace changes?
Predict how the senior leader role will evolve throughout the quality improvement journey.
Part 3: Formulate possible evidence-based practices and an action plan that could work towards achieving improvement outcomes.
Provide insight into the diagnostic processes (e.g., root cause analysis) used to determine the primary causes of the problem. Consider both qualitative (cause-effect diagram, barrier analysis), and quantitative (theory testing or drill down analysis) methods.
Analyze the cost-effectiveness of your initiative and how your initiative mitigates risk and improves health care outcomes.
Part 4: Summarize the impact of the team process on the nurse sensitive indicator.
Analyze monthly or weekly data points of the nine-month period.
Include a timeline that documents the various milestones seen from implementation to completion of the nine-month quality improvement model. You may use the quality improvement model of your choice (PDSA, DMAIC, Lean).
Demonstrate meaningful improvement utilizing a key metric such as graphs, control charts, or other valid statistical analysis capable of showing trends.
Part 5: Summarize the positive attributes of the team process in creating improvement.
Attributes can include, but are not limited to: motivation to improve, conflict and conflict resolution, change theory as applied to implementation strategy, negotiation, the role of senior leader in securing resources for the team, and other organizational and team dynamics.
Customer is requesting that (dlzit) completes this order.
Customer is requesting that (dlzit) completes this order. more
I would like to write a response letter to my manager and HR regarding a writing warning that i received at work.
I started in a new position in another facility (hospital) about 18 months ago.I a...m a nurse and my job title is clinical research coordinator for the cardiac surgery service.I have a over 20 plus years of experience in this field.I am currently enrolled in a Master program for health care management.When i arrived to my job and met the staff i would be in charge of they clearly let me know that i was not welcomed in every form( verbal,gestures and actions).It is a seasoned nursing staff that i was in charge of.Not flexible and resistant to change.Unfortunately, i was brought in by my boss(Chief of Surgery) to act as an agent of "change".It is one of my duties to implement new processes for patient care and raise the skill levels of the staff.My interpersonal relationships and interactions were difficult and challenging and continue.This has impacted my career due to the fact that the staff has consistently complained and raised issues to HR about my "disruptive behavior" and interactions with them.I feel like i'm being targeted for other intents -like getting me fired.I was placed on a performance improvement plan last July.One of the things that came about from the plan was my direct supervision of the team was given to another staff member.I consented to this change in order to improve the team dynamics and have a high functional team outcome.They clearly did not want me in charge and were demonstrating it by their performance.
On the document i received it stated a few remarks made by the staff." it is not the intent or content of the message but my delivery""i sigh heavy at times,roll my eyes,move my hands and its perceived as being rude,condescending and dismissive.I don't agree with this warning and i said so at the meeting with HR.She said i can write a response letter to the warning ect.I have not signed the warning yet but, it is clear that i have to.
In all of my years working in this field i have never been placed on a performance plan or given a warning.That in itself speaks on my work ethics.I managed a bigger team and in a fast paced demanding place with success in the past.I am considered an expert in my field by professional academia standards.To the point that i am requested for seminars,presentations ect in my field.I continue to maintain my practice skills and professional development to the highest standards in nursing.
The reason for my request of a writer is to compile a letter that leaves all my angry emotions-feelings out , not sound defensive,finger pointing,negative ect.
This situation is a two way street as well.The staff is not receptive to change, new folks,practices and can also be rude,dismissive and not professional.My biggest concern with them is their practice which is unsafe at times.
I would like support and collaboration from leadership to promote safety and optimal outcomes for the patients by holding the staff accountable and responsible for their practice.
I can accept that maybe my communication skills require further training or education but i cannot accept the other allegations.Hence ,reason I'm in school again.Please feel free to contact me if your require further information.
Customer is requesting that (writergrrl101) completes this order. more
Hi ... How are you?
please answer these questions perfectly
I want you to write the three or four lines for the answer
the questions are
1- Explain what types of fires are appropria...te to extinguish with Halon extinguishers and specifically how it aids in fire suppression (i.e., how does it put a fire out?)
2- A fire erupts in a 125KV electrical substation, with showers of sparks and electrical arcs throughout the fire area. Emergency responders quickly arrive at the scene. Before using their hoses to attempt to extinguish the fire (this is the only extinguishing tool they have available in this example), what critical step ? for the safety of the responding firemen ? must be taken BEFORE water is applied to the fire?
