Political Influence Essays Prompts

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Humor in Three Films

I am taking Humor in Film course. I am senior, not native speaker and an International student.
We watch 3 films that are Duck Soup (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_Soup_(1933_film)), Some Like It Hot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Some_Like_It_Hot), and The Great Dictator (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Dictator)
This paper should include that Whether successful or not, Duck Soup and The Great Dictator are comedies with tremendous political and social implications, especially concerning the times in which they were produced. Some Like It Hot does the same thing with gender and sexual politics. How do they compare to the comedies of today that are attempting to put forth similar messages. What may have contributed to any changes or consistencies: culturally, politically, socially economically?
This explanation is given our professor.

Write a 2 page paper in which you:

1. Identify at least two (2) major historical turning points in the period under discussion.
2. Analyze the impact of the two (2) or more major historical turning points selected on America?s current society, economy, politics, and culture.
3. Speculate as to why women earned the right to vote in the frontier states of the West before eastern and southern states.
4. Describe at least two (2) pieces of legislation in the Roosevelt?Taft?Wilson progressive era years that have influenced the conduct of business to this day and what that influence has been.
5. Explain the role that the Spanish American War played in America?s development of an Empire.
6. Explain at least two (2) ways in which the boom and bust of the Roaring Twenties followed by the Great Depression affected the federal government?s involvement in the national economy.
7. Include at least two (4) references other than the textbook. At least one (1) of your sources must be obtained from the collection of databases accessible from the Learning Resources Center Web page. Generic encyclopedic Internet resources such as Wikipedia or Answers.com will not be considered acceptable.

This assignment will address the period from the Progressive Era through the Great Depression.

Be typed, Single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.

This is a 4 page paper. You can pick one question from the 3 choices below. (All Required information about assignment is in the uploaded resources)

1. Parliament
- What three factors were most important in the development of Parliament as an independent
institution with broad political, legislative and financial powers prior to Henry VIII ?
- Be specific and give examples in explaining your answer.

2. English and French Monarchs
- How would you describe the changing relationship between the English and French monarchs
between 1066 and Henry VIII and why?
- What impact did English military campaigns in France have on the development of England? - Be specific and give examples in explaining your answer.

3. Church and State
- How would you describe the changing relationship between the English monarchs and the Catholic
Church between 1066 and Henry VIII?
- What major conflicts occurred and how were they resolved? - Be specific and give examples in explaining your answer.

A reminder. THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH PAPER!!!!!! The only allowed source of information for this is from the textbook. You can either download the textbook or read it online. I will put the links in a document and upload it. It is about a 250MB download for the textbook pdf and it is searchable.

Please remember to quote information from the textbook. You will find an example in the "Guidelines for writing Exams"

Please read both assignment documents CAREFULLY!!!! You will find lots of valuable and important information in them about the proper way to write this.

THANKS and feel free to message me with any questions!!!!!!
There are faxes for this order.

The research paper is intended to provide students the opportunity to conduct an in-depth investigation of a site-specific public lands issue. The paper should incorporate an interdisciplinary framework and the legal, political, social, economic, and ecological dimensions of the issue. Special emphasis should be placed on the laws, policies, and regulations involved in the issue. The viewpoints and role of stakeholders and decision-makers must be included in the paper. The research question must be approved by the instructor and the paper needs to incorporate concepts covered in class.

Your approved research question is: How is Idaho managing the reintroduction of wolves and what are some of the political, social, legal, economic, and ecological dimensions of this issue?

Paper Guidelines

? Provide headings for each section of the paper (introduction, subject headings, conclusion)
? 12 pages in length (text)
? 1 inch margins, double-spaced, numbered pages, 12-point Times Roman font
? Include a map of the site
? Provide citations as appropriate (e.g. know how to cite sources; plagiarism will not be
? Cite references using the Turabian style (author-date system & works cited at end)
? Include at least 15 bibliographic sources with a minimum of two sources from each of the
following: (1) peer reviewed journal articles, (2) books, (3) government documents/reports (including at least one congressional hearing), and (4) news articles
? Grading criteria: concise analysis of the research question; interdisciplinary framework; stakeholder positions; description of decision alternatives; comprehensive analysis of the issue (includes legal, policy, & regulatory components); conclusion/recommendation for the future; diverse array of sources; grammar & spelling; and in-class presentation

Here is a link that you need to follow to find your sources

This link is a webpage where you will be able to find all of your sources for this assignment. The only sources you need to find elsewhere will be your 2 book sources.
If when you go to any of these databases on the link it may ask you for your login-in which is :

I will also send you an annotated bibliography with some sources already taken from the data base.
If you have any questions please contact me.

Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

-2750 - 3500 words
-support argument using specific historical references
-at least 8 scholarly sources: books, articles and internet
- at least 4 of these must be books or journal articles
- internet articles must be signed and written by a reputable scholar

My position has been chosen by the instructor. I must DISAGREE with the following statement:

"Anarchism is a valid social, economic and political theory that would create a better world if it was implemented."

The idea is that there will be a discussion in class where I will debate another student who agrees with the above statement.

The instructor recommended that I "pick holes" in the theory and provide historic examples of failed anarchist communes, etc. But this was only a suggestion.

As a side note: Despite being given this position, I am personally quite sympathetic to anarchist theory. So if you as the writer share the same view, I don't mind that coming through in your writing.

Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

Assignment: Terrorism Influences Paper

Write a word paper that identifies and examines the history of terrorism from the American Revolution to present day, and the effect it has on governments, communities, businesses, and individuals. Address the following areas:

? Describe how the Russian revolution and the Irish Republican Army influenced terrorism in the Western hemisphere.
? Compare and contrast the differences in left-wing, guerilla ideological terrorism and the recent trend toward right-wing, religiously motivated terrorism.
? How has the introduction of weapons of mass destruction into terrorism affected methodologies of preventing and detecting terrorism?
? How has modern terrorism shaped the Department of Homeland Security?s mission?
? How has modern terrorism changed the relationships between federal, state, and local government agencies, and private corporations? (provide these sections in different headings).

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Run paper through plagiarism. Please provide an Introduction and Conclusion.

Democracy in Tunisia

Nov. 7: Democratization and the Arab Spring

Huntington, The Third Wave, Chapter 3 (Part 1.pdf and Part 2.pdf )
Linz, The Perils of Presidentialism, Journal of Democracy
Horowitz, "Comparing Democratic Systems," Journal of Democracy
Shehata, "Fall of the Pharaoh," Foreign Affairs
Sharqieh, "Tunisia's Lessons for the Middle East," Foreign Affairs
To Save Egypt, Drop the Presidency, NYTimes, 11 July 2013 http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/11/opinion/to-save-egypt-drop-the-presidency.html
Recommended: Wikipedia, "Egyptian Presidential Election 2012"

(The above information are just the links and titles of the readings that you will need in order to write this essay; I will upload them electronically as soon as I log-in. You might not need to cite all of the readings, but definitely include the last four. Please use both in text citations as well as paraphrasing with the (author and page number afterwards, unless the author is already used in the sentence). Please do a good job synthesizing the sources as I need to get a good grade on this paper. The last two papers I've ordered from Essay Town have disappointed me, as a frequent customer.) Thank you so very much and good luck. The prompt is below...

PAPER OPTION 3: Think about the process of democratization, institutional design after attempts at democratization, and the political culture necessary for democracy. Make an argument for which one of these three is the biggest problem in Tunisia and Egypt (you must consider all three possibilities in your paper).
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Great Awakening

? You are required to have an opening thesis sentence. Your first sentence will probably also be your first paragraph.

? You are required to cite from your source or sources and also annotate your bibliography.

? Since this is a "take home" project, grammatical mistakes are heavily penalized. [Use a BC tutor if you need assistance.]


? A thesis paragraph is not an introduction. It contains your thesis (a summary of what you will PROVE with data) and the concepts/structure you will use to prove your thesis. Your first sentence is your thesis on this assignment.

? Data that is not linked to your thesis and thesis methodology doesn?t earn points.

? You earn your grade with specific data/quotations/research that proves your thesis.

? Questions never earn points.

? Always remain in third person. [You can use 1st person in a separate introduction, a postscript, or in footnotes/endnotes.]

? You are required to site information at least 3 times using footnote or MLA rules.

? Your last paragraph can demonstrate your mastery of opposing perspectives.

? You are required to ANNOTATE a minimum of three sources on the bibliography or "works cited" page on your last page. [The purpose of this page is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of your resources.]

Common Mistakes:

1.Use of straw man, a ping-pong style

2.TELLING A STORY instead of proving your personal thesis


?A Political Policy With An Economic Basis? (Packard, 83)

Lana Hayes

The mercantilist system was a major contributing factor in the American Revolution because mercantilism fostered the economic, political and cultural dependence of the American colonies on England.

The growing British Empire?s wealth depended on the possession of silver. The importation of raw materials from the America?s played a crucial role in feeding British industries and subsidizing their production costs (Funk and Wagnalls). Low production costs and cheap raw materials helped the British sell more than they bought and thereby increased their bullion reserves. From the American plantations goods like tobacco, cotton, sugar, coffee, cocoa and rice were shipped to England, while British manufactures sent back the products that the colonies didn?t have (Marshall, 18). This increased trade clearly benefited Britain. ?Between 1700 and 1763 the value of British exports to America and the West Indies multiplied fivefold, while the value of imports from those areas grew fourfold? (Marshall, 18).

