25+ documents containing “School Program”.
1. Essay. Please address as completely as possible the following areas:
a) What are your reasons for wanting to obtain an advanced degree in Counseling Pyschology?
b) What are you...r short-term and long term goals, or how do you see yourself as contributing toward the improvement of as social or community problem in your area?
c) The MSCP Program is degigned to be an academically intense and experientially demanding program? If admitted, we (the faculty) plan to create and maintain an intellectually and personally challenging experience for you. therefore, please describe how you plan to balance graduate school, work, and personal life (i.e. relationships, family, etc).
(That is the assignment. My background is I'm a 44 yrs old male, a registered nurse with 17 yrs experience in the mental health field. I am retired military, school will be paid by the GI Bill, so I intend only to work part time. I have a 13 yr old son in the 7th grade and am in a relationship with a woman who is also a RN) I have a BS in psychology and have met all the prerequisites for the program. The school is Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage, Alaska, the same town I reside in. I plan to use the program to further my education in my preferred field of work. Some problems specific to the population here in Alaska are substance abuse,(particularly alcohol), children born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, child abuse, family discord, depression and a high rate of suicide in the Native population.) more
Each student will analyze and solve cases of various sizes. The cases require the student to apply theories, concepts, policies, and practices from all the ...core courses taken by the student. The focus of the case analysis is to identify the existing issues (that is problems which must be addressed by decision makers); analyze identified problems and issues using concepts from the core courses; and describe and evaluate alternatives for addressing the issues. The student must be specific and integrate knowledge/skills obtained from the MPA program. You must support your position(s) and be detailed and specific.
This is a typed (12 pitch font and double spaced - MS Word)
Will e-mail following files:
Case Analysis Materials
MPA_Case_Analysis_Narration.doc (114.5 Kb)
MPA_Case_Methodology_NA.ppt (204.5 Kb)
Case_Format_6699_05-06r.doc (43 Kb)
The Case Format file provides the structure and content of the case analysis process we will use in this course. You must be completely familiar with the process to perform well in the course. The PowerPoint slides and related narrative provide in depth background on case analysis.
- will also send additional notes for the core class and a sample paper.
There are faxes for this order. more
The article must address school change.
The author or some teacher leader discusses or bring about school change.
Change article rubric:
1. Identified the change discussed in the article.
2. Described why the change was needed.
3. Discussed the effects/outcomes of the change.
4. Reflected upon the importance of the article.
The 4 items listed above must be apart of the article critique.
The title of the article should be at the beginning of the paper.
**********Please Read I have submitted another order that goes with this order. I would like the same individual to complete both orders since they tie in together. The Order # is A2021118.******* Thank you.
Strategy Analysis (minimum of 12 pages and 15 references):
Compare and contrast any two of the ten schools of strategy outlined in the course text, Strategy Safari.
Specifically, analyze each strategic school of thinking across the three dimensions:
Content and process.
As part of your analysis, evaluate how each of the two strategy schools views:
How risk, uncertainty, and effective resource allocation are best managed.
How market structure influences strategic options.
How fast-moving environments are best approached.
Write a minimum of 12 pages for your Strategy Analysis, not including the title page, table of contents, and resources.
Support your 12-page analysis with a minimum of 15 scholarly sources that discuss the two chosen strategy perspectives.
Use APA style and formatting for your written paper with well-developed thoughts that convey the message.
Elder Service Learning Technology Impact Project
This my topic to be develop step
Teach, Collaborate, and Create a plan for integrating a service learning project into one or ...more classrooms by conducting professional development with colleagues and community members. All teachers and appropriate community members should be invited to collaborate, plan and create service learning project or projects. The candidate will research and develop an appropriate professional development session(s) to help key stakeholders develop a quality plan for a school wide service project or smaller projects based on a specific school/community data supported problem. As the leader, the candidate will be available to facilitate a deeper understanding about the district?s vision and possible service learning challenges. For example, the candidate will provide guidance to ensure the members create a plan that address the need for appropriate time, resources, support, safety high expectations and a viable ways to assess the impact on student learning. The candidate will also utilize leadership strategies to promote distributed leadership and effective decision making skills. During this step, the stakeholders will also need to create a plan of action, including a way to assess the effectiveness of the plan and its impact on student learning. This enables you to demonstrate your competence in the ELCC 1: Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders. ELCC 2: demonstrate the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff. ELCC 3: demonstrate the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment ELCC 4: the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
I will send the rubric , I really need help on this rush . Hector more
I am writing a paper on three schools. These schools are Seattle Pacific University, Western Washington University, and University of Washington all located In Western Washington State. My research qu...estion is: Why are these schools located where they are? Why did people build these schools at the specific locations where they are found today, this will include history to anything else. What made them come there and build the schools and at that specific location.
