Life Span Development Essays Prompts

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Life Span Interview?Part 2: Narrative Analysis
Throughout the HSBE I and II courses, you have explored the biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of different phases of the human lif...e span. You have explored life-span development theories that help to explain human behavior. You also have considered how the social environment influences individuals and their behavior.

This week, you apply your learning of the person and the environment to an analysis of an individual's life span. Last week, you conducted a Life Span Interview with one of your colleagues. This week, you complete a narrative analysis based on your interview notes.

A narrative is a story. As you interviewed your colleague last week, several of the experiences your colleague shared may have struck you as being especially pertinent to his or her life story. For this assignment, you transform your interview notes into a narrative?that is, a life story??of the colleague you interviewed. You interweave within this narrative an analysis of the life story by applying person and the environment concepts to your understanding and interpretation of that story. For example, you may identify a life-span development theory that, when applied to your colleague's narrative, helps you to understand his or her development and behavior at that point in the life span.

Submit by Day 7 a 3- to 5-page narrative analysis of the Life Span Interview you completed in Week 10.

Support your Assignment with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

To submit your Assignment, click on Assignments on the course navigation menu, and select ?Assignment Turnitin ? Week 11? to begin.

Life Span Development and Personality Paper Resources:

Select a famous individual from the 20th or 21st century. (I choose Dr. Martin Luther King Jr).
Conduct research concerning the background of your selected individual to determine what forces impacted his or her life from the viewpoint of developmental psychology.
Prepare a 750- to 1,000-word paper in which you address the following items:

? Distinguish between the influences of heredity and environment on the person?s psychological development.
? What family issues or social support systems may have influenced the person?s developmental growth and adjustment?
? Explain which theoretical approach you believe best explains the individual's behaviors and achievements. Make sure to explain why you made this choice.

Use a minimum of three sources and be prepared to discuss your paper in class.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Life Span Development: Depression in adolescence. Will be used to prepare for class presentation.


I live and school in Canada, so some references must be form Canadian perspectives.

I have also attached some academic journal I sourced from my college library to be used if deemed appropriate.

The write up should be simple, easily understood and interesting.

This should be a 15-page reflective paper evaluating your knowledge of the various aspects of the field of lifespan development at the beginning of the course as contrasted to... your thinking at the end of the course. You will synthesize your own view of lifespan development based on your specialization, theory, research, and your own beliefs. The Planning Worksheet that you develop throughout the course should give you much of the material you need to complete this project.
Keep the following in mind as you write your paper:
1. Consider prenatal, infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood in your paper.
2. Be sure to synthesize the influence theories have had on your thinking. For example, Piaget theories of development could have influenced the thinking of educators in the development of learning strategies.
3. Evaluate how early stages often influence later outcomes. For example, the influence of teratogens during the prenatal phase can influence later brain development, which could influence how a person learns, which may impact career success obtained, which could then lead to frustration tolerance issues for a person as an adult.
4. Evaluate how you can use what you now know about the various elements and how they influence each other in planning interventions in your specialization.
5. It is critical that you use developmental research as a basis for the conclusions you draw.
Your paper should be formatted according to APA (6th ed.) style and formatting guidelines; however, due to the reflective nature of this assignment, it is acceptable to use first person. Include at least 10 scholarly sources formatted according to APA.
Project Objectives
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
1. Synthesize theory and research into a comprehensive view or approach to lifespan development based on a particular specialization.
2. Support view with theory and current scholarly research related to a specific approach of human development across the lifespan.
3. Analyze how your view of lifespan development has changed throughout the course.
4. Use well-developed written communication; successfully implement APA style.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th ed.) style and formatting.
Number of resources: Include a minimum of 10 resources.
Length of paper: 15 typed double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Arial, 12 point.


Life-Span Development: From Birth to Death

Abstract: Ones personal, physical and emotional development is cumulative. The nature of experiences and development during each state of the life-span will have an impact on how subsequent stages are experienced for better or for worse. The following is a concise overview of the changes and normative patterns relating to the life-span. Thus, the discussion will provide a brief examination of each phase, including the prenatal, infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood stages. This will contribute to a general understanding of the way that experiences, exposures and environments will impact one throughout ones life.

The process of human development is assessed according to multiple phases, each of which carries its own distinct set of expectations in terms of emotional growth, psychological development, physical maturation and social awareness. With each phase will also come a distinct set of life cycle considerations and a set of both socially and self-imposed pressures to participate in certain rites and elements of the life cycle. The intercession of these realities produces what are referred to in psychology and sociology as the stages of development. These will tend to be distinguished from one another in a normally developing individual by an array of physical, mental and sexual changes that will significantly shape the course of ones life. The concept of emotional development is described in Erik H. Eriksons 1963 text, Childhood and Society. Here, the sociologist asserts that the ability of ones parents during the formative stages of life to earn the infants trust will impact directly the success of his development. To the point, in elucidating the stages of emotional development which contribute to the mental and psychological growth of a human being, Erikson pays a great focus to the matter of trust and nurturing.

The womb is this first place that a baby knows. During the later parts of pregnancy, when the cerebral cortex has developed and the fetus begins to gain a sense of awareness, recognition and tactile sensation, the environment provided by the womb is critical to development. The unborn child will be impacted by the safety, health and equanimity of this environment or by any conditions to the contrary. To this end Syncresis (2009) indicates that there is a deep interconnection between the emotional orientation of the mother and the fetus, explaining that the emotionality of the mother carries the implicit potential for a profound influence on the child-to-be. If the mother is constantly anxious, fearful, depressed ??" or joyfully ecstatic ??" the embryonic child-body will be grown and molded by this prevailing affective environment and will be subtly but inexorably conditioned and programmed to live with and to process in utero, whatever emotional experience passes through the mother. (Syncresis, 1) This provides a consistent foundation for what is likely to occur during the childs infancy as well.

