Online Market Essays Prompts

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Merger Activity Due in Large

there is my proposal and in the second part you will find what you need to do thanks

first part

Table of Content

1. Titlepg2

2. Introduction.pg2

...3. Research Aim, Questions and Objectives..pg2

4. Literature Review...pg3

4.1. The types of Merger and Acquisitionpg3
4.2. The reasons for the companies to merge.pg3
4.3. Overview of Merger and Acquisition activity in United Kingdom..pg4

5. Methodology pg4

5.1. Research Approach.pg5
5.2. Research Design..pg6
5.3. Method of data collection.pg6
5.3.1. Documentary data...pg6
6. Markov-Switching Model of Merger waves...pg7
7. Resources..pg7
8. Discussion of access and ethical consideration.pg7
8.1. Access..pg7
8.2. Ethical consideration.pg7

1. Title

A"The reasons behind waves of Mergers and Acquisitions in United Kingdom

2. Introduction

The main goal of companies nowadays is to maximize the shareholders value. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is through merger or acquisition. Merger is defined as the process where the shareholders of two or several companies decide to merge into a single company. Acquisition is defined as the process where the shareholders of one company buy the ownership of another company or its assets. The increase in merger and acquisition (M&A) activity has generated a new phenomenon, which is merger wave. This phenomenon has been first observed in United States, then in United Kingdom and recently in other European countries. This dissertation will focus on the merger wave in the United Kingdom.

3. Research aim, Questions and Objectives
The basic aim for this dissertation will be to identify the causes of waves of M&A in UK. This research is relevant as it will improve our understanding of merger waves as the factors which triggers the waves are not fully understood although different theories have been identified. In addition, this research will create greater awareness about the history of merger waves in UK.
Based on the research aim, we have framed the following research questions and objectives for this dissertation.

Research Questions Research Objectives
What are the different types of M&A? To identify the types of M&A
Why do companies do merge? To identify the reasons of merge
What are the different M&A waves in UK? To identify the M&A waves which happened in UK
Is there a relationship between these M&A waves? To compare these waves

4. Literature Review
The scope of the literature review is to examine the types of merger and acquisition. To study the motivations for companies to merge and acquire in the UK. Finally the literature review will look at the different wave of M&A in UK and evaluate them.

4.1. The types of Mergers and Acquisitions
There are various types of merger and acquisition. The classification has been done on the basis of functional relationship between two companies and the economic impact of the merger on their operations (Tanriverdi, H & Uysal, V: (2010).
There are three main types of merger. First, the horizontal merger is when two companies from the same industry which are currently in direct competition merge together. It has as advantages to generate substantial economics of scale and result in decrease in the number of competitors in the industry Pawaslar, Vardhana: (2001). The other type of merger is the vertical merger which take place when a company, and perhaps one of their suppliers, join together to be able to offer a contiguous, non-interrupted supply of merchandise to their companies (Craig W. Fontaine, 2007). Finally, the conglomerate merger is when two companies from different industry merge together.

4.2. The reasons for the companies to merge
Merger and acquisition have kept the interest of a lot of academia during this recent year. As they can be really beneficial for the companies involved in these processes. However it is important to note that the merger or take-over activities are not always benefits for the companies. There are different motives behind the mergers and acquisitions. According to Trautwein (1990) the motives can be categorised in different theories, to know efficiency theory, where merger is planned and executed to achieve the synergy, which can be financial, operational or managerial synergy. For example, if a particular company is very good at marketing strategies while some other company is good in operations. If the expertises of both are put together, it produces synergy. This produces a new firm with more powerful features than the individual firms had before. However although the operational and managerial synergies are really benefits for the firms, they have been the object of several critics. According to Kitching (1967) and Porter (1987) these synergies are evasive concepts that are often claimed for merger but seldom realized.
Another theory developed by Trautwein (1990) is monopoly theory, for which the reason to merge is to achieve market power. The monopoly position will allow the firm to reduce the competition, control the market price and cross-subsidize its products. Although providing some advantages to the company, it is important to note that this monopoly theory cannot be applied in horizontal acquisition. In addition, A"under the monopoly theory the competitors stock should rise under an announcement and drop if the merger is challenged (Trautwein, 1990, p5). For Jensen (1984) since the competitors stocks do not fall on the two latter events, the monopoly theory should be rejected. Therefore, the monopoly theory although being cited as one of motive for merger, it faced a lot of critics which weakened this theory.
According to Ravenscraft and Scherer (1987) the fact the managers have better information about the targets value firm than the stock market can be a motive of merger. This is considered as a valuation theory. A"Bidders' managers may have unique information about possible advantages to be derived from combining the target's businesses with their own (Trautwein, 1990, p5). However this theory can only holds in an imperfect market, as in the perfect market all the information are available to the market and no one can take advantage from the information as the price of a company reflects the truly value of the market. Therefore although this theory is relevant, it conflicts with the financial market perfection.

4.3. Overview of M&A activity in the United Kingdom
Mergers and Acquisitions are not a new thing in the United Kingdom. Five different waves have been identified since the late 19th century. The first real wave was in 1960 and coincided with the internationalization of the world economy, the British government decided that the large firms were needed in order to compete effectively in international stage (Owen, 2006). To achieve this, a lot of companies were encouraged to merge. In other hand, the post-war reconstruction had a bg role in this first wave. The second wave peaked in 1972 and was characterized by horizontal mergers (Sudarsanam, 2010) the reason of this wave was the soft legislation which encouraged the merger. The third wave was in 1980, Prior to this time the waves had been mostly about increasing the size of companies but in the 1980s the emphasis changed to the control of corporate assets as a commodity (Owen, 2006). The main trigger of this wave was the Big Bang deregulation of financial services sector in the City of London (Sudarsanam, 2010). In 1990s the UK experienced its fourth merger wave which was also trigger by the deregulation of British industries. The fifth UK wave in addition to the characteristic of fourth wave (deregulation) had the privatization of firms as important stimuli of the wave.

5. Methodology

The methodology will identify the intended research approach and outline the research strategy chosen. The first part of the methodology will develop an appropriate research approach, strategy and design for the dissertation. Providing an overall explanation of methods chosen, whilst giving justification for these choices. The second part, will demonstrate more explicitly the different data collection methods intended in order to achieve the research objectives.

5.1. Research Approach
There are two research approaches that can be taken, the deductive and the inductive approach. To begin with deductive approach, which is the development of theory that will be tested, this approach is applied the most of the time for scientific research. It is considered as the top to down approach:





Then, the induction approach which is focused on building theory. It is considered as the down to top approach:





As the research objective of this study is concerned with the cause of merger wave in the UK. This dissertation will require an inductive approach, because it will allows us to observe the factors preceding the waves, identify the types of M&A during these waves. However this approach can lack of objectivity and validity. Therefore in order to meet these issues related to validity and objectivity. This dissertation will use also the Markov- switching model of merger waves considered by Town (1992) which provide a better portrayal of M&A than simpler formulation.

5.2. Research Design
The way, we are going to answer research questions should be related to the purpose of research. A study can have different purposes such as exploratory, descriptive or explanatory.
The research purpose of this dissertation will be exploratory. Which is a valuable means of finding out what is happening, to seek new insights, to ask question and to assess phenomena in a new light (saunders, p139). This type of research design was chosen as it will allow us to review the work of academic in order to identify the relevant factors that influence the merger wave. And also enable to make a comparative analysis of different waves.

5.3. Method of data collection
There are two types of data: secondary data and primary data. For this study, we are only going to used secondary data. The secondary data is data which has already been collected for some other purpose other than the one under consideration (Webb, 2002). It can be used to provide a backdrop to primary research. Secondary data sources can help avoid unnecessary primary research and can be used to guide researchers throughout primary data collection (Webb, 2002). The secondary data which will be relevant for this study are documentary data.
Documentary data
Journals articles, organisations websites and other published materials which adequately covered the research, will be call frequently to form the literature review for this dissertation. The different journals: the journal of Applied Behavioural Science, journal of Financial Economics, International journal of Industrial Organization, journal of Applied Financial Economics, Quaterly journal of Economics journal of Economic Perspectives will play an important role in the development of review and understanding of the subject on which the research objectives are based.
The websites of Office for National Statistics and Thomson Financial will relevant in the collection of data in order to achieve Markov-Switching model analysis. The work of academia such as Sue Cartwright and Cary Cooper (1996) will be relevant in the identification of reasons of mergers. Gerald Adolph et al (2009) work on the explanation and examination of wave will be useful for this study.

Advantages and disadvantages of secondary data
In the case of this study the main advantages of using secondary data are:
?' The saving in resources, time and money
?' A large amount of data can be overviewed quickly and compared.
As disadvantages:
?' Data should be evaluated carefully due to the fact there are not always of high quality and relevant for research question

6. Markov-Switching Model of Merger Waves
The literature has advanced the idea that mergers follow a wave pattern. We take this casual impression to suggest the presence of two distinct states of merger activity, high and low (Halbheer et al, 2009). We will develop different assumption such as
Assumption: Each period t is accompanied by an unobserved latent state variable. This will be tested by Markov-switching model.

7. Resources
Different resources will be needed in order to achieve this dissertation. The main ones are teesside main library and Business School library, which offer a vast range of books and journals articles related to our research objective. As other important resource is personal computer associated to the internet and Microsoft word program, as it will allow us to get access to some relevant websites and also allow us to type our research. Finally, the time can be considered as crucial factor for this research as we have a time limited to achieve this research.

8. Discussion of access and ethical consideration
For the success of research project, we are going to look at access and ethical consideration.
8.1. Access
As our research will mostly be based on secondary data, gaining access to these data will not be a problem due to our free access to the library and some websites with which the Durham University is registered. However it is important to note that some organizations websites are not free, which can be a barrier to access some data.

8.2. Ethical consideration
Research ethics refer to the appropriateness of our behaviour in relation to the rights of those who become subject of our work (Saunders et al, 2009, p187). As we develop our data collection techniques, we need to consider whether our research method is likely to cause any physical or emotional harm. As example of harm: no respect of cultural values, the no respect of work of academia. In order to deal with ethical issues, as our dissertation is mainly based on secondary data, we will require the consent of the other party before to use the secondary data

second part

Overview of the Project? (8000 words excluding references, bibliography and appendices)
The Project is a piece of work in which you demonstrate your ability to investigate a topical business/management issue or problem which is closely related to your programme of study. Within the project you collect, analyse and evaluate relevant information, draw supportable conclusions based on your findings and make appropriate recommendations.
As such your project could be:
A workplace or organisation-based project
If you can negotiate sufficient relevant access to an organisation, this is possibly an ideal basis for your project as it is a ready and valuable source of primary, live evidence.
Other primary research project
Rather than focussing on a workplace for your project, you may still wish to undertake a project which generates significant and valuable primary research. If you can identify access to the relevant area ofyour research and data sources, this could be a good option for you.

