25+ documents containing “Legal Structure”.
*************REQUESTED WRITER: bolavens*************
*************REQUESTED WRITER: bolavens*************
*************REQUESTED WRITER: bolavens*************
*************REQUESTED WRITER: bolavens*************
Subject: Management
Words: 1800
References: APA, at least use of 7 references
Assignment Details:
Provide an appropriate title page and summary.
The external environment and organisational structure
Describe how management thinkers usually conceptualise the external organisational environment. What sort of environmental influences are managers likely to experience in todays organisation? What impact is the external environment likely to have on the structure of the organisation?
4 of the following questions should be answered. Of the 4, each individual question should be answered in the format of a short essay (~500 words).
Please indicate clearly which questions yo...u have chosen.
The questions (of which only 4 should be completed) are as follows:
1) Is the order in which the various commissions produced the constituent parts of the Justinianic restatement of Roman law significant? Can the product of their efforts be classified as a code?
2) Throughout the historical development of the Roman legal system, certain sources of law gained and lost prominence. What were these reasons for these changes and do they reflect stages in the development of a legal system?
3) The Praetor is commonly described as the gatekeeper of common sense in the Roman legal system. Discuss. Was he effectively a legislator?
4) Discuss the similarities and differences in the three systems of civil procedure. Do the changes in civil procedure mimic developments in Roman law?
5) How did juristic writing contribute to the development of Roman law?
6) Explain how the commercial utility of certain slaves contributed to the rise of a form of agency in Roman law.
7) To which extent were slaves and sons in power in the same legal position? What were the main differences?
8) Does the treatment of the institution of marriage in Roman law provide any insights into the way in which changes in society give rise to changes in law?
9) What is the purpose and function of the division of things in the law of property?
10) What is the purpose of prescription as a mode of acquisition of property? Is it significant that it is a civil law mode? more
This paper is for English Literature class. It is a policy argument paper. This paper has two parts, the paper and an ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY.
Please choose GAY MARRIAGE to be your topic. The... argument should be either agree or disagree on gay marriage. You could pick either side but please use your own idea to present your argument. Also, the paper should be academic and touching at the same time, which means you can use a real life gay couple example to present your idea, also use statistical evidence and policy documents to make the paper more official. The basic structure please see my attached file, basically is introduce the problem then tell the audience what reason makes this problem happened, then choose your side and use evidence to prove your idea, the idea could be emotional but just please give a reasonable reason to provide why you either agree or against gay marriage.
You could use the Bible as a source but it should not be your main point to prove your idea.
At the end, this paper requires a ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, the details please see my attached file. I suggest you to use 10 sources, but if you could not find enough source, you could do at least 8 sources. I require a 12 pages paper, the paper itself should be at least 7 pages, but I want to see at least 9 pages for the paper, and other 3 pages are for the annotated bibliography.
I require the writer: billieplus3? (the user name) to writer this paper if he is available.
Please, if you have any question, send my a message, I will reply you as soon as possible. Any questions, you have 4 days to finish the paper, so if you have anything do not understand or I did not tell clear in this description, please send me message, it would be much better if you we do not need a revision, this saves a lot of time. So, when the writing is processing, if you have any question or you want to ask how I would like to let you write the paper, just send me a message. more
This essay is focusing on how a firm from Australia doing the business in Philippine. Some risks need to be considered in Philippine; therefore, it need consider about business environment in Philippi...ne not the specific firm. It is not. a marketing assignment format, and it not focus on the specific firm.
Topic: The firm for which you work as a business analyst is strongly interested in expanding its current manufacturing and sales (both domestic and export) activity to new markets. However several directors have raised concerns over the extent to which your firm would be exposed to business risk in certain countries, and requested a broad analysis of risk for those countries. The analysis is to consider key aspects of the international business environment including but not necessarily limited to issues such as culture, ethical practices, legal systems, and economic prospects and stability generally. It is to provide guidance as to the extent to which the firm?s results may be put at risk, where relevant using evidence from the last five years.
I order this project about 2500words, so do not less than 2500words. Writer should research huge amounts of information and data about this essay. Turn it in should be less than 5%.
I will provide a sample essay and the structure like this essay. more
I would like to request the writer Oriented, the writer has written A2087696, and 2087512 (Roland Beer Company). This writer has done a wonderful job. Thank you very much.
Resources: Vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, balanced scorecards, and communication plan
Write a 700- to 1,050-word section for your strategic plan in which you add your strategies and tactics to implement and realize your strategic objectives, measures, and targets. Include marketing and information technology strategies and tactics. Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally. Finally, recommend actions needed to address ethical, legal, and regulatory issues faced by the organization, and how they can improve corporate citizenship
Prepare three to five Microsoft? PowerPoint? slides in which you briefly outline the vision, mission, values, and balanced scorecard that you have developed for your business
LAW/421 Contemporary Business Law
Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary
Complete the Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues .
Write a 600-word summary. In your paper, answer the following questions:
What are the issues involved in resolving legal disputes in international transactions?
What are some practical considerations of taking legal action against a foreign business partner based in another country?
What factors could work against CadMex?s decision to grant sublicensing agreements?
When the local customs and laws conflict with the customs and laws of an organization operating abroad, which should prevail? Explain why.
How would you compare the issues in this simulation to the domestic legal issues discussed in your Week One readings? How should companies resolve domestic and international issues differently?
Task 2: The Business of Ethics Checklist
Structure: Memo (Section A) & Report (section B) or Report only?use your discretion.
In light of recent corporate scand...als, the question has been raised whether an effective, enforced ethics program could have impacted the outcome of such massive instances of unethical corporate behavior. Because of the increased scrutiny of the actions of corporations and those who act on behalf of organizations, there has been additional attention placed on the ethical actions within organizations. Many organizations have responded to this increased scrutiny by establishing formal ethics programs to foster ethical decision making for business directors, officers, and employees. Effective ethics programs provide the opportunity for management to establish a culture that establishes ethical behavior, both inside and outside of the organization, as the business strives to eliminate unethical conduct.
