Legal Aspects Essays Prompts

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Legal Issue Summary- Prepare a legal issue analysis of a newspaper, or magazine articlethat discusses a legal aspect of a specific diversity issue (e.g., harassment, ADA, and so forth). Summarize the diversity issue, analyze the legal concerns, and present your thoughts and beliefs regarding the issue. In presenting your thoughts and beliefs, contextualize your opinion in terms of the challenges of managing that diversity issue within your workplace.

Health care providers are fallible and will make mistakes. Unfortunately, these errors can sometimes have dire consequences for patients?and health care providers and organizations may be held liable for the harm that resulted.

In this Application Assignment, you will analyze a case study of medical error for its legal and ethical implications. You will also propose ways that a health care administrator might help prevent this kind of error from happening.

To prepare for this Application Assignment, review the scenarios of medical errors in the following readings from this week and select one of the scenarios to focus on in your paper.

Institute of Medicine. (2007). Understanding the causes and costs of medication errors (Case on the death of the day-old infant). In P. Aspden, J. A. Wolcott, J. L. Bootman, & L. R. Cronenwett (Eds.), Preventing medication errors: Quality chasm series (pp. 43?4 5)
Retrieved from

To complete this Application Assignment, write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you address the following questions:
Summarize the legal aspects of this case. Identify the laws that were, or may have been, broken. Who was, or may have been, liable?

Did the provider fail in any way to adhere to ethical standards? How might this have impacted the patient outcome?

If noted in the scenario, how did the provider interact with the patient or family after the error came to light?

Discuss the pros and cons of having the provider disclose and apologize for the error to the patient or family soon after the occurrence. What are the legal and ethical implications of this approach? In general, how might this approach impact the physicians, nurses, technicians, or others who may have contributed to a medical error that harmed a patient?

In what ways can health care administrators help prevent the kind of error described in the scenario from happening in the first place? How can they assist the providers and organization after such an error occurs?

examine the legal aspects of professional psychology. As a part of your examination be sure to address the following items:

Analyze the legal issues related to informed consent and refusal.
Evaluate the legal issues associated with assessment, testing, and diagnosis in professional psychology.
Explain the importance of maintaining confidentiality in the therapeutic relationship.
Evaluate the influence of legislation on professional psychology.
Explain the role of competence in professional psychology.

I want a position paper on the follwing question cosidering legal versus moral postion or clinical or ethecial issue a simple written well said the pointview as a health care adminstrator :

Question is

Discuss the distinction between the clinical, ethical and legal aspects of biomedical decision-making( with a example of case related to healthcare clinical, ethical and legal issue involved and as a admistrator what is my standpoint?

Good book to refrence is Morrison, E. (2011). Ethics in Health Administration: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers. (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Crigger, B. (1998). Cases in Bioethics: Selections from the Hastings Center Report. (3rd ed.) Boston, MA: St. Martins Press.

Ethical and Legal Aspects of

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Bibliography and citation style: Havard

Number of Source: Must be more than 5 Primary sources (books or Journals)+other sources

Language style: British

Choose a case in which you have been involved from the context of clinical training and identify the responsibilities and accountabilities of the

Professional practitioner. Discuss this case with an analysis of ethical aspects of the therapeutic relationship and with particular attention to the implications of the current legal framework.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate a detailed understanding of selected legal issues in medicine and critically discuss responsibilities and accountabilities of the professional practitioner within the current regulatory framework

2. Articulate the main principles used in analysis of medical ethical issues and critically analyse arguments for and against particular views in medical ethics.

3. Critically assess key concepts in health psychology, including the relationships between personality, stress and health, and their significance in therapeutic practice.

- The case study for the essay can be real, or from a book, amended or not. can do pretty much what we want on that front.

can mix case studies, or completely make it up. a good book to get ideas, or lift case studies is the one by Stone. the case doesn't have to have dramatic issues and big problems. it should be half a page long more or less and in the beginning of our essay.

- we then need to analyse this case with the 4 principles

-The principle of respect for autonomy

-The principle of beneficence

-The principle of non-maleficence

-The principle of justice

(actually 3, since last one doesn't apply for Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner), and the 2 theories (utilitarianism and deontology). before analysing, we should talk about the principles and theories, discuss them. we need to use both frameworks.

so, after discussing each one of he principles, we would say something along the lines of 'when we apply these principles in the case study..'. frequently contrasting 'results' will arise from the principles or between frameworks. we should discuss that too. talk about what directions the different frameworks take us. ' ..if we follow the utilitarianism approach then in this case we will do such and such, but if we follow the deontology view bla bla bla..'.

- we'll have to do some reading to talk about the frameworks. check out books given in the references. also a good, small one is by Ran Gillon Philosophical medical ethics
- we should use elements of law (British) wherever they fit in the essay, in any way we want, but have to include it.
- can also talk about, and then apply, other things. e.g paternalism.
- we don't need to arrive to a definite conclusion. we can say that after all this thinking, and application of the theory etc
- essentially the structure is: present case study, talk about the theory, apply the theory to the case, conclusion.

Recommended Readings:

Brazier, M. (2003) Medicine, patients and the law. Third edition. London:Penguin.

Stone, J. (2002) An ethical framework for complementary and alternative therapists.


Applebe, G & Wingfield,J. (1997) Pharmacy law and ethics. The Pharmaceutical Press

(also listed as Dale and Applebes Pharmacy Law and Ethics.)

Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (UK). Code of ethics and code of practice.

Brazier, M. (2003) Medicine, patients and the law. Third edition. London:Penguin.

Dimond, B. (1998) The legal aspects of complementary therapy practice. London: Churchill Livingstone.

Gillon, R. & Lloyd, A. (eds.) (1993). Principles of health care ethics. Wiley.

Kennedy, I. and Grubb, A. (1994) Medical law: Text with material. London: Butterworths.

Mason, K. and McCall Smith, A. (2002) Law and medical ethics. Sixth edition. London:


National Institute of Medical Herbalists (1991) Code of ethics: Code of practice: Disciplinary procedure. Exeter: NIMH.

Stone, J. and Mathews, J. (1996) Complementary medicine and the law. Oxford University


Stone, J. (2002) An ethical framework for complementary and alternative therapists.



What are ethical/moral issues? How are they distinguished from other issues (e.g. factual, legal, conceptual)?

Certain terms are used, e.g. morally right, obligatory, permissible, unacceptable

Actions have to do with the benefit/harm of others

How can we deal with/resolve ethical problems?

The limitations of our intuitions

The limitations of codes of practice

-Meaning of terms

(the practitioner has a duty to place the well-being of the patient

before all other considerations)

-Conflict of requirements

(be willing to collaborate and cooperate with colleagues from your own and other

healthcare professions and recognise and respect their particular contribution)

-Not exhaustive

(fail to account for complexities)

-Lack justification

(what is their rationale?)

