25+ documents containing “Management Approach”.
Nothing captures the imagination of business leaders so much as a commitment to total quality management. Write on what this phrase means to you, what steps would you expect a company to take in order to practice TQM, and what commitment is needed by top management for TQM to succeed.
Course: Advanced Topics in Public Policy and Administration
Would need the Writer to provide response to designated questions from assigned article/chapter readings for each section/class no. as instructed by the course syllabus (per syllabus) for example: prepare a paper that addresses a selected study question for each class. The study question paper is to be thoughtful, clear, and concise (i.e. two pages maximum, double-spaced). The use of correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure befitting a graduate student will be expected.
The required text (per syllabus): Moore, Michael H., Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government (Bridgewater, NJ: Replica Books, 1997)., I can upload the chapters assigned, but if the Writer you assign to me has this book already, the better/easier for me. (please let me know), asap!
The required class readings relating to the questions that must be answered each class in no more than 2 pages each class, I can upload them or if the Writer has Library access, and can get the article/s themselves, again the easier it will be for me. - please let me know
There are faxes for this order.
Conduct an Internet search to find and read at least 1 recent articles that relate to the key term Operations Management. Articles may be found in the International section of any reputable website that focuses on international business, such as Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, or the Economist. write a review of it. Your review must include the following sections (each section must be structured by a heading for each section):
a. A definition of Operations Management: this does not count in the 200 word minimum requirement.
b. A summary, in your own words, of the selected article.
c. A discussion, in your own words, of how the article relates to the selected chapter key term.
d. The complete citation, in APA format, of each of the 3 articles read; these do not count in the 200-word requirement. Here is a website helpful for APA guideli
The paper must have 3 sources, peer reviewed are preferred.
Paper must be in APA formatting with an Intro, Body and Conclusion.
Importance of Strategic Planning and Management in the Business Environment Paper
Prepare a 1,050-word paper. Using knowledge gained from this course and previous coursework; select a small business that you may want to start. Define strategic management and planning. Explain why a strategic plan would be important to the success of this business. Explain the four functions of management relative to creating and implementing a strategic plan.
Properly cite your references. If you used an electronic source, include the URL. If you used a printed source please attach a copy of the data to your paper.
General topic is Business Knowledge Management.
Paper needs to be on any one of the particular aspect of buisness knowledge managemt. For exampl, (i.e., tacit knowledge capture, the social nature of knowledge management, explicit knowledge capture, organizational learning and social capital, knowledge "walkout" from an organization due to baby boomers retiring).
Must be in MS Word
I need to send you a template format for research paper. Please advise on how I can get this to you.
My phone (818) 749-4147
There are faxes for this order.
Using Verizon as the compnany, prepare paper examining how changes to the triple constraints impact a project baseline. Specify the change management process used and specify how changes are approved and communicated. In addition, identify and describe at least three change management behaviors that can be expected from a constrained project. Lastly, include at least two alternative crashing/funding methods that would reduce plausible cancellation of tasks or resource reloading behavioral challenges. Be sure to properly cite your sources.
1) After reading Chapter 1 (pp.4-21) answer this question: What is operations management and how is it different from operations research?
2) After reading Chapter 2 (pp.26-41) answer this question: Identify the different types of competitive priorities. How has their relationship to each other changed over the years?
3) After reading Supplement S-2 (pp.47-66) answer this question: What are the main advantages of activity-based costing techniques?
ATTN: Each answer must be a full one page in length, double-spaced.
There are faxes for this order.
Comparative analysis of a terror or disaster case. Take any case. Select an aspect of their policy or administrative system (budget,human resource, legilative system, military,etc). Develop an analytical paper examining the use of any one of these aspects in addressing a emergency management policy or administrative issue.
Thesis question: What wer the budgetary dynamics associated with response to Hurricane Katrina.
Plastec Company case study (Case Analysis I). Review the information on this company which was provided in weeks 1 and 2 (Introductions and Endcaps), as well as the information provided here in the attached document. Write a analysis, being sure to address the questions at the end. Your analysis should be in the form of a paper: dont simply answer the questions. Please note there is not one best approach or right answers. You will be graded on how well you support your analysis.
