25+ documents containing “Purpose Statement”.
Purpose and Significance of Your Study
Over the past several weeks, you identified a dissertation topic, developed a problem statement and research questions, and chose a research design, research... method, and population to study. All of these items will inform your purpose statement. For this Application, you are asked to develop a purpose statement. The following template will help you:
The purpose of this _____ (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-design) study is to (understand, describe, develop, discover) the _____ (central focus for the study) for ______ (the unit of analysis, person, processes, groups, site).
In addition to developing a purpose statement, you also are asked to consider how your dissertation research might effect social change. Often research results have social implications and make a difference in the world. Choosing to do research on an area or topic that can make a difference in the world suggests that you are attempting to be the kind of researcher whose intellectual pursuits are altruistic.
The assignment: (2?3 pages)
? Briefly describe your dissertation topic.
? Explain the purpose of your study.
? Explain how your dissertation research might effect social change. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your explanation.
Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all the sources, including those in the Resources for this course.
? Tutorial: Overview of Qualitative Research Methods
? Tutorial: Overview of Quantitative Research Methods
CITE!! CITE!! CITE!! more
Purpose Statement
Text begins here. The Purpose Statement of the study clearly describes the intent/focus of the investigation. Creswell (2009) provided an excellent discussion on th...e purpose statement as well as some scripts that may be useful in constructing this statement.
The statement should be crafted into a mini story (250 words) that includes the following six pieces of information:
? Research method is identified as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed.
? Research design is clearly stated.
? Research variables (if a quantitative or mixed method) are briefly identified: independent, dependent (experimental study), or a correlation (relationships, comparison).
? Specific population group of study is identified and justified.
? Geographic location of study is identified.
? Contribution to social change is described.
Nature of the Study
Text begins here. Provide a brief discussion on the research method and design. State why one method (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods) was selected and why it was selected over the other methods. State why one design (within the method) was selected and why it was selected over other designs. Note: It is not sufficient to state what method and design were chosen but why they would be better than other methods/designs.
Discussions relating to the methods/designs must be from multiple authors. For example, Creswell (2010) stated that qualitative studies xxxxxx. According to Schneider (2008), qualitative studies xxxxx. Multiple perspectives must be provided.
Research Question
Text begins here. Identify the research question that will guide the study. For example, this study explores, examines, or xxx. Note: There may be one or more overall central questions.
Text begins here. Creswell (2009) provided an excellent discussion on the research questions and hypotheses statements as well as some scripts that may be useful in constructing these statements.
List hypothesis/hypotheses as H10, H1a and so on. Note: A hypothesis or hypotheses are required for quantitative or mixed methods studies only.
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Text begins here. In quantitative studies, the theoretical framework, or in qualitative studies, the conceptual framework, illustrates which ideas from the literature ground the research being conducted. Theories are bodies of knowledge that help to explain and predict phenomena and show how the study will be related to existing knowledge. Some sample theories include (a) systems theory, (b) feminist theory, (c) disruptive innovation theory, and (d) health belief theory. Describe in detail the selected theory, how it relates to the study, how it informs the expectations and aspirations of the research, and tie it back to the study.
Definition of Terms
Text begins here. The list of defined terms should be almost exactly like other body text: double-spaced, first line indented. Just italicize the term being defined and follow it with a colon. All definitions should be sourced from professional/scholarly sources and alphabetized. List only terms than might not be understood by the reader.
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations
Text begins here. Assumptions are facts considered to be true, but are not actually verified. Assumptions carry risk and should be treated as such. A mitigation discussion would be appropriate.
Text begins here. Limitations refer to potential weaknesses of the study.
Text begins here. Delimitations refer to the bounds or scope of the study. Describe the boundary and what is in and out of the scope.
Significance of the Study
Reduction of Gaps
Text begins here. Discuss how this study will fill gaps in the understanding and effective practice of business.
Implications for Social Change
Text begins here. Provide a statement of positive social change or the improvement of human or social conditions by promoting the worth, dignity, and development of individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, cultures, or societies.
A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature
Text begins here. Ten key elements are required in this subsection. (a) An introduction containing a discussion of the content of the literature, the organization of the review, and the strategy for searching the literature. (b) The review of related research and literature is clearly related to the applied problem statement as expressed in research questions or hypotheses. (c) The review of related research and literature compares and contrasts different points of view and the relationship of the study to previous research and findings. (d) Concise summaries of the literature define the most important aspects of the theory for understanding improved business practice and which will be examined or tested for quantitative studies or substantiate the rationale or theoretical framework for the study that will provide the context for understanding and explaining the elements for improved business practice (for qualitative studies). (e) There is literature-based description of the research variables (quantitative studies), or potential themes and perceptions to be explored (qualitative studies), (f) The content of the review is drawn from acceptable peer-reviewed journals or sound academic journals or there is a justification for using other sources. Average length of a literature review is 100 + peer reviewed references with 80 to 85% being published within the last 3 ? 5 years, (g) Literature related to the research design and method(s) is reviewed. (h) Literature related to the use of differing methodologies to investigate the outcomes of interest is reviewed (i) The methods review is an integrated, critical essay on the most relevant and current published knowledge on the topic. The review is organized around major ideas or themes that will inform the research project. (j) The preliminary research design is presented and a detailed argument as to why and how the research design is appropriate to the business problem/research questions is presented.
Notes: Citations must be written in past tense and a summary of the literature provided. Most often you will have one paragraph per source. You may need more than occasionally but not often. You also may sometimes summarize more than one source in a paragraph when the studies reviewed are very similar in some aspect. The summary should clearly illustrate the importance of the source to an understanding of your study.
Transition and Summary
Text begins here. This section summarizes Section 1 and the gives an overview of the next two sections. more
The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity of exploring what is being researched in the field of Intercultural Communication, methods, and results. This assignment will... also allow you to research one Intercultural Communication topic or cultural issue of your interest.
To complete this assignment: First, SELECT ONE INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION TOPIC or cultural issue of your interest. Second, READ TWO (2) RESEARCH ARTICLES that deal with the topic you have selected.
The content and the organization of your paper must be as follows:
1. Have a very short purpose statement and preview main points of paper.
2. Report 2 PURPOSES (One from each study). Report the main purpose that researchers wanted to accomplish by doing the research. Report purposes that are clear and specific.
3. Report all the RESEARCH METHODS used in the two studies:
a) List the methods for COLLECTING DATA;
b) List the methods for ANALYZING DATA;
c) Describe briefly some of the characteristics of the subjects used in the study (the sample sex, age, education, ethnicity, etc.)
4. Report 4 MAJOR FINDINGS (Two from each study). These findings must refer to the aspects that researchers learned about the topic as a result of doing the research. Select the ones that are more meaningful and appealing to you. Report findings that are clear and specific.
5. CONCLUSION EVALUATE the relevance of the study in terms of what: 1) you have learned, 2) the contribution that this research does to the field of Intercultural Communication, and 3) the social and/or personal implications of the findings.
The reference of research articles must be in the last page of the paper. more
Please use Bolavens: This is a series essay/PPT. If not available, I need to know
You are a research analyst with a large research and development firm, Akron Resear...ch. Your firm performs studies and analysis for companies that need product, process improvement, manufacturing, and consulting research services.
You have been assigned to develop a comprehensive research strategy and plan and develop a proposal outline for a customer-driven project. After you complete your review of the project, you will have to pick a topic and decide the research methodology that will be applied. Then you will have to develop the research design to include the topic, purpose statement, literature review, research question and hypothesis, and the analysis and report writing format. Finally, you will have to present the research proposal outline for customer approval. Since you may or may not be the one actually conducting the research, you must have a detailed research design plan that can walk a researcher or team through the entire research process for this project.
Write a research proposal on topic: Does political party affiliation (Democrat, Republican independent) affect one's support of a surtax on millionaires. Age and gender data should also be gathered.
The proposal outline is the documentation of your research design. The research design needs to link the information or data that will be collected and analyzed to the research questions that will be studied. The research proposal outline should include the following:
?Purpose statement
?Applicable literature
?Research question and hypothesis
?Measurement and analysis approach
?Choice of report format.
Once an outline is created, create a 15 ? 20 slide presentation of your outline. Provide explanations of the outline in the speaker notes (500 ? 1250 Words). more
Higher education leadership mini research prospectus
For this portion of the Benchmark , you will write a Mini Research Prospectus of 2100 words in length using the High...er Education Leadership Purpose Statement approved by your instructor in Part 1 of this assignment.
1) Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
a) This assignment uses a grading rubric.
b) Use your approved Higher Education Leadership Purpose Statement from Benchmark Part 1. In its final form for inclusion in this part of the assignment, the statement should be 100-150 words in length.
c) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.
2) Perform the following tasks to complete the assignment
a) Write a concise review of literature of 750-1,000 words that accomplishes the following:
i) Identifies the main contributors to and the key theories in the research topic.
ii) Critically examines the quality of prior research as well as the existing empirical issues, theoretical issues, and conflicts.
iii) Critically examines the methods used to investigate the problem of interest and analyzes the differences in methodologies that may have contributed to varied research results.
iv) Develops the research question and guides the selection of the method.
b) Write 750-1,000 words that describe the method you will use and that detail the steps you will take to answer your research question. This section must accomplish the following:
i) Present the design of the study and justify the use of a specific research method.
ii) Describe and justify how the data is to be collected including the following:
(1) Population (subjects) to be studied.
(2) Data collection instruments to be used.
(3) Data collection plan to be employed, which specifies the conditions under which data are to be collected.
(4) Specific activities to be conducted that are intended to reduce bias and increase validity.
iii) Specify the intended data analysis procedures and analytic tools to be used. more
The paper must be APA 6th addition . . . Please follow the topic paper template
Using the feedback from your Mentor and the NCU Topic Paper Template as a guide, assemble the components of the topic paper. ( I will down load the templete)
Include this in Problem Statement: Overrepresentation of African Americans and Hispanics in special education
Include this in Purpose Statement: Conducting case study in two NJ towns; one urban and one rural; 20 students; 4 teachers; 4 parents; and 2 administrators
Research Questions: at least 2 that are qualitative in nature and at least 2 that are quantitative in nature.
(At least 10 sources annotated)
There are faxes for this order.
Five: Mental Models
For this assignment, write a five page paper (double-spaced, not including title and reference pages) that:
Describe the problem/issue(s) identified, Problem Iden...tification.
Describe strategies you identified, per the research for addressing that issue(s)/problem(s) (in Solution Identification).
Describe how you would establish a moral purpose statement for change, write at least one moral purpose statement example to offer to stakeholders, and identify the steps you would take to procure buy-in and support for the endeavor from stakeholders identified.
Then take a look at a data collected through the consider past experience and conversations with colleagues and supervisors, and examine demographic data to identify some of the most prevalent mental models (i.e., established ways of thinking about a topic) that exist within the organization in question. For example, individuals within your organization may have a mental model that technology is too complicated and they don't have time to learn how to use it. Mental models in your school might be positive (e.g., a belief that all students are worth "saving") or negative (e.g., a belief that leadership is always trying to sabotage their efforts).
Describe two or three of the most prevalent collective mental models you believe exist in your organization. Describe how these mental models will either be an obstacle to your proposed change effort or aid in its facilitation. In other words, describe how the mental models either help or hinder (or both) the change initiative you believe is necessary.
If you believe the mental models that exist in your organization will hinder your change effort, identify at least one mental model that should be cultivated in your organization to facilitate the necessary change and remedy the identify issue/problem. Explain how this mental model can be initiated, developed, communicated, and sustained in an effort to implement the change needed.
Describe possible challenges to cultivating and sustaining the mental model(s) identified, or suggest and provide possible solutions to overcome the challenges and facilitate the change in thinking among stakeholders.
Find at least one peer-reviewed research article and identify at least two strategies recommended for either changing existing mental models or using them to strengthen your plan for change. more
Please read carefully...As this paper is a follow-up and continuation from a previous paper in which I will attach as resource material.
Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper, expanding on your Research Question and Background assignment that will become the Introduction section for the Final Integrative Paper. This section will include the title page, introduction with background, purpose statement, research questions, and definition of terms.
I will attach the previous paper written and then you will be able to expand on it...
Please make sure it is original...
The Insider Threat in the Cloud computing
In developing the topic paper, review and, as necessary, update your problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions to reflect y...our current perspectives and understanding of the problem, purpose, and research questions. The topic paper should reflect a clear and logical linkage among the problem, purpose, and research questions.
1. Problem Statement (1 pages)
Your statement of the problem informs the reader of the particular problem you are examining in your dissertation. It needs to be limited and should influence business practice or theory in some capacity.
When written appropriately, your problem statement should explain and justify your envisioned research
2.Purpose Statement (2 pages)
The purpose statement will align with the problem statement reviewed. Conclude your paper by explaining and justifying your purpose statement.
3. Development of Research Questions (1 page)
Research questions generally follow the purpose statement within a study and tend to consist of multiple questions. In quantitative research, the research questions relate to characteristics of individuals or the characteristics of various organizations. Qualitative research, on the other hand, relates to the central concept of the study. Develop Research Questions
Develop and propose a set of research questions. For each research question, briefly explain why it was chosen and how the answer to this question will contribute to the literature in the field. Also comment on the expected outcome for each question you are proposing. more
I need ?goodgod2? to do this assignment for me please
Hi Writer?s
Topic ?Intelligent Speed Adaptation?
Please download the attachments
Please used ?A? for the Assignment ple...ase.
The purpose of the assignment is to expose you to dissertation research by providing you with the opportunity to evaluate the methodology. While you will be asked to describe the methodology as part of this assignment, the goal of this assignment is to learn to analyze and evaluate research.
Start by locating one of the following:
A. A qualitative dissertation of your choosing, ideally related to the topic you are pursuing for your course project or related to your specialization.
B. A quantitative dissertation of your choosing, ideally related to the topic you are pursuing for your course project or related to your specialization.
Review and evaluate only one dissertation.
Qualitative Dissertation
If you selected a qualitative dissertation use this criterion to complete the assignment:
? Review the Dissertation Analysis Paper Description provided in the resources.
? Locate a qualitative dissertation of your choosing, ideally related to the topic you are pursuing for your course project or related to your specialization. Determine the study's research design and identify the research question(s) and the data handling and analysis procedures used, noting in particular any discussion about strategies employed to increase the accuracy, dependability, or confirmability of the data and findings.
? Review the Reviewing the Literature document in the resources, taking note that going to this level of reviewing the literature requires primary level of detail. Based on information the author provides about data analysis strategies, consider how qualitative analysis differs from quantitative analysis.
? After you have analyzed the dissertation as directed above, use the Dissertation Analysis Paper Description to write your paper for this assignment.
Quantitative Dissertation
If you choose a quantitative dissertation, use this criterion to complete the assignment:
? Review the Dissertation Analysis Paper Description provided in the resources.