Two weeks after you are hired as the elementary division manager by a toy company, you receive a memo from the manager of the quality assurance department. During routine testing, the quality assurance department identified a problem with one of the toys included in the elementary toy collection. The primary market for the elementary toy collection is elementary schools. A metal whistle that is included in the toy collection did not pass testing due to small traces of lead. The amount of lead included in the whistles was slightly above the U.S. legally acceptable limits for children ages 7 and younger. A large shipment of the elementary toy collection is scheduled to be shipped to schools in South America at the end of the week, just in time for the beginning of the school year. The approximate cost to reproduce the product and repackage the toy collections is $100,000.
*Task should provide the following in detail:
Prepare a report for the CEO and the executive team in which you do the following:
A. Present three ways to address the situation, by doing the following:
1. Identify three possible alternatives to address the whistle problem.
2. Explain the decision-making process or method that you used for selecting the alternatives.
3. Evaluate the three alternatives by discussing the advantages, disadvantages, financial considerations, legal considerations, and ethical considerations for each alternative.
Note: All 5 elements must be addressed for each of the alternatives.
B. Recommend one of the three possible decision alternatives.
1. Justify your recommendation.
2. Analyze how your recommendation could affect customer relationships.
3. Discuss the role of social responsibility in your decision-making process.
C. Discuss two actions that the company could implement to ensure that ethical decision making occurs at all levels of the organization.
1. Explain how the company could benefit from a code of ethics.
2. Evaluate a code of ethics for an existing company of your choice.
Note: Sources are required to successfully complete part C2. As noted in part D, all sources should be cited in APA format.
a. Recommend at least three components from that code of ethics that are important to include in the development of a code of ethics for the toy company.
Note: You may conduct a search online to find another company?s code of ethics to analyze. It is not necessary for the company to be another toy company.
D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Task 2:
? Select and explain the decision-making process / model that will be implemented to develop each alternative (i.e. potential solution)
? Develop three possible alternatives to address the whistle problem
? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of EACH alternative
? Discuss financial, legal, and ethical considerations of EACH alternative
? Recommend one alternative to solve whistle problem (i.e. best potential solution)
? Justify recommendation?..How?
o Explain thought processes leading to selected recommendation
o Reason this alternative is preferred over the two
o What benefits can be anticipated from choosing this alternative?
? Analyze decision ripple effects on customer relationships
o Internal and external stakeholders
o Multiple levels
o Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
? Discuss influence of social responsibility in final decision
o Definition
o Description of organizational social responsibility
o Considerations (i.e. company reputation, media response, customer perception)
? Discuss two actions designed to promote ethical decision-making
Considerations: deep or broad implementations; experiential examples applicable?
? Company benefits of a code of ethics
Considerations: internal and external advantages; clear positive consequences; experiential examples applicable?
? Code of ethics analysis (i.e. positives and negatives)
Most desirable components to imitate
Justify selections?..HOW?
? Explain thought processes leading to selected recommendation
? Reasons this alternative is preferred over two
? What benefits can be anticipated from choosing this alternative? more
Im a Sport Management Major. The paper must address each aspect of information in the question given, while utilizing references from 5 scholarly, refereed sport journals. These references cannot be more than 6 years old. The paper needs to be written in APA format and be at least 2500 words, not including bibliography or graphs or charts.
The question needing to be answer is listed below:
Analyze the legal environment of your organization. What are the specific areas of law that affect the managerial and operational aspects of your organization? Identify areas that may be potential liabilities to the organization. Specifically evaluate facility and equipment hazards if applicable, but also identify potential problems that may exist due to improper contracts. Don?t forget to evaluate gender, racial, or special population inequities, and anything that might impinge upon constitutional rights. Evaluate how difficult or costly it would be to improve any of these potential liabilities and then make recommendations based upon which may be most injurious to the organization.
My organization is Octagon Sports/Octagon Football. If you have any other questions please contact me!
Pick an administrative agency of either the Federal or a State government. Find where the current and proposed regulation changes for that agency are located on the internet. (i.e. the Federal Registe...r or the State Administrative Agency website.) Regulations.gov is a good place to begin your research. Pick one proposed regulation change currently under consideration (if you find one which has already closed out, but interests you, you can use that, instead) and write the following regarding it:
1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interests you (briefly). Will this proposed regulation affect you or the business in which you are working? If so, how? Submit a copy of the proposed regulation along with your responses to these five questions. The proposed regulation can be submitted as either a separate Word document (.doc) or Adobe file (.pdf). This means you will submit two attachments to the Week 2 DropBOX (1) a Word doc with the questions and your answers and (2) a copy of the proposed regulation you used for this assignment. (10 points)
2. Describe the proposal/change.
3. Write the public comment which you would submit to this proposal. If the proposed regulation deadline has already passed, write the comment you would have submitted. Explain briefly what you wish to accomplish with your comment. (10 points)
4. Provide the "deadline" by which the public comment must be made. (If the date has already passed, please provide when the deadline was). (5 points)
5. a. Once you have submitted your comment, what will you be legally entitled to do later in the promulgation process (if you should choose to do so)? (See the textbook's discussion of the Administrative Procedure Act.)
b. If the proposal passes, identify and explain the five legal theories you could use in an attempt to have the regulation declared invalid and overturned in court.
c. Which of these challenges would be the best way to challenge the regulation you selected for this assignment if you wanted to have the regulation overturned and why?
Answer all of these questions for #5 even if you are in favor of your proposed regulation.
The response to question 5 should be a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs long. (15 points)
Copy and paste the above 5 items into a Microsoft Word document and answer each question fully. Your homework will be about 1 to 2 pages long, single-spaced (50 points). more
Will email the bibliography citation format and other resources. Resources must however be uk based.