There are faxes for this order.
Project Two is essentially a Research Paper about a Contemporary Management Technique (CMT) of your choosing. Using a minimum of five scholarly research sources, explain the technique. You may want to include such items as: When the CMT first appeared in the literature; who (a short list of Companies) is using the CMT; how pleased are these Companies with the use of the CMT?
To show that you understand the CMT, you should propose its use in a Company that you believe does not currently use it. Explain clearly how the use of the CMT would help the Company achieve its Critical Success Factors.
Topic: Describe how a "knowledge management repository" can be used within the organization. Discuss the majore types of knowledge management systems and compare and contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of each.Please include quotes in the body of the paper.
Contrast and compare three project management models in use today.
Note: the models may contain substantively different terms for the identical component.
Develop an analysis to discern the true differences and commonality among the three models.
The paper is designed to be a research paper on a specific project management topic of any choice. The paper should also include your opinion and viewpoint on the selected topic. Review the chapters from textbook and identify a for additional research. The paper requires at a minimum 5 APA references other than text book. Two of these references MUST come from peer-reviewed journals or academic sources. Proper APA formatted in-text citations are required.
Sample topics to consider:
Earned value management
Schedule development techniques
Effectiveness of PMP Certification
Or pick any from the text book.
P.S.: Use only online sources. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, only free accessible web sites. Please include the title of the article, author and link in the references. Thank you.
E-book version "Project Management: The Managerial Process" (5ed), on the website http://www.coursesmart.com/login
Login information:
Email: alibusy@earthlink.net
Customer is requesting that (Serban) completes this order.
Prepare a 1,200- to 1,450-word paper in which you describe the role of facilities management in ensuring guest service and satisfaction.
Describe how a facilitys design negatively affected a real-life experience of yours. How could the facility have altered its design to increase your satisfaction?
Describe how a facilitys design positively affected a real-life experience of yours. How may a facilities manager ensure this remains a positive experience for guests?
Customer is requesting that (infoceo) completes this order.
The aim of this assignment is to provide learners with an opportunity to reflect, in their own words, on the insight of three ongoing extensive initiatives seeking to help us improve our understanding... of managing across cultures.
Instructor Comments
A little bit of travel opens up the mind to new possibilities as well as the importance of understanding foreign cultures. In North America, our business system accentuates the formal contractual nature of relationships. We often shop for price and/or quality with little thought given as to who produces an item or who provides particular services. Practices in other national cultures can be different. In many instances, a purchase is made or a relationship developed because of a friendship or family relationship. Deals are sealed by a handshake, not the ink of a pen. Understanding the cultural subtleties surrounding practices can make or break a business deal unbeknownst to the deal-makers.
Geert Hofstede is probably the best known researcher of national cultures as they relate to business practices. His insights obtained from a 1970's study of 100,000 IBM employees around the world serve as the benchmark for this important area of understanding. Fons Trompenaars undertook his own research and built on Hofstede's ideas to create his own framework of understanding national cultures. Along with these two large research programs, a third is currently underway seeking to understand the difference in leadership around the world. Robert House and Mansour Javidan lead this group. These three research programs inform this assignment and hopefully serve to improve your knowledge of all important differences and similarities across cultures.
This assignment seeks to help you understand the answer to a broader concern and that is, "Why does cross-cultural management matter?"world
You should base your responses to the following questions on the insight found in the following four readings:
(Note: To access Library Articles and Journals from off-campus use VPN)
John Bing: Hofstede's consequences: The impact of his work on consulting and business practices. Academy of Management Executive. 2004
Geert Hofstede: Cultural Constraints in Management Theories, Academy of Management Executive. 1993 7(1) 81 - 94.
