Promoting Health Essays Prompts

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Grant Proposal the Saint Anselm's

This is a GRANT PROPOSAL TERM PAPER on Public Health issues. I do not have a specific topic, but I am looking at something related to minority health or health disparity. I will be sending you a word document consists of the components of the proposal. I will also include a list of some grant supporters, I hope that would be helpful.
The organization that I will be representing is Saint Anselm's Cross Cultural Community Center (please refer to the word document for the website). You will need this for the organziation information part of the proposal.
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The writer will choose one of the following topics for the essay:
1. Health Care in Canada
2. Canadas International Competitiveness
3. Global Warming and Canadas Energy Policy

... The essay length is 3,500 to 4,500 words. The course is about cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment, so the writer must have sufficient knowledge in this area. Here is a direct quote from the course outline that might clarify what should write about:
The course is designed to maximize the interaction with government policy advisers on the above current issues and policy options listed above. For each issue, the course will examine how to bring economic theory to bear in developing sound policy including questions such as:

- what the economic problem really is
- what part of economic theory applies to it, if any
- the current approaches of federal and provincial governments
- the linkage between those approaches and theory, if any
- journalistic and popular fallacies clouding the issue
- improvements that might be possible, given economic theory
- gaps in knowledge that need filling for better policy

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Risk Analysis for Regulators will form part of the overall lectures on implementing public policy.
Recommended reference to use:(I will attach)
Choose the appropriate articles for the topic chosen. I will also attach the lecture notes for those articles.

Additional sources:
Browning and Zupan. (2006) Microeconomics: Theory with Applications, Ninth Edition. Wiley: 13-9-0-471-67943-1
Brander, James, Government Policy toward Business, Fourth edition, Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Wilson,James Q., Bureaucracy- What Government Agencies Do and Why they Do It, Basic Books, 2000.
L, Auer et al, Cost Effectiveness of Canadian Health Care, Queens-University of Ottawa Economic Projects, Cat.RA410.55C3C67 1995.
Energy Policy
North American Energy data:
Ontario Power Authority: See, in particular, the proposed Integrated Power System Plan.
Under Supply Mix Advice Report read Volumes 1 to 5 inclusive.
Ontario Ministry of Energy:
Under Electricity find:
Electricity Conservation and Supply Task Force Report
Electricity Transmission and Distribution in Ontario: A Look Ahead (Dec. 2004)
Report of the Pickering A Review Panel
Transforming Ontarios Power Generation Company
Report on August 14, 2003 Outage
Preliminary Assessment of the Potential for a Clean Energy Transfer Between Manitoba and Ontario
MacDonald Report: A Framework for Competition (May 1996)
Direction for Change: Charting a Course for Competitive Electricity and Jobs (Nov.1997)
Electricity Restructuring Act, 2004 (Bill 100)
Ontario Energy Board Amendment Act (Electricity Pricing) 2003
See also: and
On Peak Oil see the ;
Other energy related ; ; ; ; ; ;

The writer might also any references that s/he sees adequate.

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This needs to be a Term Paper.
Please be sure one source is Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations fifth edition Linda E. Swayne, W. Jack Duncan, Peter M. Ginter.
Requirements:...r> Complete a comprehensive strategic management process for the implementation of a Medicare Advantage product in a Health Maintenance Organization.
The term paper must be a minimum of 15 double spaced pages not including the title page, table of contents, references. Must be 12-point Arial or New Times Roman font with one-inch margins on all sides. This paper is to be prepared in a scholarly manner. The paper should contain the following elements:
1. Table of contents spaced to fit one page
2. Body of the paper
3. Listing of sources using APA fomat(bibliography-free)
I must be able to edit anything on this paper. I will create the title page.
The body of the paper must provide, at minimum, the following elements:
The Strategy Formulation, Strategic Implementation, and Strategic Control sections are to be developed/proposed by you, utilizing the current conditions' analyses/assessments as a base and moving forward, emplying the concepts your have learned in this course and from other readings.
Strategy Formulation:
1. Develop mission, vision and values statements and provide a rationale for the elements.
2. Propose strategic goals
3. Identify critical success factors
4. Identify at least one objective method of how to meaure or access achievement toward a goa.
5. Propose strategies and provide the rationale for why you proposed them.
C. Strategic Implementation-propose how you are going to effectively implement your plan.
Thank you.

Pews Commission Report of the

An in depth evaluation of the Pews Commision's "Report of the Taskforce on Health Care Workforce Regulation". The evaluation should include a general assessment of the need for reform and a review of each of the ten recommendations with regard to importance and achievability. In addition, since the report is ten years old there should be a review of how much progress, if any, has been made. This will require research on a state by state basis choose four of the US states.

see the link for the article

During this unit, you have the opportunity to collaborate with other students who have been assigned to your same family. You can discuss ideas about health promotion strategies that could be implemen...ted, based upon the predictive factors for each of the family's members.
Once you have had the advantage of bouncing around various ideas about health promotion strategies, you will develop your own thoughts on health promotion strategies in a paper. (Even though you have collaborated with your fellow students and may have all agreed on many strategies during your discussions, no paper should read exactly the same).

In a 3-5 page paper (excluding the title page and the references page), address the following health promotion ideas. You should have a minimum of two properly formatted references. You should use examples whenever possible to demonstrate your ideas. Your paper can use your virtual family as a reference point, but feel free to discuss other examples that might be helpful.
What health promotion strategies can be implemented based upon cultural considerations.
The ways in which physical and cultural assessment data can be used in the development of a holistic health promotion strategy
What cultural factors may impact an individual's health
A health promotion strategy for each family member. Be sure that you document physical concerns, spiritual beliefs, spiritual support, and areas of potential distress. Be sure to refer to the specific data for your family members (which has been obtained throughout the course) as well as any relevant course readings to explain your health promotion strategy
A discussion of the importance of the preparation of a holistic health promotion strategy.