3- Given the noise exposure described, is the employee required to provide hearing protectors to this employee (according to OSHA)?
4- Briefly describe why noise is measured on a logarithmic scale and not a linear scale.
5- A liquid has a boiling point of 107?F and a flash point of 93?F. A typical extinguishing agent for a fire involving this material would be:
6- please answer this multi choice question:
In Br?unig and Kohstall?s Return on Prevention article, the most important effect from occupational safety and health within a company was:
a. Improved corporate image
b. Improved workplace culture
c. Flexible team dynamics
d. Reduced hazards
e. All of the above more
Firstly, Please only reference books, not internet sites.
1200 word length. Argumentative Essay. Harvard Referencing -- i will upload the hardvard ref. booklet approved for this course.
When r...eferencing please make sure to take care when sources are cited in text correctly (i.e. with page numbers)
I will provide you with an outline of the case study (my debate team), towards the end of the instructions here.
Essay task description:
Using your own debate as a case study, evaluate the effectiveness of debates as a communication strategy.
In this essay you will evaluate the effectiveness of debates as a communication strategy. In building your argument you will use your own debate as a case study, analysing two key areas. The two areas that must be considered are the development of team dynamics within your group, and the public speaking strategies used in your presentation. Your argument must be grounded in academic theory and must include analysis of effective communication relevant to the debate process and presentation.
Two key areas which must be considered are the development of team dynamics within your group, and the public speaking strategies used in your presentation.
Your response must include analysis of effective communication relevant to the debate process and your essay must be grounded in academic research.
Analyse groups group processes and performance during the debate presentation.
Present your analysis in a formal academic essay.
Through this analysis, you must decide whether debates are an effective communication strategy or not and build a case accordingly.
consider how various elements of communication were utilised in the preparation and presentation of a debate.
How effective was your use of these different elements, eg decision making, interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, oral presentation skills?
Overall then are debates an effective communication strategy, or not?
For example, we expect students to define effective communication and then to analyse how effective they were when communicating in their groups (decison making, interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, etc), how effective was their debateargument (logical structure, appropriate eveidence, clear thesis, etc), and how well did their team communicate publicly (non-verbal communication such as body language, posture, facial expression, gestures, orverbal communication elementssuch as voice tone, pitch and volume, etc).
Your debate is your case study.
However.with case studies, beware of subjectivity and emotive writing.
-The thesis statement ??" the approach you are going to take, what you are going to be arguing. Sits in the introduction.
-Topic sentences ??" the primary idea of each paragraph. One per paragraph, one idea per paragraph. Each topic sentence has to fit logically with the thesis statement.
--Debates are an effective communication strategy because they represent the outcome of team processes, draw on the oral presenting skills of team members and allow the use of ethos, logos and pathos to send a persuasive message.
--Debates are an ineffective communication strategy, as they rely heavily on a functioning team, assume a certain level of public speaking skills and allow emotion to defeat reason and logic in the presentation of their arguments.
--Debates can be an effective communication strategy provided they are presented by a functioning team, with satisfactory public speaking skills. However debates dependence on effective team work and public speaking skills means that if either or both of these elements is missing, they are an ineffective communication strategy.
Eye contact is an integral part of presenting and, when utilised appropriately, results in effective communication between a debater and audience. Eye contact is important in the public speaking domain and refers to the extent to which the speaker looks directly at the audience (Pearson etal. 2011:350). There are a number of reasons why consistent eye contact promotes communication of a message to an audience. Firstly, eye contact that encompasses the entire audience and takes in each individual has a greater chance of obtaining their attention (Gamble & Gamble 2010:394). Secondly, and especially in relation to debating, eye contact can be used to gain credibility and to come across as sincere or trustworthy (Floyd 2009:222). Finally, eye contact communicates particular messages that promote rapport with the audience. These messages can be viewed positively as a signal of confidence, warmth, and attentiveness (Pearson etal. 2011:100). Speakers from the affirmative team in the case study reflected these findings. Each employed a strategy of consistent eye contact with the audience, making sure their gaze moved from individual to individual. This process ensured they held the audiences attention, and peer feedback suggested that all speakers were confident and came across as credible and trustworthy. The eye contact utilised by the affirmative team was instrumental in communicating a clear, believable message, and contributed largely to the team winning the debate. Therefore, when an effective eye contact strategy is employed by a team, debates are an effective communication strategy.
