Online Marketing Essays Prompts

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Online Marketing Advantages

According to the following article, about 77% of luxury advertisers are expected to increase their investments in online marketing in 2012:

In addition, Manta's Small Business Survey found that 78% of surveyed online small business achieved at least 25% of their new business leads via online and social channels in 2012.

Read more:

What do you think of the effectiveness of online marketing? How could the firms use online marketing channels to gain competitive advantages?

Note: Please check the Discussion grading rubrics to better understand the requirements for Discussions.

In your opinion, will online marketing eventually replace the human contact that has been an essential ingredient of sales relationships? Support your answer with a specific example from a company or an industry.

Write a 2-3 page Online Marketing Strategy individual memo outlining and evaluating your organizations efforts to leverage the Internet as a communication medium (e.g., Web, email). Refer to the information provided in any and all course materials, and answer the following questions:
o How does your organizations online marketing investments create additional brand value and/or sales volume (or do they)?

o What opportunities for improvement exist (consider the value of the Internet as a bi-directional medium; and be sure to address the anticipated benefits that justify your proposed changes, along with any potential challenges)? Due Week 4

*****Company is Lockheed Martin which is a Department of Defense Contractor

Online Business Expansion Plan

There are two parts to this project A and B. The headers for each section are bolded. A written model for each section is provided at the end
PART A (Headers in Bold)
A. Develop a proposal f...or an online business expansion in which you do the following:
1. Discuss how the product or service that the business offers will be viable in an online environment (e.g., market demand, business functionality). The work should present how well the business would perform.
2. Assess the current online competition for the business product or service, including positive and negative aspects of at least 2 online competitors.
3. Develop three to five online marketing strategies directed at your target audience.

The Business expansion proposal will be based on a fictitious company called Hot Dragon. Hot Dragon is a small specialty store that sells hot sauces and spicy mustards. Hot Dragon will sell its specialty sauces and mustards online instead of in a store location. Allowing for the flexibility of personal shopping or online shopping. Hot Dragon orders it specialty sauces through various vendors in and out of country. The plan is to offer the specially hot sources and mustards online. This will allow for direct sales to the consumers via direct shipping. We will use various media outlets to increase our customer base giving us a viable presence in the online market place. Online sales will allow for personalized shopping and shipping to anywhere at affordable prices in little time.
The 8 page research document will be broken into 4 sections.
A1. Viability of Product or Service
Provide a logical discussion, with substantial support, of how the product or service that the business offers will be viable in an online environment.
A2. Current Online Competition
Assess with substantial support, the current online competition for the business product or service including positive and negative aspects of at least two competitors..
A3. Online Marketing Suggestions and Strategies
Develops 3??"5 online marketing strategies, with substantial support, directed at the target audience.
A4. Social Media Integration
Provide a discussion, with substantial support, of 2??"3 ways social media tools will be used to expand the business web presence.

PART B (headers in Bold)
B. Based on the proposal in part A on the online business expansion:
1. Discuss how you will facilitate customer payment using e-commerce solutions (e.g., how the transaction will take place, including the tools customers will use).
2. Develop three to five search engine optimization strategies to improve the findability of your business on the Internet.
3. Discuss how to make the website accessible to a diverse customer base, making it internationally friendly. Consider the business climate, language, culture, and infrastructure requirements. Include at least three considerations in the discussion.
4. Discuss how you will implement customer relationship management software on the website.

B1. E-Commerce Solutions
Provide a discussion, with substantial support, of how to facilitate customer payment using e-commerce solutions.
B2. Search Engine
Develops 3??"5 search engine optimization strategies, with substantial support, to improve the findability of the business on the Internet
B3. International Considerations
The candidate provides a discussion, with substantial support, of how to make the website as internationally friendly as possible including at least three considerations in the discussion .
B4. Online Customer Relationship Management
The candidate provides a discussion, with substantial support, of how to implement customer relationship management, software on the website.

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Medical Education Academy (Med Ed) is a prominent, privately owned health care education institution that prov...ides degree programs in nursing, medical technology, and health care administration in the United States. The company has built a positive reputation in the traditional on-campus education market for quality skills at an affordable price. Because of this institutional strategy, Med Ed has adopted the motto, "Quality skills with minimum bills."
Now, however, to keep Med Ed?s motto and institutional operating model intact, President Will Learner, M.D., is planning to strengthen his academy?s health care education leadership while also reducing rising administrative expenses by acquiring an online health care education provider named Cyber-Health College (CHC). Cyber-Health College is a fully certified online health care education provider with a strong reputation among prospective students for relatively inexpensive, timely, and skill-intensive program completion. President Learner believes that Cyber-Health?s online programs will fit well with Med Ed?s institutional strategy because both educational providers emphasize quality skills and affordable prices.

You have been named to Med Ed?s newly formed digital learning initiative team (D-LIT). President Learner is relying on your e-business expertise to analyze Cyber-Health?s e-business and e-marketing fundamentals as well as to propose digital marketing strategy guidelines that will optimize Cyber-Health?s contribution to Med Ed?s strong reputation in the traditional health care education market.

Cyber-Health College was a pioneer in the online health care education market in the 1990s. Its founder and CEO, Lucy Vision, Ph.D., avoided the pitfalls of other dot-coms by building credibility with educational accreditation boards and developing intelligent agent software applications as a method of guiding student instruction without human faculty. Cyber-Health patented its med-teach agent technology using female voices and an embedded nurturing interface to gain student trust and build strong learning bonds. The educational press regularly commended Cyber-Health for designing a high-tech/high-touch instructional interface. Because of the strong, skill-intensive course learning and user-friendly, agent-driven interactive online instruction, Cyber-Health effectively positioned its medical education programs as "health care learning for the digital future." However, this praise and online health care education success also drew its fair share of detractors. Faculty unions at medical programs and even other non-agent-driven online health care education programs criticized Cyber-Health for dehumanizing health care knowledge and medical education delivery.

The focus of your contribution to the newly formed D-LIT will be to highlight the potential of Cyber-Health?s e-business approach to complement Med Ed?s traditional health care education marketing strategy. Med Ed?s traditional marketing strategy relies on physical brick-and-mortar facilities, hard copy books and course resources, and human faculty instructors. In this traditional on-campus model, students attend physical classroom facilities for health care education, and traditional advertising media or promotional events are used to raise enrollment. By contrast, Cyber-Health?s online e-business education approach uses digital networks as the primary vehicle for delivering health care learning to students. By accessing the Cyber-Health Web site and med-teach agent, students directly engage in autonomous, self-guided medical education coursework without going to a physical classroom facility and without human instructors. The med-teach agents employ artificial intelligence to progressively learn each student?s health care instructional needs and improve the student?s performance through skill-intensive virtual course project scenarios covering every aspect of traditional medical education. President Learner is keenly interested in your assessment of this futuristic online e-business model for delivering health care educational programs.


At the second meeting of the e-marketing team initiative, President Learner has selected you to formulate interactive marketing benchmarks, such as Web site features, online services, electronic data gathering, and software applications that permit personalized digital experiences. President Learner is especially interested in assuring the e-business that its successful "health care learning for the digital future" positioning strategy is well understood.
Develop a plan of 1,000?1,200 words for the use of interactive marketing benchmarks such as Web site features, online services, electronic data gathering, and software applications as critical success factors for e-marketing process/programs.

Consider the following for inclusion:

?Interactive marketing benchmarks: Web site designs, online features like instant messaging, and others

?Reference citations: The Web site or online reference source from which the benchmark is identified

?Description of e-marketing process/program critical success factor(s):
The actual Cyber-Health e?marketing advantages derived from incorporating the identified benchmark(s)

Provide a separate summary statement of how the content presents a comprehensive e-marketing process strategy for Cyber-Health.

President Learner has received a call from the founder and previous CEO of Cyber-Health, Lucy Vision, Ph.D., who urgently wants to discuss the e-business? click-and-order online marketing process as an important source of value for the company. President Learner is familiar with the process of identifying target customers and formulating a marketing mix (four Ps) as basic marketing process methods, and he has asked you to describe how the e-business performs those functions using online e-marketing processes.

SEPERATELY ADDRESS the following questions:

?Describe how the e-business in the scenario performs the process of identifying target customers and formulating a marketing mix (four Ps) using online e-marketing processes.

?Provide some examples of how marketing research processes are different in the e-marketing environment.

?Are social media an e-marketing option as well, considering your target markets?

Internet Marketing Advantages

According to the following article, about 77% of luxury advertisers are expected to increase their investments in online marketing in 2012:

In addition, Manta's Small Business Survey found that 78% of surveyed online small business achieved at least 25% of their new business leads via online and social channels in 2012.

Read more:

What do you think of the effectiveness of online marketing? How could the firms use online marketing channels to gain competitive advantages?

Note: Please check the Discussion grading rubrics to better understand the requirements for Discussions.

This is for a Master's level, Marketing Managment course.

Please answer the following questions:

1) Define and discuss cross-border alliances (as they apply to marketing). What are t...hey and how do they work? (1 page answer)

2) Your best friend owns a small children's clothing store located in the downtown area of a community of 50,000 citizens. Business has been slow the past year due the construction of several new strip malls and a new Wal-Mart store (Increased competition). She discovered you were taking an online marketing class, asked you for your advice for ideas that would increase her sales (She owns her present building and will not relocate her business, even though the downtown area is losing stores to the new strip malls). Based on what you have learned in this course what would you tell her. (1 page)

3) What are the benefits of list segmentation to direct marketers? (1 page)

4) Why do marketing managers need research and what is its role in decision making? (2 page answer)

5) Why do marketing managers need research and what is its role in decision making? (2 pages answer)

Please include one real world example for each question.

For each answer please cite two (2) credible online references (not wikipedia, ehow, marketing for dummies, etc...) , that have a direct online link and do not require a password to access (unless they are from EBSCO or Proquest). such as Wall Street Journal Online, New York Times Online, or a publication that I can access through Proquest or EBSCO (please indicate if any sources are from EBSCO or Proquest so I know).
These sources should play only a minor role in the answer. If you use a direct quote please make sure to add commentary to it, to ensure it flows within the context of the paper. Do not use bullet point format for any part of this assignment. Please include a references/works cited section and use APA format.

