Social Act Essays Prompts

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Ibsen in Act I Of Henrik's a

In Act 1 of Ibsen ''A Doll's House'', Mrs.Linde says to Nora ,You are just a child . Do you agree with this description of Nora at this point of the play? why or why not?.
Do you think Nora change significantly by the end of the play? explain

Patriot Act and the Rule of Law

This is a Capstone Project

A brief description of your topic and an explanation of why you selected it. Your topic should relate to one of the three concepts: human rights, the rule of law, or international justice. My topic is The Patriot Act, how it relates to the rule of law. I selected this topic, because of my 35 years of service in Law Enforcement from a Patrolman, Detective, Commander and Deputy Chief and how it would effect law enforcement on the local level across the country

A brief explanation of how your topic relates to your concentration in your program. My concentration is Homeland Security

A summary of relevant information related to your topic

An explanation of how you might apply the information to criminal justice works in your concentration. My concentration is Homeland Security

An explanation of how the information might be used to affect social change

Use: Universal Human Rights in Theory & Practice, Second Edition, Jack Donnelly as one the references mention in the paper.

need an outline for the capstone project and an annotated bibliography using APA style

The essay needs to be 11 pages long, doublespaced new times roman 12 font.
Topic: An Evaluation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Has It Accomplished Its Purposes?
Here is the outline to help write thr reseach paper:
History of act:
? In 1943 Congress attempted the first bill but did not pass both houses.
i) For about 20 years Congress introduced equal employment bills but they were kicked by committee.
ii) President John F. Kennedy in 1963 supported the title VII strongly.
iii) In the Civil Rights Bill of 1964, almost eight months of discussion in the House of Representatives had shaped and passed by February 10th, 1964.
? It is unlawful under Title VII for an employer to hire or discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his or her compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment, because of an individual?s race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 introduced the concepts of protected classes and unlawful employment practices to American business;
i) The statute applies to private sector employers with 15 or more employees and public sector employers at the federal, state, and local level.
ii) Title VII prohibits employment decisions based on stereotypes and assumptions about abilities, traits, or the performance of individuals on the basis of their protected status.
iii) Title VII created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) with a mandate to promote equal employment opportunity, provide technical assistance and to educate employers.
iv) The EEOC is required to study and report on its activities to Congress and the American people.
v) Employers are also required under Title VII to provide a workplace that is free from sexual harassment, which include quid pro quo and a hostile work environment.

The Effects of the Civil Rights Act Of 1964 on Today?s Society:
? Most individuals will agree when speaking about the 1960s is that the world transformed over the course of that decade;
(i) During those years, tensions were high.
(ii) Attitudes were strong and definite.
(iii) People were divided about what they believed was right and wrong.
? African Americans made many civil rights gains during this time also, but a number of African American youth called for ?black power? rather than integration into white society.
(i) College and high school students became increasingly empowered those years. Thousands of protest and demonstrations happened to invoke change.
? The Civil Rights Movement was series of event that changed the way blacks and women were treated by society;
(ii) This act along with the later added amendments made many people lives valid.

In Workplace :
? Organizations must be equally concerned about any behavior that may have the effect of being discriminatory;
(iii) For example, a "no beard" policy might seem harmless, but it could have the effect of discriminating against African Americans who have a predisposition to a skin condition aggravated by shaving.
? Title VII does not protect employees working for an employer with less than 15 employees. It also does not cover aliens or anyone employed outside the limits of the United States.

Uniting and Strengthening America the USA PATRIOT Act.

Following the events of 9-11, the US Congress scrambled to pass legislation that would resolve the perceived weaknesses in anti-terrorism intelligence gathering and facilitate the capture and prosecution of the suspected terrorists. In particular H.B. 3162 called for enhanced surveillance procedures, in violation of the US Constitutions 4th Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure, and allows for the indefinite detention without trial of foreigners suspected of terrorism, in violation of the 6th Amendment and Habeas Corpus. Although some aspects of the law have been struck down, the Patriot Act has been reauthorized each time it came up for renewal. Listen to the linked speeches and debates regarding the initial legislation in 2001, and consider how the rhetoric of nationhood and patriotism is used to garner support for the bill.

How do you think Americans were persuaded to abdicate some of their rights for this bill? What unique features of American national identity, and the way that democracy is conceived and practiced in this country, do you think led to the Patriot act?

Media Cues:

George W. Bushs Address to Congress September 20th, 2001:

House of Representatives debates H.B. 3162 on October 23rd, 2001: video at timestamp 1:16:48, debate continues for about 45 minutes)

Additional Resources

House of Representatives vote on H.B. 3162 on October 24th, 2001: video at timestamp at 38: 35, vote continues until 1:05:00, while a reporter explains the bill).

Patriot act text:

More on the Patriot act:

Must include in your answer:

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 23

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Must include 2 additional texts (remember to explain the connections you are making!)

Choose from:

Hume, An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (Hackett)

Rousseau, The Basic Political Writings (Hackett)

Smith, Wealth of Nations (Modern Library)

Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (Cambridge)

Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (Oxford)

Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Dover)

1805 Haitian Constitution

US Constitution and Bill of rights

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Preface to the Constitution of 1793

Robespierre On Moral and Political Principles;

Federalist Papers 2, 9, 10, or 84

Anti-Federalist Writings

This prompt includes a media cue, an essay question, and a short list of texts. Your assignment is to answer in essay form, referring to both the listed texts and to the given cue, AND to incorporate two additional class texts to which your essay is connected.


Your answer should be thesis driven

Use 4 class texts (the two given, plus two you add) to support your thesis.

Do not summarize! I CAN"T STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!!!!

Cite texts and page numbers using a standard form of citation (MLA or APA)

Respond to the media cue in your paper (additional links and resources are given, but you are not required to use them)

Edit and spell check!