Regardless of which style of project you undertake, your final work needs to demonstrate that you can:
Plan and manage the implementation of your research
Understand the principles/theory underpinning the issue or problem that is being investigated
Identify how to investigate an issue in order to reach a reliable view
Present data and other information in a clear and logical manner using quantitative and/or qualitative methods as appropriate
Critically analyse, interpret and evaluate data and other information
Develop concise and logical arguments
Draw relevant and valid conclusions and make recommendations which are appropriate to the issue or problem


In pursuit of these objectives, your project must contain the following sections and content
An abstract or brief summary
An introductory section outlining the nature and context of the chosen issue or problem
A literature review
A research design (explaining how you have approached the task)
A number of development sections (analysis of findings)
A conclusion and recommendations
A reflection on the research project process

In producing and presenting your Project you must meet the following requirements:
Presentation of the Final Project
It should be typed or word-processed, on A4 unlined paper, on one side only, using Arial font size 12
There should be good margins all round. Remember to allow sufficient space on the left hand side to allow for binding
There should be double line spacing throughout, except where there are long quotations indented in the main text when single spacing is acceptable
Pages should be numbered consecutively through the main text, including tables/charts/ diagrams which are not embodied in the text. Page numbers should be located centrally at the bottom of the page
Any large charts or diagrams should be reduced to A4 size if possible, otherwise folded to A4 size with an allowance for binding
Project Contents
The Project should be 8000 words in length, excluding appendices. The final document should comprise the following headings and content:

Suggested approximate word count of 300 words. A summary of the project aim, research design and methods, findings, conclusions and recommendations. The summary can only sensibly be written after you have drafted all the main chapters.

An optional (unmarked) section in which you can give thanks those who have advised, supported or inspired you.
List in numerical order the headings of the chapters and sub-headings of the main body of the Project with the numbers of the pages on which these chapters and sections begin. You must list all appendices providing details of reference number/letter, title and page number.
List separately, after the Table of Contents, any tables, figures, diagrams or other items used in the main body of the text. List in numerical order and give the title and page number upon which it appears.
The Table of Contents is easy to add at the end, but if you are having difficulty getting started you might want to do the contents page first using the standard chapter headings and add the page numbers later.

Suggested approximate word count of 400 words. A summarised description of what is being studied (e.g. company, industry and/or theory " but do not simply cut and paste from a company website!). Identify the audience, i.e. who the project will be useful to and why it will be useful to them. You should put your project into context, explaining why the project area is important. It will be helpful to identify in this chapter main themes or problems your project is investigating and state why this is an appropriate project for you to carry out. Avoid too much general background information, which may distract your reader from the main issues in the project but ensure that a full context has been given.

Suggested approximate word count of 100 words. Clearly stated and logically derived aim and objectives. It must be clear from your aim and objectives that the project is appropriate to your programme of study and that achievement of the objectives will satisfy the project aim.
Suggested approximate word count of 2,000 words. A discussion of definitions, themes, concepts and debate relevant to your study.

- Select and critically analyse published theory and research which is relevant to your topic. You must cite academic sources to support your discussion.
- Use headings and subheadings to structure your discussion.

This section explains how the literature shaped and influenced your study. You should discuss how you propose to deal with any conflicting issues raised by the literature.
Suggested approximate word count of 1,500 words. Explanation of and rationale for the research design, methods of data collection and analysis, and the range of information sources used. Cite academic references (e.g. textbooks and sources included on the reading list) to justify and enhance the validity of your choices.
- Research design
- Primary and/or Secondary data collection sources, populations, samples.
- Methods you used to collect the data
- Methods you used to analyse this data
- Project management and control:
Resources and associated costs (if any)
Possible limitations (e.g. access, ethical issues, time constraints)
Measures taken to ensure that your project is completed to time and quality
You will have proposed an approach and identified data collection techniques as part of your research proposal so you should be able to draft this chapter at an early stage as this serves to outline your research plan. You should critically reflect on the methodology you have used and include a discussion of why you have chosen the particular approach and techniques. You must include a discussion here of how you will deal with issues of a confidential or ethical nature.
This chapter is a key chapter for the assessors because it explains the methods you have chosen and, in particular, why you have chosen them. Your reasoning should be justified and supported by relevant reading from research texts.

Suggested approximate word count of 2,000 words. This section should analyse the findings of your research. The exact structure is not prescribed and should be
appropriate to context/fit for purpose. The issue to keep in mind is that there should be a logical flow that makes your project easy to read and understand.
Results should be presented with a full discussion and interpretation. It is insufficient just to say what your findings are - you need to analyse what they mean within your work context and fully interpret them. Where you are presenting a lot of numerical data it is important to include a visual representation (e.g. graph) of major results.
Even if your findings are of a qualitative nature you should consider breaking up the text and perhaps emphasising a major point by use of a diagram (e.g. a flow-diagram to illustrate a change or implementation process). You may not refer much to the research literature at this point, but may draw on some subject based reading to support or interpret your findings.
Suggested approximate word count of 600 words. A summary of key findings providing an explanation of their significance
- Logically derived from the foregoing analysis
- Understanding of the significance of the foregoing analysis
Remember that your conclusions must be clearly drawn from your findings. Address the aim and objectives you set earlier in the Project. A common mistake is to include entirely new material in the conclusion. This is not appropriate.
The conclusions should arise logically from what has gone before. This may not be the longest chapter but it should be clear, succinct and encapsulate theimportant issues and findings.
Suggested approximate word count of 600 words. Recommendations for action must be included. These should be expressed in a clear and practical manner. These should be directed to your audience/stakeholders (organisations, managers, researchers) and address issues such as strategy, management decisions, and further research.

Suggested approximate word count of 500 words. A personal reflection on the research project process and on the limitations of the foregoing analysis (how might these limitations affect your results?)
- Did the process of undertaking the project deviate in any way from the proposal? If so, why?
- What did you learn from the process of this research project?
- What are the limitations of the research and how might these limitations have affected the results?
- What might you do differently if conducting future research and/or if you were to do the research again?

In order to write this section effectively it is recommended that you maintain a Project Log Book throughout the duration of your project.
The Appendices should contain supporting documentation, such as detailed results or tables of statistics that support the analysis, but which are too detailed to be contained in the main text. It is important that they complement the main text.
Note that the word count applies to your project chapters not the appendices. You can therefore use the Appendix Section to support and evidence the depth, as well as the breadth of your learning and activity throughout the course of your project. However, you should not include large amounts of additional information in the appendices as they are used to illustrate the discussion, not to compensate for a limited word allowance.
Clearly sectioning and labelling the contents of your Appendix enables you to illustrate and support the material that you refer to in the text of your project in the previous chapters. Contents of the Appendix Section might include, for example a copy of the questionnaire used in a survey or supporting data for quoted results.
Each Appendix should be on a separate page, designated in sequence as Appendix A, Appendix B etc., listed in the Table of Contents and referenced within the main text. Remember to provide references for sources of material used in the appendices where appropriate.
When choosing what to include in the appendices consider the following criteria:
Timely: recent and current
Appropriate: illustrates the points you are making
Relevant: clearly linked to the project
Ethical: you have permission to use it and no- one is compromised by its inclusion
Authentic: real, rather than invented to illustrate the purpose
Annotated: the reason for inclusion is explained
Confidentially protected: protect names of your organisation or individuals and gain their permission to use the example

It is often useful to include entries from your Project Log in the Appendices.

The purpose of the Appendices are to illustrate your project process and are not there to compensate for a limited word number.
Here you must list all the sources you have referred to or quoted in the text. Use the Harvard format. Failure to include a source referred to risks being classed as plagiarism, which is a serious disciplinary issue. The reference list must be one list in alphabetical order by the authors surname (Harvard format).

Please note:
In addition to marks for the quality of content your Project will also be marked on the basis of referencing, bibliography, structure and quality of presentation:

- Adherence to specified criteria for presentation
- Evidence of an appropriate structure
- Correct spelling and grammar and appropriate narrative style
- Evidence of proof-reading to eliminate typographical and other errors
- Correct referencing (Harvard style)

The Fundamental Analysis of Coach Inc. (Financial analysis report) Writing down "Top-down approach security analysis-content for Coach Inc. (Stock symbol: COH)" Using the ten years data analysis this and give the financial report to analysis this company. (The S&P Company?s web site has provided some of the data) Try to create an economic analysis that allowed potential investors to view a comprehensive picture of the desirability of Coach Inc. stock. Be careful about the plagiarism. Thank you~ The report content should be below:

1. Economy (Market) Analysis
2. Industry Analysis
3. Company Analysis
A. Abstract
B. Methodology
C. Brief History of the Company
D. Analysis of Financial Statements (Ratio analysis)
? Liquidity Ratios: Current ratio
? Operating Efficiency: Asset Turnover
? Operating Profitability Ratios: Net profit margin, Return on Equity, and Du Pont
? Risk Analysis: Business Risk and Financial Risk, Variability, and Debt/Equity
E. Application of CAPM and Analysis
F. Estimating the Value of the Company and Analysis
? P/E
? Sustainable Growth Rate
? Investment Decisions
1. Comparing the estimated value to the current market price
2. Comparing the expected rate of return to the required rate
G. Additional Measures of Relative Value and Analysis
? P/BV
? P/CF
H. Measures of Value Added and Analysis
I. Comments and Conclusion

Appendix A: Formulae
Appendix B: Graphs
Appendix C: Tables
Appendix D: Figures

Turkey Burger to in &

Introducing the turkey burger as a new item to the In & Out Burger Menu.

The Marketing Plan should follow this outline:
I. Table of Contents: this outlines the major parts of the rep...ort
II. Executive Summary: this should provide all the information the company's executives need to make a decision without reading the rest of the plan. The summary should include a BRIEF description of the current market, the product to be offered (the turkey burger), the strategy behind the plan, and the budget. Also any other information like how the competitors and channel partners will respond to the firms actions should be summarized. (this should only be a minimum of a half page to maximum of one page long)
III. The Business Challenge: a brief description of the offering and the goals of the plan. This serves as the introduction, describing the offering (the turkey burger) and why the company should invest in it, how it fits into what the company (In & Out Burger) is already doing and further the company's overall business goals. The company's mission statement should be referenced here.
IV. The Market
a. Customers: who are they, and what do they need/want?
b. Company analysis: The firm's strengths and weaknesses relative to this market and the offering (the turkey burger)
c. Collaborators: Include suppliers and/or distributors (relative to where they get current supply, where can they get turkey meat)
d. Competitiors: Who are they, and how are they doing with turkey burger sales? (contribution to overall revenue, information about percentage of sales compared to beef; statistics)
e. Business Climate: includes opportunities and threats created by environmental forces, such as govt regulations and legislations, the economy, and social, cultural and technological forces.
V. The Strategy
a. The strategy: Why did you choose the strategy you did? Include brief discussion of alternatives considered and discarded
b. The offering: provide details on the features and benefits of the offering, as well as pricing options.
c. The communication plan: how will the offering be launched? what will be ongoing communication strategies? this section should be fairly broad and will require collaboration with communication partners, such as the firm's current advertising agency.
d. Distribution: How will the offering be sold? Should specify inventories that need to be maintained in order to meet customer expectations.
VI. Budget
a. Investment: provide details about the budget needed to launch and maintain the offering
b. Return: list both short-term and long-term financial goals; includes a forecast of the product's projected sales, costs, and net income. Projections should include timelines (graphs), such as estimated sales, costs and market potential for one month, two months, six months and so forth.
VII. Conclusion: repeats the highlights. summarize the target market, the offer, and communication plan.
Remind the reader why this plan is the best choice.

