25+ documents containing “Management Challenges”.
Management Challenges and Concerns Report
You work on all HRM responsibilities, and have been asked to join a committee to present a report on management challenges. This report must include challenges, possible causes, and a plan for addressing them.
? Select one to two articles on HRM challenges.
? Write a 350- to 500-word report about these challenges.
Assignment #1 - Bank of America Case Study on Talent Management
Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:
1. Outline the talent management program that led to success for the company.
2. Identify strengths of the program and how they led to goal accomplishment.
3. Describe opportunities for improvement in the talent management planning process.
4. Create at least two (2) more effective approaches to meet the talent management challenges in the future.
5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Write a 5-7 page paper in which you:
1. Develop a strategy specific to your organization for integrating job performance and training.
2. Discuss the most significant performance management challenges the organization you have researched has faced.
3. Outline the basics of a performance management initiative that would significantly improve employee performance across the organization as well as encourage employee retention.
4. Create a set of best practices specific to your organization for improving employee relations.
5. Cite at least five (5) references, three (3) of which must be from peer-reviewed journals.
Your assignment must:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Please type and answer each individually.
This term paper is comprised of two parts: Part 1 requires you to write a statement of
what you perceive the role of IT management in organizations. Part 2 requires you to
address the IT ma...nagement challenges that e-business brings.
In addressing both Parts, be sure to back up your arguments with facts and concepts
you have learned in this course. We are not interested in uninformed opinions. At the
end of each piece, the reader should be able to say: ?This student knows his/her stuff!?
Each Part should be five pages long, single-spaced, using 12 point font (either Arial or
Part 1. The role of the IT manager in organizations
IT management arose in the 1990s when it became clear that that software developers
and hardware engineers had neither the insights nor interest in guiding organizations on
the effective use of information technology to help them improve their business
operations. Both software developers and hardware engineers focus on the technical
aspects of computers and do not spend much time reflecting on the management
implications of technology. The IT manager, in contrast, is primarily concerned with how
information technology should be integrated into business operations.
Assume you have taken over responsibility to play the lead IT management role in
Magnum Enterprises. Your boss, Rachel Heigl, is Magnum?s CIO. The IT management
group is comprised of six people who you will be supervising.
Ms. Heigl is an enlightened manager, and she believes that if you are to carry out your
responsibilities effectively, you need to work with her in defining your IT management
role. As a first step, she invites you to write a short statement where you describe what
you see to be your role as head of the IT management effort at Magnum.
In writing your statement (5 pages long, single-spaced, using 12 point font with either
Arial or Calibri font), describe how you see your role in integrating software, hardware,
and business management capabilities.What challenges do you anticipate
encountering as head of the IT management effort at Magnum? By serving as the
centerpiece of software, hardware, and management capabilities, how the efforts of you
and your team make Magnum a better organization?
Part 2. Handling the e-business challenge at Magnum Enterprises
Six months after you take over the lead IT management role at Magnum, the CIO, Ms.
Rachel Heigl, is pleased with your work. She has just attended a meeting of Magnum?s
Mgt 220.Information Technology
executive committee (the committee comprised of the most senior managers of
Magnum), where the CEO and Vice President of marketing have indicated that
Magnum?s mediocre e-business capabilities must be strengthened. As CIO, Ms. Heigl is
given primary responsibility in improving Magnum?s e-business performance. She in
turn puts you in charge of a small task force comprised of representatives from the
operations, marketing, finance, and legal departments.
1. Why is it important to take into account the views of operations, marketing,
finance, and legal when working on strengthening e-business capabilities? Be
specific ? no vague generalities, please.
2. Based on what you have learned in your readings, what are key technical
challenges you will encounter in re-engineering the e-business function at
Magnum? How can these be addressed (provide brief suggestions).
3. What are the key management challenges you will face?
Your response to Part 2 should be five pages long, single-spaced, using 12 point font
with either Arial or Calibri font. more
This are short response questions (write about 250 words for each question)
1) What are the management challenges of globalization? For example, what aspects of the U.S. legal-political institution could prove difficult for a Chinese firm operating a factory in America? You can provide your own examples if you wish.
2) Is it necessary to be a transformational leader in today's workplace or is Peter Drucker's "Good old-fashioned" Leadership theory still valid? why or why not?
Describe a person you know who is a transformational leader and one who is a old-fashioned leader as described by Drucker.
Are both styles effective in the same way or is each style effective only in certain situations or venues.
Include citations
I would like Isak to do my essay if possible. He is currently working on a paper for me, A2043634
This essay serves as your major individual assessment for F100 block, and allows you to demo...nstrate your understanding and critical analysis of the concepts, processes, agencies, and issues of Army change management. The intent of this essay is to assess your ability to knowledgably and reasonably argue your position in
Describe an important force management challenge facing the national leadership and recommend a solution.
The essay requirement is assigned with lesson F101 and is due at the end of lesson F106. In general, your paper should be three to five pages (typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, and with 1" margins) excluding any charts or diagrams that you may choose to use.
Your submission must be in accordance with (IAW) the CGSC writing standards specified in ST 22-2. You must properly cite your source information for all sources used. Parenthetical footnotes are acceptable. Also, you may use any of the information, articles, and references provided in your online F100 lessons. Again, this assignment is due at the end of lesson F106.
I will upload more files to help with the writing of this paper. This should not be an especially hard paper, I just do not have time to write it due to all of the other papers which I am currently writing. The other paper Isak is working on for me is much more difficult.
Sources cited can be internet sources. I have added my notes from this online class and will, add references later.
I am more concerned with the quality of the work than I am with timeliness. I would really like to get this by 30 October 2011, but I can wait as long as 18 November 2011, if it really takes that long. This is a Pass or Fail class. more
Supply Chain Management
I liked EpowerGuy essay last time. Is it possible that EpowerGuy can write this essay.
