Social Determinants Essays Prompts

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select the three most important social determinants that shape a consumers response to windows vista. Write a paragraph on each determinant to support your choice.

Gather and summarize data about the selected determinants, cite your sources, and present the data in tables or charts. For example, if you selected ethnicity as a determinant, report the population of that ethnic group and its percentage of the total population of the United States.

Evaluate the data. Can it be directly applied to market this product or is additional research necessary? Describe what else you want to know. For example, would you want to know about generational differences within the ethnic group?

Refer to the inequitable distribution of health that you analysed in Assignment 2. Present a vision for the year 2030 in which there is now an equitable distribution of health. Demonstrate how a Compr...ehensive Primary Health Care approach could have been used to change the social determinants that produced this health inequity. Comment on the importance of power and empowerment in changing the social determinants of this health inequity.
Assessment Criteria
These will be used for marking. Your assignment should comply with the following criteria:
Demonstrates an understanding of the social determinants of health
Demonstrates an understanding of Comprehensive Primary Health Care
Demonstrates an understanding of power and empowerment
Refers to the inequitable distribution of health analysed in Assignment 2
Clearly explains how a Comprehensive Primary Health Care approach could address inequities by acting on the social determinants of this health inequity
Uses a logical structure that includes an introduction, well-formed arguments and a conclusion
Uses readings AND external references to support all assertions
Complies with academic standards of legibility, referencing and word length
Is clearly presented with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction

My Assignment 2 my example was wrong, so my doctor told me ( write about obesity pravelence in live of children in Saudi Arabia.For example:
In Saudi Arabia ban in Girls schools sport. But, Boys schools have sport, so the obesity in girls higher than boy.Like this . You must write about this health issue in Saudi Arabia.

My idea :

Identify problrms are lack of sport in girls schools, lack of health education in community, different rural area and non ,culture about belive girls when play sport that girl will lose hymen, socil environment, incom ).
Background fr this issue:

The obesity have increased within children with different classes ( poor, rich).

in girls schools lack of sports compare with boys schools have sport in special time. Because the saudi culture band sport in girls school and provide special places for sport.

Rich families usually effect with advirtsments, and lifestyle. They tend to go to resturants and eat fast food....etc. that contain high of fat and calory. Therefore, all factors have lead to obesity.

Poor families most parents poor education because they feel hard life, and they want provide easy life for thier children that parents stop thier education. Then, they don't have any background health education and lack of powerment and power

Usually, in saudi community lack of health education and programs in center community.

In girls schools don't have sport, but boys schools have sport because saudi culture band it, and Saudi Arabia doesn't have women teacher for sport and doesn't have this field in saudi universties . This is main point to lead obesty childhood, and rate of girls are more than boy.this is health inquety. Also, bad behavouir with food and saudi cullture tend to high fat in foods. This is lead to obesty because most parents don't have background health education, and health sectores don't support and give healthprogramms and health education for indvduals. The obesty lead to health problem such as,chronic diseases. This is lead to burden for country.

In 2030, center community provides health program and provide health education for need families. Also, provide special program such as, healthy cooking and buy healthy food for thier children. Government provides sport in girls schools every day. Also, they add special topic in schools about food and health. All of these have help to decrease obesity childhood and health inequity. Then, children have an powerment and power and thier parents.

So, my segusst to decrese this health issue. Saudi government must put program for teach parents about health education " food" " behaviour" . Also, Saudi government must put sport in girls schools. According to , in Bahrain was studying obesity within children, then they put health education for parents how cooking for thier children. Then, they can address obesity

When you summarise the health issue make it clear that it is a health inequity. you must write heading and subheading.

This is srtucture from my doctor, please. You must follow up this structure. You can see with comment my doctor.

Structure of Assignment

1. Introduction
-provide a brief background to an inequity (as it existed in 2011) " identify problems etc.
-identify that it is currently 2030 and the example of inequity has been addressed and no longer exists
-provide an overview of the structure of the assignment (outline)

2. Present a vision of 2030
-What is happening in 2030?
-What do you see/understand in terms of the current state of the previous inequity?

3. Use a comprehensive primary health care (CPHC) approach to explain what happened to achieve the vision
-use headings if it helps organise the data
-use present tense referring to what has happened in the past 19 years to lead to your vision " you are telling a story, but a well referenced, coherent story that applies your knowledge and understanding of CPHC
- your discussion of CPHC approach must be feasible " be realistic about what could be done in 19 years
-be sure to include the notions of power and empowerment in your CPHC approach

4. Conclusion
-briefly summarise your paper
-what is the outcome? What can we learn from this paper?

-references need to be PEER REVIEWED!
-be consistent in your reference style
-be critical using your opinion in your assignments but use relevant references to support your arguments " all argumentative statements need referencing to support them
-minimum of ten references
-use relevant texts " NOT the lecturers comments. See their slides and chase up relevant references

You must write heading and subheading please. I found some studies

Baum, F. (2008) The new public health (3rd ed) Melbourne, Oxford University Press ISBN 9780195550467

Keleher, H. & MacDougall, C.(eds) (2009) (eds.) Understanding health: a social determinants approach, Melbourne, Oxford University Press 9780195551297
Laverack, Glenn 2009, 2nd Edition Public health: power, empowerment and professional practice, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

You can use for example from Web

WHO is very good

I have lectures you must see them
There are faxes for this order.

2500 words

Part 1
a) Describe quantitative/positivist and qualit...ative/interpretivist methodological approaches; include examples of their research methods of data collection. [750 words]
b) Traditionally epidemiology (prevalence, distribution and determinants of disease) has focussed on quantitative research for the types of research designs that are associated with Part 2 (a). Can social epidemiology (prevalence, distribution and social determinants of disease) include both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches? - Critically discuss [750 words]
Part 2
a) Based on your reading of books such as Beaglehole (1993) describe what you know about observational epidemiology as a research approach and compare it to experimental studies. Describe some of the designs within each, e.g. RCT, Case-Control studies, etc
[500 words]
b) Discuss why causation is important in the field of epidemiology? [500 words]
Assessment criteria

you mut write introduction and conclusion
Demonstrate an understanding of quantitative/positivist and qualitative/interpretivist methodological approaches and their methods
Demonstrate a critical analysis of whether both quantitative and qualitative approaches can be used in social epidemiology
Demonstrate an understanding of what observational epidemiology is in relation to experimental studies
Demonstrate the importance of causation
Conform to accepted academic standards, including appropriate referencing
Clearly written with accurate spelling and grammar. Must have well constructed sentences and paragraphs

I will put lecture and STUDY GUIDE that are very important to read them.

I will put my friend's answer the same question but last question of part 2 my friend's answer doesn't have (Discuss why causation is important in the field of epidemiology?)
my friend's answer that help you but you don't take of them but you can see and you can you useful refrences.