Case analysis : InvestorSoft ( it is in upload files)

The deliverable is a consultant?s report, prepared for Chris Bolivar, that that addresses the following questions a) In your opinion, how... attractive is this business opportunity? What key challenges must be overcome? Which of these are likely to be the most problematic and why?

b) Choosing the right target market(s) is a critical marketing decision. What options are available? What issues need to be weighed when assessing the attractiveness of these alternatives? Which segment(s) would you recommend focusing on and why?

c) How would you position InvestorSoft to your recommended target(s)? Your discussion should explicitly consider what these customers need / value, and the relative appeal of alternatives available to them.

d) Describe how you would implement your strategy, being sure to explain / justify all decisions:
o Distribution ? Should InvestorSoft be marketed directly to end-customers, or distributed by third party suppliers?
o Product / Pricing ? How should InvestorSoft be bundled and priced? Be sure to consider issues related to differential pricing and promotional discounting.
o Promotion ? By what means will you inform and persuade your target(s)? Your plan should include explicit discussion of the ?blitz? vs. ?discreet? question raised by Bolivar.

e) Briefly state what outcomes your plan will achieve and consider more proximate measure of success-- i.e. variable that do not constitute an end result but may lead to it ( awareness, brand preference, loyalty)

Evaluation Criteria: Your assignment will be assigned a percentage grade, using the following criteria:
1. Sophistication of analysis ? Does the paper offer a reasonable assessment of the situation? Does it provide the client with new insights, or merely restate information from the case?
2. Soundness of the plan ? Does the plan address key problems? Does it make sense?
3. Quality of support ? Does the paper offer evidence for its assertions and recommendations, or is it largely a statement of personal opinion, with few arguments to support what is being said?
4. Use of marketing concepts ? Does the paper demonstrate good understanding of core marketing concepts (e.g., segmentation, targeting, positioning, value)?
5. Quality of exposition ? Is the paper well written? Does it consist of a well-crafted line of argument or a series of disconnected statements?

New York Presbyterian Hospital

Choose an existing organization, such as a diabetes clinic, cardiac rehabilitation center, prenatal clinic, or hospital. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on the organization of your choice.
Inc...lude the following in your paper:

1. Describe the four Ps (product, price, place, promotion) and explain how and why they are important to the success of the organization.
2. Examine the relationship between the organization?s marketing and its partnerships. Explain how and why those partnerships are valuable to the organization.
3. Determine the target market, including demographics, psychographics, and data from the general area in which the organization is located. Explain why understanding target market is vital to a successful marketing plan.
The paper:
? Identifies an existing organization as a real-life example.
? Describes the four Ps of the organization.
? Addresses the importance of the four Ps to the success of the organization.
? Examines the relationships between the organization and its partnerships.
? Explains the value of partnerships as it relates to health care marketing.
? Describes the organization?s target market including demographics, psychographics, and data from the general area in which the organization is located.
? Explains why understanding the target market is vital to a successful marketing plan.
? The paper is 1,050 to 1,400 words in length.
? The content is organized, develops a central theme or idea, is comprehensive, and flows logically.
? Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.
? Sentences are clear, well constructed, strong, and varied.
? Major points are clear and specific examples are used.
? The paper?including the title page, reference page, tables, and any appendices?is consistent with APA guidelines as directed by the facilitator. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
? Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

Mini-Paper 2 - APPLE Inc.

Assess a firm of your choice and the way it is organized internationally in order to exploit global or regional advantages yet remain responsive to local conditions.... Identify the firm you have selected and summarize how it has been internationally organized over the past five years. Assess the structure and modus operandi of the firm in relationship to its objectives to exploit global (or regional) advantages, while remaining responsive to local conditions. Does the firm have the resources to compete internationally? Provide your strategic recommendations for the firm to become a market leader in the next five years.

Mini-Paper Format (APA format)

? Submitted in 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman, and double-spaced with 1-inch margins
? The report should incorporate correct form, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and communication skills
? Each paper should be well-organized and well-written (should not be more than four (4) pages in length)

Remember to have a title page with RUNNINGHEAD:MINI PAPER 2 -LEFT MARGIN. PAGE NUMNERING TOP RIGHT CORNER OF EACH PAGE. Center the title of your paper: For example: Mini Paper 2 -The Case of Apple, Inc. This IS followed by your name, course number/name, instructor's name, date of submission.

Page 2 - This time because it is a paper and not a case analysis, it should be Abstract and not Executive Summary.

It should be obvious that the theme of this paper fits chapter 7 Strategies for Competing in International Markets. Therefore, it is my hope that in setting the theoretical context in the introductory paragraph you would address succinctly the strategies for competing in international markets. This is followed in the second paragraph by assessing a firm of your choice and the way it is organized internationally in order to exploit global or regional advantages yet remain responsive to local conditions.

In paragraph 3 - Summarize how the company has been internationally organized over the past five years.

In paragraph 4 - Assess the structure and modus operandi of the firm in relationship to its objectives to exploit global (or regional) advantages, while remaining responsive to local conditions.

In paragraph 5 - address the question: Does the firm have the resources to compete internationally?

In paragraph 6 -Provide your specific strategic recommendations for the firm to become a market leader in the next five years. The recommendations must be well explained and not just a list

In paragraph 7 -you conclude. In conclusion ....

Followed by the reference page in alphabetic order

Please do not copy an existing case, but your paper must be a reflection of your research and reading.

The following FOUR issue to be addressed in the paper.

1. Identify the firm you have selected and summarize how it has been internationally organized over the past five years.

2. Assess the structure and modus operandi of the firm in relationship to its objectives to exploit global (or regional) advantages, while remaining responsive to local conditions.

3. Does the firm have the resources to compete internationally?

4. Provide your strategic recommendations for the firm to become a market leader in the next five years.

first goal is to write a well-focused, unified, coherent, informative essay. develop relevant reasons and examples, statistics, and opinions from authorities. You must derive this supporting informati...on not only from your own life experience and observations but also from research in appropriate scholarly and expert sources such as specialized magazines, scholarly and professional journals, books, newspaper reports, interviews, and other specialized documents.

Your thesis for this paper will essentially be an answer to some of your research questions. You primary questions will most likely be:

1. What are the causes or effects of X?
2. What is the significance of X?

The answer to these questions will become your thesis.
Cause and Effect papers analyze the significance of a subject. The significance is related by identifying immediate connections and indirect connections.

1. Determining the cause of a problem or the meaning of an event

2. Seeing an issue from a new point of view

1. What do you, the writer, know about the subject?
2. What do your readers know?
3. What do you want to know?

These questions will help you identify gaps in your knowledge. From these, you can develop research questions that will direct your research.

1. Identify Immediate causes/effects

2. Identify indirect causes/effects

Required Sources:
1 Book (you may use print books or an e-book from Net Library or another online database).
1 Magazine or Newspaper (You may use NC Live for this)
2 Other Sources (these can be credible internet sources)?try Google Scholar or just use NC Live
Any additional needed research?in other words, you can have more than 4 sources

MLA in-text documentation
MLA Works Cited page

Explain the various concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning by writing about a company.
Show how macro and micro environment influences marketing. The segmentation criteria this company uses for different products in different markets. Which targeting strategy they use for selected products or services. Demonstrate how buyer behavior affects their marketing activities.How do they propose new positioning for selected product or services
Please write in report format. Number each page at the bottom right of each page.
Harvard referencing.Include bibliography at the end of the essay.
Please do not write your user name/code on every pages.
mail directly to my email

Select a publicly traded corporation for which you would like to work or are currently working.
Research the corporation on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Ex...change Commission EDGAR database (, in the University's online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Write paper in which you:
1.Determine the impact of the company?s mission, vision, and primary stakeholders on its overall success.
2.Analyze the five (5) forces of competition to determine how they impact the company.
3.Create a SWOT analysis for the company to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
4.Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats.
5.Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability.
6.Outline a communications plan the company could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders.
7.Select two (2) corporate governance mechanisms used by this corporation and evaluate how effective they are at controlling managerial actions.
8.Evaluate the effectiveness of leadership within this corporation and make at least one (1) recommendation for improvement.
9.Assess efforts by this corporation to be a responsible (ethical) corporate citizen and determine the impact these efforts (or lack thereof) have on the company?s bottom line. Provide specific examples to support your response.
10.Use at least five (5) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
?Determine ways in which the vision, mission, and stakeholders of a firm impact that firm?s overall success.
?Identify how the six segments of the general environment affect an industry and its firms.
?Identify the five forces of competition.
?Analyze the external environment for opportunities and threats that impact the firm.
?Analyze the internal environment of a company for strengths and weaknesses that impact the firm?s competitiveness.
?Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm.
?Predict ways in which corporate governance will affect strategic decisions.
?Assess the relationship between strategy and organizational structure.
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in business administration.
?Write clearly and concisely about business administration using proper writing mechanics.

I already sent you the assignment, guidance from my lecture and sample assignment from my friend, he got 70% mark of this subject in last semester. A mobile phone company that I will choose is APPLE iPHONE and the chosen market is the U.S ; I think this is easier for the writer and me because information about this company & American market is a lot and quite easy to research. As a return customer, my requirement are that all information that you quote must be from official source like: official website of Apple, books, ebooks, journal articles from Science Direct, etc, Database from euromonitor, keynote ... and articles from prestigious internet newspapers like: Bloomberg, Financial times, wall street journal, guardian, cnn, government's site, etc in order to quote data or update the news about the company but not every website on the internet!
Please write it in Undergraduate-last year level
And all papers must be origin from the professional writer not just paraphrase from other sources/assignments because it will be checked plagiarism by a software and I will use it as an instruction to rewrite my assignment !
Thanks for your helps!

Marketing Instructions:

Answer these questions two pages for each question: The company we are analyzing is Apple.

1) Business Environment: What factors in the business environment impact the company at this time?(today) How do they impact the company?

2) Segmentation-targeting-positioning: How is the market segmented? What segment(s) are being targeted by the firm? Why? How is the firm positioning its product/service in order to appeal to the target market? Does this position make sense given the target market(s)?

In this analysis employ marketing tools/terms.

