25+ documents containing “National Economy”.
Hallo, I am a German student. Now I will finish my Master degree very soon. But the same time, I am doing my internship and for that, I have also to deliver another 2 analyses reports on exactly the s...ame day, when I have to turn my thesis up. The thesis is in English, the reports are in German. So I have to ask help from you. I have already a structure, I will paste it below, before you read it, I have such requirements, please read carefully!
1. I am the best student in my class, I always get a 1 in almost every exam, I guess that is equal to your A++, means full mark. My professor likes me very much, so please take your time to write my thesis, write it as well as you can. I dont want to make my professor disappointed. Please!!!
2. you can deliver my thesis in three installments and within three time limits as below:
First part: Chapter I & II deliver limit: May 31. 2007
Second part: Chapter III & IV deliver limit: Jun. 15. 2007
Last Part: Chapter V & VI deliver limit: Jun. 28. 2007
Please stick to the timetable! It couldnt be delayed! I also have to deliver my installments just two days later as the date I give to you! I think the time for your profession is enough.
3. the thesis should be written in Times New Roman, 12, double space, around 300 words per page with margins; The footnote is only some explanations, for example: some ab., commentary, the resource of very short sentences, etc. The other bibliography or citations should be listed after the final Chapter.
4. My major is Global Managementthe management of the international companies in the globalization process. And my topic is in the business law area. Please dont focus on the business law 100%; I hope the thesis could involve 40% Business/Management, 40% Business law, and 20% Politic.
5. Except the citations from the internet or news paper or any other medias, the minimum amount of the bibliographybooks is ten! Please dont use less than ten books! Otherwise, you can use all kinds of resources except the information from the websites which require paying! I will supply 3 books reference with a word doc. in email after I gave the order. Please use them for some help! You choose the rest 7 books. And I need all the copies which you have used to write my thesis!
6. Quotations are needed, you can decide how many as you need.
7. Lot of cases is very welcomed. But please choose the latest ones! If it is possible, please find at least one case, which happened in P.R.China, and at least one case in Germany! Asia is my focus. The other cases could all from USA.
8. When you deliver me the installments every time, please also give me the list of resource every time! Dont give it to me only the last time, my professor will ask me about the resource also every time.
9. Please note the page number at the bottom of the paper.
10. 75 Pages is not a limit. You can write several pages less or more than it. But dont less than 70! And that means the number of text part! Not include the cover page, reference page, etc.
11. Now I will give you my structure, you can change some details, but not the direction. Please follow it, especially the Chapter III & Chapter V!!! They are the most important part!
Hostile Take-Over--The modern business nightmare
Part I Preface
1. Explain the reasons why I choose the topic(at least one must be included: Hostile Take-Over havent ever be a problem for Germany and China, but it will come soon);
2. The meaning of focusing on the problem
2.A Company self protection
2.B Government protection (point: especially the most important industry for a nation, it could never be HTO, otherwise the nation will face the danger of national economic collapse! The defense should against the foreign HTO!)
3 Structure of the thesis
Part II Analyze of the major method of Hostile take-over
1. Definition of HTO (please focus on the method: use collecting or secretly purchasing the stock share more than 50% of a company to get the control of it, and then tear the company apart, sell all the parts out, and get the money. There maybe other way to do HTO, but they are not my directions. Share!)
2. One difficulty: how to judge whether an investment Hostile or Friendly(for example: it could happen, at the first, the investment is friendly, later the investor change his mind and sold the share to some sharks or HTO by himself);
3. 2 or 3 negative cases, show the damage of HTO and one positive case of HTO;
3.A to the companies
3.B to the local government
3.C to the international business system
3.D One positive case: HTO is also sometimes a risk. The Shark takes over one company, and later realized, the company is not worth what he had thought, and the reward from selling the company couldnt cover the costs he has given out for purchasing the 50% share a warning to Sharks!
Part III (Main body, very important! I think you can find all the explanations of them in books or Wikipedia, if you cant, please ask me! I can give you descriptions. They are too long, so I will not write them here.) Case analysis & methods explanation as successful defenses
1. Introduction of 5 methods to defense the HTO with the adaptive situations, effects, advantages or disadvantages, etc. (the cases should include national and international cases)
1.A pac-man defense (with cases)
1.B poison pill defense (with cases)
1.C Self-amputation (with cases)
1.D white Knight defense (with cases)
1.E Going private (with cases)
Part IV suggestions to the companies (Company level)
1. How to decide which method is the proper way for your situation;
2. If it is possible to make some adjustments in the company's board to avoid one person having too much power to dismiss the whole company and sell it? If no, why? If yes, how? (open mind)
3. New defense methods developed from personal study and opinions (open mind)
Part V (Also very important! More Politic in this part!) discussion of the political protections (government level)
1. Questioning the governments role in the play
2. Suggestions to adjustments of local business law
3. Positive examples: Switzerland & Japan (they are the only countries who has laws to protect local industry from HTO, otherwise, HTO is still legal in the rest of the nations of the world)
Part VI Conclusion/Summary
That is it! Six Chapters, of course write more pages in the important parts. You can name the chapters as you like, but please dont change the contents and the direction.
I guess, that is all what I think important. If you have any questions in the writing, please write me immediately! I check my email box a lot of times a day! So please do not guess or assume what my purpose is, if you dont understand some parts! I have already discussed the whole structure with my professor; please dont give me any surprises!
Thank you very much for your help!!! I hope you can write the exact thesis according to my information. Then you saved me!!
Ref. 1:
Author: Sirota, David J..-1.ed-New York, NY: Crown Publ.,c 2006
ISBN: 0-307-23734-6
Ref. 2:
Author: Alsin P. Roethlisberger; Esther Naegeli--Zuerich[u.a.]:Schulthess, 2004
ISBN: 3-7255-4774-2
Ref. 3:
ISBN: 0-7923-0834-4
Please do remenber: I need All the Copies of the Ciatations which you have used in my thesis!!!
Waiting for the first installment in this emailbox!
Complete the Week Four assignment located in MyEconLab.
Write a 350- to 700-word memo addressing the following:
? Describe the use of gross domestic product to measure the business cycle.
? Describe the roles of government bodies that determine national fiscal policies.
? Explain the effects of fiscal policies on the economy?s production and employment. How do changes in government spending and taxes positively or negatively affect the economy?s production and employment?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Please be sure to use proper indexing, double space and size 12 font Times New Roman.
Please see attachments for further details and specific clarifications.
Use any reputable sources properly cited and one must use source is any portions of the National Geographic television series "Border Wars"
There are faxes for this order.
