Professional Nursing Essays Prompts

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Request for Writer: GK!

Paper id=84959

Additional words request for recent completed paper.

Please could you ask the same writer if they could produce further content on this paper in the following area:

"Discus how the latest developments in gene therapy impact on the oncology nurse".

I need an application essay to nursing school.This is going to be my second degree and in my essay i have to explain why i want to change my career and what i can contribute to the field of nursing.
I will put down some information and my ideas that you can use while writing the essay.
My first degree is from my native country Ukraine. I am a teacher.I studied english and literature.I don't have a lot of experience in this field as the year i graduated from the university i came to this country. Unfortunately i don't have any impressive stories about why i decided to go into nursing. Just during my life i came across many minor reasons which accumulated and turned into big decision to become a nurse.
Coming to a different country was like starting my life all over again.In order To be a fulfilled and happy person i should have a family and a career.That was the first reason for going back to school. I always was impressed by the intelligence of the people who work in the medical field.And after i had some health problems i realized that i wouldn't mind learning about the physiology of human body.i think When you have an opportunity to learn something new and as important as human body you should use it.I also think that nursing and teaching have a lot in common.You give your care and your knowledge to people and you receive gratitude and this great feeling of being needed.
I am not sure if it is a good comparison to use in an essay but to describe myself i would say that there are to types of people those who like accepting presents and those who like giving presents.And the best part for those who make presents is to observe how much happiness the presents can bring.I belong to the second type of people i that's why i chose teaching many years ago and this is the reason for me to choose nursing now.
I don't have many ideas about my contribution to the field.
Here's all i have to say about this part...
They say nursing is a very demanding and challenging career.And my first serious challenge in life was coming to this country.My husband and i came to the USA 2 years ago.We started our lives having no friends,no family,no support,no money.We knew nothing about this country and our first steps were extremely hard,but on the other hand i learnt how to survive ,how to be responsible. This situation made me realize that every time you overcome an obsticle you become stronger and more experienced in this life. I believed in myself and now i am sure i am strong enough to meet any challenge.
This is all i wanted to share with you.Hope this is not very bad and you include it into the essay.
Thank you :)

Disaster in Franklin County

Western Governors Univ Paper- Attachment is a paper from this site. PLEASE rework/reword the entire thing including the references, but the content is correct from the simulation.

The plagarism software will detect any similar pieces from the attached paper.

Task/Headings of essay:

After completing the simulation, write an essay (suggested length of 3?4 pages) in which you do the following:

A. Explain the role of the major public health personnel, including the public health nurse, involved in the disaster.

B. Describe the chain of command that was used in the simulation for the community health nurse.

C. Discuss the resources available to the community health nurse to deal with situations outside the nurse?s scope of practice.

D. Describe actions taken by the community health nurse when encountered with possible emergency situations during the door-to-door interviews.

E. Describe actions taken by the community health nurse to help the people who were interviewed cope with the situations after the flooding.

1. Discuss techniques that were used or could have been used to calm the fears of the people interviewed.

F. Discuss how other nursing personnel could be prepared to help in responding to a similar emergency with a much larger affected area (e.g., the effect of Hurricane Katrina).

Writer?s Just answer the question straight.

#1) Visit a website such as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement at and familiarize yourself with the nursing quality indicators.

How do these quality indicators reflect or not reflect the quality of nursing practice?(200 words)

#2) Visit a website such as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement at and familiarize yourself with the nursing quality indicators.How does your organization use these quality indicators to enhance patient safety? (200words)

#3) Visit a website such as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement at and familiarize yourself with the nursing quality indicators.

How will the measurement of these indicators improve or detract from the ability to provide quality care?(150)

Assessment Tools Analysis

Purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with the opportunity to examine assessment tools that evaluate on-physical measures. Applying Watson?s Theory of Human caring integrates the mind-body-spirit dimensions. Nurses should be knowledgeable in tools to expand the abilities of nurses to assess and evaluate clients in various stages and states of health, illness, stress and life.

