Nursing Field Essays Prompts

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Topic: Case Management (Nursing)
Area: Birmingham, AL

Research a nursing job that relies on expertise in technology such as telenursing, informatics development, or another nur...sing job as assigned and write a 2-3 page paper on the educational requirements of the position, employers in your area that hire nurses into this job, and responsibilities of the nurse in this position. Share your findings with the class as a presentation.


Subject Matter:
? Key elements of assignments covered
? Educational requirements of the position
? Employers in your area that hire nurses into this job
? Responsibilities of the nurse in this position
? Content is comprehensive/accurate/persuasive
? Displays an understanding of relevant theory
? Major points supported by specific details/examples
? Research is adequate/timely
? Writer has gone beyond textbook for resources
? At least one additional resource from a reputable educational source or peer-reviewed journal
Points Possible: 60


? The introduction provides a sufficient background on the topic and previews major points
? Central theme/purpose is immediately clear
? Structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow
? Subsequent sections develop/support the central theme
? Conclusion follows logically from the body of the paper
Points Possible: 20


APA Format--10%
? Citations/reference page follow guidelines
? Properly cites ideas/info from other sources
? Paper is laid out effectively--uses, heading and other reader-friendly tools
? Paper is neat/shows attention to detail

? Rules of grammar, usage, punctuation are followed
? Spelling is correct

? Sentences are complete, clear, and concise
? Sentences are well-constructed with consistently strong, varied structure
? Transitions between sentences/paragraphs/sections help maintain the flow of thought
? Words used are precise and unambiguous
? The tone is appropriate to the audience, content, and assignment
Points Possible:20

MSN- Psychiatric nurse practitional
Note -Rubric must be used 100%
Plagiarism should be less than 5% for this work to be accepted.

Using the Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Conti...nuum
Have you ever gone online to search for a journal article on a specific topic? It is amazing to see the large number of journals that are available in the health care field. When you view the library in its entirety, you are viewing untapped data. Until you actually research for your particular topic, there is little structure. Once you have narrowed it down, you have information and once you apply the information, you have knowledge. Eventually, after thoughtful research and diligent practice, you reach the level of wisdom?knowledge applied in meaningful ways.

Are there areas in your practice that you believe should be more fully explored? The central aims of nursing informatics are to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. This continuum represents the overarching structure of nursing informatics. In this Assignment, you develop a research question relevant to your practice area and relate how you would work through the progression from data to information, knowledge, and wisdom.
To prepare:
Review Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge.

Develop a clinical question related to your area of practice that you would like to explore.

Consider what you currently know about this topic. What additional information would you need to answer the question?

Using the continuum of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, determine how you would go about researching your question.

Explore the available databases in the Walden Library. Identify which of these databases you would use to find the information or data you need.

Once you have identified useful databases, how would you go about finding the most relevant articles and information?

Consider how you would extract the relevant information from the articles.
How would you take the information and organize it in a way that was useful? How could you take the step from simply having useful knowledge to gaining wisdom?

Write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following:
Summarize the question you developed, and then relate how you would work through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum. Be specific.
Identify the databases and search words you would use.

Relate how you would take the information gleaned and turn it into useable knowledge.

Can informatics be used to gain wisdom? Describe how you would progress from simply having useful knowledge to the wisdom to make decisions about the information you have found during your database search.
Your paper must also include a title page, an introduction, a summary, and a reference page.

***** Rubric

27 (27%) - 30 (30%)
Assignment exceeds expectations. All topics are addressed with a minimum of 75% containing exceptional breadth and depth about each of the assignment topics.

5 (5%) - 5 (5%)
A clear and comprehensive purpose statement is provided which delineates all required criteria.

9 (9%) - 10 (10%)
Demonstrates the ability to critically appraise and intellectually explore key concepts

18 (18%) - 20 (20%)
Demonstrates and applies exceptional support of major points and integrates 2 or more credible outside sources, in addition to 2-3 course resources to suppport point of view.

18 (18%) - 20 (20%)
Synthesizes and justifies (defends, explains, validates, confirms) information gleaned from sources to support major points presented. Applies meaning to the field of advanced nursing practice.

5 (5%) - 5 (5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for structure, flow, continuity and clarity
5 (5%) - 5 (5%)
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors

5 (5%) - 5 (5%)
Uses correct APA format with no errors.

Understanding Nursing Theory

The purpose of this assignment is to a) identify a nursing theory, b) analyze the importance of the selected theory to the nursing profession, c) summarize key concepts and relationships among the con...cepts of the selected nursing theory, d) present views of the selected theory on areas of specialization, and e) communicate ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.

Description of the Assignment
In this 5-6 page paper (not including the title or reference pages in the page count), the introduction contains a few statements about nursing theory in general, identification of
one nursing theory to be used in this paper, and the sections of the paper. The selected nursing theory can be from any of the three types of theories:
grand theory (e.g., Roy adaptation model),
middle-range theory (e.g., Benners model of skill acquisition),or
practice theory (e.g., Ims theory on the pain experience of cancer patients).
Note: the theories named here are examples only; students may choose any nursing theory.

