Stakeholder Analysis Essays Prompts

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Looking for a term paper on the current Microeconomic analysis of General Motors or the auto industry as a whole. Needs a Thesis/Abstract, Body and Conclusion in APA format and a works cited page. The paper must include a graph used as an explanatory tool of the economic principle presented.

I need a ratio analysis of different companies within the same industry but serving different markets or with different business models.

Specifically the following needs to be covered:

Retail: Home Depot vs. Sears
Beer: Anheuser Busch vs. The Boston Beer Company
Computers: Compaq vs. Gateway
Healthcare: Johnson & Johnson vs. Eli Lilly
Books: Barnes & Noble vs.

The paper does not neccissarily need specfic ratios to show the differences but rather the differences in the bussinesses to explain the disparity in ratios amongst companies within the same industry. For example; Anhesuer Busch is a world reknowned brewery whereas The Boston Beer Company is focused on "microbrewing". Please email me @ [email protected] with any questions you may have. Thank you.


A.Discussion 1 PAGE
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants recognizes that technology, specifically the WWW, has had an impact on the nature, content and format of financial information made available to all stakeholders. Read about its findings by going to the first link listed below.
How electronic communication has made financial information more available to the public.
In your opinion, is there any type of corporate financial information that should not be published on the Internet? Explain.

Financial Analysis for Decision Making
B.Create a wordprocessing file named: Annual Report Summary.
Download the Reitmans Canada Limited Annual Report for the year ended 2005:

Reitman's Annual Report 1 PAGE

1. What is the title of the annual report? How many pages are in the annual report?

2. How many retail stores does Reitmans Canada operate? What are the names of the various store chains they operate?

3. Who is the President? Who is the Vice-President-Treasurer?

4. On the financial highlights page, the data is listed in (choose one):
a. hundreds of dollars (add two zeroes after each number)
b. thousands of dollars (add three zeroes after each number)
c. millions of dollars (add six zeroes after each number)

5 . Complete the following using the information found on the highlights page (be sure to add the appropriate zeroes):
a. Sales ______
b. Earnings _______
c. Basic Earnings per Share ________
d. What percentage did Sales increase from the previous year _______ (current year divided by base year)?
e. What percentage did Earnings increase from the previous year _______ (current year divided by base year)?

6 . How does the company show it has reached its overall objective of "Growing"? On what page of the annual report is that found?

7. List three significant achievements completed during the past year, as shown in Management Discussion and Analysis.

8. Who were the auditors? Have the 2005 Financial Statements been audited?

9 . Describe the shares:
a. Types of shares
b. Number of shares outstanding
c. Was a dividend paid out in 2004?
d. Find the current market price (go to Resources #2 at bottom of this page. Find Reitmans Canada).
e. Include the five year trend in share prices.

C.Annual Report Performance Task 1 page( short answer to questions) +3 PAGES(question 6)
In the assignment for Activity One, you located annual reports for two Canadian retail corporations.
Compare and contrast the two reports with regards to the following criteria:
1) Are the following sections included? What additional sections were included in each?
- Corporate profile
- Management letter(s) to shareholders
- Report on performance to shareholders
- Finance section
- Notes to financial statements
2) Comment on each section with regards to level of detail (colourful or plain), tone (upbeat or concerned), and aim (serious investor or general public).
3) At first glance, which report is easier to understand in terms of interpreting the financial data and comparing to previous years?
4) Did either report use graphics or charts to enhance the reader's understanding of the data? Explain.
5) Could the untrained reader see how well each company is doing through the report? Why?
6) Prepare a brief report on your findings (maximum three single spaced pages, exclusive of title page; works cited page not required).

Define the managements discussion and analysis. Describe in a memo, not to exceed 300 words, the major items disclosed in this section of the financial report.
Customer is requesting that (tjrand1) completes this order.

Use the business you have chosen (previous paper is attached), and follow up with a risk analysis of the systems, policies/procedures, databases, etc., This may require a backup plan. State clearly what the elements, make a case for why they would need a back-up plan, and present a risk analysis overview of business operations in relation to crises and disaster.

