Quantitative Research Design Essays Prompts

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Research Design Differences: Qualitative vs. Quantitative

There are important differences between the qualitative research design and the quantitative research design. For this paper you are asked to identify at least three characteristics of a qualitative study that are unique to this effort. You are also asked to identify at least three characteristics of a quantitative study. Discuss and compare these differences.

For example: a qualitative study will use what is called 'purposeful sampling,' while a quantitative study (specifically an experimental study) uses random sampling. Your task would be to define and compare these different sampling methods and explain why each is important regarding the kind of design.

This paper should be a minimum of four pages, utilizing APA format, and a minimum of two references for each design. APA format would include a cover page, abstract, 1 inch margins left and 1 inch margins the remainder of the page, as well as a Reference page.

Required Source:

Smith, R. A. & Davis, S. F. (2010). The psychologist as detective (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN : 9780558852740.

Other helpful links External Links

http://search.epnet.com or ProQuest Direct database


There are faxes for this order.

Research Proposal: Step Two
I am requesting superduper68 for writing

Throughout the next six weeks, you will plan and propose a quantitative research design of your choice, which may (or may not) involve an area of interest for your doctoral dissertation. You will select a research topic, generate testable hypotheses, review relevant literature, describe participant selection procedures, identify data collection methods, describe the proposed quantitative research design, address potential ethical problems, and describe limitations of your research proposal.
This assignment is the second step toward completing your final research proposal in Week 6. Drawing on your topic area, research questions, and hypothesis from Step One, develop a 5-6 page literature review, in addition to the Title Page and References Page, using between 5-7 scholarly resources, including mostly research studies related to your topic. Information should be drawn from scholarly sources (preferably within the past 10 years), such as professional journals, books, and dissertations.

Writing a literature review requires not only summarizing individual studies, but also involves an examination or evaluation of studies in relation to the topic or research area. Some common purposes of literature reviews include: identifying and outlining relevant and existing knowledge on a topic; identifying gaps in research; evaluating and synthesizing information available in line with your own research topic; justifying a rationale for your own research; and evaluating current research. The Mongan & Rallis (2006) website and Appendix A in the textbook will provide you with guidelines and examples regarding how to develop a literature review.
Your literature review should include the following (steps 1, 2, 4 and 5 will be from your Step One Assignment):
1. Rationale/Problem Statement for the research topic of your choice: Explain your topic. Make a case for why this topic is important to the field of psychology.
2. Research questions you have developed for your topic: Conclude your discussion of the research topic by identifying specific research question(s) about the relationships between two or more concepts. Use both the textbook and the Pajares (2007) website to formulate specific research questions.
3. A 5-6 page literature review on the 5-7 articles you selected: Read your articles thoroughly and provide a literature review that synthesizes what was theorized and discovered about regarding your topic. Do not write separate "summaries" for each article; rather, find connected themes or relationships in the different areas you cover. Use these relationships to frame your discussion of how variables were indicated, samples were obtained, and research designs were constructed. Are there any gaps or weaknesses present in the literature that can be investigated further? You will not necessarily refer to all the information from each article; instead, relate only that which is relevant to your topic and research question. Thus, your literature review should justify your study and support why conducting your proposed study would answer a problem that is not already well understood.
4. Hypotheses that you want to test: Considering your research question or statement of the problem, formulate a hypothesis that states the relationships between the variables and answers the research question. Remember that hypotheses make statements or predictions about something that may be true. Thus, they are hunches or intuitions about what the study?s results may show about the variables being tested.
5. Dependent and independent variables: Operationally define the dependent and independent variables for each hypothesis
**Remember that your literature review in your Final Research Proposal will need to be a minimum of 8 pages, so please be sure to continue working on this section during Weeks 3-6

Research Proposal: Step Four
I am requesting superduper68

Throughout the next six weeks, you will plan and propose a quantitative research design of your choice, which may (or may not) involve an area of interest for your doctoral dissertation. You will select a research topic, generate testable hypotheses, review relevant literature, describe participant selection procedures, identify data collection methods, describe the proposed quantitative research design, address potential ethical problems, and describe limitations of your research proposal.

This assignment is the fourth step toward completing your final research proposal in Week 6. In a two to three page paper, in addition to the Title Page and References Page, answer the following. Please use the Kallet (2004) and Krosnick (1999) articles for further guidance on how to prepare the methods section and how to construct a survey.

Data Collection Measure: Choose one of the following to measure your data:

Design a survey (10-15 items): This should be ready for administration, so include clear instructions about how respondents should take, complete, and return the survey. Pay careful attention to issues of design: question ordering, question phrasing, closed- or open-ended questions, overall convenience and attractiveness of the questionnaire, etc.
Select a systematic observation technique: Describe the setting for gathering your data, write instructions for observations to be made, explain how you will code and/or analyze these data to measure your variables, etc.

Validity in Quantitative Research Designs
Validity in research refers to the extent researchers can be confident that the cause and effect they identify in their research are in fact causal relationships. If there is low validity in a study, it usually means that the research design is flawed and the results will be of little or no value. Four different aspects of validity should be considered when reviewing a research design: statistical conclusion validity, internal validity, construct validity, and external validity. In this Discussion, you consider the importance of each of these aspects in judging the validity of quantitative research.
To prepare:
critique the validity and robustness of research articles surgical site infections : rigor and validity.
Read the method section of one of the following quasi-experimental studies (also located in this week?s Learning Resources). Identify at least one potential concern that could be raised about the study?s internal validity.
Metheny, N. A., Davis-Jackson, J., & Stewart, B. J. (2010). Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol. Nursing Research, 59(1), 18?25.
Padula, C. A., Hughes, C., & Baumhover, L. (2009). Impact of a nurse-driven mobility protocol on functional decline in hospitalized older adults. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(4), 325?331.
Yuan, S., Chou, M., Hwu, L., Chang, Y., Hsu, W., & Kuo, H. (2009). An intervention program to promote health-related physical fitness in nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(10), 1,404?1,411.
Consider strategies that could be used to strengthen the study?s internal validity and how this would impact the three other types of validity.
Think about the consequences of an advanced practice nurse neglecting to consider the validity of a research study when reviewing the research for potential use in developing an evidence-based practice.

Discussion: Validity in Quantitative Research Designs
Validity in research refers to the extent researchers can be confident that the cause and effect they identify in their research are in fact causal relationships. If there is low validity in a study, it usually means that the research design is flawed and the results will be of little or no value. Four different aspects of validity should be considered when reviewing a research design: statistical conclusion validity, internal validity, construct validity, and external validity. In this Discussion, you consider the importance of each of these aspects in judging the validity of quantitative research.

To prepare:

Review the information in Chapter 10 of the course text on rigor and validity.
Read the method section of one of the following quasi-experimental studies (also located in this week?s Learning Resources). Identify at least one potential concern that could be raised about the study?s internal validity.
Metheny, N. A., Davis-Jackson, J., & Stewart, B. J. (2010). Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol. Nursing Research, 59(1), 18?25.
Padula, C. A., Hughes, C., & Baumhover, L. (2009). Impact of a nurse-driven mobility protocol on functional decline in hospitalized older adults. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(4), 325?331.
Yuan, S., Chou, M., Hwu, L., Chang, Y., Hsu, W., & Kuo, H. (2009). An intervention program to promote health-related physical fitness in nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(10), 1,404?1,411.
Consider strategies that could be used to strengthen the study?s internal validity and how this would impact the three other types of validity.
Think about the consequences of an advanced practice nurse neglecting to consider the validity of a research study when reviewing the research for potential use in developing an evidence-based practice.
By Day 3
Post the title of the study that you selected and your analysis of the potential concerns that could be raised about the study?s internal validity. Propose recommendations to strengthen the internal validity and assess the effect your changes could have with regard to the other three types of validity. Discuss the dangers of failing to consider the validity of a research study.

