25+ documents containing “Mental Issues”.
Please write this paper in the standing point of someone who is against the idea of having long term imprisonment -- only because of the psychological health issues. Long term incarceration will be considered 5+ years in prison. I need a page on reintegration, and how it's proven to be difficult due to people going through the entire prison system and coming out with mental issues. Thank you very much.
I wish to persuade the audience to think more about gun ownership being tightly controlled and the importance of it. The actions by others that occur in the world should be a prime example of why we n...eed to keep a safe monitor on weapons. I am specifically thinking about how many school shootings there have been recently and how a lot of the shooters had mental issues that led to this violence. Children shouldn't feel unsafe at school. Also, there has been multiple terrorist attacks involved with weapons.My intended audience would be those that do not ever think about being unsafe in the world around them (one's that do not lock up their guns with children in the household, one's that don't and think gun safety is important). This can even be directed towards the government (state and local laws) that guide these laws.My thesis is "Gun ownership should be tightly controlled in the United States by doing a thorough background check of the buyer and requiring safety classes to be met." **Comment from teacher: "Nice thesis and clear position. You may want to add more explanation to this point."Outline:Introduction-Introduce the issue (Gun ownership should be tightly controlled)-Provide necessary background information (Safety, background checks, education)-State thesis (thesis stated above)Body-Supporting evidence or detail (To provide safety to yourselves and others)-Explain the importance of feeling safe in the environment, in the public, in your home-Explain the importance of being educated-Supporting evidence or detail (Doing background checks on buyers)-Importance of background checks (the buyer & requirements that need to be met to obtain a firearm)-How detailed should they be?-Education-Types available to the public-Why it should be mandatory (intense gun safety classes for safe handling)-Importance of educating-Acknowledging opposing arguments-Explain the consequences of not doing a background check-Argue that education is necessary to own a firearmConclusion-More safety measures, state thesis once again in different wording, provide more reasons to my argument. I feel that there should be certain regulations directed towards this issue. I don't take this subject very lightly.**Comment from teacher: "Lots of nice detail in your outline. Make sure to consider an audience opposed to tight controls. You may not be able to change their minds, but how could you at least convince them to see your argument as valid, reasonable, and worthy of consideration?"Directions-Length: 6-8 pgs. so I chose 7 to meet in the middle...these are full pages not including the Works Cited page. Essay requirement must reach the bottom of the last page, include in-text citations, and have a separate Works Cited page.Four credible primary and secondary sources, should come from personal interviews, an established database such as books, magazines, or newspapers (avoid Wikipedia & associated content, avoid definitions as sources-they are common knowledge).MLA formatting, proper header information, correct page layout, paraphrases and direct quotations using appropriate signal phrases and correct in-text citations, and a separate, alphabetically organized Works Cited page appears at the end.lFonts: Times New Roman font only12-point size onlyDouble-space line heightsTitle, File Name, and File Type: Give an original, provoking title.Name file using your first and last name, the genre (Argument), and the draft version (Final Draft).Save the file type as .doc, .docx, or.rtf. Do not use .wps, .wp, .pages, .txt, or .odt.Point of View:Third-person point of view only. No first or second-person point of view.Key Features:-A clear and arguable position.-Necessary background information.-Good reasons.-Convincing evidence.-Appeals to readers' values-A trustworthy tone.-Careful consideration of other positions.-Consider the rhetorical situations.Some cites that I found:(Statistics) - http://www.ontheissues.org/background_gun_control.htm(Crimes) - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/1/04/accidental-toddler-shooting_n_6102762.html?utm_hp_ref=gun-control(Laws) - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/16/keep-kids-safe-around-guns_n_5996702.html?utm_hp_ref=gun-control- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/26/black-friday-background-checks_n_6226710.html?utm_hp_ref=gun-control- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/31/gun-control-2014_n_6083844.html?utm_hp_ref=gun-control- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/30/california-gun-restriction_n_5910560.html?utm_hp_ref=gun-control(Gun Control Facts) - "Gun Control Facts." By James D. Agresti and Reid K. Smith. Just Facts, September 13, 2010. Revised 2/11/13.http://justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp more
I will send you literature review paper and second part which you must write methodology these two parts are related. so you can use literature review paper to get ...some information for methodology section. You must make own research study. Dependent variable is domestic violence and there are four independent variables cultural conflict, alcohol abuse, poverty, and mental issue. so you know better than me how to write methodology paper. Very important everything must be written in own words it is own study. This methodology paper shall include the following: A).Select the appropriate research methodology for your study and support why this design is the most appropriate and how the data will be collected. B) Define population for this section i WANT YOU TO WRITE about Brooklyn domestic violence court to get information from this court use convenience sampling and use 1 year time period. C ) Discuss the sampling Technique you will use and why is the most appropriate for your proposal. d) operationalize variables. e ) Discuss issues of validity and reliability, and bias as they relate to your proposal. f) Discuss how would address any ethical concerns. g) What application do you envision your research having in understanding the selected topic? All these must be included in methodology paper. Thank you.
