25+ documents containing “Performance Measures”.
Ratios are used for many purposes, performance measurement is one such application. However, not all performance measures are expressed as a ratio. Do some research on the Internet to learn about operating leverage, ROI, EVA, and pick another performance measure of your choice. You will note that there are variations in the computations of a particular measurement. Consistency in application is the key.
Use information from the latest financial statement of your SLP company to compute the measuements you researched.
Reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of these performance measures. Choose your preferred measure and explain your rationale.
Modular SLP Assignment Expectations
Always include the name of the organization(s), time period covered and source of information. It is important to answer the questions as posed. The document should be from 2 to 4 pages and written in a clear and concise manner. Don't forget to include tables as required. Support your discussion or tables with references in APA format. You are encouraged to use Excel or other compatible spreadsheet when computations are involved. You can turn in the spreadsheet instead of the Word document. The content should be equivalent to the page length suggested for a word processing document.
Ratios are used for many purposes; performance measurement is one such application. However, not all performance measures are expressed as a ratio. Do some research on the Internet to learn about operating leverage, ROI, EVA, and another performance measure of your choice. You will note that there are variations in the computations of a particular measurement. Consistency in application is the key.
Use information from the latest financial statement of your SLP company to compute the measuements you researched.
Reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of these performance measures. Choose your preferred measure and explain your rationale.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Always include the name of the organization(s), time period covered, and source of information. It is important to answer the questions as posed. The document should be 2 to 4 pages and written in a clear and concise manner. Don't forget to include tables as required. Support your discussion or tables with references in APA format. You are encouraged to use Excel or other compatible spreadsheet when computations are involved. You can turn in the spreadsheet instead of the Word document. The content should be equivalent to the page length suggested for a word processing document.
this is a management accounting dissertation, I have not find a topic (gap) yet, but it will be related to non financial performance measure and customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction is a kind of non financial performance measurement. customer satisfaction can lead to long term better financial performance of companies. but you can decide a topic for me.
the dissertation will be a qualitative study, interview chinese manufactures, so please reference some chinese studies and make sure the literature review shows that it has never been done in China.
the articles I supplied do not have to be referenced, but might be helpful.
please send me the referenced articles as well, use reliable source articles only please
please make sure the topic is conductible, and the data can be obtained through interview
There are faxes for this order.
First read the following. They discuss (1) the relative advantages and disadvantages of competing performance measures, (2) the performance measurement tools used by different types of firms and their best practices, and (3) recent development and future implications of performance measures and outcomes. Reading these materials carefully should help you complete and respond to the assignment expectations adequately.
Required Readings
The PDF files attached as additional files, then:
DeBusk, G. K., DeBusk, C. 2011. Has you accounting department evolved?: Accounting and the use of lean six sigma. Cost Management. Boston: May/Jun 2011. Vol. 25, Iss. 3; pg. 15. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=8&did=2390884621&SrchMode=1&sid=8&Fmt=4&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315215394&clientId=29440
Gjerde, Kathy A. Paulson and Hughes, Susan B. (2007). Tracking performance: when less is more Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0OOL/is_1_9/ai_n31141879/?tag=co ntent;col1.
Khan, M. H., Halabi, A. K., Sartorius, K. 2011. The use of multiple performance measures and the balanced scorecard (BSC) in Bangladeshi firms. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. Bingley: 2011. Vol. 1, Iss. 2; pg. 160. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=3&did=2391222601&SrchMode=1&sid=8&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315215394&clientId=29440
Mudde, Paul A. and Sopariwala, Parvez R. (2008). .Examining Southwest Airlines' strategic execution: a strategic variance analysis Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0OOL/is_4_9/ai_n31151644/?tag=content;col1
Taticchi, Paolo, Balachandran, Kashi R., Botarelli, Marco, and Cagnazzo, Luca, (2008). Performance Measurement Management for Small and Medium Enterprises: an Integrated Approach. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research: SPECIAL ISSUE ON PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 6(2), 57-71. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1671125661&sid=2&Fmt=6&clientId=2944 0&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Kihn, L. A. 2010. Performance outcomes in empirical management accounting research; Recent developments and implications for future research. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Bradford: 2010. Vol. 59, Iss. 5; pg. 468. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=20&did=2072185941&SrchMode=1&sid=8&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315215840&clientId=29440
You are to write a 3 to 4 page paper which integrates the concepts from the various articles into an essay on performance assessment by management accountings to answer this question:
What are the benefits and disadvantages to performance assessment systems in organizations? Why should management accountants be involved in the establishment and use of those measures? To what extent are these measures and assessments reliable and accurate?
Use information from the modular background readings as well as any other reliable resources you use. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.
LENGTH: 3-4 pages typed and double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins (all)
The following items will be evaluated in particular:
Your ability to identify the relative advantages of competing performance measures
Describe the effective methods for using performance measurement and assessment in organizations
Discuss the relationship between performance measurement and management accounting. Include reliability and accuracy issues in your discussion.
Grading rubric:
Compensation and Performance Evaluation at Arrow Electronics
Harvard Business School ? 9-800-290 (Attached)
Evaluation Criteria: Evidence of critical evaluation in analyses:
- Identify critical problems, explaining links between criteria & problems; generating creative, relevant proposals; carefully & explicitly showing how well each proposal meets all criteria; justifying its assessment of proposal strengths & weaknesses; providing strong & convincing ending to paper
- Paper has an explicit, logical structure, clearly presents ideas, including headings and subheadings, effective tone.
1. Evaluate Arrow Electric?s performance management system for non-sales employees in terms of its Strategic Congruence, Validity, Reliability, Acceptability, and Specificity (defined below).
2. Based on analysis for question 1, what specific changes would you suggest that Arrow Electric make to its performance management system?
Criteria for Effective Performance Measures
Strategic Congruence - Extent to which the performance management system elicits job performance congruent with organization?s strategy, goals, and culture.
Validity - Extent to which performance measures assess all the relevant (and only the relevant) aspects of performance
Reliability - Consistency of the performance measure
Acceptability- whether the people who use the performance measure accept it - Is it fair (procedure, distributive)?
Specificity - Extent to which the performance measure gives specific guidance to employees about what is expected of them and how they can meet these expectations
Please read all of the background readings. You are to write a 2 page paper which integrates the concepts from the various articles into an essay on performance assessment by management accountings.
What are the benefits and disadvantages to performance assessment systems in organizations? Why should management accountants be involved in the establishment and use of those measures? To what extent are these measures and assessments reliable and accurate?
Submit your paper to coursenet when finished.
Case assignment expectations:
Use information from the modular background readings as well as any other reliable resources you use. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.
LENGTH: 2 pages typed and double-spaced.
The following items will be evaluated in particular:
Your ability to identify the relative advantages of competing performance measures
Describe the effective methods for using performance measurement and assessment in organizations
Discuss the relationship between performance measurement and management accounting. Include reliability and accuracy issues in your discussion.
Back Ground Readings:
DeBusk, G. K., DeBusk, C. 2011. Has you accounting department evolved?: Accounting and the use of lean six sigma. Cost Management. Boston: May/Jun 2011. Vol. 25, Iss. 3; pg. 15. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=8&did=2390884621&SrchMode=1&sid=8&Fmt=4&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315215394&clientId=29440
Gjerde, Kathy A. Paulson and Hughes, Susan B. (2007). Tracking performance: when less is more Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0OOL/is_1_9/ai_n31141879/?tag=co ntent;col1.
Khan, M. H., Halabi, A. K., Sartorius, K. 2011. The use of multiple performance measures and the balanced scorecard (BSC) in Bangladeshi firms. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. Bingley: 2011. Vol. 1, Iss. 2; pg. 160. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=3&did=2391222601&SrchMode=1&sid=8&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315215394&clientId=29440
Mudde, Paul A. and Sopariwala, Parvez R. (2008). .Examining Southwest Airlines' strategic execution: a strategic variance analysis Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0OOL/is_4_9/ai_n31151644/?tag=content;col1
Taticchi, Paolo, Balachandran, Kashi R., Botarelli, Marco, and Cagnazzo, Luca, (2008). Performance Measurement Management for Small and Medium Enterprises: an Integrated Approach. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research: SPECIAL ISSUE ON PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 6(2), 57-71. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1671125661&sid=2&Fmt=6&clientId=2944 0&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Optional Readings
Kihn, L. A. 2010. Performance outcomes in empirical management accounting research; Recent developments and implications for future research. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Bradford: 2010. Vol. 59, Iss. 5; pg. 468. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=20&did=2072185941&SrchMode=1&sid=8&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315215840&clientId=29440
The task is to design an internal performance evaluation system. Refer to reference material throughout the course and feel free to do additional research as needed.