Would email research paper structure and comments by tutor. Academics are very tough on plagiarism.
There are faxes for this order.
Write a two to three page paper on the legal basis for the immunization of HMOs from being sued for malpractice. Consider such things as:
the relationship of the HMO with its member physicians,
the HMO organizational structure (IPA versus PPO versus staff model and so forth),
the principle of direct liability, enterprise liability, indemnification, ERISA preemption, ostensible agency, and anything else that you believe would fall under an HMO's vulnerability to being sued.
An historical perspective would enhance the strength of your paper.
Remember to cite sources.
Topic is directly relevant to the project assigned.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Paper is well organized, of correct length, exhibits correct and appropriate grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax, and word usage.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Paper addresses relationship of HMO with member physicians.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Paper addresses organizational structure.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Paper addresses the principle of direct liability.
Open to all writers!!
Run the Contract Creation and Management simulation on the Web site.
Identify the legal issues present and note legal principles that apply to each .
Prepare a memo to discuss what legal risks and opportunities are in the simulation.
Identify what a manager may do to avoid those risks, minimize liabilities, and benefit from opportunities. Each legal risk or opportunity is governed by specific principles.
Identify the principles and relate specific measures managers may take to minimize legal risk or realize legal opportunities.
Evaluate alternatives to resolve problems identified in the simulation.
Explain which alternative approach you believe is best and why.
login: tirerri
click: Materials
click: SIMULATIONS: Contract Creation and Management Simulation
Critical Legal Thinking Case Assignment One
Respond to the following Factual Scenario. Your responses must be in APA format. Although this rubric is based on a factual scenario raising lega...l issues, it can be adapted to a factual scenario regarding an issue of ethical principles or business principles. Business principles are the subject of this assignment.
Important Guidelines
1. Your score will be determined by evaluation of your substantive content. Your analysis and solutions as applicable must be based on the principles of law, ethics, or business principles presented in the text and on the course site--not merely on your opinions. You must describe how application of the principles of law to the key facts support your determination of the issues. You need to show the reasoning behind your decision.
2. The length of your response should be a minimum of one page each scenerio. Most responses will be from two to three substantive pages.
3. Key facts are those facts that determine if the principles of law or business are met. You do not need to repeat the factual scenario. Doing so does not meet the requirement of recognizing the key facts. You must still demonstrate you recognize those key facts.
This paper will have a 2 cover pages, including running head, short title, page numbers,title block, and abstract but they do not count against the actual paper.
A. Margins: One inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, right).
B. Font Size and Type: 12-pt. font (Times Roman )
C. Line Spacing: Double-space throughout the paper, including the title page, body of the document, references, appendixes, footnotes, tables, and figure captions.
D. Spacing after Punctuation: Space once after all punctuation. This includes using one space (not two!) following punctuation marks at the ends of sentences.
E. Alignment: Flush left (creating uneven right margin)
Factual Scenario:
Sterling, Inc. is a manufacturer of state-of-the-art computers. For the past ten years, Sterling has acquired all of its microchips from NoBugs Corporation, the only producer of chips meeting Sterling's high specifications. The relationship has been mutually profitable. Sterling could not have built its reputation as an industry leader without NoBugs's reliable and consistently high-quality products; Sterling's business has enabled NoBugs to grow rapidly while providing its investors with an attractive rate of return.
Some months ago, several of Sterling's computers exploded shortly after installation. Upon investigation, Sterling discovered that tiny imperfections in NoBugs's microchips had aggravated a dormant design defect in the computers, causing the explosions. Analysis of the chips indicated that they were indeed below specifications and that the imperfections were caused by a slight miscalibration of NoBugs's encoding equipment. NoBugs recalibrated the equipment and promptly resumed production of perfect chips.
Sterling's losses from the explosions??"lost profits, out-of-pocket costs associated with compensating customers for the explosions, and injury to business reputation??"are estimated to exceed $20 million. Sterling and NoBugs disagree on the amount of the loss for which NoBugs should be responsible. Sterling has a strong legal case for breach of contract against NoBugs. Sterling's CEO is considering a lawsuit. She asks you to prepare a report discussing litigation strategy and the advantages and disadvantages of litigation; and discussing pretrial planning should the company opt for litigation. Draft that report.
Factual Scenario:
Ron supervises delivery of flowers for a wholesale distributor of fresh flowers, Flowers. Inc. In order to accommodate one of the companys best customers, Ron offers to immediately rush a delivery of fresh peonies. All of the delivery trucks are currently out on delivery. Ron directs an employee, Ruth, to use her own vehicle to deliver the flowers.
Ruth carelessly parks her car on a steep hill, leaving the car in neutral and failing to engage the parking brake. The car rolls down the hill, knocking down an electric line. The sparks from the broken line ignite a grass fire. The fire spreads until it reaches a gasoline station one mile away. There is a tanker truck offloading gasoline to the stations gas tanks. The fire ignites the gasoline being pumped into the tanks, and one of the tanks explodes, causing part of the station structure to fall on and injure a passing motorist, Jim. Can Jim recover damages from Ruth; from Flowers Inc? Why or why not? Identify the cause of action. Discuss each element of the cause of action, and relate them to your assessment of whether Jim has a cause of action against Ruth. Discuss the legal doctrine under which Jim might also recover from Flowers, Inc.
Critical Legal Thinking Case Assignment One
Samuel Student
Joesph Lee College
Business Class
September 9, 2009
The federal government has power to regulate interstate commerce under the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. States may regulate interstate commerce pursuant to their police powers. Such state regulation is invalid if it unduly burdens interstate commerce, or if it conflicts with valid federal regulation. The factual scenario presents a conflict between federal and state regulation of the dimensions of oil tanker ships entering Puget Sound. Analysis of the principles of law and key facts determines that the state regulation is invalid and the federal regulation is valid.
