25+ documents containing “Public Budgeting”.
Key Factors (1500 words, 30 marks)
Write an essay in three parts:
1.0 Identify and analyse the ...key factors that have produced a greater emphasis on building relationships within, between and outside government agencies in the Australian public sector.
2.0 Identify and analyse the key differences in how contemporary public policy analysts understand the relationship between government agencies and citizens.
3.0 Discuss how the managing out imperative has changed, or is likely to change, the role and responsibilities of middle managers in the public sector.
Notes for Assistance to Participants
The aim of this assignment is to:
Build your understanding of trends in public policy associated with managing out.
Develop analytical skills .
Equip you to produce coherent and succinct analyses of complex issues.
You will need to demonstrate:
Familiarity with core concepts addressed in the unit.
Ability to summarise complex issues .
Ability to make use of readings and other references
succinct and clear expression.
The skill in these short answers is to plan carefully, write concisely and edit your work. Remember the topic is managing out. Keep to this theme throughout your writing.
Key factors and key differences: the list cannot be endless. These should be the pivotal, crucial, highest priority or most significant factors and differences only. You may list many factors and differences in your notes, but then you must choose a few for inclusion in your assignment. Explain why you consider them to be key.
Key differences: identify and reference the contemporary public policy analysts. Analyse the effects of the differences and their impact on the public sector.
In each of these short answers be precise and concise. One of the disciplines required is to be able to express complex issues in a limited number of words ? see Section 4 in Part A of this guide on how to summarise information.
Do not use dot points.
Use essay format with headings ? See ection 4 in Part A of this guide.
Use a number and range of references: since this is more of a theoretical piece, at least ten on your list would be a guide.
Make reference to the academic literature on the topic (text books, journal articles etc.).
Reference correctly ? see Section 4 in Part A of this guide (Havard).
Allocate roughly the same weight to each of the three parts (i.e. about one third of the word limit each, less introduction and conclusion).
Stick to the word limit (+/? 10%). The reference list is not included in the word limit.
Consideration for Assessors
Mere identification of the required number of key factors and issues and description of them delivers a bare pass. Identification of ?why?, with justification and support from references, gives the higher marks.
Note up to 3 marks can be deducted for:
lack of proofreading
poor expression
poor presentation
poor or incorrect essay structure
incorrect reference format
not sticking to word limit (+/? 10%)
Assignment Check List
Have you:
c Completed the participant details above?
c Numbered pages?
c Used 12-point font?
c Justified the text?
c Double spaced?
c Spell checked and grammar checked?
c Inserted word count?
c Proofread hard copy?
c Put the Assessment Response Sheet as first page? more
Please develop essay to integrate the arguments, strengths and weaknesses, comparison/contrast that each of the literatures (uploaded unless book) by Meier, Moe, Derthick, and Miller to the Theme of "...Theory:Institutional Choice and Public Administration".
To give context to this order request, an example of a question that was in class was the following: "1. Drawing upon the scholarly literature, and illustrating your argument with specific examples, assess and draw distinctions between at least two normative theories of public administration. Identify the aspects of those theories that make them normative in nature, making sure to explain what distinguishes normative theories from other kinds of theories. Finally, explain how aspects of the normative theories that you cite might serve to frame or guide empirical studies of public administration of organizations
The Writer can add additional references from anyone of those provided and/or some that may have been referenced in any of the literatures' bibliography.
Theme: Institutional Choice and Public Administration
Kenneth Meier and George Krause. 2003. Conclusion: An Agenda for the Scientific Study of Bureaucracy, in Krause and Meier (eds.) Politics, Policy and Organizations: Essays in the Scientific Study of Bureaucracy.
Terry Moe. 1990. Political Institutions: The Neglected Side of the Story. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 6: 213-253.
Martha Derthick. 1990. Agency under Stress: The Social Security Agency in American Government. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.
Gary Miller. 2000. Rational Choice and Dysfunctional Institutions. Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration 13 (4): 535??"547.
Uploaded is the bibliography & reference list of other literature the Writer may use in addition to any relevant references Writer wants to use from the literatures.
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Customer is requesting that (jowriter63) completes this order. more
The inevitable conflicts that exist between public agencies, managed by unelected civil servants, and the political environment in which they operate.
This democracy and public administration research paper will be 15-20 pages, double-spaced.
This paper must be well-constructed with an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
This is a theoretical essay, not opinion pieces: the writer needs to make a clear argument, and support it with properly cited sources.
If available, please cite Democracy and Public Administration (BOX, 2007) and/or Democracy and the Public Service (Mosher, 2nd Edition, 1968)
Please develop essay to integrate the arguments, strengths and weaknesses, comparison/contrast that each of the literatures (uploaded unless book) by Shields 2008, Hildebrand 2008, Stivers 2008, to th...e theme of "Ethics: Pragmatism as a Framework for Action in Public Service"
The Writer can add additional references from anyone of those provided and/or some that may have been referenced in any of the literatures' bibliography.
Theme: Pragmatism as a Framework for Action in Public Service
Patricia M. Shields, Rediscovering the Taproot: Is Classical Pragmatism the Route to Renew Public Administration? Public Administration Review, 68 (2008): 205??"221
David L. Hildebrand, Public Administration as Pragmatic, Democratic, and Objective. Public Administration Review, 68 (2008): 222??"229.
Camilla Stivers, Pragmatism in Public Service, Chapter 7, Governance In Dark Times: Political Philosophy for Public Service. Washington, DC: Georgetown, 2008, 125-140.
The following are other literature the Writer may use. These were used in the course.
4. Abel, C.F. 2007. Friedrich, Pragmatism, and the Warrants of Authority. Administrative Theory and Praxis 29(1): 57-82.
5. Brom, Robert, and Patricia M. Shields. 2006. Classical Pragmatism, the American Experiment, and Public Administration. In Handbook of Organization Theory and Management: The Philosophical Approach, 2nd ed., edited by Thomas D. Lynch and Peter L. Cruise, 301-22. New York: Taylor & Francis
6. Dahl, Robert A. 1947. The Science of Public Administration: Three Problems. Public Administration Review 7(1): 1-11.
7. 8 different John Dewey works
8. Evans, Karen G. 2000. Reclaiming John Dewey: Democracy, Inquiry, Pragmatism, and Public Management. Administration and Society 32(3): 308-28.
9. Evans, Karen G. 2005. Upgrade or a Different Animal Altogether? Why Old Pragmatism Better Informs Public Management and New Pragmatism Misses the Point. Administration and Society. 37(2): 248-55.
10. Farr, James. 1999. John Dewey and American Political Science. American Journal of Political Science 43(2): 520-41
11. Garrison, Jim. 2000. Pragmatism and Public Administration. Administration and Society 32(4): 458-47.
12. Goodsell, Charles T. 2006. A Vision for Public Administration. Public Administration Review 66(4): 623-35
13. Grey, Thomas. 1991. What Good Is Legal Pragmatism? In Pragmatism in Law and Society, edited by Michael Brint and William Weaver, 9-28. Boulder, CO: Westview Press
14. Harmon, Michael M. 2007. Public Administrations Final Exam: A Pragmatist Restructuring of the Profession and the Discipline. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
15. Miller, Hugh T. 2004. Why Old Pragmatism Needs an Upgrade. Administration & Society. 36(2): 243-49
16. Hickman, Larry A. On Hugh T. Miller on Why Old Pragmatism Needs an Upgrade. Administration & Society. 36(4): 496-99
17. Hildebrand, David L. 2003. Beyond Realism and Antirealism: John Dewey and the Neopragmatists. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
18. Hildebrand, David L. 2005. Pragmatism, Neopragmatism, and Public Administration. Administration & Society 37(3): 345-59
19. Kettl, Donald F. 2006. Managing Boundaries in American Administration: The Collaboration Imperative. Special Issue, Public Administration Review 66: 10-19.
20. King, Cheryl Simrell, and Camilla Stivers. 1998. Government Is Us: Public Administration in and Anti-Government Era. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
21. Light, Paul C. 2006. Tides of Reform Revisited: Patterns in Making Government Work, 1945-2002. Public Administration Review 66(1): 6-19.