Your essay should be grounded in research, therefore, this essay must CONTAIN AT LEAST 8 ACADEMIC REFERENCES which are cited throughout the body of the essay.
--Avoid the use of the first or second person ??" I think, our debate when we had meetings.
--Refer to participants as first speaker or affirmative team, etc.
--This essay is not a continuation of the debate. You are not presenting analysis of the debate topic and why it is or is not correct.
--Your essay is about the debate itself - your teams performance and argument, the things that contributed to your success or defeat, and whether or not debates are an effective communication strategy.
--Base your response on academic research, then add illustration from your case study to support the theory
We were the Affirmitive, with 4 team members. I was the second speaker.
Unfortunately with my group there was an issue of only meeting the one time as a team to discuss and appoint speaker positions. 2 males 2 females (me being the 2nd female speaker). The appointed leader (4th speaker), did not do well with organising team members at all, in fact speakers 3 & 4 failed to show up and respond to messages about meetings regarding the debate, whole lot of empty promises.
On the day of the debate -- group dynamics was weird at first but surprisingly once the debate was under way and as soon as 2nd speaker (me) had spoken the debate did flow quite well, apart from the usual nervousness that people experience from public speaking. 3rd speaker had a very hard time with it (she hates and shy's away from public speaking of any sort) that's why she was placed in 3rd.
The overall experience leading up to the big debate day was awful because there was no organisation, no leadership.
However, the debate went ok considering, I think it is because of these issues we did win the debate (lost by a couple of points). Afterall, the information argued by (the affirmative) us, was killing the opposing teams flimsy irrelavent points, but it was the way it was presented which could have been more convincing if we had practised with mock debates and practised the speaches we had written. ....
WRITER OF ESSAYTOWN-- It makes sense that you choose the direction of the thesis statement (with this case study in mind), i'll let you choose which way to go as to whether debates are an effective form of communication.
One last thing below is the recommended course readings listing of books for this task if you would like to look them up. These are prescribed in the course outline for this task. Feel free to reference other books.The first one listedis the set text for this course.
Eunson, B 2008, Communicating in the 21st Century, 2nd edn, John Wiley & Sons, Milton Qld.
Phillips, L 2006, Basic debate, McGraw Hill, Columbus.
Brittenham, R & Hoeller, H 2004, Key words for academic writers, Pearson/Longman, New York.
Cioffi, F L 2005, The imaginative argument: a practical manifesto for writers, Princeton University Press, Princeton,
Crusius, T W & Channell, C E 2003, The aims of argument: a rhetoric and reader, 4th edn, Mayfield Publication Company, Mountain View, California.
DeVito, J 2006, Human Communication: the basic course, 9th edn, Addison-Wesley Longman, New York.
Fogelin, R & Sinnott-Armstrong W 1997, Understanding Arguments: An introduction to informal logic, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Fort Worth.
Freeley, A J & Steinberg, D L 2005, Argumentation and debate: critical thinking for reasoned decision making, Thomson Wadsworth, Australia.
Govier, T 1997, A Practical Study of Argument, 4th edn, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California.
Holowchak, A 2004, Critical reasoning & philosophy: a concise guide to reading, evaluating, and writing philosophical works, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, Md.
Kane, T 1988, The New Oxford Guide to Writing, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Kee, C 2006, The art of argument: a guide to mooting, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Victoria.
Rieke, R D 2005, Argumentation and critical decision making, Pearson, Boston.
Sather, T 1999, Pros and cons: a debater's handbook, Routledge, New York, [Electronic book].
Smith, P 2000, Writing an assignment: effective ways to improve your research and presentation skills, How To Books, Oxford.
Taylor, R 2001, Essay savvy: a step by step guide to writing that dreaded essay, Purple Parrot Publications, Campbells Creek, Vic.
Spurr, B 2005, Successful essay writing for senior high school, college and university, New Frontier Publishing, Epping, N.S.W.
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This is a short research paper examining one aspect of team dynamics. Select one of the following aspects of team dynamics to serve as the basis of the paper.
1.project planning in teams
2.team communication
3.conflict resolution strategies
4.team memebers roles
Before writing the paper include a page of the following:
1. describe the general topic as well as the paper's purpose and audience
2. ask and answer as many possible from these questions about the topic who? what? when? where? why? how?
3. write a few potential paragraph topics
Next write a three page paper:
Include a thesis statement, introduction, supporting details, and a conclusion. Be sure to address the benefits and challenges of working in teams in relationship to the topic. Also, examine how teams can enhance their performance in and realize more benefits in the selected topic area.