1. The first section of the paper is a description of the importance of nursing theory, in general.
2. Key points and inter-relationships of those points of the selected theory are summarized. Biographical or historical information about the selected nursing theory or the nurse theorist is not included.
3. The selected nursing theorys views or ideas about nursing leadership, nursing education, health policy, or nursing informatics (only one of these specializations) are discussed briefly, using two examples from real life to illustrate the views. Real-life examples come from a students own practice or from the scholarly literature.
4. The paper is concluded by presentation of insights gained (what was learned) about nursing theory through writing the paper.

Criteria for Content

Introduction includes general comments on nursing theory (such as a definition of nursing theory and past exposure or experience with nursing theory), the name of the selected nursing theory, and the sections of the paper. A heading is not used.
Section one contains an analysis of the importance of nursing theory, in general, to the nursing profession. For example, one might address why nursing theory is studied and how nursing theory impacts the profession and patient care.
Section two is a summary of key concepts and relationships among the concepts of the selected nursing theory. Remember to state the name of the theory again. Avoid biographical and historical information about the theory or theorist. At a minimum, include reasons for selecting this theory, the purpose(s) of the theory, key concepts, relationships among key concepts, and how this theory addresses nursings metaparadigm. Students are not limited to these areas.
Section three presents a discussion of how the selected nursing theory views nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy, along with 2 real-life examples illustrating the views. If the selected theory does not explicitly discuss the chosen specialization, a possible view of the specialization can be proposed. Remember that real-life examples come from a students own practice experiences or from the scholarly literature. Keep each example succinct (about 1 ??" 3 paragraphs).
Section four is the conclusion. In the conclusion, ideas and understandings about nursing theory learned from writing the paper are shared.

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

1. This assignment must be submitted to Turnitin, as required by the Turnitin policy. Check with the Instructor for more information.
2. A minimum of 2 (two) scholarly references must be used (2009 - 2014 only)
3. Title page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper.
4. The paper (excluding the title page and references page) should be at least 5 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements (too short or too long)
5. Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
6. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual

This custom write order requires a writer who can write on a Master's level. The content must be substantive and succinct and not merely repeating the obvious that has already been stated or repeating... the instructions in an attempt to add filler to the project or fluff up the project. This is a Capstone Project Professional Paper discussing the benefit of hiring or using a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department to reduce wait times (overcrowding) in the emergency room. It is important to keep the focus of the writing on the role of the nurse practitioner and not get distracted or off topic.
I wrote a proposal for the paper which is uploaded for your review with citations to give you an idea of what to write. Please read it. The literature articles to cite in the paper are also uploaded for your review. Please feel free to add articles and citations that you feel are relevant and not more than 5 or 6 years old. This is supposed to be a ?publish quality? paper.
I have already conducted most of the literature research and development of the paper with the proposal that I wrote. The paper should consist of but not be limited to the following components:

? Abstract
? Introduction- What is the problem, need, area for study?
? Rationale and significance for advanced practice nursing (nurse practitioners)? (the so what factor)
? Major review of the literature--this should be an integrated review which means that you have analyzed the literature you have selected and then plan your review according to the major components you have uncovered in your search to develop a general outline of the topic. Then within each level of that outline you will write what you have synthesized in each area using your literature to support your synthesis.
For example, your outline for the review of the literature could have several sections:
The first section could be What the problem is ?overcrowding? and how hiring a nurse practitioner is the answer to the problem. Start by defining the problem and talk about crowding in the emergency room and what that means to patients and the hospital and the staff in the emergency room and how hiring a nurse practitioner helped the problem and reference articles that have researched that topic already and what they have said, such as crowding causes poor outcomes- are people waiting so long they die? or get worse so the treatment becomes more expensive and more complicated (cite the articles that have researched this and what they said) and then talk about how using a nurse practitioner in the ED reduces poor outcomes and reference articles that state that fact; talk about how crowding makes unsatisfied patients- are the patients complaining about how long they have to wait and the hospital is getting a bad reputation or losing customers and then talk about how hiring a nurse practitioner will reduce unsatisfied patients and reference articles that state nurse practitioners get good satisfaction scores from patients; problems with patients leaving without being seen (LWOT?s) the initials mean left without treatment- this is a measurement that hospital ED?s keep track of and report to Medicare that serves as a quality marker for how well the hospital ED is moving patients through the emergency room and then talk about how if a nurse practitioner was hired in the ED this helps reduce the number of patients leaving without being treated and site the articles that have researched that fact; if the hospital has long wait times or a lot of LWOT?s then there are costs to hospitals in Medicare payment cuts- hospitals must keep track of quality measures like wait times and LWOT?s and report the data to CMS or face reimbursement cuts, this means meeting quality assurance measures by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and reference the article by CMS that is uploaded and quote Medicare guidelines and then talk about how hiring a nurse practitioner in the ED will save the hospital Medicare money and cite the articles that have researched this and what they said; staff morale (overwhelmed ER physician?s become less burdened if the ED physicians group hires a nurse practitioner to help treat patients. Hospitals do not staff physicians or providers like nurse practitioners in the emergency room. The emergency room is considered an ?outpatient? area and therefore hospitals contract with an outside physicians group made up of physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants that are separate from the hospital but work in the hospitals facility so Emergency Room physicians groups are who actually hire nurse practitioners to work in their group and then the Group is then contracted with the hospital); reduced cost to the hospital or ED physicians group because nurse practitioners cost less to hire. Nurse practitioners do not make as much money as an emergency room physician so reference articles that have researched the cost effectiveness of hiring a nurse practitioner to work as opposed to paying for a physician?s salary. Remember to keep the majority of the writing focus on the role of the nurse practitioner.
The next section in the literature review outline could be Hiring a nurse practitioner in the ED reduces wait times (overcrowding) and cite all of the reference that have researched this already and what they said and remember to keep the focus of the writing on the role of the nurse practitioner.
The next section in the outline could be Nurse Practitioners Scope of Practice and how broad it is and how it is ever changing, meaning that as higher education (master?s and doctorate level education) for nurse practitioners advances so does the scope of practice. Reference the Texas State Nursing Board and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and talk about nurse practitioners education and scope of practice and how they have primary care education and training and have autonomy (which means they are governed by their own Board. They are not governed by the Medical or Physician?s Board. They are governed by the Board of Nursing in each state.)
The next section could discuss what kinds of nurse practitioners are being hired in the emergency room and list them and their certifications and reference the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners who certifies these specialties such as Family Nurse Practitioners, Emergency Nurse Practitioners and Acute Care Nurse Practitioners. List articles that have researched this and cite them in the paper and what they found.
This should all be an integrated review whereby you have synthesized in each area using your literature to support your synthesis and making an analysis and writing your ?critical thinking? ideas so that the majority of your citations in the literature section therefore, could have multiple authors within a single citation.
Example: (Smith, Brown & Green, 1999; Fox, 2004; Law, 2002; White, 2005) When you have a single piece of literature that deals with only one aspect of your work then of course you will have only one citation for that particular area.
In other words, the literature review needs to demonstrate your analysis and synthesis of ideas. It should NOT be a ?laundry list? that reads like this; Black (1999) said?? ?Green (2004) said?.? ?White (2005) says??, etc. Literature reported in this fashion is just that, a report of what was found and does not reflect your critical thinking about what you read.
? Summary
What did you plan to do with this paper, what did you find in your research. Some English professors would call this the ?tell them what you told them? part of the paper.
? Conclusion and Recommendations
Again here is where you can talk about why this information is important in advanced practice nursing and to others. You could also add some thoughts of your own relative to how this information could/should be used or what needs to be done if there is a gap in the research and literature on a particular subtopic.

A. Use the Google search engine to find one credible article on Ludwig von Bertalanffys systems theory and one credible article on Everett Rogerss diffusion of innovation theory.

B. Use the C...INAHL online database to find one credible article on Ludwig von Bertalanffys systems theory and one credible article on Everett Rogerss diffusion of innovation theory. If you don't have access to CINAHL please let me know asap!

Using the articles found in parts A and B, write an essay (suggested length of 3 pages + 1 page for the Annotated Bibliography) relating systems and diffusion of innovation theories to healthcare delivery and nursing practice. In your essay, be sure to do the following:
1. Discuss the relationship between Bertalanffys systems theory and healthcare delivery in the U.S.
2. Discuss the relationship between Rogerss diffusion of innovation theory and the change process within healthcare delivery in the U.S.
3. Discuss the relationship between Bertalanffys systems theory and current nursing practice.
4. Discuss the relationship between Rogerss diffusion of innovation theory and current nursing practice.
5. Summarize the search strategies you used to acquire information on the specified theories.
6. Include an annotated bibliography of the four online resources you found in parts A and B.

Note: An annotated bibliography is a list to which you add (in your own words) other relevant information and comments about the book or article for future reference. For this assignment, your annotations should include Author, Title, Publication date, date retrieved, and URL in APA format plus a summary of the article, an assessment of the article, and your reflection of the value of the article.

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Standards and Ethics

I have attached in resource file a sample of this particular essay however the sample was written bad. I have also attached the rubric that needs to be follow. Paper must have thesis and purpose statement.

Here are the website to reference for the order.

Nursing and Hospice Care

Conduct an interview with a community health nurse in hospice nursing 1)summarize the nurse's role 2) summarize the case load and describe clients utilizing Betty Neuman's model and variables. Organization=Introduction, body and conclusion and logical sequencing and flow. Reference page and format excluding personal interview, double-spaced: approved font; 1" margins, five in-text citations and format. APA

Isabel Hampton Robb When the

From the instructions:

Isabel Hampton Robb Research paper: Develop the topic through research. Explain who the person was, describe their contribution to nursing and why this is important to nursing. Explain this in terms of the influence on todays practice.
What change if any came from this person or movement?
Put the leader/movement into historical context what were the health related issues of the time?
How did this person or movement impact health care policy?
What was the influence on you personally?