Critical Legal Thinking Case Assignment One
Analysis of the principles of law and key facts determine that the state of Washingtons regulation of the dimensions of oil tankers entering Puget Sound is unconstitutional.
Areas and Principles of Law
The areas of law applicable to the factual scenario are the Interstate Commerce Clause; state police power to regulate interstate commerce; and the Supremacy Clause
The Interstate Commerce Clause permits Congress to regulate interstate commerce??"commerce between the states, foreign nations or Indian nations. States can also regulate interstate commerce as part of their police power to protect or promote public health, safety, morals and general welfare. However, if the state regulation is unduly burdensome on interstate commerce it will be unconstitutional because it violates the Interstate Commerce Clause. Further, if Congress has regulated in the area: the Supremacy Clause prohibits conflicting regulation of the same area by the states; and if Congress has expressly provided that its regulation is exclusive, then the states are prohibited from any regulation in the affected area. (Bagley, C., & Savage, D., 2006).
Key Facts
Congress has regulated the design, length, and size of oil tankers in inland waterways. This regulation is also in coordination with foreign countries. There is no federal expression that its regulation is to be exclusive. The state of Washington has enacted conflicting regulations regarding the size of oil tankers traveling in its territorial waters. ARCOs oil tankers used to bring oil into Washingtons inland waterways comply with the federal regulation, but not with the Washington regulation. ARCO filed suit against Washington to have the state regulation declared unconstitutional.
Congress has the power, under the Interstate Commerce Clause to regulate the size of oil tankers to conform to international standards. In this instance, the commerce of transporting oil affects commerce both with other nations, and between states. The state of Washington also has the right pursuant to its police power to regulate the size of oil tankers traveling in its territorial waters because it is related to safety. However, such regulation must not impose an undue burden on interstate commerce. The Wasington regulation violates the Supremacy Clause because it conflicts with valid federal regulation. An argument can also be made that the state regulation is an undue burden on interstate commerce because it requires a smaller size vessel than allowed by international standards.
The Washington regulation is unconstitutional because it violates the Supremacy Clause. It is also likely unconstitutional because it violates the Commerce clause by creating an undue burden on interstate commerce.
Bagley, C., & Savage, D. (2006). Managers and the Legal Environment (5th Ed). Canada:
West Legal Studies in Business.
There are faxes for this order. more
?In order to be contractual, the parties to an agreement (an offer and a corresponding acceptance) must intend to be legally bound by it. Where there is no such intention to create legal relations, the parties to an agreement can only rely on social or moral pressure to enforce its terms. Yet problems can arise because parties seldom declare their intention in regard to the legal enforcement or otherwise of their agreement. Therefore, it has become necessary for the courts to imply the intention of those parties from the surrounding circumstances of the case?.
The task is:
Critically analyse the above quotation by discussing the accuracy of the claims it contains.
I would like to write a paper which discusses labor relations law as well as the history of the Railway Labor Act and its mechanisms associated with airline unions, contracts, collective bargaining agreements, dispute resolution, the national mediation board, dispute resolutions, cooling off periods, and legal strikes. I would like to compare and contrast these processes to the standard labor relations law (not under the RLA).
Development of American Labor Unions and the National Labor Relations Act
The National Labor Relations Board: Organization, Procedures, and Jurisdiction
The Unionization Process
Unfair Labor Practices by Employers and Unions
Collective Bargaining
Picketing and Striking
The Enforcement and Administration of the Collective Agreement
The Rights of Union Members
Please cite as many sources as possible. Possible text: Employment and Labor Lab.
Please carefully read the following instructions:
1. You absolutely may not consult with any individuals, either in or outside the class, in completing your essay responses. In addition, you...r instructor will randomly select essay responses for plagiarism to detect any instances of academic dishonesty.
2. You may, and indeed are expected to, consult with the textual materials for the course, as well as any additional materials provided to you by your instructor or found on the discussion boards of the class. In addition, you may consult materials outside the class in the completion of your essay responses.
case study for Legal Issues in the Workplace, the sources mainly base on the book
(Digital Edition)
Author: CROSS
Edition: 8th
Digital ISBN: 079778795647
Print ISBN: 9780538453998
Access: Web
Format: Caf?Scribe Format
Rental: 180 Days
Click for Details
PART ONE: Answer 3 of the following questions:
1. Owen plans to open Owen?s Pets Store, a pet supplies outlet, and to hire Quinn and Ruth. Owen will invest only his own money. He does not ex?pect to make any profit for at least two years and to make almost no profit for the first three years, but he hopes to expand eventually. Which form of business organization would be most appropriate?
2. International Exports, L.P., is a limited partnership, with $100,000 in de?clared but unpaid profits. International?s creditors include Friendly Credit Corporation for $5,000 and Gwen, one of International?s limited partners, also for $5,000. When Harry, one of International?s general partners, de?cides to retire, the other general partners vote to liquidate and dissolve the firm. The limited partners, who are not asked their opinions, want Interna?tional to continue in business and file a suit against the general partners to compel this result. Can the court order International to continue? If not, what is the priority of the distribution of International?s assets on its dissolution?
3. Dan is a promoter for the soon-to-be-incorporated firm of E-Business, Inc. Dan signs a contract with Smith & Jones, Accountants, to render their services before E-Business is incorporated and for one year after the in?corporation. E-Business is incorporated. Three months later, after Smith & Jones has continued performing under the contract, the E-Business board of directors tells the accountants that it is canceling their con?tract. Smith & Jones files a suit against Dan and E-Business, alleging breach of contract. Will Smith & Jones prevail?
