25+ documents containing “Legal Drug”.
At least 250 words or more, excluding direct quotes and citations.
1)Many Americans have trouble getting to sleep. As a results they may turn to sleeping pills to help them g...et some ZZZs.
How do you feel about the prescribing of sleeping pills for people to assist them with sleeping? Should our medical industry instead be writing prescriptions for vigorous activity which would also help people sleep better? How about a prescription for caffeine avoidance?
Please explain your answer.
2)Considering the following:
1. Alcohol kills more young people than all illicit drugs combined. (Grunbaum,. 2002)
2. Alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes kill someone every 31 minutes and non-fatally injure someone every two minutes (NHTSA 2006).
3. During 2005, 16,885 people in the U.S. died in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes, representing 39% of all traffic-related deaths versus 18% rate for Marijuana and Cocaine (NHTSA 2006).
Do you think that alcohol should remain a "legal drug" free of regulation on consumption?
3) Discuss your position on red wine consumption as a protective factor for heart disease.
What is it specifically in red wine that is considered cardio protective? Or is this just another excuse for people to regularly drink wine?
4)How do you feel about the wide availability of medical marijuana cards and clinics?
5)Do you feel that "abstaining" from a substance which one is addicted to is crucial for treatment? For example, do you believe that if one is being treated for alcoholism that they must "abstain" from drinking any alcohol in order to be in recovery?
Alcohol and Other Drugs-opion more
At least 250 words or more, excluding direct quotes and citations.
1) Explain your opinion on the legalization of illicit drugs. Do you believe that legalizing drugs will "increase" or "...decrease" drug abuse?
2) What do you think is the availability of drugs in high school? What drugs do you think are regularly available to high school students? In your opinion, do you think using drugs in high school (even experimenting) can have long term negative affects on a person?
3) Do you think "addiction is a disease"? Why or why not?
Please explain your answer.
4)Which drug (drug classification) do you think has the most detrimental effect on the body's nervous system? Explain your answer.
5) FOUR LOKO is a drink comprised of 23 and a half ounces, with 12-percent alcohol and the caffeine equivalent of at least two cups of coffee.
Energy drink consumption has been on the rise over the last 3-5 years. A number of deaths have been associated with energy drink consumption in otherwise healthy young adults. Combined with alcohol many young people are using these types of drinks to stay awake yet intoxicated.
SB 39 aims to block the selling of caffeinated beer beverages in CA and is waiting to be signed by Governor Brown.
What is your opinion on the safety of energy drink consumption?
What is your opinion on caffeinated alcohol drinks? Would you support the passage of SB 39?
6)Many Americans have trouble getting to sleep. As a results they may turn to sleeping pills to help them get some ZZZs.
How do you feel about the prescribing of sleeping pills for people to assist them with sleeping? Should our medical industry instead be writing prescriptions for vigorous activity which would also help people sleep better? How about a prescription for caffeine avoidance?
Please explain your answer.
7)Considering the following:
1. Alcohol kills more young people than all illicit drugs combined. (Grunbaum,. 2002)
2. Alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes kill someone every 31 minutes and non-fatally injure someone every two minutes (NHTSA 2006).
3. During 2005, 16,885 people in the U.S. died in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes, representing 39% of all traffic-related deaths versus 18% rate for Marijuana and Cocaine (NHTSA 2006).
Do you think that alcohol should remain a "legal drug" free of regulation on consumption?
8) Discuss your position on red wine consumption as a protective factor for heart disease.
What is it specifically in red wine that is considered cardio protective? Or is this just another excuse for people to regularly drink wine?
9)How do you feel about the wide availability of medical marijuana cards and clinics?
10)Do you feel that "abstaining" from a substance which one is addicted to is crucial for treatment? For example, do you believe that if one is being treated for alcoholism that they must "abstain" from drinking any alcohol in order to be in recovery? more
My concern is with the mixed signals enshrined in our laws. Laws relating to media violence, drugs and pornography are both age related and largely opinion-based. They are also inconsistent. For exa...mple, we continue to sell a proven lethal drug (and tax it) tobacco, while punishing those who use marijuana. Warnings such as, Smoking Causes Heart Disease, must be printed on cigarette packets. Cheese, bacon and other fatty foods also cause heart disease, but there is no mandatory warning. Why are we inconsistent here? Some medicinal drugs are also dangerous, but, like tobacco and alcohol, we can buy them almost anywhere provided we are of legal age. Can we show how bad some legal drugs are (eg alcohol and tobacco, compared with the illegal ones?
Persons under a particular age cannot watch certain movies. But there is real evidence that the proscribed movies are harmful, either by scaring the hell out of kids and scarring them for life, or by causing them to commit violent acts. Are those who become violent after viewing violence pre-disposed to be violent. (I've seen many violent movies, as do many people, but the proportion of violent acts appears miniscule compared to the numbers who view such movies.) Can I make a good case for making parents responsible for what thir kids watch, rather than the person who runs the video store?
Pornography: Define it! Is there any evidence to show that pornography is harmful? And, as for child pronography. What is a child? What constitutes child pornography? Alowing that depiction of sexual acts is pornography, what of suggestive poses? Is it possible to distinguish between "posing" "erotica" and non-sexual, but explicit posing?
I'm looking for false notions, weak evidence and prohibition based on an opinion in the various laws. I'm looking for the reality compared with what the law assumes. My Masters work will dig very deeply into these subjects, but I need a Research Proposal of 5000 words in a hurry or I'll miss the enrolment date. more
Argue for or Against : Discuss the 1st amendment implications of the Family Prevention Tobacco Act of 2009. Are tobacco corporations 1st Amendment rights being ignored? What does this mean for the future of the advertising of legal drugs such as alcohol?
A.Introduction: Here's the topic, what I am going to say, and how I'm going to do it.
B: The Issue: Provide Overview of various positions on the topic.
C. Discussion: Sort out various claims and decide which ones are important and valid. Is the existing debate missing the real issue? How should this issue be resolved? Should a law be changed or passed? Propose a legal solution.
D. Conclusion.
the topic of this piece is the relationship of gun control to gun trafficking. this is an argumentative/persuasive paper the gaol of which is to persuade a college educated audience of the consequences of tighter gun control. I would suggest a comparison with Alcohol and prohabition as well as the current issue of illegal drugs vs legal drugs. It is a simple supply and demand argument.
Sources- I will email an annotated bibliography with 10 sources. You do not need to use all of them but I still need 10 sources used with 5 of them being scholarly sources. you may use any website except wikipedia.
Guidelines- No bullets, have a clear introductory, thesis, body, and conclusion. use no more than one point in a paragraph. Please use very little quotation-paraphrasing is preferred. This is a upper college level paper so please don't be redundant or do other silly things like that to draw it out.
Because this is a persuasive essay, please conclude with a call to action. What should people do?
Any questions please email me asap so I can help.
There are faxes for this order.
I am ordering a dissertation proposal (include questionnaire) now, if this dissertation proposal could pass with my dissertation committees smoothly, I certainly will order my whole dissertation with ...you very soon (maybe around 160 pages). It is very important to make sure you could have right direction and good thoughts to develop the proposal from the beginning (After you finish, I need to discuss with my committee to make sure this proposal is on the right track); otherwise we will need more time to revise it (I hope not because the limitation of the time). I also request hardcopies of all the sources you have used in the proposal because I need all the references to attend the proposal defense meeting in our school (you told me the hardcopies are free, right? If you have any concern, please contact me ASAP).
Thank You!
In my dissertation proposal, I have some RESQUEST as below:
1.My Dissertation Topic is:
The Impact of Web Site Design on Consumers?? Purchase Intentions and Loyalty in the Business-to- Consumer Internet Commerce: A Rhetorical Approach
Please check the article: Wendy Winn & Kati Beck. (2002). The persuasive power of design elements on an e-commerce Web site. Technical Communication, Vol.49, p 17-35. Feb 2002.
My dissertation idea mainly based on this article (Make sure you read and understand this article totally before you start to write the proposal). I would like use the independent variables that the authors mentioned in this article (Logos, Pathos, and Ethos) to measure the dependent variables (Consumers?? Purchase Intentions and Loyalty). This article used qualitative research method (do not follow the methodology of this article); however, I will use quantitative research method to develop my whole research structure. I hope use the online questionnaire survey to understand the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables, and how strong the persuasive power of design elements on an e-commerce Web site, how do design elements carry out the rhetorical function of persuasion, or how design elements appeal to the online shoppers. Please base on these thinking to develop a few research questions for objectives of my dissertation, and then design the research method to answer these research questions.
2.Please make sure you have a Ph.D. level writing
3.Do not plagiarize! (Very Importation!!!)