Despite this growth, these gains for England meant losses for the American colonies. Colonies were designed to support and compliment the British industries, which meant complete subordination and economic control over colonies. The British, competing with other European powers, monopolized commerce in the colonies. For example, the Navigation Acts (1651-1696) and other restrictions, passed by the British government required the use of British ships in trade between Britain and the colonies (Marshall, 18). These Navigation Acts granted Britain a national monopoly of supply to the expanding colonies (Smith, 45). They were designed to keep exclusive trade with Britain, to maintain low rates on raw materials and ensure high profits from transportation and manufacture (Packard, 92). These aspects of the mercantile system imposed by England on the American colonies produced a demand for economic freedom from the colonists, and would ultimately result in the American Revolution (Packard, 34).

Mercantilism was a ?political policy with an economic basis? (Packard, 83). British control over every aspect of economic life of the colonies prevented the American colonies from participating in foreign markets that would have helped them gain a political identity and increased sovereignty (Columbia). The colonies had to abolish the industries that could compete with those in England. One example was the Wool Act in 1699, banning wool production in the American colonies. Other examples included the Iron Act of 1750 and the Hat Act in 1732, the first forbidding steel production and the manufacture of products made of iron, the second the production of hats (Marshall, 18). These restrictions triggered not only economic, but also an inevitable political conflict of freedom, which became one of the factors for the American Revolution.

The Mercantile system helped the British exert social and cultural control over the American colonies. One example was encouraging population growth. The British sought to increase the industrial profits that were dependant, in part, on a steady supply of affordable labor. They passed favorable naturalization laws to attract more immigrants into the colonies. The British encouraged marriage, freedom of religious choice, employment of servants, support of the poor, and special programs for physicians (Packard, 35). While these initiatives seemed beneficial for the population and appeared to provide cultural freedom, the roots of these policies were designed primarily to create British wealth.

The mercantilism system, despite many negative effects, was an important stage of the colonial, and British development, and provided a platform for the future economic, political and cultural freedom of the colonies, while ultimately encouraging over-dependence on the part of the British.

Marshall, Michael. ?From Mercantilism to The Wealth of Nations.? World and I 14 (5)

May 1999: 18. This article provides insights into British global trade and it?s role as the precursor to the Industrial revolution of the 19th century, and Technological Revolution of the 20th century. It describes the economic and political relationships between the nations in the 18th century, including England and the New English Colonies.

?Mercantilism?. Columbia Encyclopedia. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. Oct. 22

2002 http://epnet.com. The information from this encyclopedia gave me the overview of the mercantile system used by England to create their wealth.

?Mercantilism?. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Academic Search Elite.

EBSCOhost. Oct. 22 2002 http://epnet.com. This source includes the details about the trade between England and American colonies, British dependence on the raw materials, and Colonies position in this trade.

Packard, Laurence Bradford. The Commercial-Revolution 1400-1776. New York: Henry

Holt and Company, 1927. This book is divided into three main chapters, which cover the Commercial Revolution, Colbert?s mercantilism system, and Adam Smith?s explanation of mercantilism. The information about colonial dependence on the British states was especially useful for my research and gave me the data for my thesis.

Smith, S.D. ?British Exports to Colonial North America and Mercantilist fallacy.?

Business History 37 Jan 1995: 45. Smith, in this article, presents a detailed description of the British export system. As an example he uses wool textiles to demonstrate how the British created their wealth by using the colonies as not only a source of raw materials, but also as consumers of the product.

University, undergraduate (Jr. year) Research Paper, 2500 words (not including Work Sited page). MLA format. A minimum of 8 entries in the Work Sited page no more than 2 from the Internet, no more than 2 from encyclopedias, Available books must be the majority of works sighted/quoted in text. Works Sited page (in MLA) needed but no bibliography or footnotes needed. Minimum of 5 quotations in blocked MLA format with (page number). No use of chapters or sub-headings desired. Answer the question: ?who are the native peoples of the Aleutian Island chain?? specifically the Aleute/Alutiiq. Origins, migration theories (land and by boat), Cultural distinctions and language. Social / political structures past and present. Interactions and influence of other native peoples in the area. European/Russian and American non-native people influences on culture and impacts. Current status of the native peoples in the Aleutian chain, discribe: Government restitution, Aleut International Association, Aleut Corporation. Current Population, concentrations. Use U.S.A. derivations of English words.

Janet Yellen

This is a media analysis paper, as defined almost all political communication in a modern democracy is mediated, particularly through mass media. This paper should apply theoretical concepts to real world examples in political communication.

The topic of this paper is of Janet Yellen. This paper will be analyzing a particular media personality, organization, story, trend, etc, as it related to political communication. Talk about current events of Janet Yellen and how it is relevant to the United States. A key aspect of the analysis is relating the topic back to political communication. For ex. I do not want a biography about Janet Yellen, I want to know how she has an impact on political communication.