Write a memo to the CEO outlining the performance criteria, the reasons for selecting the included criteria, and both advantages and disadvantages of stated criteria and the system as a whole.
Additional guidance:
State the industry or type of company for which you are designing the system.
Financial information must be part of the evaluation, but does not have to be the only criteria.
What is the main purpose of the evaluation system?
How will the performance evaluation system benefit the organization?
How will the performance evaluation system benefit managers being evaluated?
Does the organization have the needed data in place, or would the proposed system involve creating new classifications and/or reports?
It is important to answer the questions as posed. The discussion should be 5 pages and written in a clear and concise manner. Support your discussion with references in APA format. You are encouraged to use Excel or other compatible spreadsheets when computations are involved.
DeBusk, G. K., DeBusk, C. 2011. Has your accounting department evolved?: Accounting and the use of lean six sigma. Cost Management. Boston: May/Jun 2011. Vol. 25, Iss. 3; pg. 15.
Gjerde, Kathy A. Paulson and Hughes, Susan B. (2007). Tracking performance: when less is more Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved from http://www.imanet.org/PDFs/Public/MAQ/2007_Q4/2007MAQ_fall_hughes.pdf.
Khan, M. H., Halabi, A. K., Sartorius, K. 2011. The use of multiple performance measures and the balanced scorecard (BSC) in Bangladeshi firms. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. Bingley: 2011. Vol. 1, Iss. 2; pg. 160.
Martin, J. R. (n.d.) Management Accounting: Concepts, Techniques, and Controversial Issues - Chapter 13: Profit Analysis: An Overall Performance Evaluation. Retrieved from http://maaw.info/Chapter13.htm
Mudde, Paul A. and Sopariwala, Parvez R. (2008). .Examining Southwest Airlines' strategic execution: a strategic variance analysis. Management. Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Examining+Southwest+Airlines'+strategic+execution%3A+a+strategic...-a0190882936
Taticchi, Paolo, Balachandran, Kashi R., Botarelli, Marco, and Cagnazzo, Luca, (2008). Performance Measurement Management for Small and Medium Enterprises: an Integrated Approach. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research: SPECIAL ISSUE ON PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 6(2), 57-71.
Walther, l. (2012). Chapter Twenty-Two. Tools for Enterprise Performance Evaluation. Retrieved (including video lecture) from http://www.principlesofaccounting.com/
Kihn, L. A. 2010. Performance outcomes in empirical management accounting research; Recent developments and implications for future research. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Bradford: 2010. Vol. 59, Iss. 5; pg. 468.
The case for this module involves putting together all you have learned about setting objectives for each of the four perspectives, establishing measures and targets for them, and identifying action plans that might put them into effect. As we noted in the introduction to this module, the trick in putting things together under the balanced scorecard involves creating "causal chains" linking together the objectives in such a way that achieving one objective makes it possible to achieve another in sequence. Thus, when we have a series of objectives defined for each of the perspectives, we should be able to start with actions to achieve objectives in the learning and growth domain and ultimately achieve objectives in the financial return/effectiveness domain. Our case here gives you an opportunity to put together such causal chains and see how they might work.
But let's start with some practical advice. Here's a review of a recent book by Kaplan and Norton, the gurus of the balanced scorecard, that discusses implementation strategies. While the review is interesting in its own right, even more interesting is the wide variety of reactions to it from readers that follow the review; read through them quickly to get a sense of the diversity of opinions surrounding this topic.
Silverthorne, S. (2008). Executing Strategy with the Balanced Scorecard. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http://blogs.bnet.com/harvard/?p=397&tag=nl.e713
Armed with your new sensitivity to implementation, you're now better equipped to look at an example. A few years ago, the journal Strategic Finance published a very interesting case describing the implementation of a balanced scorecard approach in a bank:
Albright, T.; Davis, S.; & Hibbets, A. (2001, October). Tri-Cities Community Bank: A Balanced Scorecard Case. Strategic Finance, 83(4), 54-60.Retrieved May 17, 2010, from the library: https://coursenet.trident.edu
Basically, you are to carry out the case analysis described in the article, with some slight modifications to the questions posed in the article, as follows. Your complete analysis should involve 4-5 pages, responding to the numbered points below.
Assignment Expectations:
What's referred to as "Case A" in the article tracks the initial implementation of the balanced scorecard through the establishment of the first set of objectives for each of the perspectives. As you'll see, Table 2 in the article (p. 57) presents a list of performance measures suggested by bank personnel as intermediaries toward the achievement of the three main financial goals: loan balances, deposit balances, and non-interest income.
The first step is to categorize each of the performance measures in Table 2 as belonging to one of the four perspectives (to start you off, we've put the three financial goals in the table already). Here?s a table that you can copy and paste into your paper that might be helpful toward this end:
Internal Business Processes
Customer Service
loan balances
deposit balances
non-interest income
Then, following the procedure described in Figure 1 of the article (p. 58), you are to connect these objectives and measures into two or more causal chains, indicating how the achievement of one objective leads to the potential achievement of another such that ultimately one or more of the financial performance objectives are achieved. You can do this by drawing arrows, or if this is too complicated, by simply specifying the chain in order. As noted, Figure 1 shows one chain; it is highly recommended that you find two others rather than including this one as one of your two. There are numerous possibilities. For each chain, please include a brief paragraph describing the logic of the chain, and why you see the objectives as connected in the way you do. You'll be graded on the effectiveness of your balanced scorecard logic, rather than on whether or not you happen to stumble on any one of the chains that occurred to your instructor. This may seem like a somewhat daunting task, but it's actually kind of fun once you get the categorization of the measures into the proper perspectives accomplished.
Once you've accomplished Case A, then you can move on to the second part of the assignment, Case B, which involves looking at the implementation of the balanced scorecard approach and its apparent consequences. There are two sources of information available to you here: Table 3 (p. 59), which lists the before and after performance of each of the branches of the bank, and the interviews with bank personnel in each of the branches where the system was implemented (pp. 57-59). Here's what you need to do to accomplish this part of the exercise:
Review Table 3 in a comparative way and try to decide if there is evidence for the effectiveness of the balanced scorecard approach in terms of improving the key financial measures. Remember, the balanced scorecard was implemented in branches A-E , and not in branches F-J. To help you make this comparison, you can click here to access an Excel spreadsheet that presents the Table 3 data for your use in this analysis. If you really get stuck in this process, you can click here to access an augmented version of the spreadsheet that has already made some comparisons to help you out -- but you'll get more out of the case if you try to run the analysis on your own from the raw data. The important part is to present a brief but cogent analysis of the relative performance of the balanced scorecard branches versus the branches that did not use the approach, using appropriate comparative numbers to support your argument.
Then, to finish the analysis, review the relative performance of the five implementing branches in relation to the information you have presented in the interviews about how the balanced scorecard was used in each of the branches -- apparently, there were significant differences in implementation, and there are significant differences in the relative performance of the branches (A-E). Briefly describe the relative performance of these branches, and any conclusions you can draw about how the system was implemented in each of them.
Conclude with a brief statement of advice that you might give to the board of the bank about the use of the balanced scorecard overall, and how it ought to be implemented to achieve maximum effectiveness, citing appropriate information and data to support your argument.
You are the newly appointed Management Services Officer for a medium-sized (50,000 calls per year) EMS system (the system handles 911 calls only, not inter-facility medical transportation). Part of your job is to prepare periodic reports for the CEO and governing board concerning the performance of the organization. You were astounded (and disappointed) to learn that the only performance measure consistently reported by this organization has been the average response time for all calls.
Develop, using what you have learned thus far, (including week #5), develop a comprehensive set of recommended performance measures for a medium-sized (50,000 call per year) emergency medical service organization. Present your recommendations to me as though you were a staff officer in my organization, in written format.
