25+ documents containing “Quality Improvement”.
Total Quality (TQ) Model and Methodologies Paper
Select a TQM model or methodology. Be sure to get your instructors approval for your chosen TQ model/method. Assume that you are an expert on the selected TQ model/method. Prepare a 1,050-2,000-word paper defending your selected TQM model/method in which you identify a specific TQ model/method and present it to your organization's leadership so that they can incorporate it into the organizations strategic planning process. The chosen model/method is Six Sigma.
here is a hit that the lecture gave us helping answering question 1 of the assingment:
In order to correctly responds to the first task questions for assignment 1 you need to carefully read the ca...se study and identify the issues GMS faces.
As GMS is both a service and a manufacturing company, a single strategic plan may not be the best solution.
There appears to be some issue regarding the distribution of human resources across the two sections of the company. With this in mind, it is important to keep in mind the aims of the HRM strategy.
The case suggests that the strategic objectives are more likely to include preserving as much of the workforce as possible and continuing to build human capital, even though cash flow has seriously slowed.
The above suggests that a short- to medium-term strategy would centre on cost containment, better utilisation of current human resources, and development of human capital in anticipation of improved business conditions in the future.
The medium- to long-term strategy would centre more on future needs. As the organisation is part of the mining industry, and perhaps relies heavily on coal mining, it might well need to examine that dependency and create a diversification strategy.
HR would need to understand what that future direction was, and anticipate future skills needs.
As the organisation does not want to shed labour, there might be an opportunity to develop training and development programs that position the firm to take advantage of the inevitable improvement in the economy, and at the same time reposition itself for the realities of a future world that is less dependent on coal for energy production.
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Topic : Use the FedEx case study on page 474 compare and contrast the FedEx quality system with the United Parcel Service quality system.
The term paper should include a summary and a factual review of what other people have written about the topic presented.Your purpose is to identify and summarize the major arguments other researchers have presented about the subject. APA format and documentation guide.If you have tables or graphs to help present yours finding.
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This paper must be 3 pages long........
The learning/growth perspective of the balanced scorecard presents some particularly interesting challenges. Here is a useful brief summary of the appr...oach:
Niven, P. (N.D.) Learning and Growth perspective. EPM Review. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http://www.epmreview.com/Resources/Articles/Learning-and-Growth-Perspective.html
Part of the problem is that this perspective seems the most remote from the final payoffs in the financial area ? ?touchy-feely? rather than good old hard-nosed management. Kaplan and Norton, the originators of the balanced scorecard, have addressed this issue of how to measure the contribution of such intangible assets as human capital, information capital and organizational readiness, pointing out how human capital is most useful when it is concentrated in key jobs involving internal processes that are critical to the achievement of the organization's strategy. The article is fairly long and you don?t need to read it in detail, but it has some ideas that may help you understand this case better:
Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (2004). Measuring the strategic readiness of intangible assets. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http://www.cma-slp.com/onlinelibrary/OL_English/Strategy%20Implementation/Management%20Accounting/MeasuringTheStrategicReadinessofIntangibleAssets.pdf
Our example in this case is Futura Industries in Clearfield UT. They have implemented the balanced scorecard in an interesting way, apparently giving priority to the learning/growth perspective and expecting it to drive the others. Here?s how this process has been described:
?Most companies use the balanced scorecard (BSC) to focus on the financial aspects or the operational metrics required by ISO quality certification. But that is not all one unique company uses the BSC for. At Futura Industries, President Susan Johnson built the enterprise's success over the past 3 years on the BSC's foundational level - the learning, innovation, and growth dimension. This dimension provides the building blocks that generate success in the remaining 3 quadrants: customer service, financial, and internal operations. And the results have followed: a 50% increase in revenue without adding personnel from 1996 to 1999. This organization is all about putting people first. So much so that the company of 300 ranks in the top 10 Family Friendly Employers in Utah for the third year in a row. A look at how they have implemented the 4 quadrants of the BSC using the learning innovation, and growth dimension as their foundation is presented.?
The article from which this summary is taken can be found here:
Gumbus, A. & Johnson, S.D. (2003, July). The balanced scorecard at Futura Industries. Strategic Finance. 85(1). 36-42. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?sid=1&vinst=PROD&fmt=6&startpage=-1&clientid=29440&vname=PQD&RQT=309&did=370139621&scaling=FULL&vtype=PQD&rqt=309&TS=1226799369&clientId=29440
As your case assignment for this module, you are to carefully review this article, and then (in 3-4 pages) prepare your analysis of how Futura Industries implemented the balanced scorecard and its apparent effects. more
Venous Thromboembolism VTE In USA
Who, What, Where and When
Natural history of venous thromboembolism
Host, agent and environmental factors
Prevalence and incidence
Clinical presentation and diagnosis (both DVT and PE)
Diagnosis and case ascertainment
Prognosis, broken down by risk groups
Incidence and prevalence, trends, broken down by risk groups
Include charts, tables and diagrams
Mortality after Initial VTE
Quality of life measurement study after VTE (DVT & PE)
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I need two discussion questions and two exercises completed. Each discussion question and exercise should be 250-300 words with citations using APA 6th style. I will upload the chapters from book and the module info for both.
Discussion questions:
1. module 4: Discussion Question (20 points):
Discuss a specific reason for including evidence-based practice into advanced nursing roles.
2. module 5: Discussion Question (20 points)
Discuss quality management in the evaluation of nursing research. Utilize a journal article to provide an example of how quality management was or was not used in the evaluation process.
Professional Exercises:
1. module 4: Exercises (10 points each):
Describe the role of rigor in nursing research.
Discuss three sampling methods for nursing research. Include the positives and negatives
of using each in nursing research.
Describe two reasons for doing research for a specific purpose.
Describe how to recognize rigor in quantitative studies for implementation into practice.
module 5: Exercises (10 points each):
Describe five key factors in the data collection process.
Discuss data collection assessment.
Compare and contrast collection of structured and unstructured data.
Discuss ethical issues in data collection.
PLEASE USE Writergrrl101
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Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.
Read the ?Memorial Hospital? case study in Chapter 4 of your text. Answer questions 1- 4 in a two- to- four (2-4) page paper in accordance with APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your paper should be in paragraph form (avoid the use of bullet points), and supported with the concepts outlined in your text. Provide at least two scholarly sources. Do not include the original questions of the assignment in the paper.
Discuss some ways that a hospital might measure quality.
What are the potential costs of quality for Memorial Hospital? How could the value of a human life be included?