Include at least 5 sources and a bibliography APA style. Each topic must be different.

Assignment 2.2: Policemen of the World

You have already developed a thesis statement and developed an outline in which you explored two (2) real-life international incidentsfrom the past five (5) years involving the United States as they received an elevated status as a world power. Now you will develop the final paper in which you explore your main points in detail.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

-Introduce your paper with your previously crafted thesis statement.
-Identify two to three (2-3) international events from the past five years that can be traced back to a foreign policy created after the Civil War.
-Discuss three (3) aspects of US history since 1865 that has led to the US?s rise as a world super power policeman.
-Identify three to five (3-5) international incidents since World War II where America has taken on a policing role.
-Determine three to five (3-5) driving forces that fueled international policy decisions involving the international incidents you outlined previously. (Consider treaties, exit strategies, elections, wars, etc.)
-Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

?Policemen of the World? Thesis and Outline Draft

1.0 Introduction and Thesis

After the Civil War and by the mid-20th century, the United States was a prevailing and influential nation in the global politics. This was enhanced by the high level of involvement in controlling the events that take place across the world. The US has been an active player in working with other international players in the processes of promoting peace and coexistence among the nations. Its large stake in a number of countries politically or economically has made the US a major player in the international politics. The high involvement of the United States in international relations has led many to argue that it to be considered as the ?policemen of the world?. ?The United States acts as the world?s police, through taking policy and practical military action/missions in war/conflict torn areas across the world, with the focus to enforce global security.??

2.0 Research Outline

Indeed, many people have argued that the US military actions in the past have presented the United States as the world?s police. In other words, it presents the US as a country, which is focused on enforcing law and order across the divide. The high involvement of the United States in the international security matters indicates the concern that the United States has had on the global security. The US is always watching out on the events occurring in influential countries globally: has its military always ready for any missions abroad. The flexibility of the military, and their positioning in major seas, and locations is an indicator that the US is watching all events occurring globally.

I would like to agree with the statement ?The United States acts as the world?s police, through taking policy and practical military action/missions in war/conflict torn areas across the world, with the focus to enforce global security.? This is because of the many military interventions that the United States has participated. The recent past has seen the United States taking an active role in various international events. Some of the events that the US has participated have led to a debate, and controversy among the American public. This is because parts of the public have not supported the US involvement while others have (Benhabib, 2008).

2.1 List three to five (3-5) international incidents since World War II where America has taken on a policing role?

There are a number of international incidences after the WWII where the United States has taken a policing role. The United States became a superpower economy and nation after the WWII. The United States had to take on a policing role to ensure that it remains in control over international events across the world. The policing role was a strategy to ensure that it is updated on what is going on across the world, on its stake, and the finest ways to arbitrate the prevailing circumstance (Cameron, 2005).

The United States has taken on a policing role through participating in events like the Iraq war and ousting of Saddam Hussein, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the Afghanistan war. The participation of the US in these events has sparked controversy existed within the American public regarding U.S. involvement and within the country or countries affected by U.S. involvement.

2.2 List three (3) aspects of US history since 1865 that has led to the US?s rise as a world superpower policeman?

The three aspects of the US history that led the U.S. to rise as a world superpower police officer include:
The developments in the US Foreign policy
The Empowerment of the U.S. Presidency and Power
The development of high intelligence on global security

2.3 Determine two to three (2-3) international events from the past five years that can be traced back to a foreign policy created after the Civil War.

In the past few decades, the US has played a critical role in various international events. These events date back to a foreign policy created after the civil war. These events include the military action that the US has taken in support of a number of military missions across the world. A good example includes the Tunisian crisis where the US provided military aid comprising many of helicopters and ammunition. This was done despite the human violations, and abuse of power in the country. The other example is the Syrian conflict, where the US has come public against Syrian political unrest.

2.4 List three to five (3-5) driving forces that fueled international policy decisions involving the international incidents you outlined previously. (Consider treaties, exit strategies, elections, wars, etc.)?

In the case of Syria, the driving force that fueled the international policy decisions undertaken by the US was political unrest in the country. The political unrest in the country and increased conflict threatened peace, which affects the US due to its economic and social interests in the country. The same case happens in the context of Tunisia. Tunisia experienced political unrest, which risked the country to enter into anarchy. The challenge was that the people were against the leadership because of the threats it posed to America. This situation was getting worse, and the US had to step in through providing support to calm the situation (Cameron, 2005).


Benhabib, S. (2008). US Foreign Policy; The legitimacy of human rights. Daedalus, Vol. 137, Issue 3, p. 94-104.

Cameron, F. (2005). US Foreign Policy After The Cold War. London: Routledge.

Kerstin, M. (2004). Security and Human rights; less liberty for greater security? Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 42, No. 27, p. 14-20.

