Sustainable Design Essays Prompts

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Leadership Development Program

sir ...

this is my article (leadership development). can u write article review, summary, and i need some point (why i am agree or disagree).

... A Leadership Development Program that Thrives :-

Establishing staff development as a high priority relies on interaction, tenacity, and an enthusiastic executive-level champion.
ARTICLE | MON, 04/30/2012 - 00:00
By David A. Mollish, MBA, CHRO, and Diane B. Landers, Ph.D., VP/CMO, GAI Consultants

In today?s turbulent economy, a genuine investment in the excellence of an organization?s people can generate a competitive advantage for the future. The evident benefits of a continuous Leadership Development Program (LDP) are three-fold.

A sustainable investment in the company?s future is established.
Leadership potential is recognized early in an employee?s career.
Learning, leadership, and loyalty become intrinsic values, corporate-wide.
When SWOT analysis at GAI Consultants concluded that we lacked the leadership development and succession planning necessary to sustain future growth, it was a wake-up call to institute an intentional, sustaining commitment to the staff, the company, and our future.

Establishing staff development as a high priority relies on interaction, tenacity, and an enthusiastic executive-level champion who can enlist support and commitment at all levels. Tasked with a board initiative to develop a Leadership Program at GAI, co-author and GAI board member Diane Landers coordinated a Leadership Committee comprising members from each office and region in 2005. GAI recently had hired co-author David Mollish, a new CHRO with leadership development experience who had developed and administered leadership programs for a Fortune 500 firm. We launched the corporate LDP in less than a year. Leadership courses for all levels were developed as pilot programs.

We began with ?Leaders to Watch??an annual endeavor to identify and applaud our top emerging leaders. Other learning steppingstones include Client-First Training in customer service, Project Management and Advanced Project Management Courses, Risk and Ethic Management Sessions, First-Time Supervisor Educational Series, and High-Performance Management for personal leadership development.

Recognizing that our engineering and technical leaders also need to be business leaders, CEO Gary DeJidas partnered with a local university to initiate a unique on-site MBA curriculum whereby university professors teach weekly classes at the Pittsburgh office that are relayed to regional offices via video conferencing. Fourteen of our top management graduated from our first internal MBA study program; 14 more now are enrolled in the second class.

Here is our approach to developing, implementing, and sustaining a robust leadership program:

Overcome Resistance to Change. Establishing staff development as the heart of an organizational culture relies on interaction, tenacity, and an enthusiastic executive-level champion who can enlist support and commitment at all levels. Instituting a top-level Executive Leadership Council, for example, can encourage serious buy-in for training because executive managers are actively involved in selecting candidates and are the first to appreciate the benefits of a better-trained staff.

Financial Allocation. Human Resources (or a separate corporate budget) should be responsible for your leadership training budget, which should include all expenditures: labor, travel, trainers, consultants, educational materials, incidentals, etc. When negotiating with your CEO/CFO, a little skill and finesse can be persuasive; due diligence is required. For instance, demonstratehow your leadership development funds will better serve corporate commitment to future growth than current expenditures on ineffective piecemeal training.

Jump-Start Your Program. Leadership articles and online modules by high-caliber learning systems such as Harvard Business Publishing, Development Dimensions International, and Dale Carnegie can be researched and selectively purchased for group training sessions in leadership and management.

Engage Top Management. Invite executives and senior managers to provide opening remarks at kick-off sessions of leadership management courses. Their emphasis on the relationship of coursework to corporate investment in the future of the employees and the company encourages participation and dedication. Some managers and executives are especially adept and enthusiastic about assisting with teaching activities, further reinforcing leadership training as a corporate culture and creating a demand for enrollment.

Acknowledge Graduates. Make sure ?graduates? receive exposure and recognition. Send a company-wide announcement with their photos, celebrating them as the cr?me de la cr?me for future leadership positions with special plaques, dinner parties, and professional group photos for publication and/or office display. Provide a special gift and a certificate to signify their career achievement. Kudos and rewards should vary with each completed class. At every GAI office, we have a ?Wall of Fame? showcasing photographs of each graduating class.

Generate a Feeling of Community. Invite honorees and their spouses, along with company executives, officers, and senior managers, to a special dinner or activity. Whatever the occasion, honorees have the opportunity for casual interaction with executives and top managers?an opportunity that can build corporate trust and establish lasting associations.

Engage and Motivate. Everything related to the training must be first class, down to the smallest detail?from your delivery to the tablecloths, pitchers of water, prizes, catered hot lunches, dinners and entertainment, professionally designed and framed certificates, the graduation process, and the handshake. Complement lectures with training that is engaging and fun: Hold team and individual competitions; produce educational videos and discuss; conduct mock real-life scenarios, role-play?active and involved attendees feel engaged and motivated to learn.

Consistently Deliver. Establish an annual training plan, without exception, and stick to it, for a consistent first-class delivery. It is difficult to conceptualize the countless number of preparation hours required. Start weeks before the scheduled training to confirm you are organized and have all the props ready to go. Annual follow-through and delivery generates an immense sense of accomplishment and commitment.

Career Advancement. We are advocates for leadership development graduates during the merit increase process. Over the last few years, ?Leaders to Watch? graduates have filled some key positions?94 percent of our graduates have been promoted since completing the program. Human Resources tracks each participant?s progress, and managers are notified of their level of involvement in leadership training.

Link Succession Planning to Leadership Development. Establish an annual succession planning process for identifying, in advance, the ?heir to the throne? for key positions. Identify future leaders early, understand their strengths and weaknesses, prepare and develop them to assume the leadership roles of the future.

Make a leadership development program part of your organizational culture?the return on investment is invaluable.

Diane Landers and Dave Mollish launched the Leadership Development Program for GAI Consultants, an environmental and engineering firm of 800-plus employees. For more information, call them at 412.476.2000.

Establishing staff development as a high priority relies on interaction, tenacity, and an enthusiastic executive-level champion.
ARTICLE | MON, 04/30/2012 - 00:00
By David A. Mollish, MBA, CHRO, and Diane B. Landers, Ph.D., VP/CMO, GAI Consultants

In today?s turbulent economy, a genuine investment in the excellence of an organization?s people can generate a competitive advantage for the future. The evident benefits of a continuous Leadership Development Program (LDP) are three-fold.

A sustainable investment in the company?s future is established.
Leadership potential is recognized early in an employee?s career.
Learning, leadership, and loyalty become intrinsic values, corporate-wide.
When SWOT analysis at GAI Consultants concluded that we lacked the leadership development and succession planning necessary to sustain future growth, it was a wake-up call to institute an intentional, sustaining commitment to the staff, the company, and our future.

Establishing staff development as a high priority relies on interaction, tenacity, and an enthusiastic executive-level champion who can enlist support and commitment at all levels. Tasked with a board initiative to develop a Leadership Program at GAI, co-author and GAI board member Diane Landers coordinated a Leadership Committee comprising members from each office and region in 2005. GAI recently had hired co-author David Mollish, a new CHRO with leadership development experience who had developed and administered leadership programs for a Fortune 500 firm. We launched the corporate LDP in less than a year. Leadership courses for all levels were developed as pilot programs.

We began with ?Leaders to Watch??an annual endeavor to identify and applaud our top emerging leaders. Other learning steppingstones include Client-First Training in customer service, Project Management and Advanced Project Management Courses, Risk and Ethic Management Sessions, First-Time Supervisor Educational Series, and High-Performance Management for personal leadership development.

Recognizing that our engineering and technical leaders also need to be business leaders, CEO Gary DeJidas partnered with a local university to initiate a unique on-site MBA curriculum whereby university professors teach weekly classes at the Pittsburgh office that are relayed to regional offices via video conferencing. Fourteen of our top management graduated from our first internal MBA study program; 14 more now are enrolled in the second class.

Here is our approach to developing, implementing, and sustaining a robust leadership program:

Overcome Resistance to Change. Establishing staff development as the heart of an organizational culture relies on interaction, tenacity, and an enthusiastic executive-level champion who can enlist support and commitment at all levels. Instituting a top-level Executive Leadership Council, for example, can encourage serious buy-in for training because executive managers are actively involved in selecting candidates and are the first to appreciate the benefits of a better-trained staff.

Financial Allocation. Human Resources (or a separate corporate budget) should be responsible for your leadership training budget, which should include all expenditures: labor, travel, trainers, consultants, educational materials, incidentals, etc. When negotiating with your CEO/CFO, a little skill and finesse can be persuasive; due diligence is required. For instance, demonstratehow your leadership development funds will better serve corporate commitment to future growth than current expenditures on ineffective piecemeal training.

Jump-Start Your Program. Leadership articles and online modules by high-caliber learning systems such as Harvard Business Publishing, Development Dimensions International, and Dale Carnegie can be researched and selectively purchased for group training sessions in leadership and management.

Engage Top Management. Invite executives and senior managers to provide opening remarks at kick-off sessions of leadership management courses. Their emphasis on the relationship of coursework to corporate investment in the future of the employees and the company encourages participation and dedication. Some managers and executives are especially adept and enthusiastic about assisting with teaching activities, further reinforcing leadership training as a corporate culture and creating a demand for enrollment.

Acknowledge Graduates. Make sure ?graduates? receive exposure and recognition. Send a company-wide announcement with their photos, celebrating them as the cr?me de la cr?me for future leadership positions with special plaques, dinner parties, and professional group photos for publication and/or office display. Provide a special gift and a certificate to signify their career achievement. Kudos and rewards should vary with each completed class. At every GAI office, we have a ?Wall of Fame? showcasing photographs of each graduating class.

Generate a Feeling of Community. Invite honorees and their spouses, along with company executives, officers, and senior managers, to a special dinner or activity. Whatever the occasion, honorees have the opportunity for casual interaction with executives and top managers?an opportunity that can build corporate trust and establish lasting associations.

Engage and Motivate. Everything related to the training must be first class, down to the smallest detail?from your delivery to the tablecloths, pitchers of water, prizes, catered hot lunches, dinners and entertainment, professionally designed and framed certificates, the graduation process, and the handshake. Complement lectures with training that is engaging and fun: Hold team and individual competitions; produce educational videos and discuss; conduct mock real-life scenarios, role-play?active and involved attendees feel engaged and motivated to learn.

Consistently Deliver. Establish an annual training plan, without exception, and stick to it, for a consistent first-class delivery. It is difficult to conceptualize the countless number of preparation hours required. Start weeks before the scheduled training to confirm you are organized and have all the props ready to go. Annual follow-through and delivery generates an immense sense of accomplishment and commitment.

Career Advancement. We are advocates for leadership development graduates during the merit increase process. Over the last few years, ?Leaders to Watch? graduates have filled some key positions?94 percent of our graduates have been promoted since completing the program. Human Resources tracks each participant?s progress, and managers are notified of their level of involvement in leadership training.

Link Succession Planning to Leadership Development. Establish an annual succession planning process for identifying, in advance, the ?heir to the throne? for key positions. Identify future leaders early, understand their strengths and weaknesses, prepare and develop them to assume the leadership roles of the future.

Make a leadership development program part of your organizational culture?the return on investment is invaluable.

Diane Landers and Dave Mollish launched the Leadership Development Program for GAI Consultants, an environmental and engineering firm of 800-plus employees. For more information, call them at 412.476.2000.

Role of a Strategic Consultant


How do you see your role as a consultant influencing a company?s business strategy in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage?
? Be sure to incorporate an example from a work experience which explains the application of the key concepts.
? Be sure to include and apply concepts from the course readings to clarify and support your answer. You must have a least one citation from the assigned readings
? At the end of your paper, compose one question for your classmates as it relates to our topic, utilizing our course readings. Your question should display your comprehension of the course materials and generate further evaluation on this week?s topic.
? Please remember to use headings to assist in organizing key points, for this size of paper, headings are needed (be sure to label page 2 with a title and be sure to label your conclusion with the heading Conclusion).
? Apa style. 6th edition

Assigned readings
Berman, K. & Knight, J. (2008). Financial Intelligence For HR Professionals. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press.Part Eight

Fernandez-Huerga, E. (Sep2008). The economic behavior of human beings: The institutional/post-Keynesian model. Journal of Economic Issues (Association for Evolutionary Economics, 42 (3), 709-726.

Paying it Forward to Africa

Instructions: I need approximately a 600 word essay on the connection between fashion and philanthropy. Then take a step further and include a look at non-profits focused on African causes on AIDS/HIV..., Water, Business, health, education etc.

This is more of an inspirational take on non-profits finding creative means to give back to Africa through their organizations via shopping. The essay needs to discuss this trend in general too as to why non profit are taking this route to increase not only donations but to help businesses in Africa too.

Feel free to highlight Face Africa as well as other organizations on the list within the article to drive the points home.I started on the essay, but need assistance with more content as requested above:

Paying it Forward to Africa Fashionably
Top 10 Non-Profit Shop for Change List

As we wrap up 2012, let's take a look back at those non-profits using fashion as a way to raise awareness of causes in Africa. Bridging the gap between philanthropy and fashion; the founders of these organizations believe in Africa and its potential for growth and eradication of the most detrimental roadblocks in the areas of education, water, HIV/AIDS, health, and sustainable business.

There are hundreds if not thousands of non-profit organizations making a difference in this world, but there are few in my book that bring it close to home in a unique way. Its important to recognize such organizations making a difference on the continent in the fashion industry____ because _____ . Provinding a way for us to contribute to a cause every time we shop. These non-profit organizations in the diaspora continue to make amazing strides on the continent making them a must watch on paying it forward in 2013. Remember to give back; Happy Holidays!

Top 10 Non-Profit Shop for Change
Alphabetical order

1. Aid for Africa:
2. AfricAid:
3. African Leadership (Mocha Club):
4. Bead for Life:
5. Code Purple:
6. Face Africa:
7. FashionABLE:
8. Global Mamas (Trade for Change):
9. Indego Africa:
10. (RED), a division of the ONE Campaign:

My paper a "Decision Making Assignment - What Would You Do. The sources I MGMT 4 coursebook written Chuck William senario assignment provided professor. Decision Making Case Assignment #2 - What Would... You Do?

Management Decision Making Case #2

Interface, Inc. ? Implementing Sustainability

Your heart is racing as you stand in front of the gathering of customers. Though not usually at a loss for words, you are having trouble answering their questions about the dangers of the materials and processes used by your company, Interface, Inc., a manufacturer of commercial-grade carpet and flooring. What?s more, when you hesitate, they doggedly persist. And none of the questions are about things you know, like discounts, lower prices, or inventory!

After you conclude the meeting, you race back to the office and convene a task force to respond to your customers? questions. But as soon as you assign the team its task, its members turn around and ask you to explain the company?s environmental vision. ?What vision?? you think to yourself. Desperately looking for inspiration, you happen upon a book by Paul Hawken entitled The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability. You open it, hoping to glean some good ideas that you can repackage for your task force (and your customers).

Interface generates billions of dollars in revenue each year, but, in the process, it extracts over 1 billion pounds of raw materials from the earth. The company is also a profligate water user, requiring millions of gallons a year for its manufacturing process?not to mention the petroleum-based materials consumed and the greenhouse gases emitted during the process. Furthermore, your product, carpet, is not recyclable. When people install new carpet, the old carpet is dumped in a landfill. But Interface is not alone. The entire carpet industry works to the same standards. Competitors like Shaw Walker, J & J Industries, and C&A Floorcoverings use the same amount of materials, have essentially the same manufacturing processes, and generate the same amount of waste, all for products that can?t be (or aren?t) recycled.

After reading Hawken?s book, you realize that Interface will have to change. The question is, how much? How much can Interface change its processes to be environmentally friendly without compromising the company?s growth? Sustainability requires that products either be able to easily reenter nature without depositing toxins or be recyclable into new materials. For a manufacturing process to be sustainable, its net effect on the environment must be zero. That might mean using renewable resources, redesigning the process to eliminate all waste streams, or even creating a product that can be infinitely recycled. That?s a lot to ask. Can you sustain the company if you adopt environmental sustainability as a vision?

Questions to Answer for Decision Making Case #2:

1. Which level of social responsibility best describes the company?s current operations?

2. What environmental vision do you communicate to your task force? In other words, what social responsiveness strategy will you adopt at Interface?

3. Can sustainability be economically viable for Interface? Defend your answer.

Sources: R. Anderson, ?Sustainability Drives Innovation,? Environmental Design & Construction, December 2004, 38; M. Conlin, ?From Plunderer to Protector: In a New Documentary, Interface?s Ray Anderson Discusses His Green Epiphany,? BusinessWeek, July 19, 2004, 60; L. Stevens, ?It?s Hip to Make Squares: Carpet Company Charts New Course,? Fort Worth Star-Telegram, March 10, 2005; ?Recyling Commercial Carpet Has Become Easier with INVISTA Carpet Reclamation Center?s Announcement That It Will Accept Carpet,? Buildings, March 2005, 7; K. Weeks, ?A Walk in the Garden: Taking Carpet Sustainability to a New Level, Shaw and William McDonough Focus on a Cradle-to-Cradle Lifecycle to Develop a New Collection of Commercial Carpet Tile,? Contract, April 2004, 36?38.

Module Title Contemporary Business
Level/Year Level 5 ? Second Year
Assessment title Contemporary Business Portfolio
Weighting and marking This assessment contributes 100% to the overall m...arks for the module. See below for individual mark allocations
Deadline date Monday 7th January 2013
Please note that submissions up to 5 (five) working days after this date will have their marks capped at 40%. The only exceptions to this are:
? If you have a disability statement granting you extra time to complete the assessment.
? If you consider that you have exceptional extenuating circumstances that prevent you submitting your assessment on time you may either:
o Request deferral of your assessment attempt until the next time the module is assessed, which will probably be at the resit or next time the module is taught
o Request a coursework extension.
? For either of these cases you must follow the University procedures for submitting a claim for Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances and make this claim seven working days before the assessment deadline.
You are advised to make yourself familiar with the Standard Undergraduate Assessment Regulations if you need to use this process.
Note on Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating
When you submit the assignment you declare that you:
? Have read and understand that university?s guidance on plagiarism and cheating.
? You confirm that it is solely your own work or, in the case of a group submission, that it is the result of joint work by members of the group that you represent.
? That it contains no unreferenced material from another source.
? That you keep a copy of the assignment.
Failure to abide by the rules will result in disciplinary action against you.
? Do not copy tracts of work from printed material, the internet or another student.
? Do not share an electronic copy of your work with anyone not concerned in its production.
? Use the Business School standard for Harvard Referencing

The assignment brief starts on the next page

Assignment Brief
The module?s purpose is to investigate current issues that impact upon business organisations. On completion of this element of the module you should be able to:
? Have greater awareness of critical business issues.
? To be able to discuss knowledgeably current business issues.
? Refine investigative skills.
? Source contemporary business issues debating forums.
? To be able to participate in the discourse of contemporary issues.
? Apply the issues in a critical analytical way; as to the effect of contemporary forces have on business success and economic growth.
Exposure to the module should have the outcome of raising your awareness of current business issues, their management, rational modelling and effect upon business; whilst forming effective Business Relationships.

Organisation of the Assignment
In week 2 you will select an organisation that is either listed in the Fortune Magazine Global 500 list of the world?s largest firms, or the FTSE 250 Index. This will be done by blind ballot.
The organisation you select in the ballot will be the company you must research and report on for this assignment.
The Schedule indicates ten Activity topics, which will form the basis of seminar discussion and debates:
1. The Lugus principle
2. Analysis of your Firm?s global spread
3. One aspect of your firm?s activities in the field of globalisations, such as off-shoring, outsourcing, migration, etc.
4. Financial Analysis of your firm
5. Report on the firm?s use of Social Media
6. Report on your firm?s use of the internet and its website
7. Report on your firm?s customer groups
8. What is Greece going to do for us? Report on the problems the EU faces
9. Report on one aspect of your firm?s policy regarding use of rare resources, etc.
10. Report on your firm?s green credentials
11. Report on your firm?s Corporate Social Responsibility and its Ethical behaviour
The Module will be assessed by ONE Portfolio of work, containing THREE elements:

1. The first element is to be a 600 word report, with diagrams if appropriate (minimum word count to be 540 words and maximum word count to be 660 words), based on the second activity - Analysis of Firm?s global spread.
This must be submitted for marking by the beginning of week 5: that is by 12.00 noon on Tuesday 16th October 2012.
This work will be marked and returned to you by FRIDAY 23rd November 2012.

Even though this piece of work carries an assessment weighting of 10% of your final mark, it is very important to submit this first piece of work and obtain feedback for it, in order to help you to maximise your mark for the portfolio as a whole.