Are there any ideas or techniques from TQM that Janice could use to help Memorial focus on providing quality health care?
What measures could Memorial use to assess the quality of health care it is providing?
I'd like Lata to be my writer (Writer?s
This is an essay: Research Argument Establishing Causes of and Solutions to a Current Social Justice Issue. It should be about current problem that n...eeds solutions in order that we become a more just society (?Errors in Medical Practice?).
The task is to formulate your own argument establishing causes and solutions, incorporating facts and ideas from sources to support your argument or to argue against. You?re trying to convince your audience to accept your point of view as reasonable. You do this by establishing credibility as a truth teller who is informed and fair. Besides giving logical REASONS and supporting them with relevant EVIDENCE, you should acknowledge COUNTER-ARGUMENTS, and may want to CONCEDE a point or two, but REFUTE them to hold onto your own argument. Think of your audience as an organization you could write to, or as readers of a local newspaper.
PAPER: - Problem that needs solving
- Causes
- Proposal for solution
An Argument consists of three parts:
1) CLAIM: Fact (x is true or not true), Value (x is good or bad, or better than y), or Policy (x should or should not be done).
2) SUPPORT: reasons, evidence (facts, statistics, examples of problem), and appeals (LOGICAL APPEALS ? logical thinking, appropriateness, believability, consistency; ETHICAL APPEALs? appealing to common beliefs and values /establishing common ground/, and by establishing credibility as a fair-minded and well-informed person, by acknowledging counterargument, by making consessions, but refuting counter claims to hold onto your own argument.
3) WARRANT (or assumption): link between claim and support. (what is the connection between claim and support? What assumption is being made in the argument? Who would agree? Disagree?)
At least SIX sources should be used.
1) mostly should be used scholar articles: at least 2.
2) popular periodical, newspapers: no more than 2
3) book: no more than 2
4) use one source from previous readings (about injustice)
4) the following 9 sources are strongly encouraged to use (at least some of them).
Burton, Susan. ?The Biggest Mistake of Their Lives.? New York Times Magazine 16 Mar. 2003: 48-52.
Chaiken, Barry P. ?Patient Safety: Is It Really a Problem?? Nursing Economic$ 19.4 (2001) 176-177.
Huston, Carol Jorgensen. ?Quality Health Care in of Era of Limited Resources.? Journal of Nursing Care Quality 18.4 (2003): 295-301.
Kohn, Linda T., Janet Corrigan, and Molla s Donaldson. To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Washington, D.C.: National AP, 2000.
Lassetter, Jane H. and Myrna L. Warnick. ?Medical Errors, Drug-Related Problems, and Medication Errors.? Journal of Nursing Care Quality 18.3 (2003): 175-181.
Parisi, Lenard L. ?Patient Identification.? Journal of Nursing Care Quality 18.1 (2003): 73-79.
Rooney, James J., Lee N. Vanden Heuvel, and Donald K. Lorenzo. ?Reduce Human Error.? Quality Process 35.9 (2002): 27-36.
Smith, Fran. ?Don?t be a Victim.? Health 17.7 (2003): 148-153.
Stahl, Stephanie. ?It Can Help Make Health Care Safer.? Information Week 10 Mar. 2003: 8.
Lata, if you don?t have access to these electronic journals and magazines, I?ll send you them. more
Where the Rubber Meets the Road
In the summer of 2000, Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. announced that it was recalling 6.5 million Wilderness AT and Firestone ATX tires. Most of the...se had been installed as original equipment on Ford Explorer SUVs. Hints that there were problems with Firestone tires began cropping up in the early 1990s. There was often a pattern: the tread of a rear tire on a heavily loaded Explorer traveling at high speed separated, and the vehicle swerved out of control and flipped over. These reports generally came from warmer parts of the United States (California, Arizona, Texas, and Florida) and from Venezuela and the Persian Gulf. The investigation revealed that about 100 people had been killed in these kinds of accidents in the United States, and about 50 people had been killed overseas.
Transport Canada launched a probe to determine whether there were similar problems in Canada, but no hard evidence of tire defects was found, even though as many as 500 000 of these tires are on vehicles in Canada. One million Firestone tires were eventually recalled in Canada.
Both Ford and Firestone tested the suspect tires, but no particular problems were found. In public, the two companies portrayed themselves as working together to solve the mystery, but there was tension behind the scenes. Ford noted that it didn??t have any problem with blown tires or rollovers with any of its vehicles except Explorers, and those vehicles had the suspect Firestone tires on them. Firestone, on the other hand, accused Ford of contributing to the problem by recommending tire pressures of only 26 pounds when Firestone recommended 30 pounds of pressure. (Lower tire pressure improves the ride of a vehicle, but underinflation leads to heat build-up and an increased chance of tire failure.) Firestone also claimed that Ford had made design changes in the Explorer that increased the chance that rear tires would fail. Firestone noted that the suspect tires were on other types of vehicles and that the tires on those vehicles had not failed.
What was the problem? Experts thought there were several possibilities: (1) the quality of the material that was used to make the glue that held the tire??s steel belts together wasn??t up to standard; (2) the raw materials that were used to make the glue weren??t sufficiently well mixed; (3) the steel wires that form the belts may have rusted because of high humidity during manufacturing; (4) the tire wasn??t properly cured (vulcanized); (5) too much adhesive was used to bond the steel belts to the rubber, and this actually made the treads more likely to separate.
After a four-month investigation, Bridgestone/Firestone finally concluded that there were quality problems at its plant in Decatur, lllinois. Apparently, that plant did not properly process the rubber that was used to make the tires. However, Firestone also put some of the blame on the Ford Explorer, arguing that higher load limits and lower inflation pressures were part of the problem.
Firestone spent U.S. $450 million recalling the problem tires. In the aftermath of the crisis, Firestone??s sales plummeted 40 percent, and its stock lost half its value.
What is Bridgestone/Firestone doing now to recover its public image? Several steps have been taken, including the appointment of a new senior vice president with a mandate to impose strict production standards and fix operating problems at the company??s U.S. unit.
In May 2001, Bridgestone/Firestone abruptly ended its 100-year relationship as a tire supplier to Ford, business that had been worth about U.S. $350 million a year to Firestone. But Firestone is not taking all the blame. It accused Ford of refusing to acknowledge safety concerns about the Ford Explorer and provided evidence showing that Ford Explorers were 10 times more likely to roll over after a tread separation than were Ford Rangers, even though both vehicles were equipped with the same Firestones tires. Ford countered by saying that the Ford Explorer has been near the top of the vehicles safety rankings for years and that Ford Explorers equipped with Goodyear tires haven??t had any tread-separation problems.
