Market Segment Essays Prompts

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I have attached three documents. One is the rubric by which the Capstone project will be graded. Another is a template for the business plan (the top of which has been filled out). A third is a and loss projection and a balance sheet projection.

The business is a divorce software that is web-based. We have created this product specifically for a nation-wide market. There is currently no comprehensive financial divorce planning software that is web-based. There are divorce softwares out there (Family Law Software, FinPlan, Divorce Settlement Analyst Software), but no online software that can be utilized from any type of computer and where the information is stored on a cloud.

CleanDivision is the name of the software (company name as well), and the company is a SubChapter S Corporation. It is owned 51% by me (Michael Kothakota), and 49% by the programmer (Mike Programmer).

We are estimating that there are over 1700 divorce financial planners (CDFAs) between the U.S. and Canada. There are an additional 2000 financial professionals who work on divorce cases. And there are an estimated 4000 family law attorneys who can benefit form this. We will sell it on a subscription basis, for $30/month, or $300 a year (if paid up front). There will be a one-time setup fee of $99.
?In addition, we will also sell a more watered down version directly to the consumer, which will be a one-shot deal of $49. Over 1.7 million people get divorced each year.

Expenses are initial website domain purchase ($120), and design template purchase ($15). There are no server costs, as we will be storing it on Mike P?s server (at least for the first year). No labor costs as Mike P. is accepting equity and no sales costs as I will be the sole salesperson.

My background is as a Certified Divorce Financial analyst and I have personally worked with over 60 different attorneys and have direct contact with the Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts? President. The institute has certified over 1700 CDFAs.

We expect in the first year (conservatively) we can get approximately 20 attorneys on board and about 100 divorce planners on board to purchase. On the higher side, 100 attorneys and 400 CDFAs.

We also expect the first year we can generate about 50 -100 individual divorces (no attorney, no financial planner).?

Acadia University

Group Assignment # 2
Due ??" June 13th, 2010
BUSI 2433 ??" Marketing Strategy
Spring 2011

Professor ??" Dr. Harish Kapoor

For the assignment # 1 you worked on Acadia University to conduct an opportunity and perform industry attractiveness analysis. Now since you know more which industry your business is in and what type of opportunities/threats exist for your organization, your next task is to segment the market; select the target market; and position the product most appropriately in the chosen segment(s). And at the end write a positioning statement for your organization.

The reaserch paper that I need is about Marketing research on " How Cumberland County Society for the prevention of cruelty to Animal (SPCA)can have more Visivility"?
I have to conduct a market resarch to determine the appropriate target market for (SPCA), I shoud use the categories of segmentation to help detertmine my target market. I have to describe the type of research conduted to establish my target market.
I Should include any information which supports my research.
I nedd 3 peges only. Date colection, Statistis Analysis, Endnotes.
Please call me, if you have any question (856)6921769

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I am going to send you per e-mail a case study about Danfoss Business Strategy in China and I added also another file where you will find 4 questions:
1)(A) Explain what Danfoss does and its indus...try (within and without of China) [5pts]; (B) What factors motivated Danfoss to enter China and what factors motivated China to let Danfoss in? [10 pts] (C) Discuss in detail the problems faced by the company in the initial years and how they were solved. [10 pts].

2)(A) Explain how the company went about expanding its operations in China and what are the advantages and disadvantages of manufacturing oneself in China versus sourcing. [7 pts] (B)What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing business in China for Danfoss ; [8 pts] (C) Explain Danfoss's strategy in China and how would you recommend it to enter China? [10 pts].

3)(A) Explain the potential of cultural clashes between Danfoss's management and its Chinese employees give examples and possible solutions. [10 pts] (B) Analyze the potential for Danfoss in the Chinese markets and its implications; [10 pts] (C) What can Israeli firms learn from Danfoss in China? [5 pts].

4)(A) How did the company use Confucius ideas to achieve its goals in China (responsibility, harmony, Guanxi )? [10 pts] (B) Danfoss plans to make China its "second home" after Europe. Discuss the opportunities and threats that Danfoss could face in China in the near future. What should the company do to mitigate the threats? [10 pts] (C) How Should you proceed from this point? [5 pts].

General Instructions
Up to 2.5 pages per question (total 12 pages)
1.5 spacing, Font 12, Margins enough that one can write remarks.
Cover page & bibliography

There are faxes for this order.

A new product or service not currently in existence;

An existing product or service that has potential to be targeted to a segment or type of consumers that currently does not use the product;

An existing product or service that could achieve significant additional sales if distributed through a new channel; or

An existing product that is sold in one or more countries and can be introduced in another specific country where it is currently not widely used

A paperusually ranging from 4-6 pages double spaced pagesdiscussing implications of the textbook chapter(s) and articles you have read for the firm you have chosen. You must cite each article and the textbook at least once.

Apparel Industry on the First

My industry is Apparel, orginally I choose to write on NAICS 315239.
Please help me.

Industry Analysis Paper Instructions and Grade Sheet
MAN 4720L Strategic Management

Ind...ividual Assignment

Due Date: Week 11, November 2nd

Purpose: Each student will be assigned an industry to study. You are required to conduct a strategic analysis (also called an industry and competitive analysis) of your assigned industry, and to individually write a paper reporting your results. This paper will require that you apply the concepts that you have learned in the course.

This assignment will enable you to learn how to research and analyze the external and competitive nature of an industry. It is necessary to have a thorough understanding of an industry before a firm can develop strategic plans to obtain competitive advantages.

Basic Attributes of Your Report: The best reports are the result of a lot of research. There is a direct correlation between research and grades. To earn the highest grade possible, your report should demonstrate evidence of:
? Significant secondary research.
? Integration of course concepts.
? Written in plain English and demonstrating understanding that clarifies and distills the problems and opportunities competitors in the industry are facing.
? Precise business writing skills. (You will be penalized for writing mistakes.)

The best reports also summarize what you have learned from your research. A great report demonstrates that the student has thoroughly researched the industry, and demonstrates the ability to:
? Comprehend ?Paraphrase or interpret the information in one?s own words.
? Analyze ? Break down the information gathered during your research into parts, and show interrelationships.
? Synthesize ? Bring together parts of knowledge from various sources to form the report.
? Evaluate ? Make judgments based on the information researched.

Research Overview: Do not procrastinate! Start your research as soon as you have chosen your industry.

Begin by just learning as much about the industry as you can -- avoid trying to fill in the information required for the report as long as you can. This may be frustrating for you as there is a tendency to look for specific information for one section of your report during your research, but you will rarely find such information from only one source.

Information you are seeking includes industry trends, past growth rate and future growth projections, target market wants and needs. Also look for typical products/services offered by competitors, client/customer demographic descriptions, pricing, location, promotional methods, distribution methods, customer service reputation, quality track record, etc. Learn how industry competitors operate.

Suggested Approach to Research: Here is how you might start your research:
1. Determine your NAICS code. This will increase the efficiency of your research. If you cannot identify the NAICS code, then try using a SIC code instead.

2. Find magazine/journal articles or books about your type of business; photocopy the articles to insure that you have the source of the information. List the articles and books you researched and describe the pertinent information you found that will be included in your report.

3. Use the Internet. There is a wide variety of Internet sources of information available to you as a UCF student. The UCF Library has licenses to many databases and online information sources; either access them from an on-campus computer lab or install the Pegasus CD on your home computer to access these sites for free.

Length of the Paper: As noted in Dr. Barringer?s syllabus, a quality paper will likely be between 12 and 15 pages long. If it is less than 12 pages long, you should assume that you have not invested sufficient effort in your research and/or your analysis. If it exceeds 15 pages, you have probably not done enough analysis, synthesis, or evaluation of your material required to produce a concise well-written report. I will not read or grade any information that exceeds 15 pages; this will likely result in a loss of points.

Document Your Sources: As you conduct your research, carefully document the sources of the information. We have a Zero Tolerance policy for plagiarism in this course. You MUST submit your paper to, an online anti-plagiarism website. The instructions for submitting your paper to can be found on my website.