Mansour Javidan, Peter Dorfman, Mary Sully de Luque and Robert House: In the eye of the beholder: Cross Cultural Lessons in Leadership from Project Globe, Academy of Management Perspectives. 2006 67 -89
Fons Trompenaars and Peter Wooliams: A new framework for managing change across cultures, Journal of Change Management 2003 3(4) 361 - 375
In order to complete this assignment, please write an essay that offers your ideas about the definition of culture and the importance of cross cultural management frameworks as evident from the ideas found in the readings noted above. In the essay you should answer the following three questions:
How do each of these authors define culture (Hofstede, Trompenaars & Javidan) noted in the readings?
Why is cross-cultural management important?
Why are each of these perspectives important? How do each set of authors define the importance of their work?
Hint: This is an open ended essay. Please use your knowledge of the work of Geert Hofstede, Fons Trompenaars, Mansour Javidan and their colleagues along with the country insights and national culture information found on the websites of the Centre for Inter Cultural Learning and Telegraph.co.uk to formulate your response.
Please limit your response to this assignment to three single spaced, typed pages. Please cite your sources in the text and please reference them at the end of your assignment. Please end your write-up with one paragraph that summarizes what you think is the importance of this assignment. more
Accreditation of Project Management Assignment 2 (10%)
Following a company decision to recruit two senior project managers, you have been asked to produce a report for the interview board on the whole area of industry accreditation that is available in project management. This report is important for the board in assessing the candidates, as formal certification in project management is a requirement for the positions.The report, whose focus is on industry accreditation as opposed to academic programmes, should include a review of what specific accreditation exists in the area along with an assessment of the quality of each of the accreditation options. Use your initiative to compare the various accreditation programmes available.
This assignment will involve some specific research ? all of the key bodies have web sites, there are links from the module web site, so information is readily available (make sure you reference it correctly).
About 1,000 words.
Literature Collection
One of the significant goals of this doctoral program is to identify and evaluate research to use in the completion of the dissertation. This assignment begins the process of... identifying research in the field of psychology that is related by theme or method with the intent of possibly identifying topics to explore for the dissertation.
1) Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
a) This assignment uses the "Literature Collection Matrix," .
2) Locate 15 articles related to your field of emphasis in the doctoral program.
3) Each of the 15 articles should be professional, peer-reviewed literature and/or empirical studies related to a topic in the field of psychology. A peer-reviewed/empirical article is defined as one that reports actual results of a research study. The article will include a description of the study, an introduction, an explanation of the study's methodology, a presentation of the results of the study, and a conclusion that discusses the results and suggests topics for further study. The articles selected should be related by theme or method.
4) Complete the "Literature Collection Matrix," providing information from the peer reviewed/empirical articles
? Britton, B. K., & Tesser, A. (1991). Effects of time-management practices on college grades. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83(3), 405-410.
? Macan, T. H. (1994). Time management: Test of a process model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(3) 381-391.
? Spidal, D. (2009). Time management. Key Words 17(1) 15-31.
Margins are set at 1 inch for top, bottom, left, and right. Each paragraph is indented five spaces. It is best to use the tab key to indent. The line spacing is double throughout the paper, even on the reference page. The font style used in this template is Times New Roman. The font size is 12.
Citations: Citations are used to reference material from another source. When paraphrasing material from another source (such as a book, journal, Web site, etc.), include the author?s last name and the publication year in parentheses. When directly quoting material word-for-word from another source, use quotation marks and include the page number after the author?s last name and year.
Using citations to give credit to others whose ideas or words you have used is an essential requirement to avoid issues of plagiarism. Just as you would never steal someone else?s car, you should not steal their words either. To avoid potential problems, always be sure to cite your sources by referring to the author?s last name and the year of publication in parentheses at the end of the sentence, such as (Daresh, 2004) and page numbers if you are using word-for-word materials, such as ?There are no simple strategies for accomplishing successful transitions, but we do know a great deal about how to get off to a good start? (King & Blumer, 2000, p. 356).
The reference list should appear at the end of a paper (see the next page). It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text. A sample reference page is included below; this page includes examples of how to format different reference types (e.g., books, journal articles, a Web site). more
I need a research paper writen. The topic should be Time Management, and the paper must be written on APA style. I've also included(download) an outline cover page for you to use. Please insure that ...all instructions are met.
