25+ documents containing “Sign Language”.
CAPSTONE REPORT TOPIC: Techniques of Computer Forensics for Preventing Email Phishing
The Capstone Report should be a polished, high level undergraduate effort reflecting error free and caref...ully composed communications. . Be sure to carefully cite (using correct APA-Style in-line citations) all sources of information AND ALL GRAPHICS MATERIALS USED, DOWNLOADED OR BORROWED in your report. ALL MATERIAL IN THIS REPORT MUST BE CITED PROPERLY.
The CAPSTONE Report Overview
This report will be conducted using only publicly available information (e.g., information obtainable on the Internet (using a browser), company reports, news reports, journal articles, etc.). Any information assurance risk analyses should consider legitimate, known threats, which pertain to the subject organization, based on the research information gathered, the presumed process strengths and vulnerabilities or any organizational computing and networking infrastructure will be identified in depth.
Must use these sources in addition to at least 5 new scholarly sources:
Gajek, S. & Sadeghi, A. (2008). A forensic framework for tracing phishers. In The future of identity in the information society. Boston: Springer.
Jakobsson, M. & Myers, S. (2007). Phishing and countermeasures. New York: Wiley.
Lininger, R. & Vine, R. (2005). Phishing: cutting the identity theft line. New York: Wiley.
Lynch, J. (2005). Identity Theft in Cyberspace: Crime Control Methods and Their Effectiveness in Combating Phishing Attacks. Berkley technology law journal 20(259).
McRae, C.; McGrew, R. & Vaughn, R. (2006). Honey Tokens and Web Bugs: Developing Reactive Techniques for Investigating Phishing Scams. Journal of digital forensic practice 1(3), pp. 193-9.
The CAPSTONE Report shall be graded on a 100 point criterion using the following items:
A. Clear statement of a detailed, specific scope to be analyzed and the appropriate coverage of that scope: (15 points) (INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE)
B. In-depth, detailed technical content (depth and accuracy of information and analysis): (45 points) (BODY)
C. Recommendations for information assurance issues, possible risk mitigation, operational, network or computer processing of information improvements or other conclusions supported by research and analysis: (15 points) (CONCLUSION)
D. Clarity, organization, grammar and spelling: (10 points) (FORMAL LITERARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS)
1.Project scope proposal
2.Forensic Methodology, Requirements, Issues and Trends acquired by research.
3 An in-depth Computer Forensic topic area developing clear communication of methods, processes and procedures.
4. Solid documentation of materials to support topic selection
5. Communicated content
Customer is requesting that (pheelyks) completes this order. more
Just a compartive literary analysis of themes and arguments in each story and how the are interrelated in spite ofsome particularities in the different contexts in which the stories take place. An analysis of the different characters, settings, points of vies, language and style as well as a critical assessment and appreciation of the work under scrutiny.
******Instructions: Answer 2 questions below. Please answer each question in its entirety using complete sentences, correct grammar, and clear language. Each answer should contain a thesis statement, ...supportive evidence (detailed references, examples, and quotes), developed analyses, and a conclusion. 2 pages per question please and please use quotation and cite them with the sources i provided. Please also be very clear and use specific details. My professor likes to go in detail rather than a broad topic. Im sending some reading we did in class, but if you like i can send them more. *******
1. While freedom struggles characterize much of African American history following 1865,
Blacks defined freedom in different ways depending on time period, location, gender, class,
contemporary events, and other factors. In this question, discuss how Blacks defined freedom
similarly and differently across time and space, considering the factors previously listed. Also
address how Blacks attempted to realize those various ideas of freedom in political, economic,
social, and cultural movements and practices.
2. The general consensus among historians is that the 1960s was indeed a pivotal decade in
American history, especially as activism during the time period challenged previous ideas of
exclusion and inclusion, citizenship, and the meaning and potential of democracy to address
social ills. In your response, describe and critique specific movements and organizations of the
1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. You must address the Civil Rights Movement, Black nationalism,
Black power movements, and Black feminist movements. How were their approaches to
contemporary problems facing Black Americans similar? How were they different? Discuss the
benefits and limitations of each of their visions and approaches.
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Non-Profit to Profit Making
The practice of converting not-for-profit hospitals to investor-owned, for-profit hospitals has received a great deal of attention. The sale of these entities inv...olves the transfer of charitable assets which can, in and of itself, arouse suspicion about motives. These sales can generate millions of dollars of disbursements to the purchasing organization.
You are to write a five to seven (5-7) page paper that addresses the following:
1. Describe the external and internal factors that influence the executive teams decision making and specify which might be most instrumental in making the decision to become a for-profit entity. Why do you think so?
2. Data needs to be collected in order to make informed decisions. Create an overview of the marketing data that needs to be collected and how you collect it.
3. In terms of market segmentation, determine the effects of the transition upon the following audiences:
o Senior citizen
o Entry workers (twenty-somethings)
o Adolescent populations
o Families
4. Analyze all of this information to present to the Board of Directors of your organization for their review. Create a one-page memo addressed to the Board of Directors.
The format of the paper is to be as follows:
o Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.
o Type the question followed by your answer to the question.
o In addition to the three to five (5-7) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructors name, the course title, and the date.
Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.
The assignment will be graded using the following rubric:
Outcomes Assessed Identify the external and internal factors that influence consumer decision making.
Describe the marketing research process and market segmentation strategies.
Describe the concept of relationship marketing and the distinction between satisfaction and loyalty.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in health care marketing.