44 (44%) - 44 (44%)
Thoroughly responds to the discussion question(s)

is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

supported by at least 3 current, credible sources

6 (6%) - 6 (6%)
Written clearly and concisely

Contains no grammatical or spelling errors

Fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style

Consider the differences between qualittive and quantitative research designs. What are the differences between the two? Write 350-700-word paper in APA formatting to briefly describe the process and differences between these two types of research designs. Please utilize sources available on the Internet (WWW). I require the sources to be viewable in full.

Assessing and Recommending Quantitative Research Designs

Last week and this week focused on types of quantitative research designs. For this assignment, you will select the design most appropriate for your research plan and justify your choice. Furthermore, you will be asked to explain why other designs were not appropriate.
To prepare for this Assignment:

? Review Chapter 5, "Research Designs: Experiments" and Chapter 6, "Research Designs: Cross-Sectional and Quasi-Experimental Designs" in the course text Research Methods in the Social Sciences. What are the strengths and limitations of each of the designs presented in these chapters?
? Consider the quantitative research plan you are developing and your research questions, hypotheses, and variables. What kind of design would you recommend for your plan? What is your rationale for this choice? What is your rationale for NOT selecting another design?

? What threats to validity must you consider and avoid with your design? How might you increase internal and external validity?

The assignment:

? Craft a 5- to 7-page paper in which you do the following:

o Assess the strengths and limitations of each of the research designs presented in Weeks 2 and 3.

o Recommend a quantitative design for your research plan. Include a rationale for why that design would be most appropriate.

o For the designs that you did not choose, state why each one is not appropriate for your research questions, hypotheses, and variables.

o Support your work with references to the literature sent in a fax.


We have focused on the features and considerations of quantitative research designs. However, quantitative designs are not appropriate for all research questions. I am concerned with how patients react when confronted with negative test results, or you wish to study how views on a certain health topic change over time. In each of these cases, the emphasis is more on understanding the thinking and experiences of an individual or group than on numerical measurements.

For these types of questions, a qualitative or mixed methods research design is the most appropriate. From this journal, select an article of interest to you that was published within the last 3 years. Determine what qualitative research design was used in your selected article and evaluate whether it was the best choice. Consider ethical issues involved in the study and how the researchers addressed them.
Think about how using a quantitative design would have affected the type of data gathered.
Please in clude a title page with a running head The introduction The body and a conclusion with references . I am attaching the article that I have chosen.

This project should consist of 2-3 very descriptive paragraphs. Double spaced, APA style, no plagiarism.
Q 1. Describe the purpose of a research study framework. Briefly describe the six important concepts to a quantitative study design. List the type of quantitative research design and briefly describe how each would be used in a research study.

Q 2. Describe sampling theory, including the concepts of population, target population, sampling criteria, sampling frame, subject or participant, sampling plan, sample representativeness, sampling error, and systematic bias. Write the elements of power analysis.
Write the types of reliability and validity and discus why these are important to a research study.

This next project should be two pages in length, double spaced, APA, no plagiarism. The documents that have been sent to you are for referencing.
1. Questions:
1. Define the term "chronic illness".
List the most frequently occurring disorders in older adults associated with chronic illnesses.
2. Discuss how chronic illness affects older adults in 3-5 sentences.
3. Discuss how chronic illness affects the caregivers in 3-5 sentences.
4. What are 3 resources available to provide for and plan interventions for the caregivers to prevent burnout?.
5. In your own words, write a brief description of the following terms: acute care, rehabilitation, home care and long term care.

Please do not forget to include the reference page in APA format

Validity in Quantitative Research Designs
Validity in research refers to the extent researchers can be confident that the cause and effect they identify in their research are in fact causal relationships. If there is

To prepare:
Select a health topic of interest to you that is relevant to your current area of practice and that is different from your Course Project.
Using the Walden Library, locate two articles in scholarly journals that deal with your topic. One article should utilize a quantitative research design while the other should utilize either a qualitative or a mixed methods design.
Locate the following documents in this week?s Learning Resources to access the appropriate templates, which will guide your critique of each article:
Critique Template for a Qualitative Study
Critique Template for a Quantitative Study
Critique Template for a Mixed-Methods Study
Consider the fields in the templates as you review the information in each article.
Begin to draft a paper in which you analyze the two research approaches as indicated below.
Reflect on the overall value of both quantitative and qualitative research. If someone were to say to you, ?Qualitative research is not real science,? how would you respond?
To complete this Assignment:
Complete the two critiques using the appropriate templates.
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Contrast the types of information that you gained from examining the two different research approaches in the articles that you selected.
Describe the general advantages and disadvantages of the two research approaches featured in the articles. Use examples from the articles for support.
Formulate a response to the claim that qualitative research is not real science. Highlight the general insights that both quantitative and qualitative studies can provide to researchers. Support your response with references to the Learning Resources and other credible sources.
I will upload the two articles that need to be critiqued.


ask me any questions please

Propose and Justify Research Method and Design
Mixed method using critical race theory and post-structural theory

Develop an envisioned methodology and design for your dissertation research topic based on the research problem, purpose, and questions other research courses, and then write a research paper to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the envisioned method and design. In your paper, justify why the chosen method and design would be most appropriate for your research questions. In justifying your chosen method and design, discuss why alternative methods/designs would be less desirable for your study. Please corroborate your assertions with scholarly research.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Argue the criteria for selection of a research method.
Evaluate the differences between facts and theory, as well as concepts and variables.
Examine the use of a theoretical perspective in the design process.
Evaluate the concepts of construct validity and measurement reliability.
Justify quantitative research designs when appropriate.
Justify qualitative research designs when appropriate.
Anticipate ethics requirements when conducting research with human subjects.
Compare and contrast the three types of research methodologies.
Distinguish among non-experimental, quasi-experimental, and experimental research designs.
Assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of each research methodology.

From the Teacher Final Research Paper should use headings, and include:

? I. Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)
? Statement of Research Problem (1 paragraph)
? Hypothesis?what is your hypothesis (1-2 sentences)
? Significance of Research?Why is it an important issue? (1 paragraph)

? II. Literature Review (3-5 pages?what does the research say about the issue?you can use information from your annotated bibliography as well as other sources)
? III Methodology

? Study design ( Describe the kind of design you are using?you are using a survey research design) You may be using quantitative, qualitative measures or both. Indicate what you are using (2 paragraphs) add 1-2 sentences about the benefits and drawbacks of your design--(survey research design)

? Instrumentation (This is your questionnaire-how many questions, and what areas are you looking at? i.e. demographic variables, the variables you are measuring
(1-2 paragraphs)

? Data collection (How will you administer your survey to people? Will you conduct face ?to-face interviews? Will the participants complete the survey themselves? (1 paragraph)

? Protocols
? Discuss how you will give the persons an informed consent form prior to giving the person the questionnaire, listing possible risks they might potentially have. If they agree to participate and after they sign the form, you?ll administer the questionnaire to them. Persons should know that their information will be kept confidential, in a safe secure place and that their survey will not be identifiable by anyone except you and persons entering the data.
(2 paragraphs)

? Methods of data analysis (You will be doing some basic analyzing of the frequency of responses, mean, median age-descriptive statistics) (1 paragraph)

-A copy of your questionnaire, informed consent form and cover sheet should be at the end of your references. List them as Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C. If you have other materials you?d like to attach, list them as Appendix D and so on.

