Management Techniques Essays Prompts

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The Sports Management Organizational Plan should include the following elements:

Incorporate each module into a Practical Management Sports P...lan on the Various Topics.

Also Submit a Sports Management Organizational Plan along with a Slide Presentation. ( APPROX 15 Slides).

Apply the Theoretical Business Principles with an Hypothetical Organization.
Apply Original Name and Logo.

An Introduction of your Fictional Organization indicating its Name, the Product/s, the Service/s its Supplies, a Brief History, and its Reach within the Industry (Local, National, and Global).

A Missions Statement.

A discussion of the Management Style you feel is most appropriate for Success.

A Diagram and Explanation of the most Appropriate Organizational Structure.

An explanation of which of the strategic planning models (contingency, IO economics, resource based) you feel are most appropriate for your organization?

A Detailed Description of the Organization's Risk Management Plan, and how it will be Developed, Implemented, and Maintained.

A discussion of how the Organization will Comply with Title IX Statutes and Gender Equity.

A Detailed Description of each Marketing Mix Element; (Product, Price, Place, Promotion).

A Description of your Target Market/s Including Demographics and Psychographics.

Identification of your Primary Revenue Streams and Major Expenses.

A Sponsorship Proposal.

Discussion of the Various Risk Situations your Organization Faces, and your Plan for Dealing with it.

Managerial Roles/Fundamental Skills, Levels of Management Unique Roles,
Fundamental Skills Common Management Areas.

Scientific Theory

Administrative Theory.

Systematic Management Behavior Theory.

Human Relations Movement

Human Relations Theory.

Theory X, Theory Y, Theory Z

Contemporary Management, Contingency Management

Total Quality Management

Decision Making, Systematic Decision Making, Decision-Making Environments
Types of Decisions

A reference page with Seven Sources. No Wikipedia.

Style and Formatting

The paper must be APA Style,12 pt font, double-spaced, New Times Roman,

include page numbers, and must be 15 pages in length. The document MUST be

saved as a Word Document. Other Document Formats Will Not be Accepted.

The paper must have 3 sources, peer reviewed are preferred.
Paper must be in APA formatting with an Intro, Body and Conclusion.

Importance of Strategic Planning and Management in the Business Environment Paper

Prepare a 1,050-word paper. Using knowledge gained from this course and previous coursework; select a small business that you may want to start. Define strategic management and planning. Explain why a strategic plan would be important to the success of this business. Explain the four functions of management relative to creating and implementing a strategic plan.

Properly cite your references. If you used an electronic source, include the URL. If you used a printed source please attach a copy of the data to your paper.

Please include explanations and examples from previous experience as well as implications for future application. Discuss your plans for achieving those outcomes and how control systems and quality management relate to motivation in your own organization. If you are not currently employed, use a past employers organization . The paper should be eight pages double spaced in APA format.

Identify functional and dysfunctional control systems within your own organization.
Interpret criteria for developing and evaluating control systems.
Analyze and illustrate the essentials of quality management and the techniques that are
associated with it, including benchmarking and knowledge management, as they apply in your own
Discuss the anticipated impact on your personal and professional life.

Please e-mail me with any questions that you might have.

Thank you.

Bieri (n.d.) writes that "Disaster management may be seen as a combination of traditional scientific and technical know-how and an appropriate method of decision-taking." Discuss the strong need for analysis, both in theory and in practice, of the different potential interactions between man, nature, and society. Consider recent international natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, storms, avalanches, landslides, and fires, and discuss whether disaster researchers should shift their research away from the post-disaster response and toward an integrated risk management and sustainable risk prevention culture.

Bieri, S. (n.d.) Disaster risk management and the systems approach. DRM World Institute for Disaster Risk Management. Retrieved June 9, 2009, from

My subject is Management and Organisation Behaviour
There is my questions for car rental company Europa which is based at the Sydney international airport
how do a manager do planning?
how does a manager achieve a goal
how does managers deal with conflicts and problem solving and motivate team members

The purpose of this activity is to develop a research taxonomy related to the Managing Project Teams. With this assignment, you are to investigate and identify ten separate and distinct scholarly theories related to Managing Project Teams that includes the following components:
1.Summarize the theory with a brief overview of the import concepts and components.
2.Analyze how the theory applies to the topic of Managing Project Teams.
3.Assess how each separate theory you provide builds upon or conflicts with other theories you have provided in your taxonomy.
4.Final taxonomy should include article link or reference, follow APA guidelines and be a no more than two pages in length.
5. Develop an annotated bibliography

Future of Project Management in

To understand the future of project management we need to know its past. Review the articles by Kioppenborg & Opfer (2002) and Shenhar & Dvir (2007) and write a concise, yet substantive paper discussing the following issues:
i. The first article provides a literature review (in the form of meta-analysis) of most of the scholarly articles written about project management from 1960-1999. Discuss why you believe the scholarly focus in the area has evolved toward viewing PM from a systems perspective (1960s & 1970s) to leadership/organizational behavior perspective (1980s & 1990s )
ii. The second article discusses the challenges scholars face getting PM recognized as a social science.

a. Identify if you agree with the authors that there should be a general theory of project management and support your rationale.

b. Discuss what paradigm would be more effective in achieving the goal of the authors: The problem driven perspective or the central paradigm perspective. Explain your rationale

There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (infoceo) completes this order.

