25+ documents containing “Professional Communication”.
Communication paper
The communication paper is designed to reflect on your professional communication style. You will be interviewing an adult client as scheduled. Your goal is to utili...ze therapeutic communication skills during the interview, and then to evaluate the communication interaction in the areas of environment, psychological climate, physical/cultural variables, verbal and non-verbal behaviors. You will also be asked to comment on any other possible facilitators or barriers to therapeutic communication. Remember the importance of maintaining a nurse-client relationship at all times during this interaction. (It will be helpful to review the therapeutic communication content reviewed and discussed in class).
1. Describe the situation, environment for your interaction, participants, psychological climate, physical and cultural variables. (3 points)
2. Describe your interaction including both verbal and non-verbal behaviors of each participant. The discussion should be at least 20 to 25 minutes in length. Use a narration style in chronological order in your paper when describing the interaction (i.e. describe the non-verbals at the same point in the paper as you are describing the verbals) (3 points)
3. Identify a minimum of THREE therapeutic communication strategies used during the interaction process (i.e. reflection, restatement, a direct question). (3 points)
4. From your perspective, evaluate the effectiveness of the communication
including a minimum of TWO strengths and areas needing growth. Were
there any bridges or barriers that impacted the interaction either on your part
or the Seniors (and if so identify and discuss). Identify TWO suggestions you
might include next time to improve the communication process. (6 points)
5. Summarize the insights you have gained about your own communication style
Describe specific actions/strategies you will take to continually gain skill and
confidence in therapeutic communication. (4 points)
6. Use APA Format (2 points).
The length of the paper is limited to FIVE pages and a Reference page using APA format. The paper should also include an introductory paragraph describing the topic or topicss to be discussed, the interview and analysis and a summary paragraph demonstrating conclusions and insights learning from this interview.
American Psychological Association (Current Edition) Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Ed. or Recent Edition) format.
Used in healthcare as a focused, purposeful exchange between nurse and client
Goal is to reach clients health care goals
EMPOWERTime limited
A therapeutic conversation tells the story of an illness with both nurse and client taking different roles in telling it. (Arnold & Boggs, 2003)
Active Listening:
Crucial part of therapeutic communication
Client sends message, nurse decodes message
Nurse uses clients values and feelings to interpret the meaning
At same time delivers non-verbal messages of presence and caring
Nurse listening for facts and underlying meaning Physical factors:
Body posture
Sit/stand fully facing client
Direct eye contact
Lean slightly forward
Relaxed posture
Environmental setting
No distractions
Personal space
Limited self disclosure from nurse
Professional boundariesPersonal factors
Differences between nurse and client;
Previous life experiences
Education level
Occupational status
Clients who refuse to comply
Clients who have lost hope
Nurse needs to be self-aware of biases
Nurses should pay close attention to verbal expressions and language usage
Mirror them whenever possible
Beware of verbal information overload
Allows client to tell story
Similar to essay question on exam
Cannot be answered by yes or no
Elicit clients thoughts/perspectives
In what way
Can you tell me about
Limited answer options
Limits expression of feelings
Takes more questions to obtain information
Emergency situatCircular
Focus on interpersonal CONTEXT
Identify family relationships and impact of illness on family
who is most anxious about your mothers illness
Central idea
Underlying feeling associated with facts
Understanding what client is NOT saying
Moving beyond facts
Critical thinking
objectivityCommunication patterns
Family communication dynamics
Developmental/educational levels
Culture, role
Ways of handling conflict
Ways of dealing with emotions
Intuitive communication
Inner response not supported by objective data
Minimal cuesReflection
Focuses on the emotions
it sounds like
it seems that
Further develops relationship between content and feeling
Very powerful
Emotionally charged issues
Allows time to think
When words are inadequate, inappropriate
Used for healing
Deepens meaning of language
Task touch vs caring touch
Links ideas and actions together
Smiling, nodding, leaning forward
Gaining accuracy and complete understanding
Use sparingly
Take original message and put into your own words
Dont lose meaning
Client re-hears their messageSilence
Very powerful
Emotionally charged issues
Allows time to think
When words are inadequate, inappropriate
Used for healing
Deepens meaning of language
Task touch vs caring touchMirroring depth
Level of depth, meaning and language
Serious/flip remark
Appropriate vocabulary
Education level appropriate
Prioritizing communication topic
Limited time
Mental picture of healthcare concern
pain in the neck
Changing the frame in which the client is viewing the situation
Leads to changing the meaning for client
More positive interpretation
I.e. diagnosis becomes a gift
Presenting reality
Introduces an alternative explanation for client to consider
all you nurses do is sit at the desk all night
it sounds like you had a rough night
Evaluate client to know if humor would help
Use only occasionally
Do not ridicule with humor
Validate client by restating clients concern
Giving feedback
Message sent from receiver back to sender in response to a message or observed behavior
Helps client know nurse is listening and attending to health care needs
Timely, usable, clear, honest, reflective
Arnold, E. & Boggs, K. (2003). Interpersonal relationships (4th ed). St. Louis: Saunders.
The communication paper is based on an elderly person from age 50 to 60. the closed question such as are you married? did you work? do you currently work? do you take any medications? while the open-ended questions such as tell me about your faamily? what activities(hobbies) do you enjoy? can you tell me a little about your work and what you liked best about your job? while validating questions- when you say...do you mean...while clarifying questions- i am not sure what you mean.review APA documentation for communication paper. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CALL ME ON CELL PHONE 682-203-0288 OR EMAIL nike2kool@yahoo.com more
Module 2: Topic and Objectives
Professional Communication and Practice
Demonstrate professional writing skills using APA style.
E...xamine cultural competence in the nursing profession.
Describe the role of "codes of ethics" in the development of disciplinary knowledge.
Module 2: Assignments
Professional Communication: Cultural Sensitivity
1) Write a paper of 1,000?1,250 words on a specific cultural group. For this assignment, use the following guidelines:
a) Select one article from a nursing journal focused on a cultural group.
b) In the introduction, state your reason for selecting the cultural group.
c) Summarize the key points of the article.
d) Apply the new information to a practice situation that demonstrates cultural sensitivity in communication, reflecting the reading in chapter 25.
e) Write a conclusion.
2) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
3) For this assignment, consult the "Professional Communication Cultural Sensitivity Guide," located within the Additional Resources folder in Canyon Connect.
4) This assignment uses a grading rubric that can be viewed at the assignment's drop box.
5) Submit assignment to instructor by the end of Module 2.
Discussion Forum
1) The discussion forum requirements will be provided by the instructor.
2) Participate in class discussion as indicated. more
Use Chicago Manual of Style. I need the bibliography and work cited information along with my order for free. I provided 11 reference materials to use. Along with that add at least 20 other references.... I need minimum of 15 quotations. I have provided the Introduction of the research paper. Based on the introduction please write the body and conclusion. NOTE Keep my introduction and use that as a base to write the body and conclusion. I am ordering 12 pages in total write 10 pages for the body and 2 pages for conclusion based on my introduction. I am not paying to write an introduction as I would like to use my own introduction. So please write the body and conclusion only and make sure it flows with my introduction. The paper should be based on my introduction and answer the last three topic of the introduction, which are:
- Online cross-cultural communication is more prone to misunderstanding and distrust than face-to-face communication because some of the nonverbal communication cues like body language are missing.
- The building of trust between individuals can lead to successful on-line cross-cultural communication.
- There is a need to understand how the meaning of word may vary between cultures in order to eliminate any potential misunderstanding and distrust between individuals.
Subject: Interpretation across Culture in on-line communication
I have been using my second language, English, since I was two years old. I have been living in the U.S. for nine years and still some words do not portray the same meaning to me as they do to people over here. I have found that the meanings of words can change; I notice this particularly at my workplace. When I started my job, I was given a project, and in an e-mail communication I wrote, "I am working on resolving the problem. I will keep you posted with my findings. In the meantime, if you have any further problems please feel free to contact me again." The word "problem" created a big situation in my department. My manager and my co-workers thought the word "problem" sounded negative and that I should use the word "issue" instead. I explained to them that where I come from, Bangladesh, "issue" sounds very harsh. It makes me feel as if I am attacking someone personally. After much discussion, I stepped aside to think from their perspective and decided to change the word. These made me realize that communicating in the workplace in my second language, even if my colleagues and I do not always understand words the same way, we can eventually understand each other well enough to achieve our tasks at work.
Language is the key factor for communication. The English language is being used globally to communicate through online media. While most people are using the same language to interact, not everyone is communicating with the same cultural values and understanding. Effective communication with people of different culture is especially challenging. There are no established procedures or rules for us to follow to be efficient communicators across cultures. The Internet has caused an explosion in the variety of communication methods and has opened an extraordinary level of communication without boundaries. This is causing an unprecedented possibility for misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and distrust. Trust is a vital element in team development and efficiency building within a traditional team context. Any kind of communication we engage in has our cultural values intermingled in it. Culture teaches us values and principles that direct our thoughts and actions toward anything we encounter. This cultural understanding dictates the way we learned how to speak, write, and interact with others. It creates a challenge in understanding each other. Along with the regular face-t-face cross-cultural communication challenges now we need to pay attention to the cross-cultural communication via on-line media.
To keep costs down and remain competitive in the global economy many organizations are choosing to convert traditional teams to virtual teams and forming Geographically Dispersed Teams (GDT). It is easy to setup virtual teams, but the challenge is in establishing trust among virtual team members to work collaboratively. Individuals in a virtual team not only depend on the use of information technology but also create rapport through on-line communication. In a research done by Dr. Zhou she revealed that virtual team also needs to trust their team members for their work. Because they are dependent on each others assigned task to deliver a successful project. When there is s strong trust built within the team, it is easier for the team members to work efficiently because they are able to depend on each other. It also helps them to have open communication within the group and maintain a collaborative environment. Trust is a vital element in team development and efficiency building within a traditional face-to-face communication of team context. So, we also need to pay attention on how to build trust through on-line communication.
