Language Teaching Essays Prompts

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I believe Prodigy79 did a good job with last assignment. I would be glad if he could write this one too please.

Requested by the Lecture:

In this assignment the student needs to show:

1)knowledge of the context
2) Evaluate the approach
3) Background

4)How would you use this in your context?
I teach in East London in secondary school with a range of learners from east Europe,Asian and South America.

5)Why would you use TBLT(Task-based learning teaching)?


Ellis,R.(2000)"Task based research and language pedagogy",Language teaching Research 4,3,193-220

Nick Andon*, Johannes Eckerth Chacun son gout? Task-based L2 pedagogy from the teacher's point of view
International Journal of Applied Linguistics Volume 19, Issue 3, pages 286??"310, November 2009

The suitability of task-based approaches for secondary schools: Perspectives from Hong Kong
David Carless Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

I will be sending some more references and articles.


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Customer is requesting that (Prodigy79) completes this order.

The essay just has to answer two questions:

1) Of all the language learning and teaching methods, following your criteria, which is the most complete one methodologically from a theoretical and practical point of view? Write the advantages and disadvantages explaining why.

2) Describe the basic elements and structure of what should be a study in the field of learning and teaching languages (particularly of English as a Foreign Language). Justify your answer.

*When writing acronyms please explain what they stand for, for example: TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

*I would appreciate it if you would use the following book as well: "APPROACHES AND METHODS IN LANGUAGE TEACHING" (Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers). Cambridge University Press.

*Please use "Times New Roman, 12"

Thank you

I kindly need a full chapter discussing (Recommendations for Communicative Language Teaching in Libya). Communicative language teaching is not implementing in Libyan classrooms due to challenges encountering its implementation such as teachers' low proficiency, lack of recourses, large clas, class time shortage, and many other contextul factors. Please spcify them and suggest recommendations for all of the challenges. Please check different sourses in the web and relevant dissertations and thees.

Research methods and techniques of second language teaching for the age group that you are observing in your field work.

Use of technology
Describe the strategy and how it can be used with students in the classroom.

I need a paper 9 pages long double spaced. The title of the paper is "Foreign Language Teaching Methods".
The paper should discuss which teaching methods are most appropriate for the teaching of Slavic at a college introductory level? And, why. Please use the hypothesis that the best way to teach a russian basic language course is to combine teaching methods. The methods I would like discussed are: The total physical response method, the grammer translation method, the audio lingual method, the communicative language approach - functional notional method, the direct approach method, the reading approach method, the silent way method and the community language learning method.
The definition of these methods can be found at this website:

The paper must also answer these questions: Can and should various methods be combined in the teaching of a beginning fl course? Of the many foreign language methods which do you consider the most appropriate for teaching a basic Russian course at the introductory level? and Why? What methods best address the development of particular skills (Speaking, listening, reading and writing)? Can and should various methods be combined in teaching the begginer Russian course? The paper should posit some practical treatment or theoretical framework for analysis. Commentaries on exisiting treatments (theoretical, textbook, etc,) are acceptable.

Second Language Oral Production in
PAGES 30 WORDS 10651

Times New Roman, 12

The layout should be the following:

1. Introduction
-Benefits of Second Language Acquisition
-Benefits of Multilinguism
-Benefits of CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning).
-State of the art until now related to CLIL.
-The role of Oral Practice
-Importance of ICT related to Oral Production.

2. Hypotheses

3. Research Instruments/Methodology
(How this study will be conducted. Qualitative Approach combined with Quantitative).

4. Expected Results

5. Study Limitations and Future Research

6 Problems within the study

7. Bibliography
-Approaches & Methods in Language Teaching (Jack C. Richards, Theodore S. Rodgers). Cambridge
-Second Language Acquisition (Rod Ellis). Oxford University Press
-Towards Multilingual Education (Jasone Cenoz). Colin Baker and Nancy H. Hornberger
-The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Ronald Garner & David Nunan). Cambridge University Press
-The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (Catherine J. Doughty and Michael H. Long). Blackwell Publishing
-CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) (Do Coyle, Philip Hood, David Marsh). Cambridge University Press

(*I would like you to use this bibliography. There are six here. I will send you 24 articles about CLIL, some of which are in Spanish. The 10 remaining ones should be mainly about CLIL(in order to have a complete state of the art scenario) and some about ICT enhancing language learning specially focusing on oral production).
There are faxes for this order.

Chapter 2 Literature Review
~ Communicative competence (1100 words)

~Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) (1100 words)
-principles and characteristics of CLT
-communicative activities
-teachers' roles in CLT

~Implementation of CLT in ESL and EFL (e.g. Greek, South Korea) countries (550 words)
Karavas-Doukas, E. (1996). Using attitudes scales to investigate teachers'attitudes to CLT. ELT Journal, 50(3), 187-198.
Li, D. (1998). "It's always more difficult than you plan and imagine": Teachers' perceived difficulties in introducing CLT in South Korea. TESOL Quarterly, 32(4), 677-703.