The primary purpose of this paper is to examine conflict resolution in an adult learning team enviroment. It needs a very clear thesis statement along the lines of this I…
Read Full Paper ❯In one 700- to 800-word paper, examine one aspect of team dynamics. Include the following elements in your examination: * A thesis statement, introduction, body, and…
Read Full Paper ❯Select one of the following aspects of team dynamics to serve as the basis of the Individual Paper on Team Dynamics. Possible topics include: 1. Project planning in teams 2. Team communication 3. Conflict resolution…
Read Full Paper ❯paper that analyzes team dynamics: a.Describe the process your team has used to form, storm, norm, and perform. At this point, where do you believe your team is in the…
Read Full Paper ❯All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. ? Paper is 700-1,050 words in length. Paper explains the difference between…
Read Full Paper ❯Work Team Dynamics Reading Assignment Shortell & Kalunzy, Chap. 6,7,8 ________________________________________ Assignment Type: Individual Project Points Possible: 50 Deliverable Length: 2?3 pages Choose one assignment. You will be graded on only one assignment. Choice…
Read Full Paper ❯3. Individual Reflection on Team Experience Team work is an important skill in today?s workplace whether it?s virtual teams or face-to-face. In this class you will be sharpening this skill;…
Read Full Paper ❯Note: Basic information on all subjects provided below. Associate how I can apply these skills to my job as Health Readiness Coordinator. Group & Organization Dynamics A) Decision Making Process B) Communication…
Read Full Paper ❯700 word paper in which you explain the differences between a group and a team. Include an examination of the importance of workplace diversity in an organization, and how…
Read Full Paper ❯Write a 900-word paper in which the paper explains the differences between a group and a team. Include an examination of the importance of workplace diversity in an…
Read Full Paper ❯Please find attached herewith some important information about my assignment: The requirement: making a Book Report Degree: MBA in Human Resources Management from…
Read Full Paper ❯Individual Groups and Teams Paper Write a 700- word paper in which you explain the differences between a group and a team. Include an examination of the importance of workplace diversity…
Read Full Paper ❯****use writergurl1011 from my last paper******* ****1 page is for 6 journal entries******* ******2 pages are for the essay********* Team/Individual Case Study: Select a team or individual that is currently in-season so…
Read Full Paper ❯Individual Paper on Team Dynamics Instructions Over the coming weeks of this course students will complete a short research paper examining one aspect of team dynamics. The final version of…
Read Full Paper ❯Hello. Could you write 3 essays please. 1.Groups remain the context for most of our social and work activities. An effective group must develop methods for: ? Strategic Planning ? Communication ? Problem-Solving Discuss the difference between…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi, Tow e-mails has been sent including a case study about Lumen and Absorb Team. 3 pages analysis paper is required. The analysis should answer the following questions: 1.What are the…
Read Full Paper ❯? Global Leadership Competencies: Managing Cultural Conflict This assignment is designed to get you to think about how you would function as a leader in a situation where there is…
Read Full Paper ❯From the healthcare profession discuss from the reading assignments how you would develop a successful team in a healthcare setting. You can select a laboratory, nursing unit, diversified team…
Read Full Paper ❯Prepare a 900-1,050-word paper in which you analyze how a group can become a high-performance team. Include in your paper an evaluation of Microsoft and ethical considerations of globalization,…
Read Full Paper ❯Find an in-depth profile of a current business organization. (For suggestions, check out Yahoo! at http://biz.yahoo.com/i/.) Put yourself in the role of an outside consultant who has been brought…
Read Full Paper ❯Quality improvement is Patient falls To prepare: Focusing on quality improvement at the unit level??"not at the organizational level??"select one nursing sensitive indicator that is in need of significant improvement at…
Read Full Paper ❯I would like to write a response letter to my manager and HR regarding a writing warning that i received at work. I started in a new position in another…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi ... How are you? please answer these questions perfectly I want you to write the three or four lines for the answer the questions are 1- Explain what types…
Read Full Paper ❯Firstly, Please only reference books, not internet sites. 1200 word length. Argumentative Essay. Harvard Referencing -- i will upload the hardvard ref. booklet approved for this course. When referencing please make…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a short research paper examining one aspect of team dynamics. Select one of the following aspects of team dynamics to serve as the basis of the paper. 1.project…
Read Full Paper ❯