25+ documents containing “Reading Skills”.
I need my research paper on reading assessment in early childhood literacy.
1. It needs at least five different source materials to include:
1 book
4 articles
The articles need to come from professional teaching journals such as: The Reading Teacher, Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of early Childhood Literacy, etc.
2. My paper needs to be a 5 page, double spaced, 12 point font (Times Roman or similar font type)
3. Please use APA 5th addition for citation and bibliographic references.
4. I need at least 7 different references in the reference section. The reference page is in addition to the five page body of the report.
Open to all writers!
1. Name four practices that commonly require written administrative procedures.
2. How would you know if you are complying with EQ policies and procedures?
3. Explain non-verbal communication and provide three examples of ways that we communicate non-verbally.
4. What are three considerations that we should have in mind when writing letters home to parents?
5. Why is cultural sensitivity so important in your role as an education support person?
6. Explain the difference between "nature" and "nuture".
7. Who is primarily responsible for identifying students learning difficulties in the classroom context. There may be more than one.
8. Give an example of a situation where you might be asked to provide learning support for a student with learning difficulties. What sort of support could you offer in this circumstance?
9. Identify some common class rules that are laid down to guide student behaviour. List three of these rules and explain why they are important.
10. Why is cultural sensitivity so important in your role as an education support person?
11. If you were given the task of perparing a sheet of work for your class, what should you do to ensure that it complies with the teacher's expectations?
12. How and from whom would you expect to get guidance about using an overhead projector?
13. If a parent asks you about the progress of an individual child, what should you do?
14. Briefly summarise your demonstrated compliance's of you complying with a specific Education Queensland policy and procedure. Explain how you would demonstrate these points.
15.Compose an appropriate letter to go home to all parents of the children in a class inviting them to an education event at the school. Ensure that the letter is culturally sensitive.
16. Discreetly select a student in the class who is having learning difficulties, gain as much understanding as much as you can. Write brief notes about the support programme that the student is receiving. Do you have any suggestions that might increase the effectiveness of the existing programme?
17. Identify a behavioural concern in your classroom and identify how the problem is being addressed according to the school's behaviour management plan. Make brief notes about your observation, outlining the process that the school is adopting.
18. Prepare an item that can be used as a teaching aide, write a brief description of the aide.
19. Briefly describe what you do if you were to demonstrate your ability to set up an item of equipment for a class teacher.
20. Brief describe how you would respond to requests from other staff for assistance and how you would handle queries about student learning from parents.
21. Provide three examples of how we communicate non-verbally
22. List three requirements that should be part of all interactions between yourself and children in your care.
23. What is the major benefit that can arise out of collaborating with students regarding their learning needs?
24. What is meant by parallel communication?
25. List three strategies useful in conducting a Glasser style "Classroom Meeting"
26. What do you understand the term "shared wisdom" to mean?
27. What are three limitations that could impact on implementing student's ideas and suggestions?
28. Where in your school should you find guidance on child and adult safety issues?
29. Provide an example of a child who might be likely to use non-standard language.
30. What does the term stereotypical mean?
31. makes notes giving at least 6 examples of interactions with students over a number of sessions. Explain how you demonstrated an appropriate caring and respectful manner.
32. Make notes giving at least 6 examples of interactions with students over a number of sessions, explaining how you elicited ideas and suggestions from your student group.
33. Make notes giving at least 6 examples of interactions with students over a number of sessions, explain how you appropriately discussed with children their likes and dislikes while managing to pass on the idea that differences are positive things to be celebrated.
34. Make notes giving at least 6 examples of interactions with students over a number of sessions, explaing how you obtained feedback from them about their learning experiences.
35. Name the policies / procedures that deal with child safety in the learning environment, and explain where a copy of these are to be found in school.
36. What is meant by the term "process writing"?
37. What is meant by "drafting" in the context of writing?
38. What is the Narrative Sequencing Model?
39. What are the three interdependent elements of an effective teaching programme. Explain what is meant by each term.
40. What does the term "invented spelling" mean?
41. To whom should you refer when you consider that student confidentiality is at risk?
42. What is meant by "summative evaluation"?
43. In Education Queensland "Diagnostic Net", literacy has 2 elements. What are these two elements?
44. What is the most advanced writing phase of the Education Queensland "Diagnostic Net"?
45. What is "shared writing"
46. You may already be fimiliar with the strategies used by the teachers/teacher aides in Queensland to support children's writing. You will need to make careful observations and make notes of the way in which opportunities for writing are taken, writing support is provided and shared writing approach may be taken. Also, you need to know how success and progress are acknowledged.
You will need to reflect on your experiences and make notes about them. () What were you doing when your work was abserved? Eg Working collaboratively with students in providing them with writing support. () Were you able to engage the child in the writing process-i.e was the child willing to write? () Were you able to identify any difficlties that the child was having and use guidance techniques to support the child to success? () Was it an enjoyable process? Add any other observations that you think are relevant.
47. When we are thinking about reading, what do we mean by the term, "syntax"?
48. What is meant by a miscue analysis?
49. What are the 8 conditions for learning language identified by "Brian Cambourne"?
50. What does the term "semantic" mean?
51. List two specific criteria that you might apply in selecting a book
52. What do we mean by "scaffolding" when we use it in terms of a reading programme?
53. List three reasons why students confidentiality must be maintained at all times.
54. Where in a school would you find guidance about reading guidelines and programmes?
55. What curriculm is covered by the year 2 "Diagnostic Net"?
56. What are the indicators of a student achieving independence in reading?
57. WE use the techniques of "Brian CAMBOURNE" at schools to support children's reading you will need to observe several sessions and make notes on the way in which children are supported when they don't know a word and are reluctant to attempt it, say the wrong word, lose their place etc. Also, observe how success and progress are acknowledge. Reflect on your experience and make notes about it. Were you able to identify any difficlties that the child was having and use guidance techniques to support the child to success? Were you able to engage the child in reading process-i.e was the child willing to read? Was it an enjoyable process? Add any other observations that you think are relevant.
