25+ documents containing “Smart Phone”.
1. Explain why the considerations of time, place, richness, task, and adoption are important in selecting an appropriate collaboration tool.
2. Give at least one example of a technology which is AND is not appropriate for each condition. For example, in considering task, consider what types of tools are appropriate/inappropriate for different types of team tasks and why.
Intel SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats
? In MS Word: The term paper must be in MS Word format to verify through Turnitin.com.
? Double spaced
? Minimum of 3 different references:
? References must be professional: Wikipedia, dictionaries, magazines, newspapers may be used as supporting evidence, but do not count toward the minimum reference requirement of 3. The references must be scholarly professional journals.
? APA Format: cited in the paper and on the reference page
? All headers in bold
? Font size 12, throughout the team research paper.
? Font: in Times Roman
Marketing- Consumer behavior
approx 100 words per question.
Discussion Post
1. Identify the three types of needs that products can fulfill and give an example of each.
2. Identi...fy the various relationships that consumers can have with a brand.
3. What is the difference between surface-level processing and meaning-level processing? Why are marketers concerned with these types of processing?
Case Study
approx 80 - 100 words per question Case Outline
. M-1 The Company
. M-2 Nextel?s Competitive Advantage
and they started refocusing on corporate customers. It will take time for the competition to catch up with Nextel. Nextel?s decade-old Direct Connect phone, made by Motorola (http://www.motorola. com), links users within a second at the push of a button. That?s a convenience construction workers, salespeople, and many others will
M-3 Boost Mobile pay a premium for. Today, competing technologies involve at least a
. M-4 The Company?s Financial Position
. M-5 Recent Developments
. M-5a New Spectrum
. M-5b New Technologies
. M-5c Mergers and Acquisitions
. M-5d The Aftermath
. M-5e A New Twist
Discussion Questions Notes
4-second delay to set up a call. On May 4, 2004, Nextel began offering push-to-talk nationally and internationally (instead of just regionally), and other new services are on the way domestically. Late in 2004, Nextel launched several new handsets featuring popular built-in cameras and sleek, small designs. And it continues to expand popular premium wireless-data applications, such as the @Road service, which helps truck-fleet operators locate vehicles through a global positioning satellite system.
Although only 20 percent of its 10.6 million subscribers use wireless data today, they pay more than $90 in revenues a month on average and defect at half the rate of other customers. Analysts predict that by 2010, 5.5 percent of Nextel?s revenues per user could
M-1 The Company come from wireless data, up from 1 percent in 2004.
Nextel is going after new users among the white-collar work- force, government employees, and even young consumers. Govern- ment workers?including first responders on the frontline in home- land security?are one of its fastest-growing sectors. And Nextel is deciding whether to pursue the 18- to 24-year-old market. By sell- ing Nextel phones via surfer shops and music stores, such as Bill- abong (http://www.billabong.com) and Wherehouse (http:// www.wherehouse.com), Nextel is testing whether it is worth risking its business-oriented brand image to capture the potentially high- margin youth market.
As the competition chased the booming consumer market over the?past few years, Nextel stuck to selling its unique walkie-talkie?like?service to business users in industries such as trucking, plumbing,?home repair, and construction. This strategy has paid off. It has?proved to be a remarkably popular mode of communication and?Nextel?s main differentiator. Indeed, many analysts credit it with?allowing the fifth-largest wireless carrier in the United States to?enjoy the industry?s lowest customer turnover and an average?revenue per user of at least $10 more than the other players. Indeed,?Nextel grabbed the coveted top spot in the 2004?s BusinessWeek Info?Tech 100 ranking. During one of telecom?s toughest years, Nextel scored $1.66 billion
Nextel?s competitive advantage may soon evaporate. AT&T in profit in 2002. It collects an average of $71 in revenues per Wireless (http://www.at&twireless.com), Verizon Wireless (http:// subscriber per month, compared with $50 at other carriers?and
Nextel, a FORTUNE 200 company based in Reston, Virginia, is a leading provider of fully integrated wireless communications serv- ices. It has built the largest guaranteed all-digital wireless network in the country, covering thousands of communities across the United States. Today 95 percent of FORTUNE 500 companies are Nextel customers. Nextel and Nextel Partners Inc. currently serve 297 of the top 300 U.S. markets where approximately 259 million people live or work. Nextel is the nation?s fifth-largest wireless company.
M-2 Nextel?s Competitive Advantage
9781111397364, Shopper, Buyer, and Consumer Behavior: Theory, Marketing Applications and Public Policy Implications, Jay D. Lindquist - ? Cengage Learning
M-3 Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile (http://www.boostmobile.com), a division of Nextel aimed at young subscribers and ethnic groups, is ramping up. Boost Mobile, a prepaid service, added 132,000 customers in the first quarter of 2004, on top of 385,000 in all of 2003. In May of 2004, Nextel reported that it has 13 million subscribers.
M-4 The Company?s Financial Position
704 Case M Nextel (http://www.nextel.com)
its 2.1 percent monthly customer-defection rate is the lowest in an industry that averages a 2.6 percent monthly churn.
Operating performance remains impressive. In 2004?s first quarter, Nextel added 474,000 subscribers?about 15 percent of the overall industry?s total gains in that period. Nextel is gaining market share. Despite the vicious price-cutting that the industry is witnessing, Nextel?s income jumped 184 percent, to $591 million, on revenues that were up 31 percent, to $3.1 billion, in the quarter.