Be sure to use citations correctly and to list full references in the reference list at the end. Use APA guidelines. Use Microsoft Word. Papers will be submitted to

The student will select a specific health care policy issue and propose nursing strategies to address the problem.

Read chapters 7 and 8 in Mason, Leavitt & Chaffee (2012) and review Samp...le Paper on pages 58-64, and matrix scorecard example on page 54. The student can use resources from the text, legislative bills, web-based materials, and current nursing journals.

Suggested websites: and read Nursing Code of Ethics and read Ethics and Health

The sample paper in text is a guide. It will look different from yours as you have different grading criteria.

From the sample paper, you cannot use the "do nothing or incremental change" options.

Paper is worth 20/100 points possible for the course.


8-10 pages (maximum) -(does not include title page, references, appendix)

Strict APA (6th edition)
Requires introduction and conclusion
Must submit the matrix scorecard of Evaluation of Options as an Appendix.
Plagerism will result in a zero (0) for the assignment and a failing grade for the course.

Grading Rubric: Issue Paper

1/1 Problem Identification: Purpose statement

4/4 Background (local, state, regional and national perspectives with statistics, facts, figures, monetary issues)

*Social Factors (how impacted, who are those involved, why is this a problem)

*Economic Factors (how much does it cost? Use specific $, %. #, etc.)

*Ethical Factors (be sure to address ethical principles being violated - Cardinal bioethical principles are autonomy, distributive justice, nonmaleficence, and Code of Nursing information)

*Political and Legal Factors (what legislative action has already happened either at the state or national level, what was the impact? What do the different parties have to say about the issue? What is the impact of issue for both the legal and political arenas?)

1/1 Issue Statement (one sentence/question). Focus on issue, rather than a specific policy proposal.

1/1 Stakeholders (do not merely list. Must clearly address what stake each stakeholder has in the issue)

2/2 Policy Goals and Objectives (Identify at least 2). You will describe what kind of policy would most benefit the issue you have identified. Think globally for this section.

2/2 Policy Options and Alternatives (only 2 can be presented). Provide the actual name and number of the 2 bills ??" and must include the reference for each bill in the Reference section of the paper. These are two bills currently in Congress that could benefit the issue you have identified. They can be two different ways to accomplish your policy goals ??" but might not be the exact answer to your question. You are looking to see what might be available already, or what changes you might need to ask your legislator to include in the bill the best meet your policy goals.

2/2 Evaluation of Options. Identify at least 2 options or evaluative criteria and provide rationale for why these criteria are important. Each bill must be evaluated on all evaluative criteria utilizing pro and con statements. Rationales must be provided for each of your statements and there must have references for each pro and con statement for each bill.

2/2 Results of Analysis & Summary: Discuss the analysis and comparison of the two bills based on the policy goals you identified earlier in the paper. Not based just on the evaluation criteria (which is included in your matrix), but how closely does the recommended bill fit your policy objectives. State which policy alternative would be recommended based on the analysis.

1/1 Matrix/Scorecard in the same format as example in Mason text and put into an appendix.

2/2 1 point for title page and 1 point for reference page

2/2 Correct APA format, Grammar, Punctuation, Turn It In

peer reviewed journal articles within 5 years should be used (2006-2011). essay should be written according to the grading rubric. all references should be cited in text. chapters from text book can be faxed,

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Nurse to Patient Ratio

-Integrating assignments, readings and web searches, etc. to date, identify a population and a problem of interest you identified in this course. Perform a review of at least eight n...ursing research articles published within the last five years that connect to the population and problem you identified. The research can be qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods in design. Utilize the guidelines on Burns and Grove page 222 to write your literature review. This paper should be no more than ten (10) total pages. This paper does require APA format. The document will be submitted via the Blackboard Assignments Tab and should be saved as your last name, first initial, and the name of the assignment. For example, if I were submitting the assignment, I would save it as: ReederLLiteratureReview. The document must be saved as a Word document.

The following are required:

APA title page
Integration of literature reviewed throughout the paper. For example, do not simply have a paragraph or two on each article you reviewed. Instead, find common themes and discuss articles accordingly. See the research examples provided in Chapter 6 of the text for appropriately written literature reviews.
APA citations throughout the paper
APA Reference page

Page 222 from text:

The introduction indicates the focus or the purpose of the review; describes the organization of sources; and indicates the basis for ordering the sources; for example, from least important to most important or from least to most current. This section should be brief and interesting enough to capture the attention of the reader. The introduction may need to be rewritten several times in the course of the developing other sections of the literature review.
2.Data-Based Literature
Data-based literature includes quality studies that are relevant for a selected evidence-based project. For each study, the purpose, sample size, design, and specific findings should be presented, with a scholarly but brief critical appraisal of the study's strengths and weaknesses. This critical appraisal should be clear and concise and include only the most relevant studies. The content from these sources is best paraphrased or summarized in your own words. If a direct quotation is used, it should be kept short to promote the flow of ideas. Long quotations often are unnecessary and interfere with the reader's train of thought. Ethical issues must be considered in presenting research sources. The content from studies must be presented honestly and not distorted to support a selected evidence-based project. The weaknesses of a study need to be addressed, but it is not necessary to be highly critical of a researcher's work. The criticism should be focused on the content, but related in some way to the proposed project, and be stated as possible or plausible explanations, so that it is neutral and scholarly rather than negative and blaming. Additionally, the researcher's works that are cited in the literature review should be accurately documented.
The summary includes a concise presentation of the research knowledge about a selected topic, including what is known and not known.