? Locate a quantitative dissertation of your choosing. Determine the study's research design, describe the data analysis procedures used, and report the key statistical results, including the associated p-value. Be sure to adhere to APA format for presenting statistics.
? Review the Reviewing the Literature document in the resources, taking note that going to this level of reviewing the literature requires primary level of detail. Identify and define the hypotheses being tested in this study, as well as the key variables (for example, independent, dependent, and predictor). What are the assumptions associated with the main statistical test used in this study? (Hint: You will need to look these up in a statistics text, or online.) Consider the following:
o Based on information provided by the author about the data: assess the characteristics of the data (for example, level of measurement or nature of the distribution) and comment about the appropriateness of the statistical procedures used given the nature of the data.
o Based on information provided by the author about their data analysis strategies, consider how quantitative analysis differs from qualitative analysis.
? Determine the study's research design, and identify the research question(s) and the data handling and analysis procedures used, noting in particular any discussion about strategies employed to increase the accuracy, dependability, or confirmability of the data and findings.
? After you have analyzed the dissertation as directed above, use the Dissertation Analysis Paper Description to write your paper for this assignment. Be sure to draw upon authoritative sources on statistics in conducting your analysis and critique.
Grading Checklist
Checklist Item No Yes Comments
Writes a problem or opportunity statement, purpose statement, and research question(s) that are explicated presented and are evaluated in terms of their alignment and internal consistency.
Describes briefly the study's methodological approach and specific research design.
Evaluates the methodological approach and research design in terms of their appropriateness given the stated nature of the problem, the stated purpose, and the research question(s).
Discusses the author-identified limitations, implications, and recommendations, and evaluates how these relate to the study's purpose and methodological approach.
Reflects on and discusses what has been learned from analyzing the dissertation as it relates to the proposed hypothetical study for the final project.
Writes in a scholarly manner, without grammatical errors and typos; adheres to APA style and formatting. more
A Hermeneutical/Heuristic Qualitative Design Dissertation to address the following dissertation research topic: What can the story of La Malinche and Hernan Cortez reveal about the role of secrecy in ...erotic romantic love?
Dissertation to focus on Jungian, Archetypal, Psychoanalytic and Feminist perspectives.
Please focus on writing a 3-4 page section on these subheading: 1. Purpose Statement, 2. Introduction (personal transference to the research question included in attached file) and 3. A 1 page to half a paragraph for the Statement of the Research Problem. Please refer to the dissertationguidelinesforfirstpart. word document uploaded in files section for formating and specifications that must be followed.
Information/IDEAS on the topic:
This is my dissertation question. Below you will find my own transference to the topic of my dissertation. You will also see references.
Dissertation Question
What can the story of La Malinche and Cortez reveal about the role of secrecy in erotic romantic love?
Process paper #1 on my transference to the work and some comments to help from the professor.
I continue to be claimed by Eros. At times I am left breathless with a hint of a sweet taste in my mouth leaving me wanting more. On other occasions I have found myself in such a reverie that the thought of engaging further into the work, humbles me, scare me and seduces me. Without a doubt, it is a chaotic state in which the id and superego are constantly at odds with one another. What is unfolding beyond my control is the rhythm of the Aztec warriors drum as he sings an ancient tale of a sensual Aztec woman who lost sight of rationality and tradition, consumed and burned by the flames of her love the night her Spaniard lover discovered the secret in her heart and kissed her, sealing her sweet and bitter fate. The Aztec drums with greater fervor for the tale is far beyond ending.
The moment in which Malinche and Cortes first lock lips and embrace, I feel that my soul is claimed by this passion and love; a love that loosens our limbs, sets us aflame (godchild, p. 43). Without a doubt, my soul descends into the realm of my ancestors and my ego is consistently humiliated by the lived experiences, images, dreams and numinous encounters that leave me aroused and speechless: Cortes and La Malinche are an eternal mythological expression that takes place on the stage of my body and emotions. The experience is numinous and pushes me further out beyond the cultural norms and traditions-a forbidden land. It is a place best described by Godchild:
I fall back into those chaotic states of ignorance, fear, and inconsiderateness, those falling apart places that so often have at their origin the vulnerable gaping wounds inherited from childhood, cultural, or incarnation destiny, that prevent our ability to love and simultaneously keep us humble and very human (2001, p.xx).
I am gripped by Eros as he lures me in, kissing me in a bittersweet seduction and I blindly follow him into the depths of a great mystery. At times I am in love, yet this does not feel like any falling in love that Ive experienced before but more like and addiction to something that could possibly split you open in half. I have tossed aside humility at times and behaved like an animal, mad with passion and ready for the kill; some nights I am on the prowl.
Reflecting upon where I stand in the dissertation process, I recall sharing in class that I am living and feeling La Malinches passion since I have been called to the work. It is as though she is seeing and speaking through me, pointing the way to this dissertation process and from time to time she will remind me of her presence with passionate impulses and glimpses of her love for Cortes. Here I am reminded of one of the first concepts of heuristic research: self ??"dialogue, which involves continual exploration and processing of what is being experienced. I am reminded of the importance of the researcher maintaining a sense of openness to leave way for a spontaneous and creative dance with the phenomenon that emerges for a transformative unraveling to occur.
Less than 6 months ago, I was invited to celebrate a bachelorette party in Vegas. Of all places it had to be the city where sinful secrets, fantasies and most passionate and guilty pleasures are available. Be that as it may, there is a saying in Vegas what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas; well that sure isnt true! It happened to be that in my case, the thing that happened in Vegas came home with me. However, the night before leaving Vegas, I was intoxicated not by alcohol, but by a profound emotion that had taken over my senses and body; yes, it was passion. I felt as though I had been struck by one of Eros arrows and had fallen for an ancient God-man who I believe, embodied Cortez. Given that it was Vegas in which this encounter and experience had taken place; I dismissed it. Little did I know then that Destiny had been attempting to reunite me with this man; not just on one occasion but on several occasions thereafter. Interestingly enough something in me would soon be awakened, infusing my soul, discovering something I had never experienced before. A month after my visit to Sin City, Destiny once again brought me into the mans presence. This time, we met at his hometown in California, the city of Angels. The following is a description of the second and perhaps my last encounter with the man-God:
He stood in a crowded dance floor amongst drunken men and women entranced under the spell of Dionysius. His Spanish blue eyes were piercing at me as I allowed my body to be moved by Dionysius and Eros, into his embrace. We had locked eyes as I followed the rhythm of his heart dancing to the music in the background. I could feel his curious hands caressing my body, making their way through to every feminine curve, mound and crevice. It felt so morally corrupting, and yet so divinely sensuous; the beating in my heart was like the music of heaven pulsating through my veins louder and louder, deafening out the supplications of the Superego. I could smell his sweet musky cologne as he pushed his body against mine and I, without much hesitation, could feel myself giving in as we swayed to the music. Almost as soon as he had done so, my hands began to touch and caress his masculine body, uninhibitedly, La Malinche boldly present and continuing on with an undying passion, taking over my body. The boundaries of time and space defaulted as soon as I tasted the sweet nectar of his lips. I was in a space of just being, neither he nor I spoke thereafter; something ancient had been constellated between the two of us, and amidst the passion and the intrigue, there was a sorrowful remembrance, a faint disillusionment slowly creeping into my heart: We are vastly separated by two different worlds and responsibilities. What could ever be of this?
As the night continued on, I experienced the burning of layers of insecurity and doubt about myself and preconceived notions about morality. As his body lay next to mine, images of Psyche and Eros welcomed themselves in. It was as if I alternated between embodying Psyche and La Malinche while he was both Cortes and Eros. There was no need for any sexual interaction to occur to experience a profound ecstasy. For a brief moment, I entered into a state of reverie and became aware that I was experiencing what La Malinche and La Llorona were condemned for; falling passionately in love with a God and betraying the secret of false morality and tradition in the face of the numinous. Without a doubt I had been falling in love with this man. I recall my ego attempting to make sense of it all.
Now I am left with passion infusing my research processes. It is coursing through my body, expelling out all previous notions of certainty or as Goodchild best describes it:
We are virginal again, we lose our tongues, becomes like an awkward teenager, not knowing what to say; voice stuttering, face blushing, forgetting, distracted, sweating, lips trembling. We are so unsure of ourselves, humbld by the Visitation (Pg. 43)
I know that I am being challenged by the work in my personal life and I continue to shed tears from my own personal complexes that are being constellated by the experiences. However, I continue love every single moment of putting the work into action. The experiences lure me in, seducing me into the spell of Eros. It leaves me with a thirst for passionate and numinous encounters. My hope is that these experiences will serve me and women in general the chance to speak and live out the glorious mysteries and of such divine love.
As it gets nearer to the actual dissertation research and writing process, I begin to feel anxiety over the pressure of having the statement of the research question clear. All I know is that I continue to be drawn to the love between Cortes and La Malinche. Although I have not yet had the opportunity to work closely with the professors, I am beginning to get clarity with my interaction in class with Dr. Elizabeth Nelson. I feel as if the images that have come through thus far have really drawn me to the topic of Secrets in our hearts and how it might relate to perhaps aspects of love and passion. However without a doubt, I feel that Dr. Elizabeth Nelsons comment over my interest on Secrets has really hit the nail to its place and that is how does keeping the secret fuel Eros? I recognize, even as I write this, that I fall back to those moments in my life where I have experienced such passionate love. After all, La Malinche is the container of womens most sinful and dreadful secrets of love. What better than perhaps considering Vegas as a place of research on secrets and love.
Coppin, J. & Nelson, E. (2005) The art of inquiry: A depth psychological perspective. Rev.ed. New York, NY: Spring Publications, Inc.
Goodchild, V. (2001) Eros and Chaos. York Beach, ME: Nicolas- Hays, Inc
Moustaka, C. (1990). Heuristic research: design, methodology, and applications. Newberry Park, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Romanyshyn, Robert D. (2007). The wounded researcher. New Orleans: Spring Journal Books.
Process paper #2 with the professors comments on the side
As I sit here now contemplating on where I stand now in my dissertation process I cant help but think of some readings I have done lately; especially Marion Woodmans book, Dancing In the Flames; the Dark Goddess In the Transformation of Consciousness. I think of how at this time it relates to what I am experiencing in my personal life now and how it has influenced my process in research. Upon reflection Marion Woodmans topic on building the subtle body she describes a dream of a client who was victimized by the masculine power:
She had, in effect, been forced to swallow the false, demonic spirit just as many today are being forced to swallow false masculine power, false spirit, in the home, at school, in the workplace. They, too are being told, this is God. (Woodman, 1996. p.74.)
For the last 4 months I have entered into a state of where I have felt the effects of having been forced to swallow the false masculine power by a culture that does not embrace the relational and embodied feminine. Consequently I have lost my motivation to carry out research and thus far I feel I have betrayed La Malinche like Cortez did. Thus I have not been able to shake this sense of loss off my shoulders. This has resulted in a loss of passion and motivation to engage in the work of soul.
This patriarchal thinking has created much conflict in me and as a result I have stopped my relationship with my archetypal council. However, I feel that it is also La Malinche and La Llorona and Cortez who are involuntarily pushing me into the underworld, shattering whatever ounce of patriarchal thinking that is residing in my body so that their voices are heard. Woodman states the following;
The descent is undertaken either voluntarily, in search of a deeper goal, or involuntarily, when the abyss unexpectedly opens. The potential in either case comes from the fact that ordinary ego perceptions are shattered; cracks occur in the well- crafted persona. (Woodman, 1996.p.37.)
I am not sure anymore of who I am or where I stand in relationship to my current relationship with this research topic, but I know that I cant continue to embrace a culture in which the feminine has been ostracized, quieting the feminine and embracing the masculine; as I too feel pressure of the culture that has embraced this approach.
The price that La Malinche paid for refusing to submit to the patriarchy was costly and painful. I too have paid; romantic relationships have ended as Ive refused to play a part in the patriarchal traditions that limit and restrict the feminine. Ive had bitter arguments with family members for not conforming to the traditional feminine roles and instead been labeled a cruel bitch and at work I have been accused of practicing witchcraft. These experiences have led me to a state in which I find myself oscillating between emotional numbness and grief.
As a culture, however, we are still blind to the false assumptions underlying many relationships, still deaf to the snide remarks some women make to undercut other woman, still unable to pull the feminine out of the mud (Woodman).
Once again, patriarchy has defined what masculinity and femininity should be and throughout Western history this has been destructive to woman of all walks of life, in particular because it has resulted in woman turning against other women who dont fit the mold. For example, when we look at other women, we women do so with a masculine and patriarchal sizing up with a critical eye. As women we need to define what femininity and masculinity is for ourselves so that both can be integrated in us and to provide this energy to our children right at birth so that they can go on and define it for themselves.
Claiming the unseen corners of our psyches leads us to compassion for ourselves and for others. Knowing we have done our best and it simply wasnt enough opens our heart to other human beings whose best has likewise failed. (Woodman, 1996.p.52)
As woman, this is a very powerful theme that Woodman writes about. The unswept corners of our psyches correspond to the feeling-body connection that is often overlooked and misunderstood or approached fearingly. From personal experience however, this speaks to the feminine power of the body to carry our emotions and store them as potential wisdom either through conscious efforts such as through massage or yoga or through unconscious efforts such as through the development of psychopathology.
There is much fear involved in exploring the uncharted territory of the dark sea. I prefer those descents in which I enter with as little agenda as possible, or no agenda and see what mysteries and treasures lay in the dark. I know that my ego illusions and projections shatter each time I have had to descend.
Marion Woodmans book has produced much anxiety in me because the ego does not want to suffer and have its comforts removed. However I am comforted in knowing that Marion Woodman has made several descents and is still alive, feisty and kicking.
In matters of the dissertation process, this is where I find myself. In fact, even the way that that the content for this process paper is coming out of me, is unorganized, a pouring over of images and feelings which has a lot to do with the current state of my mind, body and spirit. I am at home most of the time having been placed on workers compensation and medical leave due to an abusive relationship with my work agency. In retrospect, even that experience touches on my dissertation interests for it was the agency, just like Cortez (the negative patriarchy) that exploited me and sought to do away with my indigenous ways of practicing therapy; I was La Malinche and La Llorona. I fell in love with the promises of the work place and remained loyal only to be discriminated, slandered against and used for the agencys own purposes. And now I feel disposed of and broken. I cry and whale at times in the privacy of my bathtub andimages of La Llorona crying and whaling at the banks of rivers enter my mind. Has La Llorona taken over my body? Is she coming through me in this way? If so, how where is the boundary between her and I; I would need a boundary so as to remain sufficiently objective and passionate to continue on with the dissertation work. Perhaps I have gone mad. Maybe I will stop and do away with this process.kill it. If I do, then it is the negative patriarchy who will come through; Cortez.
