25+ documents containing “Organizational Issues”.
Compare and Contrast the three major forms of business organizations: Soleproprietorship, partnership, corporation. Describe each and discuss the benefits and problems of each.
Thank you!
Mergers and Acquisitions (Organizational Characteristics)
Examining the role of international captive centers (subsidiaries) may be necessary for IT project success. Evaluate three (3) IT or security organizations that resulted in an international merger or have acquired a company process [e.g., data centers; research and development (R&D)].
Compare and contrast the organizations characteristics and enterprise operations management and specify how business intelligence (BI) might be useful in pre- and post-offshore mergers and acquisitions.
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Begin to perform an external environmental scan for your organization. You will complete this work for your External and Internal Environmental Analysis assignment.
Write a proposal of no more than 750 words, outlining the research approach you will use for the Strategic Plan. Include the following:
o How you intend to validate the organizational vision, mission, and values statements
o Sources you expect to use to perform an external environmental analysis
o Sources you expect to use to perform an internal environmental analysis
Answer the following questions in essays that comprehensively discuss the issues raised by each question. Your answers should be written with correct punctuation, grammar, and diction. Your answers also should be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate your knowledge of the topics raised by the question. To formulate your responses be sure to utilize your text and research other sources for additional insight and assistance in creating real world scenarios where applicable.
1-Compare and contrast the Traditional View, the Human Relations View, and the Interactionist . View of organizational conflict.
2-Provide an example of a criminal justice agency in the midst of functional conflict.
3-Provide an example of a criminal justice agency in the midst of dysfunctional conflict
4- writer please use . Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational Behavior (14th ed. ) . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. As reference sources .
And three other sources as reference. Combination of (4) references.
The paper should contain a cover page and a list of references in APA format.
All internal citation of outside sources plus the listing of all references should also adhere to APA format.
All text pages should be double-spaced and in 12-point font.
Discuss the value of a business plan to an organization. Prepare a 3-4 page double-spaced report with your analysis:
Please answer these questions.
1 Discuss the value of a business plan to an organization.
2 Discuss how the economic concepts of supply and demand can have an impact on organizational performance in the short and long run.
3 Discuss Business Ethics and its important to the businesss success.
4 Discuss how the following concepts can provide an organization a sustained competitive advantage in the market place:
Marketing strategy
Organizational structure
Book used in class: Psychology in Action
Class: Psychology 101
Assignment: Answer the following question. Demonstrate your mastery of course material by using facts, findings, priciples, concepts and examples from at least 6 fields or areas of psychology. Also, note that it is content not quantity.
Question: Design a company, or the organizational structure of one (large or small) which would most optimally meet the needs of its employees and this its own productivity needs.
Here are some ideas I was thinking about: Motivation, rewards, reinforcers, learning, what colors to use inside and out, landscaping, child care? exercise?
I don't care about what kind of company it is. If you have any questions just contact me.... The paper is a final so it is basically just an overview of the book.
Using organizations with which you are familiar or from management literature, identify some organizations that fit
* Tuning (anticipatory and incremental)
* Adaptation (reactive and incremental)
* Reorientation (anticipatory and discontinuous)
* Re-creation (reactive and discontinuous)
When you have identified the organizations, discuss the following:
1. Which of these changes were the most successful and why were they successful?
2. Is one category more associated with successful changes than another? Discuss why this may be the case.
3. What implications do you see for you from this analysis?
Note about Plagiarism
Occasionally, students make the mistake of 'going too far in the other direction' and they include too many direct quotes in a submission. If the proportion of quotations in a submission exceeds 20%, then the grade would probably be Fail even if all the copied materials are properly cited.
Applying Organizational Psychology Paper
Prepare a 1,400-word paper in which you explain how the principles of organizational psychology can be applied to organizational recruitment and socialization. Be sure to address the following items in your paper:
a. Discuss the recruitment process from an organizational and applicant perspective.
b. Explain how the principles of organizational psychology can be used in the recruitment process.
c. Describe the concept of organizational socialization.
d. Explain how the principles of organizational psychology can be applied to organizational socialization.
Your paper should include at least four references from peer-reviewed Journal sources. 1 source is provided. No Graphs or charts.
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1. What sort of policies could the U.S. implement to prevent terrorist cells from forming in Africa? Do you believe that the U.S. should intervene, or should the problems of Africa be eliminated from within the individual countries? Why?