To provide the opportunity for students to reflect on the need for nursing associations.

Instructions: Have students answer the following:

1. Is there a need for professional organizations? If yes, why? If no, why not?

2. Should there be one organization that is the voice for nursing? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Parameters: Minimum requirement of 1000-1500 words and 5-7 scholarly resources
Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.

Prepare for the capstone project by listening to the audio interview, "Capstone: Planning Your Project".
Preview and utilize the "Topic 1 Checklist." This resource will assist you in organizing yo...ur work and will provide additional information regarding the assignment.
Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. Collaborate with a leader or educator in the clinical environment to identify a problem, issue, or educational deficit upon which to build a proposal for change.
In a paper of no more than 800 words, describe the nature of the problem, issue, or educational deficit. Include the following in your discussion:
1. The setting and/or context in which the problem, issue, or educational deficit can be observed.
2. Detailed description of the problem, issue, or educational deficit.
3. Impact of the problem, issue, or educational deficit on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
4. Gravity of the problem, issue, or educational deficit and its significance to nursing.
5. Proposed solution to address the problem, issue, or educational deficit.
Prepare for the capstone project by listening to the audio interview, "Capstone: Planning Your Project", located at
Review "Topic 1: Checklist." This resource will assist you in organizing your work and will provide additional information regarding the assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This is the topic:
P: Nurses and Nursing.
I: Nursing leadership and patient outcome
C: Review of studies and literature that examine the association and relationship between nursing leadership practices and patient outcomes.
O: Evidence suggests relationships between positive relational leadership styles and higher patient satisfaction and lower patient mortality, medication errors, sentinel events, and hospital-acquired infections.
T: Over three months
Healthcare faces an economic downturn, stressful work environments, upcoming retirements of leaders and projected workforce shortages, implementing strategies to ensure effective leadership and optimal patient outcomes are significant.

Educating New Nurses

Guidelines for Leadership Papers

Each student will submit three leadership papers on the general topics listed below. Students will research the topic and identify a minimum of two... relevant articles from recent nursing journals. Students will summarize the articles and describe how they will apply it to their nursing practice, citing at least three examples. The articles must be published within the previous five years and a copy of each article will be turned in along with the paper.

Criteria for points are as follows:

Body of the Paper (8 total)
Articles were summarized appropriately and accurately using the students own words. (2 points)
Paper clearly described how the articles contents have influenced the patient care provided. (2 points)
Described three examples for applying the articles to his/her own nursing practice. (3 points)
Conclusion. Summary paragraph clearly describes main points of paper without introducing new information. (1 point)

Mechanics (7 total)
Articles were from appropriate nursing journals and published within the previous 5 years. (1 point)
APA format was utilized and references were cited appropriately. (4 points)
Formatting guidelines listed below were met and correct grammar and spelling were utilized. (2 points)

Total Points = 15 points

Papers should be 3-5 pages plus a title page and a reference page. Papers must be word processed, using 8.5 x 11 inch white paper, double-spaced with 1-inch margins, using 12 point Times New Roman font. Five points will be subtracted from the total for each day that a paper is late.

Grading Rubric for Leadership Papers

Criterion for Evaluation Categories Very Good Good Fair Inadequate or Missing

Body of the Paper ??" Total 8 points
Articles were summarized appropriately & accurately using the students own words.
*2 points
Paper clearly described how the articles contents have influenced the patient care provided. *2 points
Described three examples for applying the article to his/her own nursing practice. *3 points
Conclusion. Summary paragraph clearly describes main points of paper without introducing new information. *1 point

Mechanics ??" Total 7 points
Articles were from appropriate nursing journals & published within the previous 5 years. *1 point
APA format was utilized & references were cited appropriately. *4 points
Formatting guidelines were met & correct grammar & spelling were utilized. *2 points

TOTAL: ____ /15
Instructor Comments:

Synergy Model

1. Please describe if the theory in this article is applicable to you and interpersonal relationships between you and your patients? (Please focus on how spirituality nursing relate to quality patient care)
2. How you experienced spirituality or found meaning and purpose through the work you performed as a nurse, such as through their nurse-patient relationships and the caring moments during patient care.
3. What is the meaning and purpose the spirituality in the work enviroment of staffe nurses, and if so, how?
4. What are the barriers/benefits of supporing nurse's spirituality?

Write a 750?1000-word blog post (3?4 pages) for a student nursing Web site that examines how evidence-based health care leads to better clinical decisions and patient outcomes.

The nursing profession has changed dramatically in recent years. Today, nurses are called upon to translate best evidence into clinical practice. In most health care settings, bridging the gap from research to clinical practice is a dynamic ongoing process.

