Legal Research Essays Prompts

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I want a position paper on the follwing question cosidering legal versus moral postion or clinical or ethecial issue a simple written well said the pointview as a health care adminstrator :

Question is

Discuss the distinction between the clinical, ethical and legal aspects of biomedical decision-making( with a example of case related to healthcare clinical, ethical and legal issue involved and as a admistrator what is my standpoint?

Good book to refrence is Morrison, E. (2011). Ethics in Health Administration: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers. (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Crigger, B. (1998). Cases in Bioethics: Selections from the Hastings Center Report. (3rd ed.) Boston, MA: St. Martins Press.

Individual Research: OverviewAssignment 3: Individual Research Task

Individual Research: Overview

As a forensic psychology professional, you need to critically analyze the legal stat...utory and case laws related to psycho legal issues and correctly apply the knowledge from your analysis in your work. The individual research course project will provide you with the opportunity to analyze the landmark cases related to psycho legal issues.

In Module 1, identify at least one case for each of the following legal areas and critically analyze the essence of the selected cases:

Competency to stand trial (CST)
Criminal responsibility
Right to treatment
Right to refuse treatment
Participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders
Through Module 2, conduct research of professional literature to find additional information regarding the selected cases to create a case report. Please note that professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).

You may refer to the following links for additional information:

Landmark Cases of the US Supreme Court
Supreme Court of the U.S.
US Supreme Court Center
In Module 4, you will create and submit a case report for each case related to competency and criminal responsibility right to treatment, right to refuse treatment, coercion, and participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders. You are highly encouraged to work on these case reports on a weekly basis and not wait until Module 4 to complete. Write each case report in 1??"2 pages, providing your analysis and interpretation of the case. In addition, analyze the roles and responsibilities of a forensic psychology professional in the circumstances presented in each case.

Each case report should contain the following headings:

Title and Citation: Provide the title of the case and in which court the case is involved.
Type of Action: Describe the type of the case.
Facts of the Case: Describe the key facts in the case with roles and responsibilities of forensic psychology professionals.
Contentions of the Parties: Explain the relevant points in the contentions of the parties.
Issue: Describe the issue from the viewpoint of psycho legal question at hand.
Decision: Explain the decision in the case with the implications, present and future, for the practice of forensic psychology.
Reasoning: Explain the reasoning provided by the trial judges or justices to arrive at the decision and dissenting opinions, if any.
Rule of Law: Describe the rule of law with regard to the practice of forensic psychology.
Click here to view a sample case report, which you can also use as a template to write your case reports.

Landmark Case Selection

In this assignment, you will research specific cases, describe the essence of each case, and critically analyze how each relates to the practice of forensic psychology.

Click here to view a list of landmark cases.


Select one case for each of the following six legal areas:
Criminal responsibility
Right to treatment
Right to refuse treatment
Participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders
Conduct individual research from professional literature to critically analyze the essence of the selected cases in forensic psychology. Please note that professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Present your choices, as well as your critical analysis of the essence and issues of each case, in a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

By Wednesday, January 8, 2014, save your documents as M1_A3_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the M1 Assignment 3 Dropbox.
Assignment 3 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Articulated the essence of each selected case related to the six legal areas.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Assignment 3: Individual Research Task

Individual Research: Overview

As a forensic psychology professional, you need to critically analyze the legal statutory and case laws related to psycholegal issues and correctly apply the knowledge from your analysis in your work. The individual research course project will provide you with the opportunity to analyze the landmark cases related to psycholegal issues.

In Module 1, identify at least one case for each of the following legal areas and critically analyze the essence of the selected cases:

Competency to stand trial (CST)
Criminal responsibility
Right to treatment
Right to refuse treatment
Participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders
Through Module 2, conduct research of professional literature to find additional information regarding the selected cases to create a case report. Please note that professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).

You may refer to the following links for additional information:

Landmark Cases of the US Supreme Court
Supreme Court of the U.S.
US Supreme Court Center
In Module 4, you will create and submit a case report for each case related to competency and criminal responsibility right to treatment, right to refuse treatment, coercion, and participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders. You are highly encouraged to work on these case reports on a weekly basis and not wait until Module 4 to complete. Write each case report in 1??"2 pages, providing your analysis and interpretation of the case. In addition, analyze the roles and responsibilities of a forensic psychology professional in the circumstances presented in each case.