It is phenomenal how people can communicate with each other while connected only by computers. Today, online media has shortened the time span of international communication to a matter of seconds. According to Internet World Stats, on June 30, 2008 the Internet was used by 21.9% of the world population, which is a 5.19% increase since 2006. The increase of Internet usage has brought with it a mixture of new settings and concerns that affect how the world interacts with in cyberspace. It has become a melting pot of different languages, cultural values, laws, regulations, and individual expectations. These factors need to be considered while using the online media to network with people of different cultures around the globe. A majority of work teams now spend at least 25% of their time working in a virtual environment, according to a recent survey by the Institute for Corporate Productivity.
It can also be said that the on-line media is also influencing people to take on new habits from other cultures. Consider the following simple scenario that Satinder Gill, talks about in his article "The Cultural Interface: The Role of Self." Usually, in Japanese culture, everyone addresses their colleagues at work by their last name. When communicating via email they tend to address their colleagues by their first name, which they do not normally do in person (1). Here we can see how online communication changes how Japanese communicators address each other differently online rather than face-to-face. This is just one example of global communication causing unconscious changes to occur in users' communication styles and how we need to pay attention to online communication protocols between cultures.
The emergence of cyberspace is pushing everyone in the workplace to grow an understanding of how different cultural values can play a role in online communication. Online cross-cultural communication in can be unconsciously affected by cultural values. This factor can affect how employees from different countries engage in online communications. All of these issues can play a positive or negative role in our life. If we do not pay attention to potential misunderstanding, then we are more likely to become victims of miscommunication. It will take more than just awareness to overcome these issues and communicate online across culture. On-line cross-cultural communication is a vital element in todays communication at workplace for team development and efficiency. In this study I plan to explore some of the potential reasons for misunderstanding and distrust in on-line communication. I believe to address this question I need to tackle the following issues listed below:
- Online cross-cultural communication is more prone to misunderstanding and distrust than face-to-face communication because some of the nonverbal communication cues like body language are missing.
- The building of trust between individuals can lead to successful on-line cross-cultural communication.
- There is a need to understand hw the meaning of word may vary between cultures in order to eliminate any potential misunderstanding and distrust between individuals.
Some Resources to use in the paper Annotated Bibliography
Nastri, J., Pea, J., and Hancock, J. T. (2006). The construction of away messages: A speech act analysis. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11.4, article 7.
This research study focuses on away messages in IM and how it can be used for better communication. A total of 483 away messages written by 44 individuals were studied. The messages were broken down indo different categories. They are primarily assertives, followed by expressives and commissives, but rarely with directives. These findings are discussed in terms of computer-mediated discourse and online self-presentation.
Coppola, N. W., Hiltz, S. R., & Rotter, N G. (2004). Building trust in virtual teams. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 47.2, 95-104
The authors, researchers at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark uses Debra Meyersons concept, swift trust at the beginning of an on-line course to build trust between temporary teams in online courses. The industry is moving towards a virtual world and along with it the academia is also preparing the students to work in a virtual world. As the students are meeting for a short time they can be compared to the temporary groups at workplace how everyone is pressured to become familiar in a limited amount of time. It shows the faculty members who were able to build trust between the team within the first week of the class were able provide successful learning community. The same phenomenon works within virtual teams at work place. Trust needs to be present between team members so they can count on each other and work more effectively towards their task without additional worries.
Suchan, J. & Hayzak, G. (2001). The communication characteristics of virtual teams: a case study. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication; 44.3, 174-186
The authors, researchers are from the Naval Postgraduate School and the U.S. Army explores on how there is greater need by the industry to deliver to their client in the most efficient way and how they are turning towards virtual team to give them the nimbleness to leverage their resources. They research analyzed the communication technologies like Customer Support Virtual Team (CST) for a Fortune 500 organization. Advanced electronic media provide the primary means of interaction between the virtual team members. For an effective team they found the great need for self driven team members and a great deal of trust along with the most efficient communication tools. In contrast they also found that organizations need to have staff to support these technologies for virtual team to perform effectively. As the industry is getting more demanding with the turnaround time of their project this study shows how managing a productive virtual team directly depends on a reliable communication systems. They show an interlinked relationship connecting the need to maintenance the uptime of these systems which helps the virtual team to be productive and as a result support their clients.
Zhou, L., & Zhang D. (2005). A heuristic approach to establishing punctuation convention in instant messaging. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 48.4, 391-400
The author, researcher at the University of Maryland, MD explores the behavioral indicators of deception in virtual group when using instant messaging as a media of communication through qualitative study. He also discovered the difference in linguistic behavior between deceivers and the truth teller. This study is crucial for industries as most are instant messaging or synchronous computer mediated communication now pervades in daily life of the workplace. The study also compares the research on deception in face-to-face communication based on the clue theory with the deception via instant messaging. The interpersonal deception theory from social science was also used to guide the deception research in the group studied using instant messaging. Compared to face-to-face interaction instant messaging is influenced by the lack of incoming social cues as the communicators doesnt get to see the facial expressions. It is important identify these deceptions as organizations interact with each other virtually to reduce project failures. The results from this research can be used to understand knowledge of deception behavior in human communication and be aware of deceptions in the virtual world.
Grosse, C. U. (2002). Managing communication within virtual intercultural teams. Business Communication Quarterly. 65.4, 22-38.
This study was based on the findings from a graduate level business communication class assignment and interviews with four executives from France, United Kingdom, and US. The study focuses on how to build a strong virtual team through technology at the same time keep the interaction more humanized. It is a challenge for the traditional workers to work with teammates where there is no face-to-face interaction so there is a greater need for human touch to make them comfortable. There is also a need to have awareness of cultural diversity in the global virtual team to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. The study also troughs the idea of a first face-to-face interaction between the team before forming them into virtual team but this is not always feasible due to geographical location and cost. The organization need to encourage open communication from the beginning between the virtual team members to grow trust and understanding. In the long run this will help the team to be more efficient and productive.
Shaw, B. , Scheufele, D. and Catalano, S. "The Role of Instant Messaging as a Tool for Organizational Communication: An Exploratory Field Experiment" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Sheraton New York, New York City, NY Online
Millions of adults currently use instant messaging (IM) in the workplace and yet there is very little research examining how use and perceptions of this new medium affect intra-organizational communication. While one of the characteristics of instant messaging is the ability to exchange real-time communication, what truly distinguishes instant messaging from other widely adopted forms of mediated communication is the integration of presence technology, which allows parties to detect if others are online and available to communicate. In this paper, we propose a theory of productivity benefits of presence-aware communication technology, building upon past research. Based on this model, we use a quasi-experimental longitudinal research design with quantitative and qualitative methods to test how providing instant messaging to selected workgroups at a Fortune 1000 company impacts employees attitudes and work behavior. Results suggest that IM use had a positive effect on improving productivity with participants citing reductions in voice mail and phone tag, improvements to how easy it was to see if colleagues were online and available to communicate as well as increased productivity served by back-channel communications conducted via IM. Results and future research directions are discussed.
Panteli, N. & Davison, M. R. (2005). The role of subgroups in the communication patterns of global virtual teams. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 48.2, 191-220
This study was collaboration between the University of Bath, UK, and the City University of Hong Kong, China. The author, researchers represents both the universities and led a group of 47 students by dividing them into 8 subgroups. The research explores the emergence of subgroups in global virtual and the communication pattern of teams in virtual settings. Extensive observation was made for 8 months to analyze the way all the teams communicated on the same projects by using on-line file exchanges, chats, and discussio forums. The study was very close to real life scenario because of the geographical proximity and the organizational homogeneity of the members in two different locations. The study shows how misunderstand between team members caused lack in team cohesiveness thus creating boundaries. Although the end result of the task between the team were very good but interestingly the study show there is greater need to have highly skilled team leader to maintain the serenity between the subgroups and to help taking ownership of faults, thus reducing misunderstanding. The study does a great job in discussing the insinuations of the findings and how to apply in practice. As businesses are moving toward outsourcing this study can be used as source in understanding some of the shortcomings of virtual teams and ways to overcome them.
Burn, J. & Barnett, M. (1999). Communicating for advantage in the virtual organization. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 42.4, 215-222
The authors, researchers at the Edith Cowan University, Australia studies six virtual organizational models and explores how the electronic network of virtual organizations rises above the conventional organizations. All these models have some common needs. They all seek for innovative way to come up with low-cost communications technology and employ rich functionality. The models also explore how virtual organizations are dynamic and are going through constant changes. The most stable virtual organization that run most efficiently are the ones that treat communication knowledge as their core need for their infrastructure. The trend to the formation of virtual organizations industry and a lot can be learned from their communication structure which can be applied to the traditional organization and to the formation of their virtual teams.
Zhou, L. (2005). An empirical investigation of deception behavior in instant messaging. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 48.2, 147-160
The author, researcher at the University of Maryland, MD explores the behavioral indicators of deception in virtual group when using instant messaging as a media of communication through qualitative study. He also discovered the difference in linguistic behavior between deceivers and the truth teller. This study is crucial for industries as most are instant messaging or synchronous computer mediated communication now pervades in daily life of the workplace. The study also compares the research on deception in face-to-face communication based on the clue theory with the deception via instant messaging. The interpersonal deception theory from social science was also used to guide the deception research in the group studied using instant messaging. Compared to face-to-face interaction instant messaging is influenced by the lack of incoming social cues as the communicators doesnt get to see the facial expressions. It is important identify these deceptions as organizations interact with each other virtually to reduce project failures. The results from this research can be used to understand knowledge of deception behavior in human communication and be aware of deceptions in the virtual world.
