State University Essays Prompts

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United States Manifest Destiny ,Comment on the relationship seen in the growth of U.S. borders against the backdrop of the seige of native people's land. Was this seige of native land at the expense of native people survival and identity? Is this a justified price for progress?

From the syllabus:

President Bush has stated that if any non-democratic countrys people seek freedom, America will stand with them. Freedom and democracy, however, takes several forms. What kind of democracy and freedom should a country that has never enjoyed these experiences have, e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, etc? Explain your view as to the kind of democracy they deserve and whether, in your view, it is sustainable.

To accesses American Government and Politics Today ebook go to

Term Paper Assignment/Information

1. Prepare a term paper pertaining to any policy issue from either the American Government and Politics Today book or the California State and Local Government ? An Overview, Perspectives, and Politics book and present competing arguments (pros/cons), as well as your own opinions and conclusions regarding the issue. You can focus on any policy issue in the book; such as a court ruling, eminent domain abuse or the general concept of eminent domain (the taking of private property for public use or benefit), livable community issues (such as high density housing, mixed land-use, walkable communities, providing transportation choices/alternatives, etc.), general plans (provides policy and strategies for future city/county growth/development?every California city and county has a general plan), or other policy issues within the books.

2. The paper is to be submitted as an online class assignment and include a title with your name, have a minimum of 1,500 words (this would be approximately three pages if single spaced), and include a minimum of two references. You can use any formatting style, this is your decision. From the ?Assignments, Tests, and Surveys? section, you are required to record your paper directly into the answer box (response section). This can be accomplished by copying and pasting your paper into the assignment section or typing directly into it.

3. Prior to submitting your term paper in the online class, you need to first submit it to and review it for originality and similarities of content. This is a great learning opportunity/tool to assist you with your term paper. There are detailed instructions about this in the online class Resources section. In the Resources section, you will see a file entitled ?Turnitin assignment for term paper review (includes user ID and password)? and a ?Turnitin Student Manual.? When you have completed your term paper review in and made any adjustments, then please submit your paper in to the "Assignments, Tests, and Surveys" section in our online class. I will then read your results and your paper, comment on it, and grade it.

4. The paper is due before May 3rd (Thursday), 11:45 p.m.

5. Maximum points possible for the term paper is 100.

6. Term paper format/requirements include the following:

? Paper title with your name, topic/subject title, class name, and date.

? Include and address the following headings (required): 1. Introduction, 2. Background Information, 3. Analysis/Competing Arguments (pro/con), 4. Observations and Recommended Policy Changes, 5. Conclusion, and 6. References (identify a minimum of two different references [i.e. text book and other books, interview, web site, newspaper, survey, etc.]). You can use any style/format for your paper, but be sure to use the listed headings (Introduction, Background, etc.).

? The term paper will be assessed and evaluated based on the following: 1. Content ? complete-ness and accuracy of the information presented; 2. Organization - the logic, order, and readability of the information; 3. Expression ? the presence of a personal style and the ability to generate interest in the information; 4. Usage ? the use of writing standards and conventions appropriate to the occasion (this includes spelling, punctuation, word use, grammar, etc.); and 5. Following Instructions ? such as the minimum word count of 1,500 words, using the paper headings, etc.

This essay is for my History class. The essay sould include the answer of these questions:

Discuss the United State's westward expansion from 1800 to 1850.

-What were its major stages?
-What different froms did it take(patterns of settlement)?
-How affect did it have on the United States?
-On the other societies who occupied this land?

Please DO NOT write over 2 pages.

Essay on the Presidents of USA (43) the essay should have the following on each presidents -43:
1. all presidents from past to present with vicepresidents name and nicknames, the period of presidency
2. presidents wife including her name
3. 5 mayor contributions during his presidency
4. why he is remember for
5. year that he died and if he still live what is he doing today?

