25+ documents containing “Legal Profession”.
Multicultural Supervision:
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
You are a 51-year-old African American female who works at a county ...mental health clinic and have recently been assigned to supervise a 25-year-old Middle Eastern male who is a brand new Licensed Professional Counselor ??" Intern (LPC-I) and who just started providing services at the clinic this week. Due to a crisis situation that occurred at the clinic just prior to his first scheduled supervision appointment, you both decided it would be best to postpone your first supervision session until the following week. Just before the scheduled session for the supervisees second week of employment, he stops by your office and states that one of his clients is having an emergency and he must leave immediately to make a home visit. Before you can state your objections, he runs out of the office. The following day you track him down and insist that he schedule time for supervision before the end of the week. The supervisee tells you that he is only available on Friday at 5:00. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, you agree to see him then.
During the supervision session, which is now at the end of the supervisees second week of employment, he provides a cursory review of the caseload he has been assigned. Of some concern to you is that he has been given the Waller case. (Mr. and Mrs. Waller, a young Caucasian couple, have a tumultuous and sometimes violent relationship, and the Department of Child and Family Services [DCFS] have been called to their home numerous times when their children have been abused or neglected. The caseworker at DCFS has assured your agency that one more incident of child abuse will likely result in the children being removed from the family.) Having this background knowledge, you ask probing questions to learn more about the counseling session with the father that occurred last week. The supervisee shares that Mr. Waller admitted to hitting his youngest daughter repeatedly the night before when he came home drunk; however, he greatly regretted his behavior and realized what had triggered his anger towards his daughter. The supervisee views this as great progress for Mr. Waller and is excited about working with him again next week. You ask the supervisee if he reported the incident of child abuse and learn that he did not. The supervisee explained that he felt if he reported the incident that it would ruin the rapport he had established with Mr. Waller. Additionally, he felt certain that Mr. Waller was remorseful and would never harm one of his children again.
In four page paper (does not include title, bibliography, resource pages):
Identify any ethical or legal concerns in this scenario, and be sure to support your concerns in the context of ACA ethical guidelines and laws applicable in your state.
Discuss aspects of diversity that will be important to consider in this scenario.
Prioritize the 3-5 most significant concerns you might have as a supervisor and prioritize the course of action you would take.
In hindsight, explain what you would have changed or done differently.
Describe how you will approach the remainder of your term of supervision with this LPC-I.
Explain how this situation would influence your future supervision approach with a new supervisee. Be specific in what you would keep in mind and what you would do differently.
Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Grading Criteria
Assignment Components Proficient
Maximum Points
Identify any ethical or legal concerns in this vignette, and be sure to support your concerns in the context of ACA ethical guidelines and laws applicable in your state. Ethical or legal concerns identified are accurate and clear. All ethical or legal concerns that are present in the vignette are identified and described, including state-specific laws (when applicable).
Discuss aspects of diversity that will be important to consider in this vignette. Aspects of diversity discussed are appropriate and clear. All aspects of diversity in the vignette are discussed thoroughly.
Prioritize the 3-5 most significant concerns you might have as a supervisor and prioritize the course of action you would take.
3 ??" 5 significant concerns prioritized are appropriate as a supervisor. They are specific and completely described. Courses of action proposed are appropriate for each concern and are grounded in relevant scholarly literature.
Explain what you would have changed or have done differently. Explanation of what you would have changed or have done differently is clear, specific, and complete. Things to change are appropriate to be changed and realistically would improve the situation.
Describe how you will approach the remainder of your term of supervision with this LPC-I. Description of how you will approach the remainder of the term is clear, specific, and complete. Examples are used to clarify or demonstrate ideas. How such actions are beneficial to both you as a supervisor and the supervisee is clearly addressed and described. Specific evidence from scholarly sources is used to support ideas.
Explain how this situation would influence your future supervision approach with a new supervisee. Be specific in what you would keep in mind and what you would do differently. Explanation of how this situation would influence future supervision with new supervisee is clear, appropriate, and specific. Specific examples of future supervision with supervisee are provided to illustrate ideas. How future supervision is similar and different is clearly delineated and explained. All ideas are grounded in evidence from scholarly sources.
Academic Writing
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
120 more
Class: Intro to Law
Movie report on Rainmaker to:
a) Identify legal issue
b) Trial history
c) Policy review etc., etc., etc.
you will be writing a paper using primary (written opinions by the justice you will be playing in the simulation) and secondary (journal articles, biographies, articles from newspapers/news magazines ...etc., books) sources that analyzes the judicial philosophy of your justice.
For this paper you will want to address the following questions:
1. When was the justice appointed? Who appointed the justice? Was the appointment controversial?
2. What is his or her professional background (i.e. previous occupation, previous legal experience, previous judicial experience, educational background etc.)?
3. Has the justice been described as liberal, conservative, or moderate? How can you tell? What written opinions provide clues about the justices ideology? Has the justices behavior corresponded well with the ideology of the president who appointed him or her?
4. Where does your justice fall along the judicial restraint to judicial activism continuum? How can you tell? What written opinions provide clues regarding the justices positions?
5. Is your justice a strict constructionist or one that views the Constitution as a living document that must change with the times and also looks to the context and purpose of a law when making an interpretation (i.e. a broad constructionist)?
6. Of all of the opinions written by your justice, which are considered the most significant? Explain.
Paper Specifications
1. Papers should be double-spaced.
2. Font size should be 11 12 point, 1 inch Margins
3. There does not have to be a cover or title page but your name should appear on page one.
4. Please include page numbers in your paper
5. Your paper should include at least 5 sources NOT posted:
6. You must include appropriate footnotes/endnotes, or in-text citations AND a Bibliography at the end of the paper.
7. Wikipedia, however will not be considered a reliable source and your paper will be marked down if you use Wikipedia as a source for researching information regarding your justice. more
One area of legal psychology that has received a great deal of attention in the profession is the use of expert testimony to refute eyewitness testimony. Should psychologists be allowed to refute an eyewitness testimony in a criminal case? In a related issue, should lawyers be allowed to hire trial consultants for jury selection, witness preparation, etc.? Use arguments from the text to support your position.
Book used - Forensic Psychology, Cronin,C
I will give you an idea about myself, my background, my goal. This is kind of my braindstorm, there is not really any organisation. Please, feel free to add any goal that you thing may be pelpful
I have a bachelor degree in law, Iam lawyer from a foreign country. I always value education to have a good future.
