25+ documents containing “Legal Environment”.
I would like to have the following writer:
Username : Tsiyasse
Paper needs 4 outside references, one of them should include the following e-book:
The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, 13e
ISBN : 0072881119 Author : O. Lee Reed, Peter J. Shedd, Jere W. Morehead, Robert N. Corley
Copyright ? 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies
To find this book need to go to:
Log in: ppalmer1
Go to open resources under Current Course: Legal Environment of Business LAW 526
Once you open this-- refer to Chapters of Week 4, 5 and 6 of the text in mention.
The following topics and objectives need to be developed:
? Compare and contrast intangible, real, and personal property laws
? Analyze the impact of tort, criminal, and property law on business operations and decision-making
? Evaluate employment-at-will, and exceptions to this doctrine
? Analyze the impact of regulation on the employment relationship and collective bargaining
? Recognize agency principles and their application in business
? Evaluate the interaction between law and ethics
? Analyze how legal processes and risks influence business decision-making
Any questions please email me.
You have just been hired bhy a major security consulting firm that has recently won several contracts to support chief infomration security officers in the Washington DC area. As part of your first c...onsulting assignment, you have been asked to reasearch and write a short case study in which you discuss the legal enviroment (policies, regulations, and laws) and its impact upon how an organization (ie business, government, agency, non-profit) ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and information systems.
The immediate audience is a group of senior managers (stakeholders) in a client organization who are not familiar with information security laws and practices. These managers need a brief overview of the legal enviroment to assist them in reviewing and commenting upon an ew governance policy for their organizations informatin security program. Case study should be general enough, however, that it can be used with other clients.
Your supervisor has also given you a "heads up" about a trap that previous consultants have missed: the term POLICY has two meanings that you must address: (a) government policies (ie: those issued by federal, state, local or tribal governments) and (b) organizational policies (ie: those written to guide an organization's compliance with laws, regulations, and polices). more
1 February 2012
Hello mpellatt,
I will be sending you all of the documents to get you started on the (5) page term paper shortly via fax. "Please write the (5) page paper based strictly on what the questions/tasks are asking" and ONLY add the ?references? from the material that is provided.
Important! Please read everything on the first, second, and third page of the documents that are faxed or scanned to you. Do not deviate from what the first 3 to 5 pages are telling you to do.
Please provide a well written (5) page term paper TITLED: Legal Environment/Total Rewards
Also, I need a strong introduction, body, headings/subheadings, strong conclusion and at least (4) references.
Lastly, I really need the (5) page paper NLT: 8 February 2012. You are an awesome writer. Thanks!
project includes analysis of the environment of the host country which you chose to study. Discuss briefly the political, economic, and legal environment and then focus on culture. Make sure you present the deeper levels of culture, not only the artifacts. HOFSTEDE'S DIMENSIONS . Max. 5 pages.
can get a lot of the info from this website
Bagley & Savage. (2006). Managers And The Legal Environment (6th ed.). Ohio: Thompson-West.
1 page for each case problem
Christine B...ancroft is a twenty-five-year-old blonde with a face and a figure that some of her male colleagues thought seemed better suited to the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue than Advertising Age. After spending her first three months as an analyst at the privately held advertising boutique Scot Wayne More, sitting in her cubicle doing research on the Hispanic market, she looked forward to the day she would have a chance to wow clients with the finely honed marketing skills she had acquired while pursing her MBA at Northwestern University.
Christine knew that Allen Scot and Bart Wayne had a reputation for entertaining clients from out of town at San Franciscos all-male Pacific Union Club, so he was pleasantly surprised when Allen asked her to join him and Bart for lunch with Andrew Wise at the World Trade Club. Wise was an account executive from the Cincinnati headquarters of Quinn & Inder, the second-largest consumer products firm in the United States. At first, Christine thought that shed been invited to discuss their plans to extend their reach into the Hispanic youth market. But when she asked Bart how she might best prepare for the meeting, he just smiled and said, Just wear that little black dress you wore at the firms holiday party and leave the talking to Allen and me. Andrew asked for California, so were giving him California.
What should Christine do? What would you do if you where head of human resources for Scot Wayne More and overheard the conversation between Bart and Christine while waiting in Allens office to go over an offer letter for a new hire? [Inspired in part by Joseph L. BADARACCO, Jr., DEFINING MOMENTS: WHEN MANAGERS MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN RIGHT AND RIGHT (1997).]
Frank Boomer received a contract in the mail from his long-distance carrier, AT&T, that stated in unambiguous language that his rates were changing and that he should contact AT&T immediately if this was not acceptable. The agreement also contained a clause stating that any dispute concerning the contract would be settled by binding arbitration. Boomer did nothing initially and continued to make long-distance calls. Later, he decided to file a class-action suit against AT&T for overcharging him and other customers. Will Boomer be successful in getting his case heard by a court instead of an arbitrator? [Boomer v. AT&T corp., 309 F.3d 404 (7th Cir.2002).]