Business Plan for an Imaginary

Use APA formatting.
No Abstracts needed.
Must provide 2 references minimum for each section (1-8) for a total of 16 references.
All references must be credible sources.
5 of 16 referen...ces must be cited from textbooks.
Total 4750 words minimum (not including references)

This is a capstone paper in business and management that includes the gradual development of a comprehensive and integrative business plan.

This paper should demonstrate critical thinking, effective communication, leadership, and global awareness in the area of Management, marketing, accounting, finance, economics, global perspectives, law, and political issues.

1. Overview for the Capstone Project The Capstone Project will consist of the creation of a market entry or a market expansion plan. A new software company XYZ (specializing in Operation Systems) will be the business for this capstone paper.

Create an Overview draft (500 words maximum)
Briefly describe the context of an imaginary software business ( Specializing in - Operation System like Microsoft, Linux, Mac OS).
Articulate the vision, mission, and strategy of the organization (or business unit or division).
Describe the sources of competitive advantage
Describe the nature of the business opportunity

2. Environment Analysis and Industry Analysis for the Capstone Project . Based on the organization selected, write the Environmental Analysis and Industry Analysis sections of the Capstone Project

Environmental Analysis and Industry Analysis
Using the Segments of the General Environment write the environmental analysis of your Capstone Project (500 word maximum.)
Incorporate the Five Forces of Competition to help write the Industry analysis of your Capstone Project.
Use the CAGE model (if you are entering global or international markets) applicable) to help you write the industry analysis of your Capstone Project.
What do you see as being the trends, outlook or forecast for the type of organization that you are writing about in your Capstone Project?

3. Based on the organization, write a Marketing Plan.

Marketing Plan for the Capstone Project
Based on the organization selected, write a (750 to 1000 words) Marketing Plan.

What is the size of the potential target market?
Describe the 4Ps of marketing in the organization (product/positioning, pricing, promotion, and placement)?

4. Organizational Plan for the Capstone Project Review the "Capstone Project" document. Based on the organization selected for this module, you will write an Organizational Plan.

Organizational Plan
Based on the organization selected, for this module write a Organizational Plan (750 word maximum) that addresses the following:

Describe who will comprise the management team and what talents or skills each of the team members will bring to the organization. Include a simple organizational chart.
Outline a McKinsey 7-S Assessment/Model as it applies to your business.
Describe the Business level strategy and how it fits with the corporate level strategy.

5. Operational Plan for the Capstone Project Review the "Capstone Project" document. Based on the organization selected, write an Operational Plan (500 words maximum).

Operational Plan
Based on the organization write a (500 word maximum) Operational Plan that addresses the following (guidelines):
What is the supply chain for your prospective organization? Where does your organization bring value in this supply chain?
Who are your main partners and suppliers? What are their locations? What is your contingency plan?
How will you optimize operational effectiveness in your organization? How will you ensure your firm is lean?
Consider your operational plan from a value chain perspective and identify and discuss the primary and support activities.

6. Project Review the "Capstone Project" document. Based on the organization selected, write a Financial Plan (500 words maximum plus spreadsheet(s) that addresses the following guidelines:

Create a Pro Forma income statement for your organization if applicable.

What will be your financial break-even point?

Calculate the COGS for your organization.

How will you use financial information to help you craft your business strategy?

What key financial ratio will you be using to measure the performance
of your organization to determine success?

Use Microsoft Excel for all computations where applicable. Ensure
that the Excel file includes the associated cell computations in order
to receive full credit. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines. An abstract is not required.

7. Critical Risks Assessment and Milestones Schedule for the Capstone Project Review the "Capstone Project" document. Based on the organization you have
selected, this week you will write a Critical Risk Assessment and Milestones Schedule (500 words maximum plus a spreadsheet).

8. Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship for the Capstone Project
Based on the organization you have selected, write a (500 word maximum) Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship section that addresses the following topics:
What is your sphere of influence in your organization? Based on this, what impact can you have on the implementation of your business plan?
What is your own bias?
What hurdles do you anticipate?
What leadership style(s) will you have to demonstrate? Where do you fall short?
What are your strengths and weaknesses as it relates to your business?
How can you impact and influence others and your future organization to deliver the results you expect?

Final Revised Capstone Business Plan Project Revise the Overview written into an executive summary of business plan. Include a few sentences to describe each section of the business plan so the reader can understand what will follow in the detailed sections of the plan. Integrate the plans components developed in each module into a finalized strategic business plan.

9. Executive Summary
Revise the Overview of the initial Executive Summary of business plan.
a) Include a few sentences to describe each section of the Business Plan so the reader can understand what will follow in the detailed sections of the plan.

10. Finalize the Strategic Business Plan
Ensure Integrate plan components are developed in each section and present in a finalized Strategic Business plan.

Google - Paper 9
APA - 12 font - Times New Roman

1. Conduct an analysis of Wal-Mart?s External and Internal Environments. From the two analyses, develop a comprehensive... list of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat (SWOT). Use the tables provided below.

External Opportunities External Threats

Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses

2. What is Wal-Mart?s Generic Business-Level Strategy? Support your response. Conducted an analysis of Wal-Mart?s Internal Environments. From the analysis, the graduate student presented an accurate, specific list of Strengths (S) and Weaknesses (W). The S & W there presented in the table provided.

3. Based on analyses of Wal-Mart?s external and internal environments, outline primary factors influencing Wal-Mart?s generic business-level strategy. Organize these primary factors by Stakeholder Group (see Chapter 1). Use the three matrixes below in your response:

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

4. From Wal-Mart?s generic business-level strategy ONLY, Evaluate Wal-Marts? potential for success given the strategic input from the Stakeholder Group analyses above. Used the information from the SWOT analyses to online primary factors influencing Wal-Mart?s three stakeholder groups. The stakeholder groups? strength weaknesses, opportunities, and threat. there presented in the table provided

5. This is a two part requirement: First, based on your completed analyses of Wal-Mart?s U.S. business-level strategy, what list three strategic issues Wal-Mart must address. Support your response.

Second, present two recommendations for strengthen Wal-Mart?s competitive advantage.



Barley, F., Bragg, D., Dawson, M., Shah, H., Sillanpaa, B., & Sleeper, N. (n.d.). Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Arizona State University.

Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D. & Hokisson, R. E. (2011). Strategic management: Competitiveness & globalization concepts & cases (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Thank you



You will remember that the lecture stated that job analysis is the foundation of an effective human resource department. Job analysis is heavily dependent on data, however. As a, HR professionals need reliable sources of information to perform a job analysis effectively.

The website for this assignment is hosted by the Department of Labor. It has been included in this course, because it is a database that contains comprehensive information on job requirements and worker competencies. (O*NET replaced the Dictionary of Occupational Titles [DOT]. Human resource professionals frequently used the DOT in the past in the performance of their work.)

Here are several tips for successfully completing this case study.

Be sure to allow yourself up to 3 hours to complete this exercise. (In other words, do not wait until the last minute to complete this assignment, because it requires some work.)
Explore the site fully as explained below, and feel free to do further exploration beyond the steps that are required to get a full understanding of the utility of this site.
Be sure to answer each question and fully explore your thoughts. Point deductions will be made for incomplete answers.
Your answer for EACH question must be within the range of 250 to 350 words (use MS Word's word count feature on the Review tab to ensure that your answer is not too brief or too verbose). Be sure to answer each question fully, because you are subject to point deductions for incomplete answers. Use 1.5 line spacing. Please remember that you will be using information supporting your position from sources such as our textbook, articles, and the Internet. You MUST use proper APA citations and references. Also, do not rely too heavily on borrowed material. It should NOT dominate your work. Point deductions will occur if more than 15% of the answer is borrowed. I want to read YOUR thoughts on these questions.

Below are the steps to take and the questions you are to answer.

View this website when working on this week's assignment:
O*NET Resource Center

Copyright 2012, U.S. Department of Labor. O*NET website used with permission.

Web Navigation Steps

First, familiarize yourself with O*NET by reviewing the information provided on the About O*NET page.
Select the Content Model link, and review the conceptual model underlying this project.
Return to Home (by clicking on the O*NET logo at the top of the page) and select the Visit O*NET OnLine link.
Go to the My Next Move and enter an occupation you are familiar with (e.g., one you have held or hope to hold) in the keyword search box, or use the Industry search feature if you prefer.)
Select the Search or Browse button.
Select the occupation that best matches what you are looking for (or use other search terms until you find something that interests you) and review all of the data provided for that position.

After completion of these navigation steps, proceed to complete the assignment by discussing the learning questions below.

Learning Questions

How easy was it to find the specific occupation you were looking for, and how comprehensive was the information provided about that occupation?
What did you think of the occupations O*NET suggested as matching your skills? Was the occupation you are in or preparing for among those listed?
As an HR professional, how could O*NET be useful in conducting a job analysis? Explain specifically how you would use the data from this site to assist your organization.
As a director of human resources, would you have your staff use this site? Why or why not?

This assignment is NOT about reporting about the specifics of the job you researched but about your experience on the O*NET website as specified in the four questions above. Remember, use quotation marks and source info even if using a snippet from the O*NET site.

You must NUMBER your responses on your assignment. You do not need to repeat the questions above. Please title your assignment with your LAST NAME and week number (for example, SmithWeek1.docx).

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.

I will grade your assignment and post the grade and comments in the Gradebook. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Note! Please use APA formatting in your papers this term. There is an APA handbook and tutorial links in the syllabus. Our online librarians and Tutor Source are also good places for APA help. Or, try The APA guide video in THElHUB.


We need you to review the article, analyze it, critcize it , and provide recommendation.

Please concentrate on the main article named " Stock Price and Volume Relation in Emerging Markets " by LOKMAN GNDZ AND ABDULNASSER HATEMI-J as your main source of information.

you may use the other attached articles to enhance your findings.

There are faxes for this order.

The company I chose is Insignia Systems, Inc and the target country is Canada.

Everything shown below is an email I got from my instructor:

Course Objectives: To identify and assess ...the competitive drivers (political, technological, market, cost) that are pushing domestic firms to become more internationally aware and engaged in their operations. Topics to be covered will include, but not be limited to:
Theoretical principles and day-to-day practices of firms doing business internationally, with particular reference to major world market/sourcing/investment regions:
A. The European Union
B. Latin America
C. East, South East and South Asia
D. Others as needed (student choice)
International business management practices; effective trade and investment strategies.
Practical research skills needed to critically analyze and use international data to help make better management decisions in an increasingly global business environment.

Your Plan should clearly show an appreciation for and understanding of the scope and limitations of business theories and practices, including legal and ethical aspects, as applied to trade and investment decision-making when doing business across borders ??" in other words, your Plan should incorporate theory as appropriate to the practical problem-solving of issues faced by your chosen company operating in your target country.