Maybe as I continue on working with the body movement, Object Relations therapist I am consulting with now, Apollo and Sophia can assist me in providing structure, order and wisdom.
All I want to do now is dance barefoot in the mood under a moonlit sky and call upon Eros in an attempt to seduce back to me.
Woodman, M.,& E. Dickson. (1997) Dancing in the flames: The dark goddess in the
transformation of consciousness. Boston: Shambhala.
Esquivel , Laura. (2005) Malinche D.F: Mexico.
There are faxes for this order. more
Compile information from all research information provided into a single document that addresses the following elements:
The introduction
- Investigate the problem
- Analyze an Applied Business Research Case Study
- Literature Review: Key Underlying Theories
The problem
- Legal and Ethical Considerations
Purpose of the study
- Research Solution
- Problem and solution analysis
Significance of the problem or concern
- Problem and Purpose Statement Construction
- Problem Statement
- PowerPoint and Purpose Statement Proposal
Supporting theories
Proposed research methodology for implementing your problem solution
- Research Methodologies
Defend your conclusion
There are faxes for this order.
Customer is requesting that (Assco5522) completes this order.
For this assignment, create a document with a draft thesis statement for your suggested research study. Complete the following for your paper:
State the research topic or problem and write a brief summary of the topic and why you are interested in the topic.
Write a purpose statement for the research topic.
Write one or two research questions that address the research purposes. Your research questions should:
Identify who or what will be studied.
Identify what concepts or variables will be studied to understand the problem for the study.
Describe rationale to support your position.
Note: This project is not a research project. You will not complete an actual research study, nor will you need to design a data collection instrument. You will only identify what will need to be studied to understand the problem.
When complete, submit your document in the Assignment area.
do not fax
Guidelines: Left justified. No indents. No citations.
Maximum length is 350 words. The final version is in past tense and includes items 1-"6.
1. Introduce the study topic brie...fly.
2. Clearly articulate the study problem and purpose
3. State the research method (quantitative, qualitative, mixed method).
* Quantitative research identifies the design.
* Qualitative research identifies the typology/strategy of inquiry.
* Mixed Method research identifies both design (for quantitative aspect) and typology/strategy (for qualitative aspect).
4. Identify the participants.
5. Present key results (for quantitative studies include relevant test statistics and p values).
6. Present conclusions and recommendations for future research.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction: (the Introduction has to be based on empirical findings. It has to provide information as to how the topic is viewed in the field today and relevant constructs/concepts need to be introduced so that knowledge is portrayed as to what is known in the field today). The introduction should be focused on a synthesis and integration of empirical research findings.
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Theoretical Framework
Research Questions
Nature of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Key Terms
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Theme/Subtopic [repeat as needed]
Chapter 3: Research Method
Research Methods and Design(s) - (This is a Quantitative, non-experimental study)
Operational Definition of Variables (Quantitative/Mixed Studies Only)
Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis
Ethical Assurances
Chapter 4: Findings
Evaluation of Findings
Chapter 5: Implications, Recommendations, and Conclusions
Appendix A: Title
Appendix B: Title
Appendix N:: Title
List of Tables
[Use Words Table of Figures feature (using caption style = table) to create this section. Note that each table title needs to be created as a caption style format above the table. The List of Tables entries should mirror the APA format of table titles within the body of the paper. Consult the APA manual to ensure that all tables and table titles conform to APA format. See APA6, Chapter 5 for guidance and examples.]
List of Figures
[Use Words Table of Figures feature (using caption style = figure) to create this section. Note that each figure caption needs to be created as a caption style format below the figure. The List of Figures entries should mirror the APA format of figure captions within the body of the paper. Consult the APA manual to ensure that all tables and table titles, figures and figure captions conform to APA format. See APA6, Chapter 5 for guidance and examples.]
Chapter 1: Introduction
[Text Dissertation topic is introduced in 2 pages. The study topic is briefly described to establish the main ideas and context and include recent, scholarly, peer-reviewed sources to support each assertion. The Introduction should orient the reader to all of the concepts presented in the sections that follow. Note: Do not describe the study purpose or method in the introduction as these belong in later sections.]
[Present an overview of why this research topic is currently of interest. Describe the facts and relevant context as a background leading up to the study problem and purpose. Focus on the area of research interest, briefly laying the groundwork for what has been done in the area and why the area is of important social or practical concern, or of theoretical interest. Include appropriate, recent, scholarly sources to support each assertion. There are no specific length guidelines; however the Background should be sufficient to provide context for the problem statement that follows. A detailed review of the literature will be provided in Chapter 2.]
Statement of the Problem
(Approximately 250 to 300 words) Articulation of a concise problem statement is the key to a successful proposal/dissertation manuscript and typically requires many revisions before the proposal is approved. The problem statement is a brief discussion of a problem or observation succinctly identifying and documenting the need for and importance of the study. Clearly describe and document the problem that prompted the study. Include appropriate published or relevant primary sources to document the existence of a problem worthy of PhD doctoral level research. A lack of research alone is not a compelling problem (many things are not studied but do not necessarily warrant research). Please consider: what perspective is represented? For example, is the problem an individual level problem, an organizational problem, an industry problem, or a social problem? What is not known that should be known and what are the potential negative consequences to the field of study if the proposed research is never conducted? These questions can help to identify the problem that needs to be addressed and the theories relevant to predict, explain and understand the problem.
[Text Present a general issue/observation that is grounded in the research literature and leads to the need for the study (in most cases scholarly citations within the last 5 years are required to document the general and specific problem). Follow with a focused, documented problem that directly reflects and leads to the need for a research response. PhD dissertation-worthy problems must be relevant and documented beyond any particular study site and have clear theoretical implications in order to make a realistic, but substantive contribution to the field of study.]
Note: Ensure that the concepts presented in the Problem Statement lead to and align directly with the Purpose Statement. Use of a logic map is highly recommended in order to ensure direct alignment and avoid surprises among the key elements: problem ? purpose ?research questions?proposed method and design.
Note: Clear and precise definitions of key words upon first use and consistent use of key words throughout the paper will also help ensure alignment.
Purpose of the Study
[Text Begin the purpose statement with a succinct sentence that indicates the study method and overarching goal.
The purpose of this [quantitative, qualitative, mixed method] study is to... (describe the study goal that directly reflects and encompasses the research questions). Follow with a brief, but clear overview of how, with what instruments/data, with whom and where (as applicable).]
Within the purpose statement:
Research method is identified as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method.
Stated purpose reflects the research questions: Variables/constructs and/or phenomenon/concept/idea are identified.
Research design is clearly stated and is aligned with the problem statement.
Participants and/or data sources are identified.
Geographic location of study is identified (as appropriate).
Before moving forward, ensure that the purpose is a logical, explicit research response to the stated problem.
Theoretical Framework
[Text Identify and articulate the theoretical foundations of the proposed study based on a review of the relevant literature.
1. Discussion reflects a thorough discussion of the conceptual and/or theoretical area under which the research falls and how the proposed research fits within other research in the field. Discussion clearly considers the study theoretical assumptions and principles, and specifically includes important issues, perspectives, and, if appropriate, controversies in the field.
2. Discussion reflects knowledge of and familiarity with both the historical and current literature. The majority of sources must be scholarly and peer-reviewed.
For a PhD stuy, the research proposed must make a contribution to the literature and include relevant theories as the foundation of the study and, in this way, it would contribute to theory by adding more support, expanded applications or perhaps demonstrate ways in which the theory may not be as explanatory as originally presumed for the given study context. Theories provide a lens with which to observe, understand and explain the study topic. The theories identified must be explicit as there are many different lenses, such as psychological theories, social theories, organizational theories and economic theories, which may be used to predict and explain concepts, topics or phenomena. The theoretical framework must be appropriate, aligned with the topic, well-articulated and sourced.]
Research Questions
[TextBrief introductory text. Note: Avoid redundant text. Ensure that the Research Questions directly align with the stated purpose and that quantitative hypotheses correspond with the research questions.]
Additional questions as needed.
Hypotheses (Quantitative/Mixed Studies Only)
H10. [Null Hypothesis Text]
H1a. [Alternative Hypothesis Text]
Nature of the Study
[As appropriate, use text from the Concept Paper Research Method to present a brief overview of the study design, variables/constructs, instruments and analyses (as applicable). Relocate detailed discussion of sampling method, sample size determination, instrument, measurement and analyses to Chapter 3. Discuss the proposed research method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed).
Discussion is not simply a listing and description of the chosen research design; rather, elaboration demonstrates how the proposed method and design accomplish the study goals, why the design is the optimum choice for the proposed research, and how the method aligns with the purpose and research questions. Provide a brief discussion of the proposed study design, data collection and analysis procedures (detailed descriptions should be provided in Chapter 3). Provide appropriate foundational research method support for the proposed study design; for example, refer to Moustakas and other appropriate authors to describe a phenomenological design and Yin to describe the appropriate application of a case study design.]
Significance of the Study
[Demonstrate why the study is important and describe the contribution(s) to the field of study. This section should reflect the need for the study and the benefits of an answer to the proposed study purpose and research questions. The discussion should align with the problem statement in that, the problem statement articulates the negative consequences if the study is never conducted, whereas the significance indicates the positive results of completing the study.]
Definition of Key Terms
[Text (optional) ]
Term 1. Definition (APA citation).
Replace Term 1. with the relevant term name/label.
Term 2. Definition (APA citation).
Term n. Definition (APA citation).
[TextBriefly restate the key points, study purpose and proposed research plan.]
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Approximately 40-80 pages, pending topic area. The literature review will contain several sub-headings that will be specific to the dissertation. Approximately 85% of references must be peer-reviewed, scholarly sources published within the last 5 years.
[Begin with a summary of the purpose statement that leads to a brief explanation of the logical organization of the literature review.
Note: Conduct a thorough literature search based on a variety of relevant key words and databases. It is extremely rare for there to be no existing literature on a topic worthy of doctoral level study. Lack of references is typically the result of a too narrow or faulty library search.]
[Include a paragraph that explains the literature search strategy and describes the library and search engine sources. The documentation section may include an APA formatted table that describes the nature and sources of
Theme/Subtopic [repeat as needed]
Replace Theme/Subtopic: with an appropriate heading that describes the discussion to follow.
[Present the theoretical or conceptual framework(s) related to the study. Present historical research as well as research related to the topic of study within the last 5 years. Include appropriate scholarly source citations for each assertion. Ensure the discussion has depth and presents a critical analysis and synthesis of the literature that provides a context for the dissertation study. Discuss conflicting findings and/or theoretical positions causing intellectual tension in the field. Ensure the discussion is comprehensive, organized, and flows logically. Use themes and/or subtopics as headings. Note: A literature review is discursive prose, not a list describing or summarizing one piece of literature after another. Avoid stringing together articles and beginning every paragraph with the name of a researcher. Instead, organize the literature review into sections that present themes or identify trends, including relevant theory. One should not attempt to list all the material published, but rather synthesize and evaluate the relevant scholarly research according to the guiding concept of your thesis or research question. Continue to expand and update the literature review up through the final dissertation.]
[Summarize key points presented in Chapter 2 and include supporting citations for key points. Highlight contradictions and uncertainties that support the need for the proposed study.]
Chapter 3: Research Method
[Begin with an introduction and restatement of the research problem and purpose.
It is appropriate to repeat the problem and purpose from Chapter 1 verbatim. Conclude the introduction with a brief overview of the chapter.
Restate the research question(s)/hypotheses verbatim.
1. Quantitative ?" research questions and hypothesis(es) clearly stated and clearly aligned with each other and with the problem and purpose statements.
2. Qualitative - research questions clearly stated and aligned with problem and purpose statements.
3. Mixed Method - includes all of the above.
Note: This section should be identical to wording used in Chapter 1.]
Research Methods and Design(s)
[Accurately describe the research method and design(s). Substantiate the appropriateness of the method and design(s); include a statement about why the method/design(s) was/were chosen over others.
1. Elaborate on the chosen research design (e.g., case study, phenomenology, comparative, correlational, quasi-experimental, etc.) appropriateness to respond to the study purpose.
2. Clearly describe the design steps. Ensure the discussion is not simply a listing and description of research designs. Provide appropriate support for the use and application of the chosen design.
3. Demonstrate why the design will accomplish the study goals and why design is the optimum choice for the research.
Describe in sufficient detail so that the study could be replicated.]
[Provide a description of the population (as appropriate), estimated size and relevant characteristics with appropriate support. Depending on the study design, populations may reflect a group of people, a set of organizations, a set of documents, archived data, etc. Describe why the population is appropriate to respond to the study problem and purpose. Clearly distinguish between the population and the sample drawn from the population.]
[Identify the sampling method and explain selection of participants or relevant sample, including known population characteristics and recruitment or selection strategy. Describe and justify the sampling method and minimum sample size:
1. Quantitative studies include probabilistic selection approach and a supporting power analysis for statistical significance of responses. When determining a minimum sample size, consider sampling error, representativeness and the assumptions of the proposed statistica tests.
2. Qualitative studies include references that support the proposed number of participants. Qualitative samples are typically relatively small. Refer to primary qualitative research sources to support the sampling size and method.
3. Mixed Method studies include both of the above.
As appropriate: Describe how existing data were originally collected and for what purpose.
Describe how participants will be selected and solicited. Access to potential participants, such as email lists from professional organizations must be described. Sampling procedures (e.g., random, random stratified, convenience) must be described in sufficient detail so that the process could theoretically be replicated. ]
[In this section, include a description of data sources such as (a) archived data and include a description of how the data were originally collected and for what purpose along with information regarding validity and reliability; (b) published instruments (adequately describe constructs measured, coding schemes, and psychometric properties (include both indices of reliability and validity) ?" include as an appendix, if possible, or include sample items); (c) materials (including survey/instruments) developed for study (adequately describe the development process and final product (include as an appendix)); (d) interview protocol, including a description of how the interview questions were developed with appropriate qualitative research method support (include interview questions in an appendix); (e) apparatus (adequately describe any apparatus including model/make, how it is used, and outcome(s) it provides).
Note: Instrument self-development is strongly discouraged. If an appropriate existing validated instrument is not located after a thorough search, the development process and tests for instrument and construct reliability and validity must be described in detail within Chapter 3 and the resulting validity/reliability measures reported in Chapter 4.]
Operational Definition of Variables (Quantitative/Mixed Studies Only)
[TextIdentify each of the primary constructs associated with the proposed topic, problem, research question(s), and hypotheses. Include a brief overview of how each will be operationally defined for the proposed study. Describe the nature of each variable (e.g. ordinal Likert type response scale ranging from 1 ?" 5) and how it will be/was measured and collected. The nature of the data must be consistent with and appropriate to the purpose, research design and proposed statistical analyses. Use terminology associated with the chosen statistical test (e.g., predictor and criterion variables for regression).]