4.Please develop 30 pages (the references pages should not be included!) for my proposal (include survey questionnaire) in 13 days. Please on time?K
5.Use the APA style during whole writing, APA style will include 23 lines?? words in one page. Do not leave any space between paragraphs. (you do not need to follow the APA style in Survey Questionnaire)
6.My dissertation will use Quantitative Research Method to do the whole study. You must give each variable accurate definition in the proposal.
7.To write the proposal, please make sure you exactly follow every criteria in the GUIDELINE QUANTITATIVE DOCTORAL PROPOSAL below, and make sure that you will mention every parts when you are writing the proposal in order to fit our school??s rules.( It is very important, please make sure mention every details!)
8.The proposal outline would be( you can check more detail below):
I. INTRODUCTION (please write around 4 pages)
II. SCHOLARSHIP (please write around 10 pages)
A.Literature Review
B. Theory
C. Contribution, Originality
III. RESEARCH DESIGN (please write around 10 pages)
A.Research Question
B. Design
C. Instrumentation
D. Population & Sample
E. Data Collection
F. Data Analysis
G. Ethics
IV. Summary (please write around 1 page)
V. Reference
VI. Appendix(ces)
A. Questionnaire (please layout all the questions around 2-3 pages)
9.In this proposal, the most important thing is to develop a future dissertation outline and make sure the content will support the study totally. For example, the outline may like the table of content of the real dissertation. After that, you could follow the outline to write down some important paragraphs for every part in this dissertation proposal to let my professors understand what I am going to do.
10.Please cite at least 60 sources or above in this proposal. Do not cite the same article too many times.
11.After you finish the dissertation proposal, I need the hardcopies of all the references (books or articles) that you have used in this proposal. I need all the references to attend the proposal defense meeting in our school.
12.In this quantitative research proposal, the most important part could be the Charter III: Research Design (My committees will critically review the Chapter III: RESEARCH DESIGN in this proposal.). Please make sure to develop a good research design for future dissertation research. It is very important that you could explain such questions as: how to reduce biases (researcher bias) on data-collection method, source, analyst, or theory in the proposal to show you have good plan.
13.Please develop questionnaire! The questionnaire is a part of proposal; however, it will be included in the Appendix. I hope can use Internet online survey to collect all the data in the future. You must give each variable accurate definition in the proposal, and then develop appropriate survey questions to make sure they can accord with the definition of the variables. You also need to make sure the questionnaire can answer all the research questions in this study after the data is collected. You need to develop around 30-40 questions or more in the questionnaire to measure the different independent and dependent variables for this study. After you develop the questionnaire, you better do the pilot test to make sure this questionnaire can be clearly understand and work?K Do not layout the questionnaire for too many pages because participants may feel too tired to answer all the questions (you do not need to follow the APA style here, and you can use smaller size words, single-spacing to layout the questionnaire.) I hope the visual layout of questionnaire can look professional.
14.In order to develop the future Web survey instrument. There is something you need to have plan in the proposal such as; who will come to the site to do the questionnaire? How many people will come? For how long?
15.Please use an open ended Likert scale rated from one to one hundred to develop the questionnaire. Develop 1 to 100 Likert-scale types for every question in the questionnaire.
For example:
How would you rate your interest in online shopping on a scale of 1 to 100, where 1 means ??Not at all interest, and 100 means ??Very Strongly Interest??. You can use any number from 1 to 100 to indicate the extent of your interest.
________ Number chosen
(This is just an example for you to understand what kind of style I need for the questionnaire; I believe you can develop better than me.)
16.I have some rough idea about my proposal, please read it to understand what I really want (you will find it below). However, you can change some of the content, if you think it is not appropriate for the future development.
17.If you have any extra questions about the proposal, please contact with me as soon as possible. Thank you!
I. INTRODUCTION (please write around 4 pages)
The Introduction section provides an overview of your study. It describes the problem area your study will focus on, the rationale or need for an investigation in this area, the need for answering your particular research questions, and a basic overview of the design of your study. You must clearly describe
-The Background of the study (describe the background, including human subject research and references that are relevant to the design and conduct of the study.); -Purpose and key research questions;
-Importance of study;
-Objectives of study (state the objectives of the study as research questions and/or hypotheses, research question is clearly delimited, bounded, specified; has conceptual integrity.);
-Limitations of study;
-Structure of dissertation.
a. Describe the Who, What Where, When, Why and How of the Problem. Be Specific! What is the problem? Why is it a Problem? Who is involved? What is the environmental context? What is the historical context of the problem? Why is it important? (Just a brief overview here but this is more fully done in a later section)? Are there policy implications? Are there practice implications?
b. Enumerate and briefly explain the research question(s) to be answered and identify the policy, practice, or theory issues to be addressed. List specifically the major research questions, and any sub-questions under each major question.
c. Describe the frame of reference & identify the theoretica1/conceptual (or other) frame of reference, which is the context of the study. Summarize the elements of the rationale for the study and its design briefly here.
d. Provide a brief overview of your date sources and data analysis plans (research design), including procedures for collecting, organizing, and analyzing the data. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria- list specific eligibility requirements for subjects, including those criteria which would exclude otherwise acceptable subjects.
e. State your expected results ?V provide a brief summary of what findings are expected.
f. Fully discuss the significance/importance of the study:
1. Indicate how your research will refine, revise, or extend existing knowledge. Note that such refinements, revisions, or extensions may have both substantive and methodological significance.
2. Almost all studies have two potential audiences: practitioners and professional peers (scholars). Include statements relating the research to both groups.
3. Indicate what the research means for your institution or organization, e.g., it fits in with an institutional research program; it will contribute to renewed interest in research on the part of colleagues, etc.
4. Indicate what significance the research has in your own development.
g. Describe the scope and delimitation of your study (What will it include and why? What will be left out & why?
h. Outline the contents of the rest of the proposal.
II. SCHOLARSHIP (please write around 10 pages)
1. Pertinent literature, conceptual & empirical, has been reviewed.
2. If there is little or limited literature on the topic, writer has reviewed material close to the problem.
3. Literature review demonstrates sound knowledge of, synthesis of, and critical thinking about the literature.
4. Diversity issues are documented and discussed as appropriate to the study topic.
1. An epistemological position is stated and expanded upon.
2. A theoretical framework or perspective is articulated or developed and articulated.
3. Competing theories are identified and a rationale offered for the choice of the selected theory or why a new theory is being developed.
4. Strengths and weaknesses of the selected theory are identified (a critique using relevant literature).
5. The selected theory is appropriate to the research question.
6. Integration of theory and empirical data is evident in the discussion and development of the theoretical framework to be used.
1.The researcher identifies ways the study, substantively or methodologically, will make an original contribution; how the proposed study provides, in the definition of the problem/question, the theoretical perspective, the methods to be employed some contribution that is different from previous work and distinctly reflects the researcher??s own thinking.
III. RESEARCH DESIGN (please write around 10 pages)
1. Questions are appropriate to quantitative methods and clearly flow from the literature.
2. Rationale and assumptions underlying the study are explicit.
3. Questions & sub questions clearly articulated.
1. Design of study is clearly identified (experiment, cross-sectional survey, longitudinal survey, content analysis, secondary analysis, multi-method, etc.)
2. Design of study is appropriate to research questions/hypotheses and epistemological position.
3. Operational definitions given for all important terms and concepts in hypotheses.
4. Variables used are clearly specified (definition each variable).
5. If independent variables (treatments, interventions, and exposure to programs) are/are to be manipulated, this is clearly described.
6. If a treatment/intervention is the independent variable, there is evidence that it will be/has been delivered in a uniform, standardized way.
7. Confounding variables are identified and methods of control well described.
8. In replication studies, special attention is given to maintaining equivalent conditions for all critical variables.
9. Strengths and limitations of the design are identified and discussed. How to reduce biases (researcher bias) on data-collection method, source, analyst, or theory in the proposal to show you have good plan.
10. Describe the involvement of human subjects including initial evaluation procedures and screening tests, phases, procedures and sequence of the study.
11. Address the experience of investigators if procedures are to be performed for which the investigators have not been specifically credentialed.
12. Describe any costs related to the research procedures that are over and above those incurred by standard treatment, and indicate who will be responsible for them.
13. Analysis of the Study
a.Delineate the precise outcomes (variables) to be measured.
b.Describe how data will be analyzed, including statistical analysis.
c.Describe methods used to estimate the required number of subjects.
1. Instruments and other measurement devices and procedures are clearly linked to each defined variable.
2. Instruments/measurement protocols are justified as appropriate for the study population (in terms of age and other diversity parameters).