Critical ethical approach: the need for reasons/ethical underpinning

The framework of the four ethical principles:

-The principle of respect for autonomy

-The principle of beneficence

-The principle of non-maleficence

-The principle of justice

What is this framework? What are the four moral principles?

Lets consider the case of Mrs G


Mrs G, a lady in her early eighties who lived alone, was admitted to hospital after lighting an openfire in her front room, under the impression that her coal-effect electric fire was broken. The hospital doctor wished an early discharge as there were no acute medical needs, and the patient wished to return home. The house had suffered some damage because of the fire. The social worker found that although the patient appeared to be rational in many respects, the daughter and lodger whom she spoke about as waiting for her at home had died respectively eleven and four years previously.

Further investigation revealed several other serious health concerns - Case study adapted from Clark, C L (2000). What should the social worker do?

Analysis of the possible courses of action that the health and social worker might decide to take:

She might decide to allow Mrs G to return home appealing implicitly to the principle of respect for autonomy, that the wishes of autonomous people should be respected. After all, Mrs G seems quite rational and competent and she might have simply lied about her daughter and lodger.

She might decide that it is best for Mrs G to be rehoused, in view of the damage in her house and further health concerns appealing implicitly to the principle of non-maleficence, that one ought to avoid doing harm.

She might decide, in addition to rehousing Mrs G, to arrange for support packages, so as to contribute to Mrs Gs quality of life appealing implicitly to the principle of beneficence, that one ought to promote the well-being or benefit of others

She might think about the issue of the just distribution of resources, for example whether Mrs G is in fact eligible for all the packages appealing implicitly to the principle of justice, that equals should be considered equally.

The four moral principles:

Are part of our ordinary conception of morality (common morality)

Have been used to form an explicit framework for the analysis of ethical issues (originally in healthcare)

Often conflict

Autonomy or self-determination and the principle of respect for autonomy

Definition of autonomy: The capacity to think, decide and act on the basis of such thought and decision, freely and independently

The importance of the elements of freedom and raionality

Difficulties in determining an individuals autonomy

The distinction between autonomy and the principle of respect for autonomy

Restrictions on respect for autonomy (Mills harm to others principle)

Enhancing an individuals capacity to be autonomous

The principle of beneficence

The obligation to act for the benefit of others

extension of the principle of beneficence: the obligation to act in the net benefit of others (balancing benefits and harms)

The obligation of beneficence in ordinary ethics and in professional ethics. Duty of care

The principle of non-maleficence

The obligation to avoid doing harm

Stands at the opposite end of a continuum with beneficence

Can conflict with beneficence e.g. vaccinating an individual

The principle of justice

The obligation to treat equals equally; has to do with just allocation of resources.

The framework of the principles

Is meant to remind us of all important moral concerns

give us direction as to how to act (functions as an action guide)



1. The Jehovah witness case

A Jehovah Witness is at risk of dying unless he is given a blood transfusion during a major operation. On religious grounds he has refused to give consent to the use of blood, even if this means that without it he will die. What should the medical team do? Should his life be saved if the only way to achieve this is the use of blood?

2. The Diane Pretty case

Diane Pretty was suffering from motor neuron disease, which progressively weakens muscles to the point at which death occurs from the inability to breathe or to swallow. The 43 year old, mentally competent woman, wanted her husband to assist her to end her life, so that she dies in a humane and dignified manner, rather than in a distressing manner that would be caused by her disease. However, her husband was not legally allowed to assist her to that end. Would it have been right for her husband to have helped her to die in the way she wanted?

3. The pain killer example

A consultant has decided that a patient has become too dependent on certain pain-killing drugs that will ultimately have harmful consequences. It is decided to wean the individual off these drugs without informing her. The nurse is required to continue this deception even though he patient is clearly distressed and asks why her pain killers are not having their usual effect (Singleton and McLarren 1995)

4. The High velocity thrust case

A chiropractor knows from past experience that if she explains to a patient what a high velocity thrust feels like before she does it, the patient is likely to become tense and stiffen up, so she tends to act first and explain later (Stone 2002).

5. The urinary infection case

A homeopath treating a fourteen-year old girl for recurrent urinary tract infection is concerned that the girl is being abused by her step-father but is unsure whether, or to whom, this information should be disclosed (Stone 2002).

6. The depression case

For six months a medical herbalist has been treating a nineteen year old male suffering from mild depression. When the patient commits suicide, his family threaten to sue the therapist for failing to realise the severity of his condition (Stone 2002).

7. The bowel cancer case

A reflexologist who suspects that this patient has bowel cancer feels that the patients spirits are so likely to be damaged by disclosing bad news that he keeps his opinion to himself (Stone 2002).


The framework of the four principles - continued

Autonomy and the obligations of truth-telling, informed consent and confidentiality

These obligations are especially important in professional ethics.

Are all supported by the principle of respect for autonomy:

-An agent needs information in order to act autonomously.

-Asking for peoples consent and respecting their secrets are direct

expressions of respecting their autonomy.

The conflict of the moral principles and paternalism

Conflicts between beneficence/non-maleficence and respect for autonomy. Examples.

Conflicts between beneficence/non-maleficence and justice. Examples.

When the principle of beneficence/non-maleficence conflicts with the principle of respect forautonomy, and we act in accordance with the first and against the second, we act paternalistically.

Paternalism (better: parentalism)

Definition: A refusal to accept or to acquiesce in an autonomous persons wishes, choices or action in order to act for that persons benefit.

Associated with the recipient service user being passive, legitimising the power of the professional.

Examples of paternalistic action in health and social care.

Recent shift from the paternalistic model: The empowerment of the service user.

Varying degrees of dominance in paternalism: strong paternalism and weak paternalism. Examples.

Can paternalism be morally justified?

Beauchamp, T and Childress, J (2001): strong paternalism is justified when:

The person is at risk of harm

The paternalistic action will prevent it.

The benefits of the paternalistic action outweigh the harm done.

The action is the least autonomy restrictive alternative.

Paternalism can also be justified if the autonomy of the individual is restored through it. Think of the example of crossing the unsafe bridge.

Problems with the determination of a persons autonomy.

Suicide intervention.

Evaluation of the four principles approach

Widely accepted because of its simplicity


-The scope of the principles: to whom do they apply?

-The conflict of principles

-Principles too abstract, harsh; cannot account for the complexities of situations


What is ethics?

Actual moral norms followed about what is morally right, wrong, etc; moral standards; morals. (Used in plural)

The philosophical study of these norms moral philosophy. (Used in singular)

Two branches of ethics/moral philosophy

Metaethics - the analysis of moral knowledge and moral concepts

Normative ethics the development of ethical theories about what kinds of actions are morally right, wrong etc (general normative ethics); the study of particular moral problems (applied normative ethics), e.g. is abortion morally right?

