25+ documents containing “Project Teams”.
Project Management: The Managerial Process 2nd edition
Gray & Larson
McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0-07-283348-3
Font: Time New Roman, size 11
1.5 Space, 1 inch margin
APA forma...t (in-text citation and resources for each assignment are required)
Deliverable Length: 3 pages
You are the supervisor for a large technology-based corporation. One of your subordinate managers, Carly, is heading up a project for a new system that is scheduled to market on the 1st of the year. It is August and things are not progressing at the pace you had hoped.
When you meet with Carly, all she does is complain about one of the team members, Morris. She exclaims that Morris is always contradicting her and disagreeing with her in front of the entire team. Nothing is getting done because there is this constant tension. Carly continues saying that he is acting like this because he feels that he is smarter than she is - he has a higher-level degree than she does.
When you ask if she has had a conversation with him about it, she says no. She feels that no matter what she says or does, he simply will not listen.
Later that day, you schedule a meeting with both Carly and Morris. After meeting with both parties and talking to other team members, it is obvious that Carly was exaggerating her story. As it turns out, Morris is treated unfairly as compared to the rest of the team. The other team members seem to think that Carly feels threatened by the team member.
Why do you think that Carly didn't come to you sooner to discuss the project delays?
Why do you think Carly hasn't had a conversation with Morris, or vice versa, about their differences? How do you think each of them would respond to this type of conversation? Explain.
What is the biggest problem with the way these team members interact? What could they do to remedy the problem? Explain.
Do you think Carly should continue to serve as Project Manager? Explain.
How would you begin to address this situation? Come up with a plan to remedy this problem and outline a plan for getting the project back on track for the January 1 release.
Think about the characteristics and qualities needed to effectively lead and manage a project team. On questions 2, 3, and 4 be sure to explain why you answered the way that you did. On question 5, be specific. What will you do to address this problem and when will it be done? Be sure to check the Cybrary Guide for suggestions.
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Project Management ??" Final Paper
Text - Project Management ??" The Managerial Process ??" 5th Edition- Erik W Larson & Clifford G Gray, 2011 ??" McGraw Hill/Irwin
A final paper that... is an analysis of a real world project or a project taken from the literature sources. The paper must contain around 10 to 12 pages of text addressing the following features of the project in an analytical manner. That is to see to what extent the project has addressed these features and, if not, what recommendations are given to make the project plan more effective:
Format of Final paper:
Final paper must have a cover page with the title of your project, your name, faculty, Term/Session and date. The text of the paper must specifically cover the following (6) sub-headings. Each item must be described and explained fully first, using Project Management sources (text and outside sources) and then be applied to your selected project. Both in-text and end citation of sources you us, APA method, is a requirement.
1. Project information, history, intent, and life cycle
2. Project definition: WBS, Responsibility Matrix and Communication Plan
3. Time, cost and quality expectations, use of project network
4. Identification of project stakeholders and their concerns
5. Project Team development
6. Performance measurement and control
Analyses and recommendations must be supported by making reference to Project Management literature sources (at least 4 sources, journals and books, must be used). APA style for both in-text and full end citations are a requirement.
When covering the above 6 areas:
a) Explain and describe key points, models, theories and ideas discussed in each chapter under a separate heading (Chapter One Key Points, for example). Such explanation and description must be elaborate along with analysis to show your good grasp of the material assigned and must accompanied by citing the author and page number, (p. 12) for example, that those concepts are taken or adopted from.
b) A description as how those key concepts or theories you discussed can be applied to a real world situation.
c) Reflection on your learning as how your reading of the material had helped your learning.
d) Every single concept, theory, or idea you adopt form the text or any other source you use must be referred to in the text (in-text citation- author and page number). Immediately after such adoption. The full address of the source (s) you use must be cited under your Reference list at the end, APA method.
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Project Management :
A global consumer electronics company is looking to expand their business and aims to
develop vehicle-mounted PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant). These vehicle-mounte...d PDAs
are compact computer terminals which can be mounted on forklifts; field service vehicles;
construction trucks or transport vehicles etc.
Vehicle-mounted PDAs are used by firms in many fields including roadside assistance;
warehouse vehicles; logistics and industrial monitoring and control. Employees use the PDA
as a small computer to record business transactions and communicate progress with the
organisations information systems. Thus, PDAs are not just used as computers but for also
accessing databases for services and applications (e.g. a field services engineer fixing
equipment at the customer site). Vehicle-mounted PDAs may have wireless connectivity
such as Bluetooth (a wireless LAN interface) or even cellular or mobile phone connectivity.
The assignment is to plan the development and installation of a wireless network to support
PDA operation for an airport application ??" which you specify.
Prepare a formal written report:
Prepare a Word document and write formally (i.e. avoid use of I or casual terms). For
calculations show formula; data; workings and results (preferably tabulated). Greater
discussion; interpretation and evaluation is expected for higher grades (e.g. giving insights
into the firms situation; the management implications and making sector comparisons), as
well as appropriate use of business/financial jargon and evidence of wider reading.
The report is to be organised in two parts as follows:
Part A concerns the development of the PDA by the consumer electronics firm for an
airport application.
Part B concerns the deployment of the wireless network at the airport (to support the
Start each of the parts on a new page (this is to aid the marking process).
Introduction (no marks but needed for completeness)
a) Define your proposed PDA and wireless network for use at an airport ??" both the
product and the intended application(s).
b) Propose (and justify) a unit price for your PDA which should be one of the following:
600, 800 or 1100.
Part A ??" Project Feasibility and Management
Q1). Identify the various stakeholders for the airport based project and examine their likely
viewpoints and concerns by conducting a Force-field analysis. You answer should be in
the form of a diagram annotated with the various forces followed by text that summarises
the overall situation (i.e. its a synthesis of the main points).
Q2). The firm will invest 5 Million in Year 0 to develop the product and expect Sales
during Years 1 ??" 4. Fixed costs are to be 7 Million annually (not negotiable) and the
items comprising the variable costs should be identified and discussed. Assumptions are
to be clearly stated.
a) Prepare a cash flow forecast (in ) for the years of production (Years 1 ??" 4) given that
the first years sales units are the last five digits of your student id: (The last five digits of my student ID are : 33945)
Step 1: Construct the revenue model given that sales forecasts are expected to increase
rapidly in the first two years and then increase gradually after that
Step 2: Construct the operating expenditure model based on allocated overheads and
variable costs (check that the Contribution Margin is a sensible figure of say 24% to 40%)
Step 3: Combine the revenue and expenditure models and calculate total cash flow
position. Include the Opening and Closing Balance for each year in your forecast (where
the Opening Balance in Year 1 is a negative value equal to the value of the investment).