M-5 Recent Developments
M-5a New Spectrum
Because Nextel uses the same frequencies as police and fire depart- ments, all parties suffer from interference. The Federal Communi- cations Commission (FCC) has been trying for several years to relocate part of Nextel?s service to a different wireless spectrum. Doing so should allow Nextel to build a superfast network similar to those being constructed by rivals like Verizon Wireless, the number one U.S. wireless company. On July 8, 2004, the FCC made a decision to allot Nextel valuable new spectrum space (in the 1.9- gigahertz band) to carry its cell phone service. Under this agree- ment, Nextel will get the frequency in return for relinquishing some of its existing spectrum to police and fire departments and helping them relocate to the spectrum it is giving up. This upgrade will cost Nextel three times what it had originally offered for relocation. The deal ultimately is expected to cost $3.2 billion. On the bright side, having the new spectrum should allow Nextel to handle more voice calls, provide more advanced data services, and keep up with its rivals in the long run. Without the spectrum swap Nextel is likely to be at a competitive disadvantage because of its spectrum limita- tions?its existing spectrum did not have enough capacity to sup- port more voice calls and advanced services. Analysts agree that the company?s long-term survival now looks to be more ensured. Earn- ings should grow 45 percent this year, to $2.07 per share, on revenues of $12.9 billion.
M-5b New Technologies
Analysts say that the new technology, PPT, is likely to create waves in the cellular phone market. With PTT, the user can connect to another party simply by holding down a special button when talk- ing. The feature connects users within a few seconds, as opposed to 20 to 25 seconds with conventional cell phone dialing.
Verizon Wireless is charging $20 a month for the service. That price is likely to drop when other carriers enter the market. Building out a PTT service is not that expensive, costing well under $100 million for most carriers compared with the tens of billions they spent on networks allowing for more voice calls and other data services, such as interactive mobile games, which add only about $2 in extra revenue per user each month.
A May 2003 Yankee Group (http://www.yankeegroup.com) survey of 2,490 business users and consumers showed that 24 percent of them want the PTT function. That?s why Cingular (http://www.cingular.com), AT&T Wireless, and T-Mobile (http:// www.t-mobile.com) have partnered with equipment vendors Erics- son (http://www.ericsson.com), Nokia (http://www.nokia.com), and privately held Sonim Technologies to standardize the PTT technology. The standard would ensure that different carriers? cus- tomers can call each other using PTT. To counter this thrust, Nextel is working with Motorola, the creator of the unique iDen technol- ogy its network is based on, and wireless technology powerhouse
Qualcomm (http://www.qualcomm.com) on interoperability with technology used by Sprint PCS.
Nextel has another reason to worry. It has not paired up its walkie-talkie service with an IM-like screen, showing which of the users are available at a given time, as Verizon has done. And analysts say that is what will make the improved PTT service the next wireless killer application.
Nextel has some key advantages. Its service is easy and con- nections are fast. In contrast, a caller on the Verizon network has to wait 3 to 5 seconds to connect to the recipient. Then, a delay of several seconds occurs in between each person speaking and the voice actually coming through on the phone. Sonim says its PPT connection times will eventually be virtually instantaneous, con- necting in under a second like Nextel?s. Another barrier that Nex- tel?s rivals have to overcome is the dearth of PTT-enabled phones, which have a special button and better speaker quality. These rivals will have to find a way to get their customers to upgrade to new phones that cost, in the case of Verizon Wireless, $149.99 a unit for a Motorola V60p phone on a 2-year contract.
M-5c Mergers and Acquisitions
Sprint Corp. (http://www.sprint.com) and Nextel announced on December 15, 2004, a $35 billion deal to merge into the third- largest wireless powerhouse. With a market capitalization of $70 billion, the new Reston (Va.)-based Sprint Nextel hopes to gain the competitive advantage it needs to fight the two leading Bell-owned wireless giants?Cingular and Verizon Wireless. Cingular grabbed the number one spot in the wireless market with 47 million sub- scribers after its October acquisition of AT&T Wireless. And Ver- izon Wireless, the number two player, reached its 42 million users mark. Sprint, a distant third with 20 million customers, and num- ber five Nextel, with 14.5 million, need each other to hold their own. While Sprint has local and long-distance businesses in addi- tion to wireless, it does not have the scale to compete over the long haul with the Bells. And although Nextel has the wireless industry?s highest margins, its focus on a unique niche?PTT service to busi- ness users?is too narrow to sustain an independent company as the industry consolidates.
The long-term goals may be twofold. First, the deal allows Sprint Nextel to play a pivotal role in the coming convergence between traditional and wireless phones, web access, and video services. As the Bells race against the cable operators to sell con- sumers everything from voice to data to video, both sides need wireless phone services to sweeten their bundle of offerings. The Bells already own their own wireless companies, but the cable companies do not. Sprint Nextel can provide a ready-made wireless offering for cable companies. Second, the merger can compete against the Bells and cable operators in the market for converged services. The two wireless carriers together own enough airwaves, stretching coast-to-coast, to offer voice, data, and even video over next-generation wireless broadband technology, the WiMax standard.