Ethics/moral philosophy contrasted to descriptive ethics - the scientific study of morality; concerned to describe and explain accepted moral norms

Two main normative ethical theories



The framework of the two ethical theories: Utilitarianism and Deontology

The framework of normative ethical theories and moral (or ethical used interchangeably) problems in healthcare

Like the four principles, normative ethical theories can be applied to healthcare moral problems and dilemmas in order to address these problems (analyse them/hopefully resolve them)

Thus they constitute a framework that can be used to guide us in ethical decision making in healthcare

Utilitarianism (a Consequentialist theory)

Act Utilitarianism:

An action is right if it produces (has as a consequence) the greatest balance of good over evil typical example of good or utility is happiness.

Examples of Act-Utilitarian reasoning.

Rule Utilitarianism:

An action is right if it falls under a rule which, if followed, would produce the greatest balance of good over evil.

Examples of rule-utilitarian reasoning.

Critical Assessment of Utilitarianism:

Conflicts with the idea of individual rights

Does not allow for experience of significant relationships

Deontology - Duty-Based Theory

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

Morality is a matter of acting out of a sense of duty (the Greek work deon)

Humans have intrinsic worth because they are rational agents

The Categorcal Imperative: Act so that you treat humanityalways as an end and never simply as a means- one formulation (amongst several), the one that is of most relevance in health and social care ethics

Duty of respect for persons: never use people to achieve your own ends, promote peoples welfare, respect their rights, avoid harming them. Specific duties never to lie, never to kill an innocent person, to keep promises.

Examples of duty based reasoning - e.g experimentation with human subjects

Critical Assessment of Deontology:

Too rigid: e.g lying may be justified in certain circumstances

Good intentions/motives should not justify

Appraise Legal Concerns
During a recent senior management meeting the discussion was started about what were the corporations legal obligations should they decide not to procure all of the products and materials originally identified in the project scope. The CFO has asked you to provide your thoughts on the question ?Would a legal battle ensue between your company and the supplier?? You tell the CFO you will assemble a paper to explain the legal aspects of procurement and specifically how project procurement could be effective tool for the project.

You will need to evaluate the legal aspects of procurement. The focus should be on the basics of contract law, agency law, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). Summarize the company?s position in relation to the supplier and how the position will be supported by understanding the legal aspects of procurement Analyze how the project manager will be supported by the contracting management function.

Support your paper with minimum of five (5) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

Writtten Assignments: My position original throughts each answer not more than 4 pages

Assignment should not exceed four appropriatley refrenced, double- spaced pages of original work. APA format:

Question 1

1 ) Discuss the distinction between the clinical, ethical and legal aspects of biomedical decision- making?

Question 2

2) Discuss the impact of technology on medical ethics?

My position original throughts each answer not more than 4 pages

The final TERM paper
The following topics must be reviewed in order for the paper to be complete:
? The definition of procurement and contract management and the importance to the business world.
? RFP selection tools and how to improve the assessment of proposals.
? The concept of procurement planning and various strategies necessary for project success.
? How to select the most qualified vendor in a proposal.
? Evaluation of the contract and the legal aspects of procurement in a project.
? Comparisons of the critical elements of a contract including relationships between the client, supplier, completion terms and payment terms.
? Must be ten- double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA

Create a corporate compliance plan of 2450 words for Riordan.
-Focus your plan on managing the legal liability of officers and directors of Riordan.
-The plan must address how to handle situations when laws are violated or in question (such as when to call in legal counsel, what rights the employees have, or who to turn to when actions are taken against Riordan).
The plan must also include
-Enterprise liability
-Real and intellectual property
-Goverence principles of regulatory compliance requirements
-The specific international laws or aspects of law that must be adhered to by Riordan and an outline of these steps for employees to adhere to these laws
-Format the plan as if you were going to distribute this to the officers and directors of Riordan.
-Outline prevention and management guidelines of the legal aspects listed above
-Implement entreprise risk management based on the COSO's 8 interrelated components.
-COSO can be used to structure the plan
-Incorporate key concepts from the readings in COSO as appropriate
-Research requirements at COSO website
Address ALL points in this paper

Hi, Im a diagnostic radiography student. this is a medico-legal and ethics paper, so please kindly write the essay related to healthcare. Pls cover all types of genetic testing and please do not cite from wikipedia. Thank you!!

Genetic testing:

-preimplantation genetic diagnosis (see the side bar, Screening Embryos for Disease)
-prenatal diagnostic testing (an example related to my profession is prenatal ultrasound screening for Downs syndrom)
-newborn screening
-carrier screening, which involves identifying unaffected individuals who carry one copy of a gene for a disease that requires two copies for the disease to be expressed
-Genealogical DNA test (for genetic genealogy purposes)
-presymptomatic testing for predicting adult-onset disorders such as Huntington's disease
-presymptomatic testing for estimating the risk of developing adult-onset cancers and Alzheimer's disease
-confirmational diagnosis of a symptomatic individual
-forensic/identity testing

Pls address the ethical aspects followed by the legal aspects with regards to Singapore Law pls.

Pls cover the following:

1) Ethical theories: Deontological (Kant's dutiful person model), Consequentialism (Mill's utilitarian Man model), Virtue (Gilligan's Caring and Love model)

2) Prima-faci principles for healthcare providers: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, justice (these four are compulsory), paternalism, fidelity, veracity (these 3 are optional)

3) Virtues like respect for others, nonmalevolence, benevolence, fairness & empathy

below is a framework on ethical decision making from my notes. thank you!!

Step 1: identify the ethical issue

Step 2: Clarify personal & professional values
-professional code of ethics
-interpretation & position reflect underlying value system

Step 3: Clarify influencing factors or barriers
-gather information from professional literature
-prima facia (minimum first 4)

Step 4: Define guiding principles
-follow professional code of ethics whenever possible

Step 5: Analyze alternatives
-usually at least 2 course of action will develop
-analyse each argument for and against each action plus their outcomes
-check for validity of the arguments

Step 6: Find common ground
-dilemmas may lead to disputes
-communication is important
-strategies may include: collaboration, compromise, accommodation, coercion, avoidance

Step 7: Decide & Act
-ideal is personal value is consistent with others
-be consistent to legal and professional standards
-being aware of the guiding principles behind the decision will justify your decision

Step 8: Assess outcomes
-evaluate both the process & outcomes
-learn from the experience and improve your approach towards them

Conclusion:-the code gives a framework to direct, coordinate and assist in the day to
day challenges
-at all times abide by the code, respect patient's autonomy & dignity of the

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Legal Issues With Do Not

Your Final Paper must include the following regarding your chosen topic:

1. Identify a legal and/or ethical issue or dilemma within your topic
2. Provide the history of the issue or dilemma.
3. Present current resources to address the issue or dilemma.
4. Evaluate alternative or better solutions for the issue or dilemma addressed.
5. Analyze the future effects of this issue and how you predict this issue may be addressed in the future.

Additionally, you must address at least three of the courses learning objectives as they apply to your selected topic. For example, you could address the Patients Bill of Rights as it pertains to a DNR order. Or, you could discuss the elements of autonomy, fidelity, and confidentiality as they are incorporated in the ethics of organ donation. The three you select must be explained in relation to your selected topic.