Information collected:

The purpose of this survey research is to examine the perceived attitudes of the African American community attending a Historically Black College or University toward the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and questioning community. The research discusses the history and stereotypes in regards to homosexuality within the African American community. The importance of having Gay Straight Alliances organizations at colleges and universities that may help recruit more diverse students and improve environment support for current students.

more Resources:
Kirby, V. (2011). The Need for LGBT Resource and Research Centers on Historically Black Campuses . The Black Closet , 9. Retrieved September 15, 2013, from http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k78405&pageid=icb.page414497
Plante, K. (2008). The Impact o f a Gay Straight Alliances on Middle and High School Age Students. American Psychological Association, 5. Retrieved September 16, 2013, from http://www2.uwstout.edu/content/lib/thesis

Ashley Cowling
Annotated Bibliography
SWK 410

Sexual Orientation and College Choice

Burleson, Douglas A. "Sexual orientation and college choice: Considering campus climate." About Campus 14, no. 6 (January 2010): 9-14. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 14, 2013).

This article is focused on an anonymous web based survey giving to Lesbian Gay Bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students currently in high school or college to collect information on their process of choosing a university. Burleson also inquired on the relation of the students choices to their coming out and high school involvements. Burleson breaks down the research by personal and social factors in the college choice program such as the openness of the student sexuality to themselves, parents, friends, and classmates; along with the institutional factors that?s included a quantitative review.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and education

Eisen, V., & Hall, L. (Eds.). (1996). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and education [Special issue]. Harvard Educational Review, 66(2).

This educational review includes inciting critical thinking essays that examine the lives and experiences of lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgender students and teachers. How an openly lesbian teacher gave her students a different outlook on life in the classroom and the reaction from student about the class curriculum being fixated on the bigotries suffering inflicted on the lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

Offsetting Risks: High School Gay-Straight Alliances and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Youth

Heck, N. C., Flentje, A., & Cochran, B. N. (2011). Offsetting risks: High school gay-straight alliances and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth. School Psychology Quarterly, 26(2), 161-174. doi:10.1037/a0023226

In this article they researchers acknowledges that Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) has specific benefits in high schools by improving the schools atmosphere for LGBT student, destroys discrimination with education and no tolerance for unjust treatment. However, it is undetermined if the GSA is linked to the decreasing levels of substance use, symptoms of depressions, and psychological stress of LGBT students. This article surveyed 145 subjects ages 18-20 using the quantitative measures to study the outcome of the students who did attend GSA and who did not.

Relating Developmental Theories to Postsecondary Persistence: A Multiple Case Study of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual College Students

Olive, J. L. (2010). Relating Developmental Theories to Postsecondary Persistence: A Multiple Case Study of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual College Students. Journal Of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 4(4), 197-212.

This research article is a collection of three lesbian females and three gay men all who have received their undergraduate degrees. Olive used the 6 subjects life experiences and developed a qualitative case study. Olive qualitative study was developed to categorize and understand the influences that attended to the determination of those undergraduate students.

"Some of My Best Friends": Intergroup Contact, Concealable Stigma, and Heterosexuals' Attitudes toward Gay Men and Lesbians

Herek, G. M., & Capitanio, J. P. (1996). "Some of My Best Friends": Intergroup Contact, Concealable Stigma, and Heterosexuals' Attitudes toward Gay Men and Lesbians. Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin, 22(4), 412-24.

This research article reviewed the attitudes of American heterosexual people toward gay men and lesbian women. The attitudes of American heterosexual were broken down between heterosexual people with homosexual friends, relatives, or associates and those without.

Exploring Complexities of Multiple Identities of Lesbians in a Black College Environment

Patton, L. D., & Simmons, S. L. (2008). Exploring Complexities of Multiple Identities of Lesbians in a Black College Environment. Negro Educational Review, 59(3/4), 197-215.

Author Patton interviews fiveAfrican American freshman females students who identify themselves as lesiban

Perspectives on Identity, Disclosure, and the Campus Environment

Among African American Gay and Bisexual Men at One Historically

Black College

Patton, L. (2011). Perspectives on Identity, Disclosure, and the Campus Environment. Journal of College Student Development, 52(1), 77-100. Retrived: October 14,2013 http://www.dso.iastate.edu/sites/default/files/files/success/52.1.patton.pdf

Lori Patton, author, creates an qualitative study using six african american gay men attending a Historically Black College and the manner of which they viwed their sexual orientation and the technique they used to conceal their sexual perference on campus.

Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual College Student Experiences: An Exploratory Study

Longerbeam, S., Kurotsuchi-Inkelas, K., Johnson, D., & Lee, Z. (2007). Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual College Student Experiences: An Exploratory Study. Journal of College Student Development, 48(2), 215-230.

This article proposes to examine the lives and experiences of sexual alternative lifestyles of college students to provide an understanding of the students' language, behaviors, and stressors, and how those areas affect students' academic achievement and success in college. The study puts college students into a single category in quantitative research designs as well as the outlook of their engagement with the collegiate environment.

Peer Victimization and Sexual Risk Differences Between Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Questioning and Nontransgender Heterosexual Youths in Grades 7?12

Robinson, J., & Espelage, D. (2013). Peer Victimization and Sexual Risk Differences Between. American Journal of Public Health, 103(10), 1810-1819.

An web administered survey was given to students in grades 7-12 who were aprt of the LGBT and questing community that focuses of the perilous sexual behaviors before and after experiencing peer discrimination.

Their Own Received Them Not:African American Lesbians and Gays in Black Churches

Griffin, H. (2000). Their Own Received Them Not: African American Lesbians and Gays in Black Churches. Theology & Sexuality: The Journal Of The Institute For The Study Of Christianity & Sexuality, 6(12), 1.

This articles discusses the repression of lesbians and gays by the African American church and the ?out of mind, out of sight? attitude that the african american community has when the topic of homosexuality is involved. Giffin attacks serious questions such as when will african american church start fighting for justic for their follow homosexual christian.

Consent for Participation in the Study
The researcher requests your consent for participation in a study about _the historically black college and university attitudes toward homosexuality __. This consent form asks you to agree to allow the researcher to record and view the interview and to use your comments to enhance understanding of the topic. The form also asks your permission to use related observations, images or posts as data in this study.

This questionnaire asks for your preferences about whether to remain anonymous or to allow the researcher to name you and your [school/organization/business] and to quote you directly. It also asks you to indicate your preferences for use of visual images shared or generated in the interview.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide not to participate there will not be any negative consequences. Please be aware that if you decide to participate, you may stop participating at any time and you may decide not to answer any specific question.

The researcher will maintain the confidentiality of the research records or data, and all data will be destroyed once the research is completed on December 2, 2013

By submitting this form you are indicating that you have read the description of the study, are over the age of 18, and that you agree to the terms as described.

If you have any questions, or would like a copy of this consent letter, please contact me at (205)335-0042.