My objectif is to fullfill my my personal goal by increasing my knowledge and gaining skill to become an asset to my company and family.
My goal for increasing my knowledge is to make a difference in the lives of others.
Education is a tool to achieve my goal. Learning gives me the challenge I need for self enrichessement.
after practicing law for an extend period of term, working with non governmental organisation, I've develop a deep passion in human right. I would like to be an expert in human right, have more knowledge. Become a lawyer specialised in human right. This master degree will equippe me to fight a battle of a human right respect not only in my society, but in my country and why not around the word. enforcing the human right of people in the criminal justice system, challenge unconstituational and illegal criminal justice practice that target the poor, people of color and marginalized groups.
This studdy will earn me sufficient knowlege to enfacise the respect of hman right, by transforming the justice system into one that is fair, transparent and effective in my country.this is a passion that is fighting inside of me and i will not stop until I have traved that road.
In determining my personal career goal, I believe personal goal are essential to maintaing professional succes. In addition to professional success I also want to maintain a healthy environement for my family; to be a role model for my children. I want them to see that it takes perserverence and deligence to maintain personal succes in their lives.
Financial stability is also one of the factor in my goal.gaining more skills, is a tool to achieve my goal that will help me become more marketable in the work place.
This master degree is one step close to what has been my dream, become a professor. being able to help my country in the field of education, which is a lack. As a professor I will not be able only to translate knowlege to students at university, but more, teach human right to different group of people,both government and non government at both level.
I am always ambitious and determinent to have a career. I always know tha I wanted a life that can impact. A degree in human right seem important because I wanted a profession that would incorporate caring and compassion as integral component of my work. Helping people consistetly led to fulfill as I served in many ways. As a co-chairman of a non governmental organisation " l"ife before", I've become to understand how the situation in Afirca/congo, is catastrophe. Millions of people are without shelter, food , water,women are raped. Working for all these people right is a must in my goal.even I've been arrested myself for pleading the the right that has need to be respected.
I am aware that my goals are standards set by myself in order to succed to my fullest potentials. I am aware that I will have to struggle. I've struggle all of my life to be successfull. So,the struggle is not what matters, but the accomplishement that arose out of struggle.
PS: Please, I will need this essay to start with a strong hook of your choice.
2 to 3 quotation will be good I guess! for the rest, please figure out what works the best more
a case study analysis. The case you are using is the Robert Courtney case. Here is one link but there are several others you can use: http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-54775380.html#mlt.
For this Module you will need to complete the following tasks.
Identify and discuss the legal concept of tort.
Based upon your research and assessment of the case, is there sufficient evidence to suggest this was an intentional tort? Explain why or why not?
Who was impacted by his actions?
Where there any lawsuits filed as a result of his actions?
Discuss the concept known as the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior. Does it apply in this case? Why or why not?
This assignment is due on Sunday at the end of week 5 for module 2.
Customer is requesting that (johnfitz44) completes this order.
This paper is for a Fire and Arson Investigation course.
The assignment is to write a research paper on the "common challenges encountered by the fire/arson investigator.
This paper should address the following:
- "The Scientific Method"
- Legal considerations for Fire/Arson Investigations
- The "Daubert Challenge"
- The "Undetermined" classification of fire causes and "when to use" this classification.
- Evidence Spoilation
- Any other additional material you wish to include as long as it pertains to fire investigations.
- Students may include information regarding their individual fire departments if they so wish (for me, that is the Dallas-Fire Rescue Department)
Business Ethics Case 3.5 at the end of Ch. 3 of The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce. After reading the case, be prpared to answer the questions that follow. All Questions posed are ...fully answered with substantive responses beyond yes or no and include explaintions and evidence of through as to the issues posed. The response is a min of 500 words.
Main Reference is:
Cheeseman, H. R. (2010). The legal environment of business and online commerce: Business ethics, e-commerce, regulatory, and international issues. (6th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
3.5 Business Ethics The National Enquirer, Inc., is a
Florida corporation with its principal place of business in
Florida. It publishes the National Enquirer, a national weekly
newspaper with a total circulation of more than 5 million
copies. About 600,000 copies, almost twice the level in the
next highest state, are sold in California. The National
Enquirer published an article about Shirley Jones, an entertainer.
Jones, a California resident, filed a lawsuit in California
state court against the National Enquirer and its president, who
was a resident of Florida. The California lawsuit sought damages
for alleged defamation, invasion of privacy, and intentional
infliction of emotional distress. Calder v. Jones, 465 U.S.
783, 104 S.Ct. 1482, 79 L.Ed.2d 804, Web 1984 U.S. Lexis 4
(Supreme Court of the United States)
1. What kind of paper is the National Enquirer?
2. Was it ethical for the National Enquirer to try to avoid
suit in California?
3. Are the defendants subject to suit in California? Why or
why not?
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This paper is a research paper comparing the U.S. jury selection process with that of European countries. The U.S. selects jury members randomly, while in Europe, jurors are educated in law. This is their profession and they have been trained to understand the law. I would like to compare the two, while identifying some of the benefits of each and negative aspects. I would like to end the paper with several comments on how to improve the U.S. system, in light of what we know of how juries are handled in other countries.
Please use at least one journal citation.
Please answer the following 9 questions. Mostly in your own words. Please be sure to separate each question with the corresponding answer.
1.Review the 13 strategic staffing decisions that o...rganizations must make when developing a staffing strategy. Provide an example of an organizational business strategy, and explain how each decision might be impacted by the given business goals.
2.You are the staffing manager for your organization. Fully discuss the administrative issues that you would address in the planning stage of external recruiting. Explain the importance of each issue.
3.If you were the HR staffing manager for an organization, what guidelines might you recommend regarding oral and written communication with the job applicants by members of the organization?
4.As an HR leader, how would you try to get individual managers to be more aware of the legal requirements of staffing systems and to take steps to ensure that they themselves engage in legal staffing actions?
5.Assume you gave a general ability test, measuring both verbal and computational skills, to a group of applicants for a specific job. Also assume that because of severe hiring pressures, you hired all of the applicants, regardless of their test scores. How would you investigate the criterion-related validity of the test?