Standard trade theory is based on perfect competition, with constant returns to scale at the level of the individual firm and constant or increasing cost of expanding production at the level of the industry. Comparative advantage predicts that countries will trade with other countries that are different (the source of the comparative cost differences) and that each country will export some products and import other, quite different products. While much international trade conforms to these patterns, a substantial amount does not. Most obviously, industrialized countries trade a lot with each other, and in much of their trade each is exporting and importing similar products.
Structure of paper as fallowing
-Economies of scale
-Monopolistic competition and the Gravity Model of Trade
-Global oligopoly (Strategic Trade Policy)
-Agglomeration Economies (External Economies of Scale)
-Case Study
Quotes to be under 15%.
The paper should utilize the following outline:
Recently the US housing market has seen significant drops in house prices, combined with record levels of mortgage defaults. Many economists a...nd housing experts have suggested it is a bust that was inevitable to occur. This paper will address why the US Housing Market has gone from boom to bust.
1. House Prices Rose at Unprecedented Levels.
a. Historically US House prices have increased at a similar rate to rents; however in the last period of the housing boom the ratio of House prices to rents had grew at a rate of 78%.
2. Aggressive sale of Sub Prime Mortgages.
a. Usually when house prices rise, demand moderates. However in the case of the US housing market, mortgage lenders were desperate to maintain sales. Therefore they just found new ways to sell the more expensive houses.
3. Increased Promotion of Discounted mortgages.
a. For the first year or two the home owner gets an introductory interest rate, making mortgage payments cheaper and more affordable. However after 2 years the interest rates jumps to the standard variable rate and many households on low incomes took out mortgages they will later struggle to pay.
4. Increased use of Variable Adjustable Mortgages.
a. The rise in Adjustable mortgages is most prominent amongst low income families. The growth in ARMs between 2000 and 2004 accounted for about two-thirds of the relative increase in variable interest debt.
5. Rising Interest Rates.
a. Because of weakness in other areas of the economy monetary policy was loosened in 2002. Regarding economic growth and inflation this was very positive; however it ignored the implications for the housing market. Low interest rates were a stimulus for those on low income and bad credit records to buy a house for the first time. However as interest rates have increased from 1% to 5% it has increased the cost of mortgage payments for homeowners. For example a 2% rise in interest rates can increase the cost of mortgage interest payments by 40%.
6. Speculation
a. The Housing market was providing greater returns than the stock market. As house prices start to fall this section of the market changes completely.
7. Excess Supply
a. The housing boom encouraged an excess of new houses being built. The supply of housing now exceeds the demand; therefore the price of housing is likely to continue to fall.
The following secondary sources were submitted with my outline; please site these in addition to the 6 primary sources necessary:
http://patrick.net/housing/crash.html more
Question to answer: Whether current immigration policies- H-1B visa and permanent-resident visa quotas- for highly skilled workers are solving the problem of the shortage of skilled workers and the ef...fects of these policies on foreign skilled workers, foreign students graduating from U.S. universities, businesses such as Microsoft, and the U.S. economy. How can Congress balance the interests of the U.S. need to retain the brightest and best to compete in the global market with immigration quotas?
This note will explore whether Bill Gates' proposal in reforming the immigration system by extending student visa OPT, increasing the cap for permanent resident visas, and raising the H-1B quota is necessary. Section I will give an overview of H-1B visas. Section II will look at the H-1B debate from both the opponents and proponents sides, while Section III will address solutions and in particular, Bill Gates proposal and whether it should be implemented. Finally, this note will look at what the policy implications are that the private sector is lobbying Congress for immigration reform- and more integration rather than enforcement in immigration policy.
I have a brief outline and a more detailed outline with a lot of research, some repetitive points, but it needs to be organized in subsections to help answer the question. The short outline pasted below is the one to follow in terms of general order and how the pieces fit, while the longer outline which will be emailed has a lot of sources and quotes, but the order is different and not to be followed. The main order is here is the problem (problem with H-1B quota), why there is a problem (showing both sides of the proponents and opponents and intersections with foreign student visa and permanent resident visas), and how the problem should be solved.
All quotes and assertions need to be followed by the author and page number in parenthesis, including the sources I have included (if not author, then title of work or article). The outline is mostly direct quotes from the sources, but there should not be a lot of quotes throughout the paper, mainly rewording and still citing to the source that the idea came from. Do not use a lot of direct quotations, but rather reword the quote and still cite to the source the assertion came from. Please use a total of 30 sources, which can include the sources from the outline I am sending, as long as in total there are 30 sources.
Also at the end of the long outline is an interview with Bill Kamela, the policy counsel for Microsoft which is not integrated into the outline but should be used in the paper.
Outline to more or less follow:
1. Introduction
a. This note will explore whether Bill Gates' proposal in reforming the immigration system by extending student visa OPT, increasing the cap for permanent resident visas, and raising the H-1B quota is necessary. Section I will look at ...Section II will look at ..., while Section III will address solutions and in particular, Bill Gates proposal and whether it should be implemented.
b. Issue: Whether current immigration policies- H-1B visa and permanent-resident visa quotas- for highly skilled workers are solving the problem of the shortage of skilled workers and the effects of these policies on foreign skilled workers, foreign students graduating from U.S. universities, businesses such as Microsoft, and the U.S. economy. How can Congress balance the interests of the U.S. need to retain the brightest and best to compete in the global market with immigration quotas?
c. While this note only reflects the H-1B visa debate, this is part of a larger issue that affects immigration policy as a whole, the issue this reflects is of a much larger governmental policy failure which is immigration reform. If the U.S. cannot handle immigration reform to attract highly skilled workers, then how can the U.S. possibly deal with immigration reform as a whole? What does the fact that a private business is now lobbying Congress for immigration reform say about Congress' inaction to reform the system?
d. Why does this issue matter? It is affecting our economy, businesses, and foreign workers- by continuing this quota, the U.S. is almost forcing foreign talent to go to other countries and contribute to their economies as well as forcing U.S. businesses to outsource since they cannot bring foreign talent into the U.S.