Construct/Variable 1. Description/Operational Definition.
Replace with variable label and repeat as needed.
Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis
[Describe the collection, processing and analyses in enough detail so that the study could be replicated. Describe the steps that will be taken to carry out the study. Provide specific details relative to the execution of the design in each appropriate section. Describe the types of data to be collected, and how the data will be coded, and what statistical analysis and software will be used as appropriate.
1. Quantitative: Describe the analysis strategy used to test each hypothesis. The discussion must be sufficiently detailed so that the appropriateness of the statistical tests chosen is evident (i.e., the statistical tests are appropriate to respond to the hypotheses and the variable constructs meet the assumptions of the statistical tests.
2. Qualitative: Describe how the data will be processed and analyzed (including any efforts for triangulation). Provide primary qualitative design support for the proposed analytical strategy. Explain the role of the researcher.
3. Mixed Method: include all of the above.]
[Discuss the assumptions about the population and design along with corresponding rationale and support for the assumptions (e.g., if an adequate response rate or participant honesty are assumed, refer to the steps that will be taken to make these reasonable assumptions).]
Describe the study limitations (potential weaknesses to interpretation and validity) within the context of the study design. Discuss any measures taken to mitigate limitations. Review any potential threats to validity (specific to the study design) and how they will be addressed to the extent possible. The limitations will be revisited within Chapter 5.]
Describe the study delimitations (specific choices made to narrow the scope of the study). Discuss the scope of data used in the study in this section.]
Ethical Assurances
[Discuss compliance with the standards for conducting research as appropriate to the proposed research design. Describe the informed consent procedures and how you will maintain confidentiality of the participants (as appropriate). Describe how you will obtain assurances for formal approval of the study. Indicate appendixes that include additional information as needed.
1. In the proposal, state that IRB approval will be sought prior to any data collected.
2. In the final dissertation, state that IRB approval was obtained prior to any data collection conducted].
[Summarize key points presented in Chapter 3 and provide supporting citations for key points.]
Note: When the proposal is approved and after the research is carried out, revise text to past tense to reflect the completed study. Revise and expand as needed to reflect how the study design was applied. For example, if parametric statistics were proposed but, upon data collection, the responses did not meet the assumptions and non-parametric tests were conducted to respond to the hypotheses, the author should describe the circumstances and rationale for the change within the Chapter 3 data analysis section.
Chapter 4: Findings
[Begin the discussion with a brief overview of the purpose of the research study and provide a brief overview of the chapter. Organize the chapter around the research question(s)/hypotheses. Review the APA manual and published, peer-reviewed, empirical research articles for examples of how to report results of various research designs. ]
[Data analyses ?" Report results without discussion (interpretation, speculation, etc. appears in the next section):
1. For Quantitative analyses,
a. Give appropriate descriptive information,
b. Present the results in a logical fashion, answering the research question(s)/hypotheses as stated and appropriate to the type of data collected,
c. Identify assumptions of statistical tests and address any violation of assumptions,
d. Make decisions based on the results of the statistical analysis (for example: Are the results statistically significant?). Include relevant test statistic and p values.
e. See the APA manual regarding how to present results in text, tables and figures,
f. Present sufficient information so the reader can make an independent judgment regarding interpretation.
2. For Qualitative analyses
a. Present results logically and in a way that answers the research question(s) by distillation steps of the discernment process,
b. Present sufficient information so the reader can make an independent judgment about your interpretation,
c. Review published articles that use similar designs for examples of how to present qualitative, thematic findings,
d. Ensure that no potentially indentifying information is published.
3. Mixed Method include all of the above.
Note: Table and figures, where appropriate, are necessary and referred to in the text. Ensure compliance with APA format of tables, table titles, figures and figure captions. See APA, 6th ed, Chapter 5 for guidelines on displaying results.]
Evaluation of Findings
[This section is used to briefly report what your findings mean. The discussion will be expanded in Chapter 5. Interpret results in light of the theory (or theories) and/or the conceptual framework(s) you have identified. Describe whether the esults obtained were expected given the literature and provide potential explanations for unexpected or conflicting results. Take care to avoid drawing conclusions beyond what can be interpreted directly from the study results.]
[Discussion summarizes key points presented in Chapter 4.]
Chapter 5: Implications, Recommendations, and Conclusions
[Begin the discussion with a brief review of the problem statement, purpose, method, limitations, and ethical dimensions, and conclude the introduction with a brief overview of the chapter.]
[Discuss each research question and (when appropriate) hypothesis individually, and draw logical conclusions. Note: support all conclusions with the research findings and avoid drawing conclusions that are beyond the scope of the study results. Discuss how any potential limitations may have affected the interpretation of the results. Place the results back into context by describing how the results respond to the study problem, fit with the purpose, demonstrate significance, and contribute to the existing literature described in Chapter 2.]
[Present all recommendations for practical applications of the study. Note: support all recommendations with the research findings. Present recommendations for future research.]
[In this section, summarize all key points in Chapter 5.]
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference n
Instructions: All resources cited in the dissertation must be included in the list of references.
List all references in APA format with the exception noted below. For each reference listed, there must be at least one corresponding citation within the body of the text, and vice-versa.
Formatting: Single space each reference citation, along with a .5 inch hanging indent; double space between consecutive references in the reference list (See the Doctoral Candidacy Resource Guide located in the Dissertation Center for NCU exceptions to APA format).
Tips: Sort in alpha surname/title order. Only capitalize the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any. Do not bold the title. Know when to italicize and when not to (i.e., periodical/non-periodical/publication versus book/report/paper). Italicize volume (i.e., Journal Name 4, pp. 12-22.). Please refer to the APA Manual, 6th edition and the Writing Center for additional APA guidance.
Note: APA6 requires a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) be provided, if one has been assigned (see page 187-192).
Example (note single-space references, with double-spacing in-between):
Ahn, J. (2004). Electronic portfolios: Blending technology, accountability and assessment. T.H.E. Journal, 31(9), 12-18.
U.S. Government Printing Office. (2006). Catalog of U.S. Government publications: New electronic titles.
Winslade, J., & Monk, G. (2001). Narrative mediation: A new approach to conflict resolution. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
[Each Appendix referenced in text should appear in this section at the end of the manuscript. Appendixes should be listed in the order in which they are referenced in the text. ]
Appendix A: Title
[Insert/type Appendix A content here]
Appendix B: Title
[Insert/type Appendix B content here]
Appendix N:: Title
[Insert/type Appendix N content here] more
Write a complete 20-page paper. When Quoting and paraphrasing, use Quotation Marks, Page Number(s), Author(s), and Year. Use Heading for Each Section.
Instructions for the "Quantitati...ve" Concept Paper
Title: The Perceptions of Online Professors Regarding Tenure and Post-tenure Review
Introduction: is introduced in One paragraph, the study topic is briefly described to establish the main ideas and context.
Problem Statement: the problem statement is a brief discussion and documentation of the problem that demonstrates the need for and importance of the study. Describe and document a problem that leads directly to the study purpose.
Purpose Statement: must be a concise paragraph that describes the intent of the study and must flow directly from the problem statement, specifically address the reason for conducting the study and reflect the research questions.
A. Research method is identified as "Quantitative".
B. Research design is clearly stated and is aligned with problem statement.
C. Identification of variables/constructs
Specific population of the proposed study is identified, the number of participants [436 online professors at one university] that will serve as the sample. Do Not describe the sample size determination process within the purpose statement.
Research Questions and for Quantitative Hypotheses
A. Introduction is presented in a discussion [a paragraph], rather than simply stated or listed.
B. Research questions are distinct and answerable, given the identified constructs/phenomenon and population.
7 Research Questions
1. Do you believe that academic freedom/tenure is a sufficient protection?
2. Does post-tenure review impact teaching, service, and research?
3. Do you feel that collegiality should be an important factor in making academic tenure decisions?
4. Does granting tenure enhance organizational effectiveness?
5. Does tenure destroy mobility in the higher education job market?
6. Does the post-tenure review model diminish collegiality?
7. Does the post-tenure review policy have unintended consequences for related campus systems and culture?
1. Research questions are included, and depending on the kind of research design, the questions include proposed hypothesis (es) and the rationale for the hypothesis (es).
2. Research questions and hypothesis (es) are aligned with the problem statement.
3. Both null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are stated.
Nature of the study: brief overview of the study design, variables/constructs, instruments and analysis [as applicable].
Significance of the study: discussion demonstrates why the study is important and describes the contribution(s) that the completion of the research makes to the field of higher education.
Definitions: given represents key terms or words used in a unique way or that are not commonly used or understood. Definitions might include terms related to research design, Quantitative inquiry, and/or analytical strategies. Definitions are supported with citations and/or noted as being those of the researcher for the study purpose with supporting rationale. It Is Not Appropriate or Necessary to Use Dictionary Definitions.
Literature Review: the literature review should familiarize readers with the state of knowledge base. What is covered in a literature review is guided by the research questions and the variables/concepts that are embedded in the research questions.
1. Discussion begins with a summary of the purpose statement that leads to a brief explanation of the logical organization of the literature review.
2. Conceptual framework(s) related to the study are presented.
3. The discussion has depth and presents a "critical analysis" and "synthesis" of the literature that provides context for the Concept Paper. Discussion of conflicting finding causing intellectual tension, convergence and divergence in the field of higher education is included. Note: 'A literature review is not just a list of mini-books reports nor annotated bibliographies. Do Not Simply Summarize Each Study or Article. Remember that a discussion is comprehensive, organized, and flows logically.'
Research Method and Design
A. The study method and design are described in enough detail so that the study could be replicated.
B. The appropriateness of the method and design (s) are substantiated; this section includes a statement about why the proposed design was/were chosen over others.
C. Elaboration of appropriateness of the research design to respond to study purpose. Elaboration demonstrates why the proposed design will accomplish the study goals and why the design is the optimum choice for the proposed research. Note: 'Discussion Is Not Simply a Listing and Description of Research Designs.'
Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis
In the following sections, the procedures are described in enough detail so that the study could be replicated. Specific details relative to the execution of the design are provided in the corresponding sections.
A. Types of data collected and how it will be processed and analyzed is described.
1. Quantitative, each hypothesis is restated and the analysis strategy used to test the hypothesis is fully described. The argument for why the proposed analytical strategy is valid is presented.
Ethical Assurances
Compliance with the standards for conducting research with human participants is discussed in this section. Describe the informed consent procedures and how confidentiality will be maintained [as appropriate]. Describe how compliance with specific professional regulations and potential conflicts of interest [if any] regarding the protection of human subjects will be addressed.
A. Assurance that formal approval will be obtained is covered in this section.
B. In the proposal, state that Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval will be sought prior to any data collection.
Summary: discussion summarizes key points presented in the Concept Paper. Contradictions and Uncertainties that support the need for the proposed study are highlighted.
Sources To be Used [24]
Jing (2007): Tenure and asymmetric information
Zemsky (2008): Tenure wild cards
Youn and Price (2009): Learning from the experience of others...
Galambos (2007): Academic freedom
Bowden (2009): The post-secondary professoriate
Good and Peca (2007): The hidden hypocrisy of university faculty regarding online instruction
De Fleur (2007): Raising the question #5
Feintuch (2008): At Georgia Perimeter College, Online teaching has its benefits-tenure
Gray et al (2005): Academic freedom and tenure
Goodman (1990): The review of tenured faculty
Lumpkin (2009): Follow the yellow brick road to a successful professional career...
Roepnack and Lewis (2007): Academic freedom and academic tenure
Rudd et al (2008): Equality and illusion
Green (2008): Tenure and promotion decisions
Dnes and Garoupa (2005): Academic tenure, post-tenure effort, and contractual damages
Wood and Des Jarlais (2006): When post-tenure policy and practice diverge
O'Meara (2004): Beliefs about post-tenure review
Aper and Fry (2003): Post-tenure review at graduate institutions in the U.S.
O'Meara (2003): Believing is seeing
Dilts et al (2007): Economic motivation for post-tenure review in academic...
Wood and Johnsrud (2005): Post-tenure review: What matters to faculty
Schweitzer and Eells (2007): Post-tenure Review at the University of Louisville School of...
Helms et al (2001): TQM principles and their relevance to higher education
Johnson (2007): Post-tenure review: A university's business guide
There are faxes for this order. more
This is the begining work I have accomplished so far, which gives a general idea of what I'm attempting to do for my dissertations; although, the problem statement, research questions, hypothosis and ...etcetera need a lot of work!
The power of the crowd: A study of applying crowdsourcing techniques in developing co-value between call center customers, call center employees and the overall organization.
Problem Statement
Call centers are critically important as they are a vibrant parts of the American business culture (Dawson, 20006). The importance stems from the fact that they are at the center of an organization’s relationship with its customers. Case and point, call centers are the front door to a business; further, according to Dawson (2006) the call center’s front line position is even more important in today’s global economy. However, the link between how well call center’s perform their mission and translating that into actionable plans for improving other business areas has not been fully capitalized on. This threatens an organization’s competitive advantage and decreases efficiencies in both the call centers and the businesses functional areas.
Purpose Statement
A very promising phenomenon that lends itself to call centers’ ability to improve their own and their other business units’ efficiency is the employment of crowdsourcing. However, there has been limited research on the most effective ways to apply crowdsourcing techniques to foster a collaborative environment between call center employees and customers. The main purpose of the study is to assess the effect that crowdsourcing techniques can have on the development of call center business strategies and functional area operational practices alignment that allows for the identification, socialization and alignment of customer-focused business strategies that create value for both the customer and the organization.
Significance of the study
Crowdsourcing provides a key framework for organizations to capitalize on the wisdom of the crowd, that is, the average of diverse, independent, and decentralized crowds (Surowiecki, 2004). The groundswell is a social development in which people use modern technologies to get the things they need from one another (Li & Bernoff, 2008). Specifically, the impact of the well-informed crowds on an organization’s attempt to develop business strategies and operational efficiencies that allow the organization and its customers to co-develop and co-create value is very promising in the business area of call centers. That said; it is not known to what extent crowdsourcing techniques can be effectively applied in call centers to increase call center performance as measured by established key performance indicators, ultimately resulting in operating efficiencies that fosters an environment where the organization and its customers co-develop value.
Research Questions
The intention of this study is to illuminate and explain the aspects that enable call centers to more effectively assist their organizations main business units in increasing operational efficiencies through the use of crowdsourcing techniques. With this goal in mind, the following research question will be addresseda.
What is the relationship between the application of crowdsourcing techniques and call center performance as measured by normal call center key performance indicators and an organization’s functional business areas operational efficiencies?
1. The affective application of crowdsourcing techniques leads to increased call center performance.
a. Crowdsourcing techniques are related to an increase in first call resolution in call centers.
b. Crowdsourcing techniques are related to decreased average call handle time in call centers.
c. Crowdsourcing techniques are related to decreased cost per call in call centers.
d. Crowdsourcing techniques are related to decreased abandonment rates in call centers.
e. Crowdsourcing techniques help to optimize call center agent utilization.