Each case report should contain the following headings:

Title and Citation: Provide the title of the case and in which court the case is involved.
Type of Action: Describe the type of the case.
Facts of the Case: Describe the key facts in the case with roles and responsibilities of forensic psychology professionals.
Contentions of the Parties: Explain the relevant points in the contentions of the parties.
Issue: Describe the issue from the viewpoint of psycholegal question at hand.
Decision: Explain the decision in the case with the implications, present and future, for the practice of forensic psychology.
Reasoning: Explain the reasoning provided by the trial judges or justices to arrive at the decision and dissenting opinions, if any.
Rule of Law: Describe the rule of law with regard to the practice of forensic psychology.
Click here to view a sample case report, which you can also use as a template to write your case reports.

Landmark Case Selection

In this assignment, you will research specific cases, describe the essence of each case, and critically analyze how each relates to the practice of forensic psychology.

Click here to view a list of landmark cases.


Select one case for each of the following six legal areas:
Criminal responsibility
Right to treatment
Right to refuse treatment
Participation in treatment and civil commitment of sex offenders
Conduct individual research from professional literature to critically analyze the essence of the selected cases in forensic psychology. Please note that professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Present your choices, as well as your critical analysis of the essence and issues of each case, in a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

By Wednesday, January 13, save your documents as
M1_A3_Last name_Firstname.doc and submit it to the M1
Assignment 3 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Articulated the essence of each selected case related to the six legal areas.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
20 v. Madison (1803)
Judicial Review, Federalism
At the end of President John Adams term, his Secretary of State failed to deliver documents commissioning William Marbury as Justice of the Peace in the District of Columbia. Once President Thomas Jefferson was sworn in, in order to keep members of the opposing political party from taking office, he told... Read more

Roe v. Wade (1973)
Abortion, Right to Privacy
Jane Roe was an unmarried and pregnant Texas resident in 1970. Texas law made it a felony to abort a fetus unless on medical advice for the purpose of saving the life of the mother. Roe filed suit against Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County, contesting the statue on... Read more

Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
Self-Incrimination, Due Process
Ernesto Miranda was arrested after a crime victim identified him, but police officers questioning him did not inform him of his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, or of his Sixth Amendment right to the assistance of an attorney. While he confessed to the crime, his attorney later argued that his... Read more

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
Student Speech, Symbolic Speech
John and Mary Beth Tinker of Des Moines, Iowa, wore black armbands to their public school as a symbol of protest against American involvement in the Vietnam War. When school authorities asked that the Tinkers remove their armbands, they refused and were subsequently suspended. The Supreme Court decided that the... Read more

The paper should follow the APA 5th ed. guidelines Specifically, paper should include: a page header, page numbers, running head, title, proper citations, a reference page, etc.

Paper should examine the legal and psychological aspects of the different forms of alernative dispute resolution (ADR): negotiation, arbitration, mediation, summary jury trial.

What types of cases are each best suited for?

Which is viewed as the best (or most popular)form of conflict resolution to prevent litigation and why?.

Use sources that best fit research topic.
Do not use sources that are more than 15 years old.
I think that 4-6 sources should be sufficient for bibiliography.

Law Movie Analysis and Research

Critical Analysis - Requirements

We are going to do term papers based on a film you watch and how it relates to topics we are studying this semester. Watch one of the films and write a 3-5 p...age paper on the LEGAL subject matter of the film and how it relates to a topic or topics from our course/text/discussions. Second, choose one historical event (recent or not) and relate it to the legal issues in the film. For instance, if you choose Silkwood, you will probably write about corporate ethics, and the obvious historical event would be PG&E and the Erin Brockovich debacle.

Do NOT, and I repeat, do NOT simply "review" the film. I'm not looking for Roger Ebert or a film critic, I am looking for the substance of the film and how it relates to the law!! Please ask me if you have any questions about how to do this paper. I will be happy to help!


1. Class Action 1991 (with Gene Hackman)

2. The Rainmaker 1997 (with Matt Damon)

3. Silkwood 1983 (with Meryl Streep)

Submit the analysis via the drop box only! If you want me to review a draft prior to grading you can e-mail the paper as an attachment with your request for a review. The final draft MUST be submitted via the drop box.

The assignment will be 3 to 5 pages, word processed, double-spaced. Title your paper and put your name and course on the first page. The paper is 100 points and while this is not English Comp, I will deduct for really bad grammar, spelling, format, etc. Write a professional paper!