Ensure that the Payback Period for the project occurs during Year 3 or Year 4.
b) Revise the overall cash flow forecast (i.e. Steps 1-3) such that Payback occurs in
Year 2. Comment on whether or not this revised forecast is likely to be acceptable to
senior management.
Q3). Evaluate the two forecasts you have prepared as follows:
a) Examine the affect on the Net Cash Flows and the Payback Period of your two
forecasts if the time effect of money is taken into account and cash flows are
discounted by 7% (the cost of capital).
b) Calculate and comment on the potential value of the project using investment
appraisal techniques including the Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of
Return (IRR) for both the original forecast and the revised one.
c) Which forecast will you recommend? Justify this choice.
Q4). Examine the benefits of inter-project learning for a global consumer electronics firm
and make recommendations on how this could be implemented.
Note: wider reading is expected for this Question including journal articles.
Part B - Project Planning & Control
The project team have identified five projects with similar activities and parameters, as
shown in Table B1. You have been allocated the project which has a code containing the last
digit of your student number (e.g. if your student number ends with 1 or 2, your project is
P12). It is not important what the activities are for this assignment. (My Project is P56)
Q5). Draw both the AOA and AON network for the project and determine the critical path
using CPA.
Q6). a) Construct a GANTT chart and identify scheduling flexibilities.
b) Calculate and draw a chart of the labour profile required to complete the project for
an early start schedule.
c) What specific rules could be adopted to decide how to schedule this project and
what constraints must be taken into account.
Q7). a) Find the expected time of the project using PERT. What is the probability of
completion within the expected time?
b) What is the probability of completion 4 weeks before the expected project
completion time?
c) When using probability analysis like this, what care needs to be taken?
Q8). Find the minimum cost increase to reduce the expected duration of the project by 2
Q9). The Company assessed the costs of the project at important milestones at the outset
as shown in Table B2. After some weeks, the project manager asked the task
supervisors for progress reports and the feedback shown in Table B2 was reported.
a) What is the cost variance for the project so far?
b) Compare this to a calculation of the schedule variance.
c) Provide your clear comments on the progress of the project.
Q10). The project manager seeks to minimize the total cost of a certain activity related to this
project. The resources used for the activity are Resource U and Resource V (both
measured in resource-hours). Resource U costs 400 and Resource V costs 900.
Due to certain institutional, physical, and policy constraints, the amount of Resource U
used (y) should be at least 2.5 resource-hours. Also, y+2x must not exceed 7.45
resource-hours, and y-x must not exceed 1.75 resource-hours, where x is the amount
of Resource V.
a) Using manual means (a graph sheet), sketch the objective function and constraints
on the same Cartesian axes and find the optimal solution.
b) Using MS Solver, determine the optimal quantities of Resource U and V that achieve
the project managers objective. What is the minimum cost (the cost that
corresponds to the optimal values of the decision variables)?
Format is a formal written report including charts/diagrams; calculations (with data; formula; workings
and assumptions) and discussion/ comments. Report to be written using Word in a 12 point font (any
Excel based calculations should be copied into tables in the Word file using a minimum 9 point font).
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Project Management Activities
The purpose of this paper is to select, describe, and justify an organization and project management activities for approval. I will provide the background on the p...rojects current situation to include all pertinent personnel. Then I will breakdown what the problem and situation was and where we needed to be. In this paper the focus will remain on laying the groundwork of this project management activity.
The organization I chose is the Elmendorf Professional Military Education Center (EPME). By comparison, this would be considered small company whose purpose is to train enlisted Air Force members to become combat leader and first line managers. I have been working here for about 3 years as the Director of Education. Along with me is the commandant, Chief Murphy, who has been in charge for about 4 years. Next, there are 2 resource advisors, MSgt Copple and TSgt Bolden. Finally, the rest of the staff is made up of 10 instructors, all Tech Sergeants, with various specialties. Everyone is fully qualified to teach the PME curriculum regardless of their position and all of them have a good understanding of the requirements. The classes typically have 14 to 16 students and run every 6 weeks with 1 week off to prepare and transition to the next class. Finally, the civil engineer squadron supported us with Mr. Ben Thompson who had a background in drafting and contract management. Now that we have a better understanding of who is involved, let?s talk about the conditions that were causing some of the problems.
The schoolhouse currently occupies a 1950?s era warehouse building on Elmendorf AFB. There are 7 classrooms, 7 offices, 2 bathrooms, 1 auditorium, 1 break room, 1 snack bar, and 1storage room. The building has gone under several partial renovations that, over time, created more issues than they solved. For example: The offices where built in the larger portion of the warehouse with thin false walls. Since they only built 7 offices, some of the instructors had to share up to 3 each (ideally should be no more than 2). The classrooms were cramped with no central air and had obstacles like power poles that were installed in the center to run projectors. The bathrooms were expanded from 4 toilets 1 urinal and 2 sinks to 6 toilets 2 urinals and 2 sinks. However, This still does not satisfy the requirements of servicing over 120 people when class is in session. The auditorium only seats 60 people preventing the staff the ability to perform mass briefings. Next, there is only 1 break room for both the staff and students to share. Finally, the storage room is not adequate to support all the curriculum and office supplies. When we contacted and created a work order, THE Civil Engineer squadron sent over Mr. Thompson to do a preliminary walk through with our requirements, he said that there is enough square footage to make a complete renovation. This project has since been completed and I was involved in the entire process.
Thank you for reviewing this project management activity and I look forward to work on this as my Session Long Project.
Part 1 ? Project Planning
Based on the story above. Focus on the planning phase of the project. Describe the general plan and the steps involved to achieve project success (from a planning perspective). Discuss the critical elements of the plan and what the key success factors will be for the project success.
Write a 1 PAGE plan and draw on:
? Conduct processes to obtain project plan approval
? Analyze and refine project time and cost estimates to define project baseline, schedule and budget
? Develop a formal and comprehensive project plan, including, where applicable, a Communications plan, a Risk management plan, a Change management plan, a Resource management plan, a Quality plan, a Procurement management plan, and an Organization plan
Use in-text citations or footnotes to indicate where you use information from those (or other outside) readings. Your paper will be evaluated on the completeness of the overall plan and the specificity of the steps you identify. Critical thinking will be assessed by the identification and justification of crucial steps and success factors.