Individual Business Report
You are required to select an organisat...ion of your own choice. This can be an organisation you currently work for, one you have worked for in the past or any other organisation on which you have access to information. The assignment must address the following two questions:
1. What are the main strategic supply management challenges facing the organisation?
2. How would you suggest that the organisation tackles these challenges?
The two questions should be addressed in a 2000-word report.
Your analysis and report must build on appropriate theory as covered in the handbook, textbook and broader reading and research. Your answers should include a broad range of reference material including academic journal papers.
Main Assessment Criteria: (very very important)
Clear and concise identification of challenges
Challenges are supported with clear evidence
Application of concepts and models to challenges
Clear and logical recommendation plan
Realistic implementation plan, including timeline and risk analysis
Breadth of relevant reading
Presentation of report: structure, clarity of writing, referencing and bibliography
Structure (very important)
The word count excludes title page, bibliography and appendices (the standard 10% allowance also applies but do not go beyond that limit). Sticking to a strict word limit is difficult and an important skill for you to acquire, so make sure that you write in a concise and focused manner.
An essential feature of the reports is to illustrate how theoretical constructs or models can help to explain the actions of organisations in practice. You are therefore advised to read widely. In fact, unless you have read and referenced at least 10 discrete references, it is unlikely that you have done sufficient reading. Beware of sources from the Internet: apart from reputable and academic references that can be downloaded through the Internet, most Internet references are not considered reliable for an academic piece of work. Academic journals generally offer a better source than textbooks. more
Assignment : Bank of America Case Study
From the Goldsmith & Carter textbook, select the Bank of America (Chapter 2) case study for this assignment - uploaded
Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:
1.Outline the talent management program that led to success for the company.
2.Identify strengths of the program and how they led to goal accomplishment.
3.Describe opportunities for improvement in the talent management planning process.
4.Create at least two (2) more effective approaches to meet the talent management challenges in the future.
5.Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
Health Service Human Resource Management
Topic: Employee Relations
Assume the same role of VP of HR for an Organization that service individuals with physical and cognitive disability (Vocatio...nal Day Service)
Write a 5 page paper in which you:
1. Develop a strategy specific to your organization for integrating job performance and training.
2. Discuss the most significant performance management challenges the organization you have researched has faced.
3. Outline the basics of a performance management initiative that would significantly improve employee performance across the organization as well as encourage employee retention.
4. Create a set of best practices specific to your organization for improving employee relations.
5. Cite at least five (5) references, three (3) of which must be from peer-reviewed journals.
This assignment must:
Must be type double space using times New Roman font (size12) with one-inch-margins on all sides: references must follow APA syle.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Discuss how job performance and training can be integrated.
Discuss the importance of performance management.
Identify the common components of an employment agreement.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services human resource management.
Write clearly and concisely about health services human resource management using proper writing mechanics.
Instructional Materials if at all possible
Flynn, W., mathis, R., & Jackson, J., (2007). Healthcare human resource management (2nd ed. ). Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western/Cengage.
American Society for healthcare Human Resources Administration. (n.d.) General format. Retrieved from http://www.ashhra.org/.
Joint Commission on Health Care Organziations(2011). General format. Retrieved fromhttp;//www.jointcommission. more
The key to this assignment is to show how these concepts apply in the real world. Please organize the paper around these six questions.
?Questions from senior management
In vie...wing the health of an organizations? IT activity, our research has indicated that senior managers often ask questions in six critical areas. Four of these areas are essentially diagnostic in nature, whereas the remaining two are clearly action oriented.
1. Is the firm being affected competitively either by failing to implement required IT applications or by faulty implementation of strategic applications? Is the firm missing opportunities that, if properly executed would give it a competitive edge or, more pessimistically, enable it to survive? How important is It to success in the industry? Failure to do well in a competitively important area is a significant problem; failure to perform well in a nonstrategic area is often less critical to the overall health of the firm.
2. Is the firm targeting its IT application development efforts effectively? Is it spending the right amount of money, and is it focusing on the appropriate applications? At times, management asks this question for the wrong reasons. We are sure that many are familiar with the following scenario. An industry survey that compares IT expenditures for a firms leading competitors is circulated among the senior management team. Immediately, attention is focused on those dimensions in which the firm is distinctly different from its competitors-most often attention is focused on those areas where the firm is spending a significant amount more than the competitors. This causes great excitement. After much investigation, it is often discovered that either the company uses a different accounting system for IT than its competitors and therefore the numbers are not directly comparable (e.g., they have excluded telecommunications expenses from their figures while the firm has included them), or the company has a different strategy, geographical location, and/or mix of management strengths and weaknesses than its competitors, and, therefore, what competitors are or are not doing with IT is not directly comparable. Raising the question of effectiveness is appropriate, but attempting to answer it solely with industry surveys of competitors; expenditures is not. The IT management challenge is much too complex. Similarly, the rules of thumb on expenditure levels have become much less useful as the range of technologies and opportunities has increased. For example a major catalog company that worked tirelessly to translate its catalog onto CD?ROM less than three years ago now has the catalog fully available electronically via the Internet and believes that within the decade up to a third of its products will be sold that way.
3. Is the IT asset of a firm being managed efficiently? Sometimes a firm is spending appropriately, but is not getting the appropriate productivity out of its hardware and staff resources. This is a particularly relevant issue in the late 1990s, given the extreme shortages in qualified IT professionals and intensified international competition. On the one hand, the global telecommunications highway allows the firm to access competent development staff around the world (for example, in India and the Philippines) at a fraction of European and U.S. cost. On the other hand, unless standards are rigorously enforced, the new distributed IT architectures can lead to an explosion of support costs.