? Prepare and submit a 1,050 ? 1,400 word, APA-formatted paper, which includes:
o A selection of three assessment tools below
o Using the Online Library, research the selected tools
o Describe each tool and the population for which it might be useful. State data about tool such as cost, length, and ease in using tool, for what populations it is best designed, and validity of information gained
o Describe how this tool could enhance the assessment phase of the nursing process and impact quality of health care delivered by the nurse
? Apply these tools to the vulnerable population described in the Vulnerable Population and Self-Awareness assignment of Week Two

Assessment Tools:
Adult Life Stress Measurement
Beck Depression Inventory
Calgary Family Assessment Model
Coping Resources Inventory for Stress
Daily Hassles Scale
Derogatis Stress Profile
Dysfunctional Attitude Scale
Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale
Family Hardiness Index
Feetham Family Functioning Survey
Hassles and Uplifts Inventory
Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HLPL-II)
Health Self-Determination Index (HSDI)
Health Self-Determination Index for Children (HSDI-C)
Index of Core Spiritual Experiences
Mini-Mental State Exam
Perceived Stress Scale
Schoolager?s Coping Strategies Inventory
Social Support Questionnaire
Spiritual Involvement & Beliefs Scale
Spiritual Perspective Scale
Spiritual Well-Being Scale
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
Stress Warning Signals Inventory
Ways of Coping Questionnaire
Well Being Picture Scale

Assessment Tools Analysis

Purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with the opportunity to examine assessment tools that evaluate on-physical measures. Applying Watson?s Theory of Human caring integrates the mind-body-spirit dimensions. Nurses should be knowledgeable in tools to expand the abilities of nurses to assess and evaluate clients in various stages and states of health, illness, stress and life.

? Prepare and submit a 1,050 ? 1,400 word, APA-formatted paper, which includes:
o A selection of three assessment tools below
o Describe each tool and the population for which it might be useful. State data about tool such as cost, length, and ease in using tool, for what populations it is best designed, and validity of information gained
o Describe how this tool could enhance the assessment phase of the nursing process and impact quality of health care delivered by the nurse
? Apply these tools to the vulnerable population- HOMELESS YOUTH
Assessment Tools:
Adult Life Stress Measurement
Beck Depression Inventory
Calgary Family Assessment Model
Coping Resources Inventory for Stress
Daily Hassles Scale
Derogatis Stress Profile
Dysfunctional Attitude Scale
Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale
Family Hardiness Index
Feetham Family Functioning Survey
Hassles and Uplifts Inventory
Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HLPL-II)
Health Self-Determination Index (HSDI)
Health Self-Determination Index for Children (HSDI-C)
Index of Core Spiritual Experiences
Mini-Mental State Exam
Perceived Stress Scale
Schoolager?s Coping Strategies Inventory
Social Support Questionnaire
Spiritual Involvement & Beliefs Scale
Spiritual Perspective Scale
Spiritual Well-Being Scale
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
Stress Warning Signals Inventory
Ways of Coping Questionnaire
Well Being Picture Scale

As part of your course grade, you are to formally submit the answer to ONE question per set to your instructor electronically below. Do not simply copy and paste information from other sources, answers should reflect critical thinking about the issues. Include at least 2 outside sources. (2-3 pages)

1. Given the statement Evidenced based practice is important to nursing practice, present an argument to convince someone that this is true. Ensure you provide substantial information about what EBP is.

2. Differentiate between the positivist and naturalistic paradigms and their research methods. Differentiate between basic and applied research, give at least one example of each.

There are faxes for this order.

Essay have to be link to scenario,which I need so send by email and all instruction.
This essay is for Promoting Indyvidual Care.
University of West London (UK) nursing course.

BSN the Job of a Nurse Is

I need a personal essay that will explain why I want to continue my education from RN (registered nurse) to BSN. I have to get my BSN in order to go achieve my masters in anesthesiology to become a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiology). I do not want the essay to reflect that is the only reason I am getting my BSN. I love furthering my education but hospitals right now are requiring that you get your BSN.

Below is the description:

Personal Essay
Directions: Explain why you would like to complete your BSN degree and what you would like to do in the future as a nurse. This essay is an opportunity to introduce yourself to the committee. You are also encouraged to include an explanation or description of your situation or circumstances not fully described elsewhere in the application, which may deserve consideration of the admissions committee. Write no more than two typed doublespaced
pages with 1-inch margins in standard 12-point font. Essays will be scored for content and the quality of writing, including spelling and grammar.

