Management Ethics Essays Prompts

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Ethical Situation #2: Unethical Behavior Memo

You have been hired as the new controller of a large manufacturing company. The 30-year-old company produces a selection of profitable products, ...but has also experienced some ethical lapses. A few months into your new role, the CEO has asked you to prepare a memo that will provide guidance to management for handling some of these ethical lapses. As you investigate, you discover a negative atmosphere in the company. Your investigation reveals the following information:

CEO: ?We need to create a way to make sure our company goals are defined and align with the highest ethical standards. We have experienced issues in almost every department, and I am trying to focus on what we can do. I know you have spoken with others, and I suspect there is some unethical behavior occuring. I have heard that the accounting department has experienced some issues in the past. Specifically, issues with fake suppliers being created and paid. While this did result in the termination of one employee, I?m not sure it has stopped.?

Accounts Receivable Supervisor: ?Things are pretty bad around here. There doesn?t seem to be any leadership or direction for the company. Upper management rarely conducts meetings to discuss anything, positive or negative. There are no clear goals and we only receive feedback once a year at our annual review. I have difficulty keeping the staff motivated because the meager raises. We all receive the same raise, even in a booming year when sales are high.?

Accounts Payable Supervisor: ?I used to be energetic when I started working here. I suppose this place just wears you down after awhile. There doesn?t seem to be any correlation between pay and performance. You can be a high performer and receive a 2% raise or be a low performer and receive a 1% raise. Most of the staff have given up, and view their position as a job rather than a career.?

Upon further inspection, you discover that the vendor files are in disarray, and there is no proper backup to support the invoice and expense reports that have been paid.?

Sales Team Manager: ?I am having difficulty getting the sales team to visit their accounts and provide acceptable customer service. Part of the problem is that the company has set the commission schedule to prior standards, when sales were easy to acquire. Each salesperson receives only 1% commission on the sales in his or her territory. I am beginning to wonder if they are visiting the existing accounts anymore. Sales are still healthy?no one seems to ask questions when the sales are healthy?but we are not seeing many new sales.?
? Prepare a 750- to 1,050-word memo addressed to the management.
? Explain some of the underlying motives contributing to the unethical behavior.
? Recommend a few changes that might alleviate some of the unethical behavior and improve employee morale.
? Address the common fraud schemes in the outflow of company funds, including check tampering, payroll schemes, and expense reimbursement schemes.
? Suggest several controls for the company to implement in order to prevent these schemes.
? Research using your textbooks and at least two outside sources.
? Format your report consistent with APA guidelines.

Personal Ethics Development

Write a 650- to 800-word on your personal ethics development that examines your personal ethical system and ground rules, including its origins and development.

o Focus on the developmental aspect of your ethics rather than on a particular position on any issue.

o Define your underlying ethical system, its primary principles, the sources that helped shape your ethics?such as people, institutions, events, and so forth?and the criteria and decision-making factors you used to revise them.

o Discuss the potential effect of your ethics on your performance or use of them in your workplace using a personal example.

The last part of the assignment is on:
As managers, a key part of our job is perfomrance evaluation and feedback. Please research performance management; describe the elements which you believe are the most important. Explain why you believe they are important and give an example of common mistakes that managers make when evaluating performance and providing feedback.

Midterm Case Study

Julian Assange: WikiLeaks faces 'very aggressive' investigation by US

Friday 17 December 2010 13.50 GMT

WikiLeaks faces a "very aggressive" and secretive... investigation by US authorities stung by a perceived loss of face following the release of thousands of secret American diplomatic cables, the organizations founder, Julian Assange, said today.
Speaking to reporters outside Ellingham Hall, the Norfolk house at which he is staying on bail following his release from prison, Assange said WikiLeaks faced "what appears to be an illegal investigation ... certain people who are alleged to be affiliated to us have been detained, followed around, had their computers seized and so on".

He said he believed it was "80% likely" that the US authorities were seeking to prepare an attempt to have him extradited there to face charges of espionage.
He added that he was reliant on public opinion to rein in "a superpower that does not appear to be following the rule of law". "I would say that there is a very aggressive investigation, that a lot of face has been lost by some people, and some people have careers to make by pursuing famous cases, but that is actually something that needs monitoring," he said.

He criticized the way Swedish authorities have sought to have him extradited to Sweden to face allegations of sexual assault ??" the reason he was held in jail for 10 days.
"That is something that actually needs monitoring, it needs scrutiny," he said. "We have seen this with the Swedish prosecutor in representations to the British government here, and the British courts say that it did not need to provide a shred of evidence ??" said this three times ??" and in fact has provided nothing, not a single shred of evidence in its extradition hearings, in the hearings that ended up putting me in solitary confinement for 10 days.

