Process Control Essays Prompts

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Prepare a critical analysis of a quantitative study focusing on protection of human participants, data collection, data analysis, problem statement, and interpretation of findings.

Each study... analysis will be 750-1,000 words and submitted in one document.

Refer to the resource Research Critique, Part 2. Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative, in the structure of a formal paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

Submit the assignment along with an electronic version of the article used for the analysis. If an electronic version is not available, submit a clean unmarked copy of the article.

To write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of the research study conducted, respond to each of the questions listed under the headings below. Do not answer the questions with a yes or no; rather, provide a rationale or include examples or content from the study to address the questions.

Protection of Human Participants
? Identify the benefits and risks of participation addressed by the authors. Were there benefits or risks the authors do not identify?
? Was informed consent obtained from the subjects or participants?
? Did it seem that the subjects participated voluntarily in the study?
? Was institutional review board approval obtained from the agency in which the study was conducted?

Data Collection
? Are the major variables (independent and dependent variables) identified and defined? What were these variables?
? How were data collected in this study?
? What rationale did the author provide for using this data collection method?
? Identify the time period for data collection of the study.
? Describe the sequence of data collection events for a participant.

Data Management and Analysis
? Describe the data management and analysis methods used in the study.
? Did the author discuss how the rigor of the process was assured? For example, does the author describe maintaining a paper trail of critical decisions that were made during the analysis of the data? Was statistical software used to ensure accuracy of the analysis?
? What measures were used to minimize the effects of researcher bias (their experiences and perspectives)? For example, did two researchers independently analyze the data and compare their analyses?

Findings / Interpretation of Findings
? What is the researcher?s interpretation of findings?
? Are the findings valid or an accurate reflection of reality? Do you have confidence in the findings?
? What limitations of the study were identified by researchers?
? Was there a coherent logic to the presentation of findings?
? What implications do the findings have for nursing practice? For example, can the study findings be applied to general nursing practice, to a specific population, to a specific area of nursing?
? What suggestions are made for further studies?

Addressing Toyota's Recalls

You have just taken over as the head of Toyota's Quality Control Department. You are a Vice President (VP) and answer directly to the CEO. You have seven directors that answer to you. Each director ma...nages one of the following divisions:
1. Drive Systems (including brakes, axles, and wheels)?2. Electrical Systems?3. Safety Systems?4. Body and Chassis (including suspension)?5. Material (quality of all materials that go into making car/truck)?6. Manufacturing Equipment (all systems that go into making a car, the factory line)?7. Facilities (all the supporting facilities, paperwork, etc)
Each director has a group of inspectors and managers for their divisions.
The previous VP has been let go, for cause. The departments morale is very low and there is a great deal of pressure for each division to perform.
You are to develop a paper to present to the CEO that will outline how you are going to turn around the department (your department - hint - you are NOT in charge of production). You should include / address the following areas:
1. Short term (1 year) and long term (2-10 years) goals. Make sure they are SMART.?2. Any reorganization that you plan to do within your department.?3. Any assistance you will need from other departments.?4. Any training you will do with your department, and the company as a whole. (this ties into number three, since you will need to work with other departments)?5. An analysis of what challenges you will face. Think of this as a way of analyzing your potential pitfalls as your group undergoes change.?6. What leadership traits do want your seven directors to have? Pick at least three. Why did you pick these traits? How will you ensure that the directors have or gain the required skills.

Inventory Control at Costco

how is it controlled?
strategies used?

type of inventory ?
anything regarding inventory control
it is preferred to have academic journals, case studies, reliable and experts reports as recourses for this paper.

Socialization, Deviance & Social Control

Reading Assignment
Benokraitis, Chapters 4 & 7
Assignment Type: Individual Project Points Possible: 50 Deliverable Length: 1?2 pages

Children are socialized in many ways. Some books that you read when you were a child probably had a lasting impact on you. Your assignment is to analyze children?s books with your sociological knowledge. Read 3 children?s books, or reread 3 of your favorites (it is best to conduct research on books that portray people, rather than animals or inanimate objects). Answer the following questions to help you in your analysis.

Include the title, publisher, and year the book was published.
What is the message of the book? What lessons does it teach to children?
How are females and males portrayed in the book?
What ethnic groups are portrayed in the book? How are they portrayed?
Please cite the books that you will be using.

Make sure that your Individual Project includes references using APA standards

Write an essay comparing and contrasting the water purification process used in wastewater treatment facilities to those used in drinking water facilities before it is piped into homes. Then, compare and contrast those to the purification that occurs naturally. Compare and contrast all three purification processes in detail.

Risk Management Paper
Prepare a 1,250-1,750-word paper on a current risk management issue at your facility.

Issue: Nonpayment for Hospital-acquired conditions.

Contents to include:

1. Introduction
2. As a risk manager, discuss the steps that you would set in place to address the issue
3. Discuss how you would determine a path to remedy the problem
4. Search the literature and provide three sources that identify valid methods adopted by other facilities across the country to address the same problem
5. Compare the results of these facilities to the process you would have developed for your institution
6. Conclusion and Recommendations

I am requesting jonsmom2 as a writer for this order. Thanks!


One of the benefits of living in the United States is having the right to form and articulate your own political opinions. Some will have similar polit...ical beliefs, while others will continually disagree with one another about key political issues. For this assignment students will write a 3-4 page paper that discusses his/her own political beliefs and the process that occurred that helped them form these opinions.

Your paper should include the following components:

1. Discuss your own political beliefs:
Where do you personally fall on the Four-Cornered Ideological Grid? Explain.
Do you align with an organized political party (i.e. Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, Green Party etc.)? If so, which one and why? If not, why?
What political issues are important to you and why? What stances do you take on these issues?
Are there certain issues you believe our new president should focus on? Which ones and why?

2. How did you form your own political beliefs?
Are your own political beliefs similar to your friends and family? Explain.
How do you think you have come to have the political beliefs that you do? For example, were you primarily influenced by your family, friends, church, or work experiences etc.?

3. Do you think it is important for individuals to form their own opinions on political issues? Explain.

4. Your paper should also connect and/or apply course concepts to the discussion of your own political beliefs.

Child Adoption Is a Process

Child Adoption as a Business

There is a huge need for child adoption in our society. Many couples go through the long, stressful and expensive process to adopt a child. But what is it from the other side: What is a child adoption as a business? In my research paper I would like to try to answer some questions: What kinds of organizations are involved in this business? Who gets the profit if there is one? What kind of problems is this business having? How does this business impact our society, science technology etc.?

Please use no more then four sources from Internet Web site.

Ethics Policies on 3 Companies.

**Below are the instructor instructions:

Informational Report. Which of three companies you might like to work for has the strongest corporate ethics policies? Instructor's additional instruc...tions: You are a member of a committee that's working to write a new corporate ethics policy for your company. As part of this process, you have been asked to gather information about the ethics policies of three companies in your field. Your report should gather this information and present it in a clear and usable manner, but should NOT offer recommendations about which policies your company should adopt. Right now, you're just at the information gathering stage.