4. Is the firm?s IT activity sufficiently insulated against the risks of a major operational disaster? The appropriate level of protection varies by organization, relative to the level of strategic and operational dependence on IT. In most instances, business managers underestimate the degree to which their firms are dependent on IT. Even small interruptions in service can cause massive customer defections or significant-and costly-operational disruption. For example a 2-minute interruption of the air traffic control system over La Guardia airport resulted in a 40-minute delay to landing aircraft. An 8-hour downtime for Amazon/com caused such problems that its stock price dropped.
5. Are IT and business leaders capable of dealing with the IT-related management challenges? Historically, senior business leaders have been quick to replace the IT senior management team for performance problems. While often the quickest and most apparent solution to the problem, the high turnover can exacerbate the underlying cause of the problems. Failure to identify and address the underlying problems can spell disaster for the new team that is brought in to ?clean up the mess?, the effort ultimately fails, with the cycle of poor performance continuing. This same cycle of failure can also be seen in outsourcing arrangements; business management often erroneously believes that it can solve IT performance problems by ?throwing the problem over the wall? To be fixed by an IT vendor. Without commitment to actively participate in problem definition and solution, the outsourcing relationship may also be doomed to failure. Clearly, the skills and expertise required to manage the information resources of a firm have sharply changed over time with the evolution of the technology and its potential uses within the firm, the leadership skills and perspectives appropriate today may not have worked in the past and may not work in the future. In many situations the problem is also compounded by a lack of suitable explicit performance measurement standards (metrics) and objective data for assessing performance. As will be discussed in subsequent chapters, we believe the development and installation of these metrics are absolutely vital.
6. Are the IT resources appropriately placed in the firm? Organizational issues such as where the IT resource should report, how development and hardware resources should be distributed within the company, what activities, if any, should be outsourced, and the existence and potential role of a an executive steering committee are examples of topics of intense interest to senior management.? more
Assignment 1: Bank of America Case Study
Due Week 3 and worth 150 points
From the Goldsmith & Carter textbook, select either the Bank of America (Chapter 2) Write a five page paper in which you:
1. Outline the talent management program that led to success for the company.
2. Identify strengths of the program and how they led to goal accomplishment.
3. Describe opportunities for improvement in the talent management planning process.
4. Create at least two (2) more effective approaches to meet the talent management challenges in the future.
Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Jill - SNR
Hello Jill,
This is a project thesis monthly report. I need a three month report with the attached template formatt. Each page will be for one month report( so the three ...pages will be broken down to one page for one month). This is a five month project research.
1.The thesis study / research.
Humanitarian Supply Chain Management ? Challenges, Disruptions and Mitigation Strategy.
2.Statement of the situation and assumptions surrounding the problem.
The challenges and complexities involved in managing disasters have rapidly gained attention globally. This has given rise to a new supply chain field specifically focused in the sourcing and delivery of goods for disaster relief operations .There has not been an extensive research done in the supply chain area of humanitarian aid, much of the research done previously is concentrated on humanitarian aids with less emphasis on the challenges and complexities in supply chains area , which is key to a positive outcome of an effective and efficient humanitarian aid.
3.Description of relevancy of the study.
Humanitarian supply chain has similarities with most disasters. Disasters are unpredictable or have very short time interval of notice before occurrence while humanitarian supply chains have a short time interval to procure, deliver and distribute resources to avoid more controllable disaster. The study will shed more light in the challenges, disruptions, scope and dynamic nature of the problems associated with procuring, delivering and distributing goods and services in time of disaster and the mitigation strategies to improve on previous strategy. The emphasis will be on reviewing the current processes used by USAID, FEMA, RED CROSS etc in responding to disasters (wild fire, tornadoes, earthquakes, flooding etc) and recommending an effective and efficient process to be utilized in disaster response.
4.The approach to be taken to gather and analyze information.
The research methods/ approach to be utilized is empirical which includes statistical sampling, surveys ,review of case study methods and published articles associated with humanitarian aid and finally using the six sigma approach to review current processes utilized by USAID, FEMA, RED CROSS. (Review of current processes in responding to disaster and recommending a streamlined process through removal of non value adding process) more
Write a word paper that describes the impact of organizational life cycle on management philosophies and practices, based on your research.
Paper should address the following questions.
a. What are the key challenges that occur during the start-up phase in an organization? What can managers do to respond to these challenges?
b. What are the key management challenges during the growth phase of the organization? How can managers respond to the internal and external challenges that arise?
c. What are the key management challenges that occur when an organization is in the maturity phase? How can managers respond to the internal and external challenges that arise?
d. How are the challenges in the growth phase different from those in the maturity phase? What are the implications of those differences?
e. Is it possible to rejuvenate an organization that has reached the ?decline? phase? What are the challenges of doing so and what can managers do to overcome those challenges?
f. What stage do you believe best describes your organization at this point? Why? What evidence do you see of that?
Groups and group dynamics chapter 6
Please write each question above each answe
1. Discuss the functions of formal and informal groups. How does each contribute to the organisation? with examples
2. Explain the open system concept as it pertains to group effectiveness. With examples
3. List the five stages of group development and discuss the management challenges for each stage. With example on each stage
Management Challenges
Examine the issues or challenges that face managers in today?s organizations as they carry out the management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
a. In your paper, compare and contrast the challenges for managers at different organizational level (top, middle, and first-line).
b. In what ways do these challenges affect the informational, interpersonal and decision-making roles that managers must fulfill?
c. In addition, discuss the challenges for ?non-traditional? managers, such as project managers and process managers.
Interview a development director from a charitable organization and explore the management challenges of the profession. Then write a 2-page paper outlining the findings from your development director interview.
If you can't interview someone get good information from the internet and outline your findings in the same manner.
Evaluate the managerial and planning aspects of fundraising.
Learning Objective:
Interview a development director of a charitable organization and outline your findings.