This is the assignment in my professors words:

Thomas Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau have been classified as social contract theorists. Write a five-page double spaced paper that begins by answering the following questions, for each of the theorists listed above: What is the difference between humans who are covered by the contract and those that are not? What moves humans to agree to the contract? What provision is made for enforcing the contract? When is rebellion sanctioned under the contract? If there is no provision that answers one or more of these questions, simply say so. To set up the second part of the assignment, make judgments about fairness of each contract (there are three contracts) That is, are all the people in a society covered? Are there special rules for "special people? And in general, is there any unfairness in the contract?

In John Rawl's "theory of justice" we find an elegant attempt to eliminate the biases of anyone who would formulate principles of justice. This attempt is now known as "the veil of ignorance." Hidden behind the veil are facts that might influenceone in formulating fair principles fo justice. For example, one cannot know ones color, sex, religion, age, gender, physical condition, position in society, or any other facts about oneself that mnight constitute the bias in formulation principles of justice. If you dont know key facts about what you are, you cant afford to slight any group in your formulation (on the ground that you might be in the group that is slighted). The veil,m according to Rawl's, hides one peice of information that may seem odd: ones own conception of good and bad.

First, what is you best guess, as to Rawl's reason for placing ones conception of good and bad behind the veil? As far as i can tell, he does not give a reason for this. The fact that Rawls is bright and probably has a reason, suggests that your guess ought to be, at least, plausible.

Second, can you provide an argument that shows the placing ones view of good and bad behind the veil makes the goal of finding fair principles of justice impossible to attain? This question may b e much more of a challenge that you imagine. I would think it through before commiting yourself to an answer.

These are the books used in out Humannities class:
Locke, Two treatises of government (Hackett)
Rousseau, Meditations (Hackett)

The Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act of the 21st Century form the foundation of the United States? domestic response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Many legal and political voices have advocated that these acts have resulted in a reduction in the rights of citizens and a loss of civil liberties. Many other legal and political voices argue that in this ?new world of terror? we must have more effective ways of preventing terror attacks.

With these differing perspectives in mind and after watching the required ABC Nightly News video segments, construct a paper that critically evaluates whether or not the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act unjustly and unreasonably inhibit individual rights, be sure to support your evaluation by addressing the US Constitution Bill of Rights and explain how they impact notions of social justice in the United States.

Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page

Unit 6 Assignment: Informative Essay

For the Unit 6 Assignment, you will use your outline and annotated bibliography from the Unit 3
Assignment to develop a 4-5 page informative essay on social welfare. Your outline should
have expanded on the following structure:

I. When social welfare began
II. Why social welfare began
III. The influential people and organizations who contributed to the creation of social welfare

The annotated bibliography was designed to assist you with collecting information to support
the aforementioned main idea sentences with details. Your annotated bibliography also
should contain an introduction to your essay. Consequently, you can use the introduction from
your annotated bibliography to start this informative essay.

Following the introductory information, you should begin to build your essay by using the main
idea sentences and details from your outline to build paragraphs as the structure of the essay.
A solid paragraph should have a main idea sentence, two-three supporting sentences, and a
closing sentence. For example:

I. Social welfare began?
II. Supporting sentence 1 (a sentence with details that connect to the main idea sentence)
III. Supporting sentence 2 (a sentence with details that connect to the main idea sentence)
IV. Supporting sentence 3 (a sentence with details that connect to the main idea sentence)
V. Closing sentence (Your opinion and/or summary of the paragraph).

Note that the information you use from the articles you collect needs to be paraphrased, i.e.
put into your own words. It is considered plagiarism to directly quote someone else?s words
without using quotations around the text even if there is an in-text parenthetical that
accompanies the information. It is acceptable to use direct quotes from an article; however,
over-quoting someone else?s work is frowned upon in the academic community. Please only
use quotations if paraphrasing would drastically change the original information. One direct
quote per essay is acceptable.

Essentially, everything you write other than your closing sentence should have an in-text
parenthetical. An in-text parenthetical is written like this (Rhoades, 2012), and common
practice is to have it immediately follow the factual statement.

Typically, using an in-text parenthetical (Rhoades, 2012) for your detail sentences is standard.
Nevertheless you may have to use an in-text parenthetical for your opening sentence and
closing sentence if you state a fact.
HN300 Unit 6 Assignment

Lastly, reading through your paper and/or paragraphs backwards (last sentence first, etc.)
forces you to focus on the flow of the paragraph and can help you with assessing if your detail
sentences add to the scope and depth of the paragraph.

Assignment Guidelines

Your paper should:

? Include a title page, which includes your name, the name of the class and section, and
the date.
? Use standard margins: 1" on all sides.
? Use standard 12-point font size Times New Roman or Arial.
? Use standard double-spacing: average of 22 lines per page, and between 20 and 24
lines per page.
? Be 4-5 pages long, not including the title page or reference page.
? Be left justified.
? Include a reference page.

Your final paper must be your original work; plagiarism will not be tolerated. Be sure to review
the syllabus in terms of what constitutes plagiarism. Your assignment also should be written
adhering to the guidelines of Standard American English. This means that your thoughts should
be well-organized and original. Included in Standard American English is the use of correct
grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Social Psychology and Note How


Part A.
Answer the following questions from social psychology

12. Provide a definition of social psychology and note how it is different from other similar fields.

13. Discuss three ways in which the presence of others can affect the likelihood that people will help someone in need.

14. Describe how the self-concept develops from the perception of one's own behavior and from comparisons with other people.

15. Characterize modern racism. Describe when it is most, and least, likely to be evident.

Part B.