Guidelines: 1. I need 12 sources: 7 of these sources need to be primary sources meaning that the author actually did first hand research on this topic. anything from government doc. to journals. 2. Paper organization a. intro: (problem/question)-typically more general, purpose/objective and significance-more specific b. study area, where these places are located c. methods d. results/discussion e. summar/conclusion f. references for paper: write numbers as numerals whenever they are associated with measurement units or if they are part of mathematical expressions, spell out numbers if less than ten. If greater than 10 write as numerals. Use numerals for decimal numbers. Use headings and subheadings to help the reader see the direction of the paper at the glance. Cite the sources when they are quoted and when paraphrasing it. Figures or tables can be used within the text or on seperate sheet. I hope this is enough information to help you guys. more
Title: Article Review
Due Date: October 16, 2006
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to critique a scholarly article related to Instructional Technology.
Overview: Your assignment is to locate a scholarly article of 5 or more pages in length. You will write a review of the article summarizing its key points and the author?s position or argument and a critique including your reactions to the content, its contribution to the field, and your understanding of the subject matter. Instructions for completing, saving and submitting the assignment are provided below. Please read them carefully. The grading criteria are provided at the end of this document.
Summary of Assignment
Summarize and critique the article. Include the following:
a.Key points.
b.The author?s position or argument.
c.Your reactions to the content and its contribution to the field.
d.Its contribution to your understanding of the subject matter.
Grading Criteria
Article selection 3 points
Summary 10 points
Critique 10 points
grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. 2 points
Maximum Score 25 points
******I've emailed the article to be reviewed in PDF format.
Its named: Managing the Use of School Technology.pdf
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Assume that the schools in your state are 100% funded through state tax dollars. Schools in your state are not permitted to levy local taxes. You have been assigned the job of overseeing distribution of state dollars to all of the schools in your state. (New Jersey)
Prepare an essay that addresses the following:
1. When distributing the funds, would you consider ADA (Average Daily Attendance) or ADM (Average Daily Membership)? Why?
2. What are the advantages of using ADM or ADA in allocating state money to school districts?
3. How would you equalize the funds so as to maximize the cost-quality relationship?
4. Based on demographic and economic factors, how would you prepare for the changes in the local area on the revenue and expenditures of a school district? What types of changes might you expect?
I have sent 3 sources that need to be added in anyway. I need a total of at least 5.
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Current Event: please write a Statement of Purpose as if you were seeking to enter into Bryan University for their E-discovery program. The challenge will be using the information provided to you su...ch as the attached resume. You may use quotes. Using quotes from a published professor or one of the board members will be a great plus. Two pages or up to two pages. The professor is not concerned with the personal life of the individual, but with the format as a reader.
The central theme of a statement of purpose should be the reasons that you are interested in attending a specific program at the institution. The statement should be well organized, concise, and completely free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Try to be original and interesting without sounding conceited. Typically, statements are two pages, typed and double spaced.
Before you begin a draft, keep the following suggestions in mind:
? Remember your audience. You can assume that the admission committee consists of professors in your area of study. You do not need to define basic terminology. Do not ?talk down? to your audience. Stick to what you are an expert in?your life and experiences.
? Establish your voice. Choose a voice/tone that is confident without sounding arrogant. Usually a straightforward tone will serve you best. If you need to explain poor GPA or GRE scores, do so without making excuses. Just state what affected your performance and follow-up with what you did to improve the situation. Your tone in the essay should reflect what is special, unique, distinctive, or impressive about you.
? Turn weaknesses into strengths. There are always two ways to look at everything. For instance, you can write, ?I nearly flunked out of school in my freshman year and I am just now regaining focus,? or you can equally (and honestly) say, ?Lacking focus my freshman year caused my grades to suffer. As you can see from the last 60 units on my transcript, I have improved my grade point average to a level demonstrating readiness for graduate level work.?