The two companies seem to complement each other well. Nextel needs Sprint?s innovative know-how in creating new wireless data applications in mobile music, video, and games to go after the youth consumer market with its Boost Mobile brand. Sprint can expand in the business market by helping to bolster Nextel?s attempt to equip corporate campuses with communications serv- ices. Sprint?s long-distance networks, along with Nextel?s wireless offerings, give companies a more complete offering. Nextel uses a special wireless technology that no other carrier uses. Without Sprint, Nextel would have to build an entirely new network to offer customers email and video services that zip along at speeds of up to 300 kilobits per second. By using Sprint?s digital network, Nextel can save much of the $2 to $3 billion it would otherwise spend to build its own next-generation infrastructure.
M-5d The Aftermath
There were problems in the aftermath of the merger. For example, Sprint Nextel embarked on a marketing campaign that prompted an exodus of Nextel?s customers. The brand Nextel is trying to reinvent its image around a new slogan,??Sprint ahead,?? which does not mention Nextel at all. Also, rumors indicate that plans were made to eliminate the Nextel name from the sponsorship of the main NASCAR racing series, one of Nextel?s most successful brand- ing campaigns before the merger. The plan was to call it the NASCAR Sprint Cup. Of course, this plan did not materialze. Thank goodness! Analysts have criticized this move because cus- tomers are confused by the combined company?s brand. If you click on www.nextel.com, the browser takes you to the Sprint home page, and there is no mention of Nextel on Sprint?s home page. Nextel did not disappear, but seems to be taking a backseat in Sprint?s large conglomeration.
The slogan of the new Cingular/AT&T Wireless is ??raising the bar.?? Verizon Wireless?s advertising stressed its reputation for good service, and now Sprint Nextel settled on ??Sprint, together with Nextel.??
M-5e A New Twist
this is a cultural trend? If so, why and to what extent is it associated with other cultural trends? Tip: Use culture concepts (Chapter 11 and 12) to formulate your answer.
Sprint Nextel Corp. has started its own virtual community for wireless fans and foes?buzzaboutwireless.com. Many of the members so far seem to be Sprint Nextel subscribers, but you don?t have to be a subscriber to join. Members share their stories about their experiences with the carrier. Of course, not all stories are good. As a matter of fact, there are more bad than good stories. However, Sprint Nextel is using this virtual community to ??listen to the customer.?? The forum is also used to ask questions and get help on solving problems.
Discussion Questions
1. What is the target market that Nextel has focused on since its inception? Describe this market segment in demographic and psychographic terms. Tip: Use the demographic concepts found in Chapter 14 and the psychographic concepts found in Chapter 6 to formulate your answer.
2. What is the image associated with Nextel? Nextel is contemplating targeting young adult consumers. Do you think this is a wise strategy? Explain. Tip: Use the concepts of brand user image and consumer self-concept (Chapter 5) in formulating your answer.
3. How is Nextel perceived versus its major competitors in the minds of the young adult population? Can you predict brand preferences based on these perceptions? Explain. Tip: Use any of the multiattribute attitude models in Chapter 9 to formulate your answer.
4. One can hypothesize that more young adult consumers are cutting the cord (i.e., using cellular phones exclusively without having a wired phone in their homes). Do you think
5. Have you seen any of Nextel?s ads? How about ads related to any of Nextel?s competitors: Cingular, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, and so on? Can you evaluate the effectiveness of their ads? Tip: Use concepts and models from the communication and persuasion (Chapter 10) in formulating your answer.
6. Consider a typical family involving a father, mother, and two teenage kids?a market segment described as in the middle of the family life cycle. Suppose the family is now considering the purchase of a cell phone, possibly a family package. Who in the family is most likely to recognize the need for a cell phone? How can Nextel appeal to that segment of the consumer population? Who in the family is most likely to gather information about the various cellular carriers in the local area? How can Nextel appeal to that segment? Who in the family is most likely to evaluate the various carriers and recommend a carrier? How can Nextel appeal to that segment? Who in the family is most likely to make the purchase? How can Nextel appeal to that segment? Tip: Use concepts described in the household and family influences (Chapter 15) to formulate your answer.
7. Nextel and all of its competitors conduct satisfaction studies. Propose a study that can help Nextel assess the various sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the purchase, use, maintenance, and disposal of cellular phones. Tip: Use concepts described in the consumption and postpurchase behavior (Chapter 4) to formulate your answer. more
Please assist to write a report according to the outline given as follows:
1. Outline of proposed marketing and communication objectives for the marketing campaign of LipoDOWN...r>
2. Identification of marketing communications techniques to be used to reach the target audience for the age between 25-34.
3. Propose suitable media channels to reach the target audience based on the lifestyle of target consumer.
4. Kindly consider to use creative strategies that could be used to take the target audience through the decision making process which is 5 stages: need recognition, information search, evaluation, purchase or post purchase. Also, simplified the Extensive Problem Solving process when target consumer seek weight loss supplement.
Kindly based on Singapore context to work on the report and visit this website for more product info. http://lifestreamgroup.com/lipodown-p-183.html. or facebook page http://www.facebook.com/AFCJapan
Currently, the company only used print-ad on newspaper, lifestyle magazine, online forum, blog to boost the awareness and did not run any event. But after 3 years the awareness still not there.
I have attached a few documents for your reference. But you will need to based on the my work done of essay 1 and powerpoint to draft this report. It has to be able link up and others report is just for you to reference.