Part 2 ? Project Execution
Building on Part 1 ? Project Planning. You must identify the manner in which the project is activated and what the key elements of that activation included. Discuss what the challenges in the activation of the project and how these challenges were resolved or will be resolved.
Write a 1 PAGE Execution and draw on:
? Commit project resources and procedures required to initiate and monitor the performance of work in accordance with the project plan
? Implement the project plan by authorizing the execution of project activities required to produce project deliverables
This paper should address the task, as well as your ability to successfully apply reference background materials in developing your activation criteria. Pay close attention to the anticipated challenges and possible resolution.
Part 3 ? Project Control
Continuation of Part 1 and 2 - You are to evaluate your selected organization in terms on their project controls and how those controls are implemented and managed. Describe the specific control measures and how they are applied and evaluated. You should comment on the effectiveness or lack thereof and recommendations, if any, you would make to enhance the project control phase of the overall project.
Write a 1 PAGE paper on:
? Develop, lead and manage project teams
? Manage project scope changes
? Manage project scope changes
? Develop, lead and manage project teams
? Recognize and respond to risk events and issues
Breadth and depth are very important to this assignment. Be sure to give sufficient detail about the controls so the reader can follow your evaluation. No organization is perfect, so think critically about the effectiveness of the controls - what works and what doesn't? Give sufficient attention to recommendations for improvement and be sure your recommendations are tied to the strengths and weaknesses you identified in the paper.
Part 4 ? Project Closing
For this final component you are to discuss how your selected organization assesses the effectiveness of their projects from conceptualization through closing. Comment on your views as to the effectiveness of the overall project management approach and environment. Use the concepts and ideas gained from the readings, case assignment, and your own knowledge and experience, comment on ways you believe project management could be enhanced in this organization.
Write a 1 PAGE paper on:
? Ensure project has been transitioned to operation, if applicable
? Be able to obtain final acceptance of deliverables from appropriate stakeholders
? Release project resources by following appropriate organizational procedure
? Document lessons learned and preserve essential project records to adhere to legal and other requirements
? Release project resources by following appropriate organizational procedures
Your paper will be evaluated for completeness, specificity, and ability to appLy concepts gained throughout the course readings and assignments. Be sure to document your sources whenever you support your analysis with course materials or outside sources.
Project Team and Stakeholder Management- Essay. This is a copy of what needs to be done base on the information I have provided. Read the project case for this assignment.
As the proje...ct manager for the District 4 Warehouse Move project, you will need to determine who your stakeholders and project team members are for this project. Remember that anyone connected to the project who has an interest or stake in the project should be considered as a stakeholder. This would include the project team, vendors and management among possible others.
After you have determined who your stakeholders are, determine who will need to be a part of the project team. Develop a 2-3 page paper (650-750 words) in the form of a Microsoft Word document, not including the header and reference pages, defining the following:
How will project communications and interactions work between the project manager, the stakeholders and the project team?
What are some of the issues you, as the project manager will need to be concerned about in forming the project team?
What, if any, situational factors exist that may affect the project team?s performance?
What are some project pitfalls you will want to watch out for as you execute this project?
Project Management Case
You are working for a large, apparel design and manufacturing company, Trillo Apparel Company (TAC), headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico. TAC employs around 3000 people and has remained profitable through tough economic times. The operations are divided into 4 districts; District 1 ? North, District 2 ? South, District 3 ? West and District 4 ? East. The company sets strategic goals at the beginning of each year and operates with priorities to reach those goals.
Trillo Apparel Company Current Year Priorities
? Increase Sales and Distribution in the East
? Improve Product Quality
? Improve Production in District 4
? Increase Brand Recognition
? Increase Revenues
Company Details
Company Name: Trillo Apparel Company (TAC)
Company Type: Apparel design and production
Company Size: 3000 employees
Position # Employees
Owner/CEO 1
Vice President 4
Chief Operating Officer 1
Chief Financial Officer 1
Chief Information Officer 1
IT Department 38
District Manager 4
Sales Team 30
Accountant 12
Administrative Assistant 7
Order Fullfilment 45
Customer Service 57
Designer 24
Project Manager 10
Maintenance 25
Operations 2500
Shipping Department 240
Total Employees 3000
Products: Various Apparel
Corporate Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
TAC Organization Chart
District 4 Production Warehouse Move Project Details
The business has expanded considerably over the past few years and District 4 in the East has outgrown its current production facility. Because of this growth the executives want to expand the current facility, moving the whole facility 10 miles away. The location selected has enough room for the production and the shipping department. However, the current warehouse needs some renovation to accommodate the district?s operational needs.
The VP of Operations estimates the production and shipping warehouse move for District 4 will provide room required to generate the additional $1 million/year product revenues to meet the current demand due to the expanded production capacity. Daily production generates $50,000 revenue so a week of downtime will cost $250,000 in lost revenues.
The move must be completed in 4 months.
Mileage between the old and new facilities is 10 miles.
Bids have been received from contractors to build out the new office space and production floor and have signed contracts for work as follows:
Activity Company Providing Services Total Contract Supplies Time Needed
Pack, move and unpack production equipment City Equipment Movers $150,000 n/a 5 Days
Move non-production equipment and materials Express Moving Company $125,000 n/a 5 Days
Framing East Side Framing & Drywall $121,000 $125,000 15 Days
Electrical Sparks Electrical $18,000 $12,000 10 Days
Plumbing Waterworks Plumbing $15,000 $13,000 10 Days
Drywall East Side Framing & Drywall $121,000 $18,000 15 Days
Finish Work Woodcraft Carpentry $115,000 $15,000 15 Days
Build work benches for production floor Student Workers Carpentry $112,000 $110,000 15 Days
Production workdays are Monday through Saturday. The actual move must be completed in 5 days for as little disruption to production activities as possible. All contractors are on other projects but have been booked in advance. The contractors will gain the necessary permits and schedule city and county inspections but these tasks need to be identified separately due to the length of time it can take. Permitting and inspections can take from one to three weeks, depending upon schedule and the flexibility of the inspector. The new warehouse is empty and can be accessed immediately. Framing cannot start until the permits are received. Electrical and plumbing can begin as soon as the framing is finished. Drywall cannot start until the electrical and plumbing inspections are complete. After the drywall is completed, final inspections will be completed by the county and city. After both the county and city have passed the new construction, finish work can begin. Building the product floor work benches can occur at any time before the move occurs. more
Summarize the two most important tools and techniques used in effective managing project teams.
