Police Organization Essays Prompts

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Police History Paper

800 word paper describing the history of police. Please include the following...

- Analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States.

- Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing.

- Explain how this relationship may affect police practices.

Police Department Organization Paper

? Write a 1100-word paper in which you address the following:

o Describe various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and how each is organized
o Identify the principal roles and functions of police organizations and their role as it applies to the law.
o Identify major organizational theories associated with policing.

? Properly format your paper according to APA 6th edition guidelines.

Must utilize the following books as resources and properly cite them with APA format:

Grant, H.B. & Terry, K.J. 2008. Law Enforcement in the 21st Century, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Walker, S. & Katz, C.M. 2008. The Police in America: An Introduction, 6th ed. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill.

The two books listed above account for 2 of the 4 needed for this essay.

All information on this essay must pertain only to the United States.


Thank you for your assistance.

This is research paper.
The topic is, "The Police Organization and Operation".
This topic will be based on the American police system.
This paper is for a criminal justice class.
The Cover page and reference page will not count towards the 6 papges I am requesting.
Critical thinking and demonstrating the grasp of the criminal justice material is required in this paper.
Please do not include long or numerous quotes.
No strings of quotes written by any publisher or authors.
Personal analysis is required.

Describe various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and how each is organized

Identify the principal roles and functions of police organizations and their role as it applies to the law.

Identify major organizational theories associated with policing.

Conduct research on the various methods used to introduce and incorporate change into police organizations. Write a paper on new and innovative ideas that can be used to facilitate change. Include in your analysis how and why the method(s) you chose will work and how they can be integrated into police policy and procedures. Must be APA format, Arial 12pt font.

Write a 900 word paper in which you address police department roles and functions. Include the following in your paper:

Identify the principal roles and functions of police organizations and their role as it applies to the law.
Describe various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and the roles and functions of each.
Explain the role and function of patrol work.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Customer is requesting that (Craig) completes this order.

Find at least three peer reviewed articles related to the topic you have chosen for your final paper. Describe the article, how it will help you with your research finding and what additional information might have been included in the articles. Each article should have about one page written for a total of three pages.

Below is the paper topic and abstract:

Police Intelligence: Rapidly changing the way police organizations fight crime.

Law enforcement utilizes criminal intelligence to track and predict crime in communities. Advancements in computer technology have allowed criminal intelligence to benefit law enforcement on a global scale. Criminal Intelligence allows information to be used in a proactive manner to assist law enforcement agencies in forming strategic and tactical responses to crime. This paper focuses on how the use of criminal intelligence and computer advancements has changed the way police organizations fight crime. It will show how intelligence is an effective and proactive approach to fighting crime.

Customer is requesting that (gamemaster) completes this order.

Source needed has been uploaded to the fax board.

I need to have this paper rewritten. I would like to request FreelanceWriter. Please use the references that are in my paper...they can be found online. Here is what the paper should cover...

With the current threat of terrorism and other dangers to the United States, should the United States combine all the police agencies into one national police organization? If you did consolidate the police, would you have to do the same to the criminal justice system?

Points to include in your answer:
The role of police in U.S. society involves jurisdictional issues, duplication of laws (between state and federal statutes), local control of police function, training and education of officers' issues, discretion issues, and corruption issues.

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In relation to police organization and administration provide an answer that has details, specifics and examples.

1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory.

2. Herzberg's Hygiene/Motivators Theory.

3. Employee Morale. Building morale in your agency.

4. Positive discipline. Negative discipline. Provide examples.

5. Progressive Discipline-Provide examples.

6. Sexual Harassment.

7. Racial profiling. Avoiding racial profiling.

8. Use of Force Continuum.

9. Causes and symptoms of an unmotivated work force. External tangible motivators.

10. Examples of unethical behavior and corruption. Promoting ethical behavior.

11. Performance Evaluation system. Purpose of Performance Evaluations.

12. Employee grievances. Resolving grievances.

13. Police Budget Process. All Levels Budgeting. Bottom Line Philosophy, Cutback budgeting...etc.

14. Collective Bargaining. Job items covered by union contracts. Management's Rights.

15. Explain job stress. Dealing with job related stress.

16. Complaints against officers. Causes of external complaints. Reducing external complaints against officers.

17. Internal Affairs Division function. Complaints against police officers handled and investigated.

18. Explain Job Rotation, Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment.

19. Kansas City Experiment. Findings of Kansas City Experiment. Recommendations.

20. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing.