At the end of report, please provide a reference list. more
Please read the attached dicument "Company Case: Samsung "From Gallop to Run" and answer the following questions indiviually:
1. How was Samsung able to go from copycat brand to product leader?
2. Is Samsung's product development process customer centered? Team based? Systematic?
3. Based on the PLC, what challenges does Samsung face in the managing its high-tech products?
4. Will Samsung likely achive its goals in markets where it does not dominate, such as smarphones? Why or why not?
** Please answer each question alone. For example: Question 1 and then its answer and so forth.
In your assigned virtual tutorial groups you must provide an overview of recommendations for promotional strategy for the next 12 months for Blackberry.
Specifically you should consider how e...ach element of the promotional mix should be engaged by your firm during this time. Which areas of promotion should be used heavily and which less so? You need to consider each of the following factors:
- Overall communications objectives
- The use of all aspects of the promotional mix, namely; advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, PR and sponsorship and digital/social media
Firstly, provide an overview of communication planning for your firm for the next year. Who do you want to communicate with? Why? How? What is your strategy?
Once you have devised your communication plan you should move onto the promotional mix. For each aspect of the mix you should provide an explanation of why and how you will use it. Try to be realistic in your ambitions, while we are not focussing on budget, you should consider how much money your organisation is likely to have for promotion and make your recommendations accordingly (ie don?t recommend a multi-million pound television advertising campaign in a situation where this won?t be a viable option.) You should finish your paper with a conclusion comprising of a summary of recommendations.
You are not expected to include all elements of the promotional mix because they may not be relevant to your market. However, you should justify all of your choices if you decide to eliminate something from your campaign.
As this being a group assignment,I just need to do one part for this essay that is the direct marketing aspect of promotional mix for blackberry. I need it to be nearly about 300 words. Hope to get a reply soon. more
Select a publicly held company and analyze its capital structure, applying and including the following theories and principles:
A preview of capital structure issues
Business and financi...al risks related to capital structure
Modigliani and Miller?s [MM] capital structure theory
Criticisms of the MM model and assumptions
Capital structure evidence and implications
Estimating the firm?s optimal capital structure. A firm?s optimal capital structure is that mix of debt and equity that maximizes the stock price. At any point in time, management has a specific target capital structure in mind, presumably the optimal one, though this target may change over time. For example, financial management may choose a 50% equity financing [stock] and 50% debt [bond] financing. Several factors influence a firms? capital structure, including: Business risk, tax position, the need for financial flexibility, managerial conservativeness, Growth opportunities Business risk is the riskiness inherent in the firm?s operations if it uses no debt.
In a 5-7 page paper, excluding the title page, table of contents, graphs, charts, tables, etc. provide an executive summary of your analysis. The report is intended to be a capital structure analysis of the selected public company. The summary report of your selected company?s capital structure should convey the quality, depth, and completeness of your capital structure analysis, without going into excessive detail. At least three current (within 90 days) references should be used more
I want to order to writer's username:arslanj
Because my prior order is connected to this order, this writer should take it!
Critically analyse the financial performance of Google Inc. over 2009, 2010, 2011
(i) Introduction
Introduction of company and its role in the international market, including competitors and current market conditions that may impact on its financial performance. (approx 1 page)
(ii) Analysis and evaluation
Analyse and evaluate the data available in the organisations' annual reports, focus on changes and developments within the financial markets(use Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statements only for 2009,2010, 2011)
The analysis should be based on at least 10 ratios, but do not include calculation in the body.
(iii) Comparision
A critical comparison of Google with a suitable market competitor (again 10 ratios for both companies)
(iv) Conclusions & Recomendations (approx 2 pages)
No one questions the importance of information security. There?s no doubt that information INsecurity has become a major world industry, valued into the hundreds of billions of dollars, not to mentio...n dangers to our quality of life. But this has in turn led to yet another issue ? that is, the balance between information security and information sclerosis. The more resources are invested in making information difficult to steal, the more difficult it also becomes to provide legitimate access. The more passwords you have to provide in order to acquire and use information, the less likely you are to do so. One logical end of this logistical tug-of-war is a body of perfectly secure information that is of no use to anyone, because no one can get at it; the other end is the same information essentially open to all, with no one willing to invest anything in keeping it secure because it?s simply too much work to do so. Obviously, neither of these happen, but only because there is competition for the resources, not because the security people and/or the crooks wouldn't be happy to see it. The case for this module asks you to consider this balance, and the ways in which risks can be assessed in the interest in providing the most cost-effective information security.
Obviously, there?s a lot of interest in what to do. This demand always spurs demands for the increased use of ?best practices?, on the theory that one can?t be criticized if you?re only doing what everybody else is, despite some serious reservations about the idea. Here are three recent attempts along these lines:
Phifer, L. (2011) 5 best practices for securing remote access. E-security Planet. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from http://www.esecurityplanet.com/views/article.php/3937121/5-Best-Practices-for-Securing-Remote-Access.htm
Microsoft TechNet. (2011) Enterprise security best practices. Microsoft. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd277328.aspx
Venafi. (2011) 2011 IT security best practices. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from http://www.venafi.com/Collateral_Library/Venafi-Top-Five-Best-Practices-and-Failures.pdf
No one is saying that the listed ?best practices? aren?t good ideas, but it is also abundantly clear that (a) there?s not a big organizational constituency for them, and (b) they probably wouldn?t solve the problems anyway. So what to do?
