25+ documents containing “Personal Theory”.
Personal Theory Paper
Students will write a paper discussing their philosophy of counseling. As a whole, your paper should be inherently consistent (check to ensure you have not contr...adicted yourself) and express a coherent personal philosophy.
The paper should be no more than 6-8 pages long (doubled spaced, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman font and adherence to APA style.) The paper should address the following concepts:
Self-exploration (how did your beliefs emerge? What are their origins? What is it about you that makes these certain beliefs attractive to you? Etc. This is just a starting point. In this section students will use I statements and be self reflective on their experience this semester and in life.
What is reality (e.g., do you believe reality is that which is scientifically discovered and verified, or do you believe that reality does not exist apart from individual humans who create it?)? How do you/people know reality? Does reality remain constant or does it change? Are there some things that exist that can never be known? If so, what are they? In working with clients, do you think it is important to focus on reality as it exists or as the client perceives it?
Human Nature
What are your beliefs of human nature and mental illness? What does it mean to be human? What is the relationship of humans to their environment, such as your family of origin or earliest caregiver(s)? What are goals, purposes, drives, and needs that all humans share? What are the basic tasks of life? To what extent are humans free and responsible for their condition versus determined or influenced by their environment and past experiences? Are humans primarily thinking, feeling, or action oriented?
Human growth, development, learning, and motivation
What are your ideas about the structure/development of personality? How do people learn, grow, and change? What motivates people to change? Are needs or goals more important motivators? How do you account for normal personality development? How would you describe the ideal person? How do you account for the development of disordered, unhealthy, or maladjusted behaviors?
What are your ideas about the therapeutic process? How does counseling help people learn, grow and develop, or change? How do you conceptualize goals or desired outcomes of counseling? Who should set the goals in counseling? Should counseling primarily focus on feelings, thoughts, or actions? Should counseling also primarily focus on the clients past experiences, current concerns, or future goals? To what extent is the counseling relationship the key to therapy verse being a means to an end? How important is the clients internal satisfaction with self vs. adaptation or adjustment to society?
Add a paragraph about which theorists have influenced you the most and how your view may have evolved over the course of the semester. (Objectives: Knowledge-All; Skills- All; Dispositions-All).
Note: Avoid contractions and the use of the 2nd person (ie: You.) Please proofread thoroughly before turning in all papers. more
Personal Criminological Theory. A personal criminological theory that would explain the occurrence of crime and why people commit crime? What variables would you consider? Identify any assumptions on which your personal theory is based. What methodologies could you use to evaluate the theory?
Personal Theory Paper
I need a 16 page personal theory paper. My personal theory is not based on one specific theory. ...I believe in a multimodel style of therapy that mostly resembles Egan?s Problem-Management Opportunity Development Model. My personal theory also resembles that of Hutchens? TFA (Thinking, Feeling, Acting) model. My theory also mirrors Arnold Lazarus? theory of counseling. Jill you can use this information and the other theories that you did to complete the paper. All the directions are listed below.
The paper is intended to be a research-oriented paper that is an expression of your current thinking regarding your theoretical perspective of individual counseling. Therefore, you will research additional materials other than using just your textbook. Remember also, this theory paper will be a starting place for you as your theory will evolve over time as you gain more knowledge and experience in the field of counseling.
Following are the basic guidelines for writing your theory paper. The paper should:
1) Be written in APA format
2) Be 16 pages in length.
3) Be double-spaced
4) Use standard font ? size 12
5) Include at least 10 quality references in addition to the class texts and the Bible.
6) You may use Internet references as long as they are professional references.
7) Include a title page
8) Include an abstract page (this page should be indented 1.5 inches from both sides of the page and be single-spaced)
9) Include a reference page
When put together, your paper will have this flow: Title page, abstract page, body of the paper 16 pages, and references.
The body of your paper should include the following points:
1) Summarize your overall approach
? Are you developing your own integrative approach? If so, explain who you are borrowing from and how you would put it together.
? Are you adopting primarily one theoretical approach? If so, explain why you like this approach and what modifications you would make to it.