To view the Grading Rubric for this assignment, please visit the Course Home.
The Health Promotion Strategies assignment in this unit is an ePortfolio assignment.
In addition to submitting this assignment to your instructor as part of the overall assessment for this course, you are also required to upload the assignment to your ePortfolio.
Refer to the User Guide documents in Doc Sharing for step-by-step instructions on uploading your assignment and submitting it for review.
To view the Grading Rubric for this assignment, please visit the Course Home.
ID: NU304-06-07-EP1

Age: 25; son of Angelo and Lourdes; Physicians Assistant; born in US
510 185 lbs. Reports regular exercise.
Allergies: Sulfa Drugs
Health History: Unremarkable
Unit 2 (No visit)
Unit 3
Gerardo: presents for routine physical exam. States that he is currently in a monogamous homosexual relationship but that he feels that it may end soon. States that he told his parents that he is gay 4 years ago, and that while his mother was accepting, his father continues to struggle with his sexuality. VS essentially unchanged from prior visits.
Unit 4 (no visit)
Unit 5
Gerado: presents with complaints of cough, earache, and sore throat. Strep test positive. Temp 101. Other VS WNL. Height and weight unchanged. Reports that his relationship has ended, and that he has begun to go to gay bars to find someone else to date. States that he is still at odds with Angelo, and that he doesnt think that Mercedes knows that he is gay.
Unit 6 (No visit)
Age: 70 (Mother of Angelo)
Native of Cuba
52 140 lbs.
Allergies: KNA
Health History: Cardiac disease, hypertension, osteoarthritis

Unit 2
Mercedes: complains of generalized joint pain but states that she doesnt want to try to do anything to alleviate it, as she states that she can handle the pain. Mercedes is ESL (English Second Language) and she struggles at times with conversation. BP 136/92; other VS WNL
Unit 3 (No visit.)
Unit 4
Mercedes: presents for follow-up to elevated BP after initiation of BP meds. BP now 120/84. Denies any increase in pain or need for pain medications. Nurse attempts teaching regarding diet and adherence to medication regimen. Mercedes is given the opportunity to ask questions, but does not.
Unit 5 (No visit.)
Unit 6 (No visit.)

Medical File
Age: 47; successful businessman, native of Cuba
56 180 lbs
Allergies: NKA
Health History: has smoked 3 packs of cigarettes per day for 15 years; chronic cough
Unit 2 (No visit)
Unit 3
Angelo: presents with continued chronic cough for several weeks with discolored sputum. States that he continues to smoke about 3 packs of cigarettes per day. States that cough has made him exhausted because he cannot sleep well at night. States that this is not acceptable, as he is the man and primary breadwinner for the family and must work at least 50-60 hours per week to keep his job and pay household bills in this tough economy.
Unit 4 (No visit)
Unit 5
Angelo: Presents with mild chest pain described as pressure. Occurs even at rest. No diaphoresis or arm or jaw pain. ECG abnormal. Admitted for observation. Serial cardiac enzymes and ECG indicate small posterior MI. Angelo states he does not feel bad enough to have had a heart attack. Cardiac catheterization scheduled.
Unit 6 (No visit)
Age: 45; publisher of historic novels
works from home; native of Cuba
53 135 lbs.
Allergies: NKA
Health History: controlled hypertension

Unit 2 (No visit)
Unit 3 (No visit)
Unit 4
Lourdes: presents for routine physical exam. Medical records need updating due to problem with conversion of files from paper to computer. States that she needs to discuss what might be causing her hypertension.
Unit 5 (No visit)
Unit 6
Lourdes: Follow up for hypertension. Mentions that she cannot sleep at night and this is a new occurrence. BP 140/86. Has been stressed about Angelos health and the rift between him and their son. States she is responsible for the care of Mercedes, Angelos mother. States Mercedes is very demanding. States she is struggling to do work at home, care for Mercedes and try to keep peace between Angelo and Gerardo. She tries to help Angelo heal from his MI. Inquires about an anti-depressant and sleeping pill.

Hello. Here are some health promotion strategies I think are important to implement with the Garcia's for our paper due for Unit 6. Your thoughts or ideas are welcomed. Thanks Ileana.

Healthy Eating: Implement policies, systems and environmental changes, in addition to targeted strategies to improve healthy food and beverage choices across the lifespan.
--Assess dietary patterns and provide education, counseling, and referrals
Tobacco-Free Living: Implement policies, systems and environmental changes, in addition to targeted strategies, to empower individuals to avoid commercial tobacco and live free from exposure to secondhand smoke across the lifespan.

--Improve awareness and utilization of effective and affordable tobacco cessation services.
Active Living: Implement policies, systems and environmental changes, and targeted strategies to increase physical activity across the lifespan
--Assess physical activity levels and provide education, counseling, and referrals in clinical and community settings, including worksites.

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing: Implement policies, systems and environmental changes, in addition to targeted strategies, to enhance positive mental health and wellbeing that allows individuals to realize their full potential.
--Promote resiliency, positive family and other social support systems, and community engagement throughout the lifespan and for at-risk populations (e.g., healthy development of LGBT youth, independent living for older adults).
--Promote early identification of mental health needs and access to quality services.

Quality Clinical Preventive Services: Increase use of the most effective and highest impact/priority evidence-based clinical preventive services and medications, such as the preventive use of aspirin; screening and treatment for high blood prssure and cholesterol; cancer screening; screening and treatment for HIV, chronic viral hepatitis, and STDs; and immunizations, among others.
--Work to reduce community cultural and market barriers to accessing affordable clinical preventive services and preventive medications (e.g., lack of transportation and childcare, inability to take time off of work, fear of lack of confidentiality, efforts that delay market entry of generic drugs).