The Background Information Page lists a number of articles and other items that you probably will wish to consult, at least in general terms. In particular, it provides links to a number of "institutional resources" that play a major part the overall domain of information technology security.
When you have completed your review of these materials, plus any other material from the Background Information or other related materials you find yourself (be sure to reference properly whatever specific sources you draw on), please prepare a short (3 page) paper addressing the following questions:
?As a manager, how would you plan on securing organizational data? How does security effectiveness and relative cost figure into those plans?? more
I need a 5000 word Literature Review Report on the topic: "The Benefits and Values of Cloud Computing to Business Enterprises". You can use any reputable research papers, articles or journals alongside the ACM Communications Journal and Professor Dr Rajkumar Buyya's articles, research papers and journal materials which could be found in his (Prof Buyya) on-line home page on "www.buyya.com".
I would like the report to be properly referenced (Harvard Format) with the appropriate FULL List of References attached to the completed report. PLEASE do make the work to be as ORIGINAL as possible because it will be uploaded for PLAGIARISM CHECK!!!
The SPECIFIC Report Structure, Contents, Headings and Sub-Headings for the Report are CLEARLY OUTLINED in detail in the attached document....
Please do let me know if you have any questions so that I can clarify issues promptly....Thanks!
Write a paper of 2,400 words in which you research the company?s business environment.
Review the company?s (APPLE INC.) income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow to determine the financial health of the company. Be sure to compare your company to at least two other companies (IBM, Microsoft) in the industry. Be sure to answer the following:
? What have you learned about the company by reviewing each statement?
? Is there information in any of these statements that concerns you? If so describe what it is and what it concerns.
? How can management use this information moving forward?
Summarize the company?s financial health. How does it compare to other companies in the industry?
Include a summary of the company?s technological advantages, or lack thereof, in comparison to at least two other companies in the same industry.
Describe how globalization has affected the company?s business strategies.
Conduct a benchmarking analysis. Be sure your analysis includes the following in comparison with other companies in the same industry:
? Best practices
? Operational processes and procedures
? Products or services
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
James was traveling for his job. The Internet card provided by his company was not working and he had an important project due that day. James was in a small town about an hour away from the nearest Internet kiosk, so he decided to drive around a nearby suburb to see if he could find a wireless system he could borrow to send out his project. James found a wireless system without a security key and, after parking near the home with the system, uploaded the project. Afterward, just for fun, James peaked into the computer on the wireless system and found, to his dismay, some bank accounts and passwords.
Think about how you would feel if James were parked outside your home, using your wireless network.
Explain the following in 350 to 700 words: Before this class, what means, if any, were you employing to protect yourself in the cyber world? What security measures are available to the average computer user? What is missing from the system James borrowed? Which do you think are most important? How might you change your approach to online security in the future?
Cite any resources used in APA format.
Write a 600 - 800 words short paper
Mac vs. Windows
Through the years there has been a constant battle between Mac and Windows, but which one is better? What are the differences and similarities between them? Which one do you own? Why? In this project I will highlight the two operating systems and let you determine which one fits your needs. Also I will give you a little history of computer important advances and future technology.
I. Introduction
II. 1st paragraph Overview
A. History of both operating system
B. Comparing the two operating System
C. Enter the competition
III. 2nd Paragraph Overview
A. Important Advancements
B. Visual comparison through the years
C. Comparison charts to show to evolution for each
IV. 3rd Paragraph Overview
A. Value of the product
B. Safety of the product
C. Choosing one
V. Conclusion
Select a company or product whose marketing services strategies have not met customer expectations.
(I would like to do this on Sprint Corporation).
Identify the issues and propose steps that should be taken.
Provide an implementation plan.
Analyze competitors
Propose a Strategic Plan to improve the service or product.
I need to provide documentation of sources. I have to cite at least five references.
This is a research Paper. iT will be checked against a resource that the professor has for to check plagerism for online papers called turnitin .com So make sure that this research paper is unique and not some else's work. NO WIKIPEDIA REFERENCES AS PER THE INSTRUCTOR..
You will complete the two questionnaires in your text book. Upon analysis and evaluation of your responses and within the context of the material you learn in the course, you will complete a reflection paper outlining your findings regarding your own negotiation style from which you will develop a plan to improve your personal negotiation skills based on the type of negotiator you will find yourself to be after completing the questionnaires.
Your paper should be at least 6-8 pages with appendices of your completed questionnaires scanned and attached.
The first section of the paper will consist of a summary of your findings as a result of completing the questionnaires.
The second section will consist of your plan to improve your negotiation skills based on the ten best practices and how they relate to your findings. You should include at least five examples of strategies that you think would work well for your own negotiation style. Give your example strategies within the context of a negotiation situation. You may use a different negotiation situation for each strategy or one situation for all strategies.
Download Apple?s Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Report and the 2011 Quarterly Cash Flow Statements for Dell. The Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for Apple is on page 46 of the Annual Report. Links to both documents are as follows:
Links to both documents are also located in the course?s D2L website.
Please answer the following questions about the two companies in a 3-5 page paper (double-spaced, 12 point font, with an introduction and conclusion):
1) For each company (Apple and Dell), comment on the change in operating, investing and financing cash flows from 2009 to 2010 to 2011.
2) Compare Apple?s operating, investing and financing cash flows to Dell?s for 2011. Comment on your comparison.