.pdf uploaded: Yalom, Irvin D. "2 - If Rape Were Legal..." Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy. New York: Basic, 1989. 59-78. Print.

.pdf uploaded of four (4) psychotherapies... from Corsini and Wedding?s textbook.

Consider the case in Love?s Executioner entitled, If Rape Were Legal. Drawing on the concepts in four of the systems of psychotherapy we have examined, Dynamic, Person-Centered, and REBT, and Adlerian comment on specific interactions in the text which illustrate some of the therapeutic principles of these systems. I would like you to consider the place of interpretation of meaning, the role of the unconscious, defensive processes, style of life, social interest, empathy, positive regard, congruence, disputation of ideas, and the nature of the therapeutic alliance. Be sure to illustrate your points and assertions with specific examples from the text. Restrict your attention only to the relationship between Yalom and Carlos. You are free to show how any other ideas from the four systems of therapy might be applied to the material.

Organize your essay and allow for the fact that Yalom is not trying for theoretical consistency of any type. Also, be aware that how these ideas may be made relevant to the case is open to argument- you may for example show how a concept applies in one exchange and how it is contradicted in another. If you cite text please cite the author or authors of the chapter in Corsini and Wedding.

CRJ 522


Legal Psychology and Victimization

This week?s reading includes chapters addressing the issues of legal psychology and victimization. Chapter 10 in the Bartol & Bartol text discusses criminal victimization and the practice of restorative justice. Individual bias and assumptions influence the assessments that are made about other people and about any given situation. Research substantiates culturally-based behavior patterns that may be specific to certain segments of the population, including victimology.

In your paper

Discuss the role the psychological profile of the offender(s) and the victim(s) had on the presentation of evidence in court by the prosecution and by the defense, including the use of witnesses. (The goal is to analyze legal psychology as it is implemented in the criminal justice process as well as services provided to victims.)
Discuss the role the psychological profile of the offender(s) and victim(s) had on the trier of fact (the judge and/or the jury) and on the sentencing. (The goal is to analyze correctional psychology as it is implemented in the criminal justice process as well as services provided to victims.)
The Legal Psychology and Victimization paper

profesional ethical paper.
describe the relationship between legal and ethical issues
Identify your personal values and profesional ethics .
Examine ethical theories and principle .
Application-example (of legal and ethical issues in which you used ethical theories and principles)in your nursing practice.
At least four references from scholarly journals in the university of phoenix library.7

Evaluating Legal Prices: Collect information regarding the minimum wage. State the purpose of this legal price, assess its impact on the market for labor, and evaluate the extent to which achieves its purpose.

List of Resources:
Bureau of Economic Analysis -
Bureau of Labor Statistics -
U.S. Department of Labor -
CIA World Factbook -
The Federal Reserve -
Treasury Direct -
The White House -

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research -
Brookings Institution -
Center for Economic and Policy Research -
Center for Full Employment and Price Stability -
CATO Institute -
The Century Foundation -
Committee for Economic Development -
The Conference Board -
Economic Policy Institute -
Economic Research Council -
The Heritage Foundation -
Institute for International Economics -
Levy Economics Institute -
National Bureau of Economic Research -

BBC World News -
CBS News -
The Economist -
PBS? Nightly Business Report -
Reuters -
The New York Times -
Time Magazine -
USA Today -
U.S. News & World Report -
The Wall Street Journal -

Part A. Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students:

Read A Patients Bill of Rights (uploaded). Summarize this document then, choose one of the rights listed and apply that... to a health care situation. Be sure to include any laws discussed in the class which may also apply to the situation.

1) First student - 200 words and must include 2 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.

2) Second student - 175 words.

Part B. Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students:

Read Legal Case Study 2: Referenced from Elliot v. Board of Weld County Commissioners. Do you agree with the verdict against the inmates? Why or why not? Is there a constitutional right to smoke? Does this verdict have any application to patients who want to smoke while admitted to a hospital? Would it matter if the hospital is owned privately, by a corporation, by a religious institution or by a county?

1) First student - 200 words and must include 2 online reference. Response should adhere to APA guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.

2) Second student - 175 words.


Part C. Reflect on "A Patients Bill of Rights" (your opinion). (150 words).



1) Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make answers to look alike. Answer in paragraphs, not in essay type format.

2) Use only online sources (!) and free accessible web sites. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, where you need to log in to view the articles, since I need to go over and review the articles! Please include the link in the references.

Thank you.
There are faxes for this order.