2. You should then select FOUR more of the weekly Activity subjects and for each of these activity areas also produce a report on your firm?s activities, policies, behaviour, etc. Each should be the same word length as for item one (minimum 540 words ? maximum 660).

3. Finally, selecting ONE of the eleven activity areas NOT covered in 1 and 2 above you should write an article that would be suitable to be published in a quality newspaper such as the Financial Times, Times, Guardian or Telegraph or in a suitable magazine (the Economist, Fortune), based on an aspect of the firm?s behaviour, policies, etc, within that topic area. This article should have a maximum length of 1200 words.

You will therefore cover SIX of the ten activity areas as a part of this assessment.

Submission of work
The marked article from part one, the four topics forming part 2 above, and the journalist article from part three, should be presented as a single portfolio of work and:
? handed in by 12.00 noon on Monday 7th January, 2013

The weighting of marks for the portfolio is as follows:
1. First Report: Analysis of your firm?s global spread 10%
2. Four reports selected from the remaining activities 15% each (60% total)
3. Journalistic article on your final topic 30%


Robert Bosh commonly known as Bosch, is a German multinational engineering and electronic companies based in Stuttgart Germany. Bosch's core products are automotive components (such as high quality brakes, controls, electrical drives), industrial products (such as drives and controls, packaging technology) and consumer goods and building products (such as household appliances, power tools, security systems). Bosch also provides more than 15,000 Bosch Car Service garages, Bosch Diesel Service Centres, and Bosch Diesel Service garages around the world ensure greater safety and reliability on the road.
Bosch is active on every continent and has subsidiaries and associated companies in more than 60 countries. Bosch operates roughly 260 countries worldwide, of which nearly 200 are located outside Germany ? in Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Bosch has been around for 125 years and Bosch automotive technology has a history stretching back 114 years. At first, the company?s success was modest. The automobile was still in its infancy. Indeed, in 1897, Robert Bosch himself could not have imagined just how important his first automotive product ? the magneto ignition device ? would become in today?s world

The Global spread of Bosch
Bosch is German company that started production in Germany and if not for its global spread, it would not be the organisation it is today.
Bosch in Europe
In 1899, Robert Bosch entered into a joint venture with Frederick R Simms to sell Bosch products in London United Kingdom, this provided extremely successful and by 1914 the sales company was supplying over 90% of the country?s automobiles with Bosch magneto ignito systems, in 1954 the Hendon London branch was opened as well. By 1991 Bosch had started manufacturing alternators in Miskin, near the Welsh capital Cardiff. This was Bosch manufacturing operation in the United Kingdom
By 1899 after the joint venture was setup in the United Kingdom, Bosch starts supplying to the French market and by 1905, the company began manufacturing operations in Paris. After the Second World War Bosch started manufacturing in Saint- Oven near Paris. By 1907 Bosch was ready to take on Australia, A.E Kemsley started selling Bosch products in Melbourne. Eight years after that Pyrox starts manufacturing Bosch design spark and plugs, a 50-50 joint venture with the objective of setting up a manufacturing facility in Clayton. In 2002, Australia started manufacturing diodes at the Clayton plant near Melbourne.
More importantly, Boschs? globalisation also goes hand-in-hand with its social commitments, in so far as the company has undertaken to invest in third world or developing economies to help these countries improve their employment and economic conditions. For example, Bosch in Brazil and India. Bosch in India, in 1951 a number of India partners and Peter Bosch set up a joint venture that was producing spark plugs and diesel injection pumps in Bangalore. In 1979, Mico industry provided financial support and advice to the Sri Sadguru Shankar Trust for a development project in Kaggalipura Bangalore where 47 families lived at that time. In 2007, Mico becomes Bosch Limited and Robert Bosch gradually increased his share holdings from 9% to 70% and was producing in 4 other cities in India. Almost the same approach was that of Brazil when Robert Bosch decided to open a 40 bed hospital in 1973 at Campinas Sao Paulo for the community and as of August 2007, the manufacture of Antilock Braking System (ABS) started in Brazil.
There are other similar ways through which Robert Bosch has more than 350 subsidiaries across over 60 countries and its products are sold in around 260 countries. Bosch employs around 300,000 people and had revenues of approximately ?41.8 billion in 2011.

Strategic Analysis of Best Buy

If you need more information please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address.
Quotes need to be limited we have a restriction of only 25% matching allowance.

Performance a strategic... analysis on Best Buy in today's market. The following is a list of what must be included in the paper to achieve the highest grade. There is not a required number of pages or references.

I. Current Situation
A. Current Performance
B. Strategic Posture

II. Corporate Governance
A.Board of directors
B. Top management

III. External Environment: Opportunities and threats
A. Natural Physical Environment
B. Societal Environment
C. Task Environment
d. Summary of external factors

IV. Internal Environment: Strengths and Weakness
A. Corporate Structure
B. Corporate Culture
C. Corporate Resources
1. Marketing
a.What are the corporation?s current marketing objectives, strategies, policies, andprograms?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.Howwellisthecorporationperformingintermsofanalysisofmarketpositionandmarketingmix(thatis,product,price,place,andpromotion)inbothdomesticandin-ternationalmarkets?Howdependentisthecorporationonafewcustomers?Howbigisitsmarket?Whereisitgainingorlosingmarketshare?Whatpercentageofsalescomesfromdevelopedversusdevelopingregions?Wherearecurrentproductsintheproductlifecycle?i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?iii.Doesthisanalysissupportthecorporation?spastandpendingstrategicdecisions?iv.Does marketing provide the company with a competitive advantage?c.Howwelldoesthecorporation?smarketingperformancecomparewiththatofsim-ilarcorporations?d.Are marketing managers using accepted marketing concepts and techniques to eval-uate and improve product performance? (Consider product life cycle, market seg-mentation, market research, and product portfolios.)e.Does marketing adjust to the conditions in each country in which it operates?f.Does marketing consider environmental sustainability when making decisions?g.What is the role of the marketing manager in the strategic management process?2.


a.What are the corporation?s current financial objectives, strategies, and policies andprograms?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.How well is the corporation performing in terms of financial analysis? (Consider ra-tio analysis, common size statements, and capitalization structure.) How balanced,in terms of cash flow, is the company?s portfolio of products and businesses? Whatare investor expectations in terms of share price?i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Arethereanysignificantdifferenceswhenstatementsarecalculatedincon-stantversusreporteddollars?iii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?iv.Doesthisanalysissupportthecorporation?spastandpendingstrategicdecisions?v.Does finance provide the company with a competitive advantage?c.How well does the corporation?s financial performance compare with that of simi-lar corporations?d.Are financial managers using accepted financial concepts and techniques to evalu-ate and improve current corporate and divisional performance? (Consider financialleverage, capital budgeting, ratio analysis, and managing foreign currencies.)e.Doesfinanceadjusttotheconditionsineachcountryinwhichthecompanyoperates?f.Does finance cope with global financial issues?g.What is the role of the financial manager in the strategic management process?

3.0Research and Development (R&D)

a.Whatarethecorporation?scurrentR&Dobjectives,strategies,policies,andprograms?i.Are they clearly stated or merely implied from performance or budgets?ii.Aretheyconsistentwiththecorporation?smission,objectives,strategiesandpoli-ciesandwithinternalandexternalenvironments?iii.Whatistheroleoftechnologyincorporateperformance?iv.Is the mix of basic, applied, and engineering research appropriate given the cor-porate mission and strategies?v.Does R&D provide the company with a competitive advantage?b.What return is the corporation receiving from its investment in R&D?c.Is the corporation competent in technology transfer? Does it use concurrent engi-neering and cross-functional work teams in product and process design?d.What role does technological discontinuity play in the company?s products?e.How well does the corporation?s investment in R&D compare with the investmentsof similar corporations? How much R&D is being outsourced? Is the corporation us-ing value-chain alliances appropriately for innovation and competitive advantage?f.Does R&D adjust to the conditions in each country in which the company operates?g.DoesR&Dconsiderenvironmentalsustainabilityinproductdevelopmentandpackaging?h.What is the role of the R&D manager in the strategic management process?4.

4. Operations and Logistics

a.What are the corporation?s current manufacturing/service objectives, strategies,policies, and programs?i.Are they clearly stated or merely implied from performance or budgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.What are the type and extent of operations capabilities of the corporation? Howmuch is done domestically versus internationally? Is the amount of outsourcing ap-propriate to be competitive? Is purchasing being handled appropriately? Are sup-pliers and distributors operating in an environmentally sustainable manner? Whichproducts have the highest and lowest profit margins?i.If the corporation is product oriented, consider plant facilities, type of manu-facturing system (continuous mass production, intermittent job shop, or flexi-ble manufacturing), age and type of equipment, degree and role of automationand/or robots, plant capacities and utilization, productivity ratings, and avail-ability and type of transportation.ii.Ifthecorporationisserviceoriented,considerservicefacilities(hospital,theater,orschoolbuildings),typeofoperationssystems(continuousserviceovertimetosameclienteleorintermittentserviceovertimetovariedclientele),ageandtypeofsupportingequipment,degreeandroleofautomationanduseofmasscommu-nicationdevices(diagnosticmachinery,video machines),facilitycapacitiesandutilizationrates,efficiencyratingsofprofessionalandservicepersonnel,andavailabilityandtypeoftransportationtobringservicestaffandclienteletogether.c.Aremanufacturingorservicefacilitiesvulnerabletonaturaldisasters,localornationalstrikes,reductionorlimitationofresourcesfromsuppliers,substantialcostincreasesofmaterials,ornationalizationbygovernments?d.Is there an appropriate mix of people and machines (in manufacturing firms) or of support staff to professionals (in service firms)?e.Howwelldoesthecorporationperformrelativetothecompetition?Isitbalancingin-ventorycosts(warehousing)withlogisticalcosts(just-in-time)?Considercostsperunitoflabor,material,andoverhead;downtime;inventorycontrolmanagementandschedulingofservicestaff;productionratings;facilityutilizationpercentages;andnumberofclientssuccessfullytreatedbycategory(ifservicefirm)orpercentageof ordersshippedontime(ifproductfirm).

5. Human Resources Management (HRM)

a.What are the corporation?s current HRM objectives, strategies, policies, and pro-grams?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.How well is the corporation?s HRM performing in terms of improving the fit be-tween the individual employee and the job? Consider turnover, grievances, strikes,layoffs, employee training, and quality of work life.i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?iii.Doesthisanalysissupportthecorporation?spastandpendingstrategicdecisions?iv.Does HRM provide the company with a competitive advantage?c.How does this corporation?s HRM performance compare with that of similar cor-porations?d.AreHRMmanagersusingappropriateconceptsandtechniquestoevaluateandim-provecorporateperformance?Considerthejobanalysisprogram,performanceap-praisalsystem,up-to-datejobdescriptions,traininganddevelopmentprograms,attitudesurveys,jobdesignprograms,qualityofrelationshipswithunions,anduseof autonomousworkteams.e.Howwellisthecompanymanagingthediversityofitsworkforce?Whatisthecompany?srecordonhumanrights?Doesthecompanymonitorthehumanrightsrecordofkeysuppliersanddistributors?f.DoesHRMadjusttotheconditionsineachcountryinwhichthecompanyoper-ates?DoesthecompanyhaveacodeofconductforHRMforitselfandkeysup-pliersindevelopingnations?Areemployeesreceivinginternationalassignmentstopreparethemformanagerialpositions?g.What is the role of outsourcing in HRM planning?h.WhatistheroleoftheHRMmanagerinthestrategicmanagementprocess?6.

6. Information Technology (IT)
a.What are the corporation?s current IT objectives, strategies, policies, and programs?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.How well is the corporation?s IT performing in terms of providing a useful database,automating routine clerical operations, assisting managers in making routine deci-sions, and providing information necessary for strategic decisions?i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?
d. Summary of Internal Factors

V. Analysis of Strategic Factors (SWOT)
A. Situational Analysis
Review of Mission and Objectives

VI. Strategic Alternatives and Recommended Strategy
A. Strategic Alternatives
B. Recommended Strategy

VII. implementation
A. what kinds of programs should be developed (example restructuring the corporation or instituting TQM) to implementthe recommended strategy
B. Are the programs financially feasible? can pro forma budgets be developed and agreed on? are priorities and timetables appropriate to individual programs?

VIII. Evaluations and control
A. Is the current information system capable of providing sufficent feedback on implementing activities and performance? CAn it measure strategic factors?
b. Are adequate control measures in place to ensure conformance with the recommended strategic plan?

All parts of the grading rubrix must be met for full credit:
Grading Rubric for Individual Case Paper:

Current Performance
Provides a succinct overview of the company?s current and recent performance in its competitive markets.

Key Issue Identification
Accurately identifies the key strategic issue(s) facing the organization.
Analysis of Mission and Objectives
Describes the company?s mission and objectives and analyzes their appropriateness and fit.
Corporate-Level Strategies
Accurately identifies specific growth, stability, or retrenchment strategies being used by the firm; analyzes the fit of strategies with mission/objectives.

Business-Level Strategies
Accurately identifies cost leadership, differentiation, or focus strategies and analyzes fit4
Accurately identifies key policies of the firm and analyzes fit with strategies.
Board of Directors
Strategic Orientation
Accurately analyzes the composition, strategic orientation, and direction of the firm?s Board of Directors.

Top Management
? Strategic Orientation
? Composition
Accurately analyzes the composition, strategic orientation, and direction of the firm?s top management team.

Societal Environment Analysis
? Economic
? Political
? Technological
? Sociocultural
Accurately identifies key strategic factors from the firm?s external environment.
Industry Analysis
? Entrants
? Suppliers
? Buyers
? Substitutes
? Rivalry
? Overall
Accurately analyzes competitive factors in the firm?s industry or industries and assesses the overall attractiveness of the industry or industries.

Accurately identifies the firm?s structural type and characteristics and analyzes the fit of the structure with the firm?s strategy.

Accurately assesses the firm?s culture and the fit of the culture with the firm?s strategy.
Marketing Analysis
Accurately assesses the ?4 P?s? and the key marketing strategies of the firm in relation to the firm?s strategy.

Financial Analysis
Accurately analyzes the firm?s finances using a ratio analysis and assesses the firm?s growth potential in relation to its financial structure.

Accurately analyzes the firm?s R&D capabilities in light of the firm?s strategy.
Accurately analyzes the firm?s key operational characteristics in relation to its strategy.
Human Resources
Accurately assesses the human resources competencies of the firm in relation to its strategy.

Information Systems
Accurately assesses the firm?s IS capabilities in relation to its strategy.
Performs an accurate assessment of the firm?s competitive advantages using VRIO analysis.

Develops an appropriate summary of the key strategic factors (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) affecting the firm.

Analysis of Strategic Alternatives
Presents and analyzes several realistic strategic options for the firm.

Recommends appropriate strategies.

Provides a logical justification for the recommended strategy or strategies.
? Programs
? People
? Finances
Provides a detailed implementation for each strategy recommended.
Provides the standards that will be used to determine if the strategy is successful and designates who will monitor the implementation of the strategy.

This is my final dissertation for my program. I would like the writer to read the following information very carefully. Because the dissertation report needs to be made on this format:

Writin...g up

Your project cannot exceed 10,000 words (+/- 10%).

It must have the following layout ??" it should be:

Typed or word processed using double-spacing with margins of 1.5 inches;
Numbered on each page;
Spell-checked (use the spelling check in Word for convenience!);
Submitted electronically in .pdf format - (make sure you keep a copy for yourself);
Submitted on time.
The Project should have the following sections:

Header Sheet
Title page
Acknowledgements (optional)
Table of contents
List of tables (where relevant)
List of figures (where relevant)
Chapter 1 ??" Introduction, research questions and hypotheses
Chapter 2 - Literature review
Chapter 3 - Methodology
Chapter 4 - Data presentation, evidence, analysis and discussion
Chapter 5 - Summary and conclusions
Appendices (where relevant).
(This chapter structure is only indicative and may be modified according to the specific needs of the research.)

Title page

The title page should contain:

Your first and last names, with your student ID;
The programme in which you are enrolled, and your starting date (MA International Business, University of Greenwich, Business School, September 2011 starter);
The course title and code (Project MA/MBA IB, BUSI1359);
The title of your project;
The name of your supervisor.


It should not exceed 250 words. It serves to highlight the main ideas, findings and implications of the research. It may be organised according to the following template:

Research design/methodology
See the example attached (it is only indicative and you may choose a different format according to the specific needs of your research.)

Individual chapters

In general, it is advisable to ensure that each chapter has a short and concise introduction and conclusion. The introduction sets the scene, and the conclusion sums up and announces what comes next.

Make sure your structure and presentation are up to standards. Divide each chapter into shorter, numbered subsections. Remember to also number and label any tables, equations, and figures. Cite the sources of your work (both literature and data) as appropriate.

To improve your written expression, you may find it useful to consult this website, which aims to help especially non-native speakers of English to improve their writing in academic contexts:

Chapter 1 ??" Introduction, research questions and hypotheses

It should be general in nature and present the background to the Project, the questions you aim to answer, and the plan.

It serves few main purposes:

Contextualises the research within a larger disciplinary framework and signals how you intend your work to be considered.
Identifies the main focus or research problem with which you are concerned about.
Defines your research questions. Remember that research questions should be structured and framed in a way that allows a definite, clear and unambiguous answer. They should be sufficiently narrow and precise to be testable.
Identifying the explanatory variables and dependent variables of your research.
Chapter 2 - Literature review

As discussed above, the literature review is a description of what is already known on your topic, what policy or business implications have been derived out of this, what gaps in knowledge remain to be addressed, and what suggestions for future work emerge.

Make sure you give adequate consideration to the classics in your topic area, the landmarks, and the most recent developments.

Present the literature in critical perspective, either chronologically (tracing the development of the field over time) or comparing similarities and differences between authors and schools of thought.

Chapter 3 - Methodology

Be careful: this is NOT a broad overview of research methods in business and/or the social sciences. You need to describe and explain YOUR own choice of research methods: tell the reader exactly what you did, and why; whether you were successful or not; what difficulties you encountered.

You should think of the methodology section as a set of instructions you are giving to readers so that they can replicate your work exactly as you did it. Think of it as a sort of recipe which needs to be very precise on the ingredients, the combination of them and the timing so that someone else can reproduce the result.

You can have a look at the methodology sections of scientific articles available from the Library portal Electronic Journals, to see how they have presented their methods and draw inspiration from them (without plagiarising, of course!).

Be as precise as you can, and rely on your records for any details.

If you did a primary data collection, your methodology section must tell the reader must explain:

How you defined and selected your sample.
How you identified and recruited relevant subjects.
How you approached them.
How many you approached, and how many actually responded.
What are the sample characteristics (in terms of gender, age, geographic location etc.).
Whether you used questionnaires or in-depth interviews or focus groups etc., and why.
Whether you surveyed/interviewed your participants face-to-face, or by phone, mail, email etc.
When and where you distributed the survey (or did the interviews, focus groups etc.).
Whether you obtained participants consent.
Whether you experienced any difficulties (e.g. due to non-response) and what you did as a correction.
If you used secondary data, you must tell your reader:

What database(s) you selected (for example which one(s) of the above).
How you accessed them (for example, if freely online or through ESDS registration, or through the University portal).
What are the main characteristics of the database (you can refer here to the metadata provided by the authors of the study, as indicated above).
Whether you extracted parts of the database, and which ones (for example, financial information on just one particular company instead of a whole group; or just one particular year instead of a time trend);
Which variables you used, what they mean, and how they are measured.
Whether you modified any of the variables and/or added new variables built from existing ones (for example, if you built indices or rates of growth based on a succession of quarterly GDP figures).
Remember to cite the data and the metadata, as indicated above.

Chapter 4 - Data presentation, evidence , analysis and discussion

While the form in which you present your findings will depend on your methodological choices, a generally accepted good practice for quantitative data is to present them in tables and figures. Comment them in an effort to guide the reader through the significant and important points ??" you may wish to point out trends in the table, for example. As you move across categories of the independent variable, what happens to the dependent variables? You may wish to highlight the more theoretically or empirically interesting findings in the table. You must make sure that the table, as a whole, warrants inclusion in your paper and that you make reference to it in your text.

Remember to appropriately number and label tables and figures. If you re-use tables and figures from external sources, remember to cite them.

Chapter 5 - Summary and conclusions

Give a brief explanation of why things appear as they are, state whether or not your initial hypotheses are confirmed or rejected, and provide possible reasons for that. Consider how aspects of the research process, the design of your investigation, the sample you constructed and the interview schedule you used, could be modified in order to generalize results to a broader variety of settings. Outline the implications f your research for public policy or company strategy, if any. Think about limitations of your work and directions for future improvements.