2. Using the terrorist organizations, what are some of the recurring themes surrounding the development of new terrorist organizations? Knowing this, can you think of any counterterrorist policies that may prevent the creation of new terrorist organizations, specifically in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Rim?
We will pay $200.00 for the completion of this order!!
The final project for MGT 245 is a 2000- to 2500-word research paper on the successful and/or unsuccessful application of organizational... behavior concepts in any organization. Select and research three to five organizational behavior main concepts that, uniquely practiced, make your chosen organization either successful, unsuccessful, or a combination of both. The organization you select should provide you with ample opportunities for research, since you will be required to use five to seven references as part of your research. The final paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines, and contain the following elements:
An introduction and a thesis statement
A body with supporting evidence and in-text citations
A conclusion
A reference list with at least five to seven sources
Choose three organizational behavior main concepts. Your research should uncover how your selected organization successfully uses, or suffers by ignoring, any three of these concepts:
Decision Making
Group Behavior
Power and Politics
Organizational Structure
Organizational Culture
Human Resources Practices
Change Management
Be sure to provide multiple examples of the main concepts as practiced at the organization.
Many organizations use organizational behavior concepts, but not all organizations publicize their methods for success or missteps to embarrassing failures. Select an organization for which a good amount of research has been conducted and has been made publicly available. Some suggestions are:
General Electric
Southwest Airlines
Time Warner
SAS Institute
Whole Foods Market
Lincoln Electric
Adobe Systems
Walmart more
About the Boeing company. ONLY about the commercial jets division NOT about the defense contractor.
-Brief History of the Organization
-Mission and Vision
-CEO management style
-Location: Headquarters
Multinational/ Global
why they chose this location.
-Environmental Scanning
-SWOT analysis (very important. should be at least a page and a half)
-Compare to Airbus
-also compare boeing 787 dreamliner to airbus a380
-Recommend Changes to Remain Competitive
* Describe and explain how databases are used in your organization.
* Identify which database software packages are used (e.g. Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, etc.) Conclude by proposing 1-3 key improvements.
* For large organizations, restrict the paper to the department in which you work.
Hello, the structure of the research proposal should consist of:
- subject and title of term paper
- main issues and questions
- scope
- method
- sources
- planned structure of term paper
Paper Guidelines
1. Organizations motivation and stated goals
2. Historical background/ significant dates
3. Ideological support- International cooperation/umbrella or cover group
4. Spiritual or religious support
5. Relationship with the United States / other countries
6. Tactics and strategies used in terrorist activity
7. Selection of victims and targets
8. Media and propaganda manipulation
9. Methods of attacks- Types of weapons used
10. Criminal activity?
11. Community or regional support
12. Profile of group members- recruitment/ training/ background
13. Past terrorist activity, patterns, successes/ failures, trends
14. Financial support/ funding sources
15. Future threat- potential targets- why?
16. Vulnerability of targets/ governments/ global society- why?
17. Your analysis and opinions of the terrorist group
I want to request "writer"
This is the continue of the Starbucks paper that you did for me last week. I just need one full page on each question. Also if you can give me the reference that you use. Thank you, Karen
What observations can you make regarding the degree of customer focus which the company exhibits?
Does the organization appear to make timely and effective decisions at all management levels?
I'm requesting MYGASEOUS to help prepare my example, please.
I need to include my example material to help create the next part of my example.
1. Introduction
2. Description of the organization(previous example)
3. Mission Statement (previous example)
4. Values Statement (previous example)
5. Code of ethics: list a code of ethics for the organization with a minimum of 10 items. How does the code inspire a tangible outcome from employees? How is it related to the mission and values of the organization?
6. Organizational culture: What type of culture do you plan to foster and how? How will the culture institutionalize the organization's values?
7. Leadership: What approach to leadership will you take? How will you develop and maintain organizational culture leader? What is your moral responsibility as a leader?
8. Oversight: How will you measure your organization's performance in maintaining an ethical standard? What structures or systems will you put in place for oversight?
9. Conclusion
Need peer-review sources
Thank you for helping with an example, without your example guiding me, I don't know what I would do. Thanks a million!