The loss of business with Ford means that Firestone will have to rebuild the market share it has lost. It may abandon the original equipment market and focus instead on the retail tire replacement market.
It will also launch a racing-oriented image campaign with race-car drivers serving as spokespeople for the company.
A new method of examining product performance data will be introduced to address the criticism that the company was unaware it had quality problems with its tires.
U.S. factories will be brought more into line with the higher standards of Bridgestone??s Japanese operation. Quality assurance controls will be introduced that will make it easier for information about tire failures to be shared throughout the company.
1.What is total quality management? To what extent was total quality management pursued at Bridgestone/Firestone? At Ford?
2.What are the various tools for quality assurance that are available? Which ones are appropriate for helping to resolve this problem?
3.How is quality a competitive tool?
4.Can Firestone get its quality image back? How? more
Explore the balance, or lack of balance, within the "iron triangle" of care, cost, and quality. Incorporating key concepts of healthcare, what direction does the health care system take to ensure high levels of access, at reasonable cost, and with improving quality?
Problems of the health care system-cost, quality and access- has resulted in significant changes in one or both of the others. Improving access to health care for low-income populations and older adults through Medicaid and Medicare had a significant inflationary effect on costs. Containing costs through managed care now raises question about quality and access.
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PAGE 1: As reform has shifted from management processes to accountability for student learning outcomes, school leaders are expected to share leadership responsibilities and authority and develop collaborative decision making.
Give an example of school management processes versus leadership accountability.
How can you balance leadership skills, coupled with management skills to maintain a successful organization?
PAGE 2: Total Quality Management (TQM) promotes awareness and a commitment by everyone, a clear mission, a systems planning approach, collaborative teamwork, empowerment of all stakeholders, a focus on mastery learning, and data-based decision making and analysis.
Of the areas in your school that need improvement, on which do you place the highest priority? Explain your choice.
How can you use Total Quality Management (TQM) principles to help you address that priority?
you have just taken over as the head of toyota quality control depart,emt. you are a vice president and anser directly to the ceo. you have seven directors tha answer to you.
I would like to use the writer that completed Order ID 2132857 if possible.
Write a paper (1600 words) in which you analyze and appraise each of the (15) articles identified in Topic 1. Pay ...particular attention to evidence that supports the problem, issue, or deficit, and your proposed solution.
Hint: The Topic 2 readings provide appraisal questions that will assist you to efficiently and effectively analyze each article.
Refer to "Sample Format for Review of Literature," "RefWorks," and "Topic 2: Checklist."
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
1 of 15
Cummings, G.G., Midodzi, W., Wong, C. A.,&Estabrooks. C. A. (2010). The contribution of hospital nursing leadership styles to 30-day patient mortality.Nursing Research 59(5), 331?39.
Relationship to problem: The study was on target; it examined the contribution of nursing leadership styles in hospitals to 30-day mortality of medical patients.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: After controlling for patient demographics, co-morbidities and institutional and hospital nursing characteristics, high-resonant nursing leadership contributed to lower patient mortality rates at statistically significant levels.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: The high-resonant leadership styles (leaders with strong emotional intelligence that is characterized by relational qualities) were significantly associated with 26% lower odds of mortality when compared with the mixed leadership group.
Support for proposed change: The study results point to positive and negative contributions of hospital nursing leadership styles to patient mortality.
2 of 15
Cummings, G.G., Lee, H.P., MacGregor, T., M. Davey, M., Wong, C., Paul , L., &Stafford, E. (2008). Factors Contributing to Nursing Leadership: A Systematic Review.Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 13(4): 240?48.
Relationship to problem: This study focuses on the impact that leadership development has on practicing nurses and nursing environments.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: The outcomes of various leadership styles that were relational or transformational achieved more positive outcomes for practicing nurses and their work environments than did task-focused leadership styles.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: Outcomes for practicing nurses were measured in terms of absenteeism, emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, job tension, organizational commitment, and turnover. Outcomes for the work environment were better organizational climate, better nurse?physician teamwork, better work team climates, greater empowerment, innovation, and, research utilization.
Support for proposed change: In the leadership development studies (n=9), most interventions were reported to be effective for at least three to six months.
3 of 15
Wong, C. & Cummings, G. G. (2007). The relationship between nursing leadership and patient outcomes: A systematic review.Journal of Nursing Management 15, 508?521.
Relationship to problem: The study was a review of the literature focused on examining the relationship between patient outcomes and leadership styles.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: The number of studies was small (n=7).
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: The findings showed that transformational or relational leadership styles were associated with better patient outcomes as measured by reduced adverse events, reduced complications, less mortality, and increased patient satisfaction.
Support for proposed change: The findings were significant, which suggests that more research is needed to continue investigating the mechanisms by which leadership can influence patient outcomes.
4 of 15
Brady Germain, P. & Cummings, G. G. (2010, May).The influence of nursing leadership on nurse performance: a systematic literature review. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(4), 425-39.doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01100.x.
Relationship to problem: The aim of this study was to explore leadership factors that influence the role that nursing leadership behaviors play in the perceptions nurses have of their performance motivation.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: Nurses tend to perceive that the factors that affect their ability and motivation to perform fall into five categories according to content analysis: these categories are autonomy, leadership practices, leadership practices, resource accessibility, and work relationships,
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: Nurse motivation was influenced directly by the behaviors of nurse leaders and indirectly by way of other factors. The factors that appear to influence nurse performance were shown to be access to resources, nurse autonomy, and collegial relationships among nurses, colleagues, and leaders.
Support for proposed change: The study supports the relationship of nurse performance, nursing leadership, and nurse performance, which is fundamental to quality patient care outcomes. Nurse leaders who understand which factors are most influential with respect to nurse practitioner performance and motivation can use that knowledge to improve nursing performance.
5 of 15
Sherman, R. &Pross, E., (2010, January 31).Growing future nurse leaders to build and sustain healthy work environments at the unit level. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15 (1), Manuscript 1. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol15No01Man01
Relationship to problem: The article is a review of the literature on the significant role that nurse leaders take in building and sustaining healthy work environments in healthcare organizations.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: A competency model, Nurse Manager Leadership Collaborative Learning Domain Framework, is recommended as nursing leadership a useful resource in the development of nursing leaders at the unit level.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: A program for developing nursing leaders is implemented over the long term, and it requires the ability to identify the abilities, knowledge, and skills needed for effective leadership in the future.