Successful Reports will do the following:

Be formatted as a formal report, following the guidelines formal reports in the text (including the guidelines for headings and subheadings ;
Include appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts (such as a letter of transmittal, a table of contents, a purpose, scope, and limitations statement, a sources and methods statement, and so on);
Include appropriate visuals, demonstrating understanding of the materials;
Fully answer the question posed in the text, considering all of the background information provided and fulfilling the purpose outlined in the Your Task section (the word count for the intro, body, and conclusion should be 1250-1750 words);
Use at least two credible researched sources appropriately and effectively;
Include proper documentation using APA style (both in-text and end-of-text citations--please check your work using; and
Be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors; and
Include a memo of at least 300 words to your instructor detailing how you applied the Three Step Writing Process to your final project. Provide details on each of the three steps (planning, writing, and completing). Then evaluate how well the three step process worked for this project. Include this memo as an appendix to your formal report, and include it in the same document.

Please I need you to write a research paper and should be due tomorrow. Its an emergency. I need a research paper about ethics policies 3 different companies of my field of study which is Electronic engineering. These companies could be IBM, Microsoft Corporate, Intel, HP or any toher company you find suitable to my field. It doesnt need to be a popular one, any company around the country. For example, write a decription about company #1 and its ethics policies, then compnay #2, then company #3. Then do a compare a contrast of each company ethics. Please do an introduction about ethics, then the body with the companies and its ethics, and the conclusion with summary.
Here how the paper should look like:
*Prefatory parts(Title,name,date....I will add those later after u send me the paper)
*Memo of transmital( Its like a theses statement about the content of the report but more informal because its an informative report)
*Table of contents
*Introduction(2 pages maximim)
*Body (3 companies)with visuals and/or illustrations
*References in APA..3 AND MORE

Please do the best way possible. Font 12, times new romans and marggins as u like(1.5'') are good.

I need the paper by march 5th evening. I'll be paying big bucks for that so please do it the best way possible. I hope I'll be satisfied and I'll refer all my friends to this website.

Amer 630-670-2750

Dying Process Death and Dying,

My topic is The Pain issues with the Dying Process. How its being mismanage by the nursing aspect and how it can be fixed.
After viewing the power point and reading the chapters on the problem, the purpose and the hypothesis, conduct a literature search on your chosen topic and write a 2 page paper that discuss the problem, the purpose for why you are investigating your topic and state the hypothesis or the research questions that you have developed. Make sure to be in-depth with each step.
The problem statement should include a discussion on why your chosen topic is important to study. In order to write a good problem statement you must conduct a literature search. The purpose statement is a one to two sentence statement about why you are conducting the study and should reflect the problem.
The research questions are the questions that you develop after reading the literature. These are questions that you have thought of after reading the literature.
Dont plagiarize, use quotations when needed, double spaced, font size 12, APA format by new APA manual.

Guidelines for the Paper
You have acquired a vast knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and cross-cultural management. You will apply your learning by presenting an ov...erall plan for Case number 10 (page 405), "Ratan Tata: Leading the Tata Group into the 21st Century", Examples are threaded throughout the cases in the text. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability as a consultant to consider and recommend actions to management on how the organization can be most competitive in the global environment.
Development of the Plan
You will read the case and answer the questions on page 419. The end product is a paper that presents a comprehensive proposal for the organization and includes the concepts that you have learned from the text and outside resources. You must include citations in text and a reference page (APA format).

Requirements for the Proposal
Address the questions (page 419). You will also integrate the questions (Goals) throughout as part of your analysis. In addition, be sure to address the following
Provide a cultural profile of the local area in which you will be operating.
Discuss the communication issues
Discuss the staffing policies and HR challenges that will be used
Discuss leadership and motivation.
Explain issues of concern that should be addressed
Describe the organizational structure and your plans for expansion
You must include a Reference page in APA format along with in text citations throughout the paper.
Minimum of 3 referred or peer-reviewed journal must be used in your references list. You can find these through the online library. There is no limit on the number of references used; however, make sure the sources are credible. For your information, Wikipedia is not a credible research source. So, do not use it in your reference page.
The paper should be 5-8 pages minimum of text
Margins should be 1 inch and font should be either Times New Roman, Ariel, or Calibri (this is the standard for Office 2007)

Deresky, Helen. (2011). International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall

The Case Study will be sent after the order process.

There are faxes for this order.

Coca Cola Before 1970, Coca

The instructions are below. Please make sure you follow all the instructions below given for this assignment. Background. Please send any questions if you have any.

The Case in this course an ongoing exercise, which means that we will be taking an intensive look at one company over the course of 5 modules. This session, we will be conducting a strategic analysis of The Coca-Cola Company. In order to be best prepared and perform well on the cases, it is highly recommended that you complete the background readings and the SLP before writing to the case.

For this case, you will be identifying the primary business strategy employed by The Coca-Cola Company. You will also be providing a critical analysis evaluating that strategy in the context of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats you identified in Modules 2 and 3.

Required Reading

Please refer to the required and optional readings on Strategic Choices, the theme of Module 4.


Step One: Which of the four strategies discussed in this module (see background materials) does The Coca-Cola Company follow? How do you know?
Step Two: Using the process you learned in the SLP, integrate this strategy with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you identified in modules 2 and 3. This should give you some specific actions the company is taking relative to their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These actions are referred to as "strategic choices." Do The Coca-Cola Company's strategic choices align with the firm's generic strategy? If not, what are the points of disconnect? You need to think critically about this step, no company achieves perfect alignment of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with its chosen strategy. It is your job to uncover the discrepancies and problems.
Step Three: Identify any specific sustained competitive advantages conferred on The Coca-Cola Company by virtue of its strategic choices.
Step Three: In a 4-5 page paper:

1) Discuss the effectiveness of The Coca-Cola Company's strategy in the light of its internal strengths and weaknesses, and external threats and opportunities.

2) Has the company created any sustained competitive advantages?

3) Identify any unaddressed threats or missed opportunities.

4) What can The Coca-Cola Company do to build on its strengths and shore up its weaknesses by altering its strategic choices?

5) Complete the paper by commenting on how your view of The Coca-Cola Company's vision and mission has changed or has been reconfirmed by this process of strategic analysis. Would you make any suggestions to revise the strategy, mission or vision?
Step Four: Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as The Coca-Cola Company's consultant. This is a professional document. Follow the format below:
Executive summary: a synopsis of the main points, conclusions and recommendations made in the longer report. If you have never written an executive summary before, or would like a refresher, check this website:
Introduction: State the main purpose of the paper (thesis statement), what you hope to accomplish, and how you will go about doing it.
Main Body: The "meat" of the paper. Emphasize analysis, not just description. Delineate separate topics or sections with headings.
Conclusion: Summarize your paper in light of your thesis statement.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated on the following seven (7) points:

Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject, i.e., all the keys to the assignment, addressed?
Depth - Does the paper address all elements of the topic in sufficient depth? Does it include and apply the background readings and other background resources? Are they included as references?
Critical thinking - Are the concepts of the module applied accurately, logically, and relevantly?
Organization - Is the paper organized in a coherent and systematic manner? Are headings included in all papers greater than 2 pages?
Clarity - Is the writing clear and the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of response to the questions, or are thoughts conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper use citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are all references listed in the bibliography used and referred to via citation?