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there are 3 parts of this assignment. part1-proposal: 1 1/2 pages ,double space; part2- filed notes-4 pages single space, part 3-memo 1 page, double space.
so that's why i need 10 pages in total.
This assignment need attend an organization meeting to take field note. I've attended one which is GCC at USC(Global China Connection at USC). and I also upload the presentation slides of that meeting so that the writer do not need to attend it. and also i put some description under the some of the slides notes. there are almost 35 USC students showed up there. most of them are chinese students(but the presenter speak English also), only 3-5 American students who concern the Chinese Business issue. The meeting only lasting 40mins.
i uploaded the documents include sample of the field notes, assignment requirement, field note - checklist, and the presentation slides of the GCC which is the organization meeting I attended on Wednesday 8:00pm Sep 14th, at HOH1.
The writer can use his/her imagination whatever he/she want, because no one attended this meeting in my class except me.
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The financial manager must be able to assess the wisdom of the investment in technology, and in particular in IT, from the viewpoint of the shareholders. The basic question that one must try to answer... is: would an investment in technology and IT raise the value of the shares and increase the wealth of the owners of the company - the shareholders? Would an outsourcing be more beneficial? Should the company lease (or outsource) these technologies or should it invest in developing new technologies? What impact would these decisions have on shareholders value?
In this module we will be considering this investment decision with reference to IT outsourcing and its relation to capital budgeting and risk. Please review at least in overall terms the following documents relating to IT outsourcing:
Thor Olavsrud (2011). IT Outsourcing. Datamation. Retrieved from http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/career/article.php/3875026/IT-Outsourcing.htm#IT_Outsourcing_Pros_and_Cons.
James Bucki (2011). Introduction to Outsourcing. About.com. Retrieved from http://operationstech.about.com/od/costsavingstrategies/a/OutSrcDefine.htm.
James Bucki (2011). Top 7 Outsourcing Advantages. About.com. Retrieved from http://operationstech.about.com/od/officestaffingandmanagem/a/OutSrcAdvantg.htm.
James Bucki (2011). Top 6 Outsourcing Disadvantages. About.com. Retrieved from http://operationstech.about.com/od/outsourcing/tp/OutSrcDisadv.htm.
F. John Reh (2011). Offshoring - Outsourcing to Extreme. About.com. Retrieved from http://management.about.com/cs/people/a/offshoring104.htm.
Dhanya Ann Thoppil (2011). IT Firms Split on Outsourcing Demand for 2011. IndiaRealTime. Retrieved from http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2011/02/17/on-outsourcing-demand-for-2011-indian-it-is-split/
Also read these document discussing managerial decision-making concerning return on investment, capital budgeting and risk.
Cresswell AM. Return on Investment In Information Technology: A Guide for Managers Retrieved Sept. 23, 2007 from http://www.ctg.albany.edu/publications/guides/roi
Graham J and Campbell H (2002) How Do CFOs Make Capital Budgeting And Capital Structure Decisions? Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. Retrieved Sept. 23, 2007 from http://faculty.fuqua.duke.edu/~jgraham/website/SurveyJACF.pdf
In addition, read this overview of the lease vs. buy decision http://www.adeptscience.co.uk/products/mathsim/mathcad/add-ons/free_ebooks/pers_fin_samp.htm and this article on such decisions in IT. http://www.itworldcanada.com/news/it-lease-versus-buy/135525
The background information has further material on using financial data to assess risks and comparatively evaluate the future possibilities for companies. In addition, you may wish to seek out further information through your own research. When you have reviewed the advice and the plans. please prepare a short (3-5 page) paper discussing:
Agree or disagree: Standard financial investment information and criteria are all that is needed to effectively evaluate IT outsourcing decisions. (When evaluating the options be sure to compare debt vs. equity)
Please carefully explain your reasoning, with reference to the appropriate financial and other information.
Case assignment expectations:
Use information from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.
LENGTH: 3-5 pages typed and double-spaced.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
1.Your ability to demonstrate your understanding of the role of financial information in IT outsourcing decisions;
2.Your ability to demonstrate your understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of debt and equity options.
