Market Potential Essays Prompts

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Whole Foods Market Whole Food

This is analysis essay of a specific in Manhattan.

I chose Whole Food Market in Union Square, however if you do not know about whole food store, you can write about Star bucks.

I need thesis statement and what guides the layout essay, and what rhetorical strategies does it employ to engage the reader, link the different issues, stress what is important, and make a point.

Also I am an international student. Please do not write as well as.

Provide a one page response for each question. Each question shall have 2 scholarly citations to be captured in the References.

1. Identify the major geographic and demographic segments in global markets.

2. The president of XYZ Manufacturing Company of Buffalo, New York, comes to `you with a license offer from a company in Osaka, Japan. In return for sharing the companys patents and know-how, the Japanese company will pay a license fee of five percent (5%) of the factory price of all products sold on the U.S. companys license. The President wants your advice. What would you tell him?

3. What are the six attributes that distinguish GSPs from traditional joint ventures?

4. Outline Porters five forces model of industry competition. How are the various barriers of entry relevant to global marketing?

5. What are the differences among a local, a national, an international, and a global product or brand? Cite examples.

6. What are the three alternative approaches to global pricing? Which one would you recommend to a company that has global market aspirations?

7. What factors influence the channel structures and strategies available to global marketers?

8. In what ways can global brands and global advertising campaigns benefit a company?

9. What is the role of sales promotion in the marketing mix? How does this role differ for industrial and consumer products.

10. Which strategic marketing implications arise form the so-called network effect?

11. What is a global marketing audit?

12. Do you believe that economic democracy (free markets) will inevitably lead to political democracy? Why or why not?

Before making a decision to enter foreign markets, the firm must weigh several risks. List these risks and discuss each. Explain why it is important to be concerned about the risk involved.

Home Security Market in the

This is for an International Business class, final project.
*Pick a product or service you wish to introduce into another country.
*Choose 3 countries to compare (ONE MUST BE THE USA)
*Give a short history of the company and product (1-2 Paragraphs)
*Research each country the way a company looking to go international might do-(demographics, education, technology, resources, economy, political system, trade barriers or incentives....MORE...MORE...MORE)
*Evaluate, compare and contrast the 3 countries and decide which one is the best suitable for your plan of international expansion and why. If you decide to keep it in the USA, why weren't the others suitable?

1- Compose a paper listing all the information-you decide on the format, content, and length. Charts, graphs, and real data should be used in confirming your decision.

2- Prepare a presentation summarizing this information.
Note: The facilitator did mention that the six different ways/strategies for a firm to enter a foreign market should be included in our final papers....exporting,creating turnkey projects, licensing, franchising, est. joint ventures, setting up wholly owned subsidiary.

There is not a max or min on the length of the paper. QUALITY and CONTENT is what he's looking for. Please, Please keep it under 6-7 pages max.

I will be checking my primary e-mail for any question, concerns and confirmation of this order. Thank you!

The essay is about Freight forwarding company, that provides services in the United states. services provided by Air, Truck, and rails. the following has to be included in the Market Plan essay.

1- Executive Summery
2- Services description and situational analysis (Strength, Weaknesses, Oportunities, and Threats) " SWOT" analysis
3- Target Market
4-Competitors and Substitutes
5- Pricing
6-Channels od Distribution
7-Promotion ( promotion budget)

you can use website as the company we are writing about.

Base on this website:

-Identify the likely primary and secondary data that you might need. Identify their possible sources. Summarise the key findings that you uncovered.

-Identify the likely target market(s) of the company. Any company should have more than 1 target segment within the target markets. List at least 2 target segments. Explain their demographics and psychographics structure. Explain their likely consumer behaviour e.g. buying behaviour or internet browsing behaviour.

This is an MBA course "Financial Accounting and Management Account" assignment.

Please check below essay requirements:

"With reference to a listed company of your choice (this must be a company that is listed on a
stock market - you may use the company that you work for if you wish), explain the
difference between the market value and the book value of the company. Ensure that you give
examples of transactions, events and anything else that you think would affect the market
value of your chosen company differently to how it would affect the book value. Where
appropriate, relate your explanation to relevant accounting concepts. Useful sources of
information include the annual report and analyst reports on your chosen company."