Provide an example of how these tools were applied in your work environment. Why did you select these as the two most critical tools?
Provide an example of how these tools were applied in your work environment. http://www.projectsatwork.com/content/articles/238750.cfm
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Introduction to Programme Management
The essay should address aspects related to manage scheduling, supply management, project team recruiting, resource allocation, time/cost tradeoffs, risk assessment, task coordination, team-building, progress monitoring, and post-project assessment and tools of project management as a process
Main Course book:
BURKE, Rory. Introduction to project Management.
Burke Pub , January 2007
The final paper will be a comprehensive research review of the significant principles of project management and how to use project management as a discipline to successfully achieve organizational obj...ectives. The final paper must be 8-10 double-spaced pages, excluding title and reference pages, and formatted in APA style.
This final research paper must demonstrate the understanding of new learning in the field of project management. This is an assignment with a minimum of eight pages that should integrate the reading, multi-media and class discussion boards, and also reflect on professional experience where possible. It is mandatory to have research from the classroom text, as well as three sources from the internet or online library to support your views. Consider the validity of your resources carefully before using them in academic papers. Use at least one project you have been a team member or a project management as an example to describe the topics below:
The following topics must be reviewed in order for the paper to be complete:
? Project life-cycle management and the benefits of project management to an organization.
? Project organizations and the importance of leadership and sponsorship
? Project team building, including techniques of successful team building
? Techniques for project scope definition and the importance of managing scope throughout a project.
? Creation of a work breakdown structure, and how and project manager breaks down the overall project into packages.
? Comment on the need for contingency planning and why it can help keep a project on schedule.
? Concept of a phase review and why it is important to sponsors.
? The need for PM software in large integrated programs and the benefits to the overall project management organization.
Include examples from projects in which you were a team member, project manager or from the examples from class readings and discussion boards.
? Must be eight- to ten- double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
? Must include a cover page that includes:
? Student's name
? Course name and number
? Title of paper
? Instructor's name
? Date submitted
? Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
? Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
? Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
? Must use at least five professional resources, including a minimum of two from ProQuest.
? Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources.
? Must include, on the final page, a Reference Page that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
Barkley, Bruce. Integrated Project Management, 1st Edition. McGraw-Hill more
1. Review the "Lessons Learned" section of the project risk diagram. Describe how the Lessons Learned activity helps you become a stronger project manager, who else it helps in the project team... and also describe how it helps PMO. 200 words
2. A contingency is described in Chapter six as "alternate plans" on page 102. How does risk identification help with project contingency planning? Provide an example of a specific contingency plan you have ever used, and why it was necessary. 200 words
3.Two or three page paper below
Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) for a project you have involved in professionally, or a common activity around the house that would span more than one month. This particular WBS can be in outline form, with more than two but no more than five high level work packages with no more than 3 tasks in each work package. Assign resources to each task, and provide an appendix for the high level skills required for the task. Identify one work package that could use a contingency plan, and write describe that plan in one hundred words or less. The paper should include a minimum of two scholarly sources, in addition to the text.
Example WBS: Project Name ? New Swimming Pool
? Create Budget ? 2 weeks
? Task 1- Accountant
? Task 2- Accountant
? Design Pool ? 2 weeks
? Task 1- Designer
? Task 2- Designer
? Build Pool - 6 Weeks
? Task 1- Construction
? Task 2- Construction more
********I request the Writer ORIENTED*********
Case Study 2: Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth
Due Week 4 and worth 240 points
Read the case titled: ?Project Leader...ship Roles at TriHealth? found in Chapter 3. This assignment is about developing a specific project team for TriHealth.
Write a 3-5 page paper in which you:
1.Identify the common roles in a human resource project. Then, analyze these roles to typical human resource functions.
2.Reorganize any two (2) roles at TriHealth that result in shared responsibilities and then state why you chose those two roles.
3.Suggest the short-term and long-term effects on the company with roles being shared among employees.
4.Analyze the need for an additional role. Then, propose a new role and its proposed impact.
5.Use at least four (4) resources in this assignment.
Your assignment must:
?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
?Assess organizational strategies that contribute to effective project management of human resources.
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in managing human resource projects.
?Write clearly and concisely about managing human resource projects using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to access the rubric for this assignmen more
Note: I would like "Bolavens" to write my paper
Term Paper
Assignment: Produce a research paper that investigates the major opportunities, challenges, and methods of virtual project t...eams and addresses related global issues and their impact on virtual project teams. The term paper is valued at 20% of your final grade and is due Wednesday, April 20th.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to conduct research on the challenging topic of virtual project teams. You should clearly define virtual project teams, convey their importance, and explain their role in the global environment. You should formally present and analyze this topic and include your own viewpoint and recommendations. This paper must consist of much more than just your opinion. You must define the topic and its importance by providing a thorough background on virtual project teams and reference a variety of credible and relevant sources. A recommended structure for the paper is given at the end of this assignment.
Format of Paper: In general follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for writing research papers.
You should include at least five references other than the course text. You should use parenthetical citing for all references. Footnotes and reference numbering are not necessary with this method, but you still must cite all references in the text at the point where they are used and list complete references alphabetically in the references section of the paper. The paper should be double spaced and 6-8 pages in length (excluding the title page, figures, graphs and references) and cover the topic thoroughly. 10 or 12 point font should be used. Since conciseness is an important writing skill, the double spaced 7-10 page limit will be strictly enforced.
The structure of the paper should include at a minimum the following:
Title Page
Executive Summary (approximately one half page)
o Provide a brief overview of virtual project teams and introduce why they are a challenging and important project management issue.
o Briefly discuss the major issues of virtual project teams.
o Briefly discuss your recommendations.
Background (approximately 2-3 pages)
o Provide background information and details concerning virtual project teams that convey the importance and challenges of this topic.
Analysis (approximately 3-5 pages)
o Provide a detailed presentation of major issues, opportunities, and concerns related to virtual project teams.
o Present and justify your recommendations and conclusions in detail.