When you write refrenses : I want to you make the refrences

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

this is you can help you chapter of books>

Lecture 1 [2 March] - (Research Process ) - 4 March
See Study Guide or Kumar
Tutorial 1[10 March]
Lecture 2 [16 March] - (Systematic Literature Search and Systematic & Critical Reviews; generating Hypotheses and Research Questions) ??" See Saks & Allsop Chapter 3; and Study Guide & articles posted on Discussion Forum (Background Reading)
Lecture 3 [30 March] - (Epidemiology; Social Epidemiology, and Design (e.g. RCT, Cohort); Discuss Assign 1) ??" Beaglehole & Bonita Chapters 1,3 OR Bonita & Beaglehole; Berkman & Kawachi Chapters 1,2
11 - 22 April Assignment 1 due Friday 15 April
Lecture 4 [27 April] - (Qualitative Research)
Saks & Allsop Part II
Lecture 5 [4 May] - (Quantitative Research + Causation) Saks & Allsop Part III for Quantitative & Beaglehole for Causation
Lecture 6 [11 May] - (Mixed Methods & Discuss Assignment 2) Saks & Allsop Part IV

these book:
The required texts for this topic are:
Beaglehole R, Bonita R & Kjellstrom T (1993). Basic Epidemiology. Geneva: World Health Organization. (out of stock but suitable if you have a copy)
Bonita R, Beaglehole R, & Kjellstrom T (2007). Basic Epidemiology (2nd
Edition), Geneva: World Health Organization.
Saks, M. & Allsop, J. (2007). Researching Health: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods. Los Angeles: Sage Pubications.
Berkman, L. & Kawachi, I. (eds.) 2000, Social Epidemiology, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Other References
Kumar, Ranjit (2005). Research methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners (2nd
Websites: Supercourse - edition). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.

some books you can get by Web. Some books you can get summary in study gide or lecture and my friend's answer.

Please, when you write any informatiom you must make paraphrase

There are faxes for this order.

Communication in Healthcare


The DVD is about KIM and ADAM who were visited by social worker.

Please follow the steps. Have done this assisgnment before but unfortunately I did not passed so please help me.

Am a student adult nurse in my first year.



PHI Summative Assessment

Critique a DVD clip of an interaction between a health professional and service users (2,500 word equivalent / 50%) (LO 1,2,&3)

Students will be shown a DVD clip of a health related interaction between a health professional and their clients. This will be viewed during the Student Directed Study time allocated in Week 13 (Day 5).

Students are advised to comprehensively record the content and interactions that are portrayed in the DVD clip to assist them with their analysis. You will need to prepare a draft critique of the DVD to bring to your tutorial in week 15 (Day 6).

Essay submission date: November 6th 2013

Students should choose TWO topics from Section One, and TWO topics from Section Two to inform the content of their essay. These topics ? all of which have been covered in the content of the module ? will act as guidelines for your essay.

You MUST identify the topics you have chosen from Sections 1 and 2 on the title page of your essay.


Introduce the concepts of ?health? and ?communication?, making reference to the nurse / patient relationship, and the importance of interpersonal communication in the delivery of health information.

Section 1

Choose TWO topics from this section

With reference to academic literature and theory ??

a. Using Dahlgren and Whitehead?s (1991) model, explore the social determinants of health that are relevant to the main characters in the DVD clip. Consider ways in which these impact on the health status of the clients and the health professional.

b. Identify three health behaviours / health issues portrayed in the DVD clip. With reference to relevant models and theory, explore ways in which these behaviours / issues impact on the holistic health of the clients and the Health Professional.

c. Making reference to Ewles and Simnett?s Planning Cycle (2003), critically evaluate the health promotion strategy(ies) identified in the DVD clip. You should include assessment of health need and ?Approaches to Health Promotion? (Scriven, 2010) evident in the clip.

d. Using the ?Settings Approach to Health Promotion? critically evaluate the health promoting potential of the home and the hospital settings portrayed in the DVD clip

Section 2

Choose TWO topics from this section

With reference to academic literature and theory:

a. Making reference to both linear and circular models of communication, explore the interactions between the health professional and their clients.

b. What barriers to communication were evident during the health professional ? client interaction? How were / might these be addressed?

c. Consider a range social and psychological factors that might have been influential to the communication process between the health professional and their clients.

d. What types of communication (e.g. open questions, active listening, non-verbal ..) did the health professional employ when interacting with the patient / clients? Suggest additional or alternative forms that might have been used.

N.B. The discussion in the body of the essay must be supported by a range of appropriate literature - journals, books, periodicals etc?
Your must reference your sources throughout the essay and a completed reference list should be provided at the end of the essay.

The Cite Them Right referencing conventions are available at:


( I want 2500 words ) i.e part one 1000 words & part two 1500 words

Part 1
Describe and discuss what is mean...t by a systematic search, systematic review, and critical review of literatures. What are the advantages? you must write introduction and conclusion
[1,000 words]

Part 2
Choose a public health issue (e.g. the health risks of smoking tobacco) that interests you and review the literature on this topic in relation to social
Assessment criteria epidemiology (prevalence, distribution, and social determinants of disease). For example, disadvantaged areas (low income, high levels of violence, etc.) are associated with higher tobacco smoking prevalence. You may also wish to consider any relevant public health issue that you have discussed or read about in the Social Determinants topic (PHCA8501). Conduct a systematic search and a critical review of the literature. This review should lead to generating a hypothesis or research question at the end of your introduction. you must write introduction and conclusion / 20 SOURCES
[1,500 words]

Assessment criteria:

Demonstrate the ability to critically analyse research literature
Demonstrate an understanding of what a systematic search and critical review entails
Demonstrate an understanding of how a literature review leads to generating a hypothesis or research question
Conform to accepted academic standards, including appropriate referencing
Clearly written with accurate spelling and grammar. Must have well constructed sentences and paragraphs

some notes:

- part 1 (you must write introduction and conclusion )
part 2 (you must write introduction and conclusion )

-When you write you must subheading " main heading"

- Choose a public health issue (e.g. the health risks of smoking tobacco) that interests you and review the literature on this topic in relation to social ( as introduction and write why choose this topic/ why do you reasech ( reasons ) you must write thesis statement for example 5 part part one explains ..etc)

- Assessment criteria epidemiology (prevalence, distribution, and social determinants of disease). for every ecach one that separate for example:
write about this .....etc

- Conduct a systematic search and a critical review of the literature " you can see to 34 page. like this make and write

- This review should lead to generating a hypothesis or research question at the end of your introduction

I put refrences and lecture

I choose smoking in India( public health issue )
population: young people, teens, female and male or just female)
social upidemiology - social determmines

And I research

want to you make the refrences

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

There are faxes for this order.