Support for proposed change: The nursing literature provides evidence that healthy work environments positively influence improved patient outcomes, organizational performance, and staff satisfaction. The establishment of a healthy work environment requires strong nursing leadership at all levels of the organization, but especially at the point of care or unit level where most front line staff work and patient care is delivered.
6 of 15
McNeese-Smith, D. K. (1999).The relationship between managerial motivation, leadership, nurse outcomes and patient satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(2), 243-259.DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1379(199903)20:2<243::AID-JOB888>3.0.CO;2-2
Relationship to problem: This ex-post facto/correlational study examines the relationships among the following variables: nurse manager motivation for power, achievement and affiliation (N=19), managerial leadership behaviors, staff nurse outcomes of job satisfaction, productivity and organizational commitment (N=221), and patient satisfaction (N=299).
Statistical demonstrating gravity: The achievement motivation of nursing leaders is positively correlated with leadership behaviors and, importantly, with nurse job satisfaction, nurse productivity, and nurses? organizational commitment. The findings show that managerial motivation for power is negatively correlated with leadership behaviors and staff nurse job satisfaction.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, and occurrence in general population: Achievement motivation of nursing leaders and managerial motivation for power are both positively correlated with patient satisfaction.
Support for proposed change: It shows that power and achievement motivation of nursing leaders influence staff outcomes and patient outcomes.
7 of 15
Luzinski, C. (2011, December). Transformational leadership. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(12), 501-502.doi: 10.1097/NNA.0b013e3182378a71
Relationship to problem: The article asserts that the results of quality nurse leadership are evident in nursing practice at the patient?s side, firmly aligning the article to the topic.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: Nursing leaders, at all levels of the organization, convey a strong sense of advocacy and support for the staff and for the patient.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: Knowledgeable, strong, risk-taking nurse leaders follow a well-articulated, strategic, and visionary philosophy in the day-to-day operations of nursing services that results in improved patient outcomes.
Support for proposed change: Nurse leaders demonstrate transformational leadership that leads to meaningful improvements in the nursing practice environment and in quality, safety, and outcomes of patient care. Transformational nurse leaders also implement controlled destabilization in order to produce new ideas, innovation, get ahead of the rapid change in evolving healthcare systems, and ensure the most positive patient outcomes.
8 of 15
Rowen, L. & Doyle, K. (2003, March 5). A comparison of leadership development interventions: effects on nurse and patient outcomes. Paper presented at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Relationship to problem: This research study examined the indirect mechanisms by which leadership is related to outcomes. The hypothesis is that leadership influences work context and nurse behavior, while nurse performance promotes positive patient outcomes.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: Learning from this study can inform future research design on the topic. Specifically, the researchers suggest a limitation may be that the nurse sensitive outcomes are too insensitive to change to be attributed to transformational leadership interventions within a hospital. Nurse satisfaction and patient satisfaction (continuous outcome data) were analyzed using linear mixed models (LMM). CLABSI, pressure ulcer, and fall rates (count data) were analyzed using generalized linear mixed models (GLMM). Significance p <.05
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: Future research must ensure that the outcome measures for intervention effectiveness elucidate the mechanisms by which interventions work.
Support for proposed change: No measureable change in aggregated nurse satisfaction or patient outcome measures were detected in this study, however, the researchers concluded that the specified magnet designation were possibly not be a good measure of transformational leadership intervention.
9 of 15
Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., Bryneel, L., Van den Heede, K., Griffiths, Pl, Busse, R., Diomidous, M., Kinnunen, J., K?zka, M., Lesaffre, E., McHugh, M. D., Moreno-Casbas, M. T., Rafferty, A. M., Schwendimann, R., Scott, P. N., Tisehelman, C., van Achterberg, T.and Sermeus, W. (2014, May 24). Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. The Lancet, 383(9931). 1824 ? 1830. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62631-8
Relationship to problem: The study was designed to assess whether differences in patient to nurse ratios and nurses' educational qualifications in countries with similar patient discharge data were associated with variation in hospital mortality after common surgical procedures.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: Surveys of 26 516 nurses measured nurse staffing and nurse education. Estimated equations applied to the effects of nursing factors on the likelihood of surgical patients dying within 30 days of admission.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission by 7% (odds ratio 1?068, 95% CI 1?031?1?106), and every 10% increase in bachelor's degree nurses was associated with a decrease in this likelihood by 7% (0?929, 0?886?0?973). The study suggests that in hospitals in which 60% of nurses had bachelor's degrees and nurses cared for an average of six patients would have almost 30% lower mortality than patients in hospitals in which only 30% of nurses had bachelor's degrees and nurses cared for an average of eight patients.
Support for proposed change: Nursing leadership needs to acknowledge that nurse staffing cuts to save money are likely to adversely affect patient outcomes. Nurses in a hospital with bachelor's degrees could reduce preventable hospital deaths.
10 of 15
Spence Laschinger, H. K. &Leiter, M. P. (2006). The impact of nursing work environments on patient safety outcomes: The mediating role of burnout/engagement. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(5), 259-267.
Relationship to problem: The study sought to test a theoretical model of professional nurse work environments that linked to nursing practice burnout and, subsequently, to patient safety outcomes.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: Hospital-based nurses in Canada (N = 8,597) completed measures of worklife (Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index), burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Scale), and their report of frequency of adverse patient events.Hospital-based nurses in Canada (N = 8,597) completed measures of worklife (Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index), burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Ser- vice Scale), and their report of frequency of adverse patient events.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: Nursing leadership played a fundamental role in the quality of work life. Staffing adequacy directly affected emotional exhaustion and patient safety.
Support for proposed change: The results suggest that patient safety outcomes are related to the quality of the nursing practice work environment and nursing leadership?s role in changing the work environment to decrease nurse burnout.
11 of 15
Gunnarsdottira, S., Clarkeb, S. P., Raffertyd, A. M., Nutbeame, D. (2009, July).Front-line management, staffing and nurse?doctor relationships as predictors of nurse and patient outcomes. A survey of Icelandic hospital nurses. Nursing Workforce: A Special Issue:International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46(7), 920?927.
Relationship to problem: To investigate aspects of nurses? work environments linked with job outcomes and assessments of quality of care in an Icelandic hospital.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: Hospitals with high staff retention show supportive management, professional autonomy, good inter-professional relations and nurse job satisfaction, reduced nurse burnout, and improved quality of patient care.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: Efforts to improve and maintain nurses? relations with nurse managers and doctors, as well as their perceptions of staffing adequacy, will likely improve nurse job satisfaction and employee retention, and may improve the quality of patient care.