These objectives include:

1. Analyze the evolution and application of moral theory and ethical principles in health care.
2. Discuss the elements of autonomy, fidelity and confidentiality.
3. Explain the legal rights of individuals as they interact with health care services.
4. Explain the process, including cultural diversity, for ethical decision making.
5. Analyze the monitoring systems that ensure human rights, legal aspects, and quality health care.
6. Discuss the implications of the Patients Bill of Rights.
7. Analyze selected ethical and legal case studies that have promulgated precedent setting decisions.

You must utilize at least eight to ten scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past five years (not including the textbook). You may also supplement your paper with interviews of agency personnel, comparisons of similar governmental agencies in varying communities or service populations, updates on current legislative initiatives in the area, and ethical analyses of the issues and services involved with the current situation(s) analyzed.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the
3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
6. Must use at least eight to ten scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past five years.
7. Must document all sources in APA style,
8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style

Hey so this is an essay about international law. The text we use for class is "Legal Aspects of International Business: a Canadian Perspective", Second Edition by Mary Jo Nicholson.

I have uploaded the requirements in the essay outline document.

Now the topic of the essay can be anything we want as long as it is about a international legal issue that relates to business. I will leave the topic up to you. I have uploads pictures of the table of contents from the text. Can you please pick any of these topic from chapter 1 to 6. If you decided to choose something else please let me know the topic before you start writing it. or either way, if you pick from the text, just let me know what topic you picked.

These are some of the topics and subtopics we discussed in class. When you decide which topic you want to do i can scan you the pages related to that topic.

The United Nations
The Bretton woods System
The International Chamber of Commerce
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
G7, G8, and G20
Is International Law really Law?
Public International Law
Private International Law
The World Trade Organization
The Marrakesh Agreement, 1994
Domestic Approval of membership
WTO Provisions relating to Trade in Goods
WTO Rules relating to Trade in Services
Protection of Intellectual Property
The Growth and significance of NGOs

If your unsure or need any clarifications please email me at [email protected].

Review the scenarios of medical errors in the following readings from this week, and select one of them to focus on in the paper.

Gallagher, T. H. (2009). A 62-year-old woman with skin cancer who experienced wrong-site surgery: Review of medical error. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 302, 660??"577.

Board on Health Care Services. (2007). Preventing Medication Errors: Quality Chasm Series. Washington, DC:The National Academies Press. Retrieved from
Part 1, "Understanding the Causes and Costs of Medication Errors" (Case on the death of the day-old infant; pp. 43??"45)

Rosenthal, K. (2004). Where did this patient's I.V. therapy go awry? Nursing, 34(5), 56??"57.
Prepare for the paper by considering the following:

What laws were, or may have been, broken in this case, and by whom? Did you agree with the assessment of liability (if any) provided in the scenario? Why or why not?

What are the main ethical issues of this case?

Health care providers are sometimes reluctant to admit wrongdoing, provide full disclosure, or apologize to the victim or family, or they are advised not to by legal counsel, risk managers, or others. Reflect on the discussion in the JAMA article about disclosing errors to patients and families. What are some of the legal and ethical implications of disclosing errors in your selected case?

What lessons could a nurse leader take from this case? Consider the role of the nurse leader in establishing and monitoring policies and setting the tone for the unit or organization. Are there ways in which a nurse leader might help to prevent these kinds of errors from happening?
The Application Assignment:

With these thoughts in mind, write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you address the following questions:

Summarize the legal aspects of this case. Identify the laws that were applicable and any that may have been broken. Who was, or may have been, liable?

Did the provider fail in any way to adhere to ethical standards? How might this failure have impacted the patient outcome?

If noted in the scenario, how did the provider interact with the patient or family after the error came to light?

Discuss the pros and cons of having the provider disclose and apologize for the error to the patient or family soon after the occurrence. What are the legal and ethical implications of this approach? In general, how might this approach impact the involved physicians, nurses, technicians, or others who may have contributed to a medical error that harmed a patient?

In what ways can nurse leaders help prevent the kind of error described in the scenario from happening in the first place? How can they assist the providers and organization after such an error occurs?
Reminder: Your Application Assignment must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this weeks Learning Resources. If you use sources other than these, please provide a proper citation and reference for each source. Refer to the APA Pocket Guide, sent to you with the materials for this course.

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Present to Board of Directors on strategy for international expansion into USA. (currently established in Thailand, Malaysia, Hongkong, Singapore & Australia.) explain legal implications of expanding the companys operations into the USA.

Specifically address:
1.Business structure (ie agent or subsidiary company or joint venture) explain advantages and disadvantages on establishment and legal issues associated with each alternative. (ie can they establish a company in the USA? Can they employ Thai nationals to work in the USA?)

2.Body of law regulating E-commerce & law relating to the sale of goods to a US operation legal aspects of consumer protection,safety requirements, consumer dispute resolution international treaty or agreement that can apply to the contract, Contract for international sale of goods. what terms and conditions should be included in a contract for the sale of computer goods to US operator and what law should apply in case of dispute - any international treaty/agreement that can apply to the contract?

3.How the company might be paid for goods sent from thailand to the US operations. How can they be assured they will be paid when goods are shipped to the USA. insurance protection managing the risk associated with the transport of goods between countries.

4.Protecting the intellectual property of the products - provide precise advice on ways in which the intellectual property of the company can be protected in the USA. (legal protection of materials, do patents granted in Thailand provide protection in the USA, does international treaty cover this situation,

discussion style non-legalistic, concise & broad perspective and only to touch on specific legal points such as case and international treaties and agreements where necessary.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze the ethical and legal aspects associated whit termination, addressing the following topics in your paper:

(a) Describe the current moral and ethical issues faced by managers involving your selected topic.

(b) Explain how the relationship between social issues and ethically responsible management practices related to your topic.

(c) Provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma related to your topic. What legal aspects did management face during this dilemma? What legalities governed or should have governed the decision?

Diligence This Report Aims to

Business Situation:
Five Friends have gotten together to form a commercial business called Newco Company. Two of the friends have sizable assets, but little construction experience. These two also have some experience in running companies. The other three friends have a small amount of capital to invest. Their major contribution to the group is that all three formerly worked for very successful homebuilders, and one individual headed the local division of national construction company for the past two years.

Even with their combined savings, the group realizes that they will need to obtain outside investor. The outside investor will not demand personal collateral, but will demand control.

Project (the paper need to answer these): Two parts to the paper

a. Legal Due diligence checklist:
Your role for this assignment is to act as an analyst of venture capital firm being asked to assess the viability of investing in this company. To do so you will need to apply critical thinking methodologies in issue identification and risk assessment.
Based on the research, develop and applicable legal due diligence checklist. In a 750 word paper explain the importance of each checklist item you selected and how they may impact the making of an investment decision.

b. Memo to Venture Capital Committee:
Utilizing your conclusions from applying the Legal Due Diligence Checklist above, write a 700 word memo to the venture capital committee with your recommendation for or against investment in the Newco Company and the rationale for the recommendation. Please make sue that you focus this recommendation on the legal aspects of the business and that you do so using critical thinking skills.