Grading Rubric for Assignment 2 ??" Non-Profit to Profit Making
Criteria 0
Unacceptable 20
Developing 30
Competent 40
1. Describe the external and internal factors that influence the executive teams decision making and specify which might be most instrumental in making the decision to become a for-profit entity. Why do you think so? Did not complete the assignment or did not describe the external and internal factors that influence the executive teams decision making and specify which might be most instrumental in making the decision to become a for-profit entity. Did not explain why you thought so; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially described the external and internal factors that influence the executive teams decision making and specified which might be most instrumental in making the decision to become a for-profit entity. Partially explained why you thought so; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Sufficiently described the external and internal factors that influence the executive teams decision making and specified which might be most instrumental in making the decision to become a for-profit entity. Sufficiently explained why you thought so. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Fully described the external and internal factors that influence the executive teams decision making and specified which might be most instrumental in making the decision to become a for-profit entity. Fully explained why you thought so. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.
2. Create an overview of the marketing data that needs to be collected and how you collect it.
Did not complete the assignment or did not create an overview of the marketing data that needs to be collected and how you collect it; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially created an overview of the marketing data that needs to be collected and how you collect it; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Sufficiently created an overview of the marketing data that needs to be collected and how you collect it. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Fully created an overview of the marketing data that needs to be collected and how you collect it. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.
3. Determine the effects of the transition upon select audiences.
Did not complete the assignment or did not determine the effects of the transition upon select audiences; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially determined the effects of the transition upon select audiences; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Sufficiently determined the effects of the transition upon select audiences. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Fully determined the effects of the transition upon select audiences. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.
4. Analyze all of this information to present to the Board of Directors of your organization for their review. Create a one-page memo addressed to the Board of Directors.
Did not complete the assignment or did not analyze all of this information to present to the Board of Directors of your organization for their review, or create a one-page memo addressed to the Board of Directors; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially analyzed all of this information to present to the Board of Directors of your organization for their review and created a one-page memo addressed to the Board of Directors; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Sufficiently analyzed all of this information to present to the Board of Directors of your organization for their review and created a one-page memo addressed to the Board of Directors. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Fully analyzed all of this information to present to the Board of Directors of your organization for their review and created a one-page memo addressed to the Board of Directors. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.
5. Clarity
Did not complete the assignment or explanations are unclear and not organized.
(Major issues) Explanations generally unclear and not well organized.
(Many issues) Explanations generally clear and/or organized. (Minor issues) Explanations very clear and well organized.
(Added helpful details)
6. Writing ??" Grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, APA usage.
Did not complete the assignment or had 8 or more different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. (Major issues) Had 6-7 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. (Many issues) Had 4-5 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. (Minor issues) Had 0-3 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. more
This will be a research/project based paper. The paper should be written so that I will be able to test the effects that media has on the adolescent age group (12-20).
A short introduction of... the general topic- adolescence and medias effect on body image and the reason why I think this topic might be of interest, leading logically to your hypothesis or rationale that summarize the material in the course/text that relates to my topic. You should define the three topics (biological, cognitive, socioemotional) that your project will involve.
Biological- produce changes in an individuals physical nature
Cognitive- refers to changes in the individuals thought, intelligence and language
Socioemotional- refers to changes in the individuals relationships with other people, changes in emotions and changes in personality.
Source- Essentials of Life-Span Development- John W. Santrock pgs 10-11
For more detailed information, you should cite at least one journal article. I will email a pdf journal article to reference and for you to base my research project with. Please use APA format when citing material
A method section (participants, materials, procedure - all written in future tense) that outlines what exactly you will do. Provide an overview of the project I will complete, being clear on how the project relates to the two topics (adolescence and body image) that you have already defined. Define the specific steps that will have to be completed for your project, including a timeline. Most groups have 7 students, so be sure that your project is something that 7 students can complete in 3-4 weeks. Ideally, the plan that you submit as a part of your proposal should be specific enough that if your proposal is chosen, enough details are provided so that you just have to assign responsibilities. [method and feasibility]
Include theories of Erickson- Identity vs. Identity confusion stage, Freud- Genital stage, Piaget Formal operation stage.
The journal article I will be sending is from email ropholof@mac.com. The journal article will be in pdf format.
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Conduct (or create/imagine) an interview with a person to learn about a chosen developmental time period.
Section 1: Introduction and Interview Synopsis
Describe the person you inte...rviewed in terms of his or her current age, occupation, ethnicity/race/culture, sexual orientation, gender, and disability/ability. Describe the interview questions or topics, the major content themes of the respondent, relevant nonverbal communications (affect, body language), and overall quality of the relationship and rapport established during the interview. (Approximately 3 pages)
Section 2: Critical Analysis, Incorporation of Course Readings and Interview Excerpts, Synthesis
1. Conceptualize this person's development using the human behavior theories and concepts. Apply readings to this conceptualization, in terms of the biological, psychological, cultural, and spiritual contributions to this person's development.
2. Analyze the impact social oppression or privilege may have had on this person's identity development, in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and social class.
3. Incorporate dialogue excerpts (key words, phrases, longer remarks) from the interview with your informant to support your analysis.
4. Synthesize the data you have gathered (the interview, readings, etc) and utilize your critical thinking skills to address the following two questions: (a) What are the major challenges, strengths, and opportunities the informant experienced during this period of development; and (b) what are the major strengths and weaknesses of human behavior theories studied to date, in terms of their explanatory power in providing a comprehensive understanding of this informant's period of development. (Approximately 7 pages) more
I need a full two page book review on the book Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas Truce by Stanley Weintraub.
