Leadership Communication Essays Prompts

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This is a 2 part assignment

Part 1: assess and synthesize in a final paper all that you are learning about four primary leadership models and how that new understanding is informing your own leadership values, interest and aspirations (4 leadership models are: Industrial age model, transactional and transformational model, situational leadership model)

Part 2: Present "your case for your leadership model for the Age of the Knowledge Workder"

For an MBA Course in Strategic Management on CHAPTER THREE of :

Text Book =Peter F. Drucker. (2006). The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done (Harperbusiness Essentials) Paperback 2006

What is the role of leadership in the development and implementation of strategic choice? How can managers most successfully lead their organizations in the development and implementation of selected strategies?
Support your content with examples from your current job or based on your research and readings.

One source MUST BE the Textbook....again..Peter F. Drucker. (2006). The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done (Harperbusiness Essentials) Paperback 2006

The other source does not matter what it is..as long as it is relevant

I need two sources total

Thank you

The topic is about how strategic leadership can influence the culture in the organization and eventually allow that organization to succeed or even fail.
Show examples such as Air Asia, Apple and ...Enron (Failure).
I would like for you to use but not limit to references and subject matter from Edgar Schein?s theories of culture and organization and other business management authors.
Below is an outline of the how the literature review can possibly look like

Part 1: Introduction
1.1 Abstract of the Literature Review (200 words)
1.2 Academic Objectives of Project (Written by myself so no need for this portion)
The objectives are as follows:
a) To identify how leadership can influence culture of organizations
b) To discuss how successful leaders influence success of their firms
c) To see how a leaders of today must act to allow success for their organizations

1.3 Outline of Sections (100 words)

Part 2: Setting the Scene

2.1 Background (400 words)
Talk about leadership of the past corporations
2.2 Corporations Today (500 words)
Talk about successful corporations and their leaders such as Apple and Air Asia
2.3 Enron leadership (300)
Talk about Enron Scandal

Part 3: Literature Review

3.1 Leadership and Influence on Culture of Organization (1000 words)
Talk about what is leadership and what is organizational culture
Define the two of these concepts and how they can influence one another.
3.2 Positive Impacts of Leadership on Organization culture
3.2.1 Economic and Financial success of Organization (200 words)
3.2.2 Positive impact on community (200 words)
3.2.3 Benefit of Competitive Advantage (200 words)
3.2.4 Improvement of Business Value and Reputation (200 words)
3.2.5 Promotion of Long-term Profits (200 words)
3.2.6 Business Survival (200 words)
3.2.7 Training of future leaders (200 words)

3.3 Limitations of leadership influence on culture of organizations
3.3.1 Leader must match or suit organization (200 words)
3.3.2 How culture can influence leader (200 words)
3.3.3 Lack of Skills and Perceptions (200 words)
3.3.4 Cultural or social differences between leader and organization (200 words)
3.3.5 Power of unions or influence of government, religion etc (200 words)
Part 4: Summary and Conclusion

4.1 Conclusion (500 words)

Please use references from (of course more references the better)

Please note that reference and bibliography page should not be included in word count

Ross A. Webber, R. D. Irwin ,Culture and management: text and readings in comparative management, 1969
Edgar H. Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2nd Ed, 1992
Edgar Schein Strategic Pragmatism
Chemers M. (1997) An integrative theory of leadership. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Blake, R.; Mouton, J. (1964). The Managerial Grid: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co..
Fiedler, Fred E. (1967). A theory of leadership effectiveness. McGraw-Hill: Harper and Row Publishers Inc..
Antonakis, John, Cianciolo, Anna T., & Sternberg, Robert J. (2004). The Nature of Leadership, Sage Publications, Inc.
Argyris, C. (1976) Increasing Leadership Effectiveness, Wiley, New York, 1976
Meindl, J. R., & Ehrlich, S. B. (1987). The romance of leadership and the evaluation of organizational performance. Academy of Management Journal
Black, Richard J. (2003) Organizational Culture: Creating the Influence Needed for Strategic Success, London UK
Air Asia or Tony Fernandez Blog
Steve Jobs Book

What strengths do I have to build on that would make me a good leader? What competencies? (Be specific.)