6.There are numerous negative organizational consequences to firing employees, including the discomfort of the supervisor who delivers the termination information, conflict or sabotage from the departing employee, and the potential for a lawsuit. In response, many supervisors provide problem employees unpleasant work tasks, reduced working hours, or otherwise negatively modify their jobs in hopes that the problem employees will simply quit. What are the ethical issues raised by this strategy?
7.Imagine an organization that has a staffing process in which vacancies are filed (a) on a lottery basis from among job applicants, or (b) on a first-come, first-hired basis among job applicants. Predict the potential problems associated with these scenarios
8.It has been suggested that "ethical conduct" be formally incorporated as a general competency requirement for any job within the organization. Debate the pros and cons of this suggestion.
9.Consider a circumstance where your organization is doing exit interviews and has promised confidentiality to all who respond. Your supervisor has asked you to give the name of each respondent so she can assess the information in conjunction with the person's supervisor. What obligation do corporate HR employees have to keep information confidential in such circumstances?
Customer is requesting that (nicolle) completes this order. more
I will send to you my version Ethiccs 3. Please take a look at Requirement below and my paper which I add rqureiment on the paper. My essay is bad grammaer, so it is cannot be a sample paper. Please ...following requrement. Thank you
Unit III Assignment
Unit 3 Assignment
This third assignment has three choice options A, B, or C. Choose ONE of the three options A, B, or C to complete the assignment for this unit. Do not submit partial or incomplete assignments. Include all of the assignment in one single secure document. Please use headings, subheadings, and follow APA Publication Manual guidelines. You must demonstrate that you have completed the assigned reading, through use of references and citations in the body of your response in the selected option.
This section involves the examination of ethical issues that may arise in the course of conducting psychological research. The selected reading provide a topography of the stages of research that include conceptualization, problem selection, research design, sample population, data collection, data analysis, and presentation of results. The readings introduce students to the federal and state agencies charged with regulatory oversight of psychological research, their organization, and administrative procedures. Ethical issues common in the conduct of psychological research are underscored along with the protections afforded to human participants and the public interest.
Chapters from Beauchamp et al. (1982), though out of print, serve as the principal source of selected essays covering: the regulatory context, IRB system, types of harm in social science research, limits of inquiry, deception and honesty, privacy and confidentiality, and methods resolving privacy problems. The unit also requires students to review the Saybrook Institutional Review Board policies and procedures. While the Beauchamp text is currently out of print, these chapter essays maybe found in the revised Course Reader (Spring 2005). New texts on the ethics of social science research, covering this spectrum of issues, are under review for adoption in this course.
Third Assignment: This assignment should not exceed 5- 8 pages in length. Read the behavioral science Milgram Obedience Study (1963) and the biomedical Tuskegee Experiment (1932). In light of the assigned readings, identify the ethical issues presented by these studies. Frame your critique in the history of legal and ethical protections afforded human participants. If you were a member of the Human Subjects Research Review Committee, would you have approved these studies? If so, why, and if not, why not? How might the research proposals be reformed to receive review board approval? Your essay must include references and citations to the assigned reading.
Required Reading
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45- Public Welfare, Department of Human Services, Part 46, Protection of Human Subjects, June 2005
National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research.(1979). The
Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research (DHEW Publication No. (OS) 78-0012). Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office.
Saybrook Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures.
Tuskegee Experiment: Brunner, B. (n.d). The Tuskegee syphilis experiment: The U.S. government's 40-year experiment on black men with syphilis. Retrieved from http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmtuskegee1.html
Milgram Study: The Milgram Study: Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology. 67(4), 371-378
Unit III Assignment
Option C:
Third Assignment: This assignment should not exceed 5- 8 pages in length. Read the behavioral science Milgram Obedience Study (1963) and the biomedical Tuskegee Experiment (1932). In light of the assigned readings, identify the ethical issues presented by these studies. Frame your critique in the history of legal and ethical protections afforded human participants.
If you were a member of the Human Subjects Research Review Committee, would you have approved these studies?
If so, why, and if not, why not?
How might the research proposals be reformed to receive review board approval?
Your essay must include references and citations to the assigned reading.
1. Review stages of research design.
2. Acquire and demonstrate knowledge of ethical and legal issues involved in conducting psychological research.
3. Acquire and apply knowledge of ethics and laws involved in conducting psychological research to existing research.
4. Acquire and demonstrate knowledge of Saybrook Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures.
5. Acquire and demonstrate knowledge of how ethnicity, class, gender, politics and other cultural factors have an impact on research questions, design, results, conclusions, interpretations and applications.
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Objective: synthesize moral theory and ethical considerations with their application to a real world setting/circumstance.
Topic: Assisted suicide
Include the following regarding your cho...sen topic:
1. Identify a legal/ethical issue or dilemma within your topic.
2. Provide the history of the issue or dilemma.
3. Present current resources to address the issue or dilemma.
4. Evaluate alternative or better solutions for the issue or dilemma addressed.
5. Analyze the potential effects of this issue and predict how they may be addressed in the future.
Additionally, address three of the course learning outcomes as they apply to your selected topic. For example, you could address the Patient?s Bill of Rights as it pertains to a do-not-resusicate (DNR) order. Or, you could discuss the elements of autonomy, fidelity, and confidentiality as they are incorporated in the ethics of organ donation. The three outcomes you select must be explained in relation to your selected topic.
The course learning outcomes are as follows:
1. Analyze the evolution and application of moral theory and ethical principles in health care.
2. Discuss the elements of autonomy, fidelity and confidentiality.
3. Explain the legal rights of individuals as they interact with health care services.
4. Explain the process, including cultural diversity, for ethical decision making.
5. Analyze the monitoring systems that ensure human rights, legal aspects, and quality health care.
6. Discuss the implications of the Patient?s Bill of Rights.
7. Analyze selected ethical and legal case studies that have promulgated precedent-setting decisions.
You must utilize at least eight to ten scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past five years (not including the textbook). You may also supplement your paper with interviews of agency personnel, comparisons of similar governmental agencies in varying communities or service populations, updates on current legislative initiatives in the area, and ethical analyses of the issues and services involved with the current situation(s) analyzed. more
Please read the following vignette and write a treatment plan assessment.