In infancy, the first crucial human relationship which a person has is that which he shares with his mother, already established in the prenatal stage. It is within the confines of this relationship that a child may be expected to develop feelings of security. In his text, Erikson asserts that the firm establishment of enduring patterns for the solution of the nuclear conflict of basic trust versus basic mistrust in mere existence is the first task of the ego, and thus first of all a task for maternal care. (Erikson, 249) This, he explains, is what enables the child to begin to experience a sense of comfort even while achieving an awareness of his dependency on others. Constituted by the certainty that though she has left the room, the mother will soon return, a child comes into a sense of himself as he relates to other people according to the parameters of this first relationship. Trust, in this context, may be interchanged with confidence, which the sociologist explains is a virtue gained on the strength of ones ability to first trust others and then, with maturation, trust himself.
As we explore throughout this discussion, the manner in which one experiences each of the stages of development, Erikson believed, will have a cumulative effect on the individual. Thus, in infancy, we find that these issues of trust and comfort are absolutely imperative to the healthy development of the child. The absence of these can have stultifying, even emotionally devastating effects on the development of the individuals ego-orientation. According to Harder (2002), stated that if one fail to develop trust with persistent frustration due to one needs not met, will end up with a sense of worthlessness and do not feel secure with the environment one is in. However, researchers found that suicides and suicide attempts correlate with the early years in development of simple acceptance that the world is trustworthy and individual are support to be here (Harder, 2002).

Early Childhood:
As the extreme consequences potential in this period dnote, the rate of early childhood development is impacted as much by its environmental surroundings as by its individual capabilities. With the right framework and support structure, it is possible to facilitate the proper socialization in a child, thus encouraging the appropriate development of physical, emotional and cognitive abilities. Likewise, a suitable setting for these faculties would offer a stable test sample by which to measure individual progress. The home environment is a key role-player in shaping the early capabilities of children toward all manner of induction, socialization and emotional stability as are the first social contexts into which a child is entered. Eriksons view on early childhood was that this is a period of extremely dynamic integration of stimuli. Erikson formulates that at this stage one will learn to accept and work on master skills themself. Learning to walk, talk and feed one self, they learn finer motor development, in addition, to toilet training. Self-esteem and autonomy develops which will help the individual to learn and gain control over our bodies while acquiring new skills. (Harder, 2002).

Middle Childhood:
The effectiveness with which the child is able to navigate this period will lead to the phase known as middle childhood, which is distinguished by the first identification of paths toward validation through the nurturing of positive personal relationships. The social tendencies, the loyalty and the dedication which conform with the development of complex ethical cognizance will all play a part in a phase of development which demands the refinement of social instincts, promoting the composition of problem-solving skills and demanding participation in more formal social activities, serving as an ideal lens through which to reflect on the early emergence of either talents or handicaps which would mold future learning patterns. Here, the schema encountered through ones early childhood may be integrated into more meaningful and self-directed views of the world.
According to Huitt (2003) behavior (adaptation to the environment) is controlled through mental organizations called schemes that the individual uses to represent the world and designate action. This adaptation is driven by a biological drive to obtain balance between schemes and the environment (equilibration). (Huitt, 1) It is during this phase of middle childhood that we begin to develop an understanding of moral schemes as something more complex than simply that which is defined by consequences. This conforms to Piagets idea about moral growth as it coincides with the stages of development. This research found that at about 10 or 11 years, moral thinking in children will endures modifications. However, the younger the child their moral judgments are based on consequences, and older children are more of intentions. An example, young children making a comparison between a child breaking 15 cups and another only breaking 1 cup trying to help their mother, with this the young child will believe that breaking 15 is worse than 1. The young child studies the amount of damage and consequences. The older child will studies the motives of what when wrong in trying to helping his mother (Crain, 1985)
Accordingly, this is a point in individual personal development in which we are able to observe the intrinsic value of actions and decisions rather than simply viewing them in terms of personal repercussions. This leads into a greater sense of the world as separate from ourselves. In the segue into adolescence, we begin to view ego orientation separately from society, ethical coding and the formation of relationships both formal and information. The period of our lives which passes between the ages of 12 and 20 is subject to a remarkable array of changes. During this time, one passes from childhood through adolescence and into early adulthood. This is a period especially distinguished by puberty and all which that implies. As KGI (2007) indicates, dramatic physical changes are the hallmark of early adolescence and these physical changes are important to your adolescent. They signify that he or she is developing like his or her peers. (KGI, 1)
Individuals will notice significant changes in themselves in terms of physical alteration, emotional tumult and sexual awareness. This will tend to manifest most concertedly in ones relationship to such social contexts as school, family and neighborhood. And to the point, this adolescent period is an important time in terms of cultivating a loose but increasingly intimate social network. This conforms with general research on this stage of development, which is highlighted by a transition from a life dominated by home and family to one increasingly more divided to the pursuits of school, extra-curricular activity, athletic team membership and information social gathering. These tend to function as substitutes in certain areas where previously only the family fulfilled certain needs.