Health Promotion Across the Lifespan:
Mr. and Mrs. Arahan Case Study (Chapter 2, Page 41)

Instructions: Complete the following exercise using the case study (An Older Immigrant Couple: Mr. and Mrs. Arahan) case study (will be faxed). Be prepared to discuss your findings via discussion in class.

Be sure to include the question with your answers that are in complete sentences, and must be one paragraph or more.

1) Which model or models of health are most applicable to Mr. and Mrs. Arahan and their family ? And Why?

2) Which "Healthy People 2020" (web site) objectives are of greatest importance to the Arahan family?

3) What effect do the leading Health Indicators have upon the family?

4) What preventative measures could be performed at the following levels?
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary

5) Correlate each preventative measure to the appropriate Healthy People 2020 Objective ?and Leading Health Indicator?

6) How would you begin a dialog between Mr. and Mrs. Arahan and their daughter?

7) What cultural aspects should be considered when discussing alternative housing arrangements for Mr. and Mrs. Arahan?

8) Discuss the services the parish nurse could offer Mr. and Mrs. Arahn?

TOPIC: Communication and Education to Promote Change

Who provides formal and informal leadership within your practicum setting? What power and/or authority do these individuals hold?
How has this influenced planning for and implementing change in the past?

In this Discussion, you analyze the dynamics of your practicum setting with attention toward developing political acumen, which can be highly beneficial in your effort to facilitate evidence-based change. You also consider the need for education and methods that could be used to promote knowledge integration among various stakeholders. As you probe these issues, your goal is to develop strategies for building alliances that would support the successful implementation of the change you are proposing for your practicum experience.

To prepare:

1. How would you describe the distribution of formal and informal power, as well as authority, within your practicum setting?

2. Think about the constellation of professional roles.

3. Which ones are most salient for the change you are proposing?

4. Who holds each of these roles?

5. Who else within the organization might have political clout and be able to serve as an ally?

6. What approach would you take to build productive alliances and generate buy-in for your proposed change?

7. How do you anticipate that this change would cascade through the environment?

8. What strategies would you employ to generate wide-scale interest and investment in your proposed change, as well as the education necessary for successful adoption?

9. Evaluate specific structures related to communication, training, organizational culture, and other factors that relate to the implementation of sustainable change.

10. What kinds of issues related to organizational structure and culture or interpersonal dynamics could pose a challenge for creating buy-in and/or promoting knowledge integration?

11. In addition to reviewing other Learning Resources, be sure to speak with individuals in your practicum setting and conduct additional research to enrich your thinking for this Discussion.

POST a cohesive response that addresses the following:

1. Based on the specifics of your practicum experience and evidence from the literature, what strategies would you employ to communicate with and educate various stakeholders?

2. How would you engage the support of those with power and authority?

3. Explain how this would facilitate the successful implementation of your proposed evidence-based change.

4. What are potential challenges for knowledge integration?

5. How might you address those challenges?


One of the key components of the health care system is the health care professional. Nurses, who happen to make up the majority of the public health care workforce, have seen their work roles change as a result of the current U.S. nurse shortage. Research and discuss how the nurses roles have changed as a result of these shortages. Describe at least three (3) recruitment methods companies are using as a means to fill their vacancies. Based on your research, which of these three (3) methods do you feel will work the best and why.

Go to the NSU College of Nursing website at
(1) Compare the NSU College of Nursing mission and
philosophy statements with the statements of one of the programs you selected for Assignment 2A.
Use University of Alabama nursing school at for comparison.
(2) Write a summary of the comparison of similarities and differences between NSU and University of Alabama nursing schools.
(3) State to what degree the mission and philosophy statements fulfill the criteria for mission statements identified in Billings and Halstead textbook. (See attached files for text information.)
Use APA format and list references.

Conundrum in Healthcare Financing

The current conundrum in healthcare financing in the United States - How has this issue affected you as a nurse professionally or personally? Relate the incident to the readings such as the impact on quality cost and practice.

What particular insights did could be gained from taking a course about healthcare and information technology? How could learning about this enable the representation concerning the interests of nursing as a result of this course? How so?

Request for GK!

****Background: Within the field of Cancer Care various symptoms are found.
The following paper is to address just one of these symptoms, that being
'Venous thromboembolism' with regard to a cancer patient side effect .