22. Luton, Larry S. 1999. History and American Public Administration. Administration & Society 31(2): 205-21.
23. Lynn, Laurence E., 2001. The Myth of the Bureaucratic Paradigm: What Traditional Public Administration Really Stood For. Public Administration Review 61(2): 144-60
24. Niebuhr, Reinhold. 1932. Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics. New York: AMS Press
25. Provan, Keith G., Provan and H. Brinton Milward. 2001. Do Networks Really Work? A Framework for Evaluating Public-Sector Organizational Networks. Public Administration Review 61(4): 414-23
26. Roesner, Judy B. 1978. Citizen Participation: Can We Measure Its Effectiveness? Public Administration Review 38(5): 457-62
27. Sayre, Wallace S. 1958. Premises of Public Administration: Past and Emerging. Public Administration Review 18(2): 102-5
28. Shields, Patricia M. 1996. Pragmatism: Exploring Public Administrations Policy Imprint.
a. 2005a Classical Pragmatism Does Not Need an Upgrade
29. Snider, Keith F. 1998. Living Pragmatism: The Case of Mary Parker Follett. Administrative Theory and Praxis 20(3): 274-86
30. Stever, James A. 1986. Mary Parker Follet and the Quest for Pragmatic Administration. Administration & Society 18(2): 159-177
a. 1990. The Dual Image of the Administrator in Progressive Administrative Theory.
b. 1993. Technology Organization of John Dewey.
c. 2000a. The Parallel Universes: Pragmatism and Public Administration
31. Wilson, Woodrow. In Classics of Public Administration
32. Whipple, Mark. 2005. The Dewey-Lippmann Debate Today: Communication Distortions, Reflection Agency, and Participatory Democracy. Sociological Theory. 23(2): 156-78.
33. Zanetti, Lisa A., and Adrian Carr. 2000a. Contemporary Pragmatism in Public Administration: Exploring the Limits of the Third Productive Reply. Administration & Society 32(4): 433-52.
a. Response to Stever and Garrison. Administration & Society 32(4): 478-81.
34. Steven Kelman. 2007. Public Administration and Organization Studies. The Academy of Management Annals. (Ref: KW)
35. Air Force Materiel Command: Diagnosing the Situation (Part A), Electronic Hallway Case (Ref: KW)
36. Air Force Materiel Command: The Intervention (Part B), Electronic Hallway Case. (Ref: KW)
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Find a article from newspaper, journal, or anywhere for each topic and write a quick summary of the article.
The discipline of public administration
The political Context of public Administration
organization theory
human resources management
the budgetary process
Public administration
Public policy and Analysis
Program Evaluation
Intergovernmental Relations
Public Service Ethics
Process Analysis (2500 words)
Analyse a process of managing out that has been implemented or changed in the Australian public
sector. Your analysis should be presented in one of the follo...wing formats:
submission to an inquiry
internal report.
Your analysis should cover the following points:
1. The context, including any relevant (but very brief) historical background leading up to the
process being implemented.
2. Process outline, including a brief description of what was actually implemented in terms of
managing out with various parties.
3. The challenges and complexity for management, including but not limited to potential risks or
problems and why there might be local variations in service delivery in what is supposed to be a
coherent and consistent system.
4. Resource implications, including financial, associated with addressing the challenges.
5. Possible management strategies.
Notes for Assistance to Participants
1. Think about what managing out really means. Reflect first on your context, any case studies in
the manual and the topics in the unit. Add a definition.
2. Your document needs to have the scope to cover all five points.
3. You need to demonstrate an ability to cover the appropriate style, content and analysis.
4. When management strategies are developed they need to take into account the availability of
such resources as:
???? key staff with appropriate competencies
???? operating funds
???? capital funds
???? capital equipment
???? office space and fittings
???? telecommunications
???? other related agency needs
???? appropriate policies
???? standard operating procedures.
The existence and extent of these elements determine whether management has properly
designed, sequenced and resourced the strategy.
5. The overall aim is to relate contextual understanding of trends in Australian public policy to a
particular process of managing out and enable you to analyse concrete problems entailed in
managing out and to explore potential solutions.
6. You will need to demonstrate clear understanding of the relationship between the managing out
process and some of the main themes, concepts, problems and resources identified in the unit.
7. You will need to demonstrate ability to apply theoretical and contextual understanding to a
concrete example.
8. Choose a process of managing out that gives you scope to raise the issues. It is not the subject
of the process that is important ??" it is analysing and managing the issues associated with the
9. Think about whether this assignment has any bearing on your Work Based Project.
10. Avoid lengthy descriptions of the process.
11. Ensure you include a covering letter or minute as a first page of your report or submission to an
enquiry, this will be excluded from the word count.
12. You should not use an existing document. This assignment requires you to create the document
and use of an existing document constitutes plagiarism.
13. Your role in the process needs to be made clear in your document to give context.
14. The submission to an inquiry or internal report should contain a number of references to the
academic literature on the topic (text books, journal articles etc.) and you should follow the
reference guidelines in Section 5.10 of this guide and the Style manual for advice on how to
treat these different kinds of documents.
Consideration for Assessors
A pass is attained if the five points (outline, context etc.) are covered. Mere description is
insufficient for more than a pass. The degree of analysis determines Distinction and High Distinction
Higher marks are awarded where the process or case chosen is effectively used to illustrate the
challenges of the managing out process. Higher marks are also awarded where resource
availability is properly analysed rather than just stating that there arent enough resources.
More weight should be given to the content which:
???? captures the complexity
???? contains analysis, application and understanding
???? looks deeply into the issues. more
1. Explain the purpose and intent of evaluation research, particularly as it applies to public administration. What are its benefits and potential "shortfalls"?
2.What is the purpose and intent of "Sunshine Laws". What are their major advantages and disadvantages?
3. What is an "entitlement program"? Provide an example of an entitlement program and analyze it from the standpoints of: purpose, recipient needs, potential benefits and disadvantages.
We will pay $100.00 for this order.
Paper #2 covers the public issue life cycle of an environmental issue or public health and food safety issuespretty much any issue where there is an intere...sting interaction between science and public policy. I want an essay that compares and contrast a topic on the environment or public safety between either just America or America and another country. Some examples are energy, pollution, obesity, global warming....etc. You need to make sure the essay has an issue or a puzzle/question that is very intriguing and interesting. This is key... So, take the global issue that is very interesting and discuss it in America and or America and another country. You may want to compare and contrast with another country because this helps your essay have a puzzling question, this is what our professor wants. The essay should first have an opening and thesis. Then use issue identification for the topic, what is the topic. Then have the interest groups and how they effect the topic, such as the people, the media, the government, the UN. How does the legislation contribute and effect the environmental or public safety issue. How the administration effects the issue. How does the government and enforcement handle and effect the issue. Then compare and contrast the two countries if you decide to use two and conclude. The main point for the grading on this paper is an issue with a puzzle or an intriguing and interesting question! The paper should follow in this format, first there needs to be an issue identification on the topic of the essay. Second is the interest group information. Third is the legislation. Fourth is the administration. Fifth is the enforcement by the government. For example is you should use America and Japan for obesity or pollution, talk about how it effects America, how interest groups effect the topic, the legislation, administration and enforcement then contrast the two together, maybe obesity in Japan has been largely overcome, while it still prevails int the U.S. After you discuss either the environmental issue or a public safety issue, use the five public issue life cycle questions above for each country if you use two and compare them together. Our UCLA professor said it will help if we have two countries, it will help crate a puzzle or creative question for our essay which is a main point when we are graded. The tittle or TOPIC is key, it has to have some key puzzle or question.Topic...TOPIC....Topic.. So, pick a very interesting question or puzzle either for the environment or public safety. Decide if your gonna compare and contrast two countries or just use one. Whatever you think will make a better essay. SHE GRADES VERY HARD. Follow the topics for the essay as i said you should, this is how she wants it discussed. OVERALL, ITS A PUBLIC ISSUE LIFE CYCLE ESSAY AND NEEDS TO FOLLOW THOSE PILC QUESTIONS MENTIONED ABOVE. CONCLUDE AT THE END.
The following article raises a potential topic:
Book is Rallying Resistance to the Antivaccine Crusade, by Donald G. McNeil (Jan 13, page D1).