Evaluate scholarly nursing literature that supports evidence-based nursing practice.
Describe how research affects existing knowledge within professional nursing.
Explain how evidence-based patient care can improve the quality of care.
Describe clinical strategies that help foster evidence-based nursing practice.

questions that must be answered according to my instructor the title of the article appropriate and clear the objective of the study or observations/interventions important in this field
3. is the purpose of the article made clear in your introduction
4. do you find errors of fact and interpretation
5. has the arthor cited pertinent information
6. have any ideas been overemphasized
7. should some sections of the article be expanded, condensed or underemphasized
8.have the method procedures been presented in enough detail to enable the reader to duplicate them
9. has the author been objective in his/her discusson of the topic
10. can the recommendations be applied to nursing
There are faxes for this order.

Nurse Flyer

Writer ISAK
Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organizati...on, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include:
The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision.
Potential advantages of membership in the organization.
Provide resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (i.e., what other members or other organizations are saying about the selected organization).
Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion.

Rubrics use for grading. The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision is complete, offered in detail, presented in a inspiring or persuasive manner. Potential advantages of membership in the organization are complete, offered in detail, presented in a persuasive manner. Resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements, is diverse, relevant, offered in detail. Student shows a deep understanding of the audience and the situation by selecting material that enhances understanding. Student creates tools, techniques, or paradigms that effectively achieve the desired goal. The product shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original, inventive, and based upon logical conclusions and sound research. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive. Addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.

I am researching how generational issues affect nursing leadership. I am looking at the traditionalist, baby boomers, generation x and generation y and how leadership affects these groups. I also am wanting to look at effective leadership styles and how these groups can work together harmoniously. I could also relate this to the nursing shortage.

Florence Nightingale the Life and

Below is instructions for the paper, please follow the instruction as written. Thanks.

All assignments must be typed using APA format.

I. Theory Critique and Application Paper...r>
A. Purpose: This paper will provide you the opportunity to explore a nursing theory, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to develop written communication skills.

B. Content
1. Introduction
Identify the theory (My theory is: Florence Nigtingales)
Briefly state reasons for selecting the theory
Provide an overview of the paper

2. Content
Provide an overview of the paradigmatic origins of the theorist.
Provide an overview of the education and experiential background of the theorist.
Provide definitions of the concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing according to the theory.
Describe other concepts of the theory.
Describe relationships among concepts in the theory.
Include assumptions .
Include a diagram/model of the theory.
Provide a critique of the theory using the model provided in Marriner-Tomey.
Describe how the theory is applied in education, practice, research and administration.
Describe specifically how to apply this theory in nursing practice in your APN role.

3. Summary: Review major points in the paper

C. Other requirements
1. Use APA format
2. Include an abstract

II. Presentation

A. Purpose: The presentations will provide you the opportunity to acquire knowledge about one theory related to advanced practice nursing, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to develop professional communication skills.

B. Select a nursing theory for the presentation (My theory: Florence Nightingales theory)

C. Provide objectives and an outline for participants

D. Content
1. Introduction to the presentation
Identify the theory
State learning outcomes (objectives) for the presentation
Provide an overview of what the presentation will cover

2. Content of presentation
Provide an overview of the paradigmatic origins of the theorist.
Provide an overview of the education and experiential background of the theorist.
Provide definitions of the concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing according to the theory.
Describe other concepts of the theory.
Describe relationships of concepts in the theory.
Include assumptions identified by the theorist.
Include a diagram/model of the theory.
Provide a critique of the theory using the model provided in Marriner and Tomey (Clarity, Simplicity, Generality, Empirical Precision, Derivable Consequences).
Describe specifically how to apply this theory in nursing practice in your APN role.
Describe how the theory is used in practice, education, research, and administration.

3. Summarize key points

4. Formulate several discussion questions and lead the discussion

5. Implement an evaluation for the presentation

E. Other requirements
1. Identify at least one assigned readings related to the content of your
presentation to be provided for participants.
2. Include a variety of references from articles and research articles from
professional journals.
3. Use power-point for the presentation.
4. Use more than one teaching strategy.
5. Type reference list in APA format.

The annotated bibliography must have 20 references on Watson's theory of caring. The citations should be nursing journal articles. If it is a research article the annotated bibliography should include: topic, methods used to investigate problem, results, application to nursing and reaction. If it is a theory or clinical article the annotated bibliography should include: topic, what articles covers, conclusions, application to nursing and reaction. Each summary should be approximately 150 words.

These are the instructions for the assignment, I provided all the references needed to be used, particularly the one of margaret Newman's theory of HEC.

The purpose of the paper is to allow you to engage with a nursing theory in relation to your own nursing practice. Your paper should adhere to the APA 6th edition guidelines and include an introduction, thesis statement and conclusion. Address these two ideas in your paper.