Please read these 2 articles
Snel, Ross (2000, Sep 18). Telecommunications (A Special Report): Keeping the Customer The Wall Street Journal. pg. R36 Available in ProQuest on July 26, 20...07
Krill, Paul (2001, Jul 30). Answering customers. ProQuest. 23(31) pg. R36. Available in ProQuest on July 26, 2007
Excluding your title page, your written paper should be approximately 2 pages. Using the background material and any other resources you feel relevant (NOT Wikipedia), answer the following question
You are a marketing consultant retained by Verizon to comment on these approaches to CRM. Here is what happened (purely imaginary). One Senior VP has 2 VPs reporting to her. VP Blue thinks Verizon should view technology as the savior of CRM. VP Green thinks Verizon is over-relying on technology and is missing the point of CRM
So what do Senior VPs do when faced with this situation -- 2 fighting VPs and excess budget? (This is not always imaginary!) They hire a consultant. Your company is being paid big bucks to write a report to address this question. Don't waste time on background or definitions. Use this space to help the Senior VP deal with these diverse opinions and get on with the real work of helping customers who lose their cell phones and want Verizon to buy them new ones.
Remember to cite sources correctly. Guidelines here
Excluding your title page, your paper should be approximately 2 pages. Use business writing: short paragraphs, active voice, and bullets
Checklist for Grading
==> Demonstrate understanding of the role of CRM in an organization
==> Application of concepts from background readings
==>Take a strong position (not "both are good" - this is a test of your logic and reasoning)
==>Be analytical rather than critical
==>Evidence of use of required references and background materials (necessary for a grade of "B" or higher)
==>Use of APA formatting Guidelines here
==>Length of 600-800 words (pages not as important as words)
==>Few quotes and absolutely no copying or close paraphrasing from any source without appropriate citation
==>No definitions and no summaries from the text
==>No general statements with "all," "none," "must," "should," "mandatory," and similar terms
Background info:
Conlon, Ginger Get Your Facts Straight. Customer Relationship Management. Medford: Oct 2004. Vol. 8, Iss. 10; pg. 46, 4 pgs
http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=709650231&sid=12& Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Krill, Paul (2001, Jul 30). Answering customers. ProQuest. 23(31) pg. R36. Available in ProQuest on June 4, 2011 .
http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=76648312&sid=16& Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Marchand, Don. Customer Relationship Management Challenging the Myth: Focus on people, not the technology. Perspectives for Managers. Lausanne: Feb 2006. , Iss. 131; pg. 1, 4 pgs Available in ProQuest on June 4, 2011
http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1024161651&sid=13& ;Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Snel, Ross (2000, Sep 18). Telecommunications (A Special Report): Keeping the Customer The Wall Street Journal. pg. R36 Available in ProQuest on June 4, 2011.
http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=60608492&sid=15& Fmt=3&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD more
Building knowledge management systems.
Leveraging existing resources- data warehouses, intranets, groupware, and more. Checklists that help you focus on critical issues, every step of the way.
Development of an enterprise Knowledge Management System, demonstrating how to ensure that each step serves as a foundation for the enhancements that will follow.
How to identify my organizations key knowledge management challenges; how to staff the right team and manage it effectively.
This work belongs to the course "International Management"
This is the assignment question: Critically assess the international management challenges faced by the managers of BRIC coun...tries in their quest to succeed in global business.
Please support ideas and arguments with example and explanation.
Please make it simple and easy to understand.
Please avoid using too much complicated vocabulary and sentence.
I want my essay to be divided into 3 main parts:
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
Guidance Notes
Coursework (3000 word count)
There are 3 main criteria in the marking scheme with relative weighting that indicate their importance in the coursework.
1. Background/Introduction of the subject area/Definitions
The answer should demonstrate an excellent grasp of the subject area under investigation. Key concepts and principles must be clearly defined, main themes identified, well explained and well structured. The answer must be focused and coherent with supporting explanation.
2. Critical review of relevant theories of International management
The answer should demonstrate critical review of the relevant theories of international management and to apply rational arguments in relation to the question.
3. Findings/Conclusions/ Assignment length, overall structure, referencing/Bibliography
The answer should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of how to analyze appropriate concepts and principles with relevant examples(real world example with explanation about how it relates with the theory). The analysis of this work must be well structured with good conclusive remarks and presented effectively and appropriately. References in the most part must be properly formatted and cited. The assignment length must be strictly adhered to.
FYI, This is my reading list:
Core reading list.
Deresky, Helen. 2010. (7th edn.), International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures. Pearson Education. ISBN: 0132545551.
Supplementary reading
Bartlett Christopher A. and Paul Beamish. 2011. Transnational Management: Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-007-813711-2.
Crane, A. and Matten, D. 2006. (2nd edn.). Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0199284997.
Hill, Charles, 2011 (8th edn.), International Business, McGraw-Hill.
McFarlin, D.B. & Sweeney, P.D. 2006. International Management: Strategic Opportunities and Cultural Challenges. Houghton Miffin. ISBN: 0618519831.
Rodrigues Carl, 2009 (3rd edn.) International Management. Sage.
UNCTAD. 2011. World Investment Report. Check Website. more
An independent research project has to be submitted on Customer Relationship Management. I have to answer 33 of the 79 questions that will follow. The topic of the project will be an organization of a...ny choice. While it is helpful if the selected organization already has a customer relationship management program in place, it is not a requirement. We may base the project on how an organization could implement such a program. Students may elect to create their own hypothetical organization if we desire. Each answer should be 3 to 4 sentences for the 33 questions out of the 79.