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Mental Health Policy Paper
All too often, mental health is left out of the equation in policy related to a number of issues in the United States; violence is one of these issues. Argu...ably, violence in this country is linked to mental health. As psychology students, you have a greater understanding of mental health than many people in the population. To that end, I would like for you to put your expertise to use and write a paper attempting to resolve an issue related to violence by creating a proposed mental health policy.
For this paper, you will select some type of violence in the United States (e.g. violence against women, gun violence, teen violence, etc.). You will need to conduct research to determine what sort of mental health policy you think would improve the problem. (We will spend a class period at the library to get help with this, but I encourage you to make an appointment with a librarian for further assistance.) Things you may want to research:
Are there countries with low rates of the violence you chose? What policies do they have that seem to be working?
What policies already exist in the U.S.? How do they need to be changed?
After you conduct your research, you will write a 4-5 page paper that includes the following:
Introduction with thesis statement (one paragraph)
Explanation of and background on the violence issue/problem you chose (about 3 paragraphs)
Explanation of why mental health needs to be considered in relation to the problem (1-2 paragraphs)
Your proposal for mental health policy (about 3 paragraphs)
Conclusion that ties everything together (one paragraph)
Your paper is worth 100 points and will be graded based on the following rubric.
Grading Factor Points Possible
Explanation of problem/background 25
Link between mental health and problem 20
Mental health policy proposal 25
Paper organization, flow, and cohesiveness 15
Spelling, grammar, mechanics 10
References (citations both within the paper and a references page) 5
Total 100 more
-Apprecaite the value of promoting a safe and postive communication environment.
-Explain why communication is central to the professional relationship with service users ; families ; parents and carers .
-Identify personal development issues in context of communication and diversity when working with service users ;families ;parents and carers .
-Define the terms : compassion ; sensitivity ;kindness; stereotyping ;prejudice ;social exclusion ; diversity ; verbal , para-verbal and non verbal communication.
-Demonstrate management of one's own learning and development' including the ability to communicate ideas with accuracy and sensitivity.
Issues to be discussed are Juvenile Violence and Domestic Abuse:
Problems and Issues in Need of Change ??
Sometimes, though not always, a crisis is necessary to precipitate change. T...his is because it is difficult for people to give up the comfort of what is familiar. In these cases, when evidence pointing to the need for change becomes almost too much to ignore??"as when droves of people leave an organization in a short period of time, or a terrorist attack occurs, or a woman is beaten and nearly dies??"it is easy to motivate yourself or others to change and take on the effort it involves. There are times, however, where a crisis is not necessary to precipitate change and bring forth the needed action(s). Lewin (as cited in Dirkx, Gilley, & Gilley, 2004) calls the process of becoming change-ready unfreezing, and it can apply to any kind of change, including social change, the focus in this course.* ??You have considered how values and problems and issues that arouse your passion also can motivate you and others to change and take action. ??*Reference: Dirkx, J. M., Gilley, J. W., & Gilley, A. M. (2004). Change theory in CPE and HRD: Toward a holistic view of learning and change in work. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 6(1), 35??"51. ??To prepare for this:
Review the article "Social Justice: A Long-Term Challenge for Counseling" and the website "Counselors for Social Justice." Think about the societal or profession-related problems/issues the article and website discuss that need change. Then consider why change, particularly social change, is needed to create a society that supports the mental health and welfare of its members.
Review the codes of ethics in attached list of websites. Consider how the ethical mandates might relate to problems/issues needing change.
Think about profession-related problems and issues and societal problems and issues that you think are in need of change.
Select one profession-related and one societal problem/issue that you are passionate about that could benefit from social change and, thus, contribute to creating a society that supports the mental health of its members.
Identify at least two ethical mandates from one of the codes of ethics in this weeks Learning Resources that offer direction on or are otherwise related to the two problems/issues you selected.
With these thoughts in mind:
Write a brief description of one profession-related problem or issue and one societal problem or issue that would benefit from social change. Explain why you selected each; that is, why change in each case is needed to create a society that supports the mental health of its members. Then identify two ACA (or NASW or ACJS) code of ethics mandates (for each problem/issue) that offer direction on or are otherwise related to the problems/issues you selected. Be specific.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references.