Please use the following textbook as one of the reference for any two of the 5 questions above:
Marketing Management by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, 14th Edition, ISBN: 0-13-600998-0, Prentice Hall, Inc.
I will send the user/password info for this book shortly in the "talk to writer" section.
I only need 7 pages (1 page for question 1, 2 & 3 ; 2 pages for questions 4 & 5) but I am ordering 8 pages in case you need to write extra to wrap things up in any of the questions. And I only need 2 references each question, but I order a few extra in case you need to use more.
Here is the guidance from the instructor:

"Complete the following short essay questions. These questions are open book and open notes. This examination will cover selected sections of the textbook, Marketing Managment (Kotler). Graduate-level essays are to be written and will be used to measure the student's understanding of the course material. These must be in depth answers and not just a few colloquial paragraphs. Please make sure you write these answers/essays by conducting some research and citing both our text and external credible sources. It adds value to your discussion question answer and will certainly boost your points. Remember to answer the questions and don't go off topic. Please follow the APA form and style of writing."
Customer is requesting that (betty) completes this order.

The purpose of the Course Project is to demonstrate mastery of Terminal Course Objectives by developing a marketing plan for an E-commerce website.

The E-commerce website that you select for ...the Marketing Plan can be a real company or one that you create for the purpose of the assignment. This can be a business-to-consumer company, or a business-to-business company. You may select any industry of personal interest, as long as the primary business of the company is selling products or services online.

For an existing company or for one that you create, make the assumption that you have a budget sufficient enough to recommend whatever marketing programs you deem appropriate to reaching your target audience.


IMPORTANT: Remember that a Marketing Plan is not a business plan. You do not need to explain how to create a company or an E-commerce website. You do not need to raise capital or make sales projections. Instead, assume that you have a functioning E-commerce site that requires an annual Marketing Plan to sustain your existing business and to expand for the future.

The E-Commerce Marketing Plan

The main focus of this plan is to describe how you will market your e-commerce business to prospects and to customers. While certain principles apply to all E-commerce marketing, tailor your marketing plan to your unique target audience. For example, you would use different online marketing techniques to reach college students than you would to reach older adults preparing for retirement. Your Marketing Plan should provide specific examples of how you can reach your target audience by describing techniques that you can use to achieve these key strategic objectives:

Reach and acquire new customers.
Provide superior service to existing customers.
Encourage regular site visits and additional sales.
Brand your company.
Explain how your company might use many of these or other specific online marketing techniques in order to accomplish the key objectives listed above:

Search Engine Optimization
Paid Keyword Search Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Reciprocal Links
E-mail Marketing
Online Advertising
Social Networking

Grading Rubrics

Your project will be evaluated according to the stated assignment criteria as noted below, and to the degree that your E-Commerce Marketing Plan demonstrates mastery of TCOs and E-commerce best practices, as discussed in our course. Make sure you include both strategic principles and specific tactical examples of online marketing techniques that will improve the customer experience and build customer lifetime value.

While the contents of an E-commerce Marketing Plan are unique to each company, here is the suggested outline for your Course Project. Your outline might differ slightly depending on your chosen company, but should cover these key areas (the percentages by each one show the relative importance of each section):

Category Points % Description
Course Project Topic (Week 1) 10 3 Submit the name of the company or product you selected for your e-Commerce Marketing Plan using the form found in Doc Sharing
Marketing Plan Outline
(Week 3)
20 6 Submit a detailed outline for our e-Commerce Marketing Plan
Project First Draft
(Week 5) 40 13 Submit a draft of your e-Commerce Marketing Plan. A Draft is an almost done paper.

Final Marketing Plan
(Week 7) . . Submit Final Copy of your e-Commerce Marketing Plan.
Executive Summary 25 8 A brief description of your eBusiness with a short summary of your marketing niche and Unique Selling Proposition.
Market Summary/Target Audience(s) 100 31 A description of the main market you serve and the details of the target markets that you plan to reach (demographics, psychographics, lifestyles, unique characteristics, trends, etc.)
Specific Marketing Strategies 100 31 The heart of your plan, showing how you will use specific online marketing techniques (as noted above) to successfully market your E-Commerce business.
Summary 25 8 Finally, your plan should incorporate a wrap-up of your ideas by summarizing key thoughts, goals, strategy, and implementation. How you plan to meet timing objectives should also be summarized at this time. Also, recommendations as to future enhancements and additions can be part of this last section.
Total 320 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

I already picked a topic for this project and it is a life auction website for people that want to buy and sell home made art. A similar website like but just for art.
Please base the paper around the art auction website

Already Tried:
This paper is about a life auction website like ebay however you can only buy and sell home made art. It is for the starting artist that wants to get his or her name out there and make a little money on the side. Or for the person trying to buy one of a kind art.

I would like the writer to be Writer?s
The E-Commerce Marketing Plan (RESEARCH PAPER ON
Times New Roman - 12, double-spaced

Marketing Plan should provid...e specific examples of how you can reach your target audience by describing techniques that you can use to achieve these key strategic objectives:
? Reach and acquire new customers.
? Provide superior service to existing customers.
? Encourage regular site visits and additional sales.
? Measure the results of your marketing programs.
? Brand your company.
How the company might use many of these or other specific online marketing techniques in order to accomplish the key objectives listed above:
? Search Engine Optimization
? Paid Keyword Search Marketing
? Affiliate Marketing
? Reciprocal Links
? E-mail Marketing
? Online Advertising
? Social Networking
? Blogs
? Widgets
Proposed E-Commerce Marketing Plan Outline:
While the contents of an E-commerce Marketing Plan are unique to each company, here is the suggested outline for the Project. The outline might differ slightly depending on the chosen company, but should cover these key areas
1. Executive Summary ? a brief description of your eBusiness with a short summary of your marketing niche and Unique Selling Proposition. (5%)
2. Market Summary/Target Audience(s) ? a description of the main market you serve and the details of the target markets that you plan to reach (demographics, psychographics, lifestyles, unique characteristics, trends, etc.) (20%)
3. Competition ? a detailed summary of who your chief competitors are, what type of websites they maintain, and how your strategy will position your company and its products/services against them. (20%)
4. Specific Marketing Strategies ? the heart of your plan, showing how you will use specific online marketing techniques (as noted above) to successfully market your E-Commerce business. (30%)
5. Measuring Success ? what are the specific criteria you will use to measure the results and success of your E-Commerce Marketing Plan? ? such as clickthroughs on certain pages, online transactions, number of e-mail addresses captured each day, etc. (15%)
6. Summary ? finally, your plan should incorporate a wrap-up of your ideas by summarizing key thoughts, goals, strategy, and implementation. How you plan to meet timing objectives should also be summarized at this time. Also, recommendations as to future enhancements and additions can be part of this last section. (10%)

In Chapter 13, we learned about the growing importance of retail technology and retail atmosphere. The following activity addresses the increasing demand retailers face at the store level and how they are using atmosphere to boost their sales. View the video provided by MSN Video titled, The Science of Shopping, (it has an opening advertisement prior to the feature video).

The Science of Shopping
Duration: (5:09 min.)
Source: YouTube

After viewing the segment, post your thoughts and discuss them with your classmates.

1.Do you feel atmosphere creates an environment for your Retail Purchases? Why?
2.Do you feel the aura and aromas within a retail store make your shopping experience more satisfying?

***Analyze the following case study, Ebay: Fixing an Online Marketing Pioneer, pages 520-521 in your textbook.

Answer questions 1-4 in an essay format.

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Customer is requesting that (MSwriter) completes this order.

I am in charge of writing the Marketing Plan component for my Business Capstone class. The team decided to create a D.B.A. of H.U.M.A.N. Healthy Vending company. The name of our company is Healthy Sev...en Vending.

BUSINESS NAME ??" H.U.M.A.N. Healthy Vending D.B.A. Healthy Seven Vending
HUMAN (Helping Unite Mankind and Nutrition) ??" Passion, Purpose, and Philanthropy

Please include the following websites for references
1. - website of the parent company
2. City of Decatur website

Our goal is to build a relationship that extends from our vending machine to our website and beyond. Customers that
use HEALTHY HUMAN vending machines choose to do so because they are seeking a healthy lifestyle and we will help customers make this commitment by offering tools and resources such as nutrition classes and customer service for vending issues.
Products used by HUMAN Healthy vending are manufactured and distributed by various companies. Our parent company forms partnerships with the companies which then enable us to purchase the products at discounted rates. This discount allows us the ability to place a markup on each item thus producing a profit.
Please provide table of contents..

We chose the city of Decatur (Georgia) because with research we found that the area has a high rate of obesity among young people
Please include most recent demographic information, community activities, and lifestyle descriptions for the city of Decatur (Georgia)
Target Market is college age ??" 18-35; will provide vending machines in the area colleges

Competitors ??" Fresh Vending, Smart-Snacking Products by Frito Lay, Coca-Cola Vending Machines
Advertising and Promotions ??" Healthy Seven will advertise in local weekly newspapers Crossroads News and Creative Loafing
Radio advertisements on WAOK 1380 Atlanta, WVEE 103.3(V-103) Atlanta, and WSB News and Talk (750AM) Atlanta
Healthy Seven will also look into the educational channels/networks, such as the Georgia Public Broadcasting System (GPS)
Billboards on metropolitan Atlanta public transportation (M.A.R.T.A-Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority)

Will feature product at the Health and Wellness Expo and Back to School Expo at The Mall at Stonecrest
In addition to featuring our vending machines in local college campuses in the Decatur area, we will also feature them at all three of the local DeKalb County malls ??" The Gallery at South DeKalb, Market Square, and The Mall at Stonecrest
Will utilize VISTA print for flyers and banners
We are considering purchasing a web ad to be placed on colleges website and on primary websites used by Yahoo and Google.

Blogs and Social Media ??" Blogster, Tumbr, Facebook, Linkin

4) CUSTOMER SERVICE - We will increase sales to our current customers by distributing free samples, resolving issues immediately, provide surveys to existing customers to find out their favorite products, and will have a monthly pow-wow with the Healthy Seven team to come up with ideas.
To build goodwill and sales, a portion of our sales will go to Breast Cancer Awareness.