Also another topic was obesity in Japan has been largely overcome, while it still prevails in the U.S. Then discuss the public issue lie cycle stages, 1-issue identification, 2-interest group information,3-legislation,4-administration,5-enforcement. The last three are a part of the government. So, you then would conclude after you have picked a puzzle and intriguing topic, use those stages for each country and the effects of pollution then compare and contrast them together. Then conclude. more
TITLE- Impact of international financial institutions on public health in developing countries (this is a critical analysis)
o assimilate re...levant information from a variety of sources and settings and to communicate this from a global public health perspective;
o demonstrate appropriate reasoning, analytical and judgement skills;
o demonstrate knowledge of multivariate factors affecting global public health;
o demonstrate ability to critique, analyse and debate key public health issues from various perspectives; and
o handle uncertainty, challenge and conflict.
? The essay is expected to demonstrate students systematic and in-depth knowledge of public health issues in the global context;
? The concepts and terms described in the essay should be well defined with the appropriate reference to the literature as well as students own understanding
? There should be an appropriate balance between theoretical presentation of the topic and its practical implication in public health
? A wide range of literature sources providing contrasting and/or contradictory opinions should be provided, correcly referenced and discussed within the context of the essay. Minimum 25 references are expected within this essay
? The references should included academic books and textbooks; peer reviewed publications from the academic journals; and reports by national and international organisations;
? Where Internet sources are used, these should reliable and evidence-based sources and correctly referenced with the website address and date
Good books;
Baggott, R. (2000) Public Health: Policy and Politics. Palgrave, London.
Beaglehole R, Bonita R. (2004) Public Health at the Crossroads 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Commission for Macroeconomic and Health (2001) Globalisation and Health: A Framework for Analysis and Action, http://www.cmhealth.org/docs/wg4_paper10.pdf
Millennium Development Goals, http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/pdf/mdglist.pdf
Scriven A and Garman S. (2005) Promoting health: global perspective.. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
(I am looking for a 1st class honours) more
Looking for sources for a future project on the influence of Leadership in Human Resource Management, specifically in the Public Sector (governments, schools, non-profits).
The expectations of the Annotated Bibliography would have 1 or 2 paragraph summary of the source.
If 5 pages isn't enough, please notify.
1500 Word argumentative research essay..
Homeschooling, an excellent alternative to the public School System.
Please include the following thesis statement...
"Since public schools have become over crowded, guns and violence are a daily occurrence, and private schools are so over priced for the average family, home schooling has become an excllent alternative."
thank you
A research paper on a Canadian Public Policy regarding Ontario Canada recent Minister of Educations announcement to accommodate student afflicted with A.D.H.S. The assigned textbooks are an excellent resource for identifying a policy theories.
The focus of each paper should provide the reader with a better understanding of a specific policy concern and a thorough analysis and strategic assessment of the issue. The paper must be supported by research including readings utilized throughout the course and external resources where applicable. The paper should be approximately 2000 - 2500 words not including your list of references and title page.
Written presentation will be assessed. The paper is to be between 8 - 10 pages, typed, double ??"spaced, with appropriate footnotes or endnotes and bibliography where applicable. (APA style)
See attached download for exact essay outline of desired content....
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What is Public Administration?
In a book chapter by Marc Holzer called-Five Great Ideas in Public Administration there is a diagram of a four quadrant framework that represents a framework for th...e field of public administration. Holzer goes beyond naming the horizontal and vertical axes and uses four models to describe the quadrants of the framework.
SUBJECTIVE/Uncertain/Flexible OBJECTIVE/Certain/Controlled
1. Politics & Policy Making | 2. Honest Business-like (& economical model)
3. Human Behavior Model | 4. Classic Management Models
(Open Organizations) (Closed Orgaizations)
1. 50% of the paper should be to create new names for each quadrant (the number portions of the diagram above (1-4). You can be creative and discuss how it is applicable to managing
public (government and nonprofit) programs. Be sure to cite at least one author from Shafritz and Hyde (Classics of Public Administration) as you define each quadrant.
2. The other 50% of the paper should be to describe your own personal management Philosophy including your thoughts about the role of government and non profit organizations in society. Where does your personal management philosophy fit on the public administration framework. Why? This is not an all or nothing proposition, chances are your management philosophy will encompass more than one quadrant, but you will probably favor one more than the others. This should all be part of your philosophy.
This should be a structured paper.
I can provide resource material if needed but it all comes from two books (mostly the 2nd).
1. Public Administration and Public Affairs by Nicholas Henry ..11th edition is most recent (chapters 1,2,3, 5,9, 10 and 12).
2. Classics of Public Administration by Jay M. Shafritz & Albert C. Hyde
Part 1. The study of Administration (Woodrow Wilson)
Scientific Management (Frederick W. Taylor)
Bureaucracy (Max Weber)
The Giving of Orders (Mary Parker Follett)
Part 2. Notes on the Theory of Organization (Gulick)
The Lack of a Budgetary Theory (V.O.Key, Jr.)
A Theory of Human Motivation (A.H.Maslow)
The Proverbs of Administration (Herbert A. Simon)
The Administrative State: Conclusion (Dwight Waldo)
The Human Side of Enterprise (Douglas Murray McGregor
Part 3. Organizations and the System Concept (Daniel Katz and Robert Kahn)
The Road to PPB: The Stages of Budget Reform (Allen Schick)
Rescuing Policy Analysis from PPBS (Aaron Wildavsky)
Toward a New Public Administration (H.George Frederickson)
Part 4. Public and Private Management: Are They Fundamentally Alike in all Unimportant
Respects? (Graham T. Allison)
Street-Level Bureaucracy: The Critical Role of Street Level Bureaucrats
(Michael Lipsky)
Democracy and the Public Service: The Collective Services (Frederick C. Mosher)
Of course I do not need all of the above referenced or cited and used int he paper. I am simply providing this information so you are aware of exactly what parts of each book was addresses. What you choose to use and look at is up to you as long as it is from the above mentioned readings. This is a Masters Level structured essay and requires critical and creative thinking related to Public Administration. Please feel free to contact me if any further information is needed. I attempted to provide as much information as possibly and while it may be difficult to apply this to only three pages it is necessary because this is only part of an assignment in which I am seeking assistance on. The rest I can manage. more
Assignment # 2
If governor Crumo is developing a Labor Relation Redisgn team given your understanding and expertise of TAYLOR LAW what New York State Labor policy would you reform ? and why
refer Taylor law and refer to pages 710-78 of book Labor relation in the public sector fourth edition by Richard C. Kearney
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These are the steps on how to do my essy on the information i provided below
MCM 341 Cases in PR/Advertising Fall 2013
Case Brief Guidelines (30 points)
The purpose o...f this assignment is to help develop your ability to use the ROSTE model for evaluation of PR (or even advertising) campaigns by analyzing a specific case study. I encourage you to find local or regional case studies since these will be more relevant to the kind of work you might be doing in the future. Alternatively, you can use any of the case studies I have uploaded on the portal.
Submit this any time before the November 7th deadline. Late papers will not be accepted.
You must examine one case in detail. You will apply the ROSTE model to your chosen case study similar to how they do it in the P&E textbook, but with an added discussion of the strengths and weaknesses at each stage.
Write a 3-5 page paper using the outline on the next page and the format recommendations from the syllabus. Remember to "quote" any sentences taken directly from the source and include an APA citation of the source document at the end of the paper.
Stick to the following outline to write your paper:
1. Introduction (1 paragraph)
b) Case Summary: What was the case? Who was involved? What was the context/setting/rationale? Did you get the case study from the portal or through your own search?
2. Research (1-3 paragraphs): What was known about the organization, its target audiences, any cultural considerations, etc.? How was this information collected by the researcher/ organization (e.g. quantitative/qualitative methods, secondary/primary research, etc.) and applied in the campaign?
a) What were the strengths and weakness of the data or the research techniques (Does it appear to have been valid & reliable? Was it suitable for the task? Should other things have been researched)?
3. Objective(s) (1 paragraph and/or bullet points): What were the campaigns objectives (as best as you can tell)?
a) What were their strengths and weakness? Were these clear? Measurable (time, change, and public)? Followed?
4. Strategies (1-2 paragraphs and/or several bullet points): What primary action and/or communication strategies were used?
a) What were the strategic strengths and weakness? Were their both action and communication strategies?