What weaknesses or areas do I need to improve upon? (Be specific.)

How do I approach relationship building? (Give concrete examples.)

How do I approach conflict resolution? (Give concrete examples.)

Section 2: Leadership in My Organization

What is the role of leadership within my organization (or one that I know well)? (Give examples of excellent leadership and poor leadership and explain what makes them so).

Section 3: My Leadership Philosophy
What is my personal philosophy about what it means to be a leader, and how did this philosophy evolve?

Have I pursued leadership roles in the past or avoided them? What are the reasons for my thoughts and actions regarding my suitability for leadership roles?

What past experiences have helped me to prepare for leadership? (Be specific.)

Of the leadership theories and styles presented so far, which are most aligned with my current leadership style or a style that I would like to emulate?

Intercultural Communication Project
Intercultural communication is an increasingly important aspect of communication in
today's ever widening global society.In addition, untold numbers of ind...ividuals live
every day of their lives 'on the border'which is to say they live and participate in two
cultures; many immigrant families now seek to maintain as much of their own cultural
heritage as possible, intercultural marriages are no longer a rarity, universities the world
over seek to attract students from other countries, businesses seek to establish and
maintain a global presence by sending employees to foreign countries.
Successful intercultural communication is in fact based on the study of the entire culture, not just the
necessary language skills.
Intercultural communication isn't being fluent in another language.In fact, it is quite possible
to be successful in another culture with somewhat limited language skills,
or be fluent in another language yet be unsuccessful in the culture.
Ultimately, it is the study of every aspect of a culture:
how power, leadership, time, relationships, obligations, freedoms, etc. are viewed.
Choose any aspect of intercultural communication.
(The easiest way to do this is to use the index of the text
book.) De Vito 7th ed.
Research the aspect using at least three primary sources in
addition to the text book.
Write a four page, double spaced essay that
analyzes explains the aspect chosen.
Be sure essay is well organized and well supported.
a bibliography
(Works Cited) at the end of the essay.

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Using the 7 peer-reviewed articles that will be supplied via email or uploaded, address how the ethical leadership theory has actually been applied. Critically evaluate the appropriateness of the uses to which the theory has been applied. Consider, for example: Are the applications premised upon an accurate understanding of the theory and its scope? Do the applications go beyond what the theory claims? Is the reasoning linking application and theory sound?

This completed assignment will be processed through turnitin.com by my professor. I need to be assured that upon completion it will not be detected.
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The transformational, transactional, and authentic leadership approaches address the issue of follower motivation, but in different ways. Compare and contrast these approaches and discuss which approach would be most effective with you (to you) in the role of follower and why.(procurement department).


Hoye II, W.B. (2005) Leadership from the inside out. Longwood, Florida: Xulon Press.


What is Transformational Leadership ...and how is it distinct from Transactional Leadership? How do both Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership connect with Fiedler's claims regarding Relationship versus Task Motivated leadership, and with Blake and Mouton's Managerial/Leadership Grid? Is it possible for leaders to be equally effective at both Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership, or will all leaders naturally excel in one style versus the other? Lastly, how do both Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership connect with Quatro's assertions regarding "HR-Minded Leadership" (Quatro/Sims Chapter 15)?


What are the characteristics of Authentic Leadership as posited by George and codified in Figure 11.2 from the Northouse text? Related to this, read/analyze Case 11.1 from the Northouse text and provide answers to the question listed at the end of the case. Lastly, how does Authentic Leadership connect with Senge's major claims regarding the "frontiers" and the related "reinvention" of management and leadership practice (Senge Chapter 17)?

10 page leadership statement

Address all 3 questions
a:How would you define Leadership?

b: How would You compare the role of a manager with a leader?

c:What are the 3 major isssues in the contemporary management/leadership literature and what are thier defining arguments?

Be sure to use headings and divide the paper into at least 3 sections one for each question. 10 pages of text plus title page and reference page. The paper must have at least 10 cittations/references within the text and on the reference page.
You may want to use works by Warren Bennis, Stepen Covey, Peter Drucker, among others. Do not use populare publications such as Newsweek or Time.