2. History of Immigration Policies/Quotas
3. Overview of H-1B Visa
a. The H-1B program was established by the Immigration Act of 1990 to allow nonimmigrant aliens to work in specialty occupations in the United States for up to six years. Although an H-1B visa does not directly result in legal permanent residence, visa holders may apply for permanent residency through employer sponsorships. (21 BYE J. Pub. L. 153 P 157)
b. Cap
c. What is happening with the H-1B visa now and how its screwing things up
d. Impact of H-1B visa (why should people care about this visa)
i. The United States will find it far more difficult to maintain its competitive edge over the next 50 years if it excludes those who are able and willing to help us compete. Other nations are benefiting from our misguided policies. They are revising their immigration policies to attract highly talented students and professionals who would otherwise study, live and work in the United States for at least part of their careers. (Written testimony of William H. Gates Before the Committee on Science and Technology, United States House of Representatives, P 14)
ii. Shortage of Engineers
iii. Creation of jobs
iv. Outsourcing
v. Effects on companies such as Microsoft
vi. F-1 Visa- Foreign Students (problem H-1B places on foreign students and how these problems feed one another)
vii. Permanent Visa Issues (same as the foreign student problems, H-1B intersects with permanent visas and this is part of the problem H-1B visas have)
4. H-1B visa debate
a. Transition (For example (though expand on this of course): The above problems demonstrate the inefficiencies of the H-1B visa program. However, this is not to say that the H-1B visa program should be scrapped. In fact, the program is good because , as discussed below.)
b. Proponents of the H-1B visa
i. The H-1B visa has been the subject of many debates among politicians, corporations, and workers. As President Bush said, "Immigration is not a problem to be solved. It is a sign of a confident and successful nation." Leah Phelps Carpenter, The Status of the H-1B Visa in These Conflicting Times, 10 Tulsa J. Comp. & Int'l L. 553, 554 (2003)
ii. Our tradition of allowing immigrants into the U.S. has led us to become "the beneficiary of the world's most talented and renowned research scientists, economists, engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, and other professionals." Suzette Brooks Masters and Ted Ruthizer, The H-1B Straightjacket: Why Congress Should Repeal the Cap on Foreign Born Highly Skilled Workers, 00-05 Immigr. Briefings 1 (2000). By not allowing these immigrants into the U.S. we could possibly stunt our leading role in these areas.
c. What has led to the current H1-B visa program
i. Transition (For example: Unfortunately, the way the program has been changed and/or is run now, has created numerous problems.)
ii. Legislative/Legal History of current H-1B visa program
1. Cap
iii. Brief Discussion of any legal attempts to change the program (e.g., cases, lobbying congress, etc.)
1. End with transition into Solution section
b. Opponents of the H-1B Visa
i. Hurts American jobs
ii. Cheap Labor
iii. America has sufficient scientific talent
iv. Abuse
1. Administering the H-1B visa program involves corruption, but fact that its abused doesn't mean we don't need it. It is true that the H1-B program has been abused by some companies, but the answer isn't to punish the H1-B program, but to punish the abusers. The solution rather, would be to implement cost-effective methods Labor could use to check the applications more stringently that would enhance the integrity of the H-1B process.
5. Solution (be clear in youre wrting and delineate what others are proposing, and what youre saying about these proposals, what others may think about these proposals, and which you endorse and would change and why- do not endorse point based or other solutions, endorse most of gates proposal except the streamlined path to citizenship for foreign student visas)
a. Point Based System- Is that a solution for the U.S.?
b. Other solutions/ bills
c. Bill Gates proposal
i. Bill Gates proposal in reforming both our education system and our immigration policies by specifically extending the amount of time foreign students are permitted to stay in connection with their degree program, creating a streamlined path to permanent resident status for highly skilled workers and increasing the cap on visas could help to resolve the effects of .
ii. Senator Baird spoke about the importance of training the next generation of scientists and engineers and of funding critical basic research in applied science. He said "if we want our economies to be strong, we must invest in science. Senator Baird, 154 Cong. Rec. H1561-02
1. Reform education system, which is as important as reforming immigration policies, will not be addressed in this paper.
iii. Reform immigration policies
1. Extending amount of time foreign students are permitted to stay in connection with their degree program.
a. Until recently, these students had 12 months to be accepted into the H-1B visa. Now they have 29 months to stay in the United States as a student worker. (Associated Press: Highly Skilled Foreign Students Can Stay in U.S. Longer)
b. Not mentioned in Gates proposal, but necessary, is that it should be possible for foreign students earning advanced degrees in key fields to have the option at the time they apply for their visa to declare an interest in working in the United States after graduation. (nafsa.org: Immigration Reform and Attracting Foreign Talent)
i. The current law for student and scholar visas prevents the United States from benefiting from the contributions of foreign students who might want to stay here, whether for the long term or for a few years. (nafsa.org: Immigration Reform and Attracting Foreign Talent)
2. Congress should create a streamlined path to permanent resident status for highly skilled workers.
a. Rather than allowing highly skilled, well-trained innovators to remain for only a very limited period, we should encourage a greater number to become permanent U.S. residents so that they can help drive innovation and economic growth alongside America's native-born talent. (Written testimony of William H. Gates Before the Committee on Science and Technology, United States House of Representatives, P 15)
b. Instead of requiring graduates from top universities who receive jobs from American corporations to go through the tedious H-1B visa process, we should provide a direct path to permanent residence. We need to do all we can to attract and keep skilled immigrants, rather than bring them here temporarily, train them, and send them home. (American.com: America's Other Immigration Crisis)
c. This is not a feasible solution, but at a minimum, make it possible for foreign students earning advanced degrees in key fields to have the option at the time they apply for their visa to declare an interest in working in the United States after graduation. (Nafsa.com: Immigration Reform and Attracting Foreign Talent)
3. Congress should increase the cap on visas
a. By increasing the number of visas granted each year, Congress can help U.S. industry meet its near-term need for qualified workers even as we build up our long-term capability to supply these workers domestically through education reform. (Written testimony of William H. Gates Before the Committee on Science and Technology, United States House of Representatives, P 15)
b. Senator Gregg is in favor of expanding the H-1B program. He said "even though there may have been abuses in the program; I dont think they were at the core of the problem; that the primary energy of this program has been to create jobs in the United States by bringing smart people here. We should be going across the world and saying to the best and the brightest in the world, if you want to come to the United States and be a job center that adds to the value of our economy, we would like to have you come. We would like to consider you as being a participant under an H-1B visa program. Senator Gregg, 154 Cong. Rec. S1917-01
4. In addition to raising the caps and allowing a streamlined path to permanent residency, the H-1B program itself needs reform in conjunction with increasing the numbers in order to minimize the abuse that occurs from employers and give the Department of Labor more power over this program. Senator Grassley, 154 Cong. Rec. S2029-05
6. Policy Implications
1. Enforcement v Integration
i. Less enforcement focus and more integration (government is calling for enforcement while private sector like Microsoft is calling for more integration)
2. What does Microsoft's influencing immigration policy say about our immigration policy? Reflection of where our broken immigration policy is at. It is so ineffective that Microsoft and other businesses have to speak up.
