School Children Essays Prompts

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Interpretation of Children

Spend the afternoon or evening in the company of American children, observing their behavior closely. Then write an essay in which you offer your interpretation of the behavior you witnessed.

The sources should be off the internet.

Research paper complete 3 observatons of a child(with their family, at play, learning something new). Writ an interpretation of the child's development acording to the theories of piaet, Erickson, Vygotsky an Brofenbrenner. Must be 5 pages. To give you little backsground on the child, she is a four year old girl named veronica, her parents are married and live together and her mother is a stay at home mom. They live in a two bedroom apartment, in the bronx.

Iran Persia Children Heaven

question based on the film : children of heaven (Iran,1997) by Majid Majidi

1. In children of heaven Ali and his young sister zahara find a solution to the problem of the missing shoes without the help of adults. what does this reveal about their personalities and their relationship to each other?

2. Describe one scene of compassion in children of heaven that made an impact on you or evoke an emotional response and explain why.

3. many film critics have compared children of heaven to the bicycle thief (movie :director Vittorio De Sica's 1948 ). what elements do they have in common? be specific as possible.

4. Convince others why should see or avoid the movie Children of Heaven. cite specific examples, either from the narrative or the visual, aesthetic qualities of the film, to back up your argument.

Wild Child

must have some knowledge of the story about the wild child and have seen or have the movie that goes with it,
i have a digital copy of a short story on the wild child and thats what i would like the writer to use but also need someone with knowledge about this topcie.
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Alternate Experience
Complete a reaction paper in APA format on the observation ??" Briars School
Guidelines for the paper:
The school is a part of a long term care pediatr...ic hospital. The children range from 3-21 years old. The children suffer from various conditions: rare genetic disorders, traumatic brain injury, and respiratory distress. The majorities of the children are with severe mental retardation, have tracheostomy, some are on ventilators, and most are on feeding tubes. Most of the children are blind, or with some degree of visual impairment. The children were in the school for 4 hours/day. Schedule: the younger children 8am-12pm, the older children 12pm-4pm. After school most of the children return to their rooms in the hospital.
Describe what a one day visit of such a school would be like. The paper should contain the following (use as a guideline for writing the paper):
1. Alternative Site
(Briars School)
2. What type of experience and the expectations you had prior to going to the alt. site.
(great experience, did not know what to expect, because of the condition of the kids)
3. Your thoughts and perceptions about this experience.
(The kids were severely mentally retarded, therefore the goal is to maintain what they already know and can do, although its not much. The kinds were separated in 4 different rooms according to age, 5-10 lids in a classroom. They were thought how to participate in different activities like simple games, days of the week, weather, etc. Each child gets individual attention. It was interesting to observe the difference between age and developmental level..)
4. The population the site serves.
(Mentally debilitated children; age 3-21)
5. Describe the primary role of the RN.
(maintaining the children while in school: suctioning of the tracheostomy, medications, feeding tubes, diaper change, documentation.
6. Other valuable roles of the RN.
(interacting and helping the teachers and teacher assistantsetc.)
7. At least one patient, diagnosis, and treatment for this patient.
(related to tracheostomy, respiratory)
8. What was the best part of the experience?
(to see how children who are mentally retarded, have other health conditions, and have never had a normal childhood, can smile. It was wonderful to see how little things can make a difference in the life of a child like that.)
9. What was the worst part of the experience?

10. If you had the opportunity would you go again or recommend it to another student.
(Yes, explain why)

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Sexual Abuse of Children Is

The paper should be on how sexual abuse of children has an affect on at-risk youth behavior. The first part of the paper should define and discuss the problem. Explain the relationship between being sexually abused as a child and the youth behavior. Explain how the problem is being addressed by the family, school, social service agencies, and/or the government. What are the solutions to help children who have become sexually abused avoid at-risk behaviors. You may discuss the evolution of laws or treatment for sexually abused children. Mainly the paper should focus on the affects of sexual child abuse on at-risk behavior. I am faxing 5 sources that need to be used, but please find 5-6 other sources that should be scholarly books statistics, and government documents. I will be faxing sources that may tax a few hours to all come through. Thank you.
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School Visits and Parents

I want you to include abstract, survey, and if you can interviews but don't include school names because i want it for some middle east schools

Intervention in Child Abuse and

Case Analysis: Select and read a non-fiction book that tells a story of some type of child maltreatment.