Use the list in the previous paper of the primary elements needed in order to continue to provide service to your customers during a disaster. This will assist in the understanding which company elements are necessary to continue a business.

A thorough analysis of the industry and the business, including its role and responsibilities in the community.
(Using the model of PESTLE or PEST is needed)
(Please do not just list the key factors or issues, explainations are needed)

The industry is focusing on "The faculty of Computer Science and Engineering"

If you need more infromation. please feel free to ask me

Please address the question directly


Company Analysis of Yahoo I

You are to select a private sector (business) or public sector (government, non-profit, or not-for-profit) publicly-known organization.(my selection: Yahoo) Articles in well respected magazines and journals must be available regarding the organization. EACH STUDENT MUST DO A DIFFERENT ORGANIZATION. You will develop a 5-8 page report, plus required appendices, which contains the following:
--Why you selected this organization, why you think the organization is compelling and interesting and what you hoped to learn and actually did learn from the assignment.
--A brief history of the organization and its performance, using various measures. Be specific but succinct, put most data in appendices. How does the organization currently stand compared to its industry, its past, and its top competitors? What seems to differentiate this organization?
--An analysis of the organization, making use of course material in the analysis. What is the organization?s environment, and how well does the organization take advantage of opportunities and neutralize threats? How has the organization affected its environment? Be specific, analyze in terms of environmental forces that are relevant to the organization.
--An analysis of how well the organization serves its stakeholder groups, making use of course material in the analysis. Has the organization done well for its investors, customers, employees, and others? What are its relationships with other industry members?
--Look toward the future. What environmental forces do you predict will impact the organization in the near future? How well do you think it is prepared to deal with them?
--If it is a business, would you recommend investing in it, working for it, or doing business with it? If it is a non-profit, would you recommend working for it or doing business with it?
YOU MUST use at least 5 sources, including at least three magazine or journal articles, for the project. The first page of each source - each magazine or journal article or website - MUST be attached in an appendix, or the report will not be accepted. The quality of the sources you select will undoubtedly impact the quality of the report you produce, so choose wisely.
In addition to having the references in the back, the report must contain appropriate citation as is necessary to distinguish what you have to say from what you are others have to say. This helps you avoid engaging in plagiarism, a form of cheating.

Note: A rough sketch of the course material covered can be found on these power point slides -

Walmart is the company
Use the Organizational Planning Worksheet attached. Cite your resources.
Write at least one goal that can be accomplished through a strategic plan
Write one goal that can be accomplished through an operational plan.

Write a paper that creates strategic and operational plans based on the SWOT analysis. Please explain the following:
? How these plans will achieve the related goals
? The effect of planning decisions on the internal and external stakeholders identified
Required Elements:
? Cite research in your paper to support your writing

Select a topic of intelligence research and analysis( Topic: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) to be delivered in writing and orally before this years United States Senate and House Intelligence Committees.

Draft a preliminary abstract and working outline for your research and analysis. Then determine the members of each committee, and collect information about the chairman and at least 4 other committee members that you feel would be the most challenging with respect to your presentation.

Develop two-page dossiers on each person - 10 minimum (5 House / 5 Senate). Based on the data you collect about them, formulate potential objections and/or types of questions they might ask you about your briefing.

Business Analysis of Singapore

Write a paper analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation.

What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in Singapore? The dimensions are: communication, religion, ethics, values and attitudes, manners, customs, social structures and organizations.
How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in Singapore?
How do the above items compare with United States culture and business?
What are the implications for United States businesses that wish to conduct business in Singapore?

This paper is to be written in strict conformance to APA standards, and contain at least 16 pages of content (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) utilizing at least 16 scholarly references.I have provided 12 sources. Please locate an additional 4 sources.

Use the following as the exact title of the paper:
1. Global Business Cultural Analysis: Singapore
2. Three levels of APA headings should be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.