58.You have now learned about "Brain Cambourne"s model of learning and now compare it with the model that is in place in your school, remember that, you need to be very sensitive about appearing to criticise when you are seeking information and opinions about established practices in a school. Your role is not to make judgements or criticise, but to gather information and observations. () Make sure you thoroughly understand what each of Camboourne's conditions means. () Observe how each of these conditions is addressesd in your school. Does your school place importance on other conditions? () Complete this in a table of 4 colums going across 1st heading "CAMBOURNE'S CONDITIONS" 2nd heading 'WHAT DOES THIS MEAN'? 3rd heading 'HOW DOES THE SCHOOL DEMONSTRATE THIS CONDITION'? 4th heading 'DOES THE SCHOOL PLACE IMPORTANCE ON OTHER CONDITIONS'? and now 7 colums going down stating all under 'CAMBOURNE'S CONDITIONS' colum, 1st colum down 'IMMERSION' 2nd colum down under neight 1st 'DEMONSTRATION' 3rd colum going down uder neith 2nd and 1st 'EXPECTATION' 4th 'RESPONISIBILITY' 5th 'USE' 6th 'APPROXIMATION' 7th colum 'RESPONSE' (Hope you understand this one)
59. Go to the library and choose 8 books for your class, to read in accordance with selection criteria nominated by the class reading programme. You should make sure that you have some fiction and some non-fiction in your selection. ()Breifly explain your selection making notes about your discussion.
60. Make notes about your participation in a support reading programme remembering to address Element 2 PC 1-3 and Element 4 PC 1-5 which are Element 2: Select appropriate books for student readers.PC 1-3 are 1.Books are selected to specified selection criteria 2. Books are selected according to reader's ability 3. Books are selected in consultation with the reader Element 4 is: Support student readind programme PC 1-5 are 1.Support strategies to accomodate reader's ability are determined according to educational guidelines 2.Readers' requests are interpreted and responded to according to reading programme guidelines 3.Students' reading ability is evaluated according to reading programme guidelines and Education Queensland "Diagnostic Net" 4.Support procedures for readers are implemented in accordance with reading program specifications 5.Support procedures encourage the development of self reliance in readers. Makeing sure you respond to the childrens' reading attempts according to support guidelines, maintain records accurately when you are breifly explaining about participation in the support programme.
A lot this time I know :) :) thanks..Toni
Article Research and Summaries: You will need to locate 5 recent article (within 5 years) on these topics: Spelling, Vocabulary, Phonics, Comprehension, Reading. Please I need a copy of the article and attach a summary and response to the articles.
APA Style and Double Spaced. Each response and summary to each article can be one page.
12 font.
Thematic Unit
Posted: Mon 07/26/2010 01:20 PM , by: Myrna Karp ( [email protected] ) Previous | Next
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Reply View/Print Flag Message Mark as unread Hello Everyone. Here are the directions for this unit as they appear in our syllabus:
Thematic Unit (Content Area Directed Reading Lessons) ??" 30 points
Design a directed reading lesson(s) using appropriate strategies from the course content. Use the terms in the Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning across the Curriculum to label strategies. Each step/strategy must be written in sufficient detail to include rationale for choosing the strategy, details of classroom instruction, expected outcomes, and assessment of student success. The lesson(s) may extend through several class sessions. Include the state standard(s) being met. Explain how this lesson(s) will help student achievement (transfer of skills). There is no specific word count.
Unit will include:
1. Class title (American History, Earth Science, etc.)- Include in the Introduction
2. Class description: grade level, number of students, diversity (Any ESL or SPED students?) -Include in the Introduction
3. Unit title (Westward Expansion, Solar System, etc.)-Include in the Introduction
4. Bibliographic information for textbook or print source-Include in the Introduction
5. State standard(s) being met
6. Assessment of students ability in reading (How will this be done?)
7. Assessment of students prior knowledge (strategies for activating schema)
8. Text material
a. Detailed description, rationale and application to passage of two pre-reading activities/strategies that will be used
b. Alternate strategy for struggling readers and rationale (Three Pre-Reading Strategies-Total)
c. Detailed description, rationale and application to passage of two during reading activities/strategies that will be used
d. Alternate strategy for struggling readers and rationale (Three Guided Reading Strategies-Total)
e. Detailed description, rationale and application to passage of two post-reading activities/strategies that will be used
f. Alternate strategy for struggling readers and rationale (Three Post Reading Strategies-Total)
g. Include the following:
1) Vocabulary (what strategies will be used for instruction?) One of the above strategies must be a vocabulary-building activity.
2) Writing assignments
9. Supplemental materials such as graphic organizers or handouts that will be used in this lesson will be placed in APA formatted appendices. Fill in all handouts and/or graphs.
10. In the Conclusion, state: How will you assess this unit? How will you measure students growth from these strategies? What is your philosophy on authentic assessments?
Please do not forget to base all of your (9) strategies/activities on a text, article or other reading. Be sure to indicate the following in your Introduction:
1. Class title (American History, Earth Science, etc.)- Include in the Introduction
2. Class description: grade level, number of students, diversity (Any ESL or SPED students?) -Include in the Introduction
3. Unit title (Westward Expansion, Solar System, etc.)-Include in the Introduction
4. Bibliographic information for textbook or print source-Include in the Introduction
This assignment is worth 30 points, so please do not forget any components of this project. In addition, please use headers so I can easily differentiate where one activity ends and another begins.
And, do not forget to use APA Formatting. There is an APA Guidelines post in the Course Materials Forum
Topic selected: Whole Language an educational reform that left a generation unable to read. We were to select an educational reform which we believe has either been a "boon or a bust". I chose "bust" because I am a die hard believer in Direct Instruction- a phonics based approach to teach reading. You should use as one of your citations, "Project Follow Through (an educational study done from 1967-1995)
A 5 page research paper is to be written on the reform, citing research and literature that supports the position- The Whole Language Approach was a failed educational reform (and why I believe this to be so having literature and research to support my position) This paper should use "APA" style and contain a bibliography of 5 sources.
write 2 page essay to explain:
What is comprehensive literacy instruction?
How to scaffold children's literacy development?
Comparing and explain the comprehensive literacy instruction with your current one, have you got some insights for improving your teaching instruction?