--Strengthen risk awareness and risk management education to reduce unnecessary risk taking

Unit 6 Assignment Rubric ??" NU304
Health Promotion Strategies ??" 140 Points
A. Project Content

60% (84 points possible)

0 points

1 point

2 - 3 points

4 points Total Points

**Discussion of ideas about health promotion strategies that could be implemented based on cultural considerations.
No paper submitted
The student attempted to discuss health promotion strategies based on predictive factors, but it was far too brief The topic needed to be further developed. The student fully discussed health promotion strategies based on predictive factors
**Completion of a holistic health promotion strategy on their virtual family documenting physical concerns, spiritual beliefs, spiritual support, and areas of potential distress. No paper submitted
The student attempted to complete a holistic health promotion strategy on their virtual family, but it only included a few of the required elements. The student attempted to complete a holistic health promotion strategy on their virtual family, but it only included some of the required elements. The student fully
completed a holistic health promotion strategy on their virtual family documenting physical concerns, spiritual beliefs, spiritual support, and areas of potential distress.
Importance of the preparation of a holistic health promotion strategy No paper submitted
The student attempted to identify the importance of the preparation of a holistic health promotion strategy but it was superficial and lacked clarity.
The student discussed the importance of the preparation of a holistic health promotion strategy, but it was brief and needed to be further
developed. The student fully identified the
importance of the preparation of a holistic health promotion strategy

**Strategies that the nurse can use to meet the needs of individuals from different cultures No paper submitted
The student attempted to identify strategies based on patient culture but it was far too brief. The topic needed to be further developed. The student fully described strategies that the nurse can use to meet the needs of individuals from different cultures

**Identify strategies to effectively communicate the health promotion
strategy to patients from diverse backgrounds.
No paper submitted
The student identified a few strategies to effectively communicate the health promotion
strategy to patients from diverse backgrounds. The student identified some strategies to effectively communicate the health promotion
strategy to patients from diverse backgrounds. The student fully
identified strategies to effectively communicate the health promotion
strategy to patients from diverse backgrounds
Total points earned
on this project ___/20

A. Project Content Points
(___% x 84 pts) ____

B. Organization and Formatting

40% (56 points possible)

0 points

1 point

2 ??" 3 points

4 points Total Points
Paper or project was organized and well written
No project or paper submitted Paper or project was unorganized and poorly written. Paper or project was somewhat organized and overall writing left room for improvement Paper or project was thoroughly organized and well written
Ideas were stated clearly and logically
No project or paper submitted Ideas were not stated clearly or logically Some ideas were stated clearly and logically All ideas were stated clearly and logically
Relevance of content No project or paper submitted Paper or project was off topic and not relevant Some portions of paper or project were on topic and relevant Paper or project was thoroughly on topic and relevant

Course Policies formatting guidelines
No project or paper submitted No formatting guidelines were followed Some guidelines were followed All formatting guidelines were followed
Spelling and grammatical errors
No project or paper submitted Greater than 6 spelling or grammatical errors Less than 6 spelling or grammatical errors No spelling or grammatical errors

Total Points ___/20
Percent Accomplished ___%
B. Organization and Formatting Points
( ___% x 56 pts) ___ pts
Total Points: (A +B) /140 ___/140

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Discover a specific aspect of the newly health care reform bill enacted April 2010 which relates to nursing and identify how this new legislation will impact nursing in research as it applies to evidence of practice

Key terms:
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) as it impacts on increasing the speed of integration of evidence into practice
The Complexity Theory
Evidence Based Practice
Practice Change

Nurses Role in Mental Health

This is for a Scholarship Application

Essay should reflect knowledge of current clinical priorities in healthcare for Veterans and it will use academic program to impact qualit...y of nursing care provided to Veterans.

Academic program is DNP in Executive Nursing Leadership. My medical center recently designated as a 1A facility, which means all services must be provided for evening and weekend hours. We are in process of ensuring mental health services are available during these hours . I will work the evening hours of 12:30 to 11:00 p.m. This tour will include working every other weekend. Change management skills and strategic planning are essential components that will be required to ensure a smooth transition. Marketing and effective collaboration will also be required. I am currently employed as Program Coordinator for Mental Health Intensive Case Management (MHICM) Programs, which is an Executive Career Field (ECF) position. ECF employees responsible to ensure the T21 initiatives are successfully implemented.

1. Describe the current specific priorities for clinical care for veterans and nursings role in your facility in providing healthcare to meet those clinical needs. Examples of clinical priorities include but are not limited to mental health, traumatic brain injury, homelessness, PTSD, virtual care, diabetes care, rehabilitation, long term care, womens health, and rural health.

Providing mental health services in the home, in the community, and rural areas. Close liaison with homeless program staff, primary care clinics to assist with meeting goals for T21 Initiatives, which includes missed opportunities, clinical video telehealth (CVT), and no shows.
350 word limit

2. Describe your role in the following key issues for Veterans:

A. Access to care

Liaison for Veterans who present to ER for mental health related issues for evening hours until 11:00 p.m.

B. Veteran centered care

Assist with providing alternatives to inpatient care for mental health related issues
CVT available for evening and weekend hours
Patient preference for providers and appointments

C. Performance Measures
Ensure screenings are completed at encounters to ensure that ECF Measures are met. Includes Suicide Risk, Depression, PTSD, Tobacco Use, Alcohol Use, and HUD-VASH Vouchers if homeless

D. Transition Care (DOD to VA).
Schedule for appropriate providers, clinics, and follow-up

350 word limit

3. Identify and describe at least one measurable outcome related to providing healthcare for

Veterans that will result from your completion of your academic program.
Outcome: Decrease in ER visits for mental health issues.
Outcome: Decrease hospital admissions for mental health related issues.

350 word limit

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Topic choices any one of these: Work environment, Cultural Diversity, Health care delivery, Nursing staffing, Bioterriorism, Nurse recruitment and retention or immigration.
1.) Well-contructed introduction.

2.) Depth and comprehensive in the identification of issues described in the paper.

3.) Quality of journal artlicle in addressing the issues (minimum of 4 articles) Has to be professional nursing online articles within the last 4 Years. Please attach copy of nursing articles to paper.

4.) Discussion of issue described in your artlicels with respect to:

a. Evaluation of Both "Pros" and "Cons" of the issue . Prepares a thorough and thoughtful discussion of opposing viewpoints of the issue.

b. Evaluation of the evidence provided in the articles related to your issue.(E.g. is the evidence supported by the research, etc? Do you accept the positions taken by authors? what else would you need to know to evaluate the evidence?)
c. Formulate a defensible position of this issue. (Choose a view and defend your position using objective data from articles to support your position.)

Paper requires a Abstract page and reference page
APA style format
levels of headings in paper
avoid using contractions(ex, isn't)
referencing within paper
Please attach copies of articles to paper

Identify and DISCUSS a SPECIFIC SPECIALIZED midwifery role within the PRIMARY HEALTH CARE SETTING. Include the need for this role, and the methods and challenges involved in initiating or sustaining its develoopment.