Outline: Following is an outline of the types of issues you will want to address in your paper. Be sure to go beyond just describing the industry. Discuss the implications of your findings for firms competing in your industry. Note that not all issues contained within each section will apply to every industry. Choose the most pertinent issues and discuss them according to the applicability to your assigned industry. However, there are certain sections that are required for all papers and are marked as such, so please make sure to include them in your assignment.

Introduction: Introduce your industry in one to two sentences. (5 points)
Research: Find the NAICS or SIC codes first, then determine generic descriptions of the industry and the general products that this industry produces. If you were studying steel production, you would look up what steel production/manufacturing encompasses.

1. Industry?s Dominant Economic Features (this is typically one or one and a half pages long) (30 Points)
Research: While you are getting familiar with this industry through your research, make note of information related to any dominant economic features such as market size; scope of rivalry; growth rate and what stage of the life cycle is the industry in; number of rivals and their relative size; prevalence of forward/backwards integration; channels of distribution; pace of process and product technology change; whether products are highly differentiated or very similar; to what extent are economies of scale in purchasing, distribution, advertising, are important; to what extent do learning curves exist; are high rates of capacity utilization important for profitability; what are the historical levels of profitability; are there segments within the industry, and if so, what are they, and how do their presence effect firms, strategies, competition, and levels of profitability within each segment?

Report: Summarize what you have learned about the economic factors in the industry that have the most impact on it. In addition, if your industry is not a main industry, it might be a sub-industry within a main industry. For example, if you were studying steel production companies, the main industry is called metals and mining; within metals and mining there are two sub-industries dealing with steel, you would study steel production (also sometimes called steel manufacturing). Basically describe the purpose of your industry?what does it do, and what dominant economic features influence it the most. Choose carefully what information belongs in this section of your report, and what information should be included in one of the other five sections of the report.

2. Porter's Five Forces (two or three pages) (35 points)
See pp. 41-55 of your text for a discussion of Porter?s Five Forces.

Threat of Substitute Products (Include as a sub-heading.)
Research: If you were studying steel production, you would look up information in your industry to see if there are many substitutes for steel and steel production. If so, discuss what these are and how they act as substitutes. If not, state that this is not an issue. For example, is plastic (a different industry) a good substitute for steel? Don?t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry.

Intensity of Competitive Rivalry in the Industry (Include as a sub-heading.)
Research: Look up information in your industry to see if there is a lot of rivalry between and among the companies currently in the industry and describe that here. Don?t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.

Threat of New Entrants (Include as a sub-heading.)
Research: If you were studying steel production, you would look up information in your industry to see if there is a high likelihood for new firms to enter the steel production industry. Describe reasons why there are ? or are not ? barriers to entry into this industry (e.g., is there a high capital requirement to enter this industry, is it difficult to obtain the resources to produce steel, etc.). Don?t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.

The Power of Buyers (Include as a sub-heading.)
Research: If you were studying steel production, you would look up information in your industry to see those people purchasing the steel that is produced have a high level of power over the steel producers such that they can control the prices and terms of contracts. Don?t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.

The Power of Suppliers (Include as a sub-heading.)
Research: If you were studying steel production, you would look up information in your industry to see if those supplying the steel manufacturers have a high level of power over the steel producers such that there are no other suppliers, they can charge high prices, they can control the terms of contracts, etc. Don?t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.

Report: For each force, go through the issues that represent high or low power. Determine whether or not, collectively, the force affects the attractiveness of the industry. After you have gone through all five forces, be sure to include a summary of your analysis and what it means for the industry. If the industry is segmented, be sure to include a brief discussion of that fact and how the forces might differ across the different segments.

The best way to approach this section is to use each of the forces as a secondary heading and discuss how each of the force?s corresponding criteria (or those that are relevant) impacts the strength of that force for the industry. Be sure to provide relevant (and cited) examples of how the suppliers, buyers, new entrants, rivals, and substitutes are impacted by these different criteria. Then, after discussing each force?s relevant criteria, conclude a final level of strength of impact of that force relative to the industry (e.g., you might include a concluding sentence that says something like ?Based on the analyses conducted above, the power of buyers is low?. Alternatively, begin the section with a sentence something like ?The power of buyers in this industry is low. This was determined by examining each of the criteria relevant to the power of buyers, as discussed below.? Then you would discuss each criterion that leads you to that conclusion).

3.Drivers for Change in the Broad Environment (20 points) (one or two pages)
See pp. 34-39 in your text for a discussion of the factors/forces impacting a firm?s general environment.

Research: Search for information such as: Sociocultural, technological, political/legal, or economic trends; long term growth rate; who buys the product and how they use it; significance of product innovation and technological change; marketing innovation; entry/exits of major firms; diffusion of technological know-how; extent of globalization; changes in costs and efficiencies; emerging buyer preferences (shift towards differentiation or commodity); regulatory influences; changes in societal concerns, attitudes, or lifestyles; reductions in uncertainty and risk in the industry over time.

Report: You do NOT need to discuss all factors in the general environment, only those relevant to the industry under study. Thus, be sure to discuss ONLY the most relevant factors for your industry. Most common general environmental factors include technological change, demographic trends, legal and political conditions, economic climate, cultural trends, and specific international events (e.g., global changes).
Simply discuss how the relevant trends in the general environment impact your industry. A nice way to approach this section is to include cited examples of firms within the industry that have had to adjust their business practices (or who have responded to the trend) as a consequence of the trend. Be sure to also discuss the implications of the trends for the industry. As such, you will not just state what the trend is, but you need to directly tie the trend to the implications that it will have (or is having) on the industry. See pp. 34-39 in your text for a discussion of the drivers for change.

4.Companies in the Strongest/Weakest Positions (40 points) (two or three pages)
Chapters 3-5 will help you to write this section.
Research: Identify three individual companies in the industry that are either leaders or those that need to be put out of their misery. Identify how each firm has positioned, or tried to position, themselves, in their industry. For example, are there positions in the industry that are more attractive than others? What strategies does each of these rivals pursue? Identify characteristics that differentiate the companies from each other based on quality/price, geographic coverage, vertical integration, product line breadth, distribution, or service.

Report: Identify at least THREE different firms (or types of firms) in your industry and discuss how each has positioned, or tried to position, themselves, in their industry. Are there positions in the industry that are more attractive than others?

You are required to answer this question, using course concepts: ?What strategy does each of these rivals pursue?? The criteria that you can use to determine the strategic positions of the firms include Porter?s generic strategies (e.g., low cost, differentiation, focus, and focused-differentiation). Do some generic strategies seem to work better in the industry than others? Are some firms more successful at executing the generic strategies then others? If so, why (how do you know)? Other criteria that you can use to determine the strategic positions of the firms include how the firms position their products on a number of criteria like quality and price. Do some firms have high quality and highly priced products/services while others have adequate quality and low priced products/services? Are some firms competing on a large geographic scale than others (e.g., compete in more geographic markets?internationally or in more domestic markets than others)? Do some firms offer a broader product/service selection than others? Do some firms benefit from first-mover advantages? Do some firms possess resources and capabilities that allow them to gain a competitive advantage?

5. Key Success Factors For Competitive Success (KSFs) (35 points) (one or two pages)
Research: This section probably does not require additional research. Instead you should reflect back on all that you have already learned about this industry. Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate what you have learned.

Report: You are required to answer all of these questions.
What are the 3-4 key industry issues/factors that have the strongest relationship with success and profitability?
Do these KSFs vary by segment?
How are these KSFs likely to vary over time?
What are the implications of this evolution?

6.Industry?s Attractiveness and Prospects for Long-Term Profitability (about one page) (35 points)
Research: No additional research should be needed to complete this section. Write it last so that you can summarize information from the previously-written sections. Thus, you should use all of your analyses to determine how attractive the industry is and what the prospects for long-term profitability are. For example, you should identify the level of attractiveness and prospects for long-term profitability based on what you?ve already learned. You might even find some forecasts in your research that might help to support your assertions regarding the industry?s prospects.