Thank you.
Research Paper Requirements. Please see bellow for all instructions.
1. Research Strategy Paper (Individual Assignment): Submit your assignment as a Microsoft? Word attachment by Week 4 Day 7.
? Identify a problem in your day-to-day life you would like to solve, such as time management.
? Using information from your readings, prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you develop a research strategy to find a solution for the problem. Your paper should include the following items:
? A description of the problem
? What information should be gathered to help you solve it and where the information may be obtained
? A description of the process you will use to evaluate information and what you will consider in your evaluation, such as perspective and validity
? How you will use the information to resolve the problem and what you will take into consideration as you consider solutions
? Use APA formatting, as outlined in the APA manual, the APA 6th Edition Made Easy document, and the APA Format Checklist.
Please use the Assignment Cover Page, which is posted in the Course Materials forum, for all of your Individual and Learning Team papers. The cover letter is in APA format and should be used as the title page for your paper.
APA Format and Style Checklist
General Guidelines
? Style must be Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier New.
? Font size is 12-point.
Page Headers
? Identify each page with the page number placed in the header at the right margin.
? Use a running head at the left margin of the header if your instructor requires it or if you are a doctoral student.
? Use the header feature in Microsoft? Word to set the page number and to add the running head if one is included.
? If the running head is not used, a shortened version of the title should be included in the header.
Title Page
The title is in uppercase and lowercase letters, centered between the left and right margins, and positioned on the upper half of the page. Center the following elements on the page in this order:
? Title of paper in mixed uppercase and lowercase letters
? Your first and last name without including academic or license information, such as BSN or RN
? Course abbreviation and number
? Due date, including the month, day, and year
? Instructor?s name
Main Body of the Text
? All margins must be 1 inch, per University of Phoenix Writing and Style Guidelines.
Page Numbers
? Page numbers must be 1 inch from the right edge, between top edge and first line of text on all pages.
? Use only for University of Phoenix papers if required by the assignment. When assigned, use guidelines in the Sample Paper.
Title of Paper
? Begin the text of the paper by repeating the title from your title page. The title should be centered but not bolded.
? Headings indicate the organization of the paper and establish importance. Match headings to the complexity of the paper. Use at least Level 1 headings to organize the paper. The title of paper, which is centered on the first page, is not considered a separate heading level. If the paper requires two headings, use Levels 1 and 2. If three headings are required, use Levels 1, 2, and 3.
? Use flush-left style, leaving the right margin ragged. Do not hyphenate words at the right margin.
? Indent paragraphs 5 to 7 spaces. Use the tab key for consistency.
? Paragraphs should contain one topic.
? Do not use one-sentence paragraphs or lengthy paragraphs.
? One or two space may be used after periods; however, use consistent spacing throughout the document.
? Use one space after commas, colons, and semi-colons.
? The first time, spell out the full name, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses; remaining instances may be referred to with the abbreviation.
? Enumerate elements in a series to prevent misreading or to clarify the sequence, particularly if lengthy or complex.
Series Within a Paragraph or Sentence
? Identify each element with a lowercase letter in enclosed parentheses, and without punctuation. Example: The three choices were (a) blue and white flag, (b) red and white flag, and (c) blue and red flag.
Series in Separate Paragraphs, Such as Itemized Conclusions or Lengthy Steps
? Includes steps in a procedure using Arabic numerals without parentheses.
? For nonsequential items, use bullets.
Citation of References in Text
? General guidelines for reference citations may be found on the APA Reference and Citation Examples page in the Center for Writing Excellence.
Paraphrasing or Referring to an Author?s Work
? Cite author(s) and year. Example: (Smith, 1997).
Quoting Directly
? Cite author(s), year, and page number. Example: ?take me home to Kansas? (Smith, 1997, p. 2).
? For quotations of more than 40 words, use block quotations.
? If referencing electronic media, cite the paragraph or page number or section title.