Young Adulthood:
During this stage the young adult is more focus on consistent with expectations intimately with others. They explore relationships and commitments with other than parents or family members. When one is successful in this stage, this will lead to happy relationships and sense of commitment, security, and care within their relationship. Avoiding intimacy, fearing commitment and relationships can lead to isolation, loneliness, and sometimes depression. (Waters, 5) It is also at this point that one begins to develop what can be considered to be a moral compass to be applied where dilemmas and internal conflicts are encountered.
Again, this is an age where a growing awareness of personal identity, combined with a clearer insight into the ethical implications of our actions as described earlier, helps us to project ideas about that which we might like to accomplish in our lives. Though career aspirations will typically change in nature many times for some people, this is an age where the path begins to grow slightly clearer. According to Waters (2008), during adolescence, the transition from childhood to adulthood is most important. Children are becoming more independent, and begin to look at the future in terms of career, relationships, families, housing, etc. During this period, they explore possibilities and begin to form their own identity based upon the outcome of their explorations. (Waters, 5)
Identity is perhaps the key function of ones transition into early adulthood. This is a period which is often extremely tumultuous due to the social constructs which surround it. Particularly, it is here that expectations are foisted upon the individual to enter into a career and to achieve financial independence. Young adulthood is a moment which Erikson argues is impacted by a bevy of expectations and the sense that one must live up to these expectations without a fully developed sense yet of how to accomplish this. Accordingly, Wilder (2003) tells that writers, such as Harville Hendricks have developed descriptions of what adults are like if they get stuck at one of these developmental crises. Hendricks particularly focuses on the effects which getting stuck produces in love relationships and mate selection. Notice the importance of this connection between the failure to grow up properly and adult life. Omitting or distorting any stage of development will produce a deficit in all the stages that come afterwards. Once again we see the power of a hierarchical model, this time of maturation. (Wilder, 7)
To this point, Erikson points us toward the consideration of the pressures implied by the need to select a mate, engage in a fulfilling romantic life, to establish meaningful and satisfying friendships within ones peer group and to being the process of starting a family. These preoccupations and the success with which one is able to satisfy them will often be determinant in the capacity of individuals to mature properly into adults with the capacity for healthy and mutually fulfilling relationships. As Erikons framework reports, If negotiating this stage is successful, we can experience intimacy on a deep level. (Harder, 1) By contrast, a failure to successfully negotiate this state will yield some critical shortcomings in ones ability to be a suitable mate, an effective provider or a capable partner in parenting.

Middle Adulthood:
As we consider the transition into middle adulthood, this seems a useful point upon which to restate the overarching importance of Erkisons view on the cumulative nature of development, denoting that there is a direct correlation between ones healthy experience of all the normal stages of development and ones long term mental health, stability and functionality. Among the normal stages of development that one must go through, the desire to establish ones self professionally, financially and romantically is crucial. For the young adult, this pressure should serve as a motivation for diligent work and conscientious reflection on both career and personal aspirations.
Middle adulthood, according to available research, seems to bring about a set of developmental changes that, in the healthy and functional individual, may best be described as the refinement and solidification of certain personality features. Though some disagreement amongst sociologists and psychologists has persisted with regard to the extent to which adult characteristics actually change during the transition into middle adulthood, it seems most reasonable to claim that some personality traits are subject to change while other traits may be more rooted in individual tendencies which are not subject to change. (Srivastava et al, 1041)
This confirms Eriksons view that middle adulthood is a crucial point at which many of the tensions between ego orientation and the limitations of youth should be resolved. Here, the Harder text denotes that middle-age is when we tend to be occupied with creative and meaningful work and with issues surrounding our family. Also, middle adulthood is when we can expect to be in charge, the role we've longer envied. (Harder, 1) It is thus that self-actualization will have become very important during this period to individuals. Indeed, Erikson indicates that a primary risk to the emotional health of adults during this stage is the continuing need to find meaning and to be fulfilled in the way that one occupies ones time. Erikson warms that this is especially true as critical relationships are altered. Particularly, the relationship between parenting and ones sense of self-actualization is altered when children mature to the point of leaving the house. Here marks a challenge for the adult to achieve or retain a sense of meaning independent from this critical role as a parent, nurturer and provider.

Late Adulthood:
In a sense, this brings our discussion to consideration of the single most important premise expressed in Eriksons theoretical model. Namely, the transition from middle adulthood into late adulthood is a critical nexus at which the developmental preparation experienced by the individual will predict his or her relative success in life. Accordingly, Harder tells that Erikson felt that much of life is preparing for the middle adulthood stage and the last stage is recovering from it. Perhaps that is because as older adults we can often look back on our lives with happiness and are content, feeling fulfilled with a deep sense that life has meaning and we've made a contribution to life, a feeling Erikson calls integrity. (Harder, 1)

This view of integrity is also what Erikson argues would allow individuals to make the final emotional and psychological preparations for the terminal stages of life. Healthy development and the achievement of self-actualization during adulthood would significantly factor into the ability of the individual to cope with the reality of his or her own mortality. For those who have achieved the meaning and identity required for personal contentment, Erikson argues that this stage should bring about a sense of acceptance for the inevitable.


Crain, W.C. (1985). Theories of Development. Prentice-Hall.

Erikson, E.H. (1963). Childhood & Society. W & M Morton & Co.

Harder, A.F. (2002). The Developmental Stages of Erik Erikson. Learning Place Online.

Huitt, W., & Hummel, J. (2003). Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University: Educational Psychology Interactive.
KGI. (2007). Growth Milestone-12 Years: Declaration of Independence. Kids Growth.

Srivastava, S.; John, O.P.; Gosling, S.D. & Potter, J. (2003). Development of Personality in Early and Middle Adulthood: Set Like Plaster or Persistent Change? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(5), 1041-1053.

Syncresis. (2009). Prenatal Emotional Development. Jai Daemion.
Waters, E. (2008). Ego Psychologists: Erik Erikson. Stony Brook University.