Law Enforcement and Leadership

How do leaders in law enforcement compare to the leaders of other organizations? entertain that question and utilize the different leadership theories, styles and attributes.
Select two or three criteria for comparison e.g. management styles .
Support your opinion on/of this topic by demonstrating examples of that influence.

BU450 Leadership Skills

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

Part A: What is charismatic leadership?

Part B: Explain what is meant by the statement that charismatic leaders use active impression management with their followers to support their image. Provide and elaborate on one example.

Part C: Why is charismatic leadership considered a double-edged sword that requires careful monitoring to avert abuse?

Do In-class activities 1-5 and 7 (and maybe 8) below, for the topic about Hurricane Sandy Superstorm (see executive memorandum to Dept. of HUDs senior leadership about the communication problem and ho...w to most effectively let the Federal Housing Administrations (FHA) homeowners/renters affected by Hurricane Sandy/Superstorm that there are guidance and expedited processing for their insurance applications or for their FHA insured home loans, (uploaded).

Be clear about audience goals, name the audience and describe them, etc.

Use the course outline for inclusive content to be addressed in paper (uploaded syllabus and notes) I.E.:??
(Can refer to the agency link, which provides some of the policies so far implemented/offered:??
Write as IF to address the Executive Leadership with concise & bullet points. Ensure that the bullet points make the Executive Leadership understand and are able to wrestle with concepts presented in course (meaning apply course concepts such as the Behavior Change Models & Theories (see PPTs handout uploaded) such as: Heuristic only, Belief Models, Social Models, Knowledge, Source Factors, Message Factors, Adoption Stages, Stage of Change,etc.????
#1 In Class - Goal Setting, etc:

State Program Goal
Name three audiences and their actions in matrix on next slide.
Are the actions feasible?
What are the barriers to each action?

#1 In-class - Goal/Audience/Action Matrix (see power point slide example, Communications Marketing Ovrvw uploaded of how to use the matrix and do the same for this papers topic)

#2 In-class - Describe Audience As A Person

Give her/him a name

#3 In-class - Action, Reward, and Support

Restate action and state competing action.

Complete sentence for identified audience: If I do (action) instead of (competing action), then I will get (reward) because (support)

You can name more than one competing action, reward, and support

#4 In-class ??" Image

What is the audiences image of the action?

What is the audiences image of the organization asking them to do the action?

#5 In-class ??" Openings

List a few openings and explain why they are good openings

Remember openings are times in the audiences life, psychological states, as well as channels that would reach them

# 7 In-class - Focus Group

Describe who you will recruit for the focus groups

Develop a very brief topic guide
??"Ask three questions, or series of questions going from broader to more narrow.

??"Choose one projective technique and describe why.

# 8 In-class - Apply Theory

Choose two theories/models of behavior change discussed in class and apply them to your audience and your activity.

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Movie Review: Crimson Tide (1995)

For this assignment, you will actually get to have some down time, kick back, enjoy a beverage and pop corn, and be entertained! I have used this movie in o...rganization behavior classes since its release on videotape, and use it as stimulus material for analyses of organization culture, power, leadership, group cohesion, symbolic behavior, conflict, and group dynamics. Your task is to view the movie and write a 1100-1500 word paper, in APA format, which you will turn in through your personal forum during Week Six. The questions below will be discussed in your paper:

1. What are the leadership styles and power bases of CO, XO, Chief of the Boat (COB)? (Consider the full range of possible styles.) Cite specific behaviors and statements, with specific reference to the leadership literature.

2. Discuss how the leadership styles of the CO, XO and Chief of the Boat affect the interaction of these characters. As you do this, consider the following questions as data sources (you dont have to directly answer these): What is the significance of the questioning CO gives XO at the start of the movie? What is really going on during the wardroom conversation about A-bombs on Japan, in which XO is asked to reveal whom he believes the true enemy is? After the fire and the missile drill, the CO confronts XO about a verbal exchange in Con. What is the CO saying to the XO about disagreement? What is he meaning?