PART TWO: Answer 3 of the following questions:
1. Brenda is a purchasing agent for Commodity Sales Corporation. Dennis, a Commodity Sales corporate officer, gives Brenda written authority to buy for the firm as many computers and peripheral devices as necessary. The next day, Dennis calls Brenda and tells her to buy only fifty note?book computers and nothing else. Brenda shows the written authority to Eagle E-Products, Inc., and enters into a contract with Eagle to buy sixty note?book computers and a selection of printers, scanners, and extra storage media. Eagle ships the order to Commodity Sales. Is Commodity Sales li?able to Eagle under the contract? Is Brenda liable? In each case, if so, why? If not, why not?
2. Some of the employees of Alpha Computers, Inc., decide that they want to be represented by the Science Workers Union in bargaining with Alpha over overtime pay and the times that the plant opens and closes. Other employees, including Bob, are against the union. Alpha also opposes the union. Who can demand that a union election be held? If the union loses the election, can it picket Alpha? If the union is elected, does it have to represent Bob? If the union is elected, does Alpha have to bargain over overtime pay and the times that the plant opens and closes? If the union is elected, how soon can a decertification election be held?
3. Ron and Sally buy a house with a quarter-acre yard. The real estate con?tract does not specify a type of concurrent ownership. These items are in the house: cabinets in the kitchen, carpeting in the living room, and a mi?crowave resting on a counter. There is also an attached garage. The con?tract does not refer specifically to any of these items. What type of owner?ship do Ron and Sally have, and what rights are associated with that ownership? Do Ron and Sally own the items in the house? Do they own the garage? more
Please see attachement and rewrite.
Create a corporate compliance plan for Riordan. Focus your plan on managing the legal liability of officers and directors of Riordan. The plan must also address how to handle situations when laws are violated or in question (such as when to call in legal counsel, what rights the employees have, or who to turn to when actions are taken against Riordan). Your plan must also include the following:
? Enterprise liability
? Real and intellectual property
? Governance principles of regulatory compliance requirements
? The specific international laws or aspects of the law that must be adhered to by Riordan and an outline of these steps for employees to adhere to these laws
Format your Corporate Compliance Plan as if you were going to distribute this to the officers and directors of Riordan. Outline the prevention and management guidelines of the legal aspects listed above. Implement enterprise risk management based on the COSO?s 8 interrelated components. COSO can be used to structure your plan. Be sure to incorporate key concepts from your readings where appropriate. You need to research requirements at the COSO
Focus of the Summary Paper:
The student will submit a summary paper on the final day of class for the term, which will make up one component of the final grade. The paper should take an in-depth look at a legal/ethical issue or situation relating to current, previous, or potential future work environment(s) for the student. The summary paper must be a minimum of eight to ten double-spaced pages in length with a cover page, not included in the eight to ten pages, and include at least five, outside, scholarly citations (six if the text is used as one of the citations). A successful paper will contain all of the following:
Evidence of the student?s understanding of the issue/situation in relationship to business, government and society.
An understanding of current ethical issues, sources of ethical behavior, legal viewpoints in relation to the issue/situation being examined.
Suggestions/ideas for corrective action pertaining to the issue/situation.
Pro gun control and recent push for stricter gun control
Part 1- Abstract: Your abstract should be one paragraph, approximately 300-500 words, and must include the following: a clear concept ...of your research topic, the structure your paper will take, the sources you plan on using, and a working thesis statement. You may also include questions you are still struggling with and/or potential criticisms of your topic, which you then will have to address in your paper.
Part 2-Research Paper: This paper is a 5-6 page research paper on a topic of your choice and an abstract. This paper should incorporate multiple sources?at least five, but most likely more?to support every aspect of your paper (A good rule of thumb to follow is to have one source per page of your final paper). Be sure to include a variety of sources and opposing perspectives whenever possible?charts, interviews, books, scholarly journal articles, newspaper articles, credible websites, etc.
Both sections should use internal documentation and follow strict MLA guidelines for formatting, heading, and documentation. Papers should be typed?including the rough draft?and proof read carefully. The abstract will be on its own page with the paper stapled behind it. more
This assignment is the culmination of all the writing and speaking you have been doing this semester in Rhetoric B. It is also the culmination of your year-long Rhetoric experience; in it you will com...bine the skills of summary, analysis, and synthesis; additionally, you will practice writing and speaking. It is your chance to make an "amateur's raid in the world of specialists" (Ballenger 72). You have proposed a topic and have had the chance to research, write and speak about that topic. Now is the time to pull together a coherent piece of writing, an essay, about the topic, for a general audience. Also, it is the time to consider what aspect of your topic you would like to present to an audience that has been "listening" to your topic all semester as part of our classroom discourse community.
- You must write a minimum of 10 pages, though a more reasonable and credible number is 12-15.
- You must have a minimum of 4 sources, though a more reasonable and credible number is 7.
- You must have an interview as one of your sources. Also, you should have a variety of other sources, such as books, scholarly articles, television shows, etc.
- You must use the MLA system of documentation. Proper documentation accounts for a large portion of your final grade. See Diana Hacker's handbook.
- Improper documentation is plagiarism. Plagiarism will result in an Honor Board hearing, with consequences ranging from course failure to expulsion.
- Remember that this essay is a synthesis of your voice and other voices; while I will "hear" other voices as you use them to support your propositions, I expect that the thesis, organization, introduction, and conclusion will be solely your original work. Do not write a *research paper* wherein you parrot back the ideas of others; instead, write a *researched essay* wherein you use the ideas of others to help your reader understand your central idea.
- You may use the first person "I" when appropriate.
In class, we will use templates to prepare a working thesis. From this, you should continue to build and refine your thesis so that it is narrow, specific, and arguable.
The topic of this Essay is Prostitution and the fact that it is violating the human rights of these women. And the fact that legalizing prostitution might not be the solution for this.
I would like to start my introduction with a story that has to do with the topic. And then transition to why I choose this topic and why it is important for me. Its important for me because I am from the a place where prostitution is legal and these women don't have any rights whats so ever. and that the government does not protect these women. I have to mention this ( Dominican Republic) in the introduction of my Essay.