The treatment plan should address the following:
1. Client information
2. one paragraph - description of cli...ent
3. one paragraph - providing history of problems
4. The client Mental Status Including:
* cognition
* Affect
* Mood
* Behaviors
* Physiological Functioning
* Suicidal and Homicidal Assessment
* Social History
* School History
* Client Strength
5. The Client presented problems
6. Identify the legal and ethical issues in the case?
7. Demonstrated critical thinking in discussion of the important legal and ethical issues?
8. Write a 2 paragraphs or more case conceptualization. This means discuss which problems client is experiencing, and why?, from a consistant theoratical prespective which is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) she is having these problems.
9. Write a logical and rational of what do you think is going on with the client?
10. write the 5 Multi-axial diagnosis and provide a rational for AXIS I and AXIS II, one paragraph each. This sectikon should be as the following:
Rational (paragraph) why you choose this diagnosis?
Rational (Paragraph) Why you choose this diagnosis?
11. Write goals and objectives using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
* 5 short term Goals
* 5 Long term Goals
12. Write one paragraph explaining why you used Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
13. write interventions that goes along with the goals, this includes:
* 5 initial Stage
* 5 progressive stage
14. Write the outcomes of the counseling progress.
Please be sure to answer each question 1-14 after reading the vignette. Be sure to provide a header for each question. The case conceptualization should be based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Prespective. APA format.
Alexandria Wright is a 37-year-old female who came to Dr. Hidlan for therapy. She mentioned that she had counseling a year ago. Alexandria is experiencing Flashes of sadness. A few months ago she started having recurring dreams of her father?s death who passed away a year ago. She feels sad. Her siblings hide their feelings. After a year she feels back to what is going on. The client was made as the executer of her father?s estate. She is working on the estate but is annoyed with people. She has 3 sisters. She is the 2nd oldest of 4 girls. Her father?s well stated to split the estate 4 ways. All personal property is being given a value. She thinks back to her parent?s death. Her parent?s were cheated out of their estate by some of their siblings and she didn?t want that to happen with them. The client stated that her and her sisters agreed not to involve their husbands in the estate business, but her youngest sister?s husband, Bruce tries to stick his nose into their business and the client doesn?t like it. Her oldest sister is Isabella 39 and they are all 2 years apart, she is not married, Victoria the sister below her is married, and her youngest sister Elizabeth is married to Bruce who keeps trying to get in her and her sister?s estate business. Bruce doesn?t like it because she told her sister Elizabeth to tell him to get out of their business. Bruce took the accounting test 4 times and couldn?t pass it. He works for Managed Care CEO., but he failed the accounting test. The client passed it on the first try. She got her BA and her Masters Degree and she is also a CPA. The client states that it is insulting to have Bruce inquire about her and her sibling?s estate because it is none of his business. The Psychologist informed her that he knows Bruce and that Bruce is a friend of his. The client asked the counselor to talk to Bruce but he declined and stated ?than that becomes a legal matter on my part? ?I cannot have dual-relationships in therapy?. The client states she specifically priced each of the items in the estate to be as accurate as possible. She is putting a lot of work into making sure every dollar is accounted for before disbursement and she gets annoyed and upset when Bruce starts asking questions about pricing values of estate items. Her relationship with her siblings is somewhat shaky. Elizabeth is the client?s youngest sister. She states Elizabeth is spoiled and always got her way. She had no rules or guidelines from their parents compared to her and she resented it. The clients states that Elizabeth is spontaneous and has inappropriate behavior. Victoria her next to the youngest sister get along well. Her oldest sister Isabella is a peace of work. The clients states that Isabella is very sloppy, totally the opposite of her. The client likes neatness and is very disorganized. Isabella was so sloppy when they were growing up that the clients separated the room they lived in together to separate the sloppy side and create a boundary. The client is the closest to Victoria. She states that Victoria is an accountant too. The client has 2 boys. Victoria has 2 girls. They have a good relationship with each other and their parents. Their parent?s had rules and expectations. The client stated that she is very responsible and organized. She organizes everything. Closets with clothes by dress, skirt, color, seasons, etc., and has coded them on the computer to use when she wants to pick an outfit. The clients states her immediate family has breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time every day. Tuesdays are always laundry day. Their life is very structures. She states that structure is important and cleaning is the same way it makes things less complicated. Order is very important to the client. All 4 of her closets are in order. The clients is and orderly, organized, hard worker. She states she gets complaints from her sisters, they think she is obsessive with organization. When her and her sisters go on vacation she organizes everything. Her sister?s think she over organizes. She organizes, where they will stay, the grocery list, the trip itself, menu, everything. While they are on vacation the client doesn?t want to be disturbed. She will bring something to organize. She feels unappreciated about the trip organization. She just tries to make life easier for unexpected things in life. The client does not like unexpected things, so she keeps a back up plan. She always has sub category files to monthly expenses and people they do business with. She states that she enjoys organizing, it relaxes her. When they are on vacation she rents a place where she can reorganize the kitchen or other rooms in the rental. She likes to organize whether it is in work or play. The client states that it is a solitary task. She states that her husband is an Engineer. She spends most of the time with the children. They are 5 and 7 years old. She has taught the children to organize their closet, lay out the clothes they will wear, and put everything away when they are finished. She states that the 7 year old has been doing that for 2 years. The client states that when she is frustrated she goes and starts organizing to help relax her. Organizing invades her thoughts when doing other tasks but she lets the other tasks go but it?s hard. She says she does not obsess. Her rituals of organization are the same way. She goes to make sure the car is locked every night. She states when others talk to her it does not give her thoughts. She does not hear voices, and has no thoughts of death or hurting others or herself. The client states her major milestones accomplishments are she graduated Valedictorian in high school, got her BA Degree, Magna Cumlada and her MS Degree Magna Cumlada. She has been working had on their parent?s estate to make sure all prices average out. The client states that her brother-in-law Bruce keeps objecting to prices and that bothers her. She states that she does not let others help her. No one could do it as well. She is thinking of taking her children out of school to home school them because of social influences, drugs, pregnancies, the culture and so on don?t meet up with her standards, morals, or ethics. She states that she manages the money and she and her husband have several saving accounts including for their children?s education. She manages their funds with an explicit budget and tracts all of the expenses. She states they live their life by a budget and save about 20% or so of their money in retirement, a nest egg, and their son?s education. Her sister?s call her a perfectionists. The client does not think she is a perfectionist. Her sisters do not interfere and let her finish her tasks. Her sisters and others think she is stubborn but she does not think so. She states that she has operated in the same way all of her life. She stated she is tired of Bruce challenging her on prices. She remembers witnessing what happened to her parents when her grandparents died and what they went through. After some of the kids took the money they were ostracized by their siblings. She doesn?t want that. She states that even though her sisters and she have their differences, family is still very important. They made a pack to leave the spouses out. Elizabeth is dealing with the situation and trying to get Bruce in like but she is having marital problems due to this. The client?s states again the Elizabeth is crying now about the whole situation. She states her sister is a spoiled baby and her other siblings are mad at Bruce. The client?s most important issue is that her family stays intact. That is very important to the client. more
Hi I am requesting writer "GAMEMASTER"I believe his name is ALAN. he worked on a previous order of mine (A2046102).