Thank you in advance for your participation!
- Ashley G Cowling

*1. I agree to participate in a research study. I understand the purpose and nature of this study and I am participating voluntarily. I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any time, without any penalty or consequences.
I agree to participate in a research study. I understand the purpose and nature of this study and I am participating voluntarily. I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any time, without any penalty or consequences.
*2. I grant permission for the data generated from this interview to be used in the researcher's publications on this topic.
I grant permission for the data generated from this interview to be used in the researcher's publications on this topic.
I grant permission under the following conditions:

*3. I grant permission for the interview session to be recorded and saved for purpose of review by the researcher.
*4. Indicate your permission for audio or video clips or stills from the interview session to be used in presentations or documentation of this study. Select your preferences below:
???? I agree to audio clips
????I do not agree to audio clips

*5. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission. Choose one of the following options:
Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission. Choose one of the following options:
???? I agree that a brief synopsis can be included in the documentation of the research, including my name, school/organization/business name and brief bio. I understand that I will be asked to provide a brief bio and that I will be asked to approve this synopsis. I understand that no other personal information will be communicated.
????I prefer to remain anonymous and to have no professional information or organization or business name included in the researcher's publications based on this study.

*6. Choose one of the following options:
???? I grant permission for the researcher to use direct, attributed quotations from my interview.
???? I grant permission for the researcher to use my contributions to the interview in aggregate or anonymous statements, but I prefer to maintain confidentiality and request that any comments are presented without attribution to me.

*7. This research survey discusses sexuality preference please indicate if you wish to keep your sexual orientation private
???? Yes
???? No

*10. Please sign your name in the box below to indicate agreement to participate in this study.

Sexual Orientation: ???? Lesbian
???? Gay ???? Bisexual ???? Transgender ???? Heterosexual ???? Questioning/Bicurious
Academic Standing: ???? Freshman ???? Sophomore ???? Junior ???? Senior
Academic Major:

1. How open participants are about their sexual orientation, what are current levels of outness using a scale from 1:person definitely does not know about your sexual orientation status to 7: person definitely knows about your sexual orientation, and it is openly talked about.

2. Have you ever felt it was necessary to hide your sexuality from your peers & why?

3. How would you rank the acceptance level for the LGBT community at your college? On a scale of 1:being Extremely safe and accepting 2: Safe and accepting 3: neutral 4: unsafe and accepting 5: extremely unsafe and not accepting

4. What is your opinion or perception towards gay men?
5. What is your opinion or perception towards lesbian women?

6. Levels of comfort around homosexual men scale to 1-5
1 being: not comfortable at all around homosexual men 2: somewhat comfortable around homosexual men 3: neutral 4:comfortable 5: extremely comfortable around homosexual men

7. Levels of comfort around homosexual women on a scale of
1 being: not comfortable at all around homosexual women 2: somewhat comfortable around homosexual women 3: neutral 4:comfortable 5: extremely comfortable around homosexual women

8.Have you notice any inequality towards homosexual students?

8a. If yes could you in details explain?

9. Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) is a student ran organization purpose is to encourage acceptance of homosexuality and to create awareness while educating others. Also to decrease to destroy hate crimes, inequality & discrimination. Would you become a straight ally to help promote a safe environment for LGBT students?
???? Yes
???? No

10. How do you feel perceived at your university as a homosexual student ?

11. Did your sexual orientation play a part in the choosing of a college ?

12. What was your reason for selecting your university or college?

13. Does your school have a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) program ?

14. Do you believe your university would benefit from a GSA program?

15. Does your schools administration office have policies that protects their LGBT students?

16. If so, do you feel that the school administration enforces those policies?

17. Have you ever experienced inequality or discrimination at your university

17a. if so can you explain in details what's happened?

18. If there is inequality at your school towards alternative lifestyles how would you suggest it be stopped?

19. Have you ever had or seen a negative experience concerning your sexual orientation from a professor at you university ? If so, explain?
20. Did you report or talk to someone of high standing about that negative experience?
20a. If not, why?
20b. If you did report the negative experience, was anything affirmative done to ensure it didn't happen again?

Nature of the Research and

Qualitative Research Designs
Using the article below titled QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH please write a 2 page paper using the APA format and also please include a reference page following the APA format.

For the past 2 weeks, you have focused on the features and considerations of quantitative research designs. However, quantitative designs are not appropriate for all research questions. Perhaps you are concerned with how patients react when confronted with negative test results, or you wish to study how views on a certain health topic change over tim

Here is the question:

Qualitative and quantitative research designs are used in studying the impact of cultural diversity in the workplace. Compare and contrast elements of qualitative and quantitative research methods in terms of survey and case study designs. Which characteristics of qualitative and quantitative analysis would be useful to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of cultural diversity in the workplace?

Note: Each paragraph should have some type of source(s) with APA 6th edition included. Please include subtitles to break down the question.

Written Assignment

Research Proposal: Step Three

Throughout the next six weeks, you will plan and propose a quantitative research design of your choice, which may (or may not) involve an area of interest for your doctoral dissertation. You will select a research topic, generate testable hypotheses, review relevant literature, describe participant selection procedures, identify data collection methods, describe the proposed quantitative research design, address potential ethical problems, and describe limitations of your research proposal.

This assignment is the third step toward completing your final research proposal in Week 6. In a one to two page paper, in addition to the Title Page and References Page, answer the following. Please use the Kallet (2004) article for further guidance on how to prepare the methods section.

Participant Selection and Sampling Procedures: Explain how you will select your sample. This part of your proposal should read like a detailed set of instructions that someone else could follow and execute without your help. You should cover the following questions:

Who or what is your target population?
What is your sample size?
Where will you obtain your sample?
Is the sample representative of the defined population?
How many groups will you have?
What sampling method do you plan to use (e.g., randomization, convenience sampling, etc.)? Why do you plan to use this method as opposed to others that are available?
How will the sample be collected?
Be sure to discuss how informed consent, privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality will be addressed in the study.

Be sure to include an APA formatted title page and references page.

Please write in the APA format and provide a reference page.

Application: Critiquing Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods Studies
Critiquing the validity and robustness of research featured in journal articles provides a critical foundation for engaging in evidence-based practice. In Weeks 5 and 6, you explored quantitative research designs. In Week 7, you will examine qualitative and mixed methods research designs. For this Assignment, which is due by Day 7 of Week 7, you critique a quantitative and either a qualitative or a mixed methods research study and compare the types of information obtained in each.
To prepare:
Select a health topic of interest to you that is relevant to your current area of practice and that is different from your Course Project.
Using the Walden Library, locate two articles in scholarly journals that deal with your topic. One article should utilize a quantitative research design while the other should utilize either a qualitative or a mixed methods design.
Locate the following documents in this weeks Learning Resources to access the appropriate templates, which will guide your critique of each article:
o Critique Template for a Qualitative Study
o Critique Template for a Quantitative Study
o Critique Template for a Mixed-Methods Study
Consider the fields in the templates as you review the information in each article.
Begin to draft a paper in which you analyze the two research approaches as indicated below.
Reflect on the overall value of both quantitative and qualitative research. If someone were to say to you, Qualitative research is not real science, how would you respond?
To complete this Assignment:
Complete the two critiques using the appropriate templates.
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
o Contrast the types of information that you gained from examining the two different research approaches in the articles that you selected.
o Describe the general advantages and disadvantages of the two research approaches featured in the articles. Use examples from the articles for support.
o Formulate a response to the claim that qualitative research is not real science. Highlight the general insights that both quantitative and qualitative studies can provide to researchers. Support your response with references to the Learning Resources and other credible sources.
As you complete this Assignment, remember to:
Submit your paper to Grammarly and Turnitin through the Walden Writing Center. Based on the Grammarly and Turnitin reports, revise your paper as necessary.
Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The School of Nursing Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available from the Walden University website found in this weeks Learning Resources). All papers submitted must use this formatting.
This Assignment is due by Day 7 of Week 7.