Support for proposed change: Efforts to improve and maintain nurses? relations with nurse managers and doctors, as well as their perceptions of staffing adequacy, will likely improve nurse job satisfaction and employee retention, and may improve the quality of patient care.
12 of 15
Aiken, L. H., Clarke, S. P., Sloane, D. M., Lake, E. T., and Cheney, T. (2008, May). Effects of hospital care environment on patient mortality and nurse outcomes. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(5): 223?229.doi: 10.1097/01.NNA.0000312773.42352.d7. PMCID: PMC2586978. NIHMSID: NIHMS74339
Relationship to problem: The objective of this study was to analyze the net effects of nurse practice environments on nurse and patient outcomes after accounting for nurse staffing and education.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: Data from 10,184 nurses and 232,342 surgical patients in 168 Pennsylvania hospitals were analyzed. Outcomes included nurse job satisfaction, burnout, intent to leave, and reports of quality of care, mortality, and failure to rescue in patients.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: Care environment elements must be optimized alongside nurse staffing and education to achieve high quality of care.
Support for proposed change: Nurses reported more positive job experiences and fewer concerns with care quality, and patients had significantly lower risks of death and failure to rescue in hospitals with better care environments. The presumption is that nursing environments are highly influenced by leadership.
13 of 15
Aiken, L. H., Clarke, S. P., Sloane, D. M., Sochalski, J. A., Busse, R., Clarke, H., Giovannetti, P., Hunt, J., Rafferty, A. M., and Shamian, J. (2001, May). Nurses? reports on hospital care in five countries. Health Affairs, 20(3), 43-53.doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.20.3.43
Relationship to problem: This study explored the current nursing shortage, reports of high hospital nurse job dissatisfaction, and reports of uneven quality of hospital care in five different countries.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: Data was gathered from reports from 43,000 nurses from more than 700 hospitals in the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, and Germany during the period from 1998 to 1999.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, occurrence in general population: Nurses in countries with distinctly different health care systems report similar shortcomings in their work environments and the quality of hospital care.
Support for proposed change:
The study indicates that nurse and physician competence is satisfactory, but core problems in work design and workforce management pose real threats topatient care. These concerns are amenable to managerial intervention, a factor that demonstrates the pivotal importance of nursing leadership to ensuring patient safety and care of consistently high quality.
14 of 15
Cummings, G.G., MacGregor, T., Davey, M., Lee, H. P., Wong, C., Lo, E., Muise, M., &Stafford, E. (2010).Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environments: A systematic review." International Journal of Nursing Studies 47, 363?85.
Relationship to problem: The study showed that relational leadership led to greater productivity, effectiveness, and extra effort when compared to task-focused leadership styles.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: The study was a systematic review, which means that the statistics are pertinent only to the research study to which they are associated.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, and occurrence in general population: The study was a systematic review, which means that the statistics are pertinent only to the research study to which they are associated.
Support for proposed change: The study indicated that the nursing workforce can achieve better outcomes for patients by promoting relational leadership styles.
15 of 15
Wong, C. A. & Cummings, G. G. (2007), The relationship between nursing leadership and patient outcomes: a systematic review. Journal of Nursing Management, 15, 508?521.doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2007.00723.x
Relationship to problem: The article was completely on topic, and the findings indicate that transformational nursing leadership is an important organizational strategy to improve patient outcomes.
Statistical demonstrating gravity: This article was a systematic review, which is not the same as a meta-analysis; consequently statistics were germane only to the studies being reviewed.
Morbidity, mortality, incidence, and occurrence in general population: Data extraction and methodological quality assessment were completed only for a few of the quantitative research articles.
Support for proposed change: Evidence of significant associations between positive leadership behaviors, styles or practices and increased patient satisfaction and reduced adverse events were found. The study was inconclusive with regard to patient mortality. more
Title of Case Report :
Measuring Occupational Performance Outcomes Using the Canadian Occupational
Performance Measure in Older Adults with Hip Fractures: A Case Report
(Canadian Occupational Performance Measure is the outcome instrument)
Materials to be submitted for Case Report:
1. The case report in the format of the target journal.
2. 1 CAT (outcome instrument, assessment tool, intervention, model etc.) with a copy of the primary article
1. A copy of the highest quality case or case report that you could find in the journal whose format you used or where you would like to publish your case.
2. Cover sheet with a short paragraph as to why the article will be a contribution to the practice of occupational therapy and the objectives for the journal
73 year old female fell a broke her hip while at home. After therapy she would like to be able to perfom occupations like being able to get in the tub, put on her shoes and tie them, sewing, gardening, and fix a simple meal.
There are faxes for this order.
Sustainable Further Education Teacher/Lecturer Education/Training in the UK to focus on critical awareness of issues around the new model FE lecturer/teacher qualification; especially issues of inclusion, diversity, equality, local and global sustainability.
Present quality argument to demonstrate an understanding of the implications of theoretical complexity and ability to analyse alternative approaches
Present a critical engagement with relevant educational and research literature, showing evidence of a wide range of sources (reading)
Present a structured argument, style and appropriate level of presentation of material
These case study are due today!!
There are 8 case analysis that needs to be address.
The first is "A Tale of Two Cultures" this study talks about "Southwest and Value Line" i...n this case analysis you are to answer the following questions: List the reasons why Southwest's and Value Line's cultures differ so sharply. the second question is: Could Value Line's next CEO copy Southwest's culture?
The Second case analysis is " IKEA"S Approach to Strategy and Structure Pays Off". the questions that needs to be address is: What kinds of business, corporate, and global strategies does IKEA pursue? the second question ask, how does IKEA design its structure and culture is pursue these strategies?
The third case analysis is " Microsoft Recognizes to Speed Innovation" the question ask which of the following technology best characterizes the way Microsoft operates (a) craftwork, (b) engineering production, or (c) intensive technology? the second question ask: in what ways does Microsoft hope its new ways of organizing will help its to continually improve its competences and technology?
Case analysis number 4" Starwood's Uses Six Sigma to improve Hotel Performance" the question ask; How does six sigma work? What are the steps that comapnies must take to implement such a Total Quality Management (TQM) program? second question ask, In what ways can six sigma bring about types of change that improve an organization's competitive advantage?