Background Reading
Tom D. (1994), Teaching method: Best practice for teachers, Retrieved July 25, 2007 from http://northonline.sccd.ctc.edu/eceprog/bstprac.htm
Saskatoon Public Schools (2004),Balanced Literacy Instruction, Retrieved July 25, 2007 from http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/strats/balancedliteracy/index.html
The TELUS Learning Connection , What is balanced literacy? Retrieved July 25, 2007 from http://www.earlyliterature.ecsd.net/balanced%20literacy.htm
Houghton Mifflin Company (1997), Useful Instructional Strategies for Literature-Based Instruction, Retrieved July 25, 2007 from http://www.eduplace.com/rdg/res/literacy/lit_ins4.html
GREECE School District, Scaffold students' reading and writing, Retrieved July 25, 2007 from http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/instruction/ela/6-12/Reading/Reading%20Strategies/reading%20strategies%20index.htm
Literacy, Information and Technology in Education (LITE) (2000), Exploring Comprehensive Literacy Resources, Retrieved July 25, 2007 from http://www.lite.iwarp.com/complit2.html
Please make a profile for a 1st grader that has a learning disability that requires AT. I will upload the article. you can use learning disability/reading for the profile learner. My learner has a disability in reading and can not read do to not knowing the sounds of the letters and not knowing how to blend words. What can we do to help him.
In the article, Assistive Technology: What Every School Leader Should Know, the authors profile a special needs learner named Jamie. Review the Meet Jamie subsection of the article and draft a one-page profile of a learner (real or fictional) from your educational or work setting that requires AT. Your learner should come from the educational sector that you currently work in or plan to work in once your complete your masters degree: Early childhood, K12, postsecondary, workplace training, etc.
The 1-2 page profile is to be in proper essay format (clear introduction, body, conclusion) and formatted using proper APA style. A title and reference page should be included.
I will upload the article so, you can read it.
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Topic : Case Study (essay format)
Your case study has 5 major parts and an introduction:
? Include the following ?
o Age
o Gender
o Background information you think is important such as family status, English language status, etc.
? Do not include ?
o Personal opinion about the child
o Other?s opinions about the child
o Details about their development / behavior
Part One: Physical Development Description
? Include the following ?
o Detailed observation of physical behavior that you observed directly
o Fine and large motor actions
o Actions describing: Coordination, balance, body awareness, agility and strength.
? Do not include ?
o Description of behavior other than physical
o Opinions about behavior
o Behavior you did not directly observe
o Generalizations about physical behavior
? Include ?
o How their behavior relates to principles of physical development as described in the text and in class
o Conclusions about large and fine motor abilities: Are they typical of the child?s age?
Part Two: Cognitive Development
? Observe your child engaged in an activity alone or with peers
? Record what they say and do
? Describe how they figure out solutions to problems; trial and error, systematic testing of options, how they decide what to do next.
? How long they pay attention to things and with what degree of focus / concentration.
? Describe any information / facts they mention or how they remember things / try to commit things to memory.
? Describe how they make connections between different things that are related
? Describe how they use language to help themselves think through a problem or expand on an idea
? Describe how they use language in relation to thinking
? Describe how they use resources for problem solving, i.e.: books, papers, measurement tools
? Mention if they show the ability to see things from more than one perspective or if they do not
? Describe any sign of logical thought such as: Generalizing, i.e.: ?I need two legs to balance, so my structure needs two sides to stand up,? or ?in order to make both sides even, I have to take away or add the same amount to both sides.?
? Describe their preferred learning style, whether they excel in a certain area
Relate your observations to: Piaget?s ego-centrism, concrete operations, schemas, disequilibration, assimilation, accommodation, Vygotsky?s self talk, zone of proximal development, internalization, scaffolding, reciprocal teaching, selective attention, effortful control, elaboration, mneu7monic strategy, problem solving strategies, long term / short term memory, memory retrieval strategies, Gardner?s intelligences
Part Three: Language Development
? Record exact conversations between your case study child and their peers as well as adults.
o Analyze their speech for the sentence structure; syntax, vocabulary; semantics, morphemes; grammar, articulation of words and sounds of words, and social use of language; pragmatics, i.e.: Conversation skills, polite speech, also note any code switching between different people / situations. Do not analyze the social skills of the child.
o Get a sample of their writing and analyze for phonemic awareness, morphemes / grammar descriptive ability and literary quality.
o Either observe them reading aloud or ask hem about reading, analyze reading strategies and fluency.
? Based on what you noticed answer:
o Does their oral language seem typical of their age, why, why not?
o Does their literacy seem to be developing typically?
Part Four: Social / Emotional Development
? Observe your child interacting with peers. Describe:
o How they enter interaction with others,
o How they engage others during interactions,
o How they respond to and handle conflict with others.
o How they handle frustration or disappointment
o How they react to change.
o How they respond to adult authority.
? Notice the types of friendships
? You might also want to ask older children 9-12:
o How they see themselves in certain areas, i.e.: ?What are you good at?? ?Where would you like to improve?? what they think makes a good friend / how they choose their friends.
? Relate these details to:
o Attachment security ? Temperament ?Emotion regulation, -Self concept, -Self-esteem, -Identity development, -Social-cognitive skills, -Empathy and sympathy, -Perspective taking ability, -Friendship quality, -Interpersonal skills, -Aggression, -Person perception.
? Do not make up your own ideas about their social / emotional development without referencing something from the course.
? Do not make generalizations about their personality / future that are not clearly and directly tied to what you observed.
? Summarize your case study child?s overall development.
? Describe what areas you consider strengths and weaknesses and why.
? Note if you observed any delays or signs of giftedness and why you think they represent a difference from typical development.
? Based on what you just discussed about the strengths and weaknesses, make three recommendations for parents and teachers to improve their development in the four major domains.
The Family-Centered approach believes that family involvement matters for a young child?s cognitive and social development. The Final Paper should address the following question:
How do educators and parents encourage desired behaviors from pre-school-aged children in both the pre-school and the home setting?
Explain strategies for teaching these behaviors to children and strategies for teaching parents how to reinforce these behaviors at home.