Judith A. H. (2005). Building trust and collaboration in a virtual team. Team Performance Management. 7.3, 36-48
The author from the Holland College, Canada focuses on how building and having trust in virtual organization is important for it to be productive. Organization are moving toward a virtual team environment and to have effective virtual team there needs to me seamless communication between team members and they need to be able to rely on each other without any doubts. She studied six members in a virtual team to find the out how level of trust is important in team effectiveness. She suggest the application of Jung's theory of personality types to assess virtual teams in a positive and laissez-faire way to highlight value of diversity so the team members are at ease to share their personal and work style preferences, thus creating a circle of trust. Trust is need between all kinds of team but it is crucial for virtual team as there is no face-to-face interaction between team members and there is vulnerability for deception.
Jarvenpaa L. S. & Leidner E. D. (1999). Communication and trust in global virtual teams. Organization Science. 10.6, 791-816
The authors, researchers, at the University of Texas at Austin, TX studied three hundred and fifty master's students from 28 universities for six weeks in virtual team setting to explore the how trust was developed through virtual interaction. The study show communication challenges dues o cultural in interpersonal differences and thus creating misunderstanding between team members. The presence of the SIDE theory was found in the study as there were pauses between the members during their interactions which influence individuals to build stereotypical intuitions about each other. In this study we also see the application of Debra Meyersons theory of swift trust but between the team members were very fragile and temporary. There are challenges in virtual team due to geographical distance so organizations need to focus on open communications between the virtual team members so there is less misunderstanding. A productive virtual team cannot be built just with the proper communication tools but there is need for trust, respect, and relationship between team members.
There are faxes for this order.
First page should focus on the interview process.
Second page on resumes.
This is what I have for the intro, my conclusion is also done, I was asked to revise the first and second page.
Excellence in the Workplace Through Communication
Do you know what the most important factor to becoming successful in the workplace is? Do you know how to make a business thrive and prosper? The key component to accomplishing what you want in your profession, whatever it may be, is to communicate. The use of various fundamentals that work in conjunction with communication leads the start of a successful business. This may seem so simple and easy to some, but there are many intricacies and elements as well as different communication styles that go into communicating between one another in the workplace.
If Possible this is the only text allowed to be cited: (If you do not have access to this text, then do not use any other references)
Quintanilla, Kelly M., Shawn T. Wahl. A"Business and Professional Communication: Keys for Workplace Excellence 2nd Edition. SAGE Publications, Inc., Jan 2013. Print. 26 September 2013.
SEE THE ATTACHMENT for the Power point you need to critique, also please the 12 's rules Professor REALLY LOVE those rules please mention them in your paper
The purpose of the critique is to... help the presenter improve the slide preparation and presentation technique and to give the student evaluator additional perspectives into delivering presentations. Evaluators should make note of aspects of the visual and vocal presentation that facilitated professional communication as well as aspects that interfered with communication.
The evaluation includes written comments regarding each of the evaluation criteria. The purpose of this section is to help the presenter improve his/her future presentations. Evaluators should make note of both positive aspects as well as things that could have been improved.
All comments should be constructive and professional; harsh, derogatory, or mean-spirited comments are unacceptable. Give specific comments and make specific recommendations.
The evaluation also involves rating each of the main evaluation criteria: Delivery, Introduction, Content, Closing, Visuals, and Technology. Each criterion should be rated on a scale of 5 (excellent) through 1 (poor).
Critiques performed by students will not be used to assign a grade for the presentation, so be both completely honest and respectful when providing a critique.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze verbal and nonverbal techniques that enhance oral communication within a business and/or professional context.
Assess strengths and weaknesses in the student?s own oral communication and in the oral communication of others.
Write clearly and concisely using proper writing mechanics
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 25
Assignment 7: Presentation Critique
Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Critique and rate the speaker?s use of vocal variety, vocal fillers, and jargon or slang.
Weight: 20%
Did not submit or incompletely critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of vocal variety, vocal fillers, and jargon or slang.
Insufficiently critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of vocal variety, vocal fillers, and jargon or slang.
Partially critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of vocal variety, vocal fillers, and jargon or slang.
Satisfactorily critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of vocal variety, vocal fillers, and jargon or slang.
Thoroughly critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of vocal variety, vocal fillers, and jargon or slang.
2. Critique and rate the speaker?s introduction.
Weight: 20%
Did not submit or incompletely critiqued and rated the speaker?s introduction.
Insufficiently critiqued and rated the speaker?s introduction.
Partially critiqued and rated the speaker?s introduction.
Satisfactorily critiqued and rated the speaker?s introduction.
Thoroughly critiqued and rated the speaker?s introduction.
3. Critique and rate the content of the speaker?s presentation.
Weight: 40%
Did not submit or incompletely critiqued and rated the content of the speaker?s presentation.
Insufficiently critiqued and rated the content of the speaker?s presentation.
Partially critiqued and rated the content of the speaker?s presentation.
Satisfactorily critiqued and rated the content of the speaker?s presentation.
Thoroughly critiqued and rated the content of the speaker?s presentation.
4. Critique and rate the speaker?s use of visuals.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of visuals.
Insufficiently critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of visuals.
Partially critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of visuals.
Satisfactorily critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of visuals.
Thoroughly critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of visuals.
5. Critique and rate the speaker?s use of technology.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of technology.
Insufficiently critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of technology.
Partially critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of technology.
Satisfactorily critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of technology.
Thoroughly critiqued and rated the speaker?s use of technology. more
Use the following websites and book to answer the following questions in essay format.
Books: Advanced Practice nursing: Evolution Roles for the Transformation of the Profession, isbn# 9781449665067
Theoretical Basis for Nursing isbn# 9781605473239
1 Discuss several aspects of professional communication as it relates to the use of language in terms of form (e.g., clarity, accuracy) and content (culture and/or ethics). Cite the references you used to compose your response (from required reading), PUT YOUR REFERENCE BELOW YOUR RESPONSE.
2 what is the role of the Advanced Professional Nurse in creating an ethical practice environment? Being a Nurse Educator, Respond to this question based on my Advance Professional Nurse.
3 Discuss the value of nursing theory to the profession of nursing. Identify one way in which you could use nursing theory to improve your practice (present or future role). PROVIDE A REFERENCE FOR YOUR RESPONSE.
4 Read the AACN documents for essentials of baccalaureate versus master's education and identify the competencies that reflect use of theory and knowledge. Compare and contrast the competences for baccalaureate and master's level.
5 Explain in your own words, the difference between the three paradigms: human needs, interactive, and unitary process. Which of these best fits your philosophy of nursing?
6 Select one of the grand or middle-range nursing theories. How does the theory demonstrate evidence of the utilization of social, behavioral, or bioscience theories?
7All nursing theories are developed in space and time, and are not value free. Select one nursing theorist and explain the factors that influenced development of the theory (history, scientific paradigm, and personal experiences--mentoring, education, practice, other). PROVIDE REFERNCE(S) FOR YOUR RESPONSE.
8select 3 theorist and compare the definition of person/human being. comment regarding which definition best fits with your own thinking.
9 choose one of the middle-range theories. How could you use this theory to direct care in a nursing unit if you were the manager? Share your results
10choose one of the middle-range theories, What impact this theory most likely have on your individual practice? (a Nurse Educator I am pursuing), Give specific examples.
11 which among the learning theories provided you with new information? How would you apply this in your practice?
12comment on the usefulness of Benner's work in your present or future role (Nurse Educator, my future role). Provide several examples
13the influence of consequential ethics as an ethical framework (the greatest good for the greatest number) opposes the ethical principle of deontology (i.e., the rightness of an act itself determines what is right). Both of these impact the nursing profession. Modern social exchange theories are based on the principle of utility. Read the assumptions of social exchange theory and consider how these would affect the nurse-patient relationship, compared to how these impact the nurse within the health care environment. To what extent are all theories ethical? is social exchange theory compatible with the values of the nursing profession?
14comment on at least three reports posted by other CLC teams. Provide substantive comments that include a focus on the application of the theory as a framework for practice (general or specific, basic or advanced) more
D6: Craft a Definition and Purpose of a Professional Learning Community Within an Educational Context
This Discussion is twofold: 1) Focus on synthesizing at least three scholars? perspectives ab...out professional learning communities. Your task is to compare, contrast, and analyze each theorist in a way that enables you to craft your own original definition of a PLC that can be presented to an authentic learning entity. 2) Explain a valid purpose for a PLC to address. The purpose is a controversial issue currently facing your school?one which requires the synergy of a group.
Post the following:
Write a succinct yet thorough definition and purpose of a Professional Learning Community. Include the sources supporting your original definition and purpose.
Always examine all of the Learning Resources before posting to the Discussion. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources, as well as to any other relevant research that you find appropriate. Use APA guidelines in citing any and all materials.
Book Excerpt: Martin-Kniep, G. O. (2008). Communities that learn, lead, and last: Building and sustaining educational expertise. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Communities that learn, lead, and last: Building and sustaining educational expertise by Martin-Kniep, G. O. Copyright 2008 by John Wiley & Sons. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Appendix A: Rubric for Assessing Individual Capacity for Professional Learning Communities (pp. 156?161) (PDF file)
Appendix D: Rubric for Assessing the Community That Learns (pp. 180?181) (PDF file)
Focused Research: Scholars who focus on learning communities. Select three of the following scholars; review their work to craft a definition and purpose of a learning community. (Provide appropriate citations.)
Lee S. Shulman
Peter Senge
Thomas Sergiovanni
Ron Brandt
Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger
John Munro
Robert Eaker, Richard DuFour, and Rebecca DuFour
Course Text: Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at Work: New Insights for Improving Schools
Chapter 1, "New Insights Into Professional Learning Communities at Work"
This chapter established a definition, mission, purpose, and goals for a professional learning community.
Focus on your knowledge base and skills in debating and defending the importance of a learning community.
Chapter 3, "Making the Case for Professional Learning Communities (PLC)"
This chapter expands on what you read in Chapter 1 as you learn more about PLCs.