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Plume (October 29, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0452283671
ISBN-13: 978-0452283671
Topic: Physical, Psychological, and Socioemotional
Development during Infancy.
Assignment: The Problem of FAS and FAE. The number one cause of mental retardation in the USA is completely preventable. That is, most cases of mental retardation are due to alcohol use during pregnancy. Imagine being hired by an adoption agency as to help identify infants that may have been exposed to alcohol prenatally. Adoptive parents have a right to know whether their potential child has fetal alcohol syndrome or fetal alcohol effects. Your job is to develop a 2-page handout summarizing the physical, psychological, and socioemotional signs exhibited in an infant exposed to varying amounts of alcohol prenatally.
U.S. Environmental Ethics Paper Guidance
A broad survey of the U.S. government to see if you can argue whether there is a clear environmental ethic from review of statutes, agency missions, ...policy statements, etc. For example, you have a friend who is from Portugal who is also in the environmental field visiting you. You are discussing your jobs in your respective countries and you try to explain the general environmental philosophy and ethic embodied by the U.S. government. Is the NPS the only environmental/conservation agency? Are there others with similar missions? Is there a broad array of conservation agencies addressing multiple issues, or a narrowly focused group of agencies geared towards exploitation of our natural resources? Are there both? How do they mesh?
Through your survey of the government, I would like you to make an argument explaining what you believe is an explanation of the environmental ethic of our country. Maybe you think there is none, and you would explain your basis for that. Present your thesis in the beginning of the paper and then discuss your supporting arguments for that position. You need to use Federal agency mission statements and statutes as a primary source of information for your paper. Secondly scholarly journals. Otherwise, you have the freedom to pursue numerous other sources to help frame and develop your thesis. You are welcome to supplement research on the government ethic with the other organizations missions, such as non-government-organizations and conservation groups.
Clarity and readability will be of upmost importance. Because of the nature of the topic, you will not be able to write a detailed dissertation, but must write in a succinct, well organized manner. Your paper should not exceed 10-15 pages of double-spaced text no larger than 12 pt font. Please use plain language and avoid rhetoric and jargon to the extent possible. However, I do expect you to use terminology that we covered in class to compare and contrast to your premise.
The paper must focus primarily on the topic of environmental ethics relating to the United States.
Title Page and separate reference page in addition to the 9 page minimum
This paper will be submitted through Turnitin. An originality report of greater than 20% unoriginal material should be revised to ensure that you have summarized and paraphrased as much text as possible. This paper must be written in your own words and Turnitin will help you locate where you have summarized and where you have copied/pasted without putting that information in your own words. more
NB:Textual Analysis on Numbers 15:22-41
Please use numbered items as below
1. Literary and historical context (one paragraph)
In one paragraph, identify the type (genre) of Bi...blical book that you are studying, situate your passage in its literary context in the book, briefly describe the historical setting of the passage and, if possible, identify the author of the Biblical book and the date of writing.
Discuss the mixture of law and narrative in this passage. Are these sections unrelated to each other, or is there any connection between the two?
2. Analysis of the text (few paragraphs)
In this section you analyze the text to answer the question: What is this passage about? To answer this, you may find it helpful to make a paragraph-by-paragraph outline of the passage, and you will want to take note of a variety of issues such as:
Any repeated words or themes in the passage.
How this passage follows from what comes before and how it affects what comes after it (refer to literary context, #1 above). What role does this passage play in the book?
Identify any characters involved. Do they have any special God-given role as mediators, rulers, etc.? How does the author present these characters (e.g. as faithful, unfaithful, etc.)?
Clarify any obscure, troubling or problematic matters in the text (e.g. exterminating women and children during holy war).
A particular issue in this text requiring explanation is what is meant by sinning unintentionally (ESV translation). Consult some resources (commentaries, etc.) in order to get a better idea of what this means.
3. Connect the passage with the rest of the Bible (one paragraph)
Identify ways in which the message of this passage connects with the rest of the Bible (both Old and New Testaments). Take note of any other places in the Bible that quote or allude to this passage. Identify other passages which discuss similar or overlapping themes. Can you observe a development in the theme or themes found in this passage over the course of Scripture from beginning to end?
4. Hermeneutical reflections (few paragraphs)
Below are 7 Hermeneutical Perspectives. Discuss
this passage in relation to them. Which of the 7
hermeneutical perspectives seem to apply best in the
above tex?
Hermeneutical Perspective #1: Reading the OT as Ancient Near Eastern Literature
An extension of the "grammatical-
historical" method
- "My sister, my bride" (Song of Songs 4:9) and ancient Egyptian love poetry
-"Non-linear" historical narratives (e.g. the book of Judges)
Read/appreciate the OT in its ancient Near Eastern context
Hermeneutical Perspective #2: OT Promise/Prophecy & NT Fulfillment Pattern
Prophecy (Promise): Is 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Fulfillment: Mat 1:21-23 ...All this took place
J51 the
to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: 'Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel' (which means, God with us).
Consider whether a text establishes a promise, makes a prophecy, or creates some kind of expectation regarding the future.
Hermeneutical Perspective #3: The Use of the OT in the NT
The issue of "Scripture interprets
In many cases this seems peculiar: 2
examples of how "odd" this can be:
-Hos11:1 & Matt 2:13-15
Consider whether a verse/passage you are studying is quoted/referred to in the NT and see how the NT "interprets" the text.