I a female who works as a technician for a telecommunications company. The employee breakdown is 85% male and 15% female.

I need a 700-1050 word written legal issue anaylsis of a newspaper or magazine article that discusses a legal aspect of a specific diversity issue (ex. sexual harrassment). Summarize the diversity issue, analyze the legal concerns and present my thoughts and beliefs regarding the issue. When presenting my thoughts and beliefs, contextualize my opinion in terms of the challenges of managing that specific diversity issue within my workplace.

Please write the paper in an easy to read language.

we will pay a lot more for this!! not all sources required.

It is an argumentative research paper that has to have a
clear narrow thesis about gestational surrogacy, defend its views by using
supporting and opposing sources. Quote, cite, paraphrase always by being
cautious to include the source well. 5-6 pages long double spaced.
I used the tufts database to research my sources so if you could use that it
would be great. Please don't make my name appear, I have been overwelmed that is
why I ask for you help.
I wanted to talk about Gestational Surrogacy in the US. Talk about how the lack
of clear legislation, the fact that it is commercial (you get paid for it) and
that there are too little security social measures taken to support both
parties, lead to abuses and ethical problems. I thought that it is bad to forbid
it completely but we should allow non-commercial surrogacy, explain why it is
better, and create defined legislations, stay within the borders of our country
to not abuse from developing poor countries and take social measures to support
psychologically both parties.

This is the source I used the most:
Baker, Brenda M. "A Case for Permitting Altruistic Surrogacy." Hypatia.
Bloomington 11.2 (1996): 34. Alt-Press Watch. Tufts Library. 17 Mar. 2007

Here following, are a few thoughts I had, followed by a bad introduction I had
made. You can review the thesis and the introduction completely as long as it
stays in the same guidelines of gestational surrogacy that can be allowed if it
is non commercial etc etc :

What is gestational surrogacy?
Problems linked with lack of law (also define the borders of surrogacy, because
when it is done internationally it leads to greater abuses), ethical (mental
shock for the surrogate mother) and cultural problems. Abuses that arise from
commercial surrogacy. But forbidding the practice totally is not a solution as
it takes away the freedom of choice of people who cannot have children and
limits their abilities.
Solution: Lack of legislation so we need to put better regulations, take more
health measures.
Choose altruistic surrogacy ( commercial surrogacy). We accept adoption,
blood and organ donors( argument)
==> Overall results in the wellbeing of both gestational mother and bystander

One out of ten couples has problems of infertility in the US (Anthony Propst).
Baby Ella was born with her grandmother as a surrogate. Her grandmother is
therefore her birth mother too. Many such situations nowadays arise due to the
technological improvements, allowing couples to be able to conceive a child with
the help of a third party. This solution of gestational surrogacy opens the way
for many couples to have their own biological children but also raises questions
and paradoxes. There are two types of surrogacy that couples wanting a child can
use. The first one, being the traditional surrogacy, uses a surrogate mother
which is injected with the sperm of the man in the couple, remaining therefore
the genetic mother of the child. This type of surrogacy raised many scandals,
such as the Baby M scandal in the 1980s because the surrogate mother is also the
genetic mother and can request to keep the child. The second type of surrogacy
that we will talk about in more detail !
is gestational surrogacy. There, the surrogate is injected with a fertilized
egg from the couple, becoming simply an oven, allowing someone elses
baby to
come alive. Gestational surrogacy, although less problematic than traditional
surrogacy, raises many questions. Not only is there a lack of legislation
surrounding surrogacy, but the remuneration that goes with it and the world wide
use of surrogate mothers lead to abuses, moral problems amongst surrogate
mothers and has to evolve into a more defined, legislated technique to allow
couples to make their wish come true without abuses.

Here following is a list of works cited with comments about the sources, what
they talk about etc.:
Baker, Brenda M. "A Case for Permitting Altruistic Surrogacy." Hypatia.
Bloomington 11.2 (1996): 34. Alt-Press Watch. Tufts Library. 17 Mar. 2007
Canada's Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies rejects all forms of
surrogacy arrangement under the rubic of objecting to commercial surrogacy.
Noncommercial surrogacy arrangements, however, can be defended against the
commission's objections. Baker discusses the merits of the noncommercial
practice of surrogacy.
That is the work I am going to use the most
Ciccarrelli, Janice C., and Linda J. Beckman. "Navigating Rough Waters: an
Overview of Psychological Aspects of Surrogacy." Journal of Social Issues 61
(2005): 21-43. Tufts Library. 17 Mar. 2007.
overview of the social and psychological aspects surrounding
the surrogacy process including attitudes about surrogacy, perceptions
and problems of surrogate mothers and intended/social parents, and questions
concerning children resulting from contractual parenting.

Ciccarrelli, John K., and Janice C. Ciccarrelli. "The Legal Aspects of Parental
Rights in Assisted." Journal of Social Issues 61 (2005): 127-137. Tufts
Library. 17 Mar. 2007.
overview of the different legal approaches that are used
in various jurisdictions to determine parental rights and obligations of the
involved in third party assisted reproduction. Additionally, the paper explores
the differing legal models that are used depending on the method of surrogacy
being utilized. The data demonstrates that a given method of surrogacy may well
result in different procedures and outcomes regarding parental rights in
jurisdictions. This suggests the need for a uniform method to resolve parental
rights where assisted reproductive technology is involved.

Douglas, Carol Anne. "Women as Wombs." Off Our Backs Jan. 1994: 12. Alt-Press
Watch. Tufts Library. 17 Mar. 2007
Men perceive "surrogates" as reproductive prostitutes and treat them the way
they treat prostitutes. In addition to opposing new reproductive technologies,
Raymond opposes fetal tissue research. She suggests that the benefits from this
research in finding cures for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases are illusory.
Doctors use those causes as an excuse; they really want to use the tissues for
much more dubious research, in military research and in work on designer genes.
Raymond says those choices are illusory. Women are coerced or conned into
believing they have to be mothers or sex objects. Feminists must oppose
institutions and practices that are damaging to women, even though some of the
women involved say they want to be.
= feminist view of the subject matter
Golombock, Suzan, and Clare Murray. "Social Versus Biological Parenting."
Cambridge University Press 61 (2005): 21-43. Tufts Library. 27 Mar. 2007.
Study of Cases of families where one of the parents does not have any genetical
link with the child.

