Legal Analysis Essays Prompts

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Federal Taxation

Paper should be about a case involving federal tax procedure. Paper should focus on analysis of case, discuss alternate solutions, discuss ethical implications of each alternative. Anaylsis of: issues and facts of the case and any rules covering them. Selection of central issue and explanatory analysis. Supportive research regarding analysis of central issue. Federal tax procedures can range from tax evasion, statue of limitations, claim for refund.

Concept analysis paper on disclosure. To gain an in-dept understanding of what disclosure is and what it is not in preparation for exploring, measuring, and/or testing it in a dissertation on abused pregnant women.
The paper must contain the following: (1) A brief discussion of the concept, why this concept was selected, and how it relates to nursing, and how this concept is connected to abused pregnant women. (2) Discuss literature search process and identify all uses of the concept, including non-nursing literature (3) Determine the defining attributes of the concept. (4) Construct the folowing cases for the concept: Model, Borderline, Related, Contrary, Invented, and Illigetimate (5) Identify antecedents and sonsequences of the concept (6) Identify emperical referents related to the concept (7) Briefly discuss how the theoretical framework used is related to the concept.
I just wanted the writer to use concept analysis steps for the guidelines I stipulated are from the Theory construction by Avant and Walker.

Equality Before the Law

A critique of the article faxed "Equality Before the Law: A Conceptual Analysis" by Wojciech Sadurski It is presently 2.25pm on Monday 15th August and is required by 10am on Tuesday 16th August.
There are faxes for this order.

This paper is on the topic on civil disobedience. Specifically, on individuals who have risen up against the government - willing to take the consequences because it is a noble cause they're standing up for.
Please follow this outline:
1) Introduction: What is civil disobedience? Elaborate on this.
2) Individual Examples: Please talk about (a) dissidents from around the world, (b) Rosa Parks, and (c) Vietnam war resisters. These should be examples of people who have stood against injustice, immorality, etc., etc.
3) Closing.
Again, the goal of this paper is to talk about the subject of civil disobedience, and the philosophical questions it poses. Then, the goal is to talk about specific people who have risen up against something, or some government. These people are fully aware that by standing up, they will be punished. But they are willing to take that punishment because they know that what they are doing is right morally -- although it may not be legal.

Research former President Bush?s presidential judicial appointments using the Web. Students should read about Bush?s appointments and assess why the President made the particular judicial appointments.




Write a brief analysis.

?This research analysis should include your interpretation of various judicial appointments made by former President Bush. Why do you think Bush made the appointments and what outcomes was Bush attempting to influence or what type of decision making was he expecting.
The research analysis should be brief and concise and focus on the major themes behind the judicial selections.

Select a vulnerable group (australian indigenous persons) and discuss the issues relevant to thos individuals representative of that group.

How can police officers assess and mitigate the risk of suicidal ideation and self harm when holding such persons in custody?

What are the design,legal,ethical and operational considerations that need to be addressed to satisfy the duty of care.

Spacing 1.5 arial 12 font.

External and Internal Environmental Analysis

Complete the external environmental scan for your organization. See attached
Perform an internal, competitive environmental scan for your star...t-up organization. Dendro Environmental is in San Diego, paper must address analysis with info from San Diego.

Write a summary of no more than 1100 words that does the following:
? Macroeconomic forecast of economic indicators that will affect Dendros
? Analyze the Dendros? non-economic factors in the remote environment:
o Social and Cultural
o Political
o Technological
o Demographic

? A competitive analysis of Dendro?s organization?s position from a microeconomic perspective
? A summary of the Dendros current situation, and three to six current opportunities and issues to be addressed through the strategic-planning process
? Strengths and weaknesses in the Dendros future operating environment
? Three to four strategic long-term objectives for Dendro

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
No Plagiarism
Intro and Conclusion
Subtopic headings
Cite references

Company name- Dendro Environmental

Strategic plan about a business called Dendro Environmental that Bill and Sue Williams are looking to start. This is a company that will offer trees service (trimming, maintenance and arboricultural consulting services and also pesticide applications) in San Diego area of California. Combined they have 30 years of experience working with commercial properties, municipalities, including golf courses, property management firms, homeowners associations, as well as residential estates.

Bill and Sue are both Certified Arborists and Registered Consulting Arborists and in addition Bill and Sue hold a Pesticide License conferred by the California Department of Pesticide. Bill and Sue both currently work for environmental companies that mostly offer tree service and most of the times are too busy to handle the requests of those that need expert consulting arborists. Sue also holds a Masters in Business Administration. They both have extensive education in arboriculture, through college courses, conferences, seminars and work experience.

The consulting services involve concerns with the health, legal, environmental and aesthetic considerations of trees. Registered Consulting Arborists are regularly called upon for expert testimony, damage assessment and appraisal, municipal and commercial landscape planning and development, tree preservation, hazard assessment and other situations requiring the highest expertise and professionalism.

Sue is currently the Finance Manager of this company, however has acquired many certificates that involve the science, health and environmental concerns of trees. In San Diego there is a need for Registered Consulting Arborist services. There is not that many in this area. There are many people in San Diego that are Registered Consulting Arborists however they do not offer the expert services needed.
They have both have about $100,000 may need SBA loan.
Vision Statement
It is our vision at Dendro Environmental to pursue excellence in the field of arboriculture, and to be of utmost service to our customers in the greater San Diego area.
Mission Statement
At Dendro Environmental we are committed to the care, management and preservation of trees and woodlands in the San Diego area. We have a reputation of providing quality consulting service. Our mission is to provide our customers with a team of tree service experts, committed to the health, beauty, and safety of our customers? properties with integrity. The employees at Dendro Environmental value our reputation, and build relationships each day as a key to their continued success.