Your bibliography (list of references) should be:

in an alphabetical order ??" according to author(s) surname
books, journal articles and web pages should be integrated in the same list
Use the Harvard referencing system.

The detailed description is as follows:


The Project builds on the learning outcomes of your other courses, particularly Foundations of Scholarship and Research and Business Research Methods. You have selected a research area and a topic, conducted a preliminary literature review, reflected on issues of data and methodology. You have also been trained in research ethics and you have gone through an ethical check. You have understood the seriousness of plagiarism allegations and you have learned how to use the Harvard referencing system. At the end you have submitted a Project Proposal & Plan, in which you should have outlined:

the rationale for the proposed research;
the research questions and/or hypotheses;
the potential data for, and methodology of, the research;
the probable structure of the project; and
the time-table for your research work.

Remember, in particular:

Manage your time: keep to set deadlines, and take into account family and work commitments, library closures, public holidays, etc.
Attend weekly meetings with your supervisor (as per your timetable).
Save your work regularly and keep back-up copies.
Check regularly your University of Greenwich email, and the Project Moodle site, for relevant information (deadlines, announcements etc.) and resources (data, software, literature etc.).
Remember that it is your work and therefore ultimately it is your responsibility to meet all deadlines and obtain a satisfactory result.
There are some slight differences in requirements, assessment criteria and deadlines depending on when you started your master's programme. If you are a September 2010, January 2011, or September 2011 starter, please refer to the appropriate course guide (I have sent it as a resource).

Literature review:

Make sure you give adequate consideration to:

the classics in your topic area: those who founded the field and first contributed key questions, approaches, and results (e.g. Ricardo on comparative advantage, in the theory of international trade).
the landmarks: very important authors that have made substantial contributions to the field and constitute a reference for all others (e.g. Michael Porter on the competitive advantage of nations).
the most recent developments: work done in the last few years, ongoing research, current tendencies. You need to look at the latest issues of scientific journals that are important in your field, and possibly look at working paper series or papers presented at conferences (which are available more quickly than journal articles).
You should read the different contributions in critical perspective: trace the evolution of your field of research over time, or compare the similarities and differences you observe among different writers, works, and schools of thought. Consider debates (e.g. Keynesians vs. neoclassicals on state intervention, in debates on economic policy), and their impact both on subsequent scholarship, and on policy and/or business decision-making.

Following are the websites that you can use (as suggested by my course leader) to write the dissertation. I would like you to use as many of them as possible:

UK Data Archive:

Guidance for first-time users is available at

The data catalogue can be searched at

Many of their datasets can be explored online at

The Poverty Site:

Some enterprise data are available at

(Beware: only aggregate indicators are available to students and can be freely downloadable from the web).

Other business data (with special emphasis on governance and regulation issues) are at:

World Bank:

Principal Global Indicators:


If you use data from a secondary source (such as the databases mentioned above), first look carefully at what data professionals call the metadata, i.e. information about the data themselves.

This information is available in all the above websites: it accompanies individual datasets and is usually also offered for each individual variable. In particular, look at:

Presentation or abstract of the study: how, where and when it was done; what issues, countries (or companies, or regions) it covers; which periods of time it refers to (years, quarters, months; whether it contains latest figures or time trends, or both).
Definitions and measures of the variable(s) you are interested in. For example, is it total amount or percentage change? Is it measured in, say, USD or GBP? This information is usually provided in variable descriptions that accompany the data.
If you are using survey data, remember to have a look at the questionnaire to know exactly what participants have responded to. This information is usually provided in variable descriptions that accompany the data.
Always have a preliminary look at the characteristics of the sample, even though they may not be directly central to your study: for instance if the data are from a survey of the population, note how many respondents, how many women/men, where they were located geographically, what were their levels of education and their occupations etc.
You will need to report this information (though briefly) in the Methodology section of your Project.

You also need to CITE the data that you are using (and any accompanying metadata and description) and you have to explicitly acknowledge the authors of the study and the provider. You need to do so for the same reasons why you need to avoid using text written by others as if it were your own: it would be a form of plagiarism.

The websites mentioned above offer practical indications of how to cite their data. In addition, you can rely on the following template:

[Author(s)], [Title], [Type e.g. Computer file], [Date created], [Date retrieved], [Distributor ??" e.g. UKDA-store, UK Data Archive], Part of [e.g.]

Other guidelines on how to cite data can be found at:
There are faxes for this order.

City/Town Re-imaging using Sport strategies
Today cities and towns are concerned about the image(s) they portray to potential visitors as well as to
their own local communities. There...fore, many urban areas endeavour to re-image themselves in order to
attract investment, tourism and an increase in professionals living within them. This makes cities and
towns very competitive against one another (Page and Hall, 2003: Smith, 2001). This re-imaging
process takes place through place marketing:
The tourism industry is in the business of selling places. Place is commodified
through the process of marketing. The primary goal of a place marketer is to
construct a new image of the place to replace either vague or negative images
previously held by residents, investors and visitors (Page and Hall, 2003)
In pursuing this goal, the tourism industry and the destination are actively trying
to influence the meaning that is attached to a particular area.
(Hinch and Higham 2004:109)
Your task therefore, is to research a town or city in the UK and reimage it by using sport strategies.
Considering the above points firstly you need to identify a town or city within the UK which you feel could
benefit from sport related re-imaging. This may be achieved by reading national newspapers which are
available in the digital library in the LRC, or alternatively by using other media sources.
In addition your report should include as a minimum considerations relating to:
? Demonstrate your rationale for choosing your city or town, giving evidence of any current poor
? Analyse the urban regeneration issues relating to your chosen city/town
? Identify the stakeholders that contribute to urban development programmes and evaluate their
interests in any renewal programme
? Using theoretical strategies (e.g. Smith 2001 and 2005) suggest a desired new or altered image
that would contribute to positive and sustainable urban renewal using sport.
? Branding your city or town is a good way to sell it globally therefore your strategy should also
incorporate a proposal on how you wish your chosen town to be marketed, many cities or towns
use slogans to this end and you may wish to do the same.
? There are always limitations that can be achieved and recognition of these need to be identified
and critically analysed as to whether they can be overcome.
Readings as a minimum should include:
Hinch, T. and Higham, J. (2004) Sport Tourism Development, Clevedon: Channel View
Publications, Chapter 6
Page, S.J. and Hall, M.C. (2003) Managing Urban Tourism, London: Prentice Hall, Chapter 8
Smith, A. (2001) Sporting a New Image? in Gratton, C. and Henry, I. (eds) Sport in the City,
London: Routledge, pp 127-148 (e-book on Learning Resources website)
You are expected to make reference to a wide variety of sources, and that you acknowledge and
reference them correctly.
There are faxes for this order.

One of the concepts peculiar to ecology is the idea of a "keystone species" -- the species in a particular ecology on which the stability of the whole system rests, and which if removed will cause the... whole thing to fall apart. If the idea of "information ecologies" is to be useful, one ought to be able to transfer this concept to it as well.

The "keystone species" idea is summarized at:

The work of Nardi and ODay was seminal in promoting the idea of information ecologies:

Nardi, B. A. and V. L. O'Day (2004) Information Ecologies. Chapter 4 in Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Heart. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press [available at]

And here is a recent further extension of the concept:

McNely, B. (2010) Exploring a Sustainable and Public Information Ecology. SIGDOC 2010, September 27-29, 2010, S.Carlos, SP, Brazil. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from

There is considerably more source material available from the Background Readings or related other materials you find yourself (be sure to reference properly whatever specific sources you draw on), as well as the PPR Wiki.

Case Assignment
Read the assigned readings, supplemented if you wish with material from the optional readings and perhaps the supplementary background as well, and even other outside reading you might find by yourself to be useful. Then write a short paper stating your position on the question:

"Are there 'keystone species' in information ecologies that might affect knowledge management processes?"

In preparing your paper, you may wish to think about some particular issues. These should NOT be considered as an outline of any sort or a list of questions to be answered, but simply as points that might help organize your thinking. These include:

The meaning of the term in traditional ecology.
Is there a generic "keystone species" equivalent in all information ecologies? Why or why not?
How about using the concept in relation to particular information ecologies, like a corporate planning office or a library? Feel free to offer your own examples as well.
What does the attempt to apply this concept tell us about the general idea of "information ecologies"?
Is there inherent ideological bias in using the "ecology" vocabulary?
Costs and benefits of this approach
And an overriding question that recurs throughout this course and others in this program: To what degree do IT managers and top managers need to use the same vocabulary to talk about things like information ecologies?

Case Assignment Expectations
Your paper should be short (5-7 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. It is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument, in the following manner.

You are expected to:

Begin this paper by stating your position on this question clearly and concisely
Citing appropriate sources, present the reasons why you take this position. Be sure to make the most effective case you can.
Then present the best evidence you can, again citing appropriate sources, against your position -- that is, establish what counterarguments can be made to your original position.
Finally, review your original position in light of the counterarguments, showing how they are inadequate to rebut your original statement.
By the end of your paper, you should be able to unequivocally re-affirm your original position.

You will be particularly assessed on:

Your ability to see what the module is all about and to structure your paper accordingly.
Your informed commentary and analysis -- simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.
Your ability to apply the professional language and terminology of systems design and analysis correctly and in context; you are expected to be familiar with this language and use it appropriately.
Your effective and appropriate use of in-text citations to the assigned readings and other source material to support your arguments. Refer to the Purdue University APA formatting and style guide (see required readings) for the proper formats.

Modern Movement

The extent to which architecture of the modern movement was built upon nineteenth century theoretical and technological foundations is both grand and far-reaching. Changing at warp speed pace, the world was embarking upon an entirely new and different approach to everything social, political and technological; in order to keep up with these monumental metamorphoses, the very nature of architecture ? its textures, tools and overall impression ? was also significantly modified. This move into modernity was responsible for an entirely novel approach to what had come to be very predictable architectural design; not only had there come a need for such structures as high-rise buildings, but architects were dealing with other issues not heretofore considered in relation to theoretical and technological foundations.
5 full pages in length - not including cover page,bibliography or works cited.

I would like to request the writer (baldwinmba) to complete this Order

Dear Writer,
Earlier in February Ive requested a thesis proposal which you have completed and now I would like to r...equest a thesis paper with you. This is the Thesis Statement which you will be using :

Please note that I will be needing a 1 page summary and the outline in 5 days maximum, which is on the 3rd of April. I need to send it to my advisor. Please let me know if that will be possible, its very important.

Human Resources

The role of human resources in the modern business environment training has become elevated in regards to achieving or maintaining a competitive advantage. This primarily arises from that industry standards require high level of professional development in order for the organization to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage have increased significantly. The dictionary definition for learning is something to the effect of the acquiring of skills or knowledge however human resources must take a more holistic approach to training and development. One of the strategies that can facilitate learning is to build a culture with motivated employees who share a predisposition to learning. This analysis will introduce training and development and analyze the recent developments in this field as they relate to effectiveness and how they support organizational change.
An organization is in a perpetual state of learning whether they consciously chose to learn or not; it is required to sustained existence (Kim, 1993). The dictionary definition for learning is something to the effect of the acquiring of skills or knowledge. Some have argued that this only effectively takes place when new knowledge can translate into a different behavior that is replicable; others believe that it requires the ability to develop our existing mental concepts based on our experience to develop new mental models, while others argue that it is a way to transfer experience (Sarin, 2010). A study should be conducted to determine how organizational learning has developed in the last few years with the new platforms that have emerged such a e-learning and distance learning for example.

Here are my Instructions:
The Thesis has to raise a problem and then give solutions.
It should be innovative.
The topic should controllable and testable.
Remember you should be more analytical than descriptive (Strategic Analysis)

The structure should include the following steps:
1-Preforme a Synthesis of Literature(the existence of the subject)
2- State the assumptions of the study
3- Adopt a research Methodology
4- Conduct an empirical research based on the study of the hypotheses
5-Scientifically validate the Hypotheses of the study
6- Conclude with a critical approach to performance.


1-The Paper should have a long Introduction that states the subject and its importance (Why did you pick this subject ? how is it important )
2- You should connect the subject with the current economical Situation
3- Show the overall structure of the Thesis.
4- You have to include a Synthesis review (Question, assumptions, Hypothesis)

2-First Chapter:
This Part should present a summary of literature related to the subject, it should set out the various hypotheses of the study.
1-Should describe the Methodological approach adopted
2-Describe the data relevant to the treatment of the problem
3- Explain the type of Methodology (Qualitative)
4- You have to include a critical Analysis (Study, Results, Tables and Graphics)
5-you have to raise questions, then validate them.

3-Second Chapter:
Describes the Methodological Approach adopted, it should also describe the data relevant to the solution of the problem raised( You should raise a problematic Question), and includes the detailed empirical study of the study or case adopted.
4- Third Chapter: Includes the analysis and critique the results of the second part. It should also contain a form of recommendations(Answers to the Hypotheses

Finally A Conclusion
Which presents the key elements of the Thesis and opens up future p

Conduct a Synthesis of Literature.
Formulate Hypotheses Study :Here you should state the study assumptions, which are variations of the problem.(These are questions we must answer (validation of the hypothesis or not )

Adopt a Research Methodology :This is also to justify your assumptions. You could either use A questionnaire Method, or testing the hypothesis.

Conduct an empirical research based on the study on the hypotheses:
For this part you are to collect the date necessary for the study.

Validate the hypothesis Scientifically.
Conclude with a critical approach to performance :This is the third and last part, that is to express yourself freely on the approach and the results. This is the critical analysis part of what have the student learned and discovered from this paper . This is the creative part of the paper.

Please make sure that you cite everything, even the tables and graphs

Please note that I will be requesting more pages the thesis has to be 60 to 70pages long.
And please send me the outline and one page summary.
If you have any questions please let me know ASAP.


Customer is requesting that (baldwinmba) completes this order.