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9 Course program
The following provides an overview of the topic to be covered in each weekly class:
Week 1 Introducing digital marketing
Week 2 Online marketplace analysis: micro-environ...ment
Week 3 The internet macro-environment
Week 4 Digital Marketing Strategy
Week 5 The Internet and the Marketing mix
Week 6 Relationship marketing using digital platforms
Week 8 Delivering the online customer experience
Week 9 Campaign planning for digital media
Week 10 Marketing communications using digital media channels
Week 11 Evaluation and improvement of digital channel performance
10 Reading
Core text
Chaffey, D. et al (2012) Digital Marketing ? Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 5/Ed Harlow FT Prentice Hall
Thomas, B. (2011) Direct and Digital Marketing in Practice 2/Ed London A. & C. Black
Shimp, T.A. (2010) Integrated Marketing Communications in Advertising and Promotion 8/Ed United Kingdom South Western Cengage Learning
Miletsky, J. (2010) Principles of internet marketing: new tools and methods for Web developers Boston Course
Journals and Periodicals
Customer Management
Customer Relationship Marketing
Database Marketing
Direct Marketing International
International Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of Database Marketing
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of Targeting, Measuring and Analysis for Marketing
Marketing Direct
Marketing Week
New Media Age
Websites Audit Bureau of Circulation American Marketing Association British Audience Research Bureau The searchable archives of Campaign Magazine Chartered Institute of Marketing An excellent collection of articles on online marketing News on Internet developments, reports on company and consumers Articles on all aspects of digital marketing Site containing many articles E-CRM and direct marketing Direct Marketing Association Source of data protection advice and guides about online marketing Direct Mail Information Centre Resource about online marketing metrics and links to other industry sources Best practice on Interactive advertising Internet Advertising Bureau The Internet Advertising Bureau A selection of news stories Case studies and news about online marketing The Market Research Society contains the latest news in direct marketing

Assessment 1
Individual research report (2,500 words)
How can the principles of direct marketing help companies deliver their objectives?
? You should make reference to at least 2 organisations in the B2C market and at least two in the B2B market
? Provide a literature review, critical analysis and commentary on academic theory regarding the given topic
? Appreciate the importance of direct marketing in strategic, tactical and operational level
? Explain the importance of database marketing and internet marketing in developing a coherent direct marketing strategy
? Students are required to reference additional sources beyond the required textbook and lecture material sources.
? Report format
Submission date: Week 7
The purpose of this research paper is for students to take a closer academic look at the fundamentals of direct marketing and appreciate the importance of database marketing and Internet marketing in relationship building process.

Required Reading:
Pratt, J. H., & Conger, S. (2009).

Assignment7: Consumer privacy: Regulations and ethics
Judging Privacy Concerns and Protections:
With the ability to intrude upon consumer privacy online; regulation, ethics and consumer privacy are important marketing considerations. Read the Pratt and Conger (2009) paper on online privacy and write a scholarly paper discussing regulation, ethics, consumer privacy, and online marketing. Your paper may take the perspective of analytics, child protection, data mining, or other online ethical issues. The paper must include in addition to the required reading, a minimum of three scholarly peer reviewed sources published within the past five years.

In addition to a theoretically and conceptually rich paper, address the following:

Provide recommendations on how organizations may address demographic influences impact marketing strategies and the study of consumer behavior.

Learning Outcomes: 7
Assignment Outcomes
Assess marketing regulations and ethical issues related to consumer privacy, Internet marketing, viral marketing, and integrated marketing.
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Customer is requesting that (infoceo) completes this order.

Subject: Panera Bread (Everything has to related to this and how can it be applied)
Direct, Online, Co. Strategy, Comp. Adv., Sustainability, Ethics
1. Direct Marketing
2. Online Marketing (B2C, B2B, C2C, C2B)
3. Competitive Strategies
4. Competitive Advantage
5. Sustainability/Sustainable Marketing
6. Ethics

Include few illustrations if possible.
Also if you can find a video a marketing video regarding one of those about Panera bread from youtube,,,

You can look at the following ppt?s to give you a better idea about the concepts, and how can they be applied to Panera Bread:
Pw for dc access: 098

I am taking a Masters level course called Marketing Management. I have to create an Integrated Marketing Communications Program for a company or non-profit organization. I can use an existing compan...y or non-profit or make up my own company that's not marketing their product well. I chose to create my own company called Pembrooke Publishing. They are trying to market a new author, Ann Vance, who has written her first book called Timesaving Organization. You do not have to use this fake company that I created. You can use another company and author and book to be promoted I am not picky about that.
1. Create awareness
2. Build positive images
3. Identify prospects for the business and its product/services, or donors/volunteers for a non-profit
4. Build channel relationships if the program is built around a product or brand.
5. Retain customers (or, if it's a non-profit, retain donors and/or volunteers)

1. Advertising via one or more of the following: television, radio, newspapers or magazines, billboards, or other advertising venues.
2. Sales promotions such as sweepstakes, trade shows, coupons, displays, or other inducements or incentives.
3. Public relations such as news stories, press releases to local media, news conferences, public service announcements (for non-profits only), radio interviews, sponsorships, special events, etc...
4. Direct marketing such as direct mail, online marketing, telemarketing or catalogs.
5. Personal selling: one-on-one via retail outlets, home parties, business-to-business sales calls.
6. Web based marketing and/or use of social media such as FaceBook, MySpace, YouTube, etc...OR, the creation of a web page.

The narrative part of the paper should be 9-10 pages long. The appendix should include samples of things such as press releases, print advertisements, news clippings, samples of direct mail, etc...

The narrative should describe in detail the company, its product or services, or the non-profit organization for which you are creating an Integrated Marketing Communications Program. You should write about how you are going to address the goals of the program within the context of your particular company, its products/services, or non-profit organization.

You should describe in depth the promotion mixes you will use and illustrate at least three of them, which will be attached in the appendices. You do not have to include financial information regarding the cost of the integrated marketing communications program.

The paper should be written in Microsoft word, double-spaced, using Times New Roman with a font of no larger than 12 points. The paper should use the traditional APA style in regard to cover page, pagination, and running head. It should be free of typographical and punctuation errors. This paper is supposed to come from my head so citing sources/references is not necessary. Although if you use any sources/references please site them.

My professor gave this suggested format:
1. Introduction and overview of the company or non-profit organization. Could include a very brief history of the firm.
2. Need for an integrated Marketing Communications Program - (for example: Brand is being "lost in the shuffle" with onslaught of many similar competing products; Company has suffered a rash of bad publicity due to firing of top management for malfeasance; Non-profit organization is losing volunteers and donors; Customer retention is poor---after initial sales, they seem to fade away; etc.)
3. Complete a Situation Analysis of the company to include an analysis of the Cooperative Environment, The Competitive Environment, The Economic Environment, The Social Environment, The Political Environment and The Legal Environment.
4. Promotion mixes - In depth, detailed descriptions of what mixes will be used and how they might be appropriate to the company and its promotional needs.
5. Implementation of the Integrated Marketing Communications Program - How exactly would you suggest your plan be implemented? (Example: Could include things like an advertising schedule that is tied to particular holidays; participation in certain technical trade shows ;) lay out the logistics of how your idea works.

The paper should use some of the concepts I've learned in class from the following book: Book: A Preface to Marketing Management, Peter & Donnelly, 11th edition.
ISBN: 9780073380964


Level 5
BTEC Higher Nationals

Programme: Business Management

Module : Marketing Principles


Date for S...ubmission: 14th November 2011

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, a learner will:

LO1 Understand the concept and process of marketing

LO2 Be able to use the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning

LO3 Understand the individual elements of the extended marketing mix

LO4 Be able to use the marketing mix in different contexts.

The purpose of this assignment is to apply your knowledge of marketing, gained from studying the Marketing Principles module, to Parcelforce Worldwide (Tasks 1 & 2) and another organisation of your choice (Tasks 3 & 4) through the production of an informal report which answers each of the assignment questions / tasks in turn.

Parcelforce Worldwide:
Please read the following case studies found on the Times100 website : (1) (2)

(1) taken from accessed 24/06/11
(2) taken from accessed 24/06/11

Organisation of your own choice
The organisation selected could be any of the following :
- Current employer
- Previous employer
- Partner / relative / friends employer
- An organisation with which you have dealings on a regular basis i.e. a leisure or social club, local school or business etc.
- An organisation that you have studied or researched using case studies / text books / internet etc.

Task 1 - Understand the concept and process of marketing (LO1)
You should answer all of the Task 1 questions with reference to Parcelforce Worldwide.

1a) Identify the main elements of the marketing process and explain if / how you think Parcelforce use these elements. (1.1)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
Definitions: alternative definitions, satisfying customers? needs and wants, value and satisfaction, exchange relationships, the changing emphasis of marketing
Marketing concept: evolution of marketing, customer and competitor orientation, efficiency and effectiveness, limitations of the marketing concept
Marketing process overview: marketing audit, integrated marketing, marketing objectives, constraints, options, scope of marketing

1b) Discuss the likely benefits and costs to Parcelforce of adopting a marketing orientated approach. (1.2)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
Costs and benefits: benefits of building customer satisfaction, desired quality, service and customer care, relationship marketing, customer retention, customer profitability, costs of too narrow a marketing focus, total quality marketing

Task 2- Be able to use the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning (LO2)
You should answer all of the Task 2 questions with reference to Parcelforce Worldwide.

2a) Identify and explain how 1 macro and 1 micro environmental factor could influence the marketing decisions taken by Parcelforce. (2.1)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
Macro-environment: environmental scanning, PEST factors
Micro-environment: stakeholders, direct and indirect competitors, Porter?s competitive forces

2b) Select two (2) Parcelforce products / services offered to different markets. Propose the segmentation criteria that Parcelforce could use for each product. (2.2)

2c) For one of the products identified in Q2b) state the target market and positioning you would choose. (2.3 & 2.5)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer to 2b) & 2c):
Segmentation: process of market selection, bases for segmenting markets ie geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural; benefits of segmentation, evaluation of segments and targeting strategies, positioning, segmenting industrial markets, size, value, standards, industrial classification
Positioning: definition and meaning; influence over marketing mix factors

2d) Explain how and why Parcelforce should consider buyer behaviour in each of the following buying situations (2.4)
- A person sending a birthday gift from UK to Australia.
- A business sending important paperwork to another business which must be delivered next day.
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
Buyer behaviour: dimensions of buyer behaviour, environmental influences, personal variables ? demographic, sociological, psychological ? motivation, perception and learning, social factors, physiological stimuli, attitudes, other lifestyle and lifecycle variables, consumer and organisational buying

Task 3 Understand the individual elements of the extended marketing mix (LO3)
You should answer all of the task 3 questions with reference to an organisation of YOUR OWN CHOICE (i.e. NOT Parcelforce Worldwide.)