Report: You are required to discuss all of these issues:
?Future growth potential,
?Will competitive forces strengthen,
?Will driving forces increase/decrease profitability,
?Which company?s strategic position will improve/decline,
?How can firms insulate themselves from the unattractive forces in the industry,
?Degree of uncertainty and severity of problems confronting industry,
?Which types of firms/strategies seem to be most lucrative,
?Is this an attractive industry in which to participate?

?Bibliography or Works Cited
?Any other related documents, in the order in which they are mentioned in your report.

Paper Format
?The paper must be double-spaced.
?Use 12-point Times New Roman font only.
?Provide 1-inch margins on all sides.
?Write in paragraphs using dialog. Avoid using bullets unless you include short lists of similar issues.
?It should take about 12 -15 pages of text to do a thorough job on this analysis (the paper can vary between 12 and 15 pages).
?You can provide appendices (charts, graphs, etc.), but these should not be considered part of the 12 ? 15 pages of text. Put items in the Appendix in the same order they are discussed in the paper.
?Use headings for each of the six main sections of the paper, and number each page. Use sub-heading when appropriate, such as for Porter?s Five Forces.
?Do not include a table of contents.
?Papers must follow APA citation guidelines (including in-text citations).
?Staple your paper in the upper left-hand corner. Do not use a binder, notebook, folder, etc. You will not receive extra points for ?packaging? your report beyond the basics outlined here. You will likely need to use a heavy duty stapler for this. Multiple attempts with a typical stapler will be ineffective, create an unprofessional appearance, and result in pages getting lost. You may lose points for this, so plan ahead to staple your paper with a heavy duty stapler.
?Do not include a cover sheet. Attach and use the Grade Sheets found at the end of this document instead of a cover sheet. Complete the information required on the first grade sheet (name, team, etc.)

?Failure to properly cite your sources will be assumed to be plagiarism and will result in a 0 on the assignment.
?Writing skills count. Review the Business Writer?s Companion or the Cornerstone Writing Handbook to insure your writing skills meet requirements. Your writing skills must be precise and professional. Proof read your paper (and ask another person to proof read your paper) to insure there are no problems with your writing skills. You could lose 3 points for each error.
?Your paper will be graded from the perspective of an executive (your employer) reviewing a report, not just as an instructor reviewing a student?s paper. It must be professional in all respects.
?Don?t forget to submit this report to You will get a 0 if you forget.

please include a reference page. this papers is a market-strategy plan for kino's case study that is being faxed it. paper needs to reflect the following:

I--situational analysis--who what where when why
II--SWOT--strength, weakness, opportunity, threats
III--market strategy--product, price, promotion, place

paper needs to be in MLA format
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For this assignment, choose a major publicly traded automotive producer, such as General Motors, Ford,
Toyota, or Volkswagen. Then, research this company?s production and inventory levels, and ope...rational
cost information, along with price and sales data for the most recent quarter available.
Write a seven to nine (7-9) page paper in which you:
1. Create a demand supply analysis based on the data you collected on your chosen company?s
price and sales, which demonstrates the relationship between price and quantity demanded.
2. Determine the equilibrium price and quantity and explain its meaning to your chosen company.
Indicate how your chosen company?s management should use this information to make sound
strategic decisions.
3. Calculate the elasticity of demand for your chosen company?s automobiles (or choose a specific
make / model). Interpret what the demand tells your chosen company?s management team.
4. Speculate what may happen to your chosen company?s specifically if the elasticity of demand
calculated above represented a competitor of your choice instead. Provide support for your
5. Create a cost analysis and graph. Include total cost, total variable cost, marginal cost, and fixed
costs, along with any other costs you believe are valuable to the cost analysis.
6. Create a total revenue schedule, marginal revenue schedule, and a graph representing both.
Interpret what the graph tells your chosen company?s management team.
7. Determine the profit maximizing level of output by assessing the actions your chosen company
should take if it is to continue to maximize profits.
8. Assume your chosen company wants to expand its operations which involve capital budget
decisions. Recommend two (2) different and appropriate cost-related tools. Provide support for
your recommendation.
9. Now, assume your chosen company wants to expand its operations globally into a new market.
Suggest two (2) strategies the firm should consider. Provide support for your suggestions.

FedEx Corporation

Complete the following exercise (Research and Application 11-30) and submit to your instructor.

The questions in this exercise are based on FedEx Corporation. To a...nswer the questions you will need to download FedEx?s Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2005 (file date July 14, 2005). You do not need to print this document to answer the questions.


What is FedEx?s strategy for success in the marketplace? Does the company rely primarily on a customer intimacy, operations excellence, or product leadership customer value proposition? What evidence supports your conclusion?
What are FedEx?s four main business segments? Provide two examples of traceable fixed costs for each of FedEx?s four business segments. Provide two examples of common costs that are not traceable to the four business segments.
Identify one example of a cost center, a profit center, and an investment center for FedEx.
Provide three examples of fixed costs that can be traceable or common depending on how FedEx defines its business segments.
Compute the margin, turnover, and return on investment (ROI) in 2005 for each of FedEx?s four business segments (Hint: page 99 reports total segment assets for each business segment.)
Assume that FedEx established a minimum required rate of return of 15% for each of its business segments. Compute the residual income earned in 2005 in each of FedEx?s four segments.
Assume that the senior managers of FedEx Express and FedEx Ground each have an investment opportunity that would require $20 million of additional operating assets and that would increase operating income by $4 million. If FedEx evaluates all of its senior managers using ROI, would the managers of both segments pursue the investment opportunity? If FedEx evaluates all of its senior managers using residual income, would the managers of both segments pursue the investment opportunity?

Book we are using; Noreen, E., Brewer, P. and Garrison, R. (2011). Managerial Accounting for Managers. McGraw Hill Irwin. New York.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

This capstone project requires you to create a business plan for a start-up company. You will create a
start-up business using the scenarios pr...ovided. The business plan requires that you demonstrate the
integration and synthesis of competencies in all domains required for your degree program.
Select the business plan scenario assigned to your degree program from the list below:
Information Technology Majors:
Develop a business plan for a start-up company that sells computer services, equipment, or software.
Select the type of products that the company will offer. The products can be real or potential.
Marketing Majors:
Develop a business plan for a start-up company that provides some type of marketing product or service
(e.g., advertising campaigns, sales, online promotions, etc.). Select the type of products or services that
the company will offer. They can be real or potential.
Accounting Majors:
Develop a business plan for a start-up company that offers some type of accounting service. The type of
services offered could include bookkeeping, auditing, tax preparation, accounting software, or some
other type of current or potential service.
Finance Majors:
Develop a business plan for a start-up company that offers some type of financial service. The products
or services provided by the company might include banking, financial planning, investments,
stockbroking, mortgage lending, etc.
Management Majors:
Develop a business plan for a start-up company that plans to sell a product or service in a local market,
in a national market, or on the Internet. Select one of your favorite products as the basis for the
company, or invent a product.
Human Resource Management Majors:
Develop a business plan for a company that offers human resources products or services. Examples
might include a temporary or staffing agency, a benefits consultant, a training company, etc.
Create a business plan for your hypothetical company in which you do the following:
A. Write an executive summary (suggested length of 1??"2 pages) in which you:
1. Identify the business name and location.
2. Describe the mission, goals, and objectives of the business.
3. Discuss three keys to the companys success.
B. Write a company summary (suggested length of 4??"6 pages) in which you:
1. Describe the history of the industry in which the company will operate.
2. Identify the legal form that the company will take.
3. Describe the location and type of facilities needed for the company.
4. Describe the management structure, including key personnel and positions.
5. Describe the products and services offered by the company.
C. Develop a market analysis (suggested length of 3??"5 pages) in which you:
1. Describe the target market for the companys products and services.
2. Complete an industry analysis for the company.
3. Complete a competitive analysis.
D. Develop a market strategy (suggested length of 3??"6 pages) in which you:
1. Discuss the four Ps of marketing as they relate to company products and services.
2. Develop a price list for the companys products and services.
3. Develop a selling strategy with specific goals, milestones, and deliverables.
4. Develop a sales forecast based on expected market conditions.
E. Develop an implementation strategy (suggested length of 3??"6 pages) in which
1. Summarize your overall strategy for successfully launching your business.
2. Outline target dates, goals, and objectives for implementation.
3. Develop a control plan to be used to evaluate the success of the company in meeting
F. Calculate and develop the financial statements and projections (suggested length
of 3??"5 pages) for the first year of business by doing the following:
1. Develop a month-by-month estimate of revenues and operating costs based
on the sales forecast.
2. Develop a forecasted profit and loss statement.
3. Develop a forecasted balance sheet.
Note: You may choose to use a business plan financials template to prepare this section
or create your own template.
G. Write a financial report (suggested length of 1??"2 pages) in which you:
1. Summarize the financial projections and the assumptions used in estimating the
projections. Provide the following in your report:
a. Estimated break-even point
b. Companys financial position at the end of year 1
c. Estimated capital/investment needs
H. If you choose to use outside sources, include all in-text citations and references
in APA format.
Note: Please save word-processing documents as *.rtf (Rich Text Format) files.
Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the attached Rubric Terms
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ASSIGNMENT 1: Company Introduction, Market Segmentation & Product Positioning
PRODUCT: Liquid-Drop Contact Lenses
WRITE: 5 pages
BUSINESS NAME: Clear Vision, Inc.

