25+ documents containing “Management Model”.
MGMT 455 Managing high performance
You have been the manager of human resources for a firm headquartered in the United States for many years. The firm has divisions all over the United States..., as well as overseas. A new chief executive officer (CEO) has just come onboard after receiving his master's degree in business from an ivy-league institution. He has great academic credentials but little work experience. The management model that the former CEO preferred was more formal and autocratic, with most decision making being centralized to a great degree. Some of the firm's challenges include the following:
? The firm expects to be in a much more competitive environment in the future.
? To add to this, there has been talk about the possibility of employees forming a union because of the way they were treated under the former CEO.
? The overseas divisions, where a much higher growth potential is expected, have repeatedly complained about the time it takes to have decisions made by the staff that is headquartered in the United States. On the other hand, there have been times where the international divisions have made decisions that are at odds with the company's overall strategy.
The new CEO has asked you to give him guidance on possibly changing the existing culture to better meet these challenges.
? Discuss the diferent management models available
? The use of an autocratic versus a participative management style toward decision making
? Having a more centralized versus a more decentralized decision making
? Adopting a more informal versus a more formal management style
Search for articles that deal with actual examples of each of the 3 management models regarding the management of the employees in this firm.
Write a 750-word paper explaining why that particular model of management was chosen by the senior management in the article that you researched. In your opinion, was this approach toward management a success? Why or why not? more
*The four functions of management model have been criticized as being irrelevant to today?s managers. Do you agree or disagree with the critics who question the relevance of this model? Explain your answer and support your position.
*Sustainability has become a major issue for managers as consumer demand for more Earth-friendly practices continues to grow. What factors should a manager in your business consider as he or she worked to transition the practices within the business to become more sustainable? How would this change that manager?s job?
* How can the idea of the universality of management benefit you in your current job or position? How can it help you prepare for the job or position you hope to obtain within the next 5 to 10 years?
Can I please get each answear on a page?
Organizations, like all cultures, must continue to evolve or they stagnate and eventually become obsolete. Using change management tools can help an organization to stay vibrant and evolve over time to remain competitive. Research change management models and address the following:
Describe two or three change management models
Choose one model and discuss how an organization can use the model to manage the change process.
Using examples, from either your personal experience or from your research, discuss how an actual organization has either successfully used such a model or would have benefitted from applying this model.
Please submit your assignment.
Hi Writer?s
Topic: Risk Management Models
Pick one of the two risk management models you read about this week, and in a one- to two-page paper, describe whether the model was useful or not in the given situation. Was the success or failure due to the model itself, or the implementation of the model?
1. Adams, J. (2007). RISK MANAGEMENT: IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE... ...it's much more complicated. Risk Management, 54(5), 36-40. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/227006505?accountid=27965
You can use the first one or second one
2. Beasley, M. S., Frigo, M. L., & Litman, J. (2007). Strategic risk management: Creating and protecting value. Strategic Finance, 88(11), 24-31,53. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/229768184?accountid=27965
Risk Management Models
Grading Checklist
Analyzes the success of the identified model in the given situation.
Assesses the factors responsible for the success or failure of the model.
Demonstrates critical thinking skills in the analysis of the project.
Demonstrates a writing style in which sentences are clear, concise, and direct.
Develops arguments in a manner that is logical and clear to the reader.
Provides well-supported analysis, using appropriately formatted references.
Your Own Change Management Model
Please see Table 8.1 and 8.2 on pages 222 and 225 of our text. These tables outline ten change management models. In relation to these models:
1. Compare and contrast the various steps in four of these models. What is left out of the various models (this can be answered in relation to the other models or from an absolute perspective)
2. Create your own model, based on your response to question 1 above.
3. Do you have a preferred sequence of steps? Why?
4. Identify two key management skills associated with each step. Which ones are the strongest on? Weakest on?
5. Where you have experienced organizational change, which steps have been handled the best? Which ones were handled the worst? Why?
Note about Plagiarism
Occasionally, students make the mistake of 'going too far in the other direction' and they include too many direct quotes in a submission. If the proportion of quotations in a submission exceeds 20%, then the grade would probably be Fail even if all the copied materials are properly cited.
There are faxes for this order.
I would like to use the same Writer as in my previous orders ID: A2086426, A2087288, and A2087929
Writer?s Individual
Management Theory Consultant Presentation Select an organization with whi...ch you are familiar or one in which you are interested. The organization can be a civic, religious, business, or nonprofit organization.
Imagine you are an expert, hired by this organization to evaluate their management practice, and provide recommendations for how it may adopt a specific management philosophy.
Use the management philosophy topic discussed in your papers from Weeks Three through Five.
Balance the organization?s management needs with the reality of bottom-line effectiveness.
Prepare your deliverable as a presentation, use a Microsoft? PowerPoint? presentation Six Slides Including References, include detailed speaker notes.
Some useful References
Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, T., & Kerr, S. (2002). The boundaryless organization: Breaking the chains of organizational structure (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2007). Management: Leading and collaborating in a competitive world (7th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Beamish, P.W., Morrison, A., Inkpen, A., & Rosenzweig, P. M. (2003). International management: Text and cases (5th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Jones, G. R. (2010). Organizational theory, design, and change. (6th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
All electronic materials are available on the student website.
Supplemental Resource
Hoopes, J. (2003). False prophets. The gurus who created modern management and why their ideas are bad
Previous Topic for your reference Week Five: Foundational Philosophies of Management Paper
Foundational Philosophies of Management Paper Identify a foundational management philosopher using the articles for your Journal Article Analysis assignment as a guide.
Locate at least one document, article, or work from the foundational philosopher.
Write a 550 -word essay detailing the differences you perceive between the management philosophy espoused by the foundational philosopher and the version of the philosophy described by at least 2 authors from your articles.
Include a flowchart and a 350-word narrative of the research trail or path that led you to the foundational management philosopher, including the following:
? The list of references you followed to get to the philosopher.
? The author, source, and year of publication for each item.
? Recount how you found the articles in the Journal Article Analysis assignment.
? Recount how these led you to your philosopher.
? Note what other sources your articles led you to.
? Describe how the articles you found are useful to you.
? How did you assess each article?s credibility, reliability, and validity?
Format your essay consistent with APA guidelines.
The area of management philosophy regarding construction of thought and understanding that assists with the adaption of knowledge in society is known as constructivism (Leonard, 2002). . Constructivism is a theory of knowledge that derives from philosophy and psychology. Many philosophers and educators have embraced the learning theory of constructivism. Jean Piaget was one of the initial philosophers who provided clarity and a precise breakdown of what constructivism entails. Jean Piaget is known to be the first to compose a logical study of cognitive development. Jean Piaget contributions include the theory of cognitive child development, a detailed observational analysis of cognition in a child and a progression of basic effective tests to show different cognitive abilities (Leonard, 2002).
Constructivism is a philosophy by Jean Piaget where the ideas and level of cognition from children undergo analysis in an attempt to provide a way of higher learning (Mvududu & Thiel-Burgess, 2012). Piaget?s philosophy on constructivism holds much controversy because there isn?t one way to define what constructivism is and his primary belief stems from a concept that focuses on discovery (Mvududu & Thiel-Burgess, 2012). Piaget influences several individuals, such as ?Charles Darwin (1809-1882)? (Wozniak, 2009, p. 93), in psychology. The developments of Piaget?s philosophies continue to evolve. According to Wozniak (2009), Piaget?s philosophy of constructivism encourages discovery and evolution. There is also a close relation between how a child processes information in the attempt to reproduce the information or action. As an example when a child watches a parent, the parent makes a motion to open a jar, and the child attempts to reproduce that behavior (Wozniak, 2009). The child is attempting to reproduce the action by way of watching the parent, and in this way begins the formulation of development toward an understanding of the requirements for that specific task and learning an action (Wozniak, 2009; Ruth-Sahd, 2011).