Issues in Policing

Write a 1,000-word paper describing critical issues in policing. Include the following:
Examples of technology used in policing and how technology enhances or detracts from police organizations? ability to function
Examples of less-than-lethal weapons and how less-than-lethal weapons affect policing in today?s society. Also discuss force continuum as it applies to use of force.
Example of dangers faced by police and how police organizations address and prevent these dangers
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Write a 300 word (total) response in which you address ALL the following questions:

? What is the role of police in society? What would happen if the role of the police were lessened as it applies to the theory and practice of community policing?

? How do daily issues such as probable cause affect police from a legal standpoint? How can these issues be improved to aid police organizations in combating crime?

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the history of police. Include the following in your paper:

o Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing.
o Analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States.
o Explain how this relationship may affect police practices.

In his history of 20th-century policing, Fogelson (1977: 155) writes, ?Like doctors, lawyers, teachers, and engineers, policemen were expected to meet high admission standards, undergo extensive train...ing, serve their clients, devote themselves to the public interest, subscribe to a code of ethics, and possess a wide range of extraordinary skills.? Yet police organizations (and other criminal justice organizations) tend to be highly formalized. Is it possible to consider police officers or other criminal justice front line workers as professionals like lawyers or doctors even though they are in highly rule-bound organizations such as police departments and correctional agencies? Explain why or why not. In your post, feel free to consider whether there are changes you would recommend (focusing in particular on organizational structure) for increasing professionalism in criminal justice agencies.

The following three supplemental readings on professionalism will be useful as you develop your post. The first is a book review by Katznelson (1979) of Fogelson's (1977) book Big-City Police (the source of the quotation above). The second provides a definition of professionalism in the context of reforms in the Los Angeles Police Department. The third discusses a new modern model of police professionalism. You may find it useful to incorporate material from one or more of these readings in your post.
1.Katznelson, I. (1979). Big-city police. by Robert M Fogelson Political Science Quarterly, 93, 701-703.
Fogelson77 Book Review.pdf
2.Glenn, R.W., Panitch, B.R., Barnes-Proby, D., Williams, E., Christian, J., Lewis, M.W., et al. (2003). The luster in the badge: Law enforcement professionalism and the LAPD. Chapter 2 in Training the 21st century police officer: Redefining police professionalism for the Los Angeles Police Department (pp. 23-36). Santa Monica, CA: Rand Public Safety and Justice. (if you're interested, the full book is available for download here)
3.Stone, C., & Travis, J. (2011). Toward a new professionalism in policing. New perspectives in policing. Harvard Executive Session on Policing and Public Safety. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.

Review the case study below "Motivation and Control: The Police Supervisor's Dilemma". In an 800-1,000 word essay, answer all of the case study questions that follow. If possible use other sources....>
Motivation and Control:
The Police Supervisor?s Dilemma