In your Collaborative Learning Community, write a paper of 500-1,000 words and include the following:

Discuss cultural beliefs and influences relative to the health issue. (HIV/AIDS)
Differentiate any religious/spiritual beliefs and values relative to the issue. (HIV/AIDS)
Appraise how religious/spiritual beliefs and values have influenced progress in addressing the issue?either negatively or positively.
Compare differences in ideologies related to the issue across political party lines, geographic regions, and countries of the world.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not required.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

Please let me know if I need to submit APA Guide 6th Edition
Assignment 1: Social Performance of Organizations
Due Week 4 and worth 240 points
According to the textbook, the current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. Use the Internet to research one (1) of the following organizations:
? De Beers Diamond Company
? National Football League (NFL)
? British Petroleum (BP)
? National Rifle Association (NRA)
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Specify the nature, structure, types of products or service of your chosen organization, and two (2) key factors in the organization?s external environment that can affect its success. Provide explanation to support the rationale.
2. Examine three (3) salient stakeholders of the chosen organization based on their key roles and relationships with the company.
3. Suggest five (5) ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence the organization?s financial performance. Provide support for the response.
4. Specify one (1) controversial corporate social responsibility concern associated with your selected organization.
5. Assuming you are the leader of the most influential stakeholder group, outline a plan to form a stakeholder coalition to force the organization to address your chosen controversial issue. The plan should include the key steps that you would take to identify members for your coalition group, the major reasons why you believe that the particular target group can help you to accomplish your goal, and the method you would utilize to foster collaboration among the various groups you target.
6. Assume the role as the leader of the most influential stakeholder group, and indicate three (3) potential challenges that you may face in encouraging stakeholders to form a coalition to help you achieve your goals. Suggest the significant steps that you would take in order to overcome these challenges that you have identified. Justify the response.
7. Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia, Blog, Magazine, and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Analyze the relationship between business and society, and the ways in which they are part of an interactive system.
? Recommend ways stakeholders can influence the destiny of both business and society.
? Analyze the various primary and secondary stakeholder groups, their roles, and relationships.
? Analyze the multiple environments of an organization.
? Compare and contrast the concepts of corporate social responsibility, citizenship, and global citizenship.
? Analyze ways ethical challenges affect the multiple functions of business.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in business and society.
? Write clearly and concisely about business and society using proper writing mechanics.

There are several court cases that have emerged over the past few years dealing with judicial impropriety that went to the United States Supreme Court. An example would be West Virginia?s case of Caperton v. Massey. (I have attached a page with links to 3 articles)

address the following:

-Most judges are elected; would it be better to have the judges appointed by a committee? Why or why not? Explain.
-Would the committee be affected by graft?
If so, how?
If not, how will it not be affected?
Be specific and detailed in your responses.
-When judges violate the constitution, what should be the recourse? Explain.
-What current policies exist regarding judicial misconduct? Explain in detail.
-Do these policies sufficiently address judicial misconduct? Explain in detail.
-What can be done to improve these policies?
-Should there be political and financial pressures put on judges? Why or why not?
-Pertaining to re-election, should judges be held to a higher standard than other candidates for any political office? Why or why not?

-Be sure to use at least 5 academic and scholarly sources to support your arguments.

1000words discution essay analyzing readings:
1.Becker GaryS. 1976 "The Economic Approach to Human Behavior" Chiacago: U of ChicagoP. Chapter1"The Economic Approach to Human Behavior", pp3-14
2.Riker, WilliamH. 1990 Political Science and Rational Choice. In James E. Alt and Kenneth A. Shepsle, eds., Perspectives on Positive Political Economy ( NY: CambridgeUP) pp 163-81;
3.Shepsle, Kneth A. And Mark S. Bonchek. 1997 Analyzing Politics: Rationality Behavior, and Institutons. NY: Norton, chapters 1-4 pp 5-81;
4.Shepsle, Kenneth A. 1986 Institutional Equilibrium and Equilibrium Institutions. In Herbert F.Weisberg ed., Political Science: The Science of Politics (NY Agathon), pp 51-81;
5. Green, Donald P. And Ian Shapiro. 1994 Pthologiesof Rational Choice Theory: A Critique of Applications in Political Science. New Haven, C:Yale UP , chapters 1-3pp1-46 and chapters 8 and 6.

I need to get a well-written Master Thesis Proposal, which would follow the following plan. It is important to answer ALL of the questions, which are stated in the plan.

The research question is: Do Chinese and European development programs benefit the political and economic development in Ghana?