Contributing to the structure and content of your Plan are the topic areas identified for the next six weeks on your syllabus:

The Realities of Doing Business Internationally

I Industry/Company Current & Forecast Domestic Conditions [Your own company/industry U.S.-specific research]
II Industry/Company Current & Forecast International Conditions [Your own company/industry target country-specific research]
III The Strategic Plan: Aims and Objectives [Your own company-specific research]
IV Getting There ??" Tactics [whatever is appropriate to your company/country ??" the PPT slides I posted on the course D2L site should help ??" Ill add more as I see fit]
1. Basic Market Entry Methods: Exporting, Licensing, JVs, Alliances, etc. ??" Costs & Benefits
2. Advanced Market Entry Methods: Mergers / Acquisitions / Investment ??" Costs & Benefits
3. Offshore Outsourcing/Production

- Also, I have to refer to this book "Global Business Positioning Ventures Ahead" by Michael R. Czinkota and IIkka A. Ronkainen for information and pointers.

Read the attached case study (from International business 12th ed.) by Daniels, Radebaugh and Sullivan (published by Pearson).

Then answer the 2 questions bellow which are equally weighted. ...You are advised to read other sources (especially academic journal articles) to supplement your work and to engage in analysis rather than description. Add bibliography at the end of your answer. The work should be an essay form.

This assignment is concerned with the following learning outcome.( Analyze the global environment of business by examining the economic, technological, cultural and social, political and legal factors that shape such an environment)

NO spelling or grammatical errors

The following questions should be answered:

1) What might prompt Hilfiger to sell on an international basis rather than focusing purely on the domestic market?

2) What factors have led to higher prices in Europe than in the United States for Hilfiger merchandise? What problems might Hilfiger encounter by having higher prices in Europe rather than in the United States?


Daniels, J.D., Radebaugh, L.H. and Sullivan, D.P. (2009) International Business: Environments and Operations.12th edition, Pearson.

Hamilton, L. and Webster, P. (2009) The International Business Environment, Oxford University Press.

Morrison, J. (2009) International Business: Challenges in a Changing World, Palgrave MacMillan.

Rugman, A.M. and Collinson, S. (2009) International Business. 5th edition, Pearson.

Wild, J.J., Wild, K.L. and Han, J.C.Y. (2010) International Business: The Challenges of Globalization. 5th edition, Pearson.

Griffin, R.W. and Pustay, M.W. (2007) International Business: A Managerial Perspective. 5th edition, Pearson.

There are faxes for this order.

please use simple English because I am an ESL student.

Please only use academic published books, journals and other reliable sources. No unreliable web source is allowed, except the well-esta...blished academic organization or government websites(no more than five).

Pleas also make the table of contents,many small sections, and page number

The final dissertation questions name is how can we make profit through investing on Stock Market. This is the overall title of the final dissertation. In fact, about this dissertation I am going to create a not real case, but similar to real thing. Here, I need to explain it in detail.

The fictitious case:

Ruby Carmine, a banker of a branch of HSBC, she owns 10,000 deposit in her account as an idle capital. Now she would like take this money to invest on stock market. As far as she has known that in order to avoiding investing risk she should separate this amount money into several parts. For easily calculation, she would like equally divided into 4 parts of this amount. It is means that she will invest 2,500 on each sort of share for 4 shares. Then she needs to research what kinds of share she is better invest on. For well knowing about business industry and financial industry, I am playing a role of her colleague to offer her some advices and helps for investing on Stock Market. So I advice her looking at Banks, Financial Services, Life Insurance, Real Estate Investment Trusts, Real Estate Investment & Services, Nonequity Investment Instruments, Nonlife Insurance and Industrial Transportation, these industry sectors. And she will mainly use the official website of London Stock Exchange for checking the share price,

The purpose of this dissertation is well aware of operating of financial market, applying to economics theories and approach to invest on Stock Market and concentrating on new information about financial industry. Because Stock Market is not stable, have highly risk and high return. The highly return always are attracted to lots of investors. But not many people would get profit that they expected, why? I would also concentrate on how to choose a good share, and when should I buy it and sale it. Now I would like simple why we want to invest on Stocks and where can we get the profit from it.
a. we will possible get return from listed company each year, i.e. participate dividend or bonus share.

b. we can exchange it in the Stock Market and get profit through difference of sale price and buy price.

c. we can get equity capital expansion when the performance of quoted company increased and the scale of operation become large.

d. the amount of investment is flexible. Comparing futures with real estate, we do not need too much capital. Because of the diversification of share price, investors can choose the affordable shares to invest.

e. if we need money immediately, then we can sale the shares intraday. So the next exchange date we can receive the capital of shares. Comparing with real estate, it is easy to change it to cash.

f. during the inflation, good shares can help us to avoiding that currency to be depreciation.

I must know about several factors before I buy this share.

a. what is the main services in this company
b. how this company operate in the past
c. industrial trends is rise or fall.
d. the share price trend of company in the past, etc.

Stock market analysis includes fundamental analysis and technical analysis. The fundamental analysis mainly study what factors will influence the changing relationship of demand and supply. It analysis the national macroeconomics factors, stock market policies, the various circumstance of quoted company and other information are possible to affect the changes of stock market as reference to stock investment for help investors justify the future development trends of stock market. And it conducts investors to choose the right time to buy shares in stock market and choose the quoted company which can get higher profit from it to invest.

I am learning Managerial economics, economics of financial and investment and monetary economics. I want apply these knowledge that I learned so far to help this dissertation. Define economics factors, politic factors, companys factors, industrial factors, market factors and psychological factors would influence stock market and shareholders.

I am going to advices her make short term investment for about 3 months from 1st Dec to 28th Feb. And I will also outline tables in my dissertation about my plan timetable and relevant details about shares. So I will help her to choose 4 shares from different financial industry before 1st Dec and buy through using 2,500 for each share. Meanwhile, I will help her to concern the share price and record the intraday share price, and explain why the share price goes up and goes down and find out more key turning point to explain what happens make this big changes on this share. The most important is analysis the researching information about share or company circumstances and make further forecast for future trends. If the forecast is wrong, I would like research information why I did wrong. Finally I will calculate the profit and loss in this investment and summary why this is fail or success. Then I will outline which theories and formula is useful in practical stock investment.

Antigua Guatemala Coffee

I need a business plan for an international business located in Guatemala exporting Guatemalan coffee to Japan specifically and international as well.

<> International Business Plan Template

1. Executive Summary

Nature of the opportunity

Scope of the opportunity

Why this opportunity?

Why this country?

Financing requirement

Risk assessment

Return on investment

Request for action

2. Nature of business

Summary description

Corporate mission statement (if any)

Corporate history:

? Founders

? When established

? Key milestones

Core competencies:

? Product

? Process

? Technology

? Service

? Operations

? Other

3. Customer Profile

Characteristics of users:

? Age categories

? Occupations

? Income levels

? Other distinguishing features

Who makes the purchasing decision (if different from users)?

Spending patterns of buyers:

Place of product in spending

Disposable income

Factors influencing purchase:

? Price

? Quality

? Features

? Time to market

? Reliability of supply

? After-sales service

? Fads and trends

? Other

4. Current market

Total domestic market for product or service:

? By value

? By volume

? Current and projected trends

? Geographical distribution

Company?s share of domestic market:

? By value

? As a percentage

? Current trends

Company?s foreign markets (if any):

? By value

? By country

? Current trends

5. Description of product or service

What is the need it fills?

Technical description

Distinguishing features differentiating product or service from its competition.

Expected life cycle of current offering:

Can it become obsolete or is overtaken by replacement offerings?

Renewal strategy

? Quality improvements

? Enhanced features

? Replacement offerings

6. Marketing Strategy

Significant trends in the marketplace

? Demographic and social changes

? Macroeconomic factors

? Technological developments

? Regulatory changes

Emerging opportunities for the company

Marketing objectives:

By volume

By market share

By characteristics of target market

Marketplace positioning

Pricing strategy

7. Sales activities

Available resources:

? Internal sales staff

? External sales force (e.g. agents, distributors)

? Sales budget

Sales tactics:

? Promotional techniques

? Special offers

? Unique features of sales approach


8. Intellectual property

Proprietary technologies embedded in the product or service

Proprietary production processes

Patents held

Trademarks, trade names, copyrights, etc.

R&D capabilities

Current R&D activities

R&D objectives

9. Operations

Plant or premises:

? Size

? Location

? Features

? Ownership

? Applicable leases


? Description

? Age

? Applicable leases


? Maximum capacity

? Current utilization

Cost of overheads:

? Materials

? Labor

? Administration

? Rents, leases and utilities

? Marketing and sales

? Other


? Current levels (by number)

? Estimated value

10. Human resources

Number of employees

Functional areas:

? Number in each area

? Skill requirements by area

Educational levels

Gaps in available skills

Recruitment and training strategy

11. Supplier network

Key inputs required:

? By type

? By value

Current suppliers:

? Name

? Location (domestic or foreign)

? Inputs supplied

? Value of orders

Purchasing strategy:

? Supplier qualification

? Method of ordering

? Special techniques (e.g. Just-in-Time ordering)

? Controls

12. Physical distribution

Distribution requirements:

? Nature of product or service

? Order processing

? Handling and shipping techniques used

? Special requirements

Internal capabilities:

? Storage and warehousing

? Preparation and handling

? Shipping

External service suppliers:

? Shipping and handling

? Carriers

? Insurance

? Name of supplier

? Average annual business volume

13. Financial performance: past five years







Gross sales

Cost of goods

Gross profit

Cost of sales


Pre-tax profit


After-tax profit


14. Financial performance: five-year projection







Gross sales

Cost of goods

Gross profit

Cost of sales


Pre-tax profit


After-tax profit


15. Financial requirements of existing business


Cash flow projection

Case requirement




Key Assumptions

16. Possible financing sources


Commercial lenders


Government sources

Other situations

17. Proposed application of funds


Capacity expansion

Marketing initiatives


18. Ownership and structure

Share structure and owners

Senior management


19. Risk Analysis


? Hedging

? Forward contracts

? Transfer pricing

? Asset valuation


? Expropriation

? Discriminatory treatment

? Repatriation funds

? Political environment


? Credit check

? Dispute mechanisms

? Performance bonds

Project management

? Performance bonds

? Reporting systems

? Decision-making mechanisms



? Private

20. Conclusion and recommendations

21. Appendices: Additional supporting information (prepare list)

Management biographies

Product literature

Letters of reference, awards


Major contracts

Asset valuations

Descriptions of assets

Relevant studies

Financial data:

? Cash flow projection

? Profit and loss statement

? Balance sheet

? Auditor?s report

Antigua Guatemala Coffee Info

Tucked away in a valley and nestled between three volcanoes, lies beautiful Antigua, Guatemala; it is in this climatically diverse region that you will find the local farmers growing some of the world?s finest coffee. This region is perfect for cultivating coffee; with ample rainfall, elevations reaching 4,600 feet, and a constant humidity of 65%, it makes absolute sense for coffee to be the number one industry in Guatemala.