Wilder, J. (2003). The Theoretical Basis for the Life Model. The Complete Guide to Living With Men.

Hello if possible I would like writer obsidiankc to do this project if he or she is available

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explore human development. Address the following items:

Explain the life span perspective of development.
Summarize two theories of life span development.
Explain how heredity and the environment interact to produce individual differences in development.
Format your paper to APA standards.

Gender Identity in Life-Span Development
Gender identity?identifying oneself as male or female?is a critical component of an individual's life-span development. Misconceptions and stereotypes abound with regard to gender, and you may bring personal misconceptions and stereotypes to your work with clients.

As you read the resources this week, what concepts seem especially relevant to you as a social worker? Are you able to identify any personal misunderstandings about the formation of gender identity? What strategies might you use to apply your new understanding to social work practice?

Post by Day 3 a Discussion that includes:
?A new understanding you have gained in the resources about gender identity
?An explanation of how individuals' gender identity affects their development through young and middle adulthood
?A strategy you might use to apply your understanding of gender identity development to social work practice

Be sure to support your posts with specific references to the resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.

To complete your Discussion, click on Discussions on the course navigation menu, and select ?Week 5 Forum? to begin.

I want this paper to describe, compare and contrast the effects on the development (cognitive, thinking, behaviors) of girls between the age of 6 to puberty when they are exposed to over sexualized media (video clips, reality shows, beauty contest, tv shows).
What is the "normal" cycle of their life span development in their cognition, thinking and behaviors should be, and when they are exposed to the media in early age what changes?
I need some specific examples of these differences on their thinking and behaviors, and scientific researches to support these changes.

I will prepare a powerpoint presentation on this subject , if possible please high light the bullet points.

Theories of Life-Span Development
Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2016) stated, "We need theories to guide our thinking and our work so that we may undertake research-informed practice" (p. 127-...128). At the same time, the authors asserted, "No theory will be perfectly applicable. Perhaps you will decide that only one or two concepts make any sense to you in terms of working with clients" (p. 128). Though you may be able to apply only a few concepts in a particular theory to your work with clients, as a social worker, you should be applying evidence-based research to your work. Empirically-based developmental theories may guide you as you assess clients and their presenting problems. You may also apply developmental theories to your treatment decisions.

For this Assignment, you discuss theories of life-span development by evaluating a theory that seems especially relevant to you and your role as a social worker. Select a theory of life-span development to address in this Discussion. This may be a theory described in the resources of this course, or you may select a theory based on personal research. Locate at least one scholarly resource (not included in the course resources) that addresses the theory you selected.

Post by Day 3 a Discussion in which you analyze the theory of life-span development that you selected. Summarize the theory; then, identify the strengths and weaknesses of this theory, especially as it relates to social work practice. Explain one way you might apply the theory to your social work practice.

Be sure to support your posts with specific references to the resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.

To complete your Discussion, click on Discussions on the course navigation menu, and select ?Week 10 Forum? to begin.

Dybicz, P. (2012). The hero(ine) on a journey: A postmodern conceptual framework for social work practice. Journal of Social Work Education, 48(2), 267?283.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Villadsen, K. (2008). 'Polyphonic' welfare: Luhmann's systems theory applied to modern social work. International Journal of Social Welfare,17(1), 65?73.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases

Open to all writers!! We will pay $60.00 for this!
Title page
Page number
a. Define life span development
b. Describe the characteristics of the life span perspective
c. Identify the human development domains and periods
d. Examine at least two contemporary concerns related to life span dvelopment.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explore human development. Address the following items:

Explain the life span perspective of development.
Summarize two theories of life span development.
Explain how heredity and the environment interact to produce individual differences in development.

Format your paper to APA standards

Double spaced and times new roman,12 font
I need headers at each start of each paragraph to let the reader know what that parag. is about
I need the reference title to not be all caps but to bold it and capitalize the first letter

Eddie's Life in the Context

3 parts to the paper.
1. Brief summary of the book ( The Five People You Meet in Heaven, written by Mitch Albom ), and what was learned from it
2. it's relevance to developmental psychology and a through discussion of that topic from text book ( Life-Span Development, by John Santrock 9th edition, Brown and benchmark publishers ).
3. How the book applies to life and psychological outlook.

Graduate level course on life span development

"Complete a research paper (20 pages) written in American Psychological Association (APA) style on a topic of your choice related to life span development. Minimum of ten academic resources required for this paper."

It is important to note that it requires academic resources, so if you include newspapers, TV shows, or supermarket magazines as sources, don''t count these sources in the ten academic sources. I have many recommendations for academic sources, such as professional journals and web sites for human development topics. Let me know if you need them.

Suggested topics:
Achievement in Later Life
Development of Disabled Children
How Violence Effects Children
Mid-Life Transitions
The Benefits of Mourning Rituals
The Influence of Play on a Child''s Development
The Influence of Television on an Adolescent''s Development

To help you focus on content, here is one of the course outcomes:
"Understand and describe life span development, including physical, psychological, social, and spiritual development in the contest of family, relationships, and culture, as an ongoing set of processes, involving both continuity and change over time."

Tuesdays With Morrie

The first page and a half to two pages are just a summary of the books and its key sections. The remainder is tying the text to theories of Life Span Development using the 9th Edition of LIFE-SPAN DEVELOPMENT (textbook by Santrock).
thank you

Empirical Research and Developmental Theory
What does evidence-based research say about the development of sexual orientation in young and middle adulthood? Though the body of literature addressing sexual orientation, including heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, is far from complete, the literature continues to grow. Your awareness of this literature helps inform your social work practice as you address the needs of clients with a variety of sexual orientations.