You should present recommended performance measures in each of the following areas:
Operational performance measures
Clinical performance measures (must include and justify at least 3 measures beyond those set forth in the Myers-Slovis paper)
S System Design and Structure
HR Human Resources (culture, training, safety, credentialing, etc.)
CC Clinical Care and Outcome
R Response
F Finance/Funding
Q Quality Management
CD Community Demographics
Financial performance measures
Customer and Employee Satisfaction/Engagement performance measures
Submitted documents should meet the following criteria:
Student name should appear in file name
EHS 6210 - Memo - Your last name
Example: EHS6210 Memo ?
Business memo header
Number the pages
12 point font (Time New Roman)
1? margins
APA Style (6th edition)
Use quotations if you are providing the information verbatim
No lists or outlining
No use of Wikipedia
Citations of all material used (including textbook)
Provide a reference list, including the textbook
The length of the paper does not include the title page, table of contents, reference page(s), or any appendixes; use of pictures, tables or other figures should appear in the appendix with a reference to them in the body of the paper.
Submit a 4 page review of the relevant literature on your evaluation proposal.Please below is the evaluation proposal with the topic Public Program Evaluation: Quality Performance Measurement
Please us the below topic and the evaluation paper to write the literature Review.I have also attached some documents which will aide in completing the literature review
Public Program Evaluation: Quality Performance Measurement
For any public administrator, the ability to reach out to stakeholders is critical in meeting key objectives. During the process, there are different strategies and approaches. We examined how to determine which one is the most effective. This is achieved by looking at what areas must be included inside any program evaluation. In the process, it was determined that any strategy must concentrate on embracing a number of larger objectives to include:
? Deciding how the information will be utilized and which programs will receive the greatest amounts of resources.
? Creating effective data collection procedures and the way the sample will be analyzed.
? Designing a program evaluation plan.
? Focusing on limitations and the impact it will have on the outcome of the project.
These areas will ensure that all public programs are taking into account the needs of stakeholders. Once this happens, it will be more responsive to the needs of stakeholders. This is when they can effectively concentrate their resources and reduce costs.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Over the decades, the role of public administration has been continually changing. This is because the public wants more accountability and are demanding various entities to show the way they are providing different services. The result is that these shifts, have lead to a revolution in public administration and management. This is because it is at a crossroads from the high levels of debt and the demands of constituents. These issues are challenging, as the administration must decide the best course of action moving forward. The problem is that there are conflicting views about how to address key issues. On one side are liberals, who believe that taxes should increase and the amount of services raised proportionately. They argue that this economic model will sustain the middle class and reduce adverse impacts on the economy. (Friedman, 1980)
However, conservatives will cite how this strategy was utilized in the past and only makes the fiscal situation of the country worse. To prevent an economic meltdown, the number of services must be reduced and the government needs to have better controls. They believe that privatization is the most logical approach. (Friedman, 1980)
Liberals will counter that this reduces quality and it consolidates key contracts with a select group of individuals. They are interested in increasing their profit margins over everything else. Both sides are correct with their concerns, as a balanced strategy needs to be utilized.
Aim and Objectives
During the process, there will be a focus on series of different aims and objectives. The most notable include:
? To identify performance measurement utilized by public agencies and organizations.
? To provide a synthesis of performance measurements.
? To analyze the most effective performance measurements utilized by organizations and agencies.
These areas will focus the research and improve the accuracy of the findings.
Research Questions
To reach these goals, there will be a focus on a series of research questions to include:
? What performance measures are utilized most frequently by public service agencies and entities?
? What are the most effective procedures inside these organizations?
? What can be used to improve accountability, transparency and integrate them into performance measurements?
These answers will help to understand key trends and decide which avenues are the most effective. Once this happens, the correct actuaries will be used to maintain objectivity throughout the process. To fully determine how these objectives are achieved requires conducting a literature review, the methodology and results. Together, these elements will illustrate the best avenues for meeting the needs of stakeholders.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The current theories and empirical evidence are showing that it is vital to have some kind of equilibrium when selecting the right strategy. This is because moving from one extreme to the other will only make the underlying situation worse. These issues are troubling, as it will not solve the long term challenges impacting administrators. Instead, it will make them inferior, as everyone must have a certain amount of flexibility and an open mind.
In the past, public administration and management were often integrated together. This occurred with them focusing on giving someone a position, based upon who they knew and their connection with the party in power. For the most part, these individuals were considered to be the eyes and ears of the administration. (Lane, 2006)
However, during the 20th century, there was a shift in these practices with a separation between politics, administration and management. The basic objectives were to enhance the quality of services provided and become more responsive to the needs of the people. The problem is that these challenges became more pronounced with administrators failing to address critical issues. This is taking place with the bureaucracy becoming so large that it failed to understand how to deal with important issues. The result is that administrators and their management practices often wasted resources on different programs which were ineffective. (Lane, 2006)
In the 1990s, there was a shift with them outsourcing responsibilities to the private sector. The basic idea, is these entities could provide different services more effectively and decrease costs. This changed the role of administration and management, with these individuals focusing on monitoring the program. While at the same time, they were directing resources to different areas where they were needed the most. (Lane, 2006)
To enhance these practices, many civil servants started to emphasize the need to communicate with stakeholders more effectively. This occurred through different websites explaining what they had to offer and seeking out feedback from the public. The result is that management was enhanced and streamlined their capacity to communicate with them. This reduced the overall amounts of bureaucracy and it encouraged programs to become more responsive. (Lane, 2006)
At the same time, administrators focused on providing different services to everyone equally. This meant that they no longer ignored specific segments or communities. Instead, they ensured that all resources were managed through taking a proactive approach which considered the needs of everyone (that is minorities, immigrants and the disabled). (Lane, 2006)
As a result, public administration is having a passion for helping people. This means that those who work in these positions must believe that they can redefine the role of government and the way services are delivered. At the heart of their strategy, is managing them in a way that is responsive to everyone. This is achieved by objectively looking at what is happening inside communities and addressing these issues in a timely manner. These shifts are what the most successful administrators will utilize to determine the way resources are allocated and how they deal with various problems impacting stakeholders (Lane, 2006)
At the same time, public administration requires using the tax dollars they are allocated more efficiently. In many situations, this requires going against the traditional practices and transforming the way services are delivered. For instance, in the past civil service unions controlled the way these objectives were achieved. Anyone who stood in their way often loose their jobs by challenging the status quo from wanting to manage the delivery of services differently. However, the anger and resentment of the bureaucracy in failing to respond to the needs of the people led to a shift in the mindset practices and management techniques utilized by administrators. This is illustrating how public administration and management have become interconnected (Lane, 2006)
To understand what is most important to communities, requires listening to the views of various demographics of people and streamlining the process. The way these objectives are achieved is through Internet, giving the public a forum for sharing their ideas with decision makers. This helps them to realize where resources are needed the most and deliver them using avenues that will connect with them (Lane, 2006)
These insights are showing how public administration and management requires introducing solutions that will effectively solve problems. This is a natural evolution with citizens demanding accountability and wanting to know where their tax dollars are being utilized. These areas are connected, to individuals and how they manage and allocate different resources, with them determining if they are meeting the needs of the public (Lane, 2006)
Which Programs are Most Effective?
The different sources are showing that there are conflicting schools of thought about which approach is the most efficient. This is directly related to political ideology and the role government should play in everyone's lives. These contrasting opinions are leading to challenges in determine the model that is the most effective.
For instance, Friedman (1980) concluded that public administrators should take a limited role. This is because the free markets are regulating themselves by offering consumers with those products and services they need. If a firm is taking advantage of its cliental, their competition will see these customers moving over to them. This forces the other company to become more competitive. In the case of administrators, the bidding process is continually up for renewal and small contracts could allow providers to compete for these projects. This will ensure fairness and transparency (Friedman 1980)
During the process, administrators could outsource many of these services to third party providers. They will have a contract to deliver specific services for set costs. During the process, they can reduce prices by finding economically viable solutions for meeting these objectives. This means that the community will receive the services they demand and the city will decrease its expenses (Friedman 1980)
According to Friedman, this is essential for the success of any organization who is delivering products or services to consumers. This is because prices and their ability to provide them is what keeps everyone coming back. These demands, forces providers to adjust or face the loss of their customer base. While this is occurring, administrators will play a very limited role by having select regulations. This creates a standard for everyone to follow. Yet, it gives them the flexibility to run their business as efficiently as possible. Over the course of time, a win ? win situation develops for the benefit of the city, general public and businesses. This creates jobs and it helps to stimulate the local economy (Friedman 1980)
In this case, Friedman is using previous tried economic theories and is evaluating their effective. He concluded that free choice is the main driver which improves the quality of services. This is because the public wants them in a timely fashion. When an entity fails to do this, they will rise up against them at the voting booth (in the case of public officials) or demand a new party provider (via third party providers).