2 sources of bibliography

1. Discuss the Oregon State board of Nursing?s (OSBN)
requirements for Pain Medication Management education
and the use of non-pharmacological pain management
2. Select one non-pharmacological method of managing pain
3. Describe the method and theories related to how this
method works to relieve pain
4. Discuss current research related to the method chosen and
if the literature supports it?s efficacy for use or not
5. Discuss the Pro?s and Con?s of using this method

1. Write a 4-7 page paper
2. Include 3-5 references
3. Use the APA format 6th Edition

Visit the following web site and review the pain management module. Starting on page 14 the Oregon Pain Management Council reviews non-pharmacologic pain treatment options.

Examples of Non-Pharmacological Methods used to Manage Pain:

Energy work (Reiki, Therapeutic Touch)
Guided Imagery
Hot and Cold therapies
Progressive relaxation
Microcurrents and TENS
Craniosacral work
Movement therapy
Myofacial work

Title: The Economy, Monetary Policy, and Monopolies

Analyze th curretn economic situation in the US as compared to 5 years ago. Include interest rates, inflation, and unemployment in your analysis.

Propose 2 strategies that the federal government could implement that would encourage people to spend more money in order to create employement opportunities.

Identify a situation in the past 50 years in which the government used antitrust policies to stop a monoploy from occurring. Include the circumstances of the proposed monopoly and the reason the government stepped in. Predict what would have occurred hadn the monopoly succeeded.

Propose 2 methods of identifying groups of customers who should recieve a discount for a product or service without alienating consumers.

Suggest 3 reasons a monopoly may or may not be efficient in any economy.

This paper is a requirement for a Business Research Methods class.

The subject is the future of United States Postal Service and the possibility of it going bankrupt. I need comparisons on why, such as the increase in internet usage and using Fed Ex and UPS more than the Post office. I will be creating a Powerpoint and presenting the findings to my classmates.

The paper needs to be the type of research paper in that I have to have to include the following:
Management dilemma - The USPS is losing revenue
Management question - Can the USPS stop this from happening?
Research question - What can the USPS management do to avoid going bankrupt and remain competitive?
Investigative questions - Why is this happening? More people using UPS and Fed Ex? The Unions?
Price Increases? Etc?. (Will need comparative analysis for this). What is being done right? What is being done wrong? What are other businesses doing right?
Measurement questions and research tools ? What questions were asked and what analytic tools were used.
Findings -
Recommendations ?

I will be putting graphs in my PPt. I am required to have at a minimum to include the following statistical analysis 1) Correlation 2) Regression and 3) Multivariate Analysis

And of course the paper has to be in APA style and cited.

I have to write about the history book "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men(Authors: James Agee, and Walker Evans)".
I need 2 pages of a detailed summation of the book, and 1 page of connecting the contents of the book and the New Deal.

This assignment is about comparing the US health care or lack of health care to its people with other developing countries. Briefly explain the pros and cons of not having universal health care. Finally, the big Health Care Insurance companies overwhelmingly supported Mitt Romney over Obama.

5 paragraphs long. The first paragraph should introduce the topic and answer to the question. It should contain between three-five (3-5) complete sentences, including the thesis statement for the essay. The second, third, and fourth paragraphs are the body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should contain between three-five (3-5) sentences, including the topic sentence (first sentence of the body paragraph, states a main point that supports the thesis) and at least two-three (2-3) specific examples per main point. The fifth and final paragraph should begin with a restatement of the thesis. It should be three-five (3-5) complete sentences, and include a brief summary/conclusion. It is essential to provide citations (footnotes) in Chicago format and a Bibliography

When was the Constitution of the United States adopted? Who wrote it? Was it just one person or many? Why is the document significant? Why are the first 10 amendments important? Who was opposed to the Constitution and why?

Philosophy Ethics 1100

I. The topic for your research paper is : "Should the state of Missouri legalize polygamy?"
II. Students will first apply the five-point analysis method for resolving ethical dilemmas as taught by Boss in our text, Ethics for Life (sixth edition) Judith A. Boss
III. Students will then analyze how the following ethicists would answer the research paper question using their own ethical theories: Spinoza Benedict, Ayn Rand, Jeremy Bentham, Immanuel Kant and Mummert.
IV. Students will identify and apply their own personal ethical theory to the question.
V. The paper should utilize MLA or another style of reference.
VI. The paper should be at least seven pages.
VII. Submit your paper into the research paper dropbox by July 24, 2013.