For this Assignment, conduct your own research to identify at least one journal article that addresses sexual orientation. Select an article that you find especially relevant to you in your role as a social worker.

Submit by Day 7 a 2- to 4-page paper that includes the following:
?A summary of your findings regarding sexual orientation and its impact on life-span development, including findings from the resources and from the journal article(s) you selected during your research
?An explanation of how you might apply your findings to social work practice

Support your Assignment with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

To submit your Assignment, click on Assignments on the course navigation menu, and select ?Assignment Turnitin ? Week 5? to begin.

Your paper will be based on 3 parts: 1) a brief summary of the book( The five peolpe you meet in heaven by Mitch album) and what you have learned from it 2) its relevance to developmental psychology and a through discussion of that topic from your text books Life -span development by Santrock 3) how the book applies to your life and psychological outlook. This is NOT a research paper and should not written as or be looked upon as one. I am looking for HOW you can apply what you have learned in class to both developmental psychology and your life.

Must be at least 1,000 words, but can exceed 1,000 words.

?Write your paper in Arial or Times New Roman 12 pt. font.

?Use spell and grammar check and always indent paragraphs.
...r> ?Have a proper introduction and conclusion.

?Post five (5) professional references, with at least two journals or books, and maximum of 3 websites as sources.

tell me what you have learned during Psychology 1012, and how it applies to your personally and professionally (i.e., how could you use effective coping strategies within your workplace or how has the environment in which you were raised shaped who you are today). I am looking for the ?I? as opposed to the ?people? approach.......

Below is a series of questions illustrating what I am looking for in your Course Summary. If you are aiming for a high grade, thus successful paper, you should include answers to the following questions or use a similar question-answer format that relates directly to the last 3 weeks of this course J

? Based on the psych talk discussions, how do you feel about the various perceptions that were posted? How can the use of effective critical thinking skills to assist you personally and professionally?

? Has your thinking changed, due to these discussions? If yes, explain how and if not, explain why not.

? Which of the topics were you able to relate to the most? Explain why and how to apply what you have learned in the real world.

? As an adult and college student, how do you feel about your identity? For example, do you feel that you possess healthy self-esteem and self-efficacy?

? Do you feel that the topics and various perceptions have given you more insight as to who you are? (Refer to child and life-span development in chapters 3 & 4, conditioning and learning in chapter 8, motivation & emotion in chapter 12, personality in chapter 14 and health, stress and coping in chapter 15).

? Now that you have insight into who you are, what can you do to become the person you want to be?

? Do you think learning is a lifelong process, thus continuous?

? What motivated you to enroll into college? (see motivation and emotion in chapter 12)

? Do defense mechanisms or direct coping strategies, especially in response to aggression, play a vital role in your personal and professional life. How can you apply some of the learning concepts to your career and/or personal life?

APA Format: Please write your COURSE SUMMARY PAPER in a 12 point font (font type: Times New Roman or Arial), double-spaced, with one-inch margins. A title page is optional, but you need to indicate your name, course, and date on the top of the document as all papers are archived. Please write a minimum of 1,000 words. (The reason being is that the State of Florida mandates a specific written word count per behavioral science class, so we're working toward fulfilling that requirement (Gordon Rule Requirement). These are the only APA rules you will need, because it is not a research paper; however, if you use book information, make sure you know how to cite the same following the APA format. How to paraphrase and accurately cite a book reference can be found in the writing help section.

) Have an introduction and a conclusion (or summary).

2) Do not plagiarize. Everything should be your own words as it reflects upon your personality (quotes are not accepted and do not count toward the word count).

3) MAKE SURE you use various paragraphs and if you have more than 10 sentences, break it into 2 paragraphs.

4) Write in complete sentences and use spell check.

5) Incorporate the questions given to you, which directly relate to the topic discussions and your self-reflections regarding these topics.

6) Have a REFERENCES section, listing references in alphabetical order based on the author?s Last Name.

100 % for content with the following components: minimum word requirement; the paper follows the above indicated guidelines (i.e., is the paper written using critical thinking skills), the paper covers the various aspects as they relate to the discussions and reading assignments for this course; the paper follows the ?I? approach; and the paper follows the APA format?).

There are faxes for this order.

Select a current issue in the field of life-span development. Prepare a 900 to 1,000-word analysis of your selected issue. Include a description of the issue and its connection to significant concepts, distinctive features, and critical periods in life-span development. Also examine any controversies associated with your issue and a summary of how the issue has enhanced or hindered the study of life-span development in your analysis. Your paper should have a minimum of three scholarly sources.

There are faxes for this order.

This will be a research/project based paper. The paper should be written so that I will be able to test the effects that media has on the adolescent age group (12-20).

A short introduction of... the general topic- adolescence and medias effect on body image and the reason why I think this topic might be of interest, leading logically to your hypothesis or rationale that summarize the material in the course/text that relates to my topic. You should define the three topics (biological, cognitive, socioemotional) that your project will involve.

Biological- produce changes in an individuals physical nature
Cognitive- refers to changes in the individuals thought, intelligence and language
Socioemotional- refers to changes in the individuals relationships with other people, changes in emotions and changes in personality.
Source- Essentials of Life-Span Development- John W. Santrock pgs 10-11

For more detailed information, you should cite at least one journal article. I will email a pdf journal article to reference and for you to base my research project with. Please use APA format when citing material

A method section (participants, materials, procedure - all written in future tense) that outlines what exactly you will do. Provide an overview of the project I will complete, being clear on how the project relates to the two topics (adolescence and body image) that you have already defined. Define the specific steps that will have to be completed for your project, including a timeline. Most groups have 7 students, so be sure that your project is something that 7 students can complete in 3-4 weeks. Ideally, the plan that you submit as a part of your proposal should be specific enough that if your proposal is chosen, enough details are provided so that you just have to assign responsibilities. [method and feasibility]

Include theories of Erickson- Identity vs. Identity confusion stage, Freud- Genital stage, Piaget Formal operation stage.