Accademic essay of 3000 words with referencing - Change Management
The Environment for change in my organisation.
Organisational structure and culture.
Identify and reflect critically on my organisations structure.
Identify and reflect critically on my organisations culture.
Identify and critically reflect on my organisations strategy process(es).
Ideas and concepts.
Discussing aspects of organisational structure, culture in relation to their function in promoting or inhibiting change.
Consider my own opinon and experience in relation to how structure and culture may influence the selection of change strategies. Considering how the understanding of cultural analysis may influence sustainable organisational change in their organisation.

This paper is a research project required to complete an MBA degree. The title is as follows: A Normative Model of effective U.S./Dominican Republic Managerial Cross-Cultural Interaction.
Descript...ion: the purpose of this project is to perform a comprehensive comparison of managerial values, beliefs, and attitudes between managers of the U.S.A. and the Dominican Republic. Research methods that will be used consist of relevant literature on culture and comparative management, scholarly journals, popular press and internet.


The following are the guidelines for the paper:

It is expected that as a graduating MBA candidate, your research project should be professionally executed. Clear thinking, accurate research, and esthetically pleasing format should be of top priority. These guidelines should aid you in the final preparation of your research project.



Left--------1 1/2 inches
Right-------1 inch
Top and bottom of page-----minimum of 1 inch

The paper should be double-spaced throughout.



Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Symbols

Text of project

Bibliography or References



This assignment requires you to review the current academic literature on one of the topics covered in class. The paper should be technical in nature, focusing on factual res...earch results along with technical recommendations for management. The paper should not focus on problem identification or definitions, but on solutions and recommendations. This is not a review of individual articles but a review of the literature similar to the term papers written in other classes. The finished product looks like an article from the Academy of Management Review or the literature review section of a research article.

The paper should include a thorough literature review and a discussion of the practical implications of the information. The paper should be at least 15 pages long (double spaced, 1 margins, Times New Roman font, 12 pt.), excluding the title page, abstract and bibliography. At lease one third of the paper, a separate section, should be your interpretation of the information, practical implication, recommendations, and conclusion. You must also follow proper procedures for citing the work of others. You may want to use the American Psychological Association style manual for this purpose.

You must use only articles from academic journals (at least 7 articles) which includes: Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, and Journal of Applied Psychology. A partial list of academic and practitioner journals follows to the research assignment sheet. It is the students responsibility to insure that all reference materials meet the academic journal requirements. If you are not sure, ask.

You cannot use book reviews in the academic journals or information from an internet site. You may obtain the information over the internet but it must be from academic journals.

I will grade the papers on content, presentation (spelling, grammar, format, etc.), logic, and degree of original analysis.

I will not accept any paper that does not site at least seven academic articles, meet the page requirements, include a separate section with personal views and recommendations, or reflect graduate level work. I will not accept any paper that includes plagiarism or excessive quotes, representing more that 15% of the paper. You will receive a 0% for the paper. If you have any doubts contact me. You must have your articles for the literature review before the second weekend and have me review them.

Students are expected to be familiar with the professional literature in their fields of study. The professional journals are the most immediate and direct communication link between the researcher and the practicing manager.

A. Research-Orientated (Academic) Journals. These journals contain articles that report on original research. Normally these journals contain either sophisticated writing and quantitative verifications of the authors findings or conceptual models and literature reviews of previous research. You may use articles from these journals or any law review article. You may not use book reviews or information from the internet. You may use additional research oriented articles if you have them approved prior to the due date.

Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Administrative Science Quarterly
American Behavioral Scientist
American Journal of Psychology
American Psychologist
American Sociological Review
Annual Review of Psychology
Applied Psychology: An International Review
Behavior Science Research
Behavioral Science
British Journal of Industrial Relations
Cognitive Studies
Croup and Organization Studies
Decision Science
Educational & Psychological Measurement
Employee Responsibility and Rights Journal
Human Organization
Human Performance
Human Relations
Human Resource Management Review
Human Resource Planning
Industrial & Labor Relations Review
Industrial Relations
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
Journal of Applied Business Research
Journal of Applied Communication
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Business
Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Business Communications
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Journal of Communications
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Journal of Industrial Relations
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of Labor Economics
Journal of Law Economics and Organization
Journal of Management
Journal of Management Issues
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Journal of Occupational Psychology
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Political Economics
Journal of Social Behavior and Personality
Journal of Social Issues
Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Labor History
Labor Law Journal
Labor Relations Yearbook
Labor Studies Journal
Management Science
Managerial Auditing Journal
New York Law Journal
Occupational Psychology
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Personnel Psychology
Psychological Bulletin
Psychological Review
Psychology Monographs
Public Personnel Management
Social Forces
Social Science Research
Sociology Perspective
Work and Occupations

Management Oriented (Practitioner) Journals. These journals generally cover a wide range of subjects. Articles in these normally are aimed at the practitioner and are written to interpret, summarize, or discuss past, present and future research and administrative applications. Not all the articles in these journals are management-oriented. You CANNOT use these for your paper.