The exploration this week concerns the issue of violence in the media; the goal is to heighten your awareness of the current patterns of violence on television. Politicians, journalists, various community groups, and many, many others have been criticizing television producers and the television networks with increasing intensity in recent years concerning the amount and degree of violence depicted. Some counter that there is much more violence on the network news than on fictionalized television programs, suggesting that these television programs simply reflect a very violent society. These discussions and assertions rarely include actual data to support anyones claims. This exploration, therefore, emphasizes the role of research in this dialogue, and may provide a reality check against some of the claims and accusations that have garnered a lot of attention.

This week, you will watch 30-minutes of ONE of the following three types of programs on a major network: a childrens morning or after-school cartoon, a prime-time program, and the network news. Your task is to watch your selected program carefully and code the various acts of aggression and related incidents. While watching the program, code the content for various scenes of physical or verbal aggression or related issues using the following coding system. In the column, keep track of the number of violent incidents and aggressive acts, both physical and verbal, shown in your program.

Television Program

Physical assaults that involve using a weapon or object

Physical assaults that do not involve a weapon or object

Verbal threats of harm

Insults or derogatory remarks

Violent deaths

Accidents in which someone is hurt

Review your findings and calculate the number of the various incidents for each category of program. Post your results. Are the actual numbers higher or lower than you would have expected? Compare your results with those of your classmates. How does the aggression depicted in the type of program you watched compare with the other types of television programming? What are the implications of your findings?

If your results suggest that there is a great deal of violence on television, this would support the research discussed in the text. If your results suggest the opposite, why do you think this finding is discrepant from those often reported? (i.e., Is TV in the process of changing? Was the sample used in this exercise too small or unrepresentative? Are the reports from groups opposed to TV violence not objective?)

Part C

How would you respond in an emergency? Would you help?

As you know by now, there are many situational variables that influence whether or not a person will offer help in an emergency. This week you will apply your knowledge of helping behavior to analyze a real-life emergency situation. Watch the video "Don't Get Me Involved" which provides a step-by-step account of the tragic death of a young man; a death which many argue could have been prevented if someone would have simply offered a little help. As you watch the video, pay particular attention to the decision-making processes employed by each potential helper. Using Darley and Latane's Decision Tree Model of Helping analyze the situation. For each potential helper, identify why no help was given. Be sure to explain using social psychological principles.

This video requires RealPlayer to view; RealPlayer is available via free download. Conduct a web search for "RealPlayer download" to find a free viewer.

If you are unable to view the video, answer the following question:

How can Darley and Latane's Decision Tree Model of Helping be applied to explain why we typically do not help a stranded motorist on the Interstate? Using this model, under what conditions would we be most likely to help?

There are faxes for this order.

Chosen topic: SMOKING

Select a social issue of interest to you (eg., speeding, binge drinking, littering, recycling, water conservation, physical fitness etc).
May be an issue that is currently recognised, or a new issue that youve identified needs addressing.
You may approach the project by undertaking some informal primary and secondary research for a social marketing issue. (You could also critique an existing social marketing campaign as a basis for taking for a new approach to address a social issue).
The Kotler et al. (2002) Social Marketing Planning Worksheet provides clear guidelines for the project. Please remember, Step 7 does not have to be taken into account because you do not develop a budget for the project.

Keep in mind that the primary goal of social marketing is behaviour change!

This assignment requires you to select a social issue/problem of interest to you, and undertake an applied social marketing plan. The aim is to develop the ability to research, critically analyse, strategise and implement such strategies within the social marketing field. The applied social marketing project will provide the opportunity to bring these various elements together by planning and developing a social marketing plan, thereby further developing practical information skills, critical analysis and strategic thinking.

Your report should be supported by research of secondary sources relating to population and social trends, incidence statistics, previous campaigns as well as relevant journal articles, books and newspapers/magazines (approx 25 references). You should give attention to the use of appropriate report style and format using APA referencing style. The word limit (plus or minus 10%) should be followed. Any appendices should be clearly numbered and referred to in the body of the report. Please use 1.5 of double line spacing and make sure you consult your marking criteria when preparing your report.

Your final report should include:

? Executive summary 5 marks
? Situational analysis 15 marks
? Identification of objectives of the project 10 marks
? Identification and analysis of target audience/s 10 marks
? Competitor analysis 10 marks
? Development of marketing strategies (e.g., message, and media decisions) 20 marks
? Evaluation of initiatives and recommendations 5 marks
? Use of relevant theory 10 marks
? Overall quality of the report (e.g., structure, grammar, readability etc) 15 marks


Referencing is the familiar scholarly practice of referring to the works of other writers, where they have supplied you with source material or particular arguments or ideas. This may not be necessary when the same ideas are written about by many authors in the field, but when you are expressing an idea or argument in the words of a particular author you must acknowledge him/her as your source. Failure to do so is a form of plagiarism (passing off someone elses work as your own) and it incurs heavy penalties.
Peters, P. (1985). Strategies for Student Writers.: A Guide to Writing Essays, Tutorial Papers, Exam Papers and Reports. Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons, Australia, p. 123.
Source material is documented for three main reasons:
To give credit to the original author;
To indicate the writers own research credibility; and
To enable others to locate the original work, or actual words.


Andreasen, A. R. (1995). Marketing social change: Changing behavior to promote health, social development, and the environment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Andreasen, A. R. (2002). Marketing social marketing in the social change marketplace. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 21(1), 3-13.
Donovan, R., & Henley, N. (2003). Social marketing: principles and practices. Melbourne: IP Communications.
Hastings, G. (2007) Social Marketing: why should the devil have all the best tunes? Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.
Kotler, P., & Levy, S. J. (1969). Broadening the concept of marketing. Journal of Marketing, 33(January), 10-15.
Kotler, P., & Zaltman, G. (1971). Social marketing: An approach to planned social change. Journal of Marketing, 35(July), 3-12.
Loseke, D. R. (2003). Thinking about social problems: an introduction to constructionist perspectives (2nd ed.). New York: Walter de Gruyter, Inc.
Mills, C.W. (1959). The sociological imagination (Fortieth anniversery eddition). New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothschild, M. L. (1999). Carrots, sticks, and promises: A conceptual framework for management of public health and social issues behaviors. Journal of Marketing, 63 (4), 24-37.
Rubington, E., & Weinberg, M. S. (Eds.). (1995). The Study of social problems: Seven perspectives (5th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.