Write a 2,500 word paper on the role, relevance and future potential of a Comprehensive
Primary Health Care Approach to a health or health systems issue in a community or
country of your
Your paper should:
? show a sophisticated understanding of the factors facilitating and constraining the
implementation of Comprehensive PHC
? show the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to the
health issue and setting you have chosen
? demonstrate a capacity to explain and apply relevant structures and processes relevant
? justify any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments, not mere assertions
? be logically structured and clearly written with a succinct introduction and
conclusion, accurate spelling grammar and sentence and paragraph construction
? demonstrate thorough research of academic databases and comply with normal
academic standards of referencing and bibliographical details

want to you make the refrences

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

Before participating in the discussion please do the following: a.) Read over the guidelines for discussion and the grading rubric; b.) Do the required reading; The assigned focal determinant of healt...h is safety (Health safety ie. wearing a seat belt, gun control, anti-bullying, etc)

This Discussion Board forums question will be presented for you to review and reflection. The purpose is to critically apply the information gained from readings and the online information.

Please develop detailed responses to all questions. These responses must be carefully written with proper grammar. Please remember that you need to cite your sources in APA (6th ed.) formatting style. Supporting your ideas with references from your readings are evidence of integration and application of your readings. As you are expected to read through all of the responses, be sure that your response offers different insights than those of your colleagues.
Unlike formal written assignments, we do not require that your discussion responses adhere to complete formatting requirements (e.g. no abstract or cover page for seminar discussions required), however, as noted earlier correct grammar, spelling, in-text citations, and referencing are components of the grading rubric.

Examine the Alma-ata, the WHO, the Canadian Nurses Association, and the Healthy People 2020 Determinants of Health. Explore the Determinants of Health as they relate to Primary Health Care, and at the same time consider the evolution of Primary Health Care as a conceptual approach to global health. How has its implementation changed over time due to competing political, economic, and social factors.

Once you are familiar with the Determinants of Health identify a contemporary issue related to your teams assigned focal issue. Taking a similar critical approach, examine your chosen issue. How has the management changed over time, and how do those changes reflect the shifting political and social understanding of health itself? Relate your discussion to Primary Health Care, and include thoughts on the role of nursing in your topic area.

Format/ Rubric:
Answer the questions and follow the grading rubric. The responses should be in APA format (6th edition), times new roman 12 font, 2 pages (no less than 500 words).

Responds to all questions/threads in a well thought out, concise, organized, challenging, and detailed way. Poses questions for colleagues. Content is accurate. Reflection noted. Main response must address new ideas and concepts not yet posted by colleagues.
This is for your main post

Responses are in-depth and demonstrate extensive knowledge and integration of content from the online lecture or activity as well as the use of outside resources.

References (APA) are used correctly according to APA guidelines. In addition, sources must be scholarly or peer reviewed sources. as appropriate).

Correct use of grammar/spelling/punctuation

Assigned Readings

Barnes, D. et al. (1995)
Canadian Nurses Association , 2003
Gehlert, et al. (2008)
Greenhalgh, T. (2007) , Ch. 1
ICN (2008). Ch. 1.
National Health Care Disparities Report (2012)
Truglio-Londrigan, M. & Lewenson, S. B. (Eds). (2011), Ch. 18.
Videos on PHC and determinants of health.

Healthy People 2020 (2012)
Millenium Development Goals (MDG) 2012 Report on MDGs
World Health Organization (1978). Declaration Alma Ata.
World Health Organization Report 2008: PHC now more than ever

Kidder, T. (2004).
Leininger, M, & McFarland, M. (2002).
Payne, R. (2005).

Bonita, R. et al, (2006), CH. 1.
Brown, T. M., Cueto, M., & Fee, E. (2006).
ICN (2008). Ch. 2, 3, & 4.
Kidder, T. (2004). pp. 59-65.
Mason, D. J., Leavitt, J. K., and Chaffee, M. W. (2012), Ch. 2

Cueto, M. (2004)

Greenhalgh, T. (2007) , Ch. 1
Truglio-Londrigan, M. & Lewenson, S. B. (Eds). (2011), Ch. 18.
WHO (1978) Alma-Ata 1978 Primary Health Care.

Introduction: Perspectives in primary health care
Brown, Cueto, and Fee (2006) discuss the socio political context and events that guided the transformation of a public health approach from an international one to a global one. The authors highlight that the growing importance of actors beyond governmental or intergovernmental organizations and agencies??"for example, the media, internationally influential foundations nongovernmental organizations and transnational corporations (p. 62). Within the same historical context, these influences impacted the state of the social determinants of health which each of your teams is exploring. How do governmental and non-governmental organizations and agencies influence the state of the social determinants? How do those influences in turn impact population health outcomes in this country and in other countries? Are there disparities, within and between countries, in how these forces influenced the determinants, and in turn influenced health outcomes? Consider, also, how these changing factors influenced nursing and advanced nursing practice, and how in turn did those changes impact health outcomes?

Bonita et al, (2006), Greenhalgh, (2007), International Council of Nurses (ICN; 2008), and Mason, Leavitt, and Chaffee, (2012) review several historical events which highlight the evolution of epidemiology, primary health care, health care policy & advocacy, and the profession and practice of nursing throughout time. The ICN (2008) presents global examples of how nursing has addressed each of the five principles highlighted by the Canadian Nurses Association (2003), and more specifically how it influenced public health policy as a factor contributing to persistent population health disparities. The benefit of looking backward is to gain insight in looking forward. Consider the ICN's presentation of where and how nursing might change in the future. The three areas of focus are education, research and practice (ICN, 2008). As you explore your teams primary health care focal issue, what changes in health policy, nursing, and nursing practice could positively influence the related population health outcomes?

There are faxes for this order.

Select TWO federal and/or state representatives of U.S.A and summarize their respective positions on health care policy in 1 page (double space) for EACH representative (i.e. total 2 pages of 2 representatives).

Prepare a summary of the health care policy positions of two selected federal and/or state Representative. ID their respective policy positions relative to any or all of the following health determinants:
1. Biological (Genetics) Determinants;
2. Behavioral Determinants;
3. Social Determinants;
4. Environmental Determinants;
5. Health Promotion and/or Prevention Determinants; and,
6. Quality Determinants.

Country in Regards to Access

Write the Brief Summary of the article in One and a Half page typed double spaced and than Answer the question below in rest of the Half page double spaced.

How does the article provided below addresses the challenges in the political climate associated with the production or distribution of resources relative to any one of the six health determinants in the U.S.A
1. Biological (Genetics) Determinants;
2. Behavioral Determinants;
3. Social Determinants;
4. Environmental Determinants;
5. Health Promotion and/or Prevention Determinants; and,
6. Quality Determinants.

Article Link:
Access to Dental Care: A National Scandal:

Vision 2030 Issue of Child

when u write, I want as my level of writing frist of year collage. I am Master dgree.