Academy of Management Executive
Administrative Management
Advanced Management Journal
American Medical News
American Business Review
American Economic Review
Arbitration Journal
Australian Journal of Management
Business and Social Review
Business Horizons
Business Monthly
Business Quarterly
California Management Review
Canadian Manager Columbia Journal of World Business
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin
Compensation and Benefits Review
Construction Management and Economics
Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly
Corporate Counsel's Quarterly
Directors and Boards
Employee Benefits Journal
Employee Development Bulletin
Employee Relations Law Journal
Employment Decisions Practices
Employment Relations Today
Enterpreneurship Theory and Practice
Federal Times
Harvard Business Review
Health Care Management Review
Hospital & Health Services Administration
HR Magazine
Human Behavior
Human Resource Executive
Human Resource Management
Human Resources Management International Digest
Industry Week
International Management
IRS Employment Review
Journal of American Academy of Business
Journal of Business Strategy
Journal of Pension Planning
Long-Range Planning
Management Consulting
Management Decision
Management Planning
Management Review
Management Solutions
Management Today
Management World
Managers Magazine
Michigan State University Business Topics
Monthly Labor Review
Nations Business
National Productivity Review
Organizational Dynamics
Pension World
Personnel Journal
Personnel Management
Psychology Today
Public Administration Review
Public Opinion Quarterly
Research Management
SAM Advanced Management Journal
Security Management
Sloan Management Review
Supervisory Management
The Los Angeles Daily Journal
The Tax Advisor
Training and Development Journal
Working Women