2. BUG, Inc. Paper

BUG, Inc., a company based in Any State, U.S.A., designs, manufactures, and sells electronic recording devices. These devices are used by law enforcement agencies (p...olice, FBI, etc.) to intercept and record sounds and voices. The equipment taps into telephone wires, cell phone transmissions, and picks up sounds and voices through the walls of a house or in open-air locations through the use of a remote microphone. Part of the equipment is driven by software written by BUG employees. BUG has exclusive contracts with most state and federal law enforcement agencies throughout the United States. BUG is thinking about expanding its sales to international markets. Currently, half of its manufacturing plants are in foreign countries and half are in the U.S. The company?s logo is a ladybug wearing a set of headphones.

Write a 700-1,400-word paper answering the following questions:

a. Define the different type(s) of legal protections BUG should have for its intellectual property. Explain why these protections are necessary.

b. Earlier this year, WIRETAP, Inc., a relatively new company trying to compete with BUG, sent one of its employees, Steve, to BUG to get a job. BUG, not realizing Steve was an employee of WIRETAP, hired him to work in its research and development department located in Any State, U.S.A. While working at BUG, Steve forwarded any BUG e-mail he received to WIRETAP. This included e-mail between BUG officers (both domestic and abroad) that Steve intercepted using his hacking ability. At the end of each week, Steve met with his boss at WIRETAP and gave him all the information he obtained about the BUG product lines. Discuss in detail what type(s), if any, of civil liability Steve and/or WIRETAP may face if caught.

c. [See situation b. for background information.] Walter, a security guard for BUG, learns that Steve really works for WIRETAP. Walter takes Steve to a small soundproof room where he keeps him for six hours. During this time, Walter continues to ask Steve what he is doing at BUG and what information he has given to WIRETAP. Walter tells Steve that he will hurt him if he does not tell him everything. Steve finally tells Walter what he wants to know. Walter then lets Steve go home. Has Walter committed any torts? If so, explain. Discuss any liability BUG may have for Walter?s actions.

d. BUG has come to you for advice regarding interstate and international e-commerce. BUG wants to sell its products via the Internet. BUG is concerned about privacy, security, infringement issues, and email contract validity. BUG is also concerned because a company that buys famous and/or company name domain names seems to own the rights to the domain name The company is willing to sell the domain name for a high price. Advise BUG on all e-commerce issues that could possibly affect the company. Be detailed in your response.

e. Shady Town, U.S.A. has been plagued with a recent crime wave. The BUG plant in Shady Town has experienced vandalized vehicles in its parking lot and some second shift employees have been robbed as they walked to their cars at night. BUG receives shipments of parts and other items from vendors at its receiving/shipping dock located at the rear of each plant. The parking lot and dock areas are well lit; however, some lights are now out. While waiting for the dock manager to return from lunch, a vendor was attacked and robbed of his wallet and the electronic chips he was delivering. Discuss what, if any, tort liability BUG may have to the vendor and to the BUG employees that were attacked. What defenses may be available to BUG? Explain your answers.

f. [See situations b. and c. for background information.] The attorneys for BUG have completed their investigation of WIRETAP and its employee, Steve. If they want to bring a successful action against WIRETAP for civil RICO, what do they need to prove? What type(s) of damages could BUG receive?

g. Sally DoGood, a police officer in Shady Town, was sitting in a police van monitoring wiretaps placed in the Crime Boss hideout. The equipment she was using, which was an older model purchased from BUG, short-circuited and injured Sally. An insulator that could have prevented the possibility of shorts was not included in the original design because of its effect on production costs. The newer models, not yet purchased by the Shady Town Police, have the insulator installed. What tort(s) may Sally have for a successful case against BUG? Explain your answer(s).

The assignment above should complete each of the questions and cite business law resources. If you have any questions I can be reached at 201-401-9373 or 732-360-9444. My e-mails are and

Cooper, D. & Schindler, P. (11th Ed.). (2011). Business research methods. 11th Ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780073373706

The opportunity to investigate legal ...and ethical issues and add this knowledge to the Literature Review.

Legal and ethical norms in business must be considered to support the aims of research, such as verification of knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. Business ethics have become of paramount concern and are relevant to the conduct of individuals and organizations as a whole, especially with the numerous corporate scandals that have emerged in the last few years.

Add content to the literature review by analyzing different ethical, legal, and economic issues relevant to your problem statement and proposed solutions within your area of specialization. Evaluate ethical implications in the field of business management.