This highly rated and well-known gourmet coffee is light-medium roasted to brew into full-bodied coffee with unique smoky and chocolaty undertones. Richly complex and well-balanced, this gourmet coffee from Guatemala has hints of spice in the finish that will please the senses.

25 lbs. Guatemala Antigua Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans

Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans
Guatemala Antigua
? Name: AGAIG
? Origin: Guatemala
? Region: Antigua
? Altitude: 1200-2000
? Processing Method: Washed
? Drying Method: European Prep
Cupping Notes:
Spices,citrus,toasted nuts.
About this Coffee:
Valley Coffee Roasters and Pete have been custom roasting for As Green As It Gets for a few years now. It just seemed funny for us to keep buying our Guatemalan coffee from anyplace else. On August 11 2011 I called AGAIG and now we are buying our Antigua direct from the growers! This is just one of a few coffees I hope to buy direct like this. Remember Direct Trade is getting all of the money back to the growers and IMHO is far better than any Fair Trade Certified coffee.
From As Green As It Gets Site
Our farmers are exporting 21 tons of coffee! This export represents the combined efforts of over 300 people from 64 farming families. From humble beginnings, we have grown from 800 lbs to 42.000 lbs a year, and we're still growing!. Their capital investments continue to grow.
This certified scale weighs legal export weight.

This sewing machine seals each bag in seconds compared to the twenty minutes it takes to sew a bag by hand.

Our farmers have their own export license, export plantation code, FDA registration, tax-payer id number, certified receipts, a legal business entity with board of directors, registered land titles, and a host of legal paperwork to make them bonafide producers and exporters. That?s exciting, but not as exciting as #24378.
This year, the farmers are exporting as Plantation #24378.

That number indicates that the government of Guatemala has recognized them as legal, registered, independent producers and exporters of coffee.

Guatemala History

The golden age and decline of the Maya empire

In 1542, 32 years after Columbus had discovered America, under Pedro de Alvarado the Spanish invaded the region, which now is Guatemala. At this time this region was highly populated by the descendants of the Maya, who, in the years 300 until 900 AD, had known a cultural golden age, in which they had developed a very precise script of words and pictures as well as mathematical and astronomical knowledge. Reasons for the decline of the Maya empire have not been resolved clearly until now. In the opinion of a lot of scientists, an ecological catastrophe destroyed the former flourishing Mayan metropolises that afterwards were overgrown by the rain forest. Therefore, at the time of the Spanish invasion, the Mayan descendants lived in very simple circumstances, pursued agriculture and were in close contact to nature.

"Discovery" of America

By the invasion of the Spanish, the living standards of the Mayas got worse dramatically. They were driven out or forced to work; they suffered from mistreatment, hunger and diseases brought in from Europe. Within a very short time the population of 800,000 reduced to approximately 100,000.

Independence of Guatemala

At the end of the 18th century, resistance was formed by the country exploited by the Spanish Crown which led to independence of Guatemala in 1821. After independence, huge coffee and banana plantations were formed that were led by domestic big landowners and increasingly by foreign companies, e.g. the "United Fruit Company". Politically the country was unstable and subject to dictatorial regimes. The dictatorship of Jorge ?bico (1933 - 1944) can be seen as the climax of the ordinary people's suffering. During this dictatorship all of Guatemala turned into a "big private madhouse", as quoted by a Times correspondent at the time. The Ind?genas, as the Mayan descendants are called today, were deprived of all their rights and tortures and shootings reached alarming and unbearable proportions. In an uprising of the public population, government was removed and nine years of democracy followed.

Under President Juan Jos? Ar?valo, who was elected in 1945, general electoral law was ratified, trade unions were legalized and literacy programmes were carried out. But when Jacobo Arbenz, his successor, wanted to carry out a land reform in which the Guatemalan plantations as well as the United Fruit Company were planned to be expropriated, the government was overthrown with financial help of the US and the support of the CIA in 1954.

Acts of terror and troops of death

During the following decades and with changing governments, the country remained in the hands of the powerful elite that was formed by big landowners, the army and increasingly industrialists. The oppression of a large part of the population was carried on with by extended states of emergency, acts of terror and troops of death.

Policy of the burned ground

At the end of the 70s, the guerrillas began to recruit again after several years of peace. President Romeo Lucas Garc?a, holding office at the beginning of the 80s, tried to fight them by introducing his "policy of the burned ground", which meant destroying whole villages and the killing of a lot of people, mostly of the indigenous population. Garcia?s successor, the religious fanatic Rios Montt, who became president in 1982, was pursuing the same politics more radically. During the 17 months of Rios Montt's dictatorship in Guatemala, the Guatemalan population suffered from the most horrible crimes of the civil war, which lasted more than 36 years: 440 villages were razed to the ground, 50,000 people "disappeared" and more than 100,000 people were killed. Those responsible have not been called to account yet and Rios Montt had immunity as president of the Congress until 2003.

On the way to democracy

Since 1986 Guatemala has been governed by civil presidents, but it wasn't until 1993, when the human rights representative of the government, Ramiro de Le?n Carpio, was called into office as new president, that hope arose on a process of establishing a real democracy. As prisoner between the interests of the army and the economy, he did not achieve any far-reaching reforms either. In 1996 Alvaro Arz? became president. His biggest achievement was the successful conclusion of the peace negotiations, which lasted nearly 10 years and the signing of the final peace contract on 29 December 1996 that put an end to the 36 years of civil war.

The peace contract of 1996

After euphoria, disillusion followed quickly. Until today, economic and political structures remain unchanged and the realisation of a lot of contract issues still are slowed down. In only a few sectors progress had been made, like the reform in the justice system. For a while long prison sentences against members of the army, who were made responsible for the murder of bishop Gerardi four years ago, in the last year, were considered as big results against the general exemptions from punishment. Two days before he was killed, Bishop Gerardi had presented the human rights report on the crimes committed by the army during the civil war. In October 2002, the sentence mentioned above was annulled. Now, after another appeal against this verdict by the defence, this case lies in the responsibility of the constitutional court.

Unfortunately, the death of Bishop Gerardi is not an exception: It is still very dangerous in Guatemala to fight for human rights and to support coming to terms with the dark past of the country. Everyday, activists and offices of human rights organisations as well as a lot of journalists are threatened with death, are attacked and killed in many cases. Obviously, still there are a lot of people (especially in higher ranking positions in the government and army) that are in full consciousness of their guilt and responsibility during the period of the armed conflict and therefore fear any solving of these crimes.

We hope that the peace process, which is stagnating so obviously and only can be seen as a retrograde step in some sectors, will be put on the right track and manifestation of the peace expected will be realised as soon as possible during the following years.
A Short History of Guatemala

Early Mayan civilization and culture began to develop around 2000 B.C., all throughout the territory that we currently know as southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and western Honduras. The first period of Mayan civilization is referred to as the Pre-classic period and it occurred at the same time as the Golden Age of Greece and the conquests of Alexander the Great, lasting until around 250 A.D. The Classic period (following the pre-classic), was contemporary to the fall of the Roman Empire, and covers the years from 250 A.D. to 900 A.D. Following the classic period is the Post classic period from 900 A.D. up until the Spanish conquest of Guatemala in 1524.
The Maya were considered one of the most developed human cultures of their time. They established trade routes throughout the area mentioned above, and also traded with other people in surrounding areas, e.g. with Teotihuacan. The most powerful Mayan cities during the height of Mayan civilization were Tikal, Calakmul, Caracol, Uaxact?n, Yaxh?, Chichen Itz?, El Mirador, Nakbe, Cop?n, Palenque, Yaxchil?n, and Kaminaljuy?. These cities were commercial and spiritual centers. They traded jade, obsidian, quetzal feathers and liquidambar resin from the highlands, seashells, fish and salt from the coast, and cacao, cotton, and macaw feathers from the lowlands. Each city was ruled by a k'ul ajaw, a king of god status, who ruled a united secular and religious realm.

Ball game court in front of the Temple I in Tikal.
Centers of the ancient cities were characterized by plazas, temple pyramids, and ball courts, all designed to model the landscapes surrounding the cities. Pyramids were symbols of the mountains and home to the gods. Ball game courts were symbols for the valleys between the mountains and were considered the entrances to the underworld. The wide central plazas symbolized the surfaces of lakes, which were thought to be the surface of the underworld. Celebrations and sacrificial ceremonies were held on the stage of this sacred landscape (Freidel et al. 1993).
All of the ruins which can be seen today survived under the thick cover of the rainforest for centuries before being uncovered. Today they help us recreate the history of the ancient Maya, together with the arts and crafts and written testimonies carved in stone, written on paper and on pottery. The Maya used the most complex writing system of all American cultures up to their time. They also used an advanced calendar based on exact astronomic observations. Mayan mathematics included the concept of zero and agriculture was dominated by corn, which is still the main base of the Guatemalan diet today.

Itzamn? - Maya god of creation, drawing from Dresden Codex, 1500 A.D. (Post-classic Period).
The late Classic period was characterized by many autonomous city centers that were often in conflict with each other, trying to divide up political territories. The mystery surrounding the collapse of the major Mayan sites in the 9th century continues today. One possible theory is the idea that the uncontrolled exploitation of resources by the Maya (slash and burn agriculture for example), long dry seasons, overpopulation, illnesses, wars, invasions and obstruction of trade routes, depleted the resources needed to support such a large population and caused the civilization to fold upon itself. Either way, what is known is that the main centers of the Classic Period were abandoned and the populations diminished at the end of this period and later on, in the Post classic period, only smaller towns were known to exist around lake Pet?n Itz?. During the late Post Classic period the central towns were Tayasal, at lake Pet?n Itz?, and Topoxt?, at lake Yaxh?.
The long history of the Mayans ruling the majority of Mesoamerica ended with Spain's conquest of their lands. Spain entered to find new lands and resources to exploit and with their conquest they reduced Mayans to smaller populations and established their own cities on top of the Mayan ruins. Thus began three centuries of exploitation by the Spanish of the Mayan people, called the Colonial era, from 1524 to 1821. In 1524 Pedro de Alvarado began the conquest of the geographical area which is now known as part of Guatemala. He founded the first Spanish capital over the Mayan site of Iximch?, the former capital of the Cakchiquel Kingdom. From then on Spain continued to conquer Mayan population centers and defeated the last significant Mayan population in 1697 in Tayasal, capital of the Itzaes of Pet?n. In one of Alvarado's battles Tec?n Um?n was raised to national hero status for his valiant fight against his Spanish intruders.
The name Guatemala was derived from "Quauhtemallan", which means 'place of abundant flowers' or from "Guauthemallan", which means 'place of trees' in the Aztec Nahuatl language. This name was given by the Tlaxcaltecas who came with Pedro de Alvarado to conquer this land. During the colonial time the capital of Guatemala changed location many times due to natural disasters. The capital "Guatemala de la Asunci?n", as it is today, was not named until 1776 after a severe earthquake which destroyed much of the previous capital, the city which is now Antigua Guatemala. During this time trading coalitions were established with Europe and the Catholic Church's influence was solidified throughout the whole country. Even though the Catholic Church tried to impose its beliefs on Mayans, some Maya codices and chronicles, with historical and religious information, were documented, preserved and even translated into Spanish by members of the very same Catholic Church. These members of the church had befriended certain Mayan leaders and were not comfortable forcing their religion upon the Mayans. In the 19th century various indigenous rebellions took place at different points in the country. Out of these rebellions rose another indigenous hero: Atanasio Tzul. He was made famous for leading a rebellion in the Quich? province of Totonicap?n in 1820.