Social Marketing Plan Outline
(Source: from Kotler, Roberto and Lee, 2002)

The Social Marketing Environment
Step 1: Determining campaign focus
Analysing the environment
Conduct a SWOT
Review past and similar efforts

Target Audiences, Objectives, and Goals
Step 2: Selecting target audiences
Step 3: Setting objectives
(behavioural, knowledge, and attitude) and goals
Step 4: Analyse/understand target audiences and the competition

Develop Social Marketing strategies
Step 5: Product: Design the market offering
Price: Manage costs of behaviour change
Place: Make the product available
Promotion: Create messages
Choose media
(communication channels)

Social Marketing Program Management
Step 6: Develop a plan for evaluation and monitoring
Step 7: Establish budget and finding funding sources
Step 8: Complete an implementation plan

Step 1: Conduct and Situational Analysis

- What is the actual/central social issue?
- What is the campaign focus?
- What is the campaign purpose? (intended impact (benefit)
- What internal strengths will your plan maximise (e.g., resources, expertise etc)
- What internal weaknesses will your plan minimise (e.g., resources, expertise etc)
- What external opportunities will you plan take advantage of (e.g., technological, demographic, economic, political/legal forces)?
- What findings from prior and similar efforts are noteworthy?

Step 2: Select Target Audiences

Describe target audiences
- Size, problem incidence and severity, relevant variables including demographics, psychographics, behaviours, and or stages of change.

Who of these are your primary targets?
-Teenagers aged 14 - 17
Which are your secondary target audience?
- parents of teenagers 14- 17

Step 3: Set Objectives and Goals


Behaviour Objective
- What very specifically, do you want to influence your target audience to do as a result of the campaign or project?
Knowledge Objective
- is there anything you need them to know, in order to act
Belief Objective
- Is there anything you need them to believe, in order to act
- What quantifiable, measureable goals are you setting? (e.g., campaign awareness, recall and/or response, and changes in knowledge, belief, or behavioural intent levels)

Step 4: Analyse Target Audiences and the Competition

Relative to your objective (desired behaviour) and your target audience
- What is their current behaviour?
- What do they currently know?
- What do they currently believe?
- What benefits do they perceive?
- What barriers do they perceive?
- What are the major competing alternative behaviours?
- What benefits do your audience associate with the these behaviours?
- What costs does your audience associate with these behaviours?

Step 5: Develop Marketing Strategies

Product: Design the marketing offering
- What is the core product, benefit of the desired behaviour?
- What is the actual product, the desired behaviour?
- What other factors (any tangible objects and services) are associated with the desired behaviour?
Price: Manage the costs of behaviour change
Identif exit costs
- What monetary costs associated with abandoning current behaviour?
- What nonmonetary costs associated with abandoning current behaviour?
Identify entry costs
- What monetary costs associated with adopting new (desired) behaviour?
- What nonmonetary costs associated with adopting new (desired) behaviour?
Establish pricing strategies
- Will there be any monetary/nonmonetary incentives to take on new (desired) behaviour?

Tangible Intangible
Low Cost Personal benefits
e.g., wearing seatbelts Societal benefits
e.g., recycling programs
High Cost Personal benefits
e.g., smoking cessation Societal benefits
e.g., avoiding the use of cars
Which combination will be the toughest for the social marketer to address? Which the easiest?
(Source: Hastings, 2007, p.75)

Place: Make access convenient
- Where will you encourage and support your target audience to perform the desired behaviour and when?
- Where and when will the target market acquire any related tangible objects or services?
Promotion: Create messages
- What key messages do you want your campaign to communicate to the target audiences?
- What are your specific communication objectives?
- What benefits will you promise?
- What communication style and tone will be used?
- What are important copy, graphics and format issues to address
Promotion: Choose communication channels
- What media types, media vehicles will be used?
Two funny anti-smoking ads Ad7; Ad8

Step 6: Develop and Plan for Evaluating and Monitoring

- What goals from Step 3 will be measured?

- What techniques and methodologies will be used to conduct these measures?

- When will the measurements be taken?

- How will measurements be reported and to whom?

Step 8: Complete an Implementation Plan

- Will there be phases to the campaign? How will they be organised (i.e., by market, objectives, activities)?
- For each phase, what will be done, who will be responsible, when will it be done, and for how much?
There are faxes for this order.

300 word paper on
1. What does the social psychological research say about antisocial behavior?
2. Is psychology able to answer the question about causation of this type of behavior? Why or why not?

Be sure to include at least one current (2005-2009), peer reviewed, psychology or social psycholgy Journal reference in addition to the reference provided via fax.

There are faxes for this order.

You are required to prepare a report acting as an ethical consultant to an organisation with which you are familiar. You are asked to complete an ?ethical audit?, which includes a critical evaluation of the following :

1)its current approach to Corporate Social Responsibility ( use the ?triple bottom line? and Carroll?s pyramid useful models to frame your answer)
effective understanding of the NHS verses a company regarding: structure, purpose or governance

2) You should identify a key ethical issue for the organization, and apply RELEVANT NORMATIVE THEORIES to evaluate the activities, situations and decisions it faces.

The issue can be found at this link

The follow up story can be used in the conclusion and can be found at this link

The theories to use could be some of the below mentioned;
Virtue ethics
Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative
The Contractarianism of John Rawls or Thomas Hobbes
Natural rights theories, such that of Thomas Aquinas or John Locke
State consequentialism or Mohist consequentialism
Situation Ethics

3)You are asked to critically reflect on the relative value and use of normative and descriptive ethical theories. Use the theories from the list above if relevant.