You must use all five of the desired behaviors listed below:
1. Attachment
2. Self-help skills
3. Empowerment
4. Pro-social skills
5. Self-esteem
In addition to the 4 academic resources, you must also reference at least one community resource for the child's family.
***Please include an outline**
Dear Agent
Kindly write the essay according to the below given subject. (Please read it carefully)
Subject area : Enterprise and Marketing
(Summative assignment)
Personal Development Plan.
The design and content of your P.D.P brings together all the various research activity and study you have undertaken, with specific reference to how your Masters skills, knowledge and behavior have developed since you first commenced the module and how you will evaluate yourself at the end of the Module.
It should include a Personal development matrix with action points as part of the conclusion.
In particular, your P.D.P embraces elements from each of the key module learning sessions: Lectures, workshops and Independent Learning activities.
You have to design and write a professional Personal Development Plan of maximum 2475 words (word count does not include references and bibliography).
There are personal planning guidelines in both of the Modules recommended reading books plus the three websites below, you must adapt this guidance into your own Personal Development Plan Structure..
Other personal planning sources are
This is a Post Graduate Academic assignment and as such your work has to go past description and narrative of you and your life to date.
It is expected as a minimum you include Harvard reference citations from your core reading books and list and reference to taught input to support your assertions. It is expected you allude to and adapt the models and concepts you have been introduced to in class and workshops.
To achieve a high grade and to develop deeper understanding and knowledge of the subject, you will be expected to conduct and evidence your wider reading and research beyond the directed reading/teaching materials.
You must compare a wide range of other authors work and current schools of thought in the subject area. This will be from Academic Journals and other research data gathered.
The critical analysis of this data and your findings must be evidenced in this assignment.
All assertions in the assignment MUST BE!!, evidenced by regular/frequent use of appropriate Harvard Reference citations, quotations and paraphrasing from taught material and other authors work to support your assertions, findings and conclusions.
Other information sources are.
1. Information from Induction.
2. Residential experience or non-residential assignment analysis.
3. Formal Lectures.
4. Workshops activities.
5. Recommended text books.
6. Wider reading and research you have independently conducted.
Hope the above sufficient for you to write an excellent essay.
I need an argumentative essay for this book specifically.
The Life of Olaudah Equiano. I used ISBN 978-0-451-53213-8, but I have found a good copy in Googlebooks. Hereis the link:
By all means possible, try to get the same writer that wrote Order #A2081199. He will have a better idea on how to approach this argumentative essay after writing the summary.
I will provide an outline of what I need you to focus on when writing this argumentative paper. That outline compares both Equiano and Douglass. I have also included a thesis, which I need you to use in the introduction. During the introduction, please include elements from all of the outline, while giving the reader an idea of both Equiano and Douglass narratives. I will also include a pdf with Douglass' book. You might need it for the introduction. The introduction will be the only part of this essay where you will write about Douglass. Another classmate has the task of writing about Douglass after my 4-page-Equiano argument. So following the outline, concentrate only of what pertains to Equiano (other than for the introduction, where you must write about both).
This paper must present an analysis and argument, a specific idea or position about this slave narrative. These 4 pages of Equiano will be part of a broader comparison and contrast essay with Frederick Douglass and his Narrative. The idea is to help your readers get a broader, more complete view of slavery than they might have if they only read Douglasss book. You should assume the reader of this work has read both texts you are writing about. There is therefore no need to give a general summary; just present ideas and illustrate them with examples that support the position you are taking.
In summary, please follow this order:
1. Introduction (Include my thesis, and give an introduction for both Equiano and Douglass, based on the outline and any other idea you may have from both books.)
2. How these opportunities came about. (Equiano only)
3. What special trades or jobs did he acquire? (Equiano only)
4. What special skill would this offer to help him escape/end his slavery? (Equiano only)
5. Could he have escaped without these opportunities? (Equiano only)
The same format as in Order #A2081199 must be followed. All papers must be typed in 12 point Times New Roman font and must use correct MLA bibliographical and documentation form. All work (both words and ideas) must be original, unless acknowledged. All primary and secondary sources used must be cited and documented. This applies whether these sources are quoted directly or not. All papers will be evaluated on the degree to which the paper responds actively and intelligently to the task set out, and the degree to which it conforms to standards of academic writing.
Please keep me posted with the progress. Also, keep in mind that this paper will be submitted to turnitin.com, so it must be original.
Thank you!
There are faxes for this order.
How Does This Relate to Me?
Prior to beginning this journal entry, read ?The Development of Expertise in Performance: The Role of Memory, Knowledge, Learning, and Practice? and ?Transitions and the Development of Expertise,? as well as review all other required resources. It is important for you to have already completed your initial post in the ?Learning Trends? discussion before you compose this journal entry.
Part 1: As you were reading this week, what vocabulary was used that was unfamiliar to you or might be to your peers? Identify three to five words from this week?s content and research each word in the context of learning and cognition. Explain, in your own words, what each word means and how it is used in the context of learning and cognition.
Part 2: Based on the week?s discourse and content, you will access the Ashford University Library and research one scholarly article pertaining to expertise that was published within the last 10 years. Provide a summary explanation of the findings on ?expertise? in the context of your article. What implications should scholars consider based on this information? Support your explanation utilizing this week?s resources and your researched article.
Part 3: Consider the events from the past week of your life. How does expertise, or the perception of it, affect our behaviors, actions, and knowledge development? Describe one personal real-life example of an occurrence that supports the implications of actual expertise, or the perception of it, on our behaviors and actions toward others. As you share this information, consider and apply the professional standards found in ?12.06 Anonymity of Sources?found in the AERA Code of Ethics.
Part 4: Review ?Principle A: Professional Competence? in the AERA Code of Ethics. What implications should be considered in your scholarly writing and observations? How might you check for competence of the research in articles and research studies you read? Explain the public impression(s) and misconception(s) that can occur when secular articles or studies (e.g., Yahoo survey results, newspaper reports) are used instead of findings from peer-reviewed sources.