Writers in health care ethics repeatedly emphasize the role of the health care professional as a moral agent or a person whose actions affect self a...nd others at a moral level. Many writers further emphasize the importance of a personal ethic or moral framework in which the health care practitioner grounds his or her practice and professional relationships. Ideally, the content of this course gives the students an opportunity to consider their own personal and professional ethic within the various theoretical standpoints and case studies presented. The purpose of the Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership is to initiate and facilitate a well articulated foundation for leadership and ethics in practice.
The platform is worth 100 points. Please note, points are awarded based on the clarity and depth of your writing and the apparent effort given the assignment -- NOT on the rightness or wrongness of your position. Students are encouraged to be honest in their self-assessments and conclusions. The Professional Ethical Platform is due no later than Sunday, 11:59 p.m. Mountain Tine Zone of the week indicated in the Course Outline/Course Syllabus/Weekly Overview.
The ethics platform is a written essay demonstrating deep reflection on the nature, sources and implications of the values, beliefs and ethical perspectives that guide your personal and professional practice. The recommended length of the paper is 10-15 pages--more pages does not always equal a better paper, excluding the cover and reference pages, double-spaced with a 12-point font. Papers will not be penalized for exceeding 15 pages in length--more pages does not always equal a better paper. The essay may address areas beyond those found in the required information, and should reflect your own individual perspective and approach to ethical and leadership practice. However, the paper must minimally address the following items:
1. Identify the primary influences in your own ethical development and leadership perspective from childhood to the present. Describe any experiences or people that have had a particular impact. (2 to 3 pages.)
2. Examine the six ethical principles discussed in class (autonomy [respect for persons], nonmaleficence, beneficence, veracity, fidelity, and justice). Choose 3 or more principles that are most important to you. How important are these principles in relation to each other when they are in conflict? Under what circumstances have you, or would you, feel justified in violating one or more of these principles? What other values support or conflict with these principles? (2 to 3 pages.)
3. Most of us find ourselves using several or all of the ethical theories described in your readings; however, most of us are also generally inclined to one or two particular theories. Comment on which of the ethical theories seems the most consistent with your own perspective. Which ethical perspective is the most troublesome to you? Briefly explain why. (2 to 3 pages.) The ethical theories include Kantian deontology, Rossian deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, Catholic moral tradition, Rawlsian ethics, rights-based ethics, communitarian ethics, feminist ethics, and ethic of care. You may also present a cultural or faith-based perspective not covered by these theories.
4. Using the ethical concepts from your answers to #2 and #3 above, when working with patients, families and other health care professionals, how do you see yourself working to resolve ethical disagreements (1 page)?
5. Describe your view of the ethical practice of nursing (1 page).
6. Healthcare professionals are often challenged to assume leadership roles in order to improve clinical practice, advocate for patients, further or protect the interests of the profession, challenge unethical practices by colleagues or facilities, and actively work to shape meaningful health care policy. The Johnson text explores the ?shadow? side of ethical leadership. Discuss the shadow side of your own ethical practices and leadership behaviors; what are your opportunities for development. (1 to 2 pages.)
7. Articulate a realistic plan for personal and professional development with respect to ethical and leadership practice. State your plan in terms of specific and measurable goals, objectives, and a timeline. Describe how you will be held accountable for meeting the elements of your plan. (1 to 2 pages.)
This is a very personal assignment. Students are encouraged to be honest in their self-assessments and conclusions.
Primary Influences
--Identifies the primary influences in ethical development and perspective, including any experiences or people that have had a particular impact on personal ethical viewpoint. 15
Ethical Principles
--Discusses the various ethical principles in terms of which principles are most important, how situations are approached in which principles conflict, and any other values that support or conflict with these principles.
--Presents logical justification for choices. 15
Ethical Theories
-- Identifies those theories that seem most consistent with one's own perspective and those theories that seem least consistent with that perspective.
--The discussion contains enough depth for the evaluator to assess the personal understanding of the concepts.
--Identifies and addresses any inconsistencies in the personal views.
--Presents a framework by which ethical disagreements are resolved. 20
Ethical Practice of Nursing
--Details those ethical components deemed necessary to the practice of nursing.
--Does more than simply repeat the Nursing Code of Ethics; presents a well-developed and experientially-based construct. 15
Leadership Shadows
--Explores the shadow side of personal ethical practices and leadership behaviors, identifies opportunities for personal development. 15
Personal Development Plan
--Articulates a plan, with specific steps, for personal and professional development with respect to ethical practice. 10
Organization / Writing / APA format 10
There are many approaches to ethical analysis and each has inherent strengths and limitations. Compelling arguments can be made on both sides of most ethical dilemmas. As such, your work will not be evaluated on the basis of the rightness or wrongness of your position. However, it will be evaluated on the basis of presentation and the depth and clarity of your analysis. All papers will be generally evaluated as follows:
? Is each required element addressed with clarity and depth?
? Do the various concepts discussed reflect an accurate understanding, interpretation and application of ethical theory and principles?
Organization and Presentation:
? Is the essay well organized and engaging to the reader?
? Are ideas expressed clearly in writing?
Writing Mechanics
? Does the essay meet acceptable writing standards for graduate work?
? Is the paper formatted according to the style prescribed in the 6th edition APA manual?
? Are references cited appropriately within the body of the paper and the reference list?
Here is a checklist to help you evaluate your paper in relation to the grading criteria.
___ Is the paper written in accepted APA format?
? 1 inch margins, body double spaced with paragraph indents
? Cover sheet
? Title at the top of the first page
? Running header and page numbers
? Proper use of APA section headers
? APA style references within the body of the paper and an APA style reference list
NOTE: Papers that do not substantively comply with APA format will be returned unread. This is a graduate level standard.
___ Have you avoided plagiarism? Any time you use someone else?s words verbatim or even closely paraphrased, you must cite your source. For example, if you use a source that suggests a particularly effective interpretation of a particular ethical principle, cite that source in your discussion. Direct quotes should be in parentheses and the page number included in the citation (author, date, page).
___ Have you carefully proofread the paper for misspelled words, grammatical errors and clarity of presentation? Try reading the paper out loud, or have a friend read the paper and serve as editor.
The Department of Nursing requires that current American Psychological Association (APA) standards for style be used. This is an important aspect of scholarly writing and you are strongly advised to follow the style manual carefully. These details can be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). You should to obtain a current edition of this manual for reference. The APA manual (6th edition) is available through the Regis University Bookstore and can be purchased on line. APA websites are also useful.
Books used for my class are:
1. Meeting the Ethical Challenges of leadership Casting light on shadow by Craig E Johnson 4th edition
2. Ethical issues in modern medicine, contemporary readings in bioethics by Bonnie Steinbock, John D Arras and Alex John London 7th edition