Summary (approximately one half page)
o Summarize the topic of virtual project teams and its importance (without simply repeating the executive summary).
o Briefly restate your recommendations and conclusions.
o Mention future research that would further advance this topic.
o List all references using the parenthetical citing method. (Cite all references in the text at the point where they are used and list complete references alphabetically in the references section of the paper)
The paper will be evaluated based on the following:
? 25% - Professional Presentation ? Appropriate format, grammar, structure, etc.
? 25% - Thoroughness of Coverage ? Was the topic of virtual project teams covered at a reasonable level of complexity and depth as it relates to project management?
? 25% - Persuasiveness of Your Argument ? How well did you present and justify your recommendations and conclusions?
? 25% - Global perspective ? How well did you identify, evaluate, and integrate global factors and events that affect virtual project teams? more
ITM 423
This Module's Case is about how to develop a successful project team. The core of the case is a description of an actual team development situation:
Poole, C. (2003).... Three week project turnaround. Retrieved from http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ThreeWeekProjectTurnaround or http://www.charliepoole.org/article.php?p=turnaround
Russ Finney's article on "Winning Project Teams" talks about some of the principles Poole reports having implemented:
Finney, R. (2005). Winning project teams. ITMWeb. Retrieved from http://www.itmweb.com/essay003.htm
Essay Tree. (2011). Lessons learned from a three week project turnaround: What went right, what went wrong and why. Retrieved from http://essaytree.com/it-management/lessons-learned-from-the-three-week-project-turnaround-what-went-right-what-went-wrong-and-why/
XProgramming.com. (2011). What is extreme programming? Retrieved from http://xprogramming.com/xpmag/whatisxp
Flynn, A., & Mangione, T. (2011). Five steps to a winning project team. Retrieved from http://www.projectsmart.co.uk/five-steps-to-a-winning-project-team.html
And then there are pieces of "practice wisdom" on the team development process, such as:
PMHut. (2011) Six characteristic stages of team development: The project life cycle. The Project Management Hut. Retrieved from http://www.pmhut.com/six-characteristic-stages-of-team-development
Webster, M. (2011) Six 5 tips to motivate your project team. The project life cycle. The Project Management Hut. Retrieved from http://www.pmhut.com/5-tips-to-motivate-your-project-team
Overall, it seems as though we know a lot about how to create and deploy successful project teams. So why is there such frustration and so many reported failures?
As noted earlier, you should also consult material from the Background Information or related other materials you find yourself (be sure to reference properly whatever specific sources you draw on). You may want to do some further searching in the project management support websites.
When you've read through the articles and related material, scanned the websites, and thought about it carefully, please prepare a short (4-5 page) paper discussing the question:
"What an IT manager must do to create and maintain a successful project team"
You should probably be prepared to address issues such as the definition of "success", costs and benefits involved, and who either receives or pays them, sources of pressure on the team and its management, and responsibilities incurred by the various participants. more
Ref.: Order #A2046659
?Andreennd?, I am paying for 8 pages to add on those 16 pages that you are working on now. All those pages need to be literature review (24 pages total).
Below is the conversation that we had, before it closed on me:
amby jomomerritt # A2046659 :okay, let me check on that for you. One more thing is this a proposal paper for a dissertation? Does she basically want the whole 26 pages to be literature review?
2011-Nov-18 10:42 pmby Me # A2046659: Well how can I pay for those additional 10 pages? I need at least 26 pages total.
2011-Nov-18 04:37 pmby jomomerritt # A2046659: okay i can do the literature review which will be the 16 pages for you and we can add that to your previous 10 pages.
2011-Nov-18 09:15 amby Me # A2046659: Yes she wants me to write on this topic : "How Can Project Managers Oversee Virtual Project Teams in the Manufacturing Industry with Consideration for Effective Communication?" and not on "Virtual Project Teams".
Question 1.
Sir John Egan's reports "Rethinking Construction" (1998) and "Accelerating Change" (2002) identified the importance of the integrated process and supporting integrated teams for national and international projects.
Compare and contrast the issues surrounding integrated project teams. Give an example where the supply has incurred delay through poor integration of the process.
Question 2.
Identify and discuss the typical insurances, bonds and warranties that may be needed for a project.
Note. All reference to use Harvard system. The marks for the two questions are equal however I leave it to the writer to write the paper based on either 60-40 or 50-50 split.
Please answer these 6 questions individually.
1. Thinking back to a recent group project in which you participated, how effective were you as a team member? What behaviors did you engage in that c...ontributed to your effectiveness and the group?s effectiveness? What were sources of conflict within the group, and how were they resolved? Please be specific. (200 words)
2. The lines between leading and managing are sometimes blurred in practice. What factors (e.g., technology, the economy, etc.) do you believe are responsible for making this distinction so vague? (75 words)
3. Identify the stages of team development. Define the main issues at each stage and the actions that the project can take to assist the team through each stage. (75 words)
4. If you were creating a project team for an organization, what kinds of factors would you take into consideration in deciding the composition of the team? Would these factors be different if you were putting together a problem-solving team? Why, or why not? (75 words)
5. Is there a cause-and-effect relationship between leader behavior and follower performance? What is the nature of the direction of the relationship? How strong is the relationship? Please use examples from personal experience to support your position?
(75 words)
6. What is the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict? Can conflict that starts off as functional become dysfunctional? Can dysfunctional conflict be changed to functional conflict? (75 words) more
You identified the people you need for the project team, talked with the various department heads, and shared the time and skill requirements. All the departments are able to provide people to ...the project at the levels needed. The person from Design who normally participates heavily in this type of project, however, is on leave for the first six months of the project. You and the department manager were able to agree on replacing the one full-time person with two part-time people. The first person will be able to work on the project approximately 15 ? 20 hours per week and can cover the tasks that require more design expertise. The design department manager has instead offered the following people from whom you can choose to cover the remaining tasks:
Russell Smith ? design specialist. Russell is in the same role as the person leaving but for a different product line. Russell is new to the company; however, he has been involved in creating a similar product at a prior company but in a more junior role. Russell is available to the project approximately 15 hours per week.
Katy Jones ? marketing specialist. Katy has been with the company for many years and is very familiar with the specifications, design implications, and production risks of many of the existing product lines, including one very similar to the new product. Katy is normally in a more senior design role on projects, which is the role being filled by the other person. Katy is available to the project approximately 10 hours per week.