3. Rationale for selection of each instrument is presented, along with supporting literature on the psychometrics of instruments, including reliability and validity.
4. Reliability and validity of standardized instruments will be or is re-established for study sample/population.
5. If instruments are used for which psychometric properties are unknown, a clear rationale for their choice is presented.
6. If original instruments or procedures are used, their development is described and justified.
7. If original scales are to be developed, a plan to establish their psychometric properties (reliability, validity) is developed. (You must describe the reliability and validity about your study. How do you build the reliability and validity about your study?)
8. Monitoring Subjects and Criteria for Withdrawal of Subjects from the Study
a.Describe the types, frequency and duration of tests, admissions (inpatient) outpatient visits. Consider specifying a monitor if the study involves a blinded design.
b. Define stop points and criteria for withdrawing subjects from the study.
1. If a population is used/is to be used, the rationale for its use and its parameters are clearly described.
2. If a sample is used/is to be used, the population (of people, case records, text, etc.), method of sampling and rationale for the sampling method are well described.
3. Rationale for the sample size is indicated, preferably based on a power analysis or other acceptable criterion (e.g., confidence level/confidence interval justification).
4. External validity/transferability/generalizability of the study is addressed.
5. The sampling plan is consistent with the design, method and statistical procedures to be used in the analysis.
6. Sources of and procedures for recruitment of participants are detailed.
7. Procedures to enhance response rates and participant retention in the study are specified.
8. Attrition rate is anticipated and a strategy to handle it is specified.
9. Strengths and limitations of the population/sampling strategy are identified and discussed.
1. Methods/protocols of data collection are clearly described: how data are to be collected, by whom, under what conditions are clear.
2. Methods/protocols of data collection are appropriate to the research questions and design.
3. Methods of data collection are appropriate to the participants on gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation and other diversity dimensions.
4. Pre-test/pilot test plan is adequately described and is appropriate.
5. If applicable/appropriate, pilot data results are presented.
6. Strengths and limitations of the data collection strategy are identified and discussed.
1. The nature/approach of the data analysis is clearly described and justified.
2. Analysis is consistent with questions, hypotheses, level of variable measure, and design.
3. If assumptions of chosen statistical models are violated, protective measures are indicated.
4. Data analysis demonstrates sound knowledge of the techniques used and their alternatives.
5. Strengths and limitations of the data analysis strategy are identified and discussed.
1. Research goals are consistent with the principles of working toward improving the situation of individuals and/or groups in society.
2. If this study involves human participants, the benefits and risks are clearly identified and communicated to participants.
3. If this study involves human participants, threats to free & informed consent are addressed.
4. Confidentiality of the data is adequately ensured.
5. The researcher has made provisions to share findings with participants.
6. The research clearly can be expected to receive clearance from the IRB.
7. Ownership of the data is clear.
8. Where the data will be stored and for how long is clear.
Any factors related to participant coercion, even if unintentional, and the researcher-participant power differentials are addressed.
9.Human Subject Protections:
a.Rationale for Subject Selection:
(1). Strategies/procedures for recruitment
b.Evaluation of Benefits and Risks/Discomforts:
(1). Potential Benefits: Describe the potential benefits to subjects or to others (benefits to society) that may reasonably be expected from the research.
(2). Potential Risks: Describe any potential risks -- physical, psychological, social, legal, drug toxicity or other associated with the proposed procedures and assess their likelihood and seriousness.
(3). Risk/Benefit: Discuss why the risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefits and in relation to the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result. Consider the following in your discussion:
a. In research involving an intervention expected to provide direct benefit to the subject, a certain amount of risk is justifiable.
c. Adverse Event Reporting and Data Monitoring
(1).Provide a plan for reporting adverse events to the IRB.
(2).Describe the provisions for monitoring the data collected to ensure the safety of subjects.
d. Consent and Assent Processes and Documents
Consent Procedures: Describe the consent procedures to be followed, including the circumstances in which consent will be sought and obtained, who will seek it, the nature of the information to be provided to prospective subjects, and the method of documenting consent.
IV. Summary (Could also serve as the Abstract) (please write around 1pages)
The final section of your dissertation proposal should provide an overview and summary of your research proposal. You should provide a summary statement of virtually every section of the proposal. The reader should be able to read the summary section and have a good understanding of what you are going to do and why.
V. Reference:
VI.Appendix(ces)(please write around 2-3 pages)
Survey Questionnaire
1.To successful launch an e-commerce Web site, the question is not just about ??if we build it, will they come??? but also ??if we build it, will they come to purchase and repeat purchase??? A scenario closer to the truth is that many online companies experience disappointment in converting consumers?? clicks into purchases. It means attracting a large number of shoppers to the site is not the only ultimate measure of success. The true measure of success should be included retaining customers and converting them into repeat buyers. Positive shopping experiences on the site can help online buyers make an effective decision. It means positive feeling is the optimal experience that consumers will desire to repeat buying online. Therefore, marketers need to create effective Web sites for winning consumer satisfaction. Since Web sites are often the main contact with consumer in the Internet market, a company??s Web site elements may include some persuasive components that has impact on consumers?? positive experience. To evaluate what visual design elements constitute the persuasive power for the customers to have positive experience on a Web site, it is expected that increased levels of the consumers?? positive experience would lead consumers to have more optimistic attitudes toward Web sites, stronger purchase intention, and loyalty. If consumers ??feel good??, marketers can have better chance to win the battle on an e-commerce Web site. We know shopping online is almost exclusively a visual experience; therefore, there may exist persuasive powers in the visual image of design elements in an e-commerce Web site. Little research, however, directly addresses the issue of visual design- the persuasive power on influencing online consumers?? experience of willing to purchase and loyalty.
Logo+Pathos+Ethos = Positive experience ?? Purchase intention and loyalty. (Positive experience comes from satisfy consumers?? Logo, Pathos, and Ethos. To satisfy these variables can lead to purchase intention and loyalty.
2.Independent Variable(11 independent variables):
-Logo (logic): price, variety, product information, and accessibility.
-Pathos (emotion):playfulness, tangibility, and empathy
-Ethos (credibility):recognizability, assurance, and reliability.
Dependent Variable (2 dependent variables):
-Purchase intention
-Loyalty (repeat purchase and word-of-mouth referrals)
-Use online survey instrument.
-Create a questionnaire to measure variables.
-Create a Website, put questionnaires on it. Sent email to people who I know to announce the information. Ask them send the information to their friends also. (I am not clear about this sample selected procedure, please help me develop a better way to select sample)
-Use one month to do the online survey and collect data.
-The researcher will try to recruit a group of 200 subjects from Internet Web site.
-Participates must have online shopping experiences to do the online survey.
-Use likert scales to evaluate all the factors
- Quantitative Research.
3.In charter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW, I hope you can mention some theoretical background such as: rhetorical theory: three means of persuasion; customer purchase behavior; user-center design?K You also can write some different paragraphs in related literature review such as: the difference between traditional commerce and Internet commerce; the importance of visual design to an e-commerce Web site; the importance of purchase and loyalty to an e-commerce Web site; the benefits and challenge to company and consumer in the B2C commerce?K (These are just my suggestions, you can add more or you can change it, if you think it is not appropriate for the future development!)
4.In charter 3: RESEARCH DESIGN, maybe you can develop a framework of persuasive Web site Design to explain and construct the whole study: (you can check the article: Pairin Katerattanakul (2002). Framework of effective web site design for business-to-consumer Internet commerce. INFOR vol.40, no.1 Feb.2002.)
My idea comes from this article and I changed it little bit. Based on the proposed definition of persuasive Web site in my proposal, my study maybe can propose three persuasive design concepts as a framework of persuasive Web site design for business-to-consumer Internet commerce: (1) Design to support consumer logos (logical) experience. (2) Design to support consumer pathos (emotional) experience. (3) Design to support consumer ethos (credibility) experience. So the outline may look like below:
III.Research Design
A.Research question
1. Introduction
Previous research on visual design, customer value, and User-center design;
Characteristics of previous researches (strengths and weakness).
2.The framework of a persuasive Web site design
Persuasive Web site: the three design concept- logos, pathos, and ethos
2.1 Research taxonomy: Framework of a persuasive Web site design for business-to-consumer Internet commerce: (1) Design to support consumer logos (logical) experience. (2) Design to support consumer pathos (emotional) experience. (3) Design to support consumer ethos (credibility) experience
3. Design to support consumer logos (logical) experience
3.1 Prices (price presentation)
3.2 Variety (product structure and display)
3.3 Product information (product information display)
3.4 Effort (Intuitiveness of navigation)
4. Design to support consumer pathos (emotional) experience
4.1 Playfulness (entertainment potential of the site)
4.2 Tangibility (sensory appeal through visual, audio or other means) (visual design)
4.3 Empathy (personalization features)
5. Design to support consumer ethos (credibility-trustworthy) experience
5.1 Recogizability (corporate image and branding)
5.2 Compatibility (community building)
5.3 Assurance (privacy and security)
5.4 Reliability (channels to customer service)
C. Instrumentation
Use online survey instrument. Create a questionnaire to measure variables. Build a Website, put the questionnaire on it. Email the information to related organizations or friends.