Refer to the inequitable distribution of health that you analysed in Assignment 2. Present a vision for the year 2030 in which there is now an equitable distribution of health. Demonstrate how a Comprehensive Primary Health Care approach could have been used to change the social determinants that produced this health inequity. Comment on the importance of power and empowerment in changing the social determinants of this health inequity.
Assessment Criteria
These will be used for marking. Your assignment should comply with the following criteria:
Demonstrates an understanding of the social determinants of health
Demonstrates an understanding of Comprehensive Primary Health Care
Demonstrates an understanding of power and empowerment
Refers to the inequitable distribution of health analysed in Assignment 2
Clearly explains how a Comprehensive Primary Health Care approach could address inequities by acting on the social determinants of this health inequity
Uses a logical structure that includes an introduction, well-formed arguments and a conclusion
Uses readings AND external references to support all assertions
Complies with academic standards of legibility, referencing and word length
Is clearly presented with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction

My Assignment 2 my example was wrong, so my doctor told me ( write about obesity pravelence in live of children in Saudi Arabia.For example:
In Saudi Arabia ban in Girls schools sport. But, Boys schools have sport, so the obesity in girls higher than boy.Like this . You must write about this health issue in Saudi Arabia

This is srtucture from my doctor, please. You must follow up this structure. You can see with comment my doctor.

Structure of Assignment

1. Introduction
-provide a brief background to an inequity (as it existed in 2011) ??" identify problems etc.
-identify that it is currently 2030 and the example of inequity has been addressed and no longer exists
-provide an overview of the structure of the assignment (outline)

2. Present a vision of 2030
-What is happening in 2030?
-What do you see/understand in terms of the current state of the previous inequity?

3. Use a comprehensive primary health care (CPHC) approach to explain what happened to achieve the vision
-use headings if it helps organise the data
-use present tense referring to what has happened in the past 19 years to lead to your vision ??" you are telling a story, but a well referenced, coherent story that applies your knowledge and understanding of CPHC
- your discussion of CPHC approach must be feasible ??" be realistic about what could be done in 19 years
-be sure to include the notions of power and empowerment in your CPHC approach

4. Conclusion
-briefly summarise your paper
-what is the outcome? What can we learn from this paper?

-references need to be PEER REVIEWED!
-be consistent in your reference style
-be critical using your opinion in your assignments but use relevant references to support your arguments ??" all argumentative statements need referencing to support them
-minimum of ten references
-use relevant texts ??" NOT the lecturers comments. See their slides and chase up relevant references

You must write heading and subheading please.

Baum, F. (2008) The new public health (3rd ed) Melbourne, Oxford University Press ISBN 9780195550467

Keleher, H. & MacDougall, C.(eds) (2009) (eds.) Understanding health: a social determinants approach, Melbourne, Oxford University Press 9780195551297
Laverack, Glenn 2009, 2nd Edition Public health: power, empowerment and professional practice, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

You can use for example from Web

WHO is very good

I have lectures you must see them.

There are faxes for this order.

Assignment 3 Exploring and critiquing the relevance and applicability of health
promotion skills to public health practice
Due date: 11th June 2010
Length: 3,000 words
This final assig...nment for the Topic requires you to draw on your knowledge of health promotion to
critically evaluate its relevance and applicability to public health practice. If you work in a health
setting, you may wish to focus on your own practice.
1. Choose one of the areas of health promotion skill described in Section Two of the book
Understanding Health Promotion and briefly and succinctly provide a rationale for why you
have chosen it (You may want to establish its relevance to your workplace, its importance to a
particular population, its ranking in relation to your own values and priorities in health
2. Describe the central elements of the skill area, in terms of values, principles, strategies,
intended outcomes
3. Succinctly describe the salient characteristics of an aspect of public health practice (this could
include values, worker role, the features of a particular setting, the context of the setting,
particular characteristics of the community or population being served, particular health issues
being addressed or prevalent in a population, and so on)
4. Develop a convincing case (through a logical argument, critical analysis and the use of theory
and literature) for why you think this skill area is relevant, appropriate and applicable. This
will need to include establishing the relationship between the skill area and intended health
promotion outcomes. In doing this, it is important to also identify and include any barriers or
threats to applying the skills and to reaching outcomes, as well as the factors conducive to
undertaking health promotion activities; and being realistic about the level or extent of
outcomes that can be expected, given all the elements in the context you have identified which
will have impacts on promoting health.
Point 4 should comprise the major part of the assignment (at least 2,000 words).
These four points, and the general assignment criteria listed in the Topic Outline, will form the criteria
for assessment.
You may want to give early drafts of your article to another student doing this Topic or a work
colleague to provide you with feedback. This will help you clarify your thinking and hone your
writing skills.

Refrence: you must take from this book.
Keleher, H, MacDougall, C. and Murphy, B. (eds) (2007) Understanding Health Promotion, Oxford
University Press.

Refrence : I want like this:
For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I want put an introduction what do you say in this essay

Functional Foods Refer to the

Assignment 3b
Read the article by Mark Lawrence and John Germov Functional food and public health nutrition and answer 5 of any of the 6 Discussion Questions at the end of the chapter (pp. 168-169...). (Available in Assignment information on FLO.)>>> I will put this in resource
Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria, the extent to which it:
Conveys a lucid understanding of the arguments fore and against functional foods.
Analyses the ways in which various player and actors are involved in the debates.
Interprets critically the ways in which notions of evidence have been discussed and the various positions on functional foods.
Comments on international forces may have played a role in the national debates in relation to functional foods.
Meets the general assessment criteria, such as:
provides a lucid introduction that relates your paper to public health issues generally
shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues
shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to the topic
shows evidence of reading beyond the core and recommended reading
justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments not merely assertion
complies with normal academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details
is written clearly with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction

I have important resources for this chapter

I want 10 resources refrences

I want interduction and conclusion

read block 2 and 3 . And artical chapter.

want to you make the refrences

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I want the writer cscannell or writergrrl101 because they wrote for me before, so I need them and I must choose them the same writer for last Assig for this topic. If they don't finde them ,any writer that is good, but the same level.

There are faxes for this order.