For the purpose of this academic paper, please adhere to the follow rules when quoting or using a source:

Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source.
If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more than 50 words from any one source.
Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.
Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote and this information must be placed in the reference.
In all instances, be sure to use the APA guidelines for citations and references.

I have provided an annotated bibliography with 12 sources and a comprehensive outline to follow when writing this paper. Please use the 12 sources and follow the outline provided. Make adjustments as necessary, but try to stay within that format. The paper should not have more than 15% of quotations/quoted material. Meaning, paraphrasing cited material is favorable to simply quoting the information.

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With all of the recent frauds and corporate scandals similar to Merck, AIG, Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and ImClone you have heard. Your supervisor has asked you to research news sites and read articles on the potential legal and ethical issues related to data analysis organizations have gone through in the recent past. After reading these sites, you have become interested on researching additional resources on the data analysis by using the Library, the Internet, and all other resources that are linked to this case and you want to research and prepare a report that summarizes the following questions relevant to data analysis on a specific organization of your choice.

1.How did the company you have researched use or misuse data to support their decisions?
2.What were the results?
3.What are the limitations and significance of the data?
4.What are ethical implications of data misuses in this case?

-6-7 paragraphs is enough
-Introduction and Conclusion

produce a risk analysis for a one-day charity event (football match) to raise funds
(diagrams and tables can be used as well)

Using Gray and Larsons (PROJECT MANAGEMENT the managerial process 4e)
generic project life cycle and accompanying activities, a WBS that leads to a comprehensive project plan with estimates of tasks and costs, a risk assessment and mitigation

Risk Identification: There are an infinite number of ways to identify risks, but they can be classified as qualitative or quantitative methods.

The process normally starts with some form of qualitative assessment such as:
referring to past projects
using prescribed checklists
through group brainstorming
using the Ishikawa fishbone analysis
Once we have a list of possible risks, we can adopt more quantitative methods to work out:
what is the likelihood of a risk event happening
when a risk event does happen, would we even know that it has occured
how big or severe is its impact
what is/are the remedy/remedies for it
what is the cost-benefit of each remedy
who should we appoint to oversee its management

Risk Classification: If properly done, this list can get really quite long with a host of possible solutions, therefore it makes logical and practical sense to classify the risks into distinct groups which can benefit from a common risk mitigation strategy and for greater accountability, to enable the appointment of risk managers to handle each class of risks.

Risk Mitigation: Needless to say,a risk management strategy needs not just to be appropriate, it should cause the least disruption to the project and should avoid upsetting other stakeholders. The timing of taking a risk action is also important. It needs to be swift and effective, and without breaking the bank.

Risk Log: This is often overlooked by project managers when in fact it is very important to keep a risk register of possible risks identified and actual risk events together with the mitigation taken. In line with best practice, this log should be analysed at the post project audit meeting and key events entered into the lessons learnt database.

Finally, since projects tend to be unique, it is highly probable that every project or undertaking will involve the risk of not having things turn out as planned. The aim of the project risk manager or the project manager (if he is directly responsible for risk management) is to use his team and his own experience or expertise to try and identify as many of the risks as possible and to prepare a plan for mitigation should and when the risk events occur.

Exam Project: Many students do rather a 'bad job' with risk. They usually are quite good at identifying the risks, and sometimes will go as far as classifying them. Then they seem to run out of steam and their mitigation strategy tends to be extremely weak and not well thought through. They also fail to use the standard risk formats. You should structure your risk section more carefully in the light of my comments

I will attach samples

Al Sadeem Landscape Strategic analysis

-Case Synopsis
-The Founders
-Company governance
-Top Management
-Company History and Background
-Case Methodology
-Vision and Mission
-Customers Profile
-SWOT Analysis
-External Environment (Threat and Opportunities
-Internal Environment (Strength and Weaknesses)
-Successful Strategies
-Business Challenges
-Alternative strategies and Recommendations
-Future Direction

Fracking Policy Analysis

Fracking policy report

this document should frame the fracking policy issue, evaluates policy options,?and advances policy recommendations. Define and frame?the policy problems surrounding fracking in the USA, evaluate its?historical and legal background, assess?potential?policy options available to policy-makers, and recommend concrete solutions or courses of action.