Thank you!

- I've written the part of target audiences, Buying, selling, and communications processes, message, goals and objectives, etc,. as in the file "strategy draft 1.doc" that i upload
- so u can come up with the plan and draw up a marketing communication strategy of Eagle Riders Australia which will target on only Chinese market from Mainland by considering these following aspects of a marketing communication:

- Situation analysis
- Resource management
- Implementation
- Evaluation

Please mention in these following aspects:
- media strategy: pls mention about media that u will use in this marcom plan. Can u write which media we shall use in china in order to promote this project, why, and to which target group? How are we going to implement it to be effectively plan and get into Chinese market?
- resource and human resource management part in relation to who we need in this plan and how we are going to allocate them in China, and why? See the document i upload
- situation analysis should mention the situation about: 1. Situation facing organisation? 2. Background of the situation? 3. Significance or importance of situation?
- Budget part has to be the budget for the media that we are going to use, how much it cost

U can add anything else if u think it's neccessary
I'll also upload the resource materials for u as a guideline how to write those aspects


Prepare a detailed future market condition analysis of Dell Computers. Including the following information: market structure, impact of new companies entering the market, prices, productivity, cost structure, price elasticity of demand, future competitors, competitors strengths and weaknesses related to Dell, impact of government regulations, and supply and demand.

On a seperate note (seperate page following the above paper), prepare a group of final recommendations which include the following:
1) Price
2) Production
3) Composition of inputs

Write a mini-business plan that create a new business which will market a new product or service choosing either The Farmery by Ben Greene
Daiwa House Agri-Cube

I will be uploading additional resources please read it all before starting on the business plan. Please answer all of the questions and requirements on the guidelines that i will be uploading. There will also be some templates attached to the guidelines. You do not have to use the templates if you do not want to but it serves as a guideline as to what needs to be written for each section. The template is just the minimum requirements of what needs to be written so be more specific when writing the business plan.
Please be very realistic when writing the business plan.
There are faxes for this order.

Foreign Market Entry and Diversification

The previous papers I completed will be attached.

Based on the strategy created in Employing Automotive Strategy in a Competitive Environment, write four to five (4-5) pages double spaced on the following:

1. Create an argument for diversification of your business that will be presented to the board of directors or business investors.

2. Thoroughly develop a strategy for diversification indicating the products and industries for the diversification and how synergies may be gained from the diversified activity.

3. Thoroughly identify and discuss the foreign market that the company should enter and discuss the strategy it should use to enter the market.

4. Thoroughly discuss the challenges that company may face in the foreign market, and how it might respond strategically to minimize the impact of these challenges.

5. Thoroughly create a scenario when it would not make sense for the company to diversify or expand into a foreign market. Provide support for your rationale.

6. Thoroughly assess how the company will create a business environment conducive to ethical behavior.

7. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment.

The title is "How ipad2 can change canadian market??
This is a individual project of marketing management
don't write too much introduction,the introduction should be no more than 1/4to1/2page at maximum.
Use appropriate martketing theory where possible.

I'd like ResearchPro if possible to respond to questions. When answering the listed questions do not use Wikipedias, investopedia or any encyclopedias as a source,

1 How many major wireless phone handset manufacturers are there? What is the market structure? What pricing strategies do wireless phone handset manufacturers use? How do wireless phone makers attempt to differentiate their handset offerings?

2 Complete the Economics for Managerial Decision Making: Market Structures simulation. In two of the four market structures, using price to compete is not an option. What can Quasar do to improve revenues in one of these structures? Select a company not selected by another student that has used this strategy. Describe the effects on the organization of using this strategy.

3 Identify an organization not previously selected and recommend methods to reduce costs. What effects do technologies have on costs? What are some lower-cost sources the organization can utilize to reduce costs? What considerations might cause a profit-maximizing firm to decide to forgo using lower-cost sources?

4 What market structure best characterizes the market in which University of Phoenix competes? How does this structure influence the university?s pricing strategy? How does University of Phoenix differentiate its product from that of its competitors? Has University of Phoenix erected nonprice barriers to entry in this market? Can University of Phoenix do more to create nonprice barriers to entry in this market?