Use the following five topics to assist you in writing an effective statement of purpose:
? How did you become interested in this field? It is important to establish that you have had a long term interest in the field and that you have taken positive steps in pursuing this interest. You may choose to open your essay with an example of how a teacher/professor first sparked your interest, or you may draw from other educational, occupational, or personal experiences.
? What kind of activities or experiences have you had that have contributed toward your preparation for or understanding of this field? This section will probably be the longest portion of your essay. You could order your experiences chronologically or you could group experiences into categories. For instance, you can demonstrate your interest in a field by providing examples of internships, work experience, research experience, community service, publications, or life experiences. However, don?t just list what you did ?resume style.? Instead, outline what you did as well as what you have learned about the field or yourself that stimulated your interest in graduate study.
? What type of graduate study are you interested in? What is your career objective? State whether you are interested in a master?s or a Ph.D. degree. Don?t leave the committee guessing as to what your degree objective is! If you are applying to a broad discipline, then specify what subdiscipline you are interested in. For example, if you are applying in the field of psychology, the committee needs to know whether you are pursuing clinical, counseling, cognitive, or developmental psychology. Let the reader know whether you are planning a career in teaching, research, consulting, public service or private practice (or whatever your goal happens to be).
? What are your research interests? Within your field, you should be aware of several topics that are of interest to you. You do not need to state a particular thesis or dissertation topic. You might address one or two questions or problems in your chosen field, or indicate an interest in a particular time period or author. Remember that you will be working under or along with professors in research; therefore, your research interests should parallel, or be able to benefit from, those of the faculty.
? What attracts you most about the institution you are applying to and why are you a match for their program? You should have solid reasons for why you are applying to an institution. Align your research interests to those of one or more professors. The better the ?match? with the institution, the better the chance that you will be admitted.
In summary, the reader should be able to:
? Ascertain the origin of your interest in a field of study.
? See the growth of that interest over a period of time (as illustrated by experience).
? Clearly see that, for the applicant, attending graduate school is the next logical step in the sequence toward a specific goal. more
This project is divided into five mandatory sections:
Section 1:
Title page
Program Overview, which includes Program Center?s:
Type of center...
Hours of operation
Ages of children served
Summary of how this center fills a need in the community in which it is located
Section 2:
Program Center's Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Educational Philosophy which includes a summary of the child development theory on which this philosophy is based
Curriculum Model and a complete explanation as to how this curriculum model supports the center?s Vision, Mission, and Educational Philosophy
Section 3:
Description of the program center?s classroom and playground environment (including specifics of how the facility?s design supports a child?s growth and development)
A comprehensive summary of strategies for inclusive practices
Section 4:
Teacher position description which includes teacher qualifications and position responsibilities
Staff professional growth plan
Description of the program center?s discipline policy
Plan for staff/family communication including orientation, daily exchanges, and monthly communication
Description of assessment process used to document children?s progress
Section 5:
A service to children policy and procedure for child/staff ratio and optimal class size (maximum class size)
One health and safety policy and procedure for either the management of injuries/emergencies or nutrition and food handling
Strategy for program evaluations and an evaluation tool developed to support this strategy
You must include four references, in addition to the textbook. All references must becited in the paper as well as the reference page.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. more
I need you to create a case study for a school in Trenton , New Jersey .Preferably Dunn Middle School- (Trenton Public School District. Data may be found in variety of places, including the district office, the school front office, the school district website, and the state department of education.
Write a case study of which includes the following information:
1. Demographics
2. Goals/mission/school direction
3. AYP status and history -low student achievement
4. Enrollment and staffing
5. District and community background - inner city tough neighborhood
6. Current news/issues- new pricipal this year
7. Any other pertinent information
Include an analysis of how you might, as principal, improve the school based on the data you have been able to gather.
I will also be sending you information from my Strategic Plan -some of this information could be included in the paper and expanded on.
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Customer is requesting that (johnfitz44) completes this order.
Write an essay or letter answering the following question.
In what ways will the uniqueness of a Catholic high school education benefit your daughter?
Following is some different inf...ormation that might be helpful.
By far the best thing I got out of it (and the 2nd biggest reason my kids are going to Catholic school) is the feeling of family. The feeling of belonging to a real community within a community. You tend to have to be really involved. You really feel like people care about you. In public school, there were teachers who obviously cared, but the overall the feeling was that you really didn't matter.