Citing Personal Communications or Nonpermanently Archived Electronic Materials, Such as Your Instructor?s Posts
? Example: A. C. Smith (personal communication, February 14, 1997)
? Example: F. J. Turner (RES/711, Week 3 post, March 24, 2004)
Reference List
Start a new page with the title References centered on the page. Include a page header and page number.
Alphabetize by author?s last name, double-space each listing, and use a hanging indent (first line of each entry flush left and subsequent lines indented 5 to 7 spaces).
In-text citations must specifically match the reference page. See examples on the APA Reference and Citation Examples page in the Center for Writing Excellence. more
Submit a Reflective Paper in which you explain how these aspects work together to perform that primary function. Are any aspects more important than the others? Why or why not? How do you believe the HRM role can be optimized for shaping organizational and employee behavior?
Please cite: Human Resource Management, John M Ivancevich
The paper must contain examples of your personal experiences and thoughts throughout the paper. Do no wait until the end of the paper and throw in a summary of your own. Each relevant point brought up during the paper should also contain a personal reference from you the author.
This paper must be project management oriented - below is a list of possible topics (pick any of them)
o Risk Management
o HR Management
o Team formation/development
o Project Management Data Base/Information System
o Communication Management
o Activity and Cost Estimation Techniques/Issues
o Project Selection
o Quality Management
o Project/Product Methodologies
o Maturity Models
o Project Manager skill set requirements
o Stakeholder Analysis
o Scope Management
o Time Management
o Cost Management/EVM
o Procurement Management
o Conflict Resolution
o Portfolio Management
o Critical Chain Scheduling
o Strategic Outsourcing
o Integrated Change Control/Configuration Management
o Schedule development mathematical analysis techniques (CPM, GERT, PERT) and simulation
o Managing virtual teams
Conduct an interview with a human resource staff member(s). Discuss specific actions that were taken when your HR department became involved as a strategic partner in one of the following areas:
a. Change management
b. Mergers and acquisitions
c. Globalization
d. Corporate restructuring
e. Identifying resources
f. Technological advancements
g. Monitoring trends and legal issues
The paper must include:
a. Who was interviewed
b. Description of the specific topic areas in which the HR person was involved
c. What actions HR took to support the organization in the strategic plan
d. What were the outcomes of their actions
e. Your analysis of those outcomes
The topic is value chain management The guidelines for the paper are as follows:
Write a 4-5 page research paper on the topic. The following questions should be addressed in the body of the paper:
How does this topic relate to the field of management? Define the topic and discuss how it is used in an organization. -
What are emerging trends in this area? Who are some leading pioneers in this area? What contributions have they made? -
Identify at least one corporation that has successfully mastered the topic. How did they do it? Why did they decide to do it? What are its future plans in this area? - 5 pts.
Sources should be reputable, peer reviewed (scholarly) journals and/or books. Research must be cited in the body of the paper (in text citation) and a reference page must be included. The reference page does not count as one of your pages. The paper must be written using the MLA format.
Research Participative Management (1930s) theory and prepare literature review and an analysis of that theory.
Locate at least five (5) different peer-reviewed articles pertaining to the theory and prepare an annotated bibliography. Prepare an 800 word paper that analyzes the theory, using the following questions:
a. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this theory?
b. What research has validated this theory?
c. In what ways is this theory relevant to a 21st manager?
d. What are some examples of how this theory has been applied
A discussion of the ways that different persons and groups (students, colleagues, administrators, and parents) can influence the success of the management plan. Identify techniques you will use to reduce the occurrence of unacceptable behavior. Identify features about the techniques that you like. Identify features of the techniques about which you have reservations. Idetify software to help in efficiency one's work as a teacher. Write your classroom rules and procedures. Write a discussion of how you will teach and enforce your rules and procedures.
Read through the Twelve Principles for Managing Change at the following website, http://www.lynco.com/12prin.html. Post the following on the discussion board
Select the two principles you believe are the most important to follow when managing change and describe why you feel these are essential.
Describe some specific techniques that can be used to manage change in an organization. Explain how these techniques are consistent with the principles you selected.