5. Tactics (1-3 paragraphs and/or several bullet points): What mix of advertising, mediated publicity and/or direct publicity was chosen from what you can tell? What specific tactics were used? Is there any information on how long these were used or how much they cost?
a) What were the tactical strengths and weakness? Were these appropriate?
6. Evaluation (1 short paragraph): Was the campaign successful or not? How can you tell? What are the indicators/measures of success?
a) What were the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation? Was this even done? Are the measures/indicators related to the objectives? Are they reliable and valid?
7. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)
a) What are your final thoughts about this case study? What do you think could have been done better (you must state at least one good example)? What aspects of the campaign might you consider using in your own campaign? Why? Alternatively, are their things they did that you would recommend?
Remember: Do your own work and follow the formatting guidelines from the syllabus.
The Making of a Woman President: Hillary Clinton
From: http://psucomm473.blogspot.com/2007/10/making-of-woman-president-hillary.html
By: Kathryn Stetz
I. Overview:
On January 20, 2007 Hillary Clinton officially announced that she would be running for president of the United States in the 2008 election. Clinton made her announcement by bluntly stating: ?I?m in? and I?m in to win? on her website.
Hillary Clinton is formerly the first lady of the United States to Bill Clinton, who was president from 1993-2001. Additionally, Clinton was elected the Democratic senator of New York on November 7, 2000. She was the first woman to be elected to the United States senate as well as the first woman elected statewide in New York.
Despite the vast assumptions that Clinton is the first woman to ever run for United States president, she is not. In 1872 Victoria Woodhull ran for president through the Equal Rights Party. Thereafter, many women ran for president primarily in third parties and were never frontrunners. Most recently in 2000, Cathy Gordon Brown ran for president through the independent party but only received ballot access in her home state of Tennessee where she received 1,606 votes.
Although other women have run for president, Clinton is the first widely recognized woman to run and pose a serious threat to other Democratic candidates for the nomination.
II. Candidates:
Currently, there are eight democratic candidates running for president in 2008. They include Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, Joe Biden, Mike Gravel, and Chris Dodd. The latest poll has Clinton in the lead at 39%, Obama a second at 20%, and Edwards a close third with 15% of votes. Despite the fact that there are a large number of candidates, Clinton has maintained a position as a frontrunner among them.
III. SWOT Analysis:
i. Bill Clinton: Bill was president for two terms and still has a strong presence among American people. Additionally, Bill has the speaking skills in order to help persuade people that Hillary is the number one candidate.
ii. Experience: The fact that Hillary has experience both in the White House and as a Senator makes her a very strong competitor. The plans she proposes are backed up by experience and she can use this against her opponents.
iii. Money: Hillary Clinton has raised more money than any of the other candidates for the primaries. This gives her significant leverage when campaigning.
iv. Being a Woman: Simply by being a woman, Hillary Clinton is able to establish a connection to women throughout America and offer them something they have not been offered before. As a woman, she can help close the gender gap and gain respect for women throughout the world.
i. Iraq: Although Hillary?s current plan is appealing to people who want the war to end, she has gotten significant backlash due to the fact that she did support the war in 2002. She has become the new flip-flopper.
ii. Being a Woman: Being a woman can also be a weakness for Hillary because she is scrutinized more than the male candidates by the media and many people dislike her simply because they are not ready for a woman president.
i. Gain support from critics: Through various campaign events and advertisements Hillary Clinton has the opportunity to gain more support and possibly win the primaries and go on the win the presidency.
i. Bill Clinton: Although Bill is a valuable asset to Hillary; he also poses a threat due to his infidelity during his presidency. Many women dislike Hillary simply because of how she handled the situation.
IV. Debates:
There have been a total of 19 democratic debates thus far. The most groundbreaking debate was aired July 23, 2007 in Charleston, South Carolina. Anderson Cooper of CNN moderated the first democratic YouTube debate. This debate was different in that the questions given to the candidates were asked via YouTube video uploaded by people throughout the United States. Having people submit taped questions via YouTube created a more interactive forum and an entirely new way for the presidential debate to be viewed.
The new style of debate was criticized by some, saying it the questions were not difficult enough and lacked sufficient follow up questions. Recently, a new website came out called ?10 Questions.? It is similar to the YouTube debates in that people can videotape questions they have for candidates and submit them on the website. This site puts power back in the hands of the people because they get to vote on the best videos and the top ones will be used. After the questions are selected candidates will videotape their responses and people can decide online whether or not they feel the candidate accurately answered the question. On the surface, 10 Questions may appear better than the YouTube debate in that the power is entirely in the hands of the people. However, one must consider the fact that since candidates get to video tape their answers they will be much more scripted and lack the spontaneity of live television.
Clinton proved herself to be a very strong speaker during the debates and sparked a fascination for both herself and Barack Obama as the leaders of the Democrats.
V. The Gender Issue:
The debate among many is whether or not America is ready for a woman president. A 2006 CBS News poll squashed assumptions that Americans wouldn?t vote a woman into presidency. 92% of people agreed that they would vote for a woman for president if she were qualified. However, the question remains if Hillary Clinton is the right woman for the job.
?Girl power? may be one of Hillary?s key advantages against her male opponents. The gender gap in the United States is very real and has become increasingly apparent in the world of politics. Many women who want to see the gender gap close feel that only a woman will be able to accomplish this task. Hillary is able to take on an inspirational role for many women in the United States, giving her a tactic that the other candidates do not possess. When explaining this role, Clinton said: "As I go by, shaking hands and meeting people," Clinton said, building up to the apex of her speech, "I often hear a dad or a mom lean over to a little girl, and say, 'See, honey, you can be anything you want to be.'"
VI. Prominent Issues:
The 2008 election rests heavily on a variety of key issues that have kept America strongly divided. Some of these issues include the war in Iraq and universal health care. Hillary has taken a firm stance on all of these issues and has clearly outlined what she would do if elected president of the United States.
Some Issues Clinton included on her website:
a) Strengthening the Middle Class: In order to strengthen the middle class Hillary Clinton outlined several mechanisms she will employ when she is president. Including:
o Make health care affordable and accessible to every American.
o Reduce the cost of energy and make us energy independent.
o Expand access to affordable, high-quality childcare.
o Make college more affordable.
o Protect families from predatory lenders and help them avoid foreclosures.
o Increase the minimum wage.
o Create good jobs with good wages to expand the middle class.
o Balance the federal budget so we don't pass today's massive debts to the next generation.
o Reward savings, protect pensions, and provide greater retirement security.
b) Providing Affordable and Accessible Health Care: On September 17, 2007 Hillary Clinton unveiled her health care plan of $110 billion. Clinton?s ?America Health Choices Plan? would require every American to have health insurance. The plan would do three things in order to ensure health insurance for each American. It would provide tax credits to families to help them afford health insurance, provide federal subsidies to those who couldn?t afford health insurance, and large business would be required to provide or help pay for employee?s insurance.
Weary of criticisms, when announcing the plan, Clinton assured American?s that "I know my Republican opponents will try to equate this plan with government-run health care. Well don't let them fool you again," Clinton said, explaining that her plan would allow participants to "keep the doctors you know and trust" while it would expand "personal choice" and keep costs down. Still, critics attacked the proposed plan saying it was socialized medicine and was attacked by Republican congressmen as well as people in pharmaceutical industries. Moreover, competition John Edwards spoke out against the plan, claiming it was peculiarly similar to a plan he proposed months earlier and a plan Barack Obama announced the previous spring. Clinton was not fully prepared for the amount of backlash she received about her proposed plan and thus was defeated.
c) Ending the War in Iraq: The War in Iraq is one of the biggest factors in helping voters decide what candidate they support. Hillary Clinton has yet to promise a total withdrawal of troops from Iraq. However, she does plan to have fewer than 100,000 troops there for the purpose of narrowly tailored missions. Furthermore, Clinton has developed a roadmap in order to see a clear end to the war in Iraq.