In Catholic school, you are taught right from wrong. It isn't an esoteric feel good sort of morality as could be upheld by the secular schools but the real, hey-if-you-do-wrong-you-will-be-punished sort of right and wrong.
Catholicism is something to be proud of and embrace. Being Catholic makes you special and different and that is something to celebrate.
The Catholic Schools are committed to teaching values for a lifetime and are dedicated to helping students reach their highest potential. The many benefits of a Catholic education help students develop the foundation they need for success in life.
Spiritual and Moral Values
Unique to Catholic schools is the opportunity to nurture spiritual and moral values within the students. This occurs and is constantly reinforced not only in classes of religious instruction but throughout the curriculum and extracurricular activities. The Gospel message is taught in our classrooms every day.
Our private schools are renowned for academic excellence with students consistently scoring in the top 1/3 on nationally standardized tests.
Community Service
Catholic schools exemplify the importance of living the message of the Gospel by helping others. All of our students participate in community service projects.
Continued Education
In a Catholic school, a child will be encouraged to further his or her education. The total number of Catholic high school graduates who continue their education is approximately 98 percent.
Extracurricular Activities
Catholic school students enjoy the benefits of a broad selection of extracurricular activities and sports to develop community commitment, social skills and physical fitness. Approximately 80 percent of our students participate in these activities.
Parental Involvement
Parental involvement is a critical to our schools. From the education commissions to home and school associations, to booster clubs and more, our private high schools and elementary schools look to parents for leadership.
Graduation Rate
Catholic students believe in the importance of a quality education. Approximately 98 percent of Catholic school students finish high school.
Committed Faculty
All teachers in the Catholic Schools are state certified, prepared and eager to educate your children.
Parents choose Catholic schools for their children because of high academic standards; values-added education and a safe school environment
Catholic Schools stress the value of self-discipline and commitment.
Catholic Schools encourage family input and involvement in the ongoing education of their children. Research shows that such a partnership results in higher attendance rates and lower dropout rates.
Catholic School students score significantly above the national averages on standardized testing.
Research shows that because of a greater emphasis on homework and study, Catholic School students develop more effective writing skills.
Catholic School faculty members are qualified professionals committed to bringing out the best in their students as they grow in knowledge, skills, and values.
Faculty and staff are role models who share their faith, their talents, and their time.
Catholic Schools have an excellent success rate in educating minority students.
Catholic Schools encourage each student to accept the challenges of being a better person in tomorrow's world.
The emphasis is on participation by all students.
Standardized test scores and a high college acceptance rate reflect that the Catholic School students are self-disciplined, self-motivated, responsible, and creative.
Appropriate social and cultural activities, under school sponsorship, provide relaxation and creative outlets.
Catholic Schools represent affordable excellence; there is an emphasis on efficiency and accountability.
Tuition cost is often supplemented by the parish, so the Catholic community shares the cost of education.
In addition to a strong program in the "basics," as well as challenging programs for gifted students, Catholic Schools add the significant "plus" of religious, moral, and spiritual development.
Faith and Values
Catholic Schools help students understand that each person is unique and valuable.
Catholic Schools strive to create a special bond among the students, the home, the school, and the church, so that all share the strong sense of community.
In Catholic Schools there is a mutual respect among students, faculty, and administrators which generates an atmosphere of care and concern.
Catholic Schools join with the family to help students understand their special place in the family, the Church, and society.
Students explore their faith through classes and activities in Scripture, Sacraments, Church, and morality.