? Are you developing your own personal approach? If so, explain you?re your approach.
2) Philosophy and Basic Assumptions
? What constitutes a mentally/emotionally healthy person and what causes a person to become dysfunctional?
? How does personal growth occur in the context of your therapy?
? What makes your theory work?
3) Key Concepts
? Explain the primary points of your theory as if you were to summarize it quickly for someone
4) Therapeutic Goals
? What are your general goals in therapy?
5) Therapeutic Relationship
? Describe the kind of relationship do you intend to have with your client?
? Is the relationship a major or minor role in therapy?
6) Techniques and Procedures
? What techniques do you plan to use with your clients?
? Do you have a process or steps you will follow when counseling a client? (In other words how will your sessions flow?)
? If I were watching through a one-way mirror, what would I see happening in your sessions?
7) Compare and Contrast
? Compare your approach with other the other 11 theories we discussed in class (in general) and point out what is comparable and what is different from the other theories.
If you plan to be a Christian counselor, then please integrate your worldview into your theory and use the Bible to support your approach. more
Personal Leadership & Action Plan Paper. Leadership is about relationships between leaders and their followers. The success of that relationship depends upon how well the leader can communicate hi...s or vision to followers. Therefore, without knowing oneself and one's abilities, behaviors and communication can sometimes be ineffective. Personal Leadership & Action Plan paper has to be based on the following areas:
(a) Leadership TheoryThe first phase of developing a plan is to use theory as a baseline. Therefore, identify and describe at least four major leadership theories. What are the key elements or features of each theory? What are the skills and competencies of an effective leader?
(b) Personal TheoryHaving identified the key features of each theory, compare and contrast the theories of leadership and choose a theory you believe best approximates a great leader.
(c) Leadership Style Gap Analysis Now that you have identified the key features that you would most like to pattern your own leadership style after, conduct an analysis of your personal performance skills such as communication and listening skills, traits, and behaviors. Identify the gaps between your desired style and your current performance.
(d) Personal Action PlanBased upon your personal analysis, present an action plan for those items that you would need to accomplish in order to achieve your desired personal leadership style. The action plan should consist of at least three measurable goals and the expected outcome when the goal is achieved.
-Paper must have at least 5 references of various types (internet, books, articles, etc.), Wikipedia is not acceptable as a reference. Thank you. more
There are many theories of helping. Using many bits and pieces of several theories to formualte one's own type of therapy
Describe a personal theory of therapy and cite three theorists who have influenced this type of therapy
The purpose of this research paper is to write my personal theory of career and guidance counseling after reviewing and discussing theories of career/vocational career guidance counseling. My <...b>personal theory will be based upon the theories that seem most appropriate and accurate to me to create my own model.
The broad categories of career counseling theories are trait-oriented, social learning and cognitive, developmental, and person-in-environment. Within each perspective there are several specific models. Select representative samples that fit the needs that are described in my comments about the constructs of the research paper.
My personal approach is integrative and eclectic, utilizing elements of various career counseling theories that complement each other and "mesh" well. The paper should reflect this.
Also, I believe in a holistic approach to career counseling - addressing both personal and career concerns. In all models, person-environment interactions are stressed as a multi-dimensional developmental process that is unique to each individual.
While the paper may address some of the historical background of the theories that are referenced, the specific models should primarily reflect current theory and application - the contemporary evolution of the career counseling models.
No footnotes are necessary, but the total pages should have an average minimum number of 3-4 parenthetical citations and/or quotations per page. If more are appropriate to improve the quality of the paper, please add them. Use solid professional judgment regarding the appropriate total number and variety of parenthetical citations and quotations.
My professional orientation is to school counseling, mainly grades 7-12. Although the research paper will reflect a "general" integrated personal theory of career and guidance counseling, part will include my belief that trait-oriented and developmental theories are very applicable to this age group, but not to the exclusion of other career counseling theories.
I hope that I have been explicit enough in my information and instructions to you. Please email me if you have any questions. more
These Directions will also be e-mailed you via e-mail in a Microsoft Word Document that is better structured with bulleted points/bolded words for emphasis and generally for easier read/clarification....