Marketing 308
Customer Relationship Management
Course Project
1. Explain your effort to adopt a customer focus.
2. What is your procedure for building a customer relationship?
3. Discuss your management of customer relationships.
4. Explain your use of technology in customer relationship building.
5. Discuss how you are transforming to a customer-strategy enterprise.
6. How will you develop a learning relationship with customers?
7. How will you create, build, and maintain relationship equity?
8. Discuss your efforts at customer retention.
9. How will you build and manage a demand chain?
10. Discuss, for a product or your industry, your share of customer.
11. How will you manage each stage in the relationship development process?
12. Discuss your relationship building blocks.
13. How will you create and build customer trust and commitment?
14. Discuss your customers emotional and functional loyalty.
15. How do you differentiate among customers?
16. Discuss your efforts to create customer intimacy.
17. How will you customize your offering for particular customers?
18. How do you identify key customers?
19. Discuss your place in the customer data revolution.
20. Explain your use of mass customization.
21. How do you use event-oriented prospecting?
22. How do you measure customer value?
23. Explain you attempt to maximize a customers lifetime value.
24. Discuss your management of various customer value categories.
25. Explain how you differentiate between customers according to needs.
26. How to you gain understanding of customer needs?
27. Discuss your customer collaboration strategy.
28. How do you build and manage customer dialogue?
29. Discuss your management of customer touch-points.
30. How do you make implicit and explicit bargains with customers?
31. Explain your use of integrated brand communications.
32. Explain your use of integrated marketing communications.
33. Discuss your creation of a closed-loop communication system.
34. How do you learn a customers preferred media package?
35. Explain your use of customer service representatives (CSRs).
36. How do you manage complaining customers?
37. Explain how you manage your contact center.
38. Discuss your use of opt-in and opt-out email to build customer value.
39. Discuss your development of an email strategy.
40. Explain how you deal with customer privacy issues.
41. Discuss your use of permission marketing.
42. Explain how you manage and utilize transactional and individual data.
43. Discuss your development of a privacy pledge.
44. How have you made customization profitable?
45. Discuss your use of agile manufacturing.
46. Explain your use of modular design.
47. Discuss your customers enhanced need set.
48. Discuss your value stream.
49. How do you create attitudinal loyalty?
50. How do you create behavioral loyalty?
51. How do you use customer profitability metrics?
52. How do you use longitudinal customer profitability metrics?
53. How do you measure customer satisfaction?
54. Explain your use of data mining.
55. How do you optimize customer contact?
56. How do you manage distribution channels regarding CRM?
57. How do you identify superprime and subprime market segments?
58. What is found in your customer portfolios?
59. Explain your efforts at relationship governance.
60. Describe the categories in your portfolio of customers.
61. Explain your use of a picket fence strategy in the CRM transition.
62. What are the goals of your change management program?
63. What is the role of marketing, customer service, and the sales force in CRM?
64. Discuss your employee management challenges in your CRM strategy.
65. How do you measure customer and employee loyalty?
66. Discuss your delivery channel issues.
67. Discuss the sources of channel issues and problems and your response to them.
68. Analyze your channel flows and costs.
69. Discuss any horizontal or vertical channel conflict that does or may exist.
70. Discuss your distribution system management.
71. How do you sell direct using the internet?
72. How do you use a team approach for selling products?
73. How do you obtain dealer buy-in?
74. Explain your customer-focused supply chain management.
75. Discuss your creation and management of sell-side portals.
76. How do you use customer-direct channels?
77. Discuss your use of automatic replenishment.
78. Explain common delivery issues you face.
79. How have you created a customer-focused delivery workforce?
The student must answer any 33 of the 79 questions. Each question is worth three points
Grading Scale:
A: 30-33 correct answers
B: 27-29 correct answers
C: 24-26 correct answers
D: 20-23
F: Less than 20 correct answers
Points Awarded:
3: Answer is well written and complete, and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Answer contains a minimum of three compete sentences. Full understanding of the question is apparent.
2: Answer is short (two to three sentences), incomplete, or contains grammatical or spelling errors. A basic understanding of the question is apparent.
1: Answer is limited to one sentence, or contains grammatical or spelling errors. Elements of the correct answer are contained.
0: Answer is less than a complete sentence or is completely inaccurate. An understanding of the question is unapparent. more
I would like to request "Writer
1. Paper should address the following questions:
a. What are the key challenges that occur during the start-up phase in an organization? What can... managers do to respond to these challenges? (Analyze challenges faced by management in this stage; integrate several aspects from literature; use examples)
b. What are the key management challenges during the growth phase of the organization? How can managers respond to the internal and external challenges that arise? (analyze challenges faced by management in this stage; use examples)
c. What are the key management challenges that occur when an organization is in the maturity phase? How
can managers respond to the internal/external challenges that arise? (analyze challenges faced by Mgt in this stage)
d. How are the challenges in the growth phase different from those in the maturity phase? What are the
implications of those differences? (analyze challenges in this stage)
e. Is it possible to rejuvenate an organization that has reached the ?decline? phase? What are the challenges
of doing so and what can managers do to overcome those challenges? ( analyze challenges)
f. What stage do you believe best describes your organization at this point? Why? What evidence do you see
of that?
2. Provide an Abstract with the following:
a) provide background on topic; b) identifies key issues; c) identify recommendations.
3. Introduction should explain the methods & findings. and preview the main points.
4. Conclusion summarizes major points and makes clear recommendations.
5. Paragraph transitions should be logical and maintain the flow throughout paper.
6. Follow APA format and Integrate 5 articles within the paper and provide a Reference page.
7. Below are the 5 reference articles, please let me know if you are unable to located them and I will fax a copy.
Voluntary divestitures and corporate life-cycle: some empirical evidence.
By: Pashley, Mary M.; Philippatos, George C.. Applied Economics, Sep90, Vol. 22 Issue 9, p1181, 16p,
By: Cosier, Richard A.. Public Administration Quarterly, Summer91, Vol. 15 Issue 2, p224, 15p;
Businesses Die, but Companies Can Outlive Them. Harvard Business Review, Apr2003, Vol. 81 Issue 4, p98, 1p,
By: Dewar, Robert D.; Walsh, James P.. Journal of Management Studies, May87, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p215, 17p;
Life-cycle impacts on the incremental value-relevance of earnings and cash flow measures.