A Brief Overview

Kirsten Fleming

Associate Professor
of Mathematics

August, 1998


Plagiarism: A Brief Overview

Plagiarism is the intentional or unintetional use of the work of another without proper acknowledgment.
You may be aware that reproducing the published words of another without acknowledging the source of the words is plagiarism; however, you might be unaware of the scope of the concept of plagiarism. The term plagiarism applies not only to the published word, but also to unpublished materials, the spoken word, opinions, theories, pictures, graphs, and statistics. In fact, plagiarism might occur at any time when the material of another is being used, regardless of the source or format of the material. An example of a situation in which unintentional plagiarism can easily occur is when students work together, formally or informally, on a class assignment. If you do collaborative work with other students and then use their ideas or material in the work you submit, you must credit the work of the other students. If you do not properly acknowledge that you have incorporated the work of other students into your materials, you are guilty of plagiarism.
In addition, you might not appreciate that plagiarism is not limited to copying verbatim from a source but also occurs when you paraphrase the work of another.
The sole exception to the rule that all materials being used must be properly acknowledged is if the material being used is common knowledge. Information and ideas that appear in many places or that are readily available to anyone would be regarded as common knowledge. You may not know what is common knowledge in your discipline. When in doubt, err on the side of citing your source.
The appropriate method of acknowledging source materials varies from discipline to discipline and from instructor to instructor. References to source materials might be given in footnotes, endnotes, a bibliography together with pointers in the text indicating where and which bibliographical item was used, or possibly in the body of your text. You should talk to your instructors about their requirements for properly acknowledging sources.
Types of Plagiarism
If you use a sentence (or sentences), a phrase (or phrases) or possibly even a single word (if the word is unique or newly coined) lifted directly from a source, you must enclose the sentence (phrase or word) in quotation marks and you must cite the source of the material. Otherwise you are committing plagiarism. In general, direct quotes should be used sparingly and only when the wording of the source material is particularly effective or salient. Quotations should not be used as a mechanism for avoiding the often challenging task of expressing ideas in your own words.
Although not word-for-word copying, the reproduction of source material in which the basic structure is unchanged but in which you substitute synonyms for certain words or in which the structure is rearranged is considered plagiarism, even if you cite the source. Use your own words; avoid paraphrasing. Not only will this assure you avoid this form of plagiarizing, but it will also allow you to demonstrate that you truly understand the concepts you are discussing.
Although many students recognize and carefully avoid the forms of plagiarism just described, they are sometimes unaware that using the ideas, opinions, findings, or theories of another is also plagiarism unless the source is given credit. Therefore, it is imperative that you credit your source whenever you use the ideas, opinions, findings, or theories of another, even when you are expressing them in your own words.
To repeat: any use of words taken directly from the source should be placed in quotation marks and you should cite the source. Avoid paraphrasing or using slight variations in the language. Even if you are not using direct quotes, you must cite the source when you are using ideas and information contained in the source material unless the ideas are common knowledge.
In order to help you understand what constitutes plagiarism, consider the following text written by Fleming in 1998:
An attribute of high-quality education is, most certainly, the quantity of knowledge conveyed to, and learned by, a student. In addition to possessing a good knowledge base, a student who has been fully educated should be able to: communicate effectively; apply critical thinking skills; and adapt to unanticipated circumstances.
Now consider four excerpts from (fictitious) student papers where the above original text was used as a source. Each excerpt is followed by a discussion of whether, and how, the excerpt exhibits plagiarism.
Excerpt 1: A characteristic of a good education is, most certainly, the amount of information conveyed to, and assimilated by, a student. As well as having a broad knowledge base, a student who has been completely educated should be able to: speak well; use critical thinking skills; and adapt to unforeseen circumstances (Fleming, 1998).
Comment: Even though the source is cited, this is quite clearly plagiarism. A number of words have been replaced by synonyms but the underlying structure of the original statement is unchanged. In addition, the sense of the original statement is not fully preserved the ability to communicate effectively is not the same as the ability to speak well.
Excerpt 2: A student who has been fully educated should be able to: apply critical thinking skills; communicate effectively; and adapt to unanticipated circumstances. Although an attribute of high-quality education is, most certainly, the quantity of knowledge conveyed to, and learned by, a student, the possession of a good knowledge base does not constitute a complete education (Fleming, 1998).
Comment: Again the source is cited, but this is still plagiarism. The original statement has simply been rearranged but still consists of the original authors words.
Excerpt 3: There are many different ideas of what makes a high-quality education. Most people believe that an important attribute of a high-quality education is the quantity of knowledge conveyed to, and learned by, a student. However, it is also believed that the tangible skills and knowledge gained from education do not constitute a complete education. A complete education must also give a student the ability to communicate effectively; apply critical thinking skills; and adapt to unanticipated circumstances.
Comment: This is still plagiarism. The ideas being conveyed in this version are unattributed. Even if the ideas were properly credited, this would still be plagiarism since the text borrows phrases from the original. The borrowed phrases should be placed in quotation marks or, preferably, where possible the ideas should be expressed in words other than the original authors.
Excerpt 4: There are many different ideas of what makes a high-quality education. An important part of a good education is that a student gain a significant body of knowledge and also that the student master the tangible skills appropriate to their discipline. However, it is also believed that the tangible skills and knowledge gained from education do not constitute a complete education. Fleming (1998) believes that a complete education must also give a student the ability to: communicate effectively; apply critical thinking skills; and adapt to unanticipated circumstances (p. 2). A student should also leave college with the ability to work successfully with other people as well as independently.
Comment: This is not plagiarism. The ideas being conveyed in this text are attributed and the phrases lifted from the original text are enclosed in quotation marks.
Avoiding Plagiarism
When using source materials in your work, you should:
Express the ideas, facts, etc. in your own words.
Ensure that the information being conveyed accurately reflects the original material.
Place the spoken or written words of another person in quotation marks.
Cite the source material using the format appropriate to your discipline. If you are unsure as to whether a source should be cited, then err on the side of including a citation.
Recommended References
You might want to consult the following books for further information on avoiding plagiarism ad for in depth advice on scholarly writing.
Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed.). (1993). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Crews, F. (1991). The Random House Handbook (6th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
Gibaldi, J. (1998). MLA Style Manual & Guide to Scholarly Publishing (2nd ed.). New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Hacker, D. (1994). The Bedford Handbook for Writers (4th student ed.). Boston: Bedford Books.
Turabian, K. L., Grossman, J., & Bennett, A. (1996). A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (6th ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

A Final Caution
Claiming Ive always written papers this way and no one ever told me it was wrong is no defense for plagiarism. Perhaps you have been lucky until now. The only way to ensure you do not get caught plagiarizing is to avoid it. The penalties are very severe.
In preparing this document, the following web pages were used

I need a research paper writen. The topic should be Time Management, and the paper must be written on APA style. I've also included(download) an outline cover page for you to use. Please insure that ...all instructions are met.
Thank you.

Research Paper Requirements. Please see bellow for all instructions.

1. Research Strategy Paper (Individual Assignment): Submit your assignment as a Microsoft? Word attachment by Week 4 Day 7.

? Identify a problem in your day-to-day life you would like to solve, such as time management.
? Using information from your readings, prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you develop a research strategy to find a solution for the problem. Your paper should include the following items:

? A description of the problem
? What information should be gathered to help you solve it and where the information may be obtained
? A description of the process you will use to evaluate information and what you will consider in your evaluation, such as perspective and validity
? How you will use the information to resolve the problem and what you will take into consideration as you consider solutions

? Use APA formatting, as outlined in the APA manual, the APA 6th Edition Made Easy document, and the APA Format Checklist.

Please use the Assignment Cover Page, which is posted in the Course Materials forum, for all of your Individual and Learning Team papers. The cover letter is in APA format and should be used as the title page for your paper.