Who Am I
Who am I? I am the product of my environment, a credit to my Irish heritage, a compassionate caring person who enjoys life to the fullest. I am a woman of character and integrity, a mother a friend, a sister, a counselor at times, a good listener, a follower of Jesus Christ, a missionary, a teacher and a nurse. I am a strong leader with a type A personality. Hard work is my motto and idle hands are as my mother used to say ?the devils workplace?.
1. Where were you born and what is your nationality & heritage?
I was born and raised in Ireland in a small village of approximately 100 families, where everybody knew everybody?s business. I am Irish. My heritage is part of the old traditional friendly, loving and caring group of people. I immigrated to the US on December 31st 1977.
2. Describe how you were raised and your family life. (schools attended, religious preferences, profession, etc.)
I was raised in a traditional Irish home, and am number five of eight children. The house was a small two bedroom home with no running water and an outside latrine. We lived on a small farm that was handed down from generation to generation over a period of 125 years. My family life was difficult growing up as my father was a violent alcoholic and a wife abuser. My mother was a loving, gentle caring person. She instilled in us a love of life, a strong penchant for responsibility at an early age and a need to work hard, get a good education and strive to do the best in life.
She wanted all the things she did not have in her life to be ours and she would say ?nothing is impossible with God; you can do all things through and with him?. Our family was staunch Roman Catholic and we were encouraged to attend church on Sundays and all holy days of obligation. My dad was an engineer and worked on the bridges and roads in our county in the midlands of Ireland in the county of Longford. I attended the local catholic schools from primary school through college. I choose nursing as my profession at the early age of seven while attending to my grandfather?s diabetic ulcers. (The nurse from our clinic taught me how to dress his wounds) This procedure instilled in me a desire to learn more about how and what a nurse was and does. I was intrigued and admired and respected her. She was an upstanding member of our community and everybody loved her.
3. Explain your views toward these elements of culture: work, dress, hygiene, courtship, gender and status.
We did not have a traditional dress other than wearing tweeds and a special type of knitted sweater called an ?Aran Sweater ?This sweater had a type of cable knit that depending on the clan you belonged to, depicted for example that she was from the ?Keegan clan?. One of the reasons for this specific cable was that prior to the era of DNA (the Irish were fishermen and relied on the sea for their food,) if a fisherman washed onto shore his sweater would denote what clan he was from, if the body was too decomposed to identify him.

Our work ethics were instilled in us by our parents. This reflects on how I look at life and others, and how I live my life. Our textbook states that ?knowing who you are is never simple, it is an ongoing process that can never fully capture the ever-emerging person.? (Martin, 2010 p. 36)I am still emerging as the textbook states. The motto in our home was to ?spare the rod and spoil the child?. We all had our chores and they had to be completed prior to leaving for school each day. Hygiene as I was growing up was a little more difficult as we did not have running water. We had a basin of water and soap (lye) and washed ourselves each day prior to going to school. Saturday night the aluminum bath was brought in and water was heated on the stove, boys went first in the bath tub, then the girls. Another saying my mother had was ?cleanliness is next to Godliness?. We were not allowed to leave the house for any event before we were inspected head to toe and behind our ears to see if we were clean. Clean underwear was a must before we left the house.
Gender in the traditional Irish home was like many traditional cultures that are the men come first. We had to look after the men and boys first then the girls could be taken care of. Courtship was under the strict morals of the catholic doctrine. The parish priest Father Pat ruled our community with an iron fist. He would walk the grounds of the local schools on weekend nights with his blackthorn stick and we were all aware that boys and girls were not allowed to be alone. If we were caught we would have to pay the wrath of Father Pat and that was a good beating with his stick.

He would also announce from the pulpit that he caught so and so doing things that they should not do. The birds and the bee?s stories were taught to us by our peers as sex was a taboo word in our homes. The rosary was recited every night in our home as we were growing up.
4. Briefly describe a typical day from morning to night in terms of the cultural values that govern your actions. Write a minimum of 10 actions that you do in a typical day.
I work nights so a typical day for me when I work the night shift is to get up around two thirty in the afternoon and brush my teeth wash my face and hands and as I now live alone I come down and spend about 30 minutes on a quiet time reflection with God. I then talk with my daughter via phone as she lives about 30 minutes away from home. I catch up with my errands, clean my house, do my laundry, prepare my work clothes and sit down and work on any of my readings and or homework so I can prepare any outlines for papers that need to be turned in that day. I typically spend one day a week preparing the weekly food so I have time to spend on recreational activities, family time and chores or school work on the remaining days.
I eat my meal around 1700 and take my shower and then I head off to work which is about 30 minutes from my house and start work at 1900 hours. When I am not working, my day starts out again with a quiet time and reflection with God. I take some time out to meet with my family and perhaps prepare a meal for them. We enjoy playing board games and are very competitive as a family. Family is a very important component in our traditional Irish homes.

4. Provide some characteristics of your culture from one or more of the following:Transmitted from generation to generation; cumulative and historical
An Irish family gathering is composed of friends playing the Uileann pipes (a form of bagpipe) and regardless of the fact that we have a musical note or not, we all chime in. We often sit down around a jigsaw puzzle and work as a team to complete the puzzle. Music is usually in the background. The elders will tell stories to the children and that often keeps the children intrigued for a long period of time. A game of football or soccer will be played in the backyard if it is a good day otherwise the men and boys in the family will be cheering on the soccer match on the television.
5. What rules in your home do you follow unconsciously?
I usually have a strict adherence to my faith and unconsciously have my quiet time each morning. I also keep a close relationship with my family and friends.
7. Relate a folktale, song, work of art, proverb or something similar about your personal culture.
Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.
May misfortune follow you the rest of your life, and never catch up.

May those who love us love us,
And those that don?t love us,
May God turn their hearts,
And if he doesn?t turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles?
So we will know them by their limping.
Author unknown.
8. How has your cultural values been determined by historical events?
Ireland during the 60?s was still in a state of unrest. The rebel factions of the Irish Republican Brotherhood and the British counterparts were still causing trouble. The catholic/protestant political and religious viewpoints were very strong. The Protestants were considered the elite, landowners (they threw us off our lands during the British take over) Today in Ireland this old adage no longer rings through but it continues to affect our lives in a way that can be distrusting of others who would attempt to control our family life or our worldviews. Our tradition and our heritage, one of friendship and hospitality, is why the Irish culture is renowned around the world and people have traveled to our country to see what makes us a nation of friendly compassionate people.

9. What customs and traditions do you observe in your culture?
St Patrick?s Day is a holiday and we honor him for bringing Christianity to our pagan land. Although a lot of celebrations surround food and drink, the family all join together to enjoy our freedom and our love of music and good Irish food. Christmas time is similar to that of the US except that we place a candle in the window to light the Christ child in. this signifies that there will always be room in our inn.
10. What influences or guides your behavior? (Your ethics)
Ethics as stated in our textbook on Intercultural Communication In Contexts is defined as ?principles of conduct that help govern the behaviour of individuals and groups? (Martin, 2010 p. 32). My upbringing instilled in me a love of music, song and dance and a penchant to give back a little of what I had that others are less fortunate to have in todays world. My work as a missionary was also a product of the stories of the Boer War in Africa that my grandfather told us as children sitting at his feet during the storytelling times. He taught us about the missionaries who helped them through the difficult times and the terrible fevers and diseases that the soldiers suffered during their time away from their families and friends. I always dreamed that one day I would be a person that would govern the behaviour of others in a foreign land. God was faithful and today I travel back and forth helping those less fortunate than myself in the continent of Africa. Last year I helped open a school of nursing in Northern Kenya called the ?Nzoia College of Nursing?.