Most wine in the United States is distributed through a three-tier network that developed after the repeal of prohibition. First, the winery obtains a permit to sell wine. Next, the winery sells its wine to a licensed wholesaler, who pays excise taxes and delivers the wine to a retailer. The retailer then sells the wine to consumers. As demand for wine has increased over the last two decade, the number of wineries has grown to more than 2,000, including many small wineries. Meanwhile, the number of wholesalers has declined from several thousand to few hundred. As a result, many small wineries are unable to find wholesaler to carry their wine and are trying to market their wine directly to consumers.
Juanita Swedenburg runs the Sedenburg Estate Vineyard in Middleburg, Virginia. People from all over the United States visit her winery and purchase wine to take home with them. Once they get home, many call the winery or use its website to order more bottles. However, the laws in twenty-six states prohibit the direct shipment of wine to consumers across state lines. The states claim that the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed Prohibition, gives them the authority to regulate the importation of alcohol. Their claim is based on Section 2 of the amendment, which states that [t] the transportation of importation into any state, territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited. Swedenburg, other winery owners, and wine lovers challenged the direct-shipment laws. Are these direct-shipment laws constitutional? Explain why or why not. [Granholm v. Heald, 544 U.S. 460 (2005).]
NTG Telecommunication, which was interested in purchasing a computer network for its office, received a promotional letter from IBM regarding IBMs PC Server 310, Small Business Solution, a computer network server designed for an marketed to small businesses, give us a call. Well give you the name of the IBM business partner nearest you, as well as answer any questions you might have. The Small Business Solution was available was available only through an IBM Business partner, which is an entity authorized to resell IBM product.
Jud Berkowitz, president of NTG, contacted Frank Cubbage of Sun Data Services, an IBM business partner, regarding the Small Business Solution. Berkowitz decided to purchase the Small Business Solution after being informed by Cubbage that it was compatible with Windows 95, the operating system installed on each of the networked computers. After he installed the server, NTG started having serious computer problems, which were not resolved until NTG replaced Perfect Office (which was sold as part of the Small Business Solution) with Lotus Smart Suite, Berkowitz sued IBM for fraud based in part on Cubbages representation that the Small Business Solution was compatible with Windows 95. IBM argued that Cubbages statement could not be attributed to it because a formal licensing or dealership agreement does not create an agency relationship. How should the court rule? [NTG Telecommunications, Inc. v. IBM, Inc., 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 6279 (E.D. Pa. May 8, 2000).]
Bagley & Savage. (2006). Managers And The Legal Environment (6th ed.). Ohio: Thompson-West. more
Human Resource Management Legal Issues
For this component:
Examine the legal environment of your organization or industry and the business and legal practices that ensure compliance, innovation, growth, and sustainability in your selected organization.
Analyze current organization policies and practices and the degree of alignment with legal compliance standards.
Identify potential problems that may affect successful organizational compliance with legal standards.
Research and identify prevention strategies that support organizational compliance, growth, and sustainability.
Provide a rationale for how your prevention strategies support or will support organizational compliance, growth, and sustainability.
There are faxes for this order.
Assignment 1: Local Lawsuit
Due Week 4 and worth 290 points
Use the Internet to research a situation where a business located in your state was involved in a lawsuit (or draw from your ow...n experience if you have been so unfortunate).
Write a 4-6 page paper on Whitt v. Harris Teeter, INC., 165 N. C. App 32 (2004) 598 S. E. 2d 151 No. COA03 - 335
1. Summarize the actions that lead to the lawsuit.
2. Discuss what management could have done in terms of risk management to have prevented the events that lead to the lawsuit. (Include examples from Ch 1 of the textbook).
3. Discuss the ethical considerations reflected in the laws applicable to this case. (Include eamples from Ch 2 of the textbook).
4. Determine which sources of law would be most relevant in this case and how management could leverage knowledge of those sources to prevent similar instances in the future. (Include examples from Ch 3 of the textbook).
5. Recommend what management might be able to do to pursue alternate resolutions (outside of court).
"Research and cite at least 1 peer-reviewed and 3 cases in addition to the textbook". (Managers And The Legal Environment)
My assignment must include the following:
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
1. Describe the legal environment of business, the sources of American law, and the basis of authority for government to regulate business.
2. Explain basic court procedures, types of courts, and alternative dispute resolution methods.
3. Use technology and information resources to research issues in business law. more
BUSN150-1005B-13 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
Assignment Name: Unit 5 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 1-2 pages
Details: In this assignment, you will prepare an in-d...epth comparative analysis research paper between two different firms operating in two different countries but which have similar challenges. This analysis will an opportunity for you to compare and contrast and critically assess the impact on management decision making based on the differences in political, social, ethical, and legal environments. Specifically, your paper should:
?Identify two firms with similar problems but from different countries
?Conduct a comparative analysis of the firms
?Analyze political, social, ethical, and legal differences facing both organizations and determine the impact these differences have on management decision making
?Provide substantive conclusion and recommendations
?Support your analysis with academic citations and aligned references
Present your findings as a 1-2 page Word document formatted in APA style.
Submit your assignment.
Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:
1.TITLE PAGE. Remember the Running head: AND TITLE IN ALL CAPITALS
2.ABSTRACT. A summary of your paper?not an introduction. Begin writing in third person voice.
3.BODY. The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The type face should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 3-4 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
4.REFERENCE PAGE. References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper and lower case usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference Page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.
This assignment will be assessed using additional criteria provided here.
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Please refer to the following multimedia course material(s):
?? Unit 5: International Business and Legal Models
?? Unit 5: Int'l Business and Forms Of Bankruptcy
Points Possible: 125
Date Due: Sunday, Feb 06, 2011
Objective: ?Understand the broad legal environment and how it impacts management decision making
?Understand the political, social and ethical underpinnings of national business law
?Develop an appreciation for national government legislation and international agreements which shape the business legal environment
Submitted Files: Submit Assignment
Score: N/A
Instructor Comments: Please remember that APA Format requires the following:
*Cover Page
*Running Head
*Page Number
*Reference Page
*The entire document must be double spaced including the abstract and the references.
Your cover page should be structured as follows:
Your First and Last Name
Unit # Individual Project
Course Section and Code
Date Due
Date of Submission more
Topic:Indian Legal Environment for Foreign Companies
Today, more and more International Businesses want to either buy from or sell in or do both, in India. It is essential for a foreign company planning to enter India, to understand its culture, traditions and peoples? mindset. Since these foreign companies will subject themselves to the Indian jurisdiction and Laws, it is also necessary to be familiar with the basic legal environment, before deciding to enter the country. This paper will serve as just a basic introduction on the Indian Legal Environment, for the foreign companies.
this paper should stays on LEGAL topics, not cultural/historical ones. A brief discussion of culture is appropriate IF it relates closely to legal results or factors. Then, you must...relate it to American law by comparison or contrast (similarities or differences).To be sure...the legal environment includes culture/traditions/mindset and these need to be incorporated in the legal discussions but concentrate on the legal environment.
Details Due Points
Objectives 4.1 Analyze legal risk arising from wrongful discharge.
4.2 Evaluate legal risk associated with employment discrimination
and harassment.
4.3 Evaluate the... regulatory and compliance requirements related to
employment and benefits.
Readings Read Ch. 31?33 of Business Law: Legal Environment, Online
Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues.
Read this week?s Electronic Reserve Readings
Participation Participate in class discussion. April 7 2
April 7 5
Legal Risk and
Opportunity in
Resources: University of Phoenix Material: NewCorp Legal
Answer the following questions for each scenario:
? What liability does NewCorp have?
? What regulatory and compliance requirements and legal
principles, such as statutory or case law, are relevant to this
Identify which legal principles support your decision. All encounters
must be supported from legal principles in this week?s readings,
including cases and statutes.
Write an answer of no more than 350 words for each encounter.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
April 7 10
First, all papers are still just an APA style paper. But, there are tips that will help you to organize your papers that will show me what you learned.
Write according to an IRAC (what is IRAC you ask)
See below:
First, Identify the issues present in the simulation. You may using headings, such as:
Issue 1: The types of ADR the team will rely upon
Issue 2: The reasons a peer review may be triggered in the learning team
Issue 3: If peer review does not work, mediation will be required.
Next, Determine the rule of law that is important to your issue.
Issue 1: Negligence Against David by Paula
Rule: In order for Paula to successfully sue David, the four elements of Negligence must be satisfied. Those elements are: Duty, Breach, Causation Damages. A duty must be owed by David to Paula, if David Breached that duty, and the breach was the Cause of Paula?s injuries or Damages, then David will be found liable.
Third: You want to use your facts and apply the law to those facts, this is analysis. For example:
Issue 1: Negligence Against David by Paula
Rule: In order for Paula to successfully sue David, the four elements of Negligence must be satisfied. Those elements are: Duty, Breach, Causation Damages. A duty must be owed by David to Paula, if David Breached that duty, and the breach was the Cause of Paula?s injuries or Damages, then David will be found liable.
Analysis: David has the duty of a reasonable person when driving on the streets of the State of Florida. It does not matter that David is 17 years old, because even though David is a minor, he is held to an adult standard, since driving is an adult activity. The facts show that David was speeding and failed to stop at a red light, thus hitting Paula. Paula was rushed to the hospital with injuries. David breached his duty to Paul when he failed to act reasonably by speeding and failing to stop for traffic signals. This breach was the actual cause of Paula?s injuries, and was also the proximate cause of her injuries. Paula was not hurt prior to the accident, but sustained a disc herniation in L2-L3; and L3-L4, as a result of the accident. But for David failing to act reasonably, Paula would not be hurt. Paula?s damages include her injuries, the money she lost because she could not work, her medical bills, past, present and future. Paula may also be entitled to pain and suffering as compensatory, non-economic damages, because injuries get worse over time, never better.
Finally, you will conclude:
Negligence Against David by Paula
In order for Paula to successfully sue David, the four elements of Negligence must be satisfied. Those elements are: Duty, Breach, Causation Damages. A duty must be owed by David to Paula, if David Breached that duty, and the breach was the Cause of Paula?s injuries or Damages, then David will be found liable.