According to Leonard (2002), Jean Piaget developed two principles that guide intellectual growth and biological development which assist individuals with adapting to physical and mental stimuli.
Jean Piaget?s first stage, sensorimotor, begins at birth and lasts until 18 months-2 years of age and entails the use of motor activity without the use of symbols (Leonard, 2002). The knowledge is limited in this stage because it is based on physical interactions and experiences. Jean Piaget?s second stage, preoperational, usually occurs during the period between a toddler (18-24months) and early childhood (3 -7 years) during which children begin to use language with their memory and imagination developing (Leonard, 2002). Jean Piaget?s third stage, concrete operational, typically develops between the ages of 7-11 years during which intellectual development in this stage is demonstrated through the use of logical and systematic manipulation of symbols, which are related to concrete objects (Leonard, 2002). The thought process in this stage becomes less self-centered with increased awareness of external events, and involves concrete references. Jean Piaget?s fourth stage, derives from the period of adolescence through adulthood is known as the formal operational stage during which adolescents, adults use symbols related to abstract concepts; adolescents think about multiple variables in methodological ways, formulate hypotheses, and think about abstract relationships combined with concepts (Leonard, 2002). Piaget?s understandings of the thought processes in children are still in use (Wavering, 2011). His constructivist philosophy uses an understanding of how logic and understanding arises as well as how the evolution on thought and logic persist (Wavering, 2011). In Piaget?s understanding, children use a rationale with many subjects they encounter, such as mathematics, where an element is necessary to examine to formulate an answer and understanding (Wavering, 2011).
An important implication of Piaget's theory is adaptation of instruction to the learner's developmental level. The two articles that were chosen to provide a comparison between constructivism supported by Jean Piaget are parallel in the theory of learning. In the first article, Consciousness, social heredity, and development: The evolutionary thought of James Mark Baldwin, the author focused on the theory of Baldwin also known as the Baldwin effect which examines the evolutionary of thinking Wozniak?s (2009). The intellectual background of James Baldwin?s thinking development regarding the emergence of intellectual conception involves individual learning adaption and social heredity concept if adaptions are acquired within the life of an individual, a direct influence on progression by natural selection will happen Wozniak?s (2009). The Baldwin effect focuses on systems of actions and meanings regarding beliefs, standards, and habits of a new generation inherited from those individuals prior which are gradually accepted (Wozniak?s (2009). The emergence of intellectual conception depends upon the association between reason, reality, and the growth of logic Wozniak?s (2009) .
Baldwin and Piaget both were motivated by the theory of evolution. Mark Baldwin believed the that one?s cognitive and senses grow through he imitation of others through observation while Jean Piaget incorporated four stages of growth. Both the cognitive development theory by jean Piaget and evolutionary theory by Mark Baldwin have a point of reference regarding the influence of perceptive concepts which affects one?s reaction and performance of learning throughout one?s life span.
The second article involved an experimental learning theme promoted in Ruth-Sahd?s (2011) article. The article entailed a social collectivism based on the concepts of observations and personal experiences from a nursing clinical setting. This new approach to learning outside of the traditional classroom is synchronized with the foundational management philosophy of constructivism advocated by Piaget. After several years of working with patients, novice nurses will use their theoretical skills to develop more advanced knowledge but nothing prepares them better at the earliest stage of cognitive and social enrichment than early exposure and collaboration.
Piaget?s foundational management philosophy of constructivism argued that knowledge formation is a process that follows some progressive stages in relation to time, experiences, and observations (Powell & Kalina, 2009). The experimental and cooperative learning philosophy identified in Ruth-Sahd?s (2011) article differs from Piaget?s constructivist view of cognitive and social development in the sense that a nursing student does not need to master the nursing theoretical concepts before moving to practical experimentations in the clinical setting. According to Ruth-Sahd?s (2011), ?cooperative learning in the clinical setting with the same level student in an entry level baccalaureate nursing course? enhances long-tern learning (p. 2446). The objective of the collaborative learning philosophy is to promote diversity in the way students share both explicit and implicit knowledge in the workplace. Constructivists argued that learners cannot establish higher level relationship with ?what they see unless they bring certain level of knowledge to it? (Kamii &Ewing, 1996, p. 261). In contrast, the article noted that ?cooperative learning methodology results in greater retention of material and increased transfer of learning? (Ruth-Sahd, 2011, p. 2445). The experimental cooperative learning philosophy supports Piaget?s constructivist views that learning is based on the personal experiences and observations of activities in daily life.
Piaget?s definition of constructivism develops the natural thought and logical processes that children may perceive. In the evolution of comprehension and logic, cognition becomes an important factor that eventually becomes even further extensive than Piaget?s initial perceptions. Piaget?s constructivism advances into other philosophical theories as the ideas are innovative and his concepts can change with the times.
The experimental learning theme promoted in Ruth-Sahd?s (2011) article was about social collectivism based on the concepts of observations and personal experiences from a nursing clinical setting. This new approach to learning outside the traditional classroom matches with the foundational management philosophy of constructivism advocated by Piaget. After several years of working with patients, novice nurses will use their theoretical skills to develop more advanced knowledge, but nothing prepares them better at the earliest stage of cognitive and social enrichment than early exposure and collaboration.
Dimensions of learning that individuals incorporate into concepts derives from thought and understanding. The two articles in the Journal Article Analysis chosen pertained to conceptions of learning and evolving theories of learning which led to the foundational management philosophy of constructivism and other facets of constructivism. Constructivism is an indefinite concept but is the best method for teaching and comprehension (Powell & Kalina, 2009).
Each reference was assessed for quality and credibility as evidence of considering the origins of the research, primary as opposed to secondary research and scholarly as opposed to popular sources. The article passed the quality and credibility test based on the fact that it was the original work of the author and came from the Journal of Advanced Nursing which remains a reputable and reliable academic source. The literature is judged valid because the author followed strict scientific research methodology the findings are supported by other studies. Each of these articles are also useful to this topic as the content contains information specific to constructivism, Piaget?s ideas behind personal constructivism, how it is useful to understanding the comprehension patterns of children, and the behaviors patterns when the children attempt to reproduce logical instances.
(birth-2 years) Preoperational
(2 - 7 years) Concrete Operational (7 - 11 years) Formal Operational (adolescence - adulthood)
Kamii, C., Ewing, J. K. (1996). Basing teaching on Piaget's constructivism. Childhood
Education, 72(5), 260-264.
Leonard, D. (2002). Learning Theories: A to Z. Westport, CT. Greenwood Publishing Group
Mvududu, N., & Thiel-Burgess, J. (Sept 2012). Constructivism in practice: the case for English Language Learners. International Journal of Education, 4(3), 108(11). doi: 10.5296/ije.v4i3.2223
Powell, K. C. & Kalina, C. J. (2009). Cognitive and social constructivism: Developing tools for
an effective classroom. Education, 130(2), 241-250.
Ruth-Sahd, L. A. (2011). Student nurse dyads create a community of learning: proposing a holistic clinical education theory. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(11), 2445?2454. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05690.x
Wavering, M. (2011). Piaget's Logic of Meanings: Still Relevant Today. School Science & Mathematics, 111(5), 249-252. doi:10.1111/j.1949-8594.2011.00083.x
Wozniak, R. H. (2009). Consciousness, social heredity, and development: The
evolutionary thought of James Mark Baldwin. American Psychologist, 64(2), 93-101. doi:10.1037/a0013850
Previous Topic for your reference Week Four: Journal Article Analysis
Journal Article Analysis Submit a 1,400 -word analysis of the articles from the Management Philosophy Table assignment. If you include different articles or make changes to your table, create and submit a new table.
Include the following:
? Briefly summarize each article?s contribution to your topic. Even though the articles belong to the same theory, the authors may have different opinions.
o Include the main theorist on whom the authors based their writings and in what management school of thought the research exists.
o What influences of the main theorist are found in the articles?