Directions for Personal Theory Paper: What you are doing is picking elements that connect from Psychoanalytic, Existential, Person-Centered, and Gestalt therapy which are all Insight-Oriented Therapies to Create your own Personal Theory.
This is a Personal Theory Paper (No Citations or direct quotes allowed in the Paper). It is to be written in narrative form. Write an integrative paper that articulates your personal theoretical orientation to counseling based on weaving together what you pull from the 4 insight oriented approaches, what elements from each make up your personal theory? Be sure to explain.
The Paper should focus on insight-oriented approaches (Psychoanalytic therapy, Existential therapy, Person-Centered Therapy, and Gestalt Therapy). You are to intertwine all 4 of these insight-oriented approaches as metaphorically writing a theory of counseling (as a flower, a harmony should be between these 4 approaches (Integrating elements of Psychoanalytic therapy, Existential therapy, Person-Centered Therapy, and Gestalt Therapy that are similar to one another.
Most importantly, be certain that as you write your own personal theory paper that focuses on integrating parts of Psychoanalytic therapy, Existential therapy, Person-Centered Therapy, and Gestalt Therapy, there is no Contradictory. Pick key concepts from each of the 4 insight-oriented therapies and explain how they all weave and integrate together to form your own therapy. Be certain to focus on the following:
Paper to Include in order:
1. Beliefs of Good Human Nature and Beliefs about Existence and Understanding how the past influences the Present (Link to my point of view of what I have gained from all 4 of the insight oriented therapies in developing my own theory)
2. Drawing from the Insight Oriented Theories of counseling-Problem Identificationhow do you do this in your therapy approach based on insight oriented therapies, What are your Client Goals? Based on integrating elements of the 4 insight oriented therapies mentioned, what is your problem intervention? What Outcome Assessment do you use, What is the Termination- what do you believe on wrapping up a counseling session and the purpose of wrapping up the session?
3.Key concepts of your approach pick and choose from Psychoanalytic, Person-Centered, Existential, and Gestalt Therapy that all connect together. Explain your approach.
How do you start the session, what about informed consent, assessment and diagnosis, and in your approach explain your therapy as a time-limited process.
4. View of your role as a counselor-What is your therapeutic Relationship with the client, how do you share a collaborative partnership, how do you help the client gain focus?
5. Therapeutic goals-who determines the goal? How do you as the counselor identify a goal directed behavior?
6. Central techniques and methods
7. Understanding and working with resistance-understanding the dynamics of resistance, respecting and reframing from resistance, how do you do this in your own combo of insight-oriented therapies?
**It is vital you state your message clearly in your opening paragraph, and summarize the key points of the paper in the introductory section. That means a direct statement and 5 sentence minimum introductory paragraph.
Address the bulleted points (above) in the body of the paper. Give credit through references to work of others (meaning As Gestalt, According to Carol Rogers, but no citations in the paper. Develop your thoughts fully by being concrete and logical-avoid rambling and abstractions. While you may use the first person pronoun, remember that you are writing for an audience and you want them to recognize where you stand on the bulleted points above. Demonstrate your understanding of the material through integration and synthesis.
Be sure your views are complimentary, not contradictory.
In conclusion, summarize the points that support the message you stated in your opening paragraph.
There are faxes for this order. more
Your Personal Theory Paper should reflect your current integration of counseling theory from a Christian perspective, with emphasis on how your Christian beliefs and values impact your theory a...nd practice. The paper should incorporate references to several of the theorists discussed in this course, showing how you are influenced by their contributions and thinking.
The paper should be 8 typed, double-spaced, pages in length and should meet the requirements of the Personal Theory Paper Grading Rubric. It must be typed in Microsoft Word, with one-inch margins and follow the style laid out in the APA Manual.
You will prepare a Title Page, Abstract, and Reference Page.
Please see attached Word.Doc for more information
Crabb, L. (1977). Effective Biblical Counseling: A Model for Helping Caring Christians
Become Capable Counselors. Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Adams, E. J. (1986). How to Help People Change: The Four- Step Biblical Process.
Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Backus, W., Chapian, M. (1980). Telling Yourself the Truth: Find Your Way Out of
Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger and Other Common Problems by Applying the
Priciples of Misbelief Therapy. Grand Rapids: Bethany Publishing Group.
Wilson, D. S. (2001). Hurt People Hurt: Hope and Healing for Yourself and Your
Relationships. Grand Rapids: Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Hart. D. A. (1999). The Anxiety Cure: You Can Find Emotional Tranquility and
Wholeness. Thomas Nelson: Thomas Nelson, Inc.
H., Townsend, J. (1999). Boundaries in Marriage: Understanding the Choices
that Make or Break Loving Relationships. Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Anderson, T. N. (1990). The Bondage Breaker: Overcoming Negative Thoughts,
Irrational Feelings and Habitual Sins. The Hawkins Childrens LLC: Harvest
House Publishers, Inc.
There are faxes for this order.
Customer is requesting that (freelancewriter) completes this order. more
As a society we are constantly focused on the why, for example, why did this crime occur? In the field of criminology there are two competing schools of thought on why crime occurs, Classical School and Positivism. Over the next few weeks, we will discuss in detail different theories of crime causation.
In this task, please prepare a paper to explain your own personal theory of crime causation at the start of the course.
Create a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the following questions:
What is the name of your theory?
Explain why you believe it best explains incidents of crime.
Does your theory explain all incidents of crime? Why or why not?
How can we use your theory to address the underlying reasons why crime occurs?
How do you think your personal theory of crime causation will compare to the other theories that you will learn in the coming weeks?
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Paper I: My Personal Theory of good and evil, right and wrong.
Context of assignment:
We have studied a number of moral theories.
Assignment: In this paper (3 pages) you should... briefly and concisely articulate your own personal moral theory that allows you to decide when an action is right or wrong. Most of you already have a working moral theory, although you may not have previously thought about it, named it, or described it. Some conceptual aspects of your moral theory that you should address include:
a) 1/2 page. a conception of the moral domain?who do you identify as a moral agent and a moral
subject? (What kind of beings can make moral choices and thus bear moral
responsibilities (e.g. rational individuals, rational groups, nations, etc.? Towards
what kinds of beings do we have moral obligations?some humans/ all humans,
animals, plants, environments, cultures, groups, nations, etc.)
b) 1/2 page. an ethical metaphysic: what is the underlying nature of ?right?/?wrong?
?good?/?evil??do these words refer to real things in the world (empirical states, divine forces, etc), or to human constructions based on evolutionary preferences and/or social judgments and precedents,
c) 1/2 page. an epistemological methodology for knowing when something is right or wrong (e.g. a
Kantian would run the maxim through the categorical imperative, a Confucianist would consider the action in light of social custom and family wishes/honor). How do you know that this method is reliable?
d) 1/2 page. a moral disposition?How would you describe the ideal personality of a moral person-
-should a moral agent psychologically culture the ability for impartial
reason, for emotion, for empirical observation, for the consideration of all humans (or those closest to us), for social communication, for respect for authority, for care and empathy, etc.
e) 1 page. Justification?Why do you think that your theory is a good one? What are its strengths
and weaknesses? Why is it reliable? Would you recommend it to others?why or
why not?
Please type and double space.
Because this is a short paper I expect your best work?give yourself time to reflect, hone, and revise.
You may refer to the text, "Applied Ethics A Multicultural Approach 4th edition." Or use outside sources, but this is not required.
100 points, Due 9/21.
Dont steal, cheat, lie.
Maybe steal if your life depended on it. more
Select a nursing theory that best aligns with your personal theory of nursing. Discuss the components of the selected nursing theory and how you implement these components in your practice.
1) The articles or journals you are going to use must be peer reviewed, scholarly, and it is best to paraphrase instead of using direct quotation.
2) APA format 6th edition.
3) Please make sure that everything is properly cited.