2. The increased performance of call centers, which results from the application of crowdsourcing techniques, are associated with increased operational efficiencies in an organization’s major business functional areas.
3. Operational efficiencies, which are the results of increase call center performance due to the affective application crowdsourcing techniques, help foster a business environment where both the organization and its customer co-develop
Methodological Approach
The participants to be analyzed involves managers of call centers in specifying what they fill is important in effectively running their call centers. Additionally, customers’ value inputs will be analyzed.
The study will employ survey research through the application of questionnaires to the population to analyze the participants with a between-participants approach; that is, the variation needed for the study comes from changes in the participants for a specific period of time. To accomplish this, the researcher will employ a quasi-experimental research design in an attempt to determine a correlation between the application of crowdsourcing techniques and increased efficiencies in call centers and their supported major business functional areas.
The variables, according to Swanson & Holton (2005), are the phenomena , which vary depending on the circumstances affecting them.
The dependent variables in this study are effective application of specific crowdsourcing techniques to the independent variables , which are call center key performance indicators and customer value inputs.
Following development of the questionnaires, they will be pilot tested by a small sample of experienced call center managers to assess the validity and reliability of the survey questions as a whole. Additionally, the validity and reliability of the surveys will be accessed qualitatively through conducting interviews of a small number of the samples respondents to provide additional insight into the questionnaire answers.
I will send an introductory letter to the sample frame explaining the purpose of the survey. I will use a mail survey as the tool to employ my questionnaire to the managers and customers. Fowler (2009) suggests that anything that can be done to make a mail questionnaire appear more professional, personalized and/or attractive to the potential respondents usually has a positive effect on response rates. Therefore, work will be done to make the questionnaire as attractive to the participants as possible. For example: the survey’s layout will be clear, easy to read and to follow. Additionally, Fowler (2009) suggests the instrument be easy to complete. The questionnaire will use closed ended questions with check box or similar answers. My questionnaire will be self administeredâ€"mailed to the sample frame .
The returned survey questionnaires will be converted into data files so they can be analyzed on a computer. Each respondent will receive a serial identifier to allow for organization and tracking. Data will be coded in the order it is present in the questionnaire to allow for ease of coding, data entry and programming tasks (Fowler, 2009). The data will be coded with numeric codes by answer; additionally, I will provide a missing answer code to allow for questions that are not answered. I do not have in mind to provide any monetary or other tangible form of motivation to respondents; however, I will provide them the results of the survey if they desire to see them. Again, any results provided will be sanitized to ensure confidentiality of all respondent’s identifiable information.
The research will be theory testing and will be conducted as a quantitative methodology which will test hypothesis quantitatively and thoroughly investigated an assessed in accordance with traditional research practices and procedures. Examining this topic through an interpretative lens would add to the body of knowledge in this area in a productive manner by helping in understanding the meaning of the situations. Examining call centers through observation and communicating face-to-face would bring understanding of the meaning apparatus that individuals bring to and develop from, a dynamic stream of events (Swanson & Holton, 2005).
Analysis of Data
The statistical procedure that will be used for this study is a regression analysis. The response or dependent variable (organizations productivity) will be analyzed through regression testing to see the affect that the independent variables of (1) key performance indicators and (2) customer value input have on the dependent variables. The initial step in the procedure will be to develop a scatter plot of the variables to see if there is any easy to see relationship between them. According to Albright, Winston, & Zappe (2006), a scatterplot graph is an excellent way to determine if there is a relationship between variables. If a relationship is observed between manager’s productivity and both independent variables, a multiple regression analysis will need to be performed to determine if a correlation exist. If a relationship is seen between only one of the variables, a simple regression will be performed between manager’s productivity and the independent variable that shows a relationship.
Ethical Considerations
Research ethics are governed by the National Research Act of July 1974 (Swanson & Holton, 2005). The Act created a commission, which was chartered to protect the interest of humans and subjects in research. The commission produced The Belmont Report, which defined practices and research so the boundaries of the two could be established (Swanson & Holton, 2005). According to Swanson & Holton (2005), the commission defined practice as interventions intended to improve the well-being of a patient or client, and research as activity designed to evaluate hypothesis and add to generalized body of knowledge concerning a topic. In Swanson and Holton (2005), they also noted that The Belmont Report identified three principles that should guide research: (1) Respect for personsâ€"where persons is identified as autonomous individuals that are able to make independent decisions. (2) Beneficenceâ€"has to do with the researcher’s obligation to protect human subjects. (3) Justiceâ€"requires that parity be at hand in determining who will bear the burden of human subject research.
Creswell (2003) notes that the identification of the problem to be researched is one of the initial decisions that require ethical consideration; that is, the problem studied should benefit the individuals being studied. According to Creswell (2003), a pilot test is an excellent way to gain trust and respect from participants because the pilot test allows for the discovery of marginalization before the study is developed and conducted. Additionally, Creswell (2003) identifies ethical considerations in data collection during research. First, research plans for school projects must be reviewed by the schools institutional review board (IRB). The IRB is chartered with upholding the established research standards. Secondly, an informed consent form (ICF) must be signed by both the researcher and the participants. The ICF should contain the following elements per Creswell (2003):
1. The right of the participants to participate voluntarily and withdraw any time desired.
2. The purpose of the study should be clearly identified.
3. The procedures to be used in the study should be clearly identified.
4. The right of the participants to ask questions and to get a copy of the results of the study.
5. Signatures of both the researcher and participants; signifying that both agree to the terms of the research.
Creswell also wrote about ethical issue in data analysis and interpretations; specifically, they noted that researchers should consider how their study will protect the anonymity of the individuals in the study. Finally, Creswell explained that date should be kept for 5 to 10 years, who owns the data should be clearly outlined, and the proven accuracy of the information extracted from the data should be considered (2003).
Literature Review
Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies is a very well written book written by Charlene Li and Josh Bernhoff; in which, they expand on the Forrester Report (2006). They describe how the business environment has been changed by the emergence of powerful social media technologies. However, they note that the relationships that spring from the new technologies are more important than the actual technology. Li and Bernoff (2008) define these relationships as the Groundswell. The book very effectively defines and explains the implications of the groundswell technologies; that is, blogs, social networks, wikis, forums, really simple syndication (RSS), and widgets are characterized and details are provided on how to best employ them. Furthermore, the authors delve into how the technologies threaten institutional power and what organizations can do about the threat. Several strategies are discussed in the book on how to leverage the groundswell. These strategies are illuminated through the use of case studies. The final section of the book enumerates on how connecting with the groundswell transforms an organization.
This book is a must read for any organization wanting to learn how to position itself in a way to be able to exploit the new social technologies that are already or coming available.
Another book that is very insightful in detailing the phenomena of crowdsourcing is “The Wisdom of Crowds�. In the book, Surowiecki puts forth that informed group judgments can be more valuable in reaching business and investment decisions than even the most brilliant individuals conclusion. The key, according to Surowiecki (2004), is the group (crowd) must be diverse, have independence, and be decentralized. Surowiecki briefly describes the seminal research in group dynamics when he touches on Hazel Knight’s (Sociologist) initial group experiments conducted in the 1920; additionally, he mentions several other sociologists’ research on the crowd’s wisdom. However, he does caveat that the majority of the early research for the larger the group the better the decision dynamic remained relatively within the academic world.
Surowiecki uses multiple examples to illustrate his ideas. For instance, he writes about the popular TV show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. In the show, the contestant is given three life-lines to use if they are unable to answer a questions: (1) They can ask a single smart friend or family member, (2) They can use 50/50â€"elliminate two incorrect answers, and (3) They can ask the audience (crowd). According to Surowiecki, the audience picked the correct answer 91% of the time as opposed to the smart friend choosing the correct answer only 65% of the time. This, as noted by Surowiecki, is not scientific proof of the possibilities of group intelligence; however, is does provide a very powerful unproven illustration of the crowds potential.
The principal message of the book’s author is that the average of independent, well-informed decisions on a particular subject matter can be more useful than the determination of one individual, regardless of that one individual’s qualifications. This theory has wide applicability for market research, business and investment decisions.
Redesigning computer call center work: A longitudinal field experiment (Workman,& Bommer, 2004). The problem statement for this study outlines the issue of simultaneous demand for technical and customer service skills that places strain on call center employees and which frequently leads to employee poor job attitudes. This article is a quantitative experimental study that utilized a field study with a randomly assigned pretest-post-test and control group designed to compare three interventions’ effectiveness on employee job attitudes in a computer technology call center. The following hypothesis were clearly stated in the article:
1. Alignment job design will increase employee job satisfaction.
2. Alignment job design will increase employee commitment.
3. High involvement work process will increase employee job satisfaction.
4. High involvement work process will increase employee commitment.
5. Autonomous work team will increase employee job satisfaction.
6. Autonomous work team will increase employee commitment.
The purpose statement and hypothesis fit the experimental research design very nicely. The researcher used randomly assigned subjects for both the experimental and the control group and administered the pretest and posttest to each, while only administering the intervention to one of the groups. This design of study does align with the positivist tradition; that is, it is obvious the author viewed technology call centers as independent and measurable when developing the above listed hypothesis and author identified purpose statement.
The author identified that there may have been some cross group contamination, which was a threat to validity and that due to the short interval (six months) between pre and post test there may not have been enough time to fully group and novelty effects . In the area of external validity, the author raised the question for further research as to whether the study could be generalized to call centers other than computer technology centers .
Another article dealing with this topic, “The application of knowledge management (KM) in call centres� (Koh & Gunasekaran, 2005). The purpose of this article is to evaluate the need for knowledge management in a help desk, for improving the level of customer services through addressing the issues dealing with information KM. The following research questions were depicted from the article:
1. Is it useful to know whether a formal KM effort would improve the quality of customer service in a call centre, and at what price?
2. Can KM be achieved by effectively managing the five roles of knowledge; that is, knowledge acquisition, utilization, adaptation, distribution, and generation?
Evidenceâ€"based management is the practice of using research to acquired evidence (facts) concerning a business situation or problem for the purpose of making the best decision on how to resolve the concern or develop the soundest principles for the issue. Evidence-base research is almost always used to gather the facts surrounding the problem. That is exactly what Biggs and Swailes did in their study .
The role of knowledge repositories in technical support environments: Speed versus learning in user performance (Gray & Durcikova, 2006). This is an article that details a quantitative investigation concerning why technical support analyst prefer specific sources of information over others. Particularly, technical support analyst chose between their colleagues, official company document, and solutions available in technical support knowledge repositories. The authors of the article theorize that technical analyst with stronger learning orientation would engage in higher levels of knowledge sourcing by seeking knowledge directly from their colleagues, official company documents, and technical knowledge repositories. Additionally, the authors presume that technical analyst that face higher perceived intellectual demands, higher levels of work-related time pressure demands, and analyst that are risk adverse would all engage in more knowledge sourcing behavior; consequently, they too would source more knowledge from all three knowledge sources identified earlier. The authors developed a cross-sectional survey to measure how the subjects learning orientation, intellectual demands, risk aversion, and time pressure reaction would affect their preference for sourcing specific information. The results were mostly in line with what knowledge sourcing theory would predict when it came to sourcing knowledge from their colleagues. One notable exception for sourcing knowledge from colleagues occurred when time pressure was introduced into the equation. When analysts were under time pressure, they did not consult their colleagues for information. However, there were some noted exceptions when it came to sourcing knowledge from company documents and repositories. For example, neither time pressure nor risk aversion predicted sourcing from company manuals. On the other hand, risk aversion and intellectual demand (as theorized) both significantly predicted sourcing from repositories, one positively and one negatively.
These are the types of books and articles that provide the relative information that provides seminal information and broad views of the development of the crowdsourcing phenomenon, and its applicability to multiple business situations. In the study, these forms of literature will be thoroughly examined to provide strong foundation for further research on the subject.
Albright, S.C., Winston W.L., & Zappe, C. (2006). Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft Excel, 3rd Ed. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.
Li, C., & Bernoff, J. (2008). Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Boston: Harvard Business Press.
Biggs, D., & Swailes, S. (2006). Relations, commitment and satisfaction in agency workers and permanent workers. Employee Relations, 28, ½, 130-143.
Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Dawson, K. (2006). ACCE/Special preview: The State of the call center industry. Retrieved February 11, 2009 from http://www.callcentermagazine.com/shared/article/showArticle.jhtml?articleId=192202464.
Gray, P. H., & Durcikova, A. (2006). The role of knowledge repositories in technical support environment: Speed versus learning in user performance. Journal of Management Information Systems, 22, 3. 159-190.
Fowler, F. J. (2009). Survey research methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Koh, S. C. L., Gunasekaran, A., Thomas, A., & Arunachalam, S. (2005). The application of knowledge management in call centres. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9, 4, 56-69
Swanson, R. A., & Holton, E. F., III. (Eds.). (2005). Research in organizations: Foundations and methods of inquiry. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
Workman, M., & Bommer, W. (2004). Redesigning computer call center work: A longitudinal field experiment. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 3, 317- 337
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Analyzing and Evaluating Introductions and Purpose Statements
"...there is a link between understanding the purpose of one's research and selecting the appropriate methods to investiga...te the questions that are derived from that purpose."
?Newman, Ridenour, Newman, & DeMarco, Jr. (p. 169)
This week, you will continue to analyze the interconnected elements of a research study, now turning to the introduction and purpose statement.
This week, you will switch articles for your primary focus. For example, if you were focusing on Article A in Weeks 4 and 5, then you will now focus on Article B this week and in Week 7. The Respond requirement this week does not follow the usual guidelines. You will still respond to two colleagues, but one colleague must have read Article A and one must have read Article B.
To prepare for this assignment:
? Change to the other article this week. If you were assigned to Article A last week, switch to Article B this week. Will switch to Article A as primary article this week.
? Review the book excerpt "A Typology of Research Purposes and Its Relationship to Mixed Methods."
? Review the annotated journal article "Developing Long-Term Physical Activity Participation: A Grounded Theory Study With African American Women," which is annotated to reveal the how an introduction and purpose statement function.
? Look to the Introduction Checklist and Purpose Statement Checklist for more guidance in analyzing and evaluating the introduction and purpose statement in your assigned article.
? Review assignment in Weeks 4 and 5.
? Identify the purpose for research in your article according to the nine purposes of research found in "A Typology of Research Purposes and Its Relationship to Mixed Methods." It is possible that your assigned article may have more than one purpose.
? Assess and evaluate the introductions and purpose statements. As part of the evaluation, be sure to describe how well the introduction achieves its purpose and, if applicable, include suggestions for improvement.