1. Introduction

2. Add additional sub-themes regarding ethical issues using at 2-3 peer-reviewed journal articles listed below:
Briginshaw, J. (2009). Addressing possible conflicts of ethical management. Interbeing, 3(2), 1-4.
Jiang, D., Lin, Y., & Lin, L. (2011). Business moral values of supervisors and subordinates and their effect on employee effectiveness. Journal of Business Ethics, 100(2), 239-252. doi:10.1007/s10551-010-0678-8
Premeaux, S. (2009). The link between management behavior and ethical philosophy in the wake of the enron convictions. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(1), 13-25. doi:10.1007/s10551-008-9745-9

3. Topic of interest to be used for the literature review: Minkes, A. L., Small, M. W., & Chatterjee, S. R. (1999). Leadership and business ethics: Does it matter? implications for management. Journal of Business Ethics, 20(4), 327-335.

4. Conclusion

There are faxes for this order.

A written assignment in which you select a contemporary sport law issue in sports medicine. You may search for articles addressing that issue in current newspapers, magazines, sport law journals, university law reviews, and other sources.

The Unit 2 assignment should be a minimum of five pages (double-spaced) in length with legal citations on your chosen subject.

Papers should not be a mere recitation of the facts contained in the articles, but should reflect independent thought and analysis by the student

1. Research the United States Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison and write a summary of the facts and legal issues involved in the case and the courts reasoning and decision; and

2. Research and write a brief explanation of the meaning of the following legal doctrines:

a) stare decisis; and b) res judicata.

Since english is my second language please write it with easy words and sentences. Also please cite everything and add the website link to the bibliography section. Do not use books as a resource only websites please.

Keep it very simple and clear

Ethics Law

1.Consider the following:
a.From 1942 to 1953, Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation disposed of its chemical waste by dumping it into the Love Canal or burying it in the canal's banks. Eventually, the canal was sold to the local school board, which constructed a school on part of the site. The rest of the land was sold to various development companies, which constructed single-family dwellings in the area. In 1976, after a series of storms, the buried chemicals seeped to the surface. The dangerous chemicals had disastrous effects on the neighborhood. Some mothers bore children with birth defects while others suffered miscarriages. The incidence of liver disease increased dramatically. Vegetation was destroyed and the entire area reeked with a terrible odor. Further research the situation regarding the Love Canal.
b. In your paper, discuss if Hooker Chemical is ethically responsible for the environmental disaster that hit the Love Canal area? Remember that dumping had been legal when Hooker disposed of its chemicals in the canal. Support your position with appropriate research.

The topic of this argument is about "Stem cell research should have more government funding."

For this paper, please construct an argument defending a claim of policy. Remember that in a...n argument based on a claim of policy, the writer seeks to solve a problem and so will need to establish first that a problem exists, and this part of the argument will entail claims of fact backed by evidence. Then, the writer should propose the policy that will alleviate the problem, and that will entail the writer's own logic backed by motivational appeal and possibly a claim or claims of value for the policy. As your textbook states, ?Almost always, should or ought to or must is expressed or implied in the claim? (Rottenberg 77). Remember that the writer needs to acknowledge and refute possible counter arguments and policies, and demonstrate how his/her policy provides an answer to the counter arguments(s) and is the best policy relative to other possibilities. The policy also must be feasible; that is, it can actually be implemented (some policies will solve a given problem but simply are not feasible for some reason(s) or another).

The topic and support must come out of your major field of study, so (again) you may need to consult with one of your major professors or your department chairperson for help in generating the topic and guidance towards reputable professional journals, books, and websites that you can research for support. If you do not yet know your major, you must generate a topic out of a subject that interests you. The instructor will have to approve the topic and review the claim you are making about it to make sure you're on the right track. Shorter research writing, such as this, typically employs a rough average of two sources per page, making fourteen the required number of sources for this paper. Remember to use a variety of sources, not just websites. Additionally, .com websites and Wikipedia are prohibited. Do not use these as sources in your papers.

You must employ MLA style in your papers, which includes the page format, in-text source documentation, and works cited page. Your handbook has a section on MLA style in it, so please refer to it.

This argument must be at least seven to nine full pages long, not including the works cited page. Be sure that your claim is clearly stated. You should also review the last few slides of the ?Claims? PowerPoint for a reminder on the structure/format of this paper.