Ethics and Virtues

you can use information from internet and I will fax pages from the book too.

Essay 2?Please write a 3.5 page essay on the Great War(WORLD WAR I) 1914-1918: list and briefly analyze 3 domestic (inside the USA) effects/changes caused or accelerated by the World War, and also 3 international effects/changes. You are at liberty to select effects which YOU consider to be important from whatever area you wish, whether it be military, political, industrial, financial, artistic, scientific, entertainment, sports social?whatever; I hope and trust that if your heart is in it, to some extent at least, then the mind will follow, and the result will be superior because you have invested your personal interest/inclination in the subject.

The essay have to be about 4 pages
Why the racism exists
How affect our society
How to fight racism
Those who have to educate to reduce racism
What can I do to combat racism in my community
final conclusion and message

Additional instructions:
Approach to the subject of my paper ( have to define any terms, inserting anecdotal evidence,how to refute them, etc)
Intended audiende (You have to assume some readers wil have, in general, not the some level education so provide extra information as lawmarkers,special interest groups,school,maybe even the media.)

I live in Phoenix, Az USA, so if you can mention the city would be much better

The short essay is to be 2-3 pages minimum length. The work must be completed using the APA style sheet. No coversheet or outline required. Must include a reference page. If using the internet, as a source, include the entire address of the source in the reference page.

TOPIC: Once Independence is achieved in 1781, why does the United States initially adopt an isolationis stance?

United States: 545 U.S. 596

Could you please make a summary of this case (Issues/Rules/Analysis(analize means wrestling on lower cort)/Conclusions)

US Supreme Court(Orff v. United States 545 U.S. 596 (2005))

United States Government Is a

The United States government is a representative democracy. How does each of the three branches of government (executive, legislative and judicial) represent the public? In what ways can American citizens influence the way they are represented? Do all citizens have equal influence over their representation? Why or why not?

What are the steps involved in getting a bill passed in congress? How can congresspeople, the president, and interest groups affect the outcome of a bill, either by setting up obstacles or trying to ensure the successful passage of the bill? Are there stages at which the process is more democratic than it is at others?

Presidents have expressed, delegated, and inherent sources of power. Which of the three most accounts for the power of the presidency? Why? Or is it not possible to discern among these the true source of presidential power? Why? Select a president and discuss the ways in which that particular president used each source of power to succeed in the presidency.

Consider the US-Japan relationship.
REQUIRED:-This paper is to give your own reflections on the postwar relationship of the United States and Japan. You may consider the following readings in your response:

Dower, _Embracing Defeat_ handout from first week of class
Kingston, Intro and chapters 1-3
Gavan McCormack, "Ampo?s Troubled 50th: Hatoyama?s Abortive Rebellion, Okinawa?s Mounting Resistance and the US-Japan Relationship" from _Asia-Pacific Journal_ Part 1 of 3. read here:

You can respond in any way you like--here are some suggested questions:

If you were a policy advisor to the US government, what would you advise the US to seek to do in the future with regard to the US-Japan security alliance?

Should the Japanese revise their constitution? How?

Is this a "special" relationship, different from ones the US has with other allied nations? How?

Does Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution seem to be a progressive, futuristic clause or an anachronism that should now be discarded?

Should the United States expect to continue to occupy nations in its future policies? Should it continue to station troops in bases abroad on foreign soils?

This is just a two page thought piece. References require to readings are helpful.