David has the duty of a reasonable person when driving on the streets of the State of Florida. It does not matter that David is 17 years old, because even though David is a minor, he is held to an adult standard, since driving is an adult activity. The facts show that David was speeding and failed to stop at a red light, thus hitting Paula. Paula was rushed to the hospital with injuries. David breached his duty to Paul when he failed to act reasonably by speeding and failing to stop for traffic signals. This breach was the actual cause of Paula?s injuries, and was also the proximate cause of her injuries. Paula was not hurt prior to the accident, but sustained a disc herniation in L2-L3; and L3-L4, as a result of the accident. But for David failing to act reasonably, Paula would not be hurt. Paula?s damages include her injuries, the money she lost because she could not work, her medical bills, past, present and future. Paula may also be entitled to pain and suffering as compensatory, non-economic damages, because injuries get worse over time, never better.
As a result of David?s negligence, Paula will likely recover if she can prove that David failed to act like a prudent, reasonable person, and his failure to do so breached the duty of a safe driver in Florida. Paula will recover monetary damages as a result of the breach.
THIS IS THE SUGGESTED FORMAT TO USE FOR ALL YOUR PAPERS. It will help you focus your writing.
Brody, R. and Perkins, B. (2010). How to file a lawsuit. Frequently Answered
Questions. Retreived from: www.crime-victimlaw.com on June 14, 2010.
NewCorp Legal Scenarios
The following legal encounters involve NewCorp, your employer. You are required to provide a brief answer to questions asked at the end of each encounter. Your supervisor expects a substantive answer, not a recommendation to refer matters to an attorney. Your supervisor does not want to spend money on legal advice until after you provide an assessment.
Legal Encounter 1
NewCorp hired Pat as manager of real property in Vermont. This position is responsible for activities related to maintaining leased office space. Pat supervised 51 employees and lower-level supervisors, and he dealt with tenants who leased commercial space. Pat relocated from another city 300 miles away, moved his family, and sold and bought a home. His wife quit her job to seek employment in Vermont.
After Pat worked for three months with NewCorp, his supervisor explained that things were not working out and that Pat would be discharged with 30 days of severance pay. Pat was surprised because his employer gave no previous indication of any problem. NewCorp?s personnel manual, which had been provided to Pat upon his acceptance of employment, outlined the process for dealing with unsatisfactory employees:
Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance/Corrective Action Plan
If the job performance of an employee is unsatisfactory, the employee will be notified of the deficiency and placed on a corrective action plan. If the employee?s performance does not improve to a satisfactory level in the specified time period, termination will follow.
Pat acknowledged that he signed a document to show his understanding that the company observed employment at will with respect to discharge, but he believed the provision limited NewCorp?s freedom to discharge him at will. Pat also stated that NewCorp?s senior management was noticeably unfriendly after Pat had been vocal at a local school board meeting. His position on an issue in the meeting was unpopular, and although no one at the meeting identified Pat as a NewCorp employee, he believed this contributed to the decision to discharge him.
What liability and rights do NewCorp and Pat have in this situation? What legal principles?such as statutory or case law?support those liabilities and rights?
Legal Encounter 2
NewCorp employed Sam as a supervisor of electrical manufacturing for automotive under-dash wiring harnesses. Sam?s department employed around 100 men and women to create the wiring and connect it to different universal couplings so speedometers, oil gauges, and other instruments would work. The final product, an under-dash wiring harness, was sent to the assembly plant for installation.
Sam developed a relationship with one of his employees, Paula, and they began dating. Paula later ended the relationship with Sam. Sam wanted to continue dating Paula, and he began exhibiting unwelcome behaviors, even after she told him to stop. Sam suggested that Paula?s work might be suffering from a lack of interest.
Paula decided she could no longer work with Sam and applied for a transfer to the wire-coating department, which was not under his control. Sam blocked the transfer, citing evidence that chemicals used in wire coatings could harm an early-state fetus. Because Paula could become pregnant, Sam argued, NewCorp could not take the chance of being liable for causing a child to be born with a birth defect. Paula believed this was Sam?s way of controlling her and that, even if it was not, it was illegal discrimination.
What liability does NewCorp have in this situation? What actions might NewCorp take? Identify which legal principles, such as statutory or case law, support your responses.
Legal Encounter 3
NewCorp employed Paul as a senior maintenance technician, which required him to work in confined spaces to repair equipment. Repair of the pulp shredder was particularly difficult because the space Paul worked in was narrow. After an employee was injured when working on the machine, NewCorp attempted to relocate it to create more space, but nearby building support beams did not allowed for relocation.
Paul refused to work on the machine, saying that the work space was too confining and dangerous. The NewCorp safety manager reviewed the area and deemed it safe. Paul said he became claustrophobic because of working in such confined spaces, and this condition arose from his employment. This statement makes the situation a worker compensation issue. Paul called the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to complain about NewCorp requiring him to work in a dangerous situation. In addition to calling OSHA, Paul threatened to get a lawyer and sue NewCorp. Management was not sure what legal principles apply to the circumstances in this situation. more
This is a critical assignment for ETHICAL, SOCIAL & LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS class. please, read the instruction.