11. Other behaviors you may have culturally learned:
I learned that we must take responsibility for our actions and or pay the consequences for our actions or inactions that would hurt others.
a. How do you deal with conflict?
Conflict is a part of our lives. I deal with it by being upfront and honest; I like to speak the truth in a loving way but yet letting the perpetrator know that the action is inappropriate. I use the bible as a guide as Matthew18:15-17 dictates to us how to deal with conflict. ?If your brother or sister sins go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen...? (New International Version, NIV)
As a leader and a Nursing Administrator, we deal with conflict on a daily basis. My first step is to listen to the person or persons that created the conflict and hear both sides of the story. I then approach them and ask what they would have done differently if they had to do it all over again? I try to get them to work out their problems mutually and if that is not possible I will talk with them separately and attempt to resolve the problem. If that does not work then I would use the chain of command to resolve the conflict.
b. How close do you allow friends to be in your space (i.e., personal bubble)

That depends on the level of our friendship. Is he or she an acquaintance, colleague or close friend? Our Irish culture is one of acceptance and friendship. We are loyal to our true friends and employers. Personally, I am a very private person and this assignment proved to be a little out of my comfort zone. In our home growing up we were thought to keep our skeletons behind closed doors. In other words we did not air our dirty linen in public. My mother was a victim of domestic violence and we as children were traumatized by it. We did not tell our friends because that would bring shame and dishonor to our family. After many years of counseling, I was able to let people into my personal space, however if they violated or betrayed my trust, a wall would go up and that person would never be allowed in my personal confidence or space again. He or she would not be ostracized from my life but would not be privy to my personal confidences. I would then maintain them on the level of an acquaintance.
In conclusion, who am I? I am part of a close knit family, dedicated to my friends and family. My faith defines my morals and ethics in life. I am a hard worker a woman of character and integrity. I am a mother, sister teacher, counselor, nurse, leader and a good listener. I am a traditional Irish woman who upholds her heritage and is loved by many for my dedication to my work and the mission fields of Africa.
I am not afraid of hard work and am an overachiever and competitive who loves life, music and family. I am the product of my early environment. I am who God made me to be. I am a woman of strong morals and integrity. My character is the same at home and out in the community

I need a brief outline of the paper on 13 APR 2012.

These are the instruction for this project. You can perform the risk analysis on any type of building. Examples churches, grocery stores, h...otels etc. Anything. Pictures and floor plans are welcome if you can get them, if not its ok. I will provide you with guide you can use for your assessment. You don't have to use every section of the guide, use whatever you need to to complete your risk assessment. Also provide a five page slide show about the project. You must follow and include everything in the instructions below 1-12. You must provide an Exec. Summary of the paper

A 12-15 page research paper will be required for this course. The paper will be an organizational analysis of an approved security organization. An example of an organizational analysis would be imagining that you are the security director of an organization. It would include a through description of the organization. This would be followed by a discussion of the good, the bad, and the ugly of that setup and a description of what would make the organization better. As the person in charge and with sufficient funding available, describe changes you would make to ensure that the people and other assets of the organization were afforded adequate protection.
Note. Student(s) should provide an outline of the Course Research Paper by Week 5 to ensure appropriateness of topic and clarity of understanding of that assignment. Examples will be circulated. This paper in hard copy is to be submitted to the instructor as early as Week 6 but no later than Week 8. The 12-15 pages are exclusive of the title, index, executive summary, and bibliography. The student could consider this paper as potentially an element in a larger security publication which he/she may be preparing.
Elements of the Course Paper:
1. Include an Executive Summary of approximately 1 page in length.
2. Describe a security operation/organization. This may be the security directorate of a major corporation, military activity, guard force management business, or similar program.
3. Describe the security mission, roles, and responsibilities. Include a description of the corporate leadership, Board of Directors, etc.
4. Provide a budget to clearly indicate where the companys money should be spent and why. Be prepared to justify the budget to whoever holds the purse strings. Describe how the security program enhances corporate revenue. Include manpower requirements and associated costs.
5. Describe how close the organization is to the Era of Total Asset Protection. What needs to be done to move the organization toward the Era? Is it a realistic goal for the organization?
6. Discuss how the organization focuses on Business Risk Analysis, Human Resources Support and the Global Operations Support.
7. Describe how the organization has fallen victim to, or avoided, the panic du jour.
8. Describe the use of proprietary vs. outsourced efforts.
9. What threats and vulnerabilities are applicable to the organization?
10. Describe sensors, alarms, and entry control required for facility.
11. Indicate what it is about your program management that enhances the overall corporation business environment. Another way to view this item is to explain, why and to what extent your operation is an asset rather than a liability to the corporation.
12. Conclude with a discussion of which management theories discussed in the text from which the organization would benefit, if they were implemented.

The paper must cite at least five relevant sources, with footnotes. Papers should be completed in accordance with the style prescribed in A Manual for Writers of Term papers, Theses and Dissertations, 8th edition, by Kate L. Turabian. Each student will deliver a 15 minute oral presentation of the research paper to the class during weeks 7-8. A quality presentation would include Power Point and handouts, or at least a copy of Exec. Summary.
There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (writergrrl101) completes this order.


a paper. An analaysis of teh alignment between teh organization's strategy and the HRD system. Need to look at best practices reviewing academic and practioner literature on alignment of organizational strategy and HRD systems. Then recommend action steps that you would recommend to the HRD management to take thata would align the HRDF process with the organizational stategy.

Must use books, minimum of recent journal articles (5years or less old) maximum of two internet sites.

Hi I'm undergraduate student, and I will graduate on this August. But Unfortunately, I got Academic Dishonesty Accusation from the school which is plagiarism of upper division writing on spring 2012. ...So I need to complete some works to remove this accusation record. I will upload this material on customer control panel.

Sections I and II : 5 pages per each section (double space)
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 : 1 page per each Exercise (double space)
Course Retrospection : 2 pages (double space)
-------Total 15 pages (double space)

Since This works are asking about me, I write little bit about me at here for your writing.
I'm International student(Economics major) and I came here US for my study. During my study I had to go back to my country South Korea to serve for millitary duty. I had served for 2 years and I came back to school on last year 2011 August. At that time I decided to complete my study on August 2012, because my parents are getting old so I need to work for my family's living as soon as possible. So to graduate on August 2012, I had and having a heavy schedule since I came back from millitary. I took Fall semester 2011, Winter section, Spring semester 2012 and now I'm taking Summer section. Because I was in millitary, I didn't use English enough. so when I came back to school, It was really hard to study in English again. So I did plagiarize the paper for the lecture ECO352 on Spring semester 2012. Of course It was my first time and now I really do reflection myself.
My major is Economics and after graduate I will go back to my country. And I want to work at bank.

There are faxes for this order.

What do the words, private and public mean in terms of information?
Has the definition of the word changed with the popularity of social networking sites?
Who is your friend when it comes to networking?
Are we different people with different people?
What are the types of online friends who you may wish didnt have access to viewing some types of post.
What sorts of information do you think is appropriate for sharing on the social network, e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.?
What types of information do you think are inappropriate or even potentially damaging ??" to you and/or others ??" if posted on a social networking site.
Which of the items below are appropriate for posting in your view; why/why not?
Pictures of you naked at age two.
A news flash about the recent break-up in your relationship
A listing of all the people who annoy or irritate you in class
Current information about your work or project
Nasty comments about your boss, co-worker, teacher or class mate
Status update while you are having dinner; on a date; in class; at work; studying
Note on your friends wall about a party you are in the process of organizing
Think of several of your own examples and explain where they belong.
What are some steps we can take to ensure that information to which you want to limit access is kept private?
How confident could/should one be that such information is kept secure?
What are some ways that the information you want to keep private can become public?