Critique Template for a Qualitative Study

NURS 6052
Week 6 Assignment: Application: Critiquing Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods Studies (due by Day 7 of Week 7)
Your name:
Article reference (in APA style):

What is a critique? Simply stated, a critique is a critical analysis undertaken for some purpose. Nurses critique research for three main reasons: to improve their practice, to broaden their understanding, and to provide a base for the conduct of a study.

When the purpose is to improve practice, nurses must give special consideration to questions such as these:

Are the research findings appropriate to my practice setting and situation?
What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness?
How might a proposed change in practice trigger changes in other aspects of practice?

To help you synthesize your learning throughout this course and prepare you to utilize research in your practice, you will be critiquing a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research study of your choice.

For your critique, select one of the research articles that you included in your literature review. If the article is unavailable in a full-text version through the Walden University Library, you must e-mail the article as a PDF or Word attachment to your Instructor.


1. Research Issue and Purpose

What is the research question or issue of the referenced study? What is its purpose? (Sometimes ONLY the purpose is stated clearly and the question must be inferred from the introductory discussion of the purpose.)

2. Researcher Pre-understandings

Does the article include a discussion of the researchers pre-understandings? What does the article disclose about the researchers professional and personal perspectives on the research problem?

3. Literature Review

What is the quality of the literature review? Is the literature review current, relevant? Is there evidence that the author critiqued the literature or merely reported it without critique? Is there an integrated summary of the current knowledge base regarding the research problem, or does the literature review contain opinion or anecdotal articles without any synthesis or summary of the whole? (Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introductory section without being explicitly identified.)

4. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Is a theoretical or conceptual framework identified? If so, what is it? Is it a nursing framework or one drawn from another discipline? (Sometimes there is no explicitly identified theoretical or conceptual framework; in addition, many nursing research studies draw on a borrowed framework, e.g., stress, medical pathology, etc.)

5. Participants

Who were the participants? Is the setting or study group adequately described? Is the setting appropriate for the research question? What type of sampling strategy was used? Was it appropriate? Was the sample size adequate? Did the researcher stipulate that information redundancy was achieved?

6. Protection of Human Research Participants

What steps were taken to protect human research subjects?

7. Research Design

What was the design of the study? If the design was modeled from previous research or pilot studies, please describe.

8. Data Collection/Generation Methods

What methods were used for data collection/generation? Was triangulation used?

9. Credibility

Were the generated data credible? Explain your reasons.

10. Data Analysis

What methods were used for data analysis? What evidence was provided that the researchers analysis was accurate and replicable?

11. Findings

What were the findings?

12. Discussion of Findings

Was the discussion of findings related to the framework? Were those the expected findings? Were they consistent with previous studies? Were serendipitous (i.e., accidental) findings described?

13. Limitations

Did the researcher report limitations of the study? (Limitations are acknowledgments of internal characteristics of the study that may help explain insignificant and other unexpected findings, and more importantly, indicate those groups to whom the findings CANNOT be generalized or applied. It is a fact that all studies must be limited in some way; not all of the issues involved in a problem situation can be studied all at once.)

14. Implications

Are the conclusions and implications drawn by the author warranted by the study findings? (Sometimes researchers will seem to ignore findings that dont confirm their expectations as they interpret the meaning of their study findings.)

15. Recommendations

Does the author offer legitimate recommendations for furher research? Is the description of the study sufficiently clear and complete to allow replication of the study? (Sometimes researchers recommendations seem to come from left field rather than following obviously from the discussion of findings. If a research problem is truly significant, the results need to be confirmed with additional research; in addition, if a reader wishes to design a study using a different sample or correcting flaws in the original study, a complete description is necessary.)

16. Research Utilization in Your Practice

How might this research inform your practice? Are the research findings appropriate to your practice setting and situation? What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness? How might the utilization of this research trigger changes in other aspects of practice?

Critique Template for a Quantitative Study

NURS 6052
Week 6 Assignment: Application: Critiquing Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods Studies (due by Day 7 of Week 7)
Your name:
Article reference (in APA style):

What is a critique? Simply stated, a critique is a critical analysis undertaken for some purpose. Nurses critique research for three main reasons: to improve their practice, to broaden their understanding, and to provide a base for the conduct of a study.

When the purpose is to improve practice, nurses must give special consideration to questions such as these:

Are the research findings appropriate to my practice setting and situation?
What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness?
How might a proposed change in practice trigger changes in other aspects of practice?

To help you synthesize your learning throughout this course and prepare you to utilize research in your practice, you will be critiquing a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research study of your choice.

For your critique, select one of the research articles that you included in your literature review. If the article is unavailable in a full-text version through the Walden University Library, you must e-mail the article as a PDF or Word attachment to your Instructor.


1. Research Problem and Purpose

What are the problem and purpose of the referenced study? (Sometimes ONLY the purpose is stated clearly and the problem must be inferred from the introductory discussion of the purpose.)

2. Hypotheses and Research Questions

What are the hypotheses (or research questions/objectives) of the study? (Sometimes the hypotheses or study questions are listed in the Results section, rather than preceding the report of the methodology used. Occasionally, there will be no mention of hypotheses, but anytime there are inferential statistics used, the reader can recognize what the hypotheses are from looking at the results of statistical analysis.)

3. Literature Review

What is the quality of the literature review? Is the literature review current? Relevant? Is there evidence that the author critiqued the literature or merely reported it without critique? Is there an integrated summary of the current knowledge base regarding the research problem, or does the literature review contain opinion or anecdotal articles without any synthesis or summary of the whole? (Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introductory section without being explicitly identified.)

4. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Is a theoretical or conceptual framework identified? If so, what is it? Is it a nursing framework or one drawn from another discipline? (Sometimes there is no explicitly identified theoretical or conceptual framework; in addition, many nursing research studies draw on a borrowed framework, e.g., stress, medical pathology, etc.)

5. Population

What population was sampled? How was the population sampled? Describe the method and criteria. How many subjects were in the sample?

6. Protection of Human Research Participants

What steps were taken to protect human research subjects?

7. Research Design

What was the design of the study? If the design was modeled from previous research or pilot studies, please describe.

8. Instruments and Strategies for Measurement

What instruments and/or other measurement strategies were used in data collection? Was information provided regarding the reliability and validity of the measurement instruments? If so, describe it.

9. Data Collection

What procedures were used for data collection?

10. Data Analysis

What methods of data analysis were used? Were they appropriate to the design and hypotheses?

11. Interpretation of Results

What results were obtained from data analysis? Is sufficient information given to interpret the results of data analysis?

12. Discussion of Findings

Was the discussion of findings related to the framework? Were those the expected findings? Were they consistent with previous studies? Were serendipitous (i.e., accidental) findings described?

13. Limitations

Did the researcher report limitations of the study? (Limitations are acknowledgments of internal characteristics of the study that may help explain insignificant and other unexpected findings, and more importantly, indicate those groups to whom the findings CANNOT be generalized or applied. It is a fact that all studies must be limited in some way; not all of the issues involved in a problem situation can be studied all at once.)

14. Implications

Are the conclusions and implications drawn by the author warranted by the study findings? (Sometimes researchers will seem to ignore findings that dont confirm their hypotheses as they interpret the meaning of their study findings.)