I Have Chosen "A Child Called It", By David Pelzer.

My Text Book is: Cross...on-Tower, Cynthia (2010). Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect. Boston, MA: Pearson Higher Education. P. Eighth Edition

Through this project, show a better understanding of how to recognize and identify the various forms of child maltreatment and gain further insight into how to combat the problem.

Using chapters 4-12 from the textbook, analyze the story according to the following:

What happened? Who are the characters? When did the story occur? Where did the story occur?
What happened: What symptoms of abuse are described? What type(s) of child maltreatment are identified in this story? Be specific, using chapter references and definitions from the text for type(s) of abuse you identify in this story.
What happened: What effects on the child can you identify? Correlate those with specific chapter references/definitions from the text.
Why did the story/events unfold the way it did? In other words, what causes for the child maltreatment can you identify in this story? Correlate with specific chapter references from the text.
How might this story have unfolded differently? Based on your textbook reading of chapters 10-12, can you identify any interventions described, or not described, that could have been done differently, more of, less of, and that might have changed any of the events of this story?

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This paper is for a Policy 11 class in the school of social work. We are to identify a social policy issue( The impact and cost of child care on single parents). We are to provide an analysis of the problem based on the policy process model.

Scope of work:
Clearly describe the problem that you are attempting to address
Goals and Objectives
Significance of the problem (what is at stake?)
Community involvement
Mobilizing the media and officials
Solutions and policy recommendations
Benefits to special population and people of color
Implementation (for example solutions and policy recommendation)

Child Family Structure on the

We will pay $288.00 for this order.

For the topic of this research prospectus, I would like to focus on the communication process of the children in single-child families in China under the policy and the comparison of the behavior of this specific group to children that have came from a multi-children family. Since the enanctment of the one-child policy, scholars, communication researchers, psychologists have began to notice that change in behavior of this group of children. They are known to have less sense of responsibility (social) and less emotional stability , and to be more self centered, compared to children from multi-children families.
So focusing on the current situation in China, a research focusing on the communication process of this group should be designed.

The Format of the Prospectus :

A. Introduction : Problem, Definition of terms and concepts, What is significant about this problem (the rationale)?, Goal (typically one of: description,explanation,prediction,control)

B. Review of literature : What is known, what theoretical perspective are you using? Characteristics of theoretical perspective, RESEARCH QUESTIONS and HYPOTHESIS[should include at least 2] ( in this case can include questions like: 1. Are children of single-child families more likely to express themselves to family members or to friends or peers? In this case, can also examine the type of message they express with which group. 2. Because only-child are known to be more self-centered and a natural leader, will only-child s be harder to work in a group? Less likely to be in role of group moderator? this is just some idea for the research questions)

C. Subjects or data to be analyzed : Who or what will constitute data? (for example, subjects can be students of universities in China, since most of them are only child. For comparison between single-multi child, can use students who are from multi-children families which can be found though the population is very small)

D. Method
What method ( for each research question) How will it be applied?, Stregths and weakness of methodology

E. Data analysis
How will the data be analyzed ( must be beyond means and frequencies)?What statistics will be used ? What constitutes an answer for your questions?

F. Conclusion : What are the implications of the findings. Why will it make a difference, paragraph summary of entire project.