Use the Internet to research a company for which you would like to work. (A project management or portfolio management company)

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
-Examin...e traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and interpersonal forms of power. Create a profile of the ideal leader for the company you researched in which you describe the most appropriate leadership characteristics in terms of leadership style and interpersonal forms of power; and how these characteristics impact organizational performance.

-Based on your research, analyze the organizational stressors (e.g., task demands, role demands, physical demands, and interpersonal demands) to determine their likely impact on organizational performance as well as how those stressors could be addressed.

-Analyze critical elements for effective group and work team performance to determine the steps you would take to develop an effective team or work group within the company you researched.
-Identify potential sources of conflict within the group or work team. Evaluate the five (5) conflict management styles (e.g., competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, accommodating) and explain which style of conflict management is most appropriate for the potential sources of conflict described above.

-Determine potential barriers to communication, how these barriers may impact group and work team performance, and two (2) recommendations for addressing them.

-Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

>The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
>Analyze the issues related to workplace stress, including responses, consequences, and preventative management of stress.
>Analyze the communication process within organizations through traditional communication methods and technology.
>Evaluate the critical elements of groups and works teams, including group behavior, development, and decision making.
>Examine traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and their related impact on organizational performance.
>Analyze the causes of conflict, consequences, and resolutions to group conflict within organizations.
>Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior and leadership.
>Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.

Write a 1,100 word paper, discussing two of the businesses and the Construction scenario. For each business, discuss the business entity that represents the best choice for each business, taking contr...ol, taxation, and liability issues into consideration. Identify laws and regulations each business must consider in starting the business, and identify risks against which each business must protect itself. For the scenario, discuss the above elements, and identify and discuss the employment laws and regulations with which the business must comply in making a decision.--I would like bolavens if possible

Restaurant/Bar: Lou and Jose plan to open a sports bar and restaurant where customers socialize and watch sporting events on large-screen TVs that hang around the bar. They do not have much money, but they do have Miriam, a wealthy investor who does not have time to participate in the business, but wants to provide capital to start the business in return for a percentage ownership

Extermination Business: Frank is a wealthy investor who plans to open a chain of exterminating businesses across the United States.

Professional Practice: Akiva and Tara have just completed all educational and experiential requirements to be licensed as obstetricians. They want to open a birth clinic together. They will take out a large loan to finance start-up costs.

Construction Scenario: Mei-Lin is the hiring manager for Surebuild, Inc., a new construction company. She has advertised a position as a jackhammer operator. The position?s description states that the successful applicant must have a high school diploma. The following people apply for the position: Michelle, 35, who appears to be pregnant, is a high school graduate, and was formerly employed as a jackhammer operator; Eric, 55, who is experienced with a jackhammer, but has no high school diploma; Felipe, who is 38, speaks no English, has no high school diploma, but is experienced with a jackhammer; and Nick, 23, a college graduate who is epileptic, and has no experience with a jackhammer.


The assignment consists of three questions.
Begin your assignment with an introduction where you briefly explain the meaning and aims of
development and development communication. [5]
Q...1 The aim of the Development Support Communication (DSC) is to facilitate participation in
? Explain how DSC practitioners propose to fulfill their task (5)
? Explain what DSC considers as obstacles to development and how they propose to
overcome the obstacles. (5)
? Name and explain the two level of operation undertaken by DSC professionals in
development projects. (2x10=20)
Q2 The mass media can contribute to the modernisation and development of traditional
? Explain the role of communication in the modernisation approach (5)
? Explain the role of the Mass Media in the modernisation process (5)
? Explain how the radio is used to stimulate development (5)
? Explain the use of televisions for development (3)
? Explain how film is used to promote development (2)
[20] COM2603/101
Q3 The New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) considered journalism as
important component of development:
? Explain the idea of development journalism (5)
? Discuss the principles of development journalism (10)
? Explain how development journalism was used in Africa (5)
? Explain why development journalism did not have credibility among the people (10)
End your writing with a conclusion where you list the topic discussed in the assignment. [5]
Technical Presentation [10]
TOTAL [100]

Sears Holding Cooperation is the Business
Determine and describe the types of information this organization would need to make informed human resource decisions.
Analyze the organization?s r...ecruitment process and make one (1) recommendation for improvement. For instance, if benefits are not listed, you might recommend that they become readily available.
In terms of HR policies, assess the organization?s labor relations, training, diversity practices, and other HR areas to the extent possible.
Create a brief communication that summarizes the organization?s compensation policy.
Please uses the follow format
Human Resource Decision-Making
Human resource decisions are very important to the company. There are different types of information needed in order to make informed decisions. These types of information are described in the succeeding paragraphs.
The first type of information is (Complete this paragraph.)
The second type of information is (Complete this paragraph.)
(Continue writing paragraphs in this fashion until you have exhausted types of information needed.)
Recruitment and Selection
After analyzing the organizations recruitment and selection process, I would recommend (Finish stating the recommendation here at the beginning of the paragraph. Briefly finish this paragraph by explaining why you made the recommendation.)
HR Policies
HR policies have a large impact on the competitiveness and success of the company. The succeeding paragraphs discuss various policies that are important to the company.
The company?s labor relations policy is (Complete this paragraph describing the company?s labor relations policy.)

?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Title: Deception by the Investigating Officer in the Investigative, Interrogative, and Testimonial Processes.

The purpose behind this assignment is to examine two juxtaposing ethical behaviors that occur in the criminal justice system. For example, investigating officers are not only allowed but are even encouraged to lie and use deception during the investigation and interrogation process as a means to obtain to the truth and ultimately seek justice. This is an ends-justify-the-means, borderline ethical practice that shows students the pragmatic difference between deontological and ontological ethics.

Write a word paper in which you discuss deception in the investigative, interrogative, and testimonial processes. Answer the following questions:

? Is it ethical to lie to obtain to the truth? Do the ends justify the means?
? Is there a conflict between the code of ethics and how law enforcement is really conducted?
? What role do physical behavior and nonverbal communication play in detecting deception?