Hewitt, Marsha. "Surrogate 'motherhood.' (ethics)." Canadian Dimension 25.n6
(Sept 1991): 16(3). Expanded Academic ASAP. Thomson Gale. Tufts Library. 16 Mar.
Surrogate motherhood propagates the idea that women are defined primarily in
terms of their bodily functions which continues to subordinate their role in
Krim, Todd M. "Beyond BabyM: International Perspectives on Gestational
Surrogacy." Annals of Health Law 5 (1996): 193-226. HeinOnline. Tufts Library.
17 Mar. 2007. Keyword: Gestational Surrogacy International.
Legacy on surrogacy, cases studies and international aspects.
Larkey, Amy M. "Redefining Motherhood: Determining Legal Maternity in
Gestational Arrangements." Drake Law Review 51 (2003): 605-632. HeinOnline.
Tufts Library. 17 Mar. 2007.
Overview of surrogacy and its legal aspects
Levine, Hal B. "Gestational surrogacy: nature and culture in kinship." Ethnology
42.3 (Summer 2003): 173(13). Academic OneFile. Thomson Gale. Tufts Library. 16
Mar. 2007
contemporary discourse about the social and cultural implications of
reproductive technology. However, treating nature as a cultural domain
exacerbates the tendency to divorce kinship from biology. An analysis of the
stated motives of women who become gestational surrogates is presented here to
support an argument that a focus on emotion, and its manipulation, can help
anthropologists to better integrate human nature and culture in the study of

Thank you so much for your help, I am overwelmed. Please stay focus, narrow,
clear, argumentative, use the sources!

some sources i listed should be cited at least 2-3 but others can be used as long as i know where they come from etc. it is just that i gave this list already to the professor so she expects to see a few sources from there.

Cyber Security Cloud Computing

Answer ONLY TWO from the following questions with 300 or more words each. Use the textbooks, journal articles, cases from CD, or other sources to support your ideas. Note that due date is on Sunday (December 2) not on Monday as usual. Please allow time for the originality report.

1. Consider a recent cybersecurity breach (specific event) and address the following questions:
Describe the circumstances involved
Identify the ethical aspects associated with the breach
Identify the legal aspects associated with the breach
Provide at least three legal and at least three ethical recommendations which can be used to prevent similar circumstances from happening in the future

(Two Pages)

2. Assume that your company will be implementing cloud computing technology. Address the following questions:
Describe the technology and business benefits of its implementation
Discuss at least three ethical concerns of cloud computing for your company
Discuss at least three legal concerns of cloud computing for your company
Specify at least three ethical and at least three legal recommendations to prevent any concerns from the implementation of the cloud computing technology.

(Two Pages)


Baase, S. (2008) . Gift of fire: Social, legal, and ethical issues for computing and the Internet, (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NY: Pearson / Prentice Hall.

Spinello, R.A. (2011). Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace, 4th Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Write an MA dissertation of 12000 words discussing the topic:

Interventionism; between Humanitarian and States? National Interest. Case Study Libya and Syria.

Discuss the title above in a 12000 words dissertation covering an introduction, three or four chapters, and a conclusion.

References and Bibliography from the suggested list below.
an introduction should ideally contain:
-The title or topic of your dissertation ? introduction to your puzzle ? justifying: why you are interested in this topic and why is this topic important/relevant?
-Concepts definitions etc. should be included early on.
-Your research question.
-Your central argument ? remember this is a value choice dependent on your standpoint.
-The structure of the dissertation (Chapter One will look at?In Chapter Two?)
-Choice of case studies and justification if appropriate (why these and not others?).
-Literature review.

The Thesis of the dissertation should argue and support the realistic point of view and belief towards Great Powers national interest in other states for intervention.

Syria Case: Why states didn?t intervene until now although there have been a strong case for humanitarian intervention: mass killing, immigration, slaughtering?.
What are the political reasons behind inaction in Syria ?
Reasons vary from political, geopolitical, economical to strategic interest for great powers in the region.
Libya Case: Why states intervene in Libya ?
Reasons behind intervention: humanitarian intervention : yes, but favored with economic interest.
Talk about Western countries that support humanitarian interventionism and they have not yet intervened in Syria. What are the states? national interests that dictate against humanitarian intervention.

-Political Interest.
-Israel Position in the region and the US concern to secure its borders.
-Economical Interest.
-Instability in the region.
Responsibility to Protect doctrine: Is it only meant to protect civilians or it goes beyond this ?
Case of Libya ?

Suggested Readings:

Alexidze, Levan (1981), ?Legal Nature of Jus Cogens in Contemporary International Law?, in Recueil des cours, Vol. 172, p. 219-270.

Amn?us, Diana (2012), ?Has Humanitarian Intervention Become Part of International Law under the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine??, in Julia Hoffmann and Andr? Nollkaemper, eds., Responsibility to Protect. From Principle toPractice, Amsterdam, Pallas Publications and Amsterdam University Press, p. 157-171.

Bellamy, Alex J. (2011), ?Libya and the Responsibility to Protect: The Exception and the Norm?, Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 25, No. 3 (September), p. 263-269.

Boisson de Chazournes, Louise, and Condorelli, Luigi (2006), ?De la ?responsabilit? de prot?ger?, ou d?une nouvelle parure pour une notion d?j? bien ?tablie?, R?vue g?n?rale de droit international public, Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 11-18,

Bokova, Irina (2012), ?Culture in the Cross Hairs?, International Herald Tribune, 3 December, p. 12,

Brownlie, Ian (1974),?Humanitarian Intervention?, in John Norton Moore, ed., Law and Civil War in the ModernWorld, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, p. 217-228.

Cassese, Antonio (1999), ?Ex iniuria ius oritur: Are we Moving towards International Legitimation of Forcible Humanitarian Countermeasures in the World Community??, European Journal of International Law, Vol. 10, No. 1,p. 23-30,

Chesterman, Simon (2011), ??Leading from Behind?: The Responsibility to Protect, the Obama Doctrine, and Humanitarian Intervention after Libya?, Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 25, No. 3 (September), p. 279-285.

Francioni, Francesco (2000),?Of War, Humanity and Justice: International Law after Kosovo?, Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Vol. 4, p. 107-126,

Francioni, Francesco (2005), ?Balancing the Prohibition of Force with the Need to Protect Human Rights: A Methodological Approach?, in Enzo Cannizzaro and Paolo Pacchetti, eds., Customary International Law on the Use of Force. A Methodological Approach, Leiden and Boston, Nijhoff, p. 269-292.

Hannikainen, Lauri (1988), Peremptory Norms (Jus Cogens) in International Law. Historical Development, Criteria,Present Status, Helsinki, Finnish Lawyers? Publishing Company.

Hehir, Aidan (2008), Humanitarian Intervention after Kosovo. Iraq, Darfur and the Record of Global Civil Society,Basingstoke and New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
Hehir, Aidan (2012), The Responsibility to Protect. Rhetoric, Reality and the Future of Humanitarian Intervention, Basingstoke and New York, Palgrave Macmillan.

Hilpold, Peter (2012), ?Intervening in the Name of Humanity: R2P and the Power of Ideas?, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Spring), p. 49-79.