While not all students who come to Catholic Schools are Catholic, all share experiences of faith and values more
I need a personal statement addressing the motivation for becoming a pharmacist. This statement should include information that views to be important in evaluating my application to the College of P...harmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. A little bit about my background: I am 21 years old, Indian, originally from Tanzania-East Africa, came to the United States in Febuary 1995, have five family memebers in my family. High School - Palm Beach Community High School. I was in the pre-medicine magnet program. Attended County Home and did internship with Palm Beach Medical Center. Community Colleges - Palm Beach Community College, Eissey campus. Activities included at Palm Beach Community College are member of International club, Circle K International and Student Government (year 2000 - 2001); Club president for Circle K international, Vice-president of International club and member of Student Government(2001 - 2002). Volunteered with many things such as school activities, Nursing home of Palm Beach Gardens, raised money for diabetes walks, the American Heart Association, beach clean-ups, sold candy, made holiday cards for nursing homes and sold raffle tickets to many events for Kiwanis International. Polk Community College - activities included Historian for Student Activities and started a new club of Circle K International(president) through Kiwanis International of Winter Haven. Volunteered for Circle K and Kiwanis actities such as Boys and Girls club, Head Start program of Winter Haven. I am currently attending Valencia Community College. Received my AA degree in May 2003 from Polk Community College. I work at Walgreens Pharmacy - 3 years experience. I am a technician - job responsibilities are to take in new prescriptions, enter them in the computer, fill prescriptions, help clients at the drive thru and pick up window, and also help to order medicine. General idea -
** my motivation to become a pharmacist was when I was a little girl I loved to play with legos, building and making stuff, and after taking a chemistry class in high school and builing molecules from a chemistry kit I realized I was actually coming up with a product. Also after taking organic chemistry it seemed to even make better sense. Meaning that I learned how the compounds are made and how they are used in prescription drugs. Each drug has its own chemical formula and understanding. I also understood the rules that describe chemical behavior. Therefore my understanding of medicine and how it is available to sick people when needed. How the overall effect is on each body and how everyone reacts to the medicine. In general it has become more meaningful. I would like to even have a better understanding of medicine, how it is made, how it is manufactured, how they come up with the name, and it's overall description. Also from working with clients and volunteering for many years - I like working with different people and understanding their problems. I feel that I would be a great pharmacist and be able to help in my communtiy.
Please make the above personal ideas into a professional admissions essay for pharmacy school. more
Reading text: The American School 1641-2000, Joel Sprng. 5th edition
Direction for Response Journal: Write a paragraph "on each chapter" (chapter 1 through chapter 17). Respond to some points in the readings.
1. Create a graphic organizer that depicts how your school's gifted placement process aligns with Arizona State requirements. Include roles and responsibilities.
2. Include a word supplement that addresses any gaps you found. Propose solutions for the gaps identified.
My school district is very small. There is no gifted coordinator, students are clustered (teachers do not have a gifted endorsement) test is taken once a year, the CogAT for verbal and quantitative testing.
Hi writer
Please , look at the uploaded assignment instructions. It will give you clear and detailed information about the assignment. Also you will be given useful resources, assignment criteria and two models of curriculum plans.
The subject outline would be uploaded as well and if you are interested in any reading listed in the outline, just let me know to supply you.
Some useful information:
Course Name: Theory and Practice of Literacy
My occupation: An English language Teacher at High Schools
Country: Saudi Arabia
Now: A student at Australian Uni in order to achieve the master degree in Applied Linguistics.
Please, make sure to meet all the requirements as my lecturer is very strict. Thanks
kind regards
Research Study or Program Evaluation: Identify an existing psychotherapy or counseling program or a mental health research problem. Prepare an 8-10 page evaluation/assessment that includes a brief description of the research problem (if program--the mission, objectives, goals of the program); research question(s); identification of research/program variables: methods used to evaluate the research/program variables; and research/program outcomes. Specifically address your findings or studys conclusion(s). If program evaluation, determine if the program should be continued, modified, or discontinued. Research Study or Program Evaluation. Read at least two peer-reviewed journal articles from any social science journal that addresses issues of research or program evaluation. Incorporate this research in your program evaluation or research paper.
My problem is school bullying.
Task: Pick three empirical articles related specifically to your topic and evaluate the quality and applicability of these articles techniques.
Purpose: Th...e purpose of this assignment is to help you gain practice in critically reading and assessing empirical research studies in the social work field as well as drawing connections between them.
Details: The three articles should be thematically linked, such as homeless teens in urban settings. The articles should provide clear details about the population, sample, research methodology, data collection techniques, and findings. Ultimately, you want to identify consistent themes in the literature, areas of disagreement and possible explanations for the contradictory findings. You also want to explain how your study relates to and builds upon these previous studies. In order to do that, you will want to take a look at (not necessarily in this order) the following:
- the population of interest of the research project
- the researchers sampling technique (How did the researcher select and recruit subjects?)