15. Recommendations

Does the author offer legitimate recommendations for further research? Is the description of the study sufficiently clear and complete to allow replication of the study? (Sometimes researchers recommendations seem to come from left field rather than following obviously from the discussion of findings. If a research problem is truly significant, the results need to be confirmed with additional research; in addition, if a reader wishes to design a study using a different sample or correcting flaws in the original study, a complete description is necessary.)

16. Research Utilization in Your Practice

How might this research inform your practice? Are the research findings appropriate to your practice setting and situation? What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness? How might the utilization of this research trigger changes in other aspects of practice?

Critique Template for a Mixed-Methods Study

NURS 6052
Week 6 Assignment: Application: Critiquing Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods Studies (due by Day 7 of Week 7)
Your name:
Article reference (in APA style):

What is a critique? Simply stated, a critique is a critical analysis undertaken for some purpose. Nurses critique research for three main reasons: to improve their practice, to broaden their understanding, and to provide a base for the conduct of a study.

When the purpose is to improve practice, nurses must give special consideration to questions such as these:

Are the research findings appropriate to my practice setting and situation?
What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness?
How might a proposed change in practice trigger chages in other aspects of practice?

To help you synthesize your learning throughout this course and prepare you to utilize research in your practice, you will be critiquing a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research study of your choice.

For your critique, select one of the research articles that you included in your literature review. If the article is unavailable in a full-text version through the Walden University Library, you must e-mail the article as a PDF or Word attachment to your Instructor.


17. Research Issue and Purpose

What is the research question or issue of the referenced study? What is its purpose? (Sometimes ONLY the purpose is stated clearly and the question must be inferred from the introductory discussion of the purpose.)

17. Researcher Pre-understandings and / or Hypotheses and Research Questions

Does the article include a discussion of the researchers pre-understandings? What does the article disclose about the researchers professional and personal perspectives on the research problem? What are the hypotheses (or research questions/objectives) of the study? (Sometimes the hypotheses or study questions are listed in the Results section, rather than preceding the report of the methodology used. Occasionally, there will be no mention of hypotheses, but anytime there are inferential statistics used, the reader can recognize what the hypotheses are from looking at the results of statistical analysis.)

18. Literature Review

What is the quality of the literature review? Is the literature review current, relevant? Is there evidence that the author critiqued the literature or merely reported it without critique? Is there an integrated summary of the current knowledge base regarding the research problem, or does the literature review contain opinion or anecdotal articles without any synthesis or summary of the whole? (Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introductory section without being explicitly identified.)

19. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Is a theoretical or conceptual framework identified? If so, what is it? Is it a nursing framework or one drawn from another discipline? (Sometimes there is no explicitly identified theoretical or conceptual framework; in addition, many nursing research studies draw on a borrowed framework, e.g., stress, medical pathology, etc.)

20. Participants

Who were the participants? Is the setting or study group adequately described? Is the setting appropriate for the research question? What type of sampling strategy was used? Was it appropriate? Was the sample size adequate? Did the researcher stipulate that information redundancy was achieved?

21. Protection of Human Research Participants

What steps were taken to protect human research subjects?

22. Research Design

What was the design of the study? If the design was modeled from previous research or pilot studies, please describe.

23. Instruments, Data Collection, Data Generation Methods

What methods were used for data collection/generation? What instruments and/or other measurement strategies were used in data collection? Was information provided regarding the reliability and validity of the measurement instruments? If so, describe it. Was triangulation used?

24. Credibility

Were the generated data credible? Explain your reasons.

25. Data Analysis

What methods were used for data analysis? What evidence was provided that the researchers analysis was accurate and replicable?

26. Findings

What were the findings?

27. Discussion of Findings

Was the discussion of findings related to the framework? Were those the expected findings? Were they consistent with previous studies? Were serendipitous (i.e., accidental) findings described?

28. Limitations

Did the researcher report limitations of the study? (Limitations are acknowledgments of internal characteristics of the study that may help explain insignificant and other unexpected findings, and more importantly, indicate those groups to whom the findings CANNOT be generalized or applied. It is a fact that all studies must be limited in some way; not all of the issues involved in a problem situation can be studied all at once.)

29. Implications

Are the conclusions and implications drawn by the author warranted by the study findings? (Sometimes researchers will seem to ignore findings that dont confirm their expectations as they interpret the meaning of their study findings.)

30. Recommendations

Does the author offer legitimate recommendations for further research? Is the description of the study sufficiently clear and complete to allow replication of the study? (Sometimes researchers recommendations seem to come from left field rather than following obviously from the discussion of findings. If a research problem is truly significant, the results need to be confirmed with additional research; in addition, if a reader wishes to design a study using a different sample or correcting flaws in the original study, a complete description is necessary.)

31. Research Utilization in Your Practice

How might this research inform your practice? Are the research findings appropriate to your practice setting and situation? What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness? How might the utilization of this research trigger changes in other aspects of practice?

Due Date: Jul 10, 2013 23:59:59 Max Points: 100


Write a summary of each of the articles approved by the instructor in Module 2.

1) Write one research summary that uses a quantitative research design.

2) Write one research summary that uses a qualitative research design.

3) Each summary should be 250-500 words and should follow the template, Summarize Research Articles.

4) Use APA Level Heading 2 to separate the distinct parts of the study.

These article summaries will form the basis of the Critique of Research Studies Parts 1-3 assignments in Modules 4, 6, and 8.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

I need a research paper on new product development.

An important prerequisite of new product development is extensive marketing research. The following case from Business Week deals with observational marketing research, a specific type of ethnographic investigation.

First, read the article from .

"Consumers in the Mist: Mad Ave.'s anthropologists are unearthing our secrets" by Gerry Khermouch. February 26, 2001 . , Iss. 3721; pg. 92

What other companies use ethnographic research? What do they find out about when they conduct this type of market research to develop their products? Note the table that appears at the end of the article.

You may be wondering about the value of focus groups, interviews, and the like. How do "qualitative" research activities add value to marketing? Below in bullet format is a complete discussion of qualitative research, its role, etc.

Qualitative marketing research

Qualitative research is a set of research techniques, used in marketing and the social sciences, in which data are obtained from a relatively small group of respondents and not analyzed with statistical techniques. This differentiates it from quantitative research in which a large group of respondents provides data that is statistically analyzed.

1 The role of qualitative research

2 Approaches

3 The main types of qualitative research are:

4 See also

5 Lists of related topics

The role of qualitative research
Qualitative research methods are used primarily as a prelude to quantitative research. They are used to define a problem, generate hypotheses, identify determinants, and develop quantitative research designs. They are inexpensive and fast. Because of the low number of respondents involved, these exploratory research methods cannot be used to generalize to the whole population. They are however, very valuable for exploring an issue and are used by almost all researchers. They can be better than quantitative research at probing below the surface for affective drives and subconscious motivations.

Most qualitative methods use a direct approach : they clearly disclose the purpose of the study and the organization that commissioned it. Questions are direct and to the point. Many other qualitative techniques use an indirect approach. The true intent of the research is disguised, either by claiming a false purpose or by omitting any reference to the study?s purpose. Some researchers have ethical misgivings about the deceit involved in this approach. Those researchers that use this approach feel that it provides the more honest and accurate responses. If disguised methods are used, all respondents should, on completion, attend a debriefing session in which the true purpose of the research is given and the reason for the deception explained.