By: BLACK, ERVIN L.. Journal of Financial Statement Analysis, Fall98, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p40, 17p,
There are faxes for this order. more
***Would like writer ~ Writergrrl101
A synopsis of chapters: Chapter 2- How High Performance Organizations; Chapter 3- Global Dimensions of Organizational Behavior; Chapter 12 - Strategic Com...petency and Organizational Design
Please provide three examples that correlate with the chapters. (Examples don't have to come directly from the chapters) Please, no word-from word submission of the chapters study guide
Chapter 2
How High Performance Organizations Operate ?The Case of Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines is an example of an organization that reflects many features of a high performance organization.45 Interestingly, the airline demonstrated a number of these features even before its first flight in 1971, before HPOs and their underlying characteristics enjoyed their vogue status of today. The founders and those following them emphasized these features as part of the culture and provided the base that has served and continues to serve Southwest so well. In effect, they established a greenfield site, although no one called it that. Herb Kelleher, the longtime and only recently retired board chair, is given much of the credit for this in the media. However, in keeping with HPO ideals, it was actually a team of several individuals who joined Kelleher in laying the groundwork and strongly reinforcing HPO tenets as part of Southwest's culture.
Let's briefly examine Southwest as an HPO by considering it within the earlier five-component HPO model summarized in Figure 3.We start with employee involvement, which, you will recall, reflects the amount of decision making delegated to an organization's people at all levels of the organization. From the beginning, Southwest?s organizational hierarchy was flat and lean, comprised of CEO,department heads,managers,supervisors,and employees. There was a heavy team emphasis throughout, starting with a senior management decision-making team, with the
board of directors reviewing all major policy areas. This lean-and-mean philosophy permeated the entire organization. Paperwork was minimized, rapid decision making was emphasized, and generally people were empowered to do ?whatever it takes ?to get the job done. These high-involvement notions were much easier to carry out when the organization started with only three airplanes, but the culture has insisted that they be continued even with the rapid growth that the airline has experienced.
Chapter 2 Study Guide- The high performance Organization
1. What is the high performance context of organizational behavior?
?Total quality management deals with meeting the customer's needs, making sure all tasks are done right the first time, and with continuous improvement.
?Customer-driven organizations can be seen as upside-down pyramids where workers operate in ways directly affecting customers, and managers directly support the workers.
?The diverse and changing workforce includes new pressures from ?Generation X workers? who want such things as job challenge, job flexibility, and empowerment.
?Organizations are embracing process reengineering, electronic commerce, and
free-agent employees with a mix of permanent, part-time, and transitory workers.
2. What is a high performance organization?
?A high performance organization is designed to bring out the best in people and achieve sustained high performance.
?HPOs tend to organize workflow around key business processes and follow human-resource policies designed to enhance employee flexibility, skills, knowledge, and motivation.
?The key components of HPOs include employee involvement, self-directing work teams, integrated production technologies, organizational learning, and total quality management.
3. What are the management challenges of high performance organizations?
?Environmental linkages challenge HPOs to be effective open systems whose inputs, transformation processes, and outputs support a clear and relevant vision.
?Internal integration challenges all HPO components to work successfully together in a dynamic and ever-improving fashion.
?Middle manager challenges involve implementing the HPO components, adapting to different managerial roles, and helping with design and implementation of employee training.
?High-level leadership challenges include determining how far to go toward becoming an HPO, training and development of middle managers, and maintaining overall positive momentum during times of great change.
4. How do high performance organizations operate?
?Southwest Airlines has operated, in effect, as an evolving high performance organization since it was founded.
?Its vision/direction-setting package focuses on the kinds of customer and employee mission, direction, and values that personify HPOs.
?Each of the key HPO components is emphasized in dealing with Southwest Airlines 'environment and operations.
?Southwest's outcomes in terms of production activity measures, financial measures, employee quality of life measures, and societal contributions have consistently tended to be superior for many years.
Chapter three:
Global Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
Culture and Competitive Advantage
The everyday facts about Wal-Mart are well known. The firm now accounts for almost 10 percent of spending by American consumers; it is the second largest company in the world by total sales (over $200 billion annually);it is also the world's largest private employer ?sending paychecks to over 1.2 million ?associates,? as its employees are proudly called.
The future for Wal-Mart may well be international. While still growing domestically, the limits of market size are pressuring the firm's phenomenal growth rate. Starting just over 10 years ago, Wal-Mart's first venture abroad was a Sam's Club in Mexico City. After a slow start followed by a learning curve, the firm is now Mexico's biggest retailer.
Finding success internationally has been a lesson in crossing cultures. Critics claim Wal-Mart was too quick to export its culture and America?s. The popular morning ?Wal-Mart cheer ?was a bust in Germany. Wal-Mart also had trouble understanding German trade unions, distribution systems and the preferences of German customers.
Wal-Mart executives learned from experience. A mainstay of the global strategy is to develop local human capital. The firm has reduced its reliance on expatriates, with overseas country teams largely run by locals who understand the culture. Wal-Mart's International Division now employs some 300,000 associates in other countries and accounts for close to 20 percent of the company's sales. Over 30 percent of profits are expected to come internationally within five years.1
This is the age of globalization when corporate success is increasingly linked to worldwide operations and a global staff.2 Wal-Mart's executive team learned first-hand one of the foremost lessons of doing business in international markets ?you've got to understand the local culture. All around the globe, people working in large and small businesses alike are facing the many challenges and opportunities associated with business competition in an increasingly complex and ?borderless?world.3 The ability to respect differences and value diversity is an important key to success in managing organizational behavior across cultures. Today's organizations need managers with global awareness and cultural sensitivity. This doesn't mean that they all must work in foreign lands. But it does mean that they must be aware of how international events may affect the well-being of organizations. They must know how to deal with people from other countries and cultures. Especially for those who cross cultural and national
boundaries understanding these differences is critical for success working in an interconnected world.