The journal article I will be sending is from email The journal article will be in pdf format.

There are faxes for this order.

Synthesize and analyze the clashing views inherent in life span development on Is there a ?myth of the Frist Three Years?? Write a 1 to 2-page critique of each of the two arguments. The Critique should be written in APA style and include:

1. A brief summary of the author?s major points and ideas expressed.
2. Describe how the author derived to his/her conclusions such as a study or opinion.
3. Include a summary and my interpretation of the strong and weak points of each argument and my interpretation of the findings or conclusions.
4. How does the subject matter fit the subject matter of the course, which is Lifespan Development.

The Issue Summary and opposing arguments (see separate document with book chapter speaking to the issue specifics):

A REVIEW of how the entertainment industry uses the concept of aging, gender, and personality in the development of movies and television shows. (how life span development influences the outcome)

5 cites total (2 being of formal psychological journals within the past 5 yrs)
APA style
4 pages (not including the reference list)
Parts: Intro, Overview , Analysis, conclusion

This is a separate assignment: No references needed for these 2 pages.

1 pg of nature vs nuture (in reference to life span development)
1 pg of uniqueness vs universal (in reference to life span development)

Pls be sure to identify each section so that when i go over all 6 papers, i know what i am looking for. If you need to contact me, attn: Psych

Writer : writergrrl 101 APA style PRIMARY RESOURCES ONLY!

Topic: Physical, Cognitive, and Socioemotional Development in Middle Adulthood. Readings: Chapters 16 and 17 of the text:
San...trock, John W. (2008). Life-span Development (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

As well as assigned readings if necessary.

Assignment: The Problem of Binge Drinking. The manager of a large manufacturing facility recently performed an anonymous drug screen check at the request of his health insurance provider. Both he and the insurance group were surprised by the frequency of binge drinking reported by the workers.

One morning, the manager made all the factory workers undergo a breathalyzer test. He was shocked to discover that many of the workers tested positive for alcohol, although the blood alcohol concentrations in many of the workers were low. A medical representative from the insurance group pointed out that these tests were conducted in the morning. This suggested two things. First, for any alcohol to still be present in the workers? blood, they must have consumed considerable amounts of alcohol the evening before. Second, the workers were working either under the influence of alcohol or planning on working with a hangover.

The factory attorney and health insurance provider met and decided to offer the workers a one-time offer for free, anonymous help for their drinking problem as long as they enrolled in a treatment program within the next week.

On the basis of your previous success when working for the task force, the manager, factory attorney, and health insurance representative contact you to provide support for their new treatment program.

Your first task is to develop an educational hand-out/flier that describes the negative influence of excessive alcohol on that particular age group as well as describes why middle-age adults are at elevated risk for alcohol-related problems, again noting biological, psychological, and socioemotional factors. In order to ensure each person gets treatment.

you decide to develop a 1-page memo for management concerning the most significant obstacles for treatment for adults.

Each student must do a video review of 3 videos, and give me your position on whether you agree or disagree with the author and why. The stronger your argument, the higher your grade.YOU MUST SELECT ANY 3 VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE THAT COVER ANY OF THE AREAS THAT WE COVER IN OUR LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENT COURSE. GO TO YOUTUBE AND TYPE ANY OF THE SUGGESTED TOPICS, OR PICK YOUR OWN, AS LONG AS IT RELATES TO THE PSYCHOLOGY OF LIFE AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. TOPICS MAY INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: Teens and Texting, Senior Citizens, Death and Dying, Kids with autism, Kids with Learning Disabilities, Kids with Disabilities, Adults with Disabilities, Kids and Television Violence, The Divorce Rate, Why Males and Females Cheat in their Relationships, Kids and Social Networking, Adults with sexual dysfunctions, death and dying rituals, teen suicide, adults with schizophrenia, kids with schizophrenia, and many other possible titles.


Your Gordon Rule Assignment will be an autobiography using a minimum of five concepts discussed in class and/or the text. It should be structure...d as follows:

A. Part (1) A brief personal history: place of birth ethnic/class background; family composition. This should be no more than one to one-and-a-half pages.

Part (2) Relate your life to a minimum of five psychological concepts/topics/definitions/themes.

Example: Chapter on personality theories, Chapters on learning, life span development, states of consciousness, therapy.

Please note that EVERYONE deals with stress. The concept of stress may NOT be used as part of your autobiography, even though it affects us all. Parenting styles may not be used in your paper. Daydreaming may not be used in your paper.

Please remember, the purpose of the Gordon Rule is to determine college-level writing abilities. Failure to do so will result in a failing grade for the course. A grade below 70 is considered failing. If this occurs, you may re-submit your paper under the following conditions:

Part (3) Conclusion: What did you learn about yourself? What more do you want to learn about yourself and others? Did anything in class assist you in writing this paper? This should be a minimum of two paragraphs.