"Similarly, in the United States, what appears to be a secret grand jury investigation against me, or our organisation ??" not a single comment about what is actually going on."
The bulk of WikiLeaks' efforts were currently devoted to fending off various attacks, including technical assaults on its website, Assange said "Over 85% of our economic resources are spent dealing with attacks ??" dealing with technical attacks, dealing with political attacks, dealing with legal attacks, not doing journalism," he said. "And that, if you like, is attack upon investigative journalism." Assange said he was worried about the prospect of being sent to the US, adding: "There have been many calls by senior political figures in the United States, including elected ones in the Senate, for my execution, the kidnapping of my staff, the execution of the young soldier Bradley Manning ... that's a very, very serious business. "The United States has shown recently that its institutions seem to be failing to follow the rule of law. And dealing with a superpower that does not appear to be following the rule of law is a serious business."
US efforts to prosecute Assange appear to rely on connecting him to Manning, the presumed source of the leaked cables.

Assange, an Australian, was at pains today to stress his remove from Manning, referring to him as "a young man somehow embroiled in our publishing activities" and saying WikiLeaks did not know who its sources were.

Targeting him personally would not stop the work of WikiLeaks, Assange pledged. "People like to present WikiLeaks as me and my backpack. It is not true. We are a large organisation. "It is resilient. It is designed to withstand decapitation attacks, and our publication rate actually increased during the time I was in solitary confinement."
Assange was held in jail because prosecutors argued that as a non-British national with no permanent ties to the country he was a potential absconder. To satisfy the judge he had to post 200,000 in surety, provided by supporters, and agree to stay at Ellingham Hall, owned by his friend Vaughan Smith. He must wear a tag, observe a curfew and report to a police station daily. [there are many other articles on Assange/WikiLeaks if you wish to research them]

See specific info below for Ethical analysis of Assange/Wikileaks case.

The article above is but a small portion of the information that has been published that raises numerous ethical issues as to Assanges conduct, his publication Wikileaks, what others have said and done on behalf of Assange [hacking into other company IT systems etc], conduct of Sweden, conduct of US gov instituting a security violations investigations, possible criminal investigation by US and Sweden, ethics of individual(s) in leaking the information, ethics of US gov classification system to keep info from the public, etc, etc

Your assignment is to discuss (3) three ethics issues raised by either Assanges personal conduct, Wikileaks releasing information and/or conduct of others or governments relating to Assange and Wikileaks. You are not constrained by just this article on Assange/Wikileaks. The area is wide open as long as your 3 ethics issues relate to Assange and/or Wikileaks publication of information or actions of other relative to the release of information by Wikileaks and Assange. You must use the headings from my case study outline below for your paper. Innovative and distinctive arguments are a premium. In other words if you just parrot back what others have said, you will not garner top points. Paper must be in narrative format and not outline format but use the mandatory headings below. There are 5 pages to these instructions.

This midterm case analysis is worth 20pts and is 20% of final course grade!!

Case Study Outline Guidance

You must do the following:

1. Using the Grading Rubric for Conferences, found in course content section of class room, choose the appropriate ethical philosophies that you feel are relevant to the ethical issues you found in the Assange/wikileaks controversy and that you will discuss below.

2. The following headings must be used in your paper which must be in narrative and not outline format:

Facts; Ethical Issue I, Alternative solution 1, Alternative solution 2; Ethical issue 2, Alternative solution 1, Alternative solution 2; Ethical issue 3, Alternative solution 1, Alternative solution 2; and Recommendation for Ethics issue 1; and Recommendation for Ethics issue 2 and Recommendation for Ethics issue 3 [-2.5pts if do not use these heading in the case study.]


Facts: Only discuss only those facts that form a basis for the three ethical issues you will discuss. In other words facts that support the three ethics issues must be in this section. Points deducted for information in paper that does not directly relate to the ethics issues you will discuss. 2pts

Ethical issue I: State the ethical issue you will discuss and discuss why it is or is not also a legal issue. 1pts

Alternative Solution 1: This should be a reasonable alternative. Pick an ethical philosophy, define it, discuss how it relates to this alternative and why; then discuss the specific affects this alternative may have on the various stakeholders. Specifically list the various stakeholders. 2pts

Alternative Solution 2: This should be a reasonable alternative. Pick an ethical philosophy, define it, discuss how it relates to this alternative and why; then discuss the specific affects this alternative may have on the various stakeholders. Specifically list the various stakeholders. 2pts

Ethical Issue II: State the ethical issue you will discuss and discuss why it is or is not also a legal issue. 1pts