3a) Explain how the organisation develops products to ensure that it maintains competitive advantage (3.1)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
Product: products and brands ? features, advantages and benefits, the total product concept, product mix, product life-cycle and its effect on other elements of the marketing mix, product strategy, new product development, adoption process

3b) Outline the distribution (place) strategy used by the organisation and explain how distribution is arranged for customer convenience. (3.2)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
Place: customer convenience and availability, definition of channels, types and functions of intermediaries, channel selection, integration and distribution systems, franchising, physical distribution management and logistics, ethical issues

3c) Describe how the prices set by the organisation for its products / services reflect their overall business objectives and market conditions. (3.3)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
Price: perceived value, pricing context and process, pricing strategies, demand elasticity, competition, costs, psychological, discriminatory, ethical issues

3d) Comment on how the organisations promotional strategy helps them to meet the marketing objectives for their products / services. (3.4)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
Promotion: awareness and image, effective communication, integrated communication process ? (SOSTT + 4Ms), promotional mix elements, push and pull strategies, advertising above and below the line including packaging, public relations and sponsorship, sales
promotion, direct marketing and personal selling, branding, internet and online marketing

3e) Analyse how the additional elements of the extended marketing mix (People, Process & Physical Evidence) could be applied to the organisation. (3.5)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
The shift from the 4Ps to the 7Ps: product-service continuum, concept of the extended marketing mix, the significance of the soft elements of marketing ? people, physical evidence and process management

Task 4 Be able to use the marketing mix in different contexts (LO4)
You should answer all of the Task 4 questions with reference to an organisation of YOUR OWN CHOICE (i.e. NOT Parcelforce Worldwide.)

4a) Choose one (1) PRODUCT supplied by the organisation and devise two (2) separate marketing mixes for the product offered in two different consumer market segments. (4.1) You should start your analysis by outlining the two different consumer market segments that the product is aimed at and devise a full marketing mix (i.e. 4 Ps) for each market segment.

4b) Discuss the differences for the organisation in marketing products / services to businesses rather than to consumers. (4.2)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
Consumer markets: fast-moving consumer goods, consumer durables, co-ordinated marketing mix to achieve objectives
Organisational markets: differences from consumer markets, adding value through service;industrial, non-profit making, government, re-seller

4c) Explain how and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing for the organisation. (4.3)
You should consider the following areas of the module content when formulating your answer:
International markets: globalisation, standardisation versus adaptation, the EU, benefits and risks, market attractiveness, international marketing mix strategies

Student Guidelines

1. You should write this assignment in an INFORMAL report style. Please see the relevant post in the Group Learning Space on Ilearn for details of an informal report layout.

2. You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to reference their source.

3. You should include a reference list AND a bibliography list using the Harvard referencing system.
As this is the first module it is very important that you get this right. Please review the student handbook and complete the plagiarism quiz on ilearn to ensure that you are aware of how to use referencing appropriately / correctly.

4. It is advised that you write your report within approximately 3500/4000 words in order for your research and summarising skills to be developed, and for effective time management i.e. to allow you to manage your time effectively so that the assignment is completed on time. However, you are required to ensure that the assignment meets all of the learning outcomes (by answering all of the assignment questions) and there is no penalty for being over the suggested word count. However, in the interests of good academic practice assignments submitted with excessive word counts (e.g. 5000 + words may be returned to students and asked to be reduced before marking.

Recommended Additional Resources (updated 24/06/11)
Information about Parcelforce Worldwide (1) (2)

(1) taken from accessed 24/06/11
(2) taken from accessed 24/06/11

These are links to the times 100 website which provides access to a couple of case studies re. Parcelforce Worldwide and its marketing activities.

On this website you will also find further links to the Parcelforce Worldwide company website where you can access annual reports and other information about Parcelforce worldwide and its business.


Online E-Book recommended for this course ? BTEC HN BUSINESS Study Guide
Access to this E-Book is provided by RDI ? contact student support team for access code

Principles of Marketing: Global Edition by Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong
Pearson Education; 13 edition (15 Feb 2009) ISBN-10: 0137006691 ISBN-13: 978-0137006694

Marketing: An Introduction by Gary Armstrong, et al (2009)
Financial Times/ Prentice Hall; 1 edition (30 April 2009) ISBN-10: 0273713957 ISBN-13: 978-0273713951

Marketing: An Introduction by Masterson & Pickton (2010)
Sage Publications Ltd; Second Edition edition (13 Sep 2010) ISBN-10: 184920571X ISBN-13: 978-1849205719

Magazines, journals and newspapers

Harvard Business Review available online at

Marketing Magazine available online at

Marketing Today available online at

Marketing Week available online at

The Financial Times and other daily newspapers which contain a business section and market reports

Websites provides case studies / resources appropriate for educational purposes The Chartered Institute of Marketing?s site contains a useful knowledge centre The Financial Times business sections multimedia resource delivers business insight to professionals in marketing, media, new media, advertising and design

Grading Criteria ~ Module 1 ? Marketing Principles

To achieve a PASS GRADE the evidence must show
that the learner is able to meet all of the learning outcomes: To achieve a MERIT GRADE the evidence must show that the learner is able to: To achieve a DISTINCTION GRADE the evidence must Show that the learner is able to:
LO 1: Understand the concept and process of marketing
1.1 explain the various elements of the marketing process
1.2 evaluate the benefits and costs of a marketing
orientation for a selected organisation

LO 2: Be able to use the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning
2.1 show macro and micro environmental factors which
influence marketing decisions
2.2 propose segmentation criteria to be used for products in different markets
2.3 choose a targeting strategy for a selected product/service
2.4 demonstrate how buyer behaviour affects marketing
activities in different buying situations
2.5 propose new positioning for a selected product/service

LO 3: Understand the individual elements
of the extended marketing mix
3.1 explain how products are developed to sustain
competitive advantage
3.2 explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience
3.3 explain how prices are set to reflect an organisation?s
objectives and market conditions
3.4 illustrate how promotional activity is integrated to
achieve marketing objectives
3.5 analyse the additional elements of the extended
marketing mix

LO 4: Be able to use the marketing mix in different contexts
4.1 plan marketing mixes for two different segments in
consumer markets
4.2 illustrate differences in marketing products and services to businesses rather than consumers
4.3 show how and why international marketing differs from
domestic marketing.

Overall the work adequately covers the descriptive elements of the brief but little attempt has been made to analyse or evaluate the information presented.
There is little discussion of what has been found through research with limited application of research to practice
M1- Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
? Some evidence of research and application of theories / concepts studied to the marketing activities of the case org.
? Explanations of the application of the marketing concepts / theories to the case org. have sound basis.

M2 ? Select design and apply appropriate methods/techniques
? A range of sources of information have been used in the explanation of factors affecting marketing activities / decisions in the case org. e.g. Q2a PEST factors, and Q2b segmentation criteria etc .
? Complex information has been processed and relevant information extracted to analyse the marketing mix of the case org. in Q3 tasks

M3 ? Present and Communicate Findings
? Assignment is completed fully to deadline
? A clear, concise and logical informal report has been produced which uses marketing terminology fluently
? Use of Harvard referencing throughout

Overall the work covers the descriptive elements of the brief and some attempt has been made to analyse or evaluate the information presented.
There is some detailed discussion of what has been found through research with successful application of research to the case and chosen orgs.

D1 - Use critical reflection to evaluate your own work & justify valid conclusions

? There is a synthesis to the work in that it flows well throughout leading to valid, thought-out conclusions on the marketing activities of the case org.
? Answers use critical evaluation as an extension of the assignment task instructions e.g. ?Evaluation? taken place instead of just ?explain?

D2 ? take responsibility for managing and organising activities.

? Independent research, outside of what has been provided in the study materials, has been utilised to prepare a thorough report.

D3 ? demonstrate convergent, lateral & creative thinking.
? Ideas are evaluated for their validity & realism in the context of the case organisation e.g. tasks in Q3 re. marketing mix
? An attempt is made at an evaluation of the case organisations approach to marketing.

Overall the work contains thorough analysis throughout with much detailed evaluation of what has been found through independent research with successful application of research to the case & chosen orgs.

Club Promoters - Strategic Keys

I am looking to write a marketing text book that explains how a Club promoter runs his business. Most club promoters make over $1000 a night, all based off a club percentage. This is turning into one of the highest paid jobs for young adults. Things to talk about: How the promoter attracts people to there club/nights, how they make relationship out, ideas and promo parties for clubs,online marketing tools that can be used, and how to negotiate with the owner.


Continue to work on the SWOT Marketing Analysis for your branded product (good or service).

For this aspect of your SLP, yo...u are going to explain the Strengths and/or Weaknesses of your Product and Opportunities and/or Threats to the financial future of your product in the section of your SLP called: Strategies/Promotion.

For information regarding the promotional activities of your product, Do not go to the product's website. Instead, use the search engines described at in the following website to search for your product or refer to places where you know your product is being promoted. Don't worry about being comprehensive: just find what you can.

For example, if you

MAMA "Alpo + Commercial" you get directed to some YouTube ads.
MAMA "Alpo + press release" you'll get a sense of the publicity received by that product.
Go to Facebook or Twitter, you can see if the company has a presence.

Now get creative.

Under Strategies/Promotion:

Describe the kind of promotion you would expect to see for your product and (most important) WHY you would expect to see this promotion.
Do you believe these promotional strategies are appropriate to the target market and position of the company that makes your product? Why or why not?
Critique the role of online marketing for your brand.
Explain the Promotional Strengths and/or Weaknesses of your Product and Promotional Opportunities and/or Threats to the financial future of your product

Expectations with regard to your References and your Defense of Your Position on the Financial Future for your Branded Product.
Use the appropriate lines in the outline shown in SLP5 as titles and place the facts you find about your branded product under the appropriate titles (that is, in the appropriate sections).

Explain clearly and logically how the facts you find about your branded product are product Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and/or Threats. Support those opinions as to why each fact is a Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and/or Threat by using the required readings to support your positions on the issues. Do not repeat or quote definitions. Your use of the required readings to support your opinions (that is, contentions or positions) should demonstrate that you understand the concepts presented in those required readings.

Paraphrase the facts you find into your own words and ideas. In other words, use quotes sparingly. And, as a rule of thumb, quotes, if absolutely necessary, should be not much longer than 5 words.

When writing an academically-oriented paper of this type, it is understood that much of the information you uncover will be facts about the branded product. Even if you paraphrase those facts, you should cite in your text the source for those facts and link those citations to references at the end of your paper. If, in your SLP, you refer to information obtained from talking with an owner/manager, you should cite what that manager tells you.