In the United States, plastics and resins are manufactur...ed from petroleum products, which include liquid petroleum gases (LPG) and natural gas liquids (NGL), and natural gas. These fuels are used as feedstocks to make the plastic and as fuels in the manufacturing process.
Resin manufacture is a high-volume process, the profitability of individual companies depends on operating efficiencies. Large companies have significant economies of scale in production and in the purchase of raw materials. Smaller companies can compete effectively by producing specialty resins and fibers.
Gina is the CEO of a small manufacturing company, PRC, which makes high temperature plastic resins. The PRC plant is located near a river used in interstate commerce although the state in which the company is located is land locked and not near the coast. Gina determines that a significant amount of money needs to be spent to comply with the federal Clean Water Act. She is already in trouble with stockholders because of low profits and does not wish to spend extra money on pollution control. Therefore, she instructs employees to simply dump waste into the river. She was aware that she would be fired if the company received a heavy fine, but she decided to take the risk because she was in danger of being fired if profits did not come up anyway.
Given this information, identify, discuss and analyze all parties (individuals, entities, etc.) who are exposed to legal liability and why they are exposed to legal liability.
Include in your analysis whether or not those identified should have significant concern about their liability.
Finally, of those parties identified, discuss fully what steps these parties should take going forward from here to address their exposure to liability and to prevent future exposure.
You must identify the issues and thoroughly analyze them. You will be evaluated on your ability to identify the issues and to articulate your analysis.
Graduate level writing is expected. Punctuation, grammar, spelling and complete sentences are a part of your grade.
You must write a minimum of 400 words. more
Ethics and the Legal Environment
Go to: http://ba.gsia.cmu.edu/ethics/AA/mgtmini.htm
Click on the case link for Number 5, "So...mething's Rotten in Hondo."
Download and read the case
Write a case analysis on the "Something's Rotten in Hondo" case. Write the case study following the outline format given below.
Sections to include in your case analysis:
In one or two paragraphs, describe the ethical issues and concerns of the case.
Answer the questions:
What are the ethical issues in this case?
Who are the decision-makers?
Who are the stakeholders?
Apply Ethical Theories
State each ethical issue or concern that you identified in the Introduction
For each ethical issue or concern, answer the following questions:
What is the ethical issue or concern?
How would this issue be resolved by applying Kant's Categorical Imperative to the problem?
How would this issue be resolved by applying Mill's Theory of Utilitarianism?
How would this issue be resolved by applying the theory of Rights-based ethical decision-making?
How would this issue be resolved by applying the theory of Justice-based ethical decision-making?
How would this issue be resolved at each stage of Kohlberg's Levels of Moral Development?
Corporate Social Responsibility
What is this corporation's social corporate responsibility for each ethical issue or concern for the four areas of corporate social responsibility?
For each ethical issue or concern, answer the following question: Does the law provide a basis for an ethical decision on this issue? Why or why not?
Stakeholder Management -- The Employee
What are the employee stakeholders' interests for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the employee responsibilities for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the possible decisions the corporation could make for each ethical issue or concern, and what are the possible effects on the employee stakeholders?
Stakeholder Management -- The Environment
What are the environmental stakeholders' interests for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the environmental stakeholders' responsibilities for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the possible decisions the corporation could make for each ethical issue or concern, and what are the possible effects on the environmental stakeholders?
Stakeholder Management -- The Community
What are the community stakeholders' interests for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the community stakeholders' responsibilities for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the possible decisions the corporation could make for each ethical issue or concern, and what are the possible effects on the community stakeholders?
Stakeholder Management -- The Shareholder
What are the shareholder stakeholders' interests for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the shareholder stakeholders' responsibilities for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the possible decisions the corporation could make for each ethical issue or concern, and what are the possible effects on the shareholder stakeholders?
Stakeholder Management -- The Customer
What are the customer stakeholders' interests for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the customer stakeholders' responsibilities for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the possible decisions the corporation could make for each ethical issue or concern, and what are the possible effects on the customer stakeholders?
Stakeholder Management -- The Media
What are the media stakeholders' interests for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the media stakeholders' responsibilities for each ethical issue or concern you identified in the Introduction?
What are the possible decisions the corporation could make for each ethical issue or concern, and what are the possible effects on the media stakeholders?
Conclusion and Recommendation
Based on the above analysis of ethical theories, foundations of moral development, and stakeholder management, what is your final recommendation to the corporation regarding this case? Answer the following questions:
What is your recommendation to the corporation based on all of the facts, issues, and concerns of this case? Your recommendation should be at least one page and include at least 5 reasons, based on course material and your analysis above, of how you arrived at that conclusion.
What are the positive implications of your recommendation?
What are the negative implications of your recommendation?
What will critics of your recommendation argue?