Alternative Solution 1: This should be a reasonable alternative. Pick an ethical philosophy, define it, discuss how it relates to this alternative and why; then discuss the specific affects this alternative may have on the various stakeholders. Specifically list the various stakeholders. 2pts

Alternative Solution 2: This should be a reasonable alternative. Pick an ethical philosophy, define it, discus how it relates to this alternative and why; then discuss the specific affects this alternative may have on the various stakeholders. Specifically list the various stakeholders. 2pts

Ethical issue III: State the ethical issue you will discuss and discuss why it is or is not also a legal issue. 1pts

Alternative Solution 1: This should be a reasonable alternative. Pick an ethical philosophy, define it, discuss how it relates to this alternative and why; then discuss the specific affects this alternative may have on the various stakeholders. Specifically list the various stakeholders. 2pts

Alternative Solution 2: This should be a reasonable alternative. Pick an ethical philosophy, define it, discuss how it relates to this alternative and why; then discuss the specific affects this alternative may have on the various stakeholders. Specifically list the various stakeholders. 2pts

Recommendation for Ethics Issue I: Pick one alternative from ethics issue 1 above and explain why you feel it is the best alternative for that particular ethical issue. 1pts

Recommendation for Ethics Issue II: Pick one alternative from ethics issue 2 above and explain why you feel it is the best alternative for that particular ethical issue. 1pts

Recommendation for Ethics Issue III: Pick one alternative from ethics issue 2 above and explain why you feel it is the best alternative for that particular ethical issue. 1pts

End of Case Study Outline. [More requirements for case study below]

When writing the case study, do not reproduce the language in the case study. Doing so will reduce your grade. Paraphrase everything you use from the case study. When discussing the ethical philosophies merely cite the Grading Rubric for Conferences as your source of information. If you use any other outside sources, properly attribute words or ideas taken from those sources by footnoting. If you do not use any outside sources then merely at the end cite the case study narrative as your source of information. Be succinct. Spell check and grammar check the assignment; find and correct errors. Be sure every point is expressed clearly.

Further Instructions that apply to case studies:

Students are encouraged to engage in their own reflection, critical analysis, and argumentation, in addition to using those from other sources. All viewpoints should be supported by arguments intended to justify the position to others. Arguments for alternative viewpoints should be examined in their strongest forms. Students are encouraged to paraphrase all sources, and are required to properly attribute ideas, and language, taken from any other sources. Grades will be partially based on

a. grammar and organization, i.e.,
Grammatical accuracy, sentence and paragraph structure
Timeliness of project submission and adherence to deadlines
Clarity of expression and presentation of ideas
b. conformity to the standards of formatting and documentation, including proper citations and references found in the APA Style Manual.

The final product must:

a. Be typed, double spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman fonts, with margins no wider than one inch. -1pts
b. Have no headers or footers except page numbers. -1pts
c. Be prepared in Microsoft Word or Rich text format only. -1pts
d. Footnotes mandatory if use outside sources - Contain, in attributions made in the body of the paper, only the authors name and page number, e.g., (Grading Rubric for Conf; Smith, pg 24 as examples). -3pts
e. Do not include pictures, graphs or lists in the body of the paper. If these are needed to support facts provided, place them at the end of the paper as an addendum. Merely reference them in the body of the paper ??" See Addendum 1 etc. They will not count towards paper length. -1pts
f. Contain a comprehensive References list of all sources actually used in preparing project including for each entry the author, title, city and state of publisher, publishers name, year, and page number, if applicable, or the precise webpage of the material referenced. -2pts
g. Instructor reserves the right to reformat the paper to conform with instructions above.

Skills assessed:

Clearly and succinctly states facts relevant to the statement and resolution of the ethical issue(s)
Distinguishes ethical issues from purely legal, management, marketing, finance, etc. issues.
Articulates alternative courses of action, evaluating them in terms of implicated stakeholder interests.
Persuasively justifies the alternative courses as best for the business, considering both ethics and the bottom line.
Properly attributes words and ideas from other sources.
Writes grammatically, clearly, and succinctly; follows technical instructions.