Write a memo (about five paragraphs long) to your manager describing your options, your recommended staffing decision, the possible risks or difficulties that may come from your choice, and how you will address those risks/difficulties. Describe how you will pull this person into the project team and get their buy-in on the project?s charter and their role on the project.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. more
Please answer each questions with inline citation and list references,
I. Read the case study attached, The Problems of Multitasking:
1. How does multitasking confuse the resource availability of project team personnel?
2. In modern organizations, it is impossible to eliminate multitasking for the average employee? Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
3. How would resource loading and/or resource leveling help this situation?
II. Reducing Project Duration
describe crashing, fast tracking, and scope reduction as means of schedule compression. When would each be appropriate? Which methods are considered better first-choice methods by most project sponsors? Outsourcing can help you get it done for less money. If you have internal resources available to do the work and you outsource because you think it is cheaper, do you really save money?
Each student will research and submit an Integrative Learning Project (ILP). The ILP will be written in APA format, and have the following as major elements:
1) Title Page
2) Table of Contents
3) Abstract (1 page)
4) Introduction/Organizational Setting (2 pages)
In the section, describe, in your own words, the following:
The mission of your organization, i.e., what product or service is provided, to what intended markets, and how the product or service is distinct from those offered by competitors
who your customers are (internal and external)
what value you add to this organization (how you help the organization achieve its mission).
Integration of Chapter Concepts to your Organizational Setting. (14 pages)
This section of your Project requires at least of graduate-level content and analysis. For each topic below, provide a comprehensive description, what benefit it may offer to your organization, references to success in other organizations, and what needs to be done especially well to successfully implement this topic in your organization.
Defining and Project
Planning the Project
The Project Portfolio
The Project Life Cycle
Organizing the Project Team
Project Plans
Scheduling the Project
Controlling the Project
There are faxes for this order.
Below is your assignment for this subject. Please read the brief and instructions thoroughly.
Your task is to analyse an actual project.? You can choose one of two options for your ...assignment task:
Option 1. Propose a new project.? This could be a potential new project that you or your organisation have in mind.
Option 2. Appraise an existing or past project. ?This could be any one of these:
appraisal of an activity you believe would be improved by managing as a project; or
appraisal of an existing work project you are currently involved with; or
appraisal of an activity you were involved with in the past that you believe could have been (better) managed as a project.
Write a report about your project.?Your report should include:
A brief description of the organisational setting and the project environment to ensure the reader understands the context in which the project is set.
An outline of the objectives of the project and the importance of the project to the organisation.
A detailed overview and analysis of the use of relevant project management concepts, tools and techniques demonstrating knowledge and understanding of project management as covered in the subject. ?This section should comprise the main part of your assignment.
The analysis should cover the following as a minimum:
How the project should be defined
How project times and costs are estimated
A discussion of the project plan
The management of project risk
Resource scheduling
Project team issues
Project performance management
All of the concepts in the list above should be addressed, but some of them may be more important for your particular project than others. ?Feel free to focus your analysis more heavily on the issues that particularly impact your project.
Please note: your assignment must adhere to the following file formats:
Only Microsoft Word format will be accepted for the Assignment.
Only Microsoft Word or Excel, or pdf formats will be accepted for any Appendices.
Important Assignment Instructions
The required word length for this assignment is 2500 words (plus or minus 10%).
In terms of structure, presentation and style you are normally required to use:
? ?- ? Harvard style referencing (which includes in-text citations plus a reference list).?
Reference lists normally contain the following number of relevant references from different sources: 6-12 (for MBA assignments).
All references must be from credible sources such as books, industry related journals, magazines, company documents and recent academic articles.?
The reference book for the subject is Project Management The Managerial process by Larson, Honig, Gray, Dantin and Baccarini. more
if possible i wish Writers
Q1. Under what conditions would it be advisable to use a project matrix instead of a dedicated project team?
Q2. You work for LL company, which manufacturers high-end optical scopes for hunting rifles. LL company has been the market leader for the past 20 years and has decided to diversify by applying its technology to develop a top-quality binocular. what kind of project management structure would you recommend they use for this project? What information would you like to have to make this recommendation, and why?
Q3. what is the difference between a project limit and project exclusion?
Consider that you are a project manager leading a critical project for a company in a fully projectised organisation. Three months ago, you replaced the previous project manager, who had been leading ...the project for over a year, before he resigned from the company. The project team consists of 60 people, who have been working on the project for more than 2 years. Of the 60 people, 40 are full-time on the project and the other 20 are shared across at least one other project. Originally, the project had an expected duration of 15 months but had to be extended due to several reasons, including scope creep and low team morale. In month 18 of the 15-month- expected duration, the project duration was increased to a total of 30 months, with this revised completion date 6 months from now. All seemed to be going well, until nine key people working on the project resigned within a week. You later found out that all the people who resigned have plans to launch their own company, apparently with funding from a competitor.
To address the current situation, prepare a document that addresses the following questions:
1) How should you deal with this situation?
2) How would you feel about several team members resigning at almost the same time?
3) As a project manager, how should you ideally react to such a situation?
4) Given the history of low team morale, how would you convey this situation to your team?
5) Do you think that your leadership style will change from what it was before this development? Explain your answer.
6) What can you do to prevent the recurrence of a similar event in the future? more
*** We will offer more money for this one!!***
Project management (complex) in the arena of Shipbuilding, Ship repair, Engineering works (plants like Pharmaceutical, Refinery and Power Station or ...Steel Structural Building).Work scope of concern includes estimation, quotation, contract award, terms and conditions, planning, resources and manpower allocation, cash projection, scheduling, execution, work break down (WBS) milestone achievement (Gantt chart), productivity, cost and quality control as well as profitability.
There should be a project team and organization chart includes project champion or PM and technical project management staff like engineers and skilled workers. The work force sizes shall be around 200 men. Project location preferably Singapore based and I shall furnish name of the client as well the sub-contractor who is to carry out the proposed project. Case study project proposed to be 6-12 months with a total value of 5-US$5-8millions.
The project endeavor should have crisis solution in term of HR, financial, productivity, cost control and variation works. I would like to request the completion of literature review be completed and delivered before 20th Aug as I?ve got a dead line to meet on the 25th Aug 04. the full completion shall not be later than 9th Aug 04 because my deadline is on the 15th Aug. As I am in the MBA level in one of the UK second class Universities and am not a native speaker (IELTS 7) therefore, the standard of dissertation should be consistent to my level as well as the University standard. more
Select any real-life project and construct the project management life cycle from its conception to closure. It need not be a massive project but should have some interesting or unique... aspects to it.