SCENA...RIO: This assignment you will describe your fictitious company and provided its background. Then, you are ready to start building the marketing plan with a focus on segmenting and positioning your product and service. Product Name: Liquid-Drop Contact Lenses. The product can be produced and it can be the future trend to satisfy the needs/wants of many prospective customers by eliminating the costs on prescription glasses and soft/hard contact lenses replacements. With millions of people worldwide, this product will present a unique and advantage edge over current competitors. Benefits from the use of the product, and have results from cost savings over a life span. Sell and distribute the product to the market by utilizing the concepts from the 5Cs (Customers, company, context, collaborators and competitors); 4Ps (Product, price, place and promotion); and STP (Segmentation, targeting and positioning).

1. Write a detailed company background. Address the following items at a minimum for full credit:
2. Create a strategic mission statement.
3. Determine and decide upon at least one (1) foreign market for the product and service. Provide your rationale for this market.

1. Discuss the potential audiences for a marketing plan and the needs of those potential audiences.
2. Identify the marketing segment for the product and provide a rationale for this segment.
3. Discuss the target market and provide a rationale for this target market.
4. Perform a SWOT analysis (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) for the company.
5. Create the market position for your product and service. Explain your rationale.
6. Support your marketing plan with at least four (4) reference sources that discuss the nature of the product.

? Analyze the marketing framework including the concepts of the 5Cs, STP, and 4Ps.
? Evaluate and target customer segments and positioning products within these segments.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in marketing management.
? Write clearly and concisely about marketing management using proper writing mechanics.
? Formatting requirements: Citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
? Reference Websites; be sure to follow APA formatting within the text and on the Reference Page.

Instructions on choosing a product for the Class Assignments: The marketing assignments will be completed on a consumer product only. To determine if it is a product or service, ask yourself the following questions: ?Can you ship it in a box to the person who will use it?" and "Is the person using it for themselves or a business?" If what you have chosen is not able to be boxed, chances are it will be something that will make the assignments difficult to complete. In addition, this cannot be a product from an existing company. This has to be a new and different product.

? What there market trends for this product?
? How will it satisfy the needs and wants of prospective customers?
? Does the product fit your interests? Is it unique?
? What competitive advantage will this product have over existing products on the market? Is it feasible?
? How practical will it be to sell and distribute the product to the market?

Visit the BT Website (a leading UK telecommunications service provider) and familiarize yourself with all types of services BT offers (e.g. Broadband, TV, Landline phones, mobile phones etc.). Pick service and find as many examples as you can with regard to their communication approaches (i.e. how the service of your choice is communicated to consumers). Ensure that you consider all the touch points that the company has with the target audience, including those not included on the website (e.g. TV ads, billboards etc.).

**********Specifically provide answers to the following issues************:
Identify the communication options that are used to reach target audiences of the offering you have chosen to focus on (e.g. broadband, cable TV, mobile phones etc.).
What segment(s) is/are targeted by BT with this particular offering? Identify these different segments and explain how they differ.
Choose one specific segment and answer the following questions:
o Which types of communication appeals are used, and what are the pros and cons for using these appeals for this type of service and for the specific the audience (segment) targeted?
o What does the communication used by BT (with regard to this offering) reveal about the way this offering is positioned?
o In your opinion, is this positioning appropriate for this audience? If so, explain why this positioning strategy is better than one other strategy that you are aware of. If not, explain why this strategy is not appropriate, and recommend a more appropriate positioning approach justifying your reason.
o Does BT succeed in integrating their marketing communications for this segment? If so, how did the company manage to do this? If not, what suggestions can you make for further improvements?
o Finally comment on the traditional vs. interactive communications approaches used by BT.

Adult Day Care Industry

Industry Analysis

In this section of your Business Plan, you need to convince a potential investor that you understand critical details regarding the industry in which your business will comp...ete. Understanding the characteristics of your industry allow you to make intelligent decisions regarding all future sections of the Business Plan, including marketing, operations, and finance. Examples of vital industry analysis details include the
? size of the industry in units and dollars;
? grow rate of the industry;
? future prospects for the industry;
? average gross and net margins on sales in the industry;
? major companies in the industry; and
? government regulations that apply to the industry.
This is the "heavy lifting" of the Business Plan with regards to research. For this part of the plan, conduct secondary research to identify the metrics that give your concept credibility. Most likely, you will use secondary information from such business publications as Standard & Poor's, U.S. Industry Trade Outlook, or Hoover's Online to gain an understanding of the marketplace. Your goal in this section is finding information that gives you and your investors the picture of the size and scope of the industry.

SIC and NAICS Codes:
You should know your Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code and/or NAICS Code for your industry. This code was created by the government to classify business for accounting purposes. In order to find data about your industry, you will have to determine your industry code. Search for these terms on the Internet and you will find valuable information associated with specific industries

Industry Review:
In this section, you will research and report on various aspects of the industry as identified in the introduction. You should start off with a brief history of the marketplace and identify any factors that affect growth. Are there any new entrants in the marketplace? Is this industry heavily regulated? What are the various leading companies in the industry? How long have they been in the market? What is the competition and how much of the market do they own?
In addition to the brief overview, you should give hard facts?the size of the industry in dollars, to be exact. You should list the total products or services sold in the past few years and look at the forecasts for the industry.
Be sure to start with the large picture and move into the specifics for your company. For example, let's say you are developing a pizza restaurant in New York. You start with the overall restaurant industry data, which is $1.3 billion dollars. Of that, $430 million dollars is in the pizza industry, and of that $430 million, $46 million is located in New York City. In other words, you start out very large and move into the specific area (as low as you can go). In some cases, you could get into the local neighborhood industry by drawing a three- or five-mile circle around your store location and defining the market in that area.

Regulation Review:
All businesses are subject to various regulations at the local, state, or national level. These regulations would include what is required to register your business. The type of business your create?proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation (and there are others)?will impact your business taxes and liabilities for various claims against the company. Depending on your type of business, you might need specific licenses to offer products or services for sale. It is important to note that these licensing requirements can differ from state to state; for example, barbers need a license in most states, but not all. For any kind of storefront location, you must ensure that the location is properly zoned to offer the products or services you provide from that location. In addition to meeting the basic requirements of business registration and licenses, you should consider regulations unique to local ordinances. These might include the limit to the number of patrons per square foot, or the amount of parking space required per square foot for retail locations. To make sure you meet these requirements for your Business Plan, research laws and regulations that are specific to the industry in which your business will compete. Briefly describe laws and regulations that apply and explain how your business will meet those conditions.
Demonstrate that you have completed your research. Do not say, "We will obtain all of the appropriate permits." Instead, you must list the regulations by name and how they apply to your business

Competitive Analysis:
This section is a look at the competitors in the marketplace. You need to list the major businesses in the industry. Who are these companies? Are they growing or declining? How long have they been in business? You also need to discuss where these industries are located and discuss their market share.
This is a pretty straightforward section where you profile your competition to understand how you will compete; in your marketing section, you will use this information to craft a marketing plan. Note that you might want to repeat some of your Competitive Analysis in the Marketing Plan portion of your Business Plan.