D. Population & Sample
The population is the online shoppers.
E. Data Collection
The researcher will collect all the raw data from online survey, and then the researcher will develop a coding system to transfer all of the data to the SPSS.
F.Data Analysis
The techniques for data analysis will include: descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis. more
Dear Sir:
I am ordering a dissertation proposal (include questionnaire) now, if this dissertation proposal could pass with my dissertation committees smoothly, I certainly will order my whole... dissertation with you very soon (maybe around 160 pages). It is very important to make sure you could have right direction and good thoughts to develop the proposal from the beginning (After you finish, I need to discuss with my committee to make sure this proposal is on the right track); otherwise we will need more time to revise it (I hope not because the limitation of the time). I also request hardcopies of all the sources you have used in the proposal because I need all the references to attend the proposal defense meeting in our school (you told me the hardcopies are free, right? If you have any concern, please contact me ASAP).
Thank You!
In my dissertation proposal, I have some RESQUEST as below:
1.My Dissertation Topic is:
The Impact of Web Site Design on Consumers?? Purchase Intentions and Loyalty in the Business-to- Consumer Internet Commerce: A Rhetorical Approach
Please check the article: Wendy Winn & Kati Beck. (2002). The persuasive power of design elements on an e-commerce Web site. Technical Communication, Vol.49, p 17-35. Feb 2002.
My dissertation idea mainly based on this article (Make sure you read and understand this article totally before you start to write the proposal). I would like use the independent variables that the authors mentioned in this article (Logos, Pathos, and Ethos) to measure the dependent variables (Consumers?? Purchase Intentions and Loyalty). This article used qualitative research method (do not follow the methodology of this article); however, I will use quantitative research method to develop my whole research structure. I hope use the online questionnaire survey to understand the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables, and how strong the persuasive power of design elements on an e-commerce Web site, how do design elements carry out the rhetorical function of persuasion, or how design elements appeal to the online shoppers. Please base on these thinking to develop a few research questions for objectives of my dissertation, and then design the research method to answer these research questions.
2.Please make sure you have a Ph.D. level writing
3.Do not plagiarize! (Very Importation!!!)
4.Please develop 30 pages (the references pages should not be included!) for my proposal (include survey questionnaire) in 13 days. Please on time?K
5.Use the APA style during whole writing, APA style will include 23 lines?? words in one page. Do not leave any space between paragraphs. (you do not need to follow the APA style in Survey Questionnaire)
6.My dissertation will use Quantitative Research Method to do the whole study. You must give each variable accurate definition in the proposal.
7.To write the proposal, please make sure you exactly follow every criteria in the GUIDELINE QUANTITATIVE DOCTORAL PROPOSAL below, and make sure that you will mention every parts when you are writing the proposal in order to fit our school??s rules.( It is very important, please make sure mention every details!)
8.The proposal outline would be( you can check more detail below):
I. INTRODUCTION (please write around 4 pages)
II. SCHOLARSHIP (please write around 10 pages)
A.Literature Review
B. Theory
C. Contribution, Originality
III. RESEARCH DESIGN (please write around 10 pages)
A.Research Question
B. Design
C. Instrumentation
D. Population & Sample
E. Data Collection
F. Data Analysis
G. Ethics
IV. Summary (please write around 1 page)
V. Reference
VI. Appendix(ces)
A. Questionnaire (please layout all the questions around 2-3 pages)
9.In this proposal, the most important thing is to develop a future dissertation outline and make sure the content will support the study totally. For example, the outline may like the table of content of the real dissertation. After that, you could follow the outline to write down some important paragraphs for every part in this dissertation proposal to let my professors understand what I am going to do.
10.Please cite at least 60 sources or above in this proposal. Do not cite the same article too many times.
11.After you finish the dissertation proposal, I need the hardcopies of all the references (books or articles) that you have used in this proposal. I need all the references to attend the proposal defense meeting in our school.
12.In this quantitative research proposal, the most important part could be the Charter III: Research Design (My committees will critically review the Chapter III: RESEARCH DESIGN in this proposal.). Please make sure to develop a good research design for future dissertation research. It is very important that you could explain such questions as: how to reduce biases (researcher bias) on data-collection method, source, analyst, or theory in the proposal to show you have good plan.
13.Please develop questionnaire! The questionnaire is a part of proposal; however, it will be included in the Appendix. I hope can use Internet online survey to collect all the data in the future. You must give each variable accurate definition in the proposal, and then develop appropriate survey questions to make sure they can accord with the definition of the variables. You also need to make sure the questionnaire can answer all the research questions in this study after the data is collected. You need to develop around 30-40 questions or more in the questionnaire to measure the different independent and dependent variables for this study. After you develop the questionnaire, you better do the pilot test to make sure this questionnaire can be clearly understand and work?K Do not layout the questionnaire for too many pages because participants may feel too tired to answer all the questions (you do not need to follow the APA style here, and you can use smaller size words, single-spacing to layout the questionnaire.) I hope the visual layout of questionnaire can look professional.
14.In order to develop the future Web survey instrument. There is something you need to have plan in the proposal such as; who will come to the site to do the questionnaire? How many people will come? For how long?
15.Please use an open ended Likert scale rated from one to one hundred to develop the questionnaire. Develop 1 to 100 Likert-scale types for every question in the questionnaire.
For example:
How would you rate your interest in online shopping on a scale of 1 to 100, where 1 means ??Not at all interest, and 100 means ??Very Strongly Interest??. You can use any number from 1 to 100 to indicate the extent of your interest.
________ Number chosen
(This is just an example for you to understand what kind of style I need for the questionnaire; I believe you can develop better than me.)
16.I have some rough idea about my proposal, please read it to understand what I really want (you will find it below). However, you can change some of the content, if you think it is not appropriate for the future development.
17.If you have any extra questions about the proposal, please contact with me as soon as possible. Thank you!
I. INTRODUCTION (please write around 4 pages)
The Introduction section provides an overview of your study. It describes the problem area your study will focus on, the rationale or need for an investigation in this area, the need for answering your particular research questions, and a basic overview of the design of your study. You must clearly describe
-The Background of the study (describe the background, including human subject research and references that are relevant to the design and conduct of the study.); -Purpose and key research questions;
-Importance of study;
-Objectives of study (state the objectives of the study as research questions and/or hypotheses, research question is clearly delimited, bounded, specified; has conceptual integrity.);
-Limitations of study;
-Structure of dissertation.
a. Describe the Who, What Where, When, Why and How of the Problem. Be Specific! What is the problem? Why is it a Problem? Who is involved? What is the environmental context? What is the historical context of the problem? Why is it important? (Just a brief overview here but this is more fully done in a later section)? Are there policy implications? Are there practice implications?
b. Enumerate and briefly explain the research question(s) to be answered and identify the policy, practice, or theory issues to be addressed. List specifically the major research questions, and any sub-questions under each major question.
c. Describe the frame of reference & identify the theoretica1/conceptual (or other) frame of reference, which is the context of the study. Summarize the elements of the rationale for the study and its design briefly here.
d. Provide a brief overview of your date sources and data analysis plans (research design), including procedures for collecting, organizing, and analyzing the data. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria- list specific eligibility requirements for subjects, including those criteria which would exclude otherwise acceptable subjects.
e. State your expected results ?V provide a brief summary of what findings are expected.
f. Fully discuss the significance/importance of the study:
1. Indicate how your research will refine, revise, or extend existing knowledge. Note that such refinements, revisions, or extensions may have both substantive and methodological significance.
2. Almost all studies have two potential audiences: practitioners and professional peers (scholars). Include statements relating the research to both groups.
3. Indicate what the research means for your institution or organization, e.g., it fits in with an institutional research program; it will contribute to renewed interest in research on the part of colleagues, etc.
4. Indicate what significance the research has in your own development.
g. Describe the scope and delimitation of your study (What will it include and why? What will be left out & why?
h. Outline the contents of the rest of the proposal.