Today, managers must be inquisitive and willing to learn quickly from management practices around the globe. Insights into effective management and high performance organizations are not restricted to any one location or culture. Contributions to our understanding about people and organizations can be found from Africa to Asia and from Europe to North and South America.
Although the Japanese economy and many of its firms have had problems of their own recently, management scholars and consultants recognize that many lessons can still be learned from their practices. However, we also recognize that cultural differences must be considered in the process. Specifically, what works in Japan may not work as well elsewhere, at least not without some modifications. Japan?s highly collectivist society, for example, contrasts markedly with the highly individualistic cultures of the United States and other Western nations. It is only reasonable to expect differences in their management and organizational practices.
Chapter 3 Study Guide- Global Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
1. Why is globalization significant to organizational behavior?
?Globalization, with its complex worldwide economic networks of business competition, resource supplies, and product markets, is having a major impact on businesses, employers, and workforces around the world.
?Nations in Europe, North America, and Asia are forming regional trade agreements, such as the EU,NAFTA ,and APEC ,to gain economic strength in the highly competitive global economy.
?More and more organizations, large and small, do an increasing amount of business abroad; more and more local employers are ?foreign?owned, in whole or in part; the domestic workforce is becoming multicultural and more diverse.
?All organizations need global managers with the special interests and talents needed to excel in international work and cross-cultural relationships.
2. What is culture?
?Culture is the learned and shared way of doing things in a society; it represents deeply ingrained influences on the way people from different societies think, behave, and solve problems.
?Popular dimensions of culture include observable differences in language, time orientation, use of space, and religion.
?Hofstede's five national culture dimensions are power distance, individualism ?collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity ?femininity, and long/short-term orientation.
?Trompenaars's framework for understanding cultural differences focuses on relationships among people, attitudes toward time, and attitudes toward the environment.
?Cross-cultural awareness requires a clear understanding of one's own culture and the ability to overcome the limits of parochialism and ethnocentrism.
3. How does globalization affect people at work?
?Multinational corporations (MNCs) are global businesses that operate with a worldwide scope; they are powerful forces in the global economy.
?Multiculturalism in the domestic workforce requires everyone to work well with people of different cultural backgrounds.
?Expatriate employees who work abroad for extended periods of time face special challenges, including possible adjustment problems abroad and reentry problems upon returning home.
?Ethical behavior across cultures is examined from the perspectives of cultural relativism and universalism.
4. What is a global view on organizational learning?
?A global view on learning about OB seeks to understand the best practices from around the world, with due sensitivity to cultural differences.
?Management concepts and theories must always be considered relative to the cultures in which they are developed and applied.
?Interest in Japanese management practices continues, with the traditional focus
on long-term employment, emphasis on teams, quality commitment, careful career development, and consensus decision making.
?Global learning will increasingly move beyond North America, Europe, and Japan, to include best practices anywhere in the world.
Chapter 12
Strategic Competency and Organizational Design
Competency Must Support Strategy
IBM is a huge, complex technological power-house. In the late 1990s they bet its future on e-business. By 2001 their stock price was down, reflecting the demise of so many dot-coms .In addition, IBM faced a recession and the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, economic problems in Asia, and a weak European market. Yet, we think their longer-term outlook is bright because the information revolution is here to stay and IBM continues to back their commitment to this technology by building competencies. Those who thought that the weak stock performance in 2001 was a signal for IBM to rethink its dedication to e-business were not listening to Louis V.Gerstner, chairman of the board and chief executive officer at IBM. We ?strive to lead in the creation, development and manufacture of the industry's most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics.?the NET has emerged as a powerful means for parties of every type to conduct transactions of every type ?a place where real work
gets done, real competitive advantage is gained and real growth is generated.?e-business is a term we coined.?At the new IBM we've always believed that our ability to execute is as important as the strength of the strategies.?
IBM backs up their intention to be an integrated innovator with a stream of decisions to continue to build capability to execute. They continue to invest in research capability, in their people, and in the systems needed to deliver, world-class products and services for e-business. There are obvious signs. For instance, on October 2,2001 IBM announced that Stuart S.P.Parkin had been named ?Innovator of the Year ?by R&D magazine. This example is but one indication of IBM's emphasis on technology development and support of key individuals to back its strategic intent with competency.1 the larger the organization, the more inertia it often has. A second is hubris .Too few senior executives are willing to challenge their own actions or those of their firms because they see a history of success. They fail to recognize that yesterday's successful innovations are today's outmoded practices. A third is the issue of detachment .Executives often believe they can manage far-flung, diverse operations through analysis of reports and financial records. They lose touch and fail to make the needed unique and special adaptations required of all firms. One consultant has made millions advising executives to focus on improvement and to practice management by walking around the office to avoid detachment.
Chapter 12 Study Guide - Strategic Competency and Organizational Design
1. What is the co-evolution view of strategy and what is its linkage to organizational
?Firms need to adjust to their environments and contexts as well as to influence them.
?The capabilities of organizational members are critical in both reacting to and molding the firm's environment, size and technology.
?Strategy and organizational design are interrelated. The organization's design must support the strategy if the firm is to be successful.
2. What is organizational design, and how do the designs of small and large firms differ?
?Organizational design is the process of choosing and implementing a structural configuration for an organization.
?Smaller firms often adopt a simple structure, whereas larger firms often adopt a bureaucratic form.
3. How does the operations and information technology of the firm influence its organizational design?
?Operations technology and organizational design are interrelated.
?In highly intensive and small-batch technologies, organizational designs may tend toward the adhocracy, a very decentralized form of operation.
?Information technology and organizational design can be interrelated.
?IT provides an opportunity to change the design by substitution for learning, and to capture strategic advantages.
4. What is the relationship between environmental conditions and organizational design?
?Environmental and organizational design are interrelated.