There are TWO requirements for each individual assignment. They are numbered 1 and 2 below. Failure to comply with the four requirements means less than full credit and in some cases no credit. Each individual assignment is worth 1pt. Use the following headings in your initial response:

1. Ethical Issue/Core Stakeholders: Identify one ethical issue involved in the assigned problem. Do not just repeat language in the problem. Who are the core stakeholders involved in the case? List them. (.5pt)

2. Option/Ethics Philosophy: Once you have decided on the one ethical issue to discuss, choose at least one option on how to handle the ethical issue and choose the ethical philosophy from the list below that best epitomizes your approach to handling the ethical issue. Justify your choice of philosophy and make sure you define which philosophy you have chosen. (.5pt)

The ethical philosophies can be summarized as [more details discussion in text]:

Egoism (consequences for the individual; physical well-being, power, pleasure)
Hedonism (extreme egoism; maximize personal pleasure)
Enlightened Egoists (longer range perspective and allow well-being for others but their self-interest is paramount)

Utilitarianism (greatest total utility; the greatest benefit for all those affected by the decision) Utility (usefulness or benefit from the decision)
Cost Benefit Analysis (assess which decision would give the greatest utility)

Relativist (decisions are derived subjectively from the experience of individuals and groups). Subjectively (use themselves or the people around them as their basis for defining ethical standards).

Virtue Ethics
An acquired disposition of positive values that are a part of an individuals character. Virtues such as truth, trust and tolerance create obligations that make cooperation possible. Virtues that support business transactions: trust, self-control, empathy, fairness, truthfulness, learning, gratitude, civility, and moral leadership. Character ??" the focus of virtue ethics is on character
Justice Ethics (deals with fairness)

1) Distributive ??" deals with fairness and outcomes such as fair pay for work

2) Procedural ??" deals with the processes and activities that produce the outcome such as decision making process; applying rules fairly.

3) Interactional ??" deals with an evaluation of the fairness of the communication process used in the business relationship.

Kantian Ethics (also know as Deontology (Greek ??" ethics; focuses on the means not the end) Kant (intentions are what are important; nature of moral decisions are stable and rather firm; people have absolute rights of freedom of speech, privacy, consent)
Nonconsequentialism (focus on means not the consequences). The idea of respect for persons is a central tenant of Kantian moral philosophy. Kantians argue that persons, because they are self-governing beings, have unique dignity. Kantians emphasize the importance of motives to ethics. Kantians argue that for an action to be properly regarded as ethical, the right actions must be done for the right reasons.

Common morality
That several theories ??" or elements of theories ??" are compatible. Each of the theories includes certain common features that may be characterized as the correct attitude to tke in ethics. This attitude is rational, universal, and impartial. Collectively these features constitute the moral point of view.

Rights theories
Rights based theories hold that rights form the basis of obligations because they best express the purpose of morality, which is the securing of liberties or other benefits from rights holders.

Other ethics theories ??" You may research other theories if you feel a particular theory not listed above more aptly applies to the facts as you see them. Be sure and define the theory you use and cite the source where you found it.

This paper should begin with an analysis and evaluation of your values and ethics and then an analysis and evaluation pertaining to ethics in the organization for which you work (or in the absence of ...a current employer an important organization of which you are a part or a past employer). As a part of your evaluation, relate your organizations ethics to combinations of the theories and concepts learned in this course.

Include in your Reflective Paper a discussion of the following:

1.) Your personal values, personal vision/mission statement and a personal code of ethics to guide you as a manager or future manager.
2.) Your organizations workplace values, culture/climate, vision/mission statement and code of ethics. (If any of these are not published, interpret them from organizational policies, observations and experiences therein, and examples of the organizational climate and/or operational practices.)
3) Your organizations social responsibilities and your appraisal of whether and how effectively it meets those responsibilities.
4.) Your organizations ethical analysis and training programs, and an evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses
5.)The moral philosophy(ies) and ethical principle(s) in your organization that you affirm most and least. Give specific, detailed examples of circumstances and contexts

Relate all of these in a meaningful way to the most important concepts you learned throughout this course. Next, reflecting upon the judgments you have made, project how you would want to change the organizational culture/climate if you became the leader of your organization. Finally, present a plan for how you would go about implementing such change. In developing your plan, try to apply in an integrative and coherent manner everything of true significance related to such planning that you learned in this course and then think about/report specific scenarios that you would expect to result.

Choose an organization that has an existing Code of Ethics. It can be an Company or an organization for example: Electrolux Company or Home Depot,etc. Thhis code of ethics will be used as the basis for the system of inquiry assignment. Develop a system of inquiry to be used in evaluating decision-making,problem solving, and behavior in a business setting. This model should include a basic framework as well as a discussion of why,how,when, and by whom it is used. consider how you would implement the code, possible reactions to the code from employees, and the effect the code would have on the organization. need a 1750-2,100 word paper discussing a system of inquiry in detail. 1800 word paper is my goal.
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The organization to be written about is Haliburton
1) Evaluate the planning function of management.
2) Analyze the impact that legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility have had on management planning at your chosen company. Give at least one example for each.
3) Analyze at least three factors that influence the company's strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning.