Please email for files pertaining to this assignment.

Prefers a UK Writer, that has experience in area.

The work I require is a dissertation for a Unit...ed Kingdom LL.M (Masters

degree in Medical Law). Complications following neuro-surgery has left me

with little time to complete this work, and whilst I could probably defer

the work I would rather get it out the way and get on with life!

I have agreed with my tutor to undertake a work examining no-fault

compensation for medical/clinical negligence/malpractice, as an alternative

to the tort based system we currently have in England & Wales. The subject

is quite topical at the moment both in the UK and in the US. In the UK,

Alan Milburn the Health Secretary has hinted that he favours a no-fault

compensation system and I suspect that one will be introduced in part,

probably covering obstetrics/gynecology.

In the US, medical professional indemnity insurance has forced some medical

practitioners to move State or cease to practice, and even President Bush

has now intervened.

The dissertation should provide an overview of the current tort based

system in the UK, explain the concept of no-fault compensation, and

consider if this offers a viable alternative to the tort system in the UK.

The dissertation should look at no-fault schemes in other jurisdictions,

notably New Zealand and Sweden, and consider if the models introduced there

could work in the UK. Consideration should be given to the current

situation in the US and if the problems experienced there could happen in

the UK. The work should look at no-fault schemes in place in certain states

and the various lobbies in the US advocating tort reform, notably the

American Medical Association.

The need for reform should be considered against the NHS Plan and the

financial implications of reforming or not reforming. How may clinical

negligence claims adversely affect the NHS Plan?

I attach a folder containing reference material, including some examples of

my own assignments.

This is a research proposal paper that must be in APA style, must follow either the quantitative or qualitative research proposal guidelines as shown in "The practice of nursing research:conduct, crit...ique,& utilization" by Nancy Burns and Susan Grove 3rd edition, pages 708 or 711.
The topic to be researched is the use of Advanced Practice RN's(APRN) in the home health care arena. This proposal will be used to give support to the need for establishing the use of APRN in the home care agency, because home care patients are being released quicker and sicker from hospitals, that the future trend in health care will see more and more patients recieving cares in their homes rather than hospitals, that home care nurses must be equipped to handle this type of client and advanced practice nurses will be a good fit...APRN's will SAVE $$$ by their expert skills in managing complex cases and being a resource for other home care staff members.
The articles I've found are as follows:

Mitty, E. (1998) Integrating advanced practice nurses in home care.Nurse Health Care Perspective nov-dec 19, (6) 264-70

Dahl, J (2002) APN spells success for a heart failure program
Nurse Manage feb 33, (2) 46-8.

Frantz, A (1999) Exploring expert cardiac home care nurse competence Home Healthcare nurse Nov-dec 17, (11) 706-17

Franz, A (2001) recovering from CAGB are you current
Home Healthcare nurse july 19 (7) 417-24

Portillo (1998) graduate program: advanced practice nurses in the home AACN Clionical Issues aug 9 (3) 355-61

Hemstrom, M (2000) the clinical specialist in community health Public Health Nurse sept-oct 17 (5) 386-91

Morgan, M (1999) a physician/advanced practice nurse home visiting program. N J Med sept 96 (9) 51-3

Paul, S (2000) Impact of a nurse-manged heart failure clinic
American Journal of Crit care march 9 (2) 140-6



Write an in depth critical analysis of a chosen area of mental health service delivery (Black and Ethnic Min...ority Groups), within social care practice.

Incorporate the 5 learning outcomes into your writing:

Learning outcomes of the module

1 Develop a critical understanding of the key theoretical ideas and processes within the current mental health system and how to apply these to practice situations.
2 Critically analyse current services and therapeutic approaches available to mental health service users, their families and carers.
3 Evaluate and critically review social policy and legislative developments that apply to social work practice with mental health service users, their families and carers.
4 Evaluate and apply the principles of anti-oppressive practice and equal opportunities to interactions with mental health service users, their families and carers.
5 Critically evaluate current assessment procedures in mental health

American Psychiatric Association (2004) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM IV, Fourth Edition, American Psychiatric Association

Barnes, M and Maple N (1992) Women and Mental Health British Ass. of Social Workers

Barber, P., Brown, R., Martin, D. (2012) Mental Health Law in England and Wales, 2nd Edition, Learning Matters

Bentall, R. (2004) Madness Explained: psychosis and human nature Penguin

Bentall, R. (2009) Doctoring The Mind, Penguin

Breggin, P (1993) Toxic Psychiatry: drugs and electroconvulsive therapy: the truth and the better alternatives. Harper Collins

Churchill, S. (2011) The Troubled Mind, Palgrave

Coleman, R. and Smith, M. (2007) Working with Voices, Victim to Victor, P&P Press

Davidson, J (2009) The Dark Threads, Accent Press

Department of Health (1990) The NHS and Community Care Act, Department of Health/HMSO

Department of Health (2002) Dual Diagnosis Good Practice Guide

Department of Health (2006) Dual diagnosis in MH inpatient and day hospital settings

Department of Health (2006) International experiences of using community treatment orders

Department of Health (2007) Safe,Sensible,Social. The next steps in the national alcohol strategy

Department of Health /CSIP (2008) Themed Review Report ? Dual Diagnosis

Department of Health /NTA (2006) Models of Care for Alcohol Misusers (MoCAM)

Department of Health (2003) Mainstreaming Gender and Women?s Mental Health

Department of Health (2008) Code of Practice, Mental Health Act 1983, DOH

Department of Health (2009) New Horizons A Shared Vision For Mental Health (DOH, 2009)
Department of Health (2011) No Health without Mental Health. DOH

Fernando S. (2010) Mental Health Race and Culture, 3rd Edition. Palgrave

Gofman, E (1968) Asylums: essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates, Penguin

Golightly, M. (2011) Social Work and Mental Health. 4th ed. Learning Matters

Grant, A (2010) Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Mental Health Practitioners, Learning Matters

Heller, T et al (1996) Mental Health Matters: A Reader, Palgrave

Heller, T et al (2009) Mental Health Still Matters, A Reader, Palgrave

Hornstein, G. (2009) Agnes?s Jacket, Rodale Press

Johnstone, L (2000) Users and Abusers of Psychiatry: a critical look at psychiatric practice. 2nd ed., Routledge