Task 1. Normative and Felt Needs Assessment

You can assume that you are a dietitian-nutritionist and that your health service has
received a number of requests to promote veg...etables and fruit as a preventive strategy
for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). You can also assume that a literature review
summarising the epidemiological evidence on this issue has already been done.
To determine the need for a community intervention and to set a case for program
development and funding, you will select one of the following target groups upon which
to structure a Normative Needs Assessment and Felt Needs Assessment Plan. Here,
you will utilise relevant health indicator data to explore the magnitude and significance
of T2DM to public health in Australia and locally for your chosen target group. Having
profiled your local community, you will then submit a Felt Needs Assessment Plan and
survey tool for enquiring about community perceptions of T2DM, vegetable and fruit
consumption and their opinion of appropriate nutrition interventions.
You can choose to focus your Needs Assessment on the population at risk of
developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (prevention) or the population with Type 2
Diabetes at risk of developing complications (management). The target groups are:

1-Aboriginal men and women aged 25 - 54 years, living in City of Playford

2- Overweight men and women aged 25 - 64 years, from low-income families
(<$21, 000 per annum) living in the City of Onkaparinga. ...<<<
Guidelines for this Assessment Task
Maximum length is 12 A-4 pages, 2cm margins, 1.5-spaced, tables, figures, survey
tool included. The reference list can be in addition to the page limit and single spaced.
The Normative Needs Assessment should:
1) Provide a concise presentation of relevant health indicator data (prevalence,
incidence, burden of disease) to demonstrate the magnitude and significance of T2DM
for the general population and relevant high risk sub-groups in Australia. Identify
relevant Nutrition and Health Policies that support a public health intervention.
2) Having defined the health problem on a national level, you now want to position the
problem as it relates to your chosen target group and their Local Government Area. To
demonstrate a clear understanding of your target group, the profile should include:
 A description of the Local Government Area and relevant socio-demographic
characteristics of the population.
 Relevant health status information including the prevalence of T2DM and
related risk factors amongst this group.
 Information on their vegetable and fruit consumption.
 A profile of relevant health & community services and community infrastructure
in the local government area (with a view of highlighting accessibility or gaps in
services and opportunities for potential collaboration and partnerships).

The Felt Needs Assessment Plan should:
1) Describe the selected method for surveying the felt needs of your target group, how
it is to be implemented, how data will be collected & analysed and how results will be
communicated to key stakeholders and used to inform the next stage in the program
development cycle. The selected method for surveying the felt needs of your target
group should be culturally appropriate and justified within primary health care
principles. The plan should also take into consideration any potential limitations of the
selected survey method and barriers to implementation.
2) Include the tool that will be used to enquire about community perceptions. The tool
should demonstrate that it has been designed to suit the needs of your target group
with regards to selected method, content, layout and use of language. The enquiry into
vegetable and fruit consumption (ie the questions included in the survey tool) should
consider a combination of (a) individual factors eg. knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviours, (b) environmental factors eg. availability, cost, access, policy, community
services, and (c) social factors eg. cultural practices, peer influences, social support,
Assessment Criteria (30 marks)
1. Normative needs assessment (14 marks)
1.1 Overview of the magnitude and significance of the problem (6 marks)
 Complete range of data, adequate depth. Australian data used, data is current,
accurate, relevant and appropriately referenced.
 Succinct, minimal repetition tables/figures and text.
 Appropriate conclusions reached.
 Evidence of wider reading.
1.2 Profile of Target group and LGA (8 marks)
 Comprehensive presentation of available data, relevant, succinct.
 Appropriate conclusions reached.
 Evidence of wider reading.
2. Felt needs assessment (14 marks)
2.1 Plan for conducting the Felt Needs Assessment (8 marks)
 Plan is appropriate for target group and justified within primary health care
 Methods for implementation, data collection & analysis and communication of
results are clearly described, practical and logical.
2.2 Survey Tool (6 marks)
 Tool is appropriate for target group with regards to selected method, content,
layout and language used.
 Survey questions consider individual, environmental & social factors affecting
fruit and vegetable consumption.
 Survey questions are relevant, useful and logical.
3. Overall presentation & referencing (2 marks)
 Assignment is well organised, logical, flows well.
 Appropriate language, grammar, and spelling.
 Within page limit.
 Referencing system correctly and consistently applied (Harvard system).
Statements, facts and figures are appropriately referenced in text and listed in
the reference list.
 Data presentation creative.

I choose this one :

Overweight men and women aged 25 - 64 years, from low-income families
(<$21, 000 per annum) living in the City of Onkaparinga. ...<<<

when do you make the refrences you must make like this:

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I have resources and I have an example from my friend

I want the writer this Assco5522 to write it

There are faxes for this order.

Queensland Smart Choices Over the

Assignment 3a
Download the document Smart choices: Healthy food and drink supply strategy for Queensland schools from the following website:
Imagine you are a public health nutritionist in a Queensland country town, with a large Indigenous population. Your task is to assist in the introduction of the Smart Choices in the local primary school and high school. Discuss:
Write a report about:
The processes you would use to influence local school policies to address the priorities in Smart Choices.
The ways in which you would get support from the school community and the local community in general, identifying potential barriers and enablers that may exist.
How you would evaluate your performance in relation to any policy initiatives you develop.
Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria, the extent to which it:
Prioritises processes that address the needs of socially disadvantaged groups.
Effectively applies the framework of what is the problem? to this issue.
Utilises the principles and practices that are part of comprehensive primary health care.
Meets the general assessment criteria, such as:
provides a lucid introduction that relates your paper to public health issues generally
shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues
shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to the topic
shows evidence of reading beyond the core and recommended reading
justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments not merely assertion
complies with normal academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details
is written clearly with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction.

you read Guide to learning from block 2 and 3

when you write refrences for example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I have resources and I have an example my friend's answer that helpe you so much
There are faxes for this order.

Assignment 2b
Consider the problem of child obesity in Australia. Comment on the following questions that have been adapted from Bacchis whats the problem approach?
How has the child obe...sity problem been framed and represented?
What are the values or assumptions underlying this representation?
Has the representation of the problem changed over time?
What national policy responses (eg. Healthy Weight 2008) have there been in Australia over the last five years?
How have the policy responses been developed? Did they follow the Australian policy development cycle? If not, what was different, and what impact has this had on the policy itself?
In your view what forces and key stakeholders have influenced and shaped policy responses?
Have the policy responses challenged the evidence or knowledge underpinning the problem?
Has the policy been implemented and evaluated? How successful has it been?
In your opinion, what lessons are there for future policy development addressing the child obesity epidemic?
The following references might assist in providing a starting point for your deliberations.
ODea, J. A. (2005). Prevention of child obesity: First, do no harm. Health Education Research, 20(2), 259-265.
Coveney, J. (2008). The government of girth. Health Sociology Review, 17(2), 199-213.
(Both are available in Assignment information on FLO.)
Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria, the extent to which it:
Critically analyses the different positions taken in relation to contemporary debates about the effects of food advertising to children.
Effectively applies the framework of what is the problem?
Describes ways in which local policies can be established to progress debates in this area, including a description of the processes you would undertake to engage local stakeholders and interested parties.
Meets the general assessment criteria, such as:
provides a lucid introduction that relates your paper to public health issues generally
shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues

shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to the topic
shows evidence of reading beyond the core and recommended reading
justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments not merely assertion
complies with normal academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details
is written clearly with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction.

want to you make the refrences

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I want the best writer roriko or roliva or writergrrl101 or assco5522 or any writer that is good

I have important resources

There are faxes for this order.