? Using your table as a guide, compare and contrast the articles, highlighting similarities and differences.
? Synthesize the articles into a single observation regarding your topic.
? If your table has changed, include a revised table.
Format your analysis consistent with APA guidelines.
Dierksmeier, C. (2011). The freedom-responsibility nexus in management philosophy and business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(2), 263-283.
He, N. (2011). Case study on the influence of Chinese traditional philosophy to the enterprise management. Journal of Management and Strategy, 2(3), 73.
Kralev, T. (2011). Management by objectives: Management philosophy for prosperous tourism organizations. UTMS Journal of Economics, 2(1), 83-87.
Wang, Y. (2011). Mission-driven organizations in japan: Management philosophy and individual outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(1), 111-126.
Extra References
Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, T., & Kerr, S. (2002). The boundaryless organization: Breaking the chains of organizational structure (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2007). Management: Leading and collaborating in a competitive world (7th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Beamish, P.W., Morrison, A., Inkpen, A., & Rosenzweig, P. M. (2003). International management: Text and cases (5th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Hoopes, J. (2003). False prophets. The gurus who created modern management and why their ideas are bad for business. Cambridge, MA. Perseus.
Jones, G. R. (2010). Organizational theory, design, and change. (6th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Management?s principal characteristic is the directing and leading towards the achievement of predetermined objectives. An organization runs and works based on defined specific objectives, and the role of management to direct efforts and resources towards the achievement of these objectives. Over the decades, different management approaches and strategies formulation entail in an attempt to find the most suitable approach that can effectively and sustainably direct towards achievement of organizational strategies. This report makes a summary of management philosophies and approaches proposed by different scholars. The work identifies the different opinions on management and the theories proposed on management thought.
Of interest is the article by Kralev (2011) that identifies the importance of the Management by Objectives approach. The scholar proposes this management thought for it defines and uses organizational objectives in directing processes and functions in an organization. Kralev (2011) identifies that in today?s business world a manager should lead by emphasizing on organizational objectives, which are directed towards the broad environment, achieving profits, and define paths of operations. Kralev (2011) that the core concept of MBO requires the management processes of planning, organizing, leading, staffing, and controlling, be directed to the achievement of key organizational objectives.
Drucker (1955) derives management by objectives, which is described by Kralev (2011), from MBO theory. Drucker (1955) conceptualized management by objectives as a system of management that is founded on goal congruence for the improvement of performance. The Drucker (1955) believes that the organization is more successful if, ?...their efforts ... all pull in the same direction, and their contributions ... fit together to produce a whole, without gaps, without friction, without unnecessary duplication of effort...? (Dinesh & Palmer, 1998). Therefore, Kralev?s (2011) management approach derives its basic principle from the management by objective theory as stipulated by Drucker (1955). In this management philosophy, the manager is required to focus on goal alignment as a means to improve organizational performance by providing the goal and path towards increased profitability.
The focus on organizational objectives is a key theme in Yingyan Wang?s (2011) article that identifies management philosophy and organizations driven by missions. Wang (2011) proposes that mission driven organizations in Japan are founded on management philosophy. However, his management philosophy is based on the pursuit of a mission, emphasizes on ethics, harmony, trust, honesty, environmental protection and social responsibility. These are all geared towards creating an organizational mission and philosophy that affect management and individual adoption of vision. This is a means to increase job involvement and organizational citizenship behavior. Therefore, the role of management is the creation of an ethical philosophy and a mission-driven culture.
Based on a research analysis, Wang (2011) finds that management that has a well-articulated and enacted philosophy can facilitate transformation of commitment towards productive efforts. This is because this philosophy offers direction to individuals, puts in place constraints on behavior, and emphasizes on individual motivation by creating a clear picture of organizational values, norms, and goals. Wang?s (2011) mission-driven management approach borrows heavily from the management by objectives theory. Wang (2011) sought to prove that mission-driven management leads to organizational practice or culture that influences outcomes of individuals towards success.
The third article by He (2011) proposes that traditional strategy plans cannot apply in today?s business environment, which requires flexible and rapid responses to changes. He?s (2011) article uses information from a case study of NTT DoCoMo and Silicon organizations in China following the Confucian principles. The article proposes a management approach that continually changes and adapts to changing situations. He (2011) approach is based on the Chinese traditional philosophy of constructivism perspective. In this perspective, the management must change strategy to cope with uncertainties and complexities. In addition, the management model proposed by He (2011) follows the philosophy that management must design strategic alignment, where individual behavior and organizational strategy are in alignment.
This Chinese management philosophy entails an alignment that leads to harmony in the organization. This alignment entails a fit between people, people and work, business strategy and environment (He, 2011). This management philosophy leads management to create an environment in the organization where the people?s thinking is attuned to achievement of individual and organizational strategies for success. This is because the Confucian philosophy affects the thinking of individuals, as it strives to change behavior. Therefore, following this management philosophy implies that management creates strategies that tune the thinking of employees, with the goal of aligning their behavior to organizational objectives.
The fourth article by Claus Dierksmeier (2011) discusses the relationship between management philosophy and business ethics. The author believes that ethical responsibility among managers must be part of the overall management philosophy in an organization. the manager must have responsible freedom to lead to corporate social responsibility. The author believes management approaches must be based on moral action in economic theories like quantitative reductionism and epistemological materialism. This is to create moral freedom and responsibility among managers and consequently the organization. The article puts an emphasis on managerial direction and responsibility in corporate decision-making. Dierksmeier (2011) management philosophy is based on the philosophies of Adam Smith (1723-1790) on moral philosophy, Theory of Moral Sentiments, and The wealth of Nations. In these theories, a manager?s pursuit of gain can lead to social benefits if, legal structures against exploitation and fraudulent are lay down. This is though the existence of political governance, which regulates individual morality, social morals, and customs. In this manner, management must entail intellectual and practical realization of individual and social responsibility in managerial freedom, to achieve corporate social responsibility. This is though the homo economicus and conditio humana models of economics that will lead to the realization that responsible freedom is part of management.
The four articles are similar in that they all discuss management philosophy approaches. The main difference between the four articles is their approach to management philosophy and their method of research to prove their theory. Wang (2011) uses a quantitative survey approach to prove the influence of management philosophy in Japanese companies, while Dierksmeier (2011) opts for the phenomenological research method to investigate management freedom in classical economics. Wang?s (2011) approach entails the survey of 1019 Japanese employees to assess their experiences with management. Dierksmeier?s (2011) epistemology approach makes an argument against the classical economic philosophy, which severed ethical standards from normative ethical standards. He (2011) uses the case study approach on NTT DoCoMo and Silicon organizations to test his theory, of the success of the Chinese Confucian theory on business. this investigates the degree to which the case studies have successfully integrated Confucian ethics and principles, to show they can be applied to organizations. This is different from the approach used by Kralev (2011), who opts to review literature on management by objectives on tourist-driven organizations.
The management principle promoted by the articles is the management philosophy approach. However, each article has some differential in their approach as compared to others. Wang (2011) focuses on the management philosophies of Japanese companies that emphasize on philosophy, mission statements, and objectives in mission-driven management. The article advocates that mission statements can lead companies to efficiency and productivity. This is almost similar to the management approach promoted by Kralev (2011). Kralev (2011) discusses the interaction between the management by objective approach and matching it to practical demands of business. This analysis finds this management approach similar to the mission-driven approach by Wang (2011). This is because both management approaches advocate for management strategies that focus on planning, organizing, and directing processes, practices, and individuals towards attainment of organizational objectives. At the core of both approaches are goals identified as individual or organizational objectives and mission. Wang (2011) and Kralev (2011) approaches are goal oriented. However, the difference is that Wang?s (2011) approach advocates organizational philosophy as a mediating actor between the needs of the enterprise and individuals. Kralev (2011) approach believes organizational philosophy is concerned with structured philosophy of objectives that are focused, time-defined, realistic, specific, measurable, and are long, middle, or long term.