**Venous thromboembolism is a common occurrence in patients with malignant
disease. Venous thromboembolism is frequent complication of active
malignancy and has been repeatedly identified as a marker of poor outcome in
patients with cancer. Many cancer patients reportedly have hypercoaguable
state, with recurrent thrombosis due to the impact of cancer cells and
chemotherapy on coagulation cascade.

****Question: Consider 'Venous thromboembolism', a symptom of 'Cancer
Patients', its pathophysiology (the study of the disturbance of normal
mechanical, physical, ... normal physiological processes ) and its nursing

Critically analyse:-

. The physiological basis of this side effect;
. The method by which this side effect is managed;
. The evidence that supports that the method by which this side effect is
managed. (note: this evidence may include established procedures, published
literature and professional experience).

Do not give my paper to researchpro, I prefer Nicole

Write a paper in which you analyze and appraise each of the (15) articles which I sent through the mail. Pay particular attention to evidence that supports the problem, issue, or deficit, and your proposed solution.

Organize your analysis of each article using the following sample format:

(Cioffi, J., Purcal, N., & Arundell, F. (2005). ?A pilot study to investigate the effect

of a simulation strategy on the clinical decision making of midwifery students.?

Journal of Nursing Education, 44(3), 131-134. this is only sample my topic is different)

(Summarize each articles in 1-2 should adress the following

1)Summary of Article:

2)Research Elements: Design, Methods, Population, Strengths, Limitations:

3)Outcome(s): Research Results:

4)Significance to Nursing and Patient Care:

Total of 30 paragraphs

I need abstract ?separate one page ?

This is separate paper , you should write as a different paper , I dont want to order separately , because you are the one who writing my initial project so its easy for you to complete , otherwise I have describe everything .If I need to order to separately plz let me know
Incorporating theory

Identified a theory that can be used to support proposed solution

3) Write a summary (250-500 words) in which you:
Main components of theory described.
a) Describe the theory and your rationale for selecting the theory

b) Discuss how the theory works to support your proposed solution

c) Explain how you will incorporate the theory into your project

Using Melaine McEwen and Evelyn M. Wills text book THEORETICAL BASIS FOR NURSING 3RD EDITION, CHAPTER 13, please answer the following questions about BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES IN NURSING.

1. Describe one biomedical theory or model frequently used in health care and provide your rational for how it relates to improve patients outcomes.
2. describe one biomedical theory or model that is utilized in your specific practice area. provide at least 4 exampes related to its application

WRITER CAN REFER TO THESE ARTICLES TOO: Antiretroviral therapy as HIV prevention: steps and prospects
Writer can use other articles for references too

Annotated Bibliography in Nursing using 2 professional peer reviewed nursing journals or articles that are based on the assessment of pain, depressive or stress related disorders use of pain assessment tools or end of life and or palliative care. APA format, including an introduction and conclusion. 75-100 word paragraph summarizing each article, it;s content, and it's applicability to nursing. Use writer USERNAME writingptb

This admissions essay is for my girlfriend. She's trying to get into the Beth Israel School For Nursing. As such, it's obviously more of a "what are your specific personal reasons" type of essay, but we can be a little generic in that regard. Having said that, here are the three questions that are asked for the essay:

Q: What factors influenced your decision to choose nursing as a career?
A: A large portion of the women in her family have gone into the healthcare profession, and she would like to continue the tradition. Also, she has a genuine interest in helping people and realizes that the healthcare profession is only going to be need more qualified people in the future, so it's a good growth industry. You can fill in the rest generically.

Q: What are your plans for the future in nursing?
A: My girl's ultimate goal is to become a pediatric specialist. Family once again plays a strong influence here, as there are a lot of young children in her family, and she loves them all a great deal, and considering we're planning on having kids of our own, it's very appealing. But in the short term, obviously becoming the best nurse she can be. You can fill in the rest generically.

Q: What accomodations have you made in your life to prepare for a career in nursing?
A: The accomodations started early, beginning with high school and her selection of school, Clara Barton High School in New York, and their healthcare program. She's also attended a technical/trade school, The Allen School in Brooklyn, NY, in an attempt not only to obviously gain that practical experience through internships, but to also better her chances of being accepted to Beth Israel. You can fill in the rest generically.

I'm going to say thank you in advance. I probably haven't made your job much easier, and this is probably one of your weirder requests. I'm going to recommend this site to my friends and say thanks again. I'm sure the work you guys will weave together will be better than anything the two of us could have come up with.