Value Statements
? Dendro is committed to providing its customers, employees and community with the most modern arboriculture education.
? Each tree and each job site is considered unique and deserving of the most modern arboricultural practices available in order to insure the safety, beauty and health of your trees.
? Dendro will continue to be a supporter of community youth programs and several school programs.
? Dendro is a reputable contributor to the economic development of its surrounding communities as well as the County of San Diego.
? Dendro uses pruning/ trimming measures in compliance with ANSI standards to prune and correct trees as needed. (ANSI- A300- 2006)

You Are an Investment Analyst

As the representative from your accounting firm or practice, you are in charge of stock market analysis that will be presented to clients as part of professional... consultation process. One of your high-profile clients is trying to determine the possible investment potential between two companies. However, before you can recommend investments to clients, you need to familiarize yourself with the background of the companies, analyze stock trends, research current events, and analyze financial statements. Select one (1) pair of these companies and conduct your analysis.
? Pepsi versus Coca Cola, or
? Amazon versus eBay
Write an (10) page paper in which you:
1. Analyze each company?s history, product / services, major customers, major suppliers, and leadership and provide a synopsis of each company.
2. Based on the stock price for the timeline listed below, present a graph that illustrates the stock price of each company. Indicate conclusions that can be drawn based on the trend:
a. The day of its initial public offering
b. January 1, 2012
c. January 1, 2011
d. January 1, 2010
3. Research and summarize at least two (2) news events (this may include mergers, acquisitions, or political issues) that occurred from 2010 to the present day and the potential impact on the stock price of each company. Indicate how this influences your investment decision related to the company.
4. Provide an overall financial analysis for each company that highlights the key characteristics for investment and how this may impact an investor?s decision.
5. Based on your review of the financial data for each company, indicate the accuracy and reliability of the data for making investment decision. Provide support for your conclusion.
6. Recommend which company you consider as the better investment for your client and how you will present your recommendation. Support your recommendation with data from your analysis.
7. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Analyze the accounting for corporation requirements related to stock valuation, dividends, and retained earnings.
? Determine how to value investments and how to report them based on that valuation.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in financial accounting.
? Write clearly and concisely about financial accounting using proper writing mechanics.

Choose a consumer product or service that is on the market today, but is declining in appeal to consumers. This product should be marked for ?obsolesces.?

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

1.Discuss this product or service in terms of its current target market demographics using U.S. Census Data.
2.Determine why you believe the product or service is declining in popularity. Be sure to include information on social, demographic, and ethnic markets; economic and technological factors; political and legal factors; and competitive factors.
3.Make three (3) recommendations for possible action marketers of the product or service you selected could take to address the product?s declining appeal to consumers.
4.Determine the best foreign country in which to market this product or service. Support your response with information from the CIA world factbook.
5.Discuss your product segmentation and positioning ideas for this product or service in its debut in the new country.
6.Use at least two (2) quality references

Analyse the case study titled Ballarpur Industries Ltd: aligning marketing strategy in a turbulent environment.

- Identify critical success factors for the case.

- Assess how these conform to theory.

The analysis should consider the issues as listed below:

Select those issues to the 5 criteria most important to the case

1. The country?s environmental factors (e.g. economic, political/legal, socio-cultural, technological etc.).

2. Industry sector dynamics in the country (e.g. regulations, government policies, competition, suppliers, market characteristics and growth).

3. Strategies the case company pursued to address environmental, industry and market conditions and links to relevant theories (e.g. market entry modes, market segmentation, product/service innovation and adaptation, pricing, relationships/ network marketing). Other strategies as relevant can be explored.

4. What are the most important successful critical success factors, based on your analysis, for the case company? (All arguments must be justified based on evidence from the case text or secondary sources.)

5. Conclusions regarding the strategic means through which companies should deal with challenging environments to achieve success.

Please only use case study attachment as source to cite - harvard referencing

CPOE systems are designed to improve the ordering process in hospitals, improve patient safety, and quality of care. However, researchers have identified select unintended consequences associated with CPOE system implementation.

The paper should be divided into 3 separate sections, each section addressing one of the unintended consequences.
Each of these should include:
1. clear identification of the unintended consequence
2. how and/or why the unintended consequence occur
3. what threat to patient safety occurs with each consequence identified
4. what ethical, legal or social issue may be related to this consequence
5. how would the consequence or remedied be handled

APA format

Critical Analysis Paper

this case study is for a course that is an introduction to the design and facilitation of collaborative methods for
conflict resolution. We will begin by setting out the nature and functions of r...egulating behavior through a systems perspective. Specifically that the individual and group behaviors are be regulated through
combinations of laws, norms, education, architectures, and incentives.

the case that is analyzed is the new "Premarital Sex = Marriage", Indian High Court Rules

This is the link :

this is the format of the case study :

Analyze what is happening in a current news story through the
lens of the five constraints presented in the Lessig reading which i will provide (law, incentives, education,
norms, and architecture).

Do the following:
1- describe the situation: what is the problem, who is
involved, and what approach are they taking to address the problem?

For instance, to combat crime, the local police force is now using a technical
approach of GPS systems to track suspected criminals' cars.

2-describe what values or issues are in conflict in the situation.
For instance, reducing crime vs. unreasonable or warrentless car searches based on
monitoring driving behavior.

3- propose an alternative approach for addressing the same issue using a different constraint or a different combination of the four constraints.

For instance, providing a free license plate renewal for all cars that volunteer to have
a GPS installed.

4- analyze the differences in the values or issues that are in conflict in the original idea and those in conflict in your proposed idea.

I provided a token car/GPS example above to guide you as to what my expectations are for what
type of comments to make. Your analysis should be much more significant,
should reference the book, and should demonstrate a creative approach to the

***** you will need to reference the course
readings. This will true all course long. Great ideas and writing are a good start,
but you also need to demonstrate how your thoughts interact with the course
content (even if it is to disagree).