Apple Marketing

In this Session Long Project, work as a marketing consultant to develop a feasible marketing plan for your client. Conduct both secondary (search secondary sources) and primary research (interview cus...tomers or conduct surveys) in order to glean the necessary information for your marketing plan. When conducting primary research, you will collect only qualitative data (i.e., personal in-depth interviews with at least three target customers) for this study.It is important to conduct quality market research on your focal product/company in order to develop realistic and workable marketing plans. Generally speaking, there are two types of research. One is secondary research, which refers to data collection using existing sources, and the other is primary research, which is your own data collection for the specific study at hand. The purpose of market research is to collect usable information to make more informed decisions on the business problem, thus increasing the chance of business success in the marketplace.Here is the Marketing Plan Outline, which provides information on:1.The format for your final SLP.2.A list of topics for the marketing plan.In this module SLP, conduct primary research for your marketing plan.Primary ResearchYou will have to conduct personal in-depth interviews with individuals who are representative of the proposed target market. The purpose of conducting these interviews is to make sure that you are on the right track with your marketing plan. One of the biggest fallacies in marketing is often that a manager thinks he or she knows what members of the target market know, believe, and do. The development of a useable marketing plan, however, has to be based on consumer input.Once you have completed your primary research efforts, you will need to revisit your situation analysis and your SWOT analysis. It is very likely that you overlooked specific factors that need to be added to these analyses.Qualitative Research: Personal In-Depth Interviews For the purposes of this marketing plan, you will focus on one target market only.Qualitative research is a first step to make sure that the issues you have identified are issues as perceived by your target audience. Qualitative research will give you insights into what consumers actually think, know, and believe. This type of research will allow you to investigate how consumers describe their behavior and why they do what they do. It also allows you to gain information on how difficult it would be to get consumers to accept new product, to learn which communication methods would be most productive, and to learn which incentives would be most successful with a specific consumer group. Finally, the results of qualitative research provide input for your marketing plan.For this part you will have to develop an interview questionnaire and then conduct the interviews. Keep in mind that you will need at least three consumers representative of your proposed target market to participate in these interviews. Finally, you will need to report the results.The following is a list of issues you should address (this is not a complete list, because the issues are likely to differ from project to project). The following example is a marketing plan you are going to develop in order to successfully introduce Apple iPad 4. The goals you have developed for your target audience are to promote awareness of the new iPad 4 and encourage purchase intention:?What would your target market rather buy than the product you are promoting and why? ?What benefits do your target customers see to the other product? It might be that they like the reputation of the company, or something else you need to identify in the interviews.?What costs do your target customers see to the product? They might think the higher price or something else you need to identify in the interviews.?What does your target market know about the new brand? ?Are target customers familiar with the brand??Are target customers familiar with the new features of the new brand??Do target customers know about competing brands that provide similar features and benefits??What does your target market believe? What are your target market?s values and attitudes relative to the desired behavior? ?What benefits do target customers see in the new brand? ?What?s in it for them? to do this? If having a reputable brand to show their social status is more important than the price, then you will have to design messages accordingly in your marketing plan.?What do target customers perceive as the cost of buying the new brand??What other issues do the customers consider when purchasing the new brand?Make sure to develop the interview questionnaire based on the situation analysis, SWOT analysis and the specific charge for your research project. Note that only a properly designed interview guide will provide useful insights for your marketing plan. Here is an Interview Questionnaire Example.For this section?s written report, address the following issues:1.Explain where and how you collected your data. In other words, how did you recruit your subjects? Keep in mind that your subjects should be representative members of your target market. So your parents, friends and neighbors are generally not to be recruited as subjects. If you have difficulty reaching those target populations due to a special situation, contact your professor to get permission to collect data from your family members, friends, and colleagues who are easily accessible.2.State how many subjects (at least three for this project) you interviewed and describe your sample in demographic terms.3.Give a summary of the answers to each question.4.Include an interpretation of the results: What impact are your findings likely to have on your charge?5.Also, include a copy of your interview questionnaire in your appendix.SLP Assignment ExpectationsUse the following outline to organize your paper. Note that the letters ?a, b, c?? and the numbers ?i, ii, iii, iv?? below are used to show the major issues you need to include but should not be used to format your paper.IV. Primary Qualitative Research (3-6 pages) i.Identify the subjects and the research process.ii.Identify the purpose of your research. ?What issues did you want to study?iii.Present the key findings ?Questions used in this analysis should be included in the appendix.?Complete report of each interview should be included in the appendix.iv.Present a concise conclusion of what you learned.Note: Use double-spaced, black Verdana or Times Roman font in 12 pt. type size. Include a title page and references. Revise your Module 2 SLP based on the feedback from your professor and your additional research, and include the SLP from Modules 1 and 2 in the Module 3 SLP.Explain clearly and logically the facts about your company and charge, and use the required reading to support your positions on the issues. Do not repeat or quote definitions. Your use of the required reading to support your opinions (that is, contentions or positions) should demonstrate that you understand the concepts presented.Paraphrase the facts using your own words and ideas, employing quotes sparingly. Quotes, if absolutely necessary, should rarely exceed five words.Academic papers at the master?s level should include citations and references. Look at different sources, especially credible and reputable resources such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, and The Economist, to find the information for your paper. Also use Trident University?s online library databases such as ProQuest and EBSCO to find the information for your project. Your discussion on each topic should be a synthesis of the different sources. Taking shortcuts on the number and quality of your sources will result in a poor-quality marketing plan that will be of no use to your client.Also, it is important that you reference your sources throughout the text of your marketing plan. Take the following paragraph as an example:?As a result, telephone interviewers often do not even get a chance to explain that they are conducting a survey (Council for Marketing and Opinion Research, 2003), and response rates have steadily declined (Keeter et al., 2000) to reported lows of 7% (Council for Marketing and Opinion Research, 2003). This decrease presents a problem because not only does it increase the cost of conducting telephone surveys, but it also leads to questions concerning the generalizability of the results (Struebbe, Kernan & Grogan, 1986; Tuckel & O?Neill, 2002).?There are different citation and reference formats such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. No matter which format you adopt for your marketing plan, make it consistent throughout the plan.Also note: The marketing plan should use third person business writing. Avoid ?we,? ?our,? and ?you.? Do not use contractions in business writing.Guidelines for handling quoted and paraphrased material are found at:Anonymous (n.d.) Purdue Online Writing Lab. Copyright ?1995-2011 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Accessed 3/9/12 at: (n.d.) Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing. Purdue Online Writing Lab. Copyright ?1995-2011 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Accessed 3/9/12 at: (n.d.) Avoiding Plagiarism. Purdue Online Writing Lab. Copyright ?1995-2011 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Accessed 3/9/12 at: SLP should not simply be a list of facts. Take the facts you find about the company, the charge, and the environments that the company faces, and explain how you think those facts will affect the financial future of the product or brand in your charge. The emphasis in grading your paper will be on the breadth and depth of your discussion of each topic, critical thinking, the clarity of your discussion, and the proper organization of the paperVI. Primary Research (3-6 pages)a. Qualitative researchi. Identify that subjects and the research processii. Identify the purpose of your research? What issues did you want to study?iii. Present the key findings? Questions used in this analysis should be included in the appendix.? Complete report of each interview should be included in the appendix.iv. Present a concise conclusion of what you learnedSLP 1: BelowOverview ? Apple Computer Founded in 1976 with a marketing model based on integration, aesthetics and design, never a low price leader, always an innovator. Introduced iPhone in 2007; 2013 Apple Iphone 5 series sold 9 million devices in initial three days of launch. By November 2013, all major US cellular companies offer the IPhone and over 760 mobile customers in China as well as millions globally. Currently has about 17% of market share. (Apple signs deal, 2013).Competitive Analysis ??Android currently dominates market, Windows growing (81% or so Android phones)?Apple around 13% - but all profitable?Apple and Samsung, though, are only manufacturers making money?HTC, LG, Motorola, Nokia and BlackBerry all lost money in 2013?81% of Androids are ?junk phones? and make no money?Real world usage ? Apple has overwhelming share of smartphone and table app sales, Apple?s iOS is making the money (Bradley, 2013).Market Description - Market is truly global, Apple has a top tier reputation in all markets, and is seen as a status symbol in many.?Segmentation ? middle-upper middle class individuals, small home and offices, larger businesses with design focus?Targeting ? turn the ordinary into something extraordinary, worry less about price and more about justification and lifestyle?Value proposition ? Focus on value and design to build, build through tribe mentality?Consumer Behavior ? Push the envelope and ease of use, be part of the innovative generation and first line of consumer?Push the elite and exclusivity angle ? while Android and Windows have many apps, push the fact that many Apple apps are unique and trademarked for Apple OS only?Apple offers more seamless integration between phone, tablet, laptop and computers?Buying decision process- consumer must be engaged; merge IPhone with other Apple products ? push consumers as ?Apple Users.?Distribution Review ? Available only through certified Apple locations certain cellular distributors; usually also offer IPads as well; service must be done at a designated Apple center or cellular manufacture; product is global in nature.?Design and Engineering done in the USA; Manufacturing with partners (Asia and China), global distribution to decrease costs?Applications (Software) can only be written by authorized Apple vendors?Tight control on exclusive market; low price elasticity and price wars?Designed to increase perception of luxury and aesthetics?May limit exposure to some marketsMicro and Macro-Environmental IssuesStrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsPioneer innovator, qualityLower market share due to higher priceSynergistic relationship with partnersAndroid and now, new upgraded Windows PhonesGlobal branding, high impact brandDependency on CEO and CharismaHuge and consistent market growthComparably expensive as industry catches upStrong R&DSwitch often to new modelsGrowing CSR and sustainable market issuesHigh product substitution effectStrong presence in educational marketEroding share of educational MarketIncreasing demand for cloud, music and seamless integrationCan Apple continue to innovate?Still unique after 35 yearsApple stores limit opportunitiesPartnerships and synergismsLoss of Steve Jobs, market perceptionEnvironmental Solutions for pushing Market Share ??Clearly, Apple is a successful, multidimensional and global corporation. Sales have more than doubled between 2005 and 2009 domestically and more than tripled internationally?Focusing on the ability to have a phone, pad, and computer device that are all interconnected and can handle any conceivable business situation is paramount.?Updating the iPhone and continually pushing the envelope with new editions keeps the market price elastic, competitive, and ensures continued sales and new customers.?Rumors abound about Apple introducing a new, compatible HD Television platform, which would certainly increase visibility and market share. ?Apple must improve their image as a globally responsible and sustainable corporation that thinks globally, not just locally. They need to push their proprietary system as something special that deserves protection, and come out looking like the hero rather than the villain.?Apple needs to push towards its strengths. Apple is not, nor has never wanted to become, a manufacturing company. Instead, Apple is an innovator of electronic devices, and they wish to retain that expertise.?Partnering with other organizations that are more focused on manufacturing allows Apple to retain its core knowledge, its proprietary technology (Satell, 2013).REFERENCES USED and CONSULTEDApple Signs Deal to Open Connection between iPhones and China Mobile. (2013, December). The Guardian. Retrieved from: Key Strategies That You Must Learn From Apple?s Marketing. (2009). Retrieved from:, T. (2013, November). Android Dominates Market Share, But Apple Makes all the Money. Forbes. Retrieved from: 2: BelowMarketing Research: Products and BrandsIntroductionIn previous years, Apple Inc has progressed from being an abstract participant in the computer market to a major player in the technology market. Through courageous advancement, they have developed items that have totally changed the technology market. As a result, their brand recognition has increased significantly, and they have added remarkably to their legion of dedicated supporters. The Apple Company is about design, their electronic items are fashionable, their advertising is trendy, their hardware and software are stylish, and like all factors fashionable, there is a substantial price tag. However, like all other factors of fashion, consumers are unpredictable and their tastes frequently change with the next big technology improvement. In addition, Apple company still dominates over every aspect of their item lines, this in previous times turned out to be a mistake that directed them to a specialized niche in the PC market. The following is a SWOT analysis of key strengths and weaknesses as well as important threats and opportunities.StrengthsFactor I ? iTunesThe iTunes line is a leading source of income for the company. This has rendered various Apple products to be compatible with Windows platforms. Factor II -Loyal CustomersApple?s loyal clients mean that the company does not have to contest with opponents about prices but concerning reliability and performance. From the financial performance of the company, it has no debts. This is an indication that Apple Company can invest in any challenge that management believes to be appropriate for its course. Because Apple always produces its current items, the company will always entice new clients or motivate repeat purchases from current clients. Apple?s leading suppliers serve as business presentation points. At these points, clients who doubt any features of Apple?s items can get to test them. Finally, apart from telling clients about the features of all Apple?s items, Apple?s website is also used as a sales route to clients who prefer to buy online and direct from Apple company (Bradley, 2013).Factor III - User InterfaceWithout a doubt, apple company technicians have an outstanding ability for picturing simple, user-friendly customer interfaces. The Mac computer was the leading innovator in the personal computer segment. The iPod trend was based not only on the physical design, but also similarly on the ease of use of its click-wheel user interface. The iPhone and iPad then changed the tablet and smart phone categories. All past Smartphones were forced into a feature-phone classification, and all past tablets were totally killed as the iOS was so far in advance. The apple User Interface has now expanded into the Cloud. The company has incorporated their iCloud service in such a smooth manner that it is almost clear to the customer. The customer takes a picture on the iPhone it is instantly submitted to the Picture stream in iCloud, and reveals upon the person's iPad or computer. It will also show up on other specified customers, sharing the same folder.WeaknessFactor I ?ProductsApple relies heavily on product launch dates to attract attention for its clients. Moreover, the company has poor relationships with other key companies in the marketplace with the ability to take Apple to new levels. However, this only possible through partnership with the companies. A perfect example has been Microsoft company organization. Lastly, compared with the other opponents who have powerful existence in various markets, Apple?s existence is mainly concentrated in Asia, United States and European countries.Factor II ? CompatibilityAs a response to a recognized risk from Google, Apple Company recently relaxed, extremely strict limitations for designers that desired to develop applications for the iPhone. It has now allowed them to use a broader variety of computer 'languages' with Apple?s operating system iOS. As apple makes 40% off every application sold, they are extremely protective in nature regarding compatibility concerns, and they have failed to react to issues in a timely fashion. All these are weak points that have triggered them to lose business relationships and income in this and plenty of other occasions (Linzmayer, 2004).OpportunitiesFactor I ? iPhoneThe smart phone industry is still expanding, so I anticipate ongoing growth. Additionally, as I outlined, the smart phone is a product that is changed on a regular pattern, guaranteeing continued sales. Critics like to snicker at the highest market share of Google?s Android operating system OS, but Apple still maintains the highest market share of revenue in the market. In the end, to investors, this is what matters.Factor II ? iPadThere will be tremendous growth in this segment. The iPad is projected to continue dominating the market for some years to come. Ultimately, it will be expected to share the market with rivals. However, in this rapidly growing market, this will not hinder its growth. Most notable, the iPad will be remarkably strong in the enterprise. Factor III? Mac ComputersWith iPads and iPhones leading the way in the business, and the reputation of the brand in third world countries, Mac PCs continue to flourish in terms of sales. Now, the growth rate is sluggish, but this is in comparison to the competitors which is experiencing a slow down. This implies that the Mac is acquiring market share, gradually, but continuously.Factor iv? Other areasRumor has it that Apple will launch a new iTV set. While this is just but a speculation, it remains to be announced and proven. As for other items, Apple is predicted to change something every few years. At least for now, they will be depending on the progress of current items. This will keep providing for both development and outstanding profits to the investor.ThreatsFactor I ? CompetitorsDespite the recent market share, Apple sales are still lagging behind competitors in the PC industry like HP and Dell. Additionally, other Smartphones, which function with multiple carriers, cause a significant risk as the only service provider approved by Apple for the iPhone is ATT, which Consumer Reports rate as the lowest service provider for customer satisfaction. For one of Apple?s leading items, the iPhone, to remain associated completely with a partner that customers have indicated so much discontent with, can endanger Apple?s strategy of interoperability among their items. This is because the iPhone serves as a major inroad for customers, to purchase these other items (Satell, 2013).Factor II ? PricingAlthough apple increased revenue in 2012, this was due to laptops and the iPhone with its related applications. In reality, the revenue of Apple from personal computer systems and iPods were down. Based on Forrester Research the ratio of buyers who believe that better costs exceeds brand commitment has been continuously increasing (Satell, 2013). Additionally, the recent financial crisis has heightened this problem. Apple needs to upgrade a number of its offerings to enable their PCs to be bought at a lower cost. Failure to do this, there is an actual threat of continued loss of market share in the said industry.Factor III ? CounterfeitingRecently, the New York observer reported a story of a young boy who made thousands of dollars from manufacturing iPhones using parts of he bought from Apple?s foreign suppliers. Additionally, bootleggers abroad have besieged Apple. Excessive production delays and pricing continue to encourage this trend and these threats are likely to erode the company?s market share.Factor iv ? StyleApple white-colored is the new black in electronic consumables. Although Apple?s items are extremely fashionable right now, they are only available in black, white, stainless-steel metallic finish, which at some level stops customers from showing their personality even at this time. In the past, Apple has proven that it can experiment with shades with strongly shaded laptops. While opponents are providing many strong shades in every segment that Apple company plays in, only Apple?s tiniest items, the iPod Shuffle and the and the iPod Nano are available with any shade choice and even then the choice is very restricted. The threat to restricting customer options is that it could jeopardize if this technique carries on too long. Therefore, Apple Company could possibly box itself into a corner if they modify strategy too late to match clients (Deidu, 2012).ConclusionApple Company is a relative newbie in the electronic consumables industry. Nevertheless, via advancement and courageous experimentation, they have completely changed the field. They still appear to be somewhat established in their old strategy as a PC hardware and software producer and also appear to be somewhat hesitant to modify their business methods, this could be a prospective drawback. This technique has so far been effective in the last several years as their consumer electronics have grown, but as technology continues modifying, they could easily be remaining behind by the next new items. Furthermore, they seem to be doing the same compatibility errors as they attempt to serve as a firm that engages everything, yet they are hesitant to give up control. Competitors should prevent their errors by opening up to cooperation and by collaborating with other high technical firms.ReferencesBradley, T. (2013). Android Dominates Market Share, But Apple Makes all the Money. Forbes. Retrieved from:, H. (2012). The Value of the OS X Monopoly. Asymco. Retrieved from:, O. (2004). Apple Confidential 2.0. San Francisco, CA: No  more

INTRODUCTION: An Outdoor Recreation Field Project related to the use observations and counts on segments of the Capital Area Greenway System. This is designed to help gain experience in aspects of o...utdoor recreation planning and management and to help contribute to managers baseline data related to the resources and use of area parks and recreation areas. The data YOU gather and the recommendations YOU offer will be provided to the appropriate park staff in the expectation that they will help guide future park management actions.


TOPIC: Discuss Managing Potential Trail Conflicts

1. Prepare an 8 page written summary of the data provided (see excel spread sheet) as well as YOUR data (including graphs or charts summarizing the key variables) as well as other observations and impressions about the Greenway users, use, the setting, wildlife and anything else YOU FIND noteworthy there.

2. Discuss Managing Potential Trail Conflicts and solutions

3. The report will also DISCUSS the meaning and implications of your observations. Again, VISUAL AIDS ARE REQUIRED (e.g., photos of the setting, graphs or charts summarizing your data, etc.). Each report and presentation MUST INCLUDE YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS to Capital Area Greenway planners and managers based on your findings.

This is the web site for the capital area greenway system located in Raleigh North Carolina

There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (aristotle) completes this order.

Shaw Industries the Existence of

Your GRP paper MUST include all of the following sections below and should be a minimum of 15 pages with a minimum of 5 references not including the textbook.

Required Sections of the GRP - M...arketing Plan Paper
Table of Contents

1. Abstract

2. Company Description

3. Strategic Focus and Plan

4. Mission Statement (Current)

5. New or Revised Mission Statement

6. Vision Statement (Current)

7. New or Revised Vision Statement

8. Goals

A. Non-financial Goals
B. Financial Goals

9. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

10. Situation Analysis
A. SWOT Analysis
B. Industry Analysis
C. Competitors
D. Company Analysis
E. Customer Analysis

11. Market-Product Focus
A. Marketing and Product Objectives
B. Target Markets
C. Points of Difference
D. Positioning

12. Marketing Program
A. Product Strategy
B. Product Line
C. Unique Product Quality
D. Packaging
E. Price Strategy
F. Promotion Strategy
G. Place (Distribution) Strategy

13. Financial Data and Projections
A. Past Sales Revenues
B. Five-Year Projections

14. Organization

15. Implementation Plan

16. Evaluation and Control
17. Recommendations
18 Conclusions
19. References

Standards for Written Work

As you prepare your Marketing Plan papers as part of your GRP requirements; I'll be grading the papers based on the breakout below.

1. Content (40%)

Is the topic relevant for the assignment and for the intended audience?
Is the purpose of the paper (informative, persuasive, etc.) clear?
Is the information accurate and sufficiently detailed (with facts, examples, analogies, and/or illustrations)?
Is the material original and interesting?
Has the writer gone beyond merely reporting facts and included his or her
own analysis and/or interpretation of these facts?

2. Organization (30%)

Are ideas logically sequenced?
Are transitions used appropriately to connect ideas?
Is the thesis carried effectively throughout the paper?

3. Mechanics (30%)

Is the paper free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and mechanics?
Are the tone and style appropriate to the purpose and audience?
Is the vocabulary appropriate?
Are references documented appropriately?
Does the paper conform to the prescribed format and layout?


Read the following newspaper extract and then respond to the questions at the end.

Kim Gavin named artistic director for London 2012 closing ceremonies

( Amel...ia Hill,, Friday 18 February 2011 10.00 GMT)

The creative force behind Take That's acclaimed Circus tour has been joined by a costume and stage set designer for Lady Gaga and the music composer on the past five James Bond films to mastermind the London 2012 closing ceremony ??" and he spent his first day on the job criticising past efforts by Olympic hosts.
Kim Gavin, who has been announced as the ceremony's artistic director, has produced shows and performances including the record-breaking Take That tour and the band's upcoming European Progress tour, which has reunited the group with Robbie Williams. His appointment was welcomed by Take That's Gary Barlow.
"Me and the guys are thrilled that Kim has been asked to create the closing ceremony, we know with him in charge it's going to be one great celebration for the whole country," said Barlow. "We're very proud of our live shows and Kim has always been at the very heart of their creation. We wish him all the success in the world and before you ask, no, he hasn't asked us to be in the show ??" yet!"
But Gavin used his first interview to criticise ceremonies of previous years. While Beijing's show in 2008 was stylistically "amazing", Gavin said it left audiences cold, adding: "I can't remember a single tune".
The Olympic closing ceremony was the second most popular sporting event of 2008, attracting 252 million viewers across the world but Gavin said the show failed to grip those watching it live in the stadium.
"They had mass numbers of people doing the same thing and stylistically, it was faultless. But if you looked at the audience in the stadium, they were not engrossed," he said. "They were distracted with things like feeding their kids ice-cream. My objective is to make sure that doesn't happen in London: I want to engage my audience."
Gavin said the 2004 ceremony in Athens was "too traditional" and "difficult to relate to". "It was beautiful and executed fabulously but it was very local and traditional," he said. "It didn't strike a chord with me."
Sydney's 2000 event was one of the few ceremonies to garner praise but of Atlanta in 1996, he said: "I would not have said it was a great opening. I watched it, asking myself, 'Am I stylistically gripped, inspired by this show?' I had to admit that I was not."
Gavin, a trained ballet dancer who has choreographed and directed many Brit Award performances, the Concert for Diana and the Help the Hero's Concert, said he wanted the 2012 closing ceremonies to be "about celebrating where we are culturally in the UK. I want a typically British closing ceremony".
But, he added, although he will "look locally for talent", he will "also bring in performers and inspiration from outside of the UK if necessary".
"Britain has an amazing array of talent but (if) I find that I have a vision that requires something different, I will look abroad," he said. "I don't have any rules."
Gavin's comments were received calmly by the International Olympic Committee. Mark Adams, the director of communications for the IOC, said: "It would be highly unusual if a creative director didn't have very strong views on what they wanted to do, and on how it would vary from the work of others.

"Each Games organiser must produce a ceremony that works for them and the audiences they want to reach out to. We have absolute confidence that London 2012 will put on quite a show."
The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Locog) said international stage and costume designer Es Devlin would be the designer.
Devlin recently worked with Lady Gaga on her 'Monsters Ball' US tour. She has also worked with artists including Muse, Kanye West, Mika and the Pet Shop Boys ??" as well as in opera and drama on shows for Glyndebourne, the Royal Opera House, English National Opera, the Royal Shakespeare Company, the Royal Court Theatre, the Young Vic and the Old Vic.
The film composer and record producer David Arnold was announced as the music director. Arnold is the man behind soundtracks to five James Bond films, Independence Day, Stargate, Chronicles of Narnia, Made in Dagenham, and the newly released Simon Pegg/Nick Frost movie 'Paul', as well as records by Dame Shirley Bassey, George Michael, KD Lang, Iggy Pop, Bjork and the Kaiser Chiefs.


You must answer ALL questions.

Question 1:

Kim Gavin, the artistic director for the London 2012 Olympic Games Closing Ceremony criticised past Closing Ceremonies ??" in particular Beijing 2008 Closing Ceremony, Athens, 2004 Closing Ceremony and Atlanta 1996 Closing Ceremony ??" are his claims justified?
N.B: You will need to watch the Beijing 2008, Athens, 2004 and Atlanta 1996 Closing Ceremonies, which are widely available on the internet (e.g. You Tube)
(4 marks)
(Word Limit: 500 words)

Question 2:

Gavin wanted the London 2012 Olympics event to be ?about celebrating where we (United Kingdom) are culturally in the UK. I want a typically British closing ceremony.? Critically discuss this statement?
N.B: You will need to research the current cultural, in particular, the multi-cultural environment / landscape of the United Kingdom; and, consider from a multi-cultural perspective what it means to be ??-British.
(4 marks)
(Word Limit: 500 words)

Question 3:

For the London 2012 Olympics Closing Ceremony conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis, which should be taken into consideration when planning the event.
N.B: You will need to refer to relevant secondary data such as academic sources, industry reports and newspaper articles.
(4 marks)
(Word Limit: 500 words)

Question 4:

Gavin has asked you to help with the planning, design and staging of the London 2012 Olympics Closing Ceremony. Can you (i) devise a vision statement with four related mission statements; and, (ii) advise Gavin on the following ~ at least two elements?
? Issues of cultural sensitivity in event design
? Marketing of the London 2012 Olympics Closing Ceremony
? Issues of human resource management
? Pre-event research, during event evaluation, and post-event evaluation
N.B: Your response should be supported with relevant examples to illustrate salient points.
(4 marks)
(Word Limit: 500 words)

Format for submission

The word limit is 2, 000 words.

All work should be word processed using either Times New Roman or Arial font, 12 point, single side A4 paper with line spacing of 1 and justified and numbered pages.
A bibliography and referencing (where applicable) is essential ~ Harvard Referencing System.
A minimum of 10 referenced academic sources are required.
No more than 50% of references may be from the internet.