Value theory - Lawrence Kohlberg (descriptive ethical theory)
Meta-ethics: What does 'right' even mean?

Extra notes to help;
Descriptive ethics: What do people think is right?
Normative (prescriptive) ethics: How should people act?
Applied ethics: How do we take moral knowledge and put it into practice?

Please use appendices at the end and contents table at the beginning

Assignment: Sarbanes-Oxley Act prior to completing this assignment.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

Evaluate the effectiveness of regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act over minimizing the corporate fraud and protecting investors and make one (1) suggestion for improvement.
Given the oversight of the accounting profession by the PCAOB as a result of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, assess the impact on auditing firms and the public accounting professions.
Offer your opinion as to whether or not you believe the accounting profession is better off being self or government regulated with regard to a firm?s ability to detect and report corporate fraud. Support for your position.
Predict whether or not corporate fraud will be reduced, increase, or remain the same based on requirements for audits of publicly traded companies as prescribed in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Support your position.
Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Write a critical literature review of a topic-Corporate Social Responsibility which covered the three major articles that I uploaded . The paper should be used to explore the particular topic in depth, to see what is being written on the subject in the academic literature. Your paper should be ?critical? in the sense of evaluating the theories and explanations presented in the literature in terms of their robustness and explanatory power. You may also suggest areas where the current theory is lacking and where further research may be needed. The paper should be fully referenced; the suggested major articles may be used as a starting point for your paper but you are expected to do independent research to find additional sources for your paper. The focus of your literature search should be on the academic literature (scholarly journals and texts).

Imagine that this paper will be used as a reference for individuals who are completely unfamiliar with social psychology principles. This paper will provide them with an overview of the field, and explain the key principles associated with its practice.

Include the following components in your research paper:

1. Discovering the Self ? How do we perceive ourselves and our interactions with others?
a. Self-concept, awareness, and self-schemas
b. The acting self
c. Self-esteem and self-efficacy

2. Thinking About Others ? What judgments do we make about other people?
a. Attributions: internal, external, explanatory style
b. Attitudes and behavior
c. Prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination

3. Influencing Others: Persuasion ? How do we use the power of persuasion?
a. Persuasion techniques
b. Characteristics of the persuader, message, audience

4. Influencing Others: Obedience and Conformity ? What factors lead us to conform and become obedient?
a. Aggressive behavior and aggression cues
b. Prosocial behavior
c. Relationship building, love, and attraction

5. Group Dynamics ? What are elements of a group?
a. Types of groups
b. Consequences of Groupthink

Chapter 3

The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize the student with key issues in ethics and social responsibility. To accomplish this purpose we describe topics such as the philosophical principles behind business ethics and a guide to ethical decision making. The chapter explains social responsibility from such perspectives as the stakeholder viewpoint and social responsibility initiatives. Finally, we look at the payout from being ethical and socially responsible.

Learning Objectives

1. Identify the philosophical principles behind business ethics.
2. Explain how values relate to ethics.
3. Identify factors contributing to lax ethics, and common ethical temptations and violations.
4. Apply a guide to ethical decision making.
5. Describe the stakeholder viewpoint of social responsibility, and corporate social performance.
6. Present an overview of social-responsibility initiatives.
7. Summarize the benefits of ethical and socially responsible behavior, and how managers can create an environment that fosters such behavior.

Chapter Outline and Lecture Notes

Knowing about business ethics and social responsibility should help the student achieve good performance in these two important aspects of business life.

Ethics is the study of moral obligation, or separating right from wrong. Also, ethics can be regarded as the vehicle that converts values into action. Unethical acts can be legal or illegal. Customers and suppliers prefer to deal with ethical companies. Moral intensity is the magnitude of an unethical act. People are often unethical about small matters, such a making a photocopy for personal use.

A. Philosophical Principles Underlying Business Ethics
When attempting to decide what is right and wrong, managerial workers can focus on (1) consequences, (2) duties, obligations, and principles, or (3) integrity.
1. Focus on Consequences and Pragmatism. According to utilitarianism, if nobody
gets hurt, the decision is ethical. Closely related is pragmatism, the belief that there
are no absolute principles or standards, no objective truth, and no objective reality.
"Truth" is whatever works, or helps you attain the goals you want.
2. Focus on the Rights of Individuals (Deontology). According to deontological theory, people must examine their duties when making a decision. The deontological approach is based on universal principles such as honesty, fairness, justice, and respect for persons and property. Rights, such as the rights to privacy and safety, are also important.
3. Focus on Integrity (Virtue Ethics). If the person in question has good character, and genuine motivation and intentions, he or she is behaving ethically. The decision maker's environment helps define integrity. The virtue ethics of managers and professionals who belong to professional societies can be readily judged. All three philosophical approaches might be necessary when facing a complex ethical decision.

B. Values and Ethics
Values are clear statements of what is critically important. Ethics become the vehicle for converting values into action, or doing the right thing. A firm's moral standards and values help guide ethics in decision making. A person's values also influence which kind of behaviors he or she believes are ethical. Ethically centered management emphasizes that the high quality of an end product takes precedence over its scheduled completion. A product or service would therefore not be delivered until its bugs were eliminated. The concept of ethically-centered management is helpful in understanding what when wrong in the many serious accidents involving the Ford Explorer equipped with two different models of Firestone Tires. (Good material for class discussion.)

C. Contributing Factors to Ethical Problems
The results presented in Exhibit 3-2 illustrate that ethical problems remain a major concern in the workplace, such as 21% of employees having witnessed abusive or intimidating behavior toward employees. Major contributors to unethical behavior are an individual's greed and gluttony, or the desire to maximize self-gain at the expense of others. Sometimes an organizational atmosphere condones unethical behavior. In contrast, a management climate strongly opposed to theft leads to stronger anti-theft attitudes by employees.