Most quotes should be found in Litery review section of the prospectus.
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I am doing a research paper on Charlotte's web..You must interview a child(informant) please include the child's profile of the person you are interviewing..age, grade, if he or she enjoy reading, and... how the informant does in school. While interviewing this person you will need to ask questions about the book such as how did you feel about charlotte's death and the friendship amongst the characters. Also, if the informant were one of the characters would he or she would have done anything differently in the story and why? You just want to get that person to talk freely and give his or her analysis on the book. Also, plan on evaluating her reaction to the text to determine the actual stage of cognitive development that he or she is in. According to Piaget. It's probably best to use an 8 yr old. or any child you can get to interview. . PLEASE USE 2 SINGLE SPACED PAGES FOR THIS INFORMANT

I will need for you to use 2 academic scholarly sources from electronic journals and 1 popular source ( an article or anything else on google) You would need to support what your researching..such as how the source relates to charlotte's web and the informant. If the development discussed with the theorist played a role in the can also use Eisenberg or Piagets theories relating to pro social development or cognitive development..use examples within the book to support theorist.. ALL SOURCES SHOULD HAVE 1 SINGLE SPACED PAGES EACHOF THE SCHOLARLY SOURCE AND 1 SINGLE SPACE OF THE POPULAR SOURCE. .

Biskin, Donald, and Kenn that if iteth Hoskisson. "Moral Development Through Children's Literature." The Elementary School Journal December 1974: 152-157.
Root, R. (1994). Critical Essays on E.B. White. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.
Reasons for friendship include: warmth, social support, companionship, affection, and social reliance - help and approval. (Peterson, Beck, Rowell (1992) p. 278).
Freeman, Matt. ?The glory of everything.? Reading Today. (2002): 26-35. 6 May 2005
Hoppe, Anne. ?Half the Story: Text and Illustration in Picture books.? (2004) 41-51. 6 May 2005
Willis, Clarissa A. ?The Grieving Process in Children: Strategies for Understanding, Educating, and Reconciling Children's Perceptions of Death.? (2002) 221-227. 5 May 2005 < >
Never to Young to Know: Death in Children?s Lives by Phyllis Silverman
fINALLY, I will need for you to analyze the book and disuss the social pycho developement within the book and the author's philosophy on the book. Incorporate everyone's views into your analysis. 3 single spaced pages.


Academic research
Quality of sources
Summarize the sources
Application of concepts

Child informant
Summarize the interview
Description of methods
Background information

Text analysis
Application of psychology concepts
Author?s position
Summary of the text

Synthesis of information
Coherent links to academic research
Use of transitional phrases between sections
Clear conclusion

paper format
in-text citations
application of APA or MLA format



If you have any questions...PLease please call me at 513-988-5250..You can reach me also via email at need to hear from you if there's a problem.. Your topic and research will definetely go off of your informants reaction to the story..

School Program in Contrast to

Social process theories assert that an individual's decisions about criminal behavior are influenced by the beliefs and involvement of those around him or her. The following exercise gives you the opp...ortunity to explore one of these theories, social bond theory, in more detail, understanding how it might serve as a guide for the creation of a crime prevention program.

In the last unit, you were asked to create a plan for cleaning up the Bowers Park neighborhood, known for its high crime rate. This learning activity lets you build upon that plan by designing an after-school program for youth in grades 1-4 who attend the local elementary school.

This school, Bowers Park Elementary, has some of the lowest test scores in the large urban area in which it is located and students are frequently expelled for fighting. It has a mixed racial population of primarily Latino and African American students.

The local Boys and Girls Club has asked you to create a new after-school program designed to help prevent the youth at this school from becoming involved in delinquent activity. They have given you full reign to do whatever you think is best and an unlimited budget! However, you are a Social Bond theorist and so must approach the design of this program using the assumptions of this theory as a guide.

Present a basic outline of the services you would offer as part of the after-school program. Identify one specific component of your after-school program that directly relates to each of the key elements of social bond theory; be sure to clearly identify which of the four elements of bond is being addressed by each of your ideas for the program.

You will choose one research article related to the chosen topic, Violence in Schools. The articles can come from the Regis Database ( or any site that scholarly work.

Below are some references I have put together.