3. America seems to be xenophobic even of the model immigrant worker- the highly skilled- what does that mean for other immigration policy reforms
7. Conclusion (Overall, this is what I propose, why it works, why it addresses the issues, and what will happen if theres no change (ie., why it matters))
1. The current restrictions on employing highly skilled foreign workers are hurting America's economy. Many occupations requiring workers with advanced skills are at full employment. There are not enough domestic workers with advanced skills available to fill the positions that businesses need to have filled. Many companies have been forced to expand operations overseas instead of in the United States because of the shortage of highly skilled workers for key positions. Congress should raise the H-1B cap to let businesses expand operations in America and to create jobs for Americans. Each highly skilled H-1B employee at a high-tech company supports the jobs for four Americans. The increased demand for workers with complementary skills both raises wages and reduces inequality. (Heritage Center Report, P 4)
2. It is possible that federal legislators will consider other immigration provisions, but insiders predict that there will be no immigration legislation until Fall 2009 and that any future H-1B relief proposals would need to be part of a larger comprehensive immigration reform package.
There are faxes for this order. more
This is a research paper in regards to the era after World War II in Japan. The question that needs to be stated is how did Japan obtain economic miracle from 1946-1973? How did they accomplish these goals? Who assisted them? What was required? What factors were involved ect...
below is some things that can be discussed in the paper which may help clarify what I may look for:
economic miracle GDP grew an annual rate of more then 10 percent (1950-1973) Entrepreneurship of daring younger mangers, Private companies expanded quickly and fearlessly, they borrowed massive money and took on large debts. The country had more money to invest in business because they did not have military spending. The Korean war stimulated exports at a key moment. A favorable exchange rate from 1949-1970s functioned as a sort of export subsidy. SCAP and MITI assisted in the economy. Education was a key factor in producing educated workers.
"To assess and evaluate the impact of domestic and international factors on the ability of African states to act autonomously in macroeconomic policy formualtion"
Reference the changing context within which African states have operated. To demonstrate a clear understanding of the meaning and purposes of macroeconomic policy. To use thenational income accounting framework. To assess the effects of changes in the world economy and aid policies over the past 10 years.
1. My chosen country is Thailand
2. I need you to use proper sources for instant World bank, OECD, WTO, IMF figure to illustrate in my report.
or you could use http://www.esds.ac.uk/internatio...nal/ website to see the proper data
3.Avoid to use current price, my professor need to see the constant price in term of comparison
4. This assignment aims at measuring your understanding of the implications of globalization on the innovative activities of firms. You have to submit a 3,000-word individual report covering the following areas.
5. Identify and discuss the features of the business environment of the chosen country which are likely to impact on the carrying out of innovation activities. Discuss both those aspects which are likely to promote innovation, as well as any obstacle firms might encounter trying to generate innovation in the chosen country. Identify the industries which are more likely to have an innovative potential in the chosen country. Present your personal and critical view on whether or not investing in the country is likely to promote innovation and introduce some strategies firms should put in place to leverage the peculiarities of the national innovation system. Please note that in this report you should not discuss anything related to the company which will be object of your poster presentation.
The report is expected to provide evidence of the application of relevant theories discussed during the lectures (especially during module 1), as well as your personal opinions. Try to develop your argumentations in a consistent, structured and clearly organized way. Use relevant and updated data to support your ideas. You will be assessed on the quality of the data presented, the depth of your reflections on their interpretation and the managerial implications emerging from your analysis. The application of theories, concepts, frameworks and ideas developed in Module 1 of the course is essential.
Marks allocated to criteria: Criteria
The depth and quality of the data collected
The application of proper frameworks and the correct interpretation of the implications of the data presented
Structure and Style
The clarity, the logic and the presentation of the report
The presence of personal contributions and ideas
The use of an adequate reference list and a proper and consistent referencing style
There are faxes for this order. more
This paper is for my economy capston research paper.
My topic is great depression in U.S
It should be included what caused the great depreesion is and How to overcome ( new deal policy).
My professor want to me write
there are several reason for great depression.
he prefer write different point of view of great depression and choose some of them is the resonable.
Then I should write why..
then have to write how to overcome great depression
how New deal policy affect to overcome great depression.
This is really important for my graduation.
so plese help me
many thanks
Historical development of Unification ideas in Europe after World War II---THIS IS THE TOPIC.
Please you can use this material as well.
Chapter Overview
The dominant approaches to u...nderstanding the early phase of European integration came from
international relations (IR). In particular, the study of integration was dominated by the competing approaches of neofunctionalism and intergovernmentalism. Although neofunctionalist theory
neatly i tted events in the 1950s and early 1960s, subsequent events led to its demise and the
rise of intergovernmentalist explanations. While theorizing European integration has moved on
signii cantly from these early approaches, much of what followed was either framed by this
debate or developed as a rejection of it. The debate about whether the EU is characterized by
intergovernmentalism or supranationalism still informs much of the academic work on the
?International theory? has been too readily written of by contemporary writers seeking to of er
theoretical treatments of the EU . . .
(Rosamond 1999: 19)
The signing of the Treaty of Paris in April 1951 by the governments of Belgium,
France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands (Chapter 6, p. 92) began
the process commonly referred to as European integration (see Insight 1.1). This process has meant that the economies of participating states, and subsequently other areas,
have been increasingly managed in common. Decisions previously taken by national
governments alone are now taken together with other governments, and specially created European institutions. Governments have relinquished the sole right to make
legislation (national sovereignty) over a range of matters, in favour of joint decision
making with other governments (pooled sovereignty). Other tasks have been delegated
to European institutions.
It was something of a surprise to academic theorists of IR when governments in
western Europe began to surrender their national sovereignty in some policy areas.
For the ? rst half of the twentieth century, the nation state seemed assured of its place
as the most important unit of political life in the western world, especially in Europe.
As such, the process of European integration constituted a major challenge to existing
theories and generated an academic debate about the role of the state in the process.
The two competing theories that emerged from IR to dominate the debate over early
1/29/2011 12:17:09 PMdevelopments in European integration were neofunctionalism (Haas 1958; Lindberg
1963) and intergovernmentalism (Hof mann 1964; 1966).
Before discussing these two main positions in the debate, it is necessary to consider
the intellectual context from which the idea of European integration emerged. Below
we look ? rst at the functionalist ideas of David Mitrany on how to avoid war between
nations, then at the ideas of the European federalists, and ? nally at the ?federal-
functionalism? of Jean Monnet. We then turn to look ? rst at neofunctionalism and
then at intergovernmentalism, before looking at two later contributions to this debate:
liberal intergovernmentalism and supranational governance.
The Intellectual Background
To understand the ideas that fed into the ? rst attempts to theorize European integration, it is useful to start with one of the approaches that was in? uential after the
Second World War about how to avoid another war. This ?functionalist? idea, which
Insight 1.1 European Integration
European integration has a number of aspects, but the main focus of Chapter 1 is on political integration. Ernst Haas (1968: 16) provided a dei nition of European political integration as a process, whereby:
political actors in several distinct national settings are persuaded to shift their loyalties, expectations and political activities toward a new center, whose institutions possess or demand jurisdiction over the pre-existing national states. The end result of a
process of political integration is a new political community, superimposed over the
pre-existing ones.