This is an article review. I will email the article to you. This is my third order and the same directions apply. PLEASE LOOK AT EXISTING ORDER!!!A1043877 Summarize important points,your assessment of the appropriateness of the literature review, research design and methodology, conclusions and how the article contributed to the overall body of the stress management literature. The instructor said to synthesize and not summarize. Think like a doctor!! The invoice number from my other order is A1043877 please look on that to get any information that I left off this one. please call if you have any questions 706-6272847
Sorry for so last minute, I am desperate and stressed!!!

I a female who works as a technician for a telecommunications company. The employee breakdown is 85% male and 15% female.

I need a 700-1050 word written legal issue anaylsis of a newspaper or magazine article that discusses a legal aspect of a specific diversity issue (ex. sexual harrassment). Summarize the diversity issue, analyze the legal concerns and present my thoughts and beliefs regarding the issue. When presenting my thoughts and beliefs, contextualize my opinion in terms of the challenges of managing that specific diversity issue within my workplace.

Please write the paper in an easy to read language.

this is a short debate paper on capital punishment the legal,moral and financial aspects. I am on the pro capital punishment side but both sides must be clearly stated with the paper leading to more of a pro stance. Please Include a title page, an introductory paragragh with a succinict thesis statement, and a conclusion that recapitulates the arguments briefly and restates the thesis along with a reference page.

Assignment 1: Union Management and Organization
Due Week 4 and worth 200 points

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Summarize the historical and legal framework provides the foundations for the American system of labor / management relations.
2. Analyze the actions of unions and management to determine basic compliance with the major U.S. federal labor laws.
3. Determine the roles and responsibilities of key participants in a right-to-work state when compared to a non right-to-work state.
4. Explain the process for organizing and for decertifying unions.
5. Use at least three (3) quality references and cite references in essay. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Summarize the historical and legal framework which provides the foundations for the American system of labor / management relations.
? Analyze the actions of unions and management to determine basic compliance with the major U.S. federal labor laws.
? Explain the process for organizing and for decertifying unions.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in labor relations.
? Write clearly and concisely about labor relations using proper writing mechanics.

You are a law clerk for a judge on New York?s Court of Appeals. Part of your job is to assist your judge in understanding and deciding cases before the Court.

Defendant Golden Gate Yacht Cl...ub (?GGYC?) has appealed the decision of the Appellate Division, First Department, African Diaspora Maritime Corp. v. Golden Gate Yacht Club, 109
A.D.3d 204 (2013). Your judge has asked you to draft a memorandum for him. The judge has not formed a view on whether defendant should win on appeal or whether the Appellate Division?s decision in favor of plaintiff should be upheld. He therefore tells you to write the memo as if you are deciding the case, with conclusions and reasoning to support your conclusions. Further, because the judge may revise your memo into an opinion, and he likes his opinions to be thorough and easily understood, you should not assume that readers are familiar with the relevant legal rules and case law.

You must decide whether plaintiff African Diaspora Maritime Corp. (?ADM?) has stated a claim for breach of contract. In other words, should ADM be allowed to proceed with its breach of contract claim and ultimately go to trial before a jury? The Appellate Division said yes, and GGYC is appealing that decision, arguing that ADM?s breach of contract claim should be dismissed.

After thinking about it and having a meeting with the judge, you have determined that you must consider and address the following issues in order to provide a thorough and well-reasoned memo. Remember that a good memo (and ultimately, an opinion) not only supports its conclusions or decision, but discusses counter-arguments.

? Is the Protocol an offer or, instead, a solicitation for an offer?

? If the Protocol is an offer, what are the terms of the offer? How does the Protocol evidence an intent by GGYC to be bound? Bound to what?

? If the Protocol is an offer, how can the offer be accepted? Has ADM accepted the offer?

? What is the consideration in the contract alleged by ADM?

? If the Protocol is an offer, and ADM accepted it by its application, does GGYC have complete discretion to reject a Defender Candidate application?

The Majority opinion of Justice Acosta and the Dissenting opinion of Justice Tom of the Appellate Division and the opinion of Justice Kapnick of the Supreme Court, New York County, will give you background and illuminate the issues, but you are not going to simply analyze which opinion is best. Instead, you are going to use the arguments that those opinions set forth as well as any additional arguments you can devise to come to your own conclusions on the contract claim. Certainly, however, if you think one of the opinions stated something accurately and well, you may cite to it.