However, Hudson (2008) determined that these programs have been tried again and again. They are never successful and eventually lead to rampant abuses. A good example of this can be seen with the California Energy Crisis, during the 1990s the voters wanted to privatize the delivery of electricity and natural gas. The basic idea is that costs will decrease by giving consumers more choices in the way they receive them. The system was based upon a state regulated exchange to allow firms to trade futures contracts (Hudson 2008)
At the same time, the government cut regulations, in order to give producers greater amounts of flexibility running their organizations. It involved working off of existing laws and repealing those regulations were overly intrusive (such as: having the state determine rates). Instead, they felt that the free markets are the best arbitrator by listening to what is most important to consumers and meeting their demands (Hudson 2008)
The result is that this system has been proven to be reckless. This is because of the lack of regulations and the desire to increase profits lead to firms engaging in unethical and illegal tactics to achieve these objectives (via price gouging). They restricted the supply and manipulated the markets to charge consumers more. Regulators did not completely understand the scope of problem until there was a full blown energy crisis. This is when consumers were paying for 70% increases in their utility bills. (Hudson 2008)
The problem became worse, as they did not have the tools to effectively address these issues and had to rely on private entities. This added to the fiscal challenges, by forcing the state to bailout consumers in the form of subsidies (during a time when the state is running record deficits). Liberals will argue that greater amounts of structure are required to prevent these abuses. In most cases, providers do not take into consideration the public's best interests. Instead, they will concentrate on enhancing their bottom line results at all costs. This is the point, the system will deliver inferior services at higher costs. Liberals claim that if costs are going to be higher, the government is the best arbitrator at setting prices from having not financial interests. This forces providers to meet their higher standards via stringent regulations. (Hudson 2008)
These insights are based upon looking at real world example for public programs. In this case, there was a lack of accountability and transparency. This is because administrators overreacted when they wanted to deregulate key industries. The result is that abuses became very common and adversely impacted the quality of services the public is receiving.
Evaluation Procedures
The evaluation of these programs requires that administrators must take a different approach when evaluating their effectiveness. According to a study conducted by the General Accounting Office (that is GAO) this is critical for the success of any program with it stating, "Program evaluation is closely related to performance measurement and reporting. Performance measurement is the systematic ongoing monitoring and reporting of program accomplishments, particularly progress toward pre-established goals or standards. Performance measures or indicators may address program staffing and resources (or inputs), the type or level of program activities conducted (or process), the direct products or services delivered by a program (or outputs), or the results of those products and services (or outcomes). A program evaluation analyzes performance measures to assess the achievement of performance objectives but typically examines those achievements in the context of other aspects of program performance or in the context in which the program operates. Program evaluations may analyze relationships between program settings and services to learn how to improve program performance or to ascertain whether program activities have resulted in the desired benefits for program participants or the general public. Some evaluations attempt to isolate the causal impacts of programs from other influences on outcomes, whereas performance measurement typically does not. Evaluations have been used to supplement performance reporting by measuring results that are too difficult or expensive to assess annually or by exploring why performance goals were not met" ("Designing Evaluations," 2012). These insights are showing how effective procedures need to be in place to evaluate what is happening. This maintains objectivity and it improves accuracy.
To achieve these larger benchmarks, the recommend embracing a number of standards throughout the process. The most notable include:
? Establishing evaluation objectives, questions and the scope of the project.
? Determining how the information will be utilized and which programs will receive the greatest amounts of resources.
? Creating effective data collection procedures and the way the sample will be analyzed.
? Designing a program evaluation plan.
? Focusing on limitations and the impact it will have on the outcome of the project. ("Designing Evaluations," 2012)
These different areas are important, as they will provide a working foundation for administrators to understand the significance of the program evaluation. This means that the they will look at numerous variables from contrasting perspectives. Once this happens, is the point they can determine if it is effective over the long term.
The various sources are showing how there are conflicting views about what constitutes program effectiveness. In these situations, administrators will have different opinions surrounding the best avenues for achieving these objectives. To address these issues, a new method must be utilized that emphasizes objectivity and flexibility. These insights are showing how a process must be embraced that is looking at if the approach is working in reaching specific guidelines. This will decide if it is making a difference and how it can be utilized in the future to address the needs of stakeholders.
According to Sclar (2000), this approach has been shown to be effective at preventing abuses and taking into account the needs of stakeholders. In order to implement these proposals, requires utilizing a hybrid system. This is when the government will regulate and monitor the practices of third party providers. These businesses will deliver various services at lower costs and more efficiently. This helps the government to operate in manner that safeguards the interests of stakeholders and offers the best results (Sclar 2000)
The different sources are showing the importance of maintaining a balanced approach. This means that the delivery of various services should be privatized to a certain extent. However, governments must monitor for possible abuses and ensure they are not abusing customers. Over the course of time, this will allow the city to decrease liabilities and enhance quality. Once this happens, is the point there will be a balance between privatization and regulations.
Chapter 3: Method
Sampling and Design
The basic method is utilizing the mixed approach. This is when various sources are examined in comparison with each other to understand the underlying trends. The main idea is to provide a foundation of the problem. Then, compare the findings with each other through looking at the different conclusions from various resources. This will offer new ideas and insights to be used to understand the benefits and drawbacks of implementing environmental management systems for food and beverage departments inside London?s private member clubs.
In this case, the most obvious benefits are different ideas and findings will be examined. To understand the influence it is having on various stakeholders and the benefits for organizations. This is achieved by using comparative analysis to understand key trends and contrast them with each other.