1. Marketing
2. Market Segmentation
3. Target Marketing
4. Mass Marketing
5. Mass Customization
6. Product
7. Promotion
8. Distribution
9. Pricing

It is expected that you will present how each of the above strategic factors poses a threat to the financial future of the product/brand and/or is not a threat because of the strength of the product/brand. It is also expected that you will present how each of the above strategic factors poses an opportunity to strengthen the financial future of the product/brand.

Attached is the assignment Task 1. Kindly do the following:

1. READ THE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA given below and try to answer the questions to meet the assessment criteria

2. Use pract...ical examples and suggest clear recommendation inclined to meet the Assessment criteria

3. Also refer back to the case and the situation in the case

4. Proof read there should be no spelling mistakes

6 Follow the FORMAT which is very important. (Times New Roman 12)

7 Do not make a question answer issue - rather make it a report with heading of the question (eg. the report starts with an introduction or Executive summary then TOC - use word indexing - then body of the report do not cut paste any questions

8 The most important point _ DO NOT CUT PASTE anything from internet - PLAGIARISM

9. Have a conclusion and recommendations - Don't forget your body referencing and your end Bibliography. - USE HRS system of referencing

Learning Outcome 1

Understand the Value of an E-Strategy in Organizations

Assessment Criteria (AC) to Test Outcomes

AC1.1 - Explain the Benefits of Having an E-Strategy in Organizations
AC1.2 - Evaluate the Contribution of an E-Strategy to the Achievement of an Organization?s Objectives.

AC1.3 - Discuss How to Align an E-Strategy with an Overarching Organizational Strategy.


Task 1 (1.1)

Task 1 (1.2)

Task 1 (1.3)

Learning Outcome 2

Be able to develop an e-strategy for an organization

Assessment Criteria (AC) to Test Outcomes

AC2.1 - Analyze the business factors that underpin the requirement for an e-strategy in an organization.
AC2.2 - Discuss the benefits of e-commerce to an organization.
AC2.3 - Develop a plan for an e-strategy that ensures an organization retains its competitive advantage in a global market
AC2.4 - Specify the technical infrastructure required in an e-strategy plan for an organization.


Task 1 (1.4)
Task 1 (1.5)
Task 1 (1.6)
Task 1 (1.7)

Required Task 1: Leading E-strategy

Assessment and Grading:

This assessment is based on achievements in learning outcomes. In order to pass, all criteria identified in the assignment with reference to learning outcomes of the module must be met.
Word Count/Limit:
3,500 words (+/- 10%)

Please study the following case Study on Amazon available at or and complete the following tasks

Amazon Vision & Strategy

?Relentlessly focus on customer experience by offering our customers low prices, convenience, and a wide selection of merchandise.? The vision is still to offer ?Earth?s biggest selection and to be Earth?s most customer-centric company. Consider how these core marketing messages summarising the Amazon online value proposition are communicated both on-site and through offline communications. Of course, achieving customer loyalty and repeat purchases has been key to Amazon?s success. Many dot-coms failed because they succeeded in achieving awareness, but not loyalty. Amazon achieved both. In their SEC filing they stress how they seek to achieve this. They say:?We work to earn repeat purchases by providing easy-to-use functionality, fast and reliable fulfillment, timely customer service, feature rich content, and a trusted transaction environment.
A good summary of the latest business model initiatives is available in this Amazon annual report summary for 2011. For Q4, 2010:
? North America segment sales, representing the Company?s U.S. and Canadian sites, were $7.21 billion, up 45% from fourth quarter 2009.
? International segment sales, representing the Company?s U.K., German, Japanese, French, Chinese and new Italian sites, were $5.74 billion, up 26% from fourth quarter 2009. Excluding the unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter, sales grew 29%.
Amazon performs exceptionally efficiently measured against revenue per visitor, which is one of the key measures for any commercial website, whether it?s a media site, search engine, social network or a transactional retailer or offers travel or financial services. Of course profit per user would be quite different due to the significantly lower costs of other .coms like Facebook and Google. Key features of our websites include editorial and customer reviews; manufacturer product information; Web pages tailored to individual preferences, such as recommendations and notifications; 1-Click? technology; secure payment systems; image uploads; searching on our websites as well as the Internet; browsing; and the ability to view selected interior pages and citations, and search the entire contents of many of the books we offer with our ?Look Inside the Book? and ?Search Inside the Book? features. Our community of online customers also creates feature-rich content, including product reviews, online recommendation lists, wish lists, buying guides, and wedding and baby registries.?In practice, as is the practice for many online retailers, the lowest prices are for the most popular products, with less popular products commanding higher prices and a greater margin for Amazon.
Free shipping offers are used to encourage increase in basket size since customers have to spend over a certain amount to receive free shipping. The level at which free-shipping is set is critical to profitability and Amazon has changed it as competition has changed and for promotional reasons. Amazon communicate the fulfillment promise in several ways including presentation of latest inventory availability information, delivery date estimates, and options for expedited delivery, as well as delivery shipment notifications and update facilities.
This focus on customer has translated to excellence in service with the 2004 American Customer Satisfaction Index giving a score of 88 which was at the time, the highest customer satisfaction score ever recorded in any service industry, online or offline. Round (2004) notes that Amazon focuses on customer satisfaction metrics. Each site is closely monitored with standard service availability monitoring (for example, using Keynote or Mercury Interactive) site availability and download speed. Interestingly it also monitors per minute site revenue upper/lower bounds ? Round describes an alarm system rather like a power plant where if revenue on a site falls below $10,000 per minute, alarms go off! There are also internal performance service-level-agreements for web services where T% of the time, different pages must return in X seconds.

Visions and importance of technology
According to founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, technology is very important to supporting this focus on the customer. In their 2010 Annual Report (Amazon, 2011) he said:
?Look inside a current textbook on software architecture, and you?ll find few patterns that we don?t apply at Amazon. We use high-performance transactions systems, complex rendering and object caching, workflow and queuing systems, business intelligence and data analytics, machine learning and pattern recognition, neural networks and probabilistic decision making, and a wide variety of other techniques. And while many of our systems are based on the latest in computer science research, this often hasn?t been sufficient: our architects and engineers have had to advance research in directions that no academic had yet taken. Many of the problems we face have no textbook solutions, and so we ? happily ? invent new approaches?? All the effort we put into technology might not matter that much if we kept technology off to the side in some sort of R&D department, but we don?t take that approach. Technology infuses all of our teams, all of our processes, our decision-making, and our approach to innovation in each of our businesses. It is deeply integrated into everything we do?.
The quote shows how applying new technologies is used to give Amazon a competitive edge. A good recent example of this is providing the infrastructure to deliver the Kindle ?Whispersync? update to ebook readers. Amazon reported in 2011 that is now selling more Kindle books than paperback books. For every 100 paperback books Amazon has sold, the Company sold 115 Kindle books. Kindle apps are now available on Apple iOS, Android devices and on PCs as part of a ?Buy Once, Read Anywhere? proposition which Amazon has developed.
Amazon Customers
Amazon defines what it refers to as three consumer sets customers, seller customers and developer customers. There are over 76 million customer accounts, but just 1.3 million active seller customers in it?s marketplaces and Amazon is seeking to increase this. Amazon is unusual for a retailer in that it identifies ?developer customers? who use its Amazon Web Services, which provides access to technology infrastructure such as hosting that developers can use to develop their own web services.
Members are also encouraged to join a loyalty programme, Amazon Prime, a fee-based membership program in which members receive free or discounted express shipping, in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan.
In its SEC (2005) filing Amazon describes the environment for our products and services as ?intensely competitive?. It views its main current and potential competitors as:
1) physical-world retailers, catalog retailers, publishers, vendors, distributors and manufacturers of our products, many of which possess significant brand awareness, sales volume, and customer bases, and some of which currently sell, or may sell, products or services through the Internet, mail order, or direct marketing;
(2) Other online E-commerce sites;
(3) A number of indirect competitors, including media companies, Web portals, comparison shopping websites, and Web search engines, either directly or in collaboration with other retailers; and
(4) Companies that provide e-commerce services, including website development; third-party fulfillment and customer-service.
It believes the main competitive factors in its market segments include ?selection, price, availability, convenience, information, discovery, brand recognition, personalized services, accessibility, customer service, reliability, speed of fulfillment, ease of use, and ability to adapt to changing conditions, as well as our customers? overall experience and trust in transactions with us and facilitated by us on behalf of third-party sellers?.
For services offered to business and individual sellers, additional competitive factors include the quality of our services and tools, their ability to generate sales for third parties we serve, and the speed of performance for our services

From Actions to Marketplaces
Amazon auctions (known as zShops) were launched in March 1999, in large part as a response to the success of eBay. They were promoted heavily from the home page, category pages and individual product pages. Despite this, a year after its launch it had only achieved a 3.2% share of the online auction compared to 58% for eBay and it only declined from this point. Today, competitive prices of products are available through third-party sellers in the ?Amazon Marketplace? which are integrated within the standard product listings. The strategy to offer such an auction facility was initially driven by the need to compete with eBay, but now the strategy has been adjusted such that Amazon describe it as part of the approach of low-pricing.
Although it might be thought that Amazon would lose out on enabling its merchants to sell products at lower prices, in fact Amazon makes greater margin on these sales since merchants are charged a commission on each sale and it is the merchant who bears the cost of storing inventory and fulfilling the product to customers. As with eBay, Amazon is just facilitating the exchange of bits and bytes between buyers and sellers without the need to distribute physical products.

Amazon Media Sales

You may have noticed that unlike some retailers, Amazon displays relevant Google text ads and banner ads from brands. This seems in conflict with the strategy of focus on experience since it leads to a more cluttered store. However in 2011 Amazon revealed that worldwide media sales accounted for approximately 17% of revenue!