These management philosophies are different from the management approach proposed by He (2011). He (2011) identifies the Chinese approach based on the Confucian Philosophy, which identifies that the key idea is the achievement of strategic alignment. The philosophy especially identifies the creation of alignment between individual?s behavior and organizational strategy. This is different from other management philosophies for He (2011) proposes that teamwork is essential in creating individual drive in the larger organization, which is part of Confucian values. The article identifies that this management philosophy follows Confucian values, which make the heart of management strategies for Chinese companies in the Silicon Valley. The article finds from the analysis of case studies that the alignment of management strategies with Confucian values has led to the success of organizations proving they are applicable to western organizations. There is no similarity between Kralev (2011), Wang (2011), Dierksmeier (2010) and He (2011) management philosophies. Dierksmeier (2011) believes that management education should focus on ideal moral freedom for managers, not the concept of capitalist freedom proposed by classical economists. In this management philosophy, the manager must adopt moral and ethical standards at the individual and firm level to attain sustainability.
Overall, the articles provide evidence that the success of an organization is pegged on the ability of management to create a philosophy. The responsibility of management in creating organizational philosophy lies in the fact that management has the role of planning, organizing, controlling, and directing. The articles show there is a connection between management philosophy, organizational culture and practice, and performance. The manager sets the goals, objectives, and mission of the organization, which directs and influences business processes and practices. Through personal philosophy and moral and ethical principles, the manager can influence the behavior of employees and cause corporate social responsibility.
Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2007). Management: Leading and collaborating in a competitive world (7th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwi
Dierksmeier, C. (2011). The freedom-responsibility nexus in management philosophy and business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(2), 263-283.
Dinesh, D., & Palmer, E. (1998). Management by objectives and the balanced scorecard: Will rome fall again? Management Decision, 36(6), 363-369.
He, N. (2011). Case study on the influence of Chinese traditional philosophy to the enterprise management. Journal of Management and Strategy, 2(3), 73.
Kralev, T. (2011). Management by objectives: Management philosophy for prosperous tourism organizations. UTMS Journal of Economics, 2(1), 83-87.
Wang, Y. (2011). Mission-driven organizations in Japan: Management philosophy and individual outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(1), 111-126.
Previous Topic for your reference Week Three: Management Philosophies Table
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University of Phoenix Material
Management Philosophy Table
Table 1
To what extent do academic philosophies affect actual decision-making of managers?
Authors Article Type and Context Dynamics Differentiation Integration
Wang Quantitative survey
The influence of managerial philosophy within Japanese companies Japanese companies have been traditionally viewed as being more influenced by philosophy and mission statements than organizations in other nations Surveying 1019 Japanese employees, evaluating their experiences supports this conventional wisdom Organizational philosophy acts as a mediator between individuals and the needs of the enterprise in Japan Mission statements have the ability to render companies more effective and also potentially more ethical by offering a buffer between employee and organizational needs
Dierksmeier Phenomenology
The extent to which the self-interested model of firm behavior of classical economics really advances firm interests Increasing calls for firms to have ethical and moral standards, such as observing principles of sustainability
The article argues against the classical firm philosophy which is to sever corporate ethical standards from normative ethical standards
A qualitative model for evaluating choices versus a model driven by quantitative analysis is proposed
Management education must be founded on an ideal of moral freedom, not just a conception of capitalist freedom
He Case study of the influence of traditional Chinese philosophy on business ?The key idea of Confucianism is to achieve strategic alignment, for instance, the alignment between organizational strategy and individuals' behavior? (He 2011). The degree to which Confucianism, which is once again popular in China, can be useful in businesses cross-culturally. Case study of successful integration of Confucian ethics and principles at NTT DoCoMo and in Silicon Valley organizations to show how Confucian principles can be useful in a variety of organizational settings Teamwork, a sense of individual ?embeddedness? in a larger whole are all Confucian virtues and have shown themselves useful in China?s new, budding enterprises and also in organizations around the world. Confucian virtues are what make many Silicon Valley organizations so successful.
Kralev Review
Management by Objectives: The advantages of implementing them in an tourist-driven organization Interactions of MBO and practical demands of business Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of MBO: defines what needs to be done, encourages organizational loyalty as success for employees is clearly defined by meeting objectives. Disadvantages include the time and money taken to create objectives. The virtue of MBO is offering a clear, structured philosophy of what type of objectives (long, middle, and short) a firm should set and to make sure that they are ?realistic? and ?time-defined? (Kralev 2011) How MBO as a philosophy can be applied within the context of a specific industry
Dierksmeier, C. (2011). The freedom-responsibility nexus in management philosophy and business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(2), 263-283.
He, N. (2011). Case study on the influence of Chinese traditional philosophy to the enterprise management. Journal of Management and Strategy, 2(3), 73.
Kralev, T. (2011). Management by objectives: Management philosophy for prosperous tourism organizations. UTMS Journal of Economics, 2(1), 83-87.
Wang, Y. (2011). Mission-driven organizations in japan: Management philosophy and individual outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 101(1), 111-126. more
Case study: Fabrication International (FI) Plc [Source: Burnes 2009:467?470]
Answer the following questions:
Using the Choice Management ? Change Management model, address the following questions:
Question 1
i) Critically evaluate the extent to which FI?s investment?appraisal process aids it in making strategic investment decisions. [25 marks]
ii)What went wrong with the CWS introduction and how could it have been avoided? [25 marks]
iii) Imagine that you are the senior engineer. What would you have done to make the CSW a success when faced with the decision by the board to cut the original budget[? 25 marks]
Question 2:
What was Kurt Lewin?s main contribution to change management and how relevant is it for contemporary organisations? [25 marks]
Instructions to the writer: All questions to be discussed in relation to the Case study as attached (Fabrication International Plc, A4 pages, single-line spacing, 3- 5 sources/references per question.
Throughout this course, you will learn about models, competencies, and strategies needed to successfully facilitate change. For the professional challenge, you will analyze change management models... to develop your own personal theory and then compare your theory to a change leader's practice in the field. You will have an opportunity to interview a change leader and provide recommendations to improve his or her change management skills.
Your final paper will include the following components:
? Change theory: This component should be 1-2 double-spaced pages. Develop a personal change management theory. This theory may include some of the following:
o Basic assumptions of change.
o Definition of the change leader role.
o Vision setting process.
o Implementation strategies and outcome measures.
o Resistance management techniques.
o Coaching techniques.
o Rationale and irrational aspects of change.
o A change process.
? Interview questions and responses.
o Describe your overall experience interacting with the change leader including how you introduced yourself and the project.
o Provide a final list of 10-12 questions that you asked your interviewee based on your change management theory.
o Provide a short paragraph for each question that summarizes your interviewee's responses.
? Interview analysis and learning.
o Assess the current conditions in the organization such as the change leader's competencies, the perceived need for change, and the readiness for change in the organization.
o Analyze the leader's change management approach. What methods, processes, and assumptions does the change leader use?
o Compare the leader's change management approach to your final change management theory. Were the interviewee's responses consistent with your theory?
o Assess the progress of the change and discuss the factors that are contributing to the success or failure of the change.
o Describe what you have learned from this experience. What did you learn about barriers to change, skill building, outcome measurements, et cetera?
? Recommendations.
o Develop 5-7 detailed, actionable recommendations to improve the leader's change management success. These should include specific actions, processes, and methods the leader could use.
o Acknowledge concepts from the readings when making your recommendations.
o Provide a rationale for why the leader should take the suggestions.
Project Objectives
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
1. Analyze the effectiveness of organizational change models.
2. Develop a personalized approach to change.
3. Assess and analyze a leader's approach to change management.
4. Develop recommendations to improve the leader's change management success.
Please note: The paper has to include an abstract which include the name of the change leader (you can make up a name), and a brief description of the leader you will interview. Please cite from the following texts in additional to other sources.