II. SCHOLARSHIP (please write around 10 pages)
1. Pertinent literature, conceptual & empirical, has been reviewed.
2. If there is little or limited literature on the topic, writer has reviewed material close to the problem.
3. Literature review demonstrates sound knowledge of, synthesis of, and critical thinking about the literature.
4. Diversity issues are documented and discussed as appropriate to the study topic.
1. An epistemological position is stated and expanded upon.
2. A theoretical framework or perspective is articulated or developed and articulated.
3. Competing theories are identified and a rationale offered for the choice of the selected theory or why a new theory is being developed.
4. Strengths and weaknesses of the selected theory are identified (a critique using relevant literature).
5. The selected theory is appropriate to the research question.
6. Integration of theory and empirical data is evident in the discussion and development of the theoretical framework to be used.
1.The researcher identifies ways the study, substantively or methodologically, will make an original contribution; how the proposed study provides, in the definition of the problem/question, the theoretical perspective, the methods to be employed some contribution that is different from previous work and distinctly reflects the researcher??s own thinking.
III. RESEARCH DESIGN (please write around 10 pages)
1. Questions are appropriate to quantitative methods and clearly flow from the literature.
2. Rationale and assumptions underlying the study are explicit.
3. Questions & sub questions clearly articulated.
1. Design of study is clearly identified (experiment, cross-sectional survey, longitudinal survey, content analysis, secondary analysis, multi-method, etc.)
2. Design of study is appropriate to research questions/hypotheses and epistemological position.
3. Operational definitions given for all important terms and concepts in hypotheses.
4. Variables used are clearly specified (definition each variable).
5. If independent variables (treatments, interventions, and exposure to programs) are/are to be manipulated, this is clearly described.
6. If a treatment/intervention is the independent variable, there is evidence that it will be/has been delivered in a uniform, standardized way.
7. Confounding variables are identified and methods of control well described.
8. In replication studies, special attention is given to maintaining equivalent conditions for all critical variables.
9. Strengths and limitations of the design are identified and discussed. How to reduce biases (researcher bias) on data-collection method, source, analyst, or theory in the proposal to show you have good plan.
10. Describe the involvement of human subjects including initial evaluation procedures and screening tests, phases, procedures and sequence of the study.
11. Address the experience of investigators if procedures are to be performed for which the investigators have not been specifically credentialed.
12. Describe any costs related to the research procedures that are over and above those incurred by standard treatment, and indicate who will be responsible for them.
13. Analysis of the Study
a.Delineate the precise outcomes (variables) to be measured.
b.Describe how data will be analyzed, including statistical analysis.
c.Describe methods used to estimate the required number of subjects.
1. Instruments and other measurement devices and procedures are clearly linked to each defined variable.
2. Instruments/measurement protocols are justified as appropriate for the study population (in terms of age and other diversity parameters).
3. Rationale for selection of each instrument is presented, along with supporting literature on the psychometrics of instruments, including reliability and validity.
4. Reliability and validity of standardized instruments will be or is re-established for study sample/population.
5. If instruments are used for which psychometric properties are unknown, a clear rationale for their choice is presented.
6. If original instruments or procedures are used, their development is described and justified.
7. If original scales are to be developed, a plan to establish their psychometric properties (reliability, validity) is developed. (You must describe the reliability and validity about your study. How do you build the reliability and validity about your study?)
8. Monitoring Subjects and Criteria for Withdrawal of Subjects from the Study
a.Describe the types, frequency and duration of tests, admissions (inpatient) outpatient visits. Consider specifying a monitor if the study involves a blinded design.
b. Define stop points and criteria for withdrawing subjects from the study.
1. If a population is used/is to be used, the rationale for its use and its parameters are clearly described.
2. If a sample is used/is to be used, the population (of people, case records, text, etc.), method of sampling and rationale for the sampling method are well described.
3. Rationale for the sample size is indicated, preferably based on a power analysis or other acceptable criterion (e.g., confidence level/confidence interval justification).
4. External validity/transferability/generalizability of the study is addressed.
5. The sampling plan is consistent with the design, method and statistical procedures to be used in the analysis.
6. Sources of and procedures for recruitment of participants are detailed.
7. Procedures to enhance response rates and participant retention in the study are specified.
8. Attrition rate is anticipated and a strategy to handle it is specified.
9. Strengths and limitations of the population/sampling strategy are identified and discussed.
1. Methods/protocols of data collection are clearly described: how data are to be collected, by whom, under what conditions are clear.
2. Methods/protocols of data collection are appropriate to the research questions and design.
3. Methods of data collection are appropriate to the participants on gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation and other diversity dimensions.
4. Pre-test/pilot test plan is adequately described and is appropriate.
5. If applicable/appropriate, pilot data results are presented.
6. Strengths and limitations of the data collection strategy are identified and discussed.
1. The nature/approach of the data analysis is clearly described and justified.
2. Analysis is consistent with questions, hypotheses, level of variable measure, and design.
3. If assumptions of chosen statistical models are violated, protective measures are indicated.
4. Data analysis demonstrates sound knowledge of the techniques used and their alternatives.
5. Strengths and limitations of the data analysis strategy are identified and discussed.
1. Research goals are consistent with the principles of working toward improving the situation of individuals and/or groups in society.
2. If this study involves human participants, the benefits and risks are clearly identified and communicated to participants.
3. If this study involves human participants, threats to free & informed consent are addressed.
4. Confidentiality of the data is adequately ensured.
5. The researcher has made provisions to share findings with participants.
6. The research clearly can be expected to receive clearance from the IRB.
7. Ownership of the data is clear.
8. Where the data will be stored and for how long is clear.
Any factors related to participant coercion, even if unintentional, and the researcher-participant power differentials are addressed.
9.Human Subject Protections:
a.Rationale for Subject Selection:
(1). Strategies/procedures for recruitment
b.Evaluation of Benefits and Risks/Discomforts:
(1). Potential Benefits: Describe the potential benefits to subjects or to others (benefits to society) that may reasonably be expected from the research.
(2). Potential Risks: Describe any potential risks -- physical, psychological, social, legal, drug toxicity or other associated with the proposed procedures and assess their likelihood and seriousness.
(3). Risk/Benefit: Discuss why the risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefits and in relation to the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result. Consider the following in your discussion:
a. In research involving an intervention expected to provide direct benefit to the subject, a certain amount of risk is justifiable.
c. Adverse Event Reporting and Data Monitoring
(1).Provide a plan for reporting adverse events to the IRB.
(2).Describe the provisions for monitoring the data collected to ensure the safety of subjects.
d. Consent and Assent Processes and Documents
Consent Procedures: Describe the consent procedures to be followed, including the circumstances in which consent will be sought and obtained, who will seek it, the nature of the information to be provided to prospective subjects, and the method of documenting consent.
IV. Summary (Could also serve as the Abstract) (please write around 1pages)
The final section of your dissertation proposal should provide an overview and summary of your research proposal. You should provide a summary statement of virtually every section of the proposal. The reader should be able to read the summary section and have a good understanding of what you are going to do and why.
V. Reference:
VI.Appendix(ces)(please write around 2-3 pages)
Survey Questionnaire
1.To successful launch an e-commerce Web site, the question is not just about ??if we build it, will they come??? but also ??if we build it, will they come to purchase and repeat purchase??? A scenario closer to the truth is that many online companies experience disappointment in converting consumers?? clicks into purchases. It means attracting a large number of shoppers to the site is not the only ultimate measure of success. The true measure of success should be included retaining customers and converting them into repeat buyers. Positive shopping experiences on the site can help online buyers make an effective decision. It means positive feeling is the optimal experience that consumers will desire to repeat buying online. Therefore, marketers need to create effective Web sites for winning consumer satisfaction. Since Web sites are often the main contact with consumer in the Internet market, a company??s Web site elements may include some persuasive components that has impact on consumers?? positive experience. To evaluate what visual design elements constitute the persuasive power for the customers to have positive experience on a Web site, it is expected that increased levels of the consumers?? positive experience would lead consumers to have more optimistic attitudes toward Web sites, stronger purchase intention, and loyalty. If consumers ??feel good??, marketers can have better chance to win the battle on an e-commerce Web site. We know shopping online is almost exclusively a visual experience; therefore, there may exist persuasive powers in the visual image of design elements in an e-commerce Web site. Little research, however, directly addresses the issue of visual design- the persuasive power on influencing online consumers?? experience of willing to purchase and loyalty.
Logo+Pathos+Ethos = Positive experience ?? Purchase intention and loyalty. (Positive experience comes from satisfy consumers?? Logo, Pathos, and Ethos. To satisfy these variables can lead to purchase intention and loyalty.
2.Independent Variable(11 independent variables):
-Logo (logic): price, variety, product information, and accessibility.