Focus on how the content provides resources to support your stance related to PLCs.
Course Text: Hawley, W., & Rollie, D. L. (Eds.). (2007). The keys to effective schools: Educational reform as continuous improvement (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. (Text was received in EDAD 8142.)
Chapter 4, "Professional Communication and Collaboration"
This chapter explores ways leaders can promote collaborative cultures within the educational setting.
Focus on how the content of this chapter can help you craft your definition for the discussion posting.
Chapter 8, "Design Principles for Learner-Centered Professional Development"
Focusing on the 10 principles of effective professional development can guide the leader in efforts to promote student achievement.
Focus on how the content of this chapter can help you craft and defend your position or stance about professional development as you develop your Impact Project. more
Abstract Assignment (worth 50 points)
You will write one abstract of an article from a professional research journal of communication that deals with some aspect of intercultural communicati...on. The abstract should be approximately 3 - 5 pages, typed and double spaced. The purpose of this assignment is for you to present, in a short prescribed review, a piece of research that you have read in a professional journal.
This assignment will give you experience in using the professional journals, as you must use these to write your research paper. You may use the article you reviewed for your abstract as one of journal articles you cite in your research paper.
What is an abstract?
It is a brief description of the complete article.
(Use the format/categories below)
What is a professional journal?
It is where research scientists publish their academic findings. It is a peer reviewed publication which publishes only about 9% of what is submitted.
What are some of the communication professional journals?
Western Journal of Communication
Eastern Journal of Communication
Southern Journal of Communication
Sex Roles
Management Quarterly
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Communication Education
Child Development
Communication Monograph
There are several others; if you are unsure, ask me for approval. The key is that you are using a true research journal. Abstracts from a magazine will receive a zero for the assignment. Credit will not be granted to abstracts of articles that are not from professional communication journals. Please have articles approved in advance if you are unsure.
You must choose an article that has a true research design -- that means it will contain a hypothesis or research question(s), it will have participants, a research design (methodology), results (possibly statistics), and a discussion. Do not use a mere essay article. Abstracts based on essay articles will receive a grade of zero. Again, if you are unsure if your article meets the criteria, send me a copy to let me check it.
Abstract Format
You will include (label each section as follows):
1. Purpose (Describe the purpose in your own words, defining any necessary terms)
2. Hypothesis and/or research question(s) (Give exact wording from article)
3. Methodology (Briefly describe it in your own words)
Be sure to include the demographic info about the participants
4. Results (Briefly describe it in your own words)
5. Analysis (What you thought of the article methodology)
What were the strengths & weaknesses of the methodology?
What specific suggestions do you have to change the methodology if this research was conducted again?
Provide a copy of the article along with the submission of your paper. So this means you will send two separate documents--your abstract, and a copy of your article. I need to see the entire article. Abstracts that are not accompanied by a copy of the article will receive a grade of zero.
There are no "do-overs" on assignments, so if you're in doubt, ask questions before your submit an assignment. more
Please refer to http://www.ce.columbia.edu/stratComm/program.cfm , and my resume sent to snrinfo@aol.com, for more information on the curriculum and my work experience.
Statement of academi...c purpose (300-500 words) addressing the following:
*your purpose and interest in the communications field
*how the program relates to your current employment and your immediate and long-term professional plans
*a brief description of your level of computer literacy
Below, I tried to input whatever information that may apply. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Possible ideas/answers:
---to become a strategic communiations executive and leader, advance my career, gain analytic and problem-solving skills, would like to learn integrated, global, creative, internet, and professional communications and incorporate that into my skillset and career; i also want to learn marketing research, to be able to make persuasive presentations of research findings and marketing recommendations...
---because "today''s successful organizations need highly skilled professionals with strong communication skills who can translate complex and sophisticated information for internal and external audiences"...and that is who I''d like to become.
**How the program relates to your current employment and your immediate and long-term professional plans?
Possible ideas/answers:
(please refer to my resume sent to snrinfo@aol.com)
---to become a strategic communications leader and executive
---program "prepares students to become communications executives, equipping them with the analytic and practical tools necessary to think strategically and operate effectively, thereby contributing significantly to an organization''s goals and objectives."
---my job as an Assistant Account Executive and a targeted marketing firm that sold ad space first introduced me to the marketing and advertising industries and I liked it thereafter...after that, i was a sr. account manager at leading recruiting solutions and software internet company, the role was client service and client relations along with some sales; presently i''m an Global Marketing Communications Associate. My job function presently include the following:
Planned, managed, coordinated, and executed multiple marketing communications business needs/projects simultaneously with a high degree of quality, speed and flexibility for change.
Developed a system to manage efficient workflow processes, comments and edits and other aspects of marketing and communications, collateral production planning and control.
Wrote customer presentations, demo scripts, web site content, brochures, product data sheets, case studies and on-line sponsorship advertising.
Prepared materials for tradeshows, sales seminars, webinars and online communication outlets, while incorporating and maintaining corporate branding in all messaging and positioning development.
Assisted in collaboration of monthly newsletters, email blasts, ads and other marketing documents.
Acted as a liaison to sales on various business unit marketing needs and by developing effective sales tools..
Enhanced the marketing toolkit which includes direct mail, letters and email correspondence supporting business partners.
Managed external contacts to develop and execute promotional campaigns on time, on strategy and of course under budget.
Developed the metrics to measure and track ROI of departmental initiatives.
Assisted in developing a Customer Relationship and Retention Program.
---to be able to "to translate and integrate complex, sophisticated information for internal and external audiences."
---In this master''s program, students:
develop a comprehensive knowledge of the vast number of communications options available to an organization
acquire a critical awareness of the issues facing professionals in the planning and implementation of integrated communications efforts
become proficient in focusing, managing, and giving creative direction to an organization
learn how to identify and target audiences, think globally, and execute tactical campaigns using a full range of media to successfully reach potential customers
The program combines theory with practice, presenting students with case studies which appeals to me
**A brief description of your level of computer literacy.
Answer: MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Frontpage, Photoshop, Access, Internet-savvy, Basic knowledge of HTML
My resume is below (just in case)
Verticity.com New York, NY
Global Marketing Communications Associate December 2001 to present
Planned, managed, coordinated, and executed multiple marketing communications business needs/projects simultaneously with a high degree of quality, speed and flexibility for change.
Developed a system to manage efficient workflow processes, comments and edits and other aspects of marketing and communications, collateral production planning and control.
Wrote customer presentations, demo scripts, web site content, brochures, product data sheets, case studies and on-line sponsorship advertising.
Prepared materials for tradeshows, sales seminars, webinars and online communication outlets, while incorporating and maintaining corporate branding in all messaging and positioning development.
Assisted in collaboration of monthly newsletters, email blasts, ads and other marketing documents.
Acted as a liaison to sales on various business unit marketing needs and by developing effective sales tools..
Enhanced the marketing toolkit which includes direct mail, letters and email correspondence supporting business partners.
Managed external contacts to develop and execute promotional campaigns on time, on strategy and of course under budget.
Developed the metrics to measure and track ROI of departmental initiatives.
Assisted in developing a Customer Relationship and Retention Program.
Hotjobs.com (NASDAQ - HOTJ) New York, NY
Senior Account Manager/Team Lead December 2000 to December 2001
? Managed, recruited, trained, and coached a team of 4 Account Managers, in addition to original Account Manager duties.
? Translated corporate and team goals into specific, measurable, and achievable individual goals for each member on my team, and then monitored and evaluated progress for each.
Account Manager April 2000 to December 2000
? Built, developed, and managed business relationships with approximately 400 existing-base Fortune 1000 corporate clients.
? Served as a consultant to meet clients? recruitment needs by upselling a suite of enterprise recruiting software products, through sales and training presentations and premier customer service, to executive decision makers.
? Consistently achieved being in the top 5 of Account Managers across all regional offices nationwide in renewal sales and upsells.
? Researched, probed, and identified customer needs and buying behaviors.
? Collaborated with fellow Account Executives, prepared for, and presented sales and training presentations to clients.
? Assisted with company-sponsored career fairs and trade shows in the New York and Miami regional offices.
Cass Communications, Inc. New York, NY
Assistant Account Executive January 1999 to April 2000
? Conducted ad trafficking, including collating of insertion orders with ad copy, packaging and shipping of orders to corporate headquarters or to publication directly to meet deadlines.
? Provided premier customer service to advertising agency clients.
? Communicated with internal departments during the ad campaign, assisted in preparing sales presentations, shipping instructions, and general status of accounts.
? Updated Account Information Sheets daily with necessary changes such as reproduction costs, express delivery charges and makegoods.
Fleet Financial Group/Middle-Market Commercial Lending Division New York, NY
Research Assistant June 1997 to June 1998
? Conducted research, compiled, analyzed and presented industry reports on public and private firms.
? Retrieved and studied numerous financial statements and reports, including 10K, 10Q, and S1, on companies.
? Obtained debt ratings from S&P, Moody''s, and Dun & Bradstreet for companies.
? Updated and tracked company and market news.
? Worked closely with and responded to requests from financial analysts, portfolio managers, and relationship managers.
Account Management Fundamentals, Becoming a Manager, Account Executive Sales Fundamentals, Recruiting and Interviewing Strategies, CRMS, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Photoshop, Access. Internet-savvy.
DASTAK---Network of Pakistani Professionals (www.dastak.org) New York, NY
VP Marketing/Board Member July 1999 to January 2001
? Oversaw all marketing, operational, and promotional aspects for this non-profit professional organization, including newsletter, increasing membership base, and coordinating events.
? Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills.
? Capable of handling multiple projects concurrently, efficiently, and in a timely manner.
? Strong analytical, problem-solving, and team-building skills.
? Personable, dedicated, self-motivated, and detail-oriented.