Include an Introduction and Conclusion

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

1 End-of-module assessment (EMA)
Cut-off date: 9 October 2012
1.1 About the EMA
Throughout the module we have encouraged you to look at business in different ways. We have considered busin...ess from cultural, ethical, functional, historical and international perspectives. For this last assignment we want you to demonstrate your ability to consider a specific business case from several different perspectives. In this introductory section we will first present the learning objectives and then describe the structure of the end-ofmodule assessment (EMA).
1.2 Learning objectives of the EMA
In completing this assessment you will demonstrate that you are able to:
apply the business concepts introduced in Book 1 to analyse a real
business case
apply your specialist knowledge of the three functional business areas
discussed in Books 2?4 to analyse a real business case from different
functional perspectives
critically assess the issues raised in the case study using a range of
concepts studied in Book 5
use your comprehension skills to evaluate the case study
express your thoughts, ideas and arguments clearly, coherently and
1.3 Structure of the EMA
This assignment has been designed to assess your understanding of the module as a whole, as well as the more critical thinking skills that you have developed in studying Book 5.
First, you are required to read a newspaper article. The article describes a company, Arena Flowers, which sells flowers online in six European countries. The company is facing a number of issues.
You do not have to look for any further information on this company in order to answer the questions in the EMA. All the questions can be answered with reference to the information on Arena Flowers provided in this EMA booklet; markers will not be looking for evidence of any further research.
End-of-module assessment (EMA)
After you have read the newspaper article, you are required to answer three questions within a word limit of 2,500 words. This means that the word count for all three of your answers together should not be higher than 2,500 words. Please note that you will be penalised with a deduction of 5 marks if you exceed the word limit by more than 10 per cent. If you exceed the word limit by more than 20 per cent, you will be penalised with a deduction of 10 marks. Please refer to your assignment booklet for details on what is included in the word count.
All tables (such as SWOT in Question 1) are included in the word count for this EMA. No words in diagrams are included in the word count.
Question 1 is worth 30 per cent of the marks. It requires you to take an overview of the business, reflecting your studies in Book 1.
Youthenhavea choice between answering Questions 2, 3 or 4, each of which is worth 35 per cent of the marks. These questions require you to take a functional view of the business. You must focus your answers on either human resource management, accounting and finance, or marketing, reflecting your studies in Books 2, 3 and 4. It is up to you to choose the area on which you want to focus. Question 2 relates to the human resource management function, Question 3 relates to the accounting and finance function, and Question 4 relates to the marketing function.
Question 5 is also worth 35 per cent of the marks. It draws on your studies in Book 5, and requires you to comment on the aspects of globalisation that are featured in the article.
1.4 Important points to note
The deadline for receipt of the EMA is 9 October 2012 and you must submit by 12 midday.
The EMA must be submitted electronically via the eTMA system (not on paper or as an email attachment).
The EMA is worth 50 per cent of the overall marks for the module.
Your tutor cannot grant you an extension on this piece of work under any circumstances; neither can the module team or anyone in your Regional Centre. In exceptional circumstances, a late submission may be allowed. These circumstances are clearly defined in the booklet ?Information for Students Submitting Examinable Work Electronically? and you must follow the procedure laid down in this booklet. A letter is emailed to you directly by the Projects, Portfolios and Dissertations Office and it contains all the instructions you need to submit your EMA. You should read it carefully to ensure you understand what is required.
Your tutor will not mark your EMA. He or she will verify it; that is, he or she will read it and state that (to the best of their knowledge) the work on the EMA is your own. Any query that you have about the final mark that you are awarded for the EMA must be directed to the Exams department at The Open University and not to your tutor.
You must pass both the EMA and the continuous assessment component (TMAs 01?04) in order to pass the module.
1 End-of-module assessment (EMA)
. The same rules about referencing and plagiarism apply as to the TMAs on this module. Please refer to the sections on referencing and plagiarism in your Assignment Booklet if you need to remind yourself of these rules.
. You should submit your EMA even if you feel your performance has been impaired by unforeseen circumstances, as the Examination Board does have the power to consider certain circumstances in the awarding of results. You can advise the Examination Board of special circumstances which have affected your performance in any of the TMAs or in the EMA. Details are in the ?Information for Students Submitting Examinable Work Electronically? booklet and in the Assessment Handbook, which is available from the module website.
1.5 General guidance to students
In tackling the EMA, you are expected to use appropriate concepts from B120 and choose those which support the argument you are making. In addition:
. relate your answers to the article given rather than write everything you know about a particular area ? i.e. answer the question(s) asked!
. note the word limit; do not try to write about all you have learnt from studying B120
. read the guidance notes accompanying each of the EMA questions carefully before you start drafting your answers
. plan ahead, allowing plenty of time for drafting an answer you feel happy about. You have the time to work on several drafts if you wish, but only submit one version of the EMA.
. to ensure that you submit your EMA in a format which can be read by the markers, you must make sure that your file is in a format readable by all versions of Microsoft Word. This means that it must have a file extension of .doc or .rtf. If your word processing software creates a file with a different extension (e.g. .docx or .odt) you should use ?Save as? to save as either .doc or .rtf. You can obtain further advice in the booklet ?Online Assignment Submission (eTMA)? and the Assessment Handbook, which can be found on the module website under Assessment Resources.
. finally, if there is anything about completing the EMA or there are questions within it that you do not understand, ask your tutor.
End-of-module assessment (EMA)
2 The EMA questions
Cut-off date: 9 October 2012
Word limit: 2,500
Read the case study below and then answer the questions that follow as instructed.
Please note that you have to choose whether you complete Question 2 (human resource management), Question 3 (accounting and finance) or Question 4 (marketing), i.e., choose one of these questions and answer it in full. Questions 1 and 5 are compulsory.
The allocation of marks is provided at the end of each section of every question for your information.
Business is coming up smelling of roses
With trade flourishing, florist Will Wynne has nothing to feel blue about, writes James Hurley
The Daily Telegraph (national edition, London), Tuesday 14 February 2012
There can't be too many florists who'll spend much of Valentine's Day in the pub but Will Wynne, co-founder of Arena Flowers, has invited members of his team to idle today away in a West London boozer. They earned the break by completing the company's busiest annual period yesterday, says Wynne. And in any case, they have sold out of roses.
A stock-purchasing disaster? Not according to Wynne: selling out early is now a mark of success for the internet florist.
Three years ago, Wynne and co-founder Steve France spent Valentine's DayinHydeParkgivingaway?8,000ofroses andnarrowlyavoidinga beating from an irate local flower trader.
They had decided a marketing giveaway made more sense than selling at a loss. The Dutch roses the company buys would normally cost about 30 euro cents, but will fetch around ?1.50 (?1.25) at auction in the runup to Valentine's Day.
While the company now has a hedging deal which sets the buying price in advance to protect itself from the February hike, the cost of scaling operations up for Valentine's trading and skinny margins mean it's not a particularly profitable time for Arena Flowers.
?Youcan still endupwithawhole load of stockyou'veoverpaidfor and can't make any money from the next day,? he says. ?Everyone thinks florists make a fortune on Valentine's Day. You don't, the growers do. It's an exhilarating time but it will also blow up your business if you get it wrong.?
2 The EMA questions
Instead, February 14 is an opportunity to win new customers and provide evidence that Arena Flowers has the systems in place of a much larger business. The company made around ?2m in the past week. Its projection for this year as a whole is ?8m.
?We've got to build a business with a ?50m turnover run rate in a week. For the rest of the year, you're running a relaxed small business. It's weird.?
Wynne and his team have spent the past three days preparing 45,000 orders for dispatch, when an average day would be closer to 500. An extra warehouse and 180 temporary staff were hired, split between the company's Dutch production facility and ?fulfilment? of orders in London. The average Valentine's transaction is more expensive than for Mother's Day, the company's other peak period, Wynne says. Evidence of a romantic streak among the firm's customers? ?People pay more for sex than they do telling their mum that they like her?,hereplies.
He is hoping the manic period will provide useful discipline for when Arena Flowers, which runs websites in six European countries, becomes a permanently bigger business. To get there, it cannot simply rely on using internet marketing to win sales during the ?bun fight? around Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, he says.
?We've got a very competitive market. I want the business to be here in five years' time and it won't be if we're only focused on ranking in Google.?
To that end, the company has just won a deal with American flower retailer Provide Commerce to run its European distribution service.
It also runs flower deliveries for a web-based greetings card business, a deal which provides 40 per cent of Arena Flowers' revenues.
Arrangements like those, and the manic Valentine's Day period, are possible to manage because of the 18 months the company has spent building a control system that Wynne's staff have given an obscene name to because of its complexity.
?We've now got screens showing live updates of orders coming in, where they are in the fulfilment process, how production's going: realtime, supply-chain updates.
?Ours is a low-margin business with loads of little pieces that you need to get right. If you don't, you end up with big losses instead of small profits,? he says. If Wynne is hungry for a blueprint Arena Flowers can follow, he need only look at his American partner. Provide Commerce was started as an e-commerce flower business in 1998 by entrepreneur Jared Polis.
It was purchased for $477m (?302m) by John C Malone's giant Liberty Media in 2006, the year Wynne and France started Arena Flowers. When Wynne visited Provide Commerce's San Diego headquarters last year, he asked them how they had managed to grow so quickly. Their response was an underwhelming steer to ?focus on product?.Then Wynne happened to look at the company's potted history chart on the
End-of-module assessment (EMA)
office wall and spotted the $35m the company had raised from venture capitalists. ?They said, ?oh yeah, that as well?.
?I thought, we need to be more ambitious. There's a pay-to-play thing. You can't waltz your way to the top without having something really innovative or money to get yourself there,? he says.
Wynne, who worked at eBay before starting Arena Flowers, is trying to raise a rather more modest ?1.5m to spend on new staff, technology and products, the latter being necessary to separate the company from thecrowd,hesays.
?People complain that a bunch of flowers is ?20. You're being compared to some crappy flowers being picked out of a bucket at a petrol station. We don'twanttobeinthatcommoditisedmarket.?
To attract investors, the 36-year old says he has had to overcome an aversion to recording net profits.
?We never aim to make a net profit ? you just pay tax on it. I'd rather hire another person and grow,? he says. However, potential investors were not impressed with this approach, admits Wynne, and he has now adjusted the company's plan to include a projected pre-tax profitof ?500,000 for next year.
?It's a welcome change in mindset,? he says.
Would-be equity backers will be more encouraged by his assessment of his own role in the business, which makes him sound like the opposite to the autocratic owner?manager that venture capitalists often fear.
?It's my job to constantly make myself redundant,? he says. ?You come up with something, pass it down and suddenly you've got nothing to do, so you find the next project. If the company is dependent on my blood, sweat and tears, it is not one that has got value without me.?
Such a philosophy also makes for a more enjoyable and sensible home life, says Wynne.
?It's nonsense that entrepreneurs should have to work like maniacs. I almost went mad in the first couple of years of the company ? I wasn't sleeping or exercising, had no delegation and worked seven days a week. Now, I think that if I'm constantly working long hours I'm doing a bad job. And after a certain amount of killing yourself, you realise you'd better live your life before it's gone.?
Question 1
(a) Imagine that you are Will Wynne, co-owner of Arena Flowers, and you are considering how to grow your business. You decide to complete a SWOT analysis so can fully understand where the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the business lie. Your SWOT analysis should include an evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for its human resource management, accounting and finance, and
2 The EMA questions
marketing functions. You should then summarise, in a short paragraph,
which parts of the business you need to strengthen.
(20 marks)
(b) Identify the factors that seem to be influencing the organisational culture of Arena Flowers and explain which of these factors seem most important in determining that culture.
(10 marks)
Total: 30 marks
Question 1 guidance for students
Question 1(a) requires you to read the article and take an overview of the business, using a SWOT analysis, which is described in detail in Book 1. Conducting a SWOT analysis means that you need to consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the business, as described in the article. To gain full marks for this part of the question you will have to consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for each of the human resource management, accounting and finance, and marketing functions of the business, although you do not have to write an equal amount for each of these categories.
You will find it easier to display the information in a table, but do note that the contents of this table are included in the word count for the EMA (2,500 words). You may find it helpful to arrange the table so that it clearly shows the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for each of the specified functions of the business. Once you have drawn the table it will be easier for you to identify the aspects of the business you would like to strengthen. The short paragraph underneath your table should explain how/where the business should be strengthened. Use your SWOT analysis, particularly the weaknesses identified, to help you write your paragraph. Two thirds of the marks for Question 1 are contained in Part (a) of the question, so it is important that you address all of its aspects as fully as you can.
Question 1(b) requires you to look at this case from the perspective of organisational culture. You will find the material discussed in Book 1 Session 4 useful. Using this material, you will need to identify from the article the factors of organisational culture which seem to be influencing the culture of Arena Flowers. A good answer will identify the factors influencing the culture clearly and discuss whether and how they are important in influencing the culture of Arena Flowers.