According to Northeastern University (2010), this has the ability to change how someone sees analyzes the problem with them saying, ?The strength of qualitative research is its ability to provide complex textual descriptions of how people experience a given research issue. It provides information about the human side of an issue ? that is, the often contradictory behaviors, beliefs, opinions, emotions, and relationships of individuals." (Qualitative Research Methods 2010). These methods are also effective in identifying intangible factors, such as social norms, socioeconomic status, gender roles, ethnicity, and religion, whose role in the research issue may not be readily apparent. This helps to interpret and better understand the complex reality of a given situation and the implications of quantitative data. This provides a rich and complex understanding of specific social contexts or phenomenon. These areas take precedence over eliciting data which can be generalized to other geographic regions or populations. (Qualitative Research Methods 2010)
Data Collection
The various pieces of information were collected through a process known as direct observation. In this case, there were different studies that were examined to understand what is happening and the impact it will have on everyone. The basic idea is to look at how certain observations are impacting behavior and the influence it is having on stakeholders. (Cresswell, 2011)
The information was collected through a host of different sources. The most notable include: government documents, universities, scholarly journals, books and web sites. The primary strategy is to examine different aspects of the environmental management systems and the influence it is having on organizations. These insights can be applied to private member clubs to fully understand what is happening and how this can transform them in the future (Cresswell, 2011)
To achieve these objectives, a sample was collected through looking at a percentage of the documents available. This occurred by reviewing various pieces of information and corroborating them with each other. At the same time, there were other sources that were used to provide a background about environmental management systems and the influence they have host on a host of organizations. To build off of these ideas, we concentrated on developing the most relevant ones. In this case, there was a careful examination of different approaches, the impacts it is having and the influence on stakeholders (Cresswell, 2011)
Data Analysis
These methods were effective in identifying the impact specific practices will have on everyone. This is achieved by objectively looking at what is happening and then using the information that was uncovered to identify key trends. In spite of the potential drawbacks, we took an objective approach, to look at what was happening and how this influences the outcomes of using these systems (Cresswell, 2011)
According to McRoy (2001), this provides the ability to analyze what is happening and understand the long term trends with her saying, ?A number of advantages of qualitative methodologies for social work have been noted in the literature. Descriptive, inductive, and unobtrusive techniques for data collection are viewed as compatible with the knowledge and values of the social work profession? (McRoy, 2001)
This is similar in method to specific demographic assessments. In these situations, clinicians will rely on interviews or surveys to generate data on a client's issues in the context of the environment. They will use a series of hunches and working hypotheses that are based on observations. Qualitative researchers are trained to look at each case individually, without imposing preconceived notions or attempting to generalize to all clients having a particular problem (McRoy, 2001)
During this process, they maintain field notes and documents on their research. While the qualitative approaches, have the advantages of flexibility, in-depth analysis and the potential to observe a variety of aspects of social situations. This is when they can gain a more in-depth understanding of the subject's beliefs, attitudes and situation. During the course of a survey, they will observe changes in body movements, mood, voice intonation and environmental factors that may influence the subject?s responses. This observational data can be of particular value when they run counter to the written responses provided (McRoy, 2001)
The limitations are showing how certain amounts of subjectivity can negatively impact the development of environmental management systems within the food and beverage departments. This occurs by assuming that a particular protocol may yield specific benefits. Yet, they fail to achieve critical objectives and make it challenging to troubleshoot key issues early on. Once this happens, is the point administrators will have challenges in understanding what is happening and the organization will be reluctant to embrace them (Cresswell, 2011)
In this case, there will be a small sample independently collected. This means that there is possibility key trends were identified. Yet, it failed to understand how other factors could have an impact on the outcome of the study. These objectives are challenging to achieve, as there are different attitudes among subjects versus the general public. This makes it difficult for us to compare and corroborate the results with each other. In this aspect, the approach that is utilized will examine different vantage points of the problem from a larger perspective. (Louis, 2008)
Chapter 4: Results
The results are showing the importance of maintaining a balanced approach. This means that the delivery of various services should be privatized to a certain extent. However, governments must monitor for possible abuses and ensure they are not abusing customers. Over the course of time, this will allow the city to decrease liabilities and enhance quality. Once this happens, is the point there will be a balance between privatization and regulations.
This is because these challenges are impacting stakeholders and their capacity to receive different services. These transformations are a part of the longer term trends, where they want to see greater amounts of accountability and the capacity to meet important objectives in the process. This is different from the practices utilized in the past, as many civil servants were appointed based upon who they knew or their ability to hide among the layers of bureaucracy. To meet these objectives, many services are now privatized and the officials want to demonstrate their capacity to effectively utilize tax dollars most effectively. At the same time, they want to demonstrate how the public can voice their concerns and have greater levels of empowerment. As a result, public administration and management have shifted and become more interconnected with each other. In the future, these transformations will be an important part, in determining how they are achieving specific objectives.
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Summary of Results
The results are showing how a balanced approach must be utilized. This is because going to either extreme will adversely impact the performance for public programs. To prevent this, a new approach must be utilized that is concentrating on utilizing different areas. The most notable include: Establishing evaluation objectives, questions and the scope of the project.
? Determining how the information will be utilized and which programs will receive the greatest amounts of resources.
? Creating effective data collection procedures and the way the sample will be analyzed.
? Designing a program evaluation plan.
? Focusing on limitations and the impact it will have on the outcome of the project.
These insights are showing how a process must be embraced that is looking at if the approach is working in reaching specific guidelines. This will decide if it is making a difference and how it can be utilized in the future to address the needs of stakeholders.
As a result, the most effective approach requires utilizing a hybrid system. This is when the government will regulate and monitor the practices of third party providers. These businesses will deliver various services at lower costs and more efficiently. This helps the government to operate in manner that safeguards the interests of stakeholders and offers the best results. Over the course of time, this will increase accountability and transparency. Performance management are the tools for analyzing their ability to efficiently achieve key objectives.
Designing Evaluations. (2012). GAO. Retrieved from: http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-12-208G
Qualitative Research Methods. (2010). Northeastern University. Retrieved from: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/course/is4800sp12/resources/qualmethods.pdf
Cresswell, J. (2011). Designing and Conducting Mixed Method Research. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Friedman, M. (1980). Free to Choose. New York: Harcourt.
Hudson, W. (2008). The Libertarian Illusion. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Lane, J. (2006). Public Administration and Public Management. New York, NY: Routledge.
Louis, M. (2008). A Comparative Analysis. Ann Arbor, MI: Proquest.
McRoy, R. (2001). Qualitative Research, UNCP. Retrieved from: http://www2.uncp.edu/home/marson/qualitative_research.html
Sclar, E. (2000). Privatization. Regional Labor Review, 2 (22), 12 - 21.
In a 2-3 page paper (double-spaced, APA format) argue for the establishment of performance standards for a job and its implications for performance management (refer to
Chapter 15 in your textbook). In this paper, be sure to address the types of job performance measures (pp. 604-621), why an organization needs to establish
performance standards for all jobs, and discuss how job performance measures and standards impact an organization's ability to manage performance
Title of Case Report :
Measuring Occupational Performance Outcomes Using the Canadian Occupational
Performance Measure in Older Adults with Hip Fractures: A Case Report
(Canadian Occupational Performance Measure is the outcome instrument)
Materials to be submitted for Case Report:
1. The case report in the format of the target journal.
2. 1 CAT (outcome instrument, assessment tool, intervention, model etc.) with a copy of the primary article
1. A copy of the highest quality case or case report that you could find in the journal whose format you used or where you would like to publish your case.
2. Cover sheet with a short paragraph as to why the article will be a contribution to the practice of occupational therapy and the objectives for the journal
73 year old female fell a broke her hip while at home. After therapy she would like to be able to perfom occupations like being able to get in the tub, put on her shoes and tie them, sewing, gardening, and fix a simple meal.
There are faxes for this order.
For this final component of the SLP, you are to discuss how your selected organization assesses performance -- that is, internal performance -- not financial performance. Discuss the performance measures for assessing department, personnel, production, and other related types of activities. Comment on your views as to the effectiveness of the overall performance evaluation approaches and environment. Use the concepts and ideas gained from the readings, case assignment, and your own knowledge and experience.
This should be a 2 to 3 page paper
SLP assignment expectations:
Use information from the modular background readings as well as any other reliable resources you use. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.
LENGTH: 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced.
The following item will be evaluated in particular:
1. Your ability to identify the performance evaluation approaches used on your own company
Background readings:
DeBusk, G. K., DeBusk, C. 2011. Has you accounting department evolved?: Accounting and the use of lean six sigma. Cost Management. Boston: May/Jun 2011. Vol. 25, Iss. 3; pg. 15. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=8&did=2390884621&SrchMode=1&sid=8&Fmt=4&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315215394&clientId=29440
Gjerde, Kathy A. Paulson and Hughes, Susan B. (2007). Tracking performance: when less is more Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0OOL/is_1_9/ai_n31141879/?tag=co ntent;col1.
Khan, M. H., Halabi, A. K., Sartorius, K. 2011. The use of multiple performance measures and the balanced scorecard (BSC) in Bangladeshi firms. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. Bingley: 2011. Vol. 1, Iss. 2; pg. 160. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=3&did=2391222601&SrchMode=1&sid=8&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315215394&clientId=29440
Mudde, Paul A. and Sopariwala, Parvez R. (2008). .Examining Southwest Airlines' strategic execution: a strategic variance analysis Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0OOL/is_4_9/ai_n31151644/?tag=content;col1
Taticchi, Paolo, Balachandran, Kashi R., Botarelli, Marco, and Cagnazzo, Luca, (2008). Performance Measurement Management for Small and Medium Enterprises: an Integrated Approach. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research: SPECIAL ISSUE ON PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 6(2), 57-71. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1671125661&sid=2&Fmt=6&clientId=2944 0&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Optional Readings
Kihn, L. A. 2010. Performance outcomes in empirical management accounting research; Recent developments and implications for future research. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Bradford: 2010. Vol. 59, Iss. 5; pg. 468. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=20&did=2072185941&SrchMode=1&sid=8&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315215840&clientId=29440
Non-Profit is "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital"
Assignment Instructions:
For your non-profit, develop the following performance measures---input, output, outcome, efficiency, productivity. Use what they have or develop them yourself
BUS499 - BSBA Integrative Project
Module 5 - Case
Integration - Causal Chains and Strategy
The case for this module involves putting together all you have learned about setting objectives for each of the four perspectives, establishing measures and targets for them, and identifying action plans that might put them into effect. As we noted in the introduction to this module, the trick in putting things together under the balanced scorecard involves creating "causal chains" linking together the objectives in such a way that achieving one objective makes it possible to achieve another in sequence. Thus, when we have a series of objectives defined for each of the perspectives, we should be able to start with actions to achieve objectives in the learning and growth domain and ultimately achieve objectives in the financial return/effectiveness domain. Our case here gives you an opportunity to put together such causal chains and see how they might work.