5 What is the economy?s current stage in the business cycle? Support your answer with data on the real GDP growth rate, the unemployment rate, and the CPI inflation rate. You may obtain these data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis website ( and the Bureau of Labor Statistics website (

6 Economic growth, as measured by increases in real GDP per capita, is a goal for most countries. This is often interpreted as an increase in economic welfare for citizens. How would you evaluate this assertion? If there are reasons to dispute it, why is it a nearly universally recognized goal? Are there better methods for measuring economic welfare? How would you measure it?

7 What are some of the damaging effects deflation has on an economy? What would be a monetary policy prescription to reduce or eliminate deflation? How would deflation affect your business or a business you are familiar with?

8 Recessions seem to show up every so often and create economic hardship. One might think that macroeconomic policymakers could tame the business cycle and implement policies that would end recessions. Are recessions a necessary fact of macroeconomic life? If not, what would it take to eliminate them? If they are unavoidable, what types of business can benefit from them? How would a recession affect your firm?

9 What new measures and tools has the Federal Reserve employed in the past 2 years that have not been employed in the past 2 decades?

10 What does the Federal Reserve take into account when establishing general and specific rates of interest? Describe the recent tools the Federal Reserve has used to influence the U.S. economy, and explain their effects. In your opinion, have these measures been effective or ineffective in addressing the major concern or concerns of the business cycle?

11 As seen during the financial crisis of the 1930s and in recent history, markets are globally interconnected. Aside from financial markets, different countries have different resources. Choose a country other than the country in which you currently reside which has not already been selected by another student, and research the EIU country data. Based on absolute advantage and comparative advantage, explain the effect of global economic conditions on the choices available to that country. Include the current exchange rate of the country?s monetary unit.

12 Review the U.S. Trade Representatives website at Select a country or trading bloc with which the United States has a current or pending free trade agreement. What are areas of comparative advantage of the United States and its trading partner? What are the benefits and disadvantages specific to this free trade agreement?

Visit the Website of Johnson Controls Inc., located at, and review its 2012 financial forecasts. According to the forecasts, Johnson Controls will increase capital investments to approximately $1.7 billion. More than 70% of the company's capital expenditures in 2012 are associated with growth and margin expansion opportunities.

Please list the questions before and then answer the question.

1. Suggest a methodology to supplement the traditional methods for evaluating the capital investments of Johnson Controls in the emerging markets to reduce risk providing a rationale of how risk will be reduced.

2. Assess the potential impact of inflation on planned capital investments in China and examine approaches for an accurate evaluation of the investments. Suggest how this knowledge may impact management?s decisions.

3. Contrast the modifications you would make in evaluating the projects to increase internal capacity in North America to evaluating expansion projects in the global market and how this information will impact the decisions made related to expansion.

4. Examine the benefits of using sensitivity analysis in evaluating the projects for Johnson Controls and how this approach can provide a competitive advantage for the company.

Ensure the four (4) references are quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Please ensure that APA style is correctly used. Please no unnecessary spaces between paragraphs adhered to the correct double spacing.

International Equity Markets

Global Stock Exchanges

More and more corporations these days are choosing to list their stock not just on one exchange, and not even just in one country. Rather, they are choosing to list their stock in multiple exchanges in multiple countries.

Read the information in the background material, look for more information, and then write a 3 to 4 page paper answering the following questions:

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of listing your company on different stock exchanges in different countries?

Are there any issues involved related to raising capital in the global market? Please provide some examples to support your argument.

Case Assignment Expectations:

In Module 4 Case Assignment, you are expected to:

?Describe the purpose of the paper and conclusion.

?Answer the case assignment questions clearly and provide necessary details.

?Provide a quality argument; that is, no poor sentence structure, no spelling and grammar mistakes or run-on sentences.

?Provide citations to support your argument and references on a separate page. Please use APA format to provide citations and references or click Student Guide to Writing a High Quality Academic Paper.

?Answer all the case assignment questions in an essay format instead of point format. Please do not type questions in the paper.

?Type and double space the paper.

Grading Rubric: Click here.

Case Assignment Readings:

Rubery, S. (2002). Corporates spread their wings on international exchanges. Corporate Finance, London, U.K. Retrieved from library portal via coursenet.