Case number 5 " How Microsoft's Growth Led to Control Problems" the case analysis question ask: Relate Microsoft's problems with its control and evalution systems to each of the stages of growth in greiner's model. (According to Greiner's five stage model of organizational growth, organizations experience gtowth through (a) creativity, (b) direction, (c) delegation, (d) coordination, and (e) collaboration each growth stage ends in a crisis that must be solved by making the appropriate changes if the organization is to advance successfully to the next stage and continue to grow) question number two, Microsoft today is most likely in the growth through collaboration stage. How do you recommend it changes its structure, culture, andf control systems to solve its problems at this stage?
Case number 6 "Bricks-and-Mortar Retailers Learn How to Use It" the first question ask, in what ways has the learning of employees and customers changed as a result of their ability to use the Web, and how would this change the interaction between them during the purchasing process? the second question ask, How can retail organizations promote learning at the individual, department, and store level to improve salespeople's ability to manage customer needs?
Case number 7 " Why IS Best Buy More Innovative Than Circuit City? the question ask, In what ways have Best Buy's mangers pursued incremental innovation over time? How can you encourage both mangers and employees to act as intrapreneurs to sustain an organization's growth over time.
Case number 8 " Conflict and Politics Rage at News Corps and Viacom" the questions ask, what are the various sources of the conflicts raging in the two media companies? Describe the events taking place using Pondy's model of conflicts process ( stage 1: Latent conflict, stage 2, perceived conflict, stage 3 felt conflict, stage 4 manifest conflict, and stage 5 conflict aftermath) question 3 what kinds of conflict resolution or political strategies are best suited to ending conflict? more
We will pay $105 for the completion of this order.
This report is an actual interview with someone. Please, if you can not do this please let me know right away. I can supply a number where... you can call someone for the interview. That number is 1-800-560-9990. It is in New Jersey.
The report should identify:
Type of Healthcare Provider/Facility: Jersey Shore Medical Center, Hospital
Name of Health Information System/Software: Please find out there Health Information System and Software.
I. Background
Discuss key system/software components and applications. Discuss how system/software selection contributed to facility needs and goals.
a. How long has the system been in place
b. Did it replace another system
c. Did it improve patient care
d. Cost / benefits
e. What system interfaces are used in this project (user interfaces, system to system interfaces etc)
II. User Needs
Identify the primary users of the health information and their needs; discuss how user needs are met by using this system/software
a. How long have they been working on the system
b. Advantages to new system vs old system (vice versa)
c. Did it improve productivity
d. What type of training will take place
e. How was the system implemented
III. Application of Knowledge
Discuss how the application of knowledge attained in this class support your ability to critically analyze they system/software. Assess of the strengths weaknesses of this organization in using the system/software. Provide recommendations for improvement as may be appropriate to the situation .
IV. Analysis
Discuss some examples of the types of healthcare organizations that may be appropriate subjects for this type of system/software other than the type of facility you discussed. Consider hospitals, hospital systems, integrated healthcare systems; multi-specialty medical clinics; physician groups practice offices; ambulatory surgical centers; mental health service providers; public health clinics; rehabilitation or long-term care facilities
a. How was the information about the requirements collected? (research, site visits etc)
b. How will maintenance be handled?
V. Works Cited/Bibliography more
Comparative critical review of two pieces of nursing research, two journal articals to follow vi fax.
Must include evidence of:
Relationship between theory and practice.
Reflection, if possible.
Research designs applicable to nursing, how they relate to evidence based practice, autit, quality assurance, clinical governance and ethical considerations.
Must have emphasis on critical analysis, synthesis, evaluation.
There are faxes for this order.
After reading Chapters from the Niles-Yokum & Wagner textbook which will be uploaded to you, and reading the Links provided on the uploaded file please answer the following......Answer 2 of the fo...llowing 3 questions writing a 4 page response for each question. Each question answered should reflect an integration of material across all 5 modules. There were 5 modules of which you have already written a paper for (see uploaded material) and can be used for this assignment. Be explicit about module and module content cited. Also, you cna use the links provided on the uiploaded file as references across modules. I have listed the links by module. It is important to use as many references across the 5 modules as possible.
(2) --> 4-Page essays, 12pt. Times New Roman, APA Format....I will do the header page.
Question 1 --> Based on all materials presented, please fully describe 5 policy considerations in the development and implementation of an aging-related service program. What specific aging-related factors of an older client need to be considered in offering such services? Give 2 examples of such situations that may occur in the "real world" service with an aging population.
Question 2 --> Based on all materials presented, please identify and explain 5 "gaps" in the services offered to support a current aging population. What is the nature of these service shortfalls and how do these service limitations potentially impact older adults' "quality of life" outcomes in both the short and long term?
Question 3 --> Baserd on all materials presented, please explain how ageism (biased subjectivity) is possible in the design and/or implementation of aging services? Be specific about potential bias factors! Explain how it is best possible to reduce this potential bias in offering services to older clients in the community.
There are faxes for this order.
Customer is requesting that (Cathii) completes this order. more
Assignment 2 Determining HRIS needs HRM 520
1. Assess the types of changes and new developments in technology and government regulations that should be considered in long-range planning requirements for updating or replacing a HRIS.
2. Identify three (3) disadvantages (other than time) of using interviews and focus groups for data collection during the analysis phase when determining HRIS needs. Recommend three (3) approaches to overcome the disadvantages.
3.. Assess three (3) critical sources of data-gathering initiatives for an HRIS needs analysis and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using each of those sources.
4.Identify a system, process, or service in your organization?s HRIS that could be improved. Compare the current system, process, or service (where it is now) with the envisioned future (where it is going) and then create a gap analysis report that identifies the discrepancies between the current state and the future desired state and prioritizes needs.
5.. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Please include all numbered questions. please summarize paper at the end
In this module's case, you're going to explore some of what passes for conventional wisdom in the domain of business intelligence application, probably noting in passing that first, much of the advice... may be contradictory although delivered with great passion and enthusiasm, and second, most of it manages to avoid any real confrontation with traditional management structures and decision procedures and priorities, concentrating instead on ways of manipulating information to presumably work around the organization rather than allow itself to point out shortcomings in the organizations themselves. This is not a course primarily about organizational politics -- there is plenty of time in the rest of your program to come to terms with the old reptilian sub-brains of the organization that perpetuate power differentials, reward distributions only vaguely related to organizational priorities, suboptimization of organizational resource utilization, and all of the other weirdnesses that pretty much guarantee performance and satisfaction shortfalls and failures. But, as you may have surmised, even though it's not our main focus it is the key subtext for all these issues. Unless we openly acknowledge that decisions are largely political (in either the organizational or national sense) and that information is often more useful as a cloak for political priorities than as a substitute for them, the only ones we're going to fool are ourselves.