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Issues and Questions for Research
Topic: Issues Concerning Crime and Treatment of Criminals.
A.How should we treat convicted criminals?
Listed are 3 sources that you need to use for research paper.
1) Title: One of the Keys to Reducing Crime is Ridding Our Prisons of the Crimes Committed There, By: Enterprise/Salt Lake City, 05/15/2000, Vol. 29 Issue 46, p28, 1p
2) Title: From Beverly Hills to a Mexican Jail, By: Dodd, Johnny, People, 00937673, 5/23/2005, Vol.63, Issue 20
3) Title: Coalition Calls for Independent Probe on Torture, By: Hanley, Delinda C., Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 87554917, Jul2005, Vol. 24, Issue 5
mental illness and other forms of state-sponsored confinement, including Kesey's In the Belly of the Beast.
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The topic is: Mental Health Issues Related to Race/Ethnicity and the Poor:
I need an abstract and reference page as well. This paper must be supported with 10 peer-reviewed journal resources. APA format must be used for this assignment.
Focus on knowing if mental illness is more prevalent in one ethnic group than other group. With the way the economy has been for the last few years, more and more ethnic groups who were once among the wealthy and the middle class are now finding themselves living in poverty. With these groups living an unusual and sometimes an uncomfortable life style, will these conditions increase the risk of mental illness? If this is the case, which group will it affect more and why?
The topic addressed in this assignment is the mental health of prisoners in usa. I've included the outline of our main idea, but I need help to apply these ideas to the following questions. please con...tact me if you need more clarifications.
I. Introduce and define the global health issue and its connection to nursing. For example, ...
A. Clearly and concisely state the focus. Describe what is in the foreground.
What is your topic/issue and how are you going to focus on the topic?
What, as nurses, made you focus on this topic/issue? Include a reflection on your clinical experiences.
Who/what are the players: who/what is involved in the issue/situation? What concerns you?
B. Describe the background to the issue.
What is visible? What is hidden?
What is the history?
II. Analyze the background and foreground information. For example, ...
A. Describe and discuss your inquiry. Present a synthesis of your learning from your review of the literature, the public media representations, and your experiences.
Describe how scholarly nursing literature treats the topic, and how public media treats the topic. What are the sources of information (e.g., research study? Expert/biased opinion?) How does the literature/media representation problematize the topic?
How are the literature and media interpretations the same? How are they different? How/could the literature/media help you as you work towards a positive response to the issue?
B. What role do professionals and the media each play in creating/sustaining the status quo?
Who is advantaged/disadvantaged by things being the way they are?
Whose view is missing? whose view dominates?
C. Ask yourselves (and your audience), 'so what'?
What makes your concerns important? What will happen if nothing is done?
III. Suggest recommendations and draw your discussion to a conclusion. For example, ...
A. Address the query ?where does or doesn?t nursing fit in this situation?? What is the nursing interest?
Suggest an alternate approach or approaches, or response to the issue - locally or globally. What do you think can be done to positively influence the situation and to promote health? who should be involved?
Include the rationale for why you made the decision to respond to the background factors with the approach you are suggesting.
B. Sum up your findings, questions that have come to mind, and recommendations.
IV. Integrate peer-reviewed literature from professional practice and public media representations. Please incorporate the following ...
A. Include a minimum of four (4) peer-reviewed scholarly references that are particularly targeted for health care professionals (e.g., nursing, medicine, health care economics, health services administration, etc.).
B. Also include a minimum of four (4) articles from media (e.g., online or print newspaper, magazine, audio or video clip accessed by the general public).
C. Select literary examples that illustrate the situation locally and globally (i.e., make sure you have a balance that shows Canadian perspectives and perspectives from abroad).
V. Incorporate professional language, and correctly employ APA formatting and style for grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations and referencing in your presentation or paper.
A. Use heading and subheadings to organize your submission. Include a reference list within your presentation or paper. In your Part c) submission, you will present a complete reference list including resources you consulted but did not cite. more
Factors affecting mental health in hispanic community in the U.S., lack of insurance, language barriers, lack of hispanic healthcare providers, immigration and fear of deportation, the family structure and machoism stigma, more into faith based healing like folk medicine, assimilation, possible solutions include educating hispanic community on availability, educating health care providers on the hispanic culture and development of trust between the two entities including understanding the cultural syndromes that affecting primarily the hispanic community. Please include the population increase of the hispanic community within the U.S. over the last 10 years.