Excelsior College, New York Bachelor of.Science in Liberal Arts, 2001 New York University, New York 104 credits Undergraduate coursework
There are faxes for this order. more
Task description
Discuss relevant ethical and legal issues that pertain to the following scenario
Please note, you are not being asked to take a particular viewpoint/position here, but rather... to discuss key issues relevant to the scenario. This is not a discussion about pathophysiology, nor about euthanasia.
Scenario background:
Mrs Lily is a 63 year old female with a mixed presentation of emphysema and chronic bronchitis. She has marked shortness of breath and her abilities to carry out activities of daily living independently (for example, showering and cooking for herself) are becoming increasingly limited. The intervals between her hospital admissions are now much shorter. She requires home oxygen which she uses according to her level of exercise tolerance. Mrs Lily's family members are dismayed to find that on the last two hospital admissions, without discussion with Mrs Lily or her family, a Not for Resuscitation (NFR) order had been placed on her medical notes.
Using appropriate ethical principles from the four principles framework, discuss key issues relevant to the above scenario.
You should consider:
1. professional communication and truth telling
2. the role of advance directives in health care
3. the requirements of consent
4.use of health resources
Your arguments/discussion points should be logical and objective, and address relevant issues. To achieve this, avoid ?I feel? or ?I believe? statements. This is different to the journal. Write in the third person using formal academic writing.
The CDU Harvard or in-text referencing system should be used as per the referencing guidelines on the CDU Library Website;
peer reviewed journal articles are your best sources. Avoid non-refereed sources such as editorials, monthly columns or non-refereed journals.
It is useful to include your set text (Kerridge, Lowe and Stewart) as a reference but otherwise keep the number of books to a minimum.
Your reference list should contain a minimum of 8-10 quality references that are no older than 5-10 years. This does not include Wikipedia or dictionaries.
Information gained from Internet sites varies greatly in depth and quality of content. Internet sites must be relevant and reputable, for example, the NHMRC website.
Write in the third person; avoid personal pronouns such as ?I? and ?you?.
Avoid long, confusing sentences and check that your tenses (past, present and future) are consistent within the same sentence.
Avoid posing questions; work the information into the paragraph.
Use plain English. It is essential your meaning is clear and that you demonstrate your understanding of the nature of the topic. more
***Would like writer - Writer?s
Prepare a word paper in which you explain the following key concepts and terminology: Provide examples of how these concepts and terms relate to your workpla...ce.
1) Organizational behavior
2) Organizational culture
3) Diversity
4) Communication
5) Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
6) Organizational learning
** Work place - I work for an International Credentials Services as a Credential Specialist. The International Credentials Services promotes quality health care for the public by certifying international medical graduates for entry into U.S. graduate medical education, and by participating in the evaluation and certification of other physicians and health care professionals.
Communication is with diverse doctors from a wide range of nations (i.e. South Africa, India, British Columbia, Iran, Iraq, China, Cuba, Segal ect?
****Below are chapter summaries to aid in writing?
Chapter 1 Study Guide
1. What is organizational behavior and why is it important?
?Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and groups in organizations.
?Dramatic changes signal the emergence of a new workplace with high technology, global competition, demanding customers, and high performance systems.
?Valuing diversity and respecting differences is a key theme in OB; workforces are increasingly diverse in terms of gender, race and ethnicity, age, able-bodiedness, and sexual orientation.
2. How do we learn about organizational behavior?
?Organization learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and utilizing information to adapt successfully to changing circumstances.
?Learning about organizational behavior involves more than just reading a textbook; it also involves a commitment to continuous and life-long learning from experience.
?OB is an applied discipline based on scientific methods and that uses a contingency approach recognizing that management practices must fit the situation.
3. What are organizations like as work settings?
?An organization is a collection of people working together in a division of labor for a common purpose ?to produce goods or services for society.
?As open systems, organizations interact with their environments to obtain resources that are transformed into outputs returned to the environment for consumption.
?The resources of organizations are material ?such as technology, capital, and information, as well as human ?the people who do the required work.
4. What is the nature of managerial work?
?Managers in the new workplace are expected to act more like ?coaches ?and ?facilitators ?than as ?bosses ?and ?controllers.?
?An effective manger is one whose work unit, team, or group accomplishes high levels of performance that are sustainable over the long term by enthusiastic workers.
?The four functions of management are (1) planning ?to set directions, (2) organizing ?to assemble resources and systems, (3) leading ?to create workforce
enthusiasm, and (4)controlling ?to ensure desired results.
?Managers fulfill a variety of interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles
while working with networks of people both inside and outside of the organization.
?Managerial performance is based on a combination of essential technical, human, and conceptual skills.
5. How do ethics influence human behavior in organizations?
?Ethical behavior is that which is accepted as morally ?good ?and ?right ?instead of ?bad ?or ?wrong.?
?Ways of thinking about an ethical behavior include the utilitarian, individualism, moral-rights, and justice views.
?The workplace is a source of possible ethical dilemmas in which people may be asked to do or are tempted to do things that violate ethical standards.
?Organizational social responsibility is the obligation of organizations as a whole to act in ethical ways.
?The insights of OB can help build and maintain high performance organizations that offer their members a high quality of work life.
Chapter 13 Study Guide
1. What is organizational culture?
?Organizational or corporate culture is the system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members.
?Corporate culture can assist in responding to both external adaptation and internal integration issues.
?Most organizations contain a variety of subcultures, and a few have countercultures that can become the source of potentially harmful conflicts.
?Organizational cultures may be analyzed in terms of observable actions, shared values, and common assumptions (the taken-for-granted truths).
2. What are the observable aspects of organizational culture?
?Observable aspects of culture include the stories, rites, rituals, and symbols that are shared by organization members.
?Cultural rules and roles specify when various types of actions are appropriate and where individual members stand in the social system.
?Shared meanings and understandings help everyone knows how to act and expect others to act in various circumstances.
3. How do values and assumptions influence organizational cultures?
?Common assumptions are the taken-for-granted truths that are shared by collections of corporate members.
?Some organizations express these truths in a management philosophy that links
key goal-related issues with key collaboration issues into a series of general ways
in which the firm will manage its affairs.
4. How can the organizational culture be ?managed,? ?nurtured, ?and ?guided ??
?The management philosophy is supported by a series of corporate myths.
?Executives may manage many aspects of the observable culture directly.
?Nurturing shared values among the membership is a major challenge for executives.
?Adjusting actions to common understandings limits the decision scope of even the CEO.
5. How can the process of organizational development enhance organizational culture?
?All managers may use organizational development (OD) techniques in their attempts to manage nurture, and guide cultural change.
?OD is a special application of knowledge gained from behavioral science to create a comprehensive effort to improve organizational effectiveness.
?OD has both outcome goals, with respect to improved task accomplishments, and process goals, with respect to improvements in the way organization members work together.
?With a strong commitment to collaborative efforts and human values, OD utilizes basic behavioral science principles with respect to individuals, groups, and organizations.
?Organization wide interventions include survey feedback, confrontation meetings, structural redesign, and collateral organization.
?Group and intergroup interventions include team building, process consultation, and intergroup team building.
?Individual interventions include sensitivity training role negotiation, job redesign, and career planning.
Chapter 19 Study Guide
1. What is organizational change?
?Planned change takes place because change agents, individuals and groups, make it happen to resolve performance problems or realize performance opportunities.
?Transformational change radically shifts fundamental aspects of organizations
such as purpose and mission, beliefs and values, strategies, and structures.
?Organizational targets for planned change include purpose, strategy, culture,
structure, people, tasks ,and technology.
?The planned change process requires attention to the three phases ?unfreezing, changing ,and refreezing.
2. What change strategies are used in organizations?
?Change strategies are the means change agents use to bring about desired change in people and systems.
?Force ?coercion change strategies use position power to bring about change through direct command or through rewards and punishments.
?Rational persuasion change strategies use logical arguments and appeals to knowledge and facts to convince people to change.
?Shared-power change strategies involve other persons in planning and implementing change.
3. What can be done about resistance to change?
?Resistance to change should be expected and not feared; it is a source of feedback that can be used to improve a change effort.
?People usually resist change because they are defending something of value;they
may focus their resistance on the change itself,the change strategy,or the change
agent as a person.
?Strategies for dealing with resistance to change include education and communication, participation and involvement, facilitation and support, negotiation and agreement, manipulation and cooptation, and explicit or implicit coercion.
4. How do organizations innovate?
?Innovation is the process of creating new ideas and then implementing them in
?Product innovations result in improved goods or services; process innovations result in improved work methods and operations.
?Steps in the innovation process normally include idea generation, initial
experimentation, feasibility determination, and final application.
?Common features of highly innovative organizations include supportive strategies,
cultures, structures, staffing ,and senior leadership.
5. How does stress affect people at work?
?Stress emerges when people experience tensions caused by extraordinary
?Work-related stressors arise from such things as excessive task demands, interpersonal problems, unclear roles, ethical dilemmas, and career disappointments.
?Nonwork stress can spill over to affect people at work; nonwork stressors may be traced to family situations, economic difficulties, and personal problems.
?Personal stressors derive from personality type, needs, and values, and can influence how stressful different situations become for different people.
?Stress can be managed by prevention ?such as making adjustments in work and nonwork factors; it can also be dealt with through personal wellness ?taking steps to maintain a healthy body and mind capable of better withstanding stressful situations. more
Below is instructions for the paper, please follow the instruction as written. Thanks.
All assignments must be typed using APA format.
I. Theory Critique and Application Paper...r>
A. Purpose: This paper will provide you the opportunity to explore a nursing theory, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to develop written communication skills.
B. Content
1. Introduction
Identify the theory (My theory is: Florence Nigtingales)
Briefly state reasons for selecting the theory
Provide an overview of the paper
2. Content
Provide an overview of the paradigmatic origins of the theorist.
Provide an overview of the education and experiential background of the theorist.