A research paper based on the article from the January 31, 2003, Richmond Times... Dispatch, Carrico Ending 42 Years On High Court, Virginia's Chief Justice Retires After 42 Years of Judicial Service. What are some ethical advantages and disadvantages of an appointed vs. an elected judiciary? What are some ethical advantages of having a mandatory judicial retirement age? see the related information below to ASSIST in the paper
Retiring chief justice spent 42 years on high court
Richmond Times-Dispatch
RICHMOND, Va. - Harry L. Carrico was a judge before five of his six colleagues on the Virginia Supreme Court were born. The sixth was barely out of diapers when Carrico became a trial justice in Fairfax County in 1943.
When Carrico was named to the high court, the man who will succeed him as chief justice, Leroy R. Hassell Sr., was 5 years old.
The number the Virginia State Bar assigns to a newly admitted lawyer increases with the number of lawyers admitted. Last week, it went to 49,010. Carrico's number is 867.
As chief justice since 1981, he has presided over the admission of almost two-thirds of the lawyers practicing in the state.
Any discussion of the 86-year-old Carrico might understandably start with longevity, but it moves quickly to vitality and accomplishment. His 42 years on the Supreme Court, 22 as chief justice, ended Friday.
His work ethic would be "almost mythical in proportion but for the fact that it's true," said Justice Donald W. Lemons, the junior member of the court.
Carrico typically rises at 4:15 a.m. for a bike ride of at least six miles around his western Henrico County neighborhood. He's in his office by 6:45 a.m. and often is the last to leave the Supreme Court building in the evening.
Until recently, he Rollerbladed on weekends in the commuter parking lot on Gaskins Road, but the county closed it because of concern about lawsuits. "I'm going to go back to it," he said. "We'll find a place."
His reputation for vigor has hardly been diminished by his marriage in July 1994 to Lynn Brackenridge, who is more than 40 years younger than he.
By all accounts, it is a remarkably happy union, even though Brackenridge is almost as energetic as Carrico in her role as president of Gateway Homes of Greater Richmond Inc. The organization operates residences and a supported living program in Chesterfield County for mentally ill adults.
"They truly love each other," Lemons said. "They enjoy each other and they are enjoyable to see together."
If he had his way, Carrico makes clear, he would continue on the court. "It's a very interesting job. There's something new every day. I don't want to quit."
But a state law that took effect after he began his most recent 12-year term requires judges to retire the January after their 70th birthday. The law allowed judges to complete the terms they were serving, regardless of their age, and Carrico's ended Jan. 31.
He will continue as a senior justice, sitting on three-judge panels that decide whether a case is worth full review and substituting on the court when a justice is disqualified for some reason.
His departure has touched off banquets and accolades, including standing ovations from the legislature during Gov. Mark R. Warner's State of the Commonwealth address and from the Supreme Court staff on his last day on the bench as chief justice.
"I don't really deserve all this," Carrico said. "I just did what I thought I was supposed to do."
The work includes much more than writing opinions and presiding over the court when it hears oral arguments or holds conferences about how the individual cases should be decided.
The chief justice also is the administrative head of the court system, responsible for budgets, the technology that connects the four levels of the system and awareness of judicial and legal trends.
As such, he operates as a combination lobbyist-department head for the judiciary in its interaction with the General Assembly.
Some of the enhancements that Carrico has championed have been tough sells. He said one that he wasn't able to accomplish was the biggest disappointment of his career.
He was a strong proponent of a kinder, gentler way of handling domestic relations cases: a family court that would combine procedures now split between circuit courts and juvenile and domestic relations district courts.
The General Assembly approved the concept in 1993 but never provided the money. "I feel it would be the best change that could be made," Carrico said.
A more successful effort was his attempt to convince the General Assembly that state judges should be paid on a par with their federal counterparts. Though he didn't meet total success in that mission, Virginia judges are now relatively well paid.
Circuit judges earn $123,027 and rank 10th among their counterparts in the other 49 states, while a U.S. District Court judge earns $150,000.
The major judicial initiative during Carrico's tenure was the creation of the Virginia Court of Appeals in 1985. Carrico notes wryly that it took only 17 years, and the court does not have full jurisdiction as do such courts in the federal system and in most state courts.
Carrico has supported other judicial and administrative initiatives, such as mediation as a substitute for litigation, especially in the family context.
"If something is good and is going to help you, you're foolish not to at least investigate where it might take you," he said.
Justice Lemons said, "He's always been willing to be on the cutting edge of technology and other developments and to do it personally."
Carrico had written his opinions on a yellow pad with a pencil for more than 25 years when the head of the court's information systems installed a computer in Carrico's chambers.
Technology and more administrative help have enabled the Supreme Court to handle an increase in its workload from 420 cases a year when Carrico joined the court in 1961 to about 3,000 cases last year.
David B. Beach, clerk of the Supreme Court, said, Carrico's "leadership to me has always been the example that he sets."
Lemons agreed. "He's a consensus builder because he philosophically believes that that's the right way to lead an institution, and because at heart he's a gentleman more
. Draft a letter to Mr. Knievel explaining whether or not you believe that he has a legal claim for defamation. In your letter, you will need to address the elements of a defamation claim and whether or not those elements can be satisfied in this case. Also, your letter should be written from the perspective of a lawyer.
There are eight different types of offenders. Describe the these type of offenders THE CAREER CRIMINAL, THE SEX OFFENDER, THE MENTALLY ILL OFFENDER AND The ELDERLY OFFENDER explain the types of problems they pose for correctional facilities.