Length: 2500 words
Mental Health Policies and Legislation
Choose a piece of mental health legislation or National, State, or Local policy which has made an impact on mental health ca...re over the past 20 years. - I have chosen the recovery model of care - as outlined by the Australian 2010 Mental Health standards.
a. Justify your choice with regard to how it affects your nursing practice and the care of persons with mental illness.
b. Analyse the historical, social, and political influences that shaped the policy that you have chosen.
c. Critically evaluate how effective the policy or legislation is when measured against its stated aims. Which groups benefit from it and are there any disadvantaged groups?
d. Reflect upon the impact it has had or may have upon your own nursing practice.
Marking Criteria : Mental Health Policies and Legislation
1. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the legislation or policy. (15 marks)
2. Ability to effectively analyse how the policy or legislation affects care. (20 marks)
3. Ability to critically examine the legislation or policy?s effectiveness. (15 marks)
4. Demonstrates an ability to reflect upon the impact the policy or legislation has on one?s own practice. (10 marks)
5. References are recent, obtained from reliable sources, using the correct APA format. (5 marks)
6. Overall presentation, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling are at a level commensurate with post graduate course work. (10 marks) more
Write a paper detailing an intervention for the population of community counseling?adults in group home for the chronically mentally ill. You will also include theory, lifespan issues, developmental i...ssues, crisis, trauma , pathology environmental situations, an other issues related to the population described in the paper In this paper:
1. Identify the ?normal? developmental issues faced by this population including a summary of the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional behaviors.
2. Identify and describe in detail a particular intervention based on developmental and specialty literature (e.g., daily living skills workshop for adults in group home for chronically mentally ill). Be sure to identify whether the intervention targets groups such as a seminar, workshop, or targets individuals such as individual behavior contracts. Also specify the amount of time your intervention will take (e.g., one three hour presentation, six weeks for 1 ? hours per week, three months of meeting one on one for an hour per week, etc.) Make sure that you accurately cite at least 3 professional sources
3. Identify and describe in detail the necessary individual, couple, group and family interventions and cultural considerations, given a crisis, disaster or other- trauma causing event.
4. Include the following in the paper with additional reference citations:
Theories of individual and family development and transitions across the lifespan ? impact on population writing about in paper.
Theories of learning and personality development including current understandings about neurobiological behavior - matching population written about in paper.
Theories and models of individual, cultural, couple, family and community resilience related to population.
Effects of crisis, disasters, and other trauma-causing events on the population you are writing about.
A general framework for understanding exceptional abilities and strategies for different or alternative interventions.
Please try and fit these as subheadings in the paper:
Description of Population
Summary of "normal" development literature/theory
Description of Intervention
Theories of individual and family development and transitions across the lifespan
Theories of learning and personality development including current understanding and neurobiologic behavior
Effects of crisis, disasters, and other trauma causing events on persons of all ages
Theories and models of individual, cultural, couple, family, and community resilience more
Purpose: This activity is meant to introduce you to policy issues in mental health and the impact of these policies on agencies, counselors, and clients. Please take reading notes as you go (reactions..., questions, insights, concerns).
1. SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration ? a division of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
a. Read the ?Leading Change? document (attached)
2. NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health - A federally funded research institution
a. Read the NIMH Strategic Planning Report (attached)
1. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - a grassroots organization for people with mental illness and their families
a. Spend some time perusing the site and see what NAMI?s definition of recovery is and the programs and advocacy they offer.
1. The Carter Center
a. Familiarize yourself with the purpose of the Carter Center?s Mental Health division.
When you are done with the readings, compose a 9-10 page paper (Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced). Please follow APA style guidelines using proper headers, citations, reference page, etc. Please use headers for Parts 1, 2, & 3.
? Part One of the paper should summarize each of these readings in no more than three short paragraphs and be no more than 4 pages.
? Part Two of the paper should reflect on how what you?ve learned in these readings impact your practicum or internship site or place of employment. How does your agency/community setting work with the ideas set forth in these readings? How does the Affordable Care Act affect your agency/community setting? These are just examples of what I?m looking for. Please make it fit your agency. This section should be no more than 3-4 pages
? Part Three of the paper should be your personal reflection. What do these readings cause you to wonder about in our profession? How do you see yourself as an advocate in relation to these readings? This section should be 2-3 pages long. more
Five: Mental Models
For this assignment, write a five page paper (double-spaced, not including title and reference pages) that:
Describe the problem/issue(s) identified, Problem Iden...tification.
Describe strategies you identified, per the research for addressing that issue(s)/problem(s) (in Solution Identification).