3. In terms of leadership and compliance, what is the role of scripted behavior (a.k.a. checklists) on nuclear submarines in real life? What function does it serve in the film before the main action? after the main action? If you are astute, you may be able to find a deep psychological reason why scripts are needed. You may need to do a quick search on scripted behavior and feel free to share your results of the search in the chat forum. Also, see
Gioia, D.A., & Poole, P.P. (1984). Scripts in organizational behavior. The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Jul., 1984), 449-459.

4. At the conclusion of the movie the admiral in charge of the board (Jason Robards) states that the incident has raised an issue that will occupy the board and the Navy for some time to come. Considering what just played out regarding conflicting leadership styles, what is that issue? What are the roots of that issue? How has it played itself out over time?

Gene Hackman Captain Frank Ramsey (CO)
Denzel Washington Lt. Commander Jim Hunter (XO)
Matt Craven Zimmer (communications officer)
Viggo Mortensen Weps (weapons officer)
George Dzundza COB (Chief of the Boat)

Facts that help explain what is going on in Crimson Tide

1. Two major types of submarines in movie are nuclear missile sub and attack sub. Attack sub's primary duty is to hunt other subs.
2. Subs cruise for 6 months without coming up. Crew selection on subs is based in part on psychological health and interpersonal skills.
3. The procedures for message authentication and weapons launch are extremely scripted. What you see in the movie is pretty accurate.
4. DEFCON "defense configuration" ranges from DEFCON 5 to DEFCON 1. DEFCON 1 is when hostilities are underway. See more below. In this movie references to DEFCON are aimed at potential hostilities between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
5. Officers on ships are commonly referred to by their job titles rather than their names (Hunter is called XO; Zimmer is referred to as Comm (Communications Officer). Chief of the Boat is the senior enlisted man. Go here for a discourse on submarine officer career progression: http://www.usna.edu/Submarines/career.html.
6. Rachinko is modeled after 1990s Russian ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

DEFCON: DEFense CONdition. In the event of a national emergency, a series of seven different alert Conditions (LERTCONs) can be called. The 7 LERTCONs are broken down into 5 Defense Conditions (DEFCONs) and 2 Emergency Conditions (EMERGCONs).
Defense readiness conditions (DEFCONs) describe progressive alert postures primarily for use between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the commanders of unified commands. DEFCONs are graduated to match situations of varying military severity, and are numbered 5,4,3,2, and 1 as appropriate. DEFCONs are phased increases in combat readiness. In general terms, these are descriptions of DEFCONs:

DEFCON 5 Normal peacetime readiness
DEFCON 4 Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures
DEFCON 3 Increase in force readiness above normal readiness
DEFCON 2 Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness
DEFCON 1 Maximum force readiness.

EMERGCONs are national level reactions in response to ICBM (missiles in the air) attack. By definition, other forces go to DEFCON 1 during an EMERGCON.
DEFENSE EMERGENCY: Major attack upon U.S. forces overseas, or allied forces in any area, and is confirmed either by the commander of a unified or specified command or higher authority or an overt attack of any type is made upon the United States and is confirmed by the commander of a unified or specified command or higher authority.
AIR DEFENSE EMERGENCY: Air defense emergency is an emergency condition, declared by the Commander in Chief, North American Aerospace Defense Command. It indicates that attack upon the continental United States, Canada, or US installations in Greenland by hostile aircraft or missiles is considered probable, is imminent, or is taking place.
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US Strategic Air Command was placed on DEFCON 2 for the first time in history, while the rest of US military commands (with the exception of the US Air Forces in Europe) went on DEFCON 3. On 22 October 1962 SAC responded by establishing Defense Condition Three (DEFCON III), and ordered B-52s on airborne alert. Tension grew and the next day SAC declared DEFCON II, a heightened state of alert, ready to strike targets within the Soviet Union. Source: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/defcon.htm

Crimson Tide Review (7 points). Your task is to view the movie and write a 1100-1500 word paper, which you will turn in through your personal forum during Week Six. The questions below will be discussed in your paper:
1. What are the leadership styles and power bases of CO, XO, Chief of the Boat?
2. Discuss how the leadership styles of the CO, XO and Chief of the Boat affect the interaction of these characters.
3. In terms of leadership and compliance, what is the role of scripted behavior on nuclear submarines in real life? What function does it serve in the film before the main action? . . . after the main action?
4. The incident has raised an issue that will occupy the board and the Navy for some time to come. What is that issue? What are the roots of that issue? How has it played itself out over time?