Provide definitions of the concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing according to the theory.
Describe other concepts of the theory.
Describe relationships among concepts in the theory.
Include assumptions .
Include a diagram/model of the theory.
Provide a critique of the theory using the model provided in Marriner-Tomey.
Describe how the theory is applied in education, practice, research and administration.
Describe specifically how to apply this theory in nursing practice in your APN role.
3. Summary: Review major points in the paper
C. Other requirements
1. Use APA format
2. Include an abstract
II. Presentation
A. Purpose: The presentations will provide you the opportunity to acquire knowledge about one theory related to advanced practice nursing, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to develop professional communication skills.
B. Select a nursing theory for the presentation (My theory: Florence Nightingales theory)
C. Provide objectives and an outline for participants
D. Content
1. Introduction to the presentation
Identify the theory
State learning outcomes (objectives) for the presentation
Provide an overview of what the presentation will cover
2. Content of presentation
Provide an overview of the paradigmatic origins of the theorist.
Provide an overview of the education and experiential background of the theorist.
Provide definitions of the concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing according to the theory.
Describe other concepts of the theory.
Describe relationships of concepts in the theory.
Include assumptions identified by the theorist.
Include a diagram/model of the theory.
Provide a critique of the theory using the model provided in Marriner and Tomey (Clarity, Simplicity, Generality, Empirical Precision, Derivable Consequences).
Describe specifically how to apply this theory in nursing practice in your APN role.
Describe how the theory is used in practice, education, research, and administration.
3. Summarize key points
4. Formulate several discussion questions and lead the discussion
5. Implement an evaluation for the presentation
E. Other requirements
1. Identify at least one assigned readings related to the content of your
presentation to be provided for participants.
2. Include a variety of references from articles and research articles from
professional journals.
3. Use power-point for the presentation.
4. Use more than one teaching strategy.
5. Type reference list in APA format. more
MY LOGIN IS kucampus.kaplan.edu
cm107 unit 5 discussion
Step 1: Reading and Learning Activities
Complete the ...assigned Unit 5 Reading and Learning Activities, available in the Unit 5 Learning Activities section.
Step 2: Review Project Details
Review the Unit 6 Assignment details and select a topic that you would like to work with for Units 5 and 6.
Step 3: Journal
Complete your Unit 5 Journal. The Journal assignment serves as your prewriting and will help you generate ideas for the Discussion Board.
Step 4: Post Your Project Plan as a Microsoft Word Attachment
A project plan is a document that guides the development of your draft. The project plan will help you identify your audience and purpose as well as the main ideas and supporting details you will develop in your Unit 6 Project.
Your project plan should identify which of the two topic selections you will be using and answer the following questions:
Who is your audience?
Why might your audience be interested in this topic?
What is your purpose for writing the document?
What are the most important details or concepts you want your audience to take away after reading your letter?
Your project plan should be submitted as a Microsoft Word Attachment to your initial post.
Step 5: Respond to Classmates? Postings
Participate by responding to at least two classmates? initial postings. Apply the critical reading strategies you learned in Unit 2 and Unit 3 and the peer feedback strategies you worked on in your Activities this week to provide your classmates with detailed, annotated feedback on their Project Plans. Review the questions listed in Step 4 and determine if they have fully answered each question. If they have not responded to one or more of the questions, or if additional information is needed, make an indication of this in your annotated feedback.
Writing For Professional Situations
Effective professional communications are essential in all career fields. Knowing how to format and develop a professional document can help you get an interview, bring in new clients, or even land an important promotion!
Step 1: Review your Unit 4 Assignment article and consider the implications of the topic for a professional audience
Step 2: Select an appropriate audience, purpose, and format for writing about the issue.
You have several options here. For example, you could write an email or report to your current supervisor or business owner, for the purpose of explaining why it is important for the company's employees to know about this issue, or you could explain how it may be a concept that will strengthen the company's position in the market if they apply it, or how it may in some other way be valuable for your audience. Or you could write a business letter to a prospective employer showing how this concept is valuable to them and their business success or how your knowledge of this subject might make you a valuable addition to their team.
Whatever focus you choose, be sure you establish a clear, specific main point and purpose and be sure that you are writing to a specific audience and meeting that audience's needs. This assignment should demonstrate your ability to create a semi-formal document that addresses a professional audience.
Length Requirements: Your completed Assignment should be the equivalent of at least 2 double-spaced pages. Your document should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
Step 3: Write your document
Step 4: Submit Assignment
To review a sample Unit 6 Assignment, please click here.
Submit the Assignment to the Unit 6 Project Dropbox by the last day of the unit, Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Submitting your Unit 6 Assignment:
Remember that you must use Microsoft Word for this and all projects submitted for this class. When you are ready to submit it, go to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox and complete the steps below:
Step 2: Review Project Details
Review the Unit 6 Project details and the topic you selected in Unit 5.
Step 3: Review Your Project Plan
Review the project plan you developed for the Unit 5 Discussion Board as well as the feedback you received from your classmates.
Step 4: Post Your Draft as a Microsoft Word Attachment
Using your project plan, write a draft of your Unit 6 Assignment.
Please keep in mind, your draft should do the following
Establish a main point about the issue your chosen article raises.
Use language and format appropriate to your chosen audience and purpose.
Use supporting details to develop your main point.
Follow formatting for a business letter or email (Appendix A in the weekly reading contains samples).
Your draft should be submitted as a Microsoft Word Attachment to your initial post.
In the body of your post, include your initial revision plan. To help develop your revision plan consider the following questions:
What aspects of your draft do you think could use development?
What aspects of your draft do you think are strong?
Which areas of your paper are you still working on? more
Assignment: Week 6 Case Study
In the Case Study assignments students demonstrate multiple skills. The Case Study is composed of two parts: The ?Ethical Analysis? portion should be the first h...alf of the assignment and the second half will be the ?decision.? This assignment asks students to inhabit the position of an ethics administrator or a representative of a hospital ethics committee who is coming to a decision regarding a specific case. The Case Study assignments are weighted heavily in the final grade.
Assessment Purpose
The purpose of the assignment in an abstract sense is to assess student?s capacity to analyze a situation ethically and ?objectively,? and secondly, to come to a decision using ethics. The assignment is forcing students into an overly formulaic and artificial situation. The assessment purpose of this assignment is multifold: Firstly, this assignment is used to assess if students have mastered the ethical theories and if they can utilize the ethical theories in a ?real life? context. Secondly, this assignment will make use of the ?ethical analysis? skill that was learned in week 3. Lastly, this assignment is a writing assessment; something of critical importance to Benedictine?s educational objectives for the MPH program. Issues of citation, grammar and general writing competence are the focus here. The three arenas in which the assignment will be graded is as follows:
1. Ethical analysis
2. Decision/ Justification
3. Grammatical + Stylistic Issues
In each of the three arenas each assignment will receive a percentage score. If a paper receives 100% in all three arenas, then the paper will receive a 100% grade, which is an averaging of all three percentages. If one receives 85% in two arenas and 50% in a third arena, then the final grade will be 73.3% for the assignment.
1. 50% of the assignment must be composed of a complete ?ethical analysis? section.
2. The ?ethical analysis? portion must be ?neutral? and must not include a decision or a ?locatable? bias. It should follow the model provided in the instructions for the ethical analysis assignment in week 5.
3. 50% of the assignment must be composed of a ?decision section composed of a discussion of ethics that uses multiple ethical theories in a way that demonstrates that the student has mastered these theories.
4. All sections must have subheadings that are bolded.
5. This paper should be written in the third person.
6. Papers must adhere to APA requirements and ought to be free of grammatical complications.
1. There is no required page minimum. Average paper lengths near 13-15 pages or so and are double-spaced (1.5). However, one might want to error on greater depth and specificity than less.
2. Please use the feedback provided regarding your ?ethical analysis? assignment in week 5 in order to write the ?ethical analysis? portion of your Case Study assignments. In the ethical analysis portion, try to stick to the model provided in the instructions provided in week 5.
3. While the ethical theories are required in the justification section, references to the supplementary articles are strongly suggested but not required.
4. This paper should have minimal use of external sources in the body of the paper because this assignment ought to reflect the student?s original work and thinking. Thus, this paper should not be composed of other authors? work regarding transplantation ethics. As a guide, one might stick to a 90% rule in which 90% of the assignments is made up solely of the student?s own words. Aside from actual wording, there should also be minimal use of external references since this assignment allows the instructor to evaluate the student?s work. One might wish to limit external references to 4-6 external sources.
5. This paper is not a philosophical paper. The purpose of this paper is not to reflect on ethics and ethical issues primarily. Rather the primary purpose here is application. These are two different aims. As an application-centered assignment, this paper should look much more like a professional communication that emerged from an ethicist or ethics committee that deliberated about the case during a single session and it should not look like an impassioned plea from an opinionated layperson. It should also not look like a researched term paper. Rather, it should look like a committee decision or an ethicist?s decision.
This link is useful. It is important that nothing be plagiarized from any parts of the following website:
--Illegal Immigrants, Health Care, and Social Responsibility
--U.S. Rule Limits Emergency Care for Immigrants
--Title: Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Bioethics
Author: Ronald Munson
Publisher: Cengage
Ed/Year: 9th/2012
ISBN-13: 978-1133587149
1. Make sure to add a justification section at the end of this assignment that now justifies your decision in this scenario.
2. Make sure to use bolded headings in your paper. This is really helpful. more
? You are a manager at JC Dollars Inc. (JCD), a historically successful global leader in fashion retail. The company needs to increase profitability. Leaders at JCD believe that customer loyalty is a ...major part of the solution. The JCD CEO has asked you, the Onsite Business Analytic Expert, to work with JCD?s offshore analytics partner (EKO Infomatics) to test the following hypotheses:
?Whether or not the loyalty data at JC Dollar can be effectively leveraged to increase customer loyalty, and lead to improved business results.