3. Individual Assignment: Personal Ethics Development Paper

? Write a 1,050- to 1,200-word paper on personal ethics development that examines your personal ethical system and ground rules, including its origins and development.

o Incorporate the terms found in the University of Phoenix Material: Key Terms located on the student Web site.

o Focus on the developmental aspect of your ethics rather than on a particular position on any issue.

o Define your underlying ethical system, its primary principles, the sources that helped shape your ethics?such as people, institutions, events, and so forth?and the criteria and decision-making factors you used to revise them.

o Discuss the potential effect of your ethics on your performance or use of them in your workplace using a specific personal example.

o Explain why ethics are needed in an organization and how ethics are integrated into the organization to achieve its direction and goals. What effect does the application of these ethics have on individuals, organizations, and society?

Organizational Ethics
Locate a major company and evaluate that company's code of ethics. Write a paper not using question-an-answer format, discussing the organizations code of ethics in detail. P...erform the following steps: Obtain the companys code of ethics. This companys code of ethics document is which you will use to base your inquiry.

1.Write a general information paragraph on the company, include its mission statement.
2. Determine the type of ethical system used by the company and reasons or examples upon which you based your decisions. Ethical systems include ends-driven, relativistic, entitlement, and duty-driven (legal or religious)ethics.
3. Identify and discuss how the code of ethics is used. Include several paragraphs on each use: one for employees, one for mgmt, one for board of directors, and so on. Some of this info comes from the company code of ethics. Others available through an internet search. Consider the following: Why it used the general or special circumstances, how it used it; and when it used the general or special circumstances.
Note: May not be able to find all info. In that case state this fact and indicate which sources were examined with no results. 1. why might the org need to modify their existing code of ethics? Consider how you would modify it if you were CEO. 2. what possible reactions to the code are to be expected from employees and managers? 3. what is the effect of the code on the organization? 4. Summarize the results of your systematic analysis or inquiry into the code of this organization. Do not include paragraphs directly from the organizations code Summarize what is in the document. Paper can contain no more than 15% unoriginal or quoted material.

Write a paper on Apple Inc. Ethics. Possibly find the Code of Ethics on Apple Inc. How has Apple Inc. become an organization and given back to society through their profits and what is their visual responsibility now. What charitable and social concerns and efforts have they done as an organization. How has the internal and external factors affected the four functions of management.

Require two articles discusssing ethical perspectives or business ethics of a foreign country (not China and not Mexico). Each article should have information on a different foreign country on a different continent. Summary of each article; explain the primary eithical perspectives of the country discussed in the article; how the article contributes to the understanding global ethical perspectives. Briefly describe how the business ethics of the foreign country compares to the business ethics of your home country (United States). Should include an introduction, conclusion and level 1 and level 2 headings.

Hi, Im a diagnostic radiography student. this is a medico-legal and ethics paper, so please kindly write the essay related to healthcare. Pls cover all types of genetic testing and please do not cite... from wikipedia. Thank you!!

Genetic testing:

-preimplantation genetic diagnosis (see the side bar, Screening Embryos for Disease)
-prenatal diagnostic testing (an example related to my profession is prenatal ultrasound screening for Downs syndrom)
-newborn screening
-carrier screening, which involves identifying unaffected individuals who carry one copy of a gene for a disease that requires two copies for the disease to be expressed
-Genealogical DNA test (for genetic genealogy purposes)
-presymptomatic testing for predicting adult-onset disorders such as Huntington's disease
-presymptomatic testing for estimating the risk of developing adult-onset cancers and Alzheimer's disease
-confirmational diagnosis of a symptomatic individual
-forensic/identity testing

Pls address the ethical aspects followed by the legal aspects with regards to Singapore Law pls.

Pls cover the following:

1) Ethical theories: Deontological (Kant's dutiful person model), Consequentialism (Mill's utilitarian Man model), Virtue (Gilligan's Caring and Love model)

2) Prima-faci principles for healthcare providers: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, justice (these four are compulsory), paternalism, fidelity, veracity (these 3 are optional)

3) Virtues like respect for others, nonmalevolence, benevolence, fairness & empathy

below is a framework on ethical decision making from my notes. thank you!!

Step 1: identify the ethical issue

Step 2: Clarify personal & professional values
-professional code of ethics
-interpretation & position reflect underlying value system

Step 3: Clarify influencing factors or barriers
-gather information from professional literature
-prima facia (minimum first 4)

Step 4: Define guiding principles
-follow professional code of ethics whenever possible

Step 5: Analyze alternatives
-usually at least 2 course of action will develop
-analyse each argument for and against each action plus their outcomes
-check for validity of the arguments

Step 6: Find common ground
-dilemmas may lead to disputes
-communication is important
-strategies may include: collaboration, compromise, accommodation, coercion, avoidance

Step 7: Decide & Act
-ideal is personal value is consistent with others
-be consistent to legal and professional standards
-being aware of the guiding principles behind the decision will justify your decision

Step 8: Assess outcomes
-evaluate both the process & outcomes
-learn from the experience and improve your approach towards them

Conclusion:-the code gives a framework to direct, coordinate and assist in the day to
day challenges
-at all times abide by the code, respect patient's autonomy & dignity of the

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Customer is requesting that (pheelyks) completes this order.