1. Collins, J. (2001). Good to Great: Why some companies make the leap and others don't. New York: HarperCollins Publisher Inc. ISBN: 0066620996.
2. Kotter, J.P. (1996). Leading change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. ISBN: 0875847471
3. Senge, P. (1994). The fifth discipline fieldbook: Strategies and tools for building a learning organization. New York: Doubleday. ISBN: 0385472560 more
10 citations and each of these citations must be from published journals and books, eight pages in length, APA guidelines.
How an organization could use Kurt Lewins Change Management Model to promote Corporate Social Responsibility with in its organization
Question 1
The impact of glabalization and the internet presents real challenges for corporate strategic planners across the world. What is the impact of globalization and the internet on corporations? Why is astute strategic planning a must in today's competitive business world?
Question 2
Compare and contrast the two models, strategic mgmt model, and the strategic decision making process, and reconcile the strategic the strategic decision making process with the strategic mgmt model. Do the tow models complement each other or do they clash? Explain
Discussion Question One:
1. Explain how the concept continuum of care is used in case management
Discussion Question Two:
2. What are some of the weaknesses of discharge planning as it is practiced in acute care settings today? How could this be improved using a case management model?
Assighn to WarCraft - Alan
Continental Airlines
Project Talent Management Model Project Description and Scoring Guide
The purpose of this proje...ct is to analyze talent management in an organization. Your project must examine the link between the talent management strategies and the overall performance of the organization. The final outcome is the development of a talent management model that fits the organization of your choice.
The project consists of several important steps. The first involves selecting an organization to research. You will base your assignments on this organization throughout the course. Choose any Fortune 500 company Continental Airlines about which plenty of information is available on the Internet. The next step is to research and assess talent management models, theories, and programs. You will have an opportunity to compare and contrast best practices, as well as assess those strategies within organizations. The final step is to create a talent management model for the organization and evaluate it for its potential effectiveness in achieving successful organizational outcomes.
Project Requirements
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
Organization Selection and Analysis
You may choose an organization where you are currently, or were previously employed, as long as it is a Fortune 500 organization. You may also choose a random Fortune 500 organization, based on your liking. To get all of the information you need from the organization's Web site, you should choose a large corporation. The Organization Selection and Analysis component will be due in a discussion from the first unit of the course.(Completed already). It will be graded as part of the overall discussion participation grade. Include the following in your selection and analysis: (This add-on section = 0 pages) = (Total pages of 0 pages)
Provide a short description of the organization you will be evaluating.
Discuss why you chose this organization. Be specific.
Include a brief summary of the organization's talent management programs.
Include an at-a-glance analysis of the organization's talent management programs.
Cite the organization's Web site and other sources from which you found information about this organization.
Annotated Bibliography and Analysis
This project component includes two parts: a research of literature and an analysis to determine the components of talent management, from a human resources management (HRM) perspective. You will have two weeks to complete this assignment. (This add-on section = 2 pages) = (Total pages of 2 pages)
For the Annotated Bibliography:
Include 10 references from current compensation publications, including journals; publications describing organizational culture and structures; and employee motivation, engagement, and satisfaction.
Your references should include current articles explaining talent management programs and practices. Any article or publication dated before 2005 should be carefully reviewed for relevance to this topic.
Provide a complete APA citation for each reference.
Provide a complete annotation for each reference.
For the Analysis:
Address the following questions, at minimum: (This add-on section = 1 pages) = (Total pages of 3 pages)
1. What is talent management?
2. What are the components of talent management?
3. Identify specific talent management strategies. Which are the most effective, and why?
4. Identify and estimate the projected costs of a talent management program.
5. Identify the relationship between talent management programs and job performance.
6. Identify talent management best practices.
Source Analyzation
In a 1 page paper, research and analyze what sources the organization you have chosen uses for talent management strategies and programs. This paper is due in Unit 6. Include the following: (This add-on section = 1 pages) = (Total pages of 4 pages)
Describe the key sourcing strategies relative to maximizing member productivity.
Describe the key sourcing strategies relative to maximizing member engagement. Engagement might be dependent on the following factors:
o Cultural fit with the organization.
o Skill sets that fit job requirements.
o Skill sets that minimize the learning curve.
Estimate the overall cost.
Estimate the return on investment and effectiveness, such as increased organizational success.
Describe the use of technology: Is the Internet effectively used? Are innovations effectively used?
Does the organization have any creative recruitment and retention programs, such as employee referral, job fairs, or professional networking?
Include 7 references from current journals and publications describing organizational culture, recruitment strategies, and talent management programs and practices. There are a number of current articles explaining talent management programs and practices. Any article or publication before 2005 should be carefully reviewed for relevance to this topic.
Acquisition and Retention
In this 2 page section, compare the talent acquisition strategies of your chosen organization with those of another. (This add-on section = 2 pages) = (Total pages of 6 pages)
First, identify one additional organization, using the same strategies and parameters you used for the original.
Determine and report the influence of talent management on maximizing member development and productivity.
Research and report the talent acquisition strategies in the new organization.
Analyze the new organization within the context of human resource management.
Determine the influence of talent management strategies on maximizing member development and productivity in the organization.
Next, compare and contrast the two organizations in relation to human resource management. Discuss differences in their talent management strategies, member development, and productivity.
Final Paper
Develop a talent management model for your chosen organization. In your paper, include the following, at minimum: (This add-on section = 2 pages) = (Total pages of 8 pages)
Choose talent management theories and models as the basis for your retention plan.
Create an acquisition plan. Use talent management best practices to tailor an employee hiring and retention plan.
Create a plan for employee engagement that leads to high performance productivity.
See below for written communication requirements.
Written Communication Requirements
All assignments should follow APA guidelines, as listed below.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (5th Edition) Style and Formatting.
Number of resources for final paper: Minimum of 12 resources.
Length of final paper: 8 typed double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Arial, 10 point. Note: This does not represent APA guidelines, but is easier to read on a computer screen.
Project Objectives
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
1. Analyze talent management programs from a human resource management perspective.
2. Analyze sourcing strategies from a talent management perspective.
3. Compare talent acquisition strategies within the context of a human resource management function.
4. Develop talent management best practices relative to fostering employee retention.
Project Talent Management Model Grading Criteria
Project Talent Management Model Scoring Guide Grading Rubric
(12 total points) 0
Non-performance 1
Basic 2
Analyze talent management programs from a human resource management perspective.
(3 points) Does not analyze talent management programs from a human resource management perspective. Lists talent management programs from a human resource management perspective. Analyzes talent management programs from a human resource management perspective. Assesses talent mangement programs from a human resource management perspective.
Analyze sourcing strategies from a talent management perspective.
(3 points) Does not analyze sourcing strategies from a talent management perspective. Describes sourcing strategies from a talent management perspective. Analyzes sourcing strategies from a talent management perspective. Evaluates sourcing strategies from a talent management perspective.
Compare talent acquisition strategies within the context of a human resource management function.
(3 points) Does not compare talent acquisition strategies within the context of a human resource management function. Lists talent acquisition strategies within the context of a human resource management function. Compares talent acquisition strategies within the context of a human resource management function. Compares talent acquisition strategies within the context of a human resource management function and suggests enhancements for the future.
Develop talent management best practices relative to fostering employee retention.
(3 points) Does not develop talent management best practices relative to fostering employee retention. Describes talent management best practices relative to fostering employee retention. Develops talent management best practices relative to fostering employee retention. Develops and evaluates talent management best practices relative to fostering employee retention.
Course Materials
The materials listed below are required to complete the learning activities and projects in this course. Unless noted otherwise, the books, software, and coursepacks are available for purchase from the Capella University Virtual Bookstore. To purchase these texts, visit the bookstore and select your school and course ID.
Lawler, E. (2008). Talent: Making people your competative advantage. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780787998387.
The following required readings are linked to electronic books in the Capella University Library. If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian. First-time ebrary users must download and install the ebrary Reader in order to access the reading.