Clinton is receiving negative attention regarding her stance on Iraq due to her support of a military threat in Iraq in 2002. Regardless of what the media hounds her on, she refuses to waiver in her stance: ?You know, we can talk about 2002 or we can look forward to what is a continuing involvement in a sectarian civil war with no end in sight, and I believe it?s imperative that we try to create a political consensus to move the president and the Republicans in Congress to extricating us from this civil war,? she told Mr. Russert during a ?Meet the Press? interview.
d) Promoting Energy Independence and Fighting Global Warming: Global warming has become an increasingly important issue in the United States over the past few years. Hillary Clinton has proposed to work towards aiding energy independence and fighting global warming if elected president. She will look to reduce pollution that contributes to global warming as well as investing in clean energy technologies and increase fuel efficiency. Clinton has taken a personal step in helping out with this particular cause by having a tour bus that is fueled by natural gas. Finally, Clinton proposed to congress the creation of a Strategic Energy Fund in order to aid in research to help fight global warming.
e) Restoring America?s Standing in the World: Several times Hillary Clinton has spoken out against President Bush?s tactics and the way the perception of the United States has been negatively affected by him. Therefore, Clinton hopes to restore America?s standing in the world if president. She plans to keep the United States in the forefront as a promoter of peace throughout the world and has already begun herself by visiting over 80 countries and by advocating freedoms for countries as senator.
f) A Champion for Women: Perhaps one of the most exciting roles Hillary Clinton is taking on is a strong advocator for women?s rights. Although women?s rights have always been an issue, the prospect of tangible change comes from a woman being in charge. Clinton plans to help women?s rights by standing against discrimination in the workplace, help to bring about equal pay between men and women, and continue to speak out against sex trafficking. Clinton has made it one of her goals as president to empower women throughout the United States and the world.
VII. Changing Media:
One thing that can?t be disputed is the way in which media coverage has changed since a woman began running for president. Hillary has faced more scrutiny regarding her attire and physical features than any of the other candidates. On July 20, 2007, the fashion section of the Washington Post printed an article written by Robin Givhan titled ?Hillary Clinton?s Tentative Dip into New Neckline Territory.? The article detailed Clinton?s outfit when she spoke on the Senate floor July 18, 2007. Clinton was wearing a pink blazer and the neckline of the top underneath sat low on her chest. The article went on to evaluate Clinton?s conservative dress style throughout the years and scrutinized her for possibly becoming more fashion savvy since her campaign began. Givhan ended the article by stating what, according to her, showing cleavage means as a woman:
?With Clinton, there was the sense that you were catching a surreptitious glimpse at something private. You were intruding -- being a voyeur. Showing cleavage is a request to be engaged in a particular way. It doesn't necessarily mean that a woman is asking to be objectified, but it does suggest a certain confidence and physical ease. It means that a woman is content being perceived as a sexual person in addition to being seen as someone who is intelligent, authoritative, witty and whatever else might define her personality. It also means that she feels that all those other characteristics are so apparent and undeniable, that they will not be overshadowed.?
Hillary Clinton was quick with her response to the article calling it ?grossly inappropriate.? Clinton went on to use this article to her advantage by starting a fundraiser and encouraging donors to "to take a stand against this kind of coarseness and pettiness in American culture." Givhan responded to backlash by disagreeing that the article was in any way rude or inappropriate, and went on to say that "It's obviously not the most important thing in the campaign. It's obviously not the most important thing Hillary Clinton has ever done by any means."
The jury is still out on whether or not Clinton?s outfit was inappropriate that fateful day but it is of general consensus that the Washington Post article crossed the fine line between what the media should and should not focus on. A woman being a frontrunner in the presidential campaign is history in itself; however the media changed a great deal as well in what they choose to focus on. The general consensus about the article was summed up well by Lewis, who wrote the fundraising letter: "Frankly, focusing on women's bodies instead of their ideas is insulting. It's insulting to every woman who has ever tried to be taken seriously in a business meeting. It's insulting to our daughters--and our sons--who are constantly pressured by the media to grow up too fast."
VIII. Facebook and Myspace: The New Generation of Campaigning:
Hillary Clinton is on facebook. There are groups supporting her and groups against her. Currently, she has 48,615 ?supporters? or ?friends.? Could this help her win the 2008 presidential election? Quite possibly. Facebook and MySpace aren?t just social networking sites for high school and college students anymore; they are ways for presidential candidates to interact with a once hard-to-reach but undeniably important audience. These websites offer a forum for discussion among the audience, groups to join, and even as a way to raise campaign funds.
The laid back format allows candidates to promote themselves and post information about their stances on issues candidly. Clinton has taken full advantage of what facebook has to offer, yet she still lacks the personal touch that seems to come so easily to opponents like Barack Obama or John Edwards. As of May 2007, both Clinton and Barack had facebook groups ?One Million Strong for Barack Obama? and ?One Million Strong for Hillary Clinton.? Obama?s group had 320,000+ members while Clintons had a lowly 5,300 members.
While there are the occasional negative groups about Clinton (?One Million Against Hillary Clinton?), she has projected an overall positive image and by joining social networking sites has reached an entirely new audience and has created awareness. Only time will tell if facebook will help decide the 2008 presidential election.
IX. Advertisements/Slogan:
One of the most important tactics in developing a solid campaign is having a slogan that appeals to the audience and is memorable. Hillary Clinton?s campaign slogan is: ?Let the Conversation Begin.? Additionally, her tour bus is named the ?Middle Class Express Bus Tour.? Finally, Hillary has come up with advertisements to help reinforce her campaign slogan.
?Let the Conversation Begin? was introduced on Hillary?s first stop on her campaign tour, Iowa. Clinton stressed the need to communicate and work with one another. This helped Clinton establish a more intimate relationship with people through webcasts and question and answer sessions. Clinton said that thus far, the conversation coming from Washington was ?pretty one-sided.?
Reminiscent of John McCain?s tour bus in 2000, the ?Straight Talk Express,? Clinton has named her tour bus the ?Middle Class Express Bus Tour.? The name of the bus stems from Clinton?s goal to strengthen the middle class in America.
Clinton?s first advertisement stressed to people that she recognized their needs and will not let them go unheard. The advertisement assured people that they were not invisible to her and if president, they will never be invisible again. This advertisement not only helps to reinforce the campaign slogan but it also helps appeal to lower-class people who may feel they don?t have a voice in America or that no one recognizes their daily struggle. Additionally, Clinton has developed three more advertisements to support and emphasize her campaign goals. They include ?Ready for Change? and changing lives with her new Health Care plan. ?Stand By Us? works to reinforce Hillary?s healthcare plan, and although other candidates may claim they want to provide universal healthcare Hillary will follow through because she?s been standing up for it all along. Most recently, Clinton aired an ad about the Bush economy being like a ?Trap Door,? where people can easily fall through and lose everything.
Clinton uses an emotional appeal in all of her communications tactics. She appeals to the people she is speaking to by stepping down to their level and making them feel as though she understands their hardships.
X. Website:
Hillary Clinton?s website, www.hillaryclinton.com, is chalk full of background information, videos, ways to donate, and press releases. It encourages supporters by giving them a list of eight things they can do to get involved. Including getting access to web updates, setting a fundraising goal and meeting it, help build a list of supporters, plan an event, find an event, join/start a group, and start a blog. The website is an important tool for helping people find out information about Clinton and what her goals are if she becomes president. Furthermore, it is incredibly interactive and entices people to keep on clicking.
XI. Timing:
It is no coincidence that Hillary Clinton picked 2008 as the year she would run for president. First, when running for president it is often more difficult to win when running against an incumbent in office. Therefore, Hillary strategically chose 2008 to run for president to help her chances of winning the election. Additionally, the timing worked out well as far as scheduling and running for re-election as senator.
XII. Press Releases:
Almost daily, the Clinton campaign sends out press releases about what Hillary is doing, where she is visiting next or recent donations. All of the press releases are posted on the website. The press releases fail to mention any negative aspects in Clinton?s campaign. For example, although Clinton did respond to the July 20, 2007 Washington Post article about her cleavage through a fundraiser letter, there was no press release sent out about it. The press releases are only involving positive updates in Clinton?s campaign and subsequently fail to mention any bumps along the campaign trail.
XIII. Endorsements/Fundraisers:
When it comes to money, Hillary Clinton has a lot of it. Clinton is a strong leader against all of the other candidates in campaign fundraising. In the first quarter, Clinton raised a staggering $26 million, which is three times more than anyone has risen thus far in the election, ever. Currently, Clinton has $35 million raised to spend in the primary; however, Barack Obama recently began to catch up with a total of $32 million.