Your Personal Theory Paper should reflect your current integration of counseling theory from a Christian perspective, with emphasis on how your Christian beliefs and values impact your theory a...nd practice. The paper should incorporate references to several of the theorists discussed in this course, showing how you are influenced by their contributions and thinking.
The paper should be 10 - 12 typed, double-spaced, pages in length and should meet the requirements of the Personal Theory Paper Grading Rubric. It must be typed in Microsoft Word, with one-inch margins and follow the style laid out in the APA Manual.
You will prepare a Title Page, Abstract, and Reference Page during Module/Week 3, which will help begin to build the foundational elements of your final paper while identifying any formatting mistakes that may need to be cleaned up before the final paper is due. Note that the final paper length does not include the Title Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, References, or Appendices you may choose to incorporate.
You will prepare a Working Outline during Module/Week 5. The working outline will help to organize your ideas into major and minor topics. You can also collect specific examples and quotes you would like to include in your paper. The working outline is an important document as you develop your final personal theory paper. A Working Outline example is provided for your review.
Submit your final Personal Theory Paper via the assignment link in Module/Week 8. Remember to name your paper with YOURNAME in the file name. I don't see anywhere that I need references so I don't know how many I need. I am putting 1 but I will let you know if I find out if I need more. more
Backus & Chapain, Telling Yourself the Truth (2000). and Adams, How to Help People Change (Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian authors and prepare typed evaluations, reflections, responses, and/or summaries of these authors' thoughts and insights. It is important that you:
1.Be informed about the various models of counseling being developed by Christians.
2.Be able to articulate an understanding of these models.
3.Be an effective critical thinker, able to analyze and evaluate the theoretical and applied integration efforts of our colleagues.
4.Plan to apply your faith in practice.
Please develop your paper content based on the Theory Critique Grading Rubric. The requirements in the rubric apply to all of the theory critiques. Note that there is a different rubric for your final Personal Theory Paper. Critiquing the counseling theories of Hawkins, Crabb, etc. will provide the basis for much of your own Christian counseling theory, as developed in your Personal Theory Paper.1986). Both of these books have to be critiqued.
This is the book to be critiqued Cloud, H., & Townsend, J. (1999). Boundaries in marriage. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. ISBN: 0-3102-2151-X (hard cover) or ISBN: 0-3102-4314-9 (20...02 ? soft cover version).
Students will critique six approaches to counseling spread throughout the course. These papers will be a maximum of 4 pages and will help students build information useful to the creation of their own Personal Counseling Theory Approach. Each critique will be written in APA format and submitted on or before Sunday of the week it is assigned
Your Personal Theory Paper should reflect your current integration of counseling theory from a Christian perspective, with emphasis on how your Christian beliefs and values impact your theory and practice. The paper should incorporate references to several of the theorists discussed in this course, showing how you are influenced by their contributions and thinking.
The paper should be 10 - 12 typed, double-spaced, pages in length and should meet the requirements of the Personal Theory Paper Grading Rubric. It must be typed in Microsoft Word, with one-inch margins and follow the style laid out in the APA Manual.
You will prepare a Title Page, Abstract, and Reference Page during Module/Week 3, which will help begin to build the foundational elements of your final paper while identifying any formatting mistakes that may need to be cleaned up before the final paper is due. Note that the final paper length does not include the Title Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, References, or Appendices you may choose to incorporate.
Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian authors and prepare typed evaluations, reflections, responses, and/or summaries of these authors' thoughts and insights. It is important that you:
1.Be informed about the various models of counseling being developed by Christians.
2.Be able to articulate an understanding of these models.
3.Be an effective critical thinker, able to analyze and evaluate the theoretical and applied integration efforts of our colleagues.
4.Plan to apply your faith in practice.
Please develop your paper content based on the Theory Critique Grading Rubric. The requirements in the rubric apply to all of the theory critiques. Note that there is a different rubric for your final Personal Theory Paper. Critiquing the counseling theories of Hawkins, Crabb, etc. will provide the basis for much of your own Christian counseling theory, as developed in your Personal Theory Paper. more
Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian authors and prepare typed evaluations, reflections, responses, and/or summaries of these authors' thought...s and insights. It is important that you:
1.Be informed about the various models of counseling being developed by Christians.