Please follow the Criteria below for this paper
Describe the different types of offenders.
Explain the types of problems these offenders present for correctional facilities.
Note: It is expected that all assignments will include APA style and formatting and appropriate citations.
700- to 1,050-word analysis of the article or legal case and how the issue in the article or legal case relates to the nature, sources, and functions of the law.
?A 1000 word (minimum) referenced (minimum 5 references) reflective essay discussing a great social worker, comparing and contrasting various values and vision with those of the social work profession and the barriers /enablers that social workers would have experience.
the moral/ethical responsibilities of modern physician
society's expectations from the medical profession
general perception of physicians by society
finally argue whether the medical profession is becoming a craft or not and explain
Assignment 1: Staffing Organizations?Part 1
Due Week 4 and worth 250 points
You plan is to open a gourmet coffee shop next to a college campus in Washington, DC. The hours of operation will ...be from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Monday ? Friday and 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on weekends. Initially, the coffee shop will have three (3) store managers and ten (10) coffee servers. Your local bank has preapproved your business loan based on your forecasted profit and loss statement and collateral. Before the bank will give final approval for the loan, the bank has requested that you provide them with two documents (Staffing Organizations Part 1 and Staffing Organizations Part 2) that explain how you plan to staff and manage the business for the next three years. Note: Staffing Organizations? Part 2 will be due in Week 8.
Write a 4-5 page paper in which you:
1. Identify the type of employment relationship you would establish between the coffee shop and employees from a legal perspective. Explain your reasoning.
2. Suggest ways that you could avoid claims of disparate treatment.
3. Identify the type of external influences that could hinder staffing and how you would address them.
4. Create a plan that you can use to deal with employee shortages and surpluses.
5. Outline a strategy for workforce diversity.
6. Conduct a job requirements job analysis for the store managers and coffee servers in order to identify tasks, KSAOs, and context for those positions.
7. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Develop a model for staffing an organization that supports the firm?s Human Resources Management strategy and sustains productive operations.
? Summarize the key legal compliance issues associated with staffing organizations.
? Explain the planning considerations for staffing organizations, the use of job analysis, and the components of a staffing plan.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in staffing organizations.
? Write clearly and concisely about staffing organizations using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. more
Informational Interview Report
The report is mainly for exploring an occupation and showing your interviewing skills.
Please follow these steps to do:
1. Research career choices at ht...tp://online.onetcenter.org. Choose the career in business management to explore.
2. Find network to identify someone to interview in the field of interest.
3. Go to meet the person to interview who is related to business management area, such as a manager of a company, human resources managers, marking managers, finance managers, etc. Please include the person?s full name, his job title, and the company that he works at.
4. Conduct the interview asking questions in such areas as:
1) How did he get his job?
2) What does he like and/or dislike about the career area?
3) Does he satisfy and enjoy with this career?
4) Has he experienced any challenges?
5) Does he see any growth opportunities, etc.
In organizing the report, you can put your interview questions and responses in an Appendix (you can put this in page 3). Then in the body of the report (page 1 and 2), you should discuss the interview from the standpoint of the following points:
how you selected the person to interview,
how you set up the interview,
observations about the communication process during the interview,
and what you learned from a career standpoint / how you benefit from the interview.
If any research is conducted (this is optional, but no more than two researches), e.g. interviewing techniques or career choices, that these are cited per the APA style. more
In a well-crafted, comprehensive paper, present and defend a thesis on the current state of the accounting profession. In other words, make a broad claim about the accounting profession as a whole (The current state of the accounting profession is) and defend the statement using specific examples from knowledge topics that support your thesis. It is important that you include at least one direct reference to each.
The knowledge topics would include:
1. Knowledge, skills, and collaboration
2. Changing the face of the accounting profession
3. CPA Qualifications
4. Ethical Dilemmas
5. Assurance
6. Outsourcing
7. Business Fraud
8. Public and Private Spheres
Type of paper: comparative paper, compare between the jury system of united states and the escabinos system of Venezuela, please use the fax material for the information of Venezuela.
Citation: bl...ue book type. Additional information attached below
What means to be an escabinos? In the Organic Code Procedural Penitentiary (Copp) the citizen participation is conceived as a right and to have that participation is through the escabino function. The selected ones must concur and exert the function for which they have been summoned; similarly the State must have to protect and to guarantee his physical integrity and the court must adopt the measures necessary to make such protection effective. To be escabino does not require having previous knowledge.
How they are chosen? Every two years, the magistrature publicly elaborates a list of people who describe to be escabinos, taking the data from them Permanent Civil and Electoral Registry. Known people with impediments, prohibitions and legal excuses are discarded. Soon a drawing by each judicial circumscription is made and the Judge President of the respective Judicial Circuit must have to notify the people who have been chosen.
Types of judgments. It will take part in a Penal Judgment, which will be oral and public. It will participate in a case on a crime that carries a pain of four to 16 years of prison. In the case of adolescents, they will have the opportunity to participate in a mixed penal judgment for the System of Criminal responsibility of the Adolescent; in this case the Court will be integrated by a Judge President and two escabinos, and the judgment will be oral but private. Also, to the dispositions of the Copp and the Statutory law of Protection of the Boy and the Adolescent will be applied (Lopna).
Function and conditions. To the escabino it corresponds to him to judge the culpability of the imputed one to which it is accused to have committed a crime. The escabino form leaves from a Penal Court, who is preside by a judge, who will act like President judge, and two escabinos. All will know the causes and effects that the commitment of a crime brings as consequence of the accomplishment a crime.
The obligations. 1. To take care of the call that to him the Judge President does, in the date and scheduled time.
2. To inform ahead of time to the court about the existing impediments that can present/display for the exercise of their function.
3. To take oath and to maintain the respect to the same one.
4. To fulfill the instructions of the Judge President about the exercise of its functions.
5. Not to give declarations, to comment out or to disclose some information on the Judgment in which he participates himself, since what he ventilates himself he is totally confidential.
6. To judge with objectivity, impartiality and probity.
Causal of excuse. The Copp establishes four fundamental ones:
1. The ones that have exerted the function of escabino within the three preceding years to the new designation.
2. The ones that make works of excellent general interest, whose substitution originates important damages.
3. The ones that allege and credit any other cause that makes difficult to them of form burdens the performance of the function.