Extent of collaboration allowed

There is no collaboration allowed for this assessment. All work should be an individual piece of work. However, it is advisable to discuss your ideas with the unit leader within the first couple of weeks.

Assignment Detail

1. The case study

The case study focuses upon a mega-event in London ??" the London 2012 Olympic Games (Closing Ceremony). You need to familiarise yourself with this event before you begin responding to the questions. The response to the question should be informed by research and practical situations to support your standpoint.

2. The structure:

For each question make sure you make reference to the newspaper article and your own research to support your standpoint, and then use other relevant sources to reinforce your work. There is no fix order to structure your responses.

3. The link between event planning, staging and management:

Remember to relate the three together sufficiently! You need to study the link between event planning, staging and management in your assessment. The evidence needs to be specific. Dont use generalised and anecdotal evidence.

4. Use of literature

Use academic source, i.e. books, journal articles etc. A minimum of 10 referenced academic sources is required. Do not over use Internet sources (50% maximum). Academic journals can be good resources of industrial cases which may give you some good ideas about the situations. You are required to have proper in-text reference and the reference list in the end using the Harvard Referencing System.

5. The writing:

Try to approach this assignment in a logical and systematic way. Produce a plan for each response before you start. Make sure you have a logical structure, a convincing argument, clear description of the situations which ??-set the scene, and clear explanation which relate to theories, and a conclusion that draws your argument together.

My personal statement:
I am applying to a communications program:

The Master of Arts in corporate communication is designed to prepare both aspiring and practicing corporate communicatio...n professionals to plan, implement, and assess corporate communication strategies in business and industry.

Below are some programs I am involved in at work and outside of work:

1. I coordinate the Alcoa Earthwatch program with assistance from the Earth Watch Org. Alcoa employees have the opportunity to participate in Earthwatch expeditions around the world. Expeditioners are all volunteers who nominate themselves for selection. My job is to communicate by email to all Alcoans worldwide (120k employees) regarding the program, guidelines, applications, and process. Then Earthwatch and my supervisor select the expeditioners on merit. The purpose of this program is help employees add to the knowledge needed to build a sustainable future, this hands-on support for scientific field research offers a rich opportunity for personal development, nurtures relationships between environmental and business organizations, and helps raise awareness and appreciation of the Earth's ecosystems. We select 15 employees each year.

2. I also coordinate the Ten Million Trees program at Alcoa. Alcoa's Ten Million Trees program counts and recognizes the trees personally planted by Alcoa employees worldwide. These trees are planted in addition to those used in revegetation programs that Alcoa routinely undertakes as part of its mine rehabilitation programs. My job is to encourage all locations (450 locations worldwide) to plant trees, on the Alcoa property where they work to contribute to the achievement of sustainability and to enhance the environment around the company's facilities. Integrated into facility land management plans, the trees provide shade, offer habitat for wildlife, reduce stormwater runoff, enhance the aesthetics of the facilities, and absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. I conduct a tree census each December , and locations report on the number of trees planted during the year as part of the program. I also create charts and graphs that tell us the number of tree plant to date, how many per locations, how many to be planted in the next 5 years and our goals for 5, 10 and 20 years. This information is published on our internal portal and our website.

3. I am also the Chairperson for the Life Committee. Life! is a worldwide initiative designed to enhance our People Value and leverage Alcoa?s thousands of worldwide environment, health and safety, educational and community initiatives. I hold a bi-weekly meeting with other members We create a budget for the year and with this we coordinate Life events through out the year. Some examples of events are: Stress Mgt, Personal Safety, Can Recycling Projects, Office Ergonomics/Posture, Traffic Safety, National Fire Week, Back Safety, Diversity Training , Retirement planning, etc. etc., Our goal is to enhance the quality of work-life and well-being of Alcoa people and their families and to encourage and support personal development activities.
We providing Communication /Sharing Ideas and Developing initial Program Support materials.

4. Outside of work I am an active Toastmaster member. Toastmasters is an international organization that helps me develop public speaking skills. I give speeches to groups and learn by constructive critism from a group member. We meet every from for 3 semesters per year. There are about 20 ? 30 members. We are given books, audio and video cassettes on speaking and leading. These skills help me with my environment, health and safety speeches at work.

5. I?m also in the process of becoming an International Exchange
Coordinator with EF Foundation for Foreign Study. EF Foundation for Foreign
Study is a non-profit org. that sponsors high school student exchange in
the US and abroad. As an IEC my responsibilities will be networking for
qualified host families, screening families and helping them to choose
a student, completing necessary paperwork and documenting contact with
the exchange student, establishing and maintaining good relationships
with local high schools, organizing orientation programs to help set
expectations for host families and students, and providing on-going
activities and support for students and host families. Through EF Foundation I will receive training from them one weekend per month for 3 months in how to communicate to the high school administration, students, and host families.

Some of the classes I will be taking are:

Corporate Communication
3 hours; 3 credits
This course will survey the field of corporate communication, with special emphasis on the following areas: corporate image and identity, corporate advertising and advocacy, media relations, financial communications, employee relations, and crisis management. At the completion of this course, students will possess an understanding of the theory, research, and practice associated with these corporate communication functions, all of which will serve as a foundation for more specialized study later in the program. I work in the corporate communications at Alcoa. My job is to communicate for the 5 directors I work with regarding Enviromen, Health , safety and Quality meetings, updates, etc etc. see resume for details.
Theories of Persuasion
3 hours; 3 credits
This course is designed to familiarize the student with various significant theories and research programs in persuasion, with special attention paid to the applications of these theories and this research in the world of corporate communication. "Persuasion" is an expansive term and therefore difficult to define. At its core, it concerns attempts to cause persons to change their beliefs or desires through the manipulation of symbol systems. This course approaches the study of persuasion from both "humanistic" and social-science perspectives. Accordingly, we will begin our study of persuasion with an examination of classical texts on rhetoric-the first systematic treatment of persuasion in the Western world. Here we will pay special attention to the relationship between persuasion and politics and also to the relationship between persuasion and ethics. Next, we will examine various theories of the human "self" with an eye toward understanding how adherence to one or another of these theories constrains our understanding both of how humans are persuaded and of how "persuadable" human beings are. Drawing on research in psychology, sociology, and cultural anthropology, we will explore the question of whether there are any cultural universals in the way of beliefs or desires, or whether the human self is entirely the construction of a particular social organization. In other words, we will explore the limits (if there be any) of persuasion. Finally, we will examine the role of persuasion in advertising, political campaigns, and social movements. In this section, we will attempt to tie together threads from previous examinations and to explore additional aspects of persuasion, including the extensive research on persuasion and the mass media.
Crisis Communication
3 hours; 3 credits
This course examines the theory and practice of crisis communication in business and industry. Topics to be covered include the nature of crisis in business and industry; the role of public opinion and the media in the crisis process; strategies of crisis management; the role of management communication in crisis management; and the development of crisis management plans. Numerous case studies of crisis communication in business and industry will be analyzed. At the completion of this course, students will be prepared to participate in the management of a corporate crises as a corporate communication specialist. I orginially learned about crisis comm. At Random House. The divisionI worked for was forced to merge with another division The president of our division was fired, which lead to low employee moral. Lots of layoffs and changes in management. My boss, the business manager and my co-worker were all laid off. I was the only person to remain there.
Employee Communication
3 hours; 3 credits
This course will focus on understanding the various models of strategic communication in the organization. It will consider such goals for internal communication as sustaining morale and goodwill between employees and management; informing employees about internal changes, such as reorganization; communication of compensation and benefit information; communication to increase employee understanding of a company's products, organization, ethics, culture, external environment; and changing employee attitudes and behavior. Finally, the management of effective internal communication programs will be addressed. On behalf of my boss? I communicate all their subordinates at Alcoa. I also communicated to the entire division of 80 employees at RH regarding T&E, HR safety, author relations, agent relations, royalty information etc. etc.
International Business Communication
3 hours; 3 credits
Analysis of the process of business communication across cultures and nations. Special attention is given to the impact of differences in language, nonverbal communication, social and political organization, and customs of how firms interact with their employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, regulators, and other relevant factors. Methods include the presentation and discussion of concepts as well as experiential learning situations such as communication exercises, role playing, and case studies. My current position is in the corp. office. All employees that I communicate with are in 450 locations around the world.
My personal history that I guess I have to mention since I am apply for this program thru a diversity program that helps underrepresented students attain a second degree. In fact below is a smt I wrote for law when I was going to apply, but never did. This will give you and idea of my background, but my hope for this smt is touch upon my background, but concentrate on my accomplishments.

Below are two recommendation letters I received when I was thinking go apply to law school:
It is with greatest enthusiam that I recommend to you, as a law school candidate. Intelligent, perseverant, with a fine mind and natural elegance, Shamsa brings the highest standards, personal and professional, to all she does, and that includes her key position here at Random House. As the Associate Business Analyst for the Random House Trade Group, she has come, at a young age, to play a crucial role in making our publishing operation work. She is the person editors go to for a host of business analysis, on the 350 new books we publish each year. She never lets us down. No matter how fast we need the information, or how complicated the information or analysis is, Shamsa is able to make sense out of it and to suggest a good plan of action. In addition to preparing financial analyses on books, she prepares analyses for the Sales and Marketing departments, and financial forecasts for our books each year. I was glad to learn that Shamsa has decided to study law, as I have believed for some time that she was ready for a new stage in her career, and that she ha the mind for law. She has the drive, professionalism, personality and intelligence too, and I believe will become a very fine lawyer. She is a woman whose judgement is trusted, and once she has accomplished her legal training, she would bring to the work a dedication, clarity, and common sense that would be of great benefit to people as well as to the legal profession. A compassionate person, Shamsa would, I feel sure, be active in pro bono legal work, and outreach to those less fortunate, as I believe she has a wise understanding of the human condition. One thing I can say for sure: she will work very hard, very efficiently, and very intelligently, and she will never let you down. A woman of integrity and humor, she also would be a fine addition to any group. The law school that admits her will be very proud one of having been an instiution that fostered the professional development of Shamsa Khan.
From my professor:
I first came to know Shamsa in Fall 1999 when she took my course titled ? The Great Works of Literture.? This course provides a history of contemporary literary movements, with representative texts from Europe, America, and the non-western world. Shamsa was among the few students who possessed the requisite background knowledge on these regions to appreciate this literarure. She also displayed a multicultural understanding and ethnic sensitivity to appreciate the cultural values of diverse communities. Shamsa was very disciplined in her attitude towards the course. She turned in her assignments on time, participated well in class, and attended lectures consistently. Her essays were very professional, showing a mature engagement with the subject and scrupulous editing. Shamsa always made significant contributions to class discussions, drawing from her wealth of experience in her native country of Pakistan and her new life in the US. She was able to bring her historical knowledge and awareness of current events to throw new light on the texts we studied. Not surprisingly, she needed ended the course with a grade that was among the best in the class. After teaching her in this course. I have had opportunities to counsel her in her educational interests at Barcuh College. She has continued to perform well in other courses she took from my colleagues here. I know that she performed exceptionally well in courses such a Managerial communications and Business Communications, further proving her exceptional communications skills. Her motivation to succeed in college education and to proceed to higher learning has always been consistent. Shamsa?s understanding of other cultures and her abiding interest in learning more about diverse regions of the world enables her to be sensitive to people from different communities. She relates to her peers and teachers well and is prepared to take the extra step to be of help to everyone she comes into contact with. In a society that is becoming progressively diverse, we have to learn from students of the caliber of Shamsa on how to negotiate complex relationships between people. These qualities place her in good standing for leadership positions in the professional world. Combing a passion for justice with a mind for analytical reasoning, she has the capacity to make a difference in the field of law.
For my essay, I would like to mention:
My short-term goal at work is to work more closely with my supervisor who is the director of communications. The projects I work on at work at international projects, such as a new refinery in Trinidad, the smelter in Iceland and Australia. The classes I enjoyed the most in school was my literature class mentioned above, which made the greatest difference in my life and also my managerial communications classes. Both classes helped me greatly with my job at random house. I also have a low GPA, but my best grades A- - B+ were in my English and communications classes. My literature class opened doors for me at Random House, since I was working on Modern Library books with editors. While majoring in finance I used finance practically at work during the day.
I would also like to mention my background. I am bi-cultural and a work-in-progess. I was born in Pakistan where women are no encouraged to attend graduate school. Most women get married immediately after completing undergrad, like my sister. I have a different outlook in life. I have traveled to France, London, Germany, Lebanon, Mexico, Spain, Brazil, the Carribean, and Pakistan to learn the different cultures I the world, and acquire something from all of them. I am also serious about learning Spanish. The program I am applying to is a program that helps underrepresented students get into grad school. I feel I am definitely underrepresented. Pakistan is patriarchal society where graduate schools are limited to women, in fact undergraduate majors for women are a selected few. My long term goals after completing my masters program, I would like to continue my education and obtain a Ph.D. in industrial psychology, and one day be a director of an organization that brings high school students from around the world in one spot to exchange ideas, an understanding of cultures, languages, something like the EF Foundation I mention above. I love being a mentor. I am currently a mentor for my best friends niece. We have been pen pals since she first learned to write. She is now 11 years old. I want to contribute to the next generation by being a better communicator. Communication skills are not encouraged in a Pakistani society. I worked very hard to overcome my obstacles. I nearly grew up a Random House, among all th books in the world. I currently own over 1100 books and I can?t live w/o any of them, but working at Alcoa has also changed my life. This where I asked my self, ?how do I contribute to society?? and the three programs mentioned above that I work on, I have been a happy camper. I love contributing to society and I would love to continue with a focused training in communications. Please see my resume for details.



ALCOA, INC, April 2004 ? present
Special Projects Analyst
Resource to the Environmental Health & Safety Corporate team to develop and implement projects, and effectively communicate objectives to WW EHS leadership.
? Corporate liaison to BU leaders and EHS professionals WW, communicating objectives and fielding issues/topics/questions to respective E,H,S or Communications areas.
? Administer the corporate function of maintaining the Enivironment & Health metrics system, and assist in measuring safety progress.
? Develop reports and appropriate presentations for internal and external stakeholders, working in conjunction with outside consultants, to complete Environment, Health & Safety Annual Report and Alcoa Annual Report
? Prepare quarterly EH & S report for Executive Council.
? Communicate to EH&S global lead team with EH&S updates.
? Assemble updates from team for their locations.
? Provide training to locations worldwide on EH&S systems and processes.
? Update EH& S homepage on the internal portal.
? Initiate Alcoa Earthwatch program. Alcoa employees have the opportunity to participate in Earthwatch expeditions around the world. This program is designed as a hands-on support for scientific field research that offers a rich opportunity for personal development, nurtures relationships between environmental an business organizations, and helps raise awareness and appreciation of the Earth?s ecosystems. I communicate to all Alcoans worldwide regarding program; collect all applications, review all applications; once participants are selected, administer with Earthwatch institute the program for participants.
? The Ten Million Tees program counts and recognizes the trees personally planted by Alcoa employees worldwide. Employees are encouraged to plant their trees on the Alcoa property where they work to contribute to the achievement of sustainability and to enhance the environment around the company?s facilities. I manage Ten Million Trees program; create with IT specialist ways to keep track of all locations that report number of trees planted. Encourage all locations worldwide thru memos to plant trees; also create charts and graphs of number of trees planted, number of trees that will be planted in 5 years, 10 years and than finally number of trees to plant to reach ultimate goal of ten million by year 2020.
? I also the chairperson for the Life! Committee at Alcoa. Life! Is a worldwide initiative designed to enhance our People Value and leverage Alcoa?s thousands of worldwide environment, health and safety, educational and community initiatives. My committee?s goal is to enhance the quality of work-life and well-being of Alcoa people and their families and to encourage and support personal development activities; provide communication/sharing ideas and developing initial program support materials. Examples of Life! Sessions are: smoking cessation, Can Recycle Projects, Stress management, Office Ergonomics/Posture, Diversity Training, etc. etc.

RANDOM HOUSE, INC, 1997- 2003
Associate Business Analyst/Random House Adult Trade (2001-2003)
? Prepared and evaluated profit and loss statements, reporting findings to middle management on a monthly basis.
? Performed budget vs. variance analysis and financial analysis for any marketing requests.
? Prepared operating expense reports on a monthly basis.
? Responsible for operating expenses in preparation of annual budget.
? Participated in bi-weekly, weekly, and monthly sales and marketing analysis meetings, providing updated marketing information.
? Created financial forecasts for 300 titles per year, collaborating with marketing, sales, publicity, editorial, subsidiary rights, and production departments.
? Worked one-on-one with editors to determine author advance, production cost of book and bonus clauses.
? Evaluated contractual issues arising after publication, determining business requirements and benefits of complying with requests.
? Assisted during author contract negotiation process.
? Prepared board meeting PowerPoint presentation package for upper management.
? Trained three new business analysts in the process of producing profit and loss statements and in how to access marketing information using established databases and in-house systems.
? Functioned as project manager during 110-person departmental relocation and served as liaison among internal departments (IT, facilities, purchasing, mailroom, etc.) and external vendors, such as architects.
? Managed client communications, handling authors? business requests falling outside contractual agreements, determining the cost compared to company benefit.
? Resolved internal office issues, including scheduling summer associates for maximum productivity, evaluating personnel and resource needs for editors, and implementing systems for new hires.

Legal Assistant
? Prepared documents relating to Political & Religious Asylum, Family Petitions, Visa Extensions, Entertainment Visas, and H-1 Visas.
? Drafted legal motions, letters, and appeals for attorney review.
? Worked with clients in preparation for court appearances.
? Served as translator for clients (non-English speakers from India and Pakistan) from the initial interview through to the trial period.
? Managed client relations, conducting initial interviews, clarifying client goals and expectations, and serving as communications point person throughout the process.

GELL & GELL LAW FIRM, 1995 - 1996
Legal Secretary
? Assisted new clients to prepare for initial meetings with the attorneys.
? Worked on cases covering Political and Religious Asylum, Suspension of Deportation, Family Petitions, Visa Extensions, Employment Authorization Cards, Refugee Travel Documents, & Advance Parole.
? Assisted attorneys in courts, procuring adjournments and resolving client concerns.


Bernard Baruch College, New York, NY, Bachelor of Business Administration: Finance, May 2002.

SKILLS: Technically proficient in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Lotus 1-2-3, Business Objects, and SAP.

Volunteer: Volunteered every Saturday at Emerald Isle, immigration center based in Woodside, Queens. Tutor three elementary school students everyday after school.

Hobbies: Love to read Russian, Turkish, and Latin literature. Travel to Europe, South Asia, and South America. Active member of Toastmasters International. Toastmasters is a public speaking organization designed to help members learn by speaking skills.

Ox Network

The purpose of this paper is to take a 360 degree view of the energy company XX, as it relates to organizational supply-chain. The problem rests in the short term forecasting of mate...rial through the Software Application Program. The SAP program is designed for Just in Time delivery of logistics, it works well in warehousing material, but in storm situations where a mass quantity of material is needed, the system forecasting measures fails miserably. The measures that are designed to automatically order material, naturally does not take care of short term forecasting.

Who are you talking about, what are you doing and, what is the purpose of the paper
Strategic Renewal
Identificatoin of the current organizational issue
Analysis of current position of the organization as a result of the organizational issue and the motivation for creating change
The systematic framework for guiding your organizational diagnosis
The role of and skills needed by the leadership to successfully diagnose the current issue
Trigger events which require change. (What needs to change- performance issues, etc.?)

Shared Diagnosis
Summary of three stages of change implementation (Lewins Change Model ) (unfreeze, change, and refreeze) as it relates to the organizational current issue
Definition of perspective and underlying assumptions for change
Data collection methods for completing the diagnosis
Identification of the cultural traits and behaviors that assist or hinder your organizations efforts for success

Creation of the organizational design, being sure to include the formal and informal design elements
Diagnosis of your organizational structure, current Human Resource efforts, and changes needed to be successful (not by person but by structure)
Teamwork effectiveness model

Human Resources Development
Techniques for person-organization fit screening
Ways your organization will develop a leader who c an approach change strategies as an offensive system and not only as a defensive response
The use of cross-functional teams

New Systems and Structures
Sequence of change implementations
Explanation of your implementation and communication plan for strategic renewal
Implementation mistakes you will avoid
Ways in which your organization will align structure and strategy

5-7 sources

There are faxes for this order.