SWOT Analysis (no less than 5 pages, no more than 7 pages).
Once you have described the key characteristics of your industry, complete a SWOT analysis to briefly describe how your company will compete with regards to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Overview of each requirement:

Industry Analysis
Research industry averages for profitability in your marketplace. Use this information to determine the validity of your own projections and make changes if necessary.

Regulation review and legal concerns
Determine your location and business environment. Address all legal, zoning, and licensing concerns your business will face. What form of business will you set up? Why? The level of detail required for this section will depend on your type of location (virtual, retail, warehouse, office, restaurant, etc.) and on your idea. Demonstrate that you have completed your research. DON'T say "We will obtain all of the appropriate permits"; instead, summarize them. When you explain your form of business?remember your audience. For example, if you select an S corporation, explain your reasoning for that selection in the context of your potential business, rather than providing the definition of an S corporation. Address any pending regulations which may have an impact on your business.

Competitive analysis
Describe the competitive landscape. Who are the key competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Approximate their market shares. How will you take share from them? How will they most likely try to stop you if you are successful? Who are your indirect competitors? What do they offer your prospects?

SWOT analysis
Identify your company's major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Describe how you plan to maximize your strengths and opportunities and minimize or mitigate your weaknesses and threats.

Special Notation:
Location of the Adult Day Care Industry is up to you. Meaning, based of your research, please pick a location; Region, State, City.

Please use the source material I supplied as a reference.
Here is the APA:
IBISWorld. (2013, January). Adult Day Care in the US Industry Report OD5942.
Retrieved Month Day, 2013, from IBISWorld database

SWOT Analysis Portion of Paper needs to be no less than 5 pages, no more than 8 pages; 5 of the 15 sources need to be for the SWOT. Here is the specific guidelines to the SWOT:
Strengths are clearly articulated and relevant. They are supported by both information from this specific business concept as well as industry norms.
Weaknesses are clearly articulated and relevant. They are supported by both information from this specific business concept as well as industry norms.
Opportunities are clearly articulated and relevant. They are supported by both information from this specific business concept as well as industry norms.
Threats are clearly articulated and relevant. They are supported by both information from this specific business concept as well as industry norms.
In addition to the narrative, a summary chart depicting the key elements of this business' SWOT analysis using bullet points is provided.
Risk Management Plan
The risk analysis quantitatively and qualitatively defines both positive risks (opportunities) and negative risks (threats).
Risks are prioritized and the most likely and relevant risks are identified (a chart or table may help you communicate this information).
Risk strategies are created for the most likely and relevant risks (contingency planning, avoidance strategies, optimation strategies, transference such as insurance, etc.).

All of the elements of the SWOT are based upon industry data.
Details are researched and assertions are supported.
Earn points for using at least five academic or business sources

Tourism There Are Five Stages

----------------Requested Writer: bolavens----------------
----------------Requested Writer: bolavens----------------
----------------Requested Writer: bolavens----------------
-----------...-----Requested Writer: bolavens----------------

Words: 1500
Subject: Tourism Marketing

Answer the following 8 short essay questions (maybe in point form if needed)

1. What are the five stages of the decision-making process for travel? Apply these five stages in the decision process to your selection of a destination for your next vacation.

Five stage:
The buyer decision process-
1. Need recognition
2. Information search
3. Evaluation of alternatives
4. Purchase decision
5. Postpurchase behaviour

2. Do you believe lifestyle information is more helpful in explaining consumer travel behaviour than demographics? Explain why or why not? Give an example.

Personal factors (lifecycle)

3. Choose a hospitality business, for example, a hotel or airline. Outline some of the main segments in their overall market (in this case, the hotel market or airline market). For one of the segments, explain how customers should be targeted. How might the business differentiate themselves from their competitors to position themselves in the market?


4. Discuss how you think technology will change distribution channels in the hospitality and travel industries over the next five years. Will technology become more or less important in the purchase of travel by consumers?


5. Give examples of promotions for a hospitality company that employ a push strategy. Explain why a company might use a push strategy as opposed to alternative promotion strategies.

(Need to provide 3 example)

6. Apply the five major tools in the marketing communication mix to a hospitality or travel company by showing how a company can use all these tools.

The Promotion mix

7. How can a hotel manage customer demand for accommodation through the year? What
marketing strategies should be followed in high season? What about the low season? (mention Ps place, promotion, product, people. But dont use price, the teacher thinks price is too easy to write so dont use.)

8. How does a tourist destination determine what to promote and to whom it should be
(Give specific example.)

Length and Format: The paper should be 10-15 pages in length, double-spaced, and follow generally accepted APA guidelines for college papers. It should contain an abstract, bibliography, and should be properly noted. Please deliver file as a Word document

Evaluation: The paper is evaluated on whether your economic analysis and/or conclusions have been thought out, logically developed, clearly presented, and supported with your own analysis and/or that of others. In other words, apply textbook theory to a true managerial situation, real or theoretical.

Topics to be discussed should include, but are not limited to: supply/demand, pricing and competition, market structure (market concentration, vertical/horizontal integration, monopoly/oligopoly/monopolistic competition, etc.) and government regulation. Charts and or graphs are to be used in explaining concepts and wherever appropriate.

The paper topic and general outline are as follows (outline is flexible as long as it uses concepts from micro/managerial economics to discuss the topic).:

The Economics of the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most volatile global industries. The industry is steeped in research, generating new products and formulations to improve the lives of people around the world. As these companies seek to increase their profit margins, they also struggle with controlling costs associated with bringing new drugs to market. Pharmaceutical companies often engage in a variety of financial endeavors in an effort to maximize their profit margins and improve their economic stance, including mergers and acquisitions. These restructures can result in market monopolies of different therapeutic areas. They also contend with pricing issues and the competitiveness of lower priced generic substitutes. However, pharmaceutical companies are not the only players; government regulation, insurance reimbursement, and health care providers have a significant role in the economic success or failure of this industry.

Research Paper Outline

I. Overview of the Pharmaceutical Industry
II. Industry Structure
a. Market Concentration
b. Vertical Integration
III. Impact of Government Regulation
IV. Role of Patents
V. Pricing
a. Branded Drugs
b. Generic Intrusion
c. Health Insurance Plans
VI. Conclusion

There are faxes for this order.

I want the writer usernumber: infoceo to do my paper.
the assignment is basically answering all the following questions, please make the answer as clear as possible.
each answer doesnt have to... be long, 0.5 - 1.5 pages is enough, please make a clear references or foot notes that states the sources if there is any.
Q1. some marketers contend that demographics is not really a basis for segmentation but is a descriptor of the segment. discuss examples to support both positions.

Q2. Explain what is meant by a central versus peripheral route to persuasion and the factors that would determine when each might be used by consumers in response to an advertisement.

Q3. In meeting with your new boss, she informs you that the only goal of advertising and promotion is to generate sales. present your argument as to why communications objectives must also be considered.

Q4. Assume you have been assigned to work on the advertising campaign for a new soft drink. Describe the various types of general and product-specific pre-planning input you might provide to the creative team.

Q5. How important was creativity for the Telus (previously Clearnet) campaign?

Q6. Discuss some of the reasons why some companies decide not to measure the effectiveness of their promotional programs. Explain why this may or may not be a good strategy.

Q7. Media planning involves a tradeoff between reach and frequency. Explain what this means and give examples of when reach should be emphasized over frequency and vice versa.

we will pay $130.00 for the completion of this order.

the assignment as follows:

you are the management team of a medium sized-Chliean vineyard. At present you sell predominately to... off-licence outlets in your domestic market (80% of production). Of the remaining 20%, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Japan each take approximately 5%.

- Your range of wines is relatively small, consisting of 4 reds and 3 whites, however, you have plans for expansion in future: a rose, wine boxes and fortified and/or sparkling wines.