Reseach Strayer University
1. Create a brief job decription that I would like to fill ( a Professor at Strayer University ) You may use bullets.
2. Discuss ways that goal settingcould be used to motivate your performeance after you fill the position
3.Analyze your own reaction to stressful situation and discuss the steps you could take to manage the stress associated with your new position.
4.Imaging yourself in the position you have describe, discuss how you would address nonverbal and cultural barriers to communication
5. Use at least 3 quality academic resources in this assignment.Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qulaify as academic resouces.

Identify a common workplace situation?such as employee apathy, absenteeism, or conflict?within an organization with which you are familiar.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you address the following items:

? Describe your selected organization.

? Describe your selected situation.

? Explain how motivational theories could be applied to your selected situation.

? Analyze the role of organizational leadership in your selected situation.

? Evaluate the role of power and influence in your selected situation.

Include at least three peer-reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Team Leadership and Resolving Conflict

For this assignment, you will write a two- to three-page paper summarizing the main points in Chapters 10, 11, and 12, using cited passages from the assigned readings and cited selections from the Unit 3 courseroom.

Summarize courseroom discussion postings that seem particularly relevant to you in addressing this topic.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

hi writer
i well write down a failure event that i have experienced and i need you to Apply relevant communication theories, concepts, processes and contexts from Topics 6??"10(from the study guide i upload) to this
failure event Examine the values, beliefs and assumptions embedded within this experience. Examine how power, culture and ethics affected the processes and outcome of this event.
6 reference need to come from the file i upload,and the rest 4 from the online resource.
here is my failure event
i work at a local pub as dish/glass picker, and management also put me in charge of everyone work as dish picker, that involves me to do a lot communication between bartender and my staff, because english is my second language (i'm chinese) so it create a lot problem over the time, eventually affect my own job performance.
just use this as my failure event and you can add any details as you like to make it easy for you to write.
and please contact me if there is any thing you like to know or not sure of.

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Customer is requesting that (johnfitz44) completes this order.

Please discuss the three potential problems during the communication process and provide examples of how they can effect change in an organization.

Inspiring Leadership: Learning from Great Leaders by John Adair
Chapter 6 - The Art of Inspiring While Informing
Read Chapter 6 carefully. In page 112, it talks about "The Art of Rhetoric" (See attached file). Write an essay in 2500 words and give me your argument about it. Do you agree or disagree with this theory? Why? Provide some examples in business world to support your argument.

please be clear, direct and make sure your arguments are coherent.
Dear writer please if you have any questions or if the uploaded file isn't very clear please don't hesitate to contact me ..
And may you kindly send me my order in two forms PDF and word doc.

Thank you

Leadership Models Man, Like All

Compare and contrast four leadership models (servant, transformational, transactional, charismatic). Determine the similarities and differences between these models, and discuss how each model might address contemporary leadership issues and challenges. Provide references to appropriate peer-reviewed literature to support your judgments, assertions, and conclusions.

Format: Report

Management and Leadership-
Drawing on your reading about Leadership, your professional development logs and narrative work; Analyse the impact of Management and Leadership styles on different work situations, evaluating how styles can be adapted.

1- Research a range of management and leadership styles in different situations within your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with.
2- Evaluate how these styles can be modified where necessary.

You will need to explain the link between strategic management and leadership; in addition, you will need to use examples to explain the links between functions, with particular emphasis on meeting strategic objectives.

Nursing Leadership One of the

The essay requires you to answer 5 questions on clinical leadership and to provide a reflective discussion on a case study.
The case study will be uploaded together with other resource files. ...> Use only the resource files provided for referencing.
Provide a brief introduction and conclusion (Approx.200 Words)

Part A:
You are required to address the following 5 questions and provide a rationale for each of them.

1- You are to describe what you believe to be is the definitive definition of leadership and discuss how it would be an ideal model of leadership for the clinical environment (approx. 300 words).