The Business Intelligence Guide website is a gold mine of useful information about BI specifically. Read some of the overview articles (they're short), to generally familiarize yourself with BI terminology:
Electrosmart Ltd. (2011) The Business Intelligence Guide. Retrieved February 27, 2011, from http://thebusinessintelligenceguide.com/index.php. Recommended sections include:
BI Best Practices. http://thebusinessintelligenceguide.com/bi_strategy/BI_Best_Practices.php
BI Solutions. http://thebusinessintelligenceguide.com/bi_solutions/index.php
BI Drivers. http://thebusinessintelligenceguide.com/bi_strategy/Drivers_Of_BI.php
BI Barriers. http://thebusinessintelligenceguide.com/bi_strategy/Barriers_To_BI.php
Getting Started in BI. http://thebusinessintelligenceguide.com/bi_program/index.php
But feel free to follow up in any other sections that you believe will help you address the case.
Now let's look at two specific cases of BI implementation. Remember, these cases were written by the companies supplying the "solutions", so read carefully and if possible between the lines:
Konitzer, K. and Cummens, M. (2011) CASE STUDY - Using Analytics to Improve Patient Outcomes and Billing Accuracy at Marshfield Clinic. TDWI. Retrieved September 16, 2011, from http://tdwi.org/articles/2011/07/11/case-study-using-analytics-to-improve-patient-outcomes-and-billing-accuracy-at-marshfield-clinic.aspx
Microsoft Inc. (2011) Exclusive Resorts, LLC Destination Club Generates Rapid ROI, Enhances Services, Takes Control of Business. Microsoft Case Studies. Retrieved September 16, 2011, from http://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/Microsoft-Dynamics-AX/Exclusive-Resorts-LLC/Destination-Club-Generates-Rapid-ROI-Enhances-Services-Takes-Control-of-Business/4000009718
There's a lot more out there in the optional and supplemental readings as well as the wide wonderful world of the Internet to give you a feel for what's working and what's not in this area; the more widely you can spread your own information gathering net, the more effective your analysis is likely to be.
When you believe you have a reasonable feel for a variety of business intelligence implementation experiences, you'll be in a position to write an effective short paper on the topic:
Lessons to be learned from the Clinic and Resort cases about creating, implementing, and using business intelligence
Remember, BI is a complex socio-technical innovation, so thinking about the question in socio-technical terms is likely to be of some value to you.
Case assignment expectations:
Your paper should be short (5-7 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. It is to be structured in the following manner. You are expected to:
Begin this paper by stating your position on this question clearly and concisely -- what are the "lessons learned"?
Citing appropriate sources, present the reasons why you draw these conclusions. Be sure to make the most effective case you can.
Then establish what counterarguments can be made in response to your conclusions.
Finally, review your original position in light of the counterarguments, showing how they are inadequate to rebut your original statement.
By the end of your paper, you should be able to unequivocally re-affirm your original position.
The following features of your paper will be assessed in particular:
Your ability to see what the module is all about and to structure your paper accordingly. In this case, there isn?t a single right or wrong, yes-or-no answer ? several perspectives can be justified. Your task is to construct a logical, well-reasoned, and persuasive argument for your conclusions. Be sure that you take a defined position on the question, and construct your paper to support that position with suitable arguments and evidence.
Your focus on the question as presented, and your ability to use the language of the module convincingly. Here, this means your ability to understand what business intelligence and data analytics are, your understanding of the complexities of organizational change being described, your ability to "read between the lines" to identify issues not necessarily described explicitly, and your sensitivity to the internal organizatiuonal politics involved.
Your ability to consolidate ideas from reading materials and your understanding of the materials. Select your illustrative cases to prove your point; don?t just dump a bunch of illustrations onto the page just to fill space. Use information from as many sources as you can, as long as it?s of good quality. At the least, you are expected to show evidence of having read and understood the required readings.
Your informed commentary and analysis -- simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.
Some in-text references to your readings, with citations in proper academic format. For assistance with proper paper formats, reference lists, and citation procedures, please consult the TUI Course Guidelines and/or the Purdue University manual listed in the Background Material. more
Requesting "Darleen"
Write a 4?6 page paper about various aspects, advantages, disadvantages, and issues related to transnational IT operations. Address the following:
? Transfer of work, quality issues, global networking, and service levels
? Cultural diversity, languages, technological infrastructures, local customs, and control issues
Course Title: Operations Management Textbook used Operations Management: An Integrated Approach (4th edition) by R. Ried and Nada Sanders , 2010 (some chaps are attached)
This assignment is part 2 of a previous assignment that I chose a fitness center as my business of choice. Part 2, should relate to the same business (a fitness center) as well.
Assignment 5: Your Business, Part 2
Due Week 10 and worth 180 points
With the same business in mind from Assignment 3, write a 6-8 page paper in which you:
1. Determine which statistics you will employ to measure the quality characteristics of your business
and how often you will conduct statistical analysis.
2. Analyze the key concepts related to capacity planning and facility location for your business.
3. Develop an appropriate level, chase, or hybrid aggregate plan to maintain a competitive
advantage. Provide a rationale for developing the type of plan you did.
4. Apply the key elements of work system design, the project life cycle, and project management to
your business.
5. Analyze the key concepts related to inventory planning and management as they apply to your
6. Include three (3) external peer-reviewed sources to support your position
1) Evaluate two to four (2-4) weaknesses that are evident in Apple Inc organization's product life cycle. Generate a new product design and product selection, and then determine three (3) strategies that the organization needs in order to strengthen the operation. Provide support for the rationale.
2) Deteremine the key components of supply chain management for the company you have selected. Determine three (3) major issues that could affect the structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and the supply chain of Apple inc organization. Provide a solution to each issue.
3) Develop a total quality management tool that identifies and analyzes any future issues. Provide a rationale for developing the selected tool.
4) Analyze three 3 advantages in employing the just-in-time philosophy in the organization. Evaluate three to five (3-5) means in which the philisophy could potentially impact quality assurance. Provide specific examples to support your response.
5) Determine a qualitative and quantitative forecasting method for your operation. Next, create a table in which you identify the characteristics of the operation that relate to each method. Evaluate the strenghts and weaknesses of each method.
Question: Explain how you will conduct an open-ended interview with a participant to explore the participant?s perspective on the emerging culture of consumption in Singapore.