Nothing captures the imagination of business leaders so much as a commitment to total quality management. Write on what this phrase means to you, what steps would you…
Read Full Paper ❯Course: Advanced Topics in Public Policy and Administration Would need the Writer to provide response to designated questions from assigned article/chapter readings for each section/class no. as instructed by…
Read Full Paper ❯Conduct an Internet search to find and read at least 1 recent articles that relate to the key term Operations Management. Articles may be found in the International…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper must have 3 sources, peer reviewed are preferred. Paper must be in APA formatting with an Intro, Body and Conclusion. Importance of Strategic Planning and Management in the Business…
Read Full Paper ❯General topic is Business Knowledge Management. Paper needs to be on any one of the particular aspect of buisness knowledge managemt. For exampl, (i.e., tacit knowledge capture, the social nature…
Read Full Paper ❯Using Verizon as the compnany, prepare paper examining how changes to the triple constraints impact a project baseline. Specify the change management process used and specify how…
Read Full Paper ❯1) After reading Chapter 1 (pp.4-21) answer this question: What is operations management and how is it different from operations research? 2) After reading Chapter 2 (pp.26-41) answer this question:…
Read Full Paper ❯Comparative analysis of a terror or disaster case. Take any case. Select an aspect of their policy or administrative system (budget,human resource, legilative system, military,etc). Develop an analytical paper…
Read Full Paper ❯SOURCES NEEDED HAVE BEEN UPLOADED TO THE FAX BOARD. Plastec Company case study (Case Analysis I). Review the information on this company which was provided in weeks 1 and 2…
Read Full Paper ❯Project Two is essentially a Research Paper about a Contemporary Management Technique (CMT) of your choosing. Using a minimum of five scholarly research sources, explain the technique. You…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic: Describe how a "knowledge management repository" can be used within the organization. Discuss the majore types of knowledge management systems and compare and contrasts the advantages and disadvantages…
Read Full Paper ❯Contrast and compare three project management models in use today. Note: the models may contain substantively different terms for the identical component. Develop an analysis to discern the true differences and…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper is designed to be a research paper on a specific project management topic of any choice. The paper should also include your opinion and viewpoint on the…
Read Full Paper ❯Prepare a 1,200- to 1,450-word paper in which you describe the role of facilities management in ensuring guest service and satisfaction. Describe how a facilitys design negatively affected a…
Read Full Paper ❯The aim of this assignment is to provide learners with an opportunity to reflect, in their own words, on the insight of three ongoing extensive initiatives seeking to help…
Read Full Paper ❯Accreditation of Project Management Assignment 2 (10%) Following a company decision to recruit two senior project managers, you have been asked to produce a report for the interview board on…
Read Full Paper ❯Literature Collection One of the significant goals of this doctoral program is to identify and evaluate research to use in the completion of the dissertation. This assignment begins the process…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a research paper writen. The topic should be Time Management, and the paper must be written on APA style. I've also included(download) an outline cover page…
Read Full Paper ❯Submit a Reflective Paper in which you explain how these aspects work together to perform that primary function. Are any aspects more important than the others? Why or why…
Read Full Paper ❯The paper must contain examples of your personal experiences and thoughts throughout the paper. Do no wait until the end of the paper and throw in a summary…
Read Full Paper ❯Conduct an interview with a human resource staff member(s). Discuss specific actions that were taken when your HR department became involved as a strategic partner in one of…
Read Full Paper ❯The topic is value chain management The guidelines for the paper are as follows: Write a 4-5 page research paper on the topic. The following questions should be addressed…
Read Full Paper ❯Research Participative Management (1930s) theory and prepare literature review and an analysis of that theory. Locate at least five (5) different peer-reviewed articles pertaining to the theory and prepare an…
Read Full Paper ❯A discussion of the ways that different persons and groups (students, colleagues, administrators, and parents) can influence the success of the management plan. Identify techniques you will use…
Read Full Paper ❯Read through the Twelve Principles for Managing Change at the following website, http://www.lynco.com/12prin.html. Post the following on the discussion board Select the two principles you believe are the most important…
Read Full Paper ❯