Hermeneutical Perspective #4: Clarification & Identification of OT Realities
Jesus is Yahweh: Exod 3:13-14 & the "I am"
statements in John's Gospel (6:20; 8:58; 13:19;
Jesus saved the Israelites: Jude 5; 1 Cor 10
In reading OT texts, consider whether this perspective can shed light on a passage.
Who is "the commander of the Lord's army"
(Josh 5)?
Hermeneutical Perspective #5: God's Covenant with His People
Covenant: "A solemn commitment between two parties, involving promises and obligations, sealed by an oath".
Various OT covenants:
Noah -* Abram -> Moses David New Covenant
Try to situate the passage in relation to the history of the covenant and its accompanying promises & obligations.
Hermeneutical Perspective #6: "Theocentric" Reading of theOT
"Theocentric" (God-centered) vs.
"anthropocentric" (man-centered)
"What is God doing to redeem His People?" vs.
"What is this human character doing in this
- What is Ruth 1 really about?
- Remember that God isn't always "visible" in a text!
(e.g. Elisha narratives)
"What does this passage teach about God's
being or His character?"
Hermeneutical Perspective #7: The Appropriate Use of Typological Interpretation
Definitions of "type/typology":
- "a symbol of something future and distant, or
an example prepared and evidently designed
by God to prefigure that future thing. What is
thus prefigured is called the antitype."
- "the preordained representative relation which
certain persons, events, and institutions of the
Old Testament bear to corresponding
persons, events, and institutions in the New".
Hermeneutical Perspective #7: The Appropriate Use of Typological Interpretation
New Testament terms:
typos - "type/figure" (Rom 5.14 Adam as a
"type" of the one to come)
s/c/a - "shadow" (Col 2.17)
hypodeigma - "copy" (Heb 8.5 earthly temple a
"copy and shadow" of the heavenly)
parabole - "figure/parable" (Heb 9.9)
antitypon - "the true pattern/figure, i.e. the thing
which the 'type' corresponds to" (Heb 9.24)
5. Application ideas
Identify 1-3 ways in which the passage should be applied today. more
STATISTICS RESEARCH PAPER TOPIC: Effective treatment for individuals suffering from anxiety, who range in age from late teens to late twenties.
Paper is to be 14 pages, NOT counting the cove...r/title page and reference list pages. (A bibliography and title page must be included).
There needs to be 15 quality articles. You MUST include copies of ALL articles, but the articles will NOT count towards the overall total length of the paper.
Approximately 2/3 of the paper should be the Abstract, Introduction and Literature Review. (specifics requirements for each of these sections are listed below)
1/3 of the paper should be the Conclusion and Application sections. (specifics also listed below)
The focus of this paper is a clinical treatment application based on 15 articles dealing with psychotherapy outcomes or the effectiveness of counseling and what general or specific ingredients produce the effectiveness found in the studies. The type of counseling research can be individual psychotherapy (adult, child or adolescent), marital or family therapy. The paper must summarize the articles and make application of the summary for clinical practice. Therefore you must have a treatment issue with a client you are trying to solve for this paper.
If you cannot find 15 psychotherapy outcome articles around your specific topic, you can add articles based on the important aspects of your topic and tie these articles together. For example, 10 articles on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals suffering from anxiety, plus 5 articles on the specific causes (genetics, caffeine, etc), and side effects (sleeping and eating habits, miscarriage, etc) of individuals who suffer from anxiety. You then would need to provide an integration of the findings of all 15 articles.
You MUST follow APA style guidelines.
Please attach a note as to whether you are following the 5th or 6th edition of the APA Manual.
An abstract should begin with a definitive statement of the problem, study or project. The purpose, scope, and limit of the review and application should be clearly delineated. Then, as concisely as possible, a summary of the research, major findings, the significance of the work (if appropriate), conclusions and clinical application should be described. (adapted from Journal of Thesis Abstract Guidelines)
First passage in a journal article, dissertation, or scholarly research study that -
Creates reader interest.
States or establishes the problem that leads to the study.
Indicate why the problem is important by citing references and clinical/treatment issue.
Places the study within the larger context of the field, research, etc.
The use of literature in the introduction differs from the full literature review: Summarize large groups of studies (broad categories) in the introduction.
Reaches out to a specific audience: Clinical practitioners.
May provide theoretical perspective.
May provide research question(s).
Introduction Grading: Clear overview of paper, demonstrates importance of topic, hooks the reader into the paper.
Review of the Literature:
Focus on recent research studies (past 10-15 years) and any seminal articles (first or key article to throw light or new direction on the subject).
Do NOT simply list and explain each article. It needs to be cohesive, tying the topics together utilizing a common theme or theory. A literature review is a critical analysis and synthesis of the various studies. The organization of the literature review is based on the literature itself. Identify specific deficiencies in past literature.
Review of the Literature Grading:
Variety of studies and attention to detail about the topic.
Information is gathered from multiple, research-based sources.
Objective, balanced view of the literature presented
Each cited study is related to the topic and to other studies.
Well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and structure.
The writing goes from general ideas to specific conclusions.
Transitions tie sections together, as well as adjacent paragraphs.
The appropriate content in consideration is covered in depth without being redundant.
Significance of article, finding, etc. is unquestionable.
Information synthesized and brought to a logical conclusion.
For any conclusion you draw from the studies you must use the "P.E.E." criteria listed below.
Point State the Point or big idea of your conclusion.
Explain Explain the point of the conclusion as needed.