Your report should include (but not limited to) the following elements:
? Project scope and definition
? Business case for the project including cost budget
? The project team structure and leadership criteria
? Project planning and scheduling process including
o A Work Breakdown Structure down to at least 3 levels
o A network diagram depicting 20-30 activities
? Stakeholder mapping and issues
? Monitoring and controlling the project including change management procedures
? The software project management and information systems used and why
? What would be involved in project closure and the content of final report
? Recommendations for similar future projects
It is accepted that you may not have full knowledge of the project details. Therefore you are required to state your assumptions and to justify them. You are also expected to support your practical application with the relevant theoretical underpinning. Avoid just describing your project; ensure that there is a critical appreciation of the issues involved.
It should include the following too, diagrams and charts to be used where ever applicable.
Executive summary
Project outline and scope
Work Breakdown Structure
Cost Estimate and cash flow
Project organisation structure and leadership
Project software & system integration
Network diagram
Monitoring and control
Project closure
(You can chose any project throughout the world, but as asked in the above question but it should be unique or should have some interesting aspect in it. The referencing style must be HArvad and the more from the latest journals are, the better it is. A weak answer is one that is mainly descriptive and a strong answer will depict a flow of argument that is focused and supported by the use of practical examples.
The theories and concepts and the references should have linkages to the selected project. They must demonstrate the ability to apply theory to the case and to explain its relevance.)
Incase of any help required plz feel free to mail me on aadil_8008@yahoo.com and i will reply back asap. I can also send u sample project, which certainly would help u in preparing this one. And plz i need it on monday as i have to submit it on tuesday morning. # more
I am working on team project in Project Management Class.
The following components are:
a) Description of the underlying problem, opportunity or challenge.
b) Project scope statement ...including: project objective, deliverables, milestones, technical requirements, limits and exclusions.
c) Project priority matrix
d) Work breakdown structure or process breakdown structure. Define several phases in the project. The total number of tasks in all phases should be at least 60 activities (MS Project)'
e) Network diagram by identifying dependencies among tasks and identify time estimates (include elapsed time, human resource and equipment rental hours) (MS Project)
f) List resources for the project. Determine the cost of each of the resources. Assign appropriate resources to each of the activities. (MS Project) Create a Responsibility matrix
g) Project communication plan
h) Risk assessment form and Risk response matrix
i) Project budget and duration (MS Project--this means we have to use the MS Project software)
j) Assume that the sponsor asked you to revise your project plan to finish the project ten days sooner than scheduled. Use project crashing methods to accomplish this. Share the new project plan and how you were able to accomplish this. What is the new project duration and cost?
ACME Incorporated is rolling out new desktops for specific business segments. John Wall, Vice President of IT, is serving as projectsponsor. In addition to rolling out the new machines, John wants to take this chance to implement a few Critical Security Controls at the user level. These include password policy (SANS CSC 16-8), account lockout policy (SANS CSC 16-9), and Screen Lock Policy (SANS CSC 16-6).
Technical background
1. Users are connected to specific shares in the file server cluster respective to their own department. (Example: Accounting to Accounting, Marketing to Marketing, etc.)
2. Users will also need to have local printers installed automatically
3. This should be a touch less deployment on the technical side. John wants less than 1 week (5 days) of technical interruption after deployment to get users back up and running.
200 new desktops will need to be deployed into the environmentacross 3 internal business units: Marketing, Sales, and Accounting. Implementation of the 3 Critical Security controls is also required.
$300k Max Total
1 Month
Project Charter Document
Project Name:
Focus Area:
Prepared By
Document Owner(s) Project/Organization Role
Project Charter Version Control
Version Date Author Change Description
[Replace this text with the name of the Document Owner.] Document created
[Replace this text with the name of the Change Owner.] [Replace this text with a list of changes for this Owner on this Date and Version.]
? [Change 1]
? [Change 2]
? [Change n]
4.1 Goals and Objectives 3
4.2 Departmental Statements of Work (SOW) 4
4.3 Organizational Impacts 4
4.4 Project Deliverables 4
4.5 Deliverables Out of Scope 4
4.6 Project Estimated Costs & Duration 4
5.1 Project Assumptions 4
5.2 Project Issues 4
5.3 Project Risks 4
5.4 Project Constraints 4
10.1 Document Guidelines 4
10.2 Project Charter Document Sections Omitted 4
[Replace the following text with your own statement of the Project Charter Purpose, or use the provided sample text.]
The project charter defines the scope, objectives, and overall approach for the work to be completed. It is a critical element for initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and assessing the project. It should be the single point of reference on the project for project goals and objectives, scope, organization, estimates, work plan, and budget. In addition, it serves as a contract between the Project Team and the Project Sponsors, stating what will be delivered according to the budget, time constraints, risks, resources, and standards agreed upon for the project.
[Replace this text with a high-level view of:
? project goals
? objectives
? scope
? assumptions
? risks
? costs
? timeline
? approach
? organization]
[Replace this text with the rationale and business justification for undertaking this project.]
4.1 Goals and Objectives
Goals Objectives
[Replace this text with Project Goals. For example: The project will provide an improved system for managing product returns.] [Replace this text with Objectives for each Goal. For example:
1. Develop a system by June that tracks an end-to-end process for 100% of product returns.
2. Integrate new system with Sales in order to improve customer satisfaction 40% by year end.]
4.2 Departmental Statements of Work (SOW)
Departmental SOW Owner/Prime Due Date/Sequence
4.3 Organizational Impacts
Organization Impact to and Participation of Organization
4.4 Project Deliverables
Milestone Deliverable
1. [Milestone Description] ? [Deliverable 1?description]
? [Deliverable 2?description]
? [Deliverable n?description]
2. [Milestone Description] ? [Deliverable 1?description]
? [Deliverable 2?description]
? [Deliverable n?description]
3. ?
4.5 Deliverables Out of Scope
[Replace this text with a description of key logical areas not considered part of the boundaries of this project. Examples of theseOut-of-Scope Deliverables may include data, processes, applications, or business management.]
4.6 Project Estimated Costs & Duration
Project Milestone Date Estimate Deliverable(s) Included Confidence Level
[Milestone 1] [mm/dd/yy] [Deliverable 1]
[Deliverable 2] [High/Medium/Low]
[Milestone 2] [mm/dd/yy] [Deliverable 1]
[Deliverable 2] [High/Medium/Low]
5.1 Project Assumptions
? [Assumption 1]
? [Assumption 2]
? [Assumption 3]
5.2 Project Issues
Priority Criteria
1?High-priority/critical-path issue; requires immediate follow-up and resolution.