3.Some in-text references to modular background readings
Cresswell AM. Return on Investment In Information Technology: A Guide for Managers Retrieved Sept. 23, 2007 from http://www.ctg.albany.edu/publications/guides/roi
Graham J and Campbell H (2002) How Do CFOs Make Capital Budgeting And Capital Structure Decisions? Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. Retrieved Sept. 23, 2007 from http://faculty.fuqua.duke.edu/~jgraham/website/SurveyJACF.pdf
TeachMeFinance.com. Capital Budgeting ??" Internal Rate of Return and Profitability Index, Retrieved Feb. 24, 2008 from http://teachmefinance.com/capitalbudgeting2.html
Wikipedia.com. Profitability Index, Retrieved Feb. 24, 2008 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profitability_index
Adept Science (1997). Personal Finance: Lease vs. Buy Analysis: General Theory, Retrieved Feb. 21, 2009 from http://www.adeptscience.co.uk/products/mathsim/mathcad/add-ons/free_ebooks/pers_fin_samp.htm
ITWorldCanada.com, Marlene Bauer. IT Lease vs. Buy, Retrieved Feb. 21, 2009 from http://www.itworldcanada.com/a/CIO/54d09960-d17c-4664-a564-a9953fb39958.html more
Students will write one research paper during this course. This assignment consists of conducting detailed research and analysis on the selected topic and writing an essay. The source material must re...sult primarily from self-led external research of scholarly articles.
Students will select a homeland security topic that integrates and addresses strategic planning issues/concepts. The following are a few sample topics:
1. An analysis of the similarities and differences between federal, state, and local homeland security planning requirements.
Format: The research paper must contain a minimum of five double-spaced pages of narrative. Photographs, bulleted lists, and other inserts do not count toward the minimum page requirement. Students must include separate title and reference pages, which do not count toward the minimum page requirement. The paper will be in standard American Psychological Association (APA) research paper format.
Citations: Students must use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition format to cite their research. Students are required to research and cite a minimum of three online sources, three print sources, and at least one reference from the course texts (seven-source minimum). Students must give others credit for others' work by properly citing it. The university's plagiarism policy applies to all written assignments for this course.
Research: Students must conduct academic research to substantiate their papers. The best source of this information resides in scholarly articles. These sources may be found in the course required readings, the UMUC Library, or any other scholarly sources that students identify. While Internet websites may be used as part of the research, students must be very cautious, as the content is often biased and represents someone's personal opinion rather than academic research. Wikipedia is not a valid academic source and students must not use it. Papers with only Internet research will receive lower grades.
Note: Resources for writing an executive brief style document are available in the course content area.
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Diversity in Organizations
Submit a three paper addressing the following concerns. Diversity climate is defined as "organizational members' attitudes and perceptions toward people from cultural groups other than their own." These attitudes and perceptions are manifested in the practices and behaviors of individuals in the organization.
Design a model (similar to Figure 4-3 in the text The Four Layers of Diversity: found at http://online.vitalsource.com/#/books and choose Custom Book for Ashford: Organizational Behavior: User Name: boisrond5(at)optonline.net Password: Rigelq93) with methods and procedures for analyzing diversity and how you would implement the results in a cultural diversity training program.
Identify a product or service in any organization/ company that could use Activity Based Costing(ABC).
Then identify at least two activities for ABC and the appropriate cost drivers for those activities.
Estimate the application rates for each cost driver.
If you cannot identify specific actual amounts, make a reasonable estimate and apply the tool as if
the data were factual.
Your report should include
The name and nature of the organization
The activity and time period you used
The inputs you used
Your results
Any implications from your results
Helpful Links and Note
This is research paper.
The topic is, "The Police Organization and Operation".
This topic will be based on the American police system.
This paper is for a criminal justice class.
The Cover page and reference page will not count towards the 6 papges I am requesting.
Critical thinking and demonstrating the grasp of the criminal justice material is required in this paper.
Please do not include long or numerous quotes.
No strings of quotes written by any publisher or authors.
Personal analysis is required.
Imagine that your company, religious organization, or civic group has asked you to submit a report on the best personal computer to buy for members of the organization. Your goal in this essay is to p...rovide information on at least three (3) different models. To achieve this goal, submit a compare and contrast report (essay) on at last three (3) personal computer models. Provide a concluding paragraph in which you recommend the best model for the organization.
Final Report (Compare and Contrast Essay)
Using the outline guide in the chapter on the compare and contrast pattern of development, compile the information from your research and write your report. At the end of your report (conclusion), you should recommend the best personal computer for use by employees of the organization.