Berger, L., & Berger, D. (2003). The talent management handbook. New York: McGraw Hill.
Reserved Readings
The following reserved readings are provided for your use in this course.
Gross, S., & OMalley, P. (2007, May). High priority: European firms focus on talent development. Workspan. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from http://www.worldatwork.org/waw/workspan/html/workspan-jan2006.html
O'Neal, S., & Gebauer, J. (2006). Talent management in the 21st century: Attracting, retaining, and engaging employees of choice. WorldatWork Journal. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from http://www.worldatwork.org/waw/workspan/html/workspan-jan2006.html
Richman, A. (2006, January). Everyone wants an engaged workforce: How can you create it? Workspan. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from http://www.worldatwork.org/waw/workspan/html/workspan-jan2006.html
Stotz, R. (2006, June). Targeting employee incentives for maximum performance. Workspan. Retrieved February
16, 2009, from
Human Resource Management
U02a1 Project Topic Selection
Edward E. Smith
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for
Certificate Program
HRM 5Talent
April 26, 2010
The paper is to be organized and presented as an analytical document to select a transnational organization and develop a specific IHRM element. This select organization, herein chosen, will be Continental Airlines (CAL).This learner has chosen XXXXarea of concern for Talent managementXXXXXXXX, and will assess relative importance for the final project to be submitted.
The learner will provide a brief review of International Human Resource Management (IHRM) perspectives and will develop insights in highlighting the strengths and weakness within the organizations culture, productivity and profitability, market focus and organizational design and structure. The learner will conclude with some practical recommendations and suggestions for decision-making.
Continental Airlines is the world's fifth largest airline. Continental, together with Continental Express and Continental Connection, all partner airlines, have more than 3,200 daily departures throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, serving 154 domestic and 138 international destinations. More than 400 additional points are served via SkyTeam alliance airlines. With more than 43,000 employees around the globe, Continental has hubs serving New York, Houston, Cleveland and Guam, and together with Continental Express, carries approximately 61 million passengers per year. Continental consistently earns awards and critical acclaim for both its operation and its corporate culture.
Rational for Selection
Non-market factors make the extinction of legacy airlines unlikely, but Continental is concerned primarily with maintaining its ability to outrun the slowest of its competitors through strategic selection of its leaders. The learner has chosen IHRM element to use it as learning tool, since this is the first HRM theory course undertaken on route to a career change decision.
Interest and workplace connection
In this section the learner will explains interest and workplace connections to an IHRM element of xxxxxx Talent Management xxxxxx selected, and to assess and improve the IHRM function. CAL was very innovative in the way it makes their selection of leadership and management. Even though it was common knowledge during the 90s, there were no people of color in the upper ranks of CAL; somehow, CAL was able to rein the unions and status quo without any fanfare. To be able to do this without attracting the wrath of the rights advocates was an insurmountable fete within itself and brings very much intense interest in the IHRM elements.
That behavior warrants attention, and is indeed presents an opportunity for this learner to excel in IHRM with the intention of associating ideals, research to access and application to make appropriate improvement recommendation to ensure that this dark-side IHRM element is appropriately and sufficiently addressed.
Like anything else, permission from CAL to develop this element will like be difficult to obtain, but the learner will synthesis and apply theoretical and classroom ideas, if not sanctioned by course-room coordinator.
Appelbaum, Steven H.; Brenda M Fewster. (2004). Safety and Customer Service:
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In preparation for the Change Management Project Part l, please complete the reading below:
? Why You Should Use a Change Management Model: http://www.change-management-coach.com/chang...e-management-model.html
? Change Management for Sustainability Chapter 2. Note you will need to be logged into your DU account to read this e-book. http://libguides.davenport.edu/c.php?g=405577&p=3491462
Log-in info:
After you have completed the reading, you should imagine you are a leader or a change agent.
? decide on a transformational change you would like to make in a company or organization with which you are familiar (for example, the company you work for, school, trade association, not for profit organization or community group)
? research the forces that are driving the need for change in the organization and the industry it is in.
? decide which change model would be most appropriate to make the necessary changes.
Write a one-page summary and rationale for your decisions. Include cited sources and a reference page.
Writer please note: These decisions will form the basis of the paper due next week in which you will develop a plan for change using the organization and model you have selected this week. (I?ll attached the instructions for this paper just as an FYI as I would like for the same writer to write this paper as it?s part two of this project. Thanks!)
I would like for moriks58 to work on this, if available. more
I will fax text book pages. I will need a reference page and APA format.
In his article on Managing Terrorism as an Environmental Hazard, Waugh (p.660) contends that "the nature of the violent phenomena, the complexities of the intergovernmental and multi-organizational responses, and the practical problems of designing and implementing effective programs to prevent or minimize the effects of terrorism suggest that an all-hazards emergency management strategy would be most appropriate." Waugh offers six basic models of terrorist violence and goes on to describe the process of terrorism, theories of response, as well as strategies for intervening in the process of terrorism (pp. 660-665).
Based on the above information, critically analyze why it is important to apply a comprehensive emergency management model to the terrorist threat?
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Assignment Title:
Motivation and job satisfaction are very subjective and affected by many variables including cultural influences, unknown domestic situations and personal relationships outside of work. Generalised management models cannot meet all individual circumstances. (Mullins 2011)
Discuss to what extent you agree or disagree with this statement. Your discussion must include a critical feasibility analysis of the key job motivation and satisfaction theories / management models as applied to different cultural, professional and social settings.
Any one of the following three books will be a satisfactory core text.
Buchanan, D. and Huczynski, A. Organizational Behaviour (6thed.) Prentice Hall. 2004
Mullins, Essentials of Organisational Behaviour.(3rd ed.) Prentice Hall 2011
Rollinson, D. et al, Organisational Behaviour and Analysis, (3rd ed.) Addison Wesley, 2005
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This essay should deal with a topic related to the class and related to a reading, a newspaper article or any other contemporary topic related to the class.
* About this class
This course is a...n introduction to natural resource economics and management, with special emphasis on forest, wildland resources, urban- rural interface, and economic instruments for conservation. Course topics include: natural resource markets, non-market valuation of environmental costs and benefits, investment & decision analysis, taxation of land, regional economics, and management models. Specific topics covered by the class are climate change, recreation, forest economics, water and wildlife management. Particular methods of analysis used in the class are Linear Programming (LP), Linear Regression, Cost-Benefit analysis (CB) and input-output (I-O) among others.
*Topics and Reading
Microeconomics review:
Leeds, Michael A.; von Allmen, Peter, and Schiming, Richard C. Market Failure: Public Goods and Externalities in Economics. Pearson Addison Wesley, pp. 435-453. 2006.
Perloff, Jeffrey M. Consumer Choice in Microeconomics. Pearson, Addison Wesley, pp. 74-102. 2007.
Investment Analysis
Buongiorno, J. and J.K. Gilless. 2003. Decision methods for forest resource management. Academic Press, San Diego. 439 p. (Read Chapter 18, Analysis of forest resource investments)
Bettinger, Pete; Boston, Kevin; Siry, Jacek P.; Grebner, Donald L. Management of Forests and Other Natural Resources in Forest Management and Planning. Elsevier, pp. 2-13. 2009
Klemperer, W.D. 1996. Forest resource economics and finance. McGraw-Hill, New York. 551 pages. (Chapter 4, The forest as capital, pages 101-133)
Forestry Investments
Klemperer, W.D. 1996. Forest resource economics and finance. McGraw-Hill, New York. 551 pages. (Read Chapter 7, Economics of forestland use and even-aged rotations, pages 202-238)
Klemperer, W.D. 1996. Forest resource economics and finance. McGraw-Hill, New York. 551 pages. (Read Chapter 8, Optimal timber stocking, pages 239-265)
Klemperer, W.D. 1996. Forest resource economics and finance. McGraw-Hill, New York. 551 pages. (Read Chapter 9, Forest taxation, pages 266-301)
Davis, L.S. et al. 2001. Forest Management. McGraw-Hill, New York. 804 pages. (Read Chapter 8, Principles and applications in forest valuation, pages 395-462)
Markets-Forecasting: Timber Markets
Klemperer, W.D. 1996. Forest resource economics and finance. McGraw-Hill, New York. 551 pages. (Read Chapter 12, Timber supply and demand, pages 362-394)
Econometric Models
Buongiorno, J. and J.K. Gilless. 2003. Decision methods for forest resource management. Academic Press, San Diego. 439 p. (Read Chapter 19, Econometric analysis and forecasting of forest product markets)
Regional Economics
Loomis, J.B. 2002. Integrated Public Lands Management. Columbia, New York. 474 pages. (Read Chapter 7, Regional economic analysis and input-output models, pages 171-191)
Bureau of Business and Economic Research. The Regional Economy.