APA Format and Style Checklist
General Guidelines
? Style must be Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier New.
? Font size is 12-point.
Page Headers
? Identify each page with the page number placed in the header at the right margin.
? Use a running head at the left margin of the header if your instructor requires it or if you are a doctoral student.
? Use the header feature in Microsoft? Word to set the page number and to add the running head if one is included.
? If the running head is not used, a shortened version of the title should be included in the header.
Title Page
The title is in uppercase and lowercase letters, centered between the left and right margins, and positioned on the upper half of the page. Center the following elements on the page in this order:
? Title of paper in mixed uppercase and lowercase letters
? Your first and last name without including academic or license information, such as BSN or RN
? Course abbreviation and number
? Due date, including the month, day, and year
? Instructor?s name
Main Body of the Text
? All margins must be 1 inch, per University of Phoenix Writing and Style Guidelines.
Page Numbers
? Page numbers must be 1 inch from the right edge, between top edge and first line of text on all pages.
? Use only for University of Phoenix papers if required by the assignment. When assigned, use guidelines in the Sample Paper.

Title of Paper
? Begin the text of the paper by repeating the title from your title page. The title should be centered but not bolded.
? Headings indicate the organization of the paper and establish importance. Match headings to the complexity of the paper. Use at least Level 1 headings to organize the paper. The title of paper, which is centered on the first page, is not considered a separate heading level. If the paper requires two headings, use Levels 1 and 2. If three headings are required, use Levels 1, 2, and 3.
? Use flush-left style, leaving the right margin ragged. Do not hyphenate words at the right margin.
? Indent paragraphs 5 to 7 spaces. Use the tab key for consistency.
? Paragraphs should contain one topic.
? Do not use one-sentence paragraphs or lengthy paragraphs.
? One or two space may be used after periods; however, use consistent spacing throughout the document.
? Use one space after commas, colons, and semi-colons.
? The first time, spell out the full name, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses; remaining instances may be referred to with the abbreviation.
? Enumerate elements in a series to prevent misreading or to clarify the sequence, particularly if lengthy or complex.
Series Within a Paragraph or Sentence
? Identify each element with a lowercase letter in enclosed parentheses, and without punctuation. Example: The three choices were (a) blue and white flag, (b) red and white flag, and (c) blue and red flag.
Series in Separate Paragraphs, Such as Itemized Conclusions or Lengthy Steps
? Includes steps in a procedure using Arabic numerals without parentheses.
? For nonsequential items, use bullets.
Citation of References in Text
? General guidelines for reference citations may be found on the APA Reference and Citation Examples page in the Center for Writing Excellence.

Paraphrasing or Referring to an Author?s Work
? Cite author(s) and year. Example: (Smith, 1997).
Quoting Directly
? Cite author(s), year, and page number. Example: ?take me home to Kansas? (Smith, 1997, p. 2).
? For quotations of more than 40 words, use block quotations.
? If referencing electronic media, cite the paragraph or page number or section title.
Citing Personal Communications or Nonpermanently Archived Electronic Materials, Such as Your Instructor?s Posts
? Example: A. C. Smith (personal communication, February 14, 1997)
? Example: F. J. Turner (RES/711, Week 3 post, March 24, 2004)
Reference List
Start a new page with the title References centered on the page. Include a page header and page number.
Alphabetize by author?s last name, double-space each listing, and use a hanging indent (first line of each entry flush left and subsequent lines indented 5 to 7 spaces).
In-text citations must specifically match the reference page. See examples on the APA Reference and Citation Examples page in the Center for Writing Excellence.

The project must:

* Develop the evaluation of the management of a ?major event? of the past. The event has to be chosen by the student.
* For the same event, the student should simulate a different management, considering the different economic and financial aspects of the event itself.
* Follow this scheme:
o Title
o Introduction
o Conceptual paragraphs (one for each main idea)
o Methodologic paragraph (how the student organized his work, documentations etc)
o Conclusions
o Bibliography

The editing must be the following:

+ Line-height: 1
+ Font size: 14
+ Length : 10 pages (plus bibliography)

TOPIC: Strategic management of human resources
Subject: For an organisation with which you are familiar (preferably a software company):

?Create a small introduction describing the compa...ny and relative area of operation.
? Review current best practice in HRM and evaluate the organisation?s own practice
?Critically review the current and future human resource needs, roles and responsibilities and recommend strategic HR changes which are needed to meet objectives for own area of operations in the short, medium and long term

Analyze human resource planning in own area of operation:
?Analyze current best practice in HRD and evaluate the organisation?s strategies for developing its people
?Identify the future skill needs of people in own area of operations in the short, medium and long term
?Assess the effectiveness of the strategies for identifying and meeting the development needs of people in own area of operation and make recommendations for improvement
?Present a rational for the further actions required to create an environment that is more favorable to the development of people in the organization

Analyze a communication strategy that facilitates development and change in people within the organization.
?Review the organisation?s ability to communicate effectively with its people
?Develop a strategy for effective communication and promotion of the organisational vision within own area of responsibility

Need to do a paper on a Risk Management Plan. I have attached all documentation along with instructions of what's required.