?a.?Provide a clear framing of the policy issue, or law within a specific historical and political context. The framing must represent an informed view of the issue, and it must situate the issue in a specific context that is relevant to the policy options you will assess.

--> Common mistakes to avoid: to focus on an issue that is too broad, too vague, or that is not?properly contextualized.
?b. Provide a narrative that explains and interprets the legal and/or historical background of the policy issue, and its related failures, if any. The narrative should follow a chronological and logical order, and it should aim for the most important developments, leaving aside any irrelevant material. You are free to use?the same policy problem adopted for the legislative history. In this case, you can reuse?the legislative history paper ( attached) . Also, keep in mind that this \"background section\" serves as an introduction to your?assessment of the policy options.?
--> Common mistakes to avoid: to present a ?laundry list? of all things associated with the issue, without much interpretation or selection; or to present background information, without interpreting it; or to reuse the legislative history without adapting it to the new format.
?c. Evaluate a set of policy options available to policy makers, and discuss them by adopting?a specific methodology. You can use any evaluation criteria among those listed by Pollock, and Bardach, but make sure to be consistent and use the same criterion for all options. You can also adopt the SWOT analysis ( for example)
and PEST?analysis (example here

d. Provide a set of?recommendations that stem from your evaluation?of the policy?options and?is consistent with your interpretation of the background?history. Your recommendations?should come as the natural conclusion to the analysis you provided, and they?should be clear, narrow in scope, and?achievable.
--> Common mistakes to avoid: to recommend utopian or unachievable courses of action; or to recommend solutions to a different?problem than the one you analyzed.?
Policy Report?Structure

Your policy report must include the following sections:
1. Executive summary (no more than two?pages)
--> Summarize your findings, by:
a. Defining?the policy problem and providing context on it.
b. Listing the policy options and evaluation criteria you used.?
c.?Listing your?policy recommendations.
2. Introduction?
--> Provide a brief historical and legal introduction to the problem, a definition and a framing of the policy issue.

3. Background of the issue?(or legislative history)?
--> Provide a narrative of how the issue generated and developed throughout the years. You can do so by reusing your legislative history, or by writing a new one.?
4. Policy options and evaluation criteria
--> Make the case for evaluating the issue according to specific criteria, provide a?list of potential policy options at stake, and analyze?each of them?using the criteria you selected.
5.?Policy recommendations and modes of implementations
--> Provide a set of reasonable and well-thought recommendations. For each recommendation, you must?include specific strategies?for?implementation.?
--> Briefly?summarize your findings and address potential counterarguments to your main set of recommendations.?

( attached a previous paper in the subject for structure)
Writing tips and common mistakes
In policy analysis, clear writing style is essential. The laws and their supporting summaries must be presented in a well-organized and concise fashion. Sloppy presentation or muddled language can undermine the force of your narrative. Avoid the following common mistakes.
a. Avoid long sentences. When using synonyms, be sure that the words really mean what you want them to mean. Usually, synonyms have slightly different meanings.
b. Avoid long paragraphs. If you find yourself using long paragraphs it is often because you are including too many different thoughts into one paragraph. Try breaking up long paragraphs into shorter ones that each develop one main idea.
c. Check your grammar and watch for misspellings. Search through your paper for those mistakes that the spell checker does not catch.

For your final paper, please do the following:
Select a firm that is trades publicly on the stock market. Your job is to study the industry structure the firm operates in and look at the position the firm holds in that particular industry. You would ask the following questions:
1. What sort of industrial sector does the firm operate in (competitive, monopolistic, oligopolistic). What is the history of the firm and how has it's strategies and operations changed over time.
2. Who are the major players in the industry? How have they impacted the position of your firm in the industry?
3. What position does the firm that you selected have in the industry (is it a leader,etc.)?
4. How has the firm perform in recent years in comparison to the competition.
5. What is the future outlook for the industry? Is it an innovative industry or is it falling behind in technological innovation?