2.Be able to articulate an understanding of these models.
3.Be an effective critical thinker, able to analyze and evaluate the theoretical and applied integration efforts of our colleagues.
4.Plan to apply your faith in practice.
Please develop your paper content based on the Theory Critique Grading Rubric. The requirements in the rubric apply to all of the theory critiques. Note that there is a different rubric for your final Personal Theory Paper. Critiquing the counseling theories of Hawkins, Crabb, etc. will provide the basis for much of your own Christian counseling theory, as developed in your Personal Theory Paper.
Students will critique six approaches to counseling spread throughout the course. These papers will be a maximum of 4 pages and will help students build information useful to the creation of their own Personal Counseling Theory Approach. Each critique will be written in APA format and submitted on or before Sunday of the week it is assigned
THis is the book to Critique Anderson, N. T. (2006). The bondage breaker (New and Expanded Edition). Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers. ISBN: 0-7369-1814-0. more
I need a critique of a comparison of the theories in these books.
Backus, W.D., & Chapian, M. (2000). Telling yourself the truth (20th ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers
Adams, J. E. (1986). How to help people change. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.
Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian authors and prepare typed evaluations, reflections, responses, and/or summaries of these authors' thoughts and insights. It is important that you:
1.Be informed about the various models of counseling being developed by Christians.
2.Be able to articulate an understanding of these models.
3.Be an effective critical thinker, able to analyze and evaluate the theoretical and applied integration efforts of our colleagues.
4.Plan to apply your faith in practice.
Please develop your paper content based on the Theory Critique Grading Rubric. The requirements in the rubric apply to all of the theory critiques. Note that there is a different rubric for your final Personal Theory Paper. Critiquing the counseling theories of Hawkins, Crabb, etc. will provide the basis for much of your own Christian counseling theory, as developed in your Personal Theory Paper.
Paper outlining personal theory of counseling. How would you conceptualize client concerns if you were a counselor? No need to provide citations but attribute ideas (i.e., I agree with Ellis's view on .....)
Consider the questions in the paper:
What is the genral nature of human beings?
Deterministic vs. free will
What is the cause of most people's problems?
How do people change?
How do counselor help in this process?
What techniques do you believe would be MOST effective with most clients (pick few that think will work better like Rogers, Piaget, Jung, Freud, Ellis)
What should the goals of counseling be?
your original theory of personality!!!this is to be about your personal theory of life (i.e.)your criteria of reality , your view of human existence)with special emphases on 10 area.it will con...tain your present world view (1beginning)i.e.,how the universe as we know originated and/or how homosapiens began),(2)ending I.e.,how all will be destroy and/or how the human race will disappear and /or what,if anything,happens after death), and (3)every thing in between(i.e.,species and /or racial histories and /h a for memories, life cycle and /or life states,traits and /or states , etc.).present verbally and /or visually the position of your theory on such constructs as (4) free will/determinism (5) nature /nurture,(6) past experience / (7)Uniqueness/ universality, (8)equilibrium/growth, (9)optimisim/pessimism.(10)Conclude with a few sentences summarizing the experiential aspects of developing an original personality theory.
develop your own theory on behaviorism"
The presentation will be oral to the professor and other class members at our last class meeting. A written copy of the proposed presentation is to be handed to the instructor before the oral presentation. Aids such as tape recordings, music role playing, slides, costumes, props, charts, graphs, pictures, transparencies, videos, etc. May be used where appropriate. Please inform the instructor in advance if any special equipment or materials need to be supplied by the college (e.g., chalk, markers, orverhead projector, VCR/TV, etc). Comments and grades will be noted on the written copies as the presentations are given and all papers will be returned to students at the end of class.
There are faxes for this order. more
FreeLance Writer
Prepare a paper describing personal criminolgical theory. How would you explain the occurrence of crime and why people commit crime? What variables would you consider? Identify any assumptions on which your personal theory is based. What methodologies could you use to evaluate it?