Implicit in Haas?s dei nition was the development of a European federal state. More cautiously, Lindberg (1963: 149) provided a dei nition of political integration as a process, but
without reference to an end point:
political integration is (1) the process whereby nations forego the desire and ability to
conduct foreign and key domestic policies independently of each other, seeking
instead to make joint decisions or to delegate the decision-making process to new central organs; and (2) the process whereby political actors in several distinct national
settings are persuaded to shift their expectations and political activities to a new
The i rst part of this dei nition refers to two ?intimately related? modes of decision making:
sharing and delegating. The second part of the dei nition refers to ?the patterns of behaviour shown by high policy makers, civil servants, parliamentarians, interest group leaders
and other elites? (Lindberg 1963: 149), who respond to the new reality of a shift in political
authority to the centre by reorientating their political activities to the European level.
was particularly associated with the writings of David Mitrany, informed the United
Nations movement. It was a theory of how to achieve world peace, rather than a theory of regional integration, and it took a very dif erent approach to the question from
the European federalists, who wanted to subordinate national governments to an overarching federal authority. The ideas of both the functionalists and the federalists were
brought together in the ?functional-federalism? of Jean Monnet, which in turn provided one important source of intellectual inspiration for the neofunctionalist theory
of European integration.
Mitrany and Functionalism
David Mitrany (1888?1974) was born in Romania, but spent most of his adult life in
Britain and the United States. He was not a theorist of European integration. His concern was with building a Working Peace System, the title of his Fabian pamphlet (Mitrany
1966; ? rst published 1943). For Mitrany, the root cause of war was nationalism. The
failure of the League of Nations to prevent aggression prompted debate about a new
type of international system even before the outbreak of the Second World War. For
those who blamed the failure of the League on its limited powers, the response was the
development of an international federation. In other words, the League had not gone
far enough and the same mistake should not be repeated: henceforth, nations should
be tied more closely together.
Mitrany did not agree with the idea of federation as the means of tying states
together. He opposed the idea of a single world government because he believed that it
would pose a threat to individual freedom. He also opposed the creation of regional
federations, believing that this would simply reproduce national rivalries on a larger
scale. Any political reorganization into separate units must sooner or later produce the
same ef ects; any international system that is to usher in a new world must produce the
opposite ef ect of subduing political division.
Instead of either of these possibilities?a world federation or regional federations?
Mitrany proposed the creation of a whole series of separate international functional
agencies, each having authority over one speci? c area of human life. His scheme was
to take individual technical tasks out of the control of governments and to hand them
over to these functional agencies. He believed that governments would be prepared to
surrender control because they would not feel threatened by the loss of sovereignty
over, say, health care or the co-ordination of railway timetables, and they would be
able to appreciate the advantages of such tasks being performed at the regional or
world level. As more and more areas of control were surrendered, states would become
less capable of independent action. One day, the national governments would discover
that they were enmeshed in a ?spreading web of international activities and agencies?
(Mitrany 1966: 35).
These international agencies would operate at dif erent levels depending on the
function that they were performing. Mitrany gave the example of systems of communication. Railways would be organized on a continental basis; shipping would be
organized on an intercontinental basis; aviation would be organized on a universal
basis. Not only would the dependence of states on these agencies for their day-to-day
functioning make it dii cult for governments to break with them, but the experience
1/29/2011 12:17:11 PMof the operation of the agencies would also socialize politicians, civil servants, and
the general public into adopting less nationalistic attitudes and outlook.
Spinelli and Federalism
A completely dif erent approach to guaranteeing peace was devised during the war in
the ranks of the various Resistance movements. It was a speci? cally European movement, and whereas Mitrany aimed explicitly to depoliticize the process of the transfer
of power away from national governments, federalists sought a clear transfer of political authority.
The European Union of Federalists (EUF) was formed in December 1946 from the
war-time Resistance movements. It was particularly strong in Italy, where the leading
? gure was Altiero Spinelli. Federalism appealed to the Resistance groups because it
proposed superseding nationalism. It is important to bear in mind that whereas in
Britain (and Russia) the Second World War was a nationalist war (in the former Soviet
Union, it was ?the great patriotic war?), in countries such as France and Italy it was an
ideological war. Resistance ? ghters drawn from communist, socialist, and Christian
democratic groups were in many cases ? ghting their own countrymen?Vichy supporters in France, Italian Fascists in Italy.
While being held as political prisoners of the Fascists on the island of Ventotene,
Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi (1897?1967) produced the Ventotene Manifesto (1941),
calling for a ?European Federation?. It argued that, left alone, the classes ?most privileged under old national systems? would seek to reconstruct the order of nation states
at the end of the war. While these states might appear democratic, it would only be a
matter of time before power returned to the hands of the privileged classes. This
would prompt the return of national jealousies and ultimately, to renewed war
between states. To prevent this development, the Manifesto called for the abolition of
the division of Europe into national, sovereign states. It urged propaganda and action
to bring together the separate national Resistance movements across Europe to push
for the creation of a federal European state.
The EUF adopted the Ventotene Manifesto, and began agitating for an international
conference to be called that would draw up a federal constitution for Europe. This
ambitious proposal was designed to build on what Milward called ?the wave of hope
for a better world and a changed future for the human race which had swept across
Europe? and which included an ?extraordinary wave of enthusiasm for European federation? (Milward 1984: 55).
The strategy of the EUF was to exploit the disruption caused by the war to existing political structures in order to make a new start on a radically dif erent basis
from the Europe of national states. They aimed to achieve a complete break from
the old order of nation states, and to create a federal constitution for Europe. Their
Congress took time to organize, though. It eventually took place in The Hague in
May 1948 (see Chapter 5, p. 83). By that time, the national political systems had
been re-established, and what emerged from the Congress was an intergovernmental
organization, the Council of Europe, not the new federal constitutional order for
which the federalists had hoped. Many federalists then turned to the gradualist
approach that was successfully embodied in the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).
1/29/2011 12:17:11 PM7
Monnet and Functional-Federalism
The plan for the ECSC was known as the Schuman Plan because it was made public by
the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, but it is generally accepted that it was
drawn up within the French Economic Planning Commission (Commissariat du Plan),
which was headed by the technocrat Jean Monnet. It was the task of the Planning
Commission to guide the post-war reconstruction and modernization of the French
economy, and it was through his experiences in this task that Monnet came to appreciate the economic inadequacy of the European nation state in the modern world. He
saw the need to create a ?large and dynamic common market?, ?a huge continental
market on the European scale? (Monnet 1962: 205). He aimed, though, to create more
than just a common market.
Monnet was a planner: he showed no great con? dence in the free-market system,
which had served France rather badly in the past. He placed his faith in the development of supranational institutions as the basis for building a genuine economic community that would adopt common economic policies and rational planning procedures.