Evidence Provide Evidence for your conclusion.
Conclusion Grading:
Succinct and precise conclusions based on the review.
Insights into the problem are appropriate.
Conclusions are strongly supported in the report.
Conclusions of the literature review are appropriately applied to the clinical problem.
Application is clearly explained so another clinician could make the same application for his or her client.
References Grading:
References correctly typed, appropriate number and quality.
All needed citations were included in the report.
References matched the citations, and all were encoded in APA format.
Mechanics and Writing Style Grading:
Correct spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, word usage.
Writing is crisp, clear, and succinct.
Uses the active voice when appropriate.
The use of pronouns, modifiers, parallel construction, and non-sexist language are appropriate.
Information logically organized with good flow.
Issues threaded throughout paper.
One final note: The bottom line on how you organize and write your literature review and application is based on the clinical problem and the themes and data of the research literature. Do NOT organize your paper per article! This will result in a failing grade. The objective is to write a cohesive paper tying the topics together, utilizing a common theme or theory. more
Please read the description of needed paper below.
I will send some files might help you in this paper. please keep the language simple but formal.
thank you
Saud Alkahtani
You are free to pick a construction related topic for your research paper. If you cannot think of a topic, you are welcome to pick one from the list below. This list is by no means exhaustive. Your paper should be between 12 to 15 pages double spaced typed.
A. Your grading will be based on four (4) areas:
1. Research and Facts
2. Analysis
3. Support for the positions you take
4. Presentation
* Keep an extra copy of the paper in the event yours is lost.
Your paper should include at least the following areas. I will be looking for analysis, facts, research and presentation.
A. ANALYSIS: You should generally discuss the nature of the legal issue.
B. FACTS AND RESEARCH: You should document your position for areas of exposure, etc., based on any research information that you gleaned. These might include sources from the library, people who have undertaken such activity, or anything else that you wish to add. However, as a minimum, you should make sure that your research contains:
1. At least five reported cases that cover the position or discussion.
2. At least seven scholarly articles.
3. Any other support you wish to include. You may increase the number noted above, but it should contain those noted, at a minimum.
C. PRESENTATION: Your paper should be typed, double spaced, and in a neat and presentable fashion (i.e., good grammar, spelling, etc.). Margins should be 1 inch on all sides with 12 pt. font.
Keep in mind that copies of all the authorities that you use should be included. Thus, if you cited a case, you should attach copies of those cases, articles, and so forth, to your paper. If you feel that only part of an article is relevant to your discussion, and it is a long article, photocopy the first page and then the relevant portions.
Possible Construction Topics for the Research Paper:
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Role of CM, CMs risk, Advantages of using CM, Disadvantages of using CM, etc.
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Airport Operations Analyse Miami International Airport KMIA
1.Analyse it from a business and operational point of view, particularly considering the context of the topics discussed below.
a. what type of airport is it: Gateway, hub, local/regional, low cost, secondary, cargo, origin, destination, origin and destination, etc.
b. does it have any major operational issues.
c. what are the requirements of the main airlines operating in it.
d. what are the characteristics of its catchment area.
e. does it have any competitors.
f. what are its sources of revenue.
g. is it a private or public airport. is it a listed airport.
h. does it have to undertake any major investments and why.
i. how has the evolution of passenger and cargo traffic been.
j. how are its finances.
k. performance indicators.
l. other
2. What do you consider to be the major challenges being faced by this airport? And if you know its development strategy, is it still the correct one considering the current market conditions?
3. You should outline the key issues encountered by the airport and provide recommendations, alternatives and/or strategies that should be adopted in the short, medium and long-term. Remember there are no right or wrong answers but you should base your suggested recommendations and/or strategy on solid research(i.e. you may provide data, information obtained from articles, websites, etc.).
Marking Scheme
Analysis of the operating and business environment
Analysis of the major issues/challenges faced by the airport
Recommendations and conclusions
The main aim of this assignment is to determine if the student can identify the factors that influence the airports from an operational and business point of view within the highly competitive air transport business. The student should demonstrate research into the specific airport selected as well as some research into the current state of the international aviation indusrty.
Lengthy introductions or historical information is not needed, neither is complex inclusion of financial figures. Instead the student should select the appropriate figures and data and discuss it by contrasting it with other airports or the industry in general.
Thank you very much and any questions sigmachi40@yahoo.com more
Book review of the following book:
The Divided Ground: Indians, Settlers, and the Northern Borderland of the American Revolution (Hardcover)
Hardcover: 560 pages
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf; 1st edition (February 21, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0679454713
ISBN-13: 978-0679454717
Topic: An Exercise in Anachronism
1. Choose TWO authors of the same religious, moral or political topics between the years 1400-1625.
2. In a creative essay WITH citation...s, discuss how each author would deal with a chose CURRENT world issue.
Example: Machivallis and Erasmus response to the current economic crisis.
1) Number pages.
2) Include a creative and informative essay title
3) Essays must be typed and double-spaced in a 12-pt font
4) The essay should be 6 pages in length
Organization and content
1) Each paragraph should be organized around one central point (topic sentence) which is explored and/or illustrated in the paragraph.
2) Cite all sources of directly or indirectly borrowed words or ideas!!!! But do avoid the overuse of cut & pasted quotations. Your paper must still be original.
3) Be sure to include the following in the body of your paper:
a. Social/political/historical context
b. Factual content with examples to support you theses and demonstrate good research and critical thinking skills
c. Original thought
Formal style
1) Use good grammar and spelling
2) Demonstrate facility with proper historical and/or anthropological terminology
3) Avoid contractions (e.g. write it is instead of its)
4) Do not use slang or colloquial language except in quotation.