-Pathos (emotion):playfulness, tangibility, and empathy
-Ethos (credibility):recognizability, assurance, and reliability.
Dependent Variable (2 dependent variables):
-Purchase intention
-Loyalty (repeat purchase and word-of-mouth referrals)
-Use online survey instrument.
-Create a questionnaire to measure variables.
-Create a Website, put questionnaires on it. Sent email to people who I know to announce the information. Ask them send the information to their friends also. (I am not clear about this sample selected procedure, please help me develop a better way to select sample)
-Use one month to do the online survey and collect data.
-The researcher will try to recruit a group of 200 subjects from Internet Web site.
-Participates must have online shopping experiences to do the online survey.
-Use likert scales to evaluate all the factors
- Quantitative Research.
3.In charter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW, I hope you can mention some theoretical background such as: rhetorical theory: three means of persuasion; customer purchase behavior; user-center design?K You also can write some different paragraphs in related literature review such as: the difference between traditional commerce and Internet commerce; the importance of visual design to an e-commerce Web site; the importance of purchase and loyalty to an e-commerce Web site; the benefits and challenge to company and consumer in the B2C commerce?K (These are just my suggestions, you can add more or you can change it, if you think it is not appropriate for the future development!)
4.In charter 3: RESEARCH DESIGN, maybe you can develop a framework of persuasive Web site Design to explain and construct the whole study: (you can check the article: Pairin Katerattanakul (2002). Framework of effective web site design for business-to-consumer Internet commerce. INFOR vol.40, no.1 Feb.2002.)
My idea comes from this article and I changed it little bit. Based on the proposed definition of persuasive Web site in my proposal, my study maybe can propose three persuasive design concepts as a framework of persuasive Web site design for business-to-consumer Internet commerce: (1) Design to support consumer logos (logical) experience. (2) Design to support consumer pathos (emotional) experience. (3) Design to support consumer ethos (credibility) experience. So the outline may look like below:
III.Research Design
A.Research question
1. Introduction
Previous research on visual design, customer value, and User-center design;
Characteristics of previous researches (strengths and weakness).
2.The framework of a persuasive Web site design
Persuasive Web site: the three design concept- logos, pathos, and ethos
2.1 Research taxonomy: Framework of a persuasive Web site design for business-to-consumer Internet commerce: (1) Design to support consumer logos (logical) experience. (2) Design to support consumer pathos (emotional) experience. (3) Design to support consumer ethos (credibility) experience
3. Design to support consumer logos (logical) experience
3.1 Prices (price presentation)
3.2 Variety (product structure and display)
3.3 Product information (product information display)
3.4 Effort (Intuitiveness of navigation)
4. Design to support consumer pathos (emotional) experience
4.1 Playfulness (entertainment potential of the site)
4.2 Tangibility (sensory appeal through visual, audio or other means) (visual design)
4.3 Empathy (personalization features)
5. Design to support consumer ethos (credibility-trustworthy) experience
5.1 Recogizability (corporate image and branding)
5.2 Compatibility (community building)
5.3 Assurance (privacy and security)
5.4 Reliability (channels to customer service)
C. Instrumentation
Use online survey instrument. Create a questionnaire to measure variables. Build a Website, put the questionnaire on it. Email the information to related organizations or friends.
D. Population & Sample
The population is the online shoppers.
E. Data Collection
The researcher will collect all the raw data from online survey, and then the researcher will develop a coding system to transfer all of the data to the SPSS.
F.Data Analysis
The techniques for data analysis will include: descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis.
There are faxes for this order. more
Drug of abuse paper
Explore the NIDA website presented under the required readings this week. You will see that the site has web pages dedicated to a number of drugs of abuse. Choose a drug that you are unfamiliar with and discuss anything you think is relevant regarding the drug. This should include the chemical make- up, method of action, etc. You should include current trends and any other information that you think will be useful. In addition, you should identify a minimum of two primary research studies on the drug you choose to include in your discussion. The paper should be 4 - 6 pages in length, which includes the title, abstract and reference page. This paper is geared at exposing you to a new drug that you know very little about.
Drug Testing
Should hospitals test pregnant women for drug use without their consent?
Answer this moral question in terms of the utilitarian considerations, who will be helped and who hurt over the long term, and the matters of rights for all involved (e.g., the right to privacy, warrantless search and seizure). USE the basics of utilitarian and deontological reasoning in order to make out your point.
Write five pages and upload it to coursenet by the end of this module. Make use of the article linked below.
Drug tests of non-consenting pregnant women quashed
American Medical News; Chicago; Apr 9, 2001; Vida Foubister;
The Supreme Court has ruled that physicians and other employees of public hospitals cannot perform drug tests on pregnant women without their consent and report the results to the police. The policy for testing pregnant women developed by the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston violates the Fourth Amendment.
***Legal Issues in Criminal Justice***
Focus on the subject matter under which your case is assigned. Do not discuss the other issues in the court's opinion and try to avoid legal language in your brief unless you explain and/or define it for your classmates. Write your brief in your own words. If you want to take quotes from the opinion, be sure to put them in quotation marks and give the reader the page number from which you took the quote. This course does not focus on procedural issues in the case. To stay on track, use the case brief format. For example, if the legal issue in the case is "Was Jones' First Amendment right to free speech violated?", then the decision section should respond to that question with what the court decided as to that issue. Use the names of the parties ("State of Michigan" "United States", "Smith", "Jones") in your briefs, not "respondent" or "appellant" or "plaintiff" or "defendant".
Drugs firms 'waging war' on poor
Cheap copies of drugs to treat Aids are a lifeline
The international aid group, Oxfam, has accused the global pharmaceutical industry and western gov...ernments of waging what it calls an undeclared drugs war against the world's poorest countries.
The organisation says developing countries must be allowed to make cheap copies of drugs to treat diseases such as Aids, respiratory tract infections and childhood diarrhoea.
This is the shadowy side of globalisation
Oxfam policy director Justin Forsyth
Oxfam has also called on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to change patent rules which, it says, result in restricted access to life-saving drugs. Under normal WTO rules, companies can patent drugs for 20 years.
It is estimated that two billion people worldwide lack basic healthcare, and 11 million people die each year from preventable disease.
Oxfam wants one of the world's largest drug companies, GlaxoSmithKline, to drop legal action against countries that are producing cheaper drugs.
Legal disputes
One of those facing such action is Brazil, which manufactures and distributes drugs free of charge to HIV-infected people, a policy that has led to a 50% drop in the Aids death rate in the country.
The WTO has set up a dispute panel to examine a US complaint over Brazilian law, which allows local companies to produce patented drugs in certain cases.
Thailand has also come under US pressure to stop local manufacturers producing cheaper generic drugs for Aids patients. It now has patent laws that are even stricter than required by the WTO, according to Paul Cawthorne of the medical aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres.
Indian pharmaceutical companies make all the Aids drugs we make or any other company makes - people aren't being treated. Sir Richard Sykes, GlaxoSmithKline
In South Africa, groups campaigning for access to cheap anti-Aids drugs are stepping up their pressure ahead of a key court case next month. The case could establish the legal basis on which cheaper generic versions of well-known drugs can be imported.
South Africa is suffering an acute Aids crisis, with 10% of the population HIV-positive. An Aids activists ' group - the Treatment Action Campaign - is marching to parliament on Monday to press the case for cheaper drugs.
'Corporate wealth'
Oxfam policy director Justin Forsyth said: "This is the shadowy side of globalisation.
"We know that making life-saving drugs more affordable isn't the whole answer. However, the balance has skewed too far toward corporate wealth rather than public health."
Oxfam is also calling for a $5bn international fund to assist disease research and subsidise drug distribution in developing countries.
GlaxoSmithKline said Oxfam did not appreciate the complexities of the problem, which required a shared responsibility by governments, NGOs, the World Bank and the UN.
The company also said that the group had ignored its work in developing countries, including initiatives to reduce the prices of HIV-related drugs.
The company's non-executive chairman, Sir Richard Sykes, told the BBC that the producers of cheap generic drugs were engaging in "piracy".
He said there were plenty of generic copiers in India "who can make these drugs at will".
"So why are they not producing cheap drugs so that the people in India can start being treated? There is absolutely no evidence that that is happening," he said.
"They're exporting to countries where intellectual property is not protected, like Latin America, for example," he added.
He warned that if South Africa allowed generic compounds to be sold cheaply the UK pharmaceutical industry would "start to deteriorate very rapidly".