The main types of qualitative research are:
Depth Interviews
interview is conducted one-on-one, and lasts between 30 and 60 minutes
best method for in-depth probing of personal opinions, beliefs, and values
very rich depth of information
very flexible
probing is very useful at uncovering hidden issues
they are unstructured (or loosely structured)- this differentiates them from survey interviews in which the same questions are asked to all respondents
can be time consuming and responses can be difficult to interpret
requires skilled interviewers - expensive - interviewer bias can easily be introduced
there is no social pressure on respondents to conform and no group dynamics
start with general questions and rapport establishing questions, then proceed to more purposive questions
laddering is a technique used by depth interviewers in which you start with questions about external objects and external social phenomena, then proceed to internal attitudes and feelings
hidden issue questioning is a technique used by depth interviewers in which they concentrate on deeply felt personal concerns and pet peeves
symbolic analysis is a technique used by depth interviewers in which deeper symbolic meanings are probed by asking questions about their opposites
Focus Groups
an interactive group discussion lead by a moderator
unstructured (or loosely structured) discussion where the moderator encourages the free flow of ideas
usually 8 to 12 members in the group
usually last for 1 to 2 hours
usually recorded on video
the room usually has a large window with one-way glass - participants cannot see out, but the researchers can see in
inexpensive and fast
can use computer and internet technology for on-line focus groups
respondents feel a group pressure to conform
group dynamics is useful in developing new streams of thought and covering an issue thoroughly
see focus group for a more detailed description
Projective Techniques
these are unstructured prompts or stimulus that encourage the respondent to project their underlying motivations, beliefs, attitudes, or feelings onto an ambiguous situation
they are all indirect techniques that attempt to disguise the purpose of the research
examples of projective techniques include:
word association - say the first word that comes to mind after hearing a word - only some of the words in the list are test words that the researcher is interested in, the rest are fillers - is useful in testing brand names - variants include chain word association and controlled word association
sentence completion - respondents are given incomplete sentences and asked to complete them
story completion - respondents are given part of a story and are asked to complete it
cartoon tests - pictures of cartoon characters are shown in a specific situation and with dialogue balloons - one of the dialogue balloons is empty and the respondent is asked to fill it in
thematic apperception tests - respondents are shown a picture (or series of pictures) and asked to make up a story about the picture(s)
role playing - respondents are asked to play the role of someone else - researchers assume that subjects will project their own feelings or behaviours into the role
third-person technique - a verbal or visual representation of an individual and his/her situation is presented to the respondent - the respondent is asked to relate the attitudes or feelings of that person - researchers assume that talking in the third person will minimize the social pressure to give standard or politically correct responses

Below is the most important part:

For the case assignment, after reading the Business Week article and list, and looking at the qualitative research information, answer the following in a 3-4 page paper:

1. Describe the major marketing research methods with which you are familiar from your readings and other sources in this Module.
2. What kinds of insights do you envision from observational research for new product development? What drawbacks do you perceive?

Here are some other articles pertaining to the topic:

1. Allen, Gemmy (n.d.) Chapter 5 New Product Development: Cyber Marketing Textbook. Retrieved July 28, 2004 from http://ollie.dcccd.edu/mrkt2370/book/mrktbook.htm

2. Cohen, William (1991). Product/Market Matrices. The Practice of Marketing Management, 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. p. 155.

3. Khermouch,Gerry (2001 February 26) Consumers in the Mist: Mad Ave.'s anthropologists are unearthing our secrets. 3721. p. 92

4. McNamara, Carter (n.d.) Product and Service Management. Retrieved July 28, 2004 from http://www.mapnp.org/library/prod_mng/prod_mng.htm

5. No author listed (n.d.) Qualitative Marketing Research. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved July 28, 2004 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualitative_marketing_research

Please contact me if you have any questions or require any further information.

Written Assignment

Research Proposal: Step One

Throughout the next six weeks, you will plan and propose a quantitative research design of your choice, which may (or may not) involve an area of interest for your doctoral dissertation. You will select a research topic, generate testable hypotheses, review relevant literature, describe participant selection procedures, identify data collection methods, describe the proposed quantitative research design, address potential ethical problems, and describe limitations of your research proposal.

This assignment is the first step toward completing your Final Research Proposal in Week 6. Every research project begins with a well-defined topic and research problem. Review Chapter 2 in your textbook for ideas regarding how to select a good topic.

After thinking about a topic area you are interested in researching, conduct a preliminary literature search on that topic using scholarly sources through ProQuest, EBSCOhost, or another library search engine (NOTE: Websites and other non-scholarly sources such as Newspapers, Periodicals, etc. are not acceptable for this assignment). From your initial review of the literature on your topic, write a one to two page paper, in addition to the Title and References page, on the following:

Rationale/Problem Statement for the research topic of your choice: Explain your topic. Make a case for why this topic is important to you, the field of psychology, or your specialization area.
Research questions you have developed for your topic: Conclude your discussion of the research topic by identifying specific research question(s) about the relationships between two or more concepts. Use both the textbook and the Pajares (2007) website to formulate specific research questions.
Hypotheses that you want to test: Considering your research question or statement of the problem, formulate a hypothesis that states the relationships between the variables and answers the research question. Remember that hypotheses make statements or predictions about something that may be true. Thus, they are hunches or intuitions about what the study?s results may show about the variables being tested. Some examples of hypotheses include:
Parental education will be the best predictor of children?s IQ scores.
The amount of physical punishment a parent experienced as a child will be positively correlated with the amount of physical punishment he or she uses on his or her own children.
Group X?s scores will differ significantly from Group Y?s scores.
Higher caffeine use will result in lower memory retrieval.
Hours of computer usage will be related to hours of sleep.
References page: Include a list of at least 5 scholarly sources on the Reference page that support your topic. You do not need to provide a comprehensive summary of the resources for this week, but should be preparing to do so for the Week Two written assignment

Maercker Et Al. (2006) Cite

Using this guide, please write a two page paper, and please make sure to include the reference as APA format as Im getting late orders because writers neglect to include the references and do not submit the re-writes on time. Thank you

Quantitative Research Designs
In order to find the best information on a topic, not only should you develop a question and search for resources, but you should also know how to analyze the value of the resources that you identify. There are different ways to evaluate resources, such as using the hierarchy of evidence, which you explored in Week 4 of this course. Another way to evaluate resources is to consider the appropriateness of the research design. Understanding how research designs contribute to the quality of a study is essential for being able to analyze resources when conducting a literature review or locating evidence for practice.
In this Discussion, you consider the different research designs and evaluate how these designs have been used to research a specific topic. You also consider strategies for selecting an appropriate research design.
To prepare:
Review the information in the course texton quantitative research designs. Focus on the information in Box 9.1, Guidelines for Critiquing Research Designs in Quantitative Studies located on page 230 of the course text.
Select a topic from the list below and search the Walden Library to find two different quantitative research studies addressing that issue:
o Caregiver stress
o Anxiety in children
o Sleep apnea
o Depression in college freshmen
o Rural health care issues
o Post-traumatic stress syndrome
o Traumatic brain injury in veterans
o Health effects of environmental contaminants
o Bipolar disorder
o End-of-life ethical issues
o Alternative medicine
For each of the sources that you select, identify the type of quantitative research design used, and evaluate whether it is the most appropriate approach to the research.
Consider the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.
Post on or before Day 3 the topic you selected, references for the two sources you identified, and the quantitative research design used in each. Critique the appropriateness of the design used and justify your comments with information from the Learning Resources. Discuss the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.