Captain Frebe had spent a number of years watching some of his fellow officers find ways to avoid responsibility, ignore agency policies, and do just enough to get by. As
a member of the command staff, his memory of slackers was still fresh, and he was receiving complaints and rumors that a number of his officers were still effective at being deadwood. He also knew from his experience that most officers were intent on doing their job well, but the productive officers were often demoralized by the fact
the few deadwood officers usually got away with doing just enough to get by. Captain Frebe reasoned that a duty he owed to the productive officers was to make the slackers accountable for their lack of activity. He set out, therefore, to develop a highly structured system of accountability and a tighter system of supervisory authority.
Under his new system of supervisory accountability, Captain Frebe instructed his sergeants to exhibit a more invasive strategy of supervising rank and file officers. This meant sergeantswould spend more time on the street supervising officers, to hold them more accountable to rules and regulations. Sergeants were required to write up brief reports summarizing their evaluations of police performance. More frequent performance evaluations were required, and internal investigations to expose inappropriate behavior by officers were increased. Quota systems for parking and traffic tickets were also invoked. In addition, officers were required to submit daily activity reports that included odometer reading to measure mileage against activity reports.
Finally, incident reports were thoroughly scrutinized and randomly verified for content and accuracy. In Captain Frebe?s mind, this was the best way to address the slackers and deadwood in the department. Six months after implementing the new supervisory routines, the following outcomes were noticed by the higher-ups in the department: greater accountability was evidenced, with clearer indications of work being performed. For the administrative
brass, such initial findings were encouraging. Nevertheless, more ominous outcomes were also found. Sergeants were asking for more transfers from Captain Frebe?s district, absenteeism was rampant, internal investigations were at an all-time high, morale among the troops was abysmal, and the district was viewed by many veteran cops as the place where Captain ?hard balls? Frebe ran a tight but sinking ship.
Captain Frebe was encouraged by the initial findings of increased performance under his new system of supervisory accountability, but the negative effects of this new system on the morale of officers dismayed him. Did the officers really respect him, and what about the ?good cops? who were motivated to conform to the new accountability system? Was his concern for greater accountability too extreme and
detrimental to motivating officers to perform their best? Did he have to achieve a balance between control and officer accountability on the one hand and, on the other, a
loosening of the reins to motivate officers? Frustrated by the effect of his new program, Captain Frebe ask his old friend Sergeant Hamilton why his system was backfiring. Hamilton replied, ?When the hell do we have time to do police work??

Case Study Questions:
1. Is there a relationship between the amount of control desired in a police organization and the ability of police officials to create a motivating environment among rank-and-file officers? If so, how is balance arrived at between these two apparently opposite concerns in police organizations?

2. How could have Captain Frebe instituted the mechanisms for officer accountability without alienating officers? What role do officers have in creating a motivating environment within police organizations?

3. Is it true that you really cannot motivate persons in organizations? If this statement is true, then is there any role for administrators and managers in the motivation
of their employees? Are there unique concerns that face police supervisors that make motivation of employees difficult? If so, what are they, and how would you address them?

Criminal Justice Organizations
Stan Stojkovic, David Kalinich, John Klofas
Copyright 2003 Wadsworth / Thomson

CJA / Introduction to Polic Theory and Practices

Policing in American Society Paper

Write a 350- to 700-word summary in which you describe and analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the U.S. and the impact of this relationship on American society as a whole.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper describing critical issues in policing. Please be sure to include and address ALL the following:

?Examples of technology used in policing and how technology enhances or detracts from police organizations?
ability to function

?Examples of less-than-lethal weapons and how less-than-lethal weapons affect policing in today?s society

?Example of dangers faced by police and how police organizations address these dangers

NOTE: Please be sure to use materials from the both chapters uploaded as 2 out of the 5 sources when citing. It is imperative!!! Thanks

Police Manuals and Discretion

question 1
Most police organizations have in-depth policy and procedure manuals, rules and regulations, or standard operating procedures. Discuss the roles of these types of manuals and why they are, or are not, necessary in modern policing organizations.

question 2
Police officers need to utilize sound discretion. Discretion is subjective. There is no rule or regulation that can cover every conceivable task police officers perform. Discuss how you as a criminal justice manager would allow your officers to utilize discretion they need, but at the same time staying within the limits of department procedure and the laws.

Police Discipline

Read the scenario below:

You are a manager within a criminal justice agency. One day, during duty hours, while speaking with Officer Joe you detect a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. Off...icer Joe has maintained the status of a top performer within your department; however, recently he has been displaying the following behavior:

Rebellious and violates the rules of the department

Displays a disheveled appearance

Is rude and disrespectful of other employees

Considering the above listed information, in a 6 page paper, develop a plan to deal with the Officer Joe problem. In your plan:

Identify the problems associated with this officer and possible causes.

Indicate what effects his actions can have upon the police organization.

Determine what your management priorities are.

Identify what options are available to you as a manager.

Design possible solutions to the problem (at least two); select the best solution.

Define what indicators determine success or failure of your solution.

The following Kaplan Library articles provide additional information relating to the Assignment.