B. You must cite all sources outside of your textbook and a bibliography must be provided.

C. Structure (READ THIS CAREFULLY) - This paper must be a MINIMUM of four COMPLETE typewritten pages, and a maximum five pages typewritten 1" margins throughout. The Cover Page does NOT count as a page

A cover page must be completed with: a title, your name, meeting time of your class.
Font - 12 pt. Times New Roman
Double-spaced throughout
Must be grammatically correct: serious deductions for: long paragraphs, short paragraphs, and improper grammar. LACK OF COMMA USAGE WILL RESULT IN A MINIMUM 5 POINT DEDUCTION.


HELPFUL HINTS- This paper is about YOU, not your relatives, friends, etc. Please take a DEEP look at yourself and your relationship(s) to others.
Please avoid surface concepts. Examples: I like to daydream about.. my learning style is tactile. Deep look example: My boyfriend looks and acts like my father. Freud might say that I am demonstrating an Electra complex.
Again, please ensure your paper is grammatically correct, and that you have adhered to all specifications.
Separate your paper by putting: 1. Biography 2. Concepts 3. Conclusion
Italicize each individual concept.


For your final examination, Forrest Gump will serve as the case study, upon whom you will apply the theories, concepts, an...d tenets of developmental psychology and the lifespan growth process. Of the following 5 essay questions, EVERYONE MUST COMPLETE ESSAY #1, plus 2 additional essays of your choice to provide a thorough, well written, and well-synthesized synopsis of key developmental material as it relates to Forrest.

You can expect each essay to be worth 10 points, with particular focus on your ability to apply the key theoretical concepts and relative material to the essay topic at hand. There is an additional 10 points each for the intelligence you demonstrate in your writing style (grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.) and your adherence to APA style (i.e. double spaced, 12 point font, citations, references, etc.). Bear in mind all of the resources provided to you over the course of this semester. Reference/cite them properly in your writing.

Complete your exam in one all-inclusive document that needs to be placed in the dropbox BY THE DEADLINE!

ESSAY #1: Life Span Development
The Life-Span approach recognizes development across 5 domains: Multidirectional, Multicontextual, Multidisciplinary, Multicultural, and Plasticity. Apply these 5 characteristics to Forrest's life, giving a thorough depiction of his developmental process as depicted in the movie. Consider the impact of gender, various sociocultural experiences, educational issues, and socioeconomic matters as it relates to Forrest's life experience.

ESSAY #2: Early to Middle Childhood
There are some indications in Forrest's early childhood that he had difficulties with his cognitive-intellectual capacities. The principal described him as "different" in reporting that his IQ equals 75 and that by State law he should be attending a school for special education. To the contrary, there were clear opportunties where Forrest was able to learn things accordingly. Discuss Forrest's capacity for learning in his early to middle childhood. What theories of learning are prevalent in Forrest's early learning process as his brain began to mature? What other "intelligences" seem to aid Forrest's maturational growth where his cognitive deficits fall short? In the same respect, how have his cognitive deficits aided his success?

ESSAY #3: Early Childhood to Adulthood
Discuss the evolution of Forrest's relationship with Jenny over the course of his life. Apply Sternberg's 7 Forms of Love. Discuss the similarities and differences between them at various developmental stages, and how their social homogamy contributes to the success/failure of their relationship during that stage? Incorporate concepts of Erikson's crisis of intimacy.

ESSAY # 4: Adulthood (Extended Adolescence)
Forrest seems to have an extended adolescence when considering his psychosocial development and journey for identity. Apply Erikson's fifth crisis of Identity versus Role Confusion to the life experiences Forrest has post-college. Consider areas of role confusion, foreclosure, and moratorium in Forrest's decision-making. Consider the 4 arenas of identity formation: religious, political, vocational, and sexual. Does Forrest reach identity achievement? Justify your response.

ESSAY #5: Adulthood
Discuss Forrest's transition into the experience of generativity with respect to some key developmental trends consistent with Adulthood: committed partnership, caregiving, and employment. What developmental and contextual factors (culture, gender, SES, health habits, etc.) allowed this to be a relatively logical transition for him with all things considered? Be specific.

ESSAY # 6: Death and Dying
Forrest experiences 3 significant deaths through the course of the movie: Bubba, his mother, and Jenny. What are the similarities and differences surrounding these 3 deaths (i.e. circumstance/cause of death) as it relates to the grieving process for Forrest? How does each person experience the reality of their death? Consider developmental theories of dying and acceptance in providing your response.
There are faxes for this order.

Child psychology

CHILD PLAY TIME NATURALISTIC OBSERVATION PSYU 508 Life Span Development/Aging and Long Term Care
Students will be expected to observe one child -using naturalistic observation techniques. observe an individual engaged in different activities i.e. not just playing with each other. Students will use the naturalistic observation method of gathering information and will not interact with the children or their families. Students will write a three-page paper regarding their information from the observation and discuss their experiences with the class. Students will not reveal specific information (i.e. no real names) about the children.
Study Time 30-45 minutes with a child.
Please address the following issues and answer the following questions: Describe the setting and why you chose it.
Discuss the age, gender, ethnicity and overall physical description of the child?
Discuss the play activities the child is doing. Give examples.
Discuss the cognitive abilities the child is demonstrating. Give examples.
Discuss the psychosocial behaviors the child is demonstrating. Give examples.
Discuss the emotional behaviors the child is demonstrating. Give examples.
Speculate about the temperament of the child (from what you observed) and give examples. What do you hypothesize about his/her attachment type is regarding his/her caregiver? What Erikson stage of development do you think your observed child is in and why?
Please describe the normal behavior of the child you are observing. Use your knowledge from course work, textbooks, lectures and personal experiences to identify and describe any behavioral patterns you notice. Give examples.
Do you observe any unusual or out of the normal behavior pattern interactions when compared to normal behaviors?
When the child attempts to get the attention, describe how the caregiver(s) responds. Give examples. Describe any discipline interactions. Give examples.
Describe the overall functioning level of the child? Give examples.
What was your experience of the observation assignment?