2- Explain 'cognitive dissonance' and why it may create conflict during a period of change. Discuss how an effective clinical leader might manage the conflict (approx. 300 words).

3- Define congruent leadership and discuss wether being a 'congruent leader' would make a person a better manager (approx. 300 words).

4- Discuss the following statement: Effective leaders facilitate creativity in those around them in order to motivate those people (approx 300 words).

5- Discuss why understanding organisational culture is an important part of facilitating change (approx.300 words).

Part B: Reflective activity on the case study (approx 700 words)

You are to provide a reflective discussion that includes:

*Provide the goal that was to be achieved (this can range from introducing a new evidence-based safety policy or providing nursing education)

*Discuss who the key members of the team were and identify your position within the team (I am student B in the case study).

*Reflectively discuss any positive or negatives involved with the event/experience in regards to leadership/teamwork and provide insight as to how this event/experience could have been improved.

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Lincoln and Leadership

Please make sure to cite, www.economist.com, this is where the topic was choosen from.

Note: Please include these specifications in the essay. Please typed in Double-Spaced

1. Tell the title of the article, and give the date of publication(nothing earlier than December, 2012). Note: The Economist generally does not list author's names. Put the information about the title and the date of publication in the introductory paragraph. Provide a few sentences within the introduction about mine interest in the topic.

2. Spend Two to Three paragraphs summarizing the article. Be specific, but do not re-write the article.

3. Spend One to Two paragraphs telling my opinion of the topic. For example, do you agree with the article? Why? and Why not?

4. Provide a succinct conclusion paragraph.

The fifth page after the work cite pages should be the article Lincoln and Leadership, you find this on the www.economist.com, and click on the topic Abraham Lincoln. Then you can cite other work cites.Please check the grammars for me, thank you.

Steve Jobs Leader

I will attach the assignment and rubrics handout. The document 5 items (first two bullets on page 1 of the handout) that need to be discussed in the paper.

I will also attach the pdf file of the textbook (you will need to use. Please focus your response on Chapters 10, 15 & 16 and also Chapters 8, 9, 11 & 12.

Please let me know if you cannot open the pdf file. The name of the textbook/pdf file is: Northouse, P. G. (2012) Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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Strategic Leadership

You are to write a three to four (3?4) page paper that answers the following:

Using this text book as one of three references: Eric G. Flamholtz & Yvonne Randle Growing Pains: Transition...ing from Entrepreneurship to a Professionally Managed Firm

1. Discuss the keys to effectively managing leadership development at each of the
following levels: a first-line supervisor, a middle manager, a senior manager,
and the President/CEO.

2. Compare and contrast strategic leadership and operational leadership,
explaining which type of leadership is essential for the long-range survival and
growth of an entrepreneurial organization and why.
3. Discuss the most common style of leadership used by effective leaders of larger
companies (Stage III and beyond) and explain why this style of leadership is
The format of the paper is to be as follows:
o Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on
all sides (APA format).
o Type the question followed by your answer to the question.
o In addition to the three to four (3?4) pages required, a title page is to be
included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the
instructor?s name, the course title, and the date.

NOTE: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the
report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

6 Pages

Leadership Models Assessment of Four

Words: 1652
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

This is a 2 part assignment Part 1: assess and synthesize in a final paper all that you are learning about four primary leadership models and how that new…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Role of Leadership in Strategic Choice

Words: 906
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

For an MBA Course in Strategic Management on CHAPTER THREE of : Text Book =Peter F. Drucker. (2006). The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done…

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19 Pages

Strategic Leadership Influence Culture Organization Eventually Organization

Words: 5752
Length: 19 Pages
Type: Essay

The topic is about how strategic leadership can influence the culture in the organization and eventually allow that organization to succeed or even fail. Show examples such as Air Asia,…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Leadership it Is to Common Knowledge That

Words: 2823
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

What strengths do I have to build on that would make me a good leader? What competencies? (Be specific.) What weaknesses or areas do I need to improve upon? (Be…