Ridu, J. (2007). When companies go for dual-listing. Malaysian Business, pg. 16. Retrieved from library portal via coursenet.

McDowall, L. (2010). Publicly listing a company - the advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved from (2007). Foreign listings on global exchanges. Research & Corporate Development Department, 1-9. Retrieved from

Dobbs, R. & Goedhart, M.H. (2010). Why cross-listing shares doesn?t create value. Retrieved from

Please read the following paper to understand issues related to raising capital in a global market:

Youxing, L. (2009). Comparison of the legal institutions of enterprise financing in China and the United States. Retrieved from

Perry, M. (2010). International Equity Markets ? Chapter 13. Retrieved from

Global Stock Exchanges

More and more corporations these days are choosing to list their stock not just on one exchange, and not even just in one country. Rather, they are choosing to list their stock in multiple exchanges in multiple countries.

Read the information in the background material, look for more information, and then write a 3 to 4 pages paper answering the following questions:

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of listing your company on different stock exchanges in different countries?

Are there any issues involved related to raising capital in the global market? Please provide some examples to support your argument.

***I would prefer the chosen OD Model to be the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model***

ABC Company (Fictitious Company) and Whole Foods Market have decided they want to do an Organizational Diagnosis to determine how various aspects of Whole Foods Market are aligned such as inputs, resources, productivity, throughput effort, outputs, performance, strategy, etc. They want to know if there are any significant issues at Whole Foods Market and how these issues might affect its integration into ABC Company.


Download and read this white paper by Falletta about OD models. Salvatore Falletta, President and CEO of Leadersphere, has written a white paper that reviews several commonly used models of organizational diagnosis. We will be using several of these models in conducting your integrative Case project. The relevant part of this paper in terms of this class is the first 31 pages. The last part of the paper (pp. 32-43) deals with the theoretical foundations of the Burke & Litwin model, Falletta?s Organizational Intelligence Model, and reading that is optional. We are not covering Falletta?s Organizational Intelligence Model.

Falletta, S.V. (2005) Organizational Diagnostic Models: A Review and Synthesis. Retrieved November 7, 2012 from

Falletta provides an overview of Open Systems Theory (OST) in his paper (pp. 8 & 9). Keep in mind that OST is not an OD model, but rather is a basis for most of the later models. For a deeper understanding, go to the following optional reading and read about systems, systems thinking, and organizations as open systems. You will see that businesses are not unlike living organisms. They depend on the environment for sustenance. They are comprised of multiple, mutually dependent parts. And they affect the environment in the course of their daily activities. Open systems theory provides valuable insights into organizations.

Optional Reading

National Defense University, Systems Thinking and Learning Organizations, Retrieved November 7, 2012 from

Review Case Analysis since it is so important in this final course. The purpose of a Case is to show that you have thought critically about the subject matter that you are learning AND to make an argument for a Claim about the specific situation in the Case assignment. Stephen Toulmin has developed an Argument Methodology that is very useful in Making a Case. To review Case Analysis and Toulmin's Argument Methodology, go to Making a Case page.


There is some disagreement in the Executive ranks as to which OD method or model should be used. Some executives have familiarity with a couple of models, but it seems to be only based on what they have read or heard about. So you need to explore some models and determine their strengths and weaknesses. And ultimately you need to recommend which one is best for using at Whole Foods Market. As part of making that determination, you will also need to identify several critical issues facing Whole Foods Market.

The executives want you to include the 7S model, the Congruence Model, and the Burke-Litwin Model in your analysis. And I want you to pick three or four more models to include as well ? so we have a well-rounded group of OD models.