Label Bottle Size Average Retail Price
El chileno tinto 1 ltr 8.00
Tierra mia 1 ltr 8.50
Monte grande 75 cl 10.50
Reserva san felipe 75 cl 12.50
Gran vino O higgins 75 cl 17.00
Nieves del sur(dry) 75 cl 9.00
El chileno blanco 75 cl 9.00
(medium dry)
Tierra fria (dry) 75 cl 9.00

- It has been decided to increase export sales, and initial research has indicated that Europe is likely to be the most profitable market region.
What criteria would you use for segmenting the European regional market for wine, and why?
1) identify the criteria you wish to use for segmentation & justify your choice.
2) rank your chosen criteria in order of importance, beginning with the most important.and why
3) On the basis of parts 1 and 2, indicate which country (ies) you feel would initially present the pest opportunities.
Part 1 =40%
Part 2 =40%
Part 3 =20%
Paper Structure :
2-Body, include all parts(1,2 & 3)
4-References (Harvard)


Johnson and Johnson Marketing

1. What types of advertising and promotion are used?
2. Does the company have a website? Who owns the site and how is it hosted?
3. Does the company use e-mail for marketing notifications to customers?
4. What are the proportions of sales by distribution channel?
5. How many customers can the company potentially market its products to? What would be the volume by customer?
6. What is the company?s market share? What is the trend?
7. Are there new markets in which the products can be sold?

Company: ? Mother Nature? Product: ? SUN-CREAM ? Each student working established Health wellness company sells products Australia The product a consumer product (B2C) existing health wellness market Australia ( confirm proper research, health area fact a viable Australian market).

request writer Assco5522

the marketing information service you have chosen to market and hopefully, are using to gain a "competitive advantage". Here regard a competitive advantage as somet...hing you do better than your competitors in serving your target markets.

Make sure you use the following section headings (indicated in bold) for each of the Questions/Issues:

7. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE ANALYSIS: How well does the proposed service meet the demands of the market compared with the competition? To help do this analysis:

create a Product/Market Matrix. This is a table listing the various segments you identified in the Customer Analysis section for MOD01 and the products which those segments buy. (This is NOT to be confused with a table of a similar name developed by Igor Ansoff.)
To analyze the competitive situation show the competitors providing those products for each segment in each cell as appropriate. *
Don't just present the matrix; explain what it shows.

8. Which are MY TARGET SEGMENTS your business will focus on and why? Using the information from section 3, present a table that lists the primary potential target markets with information for each drawn from all prior sections to explain your decision as to which you will focus on.

9. Describe THE SERVICE that you will provide using your analysis of yourself, the market and the competition to explain how you reached this conclusion. Describe the People who will deliver the service, the Physical Environment (if any) in which the service will be provided and the Process through which the service will be provided.

10. Statement of your business's MISSION (what business are you in or what are you supposed to do).

11. The GENERAL OBJECTIVES or GOALS of your business (for example, achieving sales of X% by date A).
request writer Assco5522

Strategic Analysis of Best Buy

If you need more information please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address.
Quotes need to be limited we have a restriction of only 25% matching allowance.

Performance a strategic... analysis on Best Buy in today's market. The following is a list of what must be included in the paper to achieve the highest grade. There is not a required number of pages or references.

I. Current Situation
A. Current Performance
B. Strategic Posture

II. Corporate Governance
A.Board of directors
B. Top management

III. External Environment: Opportunities and threats
A. Natural Physical Environment
B. Societal Environment
C. Task Environment
d. Summary of external factors

IV. Internal Environment: Strengths and Weakness
A. Corporate Structure
B. Corporate Culture
C. Corporate Resources
1. Marketing
a.What are the corporation?s current marketing objectives, strategies, policies, andprograms?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.Howwellisthecorporationperformingintermsofanalysisofmarketpositionandmarketingmix(thatis,product,price,place,andpromotion)inbothdomesticandin-ternationalmarkets?Howdependentisthecorporationonafewcustomers?Howbigisitsmarket?Whereisitgainingorlosingmarketshare?Whatpercentageofsalescomesfromdevelopedversusdevelopingregions?Wherearecurrentproductsintheproductlifecycle?i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?iii.Doesthisanalysissupportthecorporation?spastandpendingstrategicdecisions?iv.Does marketing provide the company with a competitive advantage?c.Howwelldoesthecorporation?smarketingperformancecomparewiththatofsim-ilarcorporations?d.Are marketing managers using accepted marketing concepts and techniques to eval-uate and improve product performance? (Consider product life cycle, market seg-mentation, market research, and product portfolios.)e.Does marketing adjust to the conditions in each country in which it operates?f.Does marketing consider environmental sustainability when making decisions?g.What is the role of the marketing manager in the strategic management process?2.


a.What are the corporation?s current financial objectives, strategies, and policies andprograms?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.How well is the corporation performing in terms of financial analysis? (Consider ra-tio analysis, common size statements, and capitalization structure.) How balanced,in terms of cash flow, is the company?s portfolio of products and businesses? Whatare investor expectations in terms of share price?i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Arethereanysignificantdifferenceswhenstatementsarecalculatedincon-stantversusreporteddollars?iii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?iv.Doesthisanalysissupportthecorporation?spastandpendingstrategicdecisions?v.Does finance provide the company with a competitive advantage?c.How well does the corporation?s financial performance compare with that of simi-lar corporations?d.Are financial managers using accepted financial concepts and techniques to evalu-ate and improve current corporate and divisional performance? (Consider financialleverage, capital budgeting, ratio analysis, and managing foreign currencies.)e.Doesfinanceadjusttotheconditionsineachcountryinwhichthecompanyoperates?f.Does finance cope with global financial issues?g.What is the role of the financial manager in the strategic management process?

3.0Research and Development (R&D)

a.Whatarethecorporation?scurrentR&Dobjectives,strategies,policies,andprograms?i.Are they clearly stated or merely implied from performance or budgets?ii.Aretheyconsistentwiththecorporation?smission,objectives,strategiesandpoli-ciesandwithinternalandexternalenvironments?iii.Whatistheroleoftechnologyincorporateperformance?iv.Is the mix of basic, applied, and engineering research appropriate given the cor-porate mission and strategies?v.Does R&D provide the company with a competitive advantage?b.What return is the corporation receiving from its investment in R&D?c.Is the corporation competent in technology transfer? Does it use concurrent engi-neering and cross-functional work teams in product and process design?d.What role does technological discontinuity play in the company?s products?e.How well does the corporation?s investment in R&D compare with the investmentsof similar corporations? How much R&D is being outsourced? Is the corporation us-ing value-chain alliances appropriately for innovation and competitive advantage?f.Does R&D adjust to the conditions in each country in which the company operates?g.DoesR&Dconsiderenvironmentalsustainabilityinproductdevelopmentandpackaging?h.What is the role of the R&D manager in the strategic management process?4.

4. Operations and Logistics

a.What are the corporation?s current manufacturing/service objectives, strategies,policies, and programs?i.Are they clearly stated or merely implied from performance or budgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.What are the type and extent of operations capabilities of the corporation? Howmuch is done domestically versus internationally? Is the amount of outsourcing ap-propriate to be competitive? Is purchasing being handled appropriately? Are sup-pliers and distributors operating in an environmentally sustainable manner? Whichproducts have the highest and lowest profit margins?i.If the corporation is product oriented, consider plant facilities, type of manu-facturing system (continuous mass production, intermittent job shop, or flexi-ble manufacturing), age and type of equipment, degree and role of automationand/or robots, plant capacities and utilization, productivity ratings, and avail-ability and type of transportation.ii.Ifthecorporationisserviceoriented,considerservicefacilities(hospital,theater,orschoolbuildings),typeofoperationssystems(continuousserviceovertimetosameclienteleorintermittentserviceovertimetovariedclientele),ageandtypeofsupportingequipment,degreeandroleofautomationanduseofmasscommu-nicationdevices(diagnosticmachinery,video machines),facilitycapacitiesandutilizationrates,efficiencyratingsofprofessionalandservicepersonnel,andavailabilityandtypeoftransportationtobringservicestaffandclienteletogether.c.Aremanufacturingorservicefacilitiesvulnerabletonaturaldisasters,localornationalstrikes,reductionorlimitationofresourcesfromsuppliers,substantialcostincreasesofmaterials,ornationalizationbygovernments?d.Is there an appropriate mix of people and machines (in manufacturing firms) or of support staff to professionals (in service firms)?e.Howwelldoesthecorporationperformrelativetothecompetition?Isitbalancingin-ventorycosts(warehousing)withlogisticalcosts(just-in-time)?Considercostsperunitoflabor,material,andoverhead;downtime;inventorycontrolmanagementandschedulingofservicestaff;productionratings;facilityutilizationpercentages;andnumberofclientssuccessfullytreatedbycategory(ifservicefirm)orpercentageof ordersshippedontime(ifproductfirm).