2 ?Medium-priority issue; requires follow-up before completion of next project milestone.
3 ?Low-priority issue; to be resolved prior to project completion.
4?Closed issue.
# Date Priority Owner Description Status & Resolution
1 [mm/dd/yy] [Issue 1 description] [Replace this text with Status and Proposed or Actual Resolution.]
2 [mm/dd/yy] [Issue 2 description] [Replace this text with Status and Proposed or Actual Resolution.]
5.3 Project Risks
# Risk Area Likelihood RiskOwner Project Impact-Mitigation Plan
1 [Project Risk] [High/Medium/Low] [Replace this text with a description of the Mitigation Plan.]
2 [Project Risk] [High/Medium/Low] [Replace this text with a description of the Mitigation Plan.]
5.4 Project Constraints
? [Replace this text with a description of a Constraint.]
? [Constraint 2]
? [Constraint 3]
6 Project Structure Approach
[Replace this text with a description of how the project will be structured and what approach will be used to manage the project.
? What are the dependencies of the project?
? How will you Plan and Manage the project?]
7 Project Team Organization Plans
Project Team Role Project Team Member(s) Responsibilities
[Role Title] [Name(s)] [Replace this text with a description of the Role Responsibilities.]
Milestone Deliverable
[Name of Document/Reference] [Description with available hyperlinks]
Prepared by __________________________________
Project Manager
Approved by __________________________________
Project Sponsor
Executive Sponsor
Client Sponsor
10.1 Document Guidelines
10.2 Project Charter Document Sections Omitted
________________________________________ more
1.Review the "Lessons Learned" section of the project risk diagram. Describe how the Lessons Learned activity helps you become a stronger project manager, who else it helps in the project team and also describe how it helps PMO.
Three words please and one resource
2. A contingency is described in Chapter six as "alternate plans" on page 102. How does risk identification help with project contingency planning? Provide an example of a specific contingency plan you have ever used, and why it was necessary.
Three words please and one resource
Project Management: The Managerial Process 2nd edition Gray & Larson McGraw Hill ISBN: 0-07-283348-3 Font: Time New Roman, size 11 1.5 Space, 1 inch margin APA format (in-text citation and resources for each…
Read Full Paper ❯Project Management ??" Final Paper Text - Project Management ??" The Managerial Process ??" 5th Edition- Erik W Larson & Clifford G Gray, 2011 ??" McGraw Hill/Irwin A final paper that…
Read Full Paper ❯Project Management : A global consumer electronics company is looking to expand their business and aims to develop vehicle-mounted PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant). These vehicle-mounted PDAs are compact computer terminals which…
Read Full Paper ❯Project Management Activities The purpose of this paper is to select, describe, and justify an organization and project management activities for approval. I will provide the background on the…
Read Full Paper ❯Project Team and Stakeholder Management- Essay. This is a copy of what needs to be done base on the information I have provided. Read the project case for this…
Read Full Paper ❯Summarize the two most important tools and techniques used in effective managing project teams. Provide an example of how these tools were applied in your work environment. Why…
Read Full Paper ❯Introduction to Programme Management The essay should address aspects related to manage scheduling, supply management, project team recruiting, resource allocation, time/cost tradeoffs, risk assessment, task coordination, team-building, progress monitoring,…
Read Full Paper ❯The final paper will be a comprehensive research review of the significant principles of project management and how to use project management as a discipline to successfully achieve organizational…
Read Full Paper ❯1. Review the "Lessons Learned" section of the project risk diagram. Describe how the Lessons Learned activity helps you become a stronger project manager, who else it helps in the…
Read Full Paper ❯********I request the Writer ORIENTED********* Case Study 2: Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth Due Week 4 and worth 240 points Read the case titled: ?Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth? found in Chapter…
Read Full Paper ❯Note: I would like "Bolavens" to write my paper Term Paper Assignment: Produce a research paper that investigates the major opportunities, challenges, and methods of virtual project teams and addresses…
Read Full Paper ❯ITM 423 This Module's Case is about how to develop a successful project team. The core of the case is a description of an actual team development situation: Poole, C.…
Read Full Paper ❯Ref.: Order #A2046659 ?Andreennd?, I am paying for 8 pages to add on those 16 pages that you are working on now. All those pages need to be literature review…
Read Full Paper ❯Question 1. Sir John Egan's reports "Rethinking Construction" (1998) and "Accelerating Change" (2002) identified the importance of the integrated process and supporting integrated teams for national and international projects. Compare and…
Read Full Paper ❯Please answer these 6 questions individually. 1. Thinking back to a recent group project in which you participated, how effective were you as a team member? What behaviors did you…
Read Full Paper ❯You identified the people you need for the project team, talked with the various department heads, and shared the time and skill requirements. All the departments are able to…
Read Full Paper ❯Please answer each questions with inline citation and list references, I. Read the case study attached, The Problems of Multitasking: 1. How does multitasking confuse the resource availability of project team personnel?…
Read Full Paper ❯Each student will research and submit an Integrative Learning Project (ILP). The ILP will be written in APA format, and have the following as major elements: 1) Title Page 2)…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment Below is your assignment for this subject. Please read the brief and instructions thoroughly. Your task is to analyse an actual project.? You can choose one of two options for…
Read Full Paper ❯if possible i wish Writers Q1. Under what conditions would it be advisable to use a project matrix instead of a dedicated project team? Q2. You work for LL company,…
Read Full Paper ❯Consider that you are a project manager leading a critical project for a company in a fully projectised organisation. Three months ago, you replaced the previous project manager, who…
Read Full Paper ❯*** We will offer more money for this one!!*** Project management (complex) in the arena of Shipbuilding, Ship repair, Engineering works (plants like Pharmaceutical, Refinery and Power Station or Steel…
Read Full Paper ❯Quote Select any real-life project and construct the project management life cycle from its conception to closure. It need not be a massive project but should have some interesting…
Read Full Paper ❯I am working on team project in Project Management Class. The following components are: a) Description of the underlying problem, opportunity or challenge. b) Project scope statement including: project objective, deliverables, milestones,…
Read Full Paper ❯1.Review the "Lessons Learned" section of the project risk diagram. Describe how the Lessons Learned activity helps you become a stronger project manager, who else it helps in the…
Read Full Paper ❯