Following the compare and contrast pattern of development outlined in your textbook, your paper should contain:
an introduction paragraph (place your thesis statement at the end of this paragraph).
body paragraphs (each body paragraph should present and discuss a point that supports your thesis statement).
a conclusion paragraph.
1. Format your project in APA manuscript style in the following order:
Title Page
2. Write the essay using the compare and contrast pattern of development:
3. Write the essay using a formal tone and style, which avoids the use of personal pronouns (you, I, me, or we).
source 1
No Seinfeld, Gates seen as marketer riffs off rival Apple's PC-bashing ads
After only two weeks, Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates' rambling conversations about nothing have been jettisoned for a new campaign in which Microsoft tries to rebuild an image that has long been battered by rival Apple.
A new 60-second spot that broke last week for Microsoft from agency Crispin Porter & Bogusky opens with a dead ringer for actor John Hodgman, who plays a PC in Apple's popular "Mac vs. PC" advertising campaign. "Hello. I'm a PC. And I've been made into a stereotype," the character in Microsoft's ad laments.
The ad introduces viewers to PC users around the world, including Microsoft employees (even Mr. Gates), children, an astronaut, an environmentalist and celebrities such as star couple Tony Parker and Eva Longoria Parker, hip-hop producer Pharrell Williams, and Deepak Chopra. It wraps with the debut of a new tagline, "Life Without Walls." There's a 15-second version of the spot, and the campaign is supported with print, out-of-home and outdoor elements that also broke last week.
The move is an abrupt change of tone for Microsoft after just two iterations of the Seinfeld-Gates spots-Crispin's first work for the marketer-which saw the duo chatting in a discount shoe store and trying to blend in with an average American family.
But the Redmond, Wash.-based marketer insisted the spots weren't pulled because they prompted a lot of head scratching and heavy criticism in the blogosphere.
"This has always been the plan from the beginning," said David Webster, general manager for brand marketing at Microsoft. "There is a storytelling arc between [the two iterations], even if the tone and style are different," around the idea that "Windows has connected 1 billion people."
At the same time, in the newest ad, Microsoft attempts to identify the "real PC user," said Mr. Webster, rather than the "caricature" painted by Apple's "Mac vs. PC" campaign, from Omnicom Group's TBWA Media Arts Lab, which portrays the PC as a perennial loser to the hipper Mac.
"It was important to do on behalf of our users, who really aren't like that guy," Mr. Webster said. (About that guy: His name is Sean Siler, and he is a Microsoft employee, one of a number who were plucked to appear in the ads following a casting call. Their e-mail addresses run as part of the spot.)
Whether the campaign transition was planned or not, Microsoft's advertising seems to be all over the place of late. Besides the Seinfeld-Gates ads, it recently launched its bait-and-switch spot dubbed the "Mojave Experiment," an attempt to correct negative perceptions about the Vista operating system. Those ads, which aren't part of Crispin's $300 million campaign, will continue to run.
PHOTO (COLOR): NOT HODGMAN: Microsoft's new spots feature "real PC users" such as employee Sean Siler, discovered in a casting call. And yes, that's his real e-mail address.
By Rupal Parekh, rparekh@adage.com
source 2
Komando, K. (2000). PC vs MAC. Popular Mechanics, 177(7), 72. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Section: Technology
After years of debate, we settle the question once and for all.
It's the computer industry's very own holy war. Raging for well over 10 years, the ongoing battle between Macintosh zealots and volatile Windows devotees is not about to end.
Don't get us wrong. The majority of computer users realize that one's choice of personal computer platform is about as important to the overall Big Picture of Human Existence as which underarm deodorant you choose. Try to imagine a BAN Roll On user launching an all-out verbal assault on a Right Guard user and you can begin to appreciate the level of sheer idiocy to which this debate can quickly sink.
Ultimately, the best personal computer is the one that works best for you. Of course, if you're in the market right now and don't have a personal preference, all the distorted Mac-versus-PC banter only confuses the issue. Benchmarks? They can give you an idea, but who uses their computer in a lab, performing the same few tasks over and over again?
To help with the debate, we've done the unthinkable and shattered the myths. In short, we pitted a state-of-the-art Mac against a state-of-the-art Windows machine in a real-world setting. So hold onto your seats, silence your opinions and get ready to rumble.