How would you address your critics' concerns? How will you defend your recommendations? more
Human Resources Management, Planning, and the Legal Environment
Study the text chapter 1: "Intro to HRM in the Public & Nonprofit Sectors"
Chapter 2: "Strategic Human Resources Management and Planning"
Chapter 3: "The Legal Environment in Human Resources Mangement"
Write a paper of approximately 10 pages which:
a. Summarizes the content of the chapters
b. Shows how you can use your "chosen theories" in implemening the HR Functions in these areas.
Pynes, Joan E. (2009) Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit
Organizations. (3nd edition). Jossey-Bass, John Wiley and Sons, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-470-33185-9
Peter G. Northouse. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publicaions.
ISBN: 978-1-4129-461-7 (pbk)
Suggested Resource: Losey, Mike, Sue Messinger, and Dave Ulrich, (eds). The Future of Human
Resource Management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
ISBN: 0-471-67791-4
Im a Sport Management Major. The paper must address each aspect of information in the question given, while utilizing references from 5 scholarly, refereed sport journals. These references cannot be more than 6 years old. The paper needs to be written in APA format and be at least 2500 words, not including bibliography or graphs or charts.
The question needing to be answer is listed below:
Analyze the legal environment of your organization. What are the specific areas of law that affect the managerial and operational aspects of your organization? Identify areas that may be potential liabilities to the organization. Specifically evaluate facility and equipment hazards if applicable, but also identify potential problems that may exist due to improper contracts. Don?t forget to evaluate gender, racial, or special population inequities, and anything that might impinge upon constitutional rights. Evaluate how difficult or costly it would be to improve any of these potential liabilities and then make recommendations based upon which may be most injurious to the organization.
My organization is Octagon Sports/Octagon Football. If you have any other questions please contact me!
Analyze the environment for business in japan from the standpoint of BMW. Analyze the political, cultural and legal environment as it pertains to BMW. Explore customer profiles, customer incomes, buying preferences, bmw''s competition, any legal/safety standards in japan, and trade issues (on what terms?).
what kkind of involvement on bmw''s part? how does bmw strategize its manufacturing selling and distribution in japan? what are bmws modes of entry?
Assignment: Balance in the Administration of Justice and Security Integrative Paper
Write a word paper that suggests how the evolution of justice and security over the 21st century may best balance rights and freedoms with vigilance and sufficient authority to protect the citizens in a free society, while respecting constitutional guarantees concerning individual rights.
Pay particular attention to balance as a concept that serves as a guiding principle in administrative decisions for justice and security operations.
? Review the cumulative issues concerning the legal environment in which justice and security administration operates.
? Evaluate the changes in technology and mass communication with the effects these have on the justice and security areas.
? Evaluate the issues involved with individual rights versus the needs of the justice system and security to maintain order and public safety (Provide these sections in headings).
Include an Introduction and Conclusion and run paper through plagiarism checker.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Write a 1,900- to 2,400-word paper that suggests how the evolution of justice and security over the 21st century may best balance rights and freedoms with vigilance and sufficient authority to protect the citizens in a free society, while respecting constitutional guarantees concerning individual rights.
? Pay particular attention to balance as a concept that serves as a guiding principle in administrative decisions for justice and security operations.
o Review the cumulative issues concerning the legal environment in which justice and security administration operates.
o Evaluate the changes in technology and mass communication with the effects these have on the justice and security areas.
o Evaluate the issues involved with individual rights versus the needs of the justice system and security to maintain order and public safety.
? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
The minimum required length of the papers will be 6 paragraphs with the required format broken down below.
Legal Issues. State the legal issue(s) involved in this dispute as short legal ques...tions in your first paragraph.
Plaintiff's Arguments. What facts and legal rules support the Plaintiff's (the one suing) arguments? (second paragraph)
Defendant's Arguments. What facts and legal rules support the Defendant's arguments? (third paragraph)
My Decision as the Judge. "You be the Judge", who should prevail (win the case) and what legal rules control in this type of dispute, based on "these given facts"? (fourth and fifth paragraphs)
My Own Opinion. Do you think the legal rules that currently apply are fair and reasonable, or should they be changed; explain your reasoning? (sixth paragraph)
All legal rules, whether case law, common law, or statutory law cited in your discussions must be taken from somewhere in your class textbook materials (The legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce; Henry R. Cheeseman). You should cite the page number or other reference to your textbook materials. You may cite some outside material but the main points should be on topics mentioned in the textbook. (We don't want to see papers citing the Tasmanian Agricultural Statutes or their equivalent.)
CASE EXAMPLE: Uriah Heep is an accountant for the City of Boca Grande. He has worked there for seven years and has a good work record. Two months ago, Uriah's supervisor learned from some of Uriah's employees that Uriah works weekends as an exotic dancer at a local night club. Last week, Uriah was fired for "engaging in activities that could discredit the City." He has sued to get his job back. more
As the prevalence of social media continues to rise, consumers are recognizing ways in which social media can direct them to better sources for purchasing.
As a result, businesses are now jumping ...on the social media bandwagon at a rapid pace, embracing social networks to achieve their marketing and business goals.
Identify one (1) of the major social media outlets and write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
1. Discuss the four (4) components of a legally astute social media marketing manager who utilizes social media outlets for consumer transactions and how each component can mitigate the risk involved in doing business in cyberspace.