There are faxes for this order.

This is a Master's project in Information Technology (Information Security option). It is intended to solve a problem within the Information Security area. I have come up with a Proposal which has been passed with minor corrections but needs to beefed up. So I need the project report.i.e chapter 3. Methodology, chapter 4. System Analysis and Design, chapter 5. System Implementation, Chapter 6. Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations. I will attach the project proposal.

Negligent Tort

The paper must be four to five pages, excluding the title page and references page(s), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center
Address all of the following parts of this assignment:

1. 1. Visit the Consumer Product Safety Division website. Click on ?Consumer Safety,? and then click on ?Recalls.? Choose one product that has been recalled

a. Identify the product subject to recall.
b. b. Determine whether the manufacturer would be liable in negligence if the product had not been recalled and had caused harm to a consumer.
c. At a minimum, your analysis must discuss the concepts of duty of care, standard of care, breach of the duty of care, actual causation, proximate causation, actual injury, and defenses to negligence.

2. Identify and discuss a relevant consumer protection statute identified under ?Consumer Protection? in chapter 8 of your text in conjunction with the product recall that you have identified.

a CASE COMMENT on the following case:

Attorney-General of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009] UKPC 10, [2009] 2 All ER 1127, Privy Council

Be aware of plagiarism and please when taking any info from the journals.

This case comment should contain:
a. The case comment provides a succinct summary of the pertinent facts of the case
b. The case comment identifies the relevant legal issues raised in the case
c. The case comment provides an analysis of the relevant legal issues raised in the case
d. The case comment critically considers the legal issues raised in the case

Bibliography format / citation style: Footnote

Please mention the important legal issues raised in the case and the views of the authorities. (conteh CJ, Carey JA, Morrison, Lord Hoffman) Moreover, please discuss the implication of the words and give more weight to the discussion and not to the summary.

I have attached the full case and a case comment on this issue, which you can find the information. Please do not take any info without citing or paraphrasing because as you know they put every single work on turnitin to check if its plagiarised or not. Please do not forget to discuss the interpretation of the courts in the given case. Moreover, please do not use Internet sources other than west law or west law kind of cites. If you need more sources, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
There are faxes for this order.

This is a case study I will have to do later about WheelWorks, a tire firm on San Jose, San Francisco.

Anyway, for now I need just general (external, internal) analysis about the industry on that area.

Let me know if you have any questions


Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis for your proposed business.

Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should take into account, at a ...minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table.

External forces and trends considerations:

o Legal and regulatory
o Global
o Economic
o Technological
o Innovation
o Social
o Environmental
o Competitive analysis

Internal forces and trends considerations:

o Strategy
o Structures
o Processes and systems
o Resources
o Goals
o Strategic capabilities
o Culture
o Technologies
o Innovations
o Intellectual property
o Leadership

Write a 1,400 word synopsis in which you analyze at least seven of the forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following:

Include economic as well as legal and regulatory forces and trends.
Critique how well the organization adapts to change.
Analyze the supply chain operations of the organization.
Identify issues and/or opportunities:

o Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis above.
o Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis.
o Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Below is my paper that I sumbitted for my Stategic Plan Part I of the plan: Order # A2055793

Conceptualizing a business
Mission statement
The companys mission is to develop a comprehensive portfolio in the timely delivery of products and services in the VoIP world and data wiring in partnership with customers and other industry leaders in order to provide high quality services of installation and repair of phone systems, automated attendants and voice mail systems, voice, data and fiber optical cable installation and networking service assistance to ensure customer satisfaction to help in the continued growth and prosperity of the company and its employees.
The vision is to become the preferred company in the provision of VoIP and data wiring
Values or guiding principles
Progressing, Skillful, Open, Knowledgeable, Empowering, Networking, Yielding Results, Accountable
How the vision, mission and values guide the organizations strategic direction
The company mission is important because it provides a lighthouse to the company and it reflects on the company culture so that the company can be able to look back and get back on track should it lose direction. When a company has a mission statement, it can refer to it regularly and it helps in ensuring the company is always meeting its set goals and objectives. The mission statement also helps in the formation of goals and objectives both in the long and short run. Companies which have mission statements have been found to perform up to their own set goals and objectives as compared to those which do not have a written mission statement.
From this mission statement, we can see that it embodies the values of the company which are customer service, quality, and partnership. It also has all the services and products that will be rendered by the company and thus the organization will be able to have a basis for evaluation both internally and externally.
According to Peter Senge (1990), the vision of an organization is a force in peoples hearts, a force of impressive power. Senge continued to expound that this force is as a result of the gap that exists between the vision of the organization and the organizations current situation and this is what provokes the creative tension between the people in the organization and is what drives them to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization.
By analyzing Senges thoughts on the organizations vision, it can be found that the vision is a strong and steady identity of the company or organization and although it is something that can never be 100% achieved, it provokes the positive progress in the organization. It strives to drive innovation and improvement in the organization in order to move towards the desired future. As per Collins and Porras (2002), the organizations vision encompasses both the core ideology and the future of the organization that is envisioned. The core ideology is the values and purpose of the organization and the envisioned future is the long term goals and descriptions of the organizations future.
The vision of the organization provides two key advantages. The first is that it provides a way which is effective for the organization to frame their action plan. The second advantage is that it promotes integration of the various functions of the organization.
The company values as envisioned by Collins and Porras (2002) is part of the core ideology of an organization. The core values of the organization are somewhat like the character or personality of the organization. They are the aspects of the organization which the company holds despite any changes in the market conditions or demands. Collins and Porras (2002) state that the values of an organization should stand to the question on whether the organization would still be willing to hold on to these values if they were a disadvantage to the organization itself.
Various researches that have been conducted have exemplarily shown that the companies which have succeeded are the ones which are guided by the company values. The core values of an organization reflect the functional ideologies in the company and they should not be alterable in any situation. Whether it is an economic downturn or increased competition (Huizing, Koster, & Bouman, 1997).
Collins and Porras (2002) state that the values are not just important. They are inherent to the overall company success. They are at the core of the company or organization and they help to guide the organization through their business activities. Since the values are meant to withstand changes in the business industry and market, they give a long term direction to the organization that does not change. In this sense, the values bring stability to the organization. They also guide the behavior of employees since they need to act in the correct way to uphold the company values. Lastly, the values provide a standard approach to the organizations activities. This is especially crucial for a multi-national organization or one which has several branches since the values will be similar for all the different stores or branches.
Evaluation of how the organization addresses customer needs and critique of how the company achieves competitive advantage
The company having evaluated the needs of the customers and market in general in terms of VoIP services and data wiring has come up with these innovative products to help it meet the customer needs. First is through the company being knowledgeable in the market which it is entering. This is achieved through the company and its employees being skilled and innovative in the provision, maintenance and installation of VoIP equipment and the various services embodied in the needs that are identified.
Secondly is through the company positioning itself as the premier provider of VoIP and data services. This is achieved through low pricing of the services. This is achieved through having low costs of production and other costs incurred by the organization or company. This will also help the organization to achieve competitive advantage.
The company aims to achieve competitive advantage through various ways. One is by having low costs thus enabling the company to provide their services and products at a low cost to the customer. The second way of achieving competitive advantage is the differentiation of the companys products and services.