Hoffmann, Julia, and Nollkaemper, Andr?, eds.(2012), Responsibility to Protect. From Principle to Practice, Amsterdam, Pallas Publications and Amsterdam University Press.

Hurd, Ian (2011), ?Is Humanitarian Intervention Legal? The Rule of Law in an Incoherent World?, Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 25, No. 3 (September), p. 293-313,

Joffe, George (1994), ?Sovereignty and Intervention: The Perspective from the Developing World?, in Marianne Heiberg, ed., Subduing Sovereignty. Sovereignty and the Right to Intervene, London, Pinter, p. 62-95.

Krause, Joachim, and Ronzitti, Natalino, eds. (2012), The EU, the UN and Collective Security, London and New York, Routledge.

Lillich, Richard (1974), ?Humanitarian Intervention: A Reply to Ian Brownlie and a Plea for Constructive Alternatives?,in John Norton Moore, ed., Law and Civil War in the Modern World, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, p.229-251.

Mohamed, Saria (2012), ?Taking Stock of the Responsibility to Protect?, Stanford Journal of International Law, Vol.48, No. 2 (Summer), p. 319-339,

Ortega, Martin, ed. (2005), ?The European Union and the United Nations. Partners in Effective Multilateralism?, Chaillot Papers, No. 78 (June),

Pattison, James (2010), Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect. Who Should Intervene?, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press.

Picone, Paolo (1995), ?Interventi delle Nazioni Unite e obblighi erga omnes?, in Paolo Picone, ed., Interventi delle Nazioni Unite e diritto internazionale, Padova, Cedam, p. 517-578
Powell, Catherine (2012), ?Libya: A Multilateral Constitutional Moment??, American Journal of International Law, Vol. 106, No. 2 (April), p. 298-316,

Ronzitti, Natalino (1986), ?Use of Force, Jus Cogens and State Consent?, in Antonio Cassese, ed., The Current Legal Regulation of the Use of Force, Dordrecht, Nijhoff, p. 147-166.

Ronzitti, Natalino (2012), ?NATO Intervention in Libya: A Genuine Action to Protect a Civilian Population in Mortal Danger or an Intervention Aimed at Regime Change??, The Italian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 21: 2011, p. 3-21.
Simma, Bruno (1999), ?NATO, the UN and the Use of Force: Legal Aspects?, European Journal of International Law, Vol. 10, No.1, p. 1-22,

Simms, Brendan, and Trim, David J.B., eds. (2011), Humanitarian Intervention. A History, Cambridge and New York, Cambridge University Press. Task Force on the EU Prevention of Mass Atrocities (2013), The EU and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities. AnAssessment of Strengths and Weaknesses, Budapest, Foundation for the International Prevention of Mass Atrocities, 6 March,

Tes?n, Fernando (2003), ?The Liberal Case for Humanitarian Intervention?, in J.L. Holzgrefe and Robert O. Keohane, eds. Humanitarian Intervention. Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, p. 93-129.

Tes?n, Fernando R. (2005), Humanitarian Intervention. An Inquiry into Law and Morality, 3. edn, New York, Transnational Publishers.

Vierucci, Luisa (2012), ?The No-Fly Zone over Libya: Enforcement Issues?, The Italian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 21: 2011, p. 21-44.

Welsh, Jennifer (2011), ?Civilian Protection in Libya: Putting Coercion and Controversy Back into RtoP?, Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 25, No. 3 (September), p. 255-262.

Wouters, Jan, De Man, Philip, and Vincent, Marie (2012), ?The Responsibility to Protect and Regional Organisations: Where Does the European Union Stand?,? in Julia Hoffmann and Andr? Nollkaemper, eds., Responsibility to Protect. From Principle to Practice, Amsterdam, Pallas Publications and Amsterdam University Press, p. 247-270.

2. Documents and Judicial Decisions

EP (2009a), Resolution on a political solution with regard to the piracy off the Somali coast (P7_TA(2009)0099), 26 November,

EP (2009b), Resolution on violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (P7_TA(2009)0118), 17 December,

EP (2011), Resolution on the Southern Neighborhood, and Libya in particular (P7_TA(2011)0095), 10 March,

EU Council (2005), Council Conclusions on UN World Summit, 2687th External Relations Council meeting, Brussels,
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EU Council (2008a), Council Joint Action on the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, EULEX Kosovo(2008/124/CFSP), 4 February,

EU Council (2008b), Report on the Implementation of the European Security Strategy. Providing Security in a Changing World (S/407/08), 11 December,
EU Council (2010), EU Priorities for the 65th United Nations General Assembly (10170/10), 25 May,

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ICJ (2012), Judgment on the Ahmadou Sadio Diallo case (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of Congo), 19 June,

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Part 1: Please answer the following questions as you would conduct an interview with an experienced Advanced Practice Nurse regarding their transition from novice to expert practitioner: (1page, no additional sources may be used)

What was your experience like transitioning from novice APN (Advanced Practice Nurse) to expert practitioner?
What helped in your transition?
What did not help in your transition?
What advice do you have for you to assist new APNs in their transition?

Part 2: (2 pages using two-three sources)
Complete an assignment about the legal aspects of being an APN in regards to regulation of practice. Another legal aspect of being an APN has to do with when APNs make mistakes. The greater responsibility of being an APN brings greater opportunity, such as being able to prescribe medications, but it also brings greater liability when a mistake is made. APNs are human first, and as humans they make mistakes. A way to prevent making minor and major mistakes is to learn from others who have made a mistake. In many APN journals, you will find synopses of legal cases against APNs who have made a mistake. Reading these synopses is a way to learn what not to do.
For this discussion question, please find a synopsis of a legal case against an APN in your specialty who lost the case because of their mistake. Briefly, describe:
?-? Background information regarding the patient, the situation, the APNs action, and what the case is against the APN
?-? What happened to the APN as a result of this mistake (did they lose their license, did they have to pay damages, etc)
?-? What the APN could have done to prevent the mistake
Be sure to cite the resource / article you utilized for this discussion. Please use recent articles (<5years old).

Please see attachement and rewrite.

Create a corporate compliance plan for Riordan. Focus your plan on managing the legal liability of officers and directors of Riordan. The plan must also address how to handle situations when laws are violated or in question (such as when to call in legal counsel, what rights the employees have, or who to turn to when actions are taken against Riordan). Your plan must also include the following:

? Enterprise liability
? Real and intellectual property
? Governance principles of regulatory compliance requirements
? The specific international laws or aspects of the law that must be adhered to by Riordan and an outline of these steps for employees to adhere to these laws

Format your Corporate Compliance Plan as if you were going to distribute this to the officers and directors of Riordan. Outline the prevention and management guidelines of the legal aspects listed above. Implement enterprise risk management based on the COSO?s 8 interrelated components. COSO can be used to structure your plan. Be sure to incorporate key concepts from your readings where appropriate. You need to research requirements at the COSO

this essay should focus on small business managemnet in relation to a landscaping(gardening) business. when possible try to correlate the two topics of the essay.
the essay should address the small business in regards to these broad areas.

the following essay must focus on landscaping and the small business in the following areas

these are the areas:
- define it and list some of the traits
*business plan:
- what does a business plan do ,what are the parts of a business plan.
*legal aspects:
- what are the three types of legal forms of business organization?
-what is tort law?and why would it be important to a small business owner of a landscaping company?
* finance
- discuss the difference between debt capital and equity capital?
- what is sba/
* marketing
-describe what marketing is?
-also describe some marketing channels in landscaping

what are some different pricing strategies that can be implemented in the landscaping business

There are faxes for this order.