Each journal entry should be 400 to 700 words in length and should establish your understanding of the content, apply appropriate methods of ethical practices, and exhibit appropriate scaffolding of personal experience to the week?s content
How Does This Relate to Me?
Prior to beginning this journal entry, read ?First Language Acquisition? (pp. 198-204) and ?Second Language Learning? (pp. 205-211) in your required text, as well as the required article, ?Understanding Reading Anxiety: New Insights from Neuroscience.? It is important for you to have already completed your initial discussion posts before you complete this journal entry.
Part 1: As you were reading this week, what vocabulary was used that was unfamiliar to you or might be to your peers? Identify three to five words from this week?s content and research each word in the context of learning and cognition. Explain, in your own words, what each word means and how it is used in the context of learning and cognition.
Part 2: Based on the week?s discourse and content, you will access the Ashford University Library and research one scholarly article pertaining to ?reading comprehension and second language? published within the last ten years. Provide a summary explanation of the findings in the context of your article. What implications should scholars consider based on this information? Support your explanation utilizing your course sources and your researched article.
Part 3: Consider the events from the past week of your life. How does the ability to read and write effectively affect our behaviors, actions, and knowledge development? Describe one personal real-life example of an occurrence that indicates the possible consequences when reading and writing acquisition are not well-developed or when language development creates boundaries, such as educational or employment opportunities. As you share this information, consider and apply the professional standards found in ?12.06 Anonymity of Sources?found in the AERA Code of Ethics.
Each journal entry should be 400 to 700 words in length and should establish your understanding of the content, apply appropriate methods of ethical practices, and exhibit appropriate scaffolding of personal experience to the week?s content.
How Does This Relate to Me?
Prior to beginning this journal entry, read ?Metacognition? (pg. 128-134) and ?Lifelong Learning? (pp. 247-253) in you required text. Also read the following required articles: ?How Does Metacognition Contribute to the Regulation of Learning? An Integrative Approach,? ?Reflective Journal Writing as a Metacognitive Tool,? ?Metacognitive Knowledge in Relation to Inquiry Skills and Knowledge Acquisition Within a Computer-Supported Inquiry Learning Environment,? and ?Promoting Student Metacognition.?
This week?s journal will differ from your previous entries. This week, you will be focusing on your self-development and how you apply metacognitive processes. Apply basic research methods and the alignment of content within research to the following questions and write an in-depth analysis about how your personal development in the learning and cognition domains have matured and developed through your formative years.
What do you do now that differs from your past educational learning experiences?
How have your life experiences affected your self-regulation?
Have events in your life influenced your beliefs and how you assert yourself in the learning process?
Next, apply skeptical inquiry to the resolution of problems related to your own learning and cognition development through the consideration of how memory and cultural implications affect you personally. How might you adjust your current strategies? Finally, apply ethical principles and professional standards of learning and cognition psychology that you have learned about to the complex situation of teaching or counseling others in the workplace. What implications should you consider when working with others?
Your writing should not simply answer each question. A fully developed personal analysis of your own growth and learning processes should be concise and well organized in a manner that exhibits your improved writing ability and reflects APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. An introduction and conclusion should be included.
This reflective journal entry should be 600 to 700 words in length and should establish your understanding of the content, apply appropriate methods of ethical practices, and exhibits appropriate scaffolding of personal experience to the week?s content.
Observe three different content area lessons in a public school. Focus on literacy components of the lessons and whether or not you think that they are successful in implementing a literacy component (activating prior knowledge, a writing component, assessing reading comprehension). Compare and contrast these three lessons. Also discuss what strategies you might have implemented to improve and/or enhance instruction. Be specific.
This is a position paper incorporating the research and the personal opinion that there needs to be a change in the education system to allow for a more inclusive classroom where boys can thieve in reading. Providing more selection and choice etc. See powerpoint seminar.
The key points to include from the powerpoint is the:
EQAO numbers (boys compared to girls)
The Teacher Inquiry Report (minimal)
Me Read? No Way! (The key strategies)
Core Goals of the Ministry
Policy 151
Include a Key Thesis Statement.
Resources are attached.
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a) Write an introduction that provides a brief background of your topic choice and rationale for developing the action research proposal. What is the problem or issue that is driving the need for your action research proposal? Include evidence that demonstrates your research proposal is valid.
b) Conduct a review of the academic literature relating to your topic. In reviewing the literature, research similar problems, situations, actions taken, and outcomes that may support or help gain insight into your research question. You should have at least 8 resources of which at least 5 should be from peer-reviewed journals or legitimate research report
My research questions are
How can I effectively utilize readers? theatre to improve the fluency skills of my students?
? What changes in students? level of interest in reading and reading behaviors are noted following the use of readers? theatre?
All information about for this paper will be sent. Its a case analysis for the book Reframing Organizations 4th edition by Lee G. Bolman, and Terrence e. deal (Ch. 15-17) Number 3 as stated below should include other cases that i will send to the writer.
3. Compare and/or contrast the premise(s) presented in the article/case study to course readings, as well as discussions, films, outside readings and personal experience, if applicable.
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1. Write a persuasive academic essay. Consider the following scenario:
A poorly written communication has caused a dispute at the office. This has led to hurt feelings, lower morale, and a possible loss of business. Persuade your employer to sponsor a workshop for all employees to improve writing skills.
Write in a formal essay format to demonstrate to your boss the effectiveness of academic writing skills.
2. Your final individual paper should be 1,400-1,500 words in length
a. Your essay should contain:
1) An Introduction with a thesis statement;
2) A body with supporting evidence and in-text citations;
3) A conclusion; and
4) A reference list or works cited page with at least two sources
Your paper must be written in APA format.
These are comprehensive questions. Each question should be 12 pages in length. You must use reference provided with additional.
Question 1
There is a plethora of research that has been conducted on the long-term effectiveness of charter schools. Much of the research shines negatively on charter schools and their ability to retain students over a long period of time. It appears that these alternatives to public education are, at best, average; however, their performance over the long-term decrease exponentially. A number of possibilities exist for the poor performance of charter school but many conclude that a substantial part of the difference is due to high student turnover in the charters. According to Bracey (2005), "the attrition rate is much higher in charters than in regular public schools. That rate declines with the number of years that school has been open, but even charter that have been open for five years lose almost twice as many kids as their public school counterparts" (p.555).