Despite Clinton?s seemingly endless funds, she had a negative experience in August 2007. One of Clinton?s biggest donors, Norman Hsu, who gave her campaign $23,000, had a warrant out for his arrest due to a 1991 fraud case. In response to the situation, Clinton gave all the money Hsu donated to charity.
XIV. Bill?s Role:
Former President Bill Clinton is going to play an enormous role in Hillary?s presidential campaign. Initially, he stayed out of the limelight but has since stepped forward and spoken about her on many occasions. Bill can be seen as both an asset and a liability to her.
Is Hillary a strong woman for sticking with her husband after news of his affair broke and was she strong when she decided to protect the sanctity of marriage that she believed in? Or was she weak for staying by his side after he cheated on her for the entire world to see? Ironically, due to Bill?s charisma and presence, people still like him as a person. Hillary, however, does not have that luxury and she is forever scrutinized for her decision to stay with Bill and it may affect people?s willingness to vote for her.
However, Bill also is a key player in Hillary?s campaign and is very influential. Although it is Hillary?s presidential campaign and Bill is merely a passenger along for the ride, when he speaks positively about her people listen. Another way that Bill helps Hillary is due to the fact that he is the former president of the United States and therefore is very well known. Bill is merely a supporter of Hillary and when asked about his role if she became president said, "I think that I should be out there helping her solve problems and giving my best advice, maybe helping settle the domestic problems," Clinton said when asked if voters will be facing a "buy one, get one free" scenario that he touted when he ran for president.?
Whether positive or negative, asset or liability; Bill has a distinct role in Hillary?s campaign. And he will help her gain supporters as well as be a factor in whether or not Hillary is the next president of the United States.
XV. Professional Opinion:
For a professional opinion regarding Hillary Clinton?s campaign towards potentially being the first woman president of the United States I interviewed Mr. Garry Mauro. Currently Mauro is the State Director of Texas for Hillary Clinton?s campaign. Previously, he was the constitutional officer in Texas and he ran against President Bush for Texas governor in 1998. Mauro?s relationship with Hillary Clinton began in 1972 when she was working in Texas on voter registration. Their friendship grew over the years and Mauro has been close with the Clinton?s for many years. Additionally, Mauro worked on former President Clinton?s presidential campaign.
I proposed some the various problems Hillary has faced since she began to run and asked Mauro what he thought about her responses and if he would have done them differently:
1. Question: Hillary uses virtually every media tactic to reach people. What do you think her best tactic is? (advertisements/blog/events/website)
Garry Mauro: My personal opinion is that what she does best is look forward and not backward. Most presidential campaigns are replicating the previous presidents cycle. The strength Hillary has shown is that she looks forward and she has the most unusual mix of retail politics with an unusual way of using internet and non-stream forms of media communication. No one has ever run a campaign like she has run.
2. Q: When Hillary spoke about Iraq and her goals for the war if president she received a lot of criticism because in 2002 she supported the war. In a response she said: ?You know, we can talk about 2002 or we can look forward to what is a continuing involvement in a sectarian civil war with no end in sight, and I believe it?s imperative that we try to create a political consensus to move the president and the Republicans in Congress to extricating us from this civil war.? What is your opinion about her response? Was it appropriate? Would you have told her to say something different? Do you think it was effective?
GM: I personally think the way she?s dealt with the criticism on the war has been just about right. And I probably wouldn?t have done everything the way she?s done it but the way she?s done things have been successful. It would be silly to second guess a successful strategy. When it comes to the war in Iraq you have to think about it more than just as a tactic. I think her views, as the countries views have evolved as we?ve gotten more and more information. It?s not as black and white as people think.
3. Q: Hillary obviously has a strong following of women. However, some women dislike her because of the fact that she stayed with Bill after his affair with Monica Lewinsky. How do you think she can fix this image?
GM: If you look at the senate race in New York, and that?s the only accurate info we have, the people in New York have felt the strongest that Hillary should?ve left President Clinton over Monica Lewinsky. However, the significant majority came to be Hillary Clinton?s supporters. It?s my belief that as people examine the real Hillary, not the media caricature of her, they?ll make a new decision. There will always be those few that think she should?ve left her marriage but I think it?ll be a smaller percentage of the overall population of women. Some Christian marriage rules say should stick through marriages and are supposed to forgive and find a way to work through it, and as a 35 year friend of the Clintons I?ve always shared the general public?s fascination with their marriage but also been close enough to know they really are committed to each other.
4. Q: In July 2007 there was an article published in the Washington Post about Hillary Clinton's attire when speaking on the Senate floor and the fact that there may have been cleavage showing. In response to the article, the campaign sent out a fundraising letter calling a Washington Post fashion writer's column on Clinton's cleavage "grossly inappropriate" and asking donors "to take a stand against this kind of coarseness and pettiness in American culture." The letter went on to say: "Frankly, focusing on women's bodies instead of their ideas is insulting. It's insulting to every woman who has ever tried to be taken seriously in a business meeting. It's insulting to our daughters--and our sons--who are constantly pressured by the media to grow up too fast." Do you think Hillary handled it in the right way with her response? Was it appropriate to start a fundraiser? Do you think she would?ve been better off ignoring it?
GM: You can?t ignore it. That is the most obvious example of the double standard. The media is willing to exploit Hillary and all women, talking about that kind of stuff is at best laughable and at worst it shows how hard it is for a women to be taken seriously in a major leadership role in this culture. I would bet you that the fundraising campaign was very successful.
After asking Garry Mauro about a series of examples from Hillary?s campaign I asked if he had any final thoughts. To this he said: ?Historically in an open year early front runners collapse. It is interesting that she (Hillary Clinton) has been able to keep Washington, DC insiders calling her front runner but at same time she is building a true grass roots campaign. It is truly remarkable. For example, four years ago Lieberman was front runner and it collapsed over time because a grass roots campaign was never built. The things that made him front runner never appealed to average voter. The Clinton campaign has handled the delicate balancing act of appealing to voters while still holding front runner status in DC.?
XVI. Personal Opinion:
It is indisputable that Hillary Clinton has an extremely strong campaign. As a woman, Clinton has faced adversities that her male opponents cannot relate to. This has provided her leverage towards the female population of the United States. However, the fact that Clinton is a woman has also proved harmful to her in that she is far more scrutinized than other opponents. She is either too manly or too feminine.
In my opinion, Clinton has begun to learn to balance being a strong woman while maintaining a sensitive side, however she still lacks sincerity when speaking on various issues and interacting with people. Clinton uses virtually every media tactic there is, through press releases, online videos, and blogs she has maintained constant coverage of herself and her campaign.
Although the coverage posted on Clinton?s website is only positive, the negative press coverage seems to stick out like a sore thumb and Clinton seems unable to avoid the limelight when it comes to her attire, her sincerity, and her marriage to former president Bill Clinton. She has always been quick to respond to media scrutiny and often addresses faults before other people have the chance. Clinton?s campaign is powerful and her tactics are influential, but right now too much of her campaign seems staged and therefore comes across artificial and insincere at times. Clinton will need to prove herself human and separate herself from her past in order to win the election.
Argetsinger, Amy. (2007, September 28). Style: Read Her Lips, And Hands, Oh And Eyes Too. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/artsandliving/style/features/2007/analysis-092807/gallery.html?hpid=artslot%20WP:%20Read%20her%20lips,%20and%20hands,%20and%20eyes%20too
CNN. (2007, September 18). Clinton unveils mandatory health care insurance plan. CNN.com. http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/09/17/health.care/index.html
Healy, Patrick. (2007, September 23). The Clinton Sunday Show Blitz. New York Times, The Caucus. http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/09/23/the-clinton-sunday-show-blitz/index.html?hp
Balz, Dan and Kornblut, Anne E. (2007, September 27). Democratic Rivals Press Clinton, Courteously. Washington Post, pg.A01. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/26/AR2007092601339.html?hpid=topnews
Gaulin, Pam. (2007, February 2). Can Hillary Clinton Escape Her Husband?s Past and Win the Presidency?. AC, The People?s Media Company. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/133359/can_hillary_clinton_escape_her_husbands.html.
Givhan, Robin. (2007, July 20). Hillary Clinton?s Tentative Dip into New Neckline Territory. Washington Post, pg.C01. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/19/AR2007071902668.html.