Center for Disease Control (CDC). (2012). Understanding school violence. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from

Center for Disease Control (CDC). (2012). School-associated violent death study. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from

Center for Disease Control (CDC). (2012). School-associated student homicides. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from

Chicago Public School students shot this school year highest since 2008. (2012, June 26). Chicago Tribune. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from

Elliott, Delbert S., Hamburg, Beatrice., & Williams, Kirk R. (1998). Violence in American schools: A new perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Furlong, Michael., Morrison, Gale., Skiba, Russell., & Cornell, Dewey. (2004). Issues in school violence research. Binghamton: The Haworth Press.

Hill, Susan C., & Drolet, Judy C. (2009). School-related violence among high school students in the United States, 1993-1995. Journal of School Health (69)7, 264-272.

Kozol, Johnathan. (2012). Savage inequalities: Children in America's schools. New York: Crown Publishing Group.

Mills, Martin. (2001). Challenging violence in schools. Philadelphia: Open University Press.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2011). Indicators of school crime and safety. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from

Prothrow-Stith, Deborah., & Quaday, Sher. (1995). Hidden casualties: The relationship between violence and learning. Washington D.C.: National Health and Education Consortium.

Rose, Ingrid. (2009). School violence: Studies in alienation, revenge, and redemption. London: Karnac Books.

Schechter DS (2011, February 16). Forecasting Aggression: What Makes Some Troubled Youth Turn Violent? Cerebrum. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from

Timeline: A history of violence in American schools. (2012, December 14). CTV News. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from

U.S. Department of Education. (2002). The final report and findings of the safe school initiative. Retrieved January 29, 2013, from

Classroom for a Child With

Lecturette Three
All children are different.? We could tell you that a child had Cerebral Palsy and to work with that.? However, CP can effect one limb slightly or render a person immobile ...and nonverbal.?? This is the same with all disabilities.? The Autistic spectrum is huge!!? This will not be decided for you.? If there is a student that you know of it would be best that you work toward a goal for that child.? If you do not have a child in mind, you may research the disability of choice and choose a level.? You must remember that even at a specific level ? all children are different.? You may have different options than others in your class, but if you base them on the child, that is what is important.
Assignment #3:
Chose one of the disabilities listed below.? Prepare for a child with one of these disabilities to enter your classroom next month.? First describe the child including age, grade, sex and classroom/school setting.? Next describe the disability and how it presents in this particular child.? Then explain the methods/materials that you would use to gain computer/Internet access for the child.
Learning disability
??????????? Autism
??????????? Deafness
??????????? Blindness
??????????? Motoric Challenge ( IE Cerebral Palsy, Muscular dystrophy etc.)
???? Description of the child ? 3 Pts
???? Description of the disability ? 4 Pts
???? Access methods ? 6 Pts

Cook, Albert & Hussey, Susan (2002) Assistive Technologies: Principles and Practice. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO. Mosby. ISBN 0-323-00643-4

Argumentative Essay - Rough Thesis Sociology - Children of patients with Parkinson's Disease feel the negative effects of change of family roles, social development and school achievement/behaviour. For each paragraph, try to ensure that it has a clear focus (signaled by a leading, topic sentence). Provide an overview, analysis and/or discussion on a clearly focussed issue. Throughout the paper, you are expected to demonstrate an ability not only to synthesize the thoughts of others but to use these ideas to formulate you own position.
See article "Impact of Parkinson's disease on patients' adolescent and adult children" pages 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11. Also article Living with Parkinson's disease - a child perspective.
The last article is What are Children and How do they become Adults? Child Rearing and Socialization.
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1. Define violence or aggressive acts for children's programme and for an adults' programme.

2. Descide how you are going to measure violence. I.E. will the number of ...kicks be your measure of violance? Can you use other measures? What devices will you use for measuring violance? How do you increase the reliability of your observations?

3. Sample three or more hours of prime-time shows for adults and an equal number of hours of comparable prime-time shows for children. Decide how you are going to select your sample.