...Three decades of rapid economic growth in Singapore have spawned an expanding middle class and have all but eliminated abject poverty. National economic growth becomes meaningful in the everyday life of Singaporeans as it translates into expansions and improvements of people?s material lives. With rising affluence, Singaporean consumers will increasingly drive local demand for quality consumer goods. Businesses will need to cater and adapt to a diverse range of tastes and preferences across Singapore.
For years, Singapore has used its glitzy malls and the wide range of products sold in them to attract tourists from all over the world. Now, there is suggestion that Singapore can be established into a consumer hub where companies can come to learn what a diverse range of shoppers want. Singapore?s cultural affinity and connectivity with the region positions it well to be the leading base to gather and analyze consumer insights, as well as to develop products for Asian consumers. Singapore should seek to develop itself into the location of choice from which consumer insights are developed, consumer-centric businesses are managed and grown, products and services developed, tested and launched, and trademarks are owned and anchored.
Evidence of the emerging culture of consumption in Singapore is everywhere in the island- nation. Prestigious cars are not the only famous goods known to Singaporeans. Almost every international fashion house is represented, ranging from mass market and exclusive couture lines of well-known designers to no-designer brand-name good. These goods are conveniently available within the ubiquitous shopping complexes everywhere on the island. All fast-food chains, with their global reach, are highly visible. McDonald's outlets are found not only in leisure districts, but also in the public housing estates that accommodate more than 90 percent of the population. Less ubiquitous, but perhaps symbolically more significant in signifying the new affluence, are international-chain cafes, such as Starbucks from the US.
Singapore is, without doubt, a space penetrated by the global-marketing strategies of producers of consumer goods. This penetration is facilitated by the highly developed telecommunications, including information technologies, and transport facilities that are central to the economic development in global capitalism. The massive improvements in material life and its cultural practices constitute discursively the ?culture of consumption? or ?consumerism? in Singapore.
At the end of your project, submit a report. Put simply, a report should tell the reader the following things:
? Why was the study conducted?
? What was done in the study?
? What were the results of the study?
? What conclusions can be drawn from these results?
a) Title (< 10 words) This should let your reader know which area of psychology is being explored and give them a basic idea of what the study is all about. The title should be as meaningful as possible that capture the very essence of the project in less than ten words.
b) Introduction (~400 words) This section should review the relevant literature and structure it into a logical argument. Here we provide the reader with a summary of the research in this area that has already been conducted and explain briefly the reasons for conducting this study.
c) Method (~150 words) In this section you describe how the project was conducted. You method section should include:
? A brief description of the material used
? Who was interviewed
? Who carried out the interviews
? Acknowledgement of ethical issues and how your study had addressed them
? The way you carry out your thematic analysis
d) Analysis (~250 words)
This section is usually preferred in qualitative research instead of the more usual ?Results? heading found in quantitative research. Here, the focus is on the knowledge and understandings that have been gained in conducting the study, with the acknowledgement that this may be only one of the many possible explanations or interpretations of what has been found, rather than a more definitive set of results. It should be noted that there is no ?right? or ?wrong? way to handle this section. You should strive for a clear and concise summary of your analysis, which can be easily understood from the material presented.
Use the follow methods to carry out the thematic analysis:
? Condensation ? here the material is shortened down to its bare essentials.
? Categorization ? the main themes are identified, where categories are developed, named, and then the data are condensed down to these themes.
? Interpretation ? there is a search for deeper interpretations of the text, which is inevitable more speculative.
e) Discussion (~400 words)
The discussion should clearly state what you have found. You should link it to the literature covered in the introduction, coming to a conclusion as to how the results from the project fit in with the literature and how they address the issues concerning this study. There are other issues that you may want to consider in this section, such as what general implications can be drawn from this project, whether there were any surprises or unexpected results, and how these could be interpreted.
The overall focus of this section should be on constructive criticality, where you critically and carefully consider what you have found. Besides discussing the limitations, you should make positive suggestions for future work in the area, so that further study can develop and emerge from your research. more
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Read Full Paper ❯Topic : Use the FedEx case study on page 474 compare and contrast the FedEx quality system with the United Parcel Service quality system. The term paper should include a…
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Read Full Paper ❯I would like to use the writer that completed Order ID 2132857 if possible. Write a paper (1600 words) in which you analyze and appraise each of the (15)…
Read Full Paper ❯Title of Case Report : Measuring Occupational Performance Outcomes Using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in Older Adults with Hip Fractures: A Case Report (Canadian Occupational Performance Measure is the outcome instrument)…
Read Full Paper ❯Sustainable Further Education Teacher/Lecturer Education/Training in the UK to focus on critical awareness of issues around the new model FE lecturer/teacher qualification; especially issues of inclusion, diversity, equality, local…
Read Full Paper ❯These case study are due today!! There are 8 case analysis that needs to be address. The first is "A Tale of Two Cultures" this study talks about "Southwest…
Read Full Paper ❯We will pay $105 for the completion of this order. This report is an actual interview with someone. Please, if you can not do this please let me know…
Read Full Paper ❯Comparative critical review of two pieces of nursing research, two journal articals to follow vi fax. Must include evidence of: Relationship between theory and practice. Reflection, if possible. Research designs applicable to nursing,…
Read Full Paper ❯After reading Chapters from the Niles-Yokum & Wagner textbook which will be uploaded to you, and reading the Links provided on the uploaded file please answer the following......Answer 2…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment 2 Determining HRIS needs HRM 520 1. Assess the types of changes and new developments in technology and government regulations that should be considered in long-range planning…
Read Full Paper ❯In this module's case, you're going to explore some of what passes for conventional wisdom in the domain of business intelligence application, probably noting in passing that first, much…
Read Full Paper ❯Requesting "Darleen" Write a 4?6 page paper about various aspects, advantages, disadvantages, and issues related to transnational IT operations. Address the following: ? Transfer of work, quality issues, global networking, and…
Read Full Paper ❯Course Title: Operations Management Textbook used Operations Management: An Integrated Approach (4th edition) by R. Ried and Nada Sanders , 2010 (some chaps are attached) This assignment is part…
Read Full Paper ❯1) Evaluate two to four (2-4) weaknesses that are evident in Apple Inc organization's product life cycle. Generate a new product design and product selection, and then determine three…
Read Full Paper ❯Question: Explain how you will conduct an open-ended interview with a participant to explore the participant?s perspective on the emerging culture of consumption in Singapore. Note: Three decades of rapid economic…
Read Full Paper ❯