A third cause of unethical behavior is moral laxity, a slippage in moral behavior because other issues seem more important at the time. Although corporate training programs in ethics gain in frequency, illegal and unethical behavior on the job continues to be a major problem. Self-interest continues to be a factor that influences ethics. The strength of relationships among people is a major factor in how ethically they behave toward each other. Another contributor to unethical behavior is unconscious biases that lead us to behave in unjust ways toward others, such as believing that members of a particular ethnic group have below-average intelligence Perhaps the most pervasive reason for unethical behavior is rationalization, or making up a good excuse for poor ethics.

D. Ethical Temptations and Violations
A list of commonly found ethical temptations and violations, including criminal acts, follows:
1. Stealing from employers and customers.
2. Illegally copying software.
3. Treating people unfairly (discrimination and prejudice).
4. Sexual harassment.
5. Conflict of interest. A conflict of interest occurs when judgment or objectivity is compromised.
6. Accepting kickbacks and bribes for doing business with another company.
7. Divulging confidential information (not violating trust).
8. Misuse of corporate resources.
9. Corporate espionage.
10. Poor cyberethics.

E. Business Scandals as Ethical Violations
The best-known scandals are associated with infamous executives, yet scandals are also
perpetuated by hundreds of players including Internet fraud such as work-at-home scams. Examples of well-publicized scandals include click fraud, Enron Corporation, Tyco International, and the spying on board members and others at Hewlett-Packard, and backdating of stock options at Silicon Valley companies. Click fraud occurs when people click on Internet advertising solely to generate illegitimate revenue for the Web site carrying those ads.

F. A Guide to Ethical Decision Making
Ethical decision making can be improved by running the contemplated decision through
an ethics test, such as that used at the Center for Business Ethics:
1. Is it right?
2. Is it fair?
3. Who gets hurt?
4. Would you be comfortable if your decision were exposed publicly?
5. Would you tell your child (or young relative) to do it?
6. How does it smell?

Another type of decision that often requires an ethical test is choosing between two rights (rather than right versus wrong). An example would be laying off a poorly-performing worker who is blind. Students might be challenged to find good examples of choosing between two rights.

Many people argue that organizations have an obligation to respond to the needs of groups in society other than owners and stockholders. Corporate social responsibility is the idea that firms have an obligation to society beyond their economic obligations to owners or stockholder and beyond those prescribed by law or contract. Many socially responsible actions are the by-products of sensible business decisions. For instance, it is both socially responsible and profitable for a company to improve the language and math skills of entry-level workers, and invest in local schooling. A practical problem in practicing corporate social responsibility is that not all interested parties agree on what constitutes responsible behavior.

A. Stockholder versus Stakeholder Viewpoints
The traditional perspective is the stockholder viewpoint-that business organizations are responsible only to their owners and stockholders. The stakeholder viewpoint of social responsibility contends that organizations must hold themselves responsible for the quality of life of the many groups affected by the organization's actions. According to an iron law, in the long run those parties who do not use power in a manner that society considers acceptable will lose that power. Stakeholders differ in their power, legitimacy, and urgency (such as stakeholders chaining themselves to a factory fence).

B. Corporate Social Performance
Corporate social performance is the extent to which a firm responds to the demands of its stakeholders for behaving in a socially responsible manner. One way to measure social performance is to analyze the company's annual report in search of relevant statistical information. Another consequence of social performance is that a group of mutual funds purchase stocks of only of companies the fund manager believes to have good social performance. Industries excluded from the list of acceptable stocks are alcohol, tobacco, weapons, gambling, and nuclear power. Another approach to measuring corporate social performance is to observe how a company responds to social issues by examining programs in more detail.

C. Social Responsibility Initiatives
Some organizations are being socially responsible by creating more opportunities for diverse groups, as described in Chapter 2. Here we describe other social responsibility initiatives.
1. Environmental Protection. Many companies take the initiative to preserve the
natural environment in a way that pleases environmental groups. For example, the computer industry is making a giant initiative to slow down energy consumption when using computers.
2. Work-Life Programs A major social responsibility initiative is for organizations to establish programs that facilitate employees balancing the demands of work and personal life. The intent is to help employees lead a more balanced life, and be more satisfied and productive on the job.
3. Community-Redevelopment Projects Some business firms invest resources in
helping rebuild distressed communities. Investment can also mean offering job training for residents of the distressed community.
4. Acceptance of Whistle Blowers A whistle blower is an employee who discloses organizational wrongdoing to parties who can take action. More than half the time, whistle blowers are ignored.
5. Compassionate Downsizing. Downsizing is the slimming down of operations to
focus resources and boost profits or decrease expenses. An example of the ill effects of downsizing has been the substantial collateral damage from the cutbacks in the Michigan area automotive industry. Even charitable organizations suffer. Compassion includes pondering whether to downsize at all, and re-deploying workers. Providing financial and emotional support to the downsized worker is also important.

Despite potential costs from being ethical and socially responsible, socially responsible behavior appears to be cost-effective. Edwin A. Locke argues that virtuous behavior can be successfully applied by a business, citing the example of the banking company, BB&T. Research shows that more profitable firms can better afford to invest in social responsibility initiatives, and these initiatives in turn lead to more profits (the virtuous cycle). Being ethical also helps avoid the costs of paying huge fines for being unethical. Socially responsible acts can often attract and retain socially responsible employees.

A. Creating an Ethical and Socially Responsible Workplace
Managers can develop strategies and programs to enhance ethical and socially responsible attitudes.