4. Watch the shows you have selected. Record your data on a table or tables.

5. Summarize your data in a table. You may wish to calculate the average number of, for example, kicks for adults' programmes and for childrens' programmes.

6. Write a report of your mini-research project to include:

a) an introduction that summarizes previous research literature on violence in television programming for children and for adults.

b) a clear statement of your hypothesis; that is, what you expect to find.

c) method and procedure. Include a report on how you selected which shows to watch.

d) your results

e) any conclusions you may be able to draw. Are the results of the project consistent with other research findings in the literature?

f) a discussion about any limitations to your findings and any issues that may have affected the results of the project.

g) a reference list.

Please use some social psychology sources.

Child Sponsorship Is an Effective

Please send me 10 APA pages explaining why child sponsorship is an effective method for funding international community development. Use as many sources as possible.

This is a paper for my english class. Please include many statistics and facts about children who live in or come from fatherless homes. include how gender, race, economic status, and geographical location also influences how children from fatherless homes are affected and how they develop as results of these factors. touch on every factor and go in every direction with this topic that you can. i also do need a bibliography and references quotes are acceptable but please site them in the MLA format

Child Care Through the Ages

I am taking a 400-level history of psychology class. I attend Rutgers University. I need a 10 page APA format term paper. In my syllabus, it says, you may focus on the history of a public policy issue and the role psychologists and psychology played in shaping debates and resolution of issues. I wanted my paper to be on the EFFECTS OF CHILD-CARE meeting the requirements I just mentioned. This paper needs to have primary sources related to my topic. I also have to submit this paper into before its due.


1. In need of a description of and rationale for the Piece of Dissemination

2. In need of Dissemination for stakeholders outside the early childhood field that:

a) ...integrates information from the latest research related to child development and learning

b) Uses text, to present information to stakeholders outside early childhood field

c) fosters social change to promote positive outcomes for young children and families

2. Conclusion; including implications for social change and for the early childhood field/ educator.



Problem Statement (first half)

Years ago, when school systems actually permitted religious instruction, children were able to tap into their own spiritual sides, and were able to process their feelings about their emotions and their concerns about the world against a more nuanced and detailed spiritual backdrop. This allowed them to have a clearer sense about moral values, feeling obedient vs. disobedient, engaging in respect, honesty, truth and communicating their feelings with compassion. By allowing students to have some sort of spiritual education, educators were ensuring that they would be able to more confidently shape these children into good people who were well-rounded and who had a clearer understanding of how to behave in the world, along with stronger values of what matters most to them.

Purpose Statement (first half)

Within the educational system, just as clinical knowledge and technique are at the heart of the quantitative model, spirituality and the understanding of the role religion plays in society are necessary to round out the qualitative. Educators do not work with one part of learners, they work with the whole nature of the being, the holistic model that understands that knowledge and familiarity with a subject, regardless of one's belief system, is helpful and supportive for long-term growth and lifelong learning. Too, the engendering of respect and empathy for one's fellow human being is part of a broad-based education that is designed not simply to produce automotons who are stuck in the lower levels of Bloom's Taxonomy, but who will grow both academically and spiritually to become functioning and well-rounded global citizens.

Literature Review/ Child development (first half)

The work of Roehlkeparta (2006) reports that the church congregation has a influence that is both direct and indirect upon the young person's development spiritually variously in their contact with the young person. Included in these contacts are religious education, service projects, youth groups and in contacts that also "extend to include the congregations engagement with families, intergenerational engagement and broader community involvement through the congregations public leadership, service, and action on behalf of children, adolescents and others in society". (Roehlkeparta, 2006, p.329)

Literature Review/ Child learning (first part)

Ruth Wilson (2010) in the work entitled, "The Spiritual Life of Children" writes that there is an expanding body of evidence which "indicates that children have spiritual capacities and experiences which shape their lives in powerful and enduring ways". (p. 24) Included in these capacities and experiences are those of: (1) wonder; (2) wondering; (3) relational spirituality; and (4) wisdom. (p. 24) It is suggested in the theories relating to development of cognition that young children do not have the necessary "intellectual capacity for meaningful reflection and thus cannot have a genuine spiritual life". (Wilson, 2010, p. 24)