In this Session Long Project, work as a marketing consultant to develop a feasible marketing plan for your client. Conduct both secondary (search secondary sources) and primary research (interview cus...tomers or conduct surveys) in order to glean the necessary information for your marketing plan. When conducting primary research, you will collect only qualitative data (i.e., personal in-depth interviews with at least three target customers) for this study.

It is important to conduct quality market research on your focal product/company in order to develop realistic and workable marketing plans. Generally speaking, there are two types of research. One is secondary research, which refers to data collection using existing sources, and the other is primary research, which is your own data collection for the specific study at hand. The purpose of market research is to collect usable information to make more informed decisions on the business problem, thus increasing the chance of business success in the marketplace.

Here is the Marketing Plan Outline, which provides information on:
1.The format for your final SLP.
2.A list of topics for the marketing plan.

In this module SLP, conduct SWOT analysis for your marketing plan.

SWOT Analysis

A thorough situation analysis in the Module 1 SLP is the foundation for a SWOT analysis. Develop statements of the company?s internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. If there is any question as to whether a fact or issue is external (these lead to opportunity and threat statements) or internal (these lead to strength and weakness statements), ask this key question, ?Would this issue exist if the company did not exist?? If the answer is yes, then the issue should be classified as external.

Note: Remember that alternative marketing strategies and tactics are not opportunities. Opportunities and threats exist independently of the firm. Strategies and tactics are what the firm intends to do about its opportunities and threats relative to its own strengths and weaknesses.

The SWOT will play a critical role (along with an in-depth understanding of target market needs/preferences and competition) in the development of goals, objectives, and marketing strategies and programs. Key strengths need to be matched to opportunities and converted to capabilities that help serve customer needs better and lead to competitive advantage. Goals, strategies, and program ideas stem from an attempt to convert weaknesses into strengths and threats into opportunities. Some alternatives will also come from thinking about how to minimize the repercussions of weaknesses and threats that cannot be converted, and/or how to avoid them altogether. Follow the instructions below to identify strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats.

A. Strengths and Weaknesses (Internal)

Think about internal conditions; those things that management has some control over that are relevant to future success and effectiveness. The task is to identify internal strengths, which must be taken into consideration as management plans for the future.

Remember, a strength is any internal characteristic that improves effectiveness. Look for factors that help the company improve positioning in the marketplace, enhance financial performance, and most importantly, fight off threats and take advantage of opportunities in the external environment.

A weakness is any internal characteristic that limits effectiveness, performance, and the ability to accomplish objectives, meet threats, and take advantage of opportunities.

It is also important to point out that a particular fact about the internal environment may have a weakness and a strength dimension. For example, we might say that the company's technical skills are of the highest quality and this is a strength, but since these skills are possessed by only a few employees, it is also a weakness in that we need more people with such skills and would be hurt if a few key people left the company.

Using the following 16 internal factors to stimulate your thinking, list all of the company strengths you can think of for each category. Then review the same list of 16 internal factors and develop a list of company weaknesses. (You may not have access to all of the information below, but try your best to identify at least five of them for your project).

Internal Factors

The following categories of internal factors are commonly used to generate a list of specific company strengths and weaknesses. This list is to be used to stimulate your thinking about internal strengths and weaknesses.
1.Management leadership/capabilities.
2.Organization structure and management systems.
3.Facilities, equipment, and materials.
4.Technical skills and expertise.
5.Dedication, morale, and motivation of employees.
6.Capacity to meet demand?production capacity, including excess available for growing demand.
7.Marketing effectiveness/efficiency?advertising, personal selling, public relations, products/services, prices, distribution, marketing research and planning, customer service, warranties, sales support, sales promotion, etc.
8.Ability to deliver what the market wants.
9.Ability to deliver in a timely manner.
10.Image and reputation as perceived by customers and within the industry.
11.Customer (and potential customer) perception?likes, dislikes, and perceptions of service, quality, etc.
12.Financial performance?sales, market share, customer satisfaction/loyalty, and profits.
13.Financial situation?availability of capital, internal funding, financial stability, etc.
14.Cost of operations?high cost vs. low cost, rising costs, costs compared to competition (manufacturing, distribution, etc.)
15.Geographic location(s).
16.Other relevant competencies/resources that translate into strengths that have not been mentioned. Also, any weaknesses we have missed related to a lack of competencies and/or resources that are needed in the future.

B. Opportunities and Threats (External)

Think about the most significant trends in the organization?s external environment that will have an impact on future success. The challenge is to identify relevant opportunities and threats outside management's control that must be taken into consideration during the planning process. You will need to list and describe the factors/issues forming industry trends that may influence future efforts one way or the other, either as a positive force (opportunity) or as a barrier (threat).

An opportunity is the result of some trend or fact in the external environment that represents a marketplace and/or financial performance advantage. It may indicate a new direction, product or service, and/or resource requirement for the company. It represents an attractive arena for marketing action in which the company would enjoy a competitive advantage.

A threat is the result of some trend or fact in the external environment that represents an area of concern for management. It represents a challenge posed by an unfavorable trend or development that would lead, in the absence of effective marketing action, to the erosion of the company's or industry's position. A threat may:
1.Directly or indirectly affect the business.
2.Indicate an area to be avoided.
3.Demand a strategic response.
4.Represent an opportunity if responded to properly.

It should be pointed out that a particular trend in the external environment (for example, mergers/acquisitions, technological advancements, and/or a recent change in the way competitors operate and what they are offering the market) can imply both a threat and an opportunity. Sometimes in strategic planning we say that behind each threat (or problem) lies an opportunity. Or an optimist in strategic planning will look at threats and try to turn them into opportunities. Thus, it should be remembered that if management can adapt properly to a threat (such as mergers and acquisitions), this trend may be viewed as an opportunity as well as a threat.

Review the following 13 categories of external environmental trend factors and list the trends or issues that are relevant to the company and industry. Then translate each factor identified into a specific opportunity and/or threat statement. That is, what are the implications of each environmental trend or issue outside the company in terms of specific opportunities and/or threats? (You may not have access to all the information below, but try your best to identify at least five of them for your project).

External Environmental Trend Factors

The following categories of external environmental trend factors are commonly considered in the planning process. They are used to develop a specific list of company opportunities and threats. This list is to be used to stimulate your thinking about opportunities and threats in the external environment.
1.Mergers and acquisitions?(e.g., among customers, potential customers, suppliers, competitors, and/or within the industry).
2.Competitive trends?specific competitive strategies and programs, or recent changes such as lower prices or new products.
3.Economic trends?forces and changes in the economy such as inflation, interest rates, recession.
4.Technological trends?new technological innovations.
5.Technical requirements?within the industry.
6.Market/industry trends?size of firm related to industry, financial performance of the industry compared with the firm, size/growth rate of current and future potential market characteristics and trends in markets and industry.
7.Customer and potential customer attitudes?preferences, expectations, problems, wants, needs, etc. What changes are anticipated?
8.Legal trends?government regulations and policies.
9.Societal/lifestyle trends?changes in people's values, attitudes, and activities.
10.New products/services?on the market.
11.Supply sources.
12.Declining or increasing productivity?in the industry or economy.
13.Other industry trends not previous mentioned that are relevant to the future.

Based on the detailed discussion of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, use SWOT tables for the SWOT analysis. In other words, first state the facts based on your research, and then summarize the findings in a SWOT table. Note the examples below and follow the ?best statements? to describe the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your company and charge in SWOT table(s).


Not Useful Statement

Better Statement

Best Statement

Internal Strengths

Customer loyalty/brand image

We have a strong brand image.

We have a 42% market share and our brand is known worldwide.

Our global market share has grown from 25% to 42% over the past four years. Independent surveys show our quality and image is rated No. 1 in our industry in the U.S. and Asia and No. 2 in Europe behind XYZ.

Sales/ Distribution

Our distribution is the best in the industry.

Our product is available in more locations than our competitors?.

Our extensive distribution network provides product within 10 miles of the home or work location of 95% of our target market. Our competitors only achieve this level for 40%-65% of the market.

Internal Weaknesses

Product cost

Our costs are high.

Our major competitors, ABC and XYZ, produce in China for less cost.

Our labor costs average $40/unit (in Detroit) vs. $12/unit for our competitors (in China). With product market prices of $120/unit we barely break even.

Product Life

We have product problems.

Our product life is less than the competition.

Typically, our product fails after one year. Our major competitor?s product lasts 2-3 years. Customers are willing to pay 50% more for our competitors? product.

External Opportunities

Alternative Distribution College Campus

We can leverage new distribution channels.

Internet could be used to increase sales to college students.

Direct Sales (via campus Intranet) and on-campus kiosks would more than double our coverage of our targeted Generation Y market.

Export Growth via Strategic Alliances

Export markets can help us grow.

Europe and Asia provide good opportunities to grow by partnering.

Strategic alliances with ABC in Europe and XYZ in Asia would allow us to double international sales in two years.

External Threats


Substitutes are a threat.

ABC?s new sugar-free sweetener may hurt us.

In six months, ABC?s sugar-free sweetener has achieved 20% market share. Its share is expected to grow to 40% by next year.


Competitor mergers could hurt us.

Competitor XYZ is expected to acquire ABC.

If XYZ acquires ABC, it will dominate the distribution network and limit our access.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Use the following outline to organize your paper. Note that the letters ?a, b, c?? and the numbers ?i, ii, iii, iv?? below are used to show the major issues you need to include in your paper, but should not be used to format your paper.

III. SWOT Analysis (3-6 pages)
a.Strengths and Weaknesses (Internal)i.Strengths

b.Opportunities and Threats (External)i.Opportunities

c.SWOT Table

Note: Use double-spaced, black Verdana or Times Roman font in 12 pt. type size. Include a title page and references. Revise your Module 1 SLP based on the feedback from your professor and your additional research, and include the Module 1 SLP in the Module 2 SLP.

Explain clearly and logically the facts about your company and charge, and use the required reading to support your positions on the issues. Do not repeat or quote definitions. Your use of the required reading to support your opinions (that is, contentions or positions) should demonstrate that you understand the concepts presented.

Paraphrase the facts using your own words and ideas, employing quotes sparingly. Quotes, if absolutely necessary, should rarely exceed five words.

Academic papers at the master's level should include citations and references. Look at different sources, especially credible and reputable resources such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, and The Economist, to find the information for your paper. Also use Trident University?s online library databases such as ProQuest and EBSCO to find the information for your project. Your discussion on each topic should be a synthesis of the different sources. Taking shortcuts on the number and quality of your sources will result in a poor-quality marketing plan that will be of no use to your client.

Also, it is important that you reference your sources throughout the text of your marketing plan. Take the following paragraph as an example:

?As a result, telephone interviewers often do not even get a chance to explain that they are conducting a survey (Council for Marketing and Opinion Research, 2003), and response rates have steadily declined (Keeter et al., 2000) to reported lows of 7% (Council for Marketing and Opinion Research, 2003). This decrease presents a problem because not only does it increase the cost of conducting telephone surveys, but it also leads to questions concerning the generalizability of the results (Struebbe, Kernan & Grogan, 1986; Tuckel & O?Neill, 2002).?

There are different citation and reference formats such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. No matter which format you adopt for your marketing plan, make it consistent throughout the plan.

Also note: The marketing plan should use third person business writing. Avoid ?we,? ?our,? and "you.? Do not use contractions in business writing.

Guidelines for handling quoted and paraphrased material are found at:

Anonymous (n.d.) Purdue Online Writing Lab. Copyright ?1995-2011 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Accessed 3/9/12 at:

Anonymous (n.d.) Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing. Purdue Online Writing Lab. Copyright ?1995-2011 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Accessed 3/9/12 at:

Anonymous (n.d.) Avoiding Plagiarism. Purdue Online Writing Lab. Copyright ?1995-2011 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Accessed 3/9/12 at:

Your SLP should not simply be a list of facts. Take the facts you find about the company, the charge, and the environments that the company faces, and explain how you think those facts will affect the financial future of the product or brand in your charge. The emphasis in grading your paper will be on the breadth and depth of your discussion of each topic, critical thinking, the clarity of your discussion, and the proper organization of the paper.

SLP 1: Below
Overview ? Apple Computer Founded in 1976 with a marketing model based on integration, aesthetics and design, never a low price leader, always an innovator. Introduced iPhone in 2007; 2013 Apple Iphone 5 series sold 9 million devices in initial three days of launch. By November 2013, all major US cellular companies offer the IPhone and over 760 mobile customers in China as well as millions globally. Currently has about 17% of market share. (Apple signs deal, 2013).
Competitive Analysis ?
? Android currently dominates market, Windows growing (81% or so Android phones)
? Apple around 13% - but all profitable
? Apple and Samsung, though, are only manufacturers making money
? HTC, LG, Motorola, Nokia and BlackBerry all lost money in 2013
? 81% of Androids are ?junk phones? and make no money
? Real world usage ? Apple has overwhelming share of smartphone and table app sales, Apple?s iOS is making the money (Bradley, 2013).

Market Description - Market is truly global, Apple has a top tier reputation in all markets, and is seen as a status symbol in many.
? Segmentation ? middle-upper middle class individuals, small home and offices, larger businesses with design focus
? Targeting ? turn the ordinary into something extraordinary, worry less about price and more about justification and lifestyle
? Value proposition ? Focus on value and design to build, build through tribe mentality
? Consumer Behavior ? Push the envelope and ease of use, be part of the innovative generation and first line of consumer
? Push the elite and exclusivity angle ? while Android and Windows have many apps, push the fact that many Apple apps are unique and trademarked for Apple OS only
? Apple offers more seamless integration between phone, tablet, laptop and computers
? Buying decision process- consumer must be engaged; merge IPhone with other Apple products ? push consumers as ?Apple Users.?

Distribution Review ? Available only through certified Apple locations certain cellular distributors; usually also offer IPads as well; service must be done at a designated Apple center or cellular manufacture; product is global in nature.
? Design and Engineering done in the USA; Manufacturing with partners (Asia and China), global distribution to decrease costs
? Applications (Software) can only be written by authorized Apple vendors
? Tight control on exclusive market; low price elasticity and price wars
? Designed to increase perception of luxury and aesthetics
? May limit exposure to some markets
Micro and Macro-Environmental Issues
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Pioneer innovator, quality Lower market share due to higher price Synergistic relationship with partners Android and now, new upgraded Windows Phones
Global branding, high impact brand Dependency on CEO and Charisma Huge and consistent market growth Comparably expensive as industry catches up
Strong R&D Switch often to new models Growing CSR and sustainable market issues High product substitution effect
Strong presence in educational market Eroding share of educational Market Increasing demand for cloud, music and seamless integration Can Apple continue to innovate?
Still unique after 35 years Apple stores limit opportunities Partnerships and synergisms Loss of Steve Jobs, market perception

Environmental Solutions for pushing Market Share ?
? Clearly, Apple is a successful, multidimensional and global corporation. Sales have more than doubled between 2005 and 2009 domestically and more than tripled internationally
? Focusing on the ability to have a phone, pad, and computer device that are all interconnected and can handle any conceivable business situation is paramount.
? Updating the iPhone and continually pushing the envelope with new editions keeps the market price elastic, competitive, and ensures continued sales and new customers.
? Rumors abound about Apple introducing a new, compatible HD Television platform, which would certainly increase visibility and market share.
? Apple must improve their image as a globally responsible and sustainable corporation that thinks globally, not just locally. They need to push their proprietary system as something special that deserves protection, and come out looking like the hero rather than the villain.
? Apple needs to push towards its strengths. Apple is not, nor has never wanted to become, a manufacturing company. Instead, Apple is an innovator of electronic devices, and they wish to retain that expertise.
? Partnering with other organizations that are more focused on manufacturing allows Apple to retain its core knowledge, its proprietary technology (Satell, 2013).


Apple Signs Deal to Open Connection between iPhones and China Mobile. (2013, December). The Guardian. Retrieved from:
7 Key Strategies That You Must Learn From Apple?s Marketing. (2009). Retrieved from:
Bradley, T. (2013, November). Android Dominates Market Share, But Apple Makes all the Money. Forbes. Retrieved from:
Deidu, H. (February 27, 2012). The Value of the OS X Monopoly. Asymco. Retrieved from:
Linzmayer, O. (2004). Apple Confidential 2.0. San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press
Satell, G. (2013, April). Why Apple?s Future is Uncertain. Forbes. Retrieved from:

Business Ethics

Please use the following text book
Business Ethics : Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility, by Laura Hartman & Joe Desjardins

Als...o, in addition to the textbook above, there are articles other references (youtube videos, websites) contained in the questions addition to those citations, please cite an additional 15 citations, in the following manner

- every 2 page paper, use the textbook + 2 other citations (or youtube, or article)..the idea here is to have 3 citations minimum for every 2 page paper
- the "paragraph" answers DO NOT have to be cited

1. 2 Pages
Choose one of the following companies (or any company that has been in the press) and write a APA style critical analysis of the ethical issues involved in the case.

Legal Cases:

Global Crossing
NYSE and Richard Grasso
Merrill Lynch
Health South
Marsh and McLennan
Al Dunlap and Sunbeam
The analysis should include the following:

A short description of case
identification of the ethical issues involved (what was the alleged ethical wrong done, and why is/was it wrong?)
A statement, in their own opinion, of whether it was wrong or not, and more importantly, why?
Thoughts on what could have been done to avoid the problem ? do we need more laws & government regulation? What internal controls might have prevented this situation?
Was the problem more a matter of individuals gone wrong, or was it more systemic and organizational?

2. 1 Paragraph
What kind of organization would you like to work for? What would be the best? What would be the most realistic?

Think about and Discuss its structure, physical environment, lines of communication, treatment of employees, recruitment and promotion practices, policies towards the community and so on.

Consider also what you lose because of some of these benefits (for example if the company contributes in the community or offers more benefits for employees there might be less money for raises.)

Discuss trade-offs. Link the costs and benefits (utilitarianism) to the value of what the firm is doing (universalism).

3. 2 Pages
How should the decision-making process be handled.
How should the intrinsic as well as the instrumental value of a human life be determined?
Consider how you would measure your own worth or the value of someone close to you. Who are their stakeholders and what is their value to each of them? How will they measure it financially?
How much would your stakeholders suffer if they lost you?
How much do you currently contribute to society and what would society lose if you were not here?
How much would society benefit if you continued to survive?
Businesses have reasons to consider these issues, though extraordinarily difficult; how would you prefer that they reach conclusions in these areas?

4. 2 Pages
The scenario discussed is that of the Ford Pinto, which involves a decision that teaches the hazards of considering only the instrumental value of a life.

In 1968, Ford Motor Company made a historic decision regarding the Pinto, which was engineered with a rear gas tank assembly that had a tendency to explode in accidents that involved some rear-end collisions. The company allowed the Pinto to remain on the market after it determined that it would be more costly to engage in a recall effort than to pay out the costs of liability for injuries and deaths incurred.

In an infamous memo, Ford?s senior management calculated what the company would likely have to pay per life lost. It is noteworthy that these estimates were not Ford?s alone but were based on figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Using these figures, the costs for recalling and modifying the Pinto were $121 million, while the costs for settling cases in which injuries were expected to occur would be only about $50 million.

Write APA style paper considering the following questions when assessing this scenario:

How should the decision-making process be handled.
How should the intrinsic as well as the instrumental value of a human life be determined?
Consider how you would measure your own worth or the value of someone close to you. Who are their stakeholders and what is their value to each of them? How will they measure it financially?
How much would your stakeholders suffer if they lost you?
How much do you currently contribute to society and what would society lose if you were not here?
How much would society benefit if you continued to survive?
Businesses have reasons to consider these issues, though extraordinarily difficult; how would you prefer that they reach conclusions in these areas?

5. 1 Paragraph
Rethinking the Social Responsibility of Business: A Reason to Debate Featuring Milton Friedman, Whole Food?s John Mackey, and Cypress Semicondutor?s T. J. Rodgers. Pages 231-239
Discuss the concept that corporations add far more to society by maximizing ?long-term shareholder value? than they do by donating time and money to charity.

How important is this concept to business, society, and to you? Which position do you believe is more accurate?Rodgers or Mackey?

6. 2 Pages


Write a summary of the lecture.

Answer the following questions:

What ethical considerations were discussed in the video.
Are the questions posed in this video still relevant today in light of the current business environment?
How can this lecture help you to become a better business person provide two good examples on how this lecture material could change the way you do business.

7. Paragraph
Inquiring Employers Want to Know

The following information is sometimes requested on standard employment applications, though job candidates might consider some of it to be private or personal.

Which of the following items about an employee might an employer have a legitimate claim to know, and why?