NURS 6052: Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice Quantitative Research for Evidence-Based Practice Program Transcript
NARRATOR: Quantitative research includes any study or project that involves the use of numerical data or information that can be described using numbers. But having an effective research design is critical for the validity and success of all quantitative research ventures. In this video, Doctor Kristen Mauk speaks about the design of her DNP project, which explored the effect of education on new nurses in a rehabilitation unit.
Doctor Mauk's project can be considered a quantitative study, because it involved comparing the numerical results from tests that nurses completed before and after receiving educational materials, and then performing statistical tests to check for significance in the findings.
KRISTEN MAUK, PHD: I found a unit that was nearby, and they had opened a brand new rehab unit. And I collaborated with the nurse manager to see what would be the best methods for them to learn. And she said that her rehab staff didn't really have a lot of training specifically in rehab. They were experienced, wonderful nurses, but they were opening a new unit.
Well, my background was rehab, and I decided, ooh, well here was a good problem. Would education make a difference in their knowledge about rehabilitation? So that was my question. I designed, in collaboration with the nurse manager and the administration and using all those techniques about being a change agent, and communication, and people skills, we designed a project that fit that unit.
So first I went to the literature and found that, yes, knowledge makes a difference. If you're educating nurses, yes, they will-- if you give them education, that will result in better knowledge. So I designed a pre- and post-test using a tool that was already in existence to measure rehab knowledge. And I took 15 basic competencies of rehabilitation as set forth by the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
2012 Laureate Education, Inc. 1
So you have to do your homework, and get your background, and kind of set up your methods, how you're going to work this. So I looked at what had other people done to measure knowledge outcomes, and a pre- and post-test design just was very logical. It measured their knowledge that they had coming in about these competencies, and then give them some education on it, and measure their knowledge going out.
They didn't have enough staff to perhaps cover shifts for each other. And in working with the organization, it shouldn't have had to cost them a lot of money. So in order to do those things, we had to modify our methods to make sure that it was something that was assessable, that wouldn't take a lot of time, that nurses could do in their down time that was available.
They could take their pre- and post-test at home if they wanted to, because it was online. And yet, when you mention technology, the nursing staff was mainly an older age group, so they didn't want the educational modules to be on the computer. They wanted them in paper and pencil form.
So for me, as the person implementing the project, that was a little bit challenging, because I was kind of used to the online form and had the PowerPoints. Now I had to translate those into what would I do if I was standing up teaching this as a course, and write all my notes at the bottom, and figure out how to put that in a paper and pencil module that was interesting, and not boring, and informative, and had the main points for people to learn.
Well, when you do your analysis, which would be quantitative, when I looked at the numbers of their pre- and post-test scores, then I could plug them in into the SPSS 14 statistical package, and it told me that I had a significant difference. It takes out all the variables as far as demographics, et cetera, so that I could attribute my intervention of the education to the difference in their scores, which were highly significant.
2012 Laureate Education, Inc. 2





Quantitative Critique
Find1 article describing a quantitative research design examining their chosen topic. summarize the main purpose and key findings of each study and write a critique of each study. Conclude with a discussion of both the merits and limitations of each type of methodology, specifically when each type may be most appropriate. Each written review should include a discussion of the following:

Three pages
Introduction of main topic
Purpose/goal/research questions of the study
Sample size and description
Variables/measures under study
Instruments used (if applicable)
Key findings
Critique/limitations of the article
Relation of readings main points/topic/findings to other course readings

Qualitative Critique
Find 1 article describing a qualitative research design examining their chosen top. Summarize the main purpose and key findings of each study and write a critique of each study according to the guidelines. Additionally, conclude with a discussion of the both the merits and limitations of each type of methodology, specifically when each type may be most appropriate. Each written review should include a discussion of the following:

3 Pages
Introduction of main topic
Purpose/goal/research questions of the study
Sample size and description
Variables/measures under study
Instruments used (if applicable)
Key findings
Trustworthiness of the research
Critique/limitations of the article
Relation of readings main points/topic/findings to other course readings

From the sent resource write the following:

-Write a reference citation using APA style.

-Briefly describe the study including the results.

-Describe the qualitative research survey design that the authors use.Descibe why a qualitative research design was more appropriate than a quantitative research design. Discuss the degree to which they addressed cultural and ethical concerns.
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files provided can be used, but are not required.

Final Paper: Research Proposal

Design a research study on the topic of the study selected in Week One and critiqued in Week Three. Your design should seek to resolve the limitations you identified in the study you critiqued. Your paper must address all of the components required in the ?Methods? section of a research proposal:

State the research question and/or hypothesis.
Specify the approach (qualitative or quantitative), research design, sampling strategy, data collection procedures, and data analysis techniques to be used.
If the design is quantitative, also describe the variables, measures, and statistical tests you would use.
Analyze ethical issues that may arise and explain how you would handle these issues.

Your Final Paper must be eight to ten pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Utilize a minimum of six peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last 10 years, in addition to the textbook, that are documented in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. The sources should consist of the following:

One source should be the article you critiqued in the Week Three assignment.
At least two sources should be about the research methodology you have chosen for your study.
At least one source should be on ethical issues in research.
The remaining sources may be about anything pertinent to your study.

In accordance with APA style, all references listed must be cited in the body of the paper.

Required Sections and Subsections (use these headings in your paper)

Introduction ? Introduce the research topic, explain why it is important, and present your research question and/or hypothesis.

Literature Review ? Summarize the current state of knowledge on your topic, making reference to the findings of previous research studies (including the one you critiqued in Week Three). Briefly analyze and critique these studies and mention the research methods that have previously been used to study the topic. State whether your proposed study is a replication of a previous study or a new approach using methods that have not been used before. Be sure to properly cite all of your sources in APA style.


Design ? Indicate whether your proposed study is qualitative or quantitative in approach. Identify the specific research design, using one of the designs we have studied in Weeks Three through Five, and indicate whether it is experimental or non-experimental. Evaluate your chosen design and explain why you believe this design is appropriate for the topic and how it will provide the information you need to answer the research question. Cite sources on research methodology to support your choices.

Participants ? Identify and describe the sampling strategy you would use to recruit participants for your study. Estimate the number of participants you would need and explain why your sampling method is appropriate for your research design and approach.

Procedure/Measures ? Apply the scientific method by describing the steps you would use in carrying out your study. Indicate whether you will use any kind of test, questionnaire, or measurement instrument. If using an existing published instrument, provide a brief description and cite your source. If you are creating a questionnaire, survey, or test, describe the types of information you will gather and explain how you would establish the validity and reliability. If you are not using such an instrument, describe how you would collect the data.

Data Analysis ? Describe the statistical techniques (if quantitative) or the analysis procedure (if qualitative) you plan to use to analyze the data. Cite at least one source on the chosen analysis technique (from your Week Two assignment).

Ethical Issues ? Analyze the impact of ethical concerns on your proposed study, such as confidentiality, deception, informed consent, potential harm to participants, conflict of interest, IRB approval, etc. After analyzing the ethical issues that apply to your research proposal, indicate what you would do to handle these concerns.

Conclusion ? Briefly summarize the major points from your paper and reiterate why your proposed study is needed.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student?s name
Course name and number
Instructor?s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least six peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last 10 years, in addition to the textbook.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

From the sent resource write the following:

-Write a reference citation using APA style.

-Briefly describe the study including the results.

-Describe the qualitative research survey design that the authors use.Descibe why a qualitative research design was more appropriate than a quantitative research design. Discuss the degree to which they addressed cultural and ethical concerns.
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