Synthesis of the Research on "Spirituality in Young Children's Temperament and Self-Control"

Description of and rationale for Dissemination

Conclusion including implications for social change and for early childhood program and professional educators'

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Children of Losing a Parent

the topic is: What are the impacts on children losing a parent due to death or divorce. Gather and write the research from a /the revelant point of view with necessary citation. thanks

how might you explain the psychological difficulties that a young child may experience when the mother or father remarries after a divorce?

source must be scholary

Respond to the stated question below, including any relevance to and implications on the field of criminal justice. Be sure to discuss the issue(s) to which the question pertains. Remarks can include your opinion(s), but must be based on experience, research, and/or prior learning. Use this exercise to foster a rich dialogue with your colleagues about issues that are important to the field of criminal justice.

Describe a childs developmental stages as they relate to the ability to form memories and recall events.

In your opinion, what dynamic is the most influential in the elderly population that causes their dimensioned ability to recall events and situations?

In your opinion, what dynamic has the most adverse influence on eyewitness testimony?
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Assignment Guidelines:

1. Select the (2) parents you will interview. These parents must have children attending public schools in urban Los Angeles.


3. With your selected topic in mind, develop questions that ask parents to articulate their understanding of the manner in which any of the above issues affect their parental involvement in their childrens schooling and/or their childrens equality of educational opportunity.

4. Turn-in a 1-page project description that identifies the parents you will be interviewing and the research questions you will be asking (you may want to talk with other students in class, to get a sense of the types of questions being generated). The project description is due NO LATER than Week 6 in class, although you may choose to turn it in beforehand.

5. Interview the parent(s) and document their answers in the most convenient mannerrecording the interview is highly suggested, but you will need to work that out with the parent(s).

6. Carefully analyze and reflect on the parents answers to your questions.

7. Your report should include the following:

1) Demographics Section: A description of the parents and children that were the subjects of your interview.
2) Interview Summary: The interview questions and a summary of the answers.
3) Interview Analysis: A discussion of your analysis and understanding of the parents answers. In your analysis, YOU SHOULD BRING IN SOME OF THE CONCEPTS/IDEAS/ISSUES DISCUSSED IN THE READINGS FOR THIS COURSE, and use these concepts/ideas/issues to interpret and frame parents responses. This should be at least 3 pages in length, as it is the heart of your interview project.

No Child Left Behind Act-

I need a position paper for a Current Issues in Literacy class. It should show evidence of having researched both sides of a controversial issue - No Child Left Behind. Both the supporting and opposing viewpoints with the research behind each must be presented. Finally, state my opinion about the issue (in favor of NCLB), noting the reasons for those conclusions. It should be approximately 10 pages in length. APA format should be used. How it is broken down is open: ex. 3 pages for it, 3 against it, 3-4 opinion or main point, then pros/cons with opinion at end, etc.

3 Pages

Interpretation of Children

Words: 886
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Spend the afternoon or evening in the company of American children, observing their behavior closely. Then write an essay in which you offer your interpretation of the behavior you…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Child Development Theories of Several Prominent Psychologists,

Words: 1515
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Research paper complete 3 observatons of a child(with their family, at play, learning something new). Writ an interpretation of the child's development acording to the theories of piaet, Erickson,…

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2 Pages

Iran Persia Children Heaven

Words: 627
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

question based on the film : children of heaven (Iran,1997) by Majid Majidi 1. In children of heaven Ali and his young sister zahara find a solution to the problem…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Wild Child

Words: 666
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

must have some knowledge of the story about the wild child and have seen or have the movie that goes with it, i have a digital copy of a short…

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2 Pages

Children's Hospital for My Alternate

Words: 700
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Directions: Alternate Experience Complete a reaction paper in APA format on the observation ??" Briars School Guidelines for the paper: The school is a part of a long term care pediatric hospital. The…