Patient Profile:
Mr. H.Y. is a 58-year-old male that worked as a manager in an Asian supermarket. He is originally from Hong Kong and migrated to United States 16 years ago. He has been married f...or 33 years and lives with his wife in Queens, NY. They have three children together (2 boys, aged 30 and 25, and one girl, aged 28). His wife is very supportive at home and works full time. His oldest son graduated college and is working full time in accounting. His middle daughter also graduated college and is working full time in a lawyer office. His youngest son is away at college full time, living in the dorms.
He has a remote 7-year history of tobacco use, but quit smoking 10 years ago. He drinks alcohol 1-2 times weekly. He denies any marijuana use or any other recreational drugs. His medical history includes appendix removed when he was 12 years old, obesity, and type 2 diabetes (diagnosed a year ago). His medication list includes multivitamin and Glyburide. He is also prescribed a glucose monitor and instructed to check his glucose via finger stick 4 times daily.
This past year he was forced into an early retirement. He used to commute to New Jersey for work daily. Mr. H.Y. has been a very active man since a young age; he enjoyed traveling so much that he and his wife will go travel at least once a year. He was always athletic and enjoyed playing basketball with his children. He also enjoyed evening walk with his wife daily after dinner.
His wife accompanied him to his last primary care visit. She verbalized her concern about Mr. H.Y. being depressed. She states that he sleeps most of the day and doesn't take any visitors or phone calls over the past few weeks. His wife describes that they are no longer going on their daily evening walks together, which they enjoyed doing together all the times. Mr. H.Y. had complaints of increased fatigue, lethargy, and is no longer playing basketball with his children. On exam his weight is 8 kg over the past 4 months (since his last visit), his fasting glucose is 290mg/dL and Mr. H.Y. appears withdrawn with a flat affect. In reviewing his symptoms he denies feeling sad but expresses that he doesn't know what to do with his time now that he is no longer working and he lost interest in playing basketball with his kids. He admits that he is not regularly checking his glucose as advised and is tired of having to modify his diet. He has not been excising because he is too tired. He also reports his sleeping pattern is different and has a hard time falling asleep at night, which is why he is napping more often during the day.
After completing a PHQ-9 questionnaire, Mr. H.Y. scored a 14 and was diagnosed with depression (DSM IV 311).

The paper should include ALL of the following points:

A. Introduction
1). Identify goals, i.e. analyze the significance of major depressive disorder to adherence to a type 2 diabetes and obesity regimen
2). Prevalence of the identified illness (Major depressive disorder, type 2 diabetes and obesity)
3). Social determinants which may influence this particular patient/family/group or the community of which they are members.

B. Medical Diagnoses, including DSM-IV TR Diagnosis & Nursing Diagnoses based on the patient profile above

C. Current Treatment for presenting medical and or psychiatric disorders based on the patient profile above

D. Recommendations for treatment, or not, of the DSM?IV diagnosed disorder based on the patient profile above.
1. Give rationale about whether or not to treat, based on what you have learned.
2. If you decide to recommend treatment, what would that be (pharmacological and or non-pharmacological interventions and monitoring)?
3. If you decides not to treat, give rationale.

E. Identify patient/family teaching/coaching recommendations; referrals to other health care professionals, and health care systems based on the patient profile above.

F. Identify potential outcomes for this patient (Mr. H.Y.) based on your knowledge of the patient, medical and psychiatric diagnoses, and treatment options.

*Must be in APA Format and NO MORE than 12 pages, please!!!

Food Policy What Are the

write summary for this questions:

What are the forces that influence and shape policy and consider whether this influence is beneficial and/or detrimental to the policy development process and/or policy outcomes?
Identify and analyse the role/s of various key stakeholders in policy development, implementation and evaluation?

you read Guide to learning from 27-39

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I have resources and I have an example from my friend

I want the writer this roriko # to write it
If he doesn't write any writer that is good or Assco5522
There are faxes for this order.

( I want 2500 words ) i.e part one 1000 words & part two 1500 words

Part 1
Describe and discuss what is meant... by a systematic search, systematic review, and critical review of literatures. What are the advantages? you must write introduction and conclusion
[1,000 words]

Part 2
Choose a public health issue (e.g. the health risks of smoking tobacco) that interests you and review the literature on this topic in relation to social
Assessment criteria epidemiology (prevalence, distribution, and social determinants of disease). For example, disadvantaged areas (low income, high levels of violence, etc.) are associated with higher tobacco smoking prevalence. You may also wish to consider any relevant public health issue that you have discussed or read about in the Social Determinants topic (PHCA8501). Conduct a systematic search and a critical review of the literature. This review should lead to generating a hypothesis or research question at the end of your introduction. you must write introduction and conclusion / 20 SOURCES
[1,500 words]

Assessment criteria:

Demonstrate the ability to critically analyse research literature
Demonstrate an understanding of what a systematic search and critical review entails
Demonstrate an understanding of how a literature review leads to generating a hypothesis or research question
Conform to accepted academic standards, including appropriate referencing
Clearly written with accurate spelling and grammar. Must have well constructed sentences and paragraphs

some notes:

- part 1 (you must write introduction and conclusion )
part 2 (you must write introduction and conclusion )

-When you write you must subheading " main heading"

- Choose a public health issue (e.g. the health risks of smoking tobacco) that interests you and review the literature on this topic in relation to social ( as introduction and write why choose this topic/ why do you reasech ( reasons ) you must write thesis statement for example 5 part part one explains ..etc)

- Assessment criteria epidemiology (prevalence, distribution, and social determinants of disease). for every ecach :

- Conduct a systematic search and a critical review of the literature " you can see to 34 page from guide study. like this make and write

- This review should lead to generating a hypothesis or research question at the end of your introduction

- I put refrences and lecture

- I choose ( public health issue ) :AID/ HIV in Ugnda in poor area OR Obesity of children in low ecome area compare with high encom
population: young people, teens, female
social upidemiology - social determmines

When you write refrenses : I want to you make the refrences

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I put study guide and lectures after you accept my order.

All of these lectures :



GT_Ethics.ppt (26.00kb)













I put study guide: you must read it.

gui_study.pdf (479.10kb)

I will put my friend's answer
There are faxes for this order.

Type 2 Diabetes and Intake

Critical review of evidence for association between Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus and intake of fruit and vegetables.