Shockey-Eckles, M. L. (2011). Police culture and the perpetuation of the officer shuffle: The paradox of life behind the blue wall. Humanity & Society 35(3), 290??"309. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.lib.kaplan.edu/socialsciences/docview/900717152/fulltextPDF/1393775129D5CCE8287/1?accountid=34544

Raterman, M. T. (2003). Progressive discipline as a police management tool police department disciplinary, Bulletin, 8(9), 2??"4. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.lib.kaplan.edu/socialsciences/docview/198687865/13941E3FCEE3AFCCBE7/3?accountid=34544

Kelly, S. F. (2003). Internal affairs, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 72(7), 1??"6. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.lib.kaplan.edu/ehost/detail?vid=12&hid=10&sid=8b9339b0-4467-44cd-8072-173f1416b5b8%40sessionmgr13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=10341537

Police in America in the

Listen to MP3 recording. Complete discussion questions for: 1.) Law Enforcement Agency Size 2.) Sworn vs. Non-Sworn Personnel 3.) Policing Models 4.) Designing a Police Organization
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The essay must be written in first person.
The essay will not follow traditional essay formatting i.e. introduction, body, and conclusion; rather it will address each subtopic individually using the four sections of Kolbs model.
The essay must be based on your personal, life learning experiences, not on research, history, or another individuals learning experiences.
Here are the individual sub-topics:
Subtopic 1: mechanics of police report writing and field note taking
Subtopic 2: investigation and arrest reports
Subtopic 3: technical report writing
Subtopic 4: function and structure of correspondence and records systems in police organization and management
Subtopic 5: need and purpose of adequate police records
Subtopic 6: police statistical methods and the use of significant trends
Narrative reports as well as forms must be discussed.

History of the Police History

Write a 600- to 1,050-word paper describing the history of police. Include the following in your paper:

o Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing.
o Analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States.
o Explain how this relationship may affect police practices.

Include information learned from the CJi Interactive activities in your paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Stress Among the Police

How can the individual stress of a police officer affect the police organization as a whole? Provide some examples and possible solutions to keeping the stress level to a minimum.

CJA / 214 Indrouction to Police Theory and Practices

Police Department Organization Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:

Describe various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and how each is organized
Identify the principal roles and functions of police organizations and their role as it applies to the law.
Identify major organizational theories associated with policing.

CJA / 214 Introduction to Police Theory and Practices

Policing in American Society Paper:

Write a 350- to 700-word summary in which you describe and analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the U.S. and the impact of this relationship on American society as a whole.

The recent changes in the economic situation are impacting all governmental organizations, including Criminal Justice agencies. In this assignment you shall apply organizational planning, theories of ...human motivation, proper ethical management decision making, compliance with applicable law, while utilizing sound management practices that maintain operational capabilities within the following scenario.

You are the Chief of a police organization that employees 115 sworn officers of various rank as well as a civilian staff of 20 personnel. The City Council has informed you that due to the economic situation you must reduce your sworn staff by 5 officers and one-half (10) of your civilian staff must also face layoffs. In addition to the layoffs you will have no funds for new programs and equipment. Also one of the civilian staff members is married to your sister.

In a 5 page paper, develop a plan to implement these cuts in personnel/programs/equipment and deal with the impact upon the organization.

Identify the ethical issues you will be confronted with involving the selection of personnel who will be cut. What internal or external influences may be presented in the process? What means will you use to maintain fairness during the process as well as in work distribution and assignments of those who are retained?

Also in your paper, address possible effects on the organization regarding official corruption. Identify at least two management methods required to maintain employee motivation, organizational communications, and insure public safety.

3 Pages

Police History Analyze the Relationship Between the

Words: 913
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Police History Paper 800 word paper describing the history of police. Please include the following... - Analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Local Police Agencies at the Local, Agencies,

Words: 1189
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Police Department Organization Paper ? Write a 1100-word paper in which you address the following: o Describe various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and how each is…

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6 Pages

Police Organization Operations the Police Department Is

Words: 1895
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

This is research paper. The topic is, "The Police Organization and Operation". This topic will be based on the American police system. This paper is for a criminal justice…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Police Department Organization: The Local, State, and

Words: 902
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Describe various types of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level and how each is organized Identify the principal roles and functions of police organizations and their role…