Prepare a report in which you include the following:

For each of the models you are analyzing (six or seven), a brief overview of what the model does.
Clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of each model.
Identify and discuss two or three issues that Whole Foods Market is facing.
Determine which model you think is the best model to use.
Make a recommendation as to which model should be used, I expect you to Make a Strong Case. Explain why your selection would be the best choice. Explain how the recommended model can be used to help diagnose the issues you have identified

"Research Paper on Manhattan Office Market: You will research and write on the Manhattan office market. The paper should cover: the metrics used to evaluate the prospective profitability and valuation of Manhattan office buildings; the changes in the market since 2008; and, the forecast for Manhattan office buildings going forward, among other topics. Citations are expected.
A Few Words on the New York Office Market: There is no commercial real estate market more closely researched, and, perhaps, more closely followed than the New York (Manhattan) office market. Unlike virtually every other commercial real estate market where occupancy rates, average rents, and the like are estimated based on a sampling, every square foot of Manhattan office space is accounted for in determining these values. And, because there are more than 300 million square feet of Class A office space in Manhattan, the market is divided into several submarkets - each containing more square feet of office space than most other cities in the US.
Geographically, the biggest difference in Manhattan is between those office buildings Downtown and those in Midtown. Downtown was the home to most financial firms prior to 9/11; however, the destruction of the World Trade Center and other office buildings (totaling more than 10 million square feet) caused a huge shift in the city. Numerous financial firms eventually relocated to Midtown, and most have stayed there. The redevelopment of the World Trade Center site (WTC 1 most notably) will be an important and integral part of your studies this year."

I have some sources that have been provided that I will send as soon as I have the option. None are required to be used, but are there as resources if they help at all. I said 7 for the # of bibliography sources but that number is not a set requirement, however many is needed is fine as long as there are a few.

The assignment is about the "New York Office Market" but the professor really only means Manhattan so the rest can be pretty much ignored. Also the assignment is really just on the present state of the market, this class rotates each year between 4 different markets and the last time they did NY was 2008, so the span of 2008-Present is the main focus (although anything from a historical standpoint that could be applicable or relevant is more than welcome).

I placed the entire assignment here as was given to me, so as you can see there isn't very much there about format or style or anything of that nature so it's pretty open to however you find best suits. If there are any other questions or anything else I can help with please let me know.
There are faxes for this order.

This is for the writer Isak. This assignment is not due until February 29, 2012. As with all of our work to gather and this will be part of my thesis. So if there would be any correspondence needed. Please contact me as soon as possible. I would like to receive this a couple of days before it needs to be submitted so I can integrate my material into the thesis. If you would have any questions concerning any of this please contact me as soon as possible. I also would like to know what product you have chosen to use so that way I can research it. So here is my assignment:

The Marketing Mix

Select an existing product and identify its target market. Describe how each variable of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) is being executed. Address at least three elements of each variable.

Focus of The Marketing Mix

In a 6-8 page paper, excluding title and reference pages, consider the following:

? What features do customers care most about?
? How are the key features and benefits better or worse than those of competing products?
? How do consumers choose and use products in this category?
? How is the product branded?
? How is this product priced relative to competing products?
? What is the rationale for employing this pricing strategy?
? Are there pricing discounts (e.g., wholesalers, bulk)?
? Where is the product sold and why have those locations been selected?
? Do the locations give adequate accessibility to the target market?
? Are products sold online as well? Is there transparency between online and brick and mortar outlets?
? What marketing communications does this company use to promote the product?
? Describe the advertising, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing, etc. efforts).
? What main messages are portrayed to consumers? What is emphasized? What is the image?

What recommendations do you have for the marketing mix? For example, should the advertising be changed or should the product be distributed differently? Be sure to use at least 3 resources to support your analysis and recommendations.

Discuss the factors in the United States economy which prevent, in most cases, the existence of perfectly competitive markets. Include a listing of the factors inherent in the perfectly competitive market, as well as the effects of interfering factors (such as advertising) on the performance of markets.

Currency Markets

The paper should facilitate learning by following current developments in global financial markets. A comprehensive report on selected currency pairs should be prepared. Although the analysis should be forward looking, the path of the exchange rates in the recent past should be part of the analysis. The FX markets are closely linked to global equity, money and bond markets. The paper also requires an analysis of the development in these parallel markets. The paper should include graphs and charts in appendix. An explanation should be provided for the movement of currencies, and their interactions with the parallel markets. The currency pairs to be tracked are

The starting date is June 15, 2004 and the end date is august 07, 2004. All data should be within these dates. Develop your own narrative and explanations after filtering the information. All information should be properly referenced. Remember the paper is supposed to be a personal opinion paper. All opinions must be made in light of the gathered data.

Case Study 1: GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for Emerging Markets

Read the case study titled ?GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for Emerging Markets?