3 Pages

Narrative Analysis and Life Span Interview of Ms. W

Words: 1015
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Life Span Interview?Part 2: Narrative Analysis Throughout the HSBE I and II courses, you have explored the biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of different phases of the human life…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Martin Luther King Jr. Influences of Heredity

Words: 1005
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Life Span Development and Personality Paper Resources: Select a famous individual from the 20th or 21st century. (I choose Dr. Martin Luther King Jr). Conduct research concerning the background of your…

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7 Pages

Adolescent Depression: Overview and Annotated Bibliography Few

Words: 1944
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Life Span Development: Depression in adolescence. Will be used to prepare for class presentation. FULL DETAILS UPLOADED, MUST BE ADHERED TO STRICTLY. I live and school in Canada, so some references…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Life Span Development Life-Span Development:

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

INSTRUCTION Overview This should be a 15-page reflective paper evaluating your knowledge of the various aspects of the field of lifespan development at the beginning of the course as contrasted…

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3 Pages

Human Development. Address Items: Explain Human Development

Words: 979
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Hello if possible I would like writer obsidiankc to do this project if he or she is available Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explore human development.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Gender Identity in Life Span Development

Words: 1039
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Gender Identity in Life-Span Development Gender identity?identifying oneself as male or female?is a critical component of an individual's life-span development. Misconceptions and stereotypes abound with regard to gender, and…

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5 Pages

Female Child Cognitive Development the

Words: 1427
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

I want this paper to describe, compare and contrast the effects on the development (cognitive, thinking, behaviors) of girls between the age of 6 to puberty when they are…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

motivational theory of lifespan development

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Theories of Life-Span Development Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2016) stated, "We need theories to guide our thinking and our work so that we may undertake research-informed practice" (p. 127-128). At…

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3 Pages

Lifespan Development Between the Events

Words: 868
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Open to all writers!! We will pay $60.00 for this! Title page Page number Abstract a. Define life span development b. Describe the characteristics of the life span perspective c. Identify the human…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Human Development Erikson's "Eight Stages of Man"

Words: 948
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explore human development. Address the following items: Explain the life span perspective of development.…

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5 Pages

Eddie's Life in the Context

Words: 1554
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

3 parts to the paper. 1. Brief summary of the book ( The Five People You Meet in Heaven, written by Mitch Albom ), and what was learned from it 2.…

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20 Pages
Research Paper

Gap: Early Childhood Intervention and the Development

Words: 6336
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Graduate level course on life span development "Complete a research paper (20 pages) written in American Psychological Association (APA) style on a topic of your choice related to life span…

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4 Pages

Tuesdays With Morrie

Words: 1032
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The first page and a half to two pages are just a summary of the books and its key sections. The remainder is tying the text to theories…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Empirical Research Developmental Theory

Words: 690
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Empirical Research and Developmental Theory What does evidence-based research say about the development of sexual orientation in young and middle adulthood? Though the body of literature addressing sexual orientation,…

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4 Pages

People You Meet in Heaven. Each Was

Words: 1085
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Your paper will be based on 3 parts: 1) a brief summary of the book( The five peolpe you meet in heaven by Mitch album) and what you have…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Motivation and Personal Involvement Is

Words: 1682
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Must be at least 1,000 words, but can exceed 1,000 words. ?Write your paper in Arial or Times New Roman 12 pt. font. ?Use spell and grammar check and always indent…

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3 Pages

Lifespan Development Issue Despite the

Words: 1061
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Select a current issue in the field of life-span development. Prepare a 900 to 1,000-word analysis of your selected issue. Include a description of the issue and its…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Media Exposure on Adolescent Body

Words: 1032
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This will be a research/project based paper. The paper should be written so that I will be able to test the effects that media has on the adolescent age…

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4 Pages

Myth of the First Three Years Major

Words: 1352
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Synthesize and analyze the clashing views inherent in life span development on Is there a ?myth of the Frist Three Years?? Write a 1 to 2-page critique of each…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Entertainment Industry Concept Aging, Gender, Personality Development

Words: 1908
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

A REVIEW of how the entertainment industry uses the concept of aging, gender, and personality in the development of movies and television shows. (how life span development influences the…

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2 Pages

Binge Drinking: Cognitive and Socioemotional

Words: 698
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Writer : writergrrl 101 APA style PRIMARY RESOURCES ONLY! Topic: Physical, Cognitive, and Socioemotional Development in Middle Adulthood. Readings: Chapters 16 and 17 of the text: Santrock,…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Video Reviews Social Networking and Kids Http://

Words: 1314
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

VIDEO REVIEWS: Each student must do a video review of 3 videos, and give me your position on whether you agree or disagree with the author and why. The stronger…

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4 Pages

Big Five Personality Trait Longevity

Words: 1718
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

GORDON RULE ASSIGNMENT SPRING 2014 Your Gordon Rule Assignment will be an autobiography using a minimum of five concepts discussed in class and/or the text. It should be…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Multidirectional Learning Is That Learning

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

DUE WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19TH BY 12PM NOON!! FORREST GUMP (1994) For your final examination, Forrest Gump will serve as the case study, upon whom you will apply the theories,…

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3 Pages

Child psychology

Words: 1431
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

CHILD PLAY TIME NATURALISTIC OBSERVATION PSYU 508 Life Span Development/Aging and Long Term Care Students will be expected to observe one child -using naturalistic observation techniques. Please observe an individual…

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