Coal and steel were only intended as starting points. The aim was to extend integration to all aspects of the western European economy?but such a scheme would have
been too ambitious to gain acceptance all at once. There had been a clear indication of
this in the failure of previous ef orts to integrate the economies of France, Italy, the
Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.
There was also a new factor in the equation, the key factor prompting Monnet?s plan:
the emergence in 1949 of a West German state. For Monnet, the existence of the
Federal Republic of Germany posed two problems in addition to that of how to create
an integrated western European economy. The ? rst problem was how to organize
Franco?German relations in such a way that another war between the two states would
become impossible. To a French mind, this meant how to control Germany. The pooling of coal and steel production would provide the basis for economic development as a
? rst step towards a ?federation of Europe?. Stimulating the expansion of those industries
for peaceful purposes would provide an economic alternative to producing war materials for those regions of Europe that had been largely dependent on providing military
material. The second problem facing Monnet was the very practical one of how to
ensure adequate supplies of coking coal from the Ruhr for the French steel industry.
The idea of pooling Franco-German supplies of coal and steel would tie the two states
into a mutual economic dependency, in addition to taking out of the immediate control of the national governments the most basic raw materials for waging another war.
Mitrany (1966) described Monnet?s strategy as ?federal-functionalism?. It is not clear,
though, how far Monnet was a federalist at all. He might be seen as a supreme pragmatist who proposed the ECSC as a solution to the very practical problems described
above. To solve these problems, Monnet adopted a solution similar to that of Mitrany:
remove control of the strategically crucial industries?coal and steel?from the governments and put it in the hands of a free-standing agency. This was the High
Authority of the ECSC, and in Monnet?s original plan it was the only institution proposed. The development of other supranational institutions came from other pressures
(see Chapter 7). The High Authority was the prototype for the later Commission of
the European Economic Community (EEC), which became central to the neofunctionalist theory of European integration. more
Write a paper on what you consider to be the biggest challenge facing the American economy today. Support your paper with appropriate references. This paper should be written in APA format, with corresponding references list. This paper should be 500 words in length.
On the selection of the problem and how you came to the conclusion (good references) There is no right answer to what is the biggest issue facing the economy so what is most important it to be able to lay out your jusitfications for why you selected the problem and the data you found to support your selection. You have to have logic to backup your reasons. Just can't state that you think this is the greatest problem.
correct APA format
for good writing including an opening and closing paragraph that involves the reader in the issue you are presenting.
1) As i am not an native english speaking person, the english used in the paper can be relatively simple.
2) Reference: Use the simpla name and date method of referencing in the body of the paper, e.g( Peter, 2004), then provide the paper's full citation in the List of references. References are listed in alphabetical order by last name of first author
3) The paper will consist of a CRITICAL REVIEW of 8 or more empirical articles. You are to review only ACADEMIC RESEARCH which generally appears in one of two forms:i) refereed academic journals or ii) working or discussion or research papers issued by well recognized university departments of economics (such as http://ideas.repec.org/ ), not-for-profit research institutes(such as the National Bureau of Economic Research in the US), the government research organizations such as Statistics Canada. Articles in newspapers and magazhines ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. Details will be sent to you later
4) Additional resouces such as Guileline for paper and Grading Criteria of the paper will also be sent to you.
There are faxes for this order.
can writer(sunandmike) do this order???
In practical philosophy and Japanese intellectual history will investigate the concept of freedom and the related concept of democracy that became the ...subject of debate in Japan under the American occupation.
Topic: Postwar Japanese economy
The subject selected for this assignment is Postwar Japan. Please review Japan from the time of the signing of the peace treaty bringing an end to U.S. ?V Japanese war in 1945 and the following "fifteen years".
Please review the peace treaty and what was demanded of Japan to bring an end to the war following the bombing of Nagasaki. The role of the U.S. in ruling Japan will be discussed along with how did japan change or simply rebuild? and how Japan changed economically as well as geographically during the time it was rebuilding its infrastructure and industrial sector with limited resources. The modernization system will be reviewed, as well as the building of the economy and its ability to become a major exporter within a short amount of time.
Focus will be on the automobile industry and other significant manufacturing operations and dependence on imports. The research will identify those factors which made it possible for Japan to recover in such a short time following the devastating war and become second to the U.S. in exporting.
Please focus on Postwar Japanese economy!!!
Please use following books and do more research on the topic!! please use scholarly journals and books!!!
Nakamura, Takafusa, The Postwar Japanese Economy, 2nd ed., Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1995.
Tabb, William K., The Postwar Japanese System, New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Before you write the order, please let me know what resources that you will use!!!
please use quotation marks to avoid the plagiarism!!!! more
-Please write an anaylsis of the office market in downtown philadelphia ("central business district" or "CBD"). The goal of this market analysis is extremely specific: The purpose of this analysis is to see be whether or not you should make an investment in downtown philadelphia for a small Class A office property that will hold a law firm and some other speculative tenant. In doing the market analysis please include the following:
1) Local economy--Does philidelphia have a healthy economy, what does the future hold for the city?
2 )Competive supply -- How large is the existing market, are there new projects either under construction or in he planning stages.
3) Competitive Demand -- What is the demand for office space, both now and in the near future.
4)Conclusion -- Based on your understanding of the local economy, competitive supply, and competitive demand, what is the overall current and future market for Class B/Class A office space in Philadelphia?
If you need any info you can call me at (516)-353-4873
Elements: The body of project, in this order: title page-project approval page- abstract-table of contents- list of tables (if appropiate)-list of illustrations (charts,graphs, figures) if appropiate-...list of symbols-preface.Each Project must be organized into five-capter APA fromat on a topic related to the field of public administration.Paginated in Arabic numerals are the text and other pages following the preliminary pages arranged in the following order: text(chapters of the manuscript)-endnotes-appendices-references-index. All Capstone Projects must carry the following information on the title page: a research Project presented to the faculty of National University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Public Administration.
The following is my abstract submitted:
This paper (my project) explores several published articles that report on results from research conducted on Online (Internet) and Offline (non-internet) on the benefits of Americans receiving/participating in Universal Health Care (UHC). The articles, however, vary in their definition in implementing UHC. The Demorcratic government suggest that UHC is more effective than Private Insurer Carriers (PIC), defined andd used as a supplementary coverage for the millions of rejected un-insurable Americans (what are you trying to explain to the reader). Other articles define UHC differently and thedrefore, offer different results?? This paper (this is a project) examines UHC research in relation to several other research articles to suggest that all areas of UHC should be studied in order to fully understand how UHC will influence (impact) and better the llives of all Americans, regardless of their economic ability to pay.