- the inclusionary and exclusionary criteria
- any practical issues the researchers faced
- the method of data collection
- the authors findings and conclusions
- what evidence supports the conclusions
- any ethical dilemmas you or the author identified
You will also want to critically analyze the following for each article:
- why was the researchers method of data collection appropriate for the topic?
- how well does the sample represent the population of interest?
- to whom can you generalize the results of this study?
- what are the strengths of the article that you could use in your own project?
- what are the limitations that you could improve upon?
- how can you apply their handling of practical and ethical problems in your own project?
Do not simply address each item in each article. Make the paper flow, and make the presentation of the material interesting.
Reference page: if you cite, a reference page must be included in APA style.
Due Date: Papers due in class week 7, March 19.
Grading: Your paper will be evaluated on content, including application of concepts from class and readings, inclusion of all areas described above, grammar, spelling, and effective written communication skills, use of APA style, adherence to Lehman College policy on Academic Integrity.
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I need a three page Research Memo on the many challenges that military children face while in school.
Ideas for the memo are parent deployment, children behavior issue, frequent moves, different state graduation requirements,etc.
I need a case brief about a court decision. I will fax the court case (Hooks v. Clark County School District) I will also fax the format of how I need the case written along with an example fro reference. thank you david blair
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Culturally Responsive School Counseling for Hispanic/Latino Students and Families: The Need for Bilingual School Counselors Professional School Counseling, October 2006
Evaluate this article and include in the paper:
Type of research study why it was chosen; would there be a better way to do the study
Hypothesis (es)
Tools of Research including issues of validity and reliability
Sampling approach taken and its appropriateness
Descriptive Statistics used and why
Specifically, discuss how these topics are addressed in the study in this article and evaluate the appropriateness of the methods used.
In addition, discuss any changes that you would recommend in the design and implementation to improve the study. Discuss the usefulness of this study.
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"High School Survey"
Do a research on a group of high school students.
-Tell what age/grade seems to be affected? Does the age/grade have anything to do with normal development for that group? Are their health and safety concerns relating to the issue? If possible locate information that would help you solve this dilemma. State your reasons for selecting this particular issue. What have you learned from this and what would you suggest to high school students in dealing with this issue
-Tell what are the greatest concerns of these students today
-Tell at least 6 ideas/concerns, and rank them according to significance.
-Discuss a multifaceted way of addressing one of these problems--should the schools or community deal with this,how?
-Suggest issues that are not presently dealt with in schools, but need to be because of the impact it has on students
-Briefly indicate steps that need to be taken in order to help students deal with this issue.
I writing a proposal for my counseling program it is part of my internship that I have to present for the agency that I am interning at I see a need for a program for ex-offenders in the community. The community has no programs for ex-offenders at all and it would be good to try and implement one.
This is a 15-20 page research paper addressing an new iniative, need, sitiuation, issue or problem. I have chosen the topic community policing and would like to focus on implementation of a community policing program for a departemnt that does not have one. The paper needs to propose at least two solutions or recommendations to the new initiative. Identify each one in a separate section of the paper. Decide which recommendation best addresses the initiative, and give a detailed rationale for your choice. I need at least 10 different current references cited in APA style, including a literature search, interview, etc.. Header in the upper right hand corner of each page with last name and page number. One inch margins on all sides. First page of the paper, upper left corner, name title, major, date. Cite sources within the paper, reference list using APA. A 10-15 min presentation using an outline and narrative with speakers notes. The presentation should focus on the main points of the paper. I would like the paper to make the argument for implementation while considering potential problems such as manpower shortage and budget concerns.