Choose a nursing theory, from the nursing text, that aligns with the values and beliefs that guide your nursing practice (Margaret Newman's theory of health as expanding consciousness)

Use the Guide for Study of Nursing Theory for Use in Practice (page 18 & 19 of the course text) to write a comprehensive review of the theory you have chosen. (I provided the pages)

Include in the paper an example from your professional nursing practice and describe how this theory provides direction for your nursing practice (I couldn't come up with any example for this part. In the document of Margaret Newman's theory os HEC, you will find at the end an example that could inspire you to invent a story) thank you

Application Project Case Study

Application Project

Application Project: The Case Study

Your Application Project is a 5-7 page ?case study?, applying the issues and concepts studied this term in a...n analysis of how advanced technology is currently transforming your field of study, profession, job, hobby, community, religious practice, or some other directly relevant aspect of your daily life. [Field of study is Bachelors in Nursing profession is R.N. work as a school nurse and in Critical Care floor in Mercy Hospital of Miami, religion Christian (born again Christian)].

This is not a ?research paper? but an organized set of investigations, analyses and predictions on your topic. Your case study should draw on direct observation and informed speculation as well as formal sources (the latter should be properly cited according to APA guidelines).

In Unit 5, you prepared a field trip report based on a visit to a place where advanced technology is in use. Your case study may paraphrase or otherwise integrate key observations and conclusions from this report; however, do not resubmit the full report as part of the final project.

Use the following headings to help the reader separate and absorb information visually:

Introduction (include a synopsis sentence and several bulleted items explaining your project structure)

Overview (include the context, immediate history and current situation of your subject, and note any problems or conflicts)


Source Analysis or Literature Review

Possible Futures (include potential innovations, problems and/or solutions)

Conclusions (include several summary sentences as well as new questions raised)


You may choose to devise sub-headings of your own.

While you are not strictly required to prepare an Application Project directly relevant to your profession or studies, it is important that you select a topic that is of great significance to you: your Application Project should be more than a merely academic exercise, but should allow you to apply the concepts and issues we have studied to something that is relevant to your direct experience and that really matters to you.

The Application Project should cite a minimum of seven (7) external sources in addition to any interviews, observations or materials collected as part of your Unit 5 Project. At least three sources must be ?non-Internet. All quotations, paraphrases and summaries must be cited in the text using APA parenthetical citation, and all sources consulted should be listed in a concluding bibliography formatted according to APA guidelines.

Anesthesia in Rural American

I need a paper on the topic of "CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist)". I want to look into these schools: (1) Texas Wesleyan University's Nurse Anesthesia Program; (2) National University Nurse Anesthesia Program (Fresno, CA) The all-crna website listed below will help you with links to the information to compare the two schools.

You can use these websites to help with the references: &

This is the assignment listed below:
Write a professional paper on a topic related to advanced nursing practice, 5-7 pages, double spaced with APA format and reference list. Here you can explore a particular role or area of nursing practice that interests you. Do a comparison of graduate programs that would be required to help you meet your professional goals, including admission requirements, costs, and course requirements.

Note: Answer should be double-spaced, Margins should be no more than one inch, and size should be 12-point.

Essay question:

Health care is changing in the U.S. due to many influences such as an aging population, technological, and the advent of managed care. These changes impact the role of the nurse in many ways.

(KEY QUESTIONS that MUST be ANSWERED within the Essay)

Please describe your view of nursing in the changing health care environment and your thoughts about your future within the profession?

Express your reasons for wanting to enter the nursing profession. How do you view the role of Nurses in the healthcare field?

How can Nursing address and improve global healthcare needs?

What qualities do you believe you possess that will enable you to perform student and later as a practicing Nurse?

Blended Role APN

Question 1:
advanced practice roles that include blended roles of the CNS and NP, the CNM and the CRNA. In addition, you have had the opportunity to consider evolving and innovative roles that are... emerging.

For this question, select a specialty, other than those discussed in our readings, that you think is in some stage of evolution toward advanced practice or has the potential to evolve. Conduct an internet search (including the online library as well as specialty organizations) and discuss the following:
What is the current stage in the specialtys evolution?
What do you see as reasons why the specialty has the potential to evolve?
What are the advantages and disadvantages for the specialty in evolving to the advanced practice level?
Justify your answers using examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two peers concerning whether you agree or disagree with their views.

Question 2:
The evolution of specialty practice to advanced roles for nursing has led to some intraprofessional conflict. Please reflect and respond to the following items:
Select your advanced role specialization and discuss why you selected this particular role.
What do you envision as potential intra-professional conflict issues?
What strategies will you select to decrease or eliminate any conflict in your selected role? Why?
Justify your answers using examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two peers concerning whether you agree or disagree with their views.

Question3:The ANA Scope and Standards of Practice document identifies specialty nursing practice and advanced practice nursing behaviors.

How do you differentiate between specialty and advanced nursing practice?

Compare and contrast the two by discussing the differences in the following areas:
Knowledge base
Justify your answers using examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two peers concerning whether you agree or disagree with their views.

Please use this book:
Hamric, A. B., Spross, J. A., & Hanson, C. M. (2009). Advanced practice nursing: an integrative approach (4 ed.).