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3 Pages

Various Methods Used to Introduce and Incorporate Change Into Police Organizations

Words: 952
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Conduct research on the various methods used to introduce and incorporate change into police organizations. Write a paper on new and innovative ideas that can be used to facilitate…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Police Department Roles and Functions

Words: 1044
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write a 900 word paper in which you address police department roles and functions. Include the following in your paper: Identify the principal roles and functions of police…

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3 Pages

Police Intelligence: Rapidly Changing the

Words: 1240
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Find at least three peer reviewed articles related to the topic you have chosen for your final paper. Describe the article, how it will help you with your research…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Terrorism & Police Organizations Global

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Source needed has been uploaded to the fax board. I need to have this paper rewritten. I would like to request FreelanceWriter. Please use the references that are…

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4 Pages

Police Organization and Administration

Words: 1372
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In relation to police organization and administration provide an answer that has details, specifics and examples. 1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory. 2. Herzberg's Hygiene/Motivators Theory. 3. Employee Morale. Building morale in…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Issues in Policing

Words: 908
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write a 1,000-word paper describing critical issues in policing. Include the following: Examples of technology used in policing and how technology enhances or detracts from police organizations? ability to…

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1 Pages

Policing Roles What Is the Role of

Words: 372
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Write a 300 word (total) response in which you address ALL the following questions: ? What is the role of police…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Police Describe the Impact of Sir Robert

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the history of police. Include the following in your paper: o Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing. o Analyze the relationship…

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2 Pages

Policing Contemporary Policing Professionalism Is the Cornerstone

Words: 563
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In his history of 20th-century policing, Fogelson (1977: 155) writes, ?Like doctors, lawyers, teachers, and engineers, policemen were expected to meet high admission standards, undergo extensive training, serve their…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Police Motivation a Relationship Does Exist Between

Words: 887
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Review the case study below "Motivation and Control: The Police Supervisor's Dilemma". In an 800-1,000 word essay, answer all of the case study questions that follow. If possible use…

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2 Pages

Policing in American Society Describe and Analyze

Words: 605
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

CJA / Introduction to Polic Theory and Practices Policing in American Society Paper Write a 350- to 700-word summary in which you describe and analyze the relationship between the U.S. government…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

American Policing as One Would Expect, the

Words: 1722
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper describing critical issues in policing. Please be sure to include and address ALL the following: ?Examples of technology used in policing and how…

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2 Pages

Police Manuals and Discretion

Words: 616
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

question 1 Most police organizations have in-depth policy and procedure manuals, rules and regulations, or standard operating procedures. Discuss the roles of these types of manuals and why they are,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Police Discipline

Words: 1847
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Read the scenario below: You are a manager within a criminal justice agency. One day, during duty hours, while speaking with Officer Joe you detect a strong odor of alcohol…

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2 Pages

Police in America in the

Words: 871
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Listen to MP3 recording. Complete discussion questions for: 1.) Law Enforcement Agency Size 2.) Sworn vs. Non-Sworn Personnel 3.) Policing Models 4.) Designing a…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Mechanics of Police Report Writing

Words: 4085
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The essay must be written in first person. The essay will not follow traditional essay formatting i.e. introduction, body, and conclusion; rather it will address each subtopic individually using…

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2 Pages

History of the Police History

Words: 794
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Write a 600- to 1,050-word paper describing the history of police. Include the following in your paper: o Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing. o Analyze the relationship…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Stress Among the Police

Words: 680
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

How can the individual stress of a police officer affect the police organization as a whole? Provide some examples and possible solutions to keeping the stress level to a…

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3 Pages

Similiarities of Local State Police Department Organization

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

CJA / 214 Indrouction to Police Theory and Practices Police Department Organization Paper Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following: Describe various types of police agencies at…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

CIA Introduction to Police Theory the Objective

Words: 701
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

CJA / 214 Introduction to Police Theory and Practices Policing in American Society Paper: Write a 350- to 700-word summary in which you describe and analyze the relationship between the U.S.…

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5 Pages

Reducing Employees in an Organization

Words: 1591
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The recent changes in the economic situation are impacting all governmental organizations, including Criminal Justice agencies. In this assignment you shall apply organizational planning, theories of human motivation, proper…

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