Discussion Board # 2 Assignment: The assignment for the discussion forum ties in with the key concepts presented in chapters 25 - 29 (lecture and ppt notes attached) concerning vulnerability. You will find common factors for vulnerability such as gender, race, age, ethnicity and poverty in the victims of human trafficking. With this assignment, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge of these key concepts and meet the learning objectives:

Human Trafficking awareness:
1) view the power point notes attached
2) After reviewing the Human Trafficking ppt, respond to the following questions using the criteria on the rubric (below). Pay Close Attention to addressing the content of the questions, response to classmates and the discussion activity sections of this rubric.
3) What are your thought concerning the issue of Human Trafficking and vulnerable populations after seeing the Human Trafficking Power Point?
4) From the Power Point, how can you use the nursing process to protect and promote the health of these vulnerable populations?
5) From the textbook (Community & Public Health Nursing by Allender), what tools do you have as a community / public health nurse to serve vulnerable populations such as human trafficking victims?

1) Answer in a word document
2) Questions are answered and presented in an insightful depth analysis and thorough explanation of the content related to the health question.
3)Answers are well developed and offers clear connections and integrations of past knowledge or experiences with present content in the health discussion answers.
4) Answers present creative nursing interventions, implications, or solutions to the health discussion question.
5) Responses contain thorough and thought provoking information. Builds upon others' posts and responses to enhance discussion of the questions.

Nursing Tools and Strategies to

use CINAHL to find article

Authors: Aird T & McIntosh M.
Date 2004
Title: Nursing Assessment: Nursing Tools and Strategies to Assess Cognition and Confusion
Journal: British Journal of Nursing volume 13, issue 10, pages 621-625

Workplace Violence

Access the Articles:
- SigmaTheta Tau (International Nursing Honor Society) presentation from Spring 2012 summit and
- Med / Surg Nursing Article from Fall 2009
- Read the information
- Write a personal opinion essay re your thoughts on the topic using information in the articles to support

Personal Opinion Essay:
- 2 pages double spaced
- Proper grammar, Spelling, EXPECTED!!
- APA format (use web resources for info) - title page, text, reference of artilces
- Put some thought into is will be in the RN workforce very soon!!!
- Hard Copy due Monday Morning

I have 2 articles that I will try to send as attachemnets

This is a critigue of a research article on lateral violence in nursing.
i will email the three files
1. The research pdf
2. The critique questions
3. MY question (will be used for the last question on critique questions

Nurses in American Wars What




There are faxes for this order.

Read the attached Simulation Study article Titled: Predictors of Knowledge Gains Using Simulation in the education of Prelicensure Nursing Students, and then

1) Identify all the relevant variables in the research question, and determine how each was addressed in the literature review.
2) Determine whether the literature review aligns to the research question
3) Determine what proportion of the cited sources in the literature review were primary sources.
4) Critically evaluate the literature review for evidence of completeness and bias
5) Evaluate whether the literature review reflects analysis and synthesis of cited sources
6) Use correct grammar and spelling
7) USE FULL SENTENCES IN A BULLET POINT FORMAT rather than paragraphs to answer each item above.
8) Grading will be conducted off the Literature Review Rubic

3 Pages

Oncology Nurse the Maxim 'Prevention

Words: 850
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Request for Writer: GK! Paper id=84959 Additional words request for recent completed paper. Please could you ask the same writer if they could produce further content on this paper in the following…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Grandmother Were Alive Today She

Words: 695
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I need an application essay to nursing school.This is going to be my second degree and in my essay i have to explain why i want to change my…

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4 Pages

Disaster in Franklin County Explain the Role

Words: 1286
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Disaster in Franklin County Western Governors Univ Paper- Attachment is a paper from this site. PLEASE rework/reword the entire thing including the references, but the content is correct…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Institute Healthcare Improvement / Familiarize Nursing

Words: 600
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Writer?s Just answer the question straight. #1) Visit a website such as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement at and familiarize yourself with the nursing quality indicators. How do these quality…

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4 Pages

Caring Is Important to Human Kind and

Words: 1561
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Assessment Tools Analysis Purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with the opportunity to examine assessment tools that evaluate on-physical measures. Applying Watson?s Theory of Human caring integrates…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Evidence Base Practiced Reseach Evidence Base Practiced

Words: 942
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As part of your course grade, you are to formally submit the answer to ONE question per set to your instructor electronically below. Do not simply copy and paste…

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8 Pages

Promoting Dignity in Individual Care Dignity Is

Words: 2303
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Essay have to be link to scenario,which I need so send by email and all instruction. This essay is for Promoting Indyvidual Care. University of West London (UK) nursing course.