Describe how you would establish a moral purpose statement for change, write at least one moral purpose statement example to offer to stakeholders, and identify the steps you would take to procure buy-in and support for the endeavor from stakeholders identified.
Then take a look at a data collected through the consider past experience and conversations with colleagues and supervisors, and examine demographic data to identify some of the most prevalent mental models (i.e., established ways of thinking about a topic) that exist within the organization in question. For example, individuals within your organization may have a mental model that technology is too complicated and they don't have time to learn how to use it. Mental models in your school might be positive (e.g., a belief that all students are worth "saving") or negative (e.g., a belief that leadership is always trying to sabotage their efforts).
Describe two or three of the most prevalent collective mental models you believe exist in your organization. Describe how these mental models will either be an obstacle to your proposed change effort or aid in its facilitation. In other words, describe how the mental models either help or hinder (or both) the change initiative you believe is necessary.
If you believe the mental models that exist in your organization will hinder your change effort, identify at least one mental model that should be cultivated in your organization to facilitate the necessary change and remedy the identify issue/problem. Explain how this mental model can be initiated, developed, communicated, and sustained in an effort to implement the change needed.
Describe possible challenges to cultivating and sustaining the mental model(s) identified, or suggest and provide possible solutions to overcome the challenges and facilitate the change in thinking among stakeholders.
Find at least one peer-reviewed research article and identify at least two strategies recommended for either changing existing mental models or using them to strengthen your plan for change. more
Many elderly Australians fear the loss of autonomy and dignity which they associate with residential aged care. Investigate the literature on aged care in Australia and identify how resource short-falls, skills shortage and ageist attitudes contribute to these fears. Discuss ways in which the values of dignity and autonomy of elderly residents can be fostered by nursing and allied staff.
In responding to the presented essay question you need to consider the following in your argument:
? Clear identification of the ethical aspects of the topic
? Clear statement of your position
? Sound application of ethical theory, principles, and virtues/values to the issues
? Clear, logical arguments
? Sound defence of your approach against alternative positions
? Concise summary of your argument
When submitting your essay, please ensure that:
? The format for assessment is a Word Document
? Font is Arial size 11
Paper that addresses critical aspects of the mental health counseling role. Discuss the role in relationship to the prescription and monitoring of pharmacological treatments for mental health issues.
Communications between the mental health counselor and prescribers of pharmacological treatments for shared clients
Ethical concerns and issues in the provision of counseling for clients undergoing pharmacological treatments for mental health issues (From the AMHCA)
Necessary competencies for the mental health counselor in providing services to clients undergoing pharmacological treatments for diagnosed mental health conditions (From the AMHCA)
I am attaching some files. The AMHCA and the article Therapeutic Implications of Pharmacotherapy: Current Trends and Ethical Issues can be used as references.
1) to present a balanced view of an ethical issue ( it will be on abortion); to clearly articulate both sides of an ethical issue
2) to identify an ethical framework, model, theory or set of principles and describe its application to an ethical issue.
-choose an ethical issue in health care and or nursing. State why this issue is of importance to society.
-clearly state your evidence-based position as a nurse on this issue. Identify the values(personal, professional and or institutional) underpinning your position.
-clearly state at least one other position (or side) to this issue. This position also needs to be grounded in the evidence. Speculate as to the values (personal, professional and or institutional) underpinning this opposing position.
-include a discussion describing the use of an ethical framework, model, theory or the ethical principles to support your position on this issue.
-conclude with a brief summary as to why you believe your position is the best position on this issue.
I am an operating room nurse and I am pro choice on this issue. we are faced with other staff that will not be involved in those cases.
must include at least 4 peer reviewed journals.
There are various views on what constitutes mental illness. There are authors who follow the medical model and look for aetiological causes of mental illness that are caused by chemical ...imbalances in the body or changes in organ function as compared to people who do not diagnose people with a mental illness, rather they need to be viewed according to their behaviour and how that behaviour can be managed. To develop an understanding of mental illness it is important to examine the various views related to labelling people with a mental illness diagnosis:
This assignment relates to the following subject objectives:
develop an understanding or society's attitudes to abnormal behaviour
discuss the implications of labelling people with a mental illness
examine the proves of deinstitutionalization and its impact on people experiencing a mental illness
examine the settings in which individuals may receive treatment for disturbed behaviour
discuss the effect of culture on mental illness by identifying the particular problems for Indigenous and multicultural populations
On pages 95-96 of your textbook, Bentall, R. (2004) Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature, Penguin: Suffolk is several authors views on mental illness as noted below.