1. What exactly are patents trying to protect?
2. Why is it that certain industries seem to be particularly vulnerable to the violation of patent rights? ??" e.g. pharmaceuticals, music, software? (Consider their cost structure ??" Fixed Costs/Variable Costs/Average Costs/Marginal Costs)
3. What do you think the pharmaceutical companies should do in this situation?
4. In this case the market system doesnt seem to get the goods to the people that need them. Do you think the government has already intervened too much (through the patent system) or needs to intervene further (to make sure the people that need the medicines get them)? Explain. more
***Legal Issues in Criminal Justice***
The Case Brief:
Reasonable suspicion 4th Amendment:
U.S. v. Arvizu, 534 U.S. 266 (2001)
Hint for a successful case brief:
Focus on the subject matter under which your case is assigned. Do not discuss the other issues in the court's opinion and try to avoid legal language in your brief unless you explain and/or define it for your classmates. Write your brief in your own words. If you want to take quotes from the opinion, be sure to put them in quotation marks and give the reader the page number from which you took the quote. This course does not focus on procedural issues in the case. To stay on track, use the case brief format. For example, if the legal issue in the case is "Was Jones' First Amendment right to free speech violated?", then the decision section should respond to that question with what the court decided as to that issue. Use the names of the parties ("State of Michigan" "United States", "Smith", "Jones") in your briefs, not "respondent" or "appellant" or "plaintiff" or "defendant".
The previous writer?s username was Yeatsmom. Please see below:
Choose one of the following topics:
Argue for or against the following:
1. In many ways television has proved to be one... of the worst inventions of modern times. All too often, television is harmful because of the shows it broadcasts and the way it is used in the home.
2. Many of society's worst problems with drugs result from the fact that they are illegal. During Prohibition, Americans discovered that making popular substances unlawful causes more problems than it solves. Like alcohol and tobacco, drugs should be legal in this country.
3. Statistics show that newly licensed teenage boys cause a higher number of serious automobile accidents than any other group. It is evident that many young mem are too reckless and impulsive to be good drivers. In order to protect the larger society, the age at which a boy can earn his license should be raised to eighteen.
4. Giving students grades does more harm than good. Schools should replace grades with written evaluations of the student's strengths and weaknesses. These would benefit both students and parents.
5. Jails are overcrowded. Furthermore, jails often function as "schools for crime" in which petty lawbrekers learn to become hardened criminals. Of course, it is necessary to put violent criminals in jail in order to protect others. But society would benefit in nonviolent criminals received punishments other than jail sentences.
6. Physical punishment "works" in the sense that it may stop a child from misbehaving, but adults who frequently spank and hit are also teaching children that vilence is a good method of accomplishing a goal. Nonviolent methods are a more effective way of training children.
7. Junk food is available in school cafeterias and school vending machinges, and the cafeteria menus do not encourage the best of eating habits. But good education should include good examples as well as classwork. Schools should practice what they preach about a healthy diet and stop providing junk food.
Occasions for Argumentative Essays
The goal of argument is to gain your reader's assent to your central proposition, despite active opposition.
Arguing in Context
Focus on the interplay of writer, reader, and purpose.
Like other types of writing, arguments respond to specific situations: a need is not being met, a person is being treated unfairly, an important concept is misunderstood, and an outdated policy needs to be reexamined. Strong arguments respond effectively to such writing contexts.
A situation statement helps bring the writing context into focus early.
A situation statement needn't be complicated. Instead, keep it simple and concise. Focus on the interplay of writer, reader, and purpose.
Purpose: What do I hope to accomplish? Why is it important? What benefits would be realized? What problems would be eliminated? What questions would be answered? How would other people be affected? What obstacles must be overcome?
Writer: What are my qualifications for discussing this issue? What is my knowledge of the subject? What are the limits of my knowledge? How can I learn more? What is my personal stake in the argument's outcome? What is my relationship to the reader?
Reader: How well do my reader and I know each other? What is my reader's age, educational background, occupation, marital status, and political preference? Why have I chosen to address my argument to this particular person or group? What stake does my reader have in the argument's outcome? What might the reader stand to gain or lose? What is the reader's impression of me, especially of my integrity, knowledge, and reliability? How well does the reader understand the situation?
Stating Your Proposition
Sensing your argument's overall scope and direction, you can consider stating your main point. As you do, however, remember that your writing process has barely begun. You don't yet need a final proposition statement for your finished paper, but one to point you forward and help focus your efforts.
At first, both a thesis statement and a proposition are often hunches or good guesses about what you will finally claim.
In this way an argumentative proposition is like a thesis statement. Besides stating your main point, both help you direct, develop, and monitor your thinking while writing. Like a thesis statement, an argumentative proposition should be scrutinized and, when necessary, modified throughout your writing process. At first, both a thesis and a proposition are often hunches or good guesses about what you will finally claim.
Besides defining the argument's scope, your proposition should make a claim that is open to debate.
Even at this point, however, your proposition should define your argument's scope and make a debatable assertion. A statement like "Some people ruin things for everyone," is weak because it doesn't make clear what the writer has in mind. It's a vague generalization that provides no direction for writer or reader. If pressed to be precise, the writer might say, "A small group of thoughtless fans is jeopardizing the school's whole soccer program." Now we know what we're talking about.
Like a thesis, your proposition shouldn't be self-evidently true (asparagus is a vegetable) or claim something that's purely a matter of opinion (asparagus tastes great). It should have some uncertainty, yet make a claim that your readers will assent to in the end: "Our county agricultural agent should encourage valley farmers to plant more asparagus."
Anticipating Opposition
Argument assumes active opposition to your proposition.
One essential characteristic of argument is your sense of an adversary. You aren't simply explaining a concept to someone who will hear you out and accept or reject your idea on its merit. Argument assumes active opposition to your proposition. To win acceptance, then, you must not only explain and support your proposition, but also anticipate and overcome objections that the opposition might raise.
In anticipating your opposition, consider questions like the following:
? How strong is the opposition?
? What arguments might it use against my proposition?
? How can I refute these arguments?
? Will I have to concede any points?
? Which of my arguments might the opposition try to discredit?
? How closely does my reader identify with the opposition?
? Can I see any weak links in the opposition's thinking?
. . . see the issue through your opponents' eyes, and draw out the most telling arguments they could use against you.
Don't try to look good by mentioning only weaker opposition arguments. You might also begin considering how to refute the opposition's arguments.
Three Argumentative Appeals: Reason, Ethics, Emotion
The writer's job is to weave the various appeals into a single convincing argument.
While there's no infallible formula for winning over every reader in every circumstance, you should learn how and when to use three fundamental argumentative appeals. According to Aristotle, a person who wants to convince another may appeal to that person's reason (logos), ethics (ethos), or emotion (pathos).
If we think of these three appeals as independent and of the writer as choosing just one, however, we miss the point. The writer's job is to weave the various appeals into a single convincing argument. As you continue to expand and develop your ideas, look for ways of combining the three appeals to create a sound, balanced argument. more
Reflect on and research the current literature on drugs and alcohol on college campuses in combined with how many raps are accused of happening because of drugs and alcohol on college campuses. Please include actual laws that are in the states of the university's and the laws on campuses itself. You want to use The Law of Higher Education 4th edition by Kaplin and Lee, also any Legal briefs and any journals. Please use critical thinking. Try to use a most current case. Identify the legal implications for practitioners, and suggest ways institutional leaders can reduce the legal liability surrounding the topic for students and employees. I need this paper by Tuesday the 12th by at least 11 in the morning.
subject: Contemporary Issues in Criminology
Prescribed Text: The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Fourth Edition
Topic: Drugs and Crime
QUESTION: Does research evidence suggest that current policies on drugs and crime are still appropriate?
Essay Question: To what extent are current drug policies the legacy of outdated moral values and moral panics?
This paper will address the social problem of drug addiction and will investigate possible solutions for this problem. Remember that you should discuss the roles that the church, the family, and the community should play in the solutions to the problem.
Bibiography Page:
For each entry--or source--on your annotated bibliography, you should:
1.Summarize the main idea in two to four sentences.
2.Relate the material found in the source to your research topic using an additional one to two sentences.
3.Evaluate the background of the author and the intended audience.
4.Point out the source's potential usefulness to your research.
Thank you and feel free to contact me with any questions!
Customer is requesting that (rlt2413) completes this order.
I wish to examine the governments policy on marijuana prohibition and provide arguments for its repeal. I wish to give a small history of hemp usage in America and the real reasons it was banned (mayb...e a page and half). I then would like to look at how it compares medically to tobacco and alcohol. Showing here, that it is no worse nor addictive, providing facts from treatment clinics and death results (page and half to two).