Review the research that has been completed on charter schools and synthesize the findings in the form of a questionnaire that can be used to gather information from parents, educators, administrators, and community members related to the charter school in Tennessee. Present the questions that you pose and explain the rationale for the development of the specific questions. Finally, provide an explanation as to what methodologies you intend to use in your research.
Reference: Bracey, G.W. (2005). Checking up on charters. Phi Delta Kappan, 86, 7, 554-555
Question 2
?Best Practices? is a phrase that permeates educational research. Recently the National Academy of Sciences released a report concerning how children learn best. This report suggests that there is a set of best instructional practices that can be gleaned from a review of research in education. Review the published research concerning best practices in reading instruction. Develop a set of categories or dimensions that comprise best practices in reading instruction and include a review of the studies that support each category. Conclude your review of the literature with discussion of the ways that the different dimensions of best practices in reading instruction relate or do not relate to each other.
Reference: National Academy of Science Report on best practices in reading instruction.
Candidates will design lesson plans for a thematic unit which utilizes and integrates
various technologies in teaching English Language Arts for a class of readers,
preferably of upper elementary grades or beyond. As thematic learning is a way of
organizing curriculum around particular topical areas of exploration or theme, the
candidate must provide a rationale for why s/he decided to choose a certain theme
for the class. The rationale should include a discussion of overall curricular plans,
standards, and the readers needs and interests. In other words, candidates must
show how this unit of lessons will build upon prior work in the class or will develop
the readers ability and interest in certain reading areas. At least one paragraph of
the rationale must be devoted to explaining why the candidate chose specific
technology tools to support this thematic learning. Candidates will write a draft and
receive feedback from peers who have expertise in teaching the grade level which
the candidate selected for the lesson plans. Candidate will then revise the draft and
will submit a final paper, which is expected to be about 10 pages long.
Thematic Unit Instructions for Candidates:
Design of a thematic unit is a semester-long project that requires your innovative
thinking to find a way to integrate the technology tools you have learned in this
semester into planning and teaching for your current or prospective students.
Common examples of themes for your lessons might be the environment (e.g.,
animals, the rainforest, seasons, etc.), holidays, political events such as elections, or
foreign countries and cultures. While working within a theme, students conduct
research, prepare reports, and make presentations. These activities help develop
and reinforce basic skills such as reading and writing, often with other skills of
social studies, mathematics, or science. Please remember that teachers of language
arts and literature can use the Internet, digital media tools, and common software
applications to enhance student learning; technology can help you and your
students to create visual aids for teaching; improve access to resources, such as
online literature libraries; review and comment on student work more efficiently;
integrate video clips into presentations; and broaden choices for students to
demonstrate their learning outcomes.
The requirements of this assignment are:
1. Introduction will describe the overarching theme of all lessons. State the
purpose of the thematic unit lessons (not objectives of each lesson but rather
broader outcomes you expect to achieve through the whole unit). Summarize
the flow of the whole unit and key technology tools to be used to support
thematic learning. As you write this part, keep in mind that each lesson plan
is an integral part of the whole unit. A rationale for teaching this unit for the
particular readers must be provided. Discuss what and how certain
standards, curricular plans, and formal/informal assessment have influenced
your selecting of the theme and planning the lessons. Briefly discuss why
certain instructional approaches, methods, grouping strategies, print or
digital resources, and technology tools are used in each or all of these
2. Include at least 3 and at most 5 lessons with a developmental lesson plan for
each (see the sample computer classroom lessons in the textbook
(Anderson et al.,2008) for an example but also make sure you follow #3 and
#4 of this instruction)
3. Each lesson must contain objectives of the lesson, learning standards,
procedures and activities with time allotment, materials and resources,
assessment, and reference (if applicable).
4. The activities/assignments in the lesson must be aligned with IRA literacy
learning standards.
5. Use various technology tools to show what youve learned from this semester
but also keep in mind that the tools have to be relevant to student learning
and maximize the learning outcomes. Technology supports thematic learning
by providing tools for communications, research, and presentation (e.g.,
multimedia authoring/presentation tools). Technology used within a
thematic unit could supplement traditional educational tools and practices
such as classroom discussion, audiovisual aids, pencil and paper writing, and
tests. Each lesson needs to include technology such as: 6. a. Software (e.g. word processing, multimedia literature, multimedia
authoring tool, video production or more)
b. Hardware (e.g. computer, presentation system, interactive system,
video or audio player, or more)
c. Web Site resources/Research Tools (e.g., Web Quest)
d. Social networking devices and software (as discussed in Hobbs, 2011
and more)
e. Other kinds of technology introduced and discussed in this class (e.g.,
critical evaluation of web site, authentic reading and writing experiences,
digital storytelling, e-portfolio, and more)
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I need the ordered 65 pages to be IN ADDITION to the ones provided knowing that the DATA ANALYSIS chapter (38 pages) is provided to you entirely (just needs a layout adaptation). I am sending you the PROSPECTUS that was approved by my university (about 60 pages) which have to be part of the final dissertation. In other words, I need a dissertation of about 140 pages, where the enclosed Data Analysis chapter of 38 pages and the prospectus is actually going to be expanded in each of its chapters. So I provide almost 100 pages and I need an additional 60 to be shared among the other chapters as follows
- introduction = add 10 pages
- literature Review: add 20 pages to the existing pages in the prospectus
- research methodology - 15 pages (IMPORTANT: to be consistent with data analysis chapter provided to you)
- data analysis no additional pages to the chapter provided to you but need of reformatting and editing
- discussion and implications of the research - 20 pages
The final dissertation needs the following chapters:
TITLE PAGE Including Approvals
DEDICATION (optional)
LIST OF SYMBOLS (optional)
PREFACE (optional)
Chapter 1 ??" Introduction, Problem Statement and Research Questions. This chapter will introduce the general topic and explain why the candidate chose this particular topic. This chapter will also identify the specific issue or problem in the topic that will be the subject of the research, and define the research questions that guide the study. The candidate should explain the process that led him/her to this specific issue or problem. There should be adequate references in this chapter to the literature to justify the selection of the issue or problem.