Write a four page paper in which you:

Determine two (2) emerging trends in the external environment that prompted General Electric (GE) Healthcare to develop a new strategy for the production and marketing of a low cost Electroencephalography (EEG) machine in bottom of the pyramid markets (BOP).

Examine two (2) internal barriers GE Healthcare faced when developing its BOP market in India and determine the manner in which they hindered GE Healthcare?s growth in this market segment.

Analyze two (2) of the significant external barriers that GE Healthcare faced when trying to meet its marketing goals in the Indian market. Propose two (2) ways to address these barriers.

Analyze the specific steps GE took in developing its strategy to grow its BOP market. Determine the manner in which those actions apply to the principles of strategic thinking and strategic planning.

Determine the manner in which GE Healthcare?s strategy to improve its position in BOP markets contributed to the organization?s value chain in both emerging and developed markets.



Communication from Art Epance:

Welcome to this project. ABC Company and Whole Foods Market expect us to provide them with top-notch advice on how to integrate Whole Foods into ABC Company. I will be working on analyzing ABC Company. You will be working on analyzing Whole Foods Market. Review as much information as you can on the Whole Foods Market website, particularly that in the "Investor Relations" section. At a minimum, review the following materials in preparation for your report/analysis:

Required Reading

Reuters Company Profile: Whole Foods Market. Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from:

Case study: (be sure that you do not rely on this document as your primary source of information, but be sure that you have synthesized information from multiple sources). Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from:

Article: Business Analysis: Whole Foods Market Retrieved on November 7, 2012 (again, do not rely on this document as a primary source of information, but be sure that you have synthesized information from multiple sources).

Whole Foods Market website: Retrieved on November 7, 2012.

Whole Foods Market (about the company) Whole Foods Market Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from:

Whole Foods Market - Annual Stakeholders Report, 2011. Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from:

Review Case Analysis since it is so important in this final course. The purpose of a Case is to show that you have thought critically about the subject matter that you are learning and to make an argument for a Claim about the specific situation in the Case Assignment. Stephen Toulmin has developed an Argument Methodology that is very useful in Making a Case. To review Case Analysis and Toulmin's Argument Methodology, go to Making a Case page.

Case Assignment

First, you need to do a strategic analysis of Whole Foods Market. The executives want us to provide an independent, objective view of Whole Foods Market's current strategic position, including full information of Whole Foods Market's mission, vision and values. They want to identify its current set of strategic goals, and a critical assessment of the competition and the competitive environment (remote and operating environments). Also, they want to see the opportunities and threats Whole Foods is presently facing, and they need a general idea of the company's strengths and weaknesses. Whole Foods Market and ABC Company want to know if we think they should make any strategic changes or continue with the status quo. Synthesize everything you have learned, provide a final recommendation, and justify your reasoning.

Keys to the Assignment:
1.Do diligent research on Whole Foods Market. I have included links to various websites above.
2.As an MBA, you must perform additional research to find information on competition and general trends for opportunities and threats. For the competitive analysis, identify a minimum of three of the top competitive companies and their best-selling services or products - and justify why each is a viable competitor.
3.Your report should be thorough, and follow closely the outline that I have given you. The final section is the most important one. Use excellent logic and sharp argumentation skills to make your case.

The report must be 5-7 pages minimum and no more than 10 pages.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated on the following seven points:
?Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
?Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject, that is, the Keys to the Assignment, addressed?
?Depth - Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background reading and other background resources as references?
?Critical thinking - Is the subject thought about critically, that is, accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely?
?Clarity - Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
?Organization - Is the paper well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages?
?Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are the references from the background readings and assignment present and properly cited? Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation?