Johnston, J.( 2005) To Walk On Eggshells? is to care for a mental illness. The Cairn

Johnston, S. (2004) The Naked Bird Watcher. 2nd ed. The Cairn

Jones, R. (2010) Mental Health Act Manual. 13th ed. Thomson Sweets & Maxwell

Kinney, M (2009) Being Assessed under the 1983 Mental Health Act?Can it Ever be Ethical? Ethics and Social Welfare, 3: 3, 329 ? 336

Laing, R. (1967) The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise. Penguin

Laurance, J. (2003) Pure Madness, How Fear Drives The Mental Health System, Routledge

Littlewood, R., and Lipsedge, M. (1997) Aliens and Alienists, Ethnic minorities and psychiatry, 3rd edition, Routledge

Mental Health Act Commission (2009) Coercion and consent 13th Biennial Report, TSO, London

McLaughlin, K.(2008) Social Work, Politics and Society, Policy Press

Morris, G. (2006) Mental Health Issues and The Media, Routledge

Morris, K. (2008) Social work and multi-agency working, Policy Press

National Treatment Agency (2002) models of care for the treatment of drug misusers

Newbigging, K (2006) Supporting Women into the Mainstream: Day Services for Women

NHS (1999) Mental Health, National Service Framework, Department of Health

Read. J. (2009) Psychiatric Drugs, Key Issues and Service User Perspectives, Mind

Reeves, A (2000) Recovery: an Holistic Approach. Handsell

Rogers, A., Pilgrim, D.(2010) A Sociology of Mental Health and Illness, McGraw Hill

Romme, M. (2000) Understanding Voices, Handsell Publishing

Soothill, Morgan & Dolan,( 2008) The Handbook for Forensic Mental Health, Willan Publishing

Tew, J. (2011) Social Approaches to Mental Distress, Palgrave

Tantam, D., Husband, N. (2009) Understanding Repeated Self-Injury, A Multidisciplinary approach, Palgrave

Turning Point (2007) Dual Diagnosis Good Practice Handbook, London

Shepherd, G., Boardman, J., Slade, M. (2008) Making Recovery a Reality, Sainsbury

Stastny, P.and Lehman, P. (2007) Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry, Lehman Publishing

Szasz, T. (1973) Ideology and Insanity: essays on the psychiatric dehumanization of man. Penguin

Szasz, T (2007) Coercion as Cure, Transaction Publishers

Taylor, K., Coleman, R., and Baker, P.(2007) Working to Recovery, Victim to Victor 3, P&P Press

Tew, J. (2005) Social Perspectives in Mental Health. Jessica Kingsley

Timimi, S. (2005) Naughty Boys, Palgrave

Tummey, R., Turner, T. (2008) Critical Issues in Mental Health, Palgrave

Warren, J (2007) Service User and career Participation in Social Work, Learning Matters

Webber, M. (2008) Evidence-based Policy and Practice in Mental Health Social Work, Learning Matters

Wilson, J. (1995) How to Work with Self Help Groups, Arena

Women?s Aid (2008) Domestic Violence and Mental Health Factsheet (

Women?s Resource Centre (2008) Violence against women, health, and the women?s voluntary and community sector


? The Anti psychiatry Coalition -
? Black Mental Health UK's ?
? The Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health -
? Critical Psychology -
? Critical Mental Health Forum -
? Department of Health -
? Mental Health Foundation -
? Mental Health Forum -
? Mental Health Media -
? Mental Health Alliance -
? MIND -
? Philadelphia Association -
? Sainsbury Centre -
? SANE -
? SCIE Research briefing 26: Mental health and social work -
? York Retreat -

Roles of the State and Local Governments

In response to the demands of interest groups, voters, and the wider public, state and local governments make policies to help solve... problems and promote cooperation. In many cases, other organizations also help meet these demands while making a profit. Some nongovernmental organizations provide goods or services for charitable reasons. It is sometimes felt that these private businesses and nongovernmental organizations do a much better job than the government in supplying what citizens want. They may be more efficient or more responsive than governmental organizations. This raises the following question: Why does the government dominate some areas?

Based on the content covered in the section "Policy Responsibilities of States and Communities" on pages 20??"24 in the textbook and also based on your own thoughts, answer the following questions:
What are the two most important services that state or local governments provide? Explain why you think these are so important.
Explain whether a private company or some nongovernmental organization is likely to supply the same services instead. Is that preferable? Why or why not?
Why do you think that a government actually does provide these services? For example, is it because these services are public goods or is it because of the nature of the government and other organizations? Substantiate your answer using examples.