Collins, J. C., & Porras, J. I. (2002). Built to last: successful habits ofvisionary companies. New York: HarperBusiness Essentials.
Huizing, A., Koster, E., & Bouman, W. (1997). Balance in Business Reengineering: An Empirical Study of Fit and Performance. Journal of Management Information Systems, 14(1), 93-118.
Senge, P. M. (1990). The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization. New York: Doubleday/Currency.

This paper is geared towards Information Security management, not IS technology per sa.

Assignment: Perform an in-depth analysis of an organization within information security management on a... particular company that you may work for or know very well. The assignment should be written along the lines of Harvard Business or Sloan Management review case studies. The length should be between 3000 to 6000 words. It should describe the firms information technology and information security strategy. It should identify important issues that confront the organization. You should base your conclusions on standard information security practices. To conceptualize the assignment, imagine that you are on the research staff at a consulting group and you are writing a report about the strategic prospects of a client (information security posture). You should place a heavy emphasis on analysis and evaluation in your term paper. It should identify important issues that confront the organization.

OSI Inc. Global IT Mission Statement

The Global Information Technology Organization is to create a world class IT support system for OSI Systems and all its entities. IT will map technology with the human-user element creating solutions that the organizations will incorporate in their operations to achieve higher productivity- cost, efficiency-cost, and become more competitive in their business. IT will go beyond the traditional supporting role and address each department within each division and apply technology to enable their respective areas to achieve their predetermined goals that are aligned with the companys long and short term objectives. Meeting goals, achieving success, and evaluating services will be the cornerstone of the global IT organization.

OSI is composed of 3 divisions and corporate headquarters: Rapiscan Systems, OSI Optoelectronics and SpaceLabs Healthcare.

OSI Corporate is composed of:

Human Resources
Information Technology
Internal Audit
Law Department

Background: OSI Systems, Inc is a worldwide company based in California that develops and markets security and inspection systems such as airport security X-ray machines and metal detectors, medical monitoring anesthesia systems, and optoelectronic devices. OSI Inc. had sales of $595 million with net income of over $25 million. As of June 2010, the company employs approximately 2,460 personnel globally and includes subsidiary companies Spacelabs Healthcare, Rapiscan Systems and OSI Optoelectronics. OSI Systems, through its subsidiaries, have offices and plants in Malaysia, England, Australia, Africa, and the United States and Canada making it a truly global manufacturer. All subsidiaries and offices are connected globally to OSI through OSIs world-wide intranet system. Third party vendors are connected to the companys extranet.
With this backdrop in place it is easy to picture the potential scale of possible security problems and vulnerabilities facing the company. In this light, a throughout information security examination and evaluation of OSIs information security posture and practices will be conducted. This examination will be composed of the following information security components:
1. Corporate and IT Organizational structure including rules and resources with respect to information security
2. Stakeholders (users, managers, and designers) interacting with information security.
3. Security technology (technical platform)
4. Tasks associated with information security (goals and deliverables)
5. Information Security risks

Each main corporate office and facility plant has as its information technology security framework a combination of dual firewalls with appropriate DMZ zones within the firewall routers for outside user access along with numerous intrusion detection and protection hardware and software. OSI uses dual T1 lines for interconnection among its corporate entities. OSI also utilizes advanced virus protection and encryption technologies to ensure secure and safe operation and transfer of its data and applications. OSI also has several global and IT secure policies in place to ensure its security posture for both technology used and their internal personnel.
Interview questions with John Loo, senior director of Global IT services are below. A Contingency Plan (CP) is composed of the following:

1. Do you have a full Contingency plan (CP) in effect composed of BIA (Business Impact Analysis) ??" included in this are an Incident Response (IR), Disaster Recovery (DR) Plan and a Business Continuity (BP) plan? Do you have a Security Incident Response Team (SIRT) as well. His response was that he did not have a not have such a large encompassing plan due to the relative smallness of the company as compared to a General Electric or IBM. In fact many contend that this type of security philosophy is penny wise and foolish (Whitman & Mattord, 2010. 171). He said he had just a Disaster recovery plan which did not include an SIRT team. He said that he does not have a list of personnel that he calls from but basis his team on the immediate threat at hand. In the event of a vulnerability attack on the network, Mr. Loo would base the severity of the attack and that he himself would determine if it was just an incident or a major disaster. From there he would then determine the extra personnel that would be needed to take care of the threat. Again, no security team list is in place.
2. Do you classify, profile and describe any of the potential threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks, such denial-of-service, zombie attacks, etc., with a before, during, and after response description so that if any of these threats appear, you would have an adequate response against them? Again his response was that he did not put together such a listing profile because of the enormity and sheer number of different threats and vulnerabilities and the small size of his company. Mr. Loo also indicated that his primary fear or concern for security was simply having someone walk into an OSI facility, plant or office and plug their laptop into the network and be able to hack or password into the network and interrupt or steal company data.
3. If you Mr. Loo get sick, injured or die, who will follow into your place during an emergency? His answer was that he has back-up managerial personnel from Global IT and Telecom management to fill ??" in, in case he is absent.
4. Do you do practice or test any vulnerability attack scenarios, such as a simple desk check, structured walk-through, simulation, or full-interruption scenario, so that you know what to expect and do in a real-life situation? Mr. Loo indicated that he does not do any testing at all. It is all in his head.
5. Concerning a natural disaster within the business continuity and strategy plan, do you have a disaster recovery in place in case of a man-made or natural disaster that would destroy the corporate data center and its data? Mr. Loo indicated that he does have a back-up - a warm back-up site facility in Issaquah Washington. It is not a hot site where the company can immediately turn things on and start operating. Although all of the applications are loaded in the servers, the back-up data tapes and disks are stored in Burbank, CA and that they would have to be carried and sent over to Issaquah and then loaded into the databases and tested before operation can begin. That would take anywhere from 10 hours to 2 days for completion. If the situation was not totally disabling, he would just send the disks and tapes to the Torrance California facility and restore the servers from there. That would take less than a day.
6. Are all of the third party vendors that do business with the company on-board with back-up computing resources and services if needed? Mr. Loo indicated that he has agreements with all the vendors during an emergency or disaster but that he does not contact them frequently if at all and that he assumes that the facilities are on board with any disaster that may happen. This non-action can be very dangerous.
7. Concrning crisis management and the press, how would you handle it? He said that he will be the main point of contact for the CEO and for newspaper and TV announcements to let the public know the situation of the disaster.
8. Since OSI has a risk assessment department, are they involved at all in the assessment of a disaster to the company? He said they were not involved in this area and that all planning and assessment was done in IT.
9. What is the relationship between the organizational structure of the IT department and its relationship with the CEO, as stipulated in the organizational hierarchy chart? Mr. Loo indicated that although there is no Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) between him and the CIO, the CIO is firmly committed to obtaining the resources and expenses for fully implementing proper security within the company. Unfortunately, the CIO himself does not directly report to the CEO but to the non-technical CFO Mr. Edick and that sometimes it is very difficult to obtain additional money and resources to fully implement all of Global ITs plans for security since the company has never had an IT or security real emergency before. Although it is quite common and natural for many companies, both small and large to place their security department or group within the IT organizational structure, this is not the best place for it. Given the seriousness for destructiveness due to loss data and networks, many organizations place their security group either within Legal or Insurance and Risk Management departments. Since OSI is small it is just within the IT department. Another factor is that the CIO and CEO are brothers and that can provide for a conflict of interest. This is why the CIO does not report directly to the CEO. This conflict imperils information security. Most experts agree that the CIO or CISO should report directly to the COO or President of the company. In case they do not. See diagram.
10. What are the duties and responsibilities of the individual stakeholders (users, managers, designers, and vendors) interacting with information security and that of Critical Electronic Data? See the Critical Electronic Data Policy attachment.
11. What is OSIs Global IT Security policy? See attachment file.
12. Do you provide for advanced IT and security training for your IT employees? Yes, we have extensive online and conventional training courses for our employees, including information security.
13. Stakeholders (users, managers, and designers) interacting with information security. Mr Loo indicated that Business unit managers are responsible for enforcing IT security policy and that individual users are also responible foull following IT policy concerninguser accounts and proper use of the computer. See policy documents
14. As far as risk management is concerned and even though the company the company
As defined by the U.S. General Accounting Office, a stakeholder is "an individual or group with an interest in the success of an organization in delivering intended results and maintaining the viability of the organization's products and services. Stakeholders influence programs, products, and services." (Allen, 2005) Information security planning should include the views of stakeholders, especially when you are planning for information security projects. The stakeholders buy-in is key to the success of information security in an organization. With the company's success in mind, decisions are less likely to be made based on personal beliefs when stakeholders views are considered.
Allen, J. (2005). Governing for Security: Project Stakeholders Interests. News at SEI. Retrieved on 5SEPT10 from

Diver, S. (2006). Information Security Policy-A Development Guide for Large and Small Companies. SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room. Retrieved on 30 Sept 10 from

Regardless of the size of the organization, it is important that security functions are perform somewhere in the organization. In chapter 13 of his Book called Information Security Roles & Responsibilities Made Easy, Charles Cresson Wood describes 12 options for placing security (listed below). But the ideal structure is to have information security independently reporting directly to the CEO. While due to budget constraints, many smaller organizations are forced to have security report to sub-organization like information technology or administrative service. In large organizations, information security is more independent and can be their own department. Note, that many laws and regulation require that security be well defined (see Table 1).
Maiwald, Eric & Sieglein, William (2002). Security Planning and Disaster Recovery. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional

There are faxes for this order.