?In analyzing environments, both the general (background conditions) and specific (key actors and organizations) environments are important.
?The more complex the environment, the greater the demands on the organization, and firms should respond with more complex designs ,such as the use of interfirm alliances.
5. What is organizational learning?
?Organizational learning is the process of knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information interpretation, and organizational memory used to adapt successfully to changing circumstances.
6. How are organizational learning cycles helpful in understanding organizational
?Organizational learning cycles help us understand how some organizations continually decline while others appear to be rising stars. more
Every organization goes though distinct stages of development, Start-up, Growth, Maturity/Stabilization and Decline. This is known as the life cycle of an organization and each stage triggers differen...t kinds of requirements and needs. Organizations move through different stages at different speeds and these stages are cyclical. A not-for-profit organization is affected by life cycle stages just as a for-profit organization. These stages are not just organic in nature, but may also be triggered by external forces. Life cycle stages impact management practices differently at every stage. It is important to understand which life cycle stage an organization is in, as well as to accurately perceive the opportunities and threats it faces.
a. What are the key challenges that occur during the start-up phase in an organization? What can managers do to respond to these challenges?
b. What are the key management challenges during the growth phase of the organization? How can managers respond to the internal and external challenges that arise?
c. What are the key management challenges that occur when an organization is in the maturity phase? How can managers respond to the internal and external challenges that arise?
d. How are the challenges in the growth phase different from those in the maturity phase? What are the implications of those differences?
e. Is it possible to rejuvenate an organization that has reached the ?decline? phase? What are the challenges of doing so and what can managers do to overcome those challenges?
f. What stage do you believe best describes your organization at this point? Why? What evidence do you see of that? more
As quoted from the requirements page for the Independent Learning Plan or Literature Review paper.
You are expected to select a topic of relevance to Management and of importance to your prof...essional development. After identifying a topic, you will work with your faculty advisor to determine the type of ILP most conducive to enhancing your learning about this topic.
The Independent Learning Project (ILP) is a comprehensive project that students are required to complete as part of their masters degree program at the College. It enables students to demonstrate that they can think critically, undertake research, apply theory to a practical situation, and present their findings and recommendations in writing.
Requirements for your ILP:
Relates to current issues in Management Is original work of which i can include mine .
Has personal and practical relevance to the student in the workplace or the community.
Demonstrates that the student has gained a thorough understanding of the subject area through research, analysis of current management literature, and critical thinking.
Research using appropriate techniques and sufficient depth to give meaningful outcomes.
Provides evidence of the students management skills, including project planning, meeting deadlines, overcoming hurdles, and responding to feedback.
Present in American Psychological Association (APA) format and the main body is at least 50 pages in length. Page numbering begins with the title page and each page should include the title as a running head.
Must have a reference page with the information cited clearly within paper.
Include my business plan for my actually company as reference within the paper and within specific areas.
Would like to write a masters level literature research paper (include peer reviews) on:
Small Business Management Challenges (include my company information B & B Custom Woodworks, Inc)
Possible "an analysis of issues impacting.... or how to turn the current challenges to opportunities.
Possible focus areas: Marketing & Advertising Strategies
E-commerce-website-social media
Financial-Start up money, accounting, money for supplies, employee salary, Benefits and costs in todays economic climate (recession, post 9-11), etc
Legal - types of corp, how to decide which are right, legal issues to consider when safeguarding company and assets, insurance, and safety issues
Human Resources - employee benefits, right person for right job, health insurance
Competition - know them
IT Services- latest computer and software $$, employee training on software, network security, customer personal information financial matters security.
Any additional information you may think of would be greatly appreciated.
I have additional resources which could be included.
Need references to reflect the sources of the material which was used and properly citate.
Needs to be guaranteed as my original work since this is a special requested item and never produced prior to me asking for this information.
Need to present the findings and recommendations. This may be how we tackled the challenge within the company or what our future plan would be to meet the challenge.
There are faxes for this order. more
Mujtaba, B. G. (2010). Workforce Diversity Management: Challenges, Competencies and Strategies (2nd edition). ILEAD Academy Publications: Davie, Florida, USA. ISBN-10: 0-9774211-9-8; ISBN-13: 978-0-9774211-9-0.
Mujtaba, B. G. (2007). Mentoring Diverse Professionals (2nd edition). Llumina Press: Davie, Florida, USA. ISBN: 1-59526-444-2.
This is for class I'm taken HRM4300
There are faxes for this order.
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Read Full Paper ❯ONLY COMPLETE PART C (275 WORDS). I HAVE THE OTHER PARTS COMPLETED ALREADY. USE 2 PEER-REVIEWED SOURCES. Management Challenges Examine the issues or challenges that face managers in today?s…
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Read Full Paper ❯I would like to request "Writer 1. Paper should address the following questions: a. What are the key challenges that occur during the start-up phase in an organization?…
Read Full Paper ❯***Would like writer ~ Writergrrl101 A synopsis of chapters: Chapter 2- How High Performance Organizations; Chapter 3- Global Dimensions of Organizational Behavior; Chapter 12 - Strategic Competency and Organizational Design Please…
Read Full Paper ❯Every organization goes though distinct stages of development, Start-up, Growth, Maturity/Stabilization and Decline. This is known as the life cycle of an organization and each stage triggers different kinds…
Read Full Paper ❯As quoted from the requirements page for the Independent Learning Plan or Literature Review paper. You are expected to select a topic of relevance to Management and of importance to…
Read Full Paper ❯Mujtaba, B. G. (2010). Workforce Diversity Management: Challenges, Competencies and Strategies (2nd edition). ILEAD Academy Publications: Davie, Florida, USA. ISBN-10: 0-9774211-9-8; ISBN-13: 978-0-9774211-9-0. Mujtaba, B. G. (2007). Mentoring Diverse…
Read Full Paper ❯