I would like to then move into the "War on Drugs" and how it is really an ineffectual war on Marijuana. Showing here the expense of something that has not worked and will not work. Providing arguments that this has been a failure and waste of time. Also encompassing here the fact the racial component to who is the victim of the prohibition and also the facts about arrests and convictions as they relate to possession rather than selling. Including how much we spend on the court system to try and prosecute, how much we spend on detaining/incarcerating those found guilty, and also how much could be saved from repealing prohibition and focusing the resources on real crime and drugs (three to four pages).
Then I would like to look at the tax structure of tobacco and alcohol, showing if marijuana was legal and applied to the same standards, how much revenue could be produced from its taxation. Hemp is a commercial commodity with numerous uses. By repealing the ban it could again be grown freely and used in many products. Here possibly comparing the numbers of jobs that could be created versus how many there are in tobacco and farming industries and how much this could effect our economy (two to three pages).
Finally, wrapping up the paper by delivering a good closing argument for why this prohibition is no longer necessary or fiscally viable for America to sustain. I trust the author to be well versed on providing argumentative writing and making good statements through evidence and research. If they may need to lengthen the paper to expand on some ares of it, have them contact me and we will discuss doing so. I am willing to do that to create a better and more well written paper.
There are faxes for this order. more
write a 1,500-word paper identify abused substances and their various effects. include the following:
>explain the psychology and physiology of addiction
>identify specific drug sustances covering the following categories: stimulants, depressants, narcotics, hallucinogens, cannabis
>discuss the addiction potential of various abused sustances, what effects they have, and withdrawal systems
>discuss how prescription drugs can be abused and lead to addiction
use at least 5 resources,
format paper consistent with APA guidelines
The final response has three components.
1. First, as with the mid-term response, explore several films that made an impact on you during the second half our screenings; how do these fit into you...r conception of a drug culture (and drug culture film); what different or new perspectives were revealed to by your selections - were new directions opened to you by the work?
2. Second, briefly, if you were given the opportunity to develop a media-based (publicly presented) project addressing a significant concern of yours relating to "drug culture," what would you propose to do?
What platform/format would it assume? What would its key audience demographics be, and why? In relation to your proposal, what mediums may be most effective in framing issues and reaching your audience(s)? What demographic groups might be most significant to target, and how might your messaging alter depending upon demographic groups? What obstacles - institutional, economic, cultural - are there in the dissemination of your proposal's perspectives on drug culture? And, of course, give your reasons for why the particular content of your proposal appealed to you, as well as briefly discuss how/where it would fit into the program of films/media we explored in class this term.
(Yes, a lot to chew on here, but I'd like people to think a bit about how alternative perspectives on drug cultures are propagated in an environment where institutional players/concerns have a massive economic advantage, in both marketing and policy-influence/creation).
Also, select at least five memorable moments from our second half screenings, in as much detail as possible.
3. Third, as with the previous brief film response assignment, give a paragraph or so review of the following films - again, how/where do they fit into the program of our class screenings? What sub-genres do they fit into?
The Cabin in the Woods
Cutters Way
Customer is requesting that (blitzintheasylum) completes this order. more
Paper needs to be in MLA, times new roman/12, double spaced format. Please create a thesis on drug abuse and its effects on society. Please include an outline page with the thesis on top. The body needs to have in-text citation (you can use any source for citation (internet,books etc.)) Needs works cited page (alphabetical order). Also this does not need to be an A paper im looking for a B to B- paper please dont use any big words.
This is a paper on the legal response to drug use in our country(USA). Make an argument for the legalization and decriminalization of mind altering substances.This ranges from all categories of drugs. Try to use sociological theories and concepts.
This is going to be argumentative essay to legalize ALL drugs in the US. I have to argue and present claims on why the US should end the war on drugs and legalize all drugs. Sources have to be cite MLA format with in text citations as well. you should have quotes and statistics in the paper as well. I didn't work on the paper much but a few reasons you might want to include violence cause by illegal drugs, black market dangers, tax revenue gained and costs cut and i found something about The War on Drugs and Civil Liberties. you can use these or some other ones i really don't care but i need an A paper please or else I'm going to fail thank you very much
Answer the two following questions. Please answer all parts of the questions, identifing each individual segment of each response by its number and letter: for example, 1a, 1b, etc.
Questio...n 1
a. Express your personal perspective on the nature and complexity of our society's current problems with drug use, including comments on the four major pharmacological revolutions cited by the authors of your textbook.
b. Demonstrate your understanding of how those pharmacological developments, combined with cultural changes since the 1960s, have had a significant impact on our current beliefs and attitudes toward the use of illicit as well as licit drugs.
c. Comment briefly on at least two methods employed in gathering information about drug use, describing the major advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Question 2
a. Describe briefly our society's underlying motivations for the establishment of governmental regulation and the control of drugs and drug use, differentiating between regulating drug use and taking a laissez-faire approach.
b. Comment on the nature and usefulness of drug use data provided by the DAWN system, addressing in your response the limitations as well as the benefits derived from this reporting system.
c. Are so-called needle exchange programs (NEPs) medically, socially, and ethically justifiable? Why do some critics object to NEPs?
d. Provide several personal insights into the nature of crime and drug use, specifically in the context of heroin addicts and their relationship to criminal behavior. Now, show evidence of your understanding of the relationship between alcohol use and violent crime.
Please use: Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior, 12th ed., by Charles Ksir, Carl L. Hart, and Oakley Ray (Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008). as a reference if possible.
Thank you
Elizabeth more
Resarch paper on United State Border War on Drugs (MLA style)
I.Background and history of borders
II. Trafficking System
A.Where drugs come from and types of drugs
B.Transportion of drugs into United States
C.Money made from drugs
III.Smuggling Activites
A.Drug Trafficking cartels
IV.Homeland Security Agenies
A. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol
B. U.S. Coast Guard
C. State and Law Enforcement Agencies
V. Equipment and Technologies used
B.Ports on Entry
B.Technological limitations
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Read Full Paper ❯At least 250 words or more, excluding direct quotes and citations. 1) Explain your opinion on the legalization of illicit drugs. Do you believe that legalizing drugs will "increase" or…
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Read Full Paper ❯the topic of this piece is the relationship of gun control to gun trafficking. this is an argumentative/persuasive paper the gaol of which is to persuade a college educated…
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Read Full Paper ❯Dear Sir: I am ordering a dissertation proposal (include questionnaire) now, if this dissertation proposal could pass with my dissertation committees smoothly, I certainly will order my whole dissertation with…
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Read Full Paper ❯***Legal Issues in Criminal Justice*** The Case Brief: Reasonable suspicion 4th Amendment: U.S. v. Arvizu, 534 U.S. 266 (2001) Hint for a successful case brief: Focus on the subject matter under which your…
Read Full Paper ❯The previous writer?s username was Yeatsmom. Please see below: Choose one of the following topics: Argue for or against the following: 1. In many ways television has proved to be one…
Read Full Paper ❯Reflect on and research the current literature on drugs and alcohol on college campuses in combined with how many raps are accused of happening because of drugs and alcohol…
Read Full Paper ❯subject: Contemporary Issues in Criminology Prescribed Text: The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Fourth Edition Topic: Drugs and Crime QUESTION: Does research evidence suggest that current policies on drugs and crime are…
Read Full Paper ❯Subject: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN CRIMINOLOGY ( 1st Year ) Essay Question: To what extent are current drug policies the legacy of outdated moral values and moral panics? Text Book…
Read Full Paper ❯This paper will address the social problem of drug addiction and will investigate possible solutions for this problem. Remember that you should discuss the roles that the church, the…
Read Full Paper ❯I wish to examine the governments policy on marijuana prohibition and provide arguments for its repeal. I wish to give a small history of hemp usage in America and…
Read Full Paper ❯write a 1,500-word paper identify abused substances and their various effects. include the following: >explain the psychology and physiology of addiction >identify specific drug sustances covering the following categories: stimulants, depressants,…
Read Full Paper ❯The final response has three components. 1. First, as with the mid-term response, explore several films that made an impact on you during the second half our screenings; how…
Read Full Paper ❯Paper needs to be in MLA, times new roman/12, double spaced format. Please create a thesis on drug abuse and its effects on society. Please include an outline page…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a paper on the legal response to drug use in our country(USA). Make an argument for the legalization and decriminalization of mind altering substances.This ranges from all…
Read Full Paper ❯This is going to be argumentative essay to legalize ALL drugs in the US. I have to argue and present claims on why the US should end the war…
Read Full Paper ❯Answer the two following questions. Please answer all parts of the questions, identifing each individual segment of each response by its number and letter: for example, 1a, 1b,…
Read Full Paper ❯Resarch paper on United State Border War on Drugs (MLA style) I.Background and history of borders II. Trafficking System A.Where drugs come from and types of…
Read Full Paper ❯