Criminal Policy of Drug Court

paper 2 or
PLEASE NOTE both this one and A1019705 are research papers I left that off of first one A1019705 thankyou
Crime program paper DRUG COUR...T program
1. Paper concerns a program as opposed to policy. Introductory paragraph- then pertinent information-conclusion.
Describe the program in detail you are analyzing. What is the underlying policy that brings rise to this program?
Was there a problem or need? What was this problem or need?
Who were the stakeholders? Stakeholders: local and state
policymakers involved in justice activities: judges prosecutors,
public defenders, corrections officials, police, sheriff, jail
administrator, community corrections personnel, probation officers,
bail bond agents. (Welsh & Harris, 54) . Include subject population and
how selected like random with dependent and independent variables
and so on.
2. What are the goals and objectives of this program?
3. What are / were the resource issues with this program?
4. Considering the elements of stage #5 and #6 of Welsh.

Discuss the success of the program. How successful has it been? Do changes need to be made.?
If so, what changes?
5. Conclusion with thoughts
6. minimum 7 references
7. Reference page APA annotated bibliography
8. Consider Welsh 1-7 stages in paper.


Use all stages in paper?..
Welsh stages 1-7 ----- from Criminal Justice Policy & Planning by
Wayne N. Welsh and Philip W. Harris Anderson Publishing Co. Cincicinati Ohio 1999

______________WELSH STAGES____________________________

Stage 1 : Analyzing the problem. Document the need for change, Describe the history of the problem, Examine potential causes,
Examine previous interventions, Identify relevant stakeholders, Conduct a systems analysis, Identify barriers and supports.
Step 2 of Welsh: Setting goals and objectives -Write goal statements, Write specific outcome objectives for each goal, Seek participation in goal setting, Specify an impact model, Identify
compatible and incompatible goals in the larger system, and identify the needs for interagency collaboration
Stage 3 of Welsh: Designing the Program/policy- Choose from different intervention options.
Program Design: 1- Define the target population 2- Define target selection procedures 3- Define program components and activities (schedule)., Write job description of staff and specify skills required (how many people).

1- Policy design: 1- Define the Policy?s target population 2- Identify the responsible authority 3- Define the provisions and procedures of the policy.

Stage 4: Developing an Action plan-
Identify resources needed, Plan to acquire or reallocate resources, specify dates to complete implementation tasks, develop mechanisms of self-regulation (boost moral/ suggestion box), Specify a plan to build support (fundraisers/ charities)

Stage 5: Developing a plan for monitoring program/policy implementation ?
Design instruments to collect monitoring data (survey/questionnaires), Designate responsibility to collect, store and analyze data, Develop information system capabilities (store data), and Develop mechanisms to provide feedback to stakeholders.(annual report).
Step 6: Developing a Plan for Evaluating Outcomes- Develop outcome measures based on objectives, Specify research design to be used, Identify potential confounding factors, Identify users and uses of evaluation results, reassess the entire program/policy plan.

Step 7: Initiating the program or policy design:
Planning for failure: avoid exaggerated claims. Planning for success: ongoing reassessment learning and revision are crucial. Learning and adapting: successful interventions must adapt to change. Initiate the program or policy design from stage 3. Initiate the Action plan from stage 4. Initiate Monitoring of program/policy (stage 5). Collect and Analyze evaluation data; provide feedback to stakeholders stage 6.
Reassess the entire program/policy plan and make necessary modifications to increase fit with environment.
Stakeholders: local and state policymakers involved in justice activities: judges prosecutors, public defenders, corrections officials, police, sheriff, jail administrator, community corrections personnel, probation officers, bail bond agents. (Welsh & Harris, 54).


Prepare a 500-700-word, MLA formatted, case analysis of WATSON v. FORT WORTH BANK & TRUST 108 S.Ct. 2777 (1988)

Use this format for the case briefing:
1. Facts: (one paragraph): Short statement of relevant facts.
2. History: (one paragraph): Case''s prior history (procedural history).
3. Issue: (one sentence for each issue): The issue the court had to decide.
4. The answer(s) to the issue(s): Yes or no.
5. Reasoning: (one paragraph): The reasoning the court used to justify its decision; and the final result (i.e. reversed and remanded etc.).
6. Result: (who wins, who is reversed or affirmed).

Use P and D for plaintiff and defendant and brief the case using short headings and brief descriptions.

Be sure these three questions are answered:
1. What are subjective promotion policies?
2. Does the Court apply disparate impact analysis or disparate treatment analysis to subjective promotion policies?
3. After the Watson case, what does a plaintiff have to prove to establish disparate impact discrimination?

Use this Reference:
Corley, Robert N., et al. The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Task 2: The Business of Ethics Checklist

Structure: Memo (Section A) & Report (section B) or Report only?use your discretion.

In light of recent corporate scand...als, the question has been raised whether an effective, enforced ethics program could have impacted the outcome of such massive instances of unethical corporate behavior. Because of the increased scrutiny of the actions of corporations and those who act on behalf of organizations, there has been additional attention placed on the ethical actions within organizations. Many organizations have responded to this increased scrutiny by establishing formal ethics programs to foster ethical decision making for business directors, officers, and employees. Effective ethics programs provide the opportunity for management to establish a culture that establishes ethical behavior, both inside and outside of the organization, as the business strives to eliminate unethical conduct.
Two weeks after you are hired as the elementary division manager by a toy company, you receive a memo from the manager of the quality assurance department. During routine testing, the quality assurance department identified a problem with one of the toys included in the elementary toy collection. The primary market for the elementary toy collection is elementary schools. A metal whistle that is included in the toy collection did not pass testing due to small traces of lead. The amount of lead included in the whistles was slightly above the U.S. legally acceptable limits for children ages 7 and younger. A large shipment of the elementary toy collection is scheduled to be shipped to schools in South America at the end of the week, just in time for the beginning of the school year. The approximate cost to reproduce the product and repackage the toy collections is $100,000.