3) Based on your answers to the previous questions, which company, Dell or Apple, do you think has done of a better job of managing their cash for the last three years? Please explain your answer.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you complete the following:
? Research and describe the internal and external environments of 2 to 3 real-world companies using an environmental scan.
? Determine what competitive advantages each company has and what strategies each company is using.
o How does each company create value and sustain competitive advantage through business strategy?
o What measurement guidelines is each company using to verify its strategic effectiveness?
o How effective are the measurement guidelines that each company is using?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
TOPIC : Human Resource Management
Assessment topic: GOOGLE
Using the example of an organisation(google) in the industry, evaluate whether the following HR practices/policies is strategic or not. Does this HR practice help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives?
-Organisational culture and Human Resource Management
Topic: Relational Approaches to Leadership
? Leader-Member Exchange Theory (chapter 8)
? Transformational Leadership (chapter 9)
? Authentic Leadership (chapter 10)
Behavioral Learning Objectives:
Students will analyze the three relational approaches to leadership and look specifically at what CEO and/or company encapsulates the true meaning of authentic leadership.
Required Readings:
? Chapters 8-10 (Northouse, Peter G., Leadership Theory and Practice, 5th Edition, Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, 2010. ISBN: 978-1412974882)
? Transformational Case Study article (See attachment)
Other Actions Required:
Use MLA style for citation format.
Assignment : (Due May 17, 2012, 11:59pm Pacific Time)
In your opinion, which CEO and/or company represents authentic leadership and why?
Term Paper: Mobile Computing and Social Networks
Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
There are thousands of iPhone Apps, iPad Apps, and Android Apps that have been developed to perform a myr...iad of tasks and processes. Initially, most of these applications were games intended to be played on mobile devices. The popularity of these applications led businesses to ponder whether some of their business process applications that run on desktop platforms and the Web could be redesigned to run on mobile devices. The answer was a resounding yes!
For example, Nationwide developed the Nationwide? Mobile, a free iPhone App that allows its insurance policyholders to file a claim on the spot when an accident occurs. The application can snap pictures of the accident and attach them to the claim data and upload the claim information to a server. This reduces the length of time to process a claim filed this way. Nationwide competitors have followed suit and developed iPhone, iPad, and Android applications of their own. Policyholders can receive messages via Facebook or Twitter.
Other business processes that have been reengineered as a result of mobile computing include Quick Response (QR) codes which have replaced one-dimensional bar codes. They are read using mobile devices, accepting credit card payments from an iPhone, iPad or Android device, depositing checks using an iPhone without visiting a bank, and many more.
Write a ten to fifteen (10-15) page term paper in which you:
Assess the effectiveness and efficiency mobile-based applications provide to capture geolocation data and customer data, and quickly upload to a processing server without users having to use a desktop system.
Evaluate benefits realized by consumers because of the ability to gain access to their own data via mobile applications.
Examine the challenges of developing applications that run on mobile devices because of the small screen size.
Describe the methods that can be used to decide which platform to support, i.e., iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, or Android.
Mobile applications require high availability because end users need to have continuous access to IT and IS systems.
Discuss ways of providing high availability.
Mobile devices are subjected to hacking at a higher rate than non-mobile devices. Discuss methods of making mobile devices more secure.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Explain how the components of an information technology system interrelate in an organizational context.
Describe the use of network management, Web, wireless, and mobility technologies.
Describe and identify the uses of business process management and systems development.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems and technology.
Write clearly and concisely about topics related to information systems for decision making using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. more
The topic of the Paper is called The Factors and Implementation of Mobile Device Security
Use attached articles as reference:
?An Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network for Security System using Bluetooth by Soo-Hwan Choi, Byung-Kug Kim, Jinwoo Park, Chul-Hee Kang, Doo-Seop Eom
?Wireless Insecurity: Examining User Security Behavior on Public Networks by Tim Chenoweth, Robert Minch, and Sharon Tabor
?Mobile and wireless technologies: security and risk factors by Gregor Urbas and Tony Krone
In the paper explain the factors why we need mobile device security and how we implement it through WiFi and bluetooth device.
Follow this format:
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. The Modern Mobile Devices
? Tablets and Cellphones
? BYOD and Security Risks
? User Behaviors
4. Security Threats Against Mobile Devices
5. Solution
? Software
? Avoiding Security Threats
6. Conclusion
7. Source
Using the 4 P's of marketing (Product, Placement, Price, Promotion) compare and contrast the marketing strategies of Google and Bing with an emphasis on their product. What does Google offer that Bing may not that keeps Google on top?
Attached is the assignment Task 1. Kindly do the following:
1. READ THE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA given below and try to answer the questions to meet the assessment criteria
2. Use pract...ical examples and suggest clear recommendation inclined to meet the Assessment criteria
3. Also refer back to the case and the situation in the case
4. Proof read there should be no spelling mistakes
6 Follow the FORMAT which is very important. (Times New Roman 12)
7 Do not make a question answer issue - rather make it a report with heading of the question (eg. the report starts with an introduction or Executive summary then TOC - use word indexing - then body of the report do not cut paste any questions
8 The most important point _ DO NOT CUT PASTE anything from internet - PLAGIARISM
9. Have a conclusion and recommendations - Don't forget your body referencing and your end Bibliography. - USE HRS system of referencing
Learning Outcome 1
Understand the Value of an E-Strategy in Organizations
Assessment Criteria (AC) to Test Outcomes
AC1.1 - Explain the Benefits of Having an E-Strategy in Organizations
AC1.2 - Evaluate the Contribution of an E-Strategy to the Achievement of an Organization?s Objectives.