5. Human Resources Management (HRM)

a.What are the corporation?s current HRM objectives, strategies, policies, and pro-grams?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.How well is the corporation?s HRM performing in terms of improving the fit be-tween the individual employee and the job? Consider turnover, grievances, strikes,layoffs, employee training, and quality of work life.i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?iii.Doesthisanalysissupportthecorporation?spastandpendingstrategicdecisions?iv.Does HRM provide the company with a competitive advantage?c.How does this corporation?s HRM performance compare with that of similar cor-porations?d.AreHRMmanagersusingappropriateconceptsandtechniquestoevaluateandim-provecorporateperformance?Considerthejobanalysisprogram,performanceap-praisalsystem,up-to-datejobdescriptions,traininganddevelopmentprograms,attitudesurveys,jobdesignprograms,qualityofrelationshipswithunions,anduseof autonomousworkteams.e.Howwellisthecompanymanagingthediversityofitsworkforce?Whatisthecompany?srecordonhumanrights?Doesthecompanymonitorthehumanrightsrecordofkeysuppliersanddistributors?f.DoesHRMadjusttotheconditionsineachcountryinwhichthecompanyoper-ates?DoesthecompanyhaveacodeofconductforHRMforitselfandkeysup-pliersindevelopingnations?Areemployeesreceivinginternationalassignmentstopreparethemformanagerialpositions?g.What is the role of outsourcing in HRM planning?h.WhatistheroleoftheHRMmanagerinthestrategicmanagementprocess?6.

6. Information Technology (IT)
a.What are the corporation?s current IT objectives, strategies, policies, and programs?i.Aretheyclearlystatedormerelyimpliedfromperformanceand/orbudgets?ii.Are they consistent with the corporation?s mission, objectives, strategies, andpolicies and with internal and external environments?b.How well is the corporation?s IT performing in terms of providing a useful database,automating routine clerical operations, assisting managers in making routine deci-sions, and providing information necessary for strategic decisions?i.What trends emerge from this analysis?ii.Whatimpacthavethesetrendshadonpastperformanceandhowmightthesetrendsaffectfutureperformance?
d. Summary of Internal Factors

V. Analysis of Strategic Factors (SWOT)
A. Situational Analysis
Review of Mission and Objectives

VI. Strategic Alternatives and Recommended Strategy
A. Strategic Alternatives
B. Recommended Strategy

VII. implementation
A. what kinds of programs should be developed (example restructuring the corporation or instituting TQM) to implementthe recommended strategy
B. Are the programs financially feasible? can pro forma budgets be developed and agreed on? are priorities and timetables appropriate to individual programs?

VIII. Evaluations and control
A. Is the current information system capable of providing sufficent feedback on implementing activities and performance? CAn it measure strategic factors?
b. Are adequate control measures in place to ensure conformance with the recommended strategic plan?

All parts of the grading rubrix must be met for full credit:
Grading Rubric for Individual Case Paper:

Current Performance
Provides a succinct overview of the company?s current and recent performance in its competitive markets.

Key Issue Identification
Accurately identifies the key strategic issue(s) facing the organization.
Analysis of Mission and Objectives
Describes the company?s mission and objectives and analyzes their appropriateness and fit.
Corporate-Level Strategies
Accurately identifies specific growth, stability, or retrenchment strategies being used by the firm; analyzes the fit of strategies with mission/objectives.

Business-Level Strategies
Accurately identifies cost leadership, differentiation, or focus strategies and analyzes fit4
Accurately identifies key policies of the firm and analyzes fit with strategies.
Board of Directors
Strategic Orientation
Accurately analyzes the composition, strategic orientation, and direction of the firm?s Board of Directors.

Top Management
? Strategic Orientation
? Composition
Accurately analyzes the composition, strategic orientation, and direction of the firm?s top management team.

Societal Environment Analysis
? Economic
? Political
? Technological
? Sociocultural
Accurately identifies key strategic factors from the firm?s external environment.
Industry Analysis
? Entrants
? Suppliers
? Buyers
? Substitutes
? Rivalry
? Overall
Accurately analyzes competitive factors in the firm?s industry or industries and assesses the overall attractiveness of the industry or industries.

Accurately identifies the firm?s structural type and characteristics and analyzes the fit of the structure with the firm?s strategy.

Accurately assesses the firm?s culture and the fit of the culture with the firm?s strategy.
Marketing Analysis
Accurately assesses the ?4 P?s? and the key marketing strategies of the firm in relation to the firm?s strategy.

Financial Analysis
Accurately analyzes the firm?s finances using a ratio analysis and assesses the firm?s growth potential in relation to its financial structure.

Accurately analyzes the firm?s R&D capabilities in light of the firm?s strategy.
Accurately analyzes the firm?s key operational characteristics in relation to its strategy.
Human Resources
Accurately assesses the human resources competencies of the firm in relation to its strategy.

Information Systems
Accurately assesses the firm?s IS capabilities in relation to its strategy.
Performs an accurate assessment of the firm?s competitive advantages using VRIO analysis.

Develops an appropriate summary of the key strategic factors (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) affecting the firm.

Analysis of Strategic Alternatives
Presents and analyzes several realistic strategic options for the firm.

Recommends appropriate strategies.

Provides a logical justification for the recommended strategy or strategies.
? Programs
? People
? Finances
Provides a detailed implementation for each strategy recommended.
Provides the standards that will be used to determine if the strategy is successful and designates who will monitor the implementation of the strategy.

Healthcare and Marketing

1. How would you develop a pricing strategy for a clinic weight loss program?

2. Assume that a multispecialty medical group has decided to segment the market in the community by income level. The group has decided to target a small niche of middle-aged, white collar professionals who are married, with both spouses working outside the home.
How might this medical group tailor its marketing mix to appeal to this

3. What do you think the emphasis in marketing should be? The role you would play.

4. 1. At a strategic planning retreat of six-person general surgery group, the senior partner begins by stating, ?Our missions is to perform the highest quality invasive surgery procedures in the community.? In what ways might this view of the organization?s mission suffer from the myopia that afflicted the railroads in an earlier era?

5. You have been chosen as the team lead within your healthcare organization for the development of a product that will target the Hispanic population. In one week you must provide your executive leadership team a production plan. Remember, the Four Ps and the organization's mission are key in the development of your product.

***Each question can just be 1-2 paragraph.***

Thank you.

Three documents are enclosed. - SWOTS paper on topic, required criteria, PEST template

Overview of instructions: Submit an environmental scan of the company within the chosen market domain using the PEST format. This analysis will be written viewing the company from the outside to the inside. This assessment will consider the knowledge gained from the SWOT analysis generated in Milestone Two and assess the company?s competitive readiness from external dimensions, extending to the global marketplace. The scan will include the external political, economic/financial, sociopolitical, and technological trends for a given market environment and a potential market

Needs to be in APA at graduate level.