The Trail. (2007, July 27). Let the Cleavage Conversation Begin. Washington Post. http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2007/07/27/clinton_cashing_in_on_cleavage.html.
CNN. (2007, January 22). Hillary Clinton launches White House Bid: I?m In. CNN.com. http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/20/clinton.announcement/index.html
CNN. (2007, July 28). Clinton seeks ?cleavage? cash. CNN.com. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2007/07/28/clinton-seeks-cleavage-cash.
Kuhnhenn, Jim. (2007, August 28). Clinton to Give Away Fundraiser?s Cash. Breibart.com. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8RB03200&show_article=1.html
Kornblut, Anne E. (2007, October 14). Encouraged by Women?s Response, Clinton stresses Female Side. Washington Post, pg.A06. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/13/AR2007101301274.html?hpid=topnews
CBS. (2006, February 5). Ready For A Woman President? CBS.com http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/03/opinion/polls/main1281319.shtml
Darman, Jonathan. (2007, October 22). Not Really Feeling It. Newsweek. http://www.newsweek.com/id/43362
McIntire, Mike and Wayne, Leslie. (2007, August 30). Clinton Donor Under a Cloud in Fraud Case. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/30/us/politics/30bundler.html?_r=1&ex=1189051200&en=00ee337c9e083c5f&ei=5099&partner=TOPIXNEWS&oref=slogin NYT: donor fraud
10 Questions. Created by: Rasiej, Andrew; Sifry, Micah L. and Colarusso, David. http://www.10questions.com/
Rawlinson, Linnie. (2007, May29). Will the 2008 USA election be won on Facebook? CNN.com. http://edition.cnn.com/2007/TECH/05/01/election.facebook/
Posted by Giulia Carando at 10:02 PM more
This is an independent Assigment: based on the book "Lying " moral choice in public and private life.
responses needed:
as a public administrator, is it ever apropriate to be less than truthful to collegues, subordinates or clients? why/ why not.
if you answered in tha affirmative to the question above, explain the circunstances when withholding information is appropriate or necessary.
Althoug the Author wrote the book over twenty years ago , why is it contents still applicable. cite those if applicable to your response and, state why.
How might you apply the contents of the text to your career in public administrator.
list a key components of a code of ethics and noted the critical and effectiveness of a responsible administrator
Select an actual event from your prior professional experience in which you or the organization(s) with which you work developed enacted, implemented, and/or impacted public policy. If you do not have... an example of a professional experience or organization, select one from the literature (i.e., reputable newspapers, periodicals, websites, etc.) with which you are familiar enough to carry out this assignment. Think in broad terms about the definition of public policy. Social change and/or an organization's strategic agenda are acceptable.
Write a case scenario that illustrates how you or your organization developed, enacted, implemented, and/or impacted public policy.
Organize the case scenario according to the following format:
Background ? Provide the background for the case scenario. The background section of the paper must include but is not limited to the following:
?A brief description of the organization(s) involved
?A description of the policy issue and how it was addressed
?An explanation of the desired outcome or goal
?An explanation of the action undertaken to achieve the outcome (i.e., was the organization attempting to develop, enact, implement, and/or impact public policy or was it a combination of these activities and what was done)
?A detailed description of the actual policy outcome and an explanation of why you think it turned out that way.
Variables ? Provide a description of the variables that came into play during the process. Use the following questions to help structure this section. Please note, not all questions may apply to the event you select.
?Explain what, if any, basic democratic concepts, principles, and processes were involved.
?Analyze the network interactions involved, if any, and explain what they were
?Explain what tools of democracy or strategies your organization used
?Describe the leaders and analyze their influence on the process?
?Explain what ethical concerns and implications surrounded the action.
?Analyze diversity issues involved, if any, and explain how they were addressed.
?Explain whether the action presented a challenge to democratic governance and explain how those challenges were addressed.
?Explain the role of technology in the process.
Relationships ? Describe the relationships among the variables you explained in the previous section. For example, did the actors in the policy network related to the event influence the type of tools used to implement a policy? Or, did social networking technology used to connect actors lead to ethical issues surrounding privacy? Be creative and think about all the possible relationships among the variables.
Insights ? Share conclusions, insights, and recommendations that are a result of your experiences and the development of the case scenario.
Bibliography ? Provide a bibliography of all works you used in the development of this Final Project. more
Requesting WRITER ID: Aristotle to work on this paper.
Please, please complete by the due date and time.
This is a RESEARCH and POSITION action paper and it is about Public Safety Ad...ministration and is designed to gauge the comprehensive knowledge, understanding, and ability for critical analysis and application in the administration of public safety.
In this research and position action paper students demonstrate their integrated understanding of the content, conceptual and theoretical models, methodological strategies and data they have learned in the Public Safety Administration program. In addition, demonstrate the ability to apply and describe applications of their learning to professional performance.
A. Relevancy to the question.
B. Accuracy and comprehensiveness.
C. USE OF FOUNDATION OR PREMISE, BASED ON REFERENCES LISTED BELOW, IN CONSTRUCTING THE ANSWERS. You need to incorporate citations from authors? positions supporting your positions.
D. Logic and organization of thought.
E. Clarity of writing style.
F. Overall presentation of responses to questions which reflect a graduate level application of course concepts.
PAPER CONTENT AND REQUIREMENTS: The research & position action paper will cover areas within the definition of a single overarching issue, problem or question. This includes:
1. A cross-disciplinary analysis of the issue, problem or question that includes definition and review of relevant theories and concepts.
2. Discussion of data or other evidence to support your analysis of the issue, problem or question. Discussion and analysis of methodologies.
3. Application- a proposed strategy or set of strategies for an action as it relates to the first two responses.
4. A discussion considering the valued questions and ethical issues inherent in the issue, problem or question as well as their application.
5. Reflective responses in which the student provides a degree of personal analysis of the issue, problem or question.
6. Citations MUST indicate the source of information used in the content of the paper. The American Psychological Association (APA) style MUST be utilized. If possible use page number of the reference.
Please, use a myriad of resources to complete the work. Use materials found in the library, data from government research organizations, or other reliable sources found on the Internet (Do not reference Wikipedia), textbooks, academic periodicals, (only scholarly references).
The format of the paper must cover the following:-
1) Abstract
2) Introduction (refer to the scenario and its questions listed below).
3) List EACH question and SUBQUESTION prior to answering them (refer to the question listed below) (refer to the guidelines and content for the paper listed above).
4) Personal Analysis (one page only - write a personal analysis about the questions and answer or explanation you have written in the paper keeping leadership in mind)
5) References - list all scholarly references, cite references where needed. (as many as possible)
Reference list (must use in the paper):
1) Shusta, R. M. (2014). Multicultural Law Enforcement. New York City: Prentice Hall.
2) Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective Training Systems, Strategies, and Practices (5th Ed.)
3) Maslow, A. (1954). Motivation and Personality. New York, NY: Harper and Row
4) Two-factor theory (Herzberg) (59)
5) Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. (2011). Organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
6) Fortenbery, M.J.A. (2015). Improving Motivation and Productivity of Police Officers. FBI Law
Enforcement Bulletin.
7) Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE
8) Organization Theory & Public Management, Author: Tompkins, ISBN: 9780534174682
9) Human Resource Management Edition: 6th, Author: Kleiman, ISBN: 9781465210142
10) Organizational Ethics Edition: 3rd, Author: Johnson, ISBN: 9781483344409
11) Essen of Research Methods in Criminal Justice etc Edition: 3rd, Author: Hagan, ISBN:
12) Proposing Empirical Research (w/bonus book) Edition: 5th, Author: Patten, ISBN: 9781936523306
13) Budgeting Guide for Local Government Edition: 3rd, Author: Bland, ISBN: 9780873267670
14) Herzberg, F. (1976). One More Time: How do you Motivate Employees? Jos satisfaction ? A Reade 17-32.
15) Teachings of Mary Parker Follett, Maslow and Herzberg.
16) Cresthill, 2014, page 52
17) http://directives.chicagopolice.org/directives/data/a7a57be2-128ff3f0-ae912-8fff-cec11383d806e05f.html (use this as the reference for the use of force policy and use of force model, use the actual model in the paper) or (if you have better use of force policy and model, please use that one then).