Forest management models
Buongiorno, J. and J.K. Gilless. 2003. Decision methods for forest resource management. Academic Press, San Diego. 439 p. (Read Chapter 1, Introduction, Chapter 2, Principles of linear programming: Formulations, Chapter 3, Principles of linear programming: Solutions, Chapter 4 Even-aged management: A first model)
Biodiversity/Protected Areas
United Nations Environmental Programme. Global Biodiversity Assessment. Chapter 12. 2001.
Douglas, R.W. 1993. Forest Recreation. Waveland, Prospect Heights. 373 pages. (Read Chapter 5, Financing forest recreation, pages 99-114)
Emerton, Lucy; Bishop, Joshua and Thomas, Lee. "Sustainable Financing of Protected Areas: Global Review of Challenges and Options." 2006, pp. 97. Read Chapter 7.
Multiple Use
Loomis, J.B. 2002. Integrated Public Lands Management. Columbia, New York. 474 pages. (Read Chapter 8, Principles and applications of multiple-use management, pages 192- 220)
Young, Robert. The Economic Value of Water: Concepts and Methods. Resources for the Future. Washington D.C. 357 pages. (Read Chapters 1 and 2).
Economic Valuation
Stevens, Thomas. Can Stated Preference Valuations Help Improve Environmental Decision Making? Choices. 2005. pp. 189-193
Shaw, Douglas W. The road less traveled: Revealed Preferences and using the Travel Cost Method to value environmental changes Choices. 3rd Quarter. 2005.
Hanley, Nick; Shogren, Jason F. and White, Ben. Valuing the environment and Natural Resources in Introduction to Environmental Economics. Oxford University Press, pp. 34-67. 2001.
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Topic: Performance Management
Company: British American Tobacco (BAT)
1) Please do not introduce the company or describe what performance management is. That has been covered in my... research paper.
Please follow the following instructions:
Use the strategic human resource management model sent to your resource unit via mail as the starting point for this analysis. Your analysis should answer the following questions
1) Does BAT have a performance management strategy or philosophy? Is the strategy different or same in all parts of the organization? Is the strategy different or same in all BAT branches across the globe? How does BAT measure performance?
2) Discuss the relationship between actual HR policies and practices and the overall strategic objectives and management philosophy of the organization.
3) How well does the performance management HR system at BAT, support the organizations strategy and sources of competitive advantage? Is the HR system well integrated with strategy? Where does the system fit within the HR policy choices (see the triangular human resource system model sent to your resource centre via mail)? How do these four areas fit together?
4) Assess the effectiveness of BATs performance management HR system
5) What works and what does not? Is the system accomplishing what it is intended to accomplish? Why or why not? How does the system rate according to the evaluation criteria (the four Cs) Human Resources Management? - (the four Cs evaluation will be sent to your resource centre via mail)
6) State what needs to be improved in the system.
7) How might the performance management system at BAT become more proactive and driven by strategy? In addition to stating what needs to be done, explain your reasoning
8) Recommendation and conclusion
Please Note the Weighting and Grading of the Research Paper
Critical assessment of the HR system and its strengths and weaknesses 30%
Application of the Strategic HRM model and other concepts, theories, and ideas covered in strategic human resources management course and the effectiveness of the link developed between overall strategy and HR strategy 30%
Recommendations for improvements 15%
Supporting data and research 10%
Structure and presentation/writing quality/proper referencing 15%
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Contrast and compare three project management models in use today.
Note: the models may contain substantively different terms for the identical component.
Develop an analysis to discern the true differences and commonality among the three models.
Create a portfolio composed of five articles published in refereed journals, inside and outside the nursing discipline. These articles will examine specific aspects of case management, disease management, and population health.
To create your portfolio, select one article for annotation from each of the following five topics:
Case management history
Certification and qualifications of case managers
Acute care case management models
Clinical pathways and other structured methods used by case managers
Insurance case management models
Topic: Managing Change in the Organization.
Provide an example of a significant change to have taken place in a major organization, and compare and contrast two established change management models/frameworks for the implementation phase and common lessons learned.
Conflict Model
Identify a conflict situation occurring in a particular social context (classroom environment, personal counseling, workplace, etc.). Research conflict management models and identify one model you believe would be the most effective in managing/resolving the conflict. Use at least five to seven peer reviewed resources in addition to the text.
a. Description of the conflict situation
b. Description of the social context and participants
c. Identification of antecedent conditions
d. Identification of the behavior reflecting the cognition and personalization by individuals of the conflict
e. Identification of the conflict management model
f. Description of research supporting the model
g. Brief description of conflict resolution techniques reflective of the model
h. Anticipated outcomes
Deutsch, M., Coleman, P. T., & Marcus, E. C. (Eds.). (2006). The handbook of conflict
resolution: Theory and practice (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ISBN:978-0-7879-8058-0
With the ever changing activities in the health care industries, there is a reimbursement issue that is associated with care qualities and positive or negative outcomes. You are required to identify quality, safety, and individual performance management models and evaluate their applicability to health care organizations. Keep in mind items such as change initiatives, quality and safety scores, individual performance, patient perceptions, and staff perceptions among others. What are the models that are already proven in the health care industry to address the above issues and how would you apply them?
The use of APA style is required for this assignment.
This assignment requires at least four scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least two in-text citations.
By writing 1350 words, select three models commonly used in the business world to measure quality, safety, and individual performance. In addition, give (a). A brief description of each model selected; (b). A discussion of how each model may be or is being applied in the health care industry; and (3). An evaluation of the effectiveness of each model in the health care industry
According to Paper Due
Number of pages: (2-page minimum): 5 pages = approximately 1500 words
(not including free bibliography or works cited)
Plagarism cannot be more than 7%<...br>
Paper has to be on a healthcare organizatio. Since you writing the paper you can choose a health care organization. If you don't I work for Grady Health System in Atlanta Georgia
Paper has to elaborate on the following;
1. What are the organization?s mission and vision? What are the organization?s key
2. What strategic planning model does your chosen organization currently use?
3. Which theoretical framework, such as systems theory or change theory, does your
chosen organization currently use?
4. What is the role of your organization?s mission, vision, and values in relationship to
its strategic plan?
5. What is the organizational structure of your chosen organization?
6. Who are the current key leaders in your chosen organization?
7. What change management model does your chosen organization use?
8. How much involvement does the governing board have in implementing strategic
9. What are the organization?s major service delivery and support activities in its
value chain? At a minimum, include the following:
a. Location
b. Target market
c. Programs and services
d. Clinical operations
e. Marketing
f. Billing
g. Follow-up
h. Organizational culture
i. Organizational structure
j. Strategic resources
10. How may the organization use its value chain to help implement its strategic
plan? more
You are to read all the readings and then focus on the article Transforming an Organization by Using a New Project Management Approach PM World Today. The abstract from that article states: "The US Ar...my Medical Command (MEDCOM) annually manages 250 projects, with a scope of $300M, at 26 different sites. Due to current events and initiatives, MEDCOM is anticipating an increase in construction requirements. As a result, MEDCOM is seeking for a more efficient project management model that can optimize each project manager?s function as well as the organization. The hypothesis is that the entire organization is merely a summation of the project managers, and that the organization?s bureaucracy problem is a magnification of the internal problems of a project manager. The new project management model must overcome the constraints of the lack of perceived information and expertise and bureaucracy of the environment."