USA Patriot Act the Purpose

The us patriot act was enacted in the days immediately after the attacks of september 11, 2001, to enable the law enforcement and intelligence communities to better and prevent future atacks. Since its enactment, many have debated the expansive powers contained therein and potential impact on civil liberties. In the essay, concisely define the the US patriot act, provide a synopsis for an article to defends and an article that criticizes the legislation, finally relate your opinion toward this leigslation based upon its potential impact

Early United States History

If we look to the early history of the United States we can see streams of both conflict and consensus. It is clear that struggles went on at various social levels and between different geographies. Give a brief overview of the struggle against "tyranny" of the British that led to the establishment of the "anarchy" of the articles, the reimposition of the "liberal order" of the Constitution and the Jefferson triumph (be sure to note the intent of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolves) over the Anglomen and the Alien and Sedition Acts. What were the social and economic issues and ideas that invigorated the interests of the participants? What did each struggle resolve and in turn create? What were some of the critical turning points and or events? What were some of the geographic differences and how did they influence political beliefs and Constitutional articles (ie be sure to note Madison here)?

Federal and State Government

?What powers are extended to the federal government? Explain in detail.
?What powers are extended to the state governments? Explain in detail.
?What are the power limitations of the federal government? Explain.
?What are the power limitations of the state governments? Explain.
?Are there any similarities or overlapping of powers between the two levels of government? Explain.

The 2nd Continental Congress attempted to bring us through the Revolutionary War, but the members soon realized that we needed a form of central government on a permanent basis. The arguements began between Alexander Hamilton, the Federalist, and Thomas Jefferson, the anti-Federalist, over how much power the central government should actually be given. This assignment will address these issues and has several parts. Make sure you answer all parts of the question and write an essay at least 4 pages in length. 1. Discuss the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and the reasons it failed. 2. Describe the makeup of the Constitutional Convention and the priorities of the delegates. 3. Compare Hamilton and Jefferson in their political and economic philosophies and their concept of Federalism. Do you feel Hamilton had too much influence under the administrations of Washington and Adams? I want you to give an assessment as to the success or failure of Hamilton and his policies and the effect they would have on the future of the United States. You need to read chapters 6 and 7 for this essay.

Write essay with body of response and conclusion but not introduction. Use and site relevant sources, sources must be easily retrieved from the internet and must not require membership or any fees to retrieve.

Essay topic:When and how should States intervene in the affairs of other States with poor human rights records? What threshold of violations has to be corssed first? Who decides when it has been crossed?

I need to write an essay explaining why Israel is a moden day example of a Hobbesian state, using principles from the Leviathan for basis for its policys. I need to use academic resources for sites, no websites. JSTOR is a good place for sources.

Review the list of local city and state agencies and select a target population. Examples of target populations are the poor, unemployed, children, elderly, people with disabilities, persons with mental illness, substance abusers, criminals, homeless, and persons living with HIV/AIDS. Once you have selected a group, research a current issue or problem affecting this target population.

Identify the current and unmet needs of your chosen target population, and describe the possible obstacles that are preventing resolution of the problems. What human service programs addressing the problem currently exist, and how are they helping or hindering the problem?

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in APA format, with references, summarizing your findings. Use Appendixes C& G and have at least two references.

1 Pages

Manifest Destiny United States: Manifest

Words: 398
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

United States Manifest Destiny ,Comment on the relationship seen in the growth of U.S. borders against the backdrop of the seige of native people's land. Was this seige of…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Democracy the United States' Support

Words: 1825
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

From the syllabus: President Bush has stated that if any non-democratic countrys people seek freedom, America will stand with them. Freedom and democracy, however, takes several forms. What kind of…

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5 Pages

Political Science the USA Patriot Act Congress

Words: 1642
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

To accesses American Government and Politics Today ebook go to Term Paper Assignment/Information 1. Prepare a term paper pertaining to…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

United State's Westward Expansion From 1800 to 1850

Words: 513
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This essay is for my History class. The essay sould include the answer of these questions: Discuss the United State's westward expansion from 1800 to 1850. -What were its major stages? -What…

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2 Pages

American Presidents the United States

Words: 791
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Essay on the Presidents of USA (43) the essay should have the following on each presidents -43: 1. all presidents from past to present with vicepresidents name and nicknames,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Pain Management Oregon State Board Treatment Method

Words: 1864
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

1. Discuss the Oregon State board of Nursing?s (OSBN) requirements for Pain Medication Management education and…

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3 Pages

Economy the Current State of the U.S.