'According to Kraepelin, people either suffer from mental illness or they do not, and we are not free to choose whether to regard some kind of unusual behaviour as evidence of madness or mere eccentricity'.
'For Carl Jaspers, the psychiatrist's inability for form an empathic appreciation of a patient's experiences was a sure sign of the patient's madness. For Kurt Schneider, the observation of certain behaviours and experiences (the first-rank symptoms) carried a similar implication. Only Eugen Bleuler was more flexible, conceiving of a continuum that ran from normality to the extreme experiences of people suffering from psychosis.'
Finally, another author Ludwig Wittenstein has the view that 'psychosis should be seen as just part and parcel or human variation, rather than as an illness.' Bentall (2004:96) argues that 'the attribution of mental illness, either to individuals or to particular types of behaviour, is arbitrarty rather than scientific, and that psychotic people are eccentrics who are misunderstood and victimised by society.
You are to read chapters 1 and 2 of your text Elder, R., Evans, K. & Nizette, D. 2005, Psychiatric and Mental health Nursing, Elsevier-Mosby, Sydney, pp. 2-27 that discusses: 'The Effective Nurse' and 'The Context of Practice'.
You are to analyse and discuss the various positions on mental illness provided above and conclude with discussing your position on the labeling/diagnosing a person with a mental illness.
NOTE: This is required to be an academic essay that follows the usual requirements for such a piece of work. This applies especially to use of the 3rd person.
Criteria for assessment of Assessment 1 - NRS243
Student Name: ______________________________________________
Value: 30%
Criteria grade
= excellent work
criterion met to an exceptionally high standard.
= well done
criterion met to a high standard.
= satisfactory
criterion met but depth and/or breadth somewhat limited.
= needs improvement
criterion met to an acceptable standard just, but there is much room for further development.
= poor
criterion not met; either not addressed or treated very superficially.
No marks awarded but up to 20 marks from total mark for work poorly presented
Grammar/use of English
Format (page nos, title page, etc.)
Essay structure/development
No marks awarded but up to 20 marks will be deducted from total mark for work poorly presented
Linking ideas/signposting
Body - evidence of a plan
Evidence of logical and reflective thinking
Content - 100%
Understanding of essay task and subject matter demonstrated
Information relevant to topic
Clear and logical answers to questions
Critical examination of the main issues related to the topic (analysis)
Synthesis of overall argument (evaluation) is clearly, logically and creatively developed and arises logically from the analysis
Academic Referencing Technique
No marks awarded but up to 20 marks will be deducted from total mark for work poorly referenced and resourced
Referencing system correct in paper
Referencing system correct in reference list
Appropriate use of nursing and other literature - at least 5 references are used as supporting evidence for 1000 words
Appropriate systematic reference to subject readings and textbooks
Correct use of quotes
[-i will email the resource material tomorow
Prescribed text(s)
Bentall, R. 2004, Madness explained: Psychosis and human nature. Penguin, London.
Elder, R., Evans, K. & Nizette, D. 2005, Psychiatric and mental health nursing. Mosby, Marrickville. ISBN: 07295 3729 3
Canadian/Off shore and other students can order these texts online using your credit card at: http://www.coop-bookshop.com.au
(This is the University Cooperative Bookshop located at Charles Sturt University, Bathurst campus.)
Pedersen, D. 2005, Psych notes: Clinical pocket guide. FA Davis Co., Philadelphia.
These texts are shrink wrapped together.
Recommended reading
Freshwater, D. 2006, Mental health and illness: Questions and answers for counsellors and therapists. Whurr Publishers, Chichester.
Recommended reading
All readings in Modules 1 and 2.
Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council 2003, Evaluation of the Second National Mental Health Plan. Australian Government Publishers, Canberra.
New South Wales Mental Health Act 1990, Government Printers, Sydney.
Hatcher, S., Butler, R. & Oakley-Browne, M. 2005, Evidence-based mental health care, Elsevier, Sydney.
Sallah, D. & Clark, M. 2005, Research and development in mental health. Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.
Internet sites
Internet sites through CSU library health links
Information on Human Neurological Diseases - searchable database of resources. Recommended.
Internet Mental Health
Knowledge Exchange Network - information and resources on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services for mental illness (US).
Mental Health Matters - directory of mental health, mental illness resources for professionals, patients and families.
Mental Health and Wellbeing - Mental Health and Special Programs Branch - Dept. of Health and Aged Care.
Mental Health InfoSource - includes an A-Z Disorder search, articles, news and journal.
Mental Health Net
Mental Health Resources - links on child and adolescent mental health, ADHD, mood disorders, suicide, eating disorders and other topics.