Then, a strong thesis at the end of my introduction.
Each paragraph has to have topic sentences. Main points should be supported by quotes or ideas and then the analysis of those quotes. Then, you must answer the question, so what? why should we care?
The essay should be organized!! And every sources must be cited correctly.
The conclusion should be strong! Maybe mentioning the story from the beginning to wrap things up and restating the thesis.
Thank You! more
Law - Business Organisation coursework
Mary and Joseph, shareholders in Kings plc, are concerned about the management of the company by its current directors. Here is an account of what the ...directors have recently done:
The directors of Kings plc, which owned a hotel, wanted to acquire two more hotels. The directors therefore formed a subsidiary company for the express purpose of buying the two hotels. Kings plc could only take a few shares of the new subsidiary, while the directors and the company solicitor bought up the majority of the new subsidiary?s shares. Subsequently the subsidiary was sold and the directors made a substantial profit.
Mary and Joseph want to know whether the directors were legally entitled to do this. They ask you to prepare an explanatory memorandum that they can take to the other shareholders at their next meeting. They also ask you what legal sanctions there may be against the directors.
Advise Mary and Joseph in regards to:
the legality of directors? actions and the relevant legal sanctions against the directors
Please use and reference the following books:
1)Birds, J, and Boyle, AJ, (2011), Boyle and Bird's on Company Law, 8th edition, Jordan's Publishing.
2)Hannigan, B, 2012, Company Law, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press
3)Dignam, A, 2011, Hicks and Goo's Cases and Materials on Company Law, 18th ed, Sweet & Maxwell more
Assignment 5: Ethics Exercise-See syllabus for due date .
Your assignment will be to answer the ethics questions provided below and then upload your responses using the information provided at the... bottom of the page. SEE SYLLABUS FOR DUE DATE.
1. Imagine that it's your responsibility to select an ethics officer for your organization. What qualities, background, and experience would you look for? Why? Would you ever be interested in such a position? Why or why not?
"What sorts of ethical issues will an ethics officer in your organization have to decide or resolve?"
"Is there technical knowledge required? How could a non-technical person acquire the knowledge necessary to resolve issues?"
"Is a background in the law essential?"
"Could a young person -- under age 35 -- do the job, or would employees be more comfortable with an older person?"
"What kind of experience within your company would make the most well-rounded ethics officer?"
"How could an outsider gain credibility within your organization?"
"Is there anything which could bar an insider from the job of ethics officer?"
2. Should the Ethics Officer report to the company's chief executive officer, the legal department, human resources office or the audit department? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
"Think about the mission of all of the departments listed -- legal, audit, human resources, the CEO -- what are the risks associated with raising an issue with each of the departments?"
"What advice could each provide?"
"What protection could each provide?"
If you haven't yet held a job, interview your parents, family, or friends who do work. Ask them about questions 3 - 11.
3. Think about an organization where you've worked. What kinds of ethical dilemmas are unique to that organization? To that industry? What might be the best way to prepare employees to deal with those issues?
Some things to consider in answering the question:
"Is your/their industry regulated? By whom?"
"What do the regulators think are the biggest problems in your/their industry?"
"Is there something in your/their corporate culture that could put your/their company at increased risk for an ethical problem?"
"Is there any aspect of your/their company or industry that has been criticized by the media or the public?"
4. Which of the following exist in the organization? Mission or values statement, policy manual, code of conduct, ethics training (who conducts it), hotline? Are they consistent and credible? Discuss.
"Do all employees receive copies of the policy manual, values or mission statement, conduct code?"
"Does everyone receive ethics training?"
"Have you/they ever read the policy manual or conduct code or other materials relating to ethics?"
"Is your/their company saying one thing in its printed materials and doing another?"
"Who conducts ethics training in your/their organization? Are they -- to the best of your/their knowledge -- ethical?"
"Who answers the company hotline? Who resolves the issues raised on the hotline? Is the hotline confidential?"
5. Does senior management appear committed to ethics? How do you/they know? What could they do differently or better?
Some things to consider in answering the question:
"Do senior managers ever write articles on ethics for company communications (newsletters or magazines)?"
"Do they ever reference ethical behavior in speeches or orientations?"
"Is any senior executive "known" for his or her integrity?"
"Is there a senior executive who is especially trusted by employees?"
6. Are leaders at all levels of the organization held accountable for their ethical conduct? If so, how? If not, why not? What would you recommend?
"Can you think of any employees within your organization who have been fired or disciplined for their behavior or for unethical conduct? How did you find out about it?"
"How long after the problem occurred did it take for them to be disciplined? Who actually did the firing?
"How did other employees interpret the discipline -- what messages did it send?"
"Has anyone been commended for his or her high ethical conduct? What form did the praise or commendation take? How did other employees interpret it -- what messages did it send?"
7. What recommendations would you make for handling frivolous calls that come in to a hotline?
"How would you define a frivolous call?"
"Are problems relating to human resources issues -- arguments with supervisors, for example -- frivolous?"
"Could employees calling with frivolous complaints be penalized? Should they be? Should their managers be notified?"
8. Does the organization evaluate its ethics initiatives? How? If not, why not?
"Have you ever received an employee survey that has tried to assess your attitudes toward ethical issues?"
"Have you ever participated in employee focus groups that have involved ethics?"
"Have you ever read about any ethics evaluations efforts in your company newsletter or magazine?"
"Have your company's senior executives ever distributed reports on how the organization's ethics program is doing?"
9. How would you raise an ethical concern in this organization? List all of the resources available. Which ones would you/they likely use? Why or why not?
"How would the following people/departments react if you were to raise an ethics issue: your manager, your manager's manager, the legal department, the human resources department, the audit department, the ethics officer/department, the chief financial officer, the head of public relations/communications, the head of your division/department, the president of your organization, the CEO, the board of directors?"