Paper must be at least 1000 words in length. The discussion pertains to how cultural, personal and organizational values influence decision making in personal and professional lives. Here is a list of my personal values/ethics:
family oriented; people should get rewarded according to merit; every one should get a fair chance to fullfiil their goals;I do what I can to accomodate others; lead by example; firm believer in confidentiality

I work for a municipality,in personnel;the workplace is very diverse

Dear Sir,

Please write me a sample easy on the following:

Chose a scholarly or practitioner article in a peer-reviewed journal that deals with an ethical dilemma in a management context. How might you research the dilemma presented in the article? Would you examine causation, interventions, solutions, structural issues, or other aspects? Select one or two aspects of the issue presented, and think about how you might formulate a research-oriented approach that would benefit the larger professional practice.

Begin by presenting a brief overview of the article you found. Next, present the ethical dilemma, followed by your research approach and its potential practice-based benefits.

Write a paper in which you address the following:

*What are the differences between ethical issues and moral issues?
*What are the differences between personal ethics and business ethics?
*Provide examples of common ethical problems in business for each of the questions above.

*Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Ethics and Decision Making With

The research is to be based on Ethics and Business Decision Making. It is not an opinion paper and, therefore, facts with specifics are the core of the research. This is a research paper, minimum 15 pages, minimum 12 sources, APA format: All sources should be posted in the body of the paper as well as at the end.

Write a case analysis to include the following:
Summary of the important points of the article
Reflect upon an ethics issue impacting you in your workplace
Referencing at least three points in the article, analyze how these points impact your company
Describe how you would handle an ethical case in your corporation by utilizing lessons learned from the article.

Format the case in the appropriate Case Study format
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Aasw Code of Ethics the

Dear Writer

Pleazse perform Exercise 8.2 from Topic 8 from the Study Guide which relates AASW Code of Ethics

2 pages

Due Date: 14th May 2011 at 4 am AEST

Thank you

Melville Miranda
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Write a 700- to 900-word paper in which you do the following:

? Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs and agendas.

? Include at least one example of a company overstepping ethical boundaries for stakeholder agendas, and what types of preventative measures could be taken to avoid this type of situation.

Assignment 3: Ethics and Corporate Responsibility in the Workplace and the World
Due Week 7 and worth 250 points

PharmaCARE (We CARE about YOUR health?) is one of the world?s most success...ful pharmaceutical companies, enjoying a reputation as a caring, ethical and well-run company that produces high-quality products that save millions of lives and enhance the quality of life for millions of others (Note: PharmaCARE is a hypothetical company that you will to compare to a real company as noted in the assignment criteria below). The company offers free and discounted drugs to low-income consumers, has a foundation that sponsors healthcare educational programs and scholarships, and its CEO serves on the PhRMA board. PharmaCARE recently launched a new initiative, We CARE about YOUR world?, pledging its commitment to the environment through recycling, packaging changes and other green initiatives, despite the fact that the company?s lobbying efforts and PAC have successfully defeated environmental laws and regulations, including extension of the Superfund tax, which was created by Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).

Based in New Jersey, PharmaCARE maintains a large manufacturing facility in the African nation of Colberia, where the company has found several ?healers? eager to freely share information about indigenous cures and an abundance of Colberians willing to work for $1.00 a day, harvesting plants by walking five (5) miles into and out of the jungle carrying baskets that, when full, weigh up to fifty (50) pounds. Due to the low standard of living in Colberia, much of the population lives in primitive huts with no electricity or running water. PharmaCARE?s executives, however, live in a luxury compound, complete with a swimming pool, tennis courts, and a golf course. PharmaCARE?s extensive activities in Colberia have destroyed habitat and endangered native species.