Roles of a Clinical Dietician

Clinical nutrition fieldwork: In-patient and out-patient experiences (fieldwork report outline)
Prepare a typed report to reflect upon your field experiences derived from class fieldtrips with cli...nical nutritionists at both in-patient (i.e.,long-term care and acute care) and out-patient or ambulatory care (e.g., renal dialysis) settings. Use the following outline to structure your field report; use headings and sub-headings to identify the sections of your report.
Section I. Introduction
Introductory paragraph noting, for instance, the in-patient and out-patient field settings (and respective clinical nutritionists) for your field experiences. Appropriate introductory material may be gleaned form the health cae facilities's websites.
Section II. In-patient field experience (acute care)
A. Based on your field experience, describe the nutrition care process providing examples of each step in the process, i.e., screening/assessment, diagnosis, impleemntation including planning and intervention, and monitoring evaluation including documentation, as delivered in this setting. Consider referring to standard forms used in this setting and attaching a copy of them as appendices to your report.
B. Based on your field experience, describe what you perceive as a primary responsibility of the clinical nutritionist in this setting and indicate other health professionals (e.g., physician, nurse, social worker, physical/occupational therapist) with whom the clinical nutritionist regularly interacts.
C. What is the average length of stay days in this setting? Recognizing that length of stay is generally limitedm what provisions, if any, are made for nutrition services after discharge from this in-patient setting?
Section III. in-patient field experience (long-term care)
A. Based on your field experience, describe the nutrition care process providing examples of each step in the process, i.e., screening/assessment, diagnosis, impleemntation including planning and intervention, and monitoring evaluation including documentation, as delivered in this setting. Consider referring to standard forms used in this setting and attaching a copy of them as appendices to your report.
B. Based on your field experience, describe what you perceive as a primary responsibility of the clinical nutritionist in this setting and indicate other health professionals (e.g., physician, nurse, social worker, physical/occupational therapist) with whom the clinical nutritionist regularly interacts.
C. What is the average length of stay years in this setting? What levels of care are availabe in this facility?
Section IV. Out-patient field experience (renal dialysis)
A. Based on your field experience, describe the nutrition care process providing examples of each step in the process, i.e., screening/assessment, diagnosis, impleemntation including planning and intervention, and monitoring evaluation including documentation, as delivered in this setting. Consider referring to standard forms used in this setting and attaching a copy of them as appendices to your report.
B. Based on your field experience, describe what you perceive as a primary responsibility of the clinical nutritionist in this setting and indicate other health professionals (e.g., physician, nurse, social worker, physical/occupational therapist) with whom the clinical nutritionist regularly interacts.
C. What is the typical amount of time allotted for an initial and for a follow-up nutrition appointment? What nutrition services, if any, are billed to third party payer?
Section v. Compare and contrast the settings
Compare and contrast the in-patient and out-patient settings of your fieldwork. In particular, note one way in which nutrition services were similar in all three field settings. Also, note one way in which nutition services were significantly different in in-patient (acute care) and out-patient (renal dialysis) settings.
Section VI. Conclusion
Briefly summarize your paper and note, for instance, a concept that you learned or what was reinforced as a result of this field experience.
Section VII. Appendices
Include relevant appendices to paper as needed. Refer to appendices in the text of report, e.g, See Appendix A.
P.S. Long-term care------ Cobble Hill Medical Center (380 Henry Street, Brooklyn)
Acute care------ Veterans Affairs Medical Center (800 Poly Place, Brooklyn)
Out-patient care---- Long Island College Hospital Atlantic Hemodialysis Center (339 Hicks Street, Brooklyn)

Nurse to Patient Ratio Change

Be concise, precise and write to the point of the assignment.
Address the key issues:

Discussion Possible Points
Refine your statement to leadership to be clear and concise, providing facts and figures to support your proposed change

Identify potential allies in planning the proposed change. Who are they and how can they assist you in making this possible?

Where are key points of resistance within and outside the system? Why would there be resistance? Utilize systems theory in describing the role that groups and individuals would play in the process.

Elaborate on potential negatives that individuals or groups might bring up in discussions and how you would counteract this.

Based on change theory, how long do you anticipate that it would take to socialize the idea, propose the specific change, and initiate implementation?

Please see below information for source

Healthcare systems are stressed by limited resources and increasing demands on their services. Nurses, as the largest group of healthcare professionals, have experienced significant changes in their work life and environment as systems have tried to meet these challenges. As workloads become more substantial because of cutbacks and the number of nurses per patient diminishes, patients and healthcare workers are put increasingly at risk.
I would like the opportunity to make a statement to leadership regarding the Nurse patient ratio dilemma we are facing in our organization. According to the Massachusetts Nurses Association in a research study by federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality shows that patients do better with lower nurse to patient ratios. The research study found in given hospital unit the optimal workload for a nurse was four patients. Increasing the workload to 6 resulted in patients being 14% more likely to die within 30 days of admission. A workload of 8 patients versus 4 was associated with a 31% increase in mortality. I have not been able to find any studies related to the effects of the nurse to patient ratio in a dialysis clinic.
Reducing the nurse patient ratio would set a safety net for patients and nurses. It would provide a safer environment for patients because there would be more staffing available for each patient. Patient can feel more confident that their needs are being met by the medical staff and the nurse will have fewer distractions. According to International Council of Nurses, California has set mandatory upwardly adjustable minimum nurse patient ratios. An example of this shows staffing for a medial surgical ward on day shift would be four patients for each Register Nurse. According to the International Council of Nurses improvements reported since the implementation of the ratios include more than 3000 extra nurses employed in hospitals, decreased staff turnover and absenteeism, and public approval of the State government has increased. This would also be incentives for nurses to work in the field of dialysis. It would have an impact on patient outcomes and on nurse retention and recruitment. I feel, as a nurse, that working in a safe environment for patients and staff is of the upmost importance. Nurses have dialysis technicians to rely on, but they are only able to rely on them to maintain equipment and alert her if a change in the patient occurs. The majority of responsibility for patient care falls on the Register nurse.
My strongest allies in the fight to change the nurse to patient ratio include dialysis nurses, patients, and the dialysis technicians. The majority of nurses that work in dialysis feel strongly about this issue. The nurses feel overworked and stressed due to the nurse patient ratio. The care and safety of ten patients fall upon one Register Nurse which puts a great deal of pressure on them. The register nurse is responsible for pre and post treatment physical assessments of all patients, giving all medications, supervision of the technicians, operating kidney dialysis machines, initiating, monitoring, and discontinuing dialysis treatments, assisting physicians on rounds, calling in prescriptions, making doctors appointments for patients, assisting patients with transportation issues, patient education, and writing physician orders. Patients also feel the effects and some have voiced to me their concerns. They feel their lives are in jeopardy due to the nurse being over extended between patients. Dialysis technicians also experience the effects because it requires them to take on more responsibility for patient care. Many of the technicians have no formal medical training and have a limited knowledge of patient care.
Nurses, patients, and technicians can help elevate this problem by joining together in a united front to voice their concerns and demand a change be made. No one group alone can make a difference but together new policies can be implemented and enforced. Also contacting the Nurse Association and asking them for help in the situation would be a great benefit. According to their website the ANA advances the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting the rights of nurses in the workplace, projecting a positive and realistic view of nursing, and by lobbying the Congress and regulatory agencies on health care issues affecting nurses and the public. ANA is the voice of nursing. This voice is heard through policy development, lobbying, publications/newsletters, involvement and partnerships with other organizations, and its presence on the Internet. ANAs work addresses the needs of nurses in their professional settings as well as patient care. The ANA involvement in this national issue is critical.
Change is always difficult and resistance is to be expected. One of the barriers to changing the ratios is the continuing nursing shortage that we are experiencing. The Bureau
of Health Professions predicts that the current shortage of 150,000 nurses nationwide
will by 2020 grow to 800,000 nurses the area hospitals are continually recruiting for nurses. Most of the hospitals offer between $5000.00 to $10,000.00 sign on bonus for a one year commitment. Dialysis organizations would be the main opponent to the change due to the cost. Dialysis units are smaller and without the financial resources the major hospitals have. The increased cost would place a greater burden on the clinics which have a limited budget each year. It is estimated by the American Hospital Association the projected cost to change the nurse to patient ratio would be around $270 million dollars.
The organization would play a key role proposed changed. The dialysis organization would have to change their views toward nurse patient ratio. The company would also have to find money in the budget to allow for a change. This would cause an increase in cost to patients as well. I believe patients would agree to the increase if it would guarantee them higher quality of care. Nurses may also be willing to take a small decrease in pay to help facilitate the change. Dialysis nurses receive some of the best pay rates that I personally found. I make more money working in a dialysis clinic than in the hospital. In order for the change to occur I believe that all parties involve must be willing compromise. We are all part of the same system of healthcare.
The cost of such a change would be the main negative of such a proposed plan. A majority of the cost would be passed on to the patients insurance company. Many of the patients receive Medicaid or Medicare which means the increase cost would fall on the tax payers. My main point to counteract this position is that patient safety must be our first and foremost priority. Although we may spend more money to begin with for more nursing staff patient outcomes would offset the expense. Patients that have better outcomes from dialysis treatments spend less time in the hospital. When patients are in the hospital we do not get paid for their treatments. Hospital stays cst the company a loss of revenue.
Unfreezing the organizations ideas on nurse patient ratio will take a great deal of time and effort. It would take at least two to three years to socialize the idea with all the dialysis organizations and put together a proposal for the specific changes. It would take another year to initiate implementation. Major changes never occur overnight and must be thought out and planned thoroughly before implementing.