Mentalwellness.com - online resource for schizophrenia and other mental health information.
National Child Protection Clearinghouse - publications, articles, links, newsletter and other resources.
Primary Mental Health Care Australian Resource Centre - database of resources.
Psychiatry and Psychology Resources (OMNI Gateway)
SANE Factsheets - disorders, treatments and statistics.
Alzheimer's Association (US)
Alzheimers Association of Australia
American Psychiatric Nurses Association
American Psychological Association
Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses
Australian Drug Foundation
The Australian Early Intervention Network for Mental Health
Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention
Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network
Centre for Evidence Based Mental Health
Centre for Mental Health Research (Australian National University)
Anxiety Disorders Foundation of Australia
SANE Australia
World Federation for Mental Health
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
Bipolar Disorders Information Centre
Bipolar Disorders Portal - resources on medication, bipolar depression, manic depression, self-injury, suicide, panic and treatment.
Depression InfoCentre
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Topic of the paper is Mental Retardation in adults
In the case of Mental Retardatation in adults study, the paper will focus on the history of this field of study, its im...portance, and current research in the area
History of the disorder, including the first scientists to identify and describe the disorder
Prevalence rates and statistics pertinent to the disorder
Diagnostic criteria and issues pertaining to differential diagnosis
Theories of pathogenesis
Treatments for the disorder
5 pages
The paper should be in APA style.
The paper must include at least 7 academic references meaning textbooks and scientific journals/periodicals (i.e. no Wikipedia, blogs, etc.).
References should be mostly made up of primary sources published in the last 10 years.
Do not plagiarize
These 5 references should be used in the paper. You could find the rest of the references in other place as long they follow the guidelines mentioned before.
References should be also in APA as the ones I am sending you.
I would like a general introduction about Mental Retardation, and then focus on Mental Retardation in adults.
Remember this is not a Down Syndrome topic
Mental Retardation in Adults
1. Christopher D. Prater, MD. (2006, June 15). Medical Care of Adults with Mental Retardation. Retrieved March 11, 2010, from American Family Physician: http://www.aafp.org/afp/2006/0615/p2175.html
2. Donna K. Daily, MD. (2000, February 15). Identification and Evaluation of Mental Retardation. Retrieved March 11, 2010, from American Family Physician: http://www.aafp.org/afp/20000215/1059.html
3. Gotiesrnati, R. L. (s.f.). Facts About Mental Retardation. Retrieved March 11, 2010, from webpages.ursinus.edu: http://webpages.ursinus.edu/bestbuddies/page9.html
4. Neil K. Kaneshiro, MD. (2009, November 2). Mental retardation. Retrieved March 11, 2010, from Medline Plus: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001523.htm
5. Tammi Reynolds, B. (2006, October 24). Adults with Mental Retardation - Employment. Retrieved March 11, 2010, from MentalHelp.net: http://www.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=10377&cn=208
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Write an essay of 6 pages (max) typed (double-spaced pages in eleven (Calibri) or twelve-point (times n...ew roman) font with 1 margins) on one of the two following topics. Do not use quotations from the authors or copy whole sentences or sentence fragments from the texts or any other sources. Be careful of academic dishonesty. The whole essay must be in your own words. At least 12-15 references to the texts we have read are required for this paper, and they should be distributed equally throughout the paper. Explain the authors points in your own words; and then use a page citation to the Summer 2010 Cal Copy Reader (for example, 1.Sade, CC2010, p.00--) in order to indicate where the author makes the point or concept you are explaining or using. Number these page citations from 1 to 12 or 1-15, and put them in the body of your essay. Your essay should contain at least 12 page citations to the CAL COPY 2010 reader and cover all the authors and texts that you explain in your essay.
All papers are due in Center 214 on Saturday, July 31st between 10 and 11 am. And you must hand in your paper to your TA, Joyce or Veronica, in person. Return this question sheet with your paper.
Write your paper on:
Basic issues:
(1) Are there genuine mental illnesses and how are they different from physical illnesses, and everyday ethical, social and psychological problems?
(2) Does the concept of mental illness assume certain ethical values and norms? Whose values and norms? How? Why? Why not?
(3) If the concept of mental illness assumes ethical values and norms, does that destroy the objective and scientific status of psychiatry, psychoanalysis, or psychotherapy?