Please answer the following questions in detail:
1. Which attributes of the self care do you think are most important to success in the counseling relationship?
2. Discuss the concept of supervision/mentoring as applied to personal theory development. Do you agree that this is a necessary step? Why or why not?
3. Discuss the personal qualities that contribute to the development of a "therapeutic-self."
Demonstrate exceptional knowledge of the attributes of self-care in the counseling profession, knowledge of the roles of supervision and mentoring as applied to personal development, and knowledge of the personal qualities that contribute to the development of a "therapeutic-self."
7 pages..
Integrating theory, personal values, interaction style, and specific client needs requires time, attention, effort, and experience. The purpose of this paper is to begin the process... of exploration and integration in order to articulate your own personal theoretical orientation to counseling.
As you write, draw on your readings, course discussions, and personal reflections. Use at least two primary sources that are the original works of the theorists for your paper. Include the key concepts of your approach, your view of your role as a therapist, therapeutic goals, and central techniques and methods. Explain why this integrative approach fits for you as a counselor and discuss how you would apply your theoretical orientation to potential client problems. Your paper must be in APA format and should not exceed 8 pages.
Guided reflection to assist with your personal theory assignment:
What do you consider the most important therapeutic goals? Which theoretical orientations would most guide you in formulating your goals?
What do you see as your major responsibility as a helping agent? What would you expect of your clients? How do you view the relationship between you and your clients? Which theories are compatible with your answers to these questions?
What are your basic assumptions about human nature? Which approaches to therapy come the closest to your beliefs?
Given your basic assumptions, what procedures will you use with clients to achieve the therapeutic goals?
I will upload a personal disclosure and supervision document...but here are some thoughts
I utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Person-Centered Counseling and some Reality and/or Existential Therapy.
I feel it is my role to assist clients to discover meaning in their lives or shine a flashlight on them, so they can see themselves. I do not give them answers, I help them explore options (and unconditional positive regard) and empower them to make their own decisions. I help them discover/name what obstacles need to be removed, and figure out what they need to do to move forward.
Some basic assumptions: People are doing the best they can. Sometimes they meet obstacles that prevent their growth. These obstacles may be physical or mental. They can overcome these obstacles and move forward. more
Each student will prepare a major term paper, outlining her emerging personal counselling framework. The intent of the paper is to identify, with clear justification, the theoretical frameworks or con...structs that make sense to you
(Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Person-Centered and Gestalt) and integrate these three theories into a cohesive persona theory - a personal way of understanding and describing the human condition and facilitating change.
Evaluation Component:
A. Outline and opening remarks (1mark)
B. Your Philosophical Assumptions as it relates to the theories you choose (CBT, Person-Centered,Gestalt)
-The nature of humans (3 marks)
-The nature of healthy or well-adjusted functioning(3)
The major causes of problems or not functioning in a healthy manner(3)
-the nature of change, self-growth as well as corrective action to obtain and/or return to a a state of healthy level of functioning(2)
C. The Counselling Experience
-your definition of counselling (1)
-Counselling process beliefs:
counsellor-client relationship (2)
role of the client and teh counsellor (2)
session length, duration & number of sessions (1)
emphasis on the past-present future (2)
emphasis on beliefs, emotions and behaviors and their relationship to another
change process including resistance
success (definition & criteria)
-contextual facotrs (application to clients with diverse backgorunds; different contexts)
D. Reflection
-weakness of your personal theory (2)
Why you are drawn to this theory(2)
E.Concluding remarks
Editorial Stle (APA) (6marks) more
Many therapists use pieces of several theories to create their own model of therapy or help.
Compare and contrast these theories.
Write and describe about your own personal theory of therapy and cite three theorists who have contributed to those ideas.
[Return to previous page]. Theory Critiques .
Attached Files:File Theory Critique Grading Rubric (21.548 KB)
Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian authors and prepare typed evaluations, reflections, responses, and/or summaries of these authors' thoughts and insights. It is important that you:
1.Be informed about the various models of counseling being developed by Christians.
2.Be able to articulate an understanding of these models.
3.Be an effective critical thinker, able to analyze and evaluate the theoretical and applied integration efforts of our colleagues.