With these thoughts in mind:
Write a 3-paragraph analysis and evaluation of your assigned article?s introduction and purpose statement. Be sure to include which one (or more, if applicable) of the nine purposes for research from "A Typology of Research Purposes and Its Relationship to Mixed Methods" your assigned article represents. Then, in a final paragraph, ask any questions you may have about introductions and purpose statements.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the reading(s) and/or media segment(s) and use APA format. more
Please access the internet site:
The article, "Effects of group therapy on chemically dependent women's self-efficacy" is to be critiq...ued following the guidelines listed below.
Write an 8 page Quantitative research critique of the following article from the cited source: Washington,O. (2000). "Effects of group therapy on chemically dependent women's self-efficacy" from the Journal of Nursing Scholarship,32 (4), 347-352.
Washington OGM. Using brief therapeutic interventions to create change in self-efficacy and personal control of chemically dependent women. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 15(1): 32-40, 2001. (32 refs.)
This experimental study examined effectiveness of two group therapy models on chemically dependent women's perceptions of self-efficacy and personal control. Participants were randomly assigned to two therapeutic approaches (experiential or cognitive) or the control group. Experimental and control groups were pre- and post tested on self-efficacy and personal control. Significant differences were found for social self-efficacy, with the cognitive and experiential groups having higher scores than the control group, Changes from pre- to posttest in social self-efficacy were greatest for the cognitive group. This study indicated that additional brief therapeutic interventions beyond those generally offered in drug rehabilitation programs are modestly useful.
Copyright 2001, W.B. Saunders Co.
Purpose: To determine effects of experiential and cognitive group therapy on self-efficacy of chemically dependent women.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study indicated differences in the effects of cognitive and experiential group therapy on perceptions of general and social self-efficacy in 52 recovering chemically dependent women living in a Midwestern urban area of the United States. Two additional groups of women were recruited for control groups. One control group (n = 34) consisted of chemically dependent women from the same sites who did not participate in the treatment programs. The second control group consisted of working women (n = 35) who were matched to the chemically dependent women on age, race, and gender, and who self-reported not being chemically dependent ...
Please use for a heading the phrase after the number & prior to the colon.*
Provide a rationale for all answers. The paper is to be 8 pages long and no more, with 1 inch margins in 12 pitch Times New Roman, APA format.
Exp. * Statement of problem and purpose
1. Statement of the problem and purpose to include: What is the specific purpose for this study? Is the purpose explicitedly stated? Or did you have to infer the purpose? Evaluate the extent to which the purpose statement narrows & clarifies the research problem [e.g. population of interest, setting, specific variable of interest.] What are the major concepts/variables of interest in the study according to the problem statement and purpose of the study. Does the problem statement provide information about the significance of the problem? Does it indicate how the study will contribute new knowledge> Explain.
2. Review of the literature & conceptual framework: What are the major concepts presented in the literature review? Evaluate the extent to which the literature review/framework presents the relationships among the concepts and relates them to the variables of the study. Evaluate the fit with the purpose of the study & the research questions/hypotheses. Is the conceptualization of concepts and/or theory consistent with the research problem? Evaluate the literature review [Is it logically organized? Are the major concepts/variables addressed?] Does it present a progression of ideas based on previous research? Evaluate the extent to which the literature review provides a justification for undertaking the study.] Evaluate the study framework. Some points to consider: Is the framework explicitly expressed or do you have to figure it out from the literature review? Is a particular model or theory identified?, If so, what is it? Are propositions from the framework that directed the study identified? Is a map of the framework provided? If a map is not provided, diagram the framework based on your understanding of the study. Evaluate the extent to which a critical appraisal of existing literature is provided. Evaluate the extent to which gaps in literature were identified. How does the study propose to fill those gaps?
3. Research questions/hypotheses: What are the research questions/hypotheses/ Are they implicit or explicit? Evaluate the extent to which the major concepts previously identified are included in the questions/hypotheses? Are the research questions/hypotheses consistent with the evidence presented in the literature review? Are the research questions/hypotheses clearly written? What are the independent&dependent variables?
4. Appraisal of the study design? Identify the design used in the study. Evaluate the appropriateness of the design. [Does it flow from the purpose, framework, lit review and questions/hypotheses?] Evaluate the adequacy of strategies used to control for extraneous variables. [What potential extraneous variables were the authors concerned about? What was done to control the extraneous variables? What additional extraneous variables should the authors have been concerned about?]What are the strengths/limitations of the design selected?Dicuss the threats to internal validity of this study. Clearly state the threats that have been minimized by the design & those that remain a concern.
5. Sample and sampling methods: What are the target population & accessible population? Is the accessible population appropriate, given the research questions/hypotheses? What inclusion & exclusion criteria were used? Evaluate appropriateness given the purpose of the study. How was the sample selected? Evaluate the sampling method. What are potential sources of sampling bias? Discuss threats to external validity. How do the authors justify their sample size? (e.g., by power analysis)?
6. Data collection methods: Evaluate the construct validity of this study. Are variables appropriately operationalized? From your perspective, evaluate the fit between the operational definitions & conceptual definitions. Evaluate the fit between the conceptual framework & the intervention [if applicable]. Evaluate the quality of the measures selected for the study. [Are the measures used reliable & valid? Provide rationale for your answer.] Are data collection procedures clearly spelled out? Who collected the data? What kind of quality control measures were used? What steps were taken to protect the rights of human subjects?
7. Discussion: Evaluate the author[s] presentation of strengths & limitations. Discuss the author[s] presentation of alternative explanations for the findings. In the discussion section, evaluate the degree to which the findings are described within the context of the study framework. Evaluate the extent to which the study findings were linked to existing knowledge in terms of the similarities & differences from other research findings. Evaluate the author[s] presentation of implications for practice & future research.
8. Conclusion: Recognizing the articles have strengths & weaknesses, reflect on your critique of the selected article. Summarize your overall evaluation of the article-discuss whether or not you would recommend using the findings in psychiatric advanced nursing practice & explain your position.
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Make sure to follow directions for the elaboration of this Ethnographic Comparative Case Study Research Paper
Main points will be
1. the purpose statement
2. the researc...h analysis using Qualitative Study approach
3. Annotated bibliography -- (Critical for the paper - follow necessary steps)
Research Question
What are the motivations, beliefs and desired end state for both the KKK and Animal Liberation Front (ALF)? What are the differences in their extremist, radical approach and tactics to defend their cause and fight for what they believe in?
Purpose Statement
The purpose statement orients the reader to the central intent of the study and from it all other aspects of the research project follow. While there are a number of differing formats for purpose statements, in general the statement should present the central controlling idea in the study, focus on the central issue or puzzle under study. The purpose statement should be a concise paragraph that describes the intent of the study, specifically addresses the reason for conducting the study, and reflects the research questions. Begin the purpose statement with a succinct sentence that indicates the study method and overarching goal. The purpose of this [quantitative, qualitative] study is to... (describe the study goal that directly reflects and encompasses the research questions). Follow with a brief, but clear overview of how, with what instruments/data, with whom and where (as applicable). This information will be presented in greater detail under the Research Method heading within your final research paper.
Qualitative Study: A Qualitative study seeks to learn why or how, so the writers research must be directed at determining the why and how of the research topic. Therefore, when crafting a Research Question for a Qualitative study, the writer will need to ask a why or how question about the topic. For example: How did the Ku Klux Klan develop its organizational handbook the Kloren and why is it important to the functioning of the group?
Review of an Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is the working list of sources to be used by the writer throughout the research and writing process. Like a Turabian Reference List, an annotated bibliography is also an alphabetical listing of the writers sources in Turabian format, but each citation is followed by a summary paragraph of descriptive and evaluative comments. This brief summary or annotation helps the writer understand and recall the content of the source.
The annotated bibliography includes all types of sources such as books, articles, reports, studies, Internet/electronic sources, interviews, videos, and so forth. Each source is cataloged in Turabian format: author(s), year of publication, title of work, location, and publisher. If the source is electronic (from the Internet or a database), then the writer must also include the retrieval information: date, name, address of the source. Here is an example of an electronic source in Turabian format, notice the hanging indent and double space:
Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The founders Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/ (accessed June 27, 2006).
Following the Turabian citation of each source, the writers annotation should address all or most of the following:
1. The primary purpose of the text (to inform or to persuade);
2. The authors thesis, supporting ideas, and conclusions;
3. The intended audience (Proponents or opponents? Other scholars? The general public?)
4. The authority, reliability, and credibility of the authors text;
5. The evidence, research methods, and supporting materials used (textual and visual);
6. The significant features of the work (illustrations, appendices, cross-references);
7. The strengths and weaknesses of the source, including any limitations or biases;
8. The significance or relationship to other sources found (compare and contrast);
9. The writers evaluation of the source and how the source may be used in the final paper;
10. The significant quotes, passages, or key words that may be used in the final paper;
11. The corresponding page/paragraph numbers of relevant information, including important passages, quotes, or evidence;
The key to an effective annotated bibliography is brevity. As the writer conducts research, writing concise annotations for each source will help the writer in several ways:
1. To learn more about the topic and what issues are being debated in the sources;
2. To read more carefully and interact critically with the texts;
3. To make better judgments about the value of the sources;
4. To more easily compare and contrast the content of the sources;
5. To develop an arguable thesis statement and a quick snapshot of the main points observed in the sources;
6. To save time later when creating Turabian citations for the source to be cited in the paper and in the Turabian Reference List.
Remember: the annotated bibliography is a valuable organizational tool for tracking relevant information within all sources and leaving shorthand behind. Aside from helping the writer to reference the value and relevance of each source, an annotated bibliography also establishes an organized database for the writers future academic assignments. For more information on this topic, please visit the Writing Centers at Colorado, Purdue, and Chapel Hill universities.
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I need this research example of a quantitative study critiqued. STUDY: the relationship among self-esteem, stress, coping, eating behavior, and depressive mood in adolescents. PROBLEM STATEMENT: The ...prevalence of adolescent overweight has increased from 5% to 17% over the past 30 years in the U.S. There are serious long term health consequences for adolescents who are overweight. In addition, all overweight adolescents who are overweight are at increase risk for depressive mood and clinical depression. Overweight adolescents tend to remain overweight as adults, with an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. The overall estimated economic burden of obesity in the nation for the year 2002 was 93 billion dollars. Self esteem is associated with overeating and weight gain in adolescents, and stress -induced eating and inadequate coping skills have been related to overeating and obeisty in adults. Important questions rmein about the relationship of self esteem, stress, social support, and coping to eating patterns in racially/ehtically diverse male and female adolescents. STATMENT OF PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to examine relationship among self-esteem, stress, social support, and coping and test a model of their effects on eating behavior and depressive mood in a sample of high school students. RESEARCH QUESTION: The authors posed 3 research questions about the study variables ( Does the use of food as a coping mechanism relate to being overweight? one question focused on mediating variable: Does coping mediate the relationship of low self esteem, increased stress, and decreased social support with the outcomes of unhealthy eating behavior and depressive mood. HYPOTHESIS: it was hypothesized that adolescents with low self esteem, increased stress, and decreased social support would predominantly use avoidance mechanisms of coping, which would in turn mediate the negative outcomes of unhealthy eating and depressive moods. STUDY METHODS: The study conducted with a multiracial sample of 102 students from 2 public high schools in midwestern US. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires. KEY FINDINGS: The results indicated tha low self-esteem and stress were related to avoidant coping and depressive mood. Also, low self-esteem and avoidant coping were related to unhealthy eating, thus offering partial support for the researcher's hypothesis. Thes questions need to be answered from the above research example: 1) What is the research problem? Is the problem statement easy to locate and is it clearly stated? Does the problem statement build a cogent and persuasive argment for the new study? 2) Does the problem have significance for nursing? How might the research contribute to nursing practice, administration, education, or policy? 3) Is there a good fit between the research problem and the paradigm within the research was conducted? 4) Does the report formally present a statement of purpose, research question and/or hypothesis? Is this information communicated clearly and concisely, and is it placed in a logical and useful location? 5) Are purpose statements or questions worded appropriately? For example are key concepts/variables identified an is the population of interest specified? Are verbs use appropriately to suggest the nature of and/pr the research tradition. 6) If there are no formal hypothesis, is their absence justified? Are statistical tess used in analyzing the data despite the absence of stated hypothesis? 7) Do hypothesis (if any) flow from a theory or previous research? Is there a justifiable basis for the predictions? 8) Are hypothesis (if any) properly worded- do they state a predicted relationship between 2 or more variablesL Are they directional or nondirectional, and is there a rational for how they were stated? Are they presented as research or as a null hypothesis? The answers to the question cannot be a simply yes or n answer, they have to be followed by and explaination. more
Portfolio Project #1 provides data from a hypothetical organization. The data can be found at the bottom of the page.
You will create a strategic plan that aligns the human resources (HR) fun...ction with the organization?s mission, vision, and objectives. The overall scope of the Portfolio Project is to create a ?Shared Services? structure for HR that will be housed at the organization?s corporate offices.
Most of us are aware of the term ?purpose statement? but are unsure of its real meaning within an organization. It is a statement describing the organization?s purpose, or the reason for its existence. The purpose of an organization reflects a desired position in the marketplace. It should accurately answer to the questions below. The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers.
?Who are we?
?What do we do?
?For whom do we do this?
?How do we know when we are getting it done?
The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers. The most effective purpose statements are short, concise, and direct. A good purpose statement is between 2?3 sentences.
*****At this stage, you will need to name your company and decide the service they provide or products they manufacture. (I have not decided on a company, so feel free to use your own).
Required Topics - Be sure to cover the following:
?Strategic Contribution,
?Personal Credibility,
?HR Delivery Metrics,
?Key Performance Measurements (KPM),
?Action Plan for each functional area,
?HR mission statement,
?HR vision statement and objectives.
Your strategic plan should include:
?Title Page
?Table of Contents
?Executive Summary
?Body of your plan
?Reference Page
?Appendix (optional)
Submission requirements:
?Ten pages minimum (not including the title page, table of contents, reference page or appendix) will be needed to complete the project.
?Support your analysis and recommendations with 5 credible sources documented in accordance with APA Requirements. more
Dear Writer:
This is a 13 page, Doctoral level Topic Paper. The components and order of the paper should be as follows:
Brief Literature Review
Purpose State...ment
Research Questions
In developing the topic paper, please review the problem statement, purpose statement and research questions I will be sending to you. Please use this information in order to develop a topic paper that reflects a current perspective and understanding of the problem, purpose, and research questions. I need your help in writing a topic paper that reflects a clear and logical linkage among the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions.
I am sending also sending an article entitled "Social Workers: A Quest for Meaning" that is the foundation for my topic paper.
As you can see, I have provided a number of related references that can be incorporated into the paper, but will need for you to include additional current (not over 5 years old) references. If the references are foundational research they can be older than 5 years but those should be limited in number (2 or 3 at the most). Please be sure the references are cited completely and accurately (APA guidelines) and if you use a direct quote, please list the page number(s). Please provide an adequate number of quotations/citations.