But let's start with some practical advice. Here's a review of a recent book by Kaplan and Norton, the gurus of the balanced scorecard, that discusses implementation strategies. While the review is interesting in its own right, even more interesting is the wide variety of reactions to it from readers that follow the review; read through them quickly to get a sense of the diversity of opinions surrounding this topic.
Silverthorne, S. (2008). Executing Strategy with the Balanced Scorecard. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http://blogs.bnet.com/harvard/?p=397&tag=nl.e713
Armed with your new sensitivity to implementation, you're now better equipped to look at an example. A few years ago, the journal Strategic Finance published a very interesting case describing the implementation of a balanced scorecard approach in a bank:
Albright, T.; Davis, S.; & Hibbets, A. (2001, October). Tri-Cities Community Bank: A Balanced Scorecard Case. Strategic Finance, 83(4), 54-60.Retrieved May 17, 2010, from the library: https://coursenet.trident.edu
Basically, you are to carry out the case analysis described in the article, with some slight modifications to the questions posed in the article, as follows. Your complete analysis should involve 4-5 pages, responding to the numbered points below.
Assignment Expectations:
What's referred to as "Case A" in the article tracks the initial implementation of the balanced scorecard through the establishment of the first set of objectives for each of the perspectives. As you'll see, Table 2 in the article (p. 57) presents a list of performance measures suggested by bank personnel as intermediaries toward the achievement of the three main financial goals: loan balances, deposit balances, and non-interest income.
The first step is to categorize each of the performance measures in Table 2 as belonging to one of the four perspectives (to start you off, we've put the three financial goals in the table already). Here?s a table that you can copy and paste into your paper that might be helpful toward this end:
Internal Business Processes
Customer Service
loan balances
deposit balances
non-interest income
Then, following the procedure described in Figure 1 of the article (p. 58), you are to connect these objectives and measures into two or more causal chains, indicating how the achievement of one objective leads to the potential achievement of another such that ultimately one or more of the financial performance objectives are achieved. You can do this by drawing arrows, or if this is too complicated, by simply specifying the chain in order. As noted, Figure 1 shows one chain; it is highly recommended that you find two others rather than including this one as one of your two. There are numerous possibilities. For each chain, please include a brief paragraph describing the logic of the chain, and why you see the objectives as connected in the way you do. You'll be graded on the effectiveness of your balanced scorecard logic, rather than on whether or not you happen to stumble on any one of the chains that occurred to your instructor. This may seem like a somewhat daunting task, but it's actually kind of fun once you get the categorization of the measures into the proper perspectives accomplished.
Once you've accomplished Case A, then you can move on to the second part of the assignment, Case B, which involves looking at the implementation of the balanced scorecard approach and its apparent consequences. There are two sources of information available to you here: Table 3 (p. 59), which lists the before and after performance of each of the branches of the bank, and the interviews with bank personnel in each of the branches where the system was implemented (pp. 57-59). Here's what you need to do to accomplish this part of the exercise:
Review Table 3 in a comparative way and try to decide if there is evidence for the effectiveness of the balanced scorecard approach in terms of improving the key financial measures. Remember, the balanced scorecard was implemented in branches A-E , and not in branches F-J. To help you make this comparison, you can click here to access an Excel spreadsheet that presents the Table 3 data for your use in this analysis. If you really get stuck in this process, you can click here to access an augmented version of the spreadsheet that has already made some comparisons to help you out -- but you'll get more out of the case if you try to run the analysis on your own from the raw data. The important part is to present a brief but cogent analysis of the relative performance of the balanced scorecard branches versus the branches that did not use the approach, using appropriate comparative numbers to support your argument.
Then, to finish the analysis, review the relative performance of the five implementing branches in relation to the information you have presented in the interviews about how the balanced scorecard was used in each of the branches -- apparently, there were significant differences in implementation, and there are significant differences in the relative performance of the branches (A-E). Briefly describe the relative performance of these branches, and any conclusions you can draw about how the system was implemented in each of them.
Conclude with a brief statement of advice that you might give to the board of the bank about the use of the balanced scorecard overall, and how it ought to be implemented to achieve maximum effectiveness, citing appropriate information and data to support your argument.
Write a well written paper addressing the above assignment, support your position and cite your sources appropriately.
When your assignment is ready, send it in to CourseNet
1. This essay MUST be original. I will be uploading it to a website that checks its originality percentage. NO direct quotes - and always paraphrase.
2. APA 6th edition formatting is a must!! This goes for in-text citations as well as a APA reference page!
3. PLEASE double-check your spelling.
4. I will be uploading resource references. Please incorporate as many as necessary into the paper.
5. Quality of content is important.
Create an Essay with the following headings
Introduction. Briefly introduce the topic and issue of concern (problem) that you are studying including a rationale for why this topic and issue are of importance to health administrators and leaders.
Part 1: Topic Description and Problem Statement.
o TOPIC: The future of Healthcare as it relates to Geriatric Services
Part 2: Background of the Problem. Define the real or potential issues of concern of the topic selected. Provide the background and rationale for why this problem is of importance to health administrators and leaders and how it affects your health care organization. Expand on the assessment from the Unit 3 and Unit 7 papers, including the identification of environmental factors that contribute to your targeted issue. Critique how they may relate to this issue and health care in general over the next three to five years. Include markets, social, cultural, economic, and political factors in your assessment.
Part 3: Leadership Role. Analyze the role of health care administrators in strategies that optimize performance and leadership in the organization and larger community and their values that lead to improving the health of individuals and the population. Assess the chosen topic from the perspective of the CEO. Include your evaluation of how other administrative leaders can assist you in a collaborative solution to this targeted problem or issue.
Part 4: Quality Indicators for Performance Improvement. Evaluate how health care quality indicators can be used for performance improvement targeting the chosen topic. Analyze how health care has adapted existing processes for performance measurement or developed new quality indicators to identify and monitor targeted problems or issues. Distinguish between prospective versus retrospective performance indicators and how their use would affect your organization and your chosen issue. Include your evaluation of specific health quality indicators and performance measurement processes (such as Six Sigma, Core Measures, CQI, TCM, or scorecards). Consider how scorecard theory and use of financial, customer, quality, and employee performance measures can be used to improve organizational performance related to this chosen topic and issue.
Part 5: Strategies for Improvement Action Plan. Discuss at least three strategies for improvement regarding your chosen problem. Two of these should be: 1) Becoming a geriatric center of excellence or similar accreditationand what it takes to develop and become accredited, and 2) Developing a geriatric emergency department and in-patient units. The 3rd strategy can be a treatment, intervention, or health promotion or prevention activity already in existence or something new of your own invention. How would your proposed improvement strategy affect current health care practices and operations in your organization? What specific deliverables is the CEO role expected to deliver? Novel innovation is always preferable.
References. Your reference list must include at least 12 sources, not including the course text. At least ten references must be from peer-reviewed academic journals.
There are faxes for this order.
Customer is requesting that (Isak) completes this order.
1.How is organizational performance defined?
2.Why is it important to measure end evaluate financial performance? Discuss thoroughly.
3.Which are more important to Timbuk2, quantitative performance measures or qualitative performance measures? Why? Be as specific as possible.
4.Would you call this company efficient? Effective? Thoroughly explain your answers.
5.Using information from the written case and from the company's website (www.timbuk2.com) would you describe Timbuk2 as a world-class organization? State the criteria used to support your response.
There are faxes for this order.
Do a literature search and prepare an argument for conducting formal performance appraisals. Cite at least two articles and include references of the articles used.