Review the legal aspects of professional psychology. As part of the examination address the following items:
a. Analyze the legal issues related to informed consent and refusal.
b. Evaluate the legal issues associated with assessment, testing, and diagnosis in professional psychology.
c. Explain the importance of maintaining confidentiality in the therapeutic relationship.
d. Evaluate the impact of legislation on professional psychology.
e. Explain the role of competence in professional psychology

You have been lucky enough to land an opportunity to be involved with putting together the Olympic bid for the Summer Olympic Games in 2020 in Boston, Massachusetts. The required components for Boston's Olympic bid must include;
- Legal Aspects
- Environmental Protection
- Security
- Medical and Health Services
- Transportation
- Media
Explain as thoroughly as possible what information would go into the sections. What procedures might you implement to ensure that all procedures and actions detailed in the bid document meet the highest legal and ethical standards?

2 Pages

Fraternization Is Usually Defined by

Words: 652
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Legal Issue Summary- Prepare a legal issue analysis of a newspaper, or magazine articlethat discusses a legal aspect of a specific diversity issue (e.g., harassment, ADA, and so forth).…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Legal Aspects of Medical Errors Various Factors

Words: 1275
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health care providers are fallible and will make mistakes. Unfortunately, these errors can sometimes have dire consequences for patients?and health care providers and organizations may be held liable for…

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5 Pages

Legal Aspects of Professional Psychology

Words: 1541
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

examine the legal aspects of professional psychology. As a part of your examination be sure to address the following items: Analyze the legal issues related to informed consent and…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Clinical, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Biomedical

Words: 856
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I want a position paper on the follwing question cosidering legal versus moral postion or clinical or ethecial issue a simple written well said the pointview as a health…

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8 Pages

Ethical and Legal Aspects of

Words: 2640
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

We will pay $136.00 for the completion of this order. File for order uploaded to fax/file board. Bibliography and citation style: Havard Number of Source: Must be more than 5 Primary sources…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Procurement the Law Is Both Imaginary and

Words: 1833
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Appraise Legal Concerns During a recent senior management meeting the discussion was started about what were the corporations legal obligations should they decide not to procure all of the products…

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4 Pages

Legal Environment in Healthcare and Administrative Responsibility

Words: 1118
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Writtten Assignments: My position original throughts each answer not more than 4 pages Assignment should not exceed four appropriatley refrenced, double- spaced pages of original work. APA format: Question 1 1…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Procurement and Contract Management: For a Long

Words: 3112
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The final TERM paper The following topics must be reviewed in order for the paper to be complete: ? The definition of procurement and contract management and the importance to the…

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9 Pages

International Laws or Aspects of Law That

Words: 2341
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Create a corporate compliance plan of 2450 words for Riordan. -Focus your plan on managing the legal liability of officers and directors of Riordan. -The plan must…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Ethics and Legal Considerations of Genetic Testing

Words: 2030
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hi, Im a diagnostic radiography student. this is a medico-legal and ethics paper, so please kindly write the essay related to healthcare. Pls cover all types of genetic…

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6 Pages

Legal Issues With Do Not

Words: 1948
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Your Final Paper must include the following regarding your chosen topic: 1. Identify a legal and/or ethical issue or dilemma within your topic 2. Provide the…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

International Law. The Text Class "Legal Aspects

Words: 2132
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Type: Research Paper

Hey so this is an essay about international law. The text we use for class is "Legal Aspects of International Business: a Canadian Perspective", Second Edition by Mary Jo…

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4 Pages

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Care Delivery

Words: 1452
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Review the scenarios of medical errors in the following readings from this week, and select one of them to focus on in the paper. Gallagher, T. H. (2009). A 62-year-old…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Legal Implications for International Expansion

Words: 2404
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Present to Board of Directors on strategy for international expansion into USA. (currently established in Thailand, Malaysia, Hongkong, Singapore & Australia.) explain legal implications of expanding the companys operations…

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3 Pages

Termination Legal Ethical Issues Termination

Words: 1085
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze the ethical and legal aspects associated whit termination, addressing the following topics in your paper: (a)…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Diligence This Report Aims to

Words: 1088
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Type: Research Paper

Business Situation: Five Friends have gotten together to form a commercial business called Newco Company. Two of the friends have sizable assets, but little construction experience. These two also have…

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2 Pages

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Words: 746
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Type: Essay

I a female who works as a technician for a telecommunications company. The employee breakdown is 85% male and 15% female. I need a 700-1050 word written…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Gestational Surrogacy Even Though it

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we will pay a lot more for this!! not all sources required. It is an argumentative research paper that has to have a clear narrow thesis about gestational surrogacy, defend its…

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4 Pages

Cyber Security Cloud Computing

Words: 1389
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Answer ONLY TWO from the following questions with 300 or more words each. Use the textbooks, journal articles, cases from CD, or other sources to support your ideas.…

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44 Pages
Research Paper

Interventionism From the Perspective of Realism vs.

Words: 13409
Length: 44 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write an MA dissertation of 12000 words discussing the topic: Interventionism; between Humanitarian and States? National Interest. Case Study Libya and Syria. Discuss the title above in a 12000 words…

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3 Pages

Interview With an Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner and Mistakes

Words: 1326
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Part 1: Please answer the following questions as you would conduct an interview with an experienced Advanced Practice Nurse regarding their transition from novice to expert practitioner: (1page, no…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Corporate Compliance Plan Please Attachement Rewrite. Create

Words: 2015
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Please see attachement and rewrite. Create a corporate compliance plan for Riordan. Focus your plan on managing the legal liability of officers and directors of Riordan. The plan must also…

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3 Pages

Small Business Management in Regards to the Landscaping Business

Words: 1220
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

ok, this essay should focus on small business managemnet in relation to a landscaping(gardening) business. when possible try to correlate the two topics of the essay. the essay should address…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Consent Analyze the Legal Issues

Words: 994
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Review the legal aspects of professional psychology. As part of the examination address the following items: a. Analyze the legal issues related to informed consent and refusal. b. Evaluate the…

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3 Pages

Olypmic Bid City of Boston: Olympic Venue

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You have been lucky enough to land an opportunity to be involved with putting together the Olympic bid for the Summer Olympic Games in 2020 in Boston, Massachusetts. The…

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