AC1.3 - Discuss How to Align an E-Strategy with an Overarching Organizational Strategy.
Task 1 (1.1)
Task 1 (1.2)
Task 1 (1.3)
Learning Outcome 2
Be able to develop an e-strategy for an organization
Assessment Criteria (AC) to Test Outcomes
AC2.1 - Analyze the business factors that underpin the requirement for an e-strategy in an organization.
AC2.2 - Discuss the benefits of e-commerce to an organization.
AC2.3 - Develop a plan for an e-strategy that ensures an organization retains its competitive advantage in a global market
AC2.4 - Specify the technical infrastructure required in an e-strategy plan for an organization.
Task 1 (1.4)
Task 1 (1.5)
Task 1 (1.6)
Task 1 (1.7)
Required Task 1: Leading E-strategy
Assessment and Grading:
This assessment is based on achievements in learning outcomes. In order to pass, all criteria identified in the assignment with reference to learning outcomes of the module must be met.
Word Count/Limit:
3,500 words (+/- 10%)
Please study the following case Study on Amazon available at http://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/online-business-revenue-models/amazon-case-study/ or amazon.com and complete the following tasks
Amazon Vision & Strategy
?Relentlessly focus on customer experience by offering our customers low prices, convenience, and a wide selection of merchandise.? The vision is still to offer ?Earth?s biggest selection and to be Earth?s most customer-centric company. Consider how these core marketing messages summarising the Amazon online value proposition are communicated both on-site and through offline communications. Of course, achieving customer loyalty and repeat purchases has been key to Amazon?s success. Many dot-coms failed because they succeeded in achieving awareness, but not loyalty. Amazon achieved both. In their SEC filing they stress how they seek to achieve this. They say:?We work to earn repeat purchases by providing easy-to-use functionality, fast and reliable fulfillment, timely customer service, feature rich content, and a trusted transaction environment.
A good summary of the latest business model initiatives is available in this Amazon annual report summary for 2011. For Q4, 2010:
? North America segment sales, representing the Company?s U.S. and Canadian sites, were $7.21 billion, up 45% from fourth quarter 2009.
? International segment sales, representing the Company?s U.K., German, Japanese, French, Chinese and new Italian sites, were $5.74 billion, up 26% from fourth quarter 2009. Excluding the unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter, sales grew 29%.
Amazon performs exceptionally efficiently measured against revenue per visitor, which is one of the key measures for any commercial website, whether it?s a media site, search engine, social network or a transactional retailer or offers travel or financial services. Of course profit per user would be quite different due to the significantly lower costs of other .coms like Facebook and Google. Key features of our websites include editorial and customer reviews; manufacturer product information; Web pages tailored to individual preferences, such as recommendations and notifications; 1-Click? technology; secure payment systems; image uploads; searching on our websites as well as the Internet; browsing; and the ability to view selected interior pages and citations, and search the entire contents of many of the books we offer with our ?Look Inside the Book? and ?Search Inside the Book? features. Our community of online customers also creates feature-rich content, including product reviews, online recommendation lists, wish lists, buying guides, and wedding and baby registries.?In practice, as is the practice for many online retailers, the lowest prices are for the most popular products, with less popular products commanding higher prices and a greater margin for Amazon.
Free shipping offers are used to encourage increase in basket size since customers have to spend over a certain amount to receive free shipping. The level at which free-shipping is set is critical to profitability and Amazon has changed it as competition has changed and for promotional reasons. Amazon communicate the fulfillment promise in several ways including presentation of latest inventory availability information, delivery date estimates, and options for expedited delivery, as well as delivery shipment notifications and update facilities.
This focus on customer has translated to excellence in service with the 2004 American Customer Satisfaction Index giving Amazon.com a score of 88 which was at the time, the highest customer satisfaction score ever recorded in any service industry, online or offline. Round (2004) notes that Amazon focuses on customer satisfaction metrics. Each site is closely monitored with standard service availability monitoring (for example, using Keynote or Mercury Interactive) site availability and download speed. Interestingly it also monitors per minute site revenue upper/lower bounds ? Round describes an alarm system rather like a power plant where if revenue on a site falls below $10,000 per minute, alarms go off! There are also internal performance service-level-agreements for web services where T% of the time, different pages must return in X seconds.
Visions and importance of technology
According to founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, technology is very important to supporting this focus on the customer. In their 2010 Annual Report (Amazon, 2011) he said:
?Look inside a current textbook on software architecture, and you?ll find few patterns that we don?t apply at Amazon. We use high-performance transactions systems, complex rendering and object caching, workflow and queuing systems, business intelligence and data analytics, machine learning and pattern recognition, neural networks and probabilistic decision making, and a wide variety of other techniques. And while many of our systems are based on the latest in computer science research, this often hasn?t been sufficient: our architects and engineers have had to advance research in directions that no academic had yet taken. Many of the problems we face have no textbook solutions, and so we ? happily ? invent new approaches?? All the effort we put into technology might not matter that much if we kept technology off to the side in some sort of R&D department, but we don?t take that approach. Technology infuses all of our teams, all of our processes, our decision-making, and our approach to innovation in each of our businesses. It is deeply integrated into everything we do?.