State that performance reviews do positively impact performance then identify the specific performance measures upon which you plan to provide feedback to this new employee after 6 months of employment. Address why performance reviews are important, what key elements must be included, and tips for managers to follow in completing reviews. Support your view.
there are 5 questions all together . please separate them . There should be 5 single spaced pages . please do not cite .Use your own words .I have attached some resources and the questions as well . Please read the questions carefully and respond accordingly . Please advise if you have any questions or need any clarifications . The grading perspective reflects how senior executives would judge these if they were to receive them. Key aspects, therefore, are the significance of the problem, the definition of the problem, the quality of the problem analysis, and the credibility and justification of the proposed solution.
Please limit your answers to a total of five single-spaced pages. Use Times New Roman, 12-point type.
Do not repeat the questions. Use your own words--do not quote others. This is not a research paper so you are not required to cite references. Be sure each answer you prepare responds to the question asked and you will likely do very well.
Question 1. Assume you are an employee of an organization and are placed in charge of planning and managing a major IT acquisition project for that organization. You will form an integrated project team to do the planning and to develop a request for proposal (RFP) that will go to many IT service providers. It is expected that many will prepare and submit a proposal in response to the RFP. This is your first experience as a project manager in this organization and you want to be successful. You want to establish conditions from the outset that will help you and your project be successful. An immediate objective is to determine what one or more types of performance measures are needed and then to put them in place.
Your Question: What types of performance measures should be in place to help ensure that your project is successful? Describe the one or more types of performance measures and why each type is important for the success of the IT acquisition project.
Question 2. Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) require that federal agencies use performance-based contracting to the maximum extent possible for service contracts, including contracts for the acquisition of IT services. Performance-based contracts rely on performance-based work statements (PBWSes). However, a prominent organization of former federal government acquisition officials argues that the PBWS works well with short-term, relatively simple service contracts, but "it is unrealistic to ask agencies to specify services at time of contract award in clear, specific, objective, and measurable terms when future needs are not fully known or understood, requirements and priorities are expected to change during performance, and the circumstances and conditions of performance are not reliably foreseeable."
Your Question: If you agree with this group's position, explain why you believe the group is correct in contending that the PBWS is not suitable for long-term, complex IT service contracts. If you disagree with this group's position, explain why you believe the group is not correct and why a PBWS is suitable for long-term, complex IT service contracts.
Question 3. Executives are concerned about the financial health of their organizations. As a consequence, return on investment (ROI) and net present value (NPV) are generally given the greatest weight among the executive-approved criteria used to evaluate alternative IT-based solutions. Executives tend to approve for funding the proposed projects submitted to them that will implement solutions with the highest projected ROI and NPV, provided other considerations, such as cost and risk, are acceptable. Proposed projects to implement solutions with relatively low ROI and NPV are generally not selected for funding. Integrated project teams (IPTs) understand this and strive to have a high ROI and NPV for any IT-based solution they submit to senior management, which increases the likelihood that their proposed projects will be selected over others. Unfortunately, the 2009 Standish Chaos report indicates that the majority of projects have greater costs, incur more risks, and achieve fewer benefits than were planned. This means that the ROI and NPV senior management expected when it approved the proposal are generally not achieved.
Your Question: What can an organization do to guard against funding proposed projects that intentionally or unintentionally underestimate the costs, do not fully communicate the risks, and/or otherwise exaggerate the likely financial benefits? Explain your answer.
Question 4. In planning and conducting IT Acquisition projects, there frequently are discussions about which benefits and costs can be quantified and which cannot. Some argue that all benefits and costs are quantifiable in a meaningful way. Others argue that the most important benefits and costs are often qualitative and qualitative benefits and costs cannot be quantified.
Your Question: Which group is correct? Is it Group A, which argues that all benefits and costs are quantifiable in a meaningful way? Or is it Group B, which argues that often the most important benefits and costs are qualitative and as such cannot be quantified? State which group you believe is correct, Group A or Group B, and explain why you selected that group. If you pick Group A, give two examples of major qualitative benefits and how they may be quantified. If you pick Group B, give two example of major qualitative benefits and explain why neither one can be quantified.
Question 5. Many organizations are using cloud computing for the first time and many more are considering it. Mission-critical software applications have been relatively slow to move to the cloud compared to the non-critical applications. In the following case, the organization recognizes that there are potential benefits from moving certain mission critical applications to the cloud but the CIO has some concerns.
The Case: NatFarmCo, a middle size farm services company, is experiencing rapid growth of certain IT-supported services, including expansion to overseas growth markets. The CIO recognizes that cloud computing could have many advantages for quickly expanding services as needed without having to make large capital purchases of hardware and acquire additional software. Neither NatFarmCo nor the CIO has had prior experience with cloud computing. The CIO knows that strong information security will be required because NatFarmCo would be shifting mission-critical software applications to the cloud computing host. She is uncertain of the extent that the methodologies, standards, and tools now being used by NatFarmCo for IT acquisitions can be used effectively with the acquisition of cloud computing services. For example, her project teams now use CMMI-ACQ and performance-based work statements. She wonders what steps she can take to help ensure the success of the acquisition of cloud computing services as well as the success of other NatFarmCo IT acquisition projects and business processes. She decides to engage a consultant in IT acquisitions to obtain recommendations.
Your Question. You are the consultant in IT acquisitions and need to provide the CIO with recommendations on the steps needed to help ensure the success of NatFarmCo?s acquisition of cloud computing services as well as the success of other NatFarmCo IT acquisition projects. Your answer should also describe the differences there need to be, if any, in using CMMI-ACQ and performance-based work statements in the acquisition of IT cloud computing services as compared with other types of IT acquisitions.
Module 5 - Case
Managerial Accounting - Budgeting (This case has two parts)
Part I.
Let?s try to apply our knowledge of variable costing and review a sample budget for a charter school. This budget is prepared assuming three levels of student enrollment (66, 100 and 120). Revenue and expenses projections are shown in the budget. Operating assumptions are shown in ?Schedule A?.
The first requirement of this case relates to the planning function of a budget. Comment on the following relating to the charter school budget:
(1) Is this a static or flexible budget?
(2) What is total revenue (excluding grants) per student?
(3) What are total expenses per student?
(4) Do all expenses seem necessary?
(5) Is this school viable? How many students does the school need to break even (show your calculations with analysis and state your assumptions for break-even)?
(Note: For break even analysis ? Ignore revenue received as ?Grants? and ?Startup Costs? (Schedule A).
(6) What are the general benefits of preparing this budget?
(7) Discuss how this budget is likely to be used for the control function.
Part II.
The second requirement of this case relates to the control function of a budget. Use the background material and Internet to answer the following questions.
(1) Variance analysis is a traditional tool used for planning and control. Comment on advantages and disadvantages of using this approach for performance evaluations.
(2) Do you have any suggestions for complementary or alternative performance measures?
Modular Case Expectations
It is important to answer the questions as posed. The discussion should be five pages and written in a clear and concise manner. Support your discussion with references in APA format. You are encouraged to use Excel or other compatible spreadsheet when computations are involved.
Financial budgets should not only provide a plan for the income statement but should also include the balance sheet. This enables the organization to consider potential cash-flow needs for your entire operation, not just as they pertain to income and expenses.
There are three major types of budgets: (1) operating budget, (2) financial budget, and (3) capital budget. They are all important; however, the emphasis is on the operating budget in this course.
An operating budget serves multiple purposes.
? It forces managers and supervisors to plan
? It provides information that can be used as a tool for improve decision making
? It provides information that can be used for control and performance evaluations
? It improves the functions of communication and coordination
Required material
Hermanson, R.H., Edwards, J.D., & Invacevich, S.D. (2011). Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective. First Global Text Edition, Volume 2 Managerial Accounting, 108-113, 128-134, 165-169 and 181-183. http://textbookequity.com/oct/Textbooks/TBQ_PA_Accounting_managerial.pdf
Walter, L.M. (2011). Principles of Accounting: A Complete Online Text, chapters 21 and 22 (the section titled Traditional variance calculations for monitor cost and efficiency). Retrieved from http://www.principlesofaccounting.com/
hi i am attaching a case study can you please answer the question USING STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION THEORY AND FRAMEWORK
>>>Critically discuss the benefits of a balanced scorecard approach to measuring and monitoring performance, and analyze how BCom could use this to develop performance measures that relate to its corporate goals.