(a) Carefully explain how Szasz in The Myth of Mental Illness answers the above questions and defends his view that mental illness is a Myth. (2 pages)
(b) Carefully explain how Sedgewick answers the above questions. In your above explanation, explain how his answers challenge Szaszs position. (2 pages)
(c) Choose either Boorse, Engelhardt or Edwards and explain how his account of mental health, mental disease and psychiatry challenges the critique of psychiatry in Szasz. Explain who has the more convincing position in your opinion, and why? (2 pages)
Rules Governing the Grading of these Papers:
1. All papers must be handed in to your TA in person in Center Hall 214 on Saturday, July 31st between 10 and 11am, and be 6 pages maximum.
2. Each part of your essay will count equally.
3. Papers without the required references to our cal Copy Summer 2010 texts will not receive a passing grade. Include at least 12-15 references.
4. Your 12-15 footnotes should be distributed over all the authors you treat in your essay.
5. In the case of this final paper, we cannot accept late papers.
6. You are responsible for making and keeping an extra copy of your paper, in case the original is lost or missing.
7. You are also responsible for knowing the university rules and procedures concerning plagiarism and cheating. Plagiarism or cheating may result in getting an F for the whole course, may go on your permanent record, and can result in disciplinary action.
All papers must be submitted to TurnItIn by midnight on Saturday July 31st. To turn in your paper login onto the class WebCT and submit to the TurnItIn link there. After you have uploaded your paper a confirmation page will appear. Print out the confirmation page for your records in case your electronic submission is disputed.
U=Unclear or confused point
P=Poorly written or formulated
I=Your explanation, criticism, etc. is incomplete and misses important points
G=Good point, formulation of idea
W=Well organized explanation, discussion or criticism
X=Explain in more detail, clarify
E=Give an example to support the claim
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This essay for for a philosophy subject called certainty and subjectivity.
"What is a mental state (Are all mental states the same)? explain why we attribute states to others and what evidence we use.Discuss different types of mental states and explain how they relate to behaviour and the world"
When discussing the different mental states please include; Experiential states, cognitive states and conative or motivational states
From my professor (word for word): Pick a topic (Mental Health), and within the paper, I want an overview of the setting you are researching, (primary care, mental hospital,outpatient clinic, family practice, ect),and then analyze it-dig into what you found out about the setting. Here is where I want you to research the setting; is it typically for-profit, not-for-profit, what is the patient mix typically (Medicare, Medicaid, commercial insurance), ect. Also, I want you to write down the challenges and opportunites that this setting is facing (whether it is reimbursement from government sources, if they see primarily Medicare and Medicaid patients, ect). Please provide a Table of Contents.
Instructions attached.
For each similarity and difference, need to give clear examples of both mental and physical disorders. Short introduction only. Main part of essay has to be the similarities and differences.
There are faxes for this order.
The Counseling Psychology field has been unique in its constant search for a specialized identity. It has evolved from a a series of movements which have contributed to the success of the current Counseling Psychology division.
Describe the mental hygiene movement in Counseling Psychology.
Explain the history of Counseling Psychology and compare and contrast its ideas about the Unifying theme of counseling psychology.
Please write this paper in the standing point of someone who is against the idea of having long term imprisonment -- only because of the psychological health issues. Long…
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Read Full Paper ❯Paper that addresses critical aspects of the mental health counseling role. Discuss the role in relationship to the prescription and monitoring of pharmacological treatments for mental health issues. Communications…
Read Full Paper ❯1) to present a balanced view of an ethical issue ( it will be on abortion); to clearly articulate both sides of an ethical issue 2) to identify an ethical…
Read Full Paper ❯Rationale There are various views on what constitutes mental illness. There are authors who follow the medical model and look for aetiological causes of mental illness that are caused by…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic of the paper is Mental Retardation in adults Guideline In the case of Mental Retardatation in adults study, the paper will focus on the history of this field of…
Read Full Paper ❯PHILOSOPHY 163: BIO-MEDICAL ETHICS SUMMER SESSION I 2010 FINAL PAPER TOPIC Write an essay of 6 pages (max) typed (double-spaced pages in eleven (Calibri) or twelve-point (times new roman)…
Read Full Paper ❯This essay for for a philosophy subject called certainty and subjectivity. "What is a mental state (Are all mental states the same)? explain why we attribute states to others and…
Read Full Paper ❯From my professor (word for word): Pick a topic (Mental Health), and within the paper, I want an overview of the setting you are researching, (primary care, mental hospital,outpatient…
Read Full Paper ❯Instructions attached. For each similarity and difference, need to give clear examples of both mental and physical disorders. Short introduction only. Main part of essay has to be the similarities…
Read Full Paper ❯The Counseling Psychology field has been unique in its constant search for a specialized identity. It has evolved from a a series of movements which have contributed to…
Read Full Paper ❯