Amazon Marketing

Amazon does not reveal much about its marketing approach in its annual reports, but there seems to be a focus on online marketing channels. Amazon (2011) states ?we direct customers to our websites primarily through a number of targeted online marketing channels, such as our Associates program, sponsored search, portal advertising, email marketing campaigns, and other initiatives?. These other initiatives may include outdoor and TV advertising, but they are not mentioned specifically. In this statement they also highlight the importance of customer loyalty tools. They say: ?while costs associated with free shipping are not included in marketing expense, we view free shipping offers and Amazon Prime as effective worldwide marketing tools, and intend to continue offering them indefinitely?.
Questions to be addressed in completing the Assignment tasks: 1

1.1 Explain the benefits of having an e-Strategy in organisation like Amazon? Critically evaluate using examples with particular emphasis on meeting strategic business objectives of Amazon? (Criteria 1.1)

1.2 From the information given in the case study evaluate contributions of an e-Strategy to the Achievement of Amazon?s objectives, analyse all the aspects in detailed manner?
(Criteria 1.2)

1.3 Critically analyse how the Amazon?s e-strategy is aligned with over overarching organisational strategy justify your statements with examples (Criteria 1.3)

1.4 Critically analyze the business factors that underpin the requirement for an e-strategy in the context of Amazon? (Criteria 2 .1)

1.5 Discuss the benefits of e-commerce to Amazon? As an e-commerce consultant proactively advise what are the future value additions (Criteria 2 .2)

1.6 Assume that you are heading the e-strategy initiatives at Amazon. Develop a plan for Amazon?s e-strategy to retain its competitive advantages in the global market place ? justify with relevant example (Criteria 2 .3)

1.7 Identify and conclude the technical infrastructure required for the strategy plan developed by you in task 1.6
(Criteria 2 .4)

As a business manager, you will often be asked to evaluate and expand current business and marketing models. For this task, you will be selecting a business that has no current online system or that w...ould like to expand its online presence. When selecting a company, you should consider the types of services or products that the company offers and how they would translate to an online environment. For example, it would be easy for a book store to sell books online. However, a beauty salon would have a harder time. Though the salon might be able to sell services online, customers would actually have to go to the physical location to receive the service. Whatever type of company you choose, make sure it fulfills the objectives of the task.

Note: Any information that would be considered confidential, proprietary, or personal in nature should not be included. Fictional names could be used instead of the actual names of people, suppliers, the company, or other identifiable information. Also, company specific data, including financial information, should not be included, but should be addressed in a general fashion as appropriate.

Task 1:

A. Develop a proposal for an online business expansion in which you do the following:
1. Discuss how the product or service that the business offers will be viable in an online environment (e.g., market demand, business functionality). The work should present how well the business would perform.
2. Assess the current online competition for the business product or service, including positive and negative aspects of at least 2 online competitors.
3. Develop three to five online marketing strategies directed at your target audience.
4. Discuss two to three ways that you will use social media tools to expand your business? web presence.

Task 2:

A. Develop a proposal for an online business expansion in which you do the following:
1. Discuss how you will facilitate customer payment using e-commerce solutions (e.g., how the transaction will take place, including the tools customers will use).
2. Develop three to five search engine optimization strategies to improve the findability of your business on the Internet.
3. Discuss how to make the website accessible to a diverse customer base, making it internationally friendly. Consider the business climate, language, culture, and infrastructure requirements. Include at least three considerations in the discussion.
4. Discuss how you will implement customer relationship management software on the website.

Please read the attached essay that I have started. It is all of Task 1. It was sent back because additional detail is needed to clarify aspects of the discussion including viability, marketing, and social media. I want to keep what was written for task 1, I would just like to elaborate on it. Please continue to use Sunny Day Salon as the mock business for task 2.

Cardinal health is my company :

In this SLP, your assignment is to examine the elements related to the promotion in your branded product's marketing strategy.
For information r...egarding the promotional activities of your product, find what you can from places where you know your product is being promoted (retail stores, magazines, TV shows, etc.) as well as the product's website.
For example, if you
search "Alpo + Commercial" you get directed to some YouTube ads.
search "Alpo + press release" you'll get a sense of the publicity received by that product.
Go to Facebook or Twitter, you can see if the company has a presence.
Google for articles about your product in the trade press.
Now get creative.
Describe the kind of promotion you would expect to see for your product and (most important) WHY you would expect to see this promotion.
Do you believe these promotional strategies are appropriate to the target market and position of the company that makes your product? Why or why not?
Critique the role of online marketing for your brand.
You may use the following outlines to organize your SLP3.
1. Advertising
a. Target(s)
b. Creative Themes
c. Media
2. Role of internet/mobile marketing efforts
3. Personal selling
4. Publicity
5. Other Promotional Efforts ? Pricing, Coupons, Contests, etc.

Expectations with regard to references and defending your position on the financial future for your Branded Product.
Use the appropriate keywords in the outline shown above as headings and place the facts you find about your branded product under the appropriate headings (that is, in the appropriate sections). Please use double space, Verdana or Times Roman font type, black font color only, with 12 pt font size.
Explain clearly and logically how the facts you find about your branded product and use the required readings to support your positions on the issues. Do not repeat or quote definitions. Your use of the required readings to support your opinions (that is, contentions or positions) should demonstrate that you understand the concepts presented in those required readings.
Paraphrase the facts you find into your own words and ideas. In other words, use quotes sparingly. And, as a rule of thumb, quotes, if absolutely necessary, should be no longer than 5 words.
When writing an academically-oriented paper of this type, it is understood that much of the information you uncover will be facts about the branded product. Even if you paraphrase those facts, you should cite in your text the source for those facts and link those citations to references at the end of your paper. If, in your SLP, you refer to information obtained from talking with an owner/manager, you should cite what that manager tells you.

Assignment: Develop information that explains the Strengths and/or Weaknesses of the Starbucks brandname and Opportunities and/or Threats to the financial future of the product.

For informat...ion regarding the promotional activities of the product, find what you can from places where you know the product is being promoted (retail stores, magazines, TV shows, etc.) as well as the product's website.

Describe the kind of promotion you would expect to see for Starbucks and (most important) WHY you would expect to see this promotion.
Do you believe these promotional strategies are appropriate to the target market and position of the company that makes the product? Why or why not?
Critique the role of online marketing for the brand.
Finally, explain the Promotional Strengths and/or Weaknesses of your Product and Promotional Opportunities and/or Threats to the financial future of the product


1. Advertising

a. Target(s)

b. Creative Themes

c. Media

2. Role of internet/mobile marketing efforts

3. Personal selling

4. Publicity

5. Other Promotional Efforts ? Pricing, Coupons, Contests, etc.

(Present individual elements drawn from the analysis outlined above in a bullet format, noting financial implications)

Questions to address:

1. Major Promotional Strengths of the Product/Brand

2. Major Promotional Weaknesses of the Product/Brand

3. Major Promotional Opportunities faced by the Product/Brand

4. Major Promotional Threats faced by the Product/Brand

Use the appropriate lines in the outline shown above as titles and place the facts you find about your branded product under the appropriate titles (that is, in the appropriate sections).

Explain clearly and logically how the facts you find about your branded product are product Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and/or Threats. Support those opinions as to why each fact is a Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and/or Threat.

Paraphrase the facts you find into your own words and ideas. In other words, use quotes sparingly. And, as a rule of thumb, quotes, if absolutely necessary, should be not much longer than 5 words.

Required readings:

Marketing communications (n.d.). Lesson store. MarketingTeacher. Accessed 5/5/12 at

Maurer, Allan (2011). What do millennials want? First hand experience [includes video]. Tech Journal (November 10). Accessed 5/5/12 at

Promotion (n.d.). Lesson store. MarketingTeacher. Accessed 5/5/12 at

Promotion decisions (n.d.). KnowThis. Accessed 5/5/12 at

Promotion strategies (n.d.). LearnMarketing. Accessed 5/5/12 at

What is e-marketing? (n.d.). Lesson store. MarketingTeacher. Accessed 5/5/12 at

Using all the sources, below, synthesize relevant information into 4-6 paragraphs. Examine the sources collectively for similarities and differences, and note patterns that emerge. Organize your synth...esis around those patterns/subheadings. Use subheadings to structure your synthesis so that there is a logical and coherent flow of thought.

Dissertation Review

1. Social media and the Fortune 500: How the Fortune 500 uses, perceives and measures social media as a marketing tool

Grainger, J. (2010). Social media and the fortune 500: How the fortune 500 uses, perceives and measures social media as a marketing tool. Journalism & Mass Communication). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Retrieved from
This study aims to explore if and to what extent social media are being used as a marketing tool at America's largest, most prestigious companies. More specifically, this study aims to determine what social media assets the Fortune 500 (based on the 2009 list) is employing, how communication and social media professionals at these companies perceive the importance of social media as a marketing tool and how the Fortune 500 is measuring the effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool.
The rise of digital and social media has brought about significant changes in the advertising and marketing world. Firms are now being forced to look for new and different ways of communicating with consumers as social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have forced companies to approach consumers differently, more informally and more conversationally. This "new approach" to marketing and advertising also comes with its own set of rules to determine, identify and ultimately measure the effectiveness of social media. This study aims to explore these queries through a multi-method approach that includes Internet searches and a Qualtrics online survey.
The theoretical framework of this topic is still in its early stages of development. Much of the current theory on this topic originates from industry publications and deals with how social media and digital technologies have changed the way in which people communicate, in general, and the way in which consumers interact with products, services and companies, more specifically. This study will add to that theoretical framework by exploring how firms perceive this change in communication and ultimately how they are measuring the effectiveness of social media tools when used in their marketing programs. Moreover the literature on how the measure social media as a marketing tool is very underdeveloped. This research will offer significant and original material to the academic literature on the topic of measurement.

2. Consumers' responses to mobile advertising: A normative social behavior perspective
Soroa-Koury, S. (2008). Consumers' responses to mobile advertising: A normative social behavior perspective. Communication). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Retrieved from
As mobile technology continues to diffuse, the numbers of mobile subscribers continue to grow. With a high penetration of mobile subscribers in the United States, the mobile phone and network is promptly becoming a feasible marketing channel as mobile phones facilitate the exposure to mobile technology.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether social norms and perceptions of mobile advertising play any role in predicting consumers' responses to mobile advertising. The study used a questionnaire survey method to measure mobile users' attitudes, perceptions and adoption intention of mobile advertising. A total of 300 college students from a large southwestern public university were recruited to participate in this study.
The study demonstrated that social norms and misperceptions predicted perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) of mobile advertising. The study also found that PU predicted attitude towards mobile advertising, whereas PEOU did not predict attitude towards mobile advertising. Lastly attitude towards mobile advertising significantly predicted the intention to adopt mobile advertising.
Keywords: Mobile Advertising, Social Norms, Technology Acceptance Model, Questionnaire Survey Method
3. Essays on the influence of social networks on the marketing distribution channel and new product diffusion

Li, S. (2010). Essays on the influence of social networks on the marketing distribution channel and new product diffusion. University of Alberta (Canada)). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Retrieved from

The first essay studies the channel relationship between the reseller and the manufacturer based on a social network theory framework. We propose a conceptual model that approaches this topic from a relational embeddedness perspective. Our analysis shows how the reseller can strategically develop relational ties with a manufacturer that transform the latter's common marketing mix into unique resources that enhance the reseller's own profit.
Results from a large scale survey of beer resellers in a local Chinese market suggest that in a channel setting, social norms (e.g. communication effectiveness and conflict resolution) and social relations influence the reseller's access to the manufacturer's valuable resources. Furthermore, we find that over embeddedness affects the reseller's profit in a non-linear manner. That is, a reseller's effort to develop a relationship with a particular manufacturer may generate information that lacks freshness, objectivity or usefulness, thereby diminishing the reseller's profitability.
Theory of social contagion states that individual's adoption of new product depends on the adoption of his immediate neighbors in a social network in addition to the influence from other sources. This research models the dynamic diffusion process of new drug in a social network of physicians. We simulated the information transmission process in a social network, where each network entity repetitively influences the probability of connected entity's new product adoption. The simulation approach integrates two seemingly contradictive concepts of cohesion and structural equivalence into a single modeling framework. Besides, it incorporates a coefficient that describes an individual entity's efficiency of information transmission. On the one extreme it assumes that information transmits to only one of the network neighbors and on the other extreme it assumes that information transmits to all of the network neighbors.
We revisited Medical Innovation data and empirically find an optimum point for each of the four cities in this data set, using a discrete time hazard model. The four cities demonstrate different patterns of information transmission. Managerially, we suggest different ways of pinpointing initial adopters in different types of social networks.