Students are required to conduct an analysis of a company situation Case #1 Whole Foods Market and prepare a 4-5 page, double-spaced report to complete the following:
o Discuss the trends in ret...ailing of organic foods and the impact of these trends on Whole Foods Market.
o Evaluate the competitive environment of the firm: Apply Porters model and analyze each factor relative to the company.
o Discuss which environmental factor poses the most significant threat to Whole Food and what the company can do to combat it.
o Complete a SWOT analysis and identify significant opportunities and threats facing the organization.
o Discuss how Whole Foods can use it strengths and opportunities to achieve a sustained competitive advantage in the marketplace.
The assignment will be graded using the following rubric:
Outcomes Assessed
Analyze the external and internal environment for opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses that impact the firms competitiveness.
Grading Rubric for Assignment # 2 Competitive Forces and SWOT Analysis



1. Discuss the trends in organic foods and how it may impact Whole Foods.
Does not attempt assignment, nor discusses the organic food trends and it impact on strategy.
The organic food trends were discussed and the related impact on strategy, but with less than 60 - 79% accuracy and some of the trends identified were inappropriate or were not identified.
The organic food trends were discussed and the related impact on strategy, with 80 - 89% accuracy and appropriate information was discussed.
The organic trends were discussed and the impact to strategy with 90 to 100% accuracy and all appropriate information was identified and discussed clearly.
2. Evaluates the competitive environment using Porters 5 Forces Model.
Does not attempt assignment, nor discusses the competitive environment trends and it impact on strategy.
The competitive environment elements, but with less than 60 - 79% accuracy and some of the trends identified were inappropriate or were not identified.
The competitive environment elements were discussed and the related impact on strategy, with 80 - 89% accuracy and appropriate information was discussed.
The competitive environments were discussed and the impact to strategy with 90 to 100% accuracy and all appropriate information was identified and discussed clearly.
3. Discuss the most significant environmental threat and how Whole Foods may combat it.
Does not attempt assignment, nor discusses the most significant environmental threat.
The most significant environment threat was discussed, but with less than 60 - 79% accuracy and some of the trends identified were inappropriate or were not identified.
The most significant environment threat was discussed, with 80 - 89% accuracy and appropriate information was discussed.
The most significant environment threat was discussed and the impact to strategy with 90 to 100% accuracy and all appropriate information was identified and discussed clearly.
4. Complete a SWOT analysis and identifies significant opportunities and treats.
Does not attempt assignment, nor discusses the SWOT analysis and it impact on strategy.
The SWOT analysis elements were discussed and the related impact on strategy, but with less than 60 - 79% accuracy and some of the trends identified were inappropriate or were not identified.
The SWOT analysis elements were discussed and the related impact on strategy, with 80 - 89% accuracy and appropriate information was discussed.
The SWOT analysis elements were discussed and the impact to strategy with 90 to 100% accuracy and all appropriate information was identified and discussed clearly.
5. Discuss how Whole Foods can use its strengths and opportunities to achieve a sustained competitive advantage.
Does not attempt assignment, nor discusses how strengths and opportunities can be used to achieve a sustained competitive advantage.
The strengths and opportunities were discussed and the related impact on strategy, but with less than 60 - 79% accuracy and some of the trends identified were inappropriate or were not identified.
The strengths and opportunities were discussed and the related impact on strategy, with 80 - 89% accuracy and appropriate information was discussed.
The strengths and opportunities were discussed and the impact to strategy with 90 to 100% accuracy and all appropriate information was identified and discussed clearly.
6. Clarity
Did not complete the assignment or explanations are unclear and not organized.
(Major issues)
Explanations generally unclear and not well organized.
(Many issues)
Explanations generally clear and/or organized. (Minor issues)
Explanations very clear and well organized.
(Added helpful details.)
7. Writing Grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, APA usage.
Did not complete the assignment or 8 or more different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation or APA usage. (Major issues)
6 - 7 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation or APA usage. (Many issues)
4 - 5 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation or APA usage. (Minor issues)
0 - 3 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation or APA usage.
There are faxes for this order.

The case analysis study should include a table of contents. The paper should critique and analyze a company that has a current corportae finance issue. Examine closely the issues with which the compan...y or situation is confronted.

1. Analyze the company's history, development, and growth: A convenient way to investigate how a company's past strategy and structure affect it in the present is to chart the critical incidents in its history - that is, the events that were the most unusual or the most essential for its development into the company it is today. Some of the events have to do with its founding, its initial products, how it makes new-product market decisions, and how it developed and chose functional competencies to pursue. Its entry into new businesses and shifts in its main lines of business are also important milestones to consider.

2. Identify and develop an account of the company's internal stregths and weaknesses as they have emerged historically. Indentify the functions in which the company is currently strong and weak (i.e. some companies might be weak in marketing; some might be strong in research and development).

3. Analyze and identify external environmental opportunities: Here you should apply all information on industry and macroenvironments, to analyze the environment the company is confronting. Of particular importance at the industry level is Porter's five forces model and the stage of the life cycle model. Which factors in the macroenvironment will appear salient depends on the specific company being analyzed. However, use each factor in turn (for instance, demographic factors) to see whether it is relevant for the company in question.

4. Evaluate the SWOT analysis. Having identified the company's external opportunities and threats as well as its internal strengths and weaknesses, you need to consider what your findings mean. That is, you need to balance strengths and weaknesses against opportunities and threats. Is the company in an overall strong competitive position? Can it continue to pursue its current business- or corporate-level strategy profitably? What can the company do to turn weaknesses into strengths and threats into opportunities? Can it develop new functional, business, or corporate strategies to accomplish this change?

5. Analyze corporate-level strategy. To analyze a company's corporate-level strategy, you first need to define the company's mission and goals. Sometimes the mission and goals are stated explicitly in the case; at other times you will have to infer them from available information. The information you need to collect to find out the company's corporate strategy includes such factors as its line(s) of business and the nature of its subsidiaries and acquisitions. It is important to analyze the relationship among the company's businesses. Do they trade or exchange resources? Are there gains to be achieved from synergy? Alternatively, is the company just running a portfolio of investments? This analysis should enable you to define the corporate strategy that the company is pursuing (for example, related or unrelated diversification or a combination of both) and to conclude whether the company operates in just one core business. Then, using your SWOT analysis, debate the merits of this strategy. Is it appropriate, given the environment the company is in? Could a change in corporate strategy provide the company with new opportunities or transform a weakness into strength? For example, should the company diversify from its core business into new businesses?Other issues should be considered as well. How and why has the company's strategy changed over time? What is the claimed rationale for any changes? Often it is a good idea to analyze the company's businesses or products to assess its situation and identify which divisions contribute the most to or detract from its competitive advantage. It is also useful to explore how the company has built its portfolio over time. Did it acquire new businesses, or did it internally venture its own? All these factors provide clues about the company and indicate ways of improving its future performance.

6. Analyze business-level strategy: Identifying the functional strategies that a company pursues to build competitive advantage through superior efficiency, quality, innovation, and customer responsiveness and to achieve its business-level strategy is very important. The SWOT analysis will have provided you with information on the company's functional competencies. You should further investigate its production, marketing, or research and development strategy to gain a picture of where the company is going. For example, pursuing a low-cost or a differentiation strategy successfully requires a very different set of competencies. Has the company developed the right ones? If it has, how can it exploit them further? Can it pursue both a low-cost and a differentiation strategy simultaneously?

7. Analyze structure and control systems: The aim of this analysis is to identify what structure and control systems the company is using to implement its strategy and to evaluate whether that structure is the appropriate one for the company. Different corporate and business strategies require different structures. For example, does the company have the right level of vertical differentiation (for instance, does it has the appropriate number of levels in the hierarchy or decentralized control?) or horizontal differentiation (does it use a functional structure when it should be using a product structure?)? Similarly, is the company using the right integration or control systems to manage its operations? Are managers being appropriately rewarded? Are the right rewards in place for encouraging cooperation among divisions? These are all issues that should be considered.

8. Make recommendations: The last part of the case analysis process involves making recommendations based on your analysis. Obviously, the quality of your recommendations is a direct result of the thoroughness with which you prepared the case analysis. Recommendations are directed at solving whatever strategic problem the company is facing and at increasing its future profitability. Your recommendations should be in line with your analysis; that is, they should follow logically from the previous discussion. Such recommendations might include an increase in spending on specific research and development projects, the divesting of certain businesses, a change from a strategy of unrelated to related diversification, an increase in the level of integration among divisions by using task forces and teams, or a move to a different kind of structure to implement a new business-level strategy.

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