4.Plan to apply your faith in practice.
Please develop your paper content based on the Theory Critique Grading Rubric. The requirements in the rubric apply to all of the theory critiques. Note that there is a different rubric for your final Personal Theory Paper. Critiquing the counseling theories of Hawkins, Crabb, etc. will provide the basis for much of your own Christian counseling theory, as developed in your Personal Theory Paper.
This is the book that is to be critiqued Crabb, L. (1986). Effective biblical counseling: A model for helping caring Christians become capable counselors. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN: 0-3102-2570-1.
I would like to request the writer hophead to write this paper.
The theory in this book is to be critiqued
Crabb, L. (1986). Effective biblical counseling: A model for helping caring Christ...ians become capable counselors. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. along with the Dr Hawkins theory.
Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian authors and prepare typed evaluations, reflections, responses, and/or summaries of these authors' thoughts and insights. It is important that you:
1.Be informed about the various models of counseling being developed by Christians.
2.Be able to articulate an understanding of these models.
3.Be an effective critical thinker, able to analyze and evaluate the theoretical and applied integration efforts of our colleagues.
4.Plan to apply your faith in practice.
Please develop your paper content based on the Theory Critique Grading Rubric. The requirements in the rubric apply to all of the theory critiques. Note that there is a different rubric for your final Personal Theory Paper. Critiquing the counseling theories of Hawkins, Crabb, etc. will provide the basis for much of your own Christian counseling theory, as developed in your
Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian authors and prepare typed evaluations, reflections, responses, and/or summaries of these authors' thoughts and insights. It is important that you:
1.Be informed about the various models of counseling being developed by Christians.
2.Be able to articulate an understanding of these models.
3.Be an effective critical thinker, able to analyze and evaluate the theoretical and applied integration efforts of our colleagues.
4.Plan to apply your faith in practice.
Please develop your paper content based on the Theory Critique Grading Rubric. The requirements in the rubric apply to all of the theory critiques. Note that there is a different rubric for your final Personal Theory Paper. Critiquing the counseling theories of Hawkins, Crabb, etc. will provide the basis for much of your own Christian counseling theory, as developed in your Personal Theory Paper.
THe theory and the theory of the book are the only references. more
Personal Theory Paper Students will write a paper discussing their philosophy of counseling. As a whole, your paper should be inherently consistent (check to ensure you have not contradicted…
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Read Full Paper ❯Your Personal Theory Paper should reflect your current integration of counseling theory from a Christian perspective, with emphasis on how your Christian beliefs and values impact your theory and…
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Read Full Paper ❯Your Personal Theory Paper should reflect your current integration of counseling theory from a Christian perspective, with emphasis on how your Christian beliefs and values impact your theory and…
Read Full Paper ❯Backus & Chapain, Telling Yourself the Truth (2000). and Adams, How to Help People Change (Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary…
Read Full Paper ❯This is the book to be critiqued Cloud, H., & Townsend, J. (1999). Boundaries in marriage. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. ISBN: 0-3102-2151-X (hard cover)…
Read Full Paper ❯Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian authors and prepare typed evaluations, reflections, responses, and/or summaries of these authors' thoughts and insights.…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a critique of a comparison of the theories in these books. Backus, W.D., & Chapian, M. (2000). Telling yourself the truth (20th ed.). Minneapolis,…
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Read Full Paper ❯7 pages.. Integrating theory, personal values, interaction style, and specific client needs requires time, attention, effort, and experience. The purpose of this paper is to begin the process of exploration…
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Read Full Paper ❯Many therapists use pieces of several theories to create their own model of therapy or help. Compare and contrast these theories. Write and describe about your own personal theory…
Read Full Paper ❯[Return to previous page]. Theory Critiques . Attached Files:File Theory Critique Grading Rubric (21.548 KB) .. Throughout the class, you will be asked to read several selections from contemporary Christian…
Read Full Paper ❯I would like to request the writer hophead to write this paper. The theory in this book is to be critiqued Crabb, L. (1986). Effective biblical counseling: A…
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