Your final paper for the course project (the RMP) is due in Week 7....
Please reference the template found in Appendix A, page 197, of the Practical Project Risk Management: The ATOM Methodology text.
The course project paper is your Risk Management Plan (RMP).
Just a few reminders on your final course project paper:
? You will be using the information that you have obtained in the weekly assignments to complete the paper, but you should not simply copy and paste the weekly assignments into each sections of your final paper.
? Ensure that each of your weekly assignments has been submitted and graded. Remember that the paper is only one part of your weekly work and that your weekly assignments make up critical information you will use to write your final course project paper.
? Follow the format as indicated in the Deliverables section, above.
? One of the most important steps that you can take: PROOFREAD your paper!!! Have someone else who does not know about the project read the paper. If he or she can read and fully understand what you're saying, you probably have a good paper. Remember: You know what you're saying, but does the reader understand the message that you're trying to convey? This one element will save you time and the grief of a poor grade for grammar and readability.
? Papers must be 15 to 20 pages in length (this would be roughly one page per area included in the report), 10-point font, double-spaced, and must include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, body of the report, summary or conclusion, and works cited.
? Even though this is not a scientific writing assignment and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. At least six authoritative, outside references are required (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable). These should be listed on the last page, titled "Works Cited."
? Appropriate citations are required.
? All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.
? Papers are due during Week 7 of this course.
? Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A Discussion topic.
? This paper is worth 175 total points and will be graded on quality of research topic, quality of paper information, use of citations, grammar, and sentence structure.
Grading Rubrics
The following is the grading rubric for the final course project paper:
The following are the best practices in preparing this paper.
? Cover Page ? Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
? Table of Contents ? List the main ideas and sections of your paper and the pages on which they are located. The illustrations should be included separately.
? Introduction ? Use a header on your paper to indicate that you are introducing it. ??The purpose of an introduction or opening:
1. Introduces the subject and its importance.
2. Previews the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
3. Establishes the document's tone.
Category Points %
Format: Cover page, Table of Contents, Introduction 15 Approx. 8.6%
Project Description 20 Approx. 11.4%
Project Sizing 20 Approx. 11.4%
Stakeholder Analysis 20 Approx. 11.4%
RBS 20 Approx. 11.4%
Probability-Impact Matrix 20 Approx. 11.4%
Risk Register 20 Approx. 11.4%
Summary Risk Report 20 Approx. 11.4%
Conclusion and Reference page 20 Approx. 11.4%
Total 175 100%
Best Practices
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.
? Body of Your Report ? Use a header titled with the name of your project. Example: "The Development of Hotel X ? A World Class Resort." Then proceed to break out the main ideas. State the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, like separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
? Summary and Conclusion ? Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing; it presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they effect the project.
? Work Cited ? Use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus.
Additional hints on preparing the best possible project.
1. Apply a three-step process of writing: Plan, Write, and Complete.
2. Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.
3. Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any required changes.
Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report: Example graphs, diagrams, and photographs.

Text is. Johnson, P. F., Leenders, M. R., & Flynn, A. E. (2010). Purchasing and Supply Management (14th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN: 9780073377896

Research Paper
Focus ...of the Research Paper
Use at least one project you have been a team member of, or a project manager for, as an example to contextualize the research topics below:
All of the following topics must be addressed in order for the paper to be complete:
a) The definition of purchasing and supply management and the importance to the business world.
b) The steps of the creation of a project supply, service, and material budget from detailed requirements.
c) How to select the most qualified suppliers and strategies for negotiating prices.
d) The benefits and costs of outsourcing, and the growth pattern of outsourcing.
e) Evaluation of the various organizations that are benchmarks in purchasing and supply management, and their best practices. Provide specific examples of companies who show market leadership in purchasing and supply management.
This is an assignment with a length of eight to ten pages that should integrate the reading, multi-media and class discussions. It is mandatory to have research from the classroom text, as well as three sources from the internet or online library to support your views.
Consider the validity of your resources carefully before using them in academic papers. It is recommended to use examples from your professional experience where possible, or build from your learning in the discussion boards.

Writing the Research Paper
The Final Paper:
Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
a. Title of paper
b. Student?s name
c. Course name and number
d. Instructor?s name
e. Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least three scholarly sources, other than the textbook.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center


2. What should you consider when choosing a network management system and tools for your organization?

Think along the lines of the Network Management System (NMS) is not really a single system as technology stands today. There are numerous products we have heard about, such as, HP Open View, Tivoli, etc, that we are told are NMSs. However, none of these products are capable today of providing all of the FCAPS functions for a network.we need to look at the core duties of the network managers. These are the main functions to perform defined by the ISO.

Please note you can use up to 4 resources if neccessary, but NOT required.