A job applicant?s social security number
An applicant?s arrest record
An employee?s medical records
An employee?s marital status
Whether a job applicant smokes
An employee?s political affiliation
An employee?s sexual orientation
An employee?s credit rating
Consider the following questions in the assessment of this scenario:

What facts are relevant to your decisions?
What would the consequences be of refusing to answer any questions on an employment application?
Are you basing your decision on particular rights of the employee or the employer?
Are there people other than the employer and employee who might have a stake in what information is released to employers?

8. 2 Pages

Term Papers
Term papers on practically every subject imaginable are available on the Internet. Many of those who submit the papers as their own work defend their practice in Various ways: (1) These papers are posted to assist in research in the same way any other resource is posted on the Web and should simply be cited if used; (2) these papers are posted in order to encourage faculty to modify paper topics and/or exams and not to simply bring back assignments that have been used countless times in the past, (3) they don?t have time to complete a paper and since they have paid for the course they have in effect paid for the degree, and (4) if the professor doesn?t ?catch? them what harm has been done?

Are you persuaded?

Write an APA style paper addressing the above issues while answering the following:

Is there anything unethical about this service in general?
If so, who should be held accountable, the poster, the ultimate user (student), the professor, the university, or someone else?
Use the ethical decision making model process to determine the ethics of the term paper service.

9. 1 Paragraph
Are some products too dangerous to be marketed in any circumstance? What regulations, if any, would you place on marketing cigarettes? Handguns? Prescription drugs?

As a starting point, refer to The American Marketing Association?s Statement of Ethics, found at of Ethics.aspx which provides guidelines for marketing products.

This code of ethics can be used to locate other codes and regulations that may address this issue.

10. 2 Pages
Research the case Pelman v. McDonald?s in which it was alleged that McDonald?s was partially responsible for the health problems associated with the obesity of children who eat MacDonald?s fast food.

Write an APA style paper addressing the above issues while answering the following:

Should MacDonald?s and other fast-food restaurants be judged negligent for selling dangerous products, failing to warn consumers of the dangers of a high-fat diet, and deceptive advertising?

11. 1 Paragraph
Do you believe that business has any direct ethical duties to living beings other than humans? Do animals, plants, or ecosystems have rights?
What criteria have you used in answering such questions? What is your own standard for determining what objects count, from a moral point of view?

12. 2 Pages
Investigate LEED (Leadership in energy and Environmental Design) building designs. Should all new buildings be required by law to adopt LEED design standards and conform to the LEED rating system?

Write an, APA style paper addressing the above issue.

Students can learn about LEED on the U.S. Green Building Council?s website:

Empire State Building

For the research project assignment you will select a historical construction project for
investigation and presentation as a report. The purpose of this research paper is to develop an
understanding of the historical evolution of fundamental construction processes and practices.
The selected project should be considered a significant work construction prior to the 20
th Century. (Any worldwide region from Asia to the Americas).

Topics for consideration and reporting within your research:

What were the cultural influences driving the development of the project
Provide a description of the fundamental design and construction practices
How did the project influence the evolution of our current construction practices and
methods of project delivery?
Defining of any design and construction innovations including the use of materials and
construction practices
Project specific information: Name, location, when the project was constructed, how long
did in take, safety considerations, method of project delivery, etc.

Limit the paper to 5 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, 12 pt. font, double spaced.


Developing Human Potential

1. Critically assess the key learning & development challenges that face modern organisations in todays changing environment.

2. Critically analyse the learning and development ...interventions which your organisation could introduce to meet the challenges they face. Justify your recommendations

Assignment 2

3. Critically assess the key challenges that modern organisations face in evaluating learning and development interventions.

4. Critically analyse the opportunities for evaluating the learning and development interventions within your organisation. Justify your recommendations

A well structured assignment which progresses paragraph by paragraph is going to earn you significantly more marks than one which is poorly organised and leaves the reader feeling confused

The introduction is vital in showing the reader just how well you have understood the question set and in indicating how you have answered it. This involved providing enough background knowledge to put the essay into context and enough information so that the reader will know which aspects your assignment concentrates on.

A good introduction will:
a) show that you are going to answer the question
b) show that you understand the issues, their implications and context
c) indicate the structure of your answer, making clear the main areas that you are going to write about
d) show evidence that you have carried out some research by making reference to your sources
e) consist of approximately 10% of the total number of words (eg 300 words in a 3,000 word assignment)

Developing Human Potential ??" Assignments 1& 2

Your introduction should set the scene by explaining the journey you intend to take to answer the two key questions which make up this assignment
Your challenge is to demonstrate that you appreciate the key learning and development challenges which organisations face, and then to focus on the case study to offer some suggestions to meet these challenges

Main body of assignment

It is a good idea to consider your assignment as being made up of a series of research questions so that you can keep clear in your mind what you are trying to discover

It is important that the essay is structured is a series of well organised, themed paragraphs
Effective paragraphs should :
a) address a specific issue relating to the argument / discussion you are presenting
b) - begin with a simple topic sentence which clearly shows what the paragraph is about
- develop this in the form of information that looks at the topic in detail
- finish with a sentence that brings this to an end, and where possible, make a link to the next paragraph
c) be sequenced so that your argument or exploration progresses step-by-step

Developing Human Potential ??" Assignment 1

The slides which support your case study could be useful here to provide a guide to the assignment structure.

The first part of your main body should include Problems, Possible Causes and Learning & Development Challenges from a generic viewpoint (ie those which face modern organisations in todays changing environment)
You will find it useful to review the module sessions to find a shape this section. Your word count would not allow you to include each and every topic, so you need to be selective about what you target and how you justify is inclusion.
The kinds of issues you may wish to include are as follows :
a) The national context
b) How to ensure learning and development meets strategic objectives
c) Justifying how learning and development adds value
d) How to transfer learning and development to the workplace
e) How to support career management
f) How to manage change through learning and development
g) How to support collective learning / knowledge management
h) How to design effective learning and development
i) How to utilise new technology to good effect
j) How to achieve ethical practice

The second part of your main body should focus on the challenges which your organisation faces and the kinds of learning and development interventions which could be introduced to meet the challenges
The following headings might be helpful here in creating a structure as follows :
a) Problems
b) Possible causes
c) Key learning and development challenges
d) Role of learning and development interventions

Developing Human Potential - Assignment 2

The overall layout for this assignment follows a similar pattern to assignment 1 in that you need to offer a generic picture of the challenges of evaluation which organisations generally face which you would then follow up with specific reference to your own organisation
Although the two assignments will be assessed as two separate pieces of work, it might be useful to conceive of them as being different parts of the overall learning and development cycle.
Therefore, you might find it helpful to discuss evaluation in the context of reviewing some of the key issues which you have considered for assignment 1.
NB If you intend to signpost the reader across the two assignments, these connections should be clearly labelled and cross referenced

The criteria you will be assessed on include :
a) TOPIC KNOWLEDGE (breadth of reading including variety of sources and methodologies)
b) ANALYSIS (your highlighting of key issues)
c) EVALUATION (insightful critique)
d) UNDERSTANIDNG & SYNTHESIS (weaving and summation of ideas)
e) APPLICATION (both theory and practice sensitively applied)

Conclusions & recommendations

Finishing an assignment strongly is just as important as beginning it in a structured and informative way. The conclusion is important in highlighting the main issues raised in the assignment and stressing their relevance to the assignment question or title. A well constructed, thoughtful conclusion reinforces the impact of the assignment

A good conclusion should :
a) Be a well thought out summary of the main points / themes raised in the assignment
b) Express these aspects in a fresh way : avoid using the same language again
c) Fit in with the rest of the assignment.
d) Perhaps include a thought provoking question based on the issues covered; create vivid images or express a clearly stated opinion or statement
e) Call for action, further individual development, further research etc

Developing Human Potential ??" Assignments 1& 2

The key intention for these assignments is that you should demonstrate that you have explored the challenges, possible learning and development interventions and possible evaluation options available for organisations both from a macro, generic perspective and from a specific organisational perspective

Your conclusion should therefore summarise what you have learned about each of these stages so that you can substantiate any recommendations you are going to offer for your own future practice. These recommendations will be judged according to their being creative as well as pragmatic (ie workable)

Overall :

Your assignment will also be assessed for the following qualities :
A) REFERENCING ??" accurate citations, referencing, bibliography
(NB See above ??" need to include a range of sources which represent a variety of perspectives)
B) PRESENTATION ??" logical structure; clearly communicated

Essay Instructions

Applied Research Project Details and Topics

You have been asked by the executive committee of your company to give a report on the strategic implications of infor...mation technology on your business over the next three years. Here are brief steps that can help in forming how you will complete the project:

-Find a business need that can be satisfied with technology
-Research available options
-Assess solutions based on decision criteria
-Rcommend and justify your solution

This report will be written with the intention to submit it to the executive committee. The executive committee has identified a number of potential research topics (not intended to be all inclusive) that include:
Information Superhighway
o Internet
o Internet2
o Strategic e-commerce
o Broadband
o Internet Legislation including taxation
o Internet security
IS Management
o Outsourcing
o ASP's
o Business Process Reengineering
o Website Development
o Linux
Corporate Applications
o Information Security
o Expert Systems
o Artificial Intelligence
o Groupware
o Intranets/Extranets
Telecommunications and Networks
o Gigabit and higher networks
o SAN's
o Video Conferencing
o VoIP
o Wireless networking
IS Acquisitions
o Cost Justification Methodology
o Total Cost of Ownership
o Systems Development Life Cycle
o Prototyping
o Weighted Criteria Analysis
o Computer Ethics
o Virtual Reality
o Multimedia
o Telecommuting
o Data Security
o International Issues
o Computer Based Learning
o Wireless Broadband
o 64 Bit Microprocessor and associated chip sets
o Portable Computing trends
End User Software/Applications
o Database trends
o Operating System trends
o Office Suite trends
o Project Management trends
Pick a topic from one major area and subcategory. Then choose a specific company (either one you work for or one you have researched) and prepare a written report using APA format. You may find information about APA in the Syllabus. The HUB 2.0 Student Resources center contains a variety of guides for APA which may be helpful as well.
The paper needs to include a recommendation on what strategic action to take relative to the topic selected as well as the impact on the selected company over a three year time frame. The paper should follow this general outline:
I. Definition of the subject
II. Brief background of the company you have chosen
III. Discussion of Current Business Issues (the issues would be addressed by your chosen topic)
IV. Discussion of Proposed Solution (how the chosen topic addresses the business issues described)
V. Recommendations for the Executive Committee (supported by strategic impact of topic over a three year time frame)
VI. Attachments
i. Reference List
ii. Exhibits of any material that can be used to support assertions made or facts presented in the paper.
General Expectations for your Final Paper

The paper should follow the APA style of citing references and should include no fewer than five reference citations.
Use the library available credible resources on the Internet.
The paper should be between 8-10 double-spaced pages (excluding title page, abstract, bibliography and attachments). 8 to 10 pages of content correlates to 2,000 to 2,500 words.
Reference direct quotations and paraphrased material from your research appropriately via APA style.

Below is an example of what the paper needs to resemble ( this is an example that was given to us by the professor as a SIMPLY A GUIDE)

Technology-Mediated Learning Environment -- TutorPro

Example used with permission from the student 2/18/2010.?



This research paper examines the technology-mediated learning environment and the advantages of using online technology to facilitate staff training. Additionally, this paper discusses Law FirmX's implementation of desktop tutorial software program "TutorPro" with the purpose of increasing secretarial skill competency levels. This paper illustrates how FirmX can increase employee commitment, minimize resistance by effectively communicating the firms expectations. Lastly, this paper outlines recommendations on how FirmX's implementation of TutorPro will assist the firm's short and long-term goals in meeting their strategic goals and objectives.
TML is defined as an environment in which the learners' interactions with learning materials (readings, assignments, exercises, etc.), peers and/or instructors are mediated through advanced information technologies. (Alavi, M., & Leidner, D. 2001, p. 2). Learning instruction refers to situations in which one individual intentionally tries to influence the learning of another by structuring the environment of the learner in a manner where the individual will achieve a desired outcome. (Shuell & Lee, 1976). Two important trends in the training area are "1) the influence of technology in all learning scenarios referred to as technology-mediated learning and 2) the move toward more social forms of learning." (Arthur, et al., 2003).
Technology-mediated learning (TML) environment assists in the need for education to be readily accessible and flexible. There is an increased demand for a highly educated workforce and for the continuous learning and upgrading of employees' skill set. (Alavi, & Leidner, 2001, p. 2). It can be difficult and expensive for organizations to release a number of staff for fixed training. Employers often prefer TML since it provides employees flexibility and convenience to increase skill level when it is conducive to employee's schedules and without being released from the work station. With an increasing number of organizations focusing on internal capabilities for success, training is no longer a cost center but a strategic one. (Gupta & Bostrom, 2009, p. 687). Moreover, TML has reduced the need for organizations to hire a internal and external consultant to train employees. Training is one of the most common methods companies employ to enhance the productivity of individuals and to communicate organizational goals to new employees. (Smith & Reed, 2008, p. 1).
The trend in TML investment is highly visible in both organizations and academic institutions. (Gupta & Bostrom, 2009, p. 687). In 2008, "U.S. organizations with 100 or more employees spent $134.39 billion on formal training, with 32.6 percent performed through technology mediation." (ASTD, 2008). By the end of 2009, Gartner predicts that "60 percent of core business processes and software will include a TML component." (Gartner, 2004).
FirmX is a private law firm with headquarters in Chicago and satellite offices in Los Angeles, New York City and Washington, D.C. The law firm provides legal counsel and advice regarding clients legal rights and responsibilities in civil, corporate and government cases, business transactions and numerous other practice areas. The firm has an outstanding record of providing legal services to public service and pro bono advocacy In the DC office, there are approximately seventy attorneys and forty-five support staff, which consist of legal secretaries, assistants, and paralegals.
There is a widespread recognition that organizations need to continuously enhance their capabilities to retain a competitive edge in a highly complex business environment. (Hazarika, 2008, p. 63). Todays attorneys have different secretarial needs and expectations. This generation expects secretaries to possess intermediate and advnced skills in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Secretarial skills such as dictation, shorthand, etc. have been replaced with innovative technology. Today's secretaries are required to be highly proficient in working in multiple documents simultaneously, inserting an excel spreadsheet in a Word document, generate a table of contents, coordinate video and VoIP conferences, and create PowerPoint presentations, graphics, etc.
Presently, a significant number of secretaries at FirmX do not possess proficient skill sets. For many years, were not encouraged or held accountable to attend training classes to improve their proficiency. In the last year, FirmX attempted to increase secretarial proficiency by offering training workshops. However, problems arose when secretaries were away to attend training classes. The firm did not want the added expense of hiring temporary workers. The firm attempted to solve this issue by scheduling training sessions in the morning and afternoon. Nonetheless, attorneys complained that their assigned relief secretary often did not possess the skill set they needed to effectively assist them. For example, if a secretary supported an attorney who required advanced PowerPoint skills, the covering secretary may not be proficient in this area since her attorneys did not work in PowerPoint.
FirmX's intended outcome is to ensure that all secretaries are proficient in all areas and can cover any attorney regardless of their area of expertise or secretarial needs. The need for advanced training is critical if FirmX wants to remain competitive as technology-mediated learning environments are designed as solutions to challenges the firm faces in the complex, rapidly changing business environment. Statistics have revealed that technology-mediated environments present important opportunities for fostering learning.
A large number of Firm Xs support staff have resisted the desktop online training software by withholding information about their current skill set, failing to fill out questionnaire to assist trainers, malicious compliance and failing to implement change. Employees resist change for several reasons. Some simply do not like change, there is an attachment to the established organizational culture/identity, and employees want and expect situations to remain unchanged. Moreover, "employees have a discomfort with uncertainty, a lack of conviction that change is needed or a lack of clarity as to what is expected." (Palmer, Dunford, & Akin, 2008, p. 163). To build support for change and minimize resistance, leaders must maintain clear focus, identify resistors, determine whether further analysis of change should be made, and respect the resistors and treat their views with respect. (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2008).
In order to successfully implement the desktop tutorial, the firm must develop effective strategy for assigning secretaries whose knowledge, skill, abilities, and experience match the attorney needs. For example, if attorneys require a secretary that is proficient in creating and editing PowerPoint slides, it would be illogical to assign them a secretary with basic PowerPoint skills. The firm must create long and short-term strategic goals that are aligned with the firms vision and mission. Effective strategies are the means of pursing the vision and mission. (Carter, 2008, p. 20). The strategy should address key issues such as What is the firm trying to do with TutorPro? Is the right change for our firm? Who will be the resistors and how can we minimize the resistance? All these questions provide a platform in identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the change initiative.
Web-based technology has a dramatic impact on learning and teaching. FirmX purchased TutorPro, a technology-mediated technology software tutorial for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Secretaries can access this tutorial 24-7 on their desktop. The software modules teach basic, intermediate and advanced concepts. TutorPro is a 100% web-based blended learning management system (BLMS) that enables organizations to manage and integrate various types of training. (Tutor Pro, e-learning). Users of this software are able to randomly select topics and create their own training schedules. Most modules can be completed in fifteen minutes. The advantages of implementing technology-mediated technology include:
Drastically reduces help desk calls and the need for in-house trainers. Since the implementation of TutorPro, the firm laid off one trainer in the DC office and three trainers and two help desk employees in the Chicago office; all offices call one designated help desk number for assistance.
Reduces learning curve on new applications and builds employee skill set and confidence;
Secretaries are not away from their desk while on TutorPro, this permits secretaries to answer phones and handle other tasks simultaneously;
Provides training materials in a single location; and
Tracks employee usage and assists in the personal growth of employee.
The software was rolled out about a year ago; the firm created a pilot program with secretaries using the tutorial to solicit comments, suggestions, and work out glitches and issues with the software. Once an employee has mastered a module, they are tested to assess proficiency. There is an unlimited amount of time to use the tutorial and take the quizzes.
Beginning in 2010, secretarial staff will be tested online on their proficiency in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Secretaries must complete ten hours of instruction from TutorPro every year. The tests results are a determining factor in annual increases and year-end bonuses. In order to receive a raise, employees must successfully pass Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with an 80% score in each area. Employees who fail to attain an 80% may retake the test. It is not yet clear how many times an employee can take the test. The intended outcome of this change is to ensure that all secretaries are proficient in all areas and can cover any attorney regardless of their area of expertise or secretarial need.
In order to revitalize firms for effective change, it is vital to reorganize employees roles, responsibilities, and relationships to solve specific business problems are an important part of corporate renewal. (Beer, 1990, p. 2). In order to improve the structure process of implementing change initiatives, organizations must develop a shared vision of how to organize and manage for competitiveness, promote consensus for the new vision, competence to enact, it and cohesion to move it along. (Beer, M. 1990, p.1). Simply put, employees need to know and understand how the change will affect them and their future with the firm.
The firm can test their readiness for change by understanding how employees will respond to change, how to plan change, and how to manage both the human and organizational aspects of change. Setting both short and long-term objectives are strongly related to the drivers of change and therefore, evolve around cost reduction, increase staff proficiency levels, cultural alignment, and operational effectiveness and efficiency. Short-term objectives and benefits lie in operational improvements and improved communication. (Myer, 2007).
Recommendations (Three-Year Timeline)
After first year of TutorPro training, Firm X will add other forms of online technology such as webinars covering topics as improving time management skills, coping with stress in the workplace, enhancing writing skills, e-mail etiquette, etc. All features will be accessed from their desktop. The firm will create reference books for easy access.
Second Year -- Increase knowledge of help desk personnel to assist employees with questions or problems with TutorPro. Add billing feature to TutorPro menu. Secretaries enter attorneys time spent on each case. At the end of the month, an invoice is generated that is sent to the client. Currently billing is not on Tutor ro or part of orientation but since it is one of the most important tasks a legal secretary is required to do, it is imperative that proper training be implemented promptly.
FirmX must implement TutorPro as part of the orientation process. Staff should have a minimum of three-day training where they can determine their strength and weaknesses and create a strategic plan on how to improve their weaknesses using the online tutorial.
FirmX must improve communication efforts with staff regarding the specific details of the process. Mass communication efforts such as websites, face-to-face communication, video presentations and interoffice newsletters work well in building awareness regarding new initiatives and piquing staff interest in more effective instructional strategies. Honest and frequent communication will minimize resistance to this change initiative.
Third Year --- FirmX will implement policies for rewards and incentives to encourage staff to engage in training and development efforts, to recognize achievement, and to foster continuing staff support. FirmX should consider utilizing employees to volunteer to train coworkers on areas where they possess extensive knowledge and expertise. This would ultimately reduce the need to have trainers in each office.
FirmX can increase their success of implementing TutorPro by developing and organizing strategic plans. FirmX must clearly identify their primary goals and objectives for TutorPro based on their mission and vision statements. Moreover, they must also examine factors such as "understanding market forces, internal strengths and weaknesses, stakeholders, relevant technology, and legal and regulatory factors." (Developing and deploying strategic plans).
FirmX's resources and capabilities together form its distinctive competencies. "These competencies enable innovation, efficiency, quality, and customer responsiveness, all of which can be leveraged to create a differentiation advantage." (Competitive Advantage, 1999-2007). FirmX's goal is to position itself in their industry through differentiation advantage by developing highly-skilled employees who can quickly deliver superior quality documents, graphics, etc. This will allow FirmX to create a competitive advantage that ultimately results in superior value creation. (See Figure 2).