1. Formal Mechanisms for Monitoring Ethic. The majority of companies with 500 or more employees have ethics programs of various types. Large organizations
frequently set up ethics committees to help ensure ethical and socially responsible behavior. The Lockheed Martin Corporation's ethics and compliance program has received much favorable publicity. It includes multiple channels for raising questions and voicing concerns, such as an ethics hotline.
2. Written Organizational Codes of Conduct. About 75 percent of large organizations use written codes of conduct to serve as guidelines for ethical and socially responsible behavior. Some aspects of these codes are general, such as requiring people to conduct themselves with integrity and candor. Other aspects are specific, such as rules on accepting gifts from vendors.
3. Widespread Communication about Ethics and Social Responsibility
Extensive communication about the topic reinforces ethical and socially responsible behavior. Discussing ethics and social responsibility in small groups is helpful.
4. Leadership by Example and Ethical Role Models. A high-powered approach to enhancing ethics and social responsibility is for members of top management to behave in such a manner themselves. Leading by example is particularly useful in encouraging ethical behavior because it provides useful role models. Employees are influenced by the people they work with every day. In contrast, top executives are distant figures who the worker rarely observes directly.
5. Encourage Confrontation about Ethical Deviations Unethical behavior may be minimized if every employee confronts anybody seen behaving unethically.
6. Training Programs in Ethics and Social Responsibility Forms of training include
messages about ethics from executives, classes on ethics at colleges, and exercises in ethics. For ethics training to work, top management must take it seriously.

1)Describe socially responsible initiatives organizations can take.

2)Describe how managers can create an environment that encourages ethical and socially responsible behavior.

Short Paper: To be, or not to be?
Was it a brilliant plan or just plain luck? Coca Cola was losing market share to Pepsi Cola and Coke?s research and development division found out, through blindfold taste testing, that most consumers preferred Pepsi?s ?fresher? flavor. Solution? Coca Cola announced they were going to dump the old coke formula and create a new, more competitive tasting Coca Cola. The Coke drinking world was shocked and societal interest groups quickly formed to protest the dumping of their beloved coke. These groups boycotted, produced their own commercials denigrating the new coke (as well as Pepsi), and even pressured politicians to pass a law making Coke a protected national Treasure. Coke?s response? They produced both ?New Coke? and ?Classic Coke? and gained a rather large market share over Pepsi for their troubles. In hindsight a great strategy ? if it actually was their strategy!

Write a short (2-3 pages) paper which focuses on three things. First, summarize the main thrust of the readings in a paragraph or two each. Second, writes about how each of the readings relates to the overall thrust of the module. Third, give an reaction to the material. In this third piece, argue for or against the perspective in one of the readings. Compare and contrast the two.
? John T. Noonan, Jr., "A Quick Look at the History of Brides?

? Mark Pastin and Michael Hooker, "Ethics and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act"
Pastin, M., & Hooker, M. (1980). ETHICS AND THE FOREIGN CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT. Business Horizons, 23(6), 43

Corporate Social Responsibility

Course Textbook
Hartman, L. P., & DesJardins, J. R. (2008). Business ethics: Decision-making for personal integrity & social responsibility. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.

You are asked to complete a Research Paper for this course. Choose a business ethics topic related to your profession or this course. A Research Paper is an opportunity for you to practice and improve your research and writing skills. Plus, it allows you to review the details that others have observed and researched in the industry. Review sources with specific questions in mind (i.e., Does this article support my topic? How does this article apply to my topic? How am I going to use the details of this article in my paper?). The Research Paper must meet the following requirements:

- Be at least ten pages (not including the title page and references page);
- include a topic associated with your profession or this course;
- include at least 10 peer-reviewed articles as sources; and use APA Style.
Format your Research Paper using APA Style. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. Prepare your assignment in a word-processing application and submit it in Unit VIII as one of the following file formats: DOC, DOCX, or PDF.
There are faxes for this order.

This research paper is for a social work social welfare class in Grad school. I will be sending the assignment one guideline with the instructions for the paper. PLease proper sentence structure; clear thought out sentences with NO spelling errors. Proper in text citation through out paper and each paragraph. paper broken up into PART A, PART B, PART C, PART D, PLEASE do all sections and answers all questions within each part(section)

I need a writer who knows social work and policy
There are faxes for this order.

The Case Study is to read and understand the evolution of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. The object of the Case Study is to research and discuss the creation, development, and implementation of the Act into the criminal justice system.

Identify the steps of its development through analyzing the following:

1. Problem identification
2. Agenda setting
3. Policy formulation
4. Policy implementation
5. Policy evaluation

Describe in detail how the Act was linked with community oriented policing and explain the centerpiece of the Act, which was the 100,000 Cops initiative. Make observations on how this Act affects your state and local law enforcement and corrections entities.

Your Case Study should be at least seven pages of text in 12-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font. The seven pages do not include the abstract or reference sections. Use APA Style for your paper, including all references and in-text citations. A minimum of three references (including the textbook) must be used.

Course Textbook / Reference:
Marion, N. E., & Oliver, W. M. (2012). The public policy of crime and criminal justice (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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Customer is requesting that (gibbs) completes this order.

This is what I need to have for my paper

I need to write a 2- to 3- page paper (excluding title and reference pages) discussing United States Social Welfare Programs. Some program examples are: Red Cross, welfare, WIC, and Social Security. (There are many others; these are just a few examples.) I need to be explicit, and provide real-life examples to illustrate my points.