5) Avoid dangling prepositions (in, at, to, of, from, by, etc) at the ends of sentences
1) Sources of illustrations should be referenced
2) Bibliography should include at least FOUR scholarly sources. THREE of these must be non-internet sources.
3) You may use one internet source only. Neither Wikipedia nor the course textbook may be used as one of your sources.
4) Bibliographies should be alphabetized by authors last names and written in MLA or Chicago style
5) You can use "email attached items" to cite in your bibliography.
There are faxes for this order. more
1) After reading chapters 7 and 8, answer any three discussion questions, ("Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions" at the end of each chapter), but there should be at least one question from each chapter. Identify each discussion question when answering, i.e. Ch7 (DQ#) and Ch8 (DQ#). Thank you.
To access e-book, follow these directions:
1) Go to www.coursesmart.com
2) Click on "Sign In" on top of the page and log in.
E-mail: alibusy@earthlink.net
3) Then, pick a book from the list (Global Business Today, 5th Edition)
4) Click on "Read Online Version" button (green).
5) For easy navigation around chapters, click on "Detailed Table of Contents" (on the left column).
No colloquials, no gendered language, use an active voice. I am using the book Learning by David G. Myers, if that helps. The paper is generally open but it was stressed that it sticks to the topic. As long as it conforms to APA formatting and sticks to the topic, I should be good.
Please don't be too abstract and cite all sources and try to be detailed and use only reputable sources. Wikipedia is acceptable but do not cite it. Thank you very much.
(Readings on the Penobscot Indians imbedded in lecture notes)
Native American/Alaskan Native history
Fast Facts on Native American and Alaskan Native Health
American Indian Health
Native Health Database
Broken Promises:
Indian Health Service
NYS Office of Children & Youth Native American Services
Native American Women Health at Risk
Native American Child Health
Alaskan Native American Health Consortium
Alaskan Native Health Board
Native Americans
It is believed that Native Americans are from Mongolian descent, having traveled across the Bering Strait to North America.
Native Americans have a unique culture based mostly on religion and a strong sense of community.
They believe that they are equal to, not better or worse, than anyone or anything else.
Native American health practices are holistic in nature.
Native American medicine is very similar to medicinal approaches used by the Chinese. Both value the treatment of the mind, body, and spirit, and uses the natural elements to cure illnesses.
Specially trained medicine men and women evaluate ill tribal members and determine the appropriate herbal and spiritual remedies.
This is my very own medicine bag made by my Aunt Ruth
Each tribes traditions and culture are unique, and are based on their religious beliefs, and their own experiences throughout time.
The Penobscot Indians
The Penobscot Indians are one of 4 Federally recognized tribes in Maine.
History of the Penobscot Tribe
A series of wars fought with and against the White Man, along with politicians signing treaties that were never ratified with the Penobscot Indians for their land continues to influence the Indians opinion of the White Mans government today.
The Native Americans health was also affected by the White Man bringing diseases to America that the Native Americans had no immunity to. Smallpox was used as biological warfare against Native Americans and killed thousands.
Societal Pressures affecting
Native Americans
Native Americans view the world from a different perspective than the general population of the US
More deeply religious
Mystical approach to understanding nature
More cooperative than competitive
Most reservations for tribes are in rural areas, which as has been discussed before can lead to fewer choices for jobs, lower socioeconomic status, and poorer health.
There is a constant struggle to maintain their traditions and culture while integrating into mainstream society.
Check out this web site for a great overview of Native American Health:
Top 10 causes of Native American Mortality are:
1. Cardiovascular disease CAD, HTN, and rheumatic heart disease
2. Cancer
3. Unintentional Injuries
4. Diabetes
5. Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis
6. Cerebrovascular Disease
7. Pneumonia/Influenza
8. Suicide
10. Homicide
3 Reasons why Native Americans health is lower than the general population:
1. Genetic Predispositions diabetes, kidney disease
2. Individual Risk Behaviors smoking, diet and nutrition, alcohol and drug abuse, safety knowledge and practices, sexual behavior, and physical activity
3. Socioeconomic and Environmental Factors lower levels of income, education, housing, and employment
Specific Risk Factors for Disease and Ill Health in the Native American Population:
1. Habitual or recreational use of tobacco
2. Obesity
3. Less-active lifestyle
4. Alcohol Abuse
Do people really have time to do things like this and post them on the web?
Rhoades, E. R., & Cravatt, K. (2004). Critical issues in rural health (1st ed.). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Publishing. From page 134.
Indian Health Services
Because of their status as a Federally recognized tribe, the Penobscot Indians receive their health care through a branch of the US Department of Health and Human Services named the Indian Health Services.
The mission of the IHS, in partnership with American Indian/Alaskan Native people, is to raise their physical, mental, social, and spiritual health to the highest level. The IHS goal is to ensure that comprehensive, culturally acceptable personal and public health services are available and accessible to all AI/AN people. The IHS mission and goal are based on its foundation to uphold the Federal Government's obligation to promote healthy AI/AN people, communities, and cultures, and to honor and protect the inherent sovereign rights of Tribes.
The Native Americans Lobby group for issues related to their health
Their legislative agenda for the second session of the 107th Congress (for all of us that had to attend Lobby Day)
Cultural Sensitivity
A brief overview of definitions
The Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Minority Health
A free online course for nurses on cultural competence
A great web site from a conference held in 2006 where six programs showed how they taught their health care workers about their culture.