Article Review

1. Friends, Fans, and Followers: Do ads Work on Social Networks?

Journal of Advertising Research; Mar2011, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p258-275, 18p


The article presents research on Internet advertising, which examines consumer attitudes towards advertising presented on social media by users of those media. It is posited that advertising presented on online social networks can be effective, but that a perception of excessive commercial exploitation of a social network can lead its members to abandon it. A mathematical model of consumer attitudes towards advertising on social media is created based on media use and gratification theory and tested. It was found that consumers reacted most favorably to advertising which was perceived as offering entertainment or information value.

2. Following the Fashionable Friend: The Power of Social Media.

Journal of Advertising Research; Mar2011, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p313-320, 8p


The article presents mass media research on the effects of publicity about brands and brand name products presented in social media or in other digital media. Consumer responses to brand publicity presented in blogs with large audiences and in online periodicals are compared. It was found that the publicity in blogs generated more positive attitudes towards brand and a higher intent to purchase the product. This is partially attributed to the higher degree of social interaction between blogs and their readers. Marketing implications of the findings are discussed.


Journal of Advertising Research; Mar2011, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p313-320, 8p


The article presents mass media research on the effects of publicity about brands and brand name products presented in social media or in other digital media. Consumer responses to brand publicity presented in blogs with large audiences and in online periodicals are compared. It was found that the publicity in blogs generated more positive attitudes towards brand and a higher intent to purchase the product. This is partially attributed to the higher degree of social interaction between blogs and their readers. Marketing implications of the findings are discussed.

4. Schwartz communications, inc
Schwartz communications, inc. (2011). Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Retrieved from
Schwartz Communications is a public relation firm that focuses on serving companies in the health care and technology industries, including medical technology and biotech companies. The independent agency offers traditional public relations and outreach services, as well as specialized services tailored for government and media relations. Other services include branding, crisis management, and social media marketing. Schwartz Communications has offices in San Francisco and Waltham, Massachusetts, and overseas in London and Stockholm. Husband-and-wife team of Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz started the agency in 1990.

5. The Rogers Group
The rogers group. (2011). Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Retrieved from
The Rogers Group offers public relations, public affairs, and strategic communications to business, government, as well as non profit organizations. Services include media relations, crisis communications, multicultural marketing, and government relations. It also has Internet and social marketing expertise. The company has worked with clients such as Junior Blind of America, Los Angeles Unified School District, and Watt Commercial Properties. Founded in 1978, The Rogers Group was acquired by Ruder Finn, a public relations firm based in New York, in April 2011. The Rogers Group is being merged with Ruder Finn's West Coast office network and will be known as Rogers/Ruder Finn and Ruder Finn/West.
6. Social Communications in Advertising
Leiss, W., Kline, S., Jhally, S., & Lake, R. (1993). Social communication in advertising // review. Canadian Journal of Communication, 18(1), 104-105. Retrieved from
This is a revised and enlarged edition of the 1986 book. Changes include a completely new chapter on political marketing; Chapter 12, "Issues in Social Policy," has been substantially re - written, as has Chapter 7 on the modern advertising industry. The revisions to Chapters 12 and 7 strengthen an already useful contribution to the literature that looks at advertising as something other than merely the manipulation of "false" needs. The new chapter on political marketing is less successful. The many merits of this book issue from the authors' success in pursuing what they call a single thread of argument: "national consumer product advertising has become one of the great vehicles of social communication" (p. 1). To this end they briefly look at neoliberal and Marxist critiques of advertising. Part 2 takes us from the origins of the consumer culture through the linking of media and advertising to a description of the modern advertising industry. Part 3, the Theatre of Consumption, is the main course. The authors apply semiological and content analyses to advertising including a discussion of the pitfalls of each. The advertisements they choose to accompany their text are invariably apt, ranging from a lipstick recommended by a very young Henry Fonda to Castoria, the safe laxative for children.
7. Accidental Activists: Using facebook to drive change
Vericat, J. (2010). Accidental activists: Using facebook to drive change. Journal of International Affairs, 64(1), 177-180. Retrieved from
In an interview, Randi Zuckerberg, who works on marketing, politics, current events and nonprofits for Facebook Inc, talked about how 500 million friends are turning the online social network into people power and change for the better. According to Zuckerberg, he thinks it is important to remember that social media used effectively for fundraising is, in many ways, still in its infancy. In the cancer research example, $135,000 was raised, but 5.5 million people were also made more aware of that particular issue. Awareness is an immensely powerful tool to effect social change. He said that Facebook as a whole represents the cumulative interaction of 500 million people, each creating their own story. They are incredibly inspired by the stories they hear on a daily basis, about how people have used Facebook to change their lives and the lives of those around them.
9.Trustine in different advertising media
Soh, H., Reid, L. N., & King, K. W. (2007). Trust in different advertising media. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 84(3), 455-476. Retrieved from
Trust has been investigated by behavioral and social scientists from different disciplines. Despite the interdisciplinary research, studies of advertising trust are not abundant in the literature, though both academic and trade investigations have incorporated and measured the construct. This study was conducted to examine consumer trust in different advertising media and the relationship of that trust to media credibility. Results indicate that (1) advertising media are neither especially trusted nor distrusted by consumers; (2) there is variation in consumer trust across different advertising media; (3) trust in specific ad media is differentially associated with education and income; and (4) trust in advertising media and media credibility are correlates, though trust in advertising is distinct and separate from the credibility construct. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
10. Moral distinvtions in advertising, public relations, and journalism
Boynton, L. (2004). Mixed media: Moral distinctions in advertising, public relations, and journalism. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(1), 187-188. Retrieved from
Although Smith's text is structured specifically for the print and broadcast journalist Thomas Bivins acknowledges the non-vacuous nature of the mass communication profession, and includes journalism, advertising, and public relations issues within his book, Mixed Media. As Bivins notes, it is important to consider the ethical aspects of various forms of communication, particularly in a time when many journalism programs offer ethics courses for all mass communication students, not just those pursuing journalistic reporting and editing.
The author, who is professor and John L. Hulteng Chair of Media Ethics at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication, has written extensively on mass communication ethics and the application of ethical theory to public relations. His broad viewpoint helps bring the main mass communication players under the same publication "roof."
The text is designed to provide readers with ethical decision-making guidelines, and calls on students to apply their critical thinking skills to resolve dilemmas. Bivins presents the crux of the teaching challenge: "The only possibility of arriving at anything approaching a satisfactory response to our moral dilemmas lies not with rote answers to prepackaged questions but with real sweat that comes only from real thinking." This approach is most evident in the end-of-chapter questions that ask students to apply concepts and defend their responses.
The book's structure permits examination of ethical issues and dilemmas common to the three disciplines, including avoiding harm and telling the truth, professionalism, and social responsibility. The opening chapter helps set the stage of ethical discussions by providing some much-needed guidance into what constitutes an ethical issue; distinctions among values, ideals, and principles; the interplay between personal and professional ethics; and basic similarities and differences in how ethical foundations are applied in the three disciplines. A chapter on ethics theory, although relatively short, is structured in a way to reflect how these primary philosophies may be useful in resolving modern-day dilemmas. A thirty-plus-page appendix includes codes of ethics for print and broadcast journalism, public relations, and advertising.
Although Bivins includes all three professions, the focal point of the text remains under the umbrella of journalism and less on the inter-relationship that exists among the disciplines. Many of the case examples are journalism-based, and follow-up questions steer students toward dilemmas of the reporters and editors. The text could use more elements of comparison to show how these professions interact. For example, an exercise calling for students to examine one of the media/communication ethics codes could be broadened to ask students to compare codes and see for themselves where similarities, differences, and interactivity exist. A case study called "Defining a Journalist" omits the opportunity to define the other two professions.
Despite this shortcoming, it is encouraging to see one text that acknowledges the three disciplines. It is a practical handbook for students who will enter mass communication fields.
The two other books seem to take the teaching ethics challenge out of its traditional box of practical wisdom, encouraging readers to tackle diverse viewpoints and utilize nonjournalistic catalysts for critical thinking.
11. Marketing changes the corporate culture
Messikomer, E. (1987). Marketing changes the corporate culture. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2(4), 53-53. Retrieved from
In order to make a company a first-class marketing organization, a marketing community must be created within the company. This means changing the basic way in which the company and employees see themselves, the business environment, and the future. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Inc. management saw that new strategies were needed because of changes in the industry and the world marketplace. First, the basic product line was redefined, including rapid diversification. This required no changes in the corporate culture. Then, a major new emphasis was put on marketing. Du Pont's effort to build a marketing community began with the presentation of a series of marketing seminars. Then, programs were instituted to reemphasize quality so that everyone in the firm had higher standards. The organizational chart was revised from departments organized by product technology to a marketplace focus. A Corporate Marketing Recognition program publicly showed management support for the new focus.
12. Are we losing trust through technology
Rich, M. (2002). Are we losing trust through technology? The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 17(2), 215-222. Retrieved from
The field of marketing has had a history of individuals and organizations attempting short-term gain through less than ethical means. The advent of the Web and other technological advances has placed powerful resources in the hands of practitioners. Coupled with that power is an acute public awareness of marketing abuses that have adversely hindered subsequent marketing efforts. Marketers need to address basic marketing skills through old-fashioned personal contact and personal relations that probably never will be effectively replaced with modern IT methodology. Additionally, marketing should take a proactive approach to defining marketing responsibilities to the public it serves to overcome the reputation that is established by a few who are unethical in their approach to the craft.
13. The importance of advertising and the relative lack of research
Johnston, W. (1994). The importance of advertising and the relative lack of research. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 9(2), 3-3. Retrieved from
An editorial states that although business advertisers rarely expect instant orders from advertising, advertising programs must be held accountable. Expenditures on advertising must also be evaluated in comparison with money spent on other elements of marketing communications and promotion. There is no single measure of advertising effectiveness. In general, there are 2 approaches used: 1. communication-effect research, and 2. sales-effect research. Researchers have a major role to play in advancing the state-of-the-art in business-to-business advertising, especially in measuring effectiveness.