Research paper for "Configuration Management"
?In Microsoft Word
?Required Sections
?Table of Contents
?Table of Figures
?Acronym List
?Relationship to Systems Engineering Lifecycle
?What, Why, How, Where, When of topic
?Example of topic

Details of the Project:
A) Research and select a current trend in Vender Management that is within the area of project human resources or procurement management. Then, prepare a 15 page paper in M...icrosoft Word in APA format.
B) You may use resources from any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other publicly-reviewed source is not accepted). The paper must be at least 15 pages double-spaced, 1 margin all around, black12 point fonts (Times New Roman or Arial) with correct citations of all utilized references/sources. The title page and references are also required but dont count in the minimum page count. A minimum of 15 references are needed. The paper will be subjected to checking against plagiarism.
C) You will be using to submit your week 7 project papers to generate an originality report that shows the percentage of all matches found with other published sources. Here are the originality report requirements:
1. The originality report must be less than 15% match
2. No single source shall be above 2%
3. You must submit the originality report with your paper to your AMU classroom

4. If you don't follow these three requirements you will get a 0 for your project assignment. Youll be given the chance to rework your papers until the acceptable level of match is achieved.
At the end of the class, if you have not submitted your paper to, it will be submitted even after you'd get a 0, to see the level of plagiarism found, if any. If matches more than 40% you will be subject to academic reporting.

Today's IT Project Management

You are required to complete a research paper on an individually selected topic. The research paper should be a minimum of 10 pages and not to exceed 15 pages (including Cover Sheet and References page). The research paper should demonstrate your grasp of the concepts covered in the course. The topic can apply to a project management issue of particular interest to you or your work place.

For this assignment you will select and submit your topic for approval which includes a one-page proposal that provides an overview of your topic and at least 4 of your references for approval.

Academic writing normally includes more than 1 citation with the related reference. For this assignment, find at least 6 - 8 references.

Remember the basics for academic writing:

For all papers submitted at APUS, you must comply with APA, 6th edition. See Resources for some guidance.
The cornerstone of academic writing is "compare and contrast" which is what you will be doing when you discuss how your selected article applies to the concepts studied in the course.

Customer is requesting that (jpz777) completes this order.

This is an Aviation based study program. Please include airline and military refrence to the applications for topic on Human Resource Management and Strategic Decision Making.

To bolavens

Deliverable Length: 4 pages
Details: Write a four-page paper that discusses how managers might use their power differently in any of the five contexts that are discussed in Mintzberg's chapter on "The Untold Varieties of Managing." How might the use of power show up in the different contexts?

Accreditation of Project Management Assignment 2 (10%)
Following a company decision to recruit two senior project managers, you have been asked to produce a report for the interview board on the whole area of industry accreditation that is available in project management. This report is important for the board in assessing the candidates, as formal certification in project management is a requirement for the positions.The report, whose focus is on industry accreditation as opposed to academic programmes, should include a review of what specific accreditation exists in the area along with an assessment of the quality of each of the accreditation options. Use your initiative to compare the various accreditation programmes available.

This assignment will involve some specific research ? all of the key bodies have web sites, there are links from the module web site, so information is readily available (make sure you reference it correctly).

About 1,000 words.

Discuss the link between performance measurement and quality management. How can measurement impact on the effective implementation of Total Quality Management?

Read the following case studies and select two cases for this assignment:

Project Management Institute, Inc. (2007) PMI? case study: AAA of Northern California [Online] Available from: http:/.../ (Accessed: 18 May 2010).

Project Management Institute, Inc. (2007) PMI? case study: ATT [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 18 May 2010).

Project Management Institute, Inc. (2007) PMI? case study: Huawei Technologies [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 18 May 2010).

Project Management Institute, Inc. (2007) PMI? case study: Savannah Final Eversion [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 24 May 2012).

Discuss the similarities and differences between the two case studies you have selected from this group of four cases. Each of these firms took steps to improve its portfolio management process within the corporation. Describe and contrast the two cases you have selected with respect to the following:

1- Current situation within the corporation regarding portfolio project management or project management in general
2- The motivation for attempting to improve portfolio project management or project management
3- The specific steps each company took and the reasons for these steps
4- The benefits that company achieved
Please make sure that you cite and reference all your outside sources properly, as per the Harvard Referencing System

The CFO has requested that you, the Project Manager, engage the process to identify the risks that could be associated with the project?s successful completion. The project procurement scope statement... has been assembled and will help the project manager to list the risks and issues that could individually or together adversely impact the project?s successful completion.

You will need to design and build a risk template. The template will show a diagnosis of project procurement risk types and provide examples of risks for a project. Include in your analysis a definition of risk management, how to identify risks, how to assess risk and how to determine a plan on how to close on identified risks. Be specific and detailed in your explanation.

Create a: project spreadsheet with the following key risk categories identified risk title, likelihood, assumptions, and response or mitigation.

Support your paper with minimum of five (5) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: Spreadsheet of risks and a 3-4 pages summary not including title and reference pages

Your paper and spreadsheet should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

Submit your document in the Course Work area below the Activity screen.