3 Pages

Management (Nursing) Area: Birmingham, Al Educational Requirements

Words: 974
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Topic: Case Management (Nursing) Area: Birmingham, AL Research a nursing job that relies on expertise in technology such as telenursing, informatics development, or another nursing job as assigned and write…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Clinical Issue in Psychiatric Nursing Practice

Words: 1000
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

MSN- Psychiatric nurse practitional Note -Rubric must be used 100% Plagiarism should be less than 5% for this work to be accepted. Using the Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum Have you ever gone…

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5 Pages

Understanding Nursing Theory

Words: 1782
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to a) identify a nursing theory, b) analyze the importance of the selected theory to the nursing profession, c) summarize key concepts and…

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20 Pages
Research Paper

Nurse Practitioner and Wait Times in Emergency Departments

Words: 6588
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This custom write order requires a writer who can write on a Master's level. The content must be substantive and succinct and not merely repeating the obvious that has…

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4 Pages

Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within

Words: 1314
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

A. Use the Google search engine to find one credible article on Ludwig von Bertalanffys systems theory and one credible article on Everett Rogerss diffusion of innovation theory. B. Use…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Standards and Ethics

Words: 871
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I have attached in resource file a sample of this particular essay however the sample was written bad. I have also attached the rubric that needs to be follow.…

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3 Pages

Nursing and Hospice Care

Words: 1091
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Conduct an interview with a community health nurse in hospice nursing 1)summarize the nurse's role 2) summarize the case load and describe clients utilizing Betty Neuman's model and variables.…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Isabel Hampton Robb When the

Words: 2545
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

From the instructions: Isabel Hampton Robb Research paper: Develop the topic through research. Explain who the person was, describe their contribution to nursing and why this is…

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Nursing Policy Issue Analysis: The

Words: 2765
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

The student will select a specific health care policy issue and propose nursing strategies to address the problem. Read chapters 7 and 8 in Mason, Leavitt & Chaffee (2012) and…

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8 Pages
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Nurse to Patient Ratio

Words: 2833
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Instructions: -Integrating assignments, readings and web searches, etc. to date, identify a population and a problem of interest you identified in this course. Perform a review of at least eight…

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4 Pages

Should There Be One Organization That Is the Voice for Nursing? If Yes, Why? If No, Why Not?

Words: 1247
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Instructions To provide the opportunity for students to reflect on the need for nursing associations. Instructions: Have students answer the following: 1. Is there a need for professional organizations? If yes,…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Nursing Leadership and Patient Outcome

Words: 921
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prepare for the capstone project by listening to the audio interview, "Capstone: Planning Your Project". Preview and utilize the "Topic 1 Checklist." This resource will assist you in organizing your…

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Educating New Nurses

Words: 1284
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Guidelines for Leadership Papers Each student will submit three leadership papers on the general topics listed below. Students will…

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Synergy Model

Words: 777
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

1. Please describe if the theory in this article is applicable to you and interpersonal relationships between you and your patients? (Please focus on how spirituality nursing relate…

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3 Pages

Evidence based Nursing Practices

Words: 972
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Write a 750?1000-word blog post (3?4 pages) for a student nursing Web site that examines how evidence-based health care leads to better clinical decisions and patient outcomes. The nursing profession…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Head-Of-Bed Positioning Is an Important

Words: 694
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

questions that must be answered according to my instructor the title of the article appropriate and clear the objective of the study or observations/interventions important in this field 3. is…

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Nurse Flyer

Words: 459
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Writer ISAK Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create…

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30 Pages
Research Paper

Multigenerational Issues in Leadership

Words: 8003
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I am researching how generational issues affect nursing leadership. I am looking at the traditionalist, baby boomers, generation x and generation y and how leadership affects these groups.…

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25 Pages

Florence Nightingale the Life and

Words: 7712
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Essay

Below is instructions for the paper, please follow the instruction as written. Thanks. All assignments must be typed using APA format. I. Theory Critique and Application Paper A. Purpose: This paper will provide…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Watson's Theory of Caring Theory/Clinical

Words: 3459
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The annotated bibliography must have 20 references on Watson's theory of caring. The citations should be nursing journal articles. If it is a research article the annotated bibliography should…

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8 Pages

Newman's Theory of Hec the Main Purpose

Words: 2412
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

These are the instructions for the assignment, I provided all the references needed to be used, particularly the one of margaret Newman's theory of HEC. The purpose of the…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Application Project Case Study

Words: 2289
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment Application Project Application Project: The Case Study Your Application Project is a 5-7 page ?case study?, applying the issues and concepts studied this term in an analysis of…

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5 Pages

Anesthesia in Rural American

Words: 1467
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

I need a paper on the topic of "CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist)". I want to look into these schools: (1) Texas Wesleyan University's Nurse Anesthesia Program; (2)…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Nursing Changing Health Care the

Words: 1413
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Note: Answer should be double-spaced, Margins should be no more than one inch, and size should be 12-point. Essay question: Health care is changing in the U.S. due to many influences…

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3 Pages

Blended Role APN

Words: 1091
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Question 1: advanced practice roles that include blended roles of the CNS and NP, the CNM and the CRNA. In addition, you have had the opportunity to consider evolving and…

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