?Optimize your research time: Get an overview of the Case Assignments so you know what information you will be looking for when you do research. As you do research for Case 1, you can also be finding information and data for the other cases, too. Continue this strategy as you do research for the next case and the next, etc. The more information you have about the chosen company, the better you will get to know it. The better you get to know it, the better your analysis will be.
?You may use a simple diagram to highlight important factors. However, do not use the diagram in lieu of valuable analysis (or to take up valuable writing space). It should be in addition to your 5-7 pages of analysis.
?Just because you have written the minimum five pages does not mean that you have adequately covered the topic. Err on the side of writing more rather than less.
?Choose the data you use carefully. Is it relevant and important?
?Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 5-10 pages of analysis described above.
?Include section headings within the paper.
?Cite and reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes of more than five words, and citations for that information which you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources

AVON Calls on Foreign Markets

Prepare a paper discussing the case and incorporating answers to the questions below. It is important to address each of the questions presented. Use the APA format in writing course papers. APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. The Reference List is not included in the required paper length. Your paper must contain at least five references, which may include your course textbook, internet sources, books, and professional journals or other appropriate resources. Case Avon Calls on Foreign Markets . Incorporate into your analysis responses to the following questions.
1. Your reading assignment for this unit describes different marketing orientations. Discuss the applicability of each to Avons global operations.
2. Why is Avon so much more dependent on its foreign operations than on its home ( U.S.) operations?
3. Discuss socioeconomic and demographic changes that could affect Avon.
4. How might a global recession, such as the one that began in 2008, impact Avons operations?
5. What are the major competitive advantages that Avon has? How easily might other companies duplicate these advantages?
6. Avon does not sell within the United States in retail establishments (with the exceptions of kiosks handled by some of its reps). What are the pros and cons of distributing that way?
7. If you were advising Avon on the selection of new suppliers, what would be your major concerns as you evaluate firms that are potential suppliers? What criteria should the company use to make decisions on where to manufacture their products?
8. Identify the challenges Avon faces in both maintaining and expanding its global manufacturing and supply chain network given the dynamics of todays competitive environment.
Identify the challenges Avon faces in both maintaining and expanding its global manufacturing and supply chain network given the dynamics of todays competitive environment.
There are faxes for this order.

Maria Lopez is considering opening a high-end jewelry store selling diamonds that start at $5000. The market that Maria is planning to target has a varied psychographics.

As Marias consultant, what segmentation strategy would you recommend?

What type of psychographics should Maria target and why?

Would you target more of Generation X customers or Generation Y customers? Support your answers.
Use vocabulary that is relevant to marketing, specifically to the topic: market segmentation.

2 pages 12 font, 1 inch margins and 320 words per page, apa style. do not use quotes.

Using the book: Is the Market Moral?: a dialogue on religion, economics, and justice
By Rebecca M. Blank, William McGurn

Write an essay using the details below:

One of the differences between Blank and McGurn is what the role of the government should be with respect to regulating the market and where the virtues necessary for the operation of the market are learned.

Blank, in comparison to McGurn, argues for more government intervention, whereas McGurn argues for less. McGurn also argues that the virtues that make the market possible must be learned outside the market in the background culture (Blank agrees, though places some responsibility on government here.)

Drawing on examples from the book, defend the position of Blank or McGurn with respect to the role of the government and the role of virtues (including where they are acquired) in the operation of the market. If you think that both positions are weak, feel free to point out the problems with each and then develop and defend an alternative position.

5 Pages

Whole Foods Market Whole Food

Words: 1610
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

This is analysis essay of a specific in Manhattan. I chose Whole Food Market in Union Square, however if you do not know about whole food store, you can write…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Global Market Segments the Widespread

Words: 3788
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Provide a one page response for each question. Each question shall have 2 scholarly citations to be captured in the References. 1. Identify the major geographic and demographic segments in…

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1 Pages

Risks of International Expansion Given

Words: 456
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Before making a decision to enter foreign markets, the firm must weigh several risks. List these risks and discuss each. Explain why it is important to be concerned about…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Home Security Market in the

Words: 2758
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is for an International Business class, final project. *Pick a product or service you wish to introduce into another country. *Choose 3 countries to compare (ONE MUST BE THE USA) *Give…

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20 Pages

Freight Forwarding Company the Market Plan Essay

Words: 6137
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

The essay is about Freight forwarding company, that provides services in the United states. services provided by Air, Truck, and rails. the following has to be included in the…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Survival of This Market. Primary Data Reveals

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Base on this website: -Identify the likely primary and secondary data that you might need. Identify their possible sources. Summarise the key findings that you uncovered. -Identify the likely…