American Hospital Association, Commission on Workforce for Hospitals and Health Systems. In our hands: how hospital leaders can build a thriving workforce. May 2007 retrieved Oct 6, 2008 from
The Patient Safety Act" is The Key to Protecting Your Patients and Your Nursing Practice, 2007 retrieved Oct 6, 2008 from,
International Council of Nurses Press Release retrieved Oct 8, 2008 from
The American Nurses Association retrieved Oct 9, 2008

If Advanced Practice Nursing is recognized as a mutual collaboration between the patient and provider is termination for "non-compliance" a breach of this relationship?/The paper is written to demonstrate clinical competence and guide the development of a field project that will enhance current nursing knowledge. The term "non-compliance" is a concept that needs further review and is it a basis for terminating (or firing) a patient. Background: The American Medical Association says Non-compliance is certainly a reasonable reason to fire a patient, but is this really ethical. According to the American Acedemy Of Nurse Practitioners, they define NP's as helping clients make wise health and lifestyle choices and state "They are truly your partners in health". What happens if a patient does not follow that advice?

Quality of Life in the

Must prepare a paper about what the phrase "quality of life" means. Include God, Love, and Health as daily components of life which,when absent, affect your sense of well-being and personal happiness. Discuss what it would mean to become dependent on others.

The references must not be older than 3 years old.

Thank you for all your help. My husband is having surgery, and I got caught-up; lack of time.

1820-1855 at First Glance Would

A book review for "Origins of Public Health in America: Selected Essays 1820-1855" by Charles Rosenberg.

background information about author.
primary or secondary sources.
arguments made in book. are they successful? why? why not?
focus on major ideas
what makes the book special?
essence of book?
full citation

This doesn't seem hard! We will pay extra for it -

Sources needed:
Go to the following web sites:

Review the publication, Healthy People in Healthy Communities. In a written paper, include the following:
Explain your understanding of the features of the plan
Explain how you would expect the plan to impact your own community
Research or ask about a local public health official and extract his/her perspective on how successful your community has been in achieving the established objectives outlined in Healthy People 2000 and 2010. Discuss why or why not the community has been successful in its achievement efforts.

There are faxes for this order.

Trend in Occupational Therapy


I have to write an essay as part of admission package for Occupational Therapy program.
The topic is :

1. Demonstrate your understanding of the profession of OT by identifyin...g 2 current or emerging trends in Canada's healthcare system and discussing how occupational therapists are well positioned to play a leadership role on healthcare teams (maximum 5000 characters).

As English is not my first language, I feel I need some help.
I would choose the following two trends:

1) Increased role of OT in work with elderly, as aging population is growing:
- OT role in case of home retirement
- role of OT at a retirement home facility.
2) Community Mental health - integration of patients into community

If the writer would think these are not the major trends and my choice is incorrect- I would consider writer's opinion.

For Trend #1 I have gathered the following materials:

On October 24th OSOT made a presentation and submission to the Innovations Expert Panel hosted by the Ontario Long Term Care Association (OLTCA). This presentation and submission responded to OLTCA?s call for input on the possible content and priorities for an innovation strategy for the residential long term care sector. Our submission, Contributions to an Innovation Strategy for Ontario?s Long Term Care Sector, October 2011, presented meaningful ways in which access to occupational therapy services as a core service within LTC Homes would lend to the sector?s capacity to achieve its vision and to contribute to the quality of resident care and quality of life
Ontario Long Term Care Association commissioned the Conference Board of Canada to investigate the innovation potential of the Ontario residential long term care sector. The resulting report Towards an Innovation Strategy for Long-term Care, January 2011 highlights significant challenges and opportunities within the sector and recommends the development of a comprehensive strategy to promote internal and sector-wide innovation and system transformation. OLTCA subsequently recruited a panel of experts to consult with key stakeholders on the possible content and priorities for an innovation strategy.

There is a lot of information about Long Term Care Retirement strategy and Home retirement strategy in the report:
It would be great if writer could formulate them some-what laconically.

For Trend #(2) I've the following.
Writer, please note that I am pretty sure the first trend is one of the major, but I am not sure if my second one is chosen correctly...:((

The overall goal of occupational therapy in community mental health is to help people develop the skills and obtain the supports necessary for independent, interdependent, productive living. Particular emphasis is given to interventions that result in improved quality of life and decrease hospitalization.

Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants provide purposeful, goal-oriented activities that teach and facilitate skills in:

?cognition (e.g., problem solving);
?independent living including using community resources, home management, time management, management of medication, and safety in the home and community;
?vocational interest and pursuits:
?interpersonal and social skills;
?stress management;
?activities of daily living (e.g.; hygiene);
?role development (e.g., parenting);
?self-sufficiency and interdependency; and

Occupational therapy services include:

?adapting the environment at home, work, and school to promote an individual's optimal functioning
?providing education programs, experiential learning, and treatment groups or classes;
?functional evaluation and ongoing monitoring of clients for placement in jobs and housing;
?providing assistance or guidance with client-run support groups;
?goal setting and rehabilitation plan development with client; and
?providing guidance and consultation to persons in all employment settings, including supportive employment

Please help me to put together an essay at about 600-800 words.
Thank you!

Joint Commission
I. Mission of Joint Commision
a) successful or not
b) purpose of JC

II. History of Joint Commission
a) inception
b) progression/growth
c) today

a) influence of improving care
b) Standard of care
c) benchmarking nationally

IV. Cons
a) paperwork

V. Future of JC in today?s health care system

VI. Conclusion

World Health Organization


Write a 1,300- to 1,500-word persuasive letter to the editor, to an appropriate funding agency, or to a school board. In your letter, defend an issue (Overweight, obesity, poor nutrition with lack of physical activity) identified through your work in the community with your windshield survey and your family assessment. Relate your issue to one of the Sigma Theta Tau Initiatives for global health or the UN Global Health Decade. Complete the following in your letter:

?Describe the issue you have chosen based on an initiative for global health from the Sigma Theta Tau Initiatives or the UN Global Health Decade.

?Include data you have researched for this request.

?Identify who should work with the funding agency to support the needs outlined in your letter.

?Identify the initial steps and who will be involved in the initial steps in defending this issue you are recommending.


Paper Layout:
This paper needs to be fully detailed over the community service you participated in.
Community service- Helping group homes with healthcare, along with c...oordinating activities to help with exercise and overall health. Also contacting families to facilitate times to hang out.

Part I: (This part of the project is 8-10 pages double spaced excluding all appendixes)
Coordination (Resources & Personnel)
Assessment/Evaluation of Goals

The goal of service learning is to provide pedagogy that links academic study and civic engagement. work with a non-profit community organization. No group member should be out of pocket more than $20 each. From the service learning project, students will be able to put theory into practice through transformation of disciplinary concepts, skills relevant to promoting web page. The learning outcomes include opportunity for students to identify, and reflect critically on personal, ethical, and professional civic life.

Sample evaluative questions:

o How did you handle the problem solving process? Were you systematic?

o Did you show evidence of critical thinking? How?
o Did you show evidence of creative thinking? When? How?
o Use the information in the textbook to discuss how leadership was handled in your group. Who are the leaders? How did they come to be leaders? Support your claims.

o Group Climate??"describe your climate giving specific examples to support your claims

o Tensions: describe the evolution of feeling you had for working/helping with people in the organization.

o Describe a major conflict that arose. How was it handled? How could it have been handled better? o Also discuss how you handle working together as a group and what you learnt about working with the organization selected for the service learning project.

o If you are to do it over what would you change?

All this needs to be in your own words and kindly stated.

consist of no more than 500 words, typed and double-spaced with no smaller than a sixe 10 font

This is to be a personal statement in which should include the following components: The skills, attitudes, and values of health care workers have a fundamental impacet on health care. What do you see as your role in the operation room as a surgical assistant? Why do you feel you are a potential candidate for this program

Pender the Founder of the

2 Identification of the central focus and major principal of theory
3 Application of the theory to Nursing Practice, Nursing Education and Nursing Research
4 Discuss nursing's four metaparadigm concept(person,environment,health and nursing)as defined and described in the theory
5 prepare three critical thinking questions to stimulate group discussion.
please have the introduction cnd conclusion clear and applicable.

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Grant Proposal the Saint Anselm's

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Prefers a UK Writer, that has experience in area.

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Nurse to Patient Ratio Change

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Patient Noncompliance in Patients Advanced

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If Advanced Practice Nursing is recognized as a mutual collaboration between the patient and provider is termination for "non-compliance" a breach of this relationship?/The paper is written to demonstrate…

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Quality of Life in the

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Must prepare a paper about what the phrase "quality of life" means. Include God, Love, and Health as daily components of life which,when absent, affect your sense of well-being…

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1820-1855 at First Glance Would

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A book review for "Origins of Public Health in America: Selected Essays 1820-1855" by Charles Rosenberg. Include: background information about author. primary or secondary sources. arguments made in book. are they successful? why?…

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Healthy People in Healthy Communities

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This doesn't seem hard! We will pay extra for it - Sources needed: Go to the following web sites: Directions: Review the publication, Healthy People in Healthy Communities. In…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Trend in Occupational Therapy

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Hi, I have to write an essay as part of admission package for Occupational Therapy program. The topic is : 1. Demonstrate your understanding of the profession of OT by identifying 2…

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Joint Commission Is an Independent, Non-Profit Making

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Joint Commission I. Mission of Joint Commision a) successful or not b) purpose of JC II. History of Joint Commission a) inception b)…

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World Health Organization

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PERSUASIVE LETTER: Write a 1,300- to 1,500-word persuasive letter to the editor, to an appropriate funding agency, or to a school board. In your letter, defend an issue (Overweight,…

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Community Service This Study Analyzes

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Instructions: Paper Layout: This paper needs to be fully detailed over the community service you participated in. Community service- Helping group homes with healthcare, along with coordinating activities to help with…

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Surgical Assistant Personal Statement

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consist of no more than 500 words, typed and double-spaced with no smaller than a sixe 10 font This is to be a personal statement in which should include the…

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Pender the Founder of the

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1 BACKGROUND OF THEORIST(PERSONAL AND EDUCATIONL) 2 Identification of the central focus and major principal of theory 3 Application of the theory to Nursing Practice, Nursing Education and Nursing Research 4…

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