4. The greater ones of 70 years.
How it works? The Judge President and the escabinos constitute the court (mixed) and the judgment is made with the uninterrupted presence of the judge, the escabinos and the parts. Reason why he cannot retire of the room until the judgment finishes, except in the pauses dictated by the Judge President. Deliberation and votes. The deliberation is based on the impressions that the escabinos and the Judge President gather during the hearing. The escabinos will be able to interrogate to the imputed one, the experts, the witnesses and to solicit from them clarifying in the opportunity in which the Judge President indicates it. As much the Judge President as the escabinos will try to dictate their decisions by consensus, previous deliberation on all the points submissive their knowledge; if agreement is not obtained, it will come itself to the voting on the disputed questions
IMPEDIMENTS : To have kinship of consanguinity or affinity with some of the parties or its spouse.
Be adopted or adopt some of the parties.
Have with anyone of the parties friendship.
To have maintained some type of communication with some of the parties on the case submissive its knowledge or emitted salary opinion in the cause.
Any other reason that can affect its impartiality.
TO BE ESCABINO IT MUST? be Venezuelan older than 25 years. be in the full exercise of its civil and political rights. be loquacious (minimum). be domiciled in the judicial circumscription where the process is made. Not to be put under penal process nor to be condemned. Not to have been object of sentence of a professional disciplinary organism that jeopardizes its conduct. Not to be affected by physical or psychic incapacity that prevents the performance of the function. Persons that can not be:
The President,
the ministers and the directors of public institutions.
*The General Solicitor.
*The civil employees of the Judicial Power,
*Public Ministry.
*The governors, the mayors and the councilmen.
*The lawyers and university professors of legal disciplines.
*The active members of the Army (FAN).
*The ministers of any cult.
*Police civil employees and penitentiary institutions.
*The credited heads of diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad.
Translation by Adriana Perez
News paper: ultimas noticias
Author: Julio Andres Borgues
Date: October 27 ,2002.
You have been chosen escabino. Congratulations! Now it will be able to participate directly in the administration of penal justice. This material has been elaborated to support the accomplishment of its workings, and to clarify to its doubts and restlessness. Surely, one will face an event that represents a challenge. Nevertheless, it does not have to doubt his capacity to carry out the work required. You have been called because she fulfills the requirements. Its work is extremely important. It will have to decide on the guiltiness or innocence of the defendant. You have been chosen to act the as escabino.
How has been made this selection? Its name has been selected by drawing of a list of people who fulfill the requirements to evolve like so. This list is satisfied publicly and previous warning of the Executive Direction of the Magistrate, by drawing, every two years with base in the lists, to exclude the people who have impediments, prohibitions and excuses, the judge president of the Judicial Circuit of its jurisdiction notifies the people to participate them in the assigned judgments.
In what type of judgment it is going to participate? You will participate in a penal judgment. This will be oral and public. In this judgment a supposed crime will be known, that in case of sanctioning itself, can take to a greater pain of four years of prison until a maximum of sixteen years. In the Codigo Organico Procesal Penal (COPP) one settles down that nobody could be condemned without a previous judgment. This judgment must be oral and public. It must be made without illegal delays, before an impartial judge, and according to the dispositions of the COPP. All the rights and guarantees of the had process must be safeguard, consecrated in the National Constitution, the laws, treaties, agreements and international agreements subscribed by the Republic. The oral principle establishes that only the tests incorporated in the hearing will be appraised. The publicity principle establishes that the oral judgment will take place in public form, that is, that all the people that wishes it, can attend him. Which are the obligations that have the escabinos? Their obligations are the following ones: To take care of the call of the judge in the date and scheduled time. inform to the court with the anticipation due about the existing impediments for the exercise of its function. take oath. To fulfill the instructions of the judge president about the exercise of its functions. Not to give declarations nor to comment out on the judgment in which they participate. judge with impartiality and probity.
What roll must assume? It corresponds to him, in his quality of escabino, to judge the guilty or innocence of the imputed person to commit a crime. According to his mentioned obligations previously, it must do it of impartial way and with probity.
In what court it is going to participate? It will comprise of a mixed court. This means, that the court is made up of a professional judge, who will act like judge president, you, and another person with the same quality of escabino. In case by the nature or complexity of the subject that is going away to treat in its court, he is considered that the judgment will last an extraordinarily long period, also a substitute will designate itself. The substitute will attend in the opinion from his beginning, since if by some circumstance you must leave the judgment, the substitute escabino will replace it.
When is constituted the court of whom you comprise? Fifteen days before the beginning of a judgment, he chooses himself of between the qualified people exerting of escabino, eight names. Both first they are titular, the other six substitutes. This election is notified the selected people. Three days later to the notification, the selected people must participate in a hearing publishes summoned by the judge president. There the inhibitions and excuses are solved. The court will make the debate in a single day. If it will not be possible, the debate will continue during the consecutive days that will be necessary until their conclusion. It will be possible to be suspended continuously by a maximum term of ten days, computed.
How is deliberated and voted on guilty or innocent? The deliberation is based on the impressions that you, the judge president and the other escabino have gathered during the hearing. The judge president and the escabinos will have to try to dictate their decisions by consensus. Once finished the hearing, you will make a previous deliberation on all the points submissive your knowledge. If agreement is not obtained, it will come itself to the voting of the disputed questions.
How and when must you participate in the debate? You will have to be present throughout the debate. In order to participate actively in him, you will be able to interrogate to the imputed one, the experts and witnesses, and to solicit from them clarifying. Nevertheless, he will not be able to do it at any moment, but he will have to wait for his turn, which will be indicated him by the judge president of the court.
The JUDGMENT does not require of previous knowledge to participate in the judgment in its quality of escabino. At every moment, president will be able to resort to the judge to ask for clarifying information to him and. For his information, and to help him to he prepared better to fulfill his work, we gave next a brief review about the development of the judgment.
How is developed the judgment? Once in the Room the judge president and the escabinos, the judge president will take oath to the escabinos before all the presents. After verifying the presence of the parts, experts, interpreters and/or witnesses who must take part, the judge president will declare open the debate, warning to impute and the public on the importance and the meaning of the act. Next the public prosecutor and the plaintiff will expose their accusations and the defender their defense.