6. What is the future outlook of the firm you selected for your paper? What sort of changes and adjustment will the company have to make in the future to stay as one of the leaders in the industry?

I do not expect you to perform elaborate financial analysis on the company's statements. However, you should be able to make some general conclusions on the company's performance and position in comparison to the rest of the industry. Please use at least 6 sources and use ABA style for you references. For internet references, please use the full internet address and any other relevant information. It is wise to use sources other than the internet (books, academic and popular journals, etc.).

Write a paper on flex budget.

Please write on each of the following:

Risks associated with sales forecasts

Analysis of ethical considerations in the preparation and subsequent use of the budget.

Consider how a organizations code of ethics requires an ethics analysis for any performance tool.

Please include Intro and conclusion in the paper.

Course Description:Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance

Specific Topic:Case Analysis Report;Can You Regulate Competition??


Short and long-run impact on the business of full compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act,considering the underlying cause for this restrictive legislation and the current cost to corporate America.

-Ethical Issues in business
-Laws requiring ethical conduct
-Sarbanes-Oxley Act (basic provision/requirements)
-Accounting Oversight Board (purpose)
-Financial disclosure and reporting
-Whistleblowers (policies,factors affecting)
-Auditor conflicts of interest (characteristics)

this is the website that i am doing for the environmental analysis.
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Organizational Analysis, Part 1

Select an organization:

1. Describe the nature of the organization, its size, and any specific human resource challenges it faces.
2. Describe the major legal concerns of the organization and recommend how those concerns should be addressed.
3. Determine how the organization should address current (or anticipated) human resource issues concerning expanding into international markets.
4. Make recommendations concerning how the organization can leverage its human resources to come out on top in a highly competitive environment.

Usability Analysis
Electronic Health Record may cause unintended consequences, and even patient harm. Use the following case study to form a paper. Answer the following questions:

1. How could the design of the system be changed to prevent such in errors in the

2. How do EHR usability(" is the study of the ease which people can employ a
particular tool or other human-made object to achieve a particular goal) errors
impact patient safety and care?

3. Using the principles of usability, make at least 5 recommendations to correct this
problem in the future.

a. recommendations should link back to a specific failure point in the case
study and be reasonable in application
b. recommendations should also incorporate technical and clinical workflow
failures/ improvements

Usability Requirements

1. performance: response time 8. serviceability
2. scalability 9. security
3. capacity 10.regulatory
4. availability 11. manageability
5. reliability 12. environmental
6. recoverability 13. data integrity
7. maintainability 14. interoperability

Components of Usability

1. learnability
2. efficiency
3. memorability
4. errors
5. satisfaction
6. utility

Case Study

A patient presented to his primary care physician(PCP) for the treatment of headaches and episodes of altered consciousness. The PCP prescribed amitripyline at 10mg nightly. The PCP told the patient to escalate the dosage by 10 mg every three to four days until the pain was relieved, but not to exceed 50 mgs without consulting him.

When creating the prescription, the PCP intended to check off the 10mg box in the computerized physician order entry(CPOE), but inadvertently checked the 100 mg box, which was right above it, in the medication instructions section, he indicated that five pills could be taken per night, so the patient would not to return to the pharmacy and pay additional co-pay if he ultimately needed the larger the dose.

The pharmacist had noticed that the dose seemed high and requested that a call be
made to the PCP prior to it being dispensed. A nurse at the PCP's office picked up the call, and because she was very busy that day, told the pharmacy to dispense the medication as it had ordered- she did not check the dose. Three days later, the patient took five of the 100 mg pills together. early the next morning, the PCP was contacted by an emergency department(ED) physician who erported that the patient was in the ED reporting dizziness, an altered state of consciousness, an inability to coordinate his movements and a rapid heartbeat.

He was furher informed by the ED physician that the patient had taken five 100 mg amitripuline tablets. The PCP then checked the patient's record and realize his mistake.