And then I will make recommendations based on my analysis. more
Requirement: Essays should be approximately 5 pages and double-spaced in length. While the themes are drawn from the Kesselman text, you are required to employ 2 outside sources to substantiate your a...rgument. Remember, although the questions focus on the theoretical dimensions of comparative politics, it is necessary to apply practical examples:Britain and Japan, to support your views. Finally, the three core components of your essay should be: argument (thesis), structure (organization), and evidence (research).
Essay Question: According to Kesselman, the success of a government will be judged primarily by how well it can govern the economy (i.e., its economic performance) in providing for its citizens. In a post 9-11 world, do you believe that such a statement is still accurate? Why or why not?
Answer the essay question straightforward by comparing tow states: Britain and Japan. The main argument would be Britain is " laissez-faire" state(Free Market Economy) whereas Japan is Keynesian( State intervention is important in ecomomic activities).Outreach it as a proper eaasy thesis.
I will send you the relative text in Kesselman's book. Use the text I send to you as main resources and basis of this essay and bring 2 more secondary resources as well. Compare tow countries political economies in historical sector and things going on after 9-11. more
Research Paper Outline:
Currently, where are we in the business cycle?
Are we in an expansion or a contraction?
Is the economy growing or stagnant?
What has been happening in the GDP, ...unemployment, and the real growth rate?
What has been happening to exports/imports, average prices?
What is the rate of inflation/deflation?
What are analysts saying about prices?
Is there a shortage of raw materials, are inventories being depleted too quickly, or do we have a situation where the inventories are piling up and workers being laid off?
What has happened to consumer spending?
How is the stock market doing?
Are consumers still spending or are they turning wary?
Use the AS-AD model for data and numbers gathered and to show proposed changes and present arguments.
Other questions...
What kind of macroeconomics policies have been followed lately?
Are they in expansionary or contractionary fiscal policies?
What has been happening to government spending?
What tax cuts are being proposed? Have tax cuts been effective/appropriate?
What kind of monetary policies have been followed?
Have there been interest rate cuts and what are analysts saying about these?
***The paper should focus on output, inflation, growth, trade, unemployment, interest rate, and the exchange rate in the last six months for the U.S. It should critically analyze economic policy and its impact on the economy.
Paper should be double spaced and organized with sections, relevant data, charts, and graphs with sources and explanations.
The book used for this course is Macroeconomics (Parkin) 7th Edition. more
An Assessment of a Citys Economic Development Vision and Activities
Introduction: The key literature on economic development in U.S. cities (1) differ...entiates traditional or supply-side or so-called first wave economic development approaches (featuring tax abatements, land subsidies and other subsidies to specific firms) from various alternative approaches (demand side or second wave or equity focused) each of which features somewhat different policies. In general, the supply-side or first wave approaches have been criticized heavily on multiple grounds; but they persist in many cities nevertheless. In addition, (2) the literature suggests that cities economic development efforts can be differentiated in terms of the vision or type of economic activity that is featured in the citys economic development aspirations ?" i.e., creative class (including high-tech, knowledge-intensive), convention and tourism, indigenous small-business development, redevelopment of disadvantaged areas, and so forth. There is lively debate about the potential of each of these foci, about the suitability of each of these foci for different kinds of cities, and about the possible side-effects of each focus.
Your task is to do an investigation and evaluation of what a particular city is doing about economic development, looking into both the approach (i.e., the specific policy tools used) and the vision or featured economic activity. Here are the steps you must take and the questions you must answer.
First, choose a city above 50,000 population (other than Lawrence, KS) for which you can find adequate information on economic development policies and programs in use. To do this, you will need to use both newspapers and the citys web site.
Describe what the city has been doing to foster economic development with supply side policies and programs such as tax abatement, TIF districts, land subsidies, and loans or loan guarantees. Be as comprehensive as you can (that is, describe what the city is doing with any and all of these supply side programs) but also be as specific as you can, giving examples that show what kinds of projects are getting supported or what kinds of businesses are getting tax breaks. This must be an original case study, meaning that you must go to original source material and write your own description and evaluation based on what you find.
Evaluate the citys economic development approach. Does the citys use of traditional supply side tactics epitomize the critique of that approach in the literature? If so, how? Alternatively, is the city using supply side policies in a way that shows how such an approach can overcome the usual problems? Explain. Is there any evidence that you can present to suggest that the citys supply-side policies are working?
Is the city using (a) any demand-side programs or (b) any of the other alternatives to traditional, supply side tactics? If so, describe what they are doing.
Evaluate the citys use (or lack of use) of these alternatives to supply-side economic development. If the city is using any, discuss whether they are appropriate given the citys characteristics. If the city is not using demand-side programs, discuss whether they are appropriate and should be used given the citys characteristics?
What about the citys vision ?" i.e., the type of economic activity that appears to be featured or favored in the citys economic development programming? (For example, does the city show evidence of featuring knowledge-intensive industry, arts/cultural development, or other creative-class visions of its future? Or perhaps the convention and tourism sector? Something else?) Describe what the city seems to be aiming for, and provide as much assessment as you can of the appropriateness of that vision for your particular city.
This must be an original case study, meaning that you must go to original source material (including web sites and newspaper articles) and piece together the information that you need to ground your assessments. If there is published material about your case study citys economic development activities, of course you may use it , providing that you appropriately cite the published material and providing that your whole paper is not a replay of that publication. If you simply summarize a case study that someone else has done, the paper will be unacceptable even if you provide a reference to that published work.
For Further Reading
Economic Development: Tax Abatement and Other Business Subsidies versus Alternative Approaches
M. Oden and E. Mueller, "Distinguishing Development Incentives from Developer
Give-aways: A Critical Guide for Development Practitioners and Citizens,"
Policy Studies Journal (Spring 1999
G. Sands, L.Reese and H. Khan, Implementing Tax Abatements in Michigan:
A Study of Best Practices, Economic Development Quarterly, Feb., 2006
C. Santo, The Economic Impact of Sports Stadiums: Recasting the Analysis in Context,
Journal of Urban Affairs, June, 2005
R. Pollin, Evaluating Living Wage Laws in the United States: Good Intentions and
Economic Reality in Conflict? Economic Development Quarterly, Feb., 2005
T. Bates, W. Bradford, and J.S. Rubin, The Viability of the Minority-Owned Venture Capital
Industry under Alternative Financing Arrangements, Economic Development Quarterly,
May, 2006
A. Scott, Creative Cities: Conceptual Issues and Policy Questions, Journal of Urban
Affairs, January, 2006
J. Schoales, Alpha Clusters: Creative Innovation in Local Economies, Economic
Development Quarterly, May, 2006 more
Read the case study: Interdrinks (To be sent by fax-11 pages and 18 exhibits)
Answer should cover the key decision areas in marketing of segmentation and positioning; product and service poli...cy; pricing; distribution and communication.