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11 Pages
Research Paper

Sexual Abuse of Children Is

Words: 3429
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The paper should be on how sexual abuse of children has an affect on at-risk youth behavior. The first part of the paper should define and discuss the…

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10 Pages

School Visits and Parents

Words: 4209
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

I want you to include abstract, survey, and if you can interviews but don't include school names because i want it for some middle east schools

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Intervention in Child Abuse and

Words: 2291
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Case Analysis: Select and read a non-fiction book that tells a story of some type of child maltreatment. I Have Chosen "A Child Called It", By David Pelzer.…

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9 Pages

Impact and Cost of Child Care on Single Parents

Words: 2371
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

This paper is for a Policy 11 class in the school of social work. We are to identify a social policy issue( The impact and cost of child care…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Child Family Structure on the

Words: 4156
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

We will pay $288.00 for this order. For the topic of this research prospectus, I would like to focus on the communication process of the children in single-child families in…

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7 Pages

How Children Cope With Friendship and Death After Reading Charlotte's Web

Words: 3091
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

I am doing a research paper on Charlotte's web..You must interview a child(informant) please include the child's profile of the person you are interviewing..age, grade, if he or she…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

School Program in Contrast to

Words: 301
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Social process theories assert that an individual's decisions about criminal behavior are influenced by the beliefs and involvement of those around him or her. The following exercise gives you…

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4 Pages

School Violence Has Become an Increasingly Important

Words: 1304
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

You will choose one research article related to the chosen topic, Violence in Schools. The articles can come from the Regis Database ( or any site that publishes scholarly…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Classroom for a Child With

Words: 743
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Lecturette Three ? All children are different.? We could tell you that a child had Cerebral Palsy and to work with that.? However, CP can effect one limb slightly or…

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6 Pages

Children of Parents With Parkinson's

Words: 2083
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Argumentative Essay - Rough Thesis Sociology - Children of patients with Parkinson's Disease feel the negative effects of change of family roles, social development and school achievement/behaviour. For…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Are Children's Television Programs More Violent Than Adults Programs?

Words: 3113
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Instructions: 1. Define violence or aggressive acts for children's programme and for an adults' programme. 2. Descide how you are going to measure violence. I.E. will the number of kicks…

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10 Pages

Child Sponsorship Is an Effective

Words: 3010
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Please send me 10 APA pages explaining why child sponsorship is an effective method for funding international community development. Use as many sources as possible.

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Children/Fatherless Homes Parenting: The Effects

Words: 2533
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is a paper for my english class. Please include many statistics and facts about children who live in or come from fatherless homes. include how gender, race, economic…

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10 Pages

Child Care Through the Ages

Words: 3589
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

I am taking a 400-level history of psychology class. I attend Rutgers University. I need a 10 page APA format term paper. In my syllabus, it says, you may…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Rationale Child Spiritual Development

Words: 639
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hello 1. In need of a description of and rationale for the Piece of Dissemination 2. In need of Dissemination for stakeholders outside the early childhood field that: a)…

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6 Pages

Children of Losing a Parent

Words: 1817
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

the topic is: What are the impacts on children losing a parent due to death or divorce. Gather and write the research from a /the revelant point of view…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Children the Psychological Affects of

Words: 376
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

how might you explain the psychological difficulties that a young child may experience when the mother or father remarries after a divorce? source must be scholary

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2 Pages

Framework for Understanding Children's Eyewitness Testimony

Words: 854
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Respond to the stated question below, including any relevance to and implications on the field of criminal justice. Be sure to discuss the issue(s) to which the question pertains.…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Parent Interview- School Violence: Project

Words: 2637
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment Guidelines: 1. Select the (2) parents you will interview. These parents must have children attending public schools in urban Los Angeles. 2. Communities are shaped through race and class relations.…

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10 Pages

No Child Left Behind Act-

Words: 4609
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

I need a position paper for a Current Issues in Literacy class. It should show evidence of having researched both sides of a controversial issue - No Child…

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