II. Chapter 2 ??" Literature Review. In this chapter, the candidate will include all relevant literature to fully develop any theoretical background and conceptual framework necessary to conduct and discuss the research. This chapter will describe the current state of research related to the issue or problem. The formal hypotheses are generally introduced and discussed in this chapter, since they should be based on the literature.
III. Chapter 3 ??" Research Methodology. The candidate will describe in detail the specific methodology to be used to conduct the research and will justify that selection. Any instruments or tools to be used will be fully described and justified in this chapter. If preliminary tests were indicated, the tests will be fully described, the results explained, and any modifications resulting from them discussed. The nature of the research site(s), the sampling arrangements, and the procedures followed in the research are also covered in this chapter. The candidate will describe any statistical tests and/or other analytical procedures used in the analysis of the data collected. The selection of the statistical tests and/or other analytical procedures will be justified.
IV. Chapter 4 ??" Data Analysis and Presentation of Results. Here, the candidate will apply to the data the statistical tests and/or analytical procedures established in Chapter 4, and draw conclusions as to the fate of his/her hypotheses or research questions. Complete results will be described and support or rejection of the hypothesis (es) will be described and explained. I AM PROVIDING THIS CHAPTER but it needs editing and the layout adapted please.
V. Chapter 5 ??" Discussion and Implications of the Research. In this final chapter, the candidate will discuss the findings in relation to the research questions, and explain the implications of the research, including a clear description of the implications for theory and the addition to the body of knowledge in the issue or problem area; recommendations for further research are almost always included, and recommendations for practice are highly desirable.
GLOSSARY (optional)
INDEX (optional)
Please let me know if you have any questions. This is very important for me! Thank you :)
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Customer is requesting that (infoceo) completes this order.
Write a term paper based on ANY of the following topics (see below) using the template provided. Make SURE that all the questions on the template are answered. MAKE SURE THE AGE GROUP IS BIRTH - TWO (preferably pre-k or kindergarden).
Note: You are not limited to these topics. You can choose any other topic as long as it has to do with literacy and early childhood.
emergent speaking
language development in young children or
sounds of the language (rhyme, rhythm and song) or
sound of the language (speaking and listening)
emergent writing
developing eye-hand coordination
art as a natural language
becoming a writer
emergent reading
how reading emerges
home book experience
becoming a reader
in this section, you discuss the key concept of the paper. Why this represents an issue? What has been the traditional approach in addressing this issue? Conclude this section by noting that in exploring this issue your approach will emphasize.... Note the materials that you will use as you address the issue (journals, textbooks, web, media)
in this section, you note what you have uncovered in your research literature review. here, you present the pros and cons. For ex. Smith (1998) notes that .... On the other hand, Jones (1999) contents .....
Provide a substantive analysis based on the literature review in terms of:
a. where we are at
b. Why
c. what you would feel would be better course of action.
here you not only shows how well you digested what you have read but also the impact that it may have on education.
the term reference is used rather than Bibliography because References denotes the sources that you actually used and made reference to in your paper. whereas, a bibliography is simply a listing of books.
Please DO NOT use Wikipedia. ONLY used peer review articles. Thank you.
Request for Chowmama!
I'm taking Intergrating Children's literature.my professor wants to write: read text book(i attached summay of textbook)and also do some additional redearch through journal articles, on the pro and cons of useing textbooks and trade books in your specific curriculum. once you have researched the asventage and dis advantages of using both types of resources.how you intend to use tectbook and trade books in your classroom.
summary of textbook:
in this chapter, siscussed the attributes, strengths, and weaknesses of textbooks, reference books, and trade books.we settled on trade books as the foundation for thematic unit of study based on their strength in language, voice, and variety. we discussed the "crowded curriculum"and showed how thematic study can acually enchance and diffuse the ever-growing expectations laid upon teadhers. we showed how to plan a unit of study, gather neccessary materials, organize for instruction, and assess and evaluate the succrss of the unit. finally, we provide an intermadiate unit of study, "tine ans Time Again,"and a primary unit, "Dinosaurs,"as example of literature-based thematic units to model the process and to get teachers thinking about how they can develop a unit such as these, given their own interests and curridulim requirements.
The paper is a master in education midterm and the 4 questions on page 2 need to be answered in essay format in regards to the case regarding Elsa and drawing off of different readings on literacy development with english language learners....the paper also needs to have a careful analysis of the Magic tree House text which is also included....all in all the questions nedd to be answered in essay format in a 5-6 page paper
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Below are the instructions for this paper. I will e-mail what I have completed of the paper so far. The following needs to be included in the paper:
1. Instructional Levels Examples: Insert a real life example in this section.
2. Developmental Levels Examples: Examples used should be practical, classroom applications. An example is implied, however, it is used more to define developmental levels. What could be seen in a classroom?
3. Disabilities Discussion: Why should disabilities be considered? Insert this discussion in this section. Include an example.
4. Reading levels Discussion: Why is it important for teachers to facilitate the use of reading levels in their instruction?
5. Reading levels Example: What would this look like? How might one implement use of reading levels, that often vary? Practical examples needed.
6. Curricular goals Example: Think of the classroom application for the use of curricular goals.
Discuss the importance of selecting programs/lessons appropriate for students. Grade 8 Mathematics
In your discussion, include a practical example of an appropriate lesson/program for each of the following areas:
Instructional levels
A. Development levels
B. Disabilities
C. Reading levels
D. Curricular goals
Indicate the level/disability/goal that you are trying to match.
Since, I only need one page of each assignment, I must include them all together to meet the 2 page requirement. I have a total of 1 templates that need to be completed and 1 executive summary/recommendation(only one page for the summary) This project is based on a special needs student that is referred to IEP for AT. I will upload the essay that was previously used to go off of and the udl template to go off of in order to complete the template that I need you to complete. Use the checklist from the You must cite and use apa format for the templates.