2. List and analyze methods of alternative dispute resolution and determine which would be most effective in resolving genuine disputes that arise with consumers who may make purchases from businesses that provide links via social media.
3. Since consumer transactions on social media can occur across state lines, determine how the federal government can best control these transactions.
4. Examine the three (3) branches of government and discuss which can effectuate the most significant impact on regulating consumer transactions via social media outlets. Support your decision.
5. Explain whether or not the agency relationship exists on social media sites between the social media provider and businesses that utilize the site for advertising. Support your answer.
6. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Describe the legal environment of business, the sources of American law, and the basis of authority for government to regulate business.
? Explain basic court procedures, types of courts, and alternative dispute resolution methods.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in business law.
? Write clearly and concisely about business law using proper writing mechanics. more
Law and Policy Case Study
Congratulations! You have just been hired by a major security consulting firm that has recently won several contracts to support chief information... security officers (CISOs) in the Washington, DC, area. As part of your first consulting assignment, you have been asked to research and write a short case study (three pages) in which you discuss the legal environment (i.e., policies, regulations, and laws) and its impact upon how an organization (e.g., business, government agency, nonprofit) ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and information systems. You have one week to complete your assignment.
The immediate audience for your case study is a group of senior managers (stakeholders) in a client organization who are not familiar with information security laws and practices. These managers need a brief overview of the legal environment to assist them in reviewing and commenting upon a new governance policy for their organization?s information security program. Your case study should be general enough, however, that it can be reused with other clients.
Your supervisor has also given you a ?heads up? about a trap that previous consultants have missed when completing similar work for other clients: the termpolicy has two meanings that you must address: (a) government policies (e.g., those issued by federal, state, local, or tribal governments) and (b) organizational policies(e.g., those written to guide an organization?s compliance with laws, regulations, and policies).
Remember to cite your sources in APA format and use only authoritative/scholarly sources such as journal articles, books, government documents, and other industry publications (e.g., trade journals or magazines for health care or security professionals). The title page and list of references are not included in the required page count.
Rubric Name: Law and Policy Case Study
will be attached. more
ASSESSMENT 1: Report??" Individual Assignment
Topic: Suppose that you are a Business Development Manager of an Australian Company. As your CEO is planning to expand the companys business operatio...ns to other countries, you have been asked to explore and analyse the business environment of INDIA and prepare a country report to provide the CEO with important information for making a decision. Support your evaluations and recommendations with reference to your subject knowledge, real life examples, and other relevant and reliable sources.
Length: Maximum 2,000 words, written assessment
1. Format of the Report
Your report should be formatted as follows. You are also required to consider the assessment criteria given below before preparing your report.
1. Executive Summary
2. Country profile- population, geography etc.
3. Economy- GDP growth rate, per capita GDP, competitiveness, openness, exchange rate, trade system, tariff etc.,
4. Political System
5. Legal and regulatory environment
6. Socio-cultural environment- including work force values, consumer attitudes etc.
7. Availability of resources- natural, raw materials, human, financial etc.
8. Concern for Ethics and social Responsibility
9. Conclusion and your recommendation
10. References
2. Marking Criteria
Criterion Marks
Allocated Marks
Earned Comments
Executive Summary ( 10) 10
Key Aspects (56)
Introduction 6
Country Profile 5
Economy 10
Political System 5
Legal Environment 5
Socio Cultural En. 8
Resources 10
Ethic and Social Res. 7
Strength of Justification (10) 10
Documentation ( 7 ) 7
Conclusion & Recommendations (10) 10
References ( 7 ) 7
Total (100) 100 more
Analyse the political and legal environment for international business in United Arab Emirates ( abu , dhabi, Dubai..etc..). What strategy should a multinational company adopt to fit in with this environment?
Note: please assign a writer who knows the middle east areas specifically the United Arab Emirates ( information could also be available on internet , journals and book ) .also note that this is a graduate essay thus a graduta student must prepare it.
DIRECTIONS:Need an Introduction for a paper on the company (International Paper).In the introduction highlight briefly the three following points...I. Explain the applications of agency law in the business environment.II. Distinguish among the types of business entities .III. Illustrate the impact of e-business on the global legal environment as it pertains to the various types of business entities.(After the introduction,Explain in detail and give full analysis on Part I. Explain the applications of agency law in the bussiness environment.)
Week Three: Contract Risk and Opportunities
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 Analyze legal risk issues arising from contract formation,
performance, and remedies.
3.2 Evaluate measure...s business leaders may take to avoid risk in
3.3 Explain transaction risk arising in unique environments.
Readings Read Ch. 9?11, 14, 16?18, & 20 of Business Law: Legal
Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International
Participation Participate in class discussion. March 31 2
March 31 See
Contract Risk and
Opportunities Memo
Resources: Contract Creation and Management Simulation
Conduct the Contract Creation and Management simulation,
located on the student website.
Identify the legal issues present in the simulation and note the legal
principles that apply to each legal issue.
Reflect on the legal principles presented in this week?s readings.