After reading the above lecture notes answer these 2 questions:
1. You are a health care provider through the Indian Health Services for the Penobscot tribe. Choose one of the four risk factors for disease and ill health and describe what preventative services you would provide to help lessen the impact of this risk factor on the health of the Penobscot people.
2. Review six model programs on the Creating Space for Culture web site. Using these six programs as a guide, develop a program that you could institute at the Penobscot Indian Health Service Clinic that would make the care there more culturally sensitive. more
PhD level. Bibliography UK style.
Subject; Jewish Kabbalah, Islamic Sufism and Jung.
What can connections and parallels teach us today in terms of interfaith dialogue and Peace nego...tiation? Esoteric elements of Judaism & Islam are intrinsically open and tolerant of other faiths. Old Testament is starting point for Islam & Christianity (Abrahamic faiths). Both now have representatives (although controversial) who say do not need to adhere to a specific faith in order to study their 'universal truths'. Kabbalah Centre and Golden Sufi Centre. Also Look into Islamic Perennialists, ie Martin Lings, Fritoff Schoeun, Titus Burckhardt, ReneGuenon. Historically; Al-Gazali, Ibn Arabi and exchange with Moses Maimonides, St Thomas Aquinas. Today- Huston Smith etc. If there is a link that can be nourished between ABrahamic faiths, surely this points well for relationship between all faiths?
Jung interested in esotericism- took inspiration from Kaballah, knew nothing of Sufism- what if he had? Arguably in the modern age, psychology/psychotherapy has replaced religion- but Jung believed in a spiritual/numinous purpose of life- can his language help us to heal the rift with faith and between different religions. Current Psychotherapists who emphasise the priority of the development of ones Soul - Viktor E Frankl & psychotherapist Rabbi Sachs & Neo Jungians ie James Hillman. http://www.newkabbalah.com/hil2.html
Im aware that this is a loose thread so pls develop argument as you see fit in order for the best possible standard of paper but this is only the general theme.
Pls write Biliography in reuired UK university style more
The main task of the assignment is to visit the official websites of the Democratic (www.democrats.org) and Republican (www.gop.com) parties and compare them.
As you browse the two sites, l...ook for ways that the parties differ from each other.
Some specific things to consider:
How do the parties differ from each other on the issues? What issues does each party highlight? What issues do the Republicans talk about that the Democrats dont and vice versa? What do the differences in issue coverage reveal about the philosophical differences between the parties? What is each partys position on the various issues? (Visit the Republican Issue pages and the Democratic Agenda pages, though youll also find other discussions of each partys viewpoint in various parts of their websites.)
Appeals and Activities
How do the parties differ from each other in the way they try to reach out to people? Do there seem to be differences in which groups the two parties are trying to appeal to? What types of new stories does each party highlight, and what kinds of activities do they try to get people involved in? How does each party portray the other party or its leaders?
Overall Approach
More broadly, how do the two websites differ from each other? Are there differences in the kinds of language and imagery that the two parties use to appeal to visitors to the sites? What do the various differences reveal about the underlying differences between the parties and their political philosophies?
Take notes on the differences you find in these three areas. more
The paper is a Ethnographic research essay.
The cultural event is Day of the Dead (Da de los Muertos in Spanish) Festival.
The essay should include details about who(what group or groups of people) is at the event, how they behave, what they wore, how they interact with one another using language and other forms of communication and any other anthropological observations. Include qutoes from the consultants that help one understand the perspectives, behaviors, and experiences of the event.
In the essay, it should try to provide an ethnographic account of the event. This will include a description of the event and the people in attendance, an EMIC perspective on the following questions: Why are people participating in the event? Are issues of age, gender, status, power, and/or economics(or other factors) being expressed or negotiated during the event, and are they affecting the ways different individual participate? Do all the participants understand the event in the same way?
I've already thought about an outline for the paper. Please try to stick to it, unless you have plausible reasons not to do so.
Stolen Generation
1 Introduction<...br>
(e.g. current event: National Sorry Day; Kevin Rudd (Premier)s apology, example for a particular child's case, outline/structure of the paper)
2 Historical and social background (biefly)
2.1 Indigenous Australians and the impact of British settlement (1788) (link to British social history, colonisation)
2.2 "Protection" and segregation of Aboriginal people in the 19th century
3 Stolen Generation
3.1 Emergence of the child removal policy and policy in practice
3.2 Consequences and effects of the Aboriginal Act 1869
? Numbers and facts
? Institutional and other placement types
? Separation from family and Indigenous community (culture)
? Violence and sexual abuse
? Long-term effects and trauma
? Reunion
4 Reparation (briefly)
4.1 Public awareness
4.2 Acknowledgement and apology
5 Conclusion
(e.g. personal CRITICAL opinion, todays situation, outlook)
The critical reflection of certain aspects or the whole topic is really essential and defintely worth more words than a conclusion usually contains, even more than 4. ("Reparation"), as it shows that you as a writer can do more than just paraphrasing what has once been written by someone else (that's what my prof at uni said;-) )
You can include footnotes, if necessary. Please also include a number of quotations and parenthetical citations.
The grade of the term paper is very important to me, as it is part of my grade for the 1st State Exam (in Germany). As I am studying English, besides the content, the language itsself is very important, too.