If you have any questions or need clarification about this Topic Paper, please contact me as soon as possible before you start the paper.
This paper should be double spaced with Times New Roman, 12 point font and written in American Syntax.
Thank you for your thoughts and help with this paper!
There are faxes for this order. more
Write an 8-page quantitative research paper on the public health topic of Sleep Deprivation and the Effects it has on Adolescent Obesity ages 12-19. The research conducted needs to explore any possi...ble relationship between obesity and sleeping duration. I have attached a purpose and hypothesis and strategies for inquiry documents to assist with the quantitative research paper. Please use the sources provided below and a final bibliography APA 6th edition only.
The paper should include:
Purpose Statement
Hypothesis quantitative - 1 page in research
Literature Review and Summary
Data Collection and Analysis
Ethical Considerations and Limitations of Research Design
Summary and Implications for intervention and for public health
The purpose of this study is to concentrate on adolescent obesity, and how the lack of adequate sleep brings about the condition. According to studies and research done, overweight adolescents are over 30% of the total population. Such statistics beg to make a statement that people, and in particular adolescents, need to diet and physically exercise more. The research needs to explain the relationship between adolescent obesity and the amount of sleep that an individual gets.
Purpose and Hypothesis
This literature review emphasizes the present state of adolescent obesity and lack of adequate sleep. Obesity is a problem, which is reaching epidemic proportions. Surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determines the proportion of overweight and obesity in adolescents to be over 30%. The results indicate that the probability of sleep deprivation inversely affecting body mass index is quite high and is most appropriate dose dependent. Because current evidence in the teenage population is limited, recommendations include further research that is age and gender specific. Health care practitioners must be involved in the implementation and evaluation of the information on hand, and act in an approach that empowers the youth to make positive changes in their life.
This dramatic increase has alarmed the healthy practitioners all over the world, because this obesity leads to cardiovascular diseases (Lauderdale & Knutson, 2006). This trend in adolescent obesity extends into adulthood, and consequently we see increasing morbidity and mortality from disease processes that are a result of obesity, Health care expenditure made on obesity on national level lies in between the ranges of 94 to 124 billion dollars on yearly basis (IOM, 2005).
Immediate actions are required worldwide to stop this deadly disease. Attention needs to be given at the childhood level, so that this disease is not passed on to the adult level and thus increase the level of expenditure done on health care problems and care (AI-Hafian, 2008).
1. One paragraph about your research problem.
The numerous technological advancements in the field of healthcare and social sciences are providing new and improved procedures to treat obesity amongst adolescents; but still many of these patients are left wanting and disappointed from the healthcare system. Recent Studies have shown that lack of sleep is directly linked to higher levels of obesity amongst adolescents
2. One paragraph summary of the studies that have been done (your literature review).
With the magnification in the adolescent obesity trend, many studies have started focusing on the risk factors, which are contributing towards this disease. According to some studies a linkage has been developed between the decreasing hours of sleep and increasing body mass index (BMI) (AI Mamun et aI. 2007; Biggs & Dollman, 2007; Eisenmann, Ekkekakis, & Holmes, 2006; Gupta, Mueller, Chan, & Meininger, 2002; Hasler et aI. 2004). With the help of biological mechanism, laboratory studies have demonstrated an association between the increasing body mass and the declining hours of sleep. Even a hypothesis is given which shows that sleep restriction is indirectly linked with the obesity found in adults (Taheri, Lin, Austin, & Mignot, 2004; Chaput, Despres, Bouchard, & Tremblay, 2007). To date, there are a number of studies relating to children of different age groups and diverse sleep scales and ratings, which are found to be inconsistent with each other. These studies have given random definitions of obesity as well (Lauderdale et aI. 2006).
This review of the literature identifies the importance of this problem, how it can be identified, the possible causes, interventions and the role of health care professionals.
3. One sentence about the rationale for your study.
The epidemics of Obesity is the fastest growing rate in adolescents age 12-19.
4. One sentence about the purpose of your study
This research study was conducted to explore any possible relationship between obesity and sleeping duration.
5. A list of 3 research questions you want to answer.
How Does Sleep Affect Body Weight?
Is sleep deprivation linked to obesity?
Is obesity associated with poor sleep quality in adolescent
6. Your hypothesis (for quantitative studies) or Central Question (for qualitative study) of your proposed study.
The theory to be tested is that sleep restriction and deprivation is directly linked to an increased BMI and obesity found in adolescents.
A central question
How early in life that obesity prevention efforts need to target children?
Al Mamun, A., Lawlor, D.A., Cramb, S., O'Callaghan, M., Williams, G., Najman, J. (2007). Do childhood sleeping problems predict obesity in young adulthood? Evidence from a Prospective Birth Chohort Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 166 (12),13681373.
AI-Hafian, K. (2008). Sleep, Obesity, And the Adolescent Population: A Literature Review. A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Nursing. Washington State University
Biggs, S., Dollman, J. (2007). Association between sleep, BMI and waist girth in children and adolescents: a retrospective analysis. Acta Paediatrica (96) , 1839 - 1843.
Chaput, J.P., Brunet, M., Tremblay, A. (2006). Relationship between short sleeping hours and childhood overweight/obesity: results from the "Quebec en Forme' Project. International Journal of Obesity, 30, 1080 - 1085.
Eisenmann, J. E. (2006). Sleep dlrration and overweight among Australian children and adolescents. Acta Paediatrica, 95, 956-962.
Gangwisch, J.E. et al. (2005). Inadequate Sleep as a Risk Factor for Obesity: Analyses of the NHANES I. SLEEP, Vol. 28, No. 10, 2005
Gupta, N.K., Mueller, W.H., Chan, W., Meininger, J. (2002). Is obesity associated with poor sleep quality in adolescents? American Journal ofHuman Biology, 14, 762-768.
Hasler, G. B., Buysse, D.J., Klaghofer, R., et al. (2004). The association between short sleep duration and obesity in young adults: a 13-year prospective study. Sleep, 27(4),661-666.
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies [IOM] (2005). Preventing childhood obesity; Health in the balance. Washington, DC: National Academies of Sciences Press.
Knutson, K. (2005). Sex differences in the association between sleep and body mass index in adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics, 147, 830-834.
.dale, D.S., Knutson, K.L., Yan, L.L., Rathouz, P.J., Hulley, S.B., Sidney, S., et al. (2006). Objectively measured sleep characteristics among early-middle-aged adults; The CARDIA Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 164(1), 5-16.
National Sleep Foundation [NSF] (2006). National sleep Poll in America, 2006. RetrievedNovember16, 2013 from http://www.sleepfoundation.org/site/c.huIXKjM0IxF/b. 241 9037/k.1466/2006 Sleep in America Poll.htm
Spiegel K, Tasali E, Penev P, Van Cauter E. Brief Communication: Sleep curtailment in healthy young men is associated with decreased leptin levels, elevated ghrelin levels, and increased hunger and appetite. Ann Intern Med 2004;141:845-50.
Taheri, S., Lin, L., Austin, D., Young, T. Mignot, E. (2004). Short Sleep Duration is Associated with Reduced Leptin, Elevated Ghrelin, and Increased Body Mass Index. PLoS Med, 1(3), 210.
United States Department of Health (2000). Healthy People 2010. Retrieved February 16, 2013, from http://www.healthypeople.gov/default.htm
Strategies of Inquiry
Obesity is a condition that is sometimes mistaken as a disease. In reality, obesity is a medical condition that may be caused by several factors. It is a medical condition that is characterized by the accumulation of excess body fat and it may have accumulated to the extent that the excess fat may have adverse effects on the body. It might influence the wellbeing of a person and lead to a reduced life span. It may also lead to various life diseases and other life threatening conditions. The various diseases that can be associated with obesity include heart disease, diabetes, and in particular the type 2 diabetes and also there is the likelihood of cancer. Looking at obesity, it can be characterized by the food intake that individuals who have obesity consume (Biggs, 2007).
The amount of energy foods that one takes is proportional to the body structure. It is also caused by a lack of exercise and another cause can also be genetics. If there are genes in the family that make individuals in that specific family to become obese, then the family members have a high chance of also becoming obese. Obesity has been related to the sleep duration that an individual gets in their lifetime. Though consumption of large quantities of food and also the lack of physical exercise contribute to obesity, sleep duration also counts as a factor when considering the chances that one will become obese (AI-Hafian, 2008).
The purpose of this study is to concentrate on adolescent obesity, and how the lack of adequate sleep brings about the condition. According to studies and research done, overweight adolescents are over 30% of the total population. Such statistics beg to make a statement that people, and in particular adolescents, need to diet and physically exercise more. The research done was in order to explain the relationship between adolescent obesity and the amount of sleep that an individual gets.
Lack of sleep is a factor that influences obesity among adolescents. It has come to be researched and concluded that the amount of sleep time that an individual gets affects the turnout of the physical health of an individual. Sleep is an exercise, which many individuals have failed to learn the advantages of sleep. The lack of sleep affects the bodys total index and thus is an extremely important factor in finding the wellbeing of the body. Sleep is essential as it enables the body to metabolize itself and as such much of the excess body fat can be utilized. The research is mainly fixed on the adolescents since it is through the adolescents that a more modern nation will be created (Taheri, Lin, Austin, Young, Mignot, 2004).
Obesity affecting adolescents is bound to affect all the world population since the adolescents of today are the leaders of tomorrow (Gangwisch, 2005). As such, there should be a controlling factor that seeks to prevent or at least control the level of obesity in adolescents. Studies have shown that there is more to the relationship between the level of increase body mass and hours of sleep. According to research, the body mass of an individual is influenced by the number of hours of sleep that one gets. The lesser the hours, the more the body mass increases and the more the hours, the less the body mass gets (Al Mamun, Lawlor, Cramb, O'Callaghan, Williams, Najman, 2007).
Obesity is seen as something that is growing and looking at the statistics, they can confirm that the highest and most likely to be affected people are of the age of between 12 to19. This age group represents the group that is most productive but because of obesity, they are far less productive than they should be. As a matter to be considered, there should be measures that would bring interventions and also bring the ending of a condition that reduces those affected to be viewed differently by the general public. In order to bring the research of how sleep affects the general body weight of an individual, there are certain questions that beg for answers. Some of the questions are;
How does sleep affect the body weight of an individual; Sleep affects the body weight of an individual in that sleep brings about hormonal activity that brings about the generation of appetite. The main hormones that are responsible for the generation of appetite are activated and thus one can regulate the amount of food that one takes in. When one does not get enough sleep, the hormones are not generated and thus there is no appetite. This causes an individual to eat more quantities of food in order to feel satisfied. This in turn brings large quantities of fat in the body that is continually stored. An appetite regulates the amount of food that one consumes because it is accompanied by another hormone that sends a message to the brain telling it when one is satisfied and thus should stop eating.a
Is sleep deprivation linked to obesity? Obesity has been linked to the amount of sleep that one gets. The more the sleep hours the less chance that one will be obese. The less the sleep hours the more the likelihood that one will be obese.
Is obesity associated with poor sleep quality in adolescent? Obesity is associated with lack of proper sleep in adolescents and if the problem does not get attention and thus intervention, obesity will be a condition that will continue to affect adolescent individuals, and this will be a serious problem.
From the above research, it can be seen that obesity if a medical condition and that any person can be affected by the condition. Obesity needs to be faced off and in particular in adolescents. Sleep is essential since the hormones produced while one is asleep enable them to notify the brain that a person is full; thus, one will stop eating. Lack of sleep brings about the eating without feeling satisfied. Sleep and eating should be controlled from an early age and in particular when one is at the age of between 5 to12 (Gupta, Mueller, Meininger, 2002).
AI-Hafian, K. (2008). Sleep, Obesity, And the Adolescent Population: A Literature Review. A
project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Nursing. Washington State University.
Al Mamun, A., Lawlor, D.A., Cramb, S., O'Callaghan, M., Williams, G., Najman, J. (2007). Do
childhood sleeping problems predict obesity in young adulthood? Evidence from a Prospective Birth Chohort Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 166 (12), 13681373.
Biggs, S., Dollman, J. (2007). Association between sleep, BMI and waist girth in children and
Adolescents: a retrospective analysis. Acta Paediatrica (96), 1839 - 1843.
Gangwisch, J.E. et al. (2005). Inadequate Sleep As A Risk Factor For Obesity: Analyses Of The
NHANES I. SLEEP, Vol. 28, No. 10, 2005
Gupta, N.K., Mueller, W.H., Chan, W., Meininger, J. (2002). Is obesity associated with poor
sleep quality in adolescents? American Journal ofHuman Biology, 14, 762-768.
Taheri, S., Lin, L., Austin, D., Young, T., Mignot, E. (2004). Short Sleep Duration is Associated
with Reduced Leptin, Elevated Ghrelin, and Increased Body Mass Index. PLoS Med, 1(3), 210.
Sleep Deprivation the Effects it has on Adolescent Obesity
March 3, 2013
Obesity is a condition that is sometimes mistaken as a disease. In reality, obesity is a medical condition that may be caused by several factors. It is a medical condition that is characterized by the accumulation of excess body fat and it may have accumulated to the extent that the excess fat may have adverse effects on the body. It might influence the wellbeing of a person and lead to a reduced life span. It may also lead to various life disease and other life threatening conditions. The various diseases that can be associated with obesity include heart disease, diabetes, and in particular the type 2 diabetes and also there is the likelihood of cancer. Looking at obesity, it can be characterized by the food intake that individuals who have obesity consume (Biggs, 2007).
The amount of energy foods that one takes is proportional to the body structure. It is also caused by a lack of exercise and another cause can also be genetics. If there are genes in the family that make individuals in that specific family to become obese, then the family members have a high chance of also becoming obese. Obesity has been related to the sleep duration that an individual gets in their lifetime. Though consumption of large quantities of food and also the lack of physical exercise contribute to obesity, sleep duration also counts as a factor when considering the chances that one will become obese (AI-Hafian, 2008).
The purpose of this study is to concentrate on adolescent obesity, and how the lack of adequate sleep brings about the condition. According to studies and research done, overweight adolescents are over 30% of the total population. Such statistics beg to make a statement that people, and in particular adolescents, need to diet and physically exercise more. The research done was in order to explain the relationship between adolescent obesity and the amount of sleep that an individual gets.
model Research Proposal Outline
The objective of this research is to show how obesity has been a difficult problem and particularly among the young adults. This, according to statistics, is a leading cause of heart-related diseases and the inabilities for adolescents who are supposed to be young, vibrant and healthy are seemingly unhealthy and have problems with their overall living. What many people assume about the condition is that it is mainly caused by excessive eating, lack of exercise and also the influence of genetics. What most people assume is that there is also the possibility of people becoming obese due to lack of proper sleep (Kiess, 2004).