"If you had to go outside of your chain of command, who would you approach and why?"
"Under what circumstances would you approach any of the above?"
10. Imagine that you're the CEO of a small manufacturing company. An employee has dumped toxic waste in a nearby stream. What would you do? Who would you call into your office and what would you want to know? Develop a short-term and long-term action plan for dealing with the crisis. Who would you communicate with and why?
"Who are the stakeholders in this situation?"
"Who on your staff (which kind of job) could you count on to handle each stakeholder group?
"Does your strategy for coping with the disaster address the needs of all stakeholders?
"Does your plan include being forthright, accepting responsibility, and making some sort of restitution to effected stakeholders?"
11. Evaluate the ethics program at your/their organization from the perspective of fit. Has the ethics program been designed to fit the organizations overall culture? If so, how? If not, what could be done to make the program a better fit?
What are the three most key values in your/their organization?
Are workers rewarded for exhibiting those values?
Is your/their organizations ethics program consistent with what your/their company rewards?
Questions are from:
Straight Talk About How To Do It Right
Linda K. Trevino
Katherine A. Nelson
Fourth Edition
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Copyright 2007
ISBS 0-471-75525-7
P. 351 more
1. Topic/Question
a. Narrowing down to a single issue. For example:
? Is the government justified to regulate or ban prostitution?
? Do we have a duty to become vegetarians?
b. Not a r...eview/summary of others papers or arguments
? You can criticize/evaluate/mention others arguments and actually you should,
? But it should not be the only/main focus of your paper
A good philosophy paper is modest and makes a small point; but it makes that point clearly and straightforwardly, and it offers good reasons in support of it. People very often attempt to accomplish too much in a philosophy paper.
The usual result of this is a paper that's hard to read, and which is full of inadequately defended and poorly explained claims. So don't be over-ambitious. Don't try to establish any earth-shattering conclusions in your 5-6 page paper. Done properly, philosophy moves at a slow pace.
2. Philosophical, not empirical; Normative, not descriptive
a. Your paper is NOT about your ability to manage, describe, or integrate empirical data and findings
b. You should present your ability in reflecting, analyzing, and formulating normative arguments and the concepts, values, and logic related to them
3. Your essay outline should consist of:
a. Topic/question
b. Stipulations(definition/explanation) of key words/ phrases/ concepts
Main line of argument
? What claim, stance or position you want to argue for or against
? For example
? In this paper, I argue that X is morally justified for the following reasons
? X is justified under circumstances Y and Z because of reason A
? The view X is right from the perspective of P because
c. Framework/skeleton/structure of your essay
? How you are going to argue for or defend your claim/stance/position
? Your flow of argument
? Steps of your argument, e.g.:
? Firstly, I will show that Secondly, I will Thirdly, ;
? Given that Y = X, then Y = ZIf Y = Z, then A should followIf A is what follows, we should not P
d. Anticipated counter-arguments
? One or two
? Choose an argument which can post a serious challenge to your position and show how this argument can be rebutted (it is not fruitful to imagine some silly counter-arguments and knock them down)
e. Reading List
? The reading you are actually going to use
? Please go beyond tutorial reading, that will never be enough
4. Basic structure of an essay (for reference only)
a. An introduction
? The question in discussion
? Basic information concerning the topic (eg. some of the current major views on this topic; NOT giving a history lesson)
b. The problem (sometimes merged with introduction)
? Elaboration of the problem
? Your stance/claim on the issue
c. The criteria for solving the problem
? What premises must you successfully argue for the claim to be valid
d. The positive arguments (fulfilling the criteria)
e. Preempted objection
? Best objections against your case
f. Response to the objections
g. Conclusion
5. Some issues concerning argumentation
a. Remember: a scattered point is not an argument;
b. An argument is formed by a number of premises
c. Start the paragraph of an argument with a topic sentence that can summarize the whole argument in one line
d. Deduction
? Inferring from a number of premises, we can a conclusion
? If inference is valid, and premises are true, the conclusion is true
? Basic form:
? Premise 1
? Premise 2
? Premise 3
? Conclusion
e. Abduction
? Considering all (or most) of the relevant information, X is the most possible conclusion
? Unlike deduction, it does not exclude the possibility of other answers, but X is the most possible one.
6. Language
a. Clear English is preferable
b. Precise (Make sure your words convey your ideas) and Concise (Do not use two words if you can use one)
c. Proof-read to avoid careless mistakes (grammar, sentence structure)
? Proof-reading for each other is usually more effective
d. Be organized and structure your essay well
e. Comply to the word limit (10%+/-, excluding bibliography and footnotes)
7. Some useful sources for learning how to make an argument
a. General skills
? The philosopher's toolkit : a compendium of philosophical concepts and methods/ by Julian Baggini
b. Good illustration of effective argumentation
? Justice: whats the right thing to do?/ by Michael J. Sandel
? Philosophical ethics/ by Stephen Darwall more
In this assignment you will explore the dimensions of your own theory of interpretation. As your format, you should structure your discussion as a law journal article. You may ofcourse, deal with the ...specifics of one or more legal case(S) as a vehicle for framing the larger philosophical debate. But your primary concern is philosophical. Your essay will range far beyond the scope of any particular case so be sure to construct your thesis in a way that permits you to engage the larger theoretical issue. Since your thesis will be much broader than the particulars of any one case, you should not be constrained in the material you cite and discuss-that is, utilize whatever legal or philosophical texts you deem relevant to your discussion. You may think of your essay as a response to this question: What interpretative theory should govern judges as they adjudicate questions of law?
Here are some things you may wish to pay special attention to:
Thesis-Is the thesis sufficiently broad, functioning as an "umbrella" for all the significant ideas in the paper? Is it sufficiently precise, going beyond a simple position statement to forecast some of the rationale that will be offered?