? In addition to reporting on the analytics work, you should also propose recommendations in terms of the broader analytic strategy for JC Dollar and how it may be able to effectively compete through analytics in the future.
? Every week, for the next five weeks, you will submit a weekly progress report to the CEO (your
For week 1, submit a progress report in which you:
1. Summarize the purpose of the project.
a. What is the key business problem you are trying to solve?
2. Summarize the planned process of the project.
3. Hypothesize potential outcomes (What will the results of the data analysis reveal?)
4. Set your criteria for successful project completion
a. What is the high-level business scorecard metric you are trying to improve (e.g. increase company profitability by 5%)?
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? No page requirement. However, clear and professional communication should be evident.
? Be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
? Include a title, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date.
The course-level learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
? Manage the process of business data collection and analysis. more
Application writing for the media
-The task:
2 media release 250 W
-On behalf of one or more client organisations, research and p...repare the following items. In your assignment, you should also show who your target public is and the type of magazine or newspaper to which you would submit the completed work:
2 newsworthy media releases of approximately 250 words each using a summary type intro and any alternative intro as provided in the study materials
The materials must be prepared according to the format, content and style requirements that would be appropriate for submission to the media. While the media releases may focus on one issue or event, they must each have a different news angle and must therefore be substantially different in content.
-You are expected to make direct contact with one or more client organisation/s, to conduct the research necessary to prepare these materials. This assignment is NOT a hypothetical and must not be treated as such.
-a good PR person should be always researching the needs of their targets and understanding what they want certainly helps in developing the article. However media releases are essentially one way tools of communication so make sure that the needs of the organisations are still met otherwise you could be seen to be reacting to the demands of publics rather than having a mutual appreciation of each others needs. Dont though bring in too many ideas and topics into the release as this can confuse the reader. On the other hand the feature article can elaborate and balloon ideas and allows you to develop a theme following several angles and linkages between paragraphs.
-Try though not to use the same body copy for both - look for different angles and news elements for each release that might appeal to your target publics.
-It could have developed something R & D project or assisted in some community event. An organisation that you might belong to, might want to recruit new members and wants to make the public aware of what it does. Likewise something special might be coming up in your community and you need to tell others about it. One thing though the assignment is not hypothetical and must be real.
-You should prepare these items carefully, paying close attention to the guidelines provided in your study materials and textbook.
The presentation of this and all other work submitted in this course should be of the highest possible standard. Presentation is an integral part of any form of contemporary professional communication and you are expected to hand in work that meets exacting standards in presentation as well as style and content.
-Marking criteria for assignment
-News value selection of substantially different news angles, application of news values to information organisation and presentation. (Is the media release newsworthy? Would the media targeted publish it? Would the target publics be interested in reading / hearing about it?) /25
-News writing style the inverted pyramid, lead length and impact, the effective use of direct and indirect quotes, the absence of un-attributed opinion, format and presentation etc. /25
-You should refer to Reference:
-The material which I will send, modules will include selected reading references, please try to refer and look up for these (selected reading)
-Rayfield, R 1991, Public relations writing: strategies and skills.
-Hendrix, JA 2004, Public relations cases.
There are faxes for this order. more
Theoretical Analysis and Application Project
Theory must inevitably link to application. As such, in this course, you act as a personality theorist in your efforts to observe, explain, and an...alyze human behavior based on the actions and emotions of the specified film character in the following films:
Project Objectives
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
Analyze the complex nature of personality according to two major personality theories.
1. Psychodynamic
2. Traits
Synthesize the major theories by analyzing how a film character demonstrates five components of personality, based on the theories.
Pervin, Cervone, and John (2005) identify the five theoretical components of personality must be used in the analysis:
1. Structure: The basic units or building blocks of personality.
2. Process: The dynamic aspects of personality, including motives.
3. Growth and development: How we develop into a unique person.
4. Psychopathology: The nature and causes of disordered personality functioning.
5. Change: How people change and why they sometimes resist change or are unable to change.
Evaluate the characters personality from a clinical perspective, using the five components, for a chosen theoretical approach.
Analyze how internal and external factors influence the characters personality, within the context of the chosen theory.
Demonstrate professional communication skills, including graduate-level writing skills and proper APA style and formatting.
Required Components
You are required to use the Course Project Template to develop your paper. The final paper must include the following components, in order, as indicated in the template:
Title page.
Introduction (1/21 page).
Section 1: Character Personality Matrix (24 pages, in a table): 1. Psychodynamic 2. Traits
Section 2: Application of Personality Theory (810 pages): Only Trait Theory
Theory description and rationale.
Character description.
Character analysis.
Conclusion (1/21 page).
Reference List.
The paper must include at least 10 peer-reviewed sources. Textbook references are limited to two, including the course text: Pervin, Cervone, and John (2005) more
Application writing for the media
1 feature story idea 800 W
-On behalf of one or more client organisations, ...research and prepare the following items. In your assignment you should also show who your target public is and the type of magazine or newspaper to which you would submit the completed work:
one feature story of approximately 800 words.
The materials must be prepared according to the format, content and style requirements that would be appropriate for submission to the media.
-You are expected to make direct contact with one or more client organisation/s, to conduct the research necessary to prepare these materials. This assignment is NOT a hypothetical and must not be treated as such.
-It could have developed something R & D project or assisted in some community event. An organisation that you might belong to, might want to recruit new members and wants to make the public aware of what it does. Likewise something special might be coming up in your community and you need to tell others about it. One thing though the assignment is not hypothetical and must be real.
-You should prepare these items carefully, paying close attention to the guidelines provided in your study materials and textbook.
The presentation of this and all other work submitted in this course should be of the highest possible standard. Presentation is an integral part of any form of contemporary professional communication and you are expected to hand in work that meets exacting standards in presentation as well as style and content.
-Marking criteria for assignment 1
Feature story idea including target public and target media.
-News value (Is the feature article newsworthy? Would the media targeted publish it? Would the target publics be interested in reading / hearing about it?) /25
Target public and target media (approx. 250 words). /10
Grammar, spelling, organisation, format, presentation. 1 mark will be deducted for each spelling and/or grammatical error up to a max. of 15. Assignments with more than 15 errors will be failed. /15
-Total /100
-You should refer to Reference:
-The material which I will send, modules will include selected reading references, please try to refer and look up for these (selected reading)
-Rayfield, R 1991, Public relations writing: strategies and skills.
-Hendrix, JA 2004, Public relations cases.
There are faxes for this order. more
The purpose of the Capstone Project is to: investigate a target population selected from a clinic practice or other community-based site.
Addresses a question of interest to t...he practice or project site.
Implement or analyze the project in such a way that subsequent groups of students can build new projects based on their predecessors reports and findings.
Apply the core principles of epidemiology, biostatistics, health services management, program evaluation and education and other public health courses and community-oriented primary care to evaluating a specific health care need for a defined population
Critically appraise the efforts of a program to address the needs of the target population
Develop critical appraisal skills in literature reviews
Create a store of knowledge about a particular health care concern
Gain professional communication skills both verbal and written
Become familiar with a public health project including collaboration of two or more agencies
The assignment will require students to:
Select a specific target population and a health care need particular to that population.
Search the literature to better define the magnitude of the particular health care problem of the selected target population.
Search the literature to determine other ways the problem is being addressed.
Investigate the methods that a particular agency, health care site or program is using to address the need. (This may require interviews with key personnel, site visits or other investigations to fully describe the interventions that are being used to address the need.)
Present the paper to your faculty advisor.
Deliver an oral presentation to the director and faculty of the Public Health Program.
Use standard form for end notes and bibliography.
N.B. The student has the option of doing original research or use existing data to answer issues that have been raised in the past, or write an analytical paper on a public health issue or program applicable to the target population.
Paper Content
Abstract (250 words or less)
Describe/Define the Target Population
Describe the need of the target population and why you selected one particular need for this project.
Project Purpose: Describe the purpose of the project being undertaken to address the need of the target population.
There are faxes for this order. more
Below is a copy of the assignment handout. The finished product should be a recommendation for the implementation of an Internet policy.
Internet Policy Case
Purpose: With the Internet po...licy assignment, you will put to work what you have learned over the past few weeks about audience and persuasion. Primarily, the case asks you to consider the needs of both an organization and its employees as you make recommendations for an Internet use policy. It also requires effective persuasive strategies, including those discussed in chapter 2 of Professional Communication.
Case Study: You work for America West Finance, and in a meeting with your manager, Diane Silversmith, she mentions that the VP over Operations for the company has asked her to look into the possible need for adopting an Internet use policy. America West Finance, which employs just over 500 individuals, markets financial services, including estate planning, retirement planning, and investment portfolio management. The company offers competitive wages and good benefits to its employees. Although the company is profitable, company earnings have declined over the past seven quarters, prompting the CEO to announce that he is considering a reduction in force. The company operates a service center, where representatives assist clients with their accounts by phone. You are one of the managers within this center, which employs over 100 individuals.
Silversmith admits that she has not had time to give the Internet use issue much thought: "1'm not sure whether it's a good idea and don't have a sense of how many companies like ours have Internet use policies."
"I don't either," you reply, "although I remember reading an article a few months ago about `cyberslacking.' It discussed the amount of company time that is wasted by employees surfing the Internet and writing personal email during work time. But I haven't noticed problems with employee Internet abuse in my first few months as a manager. Have you?"
"Not any serious ones," Silversmith responds, "It looks like the goal would be to prevent any before they crop up.
As you consider this, Silversmith informs you, "I'm supposed to make a recommendation on this issue during my meeting with the VP next week. I want to go in with some support for or against a policy, but with my current workload, I won't have time to do any research. Since you work closely with the employees who may use the Internet the most frequently, I'd like you to spend a few hours researching the issue. Then write me a memo based on that information, recommending whether or not we should pursue an Internet use policy."