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2 Pages
Research Paper

BSN the Job of a Nurse Is

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I need a personal essay that will explain why I want to continue my education from RN (registered nurse) to BSN. I have to get my BSN in…

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2 Pages

Nursing Health Promotion Across the Lifespan

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Promotion Across the Lifespan: Mr. and Mrs. Arahan Case Study (Chapter 2, Page 41) Instructions: Complete the following exercise using the case study (An Older Immigrant Couple: Mr. and…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Strategies to Communicate and Educate Stakeholders in Change

Words: 1188
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

TOPIC: Communication and Education to Promote Change Who provides formal and informal leadership within your practicum setting? What power and/or authority do these individuals hold? How has this influenced…

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2 Pages

Changing Role of Nurses Recruitment

Words: 707
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

One of the key components of the health care system is the health care professional. Nurses, who happen to make up the majority of the public health care workforce,…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Vision Statement of the College of Nursing

Words: 694
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Go to the NSU College of Nursing website at (1) Compare the NSU College of Nursing mission and philosophy statements with the statements of one of the programs you selected…

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2 Pages

Health Conundrum Healthcare Financing and Nursing Healthcare

Words: 599
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Conundrum in Healthcare Financing The current conundrum in healthcare financing in the United States - How has this issue affected you as a nurse professionally or personally? Relate the incident…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Information Technology Is a Constantly

Words: 653
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

What particular insights did could be gained from taking a course about healthcare and information technology? How could learning about this enable the representation concerning the interests of…

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6 Pages

Thromboembolism Venous Thromboembolism Cancer Care

Words: 1776
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Request for GK! ****Background: Within the field of Cancer Care various symptoms are found. The following paper is to address just one of these symptoms, that being 'Venous thromboembolism' with regard to…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Patients Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation Contract Ventilator Associated

Words: 2974
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Do not give my paper to researchpro, I prefer Nicole Write a paper in which you analyze and appraise each of the (15) articles which I sent through the…

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3 Pages

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Is the Term That

Words: 895
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Using Melaine McEwen and Evelyn M. Wills text book THEORETICAL BASIS FOR NURSING 3RD EDITION, CHAPTER 13, please answer the following questions about BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES IN NURSING. 1. Describe…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Nursing Annotated Bibliography a Nurse's Job Is

Words: 439
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Annotated Bibliography in Nursing using 2 professional peer reviewed nursing journals or articles that are based on the assessment of pain, depressive or stress related disorders use of pain…

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2 Pages

Why I Want to Get Into the Healthcare Profession

Words: 443
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This admissions essay is for my girlfriend. She's trying to get into the Beth Israel School For Nursing. As such, it's obviously more of a "what are your specific…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Human Trafficking and Nurses Intervention

Words: 663
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Discussion Board # 2 Assignment: The assignment for the discussion forum ties in with the key concepts presented in chapters 25 - 29 (lecture and ppt notes attached)…

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4 Pages

Nursing Tools and Strategies to

Words: 1148
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

use CINAHL to find article Authors: Aird T & McIntosh M. Date 2004 Title: Nursing Assessment: Nursing Tools and Strategies to Assess Cognition and Confusion Journal: British Journal of Nursing volume 13,…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Workplace Violence

Words: 583
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Access the Articles: - SigmaTheta Tau (International Nursing Honor Society) presentation from Spring 2012 summit and - Med / Surg Nursing Article from Fall 2009 - Read the information…

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4 Pages

critiquing a nursing article with picot

Words: 1171
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This is a critigue of a research article on lateral violence in nursing. i will email the three files 1. The research pdf 2. The critique questions 3. MY question (will be used…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Nurses in American Wars What

Words: 326
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper


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2 Pages

Simulation the Research Sought the Identification of

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Read the attached Simulation Study article Titled: Predictors of Knowledge Gains Using Simulation in the education of Prelicensure Nursing Students, and then 1) Identify all the relevant variables in the…

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