After the exhibitions of the parts, the judge president will receive declaration to the imputed one, she will explain with clear and simple words the fact to him that is attributed to him, and it will notice to him that it can abstain to declare without its silence harms to him, and that the debate will continue although it does not declare. It will later allow that it shows whatever freely has by advisable on the accusation, being able to be interrogated. They will be able to interrogate it the Public Ministry, the plaintiff, the defender and the court (Judge President and escabinos), in that order. The imputed one will be able to abstain to declare total partially or the judge president will come to call to the witnesses and experts, one by one, will begin by which the Public Ministry has offered. He will continue by the proposed ones by the plaintiff and will conclude with those of the defendant. The judge president will be able to alter this order when therefore she considers it advisable for the best elucidation of the facts. After administering an oath and interrogating to the general expert or witness on his personal identity and circumstances to appreciate his report or declaration, the judge president will grant the word to him so that she indicates that she knows about the fact proposed like test object. When finalizing the story, they will allow the direct interrogation. It will initiate who proposed it, will continue the other parts, in the order that the judge president considers advisable, and she will be procured that the defense interrogates of last.
Soon the court will be able to interrogate to the expert or the witness. You, being also judge have the right to make questions to the defendant, the witnesses and the experts; and you can do it directly, it is not necessary to ask by means of the judge president. But not to disturb the development of the judgment, please, president address to the judge informing to him into his intention to make a question. One will provide with paper and pencil to him in order that he writes down his questions until the moment in which the turn corresponds to him to make them. The experts and witnesses will respond to the questions directly that formulates the parts and the court to them. They will be able to consult notes and opinions without the declaration by its reading can be replaced. The judge president will moderate the interrogation and will avoid that the declarative answers captious questions, suggestive or impertinent, she will try that the interrogation is conducted without illegal pressures and offending the dignity of the people. When the expert or witness opportunely mentioned has not appeared, the judge president will order that she is lead by means of the public force and she will solicit to that proposed it that it collaborates with the diligence. A single time will be able to be suspended to the judgment by this cause and if the witness does not concur to the second call or she could not be located for his conduction by the public force, the judgment will continue doing without itself that test.
Which are their attributions like escabino? Along with the professional judge (judge president), you and the other person in quality of escabino constitute the court. The judgment will be made with the uninterrupted presence of the judges (judge president and escabinos) and of the parts. For that reason you cannot retire of the room until the judgment is finished, except in the pauses ordered by the judge president. Finished the judgment, the judge president and the escabinos they will deliberate in all referring to the culpability or the innocence of the accused person. In case the culpability settles down, the one will be the judge president that describes the crime and imposes the corresponding punishment.
Translation by: Adriana Perez
Tribunal Supremo de Justicia. more
This paper is on the topic on civil disobedience. Specifically, on individuals who have risen up against the government - willing to take the consequences because it is a noble cause they're standing up for.
Please follow this outline:
1) Introduction: What is civil disobedience? Elaborate on this.
2) Individual Examples: Please talk about (a) dissidents from around the world, (b) Rosa Parks, and (c) Vietnam war resisters. These should be examples of people who have stood against injustice, immorality, etc., etc.
3) Closing.
Again, the goal of this paper is to talk about the subject of civil disobedience, and the philosophical questions it poses. Then, the goal is to talk about specific people who have risen up against something, or some government. These people are fully aware that by standing up, they will be punished. But they are willing to take that punishment because they know that what they are doing is right morally -- although it may not be legal.
The history and development of clinical mental health counseling has contributed to the current philosophical foundations of counseling (promoting wellness, facilitating prevent...ion, and using a developmental approach to working with clients) as well as contributing to the development of educational standards, licensing and credentialing, and our role within our communities.
Discuss how the history and development of clinical mental health counseling has contributed to the current philosophical foundations of the profession, the development of educational standards, current licensing and credentialing requirements, the roles these professionals may have in their communities, and current trends in practice.
Use material covered in the course as well as relevant peer-reviewed journal articles that you find in the Capella Library to support your points.
Write a 3 page paper summarizing your findings and conclusions.
Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the project and do not detract from the overall message. Your paper should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills.
References: Your reference list must include 3 sources. You must use proper APA style to list your references.
Number of pages: 3 double-spaced pages, including the chart and summary. (Note: page count does not include cover page or references.)
Formatting: Use APA formatting, including: correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, and no bullets. Refer to the APA Style and Formatting module for more information.
There are faxes for this order. more
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Read Full Paper ❯. Draft a letter to Mr. Knievel explaining whether or not you believe that he has a legal claim for defamation. In your letter, you will need to…
Read Full Paper ❯There are eight different types of offenders. Describe the these type of offenders THE CAREER CRIMINAL, THE SEX OFFENDER, THE MENTALLY ILL OFFENDER AND The ELDERLY OFFENDER explain…
Read Full Paper ❯HCS/430 LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE REGULATION AND COMPLIANCE 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the article or legal case and how the issue in the article or legal case…
Read Full Paper ❯?A 1000 word (minimum) referenced (minimum 5 references) reflective essay discussing a great social worker, comparing and contrasting various values and vision with those of the social work profession…
Read Full Paper ❯Describe: the moral/ethical responsibilities of modern physician society's expectations from the medical profession general perception of physicians by society finally argue whether the medical profession is becoming a craft or not and explain
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment 1: Staffing Organizations?Part 1 Due Week 4 and worth 250 points You plan is to open a gourmet coffee shop next to a college campus in Washington, DC.…
Read Full Paper ❯Informational Interview Report The report is mainly for exploring an occupation and showing your interviewing skills. Please follow these steps to do: 1. Research career choices at http://online.onetcenter.org. Choose the career in…
Read Full Paper ❯In a well-crafted, comprehensive paper, present and defend a thesis on the current state of the accounting profession. In other words, make a broad claim about the accounting profession…
Read Full Paper ❯Type of paper: comparative paper, compare between the jury system of united states and the escabinos system of Venezuela, please use the fax material for the information of Venezuela. Citation:…
Read Full Paper ❯This paper is on the topic on civil disobedience. Specifically, on individuals who have risen up against the government - willing to take the consequences because it is a…
Read Full Paper ❯Instructions: The history and development of clinical mental health counseling has contributed to the current philosophical foundations of counseling (promoting wellness, facilitating prevention, and using a developmental approach to working…
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