*Task should provide the following in detail:

Prepare a report for the CEO and the executive team in which you do the following:
A. Present three ways to address the situation, by doing the following:
1. Identify three possible alternatives to address the whistle problem.
2. Explain the decision-making process or method that you used for selecting the alternatives.
3. Evaluate the three alternatives by discussing the advantages, disadvantages, financial considerations, legal considerations, and ethical considerations for each alternative.
Note: All 5 elements must be addressed for each of the alternatives.

B. Recommend one of the three possible decision alternatives.
1. Justify your recommendation.
2. Analyze how your recommendation could affect customer relationships.
3. Discuss the role of social responsibility in your decision-making process.

C. Discuss two actions that the company could implement to ensure that ethical decision making occurs at all levels of the organization.
1. Explain how the company could benefit from a code of ethics.
2. Evaluate a code of ethics for an existing company of your choice.

Note: Sources are required to successfully complete part C2. As noted in part D, all sources should be cited in APA format.

a. Recommend at least three components from that code of ethics that are important to include in the development of a code of ethics for the toy company.

Note: You may conduct a search online to find another company?s code of ethics to analyze. It is not necessary for the company to be another toy company.

D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Task 2:

? Select and explain the decision-making process / model that will be implemented to develop each alternative (i.e. potential solution)
? Develop three possible alternatives to address the whistle problem
? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of EACH alternative
? Discuss financial, legal, and ethical considerations of EACH alternative

? Recommend one alternative to solve whistle problem (i.e. best potential solution)
? Justify recommendation?..How?
o Explain thought processes leading to selected recommendation
o Reason this alternative is preferred over the two
o What benefits can be anticipated from choosing this alternative?
? Analyze decision ripple effects on customer relationships
o Internal and external stakeholders
o Multiple levels
o Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
? Discuss influence of social responsibility in final decision
o Definition
o Description of organizational social responsibility
o Considerations (i.e. company reputation, media response, customer perception)

? Discuss two actions designed to promote ethical decision-making
Considerations: deep or broad implementations; experiential examples applicable?
? Company benefits of a code of ethics
Considerations: internal and external advantages; clear positive consequences; experiential examples applicable?
? Code of ethics analysis (i.e. positives and negatives)
Most desirable components to imitate
Justify selections?..HOW?
? Explain thought processes leading to selected recommendation
? Reasons this alternative is preferred over two
? What benefits can be anticipated from choosing this alternative?

Discuss legislation and significant court decisions relevant to Equal Opportunity.
please use this as part of the research

Pynes, J.E. (2013). Human resources management for public and non-profit organizations: A strategic approach (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

After writing two pages for the first part,the second part is a one page paper about -Provide a case study analysis of Reeves, Ch. 12: An African American woman among the good ol? boys of Indiana.This can be found in Pynes, J.E. (2013). Human resources management for public and non-profit organizations: A strategic approach (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

This has previously been written and then a rewrite was completed. However it is still not up to standard. Please do not give it to the same writer.
I have researched the references and will as upload files to assist in the writing.

Forensic Mental Health Legislation and Policies
Case Study Assessment

Task Description:
Length: 2500 words
This piece of assessment takes the form of a case study. Students will be provided with a choice of a scenario, based on one of the topic areas covered during the unit, and must prepare a written report addressing the issues raised by the scenario.

? You work as a probation and parole officer in Australia. You are asked to compile a report that explores key issues and recommend best practice for dealing with mentally ill offenders, so that your service can provide appropriate programs and support to reduce recidivism.

Although each topic is different, your report should be structured around the following content:

1. A concise summary of the current position and an overview of the problem

In this introductory section, you must provide a brief summary of the current position, explain how the problem arises in context, and set out the scope of your analysis. This section should contain a strong statement of your argument (supported by relevant sources). It should also provide a brief overview of any relevant law and/or departmental policy or procedure that is relevant to the topic chosen. I recommend you allocate approx. 800 words to this section.

2. Critical analysis of the problem
This forms the body of your report. In this section, you need to analyse the issues to identify how/where areas of weakness or injustice arise. You will need to conduct independent research and use appropriate sources to support your analysis. Don?t just describe the issues ? analyse the strengths or weaknesses in the system that contribute to or overcome the problem. This item requires considerable thought and attention, and I would expect it to be longer and more detailed than the other sections ? allocate approx. 1200 words to this section.

3. Recommendations for reform.
You should provide at least two recommendations for reform. Your recommendations should be based on your research (i.e. based on the literature available), and should be well-grounded and achievable. I recommend you allocate approx. 500 words to this section

4. Structure, writing, and referencing
Your essay should be well structured and logical, well-written, free of grammatical/spelling mistakes, and correctly referenced with a reference list.

The number of sources you will need depends on the topic chosen and the scope of the analysis you choose to conduct. As a rule of thumb, you should use at least EIGHT (8) good quality sources to support your report. Please use the APA referencing style.

The case study assignment should follow the structure provided in the table above. You may use headings and sub-headings as appropriate, and may adopt the general style of a report, but there is no formal report style required (i.e. no abstract, or paragraph numbering is required etc). Your assignment should be typed in 12 font and with at least 1 ? line spacing. Your writing style must be appropriately formal and academic ? avoid writing in first person, don?t use colloquialisms, and support your work with references wherever necessary.

Word length is 2,500 words (excluding references). You need to be careful in how you allot words for each section. Plan and structure your paper with care. Show the word count of your paper (excluding references). Your essay must not be more than 10% over or under the word limit.

The company is Disney theme parks and I'm needing a thorough external analysis that address the general environment in the areas of Tokyo, Hong Kong, and France. This should include formal institutions which includes laws, regulations, and rules. Also informal institutions which include the norms, cultures, and ethics. It may also include some aspects of the five dimensions of culture.
This does not need to be in an essay format if that makes it any easier.