essay should be 300-350 words, which may focus on one of the following topics: tell us why you are interested in studying in this program and why u r choosing this career field (it is new york institu...te of technol. architecture bachelor program. include career goals and how an nyit education will support the goals, describe an achievement of which you are most proad of( the applicant is currently a 30 year old male working at cannon design in boston, ma, as an architect drafter who does autocad work, currently he is helping design umass hospital-recently he played around with construction management, and he also designed audocad standards for the firm which is in the process of possibly be used, it is a manual explaining how to use autocad.) the applicant was laid off around 9/11, and began his architeture studies and the bac in boston, had to quit b/c he was laid off and couldn't afford school-along with depressed b/c his father dies of pancreatic cancer around the same time. His grades began to fall b/c he had no time and was stressed. however he has been working at various firms for over 10 years and is fully capable of doing well in school and is ready at this point to finally go back and complete his education-he will do very well due to his years of experience working with architects and in a firm. he wants to relocate to ny. hope this is good, I am his girlfriend living in ny, trying to get him to move here. I would like the email option of an essay sent to me at dilly1981@aol.com (the cheaper one) more
1. Essay. Please address as completely as possible the following areas: a) What are your reasons for wanting to obtain an advanced degree in Counseling Pyschology? b) What…
Read Full Paper ❯REQUESTING PURPLE MOON WRITER ONLY!!!! Each student will analyze and solve cases of various sizes. The cases require the student to apply theories, concepts, policies, and practices from all…
Read Full Paper ❯The article must address school change. The author or some teacher leader discusses or bring about school change. Change article rubric: 1. Identified the change discussed in the article. 2. Described…
Read Full Paper ❯**********Please Read I have submitted another order that goes with this order. I would like the same individual to complete both orders since they tie in together.…
Read Full Paper ❯Elder Service Learning Technology Impact Project This my topic to be develop step Teach, Collaborate, and Create a plan for integrating a service learning project into one or more…
Read Full Paper ❯I am writing a paper on three schools. These schools are Seattle Pacific University, Western Washington University, and University of Washington all located In Western Washington State. My research…
Read Full Paper ❯Title: Article Review Due Date: October 16, 2006 Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to critique a scholarly article related…
Read Full Paper ❯Assume that the schools in your state are 100% funded through state tax dollars. Schools in your state are not permitted to levy local taxes. You have been assigned…
Read Full Paper ❯Current Event: please write a Statement of Purpose as if you were seeking to enter into Bryan University for their E-discovery program. The challenge will be using…
Read Full Paper ❯This project is divided into five mandatory sections: Section 1: Title page Program Overview, which includes Program Center?s: Name Location Type of center Hours of operation Ages of children…
Read Full Paper ❯I need you to create a case study for a school in Trenton , New Jersey .Preferably Dunn Middle School- (Trenton Public School District. Data may be found in…
Read Full Paper ❯Write an essay or letter answering the following question. In what ways will the uniqueness of a Catholic high school education benefit your daughter? Following is some different information that might…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a personal statement addressing the motivation for becoming a pharmacist. This statement should include information that views to be important in evaluating my application to…
Read Full Paper ❯Reading text: The American School 1641-2000, Joel Sprng. 5th edition Direction for Response Journal: Write a paragraph "on each chapter" (chapter 1 through chapter 17). Respond to some points…
Read Full Paper ❯1. Create a graphic organizer that depicts how your school's gifted placement process aligns with Arizona State requirements. Include roles and responsibilities. 2. Include a word supplement that addresses any…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi writer Please , look at the uploaded assignment instructions. It will give you clear and detailed information about the assignment. Also you will be given useful resources, assignment criteria…
Read Full Paper ❯Research Study or Program Evaluation: Identify an existing psychotherapy or counseling program or a mental health research problem. Prepare an 8-10 page evaluation/assessment that includes a brief description of…
Read Full Paper ❯My problem is school bullying. Task: Pick three empirical articles related specifically to your topic and evaluate the quality and applicability of these articles techniques. Purpose: The purpose of this…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a three page Research Memo on the many challenges that military children face while in school. Ideas for the memo are parent deployment, children behavior issue, frequent…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a case brief about a court decision. I will fax the court case (Hooks v. Clark County School District) I will also fax the format of…
Read Full Paper ❯Culturally Responsive School Counseling for Hispanic/Latino Students and Families: The Need for Bilingual School Counselors Professional School Counseling, October 2006 *****(THE ABOVE ARTICLE WILL BE FAXED SEPERATELY)****** Evaluate this…
Read Full Paper ❯"High School Survey" Do a research on a group of high school students. Directions: -Tell what age/grade seems to be affected? Does the age/grade have anything to do with normal development for…
Read Full Paper ❯I writing a proposal for my counseling program it is part of my internship that I have to present for the agency that I am interning at I see…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a 15-20 page research paper addressing an new iniative, need, sitiuation, issue or problem. I have chosen the topic community policing and would like to focus…
Read Full Paper ❯essay should be 300-350 words, which may focus on one of the following topics: tell us why you are interested in studying in this program and why u r…
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