12 font Proper citations

Consider three sets of concerns as you analyze the case.

Issues: Identify the essential issues described in the case. Issues represent current or emerging problems faced by individuals and groups in the organization. Keep in mind there are many issues in any given case, but not all of them are equally important. Focusing on three issues will probably serve you well.

Analysis: What are the causes/factors producing the situation described in the case? What seems to be causing the key problems? Do the problems share a cause, or are they related in some other way? The linkages you make among causes/factors in the case are important. You may want to list, draw, or somehow represent the factors you see as important. You might find a visual representation helpful in capturing the core dynamics. The goal is to discern how and why the situation arose in the first place.

Action: What course of action would you adopt if you were involved in this situation? Why? Your solution should address the underlying causes of the issues. How would you implement your suggested actions? What potential failure points do you need to anticipate? What is the downside of your solution? How would you monitor progress towards full implementation? You want to be as concrete and realistic as possible.

This analysis should be with good readability and critical and practical analysis and suggested actions.

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Health Evaluations

Background Info: A community mental health center has developed an extensive program using local community members to counsel teens and adults about their emotional, sexual and educational problems. Program participants will be compared with those treated by psychologists and social workers. After 1 year in operation and 70 participants, the director of the mental health center has retained you to evaluate the program. Positive results/findings will mean increased funding for the program.

Question to be answered: What type of evaluation will you conduct? Who are the stakeholders, and what interests do they have? Discuss the considerations that will guide your evaluation planning.

A Maximum of 2 pages and 1 inch margins and need by 11 July 02.

Request For Writer Infoceo

This is a case study and I will be sending the case shortly.

Please answer the following questions from the case.

750 Words
1.Identify two of the main costs and two of the main benefits associated with the Buyer-centric, seller-centric and independent B2B models discussed in the case. Which faces the most sever challenges? Why? (Note: Exhibit 4 is useful, but it is Hinrichs opinion, not absolute truth - you should evaluate the chart critically). (worth 15 points)

750 Words
2.Global Sources mission statement is found on page 4 of the case. Identify three major strengths that can allow Global Sources to accomplish this mission. Given the factors you identified, how strong is the company positioned to attract investors? Support your position. (worth 15 points)

750 Words
3.Identify the critical success factors for any company competing in an online B2B marketplace. Briefly describe each with an explanation of why or how each is critical to a company in this industry. There are more than the five listed in the case. For example, Liquidity & Profitability are two dimensions of one factor: financial strength. Limit your list to no more than eight factors. Prepare a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)* using Global Sources, Alibaba and VerticalNet. What is your conclusion about Global Sources competitive position?(worth 10 points)

1200 Words
4.Hinrichs basically faces three options: remain independent, buy a competitor or form an alliance. Identify the trade-offs involved with each option, keeping in mind the material provided in Chapters 3-5 of the text, then recommend and support a course of action. (worth 20 points)

1200 Words
5.If business functions in a pluralistic society, the various players, or interest groups, must be identified, and they are referred to as stakeholders. Once the stakeholders are identified, a businesss economic and social responsibilities to each can be determined. List Global Sources most important stakeholders and say why they are important. (Worth 25%)

Just for Reference
*Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM): A CPM identifies a firms major competitors and its particular strengths and weaknesses in as compared to an industrys critical success factors.
For a description go to: and

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Welfare to Recovery Pwora vs.

The paper is centered around the welfare law in Illinois to include: The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Opportuity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), using the analysis of Eugene Bardach's A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving 4th Edition. The Policy paper should bee divided into sections each with it's own heading and include a Table of contents and References.
The Policy paper must deal with some aspect of the public policy,i.e. the making or implementation of the particular governmental decision, or decisions.
The paper should be approached either by thinking about the policy issue as a policy analyst or by addopting an administrtive perspective, examining how the policy could be or has been implemented,or a political perspective may be adopted that focuses on the debate, political institution and value conflicts assiciated with a policy decision. Any of these perspectives or some combination of them may be used in thispaper.
The Annotated Bibligrapy should have a bibliographic entry followed bya one paragraph summary description of bthe source, highlighting it's main points and findings.The summary paragraph must be written inyour own words. The annotated bibliography must journal articles, magazines,rofessional publications, extended newspaper articles, internet documents books or chapters of books

Finally Wikipedia can not be used!!!!
Customer is requesting that (Assco5522) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (Assco5522) completes this order.