You should not discuss the following: ADM?s claims for breach of trust or breach of fiduciary duty, whether the appeal is properly before the Court, the standard for granting or denying a motion to dismiss, or the issue of damages.


must be in memo format (EXACTLY THIS)
Introduction (includes framing the legal issues & brief factual summary)
Analysis/Discussion ? includes your legal reasoning

ONLY USE SOURCES I UPLOAD no outside sources.

1 page in length
"Legal Effects on Business" Please respond to the following:
Numerous laws that are enacted to protect consumers have been passed and business leaders have evolved to reflect ...this focus on consumer safety. Assess the Americans with disabilites act and determine its consumer safety effects within the past 20 years on the type of business in which you are currently employed or have been employed (I currently own an online womens accessories boutique but am looking for a storefront). Be sure to state the type of business in your response. Then, speculate how this law will impact business in the next 10 years, assuming it is not repealed.
Assess how your business might be impacted financially should a consumer lawsuit be instigated arising from this law.

1 page in length
"A New Business Plan" Please respond to the following:
Imagine that you are beginning the very first social networking site, fast-food restaurant, or pizzeria, and develop a brief business plan that highlights the financial, marketing, and organizational aspects.
Now that you have identified several key components of your business, recommend how you would approach the first six months of operations.

Customer is requesting that (philipj) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (philipj) completes this order.

please locate a QUALITATIVE criminal justice/security management research article. Add the article to your post (either via hyperlink or as an attachment). Provide a brief summary of the research (Do not just recopy the abstract. Use your own words). Explain why it is "qualitative." Be sure to identify and discuss the following elements of the research:

Units of Analysis
Operationalization: how were the variables operationalized?
Time dimension

What conclusions can be made from the research?
How would you have conducted the experiment differently?

subject: Contemporary Issues in Criminology
Prescribed Text: The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Fourth Edition
Topic: Drugs and Crime

QUESTION: Does research evidence suggest that current policies on drugs and crime are still appropriate?

Assignment: Business Research Ethics

Find an article that discusses unethical business research conduct that has resulted in individuals or a firm being convicted, or at least tried for, this conduct. Some examples include the following:

? Asking inappropriate questions
? Skewing research results
? Failing to maintain participants? confidential information
? Using participant information for unintended purposes such as selling goods or services

Summarize the article you researched.
Write a 800-word paper in which you address the following questions:

? What unethical research behavior was involved?
? Who were the injured parties?
? How has the unethical behavior affected the organization, the individual, and society?
? How could the unethical behavior be avoided or resolved?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Final paper: Critique a Study

Based on your understanding of the material presented in class and the textbook, answer each of the following questions. Your answers should be clear and concis...e, demonstrating your ability to think critically about this piece of research. Respond to each question individually.


1. What role does research play in social work?
2. Why is it important for social workers to understand research?
3. How will you use research in your practice as a social worker?

Describe the type of research used in this study. (Exploratory or Descriptive or Explanatory). pts) Provide the reference.

2. What was the research problem and was it clearly defined?

3. Were there research questions or hypotheses? If so, identify.

4. Briefly describe the methodology used. Was the methodology appropriate? Why or why not?

5. Was the population studied clearly identified? Who were they? What sampling method was used? Was the sampling appropriate? Why or why not?

6. What concerns related to validity and reliability (measurement) faced the researcher?

7. What concerns related to validity (internal and external) may have faced the researcher?

8. Were the conclusions consistent with the findings? Are the findings generalizable beyond the study? Why or why not?

9. Does this research contribute to social work knowledge? Do you think it is useful for social work practitioners? Why or why not?
10. What were the strengths and what were the weaknesses of this study?

10. All quotations should be appropriately cited according to the 5th Edition of the APA Manual.
8-10 pages
100 pts

3 Pages

Clinical, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Biomedical

Words: 856
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

I want a position paper on the follwing question cosidering legal versus moral postion or clinical or ethecial issue a simple written well said the pointview as a health…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Individual Research Task. Individual Research: Overview Medina

Words: 640
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Individual Research: OverviewAssignment 3: Individual Research Task Individual Research: Overview As a forensic psychology professional, you need to critically analyze the legal statutory and case laws related to psycho legal issues…

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7 Pages

Resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution: Legal

Words: 1906
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

The paper should follow the APA 5th ed. guidelines Specifically, paper should include: a page header, page numbers, running head, title, proper citations, a reference page, etc. Paper should…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Law Movie Analysis and Research

Words: 1566
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Critical Analysis - Requirements We are going to do term papers based on a film you watch and how it relates to topics we are studying this semester. Watch…