Rules of Law Established in

Compare and contrast the rules of law established in the following cases: The Slaughterhouse Cases and The Civil Rights Cases. What legal rights did the United States Supreme Court recognize in these cases? In your analysis be sure to include the relevant facts, issues, arguments, and reasons discussed in each case. Do you agree or disagree with the outcome of these cases?

6 Pages

Federal Taxation

Words: 2520
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Paper should be about a case involving federal tax procedure. Paper should focus on analysis of case, discuss alternate solutions, discuss ethical implications of each alternative. Anaylsis of: issues…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Disclosure This Report Represents a

Words: 2798
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Concept analysis paper on disclosure. To gain an in-dept understanding of what disclosure is and what it is not in preparation for exploring, measuring, and/or testing it in a…

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1 Pages

Equality Before the Law

Words: 360
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

A critique of the article faxed "Equality Before the Law: A Conceptual Analysis" by Wojciech Sadurski It is presently 2.25pm on Monday 15th August and is required…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Civil Disobedience Is the Active

Words: 2434
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This paper is on the topic on civil disobedience. Specifically, on individuals who have risen up against the government - willing to take the consequences because it is a…

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2 Pages

Bush's Judicial Appointments at the Onset of

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Research former President Bush?s presidential judicial appointments using the Web. Students should read about Bush?s appointments and assess why the President made the particular judicial appointments. PLEASE USE…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Australian Indigenous Group or Populations Are the

Words: 3009
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Select a vulnerable group (australian indigenous persons) and discuss the issues relevant to thos individuals representative of that group. How can police officers assess and mitigate the risk of suicidal…

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4 Pages

Dendro Macroeconomic Factors There Are a Number

Words: 1148
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

External and Internal Environmental Analysis Complete the external environmental scan for your organization. See attached Perform an internal, competitive environmental scan for your start-up organization. Dendro Environmental is in San Diego,…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Amazon and Ebay. Both Companies Were Among

Words: 2718
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

You Are an Investment Analyst As the representative from your accounting firm or practice, you are in charge of stock market analysis that will be presented to clients as part…

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7 Pages

Remarketing Obsolete Products -- the Case of

Words: 1967
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Choose a consumer product or service that is on the market today, but is declining in appeal to consumers. This product should be marked for ?obsolesces.? Write a five to…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Ginger - Smart Basics the Country's Environmental

Words: 1878
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Analyse the case study titled Ballarpur Industries Ltd: aligning marketing strategy in a turbulent environment. - Identify critical success factors for…

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5 Pages

Computerized Physician Order Entry

Words: 1474
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

CPOE systems are designed to improve the ordering process in hospitals, improve patient safety, and quality of care. However, researchers have identified select unintended consequences associated with CPOE…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Conflict Law and Norms: Regulators

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

this case study is for a course that is an introduction to the design and facilitation of collaborative methods for conflict resolution. We will begin by setting out the…

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18 Pages

Benchmarking Key Loggers for Gathering Digital Evidence on Personal Computers

Words: 8600
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Essay

This is a Master's project in Information Technology (Information Security option). It is intended to solve a problem within the Information Security area. I have come up with a…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Negligent Tort Sportspower Ltd. Voluntarily Recalled 23,400

Words: 1805
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Negligent Tort The paper must be four to five pages, excluding the title page and references page(s), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center…

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2 Pages

Attorney-General of Belize V Belize Telecom Ltd.

Words: 601
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

a CASE COMMENT on the following case: Attorney-General of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd [2009] UKPC 10, [2009] 2 All ER 1127, Privy Council Be aware of plagiarism and…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

San Francisco Tire Industry Analysis

Words: 890
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is a case study I will have to do later about WheelWorks, a tire firm on San Jose, San Francisco. Anyway, for now I need just general (external, internal)…

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4 Pages

Strategic Plan Part II SWOT Analysis

Words: 1352
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis for your proposed business. Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should take into account, at a minimum, the following…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Information Security Evaluation for OSI Systems a Case Study

Words: 4698
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This paper is geared towards Information Security management, not IS technology per sa. Assignment: Perform an in-depth analysis of an organization within information security management on a particular company that…

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9 Pages

Criminal Policy of Drug Court

Words: 3736
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

paper 2 or PLEASE NOTE both this one and A1019705 are research papers I left that off of first one A1019705 thankyou Crime program paper…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust

Words: 565
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prepare a 500-700-word, MLA formatted, case analysis of WATSON v. FORT WORTH BANK & TRUST 108 S.Ct. 2777 (1988) Use this format for the case briefing: 1. Facts: (one paragraph): Short…

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4 Pages

Business and Ethics the Business Ethics Checklist

Words: 1694
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Task 2: The Business of Ethics Checklist Structure: Memo (Section A) & Report (section B) or Report only?use your discretion. Introduction: In light of recent corporate scandals, the question has been raised…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Equal Opportunity the Most Important Piece of

Words: 1028
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Discuss legislation and significant court decisions relevant to Equal Opportunity. please use this as part of the research Pynes, J.E. (2013). Human resources management for public and non-profit organizations: A…

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10 Pages

Recidivism Among Mentally Ill Offenders

Words: 2986
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

This has previously been written and then a rewrite was completed. However it is still not up to standard. Please do not give it to the same writer. I…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Disney Parks Disney's International Theme

Words: 768
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The company is Disney theme parks and I'm needing a thorough external analysis that address the general environment in the areas of Tokyo, Hong Kong, and France. This should…

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2 Pages

Rules of Law Established in

Words: 828
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Compare and contrast the rules of law established in the following cases: The Slaughterhouse Cases and The Civil Rights Cases. What legal rights did the United States Supreme Court…

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