In This Corner
In the Windows corner we have a Compaq Presario 5900Z sporting an 850-MHz AMD Athlon processor. Granted, now there are 1-GHz processors from both AMD and Intel, but at the time we were testing, this was the best. The system was equipped with 256MB of SDRAM, a 30GB Ultra DMA hard drive, and an NVIDIA GeForce 256 video card with 32MB of VRAM.
In the other corner we have the Mac, which has a configuration similar to that of the Presario. Our PowerMac G4 sported a 500-MHz Motorola G4 processor, along with 256MB of SDRAM and a 27GB Ultra ATA hard drive. For video, the Mac had a Rage 128 Pro video card with 16MB of VRAM.
Finally, both systems were connected to the Internet via the same high-speed cable modem link using each one's respective built-in Ethernet port. Check out the configuration chart on page 74 for complete details.
Applications For Normal People
Although we did many other tests, we figured that in this report we'd focus on more pedestrian applications.
We loaded Microsoft Office 98 on the Mac and Microsoft Office 2000 on the Presario--these are the most recent versions for their respective platforms. Because Microsoft applications tend to get slower and more bloated with subsequent releases, this probably handicapped the Presario, but it was the best we could do.
If you're like us, you probably receive e-mail that you need to include in other documents. Copying and pasting is easy enough. The problem is that each line of an e-mail message typically ends with a "hard" paragraph return, with double returns between paragraphs--not suitable for most documents. What's more, many people still mistakenly insert two spaces after a period. To deal with all this, we wrote a Word macro that does the following:
It converts all double returns to the letters "ZXC." We chose these letters only because they're right next to each other on the keyboard.
It converts all single returns to spaces, thereby eliminating the hard returns at the end of each line.
It converts all double spaces to single spaces, thereby undoing the wrong done by those who spent too many years on a typewriter.
It converts all occurrences of "ZXC" to single returns.
Most of our documents are usually on the short side, but we wanted to give our systems a true workout. So we created a single 25-page document from several misformatted e-mail messages. In the past, we've seen this macro take a few seconds on slower machines, even with a document of normal length. With our systems, however, it wasn't even a challenge. The changes were made almost instantaneously. The Presario was noticeably faster in this test.
While the Presario did better in our macro test, the Mac seemed to get us up and running sooner. As you can see in the Application Load Times chart on page 75, we timed how long it took to start up various common office applications on each system.
Just as with the games, the Mac consistently loaded programs faster than the Presario. Basically, if you use either of these machines for typical office work, your computer will spend much more time waiting for you than you spend waiting for it.
Let The Games Begin
Sony has publicly stated that it plans to use its PlayStation2 game console to make PC gaming obsolete. But we find it unlikely that anyone is going to trade their computer for one more box to strap onto their TV set. Computer gaming is here to stay for the foreseeable future, so we figured we ought to test it.
For our gaming usability, we tested two games: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six and Star Wars Episode 1 Racer. As a reference platform, we also ran both of these games on a Nintendo 64 game console.
Game play with Rainbow Six was nearly identical on both the Mac and Presario systems. The graphics were smooth and clear and the controls were very responsive. "Indistinguishable" is the word that comes to mind. From a comparative standpoint, the Rainbow Six test was unremarkable. The only noteworthy difference is that the Windows version of Rainbow Six took a wee bit longer to install, and longer to load before game play, too.
Rainbow Six, however, is a strategy game, so it's not too exciting. For fast, nonstop action we turned to Star Wars Episode 1 Racer. We ran the game on a Nintendo 64 first to see exactly what the gaming experience is supposed to be like. Say what you will about the inferiority of game consoles, but as dedicated systems go, they are generally good at doing what they're supposed to.
We began installation on the Presario first, and then started on the Mac. Oddly enough, the Mac software was installed and ready to go while the Presario was still chugging away. Hence, the Mac got the first run at Racer. The biggest downer in any computer game--especially a high speed game like Racer--is when the action pauses for an instant so the computer can catch up. Gladly, we went through different courses--played a tournament, in tact, until we got beat--and never observed a single pause or skip. The game play was identical in every respect to the Nintendo 64 version.