Provide a written report (2000 words) summarising and appraising the ...evidence from
eight * studies that helps answer the following research question. What is the
association between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and fruit and vegetable intake?
These studies may relate to the role of fruit and vegetables in either the prevention or
the management of T2DM. Write a 500 word conclusion from this evidence including a
brief discussion of the quality (strengths and weaknesses) of the epidemiological
evidence that you have presented.
* 2 relevant studies will be reviewed in class tutorials in weeks 11 and 12 and can count
as 2 of the 8 studies that you summarise. In addition to the written summary you must
summarise each study using an evidence table which provides details of the sample,
exposure and outcome measures and key findings. Tables should be single spaced
Maximum length is 2000 words for the study summary plus 500 words for an overall
conclusion. The content of the table will not contribute to the total word count but you
must use the table effectively to complement your text.
You must also hand in a photocopy of the abstract of each of the papers you choose to
review, with full reference for the paper.
Guidelines for Assessment Task:
This task requires you to provide a list of primary papers (not review articles or text
book chapters) including full bibliographic details, a short summary of the content and
critique/appraisal of each of the papers. This requires you to summarise the content of
the paper in condensed form and provide some interpretation and evaluation of the
evidence provided in the paper. You need to decide what are the key points/findings of
the paper in the context of the assessment task and present these main ideas, in your
own words. It is important to be as concise as possible, to provide the essential details
in as few words as possible.
Where available you should use at least two examples from each of the major
categories of epidemiological study designs, that is cross-sectional, case-control,
longitudinal cohort and randomised control trial. If a category of design is not available
you should substitute additional studies from another design category. In addition you
should provide a statement giving reasons why the missing study design has not been
used in this context

You need to
 Provide full bibliographical details of each study in Harvard format
 Describe the content, the main aim of the study, the central hypothesis, the
subjects/population and methods used (including study design) and the
relevant exposures and outcomes and conclusions.
o It is important to give size and direction of effect and measures of
statistical significance. For example do not just say the intervention
group had a higher incidence of an outcome, say how much higher and
provide details of the level of confidence around this estimate or the p
value. Provide odds ratios (OR) or relative risk ratios (RR) and the 95%
confidence intervals. Imagine that the assessor has not read the text and
in many cases they will not have done so
 Analyse the strengths and limitations of the evidence. Consideration of study
design/type, assessment of exposures and outcomes, and potential for bias and
confounding will be an important component of analysis
 Evaluate the overall quality of the evidence and the conclusion drawn by the
authors. If a paper reports different results or conclusions to other studies that
you have reviewed try to identify some factors that may explain the different
 Ensure you focus on the particular research question identified in the
assessment task.
 In your conclusion consider the overall strength and consistency of the evidence
across the different study types. What recommendations would you make on the
basis of the evidence that you have reviewed?
Managing your time
This is a large assignment task and you do not want to leave it until the end of
semester before you start working on this task.
Week 4 By the end of this week you should have sufficient understanding of the
research question, the terms exposure and outcome and the study
design types to be able to start your literature search to identify suitable
studies which address the research question
Week 7 By the end of this week you should have a sufficient understanding of
disease frequency and effect size, and errors, confounding and bias
to be able to start your written summary of the individual studies
Week 10 By the end of this week you will have had some practice in summarising a
study in an evidence table

Useful references:
Greenhalgh, P. How to read a paper: Getting your bearings (deciding what the paper is
Langseth L. Nutritional epidemiology: Possibilities and limitations. ILSI Europe 1996
Margetts, M and Nelson, M. Design Concepts in Nutritional Epidemiology, 2nd Ed.
Oxford Medical Publications, 1997.
Beaglehole, R and Bonita R. Kjellstrom. Basic Epidemiology. WHO, 2000, Geneva.
Sempos et al Am J Clin Nutr 1999; 69 (suppl): 1330S-8S
(Whole supplement is devoted to nutritional epidemiology)

Assessment Criteria
1. Summary of evidence (30 marks)
 Synthesises and integrates evidence, does more than describe studies
 Relevant focus on and accurate presentation of the measures of dietary
exposure and outcomes
 Sufficient study details, size and direction of effect
 Good understanding of diet-disease link
 Evidence of wide reading
2. Critical approach to individual studies (20 marks)
 Considers strength and weaknesses of study design
 Considers hierarchy of evidence
 Considers overall quality of evidence
 Justifies absence of study design if necessary
3. Overall conclusion & critical approach (10 marks)
 Acknowledges controversy and limitations to overall quality of evidence
 Clear conclusions, consistent with evidence presented
 Considers broader nutrition implications
4. Evidence tables (5 marks)
 Table structure well organised, logical, flows well, easy to follow
 Tables stand alone
 Provides sufficient detail of sample
 Adequately defines exposure measure or intervention
 Adequately defines outcome measure(s)
 Provides sufficient detail of effect size and statistical significance
 Provides additional comments, where appropriate
5. Presentation and Referencing (5 marks)
 Adequate number and range of study designs
 Study details and results referenced in the text
 Adequate in-text citation
 References cited in bibliography according to Harvard format
 Well written according to normal academic standards

When you write this task : this my teacher's notes.

- introduction

- summary study and description every study and you must write 200-250 words every study ( 8 studies) / so 8 studies paragraphs.

- conclusion ( summary all studies 500 words)

- One table for all 8 studies
- you reasearch 6 studies and add 2 studies . 2 studies and tables in my resources

There are main points: this my teacher's notes

Assignment cor criteria

8 relevant primary studies

# Exposure:

- How measured?

-How quantified?

- How were comparion group categorised?

# Outcome:

- What?

- How measured?

# Effect size:

-Odds ratios

- Relative risk

-95% confidence intervals

I will add resources for lectures and articls and you can research like two sutdies in my resources . 2 studies as model when you reaserch you find the articles the first paper and find main point like this :

Objective: The consumption of different foods was studied for their ability to predict type II diabetes mellitus.
Design: The study design was a cohort study, based on the Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey.
Setting: A total of 30 communities from different parts of Finland.
Subjects: A total of 4304 men and women, 40??"69 y of age and free of diabetes at baseline in 1967??"1972 and followed up for
incidence of diabetes medication during 23 y (383 incident cases).
Results: Higher intakes of green vegetables, fruit and berries, oil and margarine, and poultry were found to predict a reduced
risk of type II diabetes. The relative risks of developing type II diabetes between the extreme quartiles of the intakes were 0.69
(95% confidence interval (CI)0.50??"0.93; P for trend (P)0.02) for green vegetables, 0.69 (CI0.51??"0.92; P0.03) for fruit
and berries, 0.71 (CI0.52??"0.98; P0.01) for margarine and oil, and 0.71 (CI0.54??"0.94; P0.01) for poultry.
Conclusion: The results suggest that prevention of type II diabetes might be aided by consumption of certain foods that are rich
in nutrients with hypothesized health benefits.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005) 59, 441??"448. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602094
Published online 12 January 2005.... etc . >>>>>> you must see 2 studies in my resucese what I meaning

And you reaserch 6 studies and you summary every study 200 words for every study for 8 studies.
I will put my friend's answer but my friend's answer not comeplet you can just see it. I will give you Web.

I don't know this report or essay, but I put my teacher's notes.

when you write refrences for example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I have resources ( lectures) and I have an example from my friend's answer that help you. you can ues it and make paraphrase
There are faxes for this order.

There are faxes for this order.