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4 Pages

Intercultural Communication Refers to the

Words: 1120
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Intercultural Communication Project Intercultural communication is an increasingly important aspect of communication in today's ever widening global society.In addition, untold numbers of individuals live every day of their lives 'on…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Ethics in Organizational Leadership the

Words: 2695
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE ETHICAL LEADERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS Using the 7 peer-reviewed articles that will be supplied via email or uploaded, address how the ethical leadership theory has actually been…

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5 Pages

Transformational Transactional Leadership Is One of the

Words: 1626
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The transformational, transactional, and authentic leadership approaches address the issue of follower motivation, but in different ways. Compare and contrast these approaches and discuss which approach would be most…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Transformational Leadership and How Is it Distinct

Words: 975
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper


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8 Pages

Leadership and Management. The Writer Defines the

Words: 2238
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

10 page leadership statement Address all 3 questions a:How would you define Leadership? b: How would You compare the role of a manager with a leader? c:What…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Law Enforcement and Leadership

Words: 3596
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

How do leaders in law enforcement compare to the leaders of other organizations? entertain that question and utilize the different leadership theories, styles and attributes. Select two or…

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2 Pages

Leadership Skills Sources Cited APA Format. Your

Words: 705
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

BU450 Leadership Skills Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Strategic Communication Leading Through Strategic

Words: 1278
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Do In-class activities 1-5 and 7 (and maybe 8) below, for the topic about Hurricane Sandy Superstorm (see executive memorandum to Dept. of HUDs senior leadership about the communication…

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4 Pages

Leadership Styles and Power Bases of CO,

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Movie Review: Crimson Tide (1995) For this assignment, you will actually get to have some down time, kick back, enjoy a beverage and pop corn, and be entertained! I…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Motivation, Stress, and Communication Job

Words: 1834
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Reseach Strayer University 1. Create a brief job decription that I would like to fill ( a Professor at Strayer University ) You may use bullets. 2.…

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4 Pages

Organizational Motivation and Leadership

Words: 1286
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Identify a common workplace situation?such as employee apathy, absenteeism, or conflict?within an organization with which you are familiar. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you address the following…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Team Leadership and Resolving Conflict

Words: 558
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Team Leadership and Resolving Conflict For this assignment, you will write a two- to three-page paper summarizing the main points in Chapters 10, 11, and 12, using cited passages from…

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6 Pages

Interpersonal Communications Communication Is Very

Words: 1977
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

hi writer i well write down a failure event that i have experienced and i need you to Apply relevant communication theories, concepts, processes and contexts from Topics 6??"10(from the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Communication Process and Provide Examples of How

Words: 905
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Please discuss the three potential problems during the communication process and provide examples of how they can effect change in an organization.

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9 Pages

Business Leadership in Relation to Rhetoric Leadership

Words: 2678
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Inspiring Leadership: Learning from Great Leaders by John Adair Chapter 6 - The Art of Inspiring While Informing Read Chapter 6 carefully. In page 112, it talks about "The…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Leadership Models Man, Like All

Words: 2019
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Compare and contrast four leadership models (servant, transformational, transactional, charismatic). Determine the similarities and differences between these models, and discuss how each model might address contemporary leadership issues and…

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8 Pages

Management and Leadership Impact of Management and

Words: 2348
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Format: Report Essay: Management and Leadership- Drawing on your reading about Leadership, your professional development logs and narrative work; Analyse the impact of Management and Leadership styles on different work…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Nursing Leadership One of the

Words: 3316
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The essay requires you to answer 5 questions on clinical leadership and to provide a reflective discussion on a case study. The case study will be uploaded together with…

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5 Pages

Lincoln and Leadership

Words: 1377
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Please make sure to cite, www.economist.com, this is where the topic was choosen from. Note: Please include these specifications in the essay. Please typed in Double-Spaced 1. Tell the…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Steve Jobs Leader

Words: 1855
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I will attach the assignment and rubrics handout. The document 5 items (first two bullets on page 1 of the handout) that need to be discussed in…

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4 Pages

Strategic Leadership

Words: 1216
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

You are to write a three to four (3?4) page paper that answers the following: Using this text book as one of three references: Eric G. Flamholtz & Yvonne…

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