Introduction 1-2 pages
- discuss your topic area, why does this issue exist and what is its significance?
- state your research question
- tell us what this reasearch question will help us learn

Liternature Review 3-4 pages
- talk about what scholars are connected with your reseach topic and what do they have to say about the issues you wish to cover
- discuss whether the literature that is out there misses anything, or is unclear on a particular issue
- talk about how your thesis will fill any gaps, clarify or build on what is already out there

Methodology 3-4 pages
- talk about the research methods you will employ to answer the question
- how will you collect data? will you consult primary sources? will you do a survey?
- how do you intend to interpret the data that you gathered?

Expected Results 1-2 pages
- what results do you expect to get out of this research?
- if the results are different than you expected, what conclusions might you draw?

Bibliography 1-2 pages
- anything you write that is not common knowledge should be cited, and these citations should be followed by a bibliography in Harvard style

It is very important to use Harvard style while citing the sources. No footnotes, or endnotes.I will also send you the draft version of the the proposal. It would be good if the author would stick to it and also add some more material. The proposal has to be written by the person, who understands the nature of the international relations.

Also, please, include some in-text quotations ( around 15). In the Bibliography Section, author is also supposed to write the titles of the books, or articles, which can be used for the further research.

The Proposal has to be written in the form of an essay ( so, all of the sections have to be interconnected). No seperate sections.

Thank you in advance

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There is one Mini-Presentation in this course, worth 100 points. The presentation focuses on Influencing a Policy Environment. The presentation is written for a group response. That is the student presents the following for the remainder of the group to comment, critique and respond to.

The mini paper should be no more than two word-processed pages with an additional page for references (3 at minimum). The presentation must include the following:

* Topic (15)
* Background (20)
* Issues Raised (15)
* Stakeholders and their influence (20)
* Challenges, Problems and Next steps (20)
* Punctuation, Grammar, Syntax, APA Guidelines (10)

Asthma on Children in North

*THIS paper should present a formal discussion of a vulnerable population (children) taking a population health promotion perspective.

---Outline the concept of vulnerability and identify the vul. population for discussion.
---clearly outline the purpose and scope of the paper (ie, organisation of body of the paper and aims/objectives. (2marks)

---Describe factors (ie, individual,social,environmental, political etc)which have led to the development of vulnerability in these children. (20 marks.
---Describe the impact of these issues on the health of these children. (20 marks.
---Discuss the impact of this vul. population on the health of the community in which they live. (20 mrks.
---Discuss strategies that the community health nurse can use to improve the health status and eliminate health inequites for these children. (20 mrks.

---Summary of main points (2mrks.

--clarity of writing, ie ideas developed in a logical and organised manner
---writing should be clear and focused. (10 mrks.



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Locke v. Hobbes the Political

The essay is a comparative analysis of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke; focusing on the political philosophy and ideas regarding human nature.

The paper must be typed using the Times New Roman size 12 font, double spaced, 1" maximum margins.

Footnotes must be used for citation.

I am providing six sources, five of which must be used.

There are faxes for this order.

America's Failure to Act During

This paper must analyze the power relations that existed within the U.S. in the period leading up to and during the Holocaust. It should examine the influences, including anti-semitism and immigration opposition, as well as, give consideration to the media and powerful individuals or groups that failed to take action.

Please include a minimum of four or five quotations and six sources; parenthetical citations and footnotes should be utilized if necessary to further clarify information. Also, please send the finished document as a Word attachment.

TOPIC: In what ways has technology ended the physical and intellectual isolation of Americans?

Final Paper Draft

Review the Final Paper instructions in Week Five of the online course or in the Components of Course Evaluation section of this guide. Then, visit the Ashford Writing Center located under the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation tool bar in your online classroom. Click on the Writing Resources tab, and review the Sample: Outline. Format your outline for the Final Paper according to the Sample: Outline. (NOTE: In the Sample: Outline, it states that the thesis statement is the last one to three sentences of the introduction. However, the thesis statement must be one sentence in length and the last sentence of the introduction.)

The outline must contain:

Introduction with thesis statement
At least five body paragraphs
Reference page

The paper must be three to five pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly resources (at least two of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library) other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page.