This is a factor that is common among scientists and also among researchers but is unknown to the general public. It is important that individuals come to know the importance of sleep in maintaining their health and also ensuring that they remain healthy at all times. The specific aims of this research is to bring closure and make people understand that it is imperative to get an abundance of sleep since it causes a condition which many view and mistake as a disease. The general purpose of this study is to show that there are ways in which the condition can be maintained and also controlled.
This research might bring scientists and researchers closer to finding the ultimate way to end the condition. Most of adolescents who suffer from obesity face rejection by their peers; they view themselves as unable to fit in with the other adolescents their age. They do not consider themselves as part of the younger generation. Some o them even give up trying to lose the weight and in their own way fond other methods to increase their weight because they have come to accept their own health states. With this research, they will be competent to make a difference in their lives. This research will open a door for them to try losing weight. This research will bring about restoring hope to those affected, and also will come a long way in maintaining the condition and helping to put a stop to the condition (Jelalian & Steele, 2008).
Background literature
Based on past researches, there have been a number of conclusions in this field. It has come to be discovered that adolescence and obesity go hand in hand. Past researches have shown that there have been a number of individual stresses related to obesity in young adults or adolescents. Various investigations, although diverse, indicate an effect of partial sleep deprivation on body weight management. The intriguing relationship between partial sleep deprivation and excess adiposity makes partial sleep deprivation a factor of interest in body weight regulation, particularly in weight loss."
Research has shown that stress seems to affect the adolescents more than it does for the older generation. This shows that obesity is taking its toll on young people. When one takes more calories in the body than the body can contain, then there is a likely possibility that there will be an increase in weight. Taking a look at adolescent age, there have been times that the average adolescent individual feels stressed in matters that concern their lives; such as school work, relationships between them and their parents or between themselves. This in turn results to a number of things. Some eat to relieve their stress levels, and this does not help them in any way. Another factor that has been researched is the fact that there is also the possibility that obese people find cooking healthy foods as a tiresome procedure. This is because they have become so used to the fact that they can only consume foods that are high in their levels of fat and thus continue gaining weight. Another factor that was researched and found to be true is the fact that without proper care at a young age, there is the likelihood that a child will grow up to be obese. All this researches that have been done give the general idea that obese is a serious issue and needs to be maintained (International Congress on Obesity, Bouchard, Medeiros & Halpern, 2003).
Research Design and Data analysis
Lack of sleep is a factor that influences obesity among adolescents. It has come to be researched and concluded that the amount of sleep time that an individual gets affects the turnout of the physical health of an individual. (Bagchi, 2011). Sleep is an exercise, which many individuals have fail to learn the advantages of sleep. The lack of sleep affects the bodys total index and thus is a very important factor in finding the wellbeing of the body. Sleep is essential as it enables the body to metabolize itself and as such much of the excess body fat can be utilized. The attention is mainly fixed on the adolescents since it is through the adolescents that a more modern nation will be created (Taheri, Lin, Austin, Young, Mignot, 2004).
Obesity affecting adolescents is bound to affect all the world population since the adolescents of today are the leaders of tomorrow (Gangwisch, 2005). As such, there should be a controlling factor that seeks to prevent or at least control the level of obesity in adolescents. Studies have shown that there is more to the relationship between the level of increase body mass and hours of sleep. According to research, the body mass of an individual is influenced by the number of hours of sleep that one gets. The lesser the hours, the more the body mass increases and the more the hours, the less the body mass gets (Al Mamun, Lawlor, Cramb, O'Callaghan, Williams, Najman, 2007).
Obesity is seen as something that is growing and looking at the statistics, they can confirm that the highest and most likely to be affected people are of the age of between 12 to19. This age group represents the group that is most productive but because of obesity, they are far less productive than they should be. As a matter to be considered, there should be measures that would bring interventions and also bring about the ending of a condition that reduces those affected to be viewed differently by the general public. In order to bring the research of how sleep affects the general body weight of an individual, there are certain questions that beg for answers. Some of the questions are; How does sleep affect the body weight of an individual; Sleep affects the body weight of an individual in that sleep brings about hormonal activity that brings about the generation of appetite. The main hormones that are responsible for the generation of appetite are activated and thus one can regulate the amount of food that one takes in. When one does not get enough sleep, the hormones are not generated and thus there s no appetite. This causes an individual to eat more quantities of food in order to feel satisfied. This in turn brings about large quantities of fat in the body that are continually stored. An appetite regulates the amount of food that one takes in, because it is accompanied by another hormone that sends a message to the brain telling it when one is satisfied and thus should stop eating.
Is sleep deprivation linked to obesity?; Obesity has been linked to the amount of sleep that one gets. The more the sleep hours the less the chance that one will be obese. The less the sleep hours the more the likelihood that one will be obese. Is obesity associated with poor sleep quality in adolescent?; Obesity is associated with lack of proper sleep in adolescents and if the problem does not get attention and thus intervention, obesity will be a condition that will continue to affect adolescent individuals, and this will be a serious problem.
I purpose to conduct this research using a cooperative effort in the identification of students within the Metropolitan-Davidson County area that are aged 12-19 with BMI (27-55). Agreed school nurses will assist with notification of parents/caregivers of a (4) week study to help prevent obesity in adolescent children. Students that meet criteria and have provided proper consent to participate will complete a participation questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire will be analyzed for elimination behavior or participation in any weight loss program within 6 months of this study. Participating students and parents will be educated to the purpose of the actinography and sleep analysis. Following orientation to the study, participants will complete a daily questionnaire and return to the school nurse at the end of each week. The data to be analyzed will include age, weight, gender, BMI, number of participants, and sleep hours. The study will be challenging due to possible equipment failures and/or loss of user instructions. Due to these barriers, a pulmonary sleep technician will be made available during the study period to assist with any actinograph abnormalities.
Participants will also utilize sleep logbooks and questionnaires, quantitative data will be used to show an association between sleep deprivation and rising obesity rates in adolescents. Data will be analyzed by public health experts and provided to epidemiological researchers for inclusion in future studies. Information in this study will be collected by a project manager and protected according to HIPAA federal guidelines. From the research, it can be seen that any person can be affected by the condition of obesity. Hopefully this paper will make adolescents aware of obesity.
From the above information, it can be seen that obesity if a medical condition and that any person can be affected by the condition. Obesity needs to be faced off and in particular in adolescents. Sleep is essential since the hormones produced while one is asleep enable them to notify the brain that a person is full; thus, one will stop eating. Lack of sleep brings about the eating without feeling satisfied. Sleep and eating should be controlled from an early age and in particular when one is at the age of between 5 to12 (Gupta, Mueller, Meininger, 2002).
AI-Hafian, K. (2008). Sleep, Obesity, And the Adolescent Population: A Literature Review. A
project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Nursing. Washington State University.
Al Mamun, A., Lawlor, D.A., Cramb, S., O'Callaghan, M., Williams, G., Najman, J. (2007). Do
childhood sleeping problems predict obesity in young adulthood? Evidence from a Prospective Birth Chohort Study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 166 (12), 13681373.
Biggs, S., Dollman, J. (2007). Association between sleep, BMI and waist girth in children and
Adolescents: a retrospective analysis. Acta Paediatrica (96), 1839 - 1843.
Gangwisch, J.E. et al. (2005). Inadequate Sleep As A Risk Factor For Obesity: Analyses Of The
NHANES I. SLEEP, Vol. 28, No. 10, 2005
Gupta, N.K., Mueller, W.H., Chan, W., Meininger, J. (2002). Is obesity associated with poor
sleep quality in adolescents? American Journal of human Biology, 14, 762-768.
Taheri, S., Lin, L., Austin, D., Young, T., Mignot, E. (2004). Short Sleep Duration is Associated
with Reduced Leptin, Elevated Ghrelin, and Increased Body Mass Index. PLoS Med, 1(3), 210.
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Topic Paper
The Topic Paper provides the first opportunity to assemble a vision of the learners research in the general format of the milestone documents of the dissertation process. For the most ...part the components of the Topic Paper have been developed during the Activities of this course.
Required Reading:
Topic Paper Template from the Dissertation Center
Difference Between the PhD and Applied Doctorates NCU Dissertation Center
Literature Reviews. Retrieved from http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/literature-reviews/
Assignment: Signature Assignment
? Signature Assignment
Using the feedback from my Mentor and the Topic Paper Template as a guide, assemble the components of the topic paper.
Many of those components have been developed during the Activities of this course. The one notable exception is the abridged literature review.
The web site, Literature Reviews, provides some insights into the development of a literature review. NCU supports the thematic approach described in that web site. The annotated bibliography you have been developing during this course should provide the sources for the literature review.
Annotated Bibliography: Assemble the annotations you have been accumulating during this course. They should be presented in the same order as an APA reference list.
Reflective Look DBA vs. Ph.D.: As you begin the dissertation part of The doctoral journey, it is a good time to reflect on the degree that matches your professional goals. Using Difference Between the PhD and Applied Doctorates, write a short reflective paper outlining your professional goals related to each degree type.
Please Note: The signature assignment has 3 parts. The topic paper template should be followed for the topic paper to make sure have all the information and all the sections. It will probably be 12 pages. The annotated bibliography should contain all the entries you have accumulated during the course. There are directions in the assignment. The final part, your reflective essay, should be just a few pages long.
Your final submission should include:
? Your Topic Paper following the guidelines in the NCU Topic Paper Template.
? Your Annotated Bibliography developed over the course.
? A 2 page (350 words per page) reflective paper on the relationship of your professional goals and your degree with 1-2 references.
The paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
Assignment Outcomes
Evaluate the doctoral research process.
Formulate an acceptable dissertation topic.
Construct a research problem statement.
Develop an annotated bibliography.
Construct a research purpose statement.
Construct research questions that align with the problem and purpose statement.
Compare and contrast Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies.
Develop an abridged literature review.
Create a research topic paper. more
email snrcs1@aol.com, for completed proposal for this assignment!
from my proposal you will
see the abstract and what should be in the paper. You can use my
proposal and add 30 pages to it or after I get the 30 pages from you
I will add my proposal. I would like the paper to be similar to your
preview paper. In chapter 3, pull out similarities, differences, and
make recommendations. At times, be a little critical. I will also
write the outline given for the paper below.
I. Title
II. Abstract
III. Table of Contents
IV. Introduction
A. Background of the topic
1. Historical overview
2. Definitions
C. Problem statement
D. Research questions/hypotheses
E. Rationale
1. Theoretical issues
2. Practical consequences
V. Review of the literature
A. Introduction
1. Purpose statement
2. Organizational scheme
B. Scope of the review
C. Literature review
VI. Reference list
at least 25
Purpose and Significance of Your Study Over the past several weeks, you identified a dissertation topic, developed a problem statement and research questions, and chose a research design, research method,…
Read Full Paper ❯Purpose Statement Text begins here. The Purpose Statement of the study clearly describes the intent/focus of the investigation. Creswell (2009) provided an excellent discussion on the purpose statement as well…
Read Full Paper ❯PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity of exploring what is being researched in the field of Intercultural Communication, methods, and results. This assignment will…
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Read Full Paper ❯Higher education leadership mini research prospectus Details: For this portion of the Benchmark , you will write a Mini Research Prospectus of 2100 words in length using…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper must be APA 6th addition . . . Please follow the topic paper template Using the feedback from your Mentor and the NCU Topic Paper Template as a…
Read Full Paper ❯Five: Mental Models For this assignment, write a five page paper (double-spaced, not including title and reference pages) that: Describe the problem/issue(s) identified, Problem Identification. Describe strategies you identified, per the…
Read Full Paper ❯Please read carefully...As this paper is a follow-up and continuation from a previous paper in which I will attach as resource material. Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper,…
Read Full Paper ❯The Insider Threat in the Cloud computing In developing the topic paper, review and, as necessary, update your problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions to reflect your current perspectives…
Read Full Paper ❯I need ?goodgod2? to do this assignment for me please Hi Writer?s Topic ?Intelligent Speed Adaptation? Please download the attachments Please used ?A? for the Assignment please. The purpose of the…
Read Full Paper ❯A Hermeneutical/Heuristic Qualitative Design Dissertation to address the following dissertation research topic: What can the story of La Malinche and Hernan Cortez reveal about the role of secrecy in…
Read Full Paper ❯Compile information from all research information provided into a single document that addresses the following elements: The introduction - Investigate the problem - Analyze an Applied Business Research Case Study Background - Literature Review:…
Read Full Paper ❯For this assignment, create a document with a draft thesis statement for your suggested research study. Complete the following for your paper: State the research topic or problem and write…
Read Full Paper ❯Abstract Guidelines: Left justified. No indents. No citations. Maximum length is 350 words. The final version is in past tense and includes items 1-"6. 1. Introduce the study topic briefly. 2. Clearly…
Read Full Paper ❯Write a complete 20-page paper. When Quoting and paraphrasing, use Quotation Marks, Page Number(s), Author(s), and Year. Use Heading for Each Section.
Instructions for the "Quantitative" Concept Paper
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This is the begining work I have accomplished so far, which gives a general idea of what I'm attempting to do for my dissertations; although, the problem statement, research…
Read Full Paper ❯Analyzing and Evaluating Introductions and Purpose Statements "...there is a link between understanding the purpose of one's research and selecting the appropriate methods to investigate the questions that are derived…
Read Full Paper ❯Please access the internet site: http://www.stti.iupui.edu/library/jns/2000/4-347.pdf The article, "Effects of group therapy on chemically dependent women's self-efficacy" is to be critiqued following the guidelines listed below. Write an 8 page Quantitative research…
Read Full Paper ❯Make sure to follow directions for the elaboration of this Ethnographic Comparative Case Study Research Paper Main points will be 1. the purpose statement 2. the research analysis using Qualitative…
Read Full Paper ❯I need this research example of a quantitative study critiqued. STUDY: the relationship among self-esteem, stress, coping, eating behavior, and depressive mood in adolescents. PROBLEM STATEMENT: The prevalence…
Read Full Paper ❯Portfolio Project #1 provides data from a hypothetical organization. The data can be found at the bottom of the page. You will create a strategic plan that aligns the human…
Read Full Paper ❯Dear Writer: This is a 13 page, Doctoral level Topic Paper. The components and order of the paper should be as follows: Introduction Brief Literature Review Purpose Statement Research Questions Summary In developing the topic…
Read Full Paper ❯Write an 8-page quantitative research paper on the public health topic of Sleep Deprivation and the Effects it has on Adolescent Obesity ages 12-19. The research conducted…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic Paper The Topic Paper provides the first opportunity to assemble a vision of the learners research in the general format of the milestone documents of the dissertation process. For…
Read Full Paper ❯email snrcs1@aol.com, for completed proposal for this assignment! from my proposal you will see the abstract and what should be in the paper. You can use my proposal and…
Read Full Paper ❯