Question 2: human resource management function
Arena Flowers is facing another busy period and needs to recruit 40 temporary staff to work in its London ?orders fulfilment? warehouse. The staff will be required to receive and interpret orders transmitted electronically through the IT system, pick the appropriate product(s) from stock and pack it appropriately. The fulfilment of the order needs to be entered on the system and any problems identified (e.g., lack of stock, incomplete order information) and logged. The job requires IT skills, physical dexterity to pick and pack delicate products and, above all, the capacity to work under pressure. The work is organised on a 24 hour shift system.
Whilst the previous peak period was handled satisfactorily, some staff problems were experienced. In particular, there was a high level of turnover in the first few days. Some of the temporary employees, unused to the high pressure environment, simply failed to turn up the next day. This left the company needing to replace them at short notice and struggling to fulfil orders. Will Wynne wants to avoid the same situation this time and has decided to devote more time to the selection and induction process. Previously the company relied on a recruitment agency to provide suitable workers. However, Arena Flowers is contemplating a more hands-on approach to selection. Now the recruitment agency will supply a pool of eligible candidates who meet the job description/person specification. From this pool the company will select appropriate people. These successful candidates will then be given a short induction to orientate them to the needs of the job. The company recognises that this process must be completed speedily and cost-effectively if candidates are to be appointed, inducted and trained to ensure a successful peak period.
(a) Will Wynne is thinking about suitable selection methods to use in order to choose from a pool of candidates for the proposed order fulfilment posts. Explain the different methods of selection that are available to him. Given the nature and demands of the job and the needs of the organisation, explain which method you think should be used to select candidates to fill the posts.
(15 marks)
(b) Will Wynne also needs to consider the induction programme that will need to be organised for the successful candidates. What types of information do you think should be included in this programme? Again, considering the nature of the job and the needs of the organisation explain what information will be particularly useful to the new employees.
(15 marks)
(c) Imagine that you are Will Wynne and, in order to plan the future of the company, you are trying to identify the most pressing marketing and suggest solutions to problems

Please use two hundred words per question..

APA citation used for all citations.

1. When planning an evaluation, there are several steps an evaluator must take. One of the final steps in the planning process is to present a written proposal. What should the written proposal include, and why is it important to get the details of the evaluation in writing?

2. According to the text, after evaluators and stakeholders have agreed on criteria that would indicate successful implementation and outcome, evaluators face the task of developing methods to measure those criteria. Measures should have both reliability and validity. Briefly describe the difference between reliability and validity and explain why they are important concepts when performing an evaluation.

3. Briefly describe the difference between closed-ended and open-ended questions when conducting a qualitative interview.

4. According to the text, an Institutional Review Board (IRB) is not necessarily required for a program evaluation. Please describe a situation where it would be appropriate to convene an IRB prior to conducting a program evaluation.

5. What are the strengths of using a Balanced Scorecard approach? Hint: Discuss the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard and why this is better than just looking at the bottom line (financial measures).

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