Develop a program evaluation proposal based upon the effectiveness and efficiency of Home And Community Based Waiver Services Program in Alaska. The ability of this program to increase the number of elderly and disabled individuals who use this program instead of being institutionalized in nursing homes or hospitals. This evaluation proposal must utilize quantitative and qualitative research methodologies ( use mixed methods ) and include a measure of consumer satisfaction. This should be no longer than 25 pages (double-spaced), excluding the cover sheet and references.

Please use the following format for this proposal:
A- Title Page
B- Problem and Objectives (an overview of the evaluation's goal)
a. Background and need for the evalution
i. Anticipated use of the results of the evaluation
b.Stakeholder involvement.
c. Dissemination plans and anticipated evaluation products.

C. Evaluation question(s) and aims. Identify at least two evaluation questions that could guide program improvement.
a. Operational definations.

D. Literature Review

E. Provisions for human subjects protection and informed consent.

F. Provisions for addressing cultural issues.

G. Design and data collection methods.
a. A description proposed evaluation methodologies
i. Specific qualitative methodology and approach (grounded theory, case study, etc.)
ii . Quantitative methodology (survey, quasi-experimental design, etc.)

b. Sampling(maybe more than one method relating to particular methodologies)
i. Description of setting and proposed participants.

c. Measurement and data collection procedures
i. Data sources (identify at least 2 possible data sources for each evaluation question and provide a rationale for their selection).

ii. Identify both process and outcome measures. (remember one measure must be focused and consumer satisfaction.)

H. Data management and analysis
a. Strategies to maximize reliability and rigor

I. Strengths and limitations of the evaluation plan

J. Schedule
a. Timetable for the evaluation
b. Staffing
c. Description of services to be provided

K. Budget (including personel, equipment, software, supplies, transportation costs, etc.)

a. Spreadsheet with anticipated costs.
b. Budget justification
Customer is requesting that (Pheelyks) completes this order.

6 Pages

General Motors Microeconomic Analysis of

Words: 1552
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Looking for a term paper on the current Microeconomic analysis of General Motors or the auto industry as a whole. Needs a Thesis/Abstract, Body and Conclusion in APA format…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Ratio Analysis of Different Companies

Words: 2999
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I need a ratio analysis of different companies within the same industry but serving different markets or with different business models. Specifically the following needs to be covered: Retail: Home Depot…

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5 Pages

Financial Analysis Electronic Communication Has Increased the

Words: 1354
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

THREE ASSIGNMENTS A,B,C. A.Discussion 1 PAGE The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants recognizes that technology, specifically the WWW, has had an impact on the nature, content and format of…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Management Discussion and Analysis Memorandum

Words: 509
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Define the managements discussion and analysis. Describe in a memo, not to exceed 300 words, the major items disclosed in this section of the financial report. Customer is requesting that…

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5 Pages

Risk Analysis Background- in General Terms, Risk

Words: 1632
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Use the business you have chosen (previous paper is attached), and follow up with a risk analysis of the systems, policies/procedures, databases, etc., This may require a backup plan.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

PESTLE Analysis the Faculty of Computer Science

Words: 807
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

A thorough analysis of the industry and the business, including its role and responsibilities in the community. (Using the model of PESTLE or PEST is needed) (Please do not just list…

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6 Pages

Company Analysis of Yahoo I

Words: 2043
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

You are to select a private sector (business) or public sector (government, non-profit, or not-for-profit) publicly-known organization.(my selection: Yahoo) Articles in well respected magazines and journals must be available…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Wal Mart Organizational Analysis Walmart Stores (NYSE:

Words: 477
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Walmart is the company Use the Organizational Planning Worksheet attached. Cite your resources. Write at least one goal that can be accomplished through a strategic plan Write one goal that…

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22 Pages

Drones Preliminary Analysis of Drones Have Become

Words: 6582
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Essay

Select a topic of intelligence research and analysis( Topic: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) to be delivered in writing and orally before this years United States Senate and House Intelligence…

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16 Pages
Research Paper

Business Analysis of Singapore

Words: 4853
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write a paper analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation. What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in Singapore? The dimensions are: communication, religion,…

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2 Pages

Improper Data Analysis Led to the Fall

Words: 583
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

With all of the recent frauds and corporate scandals similar to Merck, AIG, Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and ImClone you have heard. Your supervisor has asked you to research news…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Project Risk Analysis Football Match

Words: 930
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

produce a risk analysis for a one-day charity event (football match) to raise funds (diagrams and tables can be used as well) Using Gray and Larsons (PROJECT MANAGEMENT the managerial process…

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12 Pages

Al Sadeem Landscape Strategic analysis

Words: 3455
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

I will attach samples Al Sadeem Landscape Strategic analysis -Case Synopsis -Introduction -The Founders -Company governance -Top Management -Company History and Background -Case Methodology -Vision and Mission -Customers Profile -SWOT Analysis -External Environment (Threat and Opportunities -Internal Environment (Strength and…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Fracking Policy Analysis

Words: 3910
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Fracking policy report this document should frame the fracking policy issue, evaluates policy options,?and advances policy recommendations. Define and frame?the policy problems surrounding fracking in the USA, evaluate its?historical…

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6 Pages

Microeconomics Industry Structure Analysis Campbell's

Words: 1708
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

For your final paper, please do the following: Select a firm that is trades publicly on the stock market. Your job is to study the industry structure the firm…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Flex Budget Analysis Flexible Budgeting:

Words: 596
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write a paper on flex budget. Please write on each of the following: Risks associated with sales forecasts Analysis of ethical considerations in the preparation and subsequent use of the budget. Consider…

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3 Pages

Regulate Competition? Case Analysis Report:

Words: 958
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Course:MBA Course Description:Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance Specific Topic:Case Analysis Report;Can You Regulate Competition?? Guidelines: Short and long-run impact on the business of full compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act,considering the underlying cause for…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Environmental Analysis the Business Environment

Words: 553
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper this is the website that i am doing for the environmental analysis. There are faxes for this order.

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3 Pages

Organizational Analysis Describe the Nature of the

Words: 927
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Organizational Analysis, Part 1 Select an organization: 1. Describe the nature of the organization, its size, and any specific human resource challenges it faces. 2. Describe the major legal concerns…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Usability Analysis Human Health Is Delicate and

Words: 1477
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Usability Analysis Electronic Health Record may cause unintended consequences, and even patient harm. Use the following case study to form a paper. Answer the following questions: 1. How could…

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3 Pages

Stakeholders Involved in the Project

Words: 938
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Consider three sets of concerns as you analyze the case. Issues: Identify the essential issues described in the case. Issues represent current or emerging problems faced by individuals and…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Health Evaluations

Words: 635
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Background Info: A community mental health center has developed an extensive program using local community members to counsel teens and adults about their emotional, sexual and educational problems.…

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15 Pages

Buyer-Centric, Seller-Centric and Independent B2B

Words: 6739
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Request For Writer Infoceo This is a case study and I will be sending the case shortly. Please answer the following questions from the case. 750 Words 1.Identify two of the main…

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22 Pages
Research Paper

Welfare to Recovery Pwora vs.

Words: 6344
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The paper is centered around the welfare law in Illinois to include: The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Opportuity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), using the analysis of Eugene Bardach's A…

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25 Pages

Program Evaluation Home and Community-Based

Words: 7215
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Essay

Develop a program evaluation proposal based upon the effectiveness and efficiency of Home And Community Based Waiver Services Program in Alaska. The ability of this program to increase the…

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