In preparation for this assignment, use the Internet or Strayer Library to research companies that have recently experienced negative consequences as a result of the company?s corporate activities. Compare the facts and consequences surrounding the companies you have researched to PharmaCare to support your response(s) to the criteria below.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

1.Describe the key characteristics of a stakeholder and determine all the stakeholders within the PharmaCARE scenario.
2.Analyze the human rights issues presented by PharmaCARE?s treatment of the Colberia?s indigenous population versus that of its executives. Recommend at least three (3) changes PharmaCARE can make to be more ethical going forward.
3.Assess PharmaCARE?s environmental initiative against the backdrop of its anti-environmental lobbying efforts and Colberian activities. Support the position.
4.Decide whether or not PharmaCARE?s actions with respect to the indigenous people of Colberia would be ethical in accordance with each of the following ethical theories:

c.Virtue ethics
d.Ethics of care
e.Your own moral / ethical compass
5.Compare PharmaCARE?s actions with those of at least one (1) real-world company, whose corporate activities led to ethical, environmental, or workplace safety issues and financial loss. Analyze the similarities and differences between PharmaCARE and the company that you chose.
6.Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference and proprietary Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Write an essay (suggested length of 4?5 pages) in which you address the following:
A. In an introductory paragraph, briefly describe the major topic areas you will be discussing in the paper....
B. Justify the importance of ethical theory (i.e., Utilitarism, Deonatology/Kantianism, Virtue Ethics, Moral Particularism) to nursing.
1. Provide one example that shows the importance of ethical theory as it applies to nursing practice.
C. Relate the principle of confidentiality to the concept of reasonable limits.
1. Explain the elements of the principle of confidentiality.
2. Summarize the elements of the concept of reasonable limits.
3. Provide a rationale for breaking confidentiality.
4. Based on reasonable limits, justify keeping or breaking confidentiality.
D. Identify how to resolve conflict between two or more ethical principles.
1. Summarize one ethical principle that would be in conflict if confidentiality were broken in the given case (physician giving health information of individual such as new breast cancer results to a family member without patient consent)
2. Explain an appropriate ethical theory that could support the decision to keep or to break confidentiality.
E. Discuss the influence of culture on values.
1. Compare and contrast the cultural values related to confidentiality for patients/family and for the providers (nurse and physician).
2. Propose two nursing interventions that could help reduce or resolve the ethical conflict of keeping or breaking confidentiality.
F. Identify one ethical decision-making model used by advanced practice nurses in the delivery of healthcare.
1. Describe the steps in your selected ethical decision-making model.

G. Cite at least 10 professional, scholarly sources in your paper.
H. Format essay according to APA style.

Prepare a 750 - 1050 word paper evaluating the following in organizational behavior:
a. The influence of ethics on decision making
b. The impact of technology on work-related stress

Paralegal Ethics

Write two pages addressing the issues stated below, explaining your position.

The ABC law firm represents many plaintiffs in lawsuits against the manufacturer of a controversial drug, Phiox. ...Lucy is a paralegal at ABC, and Lucy has been primarily assigned to work with these clients for the five years that she has been with the firm. As part of her duties at ABC, she monitored trial events, received daily reports from attorneys in trial and acted as a liaison to clients. As these cases were being settled, Lucy realized that she may need to seek another position.

Lucy had heard that XYZ was looking for paralegals, and she knew that they were also a big player in Phiox litigation. Lucy contacted them in search of a position. XYZ was interested in Lucy because of her experience, but was concerned about conflict of interest because XYZ represented distributors in Phiox cases. Lucy felt her chances for a position were slipping away; because the job paid $15,000 more per year, she wanted the position. Lucy volunteered that she had spoken to the managing partner at ABC, who was supportive of Lucy's change of positions, and that the clients would sign waivers if XYZ requested them.

Lucy was offered a position at XYZ. But before she left ABC, she assessed the Phiox cases on which she had worked to collect some form documents to take with her. At XYZ, Lucy did not initially work on Phiox cases. However, as time passed, Lucy was assigned to the trial team for Phiox litigation, and her duties included serving discovery requests on her old employer, ABC. The managing partner at ABC heard that Lucy was working on Phiox cases at XYZ, and fired off a letter to XYZ to determine if Lucy's duties included Phiox litigation. XYZ replied that Lucy's work periodically included Phiox litigation and XYZ thought no conflicts existed. ABC then filed a motion to disqualify XYZ from all Phiox cases.

Analyze each of the following numbered questions, and provide your reasons for each position:

1. What are Lucy's ethical issues?
2. What are XYZ's ethical issues?
3. What are ABC 's ethical issues?
4. How should the judge rule and why?

Ethics of Mobile Applications

Explain the ethics of Mobile Applications
The Good and why
The Bad and why
The project must include references from journals, books and web.

Reflect on the experience and use the Kolb's model to demonstrate how you apply this experience in your life: Kolb's Model of Learning in format and content.
Use the following template to create ...your essay: Essay Template (A sample essay is also viewable here.) You must use the following essay formatting guidelines:
The essay must be written in first person.
The essay will not follow traditional essay formatting i.e. introduction, body, and conclusion; rather it will address each subtopic individually using the four sections of Kolbs model.
The essay must be based on your personal, life learning experiences, not on research, history, or another individuals learning experiences.