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5 Pages

Book V Market Understanding Financial Concepts in

Words: 1557
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

This is an MBA course "Financial Accounting and Management Account" assignment. Please check below essay requirements: "With reference to a listed company of your choice (this must be a company that…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Creating the Marketing Communication Strategy for Eagle Rider Australia to Chinese Market

Words: 1490
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

- I've written the part of target audiences, Buying, selling, and communications processes, message, goals and objectives, etc,. as in the file "strategy draft 1.doc" that i upload - so…

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4 Pages

Future Market Condition Analysis

Words: 1159
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

I WOULD LIKE WRITERGRRL101 TO COMPLETE THIS REQUEST IF SHE IS AVAILABLE. THANK YOU. Prepare a detailed future market condition analysis of Dell Computers. Including the following information: market…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

Business Plan Product Description Market

Words: 4066
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write a mini-business plan that create a new business which will market a new product or service choosing either The Farmery by Ben Greene OR Daiwa House Agri-Cube I will…

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4 Pages

Foreign Market Entry Diversification Foreign Market Entry

Words: 1536
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Foreign Market Entry and Diversification The previous papers I completed will be attached. Based on the strategy created in Employing Automotive Strategy in a Competitive Environment, write four to five (4-5)…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

IPAD2 Changing the Canadian Market How IPAD2

Words: 2436
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The title is "How ipad2 can change canadian market?? This is a individual project of marketing management don't write too much introduction,the introduction should be no more than 1/4to1/2page at…

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3 Pages

Cell Phone Market Is Global in Scope,

Words: 1238
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

I'd like ResearchPro if possible to respond to questions. When answering the listed questions do not use Wikipedias, investopedia or any encyclopedias as a source, 1 How…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Johnson Controls Capital Investments

Words: 1415
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Visit the Website of Johnson Controls Inc., located at, and review its 2012 financial forecasts. According to the forecasts, Johnson Controls will increase capital investments to approximately $1.7…

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4 Pages

International Equity Markets

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Stock Exchanges More and more corporations these days are choosing to list their stock not just on one exchange, and not even just in one country. Rather,…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Which Organizational Diagnosis Model Is Best to Use at Whole Foods Market

Words: 1676
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

***I would prefer the chosen OD Model to be the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model*** ABC Company (Fictitious Company) and Whole Foods Market have decided they want to do an Organizational…

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7 Pages

New York Real Estate and Office Markets

Words: 2269
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment: "Research Paper on Manhattan Office Market: You will research and write on the Manhattan office market. The paper should cover: the metrics used to evaluate the prospective…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Marketing Mix -- Kopparberg's Cider Marketing Kopparberg's

Words: 1613
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is for the writer Isak. This assignment is not due until February 29, 2012. As with all of our work to gather and this will be part of…

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4 Pages

Factors That Prevent Perfectly Competitive Markets in the United States

Words: 1199
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Discuss the factors in the United States economy which prevent, in most cases, the existence of perfectly competitive markets. Include a listing of the factors inherent in the perfectly…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Currency Markets

Words: 2576
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The paper should facilitate learning by following current developments in global financial markets. A comprehensive report on selected currency pairs should be prepared. Although the analysis should be forward…

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4 Pages

GE Healthcare (A): Innovating Emerging Markets Read

Words: 1241
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Case Study 1: GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for Emerging Markets Read the case study titled ?GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for Emerging Markets? Write a four page paper in which you:…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Whole Foods Market Strategic Review

Words: 1454
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

XCG THE EXCELLENT CONSULTING GROUP Communication from Art Epance: Welcome to this project. ABC Company and Whole Foods Market expect us to provide them with top-notch advice on how to integrate…

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3 Pages

AVON Calls on Foreign Markets

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Prepare a paper discussing the case and incorporating answers to the questions below. It is important to address each of the questions presented. Use the APA format in writing…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Segmenting the Market Segmentation: Maria's

Words: 675
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Maria Lopez is considering opening a high-end jewelry store selling diamonds that start at $5000. The market that Maria is planning to target has a varied psychographics. As Marias consultant,…

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2 Pages

Morality of the Economic Market

Words: 608
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Using the book: Is the Market Moral?: a dialogue on religion, economics, and justice By Rebecca M. Blank, William McGurn Write an essay using the details below: One of the differences…

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