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5 Pages

Psychotherapies if Rape Were Legal This Is

Words: 1296
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

.pdf uploaded: Yalom, Irvin D. "2 - If Rape Were Legal..." Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy. New York: Basic, 1989. 59-78. Print. .pdf uploaded of four (4) psychotherapies…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Legal Psychology and Victimization

Words: 1130
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

CRJ 522 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT Legal Psychology and Victimization This week?s reading includes chapters addressing the issues of legal psychology and victimization. Chapter 10 in the Bartol & Bartol text discusses criminal…

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7 Pages

Legal Issues Are When You Are Looking

Words: 2450
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

profesional ethical paper. describe the relationship between legal and ethical issues Identify your personal values and profesional ethics . Examine ethical theories and…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Legal Prices: Collect Information Minimum Wage. State

Words: 1164
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Topic: Evaluating Legal Prices: Collect information regarding the minimum wage. State the purpose of this legal price, assess its impact on the market for labor, and evaluate the extent…

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3 Pages

Ethical and Legal Perspectives in

Words: 1055
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Part A. Pretend that this question answered two (2) different students: Read A Patients Bill of Rights (uploaded). Summarize this document then, choose one of the rights listed and apply…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Sorts of Legal Protections Should Bug Have.

Words: 1755
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

2. BUG, Inc. Paper BUG, Inc., a company based in Any State, U.S.A., designs, manufactures, and sells electronic recording devices. These devices are…

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3 Pages

Business Leadership and Ethics Should

Words: 1057
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Book Cooper, D. & Schindler, P. (11th Ed.). (2011). Business research methods. 11th Ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780073373706…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Legal Implications of Steroid Use

Words: 1711
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

A written assignment in which you select a contemporary sport law issue in sports medicine. You may search for articles addressing that issue in current newspapers, magazines, sport law…

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2 Pages

Marbury v. Madison Legal Case Involved a

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

1. Research the United States Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison and write a summary of the facts and legal issues involved in the case and the courts…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Ethics Law

Words: 685
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

1.Consider the following: a.From 1942 to 1953, Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation disposed of its chemical waste by dumping it into the Love Canal or burying it in the canal's…

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8 Pages

Stem Cell Research Should Have More Government

Words: 2639
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

The topic of this argument is about "Stem cell research should have more government funding." For this paper, please construct an argument defending a claim of policy. Remember that in…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Legal Aspects of Job-Related Stress in Great

Words: 620
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is an article review. I will email the article to you. This is my third order and the same directions apply. PLEASE LOOK AT EXISTING ORDER!!!A1043877 Summarize important…

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2 Pages

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Words: 746
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

I a female who works as a technician for a telecommunications company. The employee breakdown is 85% male and 15% female. I need a 700-1050 word written…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Legal, Moral, and Financial Debate of Pro Capital Punishment

Words: 1682
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

this is a short debate paper on capital punishment the legal,moral and financial aspects. I am on the pro capital punishment side but both sides must be clearly…

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7 Pages

Legal Framework Which Provides the Foundations for

Words: 2117
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment 1: Union Management and Organization Due Week 4 and worth 200 points Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Summarize the historical and legal framework which provides…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Memorandum on Contract Formation

Words: 1909
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

You are a law clerk for a judge on New York?s Court of Appeals. Part of your job is to assist your judge in understanding and deciding…

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2 Pages

Legal Effects Upon Businesses -

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

1 page in length "Legal Effects on Business" Please respond to the following: Numerous laws that are enacted to protect consumers have been passed and business leaders have evolved to reflect…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice/Security Management Research Article. Add Article

Words: 769
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

please locate a QUALITATIVE criminal justice/security management research article. Add the article to your post (either via hyperlink or as an attachment). Provide a brief summary of the…

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3 Pages

Drug Crime Does Research Evidence Suggest That

Words: 908
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

subject: Contemporary Issues in Criminology Prescribed Text: The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Fourth Edition Topic: Drugs and Crime QUESTION: Does research evidence suggest that current policies on drugs and crime are…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Business Research the Unethical Research Behavior Discussed

Words: 908
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment: Business Research Ethics Find an article that discusses unethical business research conduct that has resulted in individuals or a firm being convicted, or at least tried for, this conduct.…

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8 Pages

Role of Research in Social Work Research

Words: 2302
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Final paper: Critique a Study Based on your understanding of the material presented in class and the textbook, answer each of the following questions. Your answers should be clear…

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