"Is CLT (communicative language teaching ) the best methodology for teachers to follow when preparing students for the Cambridge First Certificate Exam?"

1. Introduction
2. Detailed outline of the CLT methodology
3. Description of the exam, Cambridge FCE
4. Analysis of what the exam appears to be assessing and how
5. Analysis ? to what degree CLT is an appropriate methodology for the FCE exam preparation class

I/ Research Question: What are the main problems of today's second language teaching? How does the evolution from traditionalists to modernists in teaching methods reflect these problems?

II/ General goal: The paper should include a properly synthesized review of the literature on the targeted topic of the paper and an exploration of pedagogical implications that emerge from the literature.

III/ Objectives consideration:
- Provide a solid overview of the evolution of theories of second language teaching method. ( Reading, Writing, Speaking, Grammar )
- Identify language learners problems and their connection to different teaching methods.
- Propose ways to revise current teaching methods to accommodate a wider range of teaching environments and learning needs.

IV/ Length, page format :
12 pages.
1-inch margins.
Times New Roman font.

V/ Research paper format:
-Statement of the problem
-Review of the literature
-Methodology, results, discussion

VI/ Suggested Bibliography :
(You MAY use any other relevant sources. However If you do use your own sources, I would like a full-text copy of them if available, even if for additional cost.)

- Medek, G. (1984). Teaching English as a Second Language: Perspectives and Practices : selected papers. Cambridge, MA: Evaluation, Dissemination, and Assessment Center, ESEA Title VII, Lesley College.
- Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (1986). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: a Description and Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Kelly, L. G. (1969). 25 Centuries of Language Teaching; an Inquiry into the Science, Art, and Development of Language Teaching Methodology, 500 B.C.-1969. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
- Howatt, A. P., & Widdowson, H. G. (2004). A History of English Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Celce-Murcia, M. (2001). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.

- Richards,J.C.,& Rodgers, T. (1982). Method: Approach, Design, and Procedure. TESOL Quarterly, 16(2), 153-68. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
- Burdett,B.E., & National Association of Independent Schools, B.A. (1967). Foreign language teaching- A Review of current problems. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
- Rupp, T.H.,& Pennsylvania State Modern Language, A. n. (1969). Unresolved Problems in the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Bulletin of the Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
- Wardhaugh, R. (1967). Some Current Problems in Second-Language Teaching. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

VII/ Documentation: Use the APA format for documentation, and for giving parenthetical page references to quotations or citations within your paper.

VIII/ Mechanics/writing: The standard rule is to use underlining or italics to mark words when you refer to them as words. (The same would apply to parts of words.) If some of your examples are whole phrases, you might prefer to use quotation marks around your examples of words and phrases. If you need to use underlining or italics for special emphasis within words and phrases, be sure you use a system that is consistent in your paper; the reader should not be confused about why something is underlined or italicized.

Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

Topic:Traditional Methods of Language Teaching.(Write a scholarly artifacts paper)
Tips: Some of "The Traditional Methods of Language Teaching" are:The Grammar Translation Method,The Direct Method, The Audio-lingual Method, The Communicative Approach,The Natural Approach,The Silent Way.
Paper Style: APA
Pages: 8 (Include: Title page. Title page should not be numbered. Abstract page should not be numbered, numbers on preliminary pages should be centered, one inch from the bottom of the page. My school ruling indicates that Level 5 and Level 1 headings should be used for TOC headings and should be flush with the left margin.My school standards indicate that no page numbers should appear on the first page of each chapter or in the reference and appendix sections (although they are included in the page count). The APA standard is the use of two to three words from the title, which appear on all pages (except for figure pages) in the upper right-hand corner, either above, or five spaces to the left of, each page number (see APA section 4.06, p. 241). This is the normal placement for the running head, except for the title page, where the abbreviated title will appear flush left at the top of the page (below the manuscript page header). The running head on the title page should appear in entirely uppercase letters and should be no more than 50 characters long. My school standards indicate that within table titles, only the first and all proper nouns should be capitalized. Quotations and Citations: My school guidelines indicate that reference page numbers should be provided for all quotations appearing in a text. Quotations and Citations: My school standards for presentation of block quotes differ slightly from those of the APA. My school format indicates that block quotations are indented once and are single-spaced. Quotations and Citations: My school guidelines indicate that, within text citations, writers may use ?et al? to refer to one work by two authors after the first citation to that specific text is made.References and Supplemental Pages: My school format indicates that the reference section should have a Level 5 heading.References and Supplemental Pages: My school guidelines indicate that all references given on the citation list should be single-spaced (with double-spacing between each reference).The titles of journals in the reference section should be underlined,volume numbers of journalsshould be underlined; book titles should be underlined. My school requires level 5 headings for most appendices. Each appendix should include titles and numbering using Appendix A,Appendix B,etc., My school standards,expressly warn against the use of boldfacing within the manuscript text. My school guidelines state that quotation marks should be used the first time a word, phrase, or variable is introduced.My school guidelines standard mentions only the importance of using gender-neutral language. My school title page does not include a running head.My school requires that the title of the manuscript appears in all uppercase letters. My school format requires only the author''s first and last name. Lastly, on the lower half of the school title page are notations that the paper is being submitted to fulfill degree requirements,(Ph.D.) and the name of the university (Nova)and date of the submission of the paper(May 10,2002). Abstract page:The top margin specified by my school guidelines is 1.5 inches from the top of the paper.The page header for my school abstract should include the University''s name (Nova)and the title of the manuscript. Maximum length as 350 words for the abstract.Indent the first line of every paragraph, and the first line of every foot-note, citations. Mechanical Requirements: Two fonts -Times New Roman and Courier
Margins: Leave uniform margins of at least 1 in.(2.54cm)at top, bottom, left, and right of every page.There should be two typed spaces after each complete sentence.
Text (start on a separate page, numbered page 1); My school standards require that references and citations be single spaced. (start on a separate page).