Conceptual Model of Technology-Mediated Learning

A Model of Competitive Advantage
Figure 2

Figure 1: Conceptual Model of Technology-Mediated Learning Figure 1: Conceptual Model of

Alavi, M., & Leidner, D. (2001). Research Commentary: Technology-Mediated Learning--A Call for Greater Depth and Breadth of Research. Information Systems Research, 12(1), 1. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.
ASTD. (2008). ASTD state of the industry report.
Attachment - Figure 1 Gupta, S. & Bostrom, R. (2009). Technology-mediated learning: A comprehensive theoretical model. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 10(9), 686-714. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database. (Attachment) - Figure 1) Reference.
Beer, M. (1990). Why change programs do not produce change. Harvard Business Review.
Carter, E. (2008). Successful change requires more than change management. Journal for Quality & Participation, 31(1), 20-23. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
Competitive advantage. (1999-2007). QuickMBA. Retrieved February 3, 2010 from
Gartner, (2004). Forecast: e-learning software. Worldwide, 2002-20008 Executive Summary).
Gupta, S., & Bostrom, R. (2009). Technology-mediated learning: A comprehensive theoretical model. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 10(9), 686-714. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.
Hazarika, A. (2008). Leading and executing industry change through a learning network. vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 33(3), 63-77. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.
Meyer, J., Srinivas, E., Lal, J., & Topolnytsky, L. (2007). Employee commitment and support for an organizational change: Test of the three-component model in two cultures. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 80(2), 185-211. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
Palmer, I., & Dunford, R. & Akin, Gib. (2008). Managing organizational change, 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill.
Shuell, T & Lee, Z. (1976). Learning and instructions. Brooks-Cole, Monterey, CA.
Smith, B., & Reed, P. (2008). Greater flexibility for learning. Nursing Standard, 23(1), 64. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.


Paper Request:
2...0 pages (6000 words without quotes), PhD Level, 2:1 Standard. Bibliography: Chicago. Prefer to quote reference books on quality. All scriptures to be taken from New American Standard Bible.

Requirement to Writer: UK or US, English native writer. Phd in Theology (plus degree in Engineering), expert in Total Quality Management Science and knowledgable of Church structures (specialist of the charismatic movement and emerging churches).

Purpose: Church administration and individuals (every christian believer) can glean from quality criteria, that are developed in industry throughout the last decades for TQM and are well defined for the process oriented quality model EFQM. The purpose of this paper is to prove the scriptural/biblical basis for this model and its usefullness for self-evaluation of a church and ones personal spiritual life. When leaders utilize the quality approach, the researcher asserts, this helps them better focus on vital processes and specific callings of the local congregation. In a non-profit organization, such as a church, the achievement of certain quality targets, such as increasing mission-related tasks, may be monitored and improved in a significant way. Nevertheless, the final target does not consist in maximizing business, but in improving Quality for Eternity (definition see below).

The EFQM Excellence Model is a non-prescriptive framework based on 9 criteria. Five of these are 'Enablers' and four are 'Results'. The 'Enabler' criteria cover what an organisation or a church does. The 'Results' criteria cover what the church as a non-profit organization achieves. 'Results' are caused by 'Enablers' and 'Enablers' are improved using feedback from 'Results' (
These critea (listed below) shall be interpreted theologically, and examples given how to apply them for Advanced Churches and for ones personal enhancement of spiritual life.

The model is explained in a different paper (no need for repetition):

Excellent Leaders develop and facilitate the achievement of the mission and vision. They develop organisational values and systems required for sustainable success and implement these via their actions and behaviours. During periods of change they retain a constancy of purpose. Where required, such leaders are able to change direction of the church and inspire others to follow.

Policy And Strategy
Excellent churches implement their mission and vision by developing a focused strategy that takes account of the target group and sector in which it operates. Policies, plans, objectives and processes are developed and deployed to deliver strategy.

Excellent churches manage, develop and release the full potential of their people at an individual, team-based and organisational level. They promote fairness and equality and involve and empower their people. They care for, communicate, reward and recognise, in a way that motivates staff and builds commitment to using their skills and knowledge for the benefit of the church.

Partnerships And Resources
Excellent churches plan to manage external partnerships, suppliers and internal resources in order to support policy and strategy and the effective operation of processes. During planning and whilst managing partnerships and resources, they balance the current and future needs of the organisation, the community, and the environment.

Excellent churches design, manage and improve processes in order to fully satisfy, and generate increasing value for, customers and other stakeholders.

Customer Results
Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to their customers.

People Results
Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to their people.

Society Results
Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to society.

Key Performance Results
Excellent churches comprehensively measure and achieve outstanding results with respect to the key element of their policy and strategy.

In this thesis, the researcher defines excellence as the outstanding practice in guiding and practicing Church life and achieving results. While truly excellent organizations consist of those individuals who strive to satisfy their stakeholders, excellent churches strive to satisfy the One Who said: I will build My Church, . Those who strive to satisfy Christ will achieve results through what they achieve, how they achieve it, and what they will likely achieve, along with the confidence they have that the results will be sustained in the future
Quality for Eternity And Process Thinking
In most cases quality in ministry is defined as meeting or exceeding the expectations of needs of the customer in such a way as to fully satisfy him or her. (Kallestad) But the purpose of this paper is not to make a business process out of ministry but to make the business of ministry a quality process. The quality performance of a church is typically measured primarily by its size, participation in programs and/or financial indicators. Recently, however, a new awareness of quality beyond material issues has begun to surface (see below, Hybels). This focus embraces those core values that count for eternity, which may suggest the need to introduce a new term: Quality for Eternity. Quality for Eternity stands for those values that count for eternity (to be defined). It does not only refer to organizations, it may also be applied to ones spiritual growth in knowing God (2Petr 3:18; 2 Cor 3:18; 1Tim 1,5). Its about loving Him and the church, while serving the world.
Quality for Eternity in the context of TQM does not try to make people with zero defects, nor does it try to make people the product of continuous improvement. It does seek continuous improvement and zero defects in the way ministry is accomplished. (Kallestad). God demands our best; anything less does not honor God, and conveys an inaccurate message to the watching world. Regular evaluation and review must be a part of all who belong to the family of faith. As believers we should be committed to being good stewards of the resources of time, money, and abilities God has given them (Ps 78:72; Col 3:17).

Congregations define the customer to be anyone who is in any way affected by its ministry (Kallestad et al). The primary task of contemporary QM involves ensuring the satisfaction of internal and external customers through suitable activities in all operational areas. Company-related QM tasks are comprehensive, interdepartmental, strategic, evaluating and advisory. Total Quality Management increases in significance when all company components align in perfect equilibrium; when an inter-functional collaboration exists as real employees participation, mutual confidence between workers and managers and the staff feels constitute a vital factor in/to the organization. QM aims to achieve a common objective; to exceed customers expectations of the products and services the company offers.

God has placed the longing for perfection in every human nature. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus commanded: Therefore you are to. Matthew Henry notes that in general, those in the Church are called to be followers of God. It is the duty of Christians to desire, and aim at, and press toward perfection in grace and holiness (Henry, Verse 48 section). Those in the church are to study to conform to the example God gives; to do good to /for each person; to copy the ways Jesus taught as well as one can. In the business realm, the concept of be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect, aligns with the Japanese word kaizen which means as much as continuous improvement, not merely fulfilling specifications or simply maintainin a process running on a constant quality level. The challenge for the Advanced Church, is to define, interpret and determine terms such Quality, Vision, Mission and Success regarding their Biblical meanings, and then examine itself in light of these meanings.

Purpose: Shifting the focus from accumulating power to giving power away. Empowerment of people.
Traditional Churches
The Traditional Church is historically led by one pastor who often views himself as CEO; backed up by a board with official full or halftime positions; separated by a clear hierarchy. Usually the traditional church will be subject to denominational oversight. Some of the stand alone organizations, however, have developed towards a mega church. In the mega church, the corporate identity determines the atmosphere and culture of the church. Mega churches generally establish and maintain complete or primary control over the churchs organizational activities. According to Warren, the mega church possesses a broad license to operate in the majority of societal spheres, an advantage as they are typically only restricted by ideology. Disadvantages that Rutz notes include: Leadership limits its expansion, clergy and laity are divided, most decisions are by decree and there is the danger of building a private empire, People are controlled, two-thirds of the members are women, yet their presence is irrelevant. The meetings are programmed, so most people are passive with only 5% participation (Rutz).
Advanced Churches
Advanced Churches may learn from the Emergent Churches that are led by a team of elders, that personally as well as their spouses are friends and have strong relationships with each other. The team is large enough to shoulder the burden for the church equally by the whole team. The leaders are witnessing at their workplace, working in their secular profession and volunteer in the four-fould ministry at the church (part-time ministry also possible). If the organization requires the position of a president due to financial administration, this office may rotate over the years among the elders. A freely welcomed apostolic oversight also may be possible. Advanced Churches, a term created by the researcher, represents the church of tomorrow, according to Samuel Chand in 15 years.

While establishing solid and effective processes through the TQM approach, the challenge is to remember that the Church is not a mere rigid organization and consists not of a building, but of people. The risk is that it may fail to recognize this challenge. The challenge is to remain true to its calling; that it will be as Jesus directs in Matthew 10:16: .As sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. In its quest to be wise as serpents; harmless as doves, not competing for customers or engaging in business games, may the Church take care to heed Jesus warning to those who make the temple a marketing place. In Matthew 21:13, Jesus said: My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you have made it a 'den of thieves.' The prayer is that the true Church will prayerfully follow the commands of Christ; with/in the Holy Spirits lead; with Gods eternal love serving as the only measure.

The application of quality models to churches was taken up particularly by the church growth movement in the 70s (MCGAVRAN 1990, WAGNER 1984, SCHALLER 1995, BLACK 1996). Already in 1988 Messer spoke of a Total Quality Management Movement in the church. In North America many leaders of Mega Churches such as Schuller, Hybles or Warren opened themselves up for quality-oriented business models particularly under the influence of the management advisor DRUCKER. JACK WELSH, founder of the Six Sigma Method developed at Motorola, called Warren the biggest thinker . MARESCO does not see big differences between church and business leadership in how the leaders drive home their visions, and even ask the question, if business leaders can learn from leaders of todays megachurches.
In traditional churches, that put much emphasis on organizational structures and programs, the quality approach helps to focus on key processes and specific callings of a local congregation. While in a non-profit organization the final target does not consist in maximizing business, the achievement of certain quality targets, like increasing mission related tasks, could be monitored and improved in a significant way.
In his so called Impulse paper (german: Impulspapier) that carries the title Church of Freedom (german: Kirche der Freiheit), the chairman of the Lutheran Church in Germany (EKD) Bischop Wolfgang Huber introduced to his twelve headed commission the perspectives for the evangelical church of the 21st century. On July 6th, 2006 it was presented in public and contains numerous quality terms like quality assurance, quality management and quality numbers. In relation to the pastoral practise of visitation it states, that only in a few member churches there is an accompanying quality management available: Without clear standards and without a quality control a quality analysis is impossible. Yet, moreover this should be an essential part, to organize the church related work in line with new tasks and increasing expectations. (Huber, Wolfgang: Impulspapier der EKD,, 1996)
In 1999 the EKD created the Institute for Quality Management and Research which seeks to establish customer-driven activities. In 2006 Bishop Wolfgang Huber presented a quality-related paper and stimulated increased interest in quality approaches within in the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD). In Germany the influence of quality conscious church management models constantly grows as it is layed out by Warren speaking of the Total Quality Ministry Church [Warren, Rick: The purpose driven church, p. 125].
Wake up Call
This study may examine a number of differences between traditional ( rigid/ strict/ authoritative) churches, emerging and advanced churches, with the researcher also focusing on quality values that count for eternity. The difference may not denote size, but quality. Even in mega churches, the researcher asserts, a new kind of thinking arises in regard to quality, as Bill Hybels, Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church the 5th top Church in the U.S., also known as a mega church, explains, regarding spiritual values (quality for eternity) to be developed. Basically, the article, Bill Hybels says We Made A Mistake, asserts that after even though Willow Creek spent millions of dollars setting up all kinds of programs which aimed to increase participation and consequently hoped to make the participants better disciples of Jesus, research revealed these programs failed to meet their goals, as they did not lead people into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Having spent 30 years building this church model and advocating it to others, Hybels has called this report the wake up call of his life(Bill Hybels says..., p. 1). Hybels admits:
We [leaders of Willow Creek Community Church] made a mistake. What we should have done when people crossed the line of faith and become Christians, we should have started telling people and teaching people that they have to take responsibility to become self feeders. We should have gotten people, taught people, how to read their bible between service, how to do the spiritual practices much more aggressively on their own. Bill Hybels (Bill Hybels says..., p. 1).
Even though those in the Church may have different viewpoints on some issues and/or come from different denominations, each church leader should examine the quality of its work. The Bible stresses that building on the foundation Christ established is vital. Christ serves as the Cornerstone with every other thing to be built around Him. During the past 2000 years, as man has built churches, the best and worst of humanity have been demonstrated as some have been built upon the great Foundation. The following, sobering passage, recrded in 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 reminds leaders of their responsiblity to ensure the work of the church they lead, not only reflects the best in quality, but also adheres to the guidelines Christ gave for the Church.
Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw each ones work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyones work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire. (Bill Hybels says..., p. 1).
As the work of the Kingdom, including the work of each individual, as well as the work the Church conducts during its tenure on earth will be tested by fire, one, as well as the Church as a body, would do well to ensure the work/s adhere to Christs intent; that they reflect quality work. Otherwise, what is done will ultimatley be burnt up. In eternity, what is done in/with/on the right Foundation, however, will also be revealed. It will stand the test of fire and be rewarded.


Huber, Wolfgang. Kirche der Freiheit Impulspapier des Rates der EKD, Kirchenamt der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), 2006.
Kallestad, Walt; Schey, Steve. Total Quality Ministry. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 1994.

Rutz, James. Mega Shift: Igniting Spiritual Power. Colorado springs, Colorado: Empowerment Press, 2006.

Thwaites, James. The church beyond the congregation. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Press, Media. Imprint of Authentic, 1999.

Warren, Rick. The purpose Driven Church: Growth Without Compromising Your Message & Mission. Grand Rapides, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1995.

Chand, Samuel. Futuring. In: Leadership Tips A Publication of Leadership Development and Church Ministries.Open BibleChurches. Spring-Summer 2009. Web. 03 August 2009'09-LdrshpTips.pdf
Church of Freedom. Prospects for the Evangelical Church in the 21 Century. A pulse of paper of the Council of the EKD. 2007. Web 26 August 2009
Hybels, Bill. Bill Hybels says We Made A Mistake. LayGuy. 26 October 2007.
Web. Available at:
09 October 2009.
SAETO Self Assessment EFQM Excellence Model.

Pfeifer, Tilo. Quality Management: Strategies, Methods, Techniques. 1st English Ed.. Mnchen: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2002. (3rd Geman Ed. available).

Masing, Walter. Handbuch Qualittssicherung. 5th Ed. Mnchen: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2007.

There are faxes for this order.

I would like to analyze the Soviet-Afghan War that lasted from 1978 to 1989. In this conflict the capable Soviet military invaded a powerless Afghanistan in support of the Marxist People's Democratic... Party of Afghanistan in their battle against the Mujahedeen, a grassroots militia resistance force. Despite the well-armed troops and superior technology employed by the Russians, in the form of tanks and helicopters, the Mujahedeen was victorious in a long and bloody war of attrition. This was in no small part to intelligence and arms provided to the Mujahedeen by the U.S.

After the defeat of the Russians was achieved, the U.S. turned its back on Afghanistan, focusing its efforts elsewhere. Arms provided by the U.S. were used as fuel by the Taliban and al Qaeda and their efforts to secure the country, and ironically bolster a very Anti-American agenda.
This conflict interests me because it seems possible that the U.S. is currently engaged in a war in Afghanistan based on American policies in the region more than 20 years ago. The Soviet-Afghan War provided a place for terrorists like Osama Bin Laden to cut their teeth and sharpen their skills for the upcoming jihad. This war set the stage for the Global War on Terrorism, and unfortunately America adequately prepared some of its enemies for this conflict.

Need 18 page paper analyzing this conflict using theories, readings and the Mitchell, Some Basic Initial Frameworks for Conflict Analysis, as a guide. Readings include:

Dean G. Pruitt and Sung Hee Kim, Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement 3rd ed. (McGrawHill, 2004).
Hugh Miall, Oliver Ramsbotham, and Tom Woodhouse, Contemporary Conflict Resolution 2nd ed. (Oxford: Polity Press, 2005).
Chester Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall, eds., Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict (Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2001).
John Paul Lederach, Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies (United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997).
Beth Roy, Some Trouble with Cows: Making Sense of Social Conflict (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994).
Hizkias Assefa and Paul Wahrhaftig, The MOVE Crisis in Philadelphia: Extremist Groups and Conflict Resolution (University of Pittsburgh, 1990).

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Regal Marine Case Study Supply

Questions listed below need to be answer from the reading below. Answer each question in paragraph format. Sources recommanded but not required.

1: What other techniques might be used by to improve supply chain management?

2: What kind of response might members of the supply chain expect from Regal in response to their

3: Why is supply chain management important to Regal?

Case: Regal Marine

This is the case at Regal Marine where suppliers are relied upon not only for quality components delivered on time, but for up-to-date technology and innovation. Regal expects members of its supply chain to be full partners. Suppliers are expected to join Regal in providing the customer not just quality and on time delivery, but performance and image. Luxury performance boats require no less. At the same time, Regal expects value.

Vendors meet with Regals designers to discuss changes to be incorporated into new product designs. Regals strategy of differentiating itself by building luxury performance boats means that suppliers must participate in this ongoing effort. You will notice on the right hand side of Table 11.1 in the text the characteristics expected of suppliers when the strategy is one of differentiation. These include:

1. Share market research; jointly develop products and options.

2. Select primarily for product development skills.

3. Use modular processes that lend themselves to mass customization.

4. Minimize inventory in the chain to avoid obsolescence.

5. Invest aggressively to reduce development lead-time.

6. Use modular design to postpone product differentiation for as long as possible.

These characteristics are high on the list of issues between Regal and its suppliers and lead to the concept of 'partnering'. 'Partnering' extends from jointly developing components, to modular designs at suppliers and at Regal, to rapid delivery and low inventories. These techniques allow innovative products to be rapidly and economically included in Regals boats.

Regal has also developed special arrangements with suppliers who maintain shop floor components for Regal. In some instances title transfers when the item is used, and in other cases title transfers when items are delivered to the property. Both approaches help Regal reduce total inventory and the related costs.

Additionally, Regals membership in the American Boat Builders Association allows it to participate in lower costs because of the combined purchase strength of the association.

Finally, Regal works with an Orlando personnel agency to outsource part of the recruiting and screening process for employees. In all of these cases, Regal is demonstrating creative approaches to supply chain management that help Regal and the end user.

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1. Critically assess the key learning & development challenges that face modern organisations in todays changing environment. 2. Critically analyse…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

New Generation Technology CRM at

Words: 2581
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions Applied Research Project Details and Topics You have been asked by the executive committee of your company to give a report on the strategic implications of information technology…

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16 Pages

Self-Evaluation of Church Organisations and

Words: 4450
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Essay


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18 Pages
Research Paper

Soviet-Afgan War Conflict Analysis Focus

Words: 5116
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I would like to analyze the Soviet-Afghan War that lasted from 1978 to 1989. In this conflict the capable Soviet military invaded a powerless Afghanistan in support of…

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1 Pages

Regal Marine Case Study Supply

Words: 436
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Questions listed below need to be answer from the reading below. Answer each question in paragraph format. Sources recommanded but not required. 1: What other techniques might be…

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