You are a new police chief in a small city in Illinois. You were instructed by the mayor to develop a plan to improve public relations between the police department and the citizens. There have been numerous public complaints and allegations within the past two years regarding the inappropriate use of force by police officers when apprehending suspects within the city. Your employees believe they have been conducting their duties appropriately and should not respond to these complaints.
1. What leadership style(s) would you use in your new position to accomplish these special assignments and why? (There are two parts to this question and both must be answered separately.)
2. As a leader, how would you work with the employees to help facilitate their understanding of the problem? Use theories of motivation, human relations, and leadership to answer this question.
3. A. Develop a policy that addresses the use of force by police officers. (Include just the essentials)
B. Discuss the methodology you would employ in developing this new policy.
4. Develop a Strategic Plan to improve police community relations. This plan should be congruent with the mission of the department. You should also develop a vision and mission statements for the department prior to developing a strategic plan.
5. You want to understand job-related stress from the vantage point of a first line police officer and to use that understanding to develop a theory of police officer stress.
a. What could be your hypotheses?
b. What would be your independent and dependent variables?
c. How would you measure these variables?
d. How would you pick your sample?
e. What are your ethical considerations?
f. What research method would you use and why?
g. Is it quantitative or qualitative research? Why did you choose this type?
h. What would be some of the limitations of your study? more
After reading "Disasters, the Environment, and Public Health, Improving Response" by Logue (1996), explain your feeling regarding whether or not you think the current issues throughout this course will be substantially different from concerns in 1996.
Defend your opinion and be detailed when answering why or why not.
Below is the link to the reading.
This course is on Managing Bioterrorism and Public Health Emergencies
There are faxes for this order.
This is a small part of a big research, so please, NO INTRODUCTION OR CONCLUSION GET RIGHT TO THE POINT.
The part that you will be writing about is hurricane Katrina (please do not compare with another hurricanes, I'll be doing that in another part of the research).
I need you to write about Katrina in regard of:
1. Environmental issues
2. Economic Issues
3. Government response (& what went wrong?)
4. Social issues
(I need them in this order please)
And please follow the following format when writing:
o Discuss the impact of the issue/problem on business, government and society
o Discuss the impact of the issue/problem on key stakeholders
o Provide PROs for your recommendation
o Provide CONs for your recommendation
o Assess the impact of your proposed recommendation on business, government and society
o Assess the impact of your proposed recommendation on key stakeholders
Please use this format when providing recommendations
Recommendation (one or two sentences)
* Pro's
* Con's
* Impact
* On business, government and society
* On key stakeholders (i.e. local insurance companies, people of New Orleans and FEMA)
Many of today?s policy decision rest in large part, in the hands of public administrators. The decisions that administrators make, or plan to make, are often subject the subject scrutiny, controversy, debate and discussion. News magazines, newspapers, and broadcast media often feature stories involving issues related to bureaucratic power and influence over various policy matters.
Your assignment is to select a recent and relevant news item and provide an analysis of the case at hand.
You must discuss the issue at hand, the players involved, and the agencies or bureaucratic actors associated with the case.
How might the controversy or issue play out?
What collateral issues are raised?
Is the issue symptomatic of broader social and political concerns?
Please write a well-organized, analyzed, strong and well-written research paper on a current and highly debated public health topic of your choice. (Within the past 3 years) This paper should show in depth knowledge that the writer can effectively write about health care using research resources through library databases, journals and Internet search engines .The length of the paper should be eight double-spaced pages, not including the title page, references, or any charts or tables. The paper must meet all APA standards and references must include at least five peer-reviewed journal articles.
In regards to Police-Community Relations. Answer the following questions for each video in paragraph form. Utilize a topic sentence. ANSWERS MUST BE "OF SUBSTANCE" OR ?SERIOUSLY INQUISITIVE". Base yo...ur answers using concepts in the subject of Police-Community Relations and the information presented in the video.
Video One: Can Volunteers Protect Communities?
1) Is this a ?Police-Public Relations? or ?Police-Community Relations? program? Explain why.
2) Is this the answer in these tough fiscal times?
3) Is this a good idea? Yes? or No? Explain why.
4) What are your own thoughts/feelings/ideas about the video?
Videos Two: TLC's Women in Policing & Women with Guns and Badges
1) What is your perspective and experience with woman police officers?
2) Does the public treat women officers differently?
3) Should the physical requirements for females be the same as their male counterparts?
4) How could more females be solicited into a career in law enforcement?
5) What are your own thoughts/feelings/ideas about the videos?
Video Three: Police Department Voicemail (Note: Audio Only)
1) Does this represent an accurate view of policing?
2) How does the perception of this affect police-community relations?
3) What are your own thoughts/feelings/ideas about the video? more
Request 8-page paper to answer the four (4) questions, below & located at Robert Quinns book at page 228 of Deep Change based upon the reading of the Quinns Deep Change book. Attached are the copies of the chapters from the Quinn book, Deep Change to review and apply to respond to the four questions.
The context that the responses should be based upon is from a yearlong graduate course of study in Effective Executive level Leadership in Public (federal level) Service at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
1. How can I increase my own sense of meaning and task alignment?
2. How can I increase my own sense of impact, influence, and power?
3. How can I increase my own sense of competence and confidence?
4. How can I increase my own sense of self-determination and choice?
There are faxes for this order.
1. Budget Analysis - Budget Cuts-Text: Fiscal Administration:analysis and applications for the public sector by John L. Mikesell
In both good economic times and in bad, public managers will o...ften need to review their budgets and suggest areas in which their budgets may be reduced. Read Question 1 at the end of Chapter 4 in your text and propose how you would approach reducing the School of Public Affairs at Enormous State University budget by 5%. Begin with the strategies offered in your text and try to find articles or information on how cutbacks are handled in your city or state. Respond to at least two of your classmates postings.
2. National Budget Simulation: The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.Stadilize the Debt Sinulator - http://crfb.org/stabilizethedebt/
Imagine that you are an Economic Advisor to the President and need to provide a plan for reducing the federal debt. Conflicting goals create a need for compromise and tradeoffs to create a national budget while trying to remain under deficit limits. Follow the steps below to complete the activity, then respond to the questions posed:
1. Follow this link to the The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget: Stabilize the Debt Simulation.
2. Carefully read the background information and instructions before beginning the simulation. Your goal is
to stabilize the U.S. debt at 60% of GDP by 2018.
3. When cutting programs, keep in mind that program cuts could seriously affect citizens daily lives. While it
is easy to quickly reach deficit limits by making extreme cuts or even eliminating entire programs, try to
consider the real-life ramifications of such cuts. Make sure to click on each budget area to access more
information about it in weighing your decisions.
4. You do not need to provide your personal information at the end of the simulation.
After you have completed the online simulation, answer the following: What were the major changes you made to the budget to reach the goal? Why did you choose those changes over others ??" what were the trade-offs involved? How will the changes you made affect different groups of citizens? Do you think these changes would be politically feasible? Respond to at least two of your classmates postings.
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Read Full Paper ❯After reading "Disasters, the Environment, and Public Health, Improving Response" by Logue (1996), explain your feeling regarding whether or not you think the current issues throughout this course will…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a small part of a big research, so please, NO INTRODUCTION OR CONCLUSION GET RIGHT TO THE POINT. The part that you will be writing about is hurricane…
Read Full Paper ❯Many of today?s policy decision rest in large part, in the hands of public administrators. The decisions that administrators make, or plan to make, are often subject the subject…
Read Full Paper ❯Please write a well-organized, analyzed, strong and well-written research paper on a current and highly debated public health topic of your choice. (Within the past 3 years) This…
Read Full Paper ❯In regards to Police-Community Relations. Answer the following questions for each video in paragraph form. Utilize a topic sentence. ANSWERS MUST BE "OF SUBSTANCE" OR ?SERIOUSLY INQUISITIVE". Base…
Read Full Paper ❯Request 8-page paper to answer the four (4) questions, below & located at Robert Quinns book at page 228 of Deep Change based upon the reading of the Quinns…
Read Full Paper ❯1. Budget Analysis - Budget Cuts-Text: Fiscal Administration:analysis and applications for the public sector by John L. Mikesell In both good economic times and in bad, public managers will often need…
Read Full Paper ❯