Words: 1059
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Title: The Economy, Monetary Policy, and Monopolies Analyze th curretn economic situation in the US as compared to 5 years ago. Include interest rates, inflation, and unemployment in your…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

United States Postal Service Is an Efficient

Words: 1688
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This paper is a requirement for a Business Research Methods class. The subject is the future of United States Postal Service and the possibility of it going bankrupt. I…

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3 Pages

Praise Let Us Praise Famous Men in

Words: 1093
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

I have to write about the history book "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men(Authors: James Agee, and Walker Evans)". I need 2 pages of a detailed summation of the…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

United States Healthcare Programs to Citizens Compare

Words: 1798
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This assignment is about comparing the US health care or lack of health care to its people with other developing countries. Briefly explain the pros and cons of not…

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2 Pages

Constitution of the United States Was a

Words: 794
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

5 paragraphs long. The first paragraph should introduce the topic and answer to the question. It should contain between three-five (3-5) complete sentences, including the thesis statement for the…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Polygamy Should the State of Missouri Legalize

Words: 1546
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

RESEARCH PAPER INFORMATION Philosophy Ethics 1100 I. The topic for your research paper is : "Should the state of Missouri legalize polygamy?" II. Students will first apply the five-point analysis method for resolving…

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4 Pages

Great War the United States After the

Words: 1130
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Essay 2?Please write a 3.5 page essay on the Great War(WORLD WAR I) 1914-1918: list and briefly analyze 3 domestic (inside the USA) effects/changes caused or accelerated by the…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Racism Can Be Stated as the Attitude

Words: 1273
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The essay have to be about 4 pages Why the racism exists How affect our society How to fight racism Those who have to educate to reduce racism What can I do to…

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2 Pages

United States of America Initially Adopted an

Words: 615
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The short essay is to be 2-3 pages minimum length. The work must be completed using the APA style sheet. No coversheet or outline required. Must…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

United States: 545 U.S. 596

Words: 632
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hi, Could you please make a summary of this case (Issues/Rules/Analysis(analize means wrestling on lower cort)/Conclusions) US Supreme Court(Orff v. United States 545 U.S. 596 (2005))

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2 Pages

United States Government Is a

Words: 717
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The United States government is a representative democracy. How does each of the three branches of government (executive, legislative and judicial) represent the public? In what ways can American…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Postwar Relationship United States Japan. Unfortunately, the

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Consider the US-Japan relationship. REQUIRED:-This…

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5 Pages

USA Patriot Act the Purpose

Words: 1258
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The us patriot act was enacted in the days immediately after the attacks of september 11, 2001, to enable the law enforcement and intelligence communities to better and prevent…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Early United States History

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

If we look to the early history of the United States we can see streams of both conflict and consensus. It is clear that struggles went on at…

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3 Pages

Federal and State Government

Words: 943
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

?What powers are extended to the federal government? Explain in detail. ?What powers are extended to the state governments? Explain in detail. ?What are the power limitations of the federal government?…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

2nd Continental Congress Attempted to Bring Us

Words: 1371
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The 2nd Continental Congress attempted to bring us through the Revolutionary War, but the members soon realized that we needed a form of central government on a permanent basis.…

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3 Pages

Intervention of States and Human Rights

Words: 1015
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Write essay with body of response and conclusion but not introduction. Use and site relevant sources, sources must be easily retrieved from the internet and must not require membership…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Israel: A Modern Hobbesian State? According to

Words: 1411
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I need to write an essay explaining why Israel is a moden day example of a Hobbesian state, using principles from the Leviathan for basis for its policys. I…

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3 Pages

Local City State Agencies Select a Target

Words: 1168
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Review the list of local city and state agencies and select a target population. Examples of target populations are the poor, unemployed, children, elderly, people with disabilities, persons with…

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