Introduction-Does the introduction to the paper provide enough background for the argument?Does the paper frame a debate so that we can understand the range of possible positions?
Organization-Does the paper seem to flow logically from one point to the next? Does the paper's organizational strategy come easily into view, perhaps through the use of sharply defined topic sentences (important)?
Support-Are ideas and assertions backed up with citations and discussions of outside material? Does the writer discuss the ideas of other writers who have made significant contributions to the conversation in the topic field?
Response to Opposition- Does the paper demonstrate an awareness of alternative points of view-and respond to them effectively?
This is as specific as i can get. Good luck! more
Torts Essay Question:
?Starting in 1990 or thereabouts, there were new developments. Far from being a dying cause of action, as some forecasts had envisaged, there was a re-awakening of inter...est in Wilkinson v Downton, as plaintiffs sought remedies for harassment, bullying and a variety of other forms of unpleasant conduct which lay outside the confines of trespass to the person, and the number of reported cases multiplied greatly.?
Peter Handford, ?Wilkinson v Downton: Pathways to the future?? (2012) 20 Tort Law Review 145 at 146.
Discuss whether the cause of action in Wilkinson v Downton offers a viable remedy to victims of intentionally inflicted psychiatric harm in Australia today. What limitations, if any, are inherent in the cause of action? Is there any doubt about the future of the cause of action in the High Court of Australia ? explain why this is or is not the case?
In order to answer the question you are required to read, consider and where appropriate, refer to the following sources:
- Wilkinson v Downton [1897] 2 QB 57
- Carrier v Bonham [2002] 1 Qd R 474; [2001] QCA 234 (see Austlii)
- Wainwright v Home Office [2004] 2 AC 406; [2003] UKHL 53
- Nationwide News Pty Ltd v Naidu (2007) 71 NSWLR 471; [2007] NSWCA 377 (see Austlii)
- Giller v Procopets (2008) 24 VR 1 ; [2008] VSCA 236 (see Austlii)
- Peter Handford, ?Wilkinson v Downton: Pathways to the future?? (2012) 20 Tort Law Review 145.
- Peter Handford, ?Intention, Negligence and some statutory conundrums? (2010) 18 Tort Law Review 140.
- Peter Handford, ?Wilkinson v Downton and Acts Calculated to Cause Physical Harm? (1985) 16(1-2) University of Western Australia Law Review 31 (see Austlii)
- Peter Handford, Peter ?Intentional Negligence: A contradiction in terms?? (2010) 32(1) Sydney Law Review 29 (see Austlii)
- Mark Lunney, ?Practical Joking and its Penalty: Wilkinson v Downton in Context? (2002) 10 Tort Law Review 168.
- Penelope Watson, ?Searching the Overfull and Cluttered Shelves: Wilkinson v Downton Rediscovered? (2004) 23 University of Tasmania Law Review 264.
- Christian Witting, ?Tort Liability for Intended Mental Harm? (1998) 21(1) University of New South Wales Law Journal 55 (see Austlii)
- S Wotherspoon, ?Resuscitating the Wilkinson v Downton Tort in Australia? (2011) 85 Australian Law Journal 37.
- D Lindsay, ?Casenote: Giller v Procopets ? Distress but no damages? (2004) 11(3) Privacy Law and Policy Reporter (see Austlii)
You must refer to the primary sources (cases/relevant legislation) and secondary sources (journal articles, reports etc) referred to above. It is strongly recommended these sources be based upon the Australian context. You will need to use the library?s databases in order to locate the relevant materials. It is NOT sufficient just to refer to textbooks. Google is NOT a research tool!
Essays must be 2000 words or less in length. Students must display an accurate word count on the title page of the assignment; approximate counts will not be accepted. Students will be allowed a 10% leeway either side of 2000 words.
Students who exceed the upper word limit will be penalised one mark for every fifty words in excess of the limit. Word limits do not include footnotes or the bibliography.
Footnotes and bibliography are essential components of the assignment. Correct referencing (in accordance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation) is essential. http://www.law.unimelb.edu.au/files/dmfile/FinalOnlinePDF-2012Reprint.pdf
Marking: Each essay will be assessed out of 40.(see below for specific assessment rubric)
Torts Essay Evaluation Rubric
MARK /40
Demonstrated qualities/standards
Poor Satisfactory Good Very Good Outstanding
Legal Knowledge
- Knowledge and understanding of the topic?- Identification of relevant issues?- Identification and application of legal principles
- Appropriate use of relevant case law, legislation and secondary sources, especially the set sources.
Marker?s evaluation
Mark /14
Critical Analysis and evaluation
- Interpretation of task and introduction to assignment
- Engagement with set readings/sources
- Application of reasoning and research from recommended sources to generate appropriate responses
- Development of a logical and justifiable argument: a sustained thesis.
- Engagement in critical analysis; making reasoned choices amongst alternatives
- Conclusions supported by argument?- Individual perspective: insight and originality
- Structure of essay: logical organisation; good introduction & conclusion
- Was the question answered well?
Marker?s evaluation
Mark /20
Ethics and Professional Responsibility
- Recognition of perspectives of relevant stakeholders
Marker?s evaluation
Mark /3
- Evidence of self directed work, learning and organisation.
Marker?s evaluation
Mark /3
Other Matters
Written expression; grammar; syntax more
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Read Full Paper ❯1. Topic/Question a. Narrowing down to a single issue. For example: ? Is the government justified to regulate or ban prostitution? ? Do we have a duty to become vegetarians? b. Not a review/summary of others papers or…
Read Full Paper ❯In this assignment you will explore the dimensions of your own theory of interpretation. As your format, you should structure your discussion as a law journal article. You may…
Read Full Paper ❯Torts Essay Question: ?Starting in 1990 or thereabouts, there were new developments. Far from being a dying cause of action, as some forecasts had envisaged, there was a re-awakening of…
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