Pleased with these results, we turned to the Presario. We ran the same tournament and got beat on the same course. However, much to our chagrin, we experienced the telltale insta-pauses several times on each course. After playing Racer first on the N64 and then on the equally capable Mac, this was a real letdown. So, even with a graphics card that's statistically half that of the Presario, the Mac came in first in the gaming tests. As you can see in the game performance charts, the Mac consistently outperformed the Presario and, in fact, rivaled the N64 in most instances.
Working The Web
Gaming may be the top priority to some, but most of us spend more time working on the Internet and, certainly, we'll continue to be online more as the technology progresses. Thus, we next tested the Web-surfing capabilities of both machines. And to keep things fair, we tested the latest versions of both Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) and Netscape Navigator.
At the time of testing, IE was at version 5 for Windows and version 4.5 for the Mac, while Netscape was at version 4.72 for both platforms. If the Web was still limited to text and GIFs and JPEGs, you could get by with almost any old computer. What really taxes your computer when you're surfing the Net is using multimedia, so that's what we did.
First, we visited Macromedia's Shockwave page (www.shockwave.com) to play a little game of Centipede--an old arcade favorite. The important thing to remember is that playing the Shockwave version of Centipede is not a matter of streaming media. In other words, once the Centipede code downloads onto your computer, the speed of your Internet connection has no impact on the game play.
That said, playing Centipede on the Presario was pretty much like playing Centipede at the arcade, except in miniature, of course. In both browsers, the controls were responsive. We were able to blast those bugs to smithereens posthaste.
On the other hand, Centipede performance on the Mac was less than spectacular. For starters, when playing the game with IE for Mac, the little character doing the shooting flickered between the correct image and the mouse pointer. This was very distracting.
Centipede play on Navigator for the Mac was even less pleasurable. The controls were choppy and unresponsive--a game you'd probably have to play if you were sent to computer gaming hell.
Streaming Internet Video
Streaming video is audio and video that downloads from the Web as it plays. It can be very taxing on your system.
We started our streaming tests with just audio--live airplay from Web-enabled radio stations, to be exact. With just audio to deal with, both systems performed admirably with one caveat. There are two main players in streaming media: Real Audio and Microsoft's Windows Media. While Real Audio makes player software for both Windows and Mac, the Mac version of Windows Media Player was available only in beta when we tested. We found that the Mac version worked fine at some sites--MSNBC, for example--but not at others. For instance, when we tried to tune in to KGB in San Diego (www.101kgb.com), the player consistently stalled after only a few seconds. Undoubtedly, there's something the station is doing wrong since the Mac player worked fine at other sites, but it's also likely that other sites are making the same mistake.
Streaming Internet video failed to thoroughly impress us on either platform. High-speed Internet access is great, but video puts a real strain on that bandwidth and, regardless of the particular site, the stream seemed to consistently get bogged down somewhere along the way. While the audio portion kept moving just fine, the video on both platforms was choppy, sometimes even stalling completely. Even though the results were second-rate on both platforms, the Presario outperformed the Mac in this category. For example, we watched a trailer from "Mission: Impossible 2." While the video was often choppy on both platforms, we could at least distinguish Tom Cruise from Anthony Hopkins on the Presario. On the Mac, the video tended to suffer from a tiling effect when the stream slowed down. That means at its worst, all you saw on the Mac was a bunch of fuzzy, indistinct blocks.
In short, for overall Internet multimedia performance, our Windows system pretty much ran circles around the Mac system. With the exception of streaming audio -- where the two performed similarly -- the Mac delivered a consistently inferior user experience.
Photoshoppin' Around
No system test would be complete without using Adobe's Photoshop. For those who have been living in a cave for the last few years, Photoshop is the industry standard for digitally manipulating and transforming photographic images. With Photoshop and a little skill, the results are amazing. With Photoshop and a lot of skill, the results can be breathtaking.
We should preface this discussion by stating that we had occasion a while ago to test this same Presario system against a 450-MHz PowerMac G4. And naturally, we did our fair share of Photoshop dabbling with both. In test after test, the Mac was consistently and noticeably slower at various Photoshop tasks.
What a difference 50 MHz can make! This time around, we put the same 200-dpi digital photo on both systems and went to work with Photoshop. We applied filters, we rotated, we adjusted, we tweaked, we rippled, we applied lens flares, we water-colored, we saved as JPEG. In short, we gave these two systems just about every resource-taxing task that Photoshop had to offer. Time after time, the results were almost instantaneous on both systems.