Guatemala's flag and the emblem of liberty in 1821.
In 1821 the Modern Period began with the independence of Guatemala from Spain. A political union of all the countries from Central America took place from 1823 to 1839, known as Central American Federation. The central Government of it was situated in Guatemala, but finally all countries split like we know them today: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. No national currency was declared until 1924. Then the "Quetzal" was introduced, owing its name to the national bird.
Since pre-colonial times the Mayans have always used the slash-and-burn agriculture and it is still the most common method for cultivation of corn, the base of the Guatemalan diet. During and after the Colonial period, Guatemala exported products which had been originally processed by the Mayan people, such as cacao and Spanish Red, which is a dye extracted from cochineal insects. At the end of the 19th century numerous German immigrants came to Guatemala and planted large areas with coffee for exportation. This is how coffee "fincas" or farms originated and today they are still producing some of the finest coffees in the world. The 20th century began with strong investments from the United Fruit Company to establish banana plantations in Guatemala. The company signed a contract with then president Estrada Cabrera to grow and trade bananas, and thus began a decade of strong influences of the banana trade in Guatemalan power politics.
In 1960 a civil war began that lasted for 36 years, taking the life of thousands of Guatemalans, and not officially concluding until the signing of Peace Accords between the government and guerilla forces in 1996. Since the Peace Agreements were signed, their implementation has been given close attention by the international community while the national government has swayed from strong intentions to implement agreements in the accords to a seemingly disinterested stand on the matter. In the face of these fluctuations the country has a long way to go to achieve the goals laid out in this important document.

Guatemala's population is currently at around 13 million people, according to the national census. Guatemala is a multicultural country: 23 Mayan ethnic groups, "ladinos" (a mix of Mayan and Spaniards), and minor groups, which are mainly the Xinca and the Gar?funa. The Mayan population is around 60% of this number. They are settled mainly in the western highlands and in central Guatemala. Rural areas of Guatemala are a stark contrast to the urban centers. Most remote rural villages do not have paved roads, electricity or running water, and education is hard to access. The intensive use of the land in rural areas reflects the fact that agricultural production is still the main economic activity for the majority of the country's population. Some of the most prominent export products produced in Guatemala are: Cardamom, coffee, sugar cane, bananas, flowers and non-traditional goods like macadamia nuts and typical textiles and souvenirs. A significant amount of Guatemala's economy relies on tourism as the country's wildly diverse attractions, both natural and cultural, provide a wealth of attractions for visitors to the country.
One of the traditions in Guatemala which has endured centuries is that of the local markets. Markets are both trading centers and gathering sites and are generally operational only a couple of days each week, when people from a whole region will come to a town center to offer their wares and purchase basic necessity goods for their families. At the major markets one can observe local products and typical clothes from different areas and ethnic groups being bought and sold, since people from numerous small towns gather in the main markets at the same time.

Segmentation and Target Market - 1800 words

Write a white paper on a company of your choice and discuss the market segmentation within that industry along with the target market for the company and the selection process for that target market.

Required Elements:

Include demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral characteristics for the selected company.

A positioning statement for the company with careful consideration of their brand and strategy

Paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Choose one of the following industries: web search engines, videogame players, portable music devices, bicycles, energy drinks, or cell phones. Identify the major firms in the industry and, to the extent possible, determine the market share of each firm. Explain how the firms compete. Discuss any public policies which affect the firms.

Use the internet or library to familiarize yourself with an industry and then create a fictional start-up company that is entering a foreign (non U.S.) market with a good or service. Your fictitious c...ompany may export an existing good or service to a foreign business market (e.g., developing Websites for a foreign firm that targets the U.S. market). You will create a marketing plan for your start-up company.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you :

1.Describe your company and its product in terms of its marketability.
2.Determine the key strengths and weaknesses of your company, as well as the opportunities and threats it faces within its industry.
3.Explain the marketing objectives of your company that are based on the findings of your secondary market research. Your marketing objectives should, at a minimum, address potential customer profile and market segmentation. Explain the manner in which you conducted your secondary market research.
4.Outline the marketing goals in terms of the target market you selected, and describe the manner in which you would use marketing mix to reach that target market.
5.Describe the key method(s) that the company will use to implement the marketing mix that you have developed. The methodology should, at a minimum, focus on the details of the different elements of the market mix and how your company will focus them on the target market.
6.Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Font: Times New Roman
Font-Size: 12 in text and 10 in footnotes
Line Spacing: 1,5
Margins: Left 4cm, Right 2cm, Top 3cm, Bottom 2cm
Page number in the top right side
Text: Block style
Footnotes should be distinguished from the text with a 12 space horizontal bar

2.History of the Rating Market
4.Fitch Group
5.Role in Capital Markets
5.1. Accuracy and Responsiveness
5.2. Explanation of flaws
5.2. Excessive Power
6. Performance Evaluation
6.1.Conflict of Interest
6.2. Evaluation of Ratings

7. Conclusion

Please fell free to add additional points/subpoints
The paper should evaluate the performance of credit rating agencies by evaluating their credit rating process and the conflict of interest (they get paid by the company which is receiving the rating, same for countries basically)
Thank you

You created a fictional start-up company entering a foreign (non U.S.) market with a good or service. Here you will continue to work on your marketing plan for the good or service the company is

1.Provide a detailed description of your company. The description should include, at a minimum, the products name, trademark, color, shape, packaging, labeling, and any characteristics that you deem relevant.
2.Describe the companys target market in terms of its size, competitors, and the specific needs and wants of potential customers that your product or service is likely to satisfy.
3.Analyze the pricing strategy relative to the companys pricing objective, and internal and external factors that could affect the pricing of the companys goods or services.
4.Determine the distribution strategy in terms of your target market, location, and selection of distribution channels.
5.Outline the promotional strategy in relation to marketing objectives, advertising program, and public relations activity.


Royal line clothing was founded five years ago by two Entrepreneurs, Nick Neumann and
Peter Jefferson. Nick is a holder of an undergraduate degree in marketing and has worked for a
long period in the retail clothing industry. Jefferson on the other hand owned an adventure
business but ended up selling this business to a person they were partnering with. Jefferson and
Nick have been good friends from college and they decided to come up with a market line of
clothing, which was unique, and at the same time having an appeal to outdoor enthusiasts. Royal
line clothing is a reflection of the passion for outdoors that Nick and Jefferson hold. The
company produces original T-shirts, fleece jackets, baseball caps and vests all with logos of
different sports such as cycling, mountain climbing, horse riding, skating and so on. However
each and every one of their items shows off the slogan of the company, which is Go play
outside. Royal line sells clothes for both men and women in very nice colors such as sunset red,
desert rose, sunrise pink and so on ( Lavinsky, 2012).
Currently royal line clothes are carried by small retail outlets, which specialize in outdoor
clothes and gear. Most of these stores are in California and a few states in the south. The high
quality and trendy clothes available in royal line have gained the company a following from
consumers who are between the ages of 25 and 45. Their sales have gone up in the last year and
they are now working towards the expansion of the manufacturing capabilities of the company.
This plan will give an outline of how Royal line intends to introduce new products, expand their
distribution and finally venture into new markets.

The companys mission is to the leading producer and manufacturer of casual,
personalized clothing for those consumers who love outdoor activities. The company intends to
inspire people to get out more often and enjoy themselves with their families and friends. The
company aims at using its core competencies to achieve a competitive advantage which is
sustainable whereby competitors will not be able to provide the same value for the consumers as
Royal line does. The core competencies that Royal line has already developed include; offering
products that are of high quality and their image recognized among consumers, creating a sense
of community among those consumers that purchase the product and finally developing a
reputation among the retailers as a manufacturer that is reliable and delivers the requested
products on time. The intention of the company is building on these competencies through the
marketing efforts which will expand their markets ( Lavinsky, 2012).
Situation analysis
The marketing environment for royal line represents very many opportunities. However it
also contains some challenges which the company has a strong belief it can be able to meet
successfully. SWOT analysis is important as it helps in presenting a thumbnail sketch of the
position of the company within the market place. In the five years Royal line has been in
operation it has built some strength and at the same time looking forward to new opportunities. It
has dedicated founders, growing number of customers who are loyal to the brand and a sound
financial management all have placed the company in a good position to grow and expand into
new markets. However as royal line looks at expanding the line of products and venture into new
markets the company will have to make sure that they guard themselves against market myopia
which means failing to recognize its business scope and also quality compromises. As the
company cements on its plans of new products and expansion of internet sales the management

have to ensure that they protect the company against competitors who attempt to make copies of
their products. However, strong relationship building with retailers, competitors and suppliers
will ensure that their competitors are thwarted.
The table below shows the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Royal line
1.Royal line has dedicated founders who
understand the target market and product
2.Royalne has been able to achieve quick
acceptance in several markets
3.Company as little debt and very huge
potential for growth
4.The company works with only one
manufacturer therefore there is maximum
quality control
1.the founders of the company might loose
sight of the potential scope of the business number of country are familiar with
the Royal line brand
3.the company has a limited h flow
4.the company only relies on one manufacturer
who will limit the production capacity in the
event of an expansion
1.the companys loyal customers are likely to
buy new products
2.There are existing gaps in the market which
can be filled with the new products
3.Royal line has a chance of expansion across
the U.S.A and into new markets
1.Consumers might get tired of this concept
and hence they need to keep it fresh
2.There are large competitors like Timberland
that might end up soaking launching similar
product lines sales nationwide have been flat in

4.The company can reach more consumers
through the website
the past few years
4.Relationships with retailers might deteriorate
if there is belief that they might be facing
internal competition in terms of internet sales.
Marketing objectives
The companys marketing objectives include; to enter new geographical markets which
include countries outside the United States. Another marketing objective is to ensure that the
company reaches its potential customers in the most effective way possible. As seen, the
customers of Royal line clothing are mostly aged between 25 and 45 years. These customers are
re likely to be reached through internet sites since the world today revolves around the internet.
Therefore, the company should ensure that another marketing objective is to develop successful
internet sites where they will sell their products at the same time maintaining a strong
relationship with their retailers. With this then the company will be sure that they will reach the
target market effectively.
Target market
The marketing goals of royal line clothing are all about ensuring that the products reach
the target market. The target market of royal line clothing is active consumers who are aged
between 25 and 45 years. These are people who like rock climbing, hiking, in-line skate,
snowboard or ski and other short these people like to go play outside. It is not
necessary that they areexperts in these sports which they take part in but they actually enjoy the

outdoor activities. These active consumers also represent a demographic group of people who are
well educated and successful, they are either married or single or raising families. They generally
have fairly high incomes but they still are conscious of prices and seek a value for whatever they
purchase. Regardless of their ages they lead lives that have active order to reach this
target market effectively the company as to ensure that he use the marketing mix effectively.
Marketing mix
Royal line will use several strategies involved in a marketing mix so as to reach the target
market. One of these strategies is product strategy whereby Royal line will offer to the target
market aline of high quality outdoor clothes such as T-shirts, jackets, fleece vests and so on.
These will be available in most popular colors that will be appealing to the target market. Within
the next five years the company will ensure that it expands its line of products where they will
include clothing items which are customized. Customers might select a logo which represents
their sport for instance hiking the company can then add a slogan which will match with this
logo such as Get over it. Eventually there are some slogans and logos which might be retired
while other new ones introduced to replace them. This strategy will ensure that the concept is
kept fresh and not diluted from many variations ( Lavinsky, 2012).
The other strategy is distribution strategy whereby the company will have to come up
with new ideas of distributing the products. Currently the products are marketed in shops which
re scattered all over far they have not distributed the products through national
sporting goods chains. The company will ensure that they expand on their online sales through
offering customized product line through the internet only.