Assignment Brief
One afternoon early in February 1998, Helmut Fehring, the Managing Director of Interdrinks
Company (IDC), held a meeting with his national sales manager, Antoine Jeanneau, to discuss IDC's sales force performance. The two executives disagreed in that meeting as to whether there was a problem of productivity with the company's sales force. Fehring was of the opinion that the field force of (31 people) was under productive and, at any rate, too costly for the revenues that it generated. Jeanneau, on the other hand, maintained that his people were performing at the upper limits of their potential and were one of the best performing forces in the industry.
Fehring, who had recently returned to his family-owned bottling company after a year's leave to attend an intensive executive education program, was not convinced by Jeanneau's arguments. He thought that IDC's sales force was simply not producing enough sales, and that current management policies and practices were partly responsible. He also thought that the recent changes in the industry made it necessary for IDC to re-examine its current marketing strategy, including its product line and distribution policy. Fehring was convinced that a viable strategy, aided by a well-motivated sales force, was what his small company needed to survive the increasing industry competition.
But, as the meeting with the national sales manager indicated, Fehring's concern with IDC's marketing and sales problems were not necessarily shared by the other executives.
Nevertheless, he was determined to press for the changes which he believed were needed to turn his company's declining fortunes around.
You have been retained as a marketing consultant to advise Helmut Fehring to examine IDC's current marketing strategy (with particular reference to product line and distribution policy) and to recommend ways in which the company can improve the performance of its sales force.
Report should:
1. Review IDC's current marketing strategy.
2. Recommend what brand management strategy the company should pursue.
(30 %)
3. Advance suggestions as to how the company can improve the performance of its sales
4. Make specific recommendations on IDC's licensed business.
(20 %)
Success criteria:
? Relevance to question
? Structure/presentation & clarity of writing
? Scope & relevance of literature review
? Rigour of argument
? Evidence of understanding
? Conclusions/Recommendations
1- Keegan W J- Global Marketing Management- 7th Edition- Prentice Hall
2- Any Kotler P
3- Marketing or Business Press
There are faxes for this order. more
Research and Write on How China's rising economy effects China's foreign policy.
You should use books, Academic journal Articles, and websites to help you get information. You should use at least 6 sources
? Paper should be organized into six sections:
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Approach
3. Security
4. Economy
5. Identity
6. Conclusion and recommendation....
? Assume you are a special envoy to the President of the United States, so from a Liberal pluralists perspective argue that an international consensus needs to be built before any action in Afghanistan is taken and shy away from unilateral action. Along with "what should be done" identify who will do it The US? NATO? The UN?..
? Identify and support which theory you believe is most appropriate for the Afghanistan scenario.
? Make recommendations on how to achieve the three objectives identified below and ultimately achieve success in Afghanistan.
o Defeat armed insurgent/terrorist groups in Afghanistan
o Provide an alternate means of livelihood for Afghan poppy growers to reduce opium production
o Persuade Afghans to embrace religious beliefs that are not tied to violent extremist organizations
? Explain what tools: diplomatic, economic, military, international organizations, NGO's, and others, you would use to address each problem.
? Explain what school of thought (or combinations of schools) would best support the decisions you have made.
? Conclude paper with expected outcomes you believe will come from your strategy for these three objectives and how we will know when these strategies are successful.
? Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
? Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
? Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
? Try to restrict sources to major newspapers, magazines or news outlets
? Paper organized sections
: 1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Approach
3. Security
4. Economy
5. Identity
6. Conclusion recommendation. ? Assume a special envoy President United States, a Liberal pluralists perspective argue international consensus built action Afghanistan shy unilateral action. more
Critically discuss the effect of the globalisation of trade and investment on
national industrial relations. Using your own country as an example, to what
extent are unions equipped to respond to these developments?
Investment in higher education is the most important investment in anticipating a national return.This is the most appropriate and relevant tool for promoting economy and eradicating poverty in the world. However, a huge problem needs to be taking into consideration, the inequality and barriers in colleges and universities admission based on social and demographic background.
I_ write a prospectus about the topic.
Paper should have an introduction (containing a thesis) and a conclusion. You must correctly cite your sources using APA format. Write about the problem of high oil prices and how they effect the economy, as if you are explaining it to someone who has never taken an economics class. Be sure to explain the key concepts and terminology of both microeconomics and macroeconomics within your paper.
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Read Full Paper ❯Write a paper on what you consider to be the biggest challenge facing the American economy today. Support your paper with appropriate references. This paper should be…
Read Full Paper ❯1) As i am not an native english speaking person, the english used in the paper can be relatively simple. 2) Reference: Use the simpla name and date method of…
Read Full Paper ❯can writer(sunandmike) do this order??? In practical philosophy and Japanese intellectual history will investigate the concept of freedom and the related concept of democracy that became the subject of debate…
Read Full Paper ❯-Please write an anaylsis of the office market in downtown philadelphia ("central business district" or "CBD"). The goal of this market analysis is extremely specific: The purpose…
Read Full Paper ❯Elements: The body of project, in this order: title page-project approval page- abstract-table of contents- list of tables (if appropiate)-list of illustrations (charts,graphs, figures) if appropiate-list of symbols-preface.Each Project…
Read Full Paper ❯Requirement: Essays should be approximately 5 pages and double-spaced in length. While the themes are drawn from the Kesselman text, you are required to employ 2 outside sources to…
Read Full Paper ❯Research Paper Outline: Currently, where are we in the business cycle? Are we in an expansion or a contraction? Is the economy growing or stagnant? What has been happening in the GDP, unemployment,…
Read Full Paper ❯FINAL RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT: An Assessment of a Citys Economic Development Vision and Activities Introduction: The key literature on economic development in U.S. cities (1) differentiates traditional…
Read Full Paper ❯Read the case study: Interdrinks (To be sent by fax-11 pages and 18 exhibits) Answer should cover the key decision areas in marketing of segmentation and positioning; product and service…
Read Full Paper ❯Research and Write on How China's rising economy effects China's foreign policy. You should use books, Academic journal Articles, and websites to help you get information. You should use…
Read Full Paper ❯Instructions ? Paper should be organized into six sections: 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Approach 3. Security 4. Economy 5. Identity 6. Conclusion and recommendation. ? Assume you are a special envoy…
Read Full Paper ❯Critically discuss the effect of the globalisation of trade and investment on national industrial relations. Using your own country as an example, to what extent are unions equipped to respond to…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic Investment in higher education is the most important investment in anticipating a national return.This is the most appropriate and relevant tool for promoting economy and…
Read Full Paper ❯Paper should have an introduction (containing a thesis) and a conclusion. You must correctly cite your sources using APA format. Write about the problem of high oil prices and…
Read Full Paper ❯