20 Pages

Organizational Plan and Sports Management

Words: 5090
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

THE GENERAL SUBJECT IS: CRITICAL ISSUES: The Sports Management Organizational Plan should include the following elements: Incorporate each module into a Practical Management Sports Plan on the Various Topics. Also…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Strategic Planning and Management in

Words: 1004
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The paper must have 3 sources, peer reviewed are preferred. Paper must be in APA formatting with an Intro, Body and Conclusion. Importance of Strategic Planning and Management in the Business…

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8 Pages

Hotel Industry to Human Resources Management

Words: 2340
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Please include explanations and examples from previous experience as well as implications for future application. Discuss your plans for achieving those outcomes and how control systems and quality management…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Disaster Management This Study Provides a Comprehensive

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Bieri (n.d.) writes that "Disaster management may be seen as a combination of traditional scientific and technical know-how and an appropriate method of decision-taking." Discuss the strong need for…

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5 Pages

Organization Behavior Management and Organizational Behavior at

Words: 1807
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

My subject is Management and Organisation Behaviour There is my questions for car rental company Europa which is based at the Sydney international airport how do a manager do planning? how…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Project Management Theories Traditional Theories

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The purpose of this activity is to develop a research taxonomy related to the Managing Project Teams. With this assignment, you are to investigate and identify ten separate and…

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4 Pages

Future of Project Management in

Words: 1141
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

To understand the future of project management we need to know its past. Review the articles by Kioppenborg & Opfer (2002) and Shenhar & Dvir (2007) and write a…

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11 Pages
Research Paper

Change Management Organizational Change Organizational Change Aims

Words: 3237
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Accademic essay of 3000 words with referencing - Change Management The Environment for change in my organisation. Organisational structure and culture. Identify and reflect critically on my organisations structure. Identify and reflect critically…

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22 Pages

Managerial Cross-Cultural Interaction

Words: 7475
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Essay

This paper is a research project required to complete an MBA degree. The title is as follows: A Normative Model of effective U.S./Dominican Republic Managerial Cross-Cultural Interaction. Description: the purpose…

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16 Pages
Research Paper

Management Development Process Has Been

Words: 4207
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

RESEARCH PAPER This assignment requires you to review the current academic literature on one of the topics covered in class. The paper should be technical in nature, focusing on…

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4 Pages

Time Management Is Typically Defined as the

Words: 1362
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

I need a research paper writen. The topic should be Time Management, and the paper must be written on APA style. I've also included(download) an outline cover page…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business Management. Re-Managing the Past:

Words: 2244
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The project must: * Develop the evaluation of the management of a ?major event? of the past. The event has to be chosen by the student.…

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6 Pages

Organization Behavior Strategic Management of Human Resources

Words: 2074
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

TOPIC: Strategic management of human resources Subject: For an organisation with which you are familiar (preferably a software company): ?Create a small introduction describing the company and relative area of…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Sidpers Program Risk Management Plan Project Description

Words: 3288
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Need to do a paper on a Risk Management Plan. I have attached all documentation along with instructions of what's required. Your final paper for the course project (the RMP)…

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8 Pages

Supply Chain Management Purchasing and Supply Management:

Words: 2649
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Text is. Johnson, P. F., Leenders, M. R., & Flynn, A. E. (2010). Purchasing and Supply Management (14th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN: 9780073377896 Research Paper Focus of the Research Paper Use…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Network Management Define Network Management

Words: 909
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

1. Define NETWORK MANAGEMENT. 2. What should you consider when choosing a network management system and tools for your organization? Think along the lines of the Network Management System (NMS) is…

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12 Pages

Configuration Management Design Methodology for Producing Modularity

Words: 4741
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Research paper for "Configuration Management" ?Paper ?In Microsoft Word ?Required Sections ?Table of Contents ?Table of Figures ?Acronym List ?Introduction ?Overview ?Considerations ?Relationship to Systems Engineering Lifecycle ?What, Why, How, Where, When of topic ?Example of topic

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15 Pages
Research Paper

Vendor Management IT Management Process

Words: 4065
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Details of the Project: A) Research and select a current trend in Vender Management that is within the area of project human resources or procurement management. Then, prepare a 15…

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9 Pages

Today's IT Project Management

Words: 2403
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Instructions You are required to complete a research paper on an individually selected topic. The research paper should be a minimum of 10 pages and not to exceed 15…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Resource Management and Strategic Decision

Words: 1591
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is an Aviation based study program. Please include airline and military refrence to the applications for topic on Human Resource Management and Strategic Decision Making.

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3 Pages

Power Management Managers' Powers Managers May Perceive

Words: 950
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

To bolavens Deliverable Length: 4 pages Details: Write a four-page paper that discusses how managers might use their power differently in any of the five contexts that are discussed in Mintzberg's…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Project Management Accreditation Project Management a Project

Words: 1275
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Accreditation of Project Management Assignment 2 (10%) Following a company decision to recruit two senior project managers, you have been asked to produce a report for the interview board on…

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8 Pages

Performance Management Total Quality Management

Words: 2990
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Discuss the link between performance measurement and quality management. How can measurement impact on the effective implementation of Total Quality Management?

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Project Management AT&T Is a Leader in

Words: 1089
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Read the following case studies and select two cases for this assignment: Project Management Institute, Inc. (2007) PMI? case study: AAA of Northern California [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 18…

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7 Pages

Project Risk Management Risks Associated With Projects

Words: 2089
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

The CFO has requested that you, the Project Manager, engage the process to identify the risks that could be associated with the project?s successful completion. The project procurement scope…

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