Using the checklist available from the Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative, conduct an evaluation of your special needs learner. Then use the results to determine 5 recommendations. You will record these recommendations in the UDL Solutions Template you started in Week 2. Base the recommendations on materials/methods and potential barriers/missed opportunities related to the learning goal and standard identified in your Week 2 submission. Add any additional resources used to your reference page and submit this with your checklist.
In your role as an educator who is designing your learners UDL solutions plan, you have been asked to prepare and submit a one-page executive summary to justify the three assistive technologies that you have identified to support your learners mastery of the learning goal and standard.
Ensure that your executive summary is organized using appropriate essay format (coherent introduction, body & conclusion) and formatted using proper APA style (including title page and References). Also the executive summary should utilize an objective, third-person point of view.
An executive summary is a concise summary of a business report. It restates the purpose of the report, it highlights the major points of the report, and it describes any results, conclusions, or recommendations from the report.
Moreover, an executive summary should be aimed at a particular audience, one that is interested in and wants to learn more about the purpose??"or message??"of the main report. Also, the audience should be able to acquire the information it needs without having to read the whole report. An executive summary should
Be presented as a document that can stand on its own;
Be one to three pages, depending on the length of the report;
Be written in a formal tone, avoiding the use of first person pronouns (I, we, our, etc.)
When writing an executive summary, refer to these guidelines:
Clearly state the purpose of the report. Remember that your audience may not have much time, so it should know this information immediately.
Present the major points in the same order they are written in the report. Organization is key for communicating your message. Also, avoid introducing information that is not addressed in the report;
Summarize the results, conclusions, or recommendations made in the report. Inform your audience quickly and thoroughly instead of having them guess;
Use headings, as needed, but phrase them differently from those in the report. This will keep your summary organized while avoiding redundant language;
Format the summary in the same way as the report;
Reread the summary carefully and ask yourself, Is my message clear? Did I include key recommendations? Could my audience peruse this without missing the main point? Would I be interested in the full report based on this summary?;
Proofread and edit;
Have a non-business person read the summary??"a friend, relative, spouse. How did she/he react? What parts were confusing or unclear? Her/his reaction might be similar to that of a business person. Revise as necessary.
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I need my research paper on reading assessment in early childhood literacy. 1. It needs at least five different source materials to include: 1 book 4 articles The articles need to come from…
Read Full Paper ❯Open to all writers! 1. Name four practices that commonly require written administrative procedures. 2. How would you know if you are complying with EQ policies and procedures? a)-------------- b)------------- c)-------------- 3. Explain non-verbal communication…
Read Full Paper ❯Article Research and Summaries: You will need to locate 5 recent article (within 5 years) on these topics: Spelling, Vocabulary, Phonics, Comprehension, Reading. Please I need a…
Read Full Paper ❯Thematic Unit Posted: Mon 07/26/2010 01:20 PM , by: Myrna Karp ( [email protected] ) Previous | Next Red(High) Yellow(Medium) Blue(Low) No Flag Reply View/Print Flag Message Mark…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic selected: Whole Language an educational reform that left a generation unable to read. We were to select an educational reform which we believe has either been a…
Read Full Paper ❯write 2 page essay to explain: What is comprehensive literacy instruction? How to scaffold children's literacy development? Comparing and explain the comprehensive literacy instruction with your current one, have you…
Read Full Paper ❯Please make a profile for a 1st grader that has a learning disability that requires AT. I will upload the article. you can use learning disability/reading for…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic : Case Study (essay format) Your case study has 5 major parts and an introduction: Introduction: ? Include the following ? o Age o Gender o Background information you think is important such as family status, English…
Read Full Paper ❯The Family-Centered approach believes that family involvement matters for a young child?s cognitive and social development. The Final Paper should address the following question: How do educators and parents…
Read Full Paper ❯Dear Agent Kindly write the essay according to the below given subject. (Please read it carefully) Subject area : Enterprise and Marketing (Summative assignment) Personal Development Plan. The design and content of your…
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Read Full Paper ❯PSY615 student.ashford.edu WEEK 4 JOURNAL How Does This Relate to Me? Prior to beginning this journal entry, read ?The Development of Expertise in Performance: The Role of Memory, Knowledge, Learning, and Practice?…
Read Full Paper ❯Observe three different content area lessons in a public school. Focus on literacy components of the lessons and whether or not you think that they are successful in implementing…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a position paper incorporating the research and the personal opinion that there needs to be a change in the education system to allow for a more inclusive…
Read Full Paper ❯a) Write an introduction that provides a brief background of your topic choice and rationale for developing the action research proposal. What is the problem or issue that is…
Read Full Paper ❯All information about for this paper will be sent. Its a case analysis for the book Reframing Organizations 4th edition by Lee G. Bolman, and Terrence e. deal (Ch.…
Read Full Paper ❯1. Write a persuasive academic essay. Consider the following scenario: A poorly written communication has caused a dispute at the office. This has led to hurt feelings, lower morale, and a…
Read Full Paper ❯These are comprehensive questions. Each question should be 12 pages in length. You must use reference provided with additional. Question 1 There is a plethora of research that has been…
Read Full Paper ❯Introduction: Candidates will design lesson plans for a thematic unit which utilizes and integrates various technologies in teaching English Language Arts for a class of readers, preferably of upper elementary…
Read Full Paper ❯VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ CAREFULLY :) I need the ordered 65 pages to be IN ADDITION to the ones provided knowing that the DATA ANALYSIS chapter (38 pages) is…
Read Full Paper ❯Write a term paper based on ANY of the following topics (see below) using the template provided. Make SURE that all the questions on the template are answered. MAKE…
Read Full Paper ❯Request for Chowmama! I'm taking Intergrating Children's literature.my professor wants to write: read text book(i attached summay of textbook)and also do some additional redearch through journal articles, on the pro…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper is a master in education midterm and the 4 questions on page 2 need to be answered in essay format in regards to the case regarding Elsa…
Read Full Paper ❯Below are the instructions for this paper. I will e-mail what I have completed of the paper so far. The following needs to be included in the paper: 1. Instructional…
Read Full Paper ❯Since, I only need one page of each assignment, I must include them all together to meet the 2 page requirement. I have a total of 1…
Read Full Paper ❯