For each section of the balanced scorecard, suggest possible goals and appropriate measures that could be used for monitoring the achievement of objectives.
Clear organizational goals can drive employee efforts throughout the organization. So can the organization's values. Google was named first in Fortune Magazine's 2007 rankings for 100 Best Companies to Work For in America. Why? In part because it is a values-driven firm with strong corporate goals that translate into how work gets done on a daily basis.
Required Reading
Read about Google in the article found on the following Web page:
100 Best Companies to work for 2012. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/best-companies/2012/snapshots/1.html
Now check out Google's website to get a look at the company from an inside point of view:
About Google. (2012) http://www.google.com/about/
Be sure to click the links under "Company," as well as "Investor Relations."
In a 4- to 5-page essay, answer the following questions:
1.How do Google's corporate values and goals concerning employees, customers, and the business combine to create job satisfaction and motivate the people who work there?
2.Is this a model every business should adopt?
The following may help you address these questions:
From the OPN Website, Organizational Goals Can Be Powerful Energizers. (2000). U.S. Office of Personnel Management. http://www.opm.gov/perform/articles/2000/apr00-7.asp
Energizing Goals. In their strategic plans, many government agencies outline goals and outcomes they expect to achieve. Examples of some of those goals are:
?We strive for clean air, and clean and safe water (Environmental Protection Agency).
?Reduce the rate of highway-related fatalities and injuries (Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation [DOT]).
?Restore the capability of disabled veterans to the greatest extent possible and improve their quality of life and that of their families (Department of Veterans Affairs).
?Improve the safety of the national and international aviation system (Federal Aviation Administration, DOT).
?Restore and maintain the health of the land (Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior).
?Provide significantly improved short-term warning and forecast products and services that enhance public safety and the economic productivity of the Nation (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce).
Goals such as these can inspire employee performance. Many federal employees choose public service, not for the pay or glamour of the job, but for the missions and ideals for which their agencies stand. For example, many National Aeronautics and Space Administration employees work there because they believe in space exploration; many research scientists at numerous research laboratories throughout government believe in the good effects their research can have; and many who work at customer service agencies believe in helping the people they serve. By communicating clear goals, the organization is confirming some of the reasons the employees work there in the first place. Clearly communicating organizational goals, in and of itself, can help engage employees in their work.
Communicating Goals. Most agencies publish their strategic and annual performance plans in hard copy and several ensure that each employee receives one. Most agencies' goals and objectives also appear on their websites. Formal publications and websites should be only one way of communicating organizational goals. The most effective way of communicating these goals is through direct communication between first-line supervisors and their employees. While developing employee performance plans, supervisors and employees can discuss how employee efforts support organizational goal achievement. By aligning employee performance plans with organizational goals, and by discussing organizational as well as employee goals, supervisors maximize the powerful effect organizational goals can have on employee performance. Organizational goals become real to the employee.
For example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has reengineered itself. In doing so, it revised its mission and strategic goals. Now, FEMA's strategic plan includes objective performance measures that emphasize results rather than activities. (For instance, one of FEMA's goals is to reduce by 20 percent the time taken to provide individuals with disaster housing assistance, which results in improved customer satisfaction.) To communicate its goals, the agency uses a strategy that has made significant improvements in its communication with Congress, state and local officials, disaster victims, the news media, and particularly with its own employees. FEMA also has reorganized its structure so that sub-units and individual employees derive their responsibilities from its mission, and employees have decision-making authority that matches their responsibilities. FEMA reports that its mission, measures, and recent track record contribute heavily to its employees' intrinsic motivation.
The point is that supervisors can energize their employees' performance by communicating their agencies' goals.
Keys to the Assignment
The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include:
?Define the problem: What are Google's key goals and values? ?Do additional research about working at Google to get more than just the company's view from its website. (Note: Do not use Wikipedia as a cited source. It is acceptable to use Wikipedia as a starting point to get background information, but always verify the information from a more reliable source.)
?Analyze the cause: To analyze the effect of Google's goals and values on job satisfaction and motivation, use the Employee Satisfaction Model, and/or the Job Characteristics Model (from the Background materials) in formulating your answer.
?Propose a solution: Be sure to defend your answer in terms of the model you selected in Question 2 of the assignment. The "why" is more important than the "what."
Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be evaluated on the following seven (7) points:
?Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
?Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject, i.e., the Keys to the Assignment, addressed?
?Depth - Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background readings and other background resources as references?
?Critical thinking - Is the subject thought about critically, i.e., accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely?
?Clarity - Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
?Organization - Is the paper well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages?
?Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are the references from the background readings and assignment present and properly cited? Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation?
Stock & Bonds
Write a 2-3 page paper. In your paper include the following:
? A search of the Internet for a stock and bond of your choice that has historical data performance measures that you can evaluate for the last twenty years.
? Once you have completed your evaluation please explain your findings and which option would have been the best course of action to pursue from a financial standpoint.
? Please include information and topics from our chapter readings to justify your explanation and reasoning.
Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one reference may be from the internet (not Wikipedia). The other refrences must be from the Grantham University online library. Please adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (6th ed. 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignments and papers.
I would like JPZ777( writer name ) to write an essay on the following situations:
Part 1
As a HR manager in a Program Management and Leadership for human services program for the elderly, Describe how to perform the following:
? Developing, updating, and implementing policies and procedures
? Designing and/or implementing a program or program elements
? Designing and implementing quality oversight, performance measures, and training
? Managing and developing budget and grant proposals
? Developing and executing contracts
? Directing the research, surveys, and analyses of programs
Part 2
As a staffing manager for an Aging and Disability Resource Center, Aging, Disability, and Long Term Care Programs describe how to perform the following:
-Working in or on behalf of an Aging and Disability Resource Center program
-Working with or on behalf of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, people with physical disabilities or people who are elderly
-Experience working within the State?s long term care system
-Identifying systems' issues needing attention to assure effective program delivery and quality compliance
-Collaborating with numerous key partners in the implementation of programs or services
-Analyzing, developing and/or implementing public policy in a human services setting
-Developing and delivering training and technical assistance in response to identified needs of people who are elderly or have disabilities
-Translating the needs of elderly or disabled adults into useful program improvements
-Soliciting stakeholder input to advise program design or implementation
Part 3
As a supervisor for a Resource Center Development, Please describe how to provide supervision and guidance to staff and include the following in your response:
-Directing assignments, tasks and projects
-Hiring, coaching, providing orientation and training
-Resolving conflicts
-Evaluating employee or team performance and providing performance feedback
-Developing and implementing effective methods of ongoing communication for staff including those regionally based
-Coordinating work-planning and reporting on accomplishments
-Reviewing, editing and approving staff work products
Name of organization and mission. History and purpose of agency. Organizational goals/performance measures.Staffing. Budget/funding sources. Clientele/interest groups.Intergovernmental relationships. Interdependence with other community individuals or organizations. Efforts to leverage the talents and gifts of community members to accomplish mission.Communication strategies.Analysis of future challenges.Critical revies of effectiveness of organization in accomplishing its mission.In addition the paper should incorporate minimum of (2)themes: Stategic Planning, TQM,asset mapping asset inventory.And (1) personal interview with a representative from the community organization highlighted in your paper.
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Read Full Paper ❯hi i am attaching a case study can you please answer the question USING STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION THEORY AND FRAMEWORK >>>Critically discuss the benefits of a balanced scorecard approach to measuring…
Read Full Paper ❯Clear organizational goals can drive employee efforts throughout the organization. So can the organization's values. Google was named first in Fortune Magazine's 2007 rankings for 100 Best Companies to…
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Read Full Paper ❯I would like JPZ777( writer name ) to write an essay on the following situations: Part 1 As a HR manager in a Program Management and Leadership for human services program…
Read Full Paper ❯Name of organization and mission. History and purpose of agency. Organizational goals/performance measures.Staffing. Budget/funding sources. Clientele/interest groups.Intergovernmental relationships. Interdependence with other community individuals or organizations. Efforts to leverage the…
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