Prepare a memo in which you discuss the legal risks and
opportunities that are in the simulation, and complete the following:
? Identify what a manager might do to avoid those risks, to
minimize liabilities, and to benefit from opportunities. Each legal
risk or opportunity is governed by specific principles.
? Identify the legal principles and relate specific measures
managers might take to minimize legal risk or realize legal
? Evaluate alternatives to resolve problems identified in the
? Explain which alternative approach you believe is best and
explain why.
Write a memo of no more than 1,400 words.
Format your memo consistent with APA guidelines.
March 31 10
12 more
The benefits of title insurance and cons (if any).
How it enables constructive notice.
How it can be used in a legal environment.
I would like to have the following writer: Writer's Username : Tsiyasse Paper needs 4 outside references, one of them should include the following e-book: The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, 13e ISBN : 0072881119…
Read Full Paper ❯You have just been hired bhy a major security consulting firm that has recently won several contracts to support chief infomration security officers in the Washington DC area.…
Read Full Paper ❯1 February 2012 ORDER# Hello mpellatt, I will be sending you all of the documents to get you started on the (5) page term paper shortly via fax.…
Read Full Paper ❯project includes analysis of the environment of the host country which you chose to study. Discuss briefly the political, economic, and legal environment and then focus on culture.…
Read Full Paper ❯Bagley & Savage. (2006). Managers And The Legal Environment (6th ed.). Ohio: Thompson-West. 1 page for each case problem CHAPTER 2 CASE PROBLEM #1 Christine Bancroft is a…
Read Full Paper ❯Human Resource Management Legal Issues For this component: Examine the legal environment of your organization or industry and the business and legal practices that ensure compliance, innovation, growth, and sustainability in…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment 1: Local Lawsuit Due Week 4 and worth 290 points Use the Internet to research a situation where a business located in your state was involved in a lawsuit (or…
Read Full Paper ❯BUSN150-1005B-13 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Assignment Name: Unit 5 Individual Project Deliverable Length: 1-2 pages Details: In this assignment, you will prepare an in-depth comparative analysis research…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic:Indian Legal Environment for Foreign Companies Introduction Today, more and more International Businesses want to either buy from or sell in or do both, in India. It is essential for a…
Read Full Paper ❯Details Due Points Objectives 4.1 Analyze legal risk arising from wrongful discharge. 4.2 Evaluate legal risk associated with employment discrimination and harassment. 4.3 Evaluate the regulatory and compliance requirements related to employment and benefits. Readings…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a critical assignment for ETHICAL, SOCIAL & LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS class. please, read the instruction. CASE: In the United States, plastics and resins are manufactured from petroleum products,…
Read Full Paper ❯Ethics and the Legal Environment Case Go to: http://ba.gsia.cmu.edu/ethics/AA/mgtmini.htm…
Read Full Paper ❯Human Resources Management, Planning, and the Legal Environment Study the text chapter 1: "Intro to HRM in the Public & Nonprofit Sectors" Chapter 2:…
Read Full Paper ❯Im a Sport Management Major. The paper must address each aspect of information in the question given, while utilizing references from 5 scholarly, refereed sport journals. These references cannot…
Read Full Paper ❯Analyze the environment for business in japan from the standpoint of BMW. Analyze the political, cultural and legal environment as it pertains to BMW. Explore customer profiles,…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment: Balance in the Administration of Justice and Security Integrative Paper Write a word paper that suggests how the evolution of justice and security over the 21st century may best…
Read Full Paper ❯Write a 1,900- to 2,400-word paper that suggests how the evolution of justice and security over the 21st century may best balance rights and freedoms with vigilance and sufficient…
Read Full Paper ❯The minimum required length of the papers will be 6 paragraphs with the required format broken down below. Legal Issues. State the legal issue(s) involved in this dispute as…
Read Full Paper ❯As the prevalence of social media continues to rise, consumers are recognizing ways in which social media can direct them to better sources for purchasing. As a result, businesses are…
Read Full Paper ❯Law and Policy Case Study Instructions Congratulations! You have just been hired by a major security consulting firm that has recently won several contracts to support chief information security officers…
Read Full Paper ❯ASSESSMENT 1: Report??" Individual Assignment Topic: Suppose that you are a Business Development Manager of an Australian Company. As your CEO is planning to expand the companys business operations to other…
Read Full Paper ❯Analyse the political and legal environment for international business in United Arab Emirates ( abu , dhabi, Dubai..etc..). What strategy should a multinational company adopt to fit in with…
Read Full Paper ❯DIRECTIONS:Need an Introduction for a paper on the company (International Paper).In the introduction highlight briefly the three following points...I. Explain the applications of agency law in the business…
Read Full Paper ❯Week Three: Contract Risk and Opportunities Details Due Points Objectives 3.1 Analyze legal risk issues arising from contract formation, performance, and remedies. 3.2 Evaluate measures business leaders may take to avoid risk in transactions. 3.3…
Read Full Paper ❯The benefits of title insurance and cons (if any). How it enables constructive notice. How it can be used in a legal environment.
Read Full Paper ❯