I. Introduction
A. Thesis Statement
Although there are educational television programs, parents should regulate the
amount of television their children watch because it is not always intellectually
stimulating, it can distort a childs perception of reality, and it inhibits social
II. Body paragraph #1 - Topic Sentence #1
While television has the potential to offer programs that can be seen as educational
supplements, too much television has an even greater potential for turning children
into passive viewers and getting in the way of intellectual stimulation.
A. Supporting Evidence
As a recent article from the University of Michigan Health Systems (2008)
maintains, Too much television can negatively affect early brain development.
This is especially true at younger ages, when learning to talk and play with others
is so important (qtd. in Television).
B. Explanation
Indeed, too much television can be detrimental to cognitive development because
preschool-aged children need physical interaction, and television for older children
acts as an unhealthy replacement for reading and being read to. Children need to
engage in imaginative play; adolescents and teenagers benefit from getting fresh
air and being more active.
C. So What?
While it would be too easy to dismiss every TV show directed at youths??"in fact,
PBS and Discovery Kids offer excellent programming??"childrens lives are
increasingly centered around TV-watching, and thus, parents should regulate how
much their kids are viewing regardless of content or perceived quality.
III. Body paragraph #2 - Topic Sentence #2
Moreover, with proper supervision or regulation, there are television programs that can
distort a childs perception of reality.
A. Supporting Evidence
In the online article How TV Affects Your Child, Dr. Mary Gavin (2008) points
out that TV characters often depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and
drinking, and also reinforce gender-role and racial stereotypes.
B. Explanation
Certainly, seeing these types of behaviors and stereotypes exhibited by favorite
television personalities and encouraged by favorite shows can contradict with the
values parents want to instill in their children, which can cause both tension and
confusion. While television does have entertainment value, children cannot learn
all the differences between right and wrong from it.
C. So What?
Although it is difficult to prevent childrens total exposure to questionable social
mores and limited multicultural representation in the media, parents can have
some control by supervising their childrens viewing as well as talk about whats
portrayed on television.
IV. Body paragraph #3 - Topic Sentence #3
Finally, television can impede healthy relationship-building and impose on family
A. Supporting Evidence
For example, recent studies have found that the television is on most of the time in
51% of households and that [k]ids with a TV in their bedroom spend an average
of almost 1.5 hours more per day watching TV than kids without a TV in the
bedroom (qtd. in Television).
B. Explanation
If children are spending this much time glued to the their favorite television
programs, and if parents do not have rules about how much is okay to watch, then
children are not only spending less time on important cognitive development
activities such as reading and doing homework, but they are also spending less
time on social interaction with peers and important family time.
C. So What?
Given how long families are apart from each other during the week because of
school and work, it is unfortunate that any extra time outside of those obligations
should be wasted on watching television; therefore, regulation is one key
approach to ensure a familys closeness and the strength of the parents bond with
their children.
V. Conclusion
A. Thesis Statement rephrased
Television can be both educational and entertaining for children; however, only in
moderation. Thus, its important that parents step in to supervise how much
television their children watch as it can negatively affect their intellectual,
psychological, and social development.

This outline will ultimately turn in to the Final Paper requirements below:

Final Paper

The purpose of the Final Paper is to provide an opportunity to analyze a major social, economic, military, and technological issue since the Civil War, trace its significance over time, and examine the ways in which it contributed to an ending of isolation in the United States.

A central theme of this course is the end of isolation which our textbook describes in relationship to technology, politics, military, culture, and society. At times, the ending of isolation has resulted of periods of tension and struggle. In this paper, you will select ONE of the following topics from the list below, and through the use of primary and secondary research, you will describe the historical context of each question and trace the significance of this issue over time from 1865 to the present. Assess the challenges involved in the ending of this isolation, as well as the key people involved in the struggles. Five academic resources must be referenced within the research paper, including two from the Ashford Online library, and one primary source, which should represent a significant aspect of your research through meaningful contribution to your analysis of the selected topic. .

Topic Choices
Please select one of the following questions as the focus of your final paper:

How have African-Americans worked to end segregation, discrimination, and isolation to attain equality and civil rights?
In what ways has technology ended the physical and intellectual isolation of Americans?
How have wars and political ideologies resulted in the transition from an isolationist foreign policy in America to one in which the nation is now a global superpower?
While women once had few life options beyond isolation in the domestic sphere, what historical developments presented new opportunities for women in society?
In contrast to the ending of isolation, in what ways did Native Americans experience the transition from freedom to isolation? How have they struggled to overcome this isolation?

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least five scholarly resources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford Onlie Library and at least one a primary source.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style.

Black Churches / New Pastors

2004; PP. 1-15;

This is to be an internet research paper with at least 1 cited source. The paper is to 12 pt. Times New Roman double spaced. The paper is to be on the topic of how to survive organizational influence, power, and politics.

Child Abuse You Are an

Write an essay to answer all four (4) questions. Each of the four (4) questions should be answered in no less than 500-600 words each. Every answer must contain at least two references. Please utilize verifiable and renowned academic journals as sources (Do not cite other college papers or theses). The following text book may also be used as a reference:

Crosson-Tower, C. (2009). Understanding child abuse and neglect. (Eighth ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson College Div.

You can access this Textbook by going to http://www.coursesmart.com/login

Login credentials are as follows:
Email address is: [email protected]
Password is: swanson

Please label individual questions and answers within the essay (example: Question 1 (Q1) Answer 1 (A1)).