Overview of the Functions of Management:

Define the four functions of management.
Explain how internal and external factors impact the four functions of management.
Explain how managers use delegation.
Planning as a Management Function

Evaluate the planning function of management.
Analyze various factors that influence strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning.
Analyze the impact that legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility have on management planning.
Organizing as a Management Function

Evaluate the organizing function of management as it relates to organizational resources.
Compare and contrast various types of organizational structures.
Evaluate how organizational functions impact organizational structures.
Leading as a Management Function

Differentiate between management and leadership.
Examine the role and responsibilities of leaders in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture.
Evaluate the impact of globalization and management across borders.
Controlling as a Management Function

Compare and contrast various control mechanisms.
Examine positive and negative reactions to the use of controls

(ISBN: 0873267109) Berman, Evan, M. & West, Jonathan P. (2006). The Ethics Edge (2nd edition). ICMA Press. Washington, D.C.

Please confirm, challenge, reinforce, and suggest new points of view to the following questions posed. Please cite the provided book/text within response, and also confirm/disagree. Additionally include one new outside source/one new outside citation other than the provided book/text - must add the one new outside idea and new outside example where this new outside idea has been applied (i.e. seen in a newspaper or journal article, etc.).

Page One/First 300 Words:
In the Berman & West text, there are articles on moral compassing and the six pillars of character. What is moral compassing? Does it make sense? What about the six pillars of character? Do you agree that these serve as the template for ethical behavior? Are their other considerations?

Page Two/Second 300 Words:
In your opinion, which of the six pillars do you believe is the most redeeming to have? While principles give an employee more freedom in their workplace, it also makes them more accountable for their actions. Would you prefer to work at a company that taught principles as opposed to policies? If you were a manager, how would you implement the moral compass to make it work for your organization?


5 Pages

Unethical Behavior Memo Attention: Management This Memorandum

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Personal Ethics Development

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Wikileaks Ethics Issues Raised by the Conduct

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Values and Ethics Values, Morals,

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Business Ethics Has Been Increasingly

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Halliburton Management Analysis in Analyzing

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The organization to be written about is Haliburton 1) Evaluate the planning function of management. 2) Analyze the impact that legal issues, ethics,…

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Personal Ethics Development for an Individual, Group

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3. Individual Assignment: Personal Ethics Development Paper ? Write a 1,050- to 1,200-word paper on personal ethics development that examines your personal ethical system and ground rules, including its origins and development. o Incorporate…

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Company Code of Ethics for Boeing. In

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Apple Inc. Ethics the Apple Inc. Has

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Write a paper on Apple Inc. Ethics. Possibly find the Code of Ethics on Apple Inc. How has Apple Inc. become an organization and given back to society through…

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Business Ethics: China and Mexico This Work

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Require two articles discusssing ethical perspectives or business ethics of a foreign country (not China and not Mexico). Each article should have information on a different foreign country…

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Ethics and Legal Considerations of Genetic Testing

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Decision Making Ethics Is a Philosophical Term

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Management Dilemmas after Disasters

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Business Ethics Every Individual Is

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Ethics and Decision Making With

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Marketing Ethics; Emerging Markets. The

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Write a case analysis to include the following: Summary of the important points of the article Reflect upon an ethics issue impacting you in your workplace Referencing at least three points in…

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Aasw Code of Ethics the

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Ethics Primarily Acts as a Check to

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Write a 700- to 900-word paper in which you do the following: ? Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs and…

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Ethics and Corporate Responsibility

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Ethics Values and Decision-Making in Nursing Practice

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Write an essay (suggested length of 4?5 pages) in which you address the following: A. In an introductory paragraph, briefly describe the major topic areas…

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Organizational Behavior Significance of Ethics in the

Words: 854
Length: 3 Pages
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Prepare a 750 - 1050 word paper evaluating the following in organizational behavior: a. The influence of ethics on decision making b. The impact of technology on work-related stress

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Paralegal Ethics

Words: 572
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write two pages addressing the issues stated below, explaining your position. The ABC law firm represents many plaintiffs in lawsuits against the manufacturer of a controversial drug, Phiox. Lucy is…

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Ethics of Mobile Applications

Words: 1297
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Explain the ethics of Mobile Applications The Good and why The Bad and why The project must include references from journals, books and web.

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11 Pages
Research Paper

Management Theory According to Experience

Words: 3200
Length: 11 Pages
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Reflect on the experience and use the Kolb's model to demonstrate how you apply this experience in your life: Kolb's Model of Learning in format and content. Use the…

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Human Resource Management -- Ethical

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