The quote shows how applying new technologies is used to give Amazon a competitive edge. A good recent example of this is providing the infrastructure to deliver the Kindle ?Whispersync? update to ebook readers. Amazon reported in 2011 that Amazon.com is now selling more Kindle books than paperback books. For every 100 paperback books Amazon has sold, the Company sold 115 Kindle books. Kindle apps are now available on Apple iOS, Android devices and on PCs as part of a ?Buy Once, Read Anywhere? proposition which Amazon has developed.
Amazon Customers
Amazon defines what it refers to as three consumer sets customers, seller customers and developer customers. There are over 76 million customer accounts, but just 1.3 million active seller customers in it?s marketplaces and Amazon is seeking to increase this. Amazon is unusual for a retailer in that it identifies ?developer customers? who use its Amazon Web Services, which provides access to technology infrastructure such as hosting that developers can use to develop their own web services.
Members are also encouraged to join a loyalty programme, Amazon Prime, a fee-based membership program in which members receive free or discounted express shipping, in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan.
In its SEC (2005) filing Amazon describes the environment for our products and services as ?intensely competitive?. It views its main current and potential competitors as:
1) physical-world retailers, catalog retailers, publishers, vendors, distributors and manufacturers of our products, many of which possess significant brand awareness, sales volume, and customer bases, and some of which currently sell, or may sell, products or services through the Internet, mail order, or direct marketing;
(2) Other online E-commerce sites;
(3) A number of indirect competitors, including media companies, Web portals, comparison shopping websites, and Web search engines, either directly or in collaboration with other retailers; and
(4) Companies that provide e-commerce services, including website development; third-party fulfillment and customer-service.
It believes the main competitive factors in its market segments include ?selection, price, availability, convenience, information, discovery, brand recognition, personalized services, accessibility, customer service, reliability, speed of fulfillment, ease of use, and ability to adapt to changing conditions, as well as our customers? overall experience and trust in transactions with us and facilitated by us on behalf of third-party sellers?.
For services offered to business and individual sellers, additional competitive factors include the quality of our services and tools, their ability to generate sales for third parties we serve, and the speed of performance for our services
From Actions to Marketplaces
Amazon auctions (known as zShops) were launched in March 1999, in large part as a response to the success of eBay. They were promoted heavily from the home page, category pages and individual product pages. Despite this, a year after its launch it had only achieved a 3.2% share of the online auction compared to 58% for eBay and it only declined from this point. Today, competitive prices of products are available through third-party sellers in the ?Amazon Marketplace? which are integrated within the standard product listings. The strategy to offer such an auction facility was initially driven by the need to compete with eBay, but now the strategy has been adjusted such that Amazon describe it as part of the approach of low-pricing.
Although it might be thought that Amazon would lose out on enabling its merchants to sell products at lower prices, in fact Amazon makes greater margin on these sales since merchants are charged a commission on each sale and it is the merchant who bears the cost of storing inventory and fulfilling the product to customers. As with eBay, Amazon is just facilitating the exchange of bits and bytes between buyers and sellers without the need to distribute physical products.
Amazon Media Sales
You may have noticed that unlike some retailers, Amazon displays relevant Google text ads and banner ads from brands. This seems in conflict with the strategy of focus on experience since it leads to a more cluttered store. However in 2011 Amazon revealed that worldwide media sales accounted for approximately 17% of revenue!
Amazon Marketing
Amazon does not reveal much about its marketing approach in its annual reports, but there seems to be a focus on online marketing channels. Amazon (2011) states ?we direct customers to our websites primarily through a number of targeted online marketing channels, such as our Associates program, sponsored search, portal advertising, email marketing campaigns, and other initiatives?. These other initiatives may include outdoor and TV advertising, but they are not mentioned specifically. In this statement they also highlight the importance of customer loyalty tools. They say: ?while costs associated with free shipping are not included in marketing expense, we view free shipping offers and Amazon Prime as effective worldwide marketing tools, and intend to continue offering them indefinitely?.
Questions to be addressed in completing the Assignment tasks: 1
1.1 Explain the benefits of having an e-Strategy in organisation like Amazon? Critically evaluate using examples with particular emphasis on meeting strategic business objectives of Amazon? (Criteria 1.1)
1.2 From the information given in the case study evaluate contributions of an e-Strategy to the Achievement of Amazon?s objectives, analyse all the aspects in detailed manner?
(Criteria 1.2)
1.3 Critically analyse how the Amazon?s e-strategy is aligned with over overarching organisational strategy justify your statements with examples (Criteria 1.3)
1.4 Critically analyze the business factors that underpin the requirement for an e-strategy in the context of Amazon? (Criteria 2 .1)
1.5 Discuss the benefits of e-commerce to Amazon? As an e-commerce consultant proactively advise what are the future value additions (Criteria 2 .2)
1.6 Assume that you are heading the e-strategy initiatives at Amazon. Develop a plan for Amazon?s e-strategy to retain its competitive advantages in the global market place ? justify with relevant example (Criteria 2 .3)
1.7 Identify and conclude the technical infrastructure required for the strategy plan developed by you in task 1.6
(Criteria 2 .4) more
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Based on the changes you described, indicate two of the skills your students will need to develop in order to prepare them for the world beyond the classroom.
Explain to what extent you see evidence of these skills in your students.
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