"OK," you respond, figuring it will be an interesting diversion from your regular tasks. In a few hours' time, you come up with some important data.
Assignment: Write a memo to Silversmith, making a recommendation for or against pursuing an Internet use policy. Research the issue, use evidence from that research to support your recommendation, and make the memo persuasive. Document your sources either formally or informally.
Grading Criteria: In the memo, you should do the following:
?Persuasively argue for or against an Internet policy.
?Support assertions (claims) with sound reasoning and good
evidence (data, logic, examples).
?Address counterarguments.
?Consider the needs of possible secondary readers and
?Use appropriate tone, word choice, and technical detail.
?Use the memo format effectively.
?Document your sources (either formally or informally)
Provide unified paragraphs and transitions to connect ideas within and between paragraphs. more
In Unit 1, you began to lay the groundwork for your proposed study. In this unit, you will continue to build on that work by identifying the theoretical frameworks that will support your work, and the... major themes you see emerging for this study.
For this assignment, you will prepare for the u02d1 discussion by revising your Unit 1 discussion posts based on the feedback you received in that discussion. In your revision, you will need to do the following additional items:
Briefly describe the theoretical or conceptual framework that will support the proposed study, and explain how the framework creates a foundation for your proposed study.
Answer the following questions and provide an explanation to support your answer:
Does the research generate a new theory?
Does the research refine or add to a new theory?
Does the research test to confirm theory or to refute theory?
Does the research expand theory by telling us something new about application or processes?
As you compose your post, remember that you are expected to demonstrate scholarly and professional communication skills in writing. Write clearly, precisely, concisely, coherently, accurately, and persuasively. Your writing should adhere to the APA publication manual writing style guidelines, standards for formatting, and writing mechanics.
Submit your posts to your instructor for grading. more
The 2012 Cell Phone and My Culture
You have received a positive reply to a letter and r?sum? that you submitted to a Fortune 500 electronics manufacturer that is interested in filling a position a...t its West Coast Regional office. The letter indicates that the company has selected a small pool of applicants for in-person interviews. You are one of six selected. Among other items to be submitted prior to the interview, the marketing manager and a Human Resources staffer have requested a two-page writing sample describing your thoughts about the sales potential of the leading cell phones on the market today. Your Essay will be that writing sample.
In clarifying what the interviewers want in the writing sample, the letter sent to you read as follows: ?The first cell phones began appearing in customers? hands around 1983. At that time these devices were comparatively bulky, expensive, and unreliable. Much has changed in this technology and in Americans? lives since then. Select two typical cell phones that have been marketed during 2012. Analyze the features of two of the leading cell phones on the market and tell us why one of the phones would be superior for buyers in the 18 to 24-year-old demographic.?
Thus, for this assignment you will write an essay that is both descriptive and argumentative. In two pages (no more, no less), you will describe and explain what you think are the most important features and benefits of two cell phones, circa 2012. Your essay will also argue which of the two phones will sell better to customers aged from 18 to 24.
Because this is a part of a job application, be sure to show your prospective employer your expertise in professional communications by observing all of the conventions of formal writing. To demonstrate your research, and your integrity, you will use in-text citations for any sources you use (at least three) To do this, follow the MLA conventions for documentation (see Hacker or the Purdue/Owl site). more
Communication Theory Paper
Write a 700-1050-word paper examining communication theory. Consider team and group communication processes utilized in your own organization. How does gender and cultural differences impact communications at your organization, with fellow co-workers, manager, patients, families, and caregivers? Identify any improvements that could be made and state why. If appropriate, make recommendations. Utilize a minimum of two research sources, with one from UOP Library and the other from rEsource to support your claims.
Communication Improvement Plan
As you continue in your position as the new Sheriff, one of your primary concerns is the poor, and often ineffective, communication between the supervisory and ...line staff. You observe that the supervisors hand down directives via formal communications methods, but the front-line employees (including deputies) respond informally. The deputies communicate among each other in informal ways, as well. You are concerned that this communication disconnect is interfering with effective operations and creating conflict.
Develop a 4- to 5-page improvement plan in Microsoft Word for fostering effective communication between the supervisors and the staff, consistent with the agency mission statement developed during Week 1 of the course. In your plan, include the following details:
?At least two examples of ineffective communication between supervisors and staff.
?At least two specific strategies for improving communication between supervisors and staff.
?An explanation of why these strategies would be effective in improving communication.
?Describe why formal communication is necessary for certain operations in the Sheriff's departments, and why informal communication is preferable in other areas.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Analyzed the communication between supervisors and staff and provided at least two examples of ineffective communication.
Analyzed and provided at least two specific strategies for improving communication between supervisors and staff.
Analyzed and explained why these strategies would be effective in improving communication.
Analyzed and described why formal communication is necessary for certain operations in the Sheriff's departments, and why informal communication is preferable in other areas.
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format. more
Communication style/ cultural comparison paper.
Read the book Management in Two Cultures and using APA format, write a 1150 word paper describing the differences between American and Mexican social customs and communication styles. In the paper analyze the implications of the differences in developing strong professional and personal relationships.
Communication paper The communication paper is designed to reflect on your professional communication style. You will be interviewing an adult client as scheduled. Your goal is…
Read Full Paper ❯Module 2: Topic and Objectives Professional Communication and Practice * Demonstrate professional writing skills using APA style. *…
Read Full Paper ❯Use Chicago Manual of Style. I need the bibliography and work cited information along with my order for free. I provided 11 reference materials to use. Along with that…
Read Full Paper ❯First page should focus on the interview process. Second page on resumes. This is what I have for the intro, my conclusion is also done, I was asked to revise the…
Read Full Paper ❯SEE THE ATTACHMENT for the Power point you need to critique, also please the 12 's rules Professor REALLY LOVE those rules please mention them in your paper The…
Read Full Paper ❯Use the following websites and book to answer the following questions in essay format. http://www.aanp.org http://nursingworld.org http://www.aone.org http://www.ncsbn.org http://www.nln.org http://www.nnsdo.org http://www.aacn.nche.edu/Education/pdf/MasEssentials96.pdf http://www.ncsbn.org/Consensus_Model_for_APRN_Regulation_July_2008.pdf http://aacn.nche.edu/education/pdf/BaccEssentials08.pdf Books: Advanced Practice nursing: Evolution Roles for the Transformation of the Profession, isbn# 9781449665067…
Read Full Paper ❯D6: Craft a Definition and Purpose of a Professional Learning Community Within an Educational Context This Discussion is twofold: 1) Focus on synthesizing at least three scholars? perspectives about…
Read Full Paper ❯Abstract Assignment (worth 50 points) You will write one abstract of an article from a professional research journal of communication that deals with some aspect of intercultural communication. The…
Read Full Paper ❯Please refer to http://www.ce.columbia.edu/stratComm/program.cfm , and my resume sent to snrinfo@aol.com, for more information on the curriculum and my work experience. Statement of academic purpose (300-500 words) addressing…
Read Full Paper ❯Task description Discuss relevant ethical and legal issues that pertain to the following scenario Please note, you are not being asked to take a particular viewpoint/position here, but rather to…
Read Full Paper ❯***Would like writer - Writer?s Prepare a word paper in which you explain the following key concepts and terminology: Provide examples of how these concepts and terms relate…
Read Full Paper ❯Below is instructions for the paper, please follow the instruction as written. Thanks. All assignments must be typed using APA format. I. Theory Critique and Application Paper A. Purpose: This paper will provide…
Read Full Paper ❯MY LOGIN IS kucampus.kaplan.edu PLEASE LABEL EACH UNIT AND USE THE UNIT 4 ARTICLE cm107 unit 5 discussion Step 1: Reading and Learning Activities Complete the assigned Unit 5 Reading and Learning Activities,…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment: Week 6 Case Study In the Case Study assignments students demonstrate multiple skills. The Case Study is composed of two parts: The ?Ethical Analysis? portion should be the first…
Read Full Paper ❯? You are a manager at JC Dollars Inc. (JCD), a historically successful global leader in fashion retail. The company needs to increase profitability. Leaders at JCD believe that…
Read Full Paper ❯PDF FILES NEEDED HAVE BEEN UPLOADED. Application writing for the media -The task: 2 media release 250 W -On behalf of one or more client organisations, research and prepare the…
Read Full Paper ❯Theoretical Analysis and Application Project Theory must inevitably link to application. As such, in this course, you act as a personality theorist in your efforts to observe, explain, and analyze…
Read Full Paper ❯ALL PDF FILES NEEDED HAVE BEEN UPLOADED TO THE FAX BOARD. Application writing for the media 1 feature story idea 800 W -On behalf of one or more client organisations, research…
Read Full Paper ❯Criteria The purpose of the Capstone Project is to: investigate a target population selected from a clinic practice or other community-based site. Addresses a question of interest to the practice…
Read Full Paper ❯Below is a copy of the assignment handout. The finished product should be a recommendation for the implementation of an Internet policy. Internet Policy Case Purpose: With the Internet policy assignment,…
Read Full Paper ❯In Unit 1, you began to lay the groundwork for your proposed study. In this unit, you will continue to build on that work by identifying the theoretical frameworks…
Read Full Paper ❯The 2012 Cell Phone and My Culture You have received a positive reply to a letter and r?sum? that you submitted to a Fortune 500 electronics manufacturer that is interested…
Read Full Paper ❯Communication Theory Paper Write a 700-1050-word paper examining communication theory. Consider team and group communication processes utilized in your own organization. How does gender and cultural differences impact communications at…
Read Full Paper ❯Communication Improvement Plan As you continue in your position as the new Sheriff, one of your primary concerns is the poor, and often ineffective, communication between the supervisory and line…
Read Full Paper ❯Communication style/ cultural comparison paper. Read the book Management in Two Cultures and using APA format, write a 1150 word paper describing the differences between American and Mexican social customs…
Read Full Paper ❯