Food and Policy Discuss the

Assignment :
500 words
Comment on an item in the news related to food and policy For example, it could be a government decision for further action on obesity, or developments in genetically mo...dified foods. The item is entirely of your own choosing. You task is to:
discuss the issue being reported
comment on the implications for public health
describe the way/s in which the issue is being reported.
Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria, the extent to which it:
provides a lucid understanding that relates your discussion to public health issues generally
shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues
shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to the issue chosen
justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments not merely assertion
is written clearly with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction.

when do you make the refrences you must make like this:

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

I have resources
There are faxes for this order.

Assignment :
500 words
Comment on an item in the news related to food and policy For example, it could be a government decision for further action on obesity, or developments in genetically mo...dified foods. The item is entirely of your own choosing. You task is to:
discuss the issue being reported
comment on the implications for public health
describe the way/s in which the issue is being reported.
Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria, the extent to which it:
provides a lucid understanding that relates your discussion to public health issues generally
shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues
shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to the issue chosen
justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments not merely assertion
is written clearly with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction.

I want to write about junk food and obesity with policy food and government and role

this web is very good :

I have model from my friend you can see , and I want the same strecture

I have resources

when do you make the refrences you must make like this:

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.

There are faxes for this order.

Assignment :
500 words
Comment on an item in the news related to food and policy For example, it could be a government decision for further action on obesity, or developments in genetically mo...dified foods. The item is entirely of your own choosing. You task is to:
discuss the issue being reported
comment on the implications for public health
describe the way/s in which the issue is being reported.
Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria, the extent to which it:
provides a lucid understanding that relates your discussion to public health issues generally
shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues
shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to the issue chosen
justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments not merely assertion
is written clearly with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction.

want to you make the refrences

For example:

In tex refrences
(Kelehare & MacDougall 2009, pp.3-16)

In the list refrences

Keleher, H & MacDougall, C 2009, 'Understanding health', in H Keleher & C MacDougall (eds) , Understanding health a determinants approach, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp.3-16.

Also ,
In tex refrence

(WHO 2010)

In the list
World Health Organisation 2010, Social determinants of health, n.d., viewed 18 April 2010,<>.
There are faxes for this order.

The ultimate goal/purpose of the Session Long Project (SLP) is to explore health promotion related to the leading health indicators for the United States. Throughout the session, some of the SLP assig...nments will be the same, but each will focus on Healthy People leading indicators covered in that particular module.

As we continue the SLP, learning about Healthy People 2020 and the leading health indicators, CHOOSE ONE of the following leading indicators:

Oral Health

Reproductive and Sexual Health

Social Determinants

Substance Abuse

Using the information from Healthy People 2020 and your own scholarly research, please write a 2-page paper that includes the following:

1. A brief description of the health issue and related diseases.

2. Statistics regarding its impact on health (for example, number of people who have it, deaths, disabilities, costs to society, how it affects or is affected by health behaviors, etc.). You can give local, state, or national statistics.

3. Clearly specify at least 1 behavioral, 1 environmental, 1 social, and 1 biological factor that put an individual at risk of having the condition.

4. List at least 2 of Healthy People 2020s health promotion objectives related specifically to this issue. You should copy them from HP2020, use quotation marks, and cite the source.

5. Identify at least 1 resource for people with the health issue. Briefly describe the resource. List the name and the Web site address for the resource. It can be a brochure, an intervention, an organization, etc.

Length: 2 pages typed, double-spaced.

Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of information


Social Performance of Organizations: British Petroleum (BP)
1. Specify the nature, structure, types of products or service of British Petroleum (BP), and two (2) key factors in the organizations ...external environment that can affect its success, with supporting rationale.
2. Examine three (3) salient stakeholders of British Petroleum (BP) based on their key roles and relationships with the company.
3. Suggest five (5) ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence the organizations financial performance. Provide support for the response. Briefly summarize ways stakeholders can influence the destiny of both business and society.
4. One controversial corporate social responsibility concern associated with British Petroleum (BP) is managing environmental impact. Assuming you are the leader of the most influential stakeholder group, outline a plan to form a stakeholder coalition to force British Petroleum (BP) to address environmental impact/damage issues. The plan should include the key steps that you would take to identify members for your coalition group, the major reasons why you believe that the particular target group can help you to accomplish your goal, and the method you would utilize to foster collaboration among the various groups you target.
6. As the leader of the most influential stakeholder group indicate three (3) potential challenges that you may face in encouraging stakeholders to form a coalition to help you achieve your goals. Suggest the significant steps that you would take in order to overcome these challenges that you have identified. Justify the response.

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Social, Behavioral, and Psychosocial Causes of Diseases: Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)

1.Analyze the development of T2D in the U.S., and compare its development to developing countries in general.

2.Using T2D statistics, compare the rates in the U.S. to the rates in your home state.

3.In addressing community concerns, analyze the cost of treating T2D in your community. Suggest five (5) prudent steps to address the psychosocial proliferation of the disease. Provide support for your suggestion.

4.Propose at least six (6) steps to address T2D in your current or previous workplace environment, and recommend the one (1) you believe to be the most important. Provide support for your recommendation.

Use at least six (6) peer-reviewed academic resources in this assignment. These must come from journal sources. Note: Fact Sheets, Wikipedia, and non-academic Websites do not qualify as academic resources

3 Pages

Social Determinants Driving Success of

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select the three most important social determinants that shape a consumers response to windows vista. Write a paragraph on each determinant to support your choice. Gather and summarize data about…

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Social Determinants of Health Which

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Social Epidemiology -- Methods Describe

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Role, Relevance and Future Potential

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Determinants of Health Related to Primary Health Care

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Health Politics and Policy Matt

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Vision 2030 Issue of Child

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Healthcare Promotion, Prevention, and the

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Functional Foods Refer to the

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Normative and Felt Needs Assessment

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Depression Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

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Food Policy What Are the

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Poverty and Obesity: Introduction the

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Type 2 Diabetes and Intake

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Critical review of evidence for association between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and intake of fruit and vegetables. Provide a written report (2000 words) summarising and appraising the evidence from eight * studies…

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Food and Policy Discuss the

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Assignment : 500 words Comment on an item in the news related to food and policy For example, it could be a government decision for further action on obesity, or developments…

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Mcwilliams, James. (2010, July 22).

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Substance Abuse in Modern Society, Substance Abuse

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The ultimate goal/purpose of the Session Long Project (SLP) is to explore health promotion related to the leading health indicators for the United States. Throughout the session, some of…

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Social Performance of Organizations: British Petroleum (BP) 1. Specify the nature, structure, types of products or service of British Petroleum (BP), and two (2) key factors in the organizations…

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Bckground -- Diabetes Mellitus Is Also Known

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Social, Behavioral, and Psychosocial Causes of Diseases: Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) 1.Analyze the development of T2D in the U.S., and compare its development to developing countries in general. 2.Using T2D statistics,…

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