Royal line communicates to its retailers and consumers in various ways such as direct
mailing, internet and in person. As the distribution expands the company will have to make
adjustments in order to meet the increasing demand through various Promotional strategies. They
will have to increase their sales stuff and aggressively promote the products through the internet.
Finally the company will use pricing strategy whereby they will offer their products at
affordable rates. The companys products are priced bearing in mind the existing competition.
The company is not concerned with coming up with prices which are too high or too low. Value
pricing is normally employed in order for e customers to feel comfortable when they are buying
products from the company

Marketing Strategy Plan

Business Case Assessment (Marketing)
I. Executive Summary
A high-level summary of the marketing plan.
II. The Challenge
Brief description of product to be marketed and associated goals..., such as sales figures and strategic goals.
III. Situation Analysis
? Company Analysis
o Goals
? What do you want to achieve? The goal statement(s) should be challenging and yet, attainable. Is it important to increase the number of departments served? Which departments? Do you intend to provide more training programs? Sample goal statements might read:
1. Establish relationship with Legal and Regulatory Departments in first quarter.
2. Reduce staff time spent on call-in, ad hoc requests for help with Internet searching.
o Focus
o Culture
o Strengths
o Weaknesses
o Market Share
? Customer Analysis
o Number
o Type
o Value drivers
o Decision process
o Concentration of customer base for particular products
? Competitor Analysis
o Complete RWW Screen (include both chart/diagram and discussion)
o Market position
o Strengths
o Weaknesses
o Market shares
? Collaborators
o Subsidiaries, joint ventures, and distributors, etc.
? Environmental Analysis: Choose 2 of the following (include both chart/diagram and discussion)
o PEST Analysis:
? Political and legal environment
? Economic environment
? Social and cultural environment
? Technological environment
? SWOT Analysis
o A SWOT Analysis of the business environment can be performed by organizing the
environmental factors as follows:
? The firm?s internal attributes can be classed as strengths and weaknesses.
? The external environment presents opportunities and threats.
? Porter?s 5 Forces Model
o The 5 Forces Model provides useful insights into the multifaceted nature of competition.
? Existing competitors
? Potential entrants
? Substitutes
? Suppliers
? Buyers
o The STEEP Model provides a general awareness of the industry or service you operate
? Socio-cultural
? Technological
? Economic
? Environmental
? Political
o The ANSOFF Matrix allows for exploration of possibilities for business development
using a market risk analysis.
IV. Market Segmentation
Present a description of the market segmentation as follows:
? Segment 1
o Description
o Percent of sales
o What they want
o How they use the product
o Support requirements
o How to reach them
o Price Sensitivity
? Segment 2
V. Alternative Marketing Strategies
List and discuss the alternatives that were considered before arriving at the recommended strategy. Alternatives might include discontinuing a product, rebranding, positioning as a premium or value product, etc.
VI. Selected Marketing Strategy (4 P?s)
Discuss why the strategy was selected, then the marketing mix decisions (4 P?s) of product, price, place (distribution), and promotion.
? Product
o The product decisions should consider the product?s advantages and how they will be leveraged. Product decisions should include:
? Brand name
? Quality
? Scope of product line
? Warranty
? Packaging
? Price
o Discuss pricing strategy, expected volume, and decisions for the following pricing variables:
? List price
? Discounts
? Bundling
? Payment terms and financing options
? Leasing options
? Distribution (Place)
o Decision variables include:
? Distribution channels, such as direct retail, distributors & intermediates
? Motivating the channel ? for example, distributor margins
? Criteria for evaluating distributors
? Locations
? Logistics, including transportation, warehousing, and order fulfillment
? Promotion
o Advertising, including how much and which media
o Public Relations
o Promotional programs
o Budget; determine break-even point for any additional spending
? How much will the activities defined above cost? Can you provide a revenue forecast? Explain the assumptions on which the forecast is based and consider various (best case, worst case) scenarios. Since many Information Centers now operate as cost centers, if not profit centers, this component of the plan is extremely important.
o Projected results of the promotional programs
VII. Short & Long-Term Projections
The selected strategy?s immediate effects, expected long-term results, and any special actions required to achieve them. This section may include forecasts of revenues and expenses as well as the results of a break-even analysis.
VIII. Conclusion/Evaluation of Results
Summarize all of the above.
? What are the success criteria? How will you measure success of the plan? By monitoring progress, you can judge the success of the marketing plan. If some of the strategies are not working out, try to determine why. Is the strategy flawed? Is there a problem with implementation of timing? How can you refocus and move on?

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Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Choose an existing organization, such as a diabetes clinic, cardiac rehabilitation center, prenatal clinic, or hospital. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on the organization of your choice. Include…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Apple Inc. Globalization Initiatives Have Contributed to

Words: 1498
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Mini-Paper 2 - APPLE Inc. Assess a firm of your choice and the way it is organized internationally in order to exploit global or regional advantages yet remain responsive to…

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4 Pages

Presidential Election and the State of the

Words: 1812
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

first goal is to write a well-focused, unified, coherent, informative essay. develop relevant reasons and examples, statistics, and opinions from authorities. You must derive this supporting information not only…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Toyota Marketing Strategy What Marketing Exactly Is?

Words: 1338
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

MARKETING PRINCIPLES. Explain the various concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning by writing about a company. Show how macro and micro environment influences marketing. The segmentation criteria this company uses for…

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10 Pages

Nestle Is a Large Scale Multinational Corporation

Words: 2900
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

BUS499 Select a publicly traded corporation for which you would like to work or are currently working. Research the corporation on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

Apple iPhone Company) in the Achievement of

Words: 5247
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I already sent you the assignment, guidance from my lecture and sample assignment from my friend, he got 70% mark of this subject in last semester. A mobile phone…

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4 Pages

Apple's Marketing Strategy Steve Jobs

Words: 1094
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Instructions: Answer these questions two pages for each question: The company we are analyzing is Apple. 1) Business Environment: What factors in the business environment impact the company at…

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16 Pages
Research Paper

Business Plan for an Imaginary

Words: 5030
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Use APA formatting. No Abstracts needed. Must provide 2 references minimum for each section (1-8) for a total of 16 references. All references must be credible sources. 5 of 16 references must be…

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10 Pages

Wal-Mart's SWOT Analysis and Generic Business-Level Strategy

Words: 2841
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Google - Paper 9 APA - 12 font - Times New Roman Requirements: 1. Conduct an analysis of Wal-Mart?s External and Internal Environments. From the two analyses, develop a comprehensive list of…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Law Enforcement and Job Analysis

Words: 1380
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Overview You will remember that the lecture stated that job analysis is the foundation of an effective human resource department. Job analysis is heavily dependent on data, however. As a…

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8 Pages

Stock Price Trading Value and Stock Price

Words: 2535
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Greetings, We need you to review the article, analyze it, critcize it , and provide recommendation. Please concentrate on the main article named " Stock Price and Volume Relation in…

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17 Pages
Research Paper

Business Plan Insignia Systems Insignia Systems, Inc.

Words: 4680
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The company I chose is Insignia Systems, Inc and the target country is Canada. Everything shown below is an email I got from my instructor: Course Objectives: To identify and assess…

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7 Pages

Hilfiger to Sell on an International Basis

Words: 2242
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Read the attached case study (from International business 12th ed.) by Daniels, Radebaugh and Sullivan (published by Pearson). Then answer the 2 questions bellow which are equally weighted. You…

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33 Pages
Research Paper

How Can We Make Profit Through Investing on Stock Market?

Words: 11006
Length: 33 Pages
Type: Research Paper

please use simple English because I am an ESL student. Please only use academic published books, journals and other reliable sources. No unreliable web source is allowed, except the well-established…

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18 Pages

Antigua Guatemala Coffee

Words: 5779
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Essay

I need a business plan for an international business located in Guatemala exporting Guatemalan coffee to Japan specifically and international as well. FOLLOW THIS EXACT TEMPLATE PLEASE: International Business Plan Template…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Marketing De Beers; Segmentation and Target Marketing

Words: 2020
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Segmentation and Target Market - 1800 words Write a white paper on a company of your choice and discuss the market segmentation within that industry along with the target market…

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3 Pages

Industries: Web Search Engines, Videogame Players, Portable

Words: 921
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Choose one of the following industries: web search engines, videogame players, portable music devices, bicycles, energy drinks, or cell phones. Identify the major firms in the industry…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Marketing Plan Company Description Royal Line Clothing

Words: 1563
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Use the internet or library to familiarize yourself with an industry and then create a fictional start-up company that is entering a foreign (non U.S.) market with a good…

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18 Pages

Performance of Credit Rating Agencies

Words: 5610
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Essay

Font: Times New Roman Font-Size: 12 in text and 10 in footnotes Line Spacing: 1,5 Margins: Left 4cm, Right 2cm, Top 3cm, Bottom 2cm Page number in the top right side Text: Block style Footnotes…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Royal Clothing Marketing Plan and Price Strategy

Words: 1514
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

You created a fictional start-up company entering a foreign (non U.S.) market with a good or service. Here you will continue to work on your marketing plan for the…

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6 Pages

Marketing Strategy Plan

Words: 1843
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Case Assessment (Marketing) I. Executive Summary A high-level summary of the marketing plan. II. The Challenge Brief description of product to be marketed and associated goals, such as sales figures and strategic…

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