Click the mouse, blink your eyes, and bam!, the image was transformed. In some of the tests, the Mac seemed just a little snappier than the Presario. If you were hoping for a tiebreaker in this round, sorry to disappoint you. As photo manipulation tools, these two systems are dead equal.
Final Thoughts
There's one especially important thing to keep in mind as you digest all this information. In each test we ran, more came into play than just the computer's processor and operating system. In each case, we were running application programs, and who's to say that the Mac programmers at XYZ Co. aren't just as efficient as the Windows programmers, or vice versa? Just because a Mac and a Windows program look the same on the outside, that doesn't mean that the programs have identical code inside.
Ultimately, for the end user, it doesn't matter why one system works better than another--only that it does. And that brings us right back to our earlier premise, that the best personal computer in the world is the one that you feel is right for you. The next time you meet a Mac zealot or a Windows zealot (or now a Linux zealot), tell them that your choice in personal computers is just that--personal. Which computer is the most powerful one of all? Why, it's the one in your head. After all, as Francis Bacon said some 400 years ago, "Knowledge itself is power."
source 3
Section: News
It all started with an internet search engine, now Google's on your mobile and powers the latest laptops. Windows? That's so last decade gadgets
For decades, it's been a two-horse race in the world of computers - the technorati cool of Apple's Mac versus the lumbering colossus of Windows. So any serious third contender is big news - particularly when the high-tech newcomer, Chromebook, comes from Google, and casually tears up the rulebook for laptops too.
It's ultra-simple - even less fussy than the iPad.
For silver surfers who aren't interested in Call Of Duty and are just looking for something that does the internet, Samsung's Chromebook is just the ticket - that's all it does.
The operating system's so slim it turns on in under 10 seconds. If the computer's in 'sleep' mode, it'll come on in under two. Apple's new Mac-Books are light sleepers, but Chromebook is fast. Once it's on, a browser opens (Google's slick Chrome, of course), and you can access (Google) mail and (Google) documents, as well as apps such as Angry Birds. You can't close the browser - there's no desktop behind it. There's a window full of Chrome apps such as games and a dedicated YouTube page - but as with any of the new 'light' operating systems (such as that used by the iPad), you can't do nuts-and-bolts stuff like tweaking performance or downloading and converting video.
Perhaps that complaint just shows I'm behind the times - the PC equivalent of a dad spending Sundays under the bonnet of his car.
For computer-phobes, it's also refreshingly virus-proof, as it won't run non-Google programs.
It's pricey (around ?390, or ?440 with 3G), though, and slow - high-definition YouTube videos splutter, and Angry Birds jerk mid-flight.
Given that the iPhone can hurl birds without complaint, it would have been nice if this could do it without pouring steam from under the bonnet? ? www.google.ie/chromebook
By Rob Waugh more
Formatted in APA 6th edition including Title Page, Abstract, body of paper, and reference page.
Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the relationship between productive and counterproductive behavior in organizations. As a part of your analysis be sure to address the following items:
Define productive behavior and counterproductive behavior.
Describe the impact that productive and counterproductive behaviors have on job performance and the overall performance of an organization.
Recommend strategies to increase productive behavior and decrease counterproductive behavior in organizations
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the fundamental concepts of the field of industrial/organizational psychology. In your examination, address the following items:
? Describe the evolution of the field of industrial/organizational psychology.
? Explain how industrial/organizational psychology is different from other disciplines of psychology.
? Discuss how industrial/organization psychology can be used in organizations.
? Explain the role of research and statistics in industrial/organizational psychology.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Please make sure there is a intro., conclusion, references(3). Make sure there is double-spacing, times new roman, font 12 . Make sure that each parag. transitions well from the intro to the conclusion and there are headers to the top left of the parag. to describe what you are talking about and please make sure that you put your quotes like the following example, (author, date, parag. or pg. number) and I do need quotations around the quote that you are taking from the information.
Please use the chapters that i have downloaded with this reference: Spector, P. E. (2008). Industrial and organizational psychology: Research and practice (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Compare and Contrast the three major forms of business organizations: Soleproprietorship, partnership, corporation. Describe each and discuss the benefits and problems of each. Thank you!
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