14. Transforming marketing strategy for small businesses
Harris, L., & Rae, A. (2010). The online connection: Transforming marketing strategy for small businesses. The Journal of Business Strategy, 31(2), 4-12. doi:10.1108/02756661011025017
The purpose of this paper is to review recent developments in online marketing strategy which demonstrate the growing power of online communities in building brand reputations and customer relationships. The work draws upon the results of an ongoing research project which is investigating the use of new technologies by entrepreneurial businesses in the London area. A range of examples from our 30 case study businesses are drawn upon to illustrate some of the opportunities and threats associated with these new marketing priorities. We conclude that social networks will play a key role in the future of marketing; externally they can replace customer annoyance with engagement, and internally they help to transform the traditional focus on control with an open and collaborative approach that is more conducive to success in the modern business environment. Further research should aim to track this activity as it integrates with more mainstream marketing over time. Developments in the technologies themselves, as well as a reduction in costs, will mean that more and more information will be available to consumers. This results in unprecedented levels of transparency of dealings between businesses and their customers. A key challenge when engaging customers through these social networks is how to give away power and control while at the same time avoiding embarrassment to the company. The paper provides practical guidance on the opportunities and threats associated with marketing through social networks, based on lessons learned from early adopters.
15. Social Media and Innovation
The revolution will be shared: Social media and innovation. (2011). Research Technology Management, 54(1), 64-66. Retrieved from
Many executives still hear only the social in social media -- and think recreational time waster. But social media has a place in the business world, and that place is much bigger than LinkedIn and extends far beyond the marketing department. From CEOs on Twitter to corporate Facebook pages, social media has decidedly grown up and gone to work. For most of people, social media means Facebook, Twitter, and maybe LinkedIn. But social media extends far beyond the Facebook profile to include wikis, blogs, sites for sharing pictures or bookmarks, and a host of other focused applications. Users of social media don't consume content or even interact with it. Instead, they generate content, collaboratively creating, editing, sharing, tagging, and organizing information, reshaping the contributions of others and engaging in peer-to-peer discussion. The most obvious uses of social media for innovation fall under the broad umbrella of open innovation.

Please Complete this Project Topic Form below:-

Due Dates:-

Week 1, you must submit the name of the company or product that you are selecting using the form found in below:-
...r> ECOM340 Course Project Topic Form: Due Week One

Complete this form and submit it to the Week 1 Course Project Dropbox. Your instructor must approve your idea, and will give you feedback and suggestions if you need help.
You have several options when choosing the e-Commerce website that you select. The Marketing Plan can be a real company or one that you create for the purpose of the assignment. This can be a business-to-consumer company, or a business-to-business company. You may select any industry of personal interest, as long as the primary business of the company is selling products or services online.
Ultimately, to maximize your learning experience, choose a website idea in which you have an interest and about which you would like to see come to the marketplace. Make sure there is information available about the industry and target marketing for the product or service you choose to offer.
Your Name:
E-Commerce website idea:
Is your product or service offered by:
____an existing company?
____a new company imagined for the assignment?

Who do you think is the target audience?
(Remember you will need research to confirm this.):

Are similar or competitive products or services available? List or briefly describe a similar product or service: (If your idea has no precedent in the marketplace, consider another idea).

How will your product or service differ from competitors? What is your distinctive competitive advantage?

Do you have questions for your instructor?

-------------------------Please Complete this Project Topic Form above.---------------------------

This is for your instruction only or for Guidelines only

Purpose ## Guidelines ## Grading Rubrics ## Due Dates

Course Project: E-Commerce Marketing Plan


The purpose of the Course Project is to demonstrate mastery of Terminal Course Objectives by developing a marketing plan for an E-commerce website.
The E-commerce website that you select for the Marketing Plan can be a real company or one that you create for the purpose of the assignment. This can be a business-to-consumer company, or a business-to-business company. You may select any industry of personal interest, as long as the primary business of the company is selling products or services online.
For an existing company or for one that you create, make the assumption that you have a budget sufficient enough to recommend whatever marketing programs you deem appropriate to reaching your target audience.
IMPORTANT: Remember that a Marketing Plan is not a business plan. You do not need to explain how to create a company or an E-commerce website. You do not need to raise capital or make sales projections. Instead, assume that you have a functioning E-commerce site that requires an annual Marketing Plan to sustain your existing business and to expand for the future.
The E-Commerce Marketing Plan
The main focus of this plan is to describe how you will market your e-commerce business to prospects and to customers. While certain principles apply to all E-commerce marketing, tailor your marketing plan to your unique target audience. For example, you would use different online marketing techniques to reach college students than you would to reach older adults preparing for retirement. Your Marketing Plan should provide specific examples of how you can reach your target audience by describing techniques that you can use to achieve these key strategic objectives:
Reach and acquire new customers.
Provide superior service to existing customers.
Encourage regular site visits and additional sales.
Brand your company.
Explain how your company might use many of these or other specific online marketing techniques in order to accomplish the key objectives listed above:
Search Engine Optimization
Paid Keyword Search Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Reciprocal Links
E-mail Marketing
Online Advertising
Social Networking

Grading Rubrics

Your project will be evaluated according to the stated assignment criteria as noted below, and to the degree that your E-Commerce Marketing Plan demonstrates mastery of TCOs and E-commerce best practices, as discussed in our course. Make sure you include both strategic principles and specific tactical examples of online marketing techniques that will improve the customer experience and build customer lifetime value.
While the contents of an E-commerce Marketing Plan are unique to each company, here is the suggested outline for your Course Project. Your outline might differ slightly depending on your chosen company, but should cover these key areas (the percentages by each one show the relative importance of each section):
Category Points % Description
Course Project Topic (Week 1) 10 3 Submit the name of the company or product you selected for your e-Commerce Marketing Plan using the form found in Doc Sharing
One-page Outline
(Week 3) 20 6 Submit a detailed outline for our e-Commerce Marketing Plan
Project First Draft
(Week 5) 40 13 Submit a draft of your e-Commerce Marketing Plan. A Draft is an almost done paper.

Final Marketing Plan
(Week 7) . . Submit Final Copy of your e-Commerce Marketing Plan.
Executive Summary 25 8 A brief description of your eBusiness with a short summary of your marketing niche and Unique Selling Proposition.
Market Summary/Target Audience(s) 100 31 A description of the main market you serve and the details of the target markets that you plan to reach (demographics, psychographics, lifestyles, unique characteristics, trends, etc.)
Specific Marketing Strategies 100 31 The heart of your plan, showing how you will use specific online marketing techniques (as noted above) to successfully market your E-Commerce business.
Summary 25 8 Finally, your plan should incorporate a wrap-up of your ideas by summarizing key thoughts, goals, strategy, and implementation. How you plan to meet timing objectives should also be summarized at this time. Also, recommendations as to future enhancements and additions can be part of this last section.
Total 320 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Due Dates:-

Week 1, you must submit the name of the company or product that you are selecting using the form found in Doc Sharing.
During Week 3, submit a one-page outline about your marketing plan.
During Week 5, submit a draft of your e-Commerce Marketing Plan.
Week 7, Your Final Marketing Plan is due.

(Branding & Online Marketing)

you formulate a plan to brand a product or service associated with your health care organization (or to brand the organization itself), and to market online. If there is currently an existing branding strategy in place, then describe how you would improve upon it. If branding is not currently used, then describe how it could be done. In either case, justify why branding would (or would not) be appropriate or effective.

Customer is requesting that (Dhj2385) completes this order.

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Type: Research Paper

RDI/EDEXCEL Level 5 BTEC Higher Nationals Programme: Business Management Module : Marketing Principles Assignment Date for Submission: 14th November 2011 Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this unit, a learner will: LO1 Understand the concept…

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12 Pages

Club Promoters - Strategic Keys

Words: 3720
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

I am looking to write a marketing text book that explains how a Club promoter runs his business. Most club promoters make over $1000 a night, all based off…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Ford Mustang the Strength of the Mustang

Words: 1253
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

*** REQUEST WRITER/ *** BRANDED PRODUCT: FORD MUSTANG Continue to work on the SWOT Marketing Analysis for your branded product (good or service). For this aspect of your SLP, you are…

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13 Pages
Essay a Strategic Assessment of Amazons' E-Strategies

Words: 4490
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Attached is the assignment Task 1. Kindly do the following: 1. READ THE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA given below and try to answer the questions to meet the assessment criteria 2.…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Business Manager 0668 Transactions Process Tools for

Words: 2701
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As a business manager, you will often be asked to evaluate and expand current business and marketing models. For this task, you will be selecting a business that has…

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2 Pages

Advertising Case Study Cardinal Health Advertising This

Words: 709
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Cardinal health is my company : SLP 3 In this SLP, your assignment is to examine the elements related to the promotion in your branded product's marketing strategy. For information regarding…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Starbucks Brand Name SWOT Develop Information Explains

Words: 1215
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment: Develop information that explains the Strengths and/or Weaknesses of the Starbucks brandname and Opportunities and/or Threats to the financial future of the product. For information regarding the promotional…

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2 Pages

Social Media Modern Social Networking

Words: 712
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Using all the sources, below, synthesize relevant information into 4-6 paragraphs. Examine the sources collectively for similarities and differences, and note patterns that emerge. Organize your synthesis around those…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Product Analysis Tennis World Is an E-Commerce

Words: 816
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Please Complete this Project Topic Form below:- Due Dates:- Week 1, you must submit the name of the company or product that you are selecting using the form found…

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3 Pages

Massachusetts General Has Been Facing

Words: 1116
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

(Branding & Online Marketing) you formulate a plan to brand a product or service associated with your health care organization (or to brand the organization itself), and to market online.…

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