Thanks a lot! more
Past order A1131168 (mmorley), I had a paper done by this writers she or he did two-third of the research and I need a rewrite, the fault is my, so I will pay for the second paper. the second paper is like the first one just with a minor changes I need to compare a film called "Sixth Sense" directed by Shyamalan to two books one is Ceremony by Leslie Silko and the second book is America's Dream by Esmeralda Santiago, a few idea on the comparison topic "Running away from your past", or "Knowledge", "being a freak in your community" or anything you could think of to compare both books to the film. The class syllabus states "this course will explore the literary production of ethnic writers working in the US. We will reflect in and discuss question of social invisibility, cultural, translation, language, race, class, and gender.
Comparing a major Movie film to two books: The Sixth Sense by M. Night Shyamalan, Child psychologist Malcom Crowe is one night visited by an ex-patient named Vincent, angry, enraged. He wounds Crowe, ...then kills himself. A few months later, Crowe is visited by a 9-year old boy named Cole. He sees dead people who do not know they are dead. Because of this, he is called a freak in school. Crowe, at first thinks he is seeing things, but after spending a lot of time with Cole (much to his wife's dismay), he discovers Cole may be seeing dead people after all and you can choose any two of the following books to compare the movie to (1) Americas Dream by Esmeralda Santiago, (2) Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko, (3) Sula by Toni Morrison, (4) The Brief Wondrous life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. The key Comparison of the Film and two books. A little back ground on the course title: US Ethnic Writers and the syllabus states: we will reflect on and discuss questions of social invisibility, cultural translation, language, race, class and gender. Three theoretical inquiries: what does it mean to be an ethnic writer?, Why are ethnic writers in the US so deeply concerned with Ghosts?, what is the ghosts relation to the construction of the minority subjects face/race/identity. more
E-commerce IT Assignment
**ATTENTION** May only choose of Australian E-commerce website to write a report.
- Word Lengths: 1200 words maximum
-Also provide a link to the example of a ...successful Australian site you are going to write a report about.
- Use of an Australian e-commerce site and write up report based on the following:
The Internet is becoming more and more a part of the modern business environment. This is the concept of Electronic Commerce (e-commerce), and businesses need to consider the impact it will have on the way that they will function. Many reports to Government have highlighted the need for Australian business to embrace e-commerce in order to remain viable and competitive in todays global economy.
You are the CKO of a business and you prepare a report for your CEO outlining the potential impacts and benefits ecommerce could offer your organization.
To do this you will need to:
1. Investigate the available literature to discover what e-commerce means, what benefits it offers businesses, both large and small, and the impact that it is having on the business community in general.
2. From this write a brief report that could be presented to any business manager.
3. Your report must be in generalized language (NON-TECHNICAL) that could be read and understood by any level of management.
4. This means that it must be in a professional, businesslike manner and that you must use correct referencing, grammar (no slang or contractions of words) and spelling.
5. You are to include details of one example of a successful Australian e-commerce implementation. Discuss the site and its features stating why (in your opinion) the website is or is not effective.
Ensure that you read widely in this area, and correctly reference the material you read. You may be using mostly newspaper, magazine, journal articles and the Internet for your principal source materials, as the information in textbooks may not be current enough. HOWEVER do not rely completely on web based material. Demonstrate that you are well read and accessed a wide range of communication mediums. more
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Read Full Paper ❯Topic: An Exercise in Anachronism Direction: 1. Choose TWO authors of the same religious, moral or political topics between the years 1400-1625. 2. In a creative essay WITH citations, discuss…
Read Full Paper ❯1) After reading chapters 7 and 8, answer any three discussion questions, ("Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions" at the end of each chapter), but there should be at least…
Read Full Paper ❯No colloquials, no gendered language, use an active voice. I am using the book Learning by David G. Myers, if that helps. The paper is generally open…
Read Full Paper ❯REQUIRED READINGS (Readings on the Penobscot Indians imbedded in lecture notes) Native American/Alaskan Native history https://www.ovcttac.gov/VATOnline_Course/settings/reservation/history.cfm Fast Facts on Native American and Alaskan Native Health http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/indfacts.htm American Indian Health http://americanindianhealth.nlm.nih.gov/ SUGGESTED READINGS Native…
Read Full Paper ❯PhD level. Bibliography UK style. Subject; Jewish Kabbalah, Islamic Sufism and Jung. What can connections and parallels teach us today in terms of interfaith dialogue and Peace negotiation? Esoteric…
Read Full Paper ❯The main task of the assignment is to visit the official websites of the Democratic (www.democrats.org) and Republican (www.gop.com) parties and compare them. As you browse the two…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper is a Ethnographic research essay. The cultural event is Day of the Dead (Da de los Muertos in Spanish) Festival. ALL OF THIS CAN BY MADE UP. BUT NOT…
Read Full Paper ❯Hello, I've already thought about an outline for the paper. Please try to stick to it, unless you have plausible reasons not to do so. Stolen Generation 1 Introduction (e.g. current event: National Sorry…
Read Full Paper ❯Past order A1131168 (mmorley), I had a paper done by this writers she or he did two-third of the research and I need a rewrite, the fault is my,…
Read Full Paper ❯Comparing a major Movie film to two books: The Sixth Sense by M. Night Shyamalan, Child psychologist Malcom Crowe is one night visited by an ex-patient named Vincent, angry,…
Read Full Paper ❯E-commerce IT Assignment **ATTENTION** May only choose of Australian E-commerce website to write a report. - Word Lengths: 1200 words maximum -Also provide a link to the example of a successful Australian…
Read Full Paper ❯