1. You are an experienced protective services social worker. You have just been assigned a new case to investigate as a result of an abuse report. Your first task is to do a home visit to begin the assessment. How will you prepare for this visit? What is your objective for this first visit? Once you arrive, what would you guess might happen? What reactions might the family have? Are there cultural variations to these reactions? How will you attempt to overcome these barriers? What engagement tools will you use? What observable symptoms and/or behaviors will you be watching for in the child, other family members? Other considerations? How will you know if the visit was successful when you leave the familys home? In other words, describe your activities from before you arrive to the home visit through completion.

2. The textbook by Crosson-Tower suggests three areas in need of change to ensure a brighter future for all children: society, the helping system and research.

What specific changes do you believe are most necessary to reduce the incidences of child abuse? What would be your plan i.e. which do you think needs to happen first? Be specific about your change recommendations and be sure to specify what category(s) they fall under.

3. In The Voices of Youth video, you will meet numerous young adults who recently exited, or are still in a state foster care system. They shared their personal stories of abuse and experiences in foster care. In spite of their many traumatic experiences, they are now all moving forward from a position of strength with positive hopes for the future.

First, briefly define the Resiliency Model. Then, using this video as your case study: What concepts from the Resiliency Model can you identify that were illustrated in their stories? Describe and explain.

Considerations include: Did you hear any recurring themes mentioned by more than one of these young adults? What did they describe as being most valuable to them during their foster care experiences? Consider some of their recommendations: what treatment model(s) do their suggestions fall into?

This video can be accessed at: http://www.kidscount.org/kidscount/video/voices.html

4. The Past: It took one hundred years between the case of Mary Ellen, which greatly influenced the intervention in child maltreatment, until laws were passed on a national level to protect children from child abuse and neglect.

The Present: A significant barrier to reducing child abuse is the fact that there is no universally agreed-upon way to define maltreatment, nor is there one ideology (framework) used to define type of intervention and desired outcome.

What societal and/or cultural factors can you identify that help explain The Past? What societal and/or cultural factors can you identify that help explain The Present? Are there similarities to these explanations, or are they totally divergent? Are there any lessons to be learned from the past to guide us on where we should go from here? Explain
Customer is requesting that (GAMEMASTER) completes this order.

This is Masters Level.

Topic: According to Boxall and Purcell (2011), an organisation?s people management practices should be embedded in a firm?s socio-political and economic environment and its business strategy.
Critically evaluate the above statement using a case organisation of your choice to support your analysis and argument.

Specific Tasks, Objective Hints and Assessment Criteria
a. Briefly explain the key terms in the above statement
b. Using a range of strategic analysis tools covered in the course, select an organisation, for example, from the global airlines industry, publicly funded hospitals, a local city council, and analyse the key environmental factors affecting the strategic management of its human resources.
Tools such as PEST and SWOT analysis or Porter?s industry analysis may be considered in analyzing the key people management implications from a strategic perspective. However, be mindful to maintain the relevance of the discussion, analysis and evidence for the chosen organisation and its strategic goals.

4 Pages

Humor in Three Films

Words: 1394
Length: 4 Pages
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Research Paper

Turning Points in American History Two Turning

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Anarchism Is Not a Valid Political Social and Economic Theory

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Great Awakening

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Native Peoples of the Aleutian Island Chain Specifically the Aleute Alutiiq

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US as an International Peace-Keeping Force

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Cultural Beliefs and Religious Values Related to HIV / AIDS

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NRA: Analysis, Stakeholders, and an Assault Weapons Ban

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Economic Models of Choice in Political Science

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Chinese and European Development Programs

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Public Policy Healthcare Issue --

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Asthma on Children in North

Words: 1844
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PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THIS MARKING SCHEME SPECIFICATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------- *THIS paper should present a formal discussion of a vulnerable population (children) taking a population health promotion perspective. INTRODUCTION ---Outline the concept of vulnerability…

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Locke v. Hobbes the Political

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Research Paper

America's Failure to Act During

Words: 1874
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This paper must analyze the power relations that existed within the U.S. in the period leading up to and during the Holocaust. It should examine the influences, including…

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3 Pages

American Isolationism End of U.S.

Words: 831
Length: 3 Pages
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TOPIC: In what ways has technology ended the physical and intellectual isolation of Americans? Final Paper Draft Review the Final Paper instructions in Week Five of the online course…

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Black Churches / New Pastors

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1 Pages

Organizational Politics and Power: How

Words: 405
Length: 1 Pages
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This is to be an internet research paper with at least 1 cited source. The paper is to 12 pt. Times New Roman double spaced. The paper is to…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Child Abuse You Are an

Words: 3295
Length: 8 Pages
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Write an essay to answer all four (4) questions. Each of the four (4) questions should be answered in no less than 500-600 words each. Every answer must contain…

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People Management Is Basically Making Sure That

Words: 1622
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This is Masters Level. Topic: According to Boxall and Purcell (2011), an organisation?s people management practices should be embedded in a firm?s socio-political and economic environment and its business…

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