You are to assess the extent to which this project is transformational and what "lessons can be learned" from this new approach. What are the elements of this approach that would make for more effective project execution in any project? What recommendations would you make to the Army to further improve their project management approaches, particularly in the execution phase? Are these components or lessons from the other readings which could benefit projects like the one described in this article?
Be sure to answer all questions fully, and pay special attention to your recommendations. Your paper will be evaluated on how well you apply the concepts from the background reading into your analysis. Think critically as you prepare this assignment, emphasize both the strengths of the new model as well as potential drawbacks. Your recommendations should reflect areas of concern raised in your critical analysis. Use headings to assist in the flow of your paper.Write a 5 page essay.
Kashiwagi, Jacob, Sullivan, Marie, Sullivan, Kenneth T. & Kashiwagi, Dean . (2008). Transforming an Organization by Using a New Project Management Approach PM World Today. Vol. X, Issue VII.
Ward, J. LeRoy. (2008). Ten Essential Steps to Delivering Successful Programs. Retrieved July 29, 2012 from http://www.maxwideman.com/guests/essential/intro.htm
Lavell, Debra & Martinelli, Russell. (2008). The People Side of Program and Project Retrospectives (Part 3 of a Series). PM World Today.Vol. X, Issue V.
Execution and Control. Retrieved July 29, 2012 from http://www.cio.ny.gov/pmmp/guidebook2/ExecutionAndControl.pdf
TPG Case Study. (2007). Streamlined Decision-Making and Sharper Project Focus at BAE Systems. Retrieved July 29, 2012 from http://www.tpgamerica.com/downloads/CaseStudy_BAE_TheProjectGroup_E.pdf more
You are to carefully read the following three articles and then develop an integrative essay which focuses on "keys to success" for effective project planning. This should be a 3 to 5 page essay. No...te that each of the articles below focuses on different elements, but has combinations of many of the components of planning. When you are finished, submit your essay to coursenet.
Lavell, Debra & Martinelli, Russell. (2009). Program and Project Retrospectives:
Achieving organizational buy-in (Part 2 of a Series). PM World Today. Vol. X, Issue II. Retrieved February 3, 2011 from http://www.pmforum.org/library/cases/2008/PDFs/Lavell_Martinelli-2-08.pdf
Michael, John K., Kashiwagi, Dean & Sullivan, Kenneth T. (2008). Leadership Based Project Management Model Tested On Food Services at Arizona State University. PM World Today.Vol. X, Issue X. Retrieved February 3, 2011 from http://www.pmforum.org/library/cases/2008/PDFs/Kashiwagi-10-08.pdf
Scott, Mark. (2009). Transforming the Project Management Culture at Harris. PM World Today Vol XI, Issue V. Retrieved February 3, 2011 from http://www.pmforum.org/library/cases/2009/PDFs/may/SCOTT-Harris.pdf
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Harpham, Alan. (2008). Lean Project Management at NNIT. PM World Today, Vol. X, Issue IX. Retrieved February 3, 2011 from http://www.pmforum.org/library/cases/2008/PDFs/Harpham-9-08.pdf
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Case Expectations:
Your paper will be evaluated based on your ability to demonstrate critical thinking and synthesize the three readings in developing your own "Keys to Success". Be sure to document the sources of information you are using to develop and support your paper. Logic and clarity are critical, headings can help you organized your thoughts. more
MGMT 455 Managing high performance You have been the manager of human resources for a firm headquartered in the United States for many years. The firm has divisions all over…
Read Full Paper ❯*The four functions of management model have been criticized as being irrelevant to today?s managers. Do you agree or disagree with the critics who question the relevance of this…
Read Full Paper ❯Organizations, like all cultures, must continue to evolve or they stagnate and eventually become obsolete. Using change management tools can help an organization to stay vibrant and evolve over…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi Writer?s Topic: Risk Management Models Pick one of the two risk management models you read about this week, and in a one- to two-page paper, describe whether the…
Read Full Paper ❯Your Own Change Management Model Please see Table 8.1 and 8.2 on pages 222 and 225 of our text. These tables outline ten change management models. In relation to these…
Read Full Paper ❯I would like to use the same Writer as in my previous orders ID: A2086426, A2087288, and A2087929 Writer?s Individual Management Theory Consultant Presentation Select an organization with which you are…
Read Full Paper ❯Case study: Fabrication International (FI) Plc [Source: Burnes 2009:467?470] Answer the following questions: Using the Choice Management ? Change Management model, address the following questions: Question 1 i) Critically evaluate the extent to…
Read Full Paper ❯Throughout this course, you will learn about models, competencies, and strategies needed to successfully facilitate change. For the professional challenge, you will analyze change management models to develop your…
Read Full Paper ❯10 citations and each of these citations must be from published journals and books, eight pages in length, APA guidelines. How an organization could use Kurt Lewins Change Management…
Read Full Paper ❯Question 1 The impact of glabalization and the internet presents real challenges for corporate strategic planners across the world. What is the impact of globalization and the internet on corporations?…
Read Full Paper ❯Discussion Question One: 1. Explain how the concept continuum of care is used in case management Discussion Question Two: 2. What are some of the weaknesses of discharge planning as it is…
Read Full Paper ❯Assighn to WarCraft - Alan Continental Airlines Project Talent Management Model Project Description and Scoring Guide Overview The purpose of this project is to analyze talent management in an organization. Your project must…
Read Full Paper ❯In preparation for the Change Management Project Part l, please complete the reading below: ? Why You Should Use a Change Management Model: http://www.change-management-coach.com/change-management-model.html ? Change Management for Sustainability Chapter 2.…
Read Full Paper ❯I will fax text book pages. I will need a reference page and APA format. In his article on Managing Terrorism as an Environmental Hazard, Waugh (p.660) contends…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment Title: Motivation and job satisfaction are very subjective and affected by many variables including cultural influences, unknown domestic situations and personal relationships outside of work. Generalised management models…
Read Full Paper ❯This essay should deal with a topic related to the class and related to a reading, a newspaper article or any other contemporary topic related to the class. * About…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic: Performance Management Company: British American Tobacco (BAT) Details 1) Please do not introduce the company or describe what performance management is. That has been covered in my research paper. Please follow the following…
Read Full Paper ❯Contrast and compare three project management models in use today. Note: the models may contain substantively different terms for the identical component. Develop an analysis to discern the true differences and…
Read Full Paper ❯Create a portfolio composed of five articles published in refereed journals, inside and outside the nursing discipline. These articles will examine specific aspects of case management, disease management, and…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic: Managing Change in the Organization. Provide an example of a significant change to have taken place in a major organization, and compare and contrast two established change management models/frameworks…
Read Full Paper ❯Conflict Model Identify a conflict situation occurring in a particular social context (classroom environment, personal counseling, workplace, etc.). Research conflict management models and identify one model you believe would be…
Read Full Paper ❯With the ever changing activities in the health care industries, there is a reimbursement issue that is associated with care qualities and positive or negative outcomes. You are required…
Read Full Paper ❯According to Paper Due Number of pages: (2-page minimum): 5 pages = approximately 1500 words (not including free bibliography or works cited) Plagarism cannot…
Read Full Paper ❯You are to read all the readings and then focus on the article Transforming an Organization by Using a New Project Management Approach PM World Today. The abstract from…
Read Full Paper ❯You are to carefully read the following three articles and then develop an integrative essay which focuses on "keys to success" for effective project planning. This should be…
Read Full Paper ❯