Social Work Assessment From My

ASSESSMENT PAPER- this paper is due April 14,2010
Students will complete a paper which presents a self assessment of ones motives for choosing a career in social work and how those motives are consistent with the knowledge, values and skills of social work as learned thus far. Assessment should include strengths and limitations for a career in social work. This assessment should be sensitive to racial, cultural and other lifestyle diversity.
Please feel free to discuss any aspect of this paper with me. This should be viewed as a "Current learning and evaluation process" that relates to the general course objectives ofSCWK 220.
Self- awareness, objectivity about current strengths, and additional development of areas in need of your attention are the main factors you should consider.
This paper is between you and me. No individual reports or small group discussion will be required. Your copy will be returned to you with my comments by the time of the class fmal exam.
I. This paper needs to be not less that IS, not more than 20 pages long, typed, and double-spaced with normal margins. It must include an Introduction and a Conclusion.
2. It needs to include how you size up in the areas of social work (1) skills, (2) knowledge and (3) values.
3. Need to see yourself in a holistic approach: social, emotional, physical and spiritual and address all.
4. Have you established some empathy or competence for racial, cultural or lifestyle diversity? Or, how do you intend to do this? Please answer and address.
5. Student should discuss personal background. Specifically how does your personal background strengthen or challenge you for the field of social work? Are there specific issues in your background that need to be addressed prior to engaging in an effective helping relationship and how have you or do you intend to address these issues? Please address.
6. Discuss who in your life mentors you, holds you accountable, challenges you, and encourages your growth. If you don't have someone in your life to do this for you, what are your plans for establishing effective mentorship/ directions?
7. Be very specific when discussing your strengths and limitations. Regarding your limitations, what are your plans for developing capacities in this area?
8. What do you hope to see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 years? within the social work field?
9. This paper is to be taken seriously and written as such.
10. Make sure that you address all the areas required.

I have worked at a placement center for delinquent and neglect, abused children for 18 months. I want to receive a bachelors degree in social work, get a state license and work with the older generations or possibly with veterans who need social work assistance. I am 62 years old and this is my second (or third) career attempt. My major is: Social Work Gerontology with a minor in Psychology. Please don't hesitate to ask for more information. Right now I am not sure what you need.

I need a 10 page paper (double space, 12pt. font) outlining the requirements of the Privacy Protection Act. Include a summary of the act, as well as a discussion of any published decisions discussing the same. Please include at least 20 references, of which at least 10 should be articles or published cases on the subject.

greetings All,
i have to write a critique on Milton friedman (1970) claim that "the social responsibilty of business is to increase its profits" .
the professor request :
1- critically discuss means to discuss claims and counter claims to formulate an informed opinion of your own and to provide a convincing argument
2- linking theory to practice is to discus the topic in a practical context , giving concrete examples whenever appropriate
3- literature : you should engage with the academic literature outlined in the course unit
# Guay,T.,J.Doh, and G.Sinclair.2004."Non-governmental organizations, shareholder Activism, and socially resonsible investments:Ethical , startegic, and governace implications ,"journal of business Ethics 52 (1) : 125-139.
#Sparkes, R.and C.Cowton.2004. The maturing of socailly responsible investment: A review of developing links with corporate social responsibilty , journal of business Ethics 52(1) : 45-57.
# McWiilliams, A.,D.Siegel and P.Wright. 2006"corporate social responsibilty : strategic implications " journal of management studies 43(1):1-18
#Moon, J., N,Kang, and J-P.Gond.,2010"corporate social responsibilty and goverment " (eds.) D.coen, W. Grany, and G.Wilson, the Oxfoed handbook of business and government , oxford university press.
# Freeman, E., J.Harrison, and A.Wicks.2007.Managing for stakeholders: survival, reputation, and success .Yale university Press.2007.
#international finance corporation .2007stakeholder engagement : A good practice handbook for companies doing buisess in emerging market .IFC. the world bank group .
# Pedersen, E., and M.Huniche.2006.corporate citizenship in developing countries : new partnership perspectives .copenhagen business school press .
#Vogel, D.2005 Market for virtue : the potential and limits of corporate social responsibilty .Brookings institution press .
# sparkes , R.2002 socially responsible investment: A global revolution. Willey

another academic refrences can be used along with the above mentioned ones .

my opinion , i am againt him, in which the corporation should consider the community when applying business and if sociall responsibilty can take part with business why not ? he should not be narow minded and think about profits in the short run , he should cosider long run profits by making a good reputation by involving in social activities and increasing profits . successful cases n which corporation involved in sociall activities and increased its profits should be provided .

This paper will address the social problem of drug addiction and will investigate possible solutions for this problem. Remember that you should discuss the roles that the church, the family, and the community should play in the solutions to the problem.

Bibiography Page:

For each entry--or source--on your annotated bibliography, you should:

1.Summarize the main idea in two to four sentences.
2.Relate the material found in the source to your research topic using an additional one to two sentences.
3.Evaluate the background of the author and the intended audience.
4.Point out the source's potential usefulness to your research.

Thank you and feel free to contact me with any questions!
Customer is requesting that (rlt2413) completes this order.

Social Worker Skills

Title What makes a good Social Worker. Foot Notes No amercian Books or authors.
Include skills of a social worker: Listening, non judegemental, empathy, strong, Legisitations, for example the children's act community care act, social work guidelines, confidentially,, supervision personal attitude, ethnics and values, discrimination, oppression ,sense of humor, on going training and anything to do with social workers skills that is required to make a good social worker.
I have worked for mentally handicapped at a job centre voluntary work for youth justice team. ref from sarah banks nigel horner neil thompson and any other social books but english

4 Pages

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Patriot Act and the Rule of Law

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Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Equal Opportunity

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Corporate Social Responsibility

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Violence Against Women Social Welfare Congressional Legislation

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Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994: Analysis of Evolution

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United States Social Welfare Programs

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Social Work Assessment From My

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Privacy Protection Act the United

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Social Corporate Responsibility? The Source of Conflict

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greetings All, i have to write a critique on Milton friedman (1970) claim that "the social responsibilty of business is to increase its profits" . the professor request :…

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Social Problem of Drug Addiction

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Social Worker Skills

Words: 1099
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Title What makes a good Social Worker. Foot Notes No amercian Books or authors. Include skills of a social worker: Listening, non judegemental, empathy, strong, Legisitations, for example…

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