2,000 words

One of the most of the significant barriers to speaking in the target language is the expectation that a proficient speaker will sound like a native speaker. Is this an appropriate or realistic expectation?

Discuss the topic in relation to the country and English language teaching context with which you are most familiar.

You should refer to at least three scholarly articles or chapters in your assignment, and show how concepts referred to in these articles have or could have practical application in real TESOL classrooms.
Please follow the below structure:

Clearly identifies the topic to be discussed AND
Clearly identifies the teaching context which is referred to throughout the essay.
Regardless of the question chosen, implications of theory and research findings need to be
shown in relation to a target learner group in a specific teaching context.
Details of teaching context(s0 include the contry where English is being taught, education sector
(primary, secondary, tertiary, public, private, workplace, etc.). Students' purposes in learning
English and classroom conditions in the chosen context should be made clear.
Addresses theoretical aspect of topic:
? 1000 words approx in length (or about half of the assignment)
? refers to at least five scholarly articles
? develops a clear line of argument
? remains relevant to topic chosen
? covers a sufficient number of relevant points
Addresses practical aspect of topic:
? 1000 words approx in length (or about half of the assignment)
? suggests appropriate activities for level, age and purpose of target group
? wide variety of activities
? activities relevant to topic chosen
? consideration of communicative aim in L2 teaching (that is, meaning focussed)
? attrention to feedback/error treatment where appropriate
Clear link established between theoretical and practical aspects of topic by reference back to the
literature reviewed in discussion of theory.


2,000 words

One of the most of the significant barriers to speaking in the target language is the expectation that a proficient speaker will sound like a native speaker. Is this an appropriate or realistic expectation?

Discuss the topic in relation to the country and English language teaching context with which you are most familiar. Note: the context that I am familiar with is Iraq.

You should refer to at least three scholarly articles or chapters in your assignment, and show how concepts referred to in these articles have or could have practical application in real TESOL classrooms.
Please follow the below structure:

Clearly identifies the topic to be discussed AND
Clearly identifies the teaching context which is referred to throughout the essay.
Regardless of the question chosen, implications of theory and research findings need to be
shown in relation to a target learner group in a specific teaching context.
Details of teaching context (s0 include the country where English is being taught, education sector
(Primary, secondary, tertiary, public, private, workplace, etc.). Students' purposes in learning
English and classroom conditions in the chosen context should be made clear.
Addresses theoretical aspect of topic:
? 1000 words approx in length (or about half of the assignment)
? refers to at least five scholarly articles
? develops a clear line of argument
? remains relevant to topic chosen
? covers a sufficient number of relevant points
Addresses practical aspect of topic:
? 1000 words approx in length (or about half of the assignment)
? suggests appropriate activities for level, age and purpose of target group
? wide variety of activities
? activities relevant to topic chosen
? consideration of communicative aim in L2 teaching (that is, meaning focussed)
? attrention to feedback/error treatment where appropriate
Clear link established between theoretical and practical aspects of topic by reference back to the
literature reviewed in discussion of theory.

The purpose of this essay is to consider the effect of English language teaching on the cultural diversity.
This essay will argue that ELT can be said to be a threat to local ways of life and languages in that it may lead to the ... of cultures and languages but it also has a beneficial effect in that it will provide English learners with the opportunity to cross linguistic and cultural borders and that the latter point as a merit of ELT should be more emphasised in comparison with the former point as its demerit.

~ English as a global language (how and why)
~ The widespread of English as a dominant international language has accelerated the needs for English learning and teaching.
~ the relationship between culture and language
~ ELT could be a threat to local ways of life and languages
~ the importance of learning English and the advantages of being able to use or communicate in English
~ it is important to strike a balance between the adaptation of global tendencies and the maintenance of the local culture.

Relevant books:

Crystal, D. (2003) (2nd edn.) English as a global language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pennycook, A. (1994) The cultural Politics of English as an International language. London: Longman.

Second Language Acquisition Assignment Two: 3,000 word paper
1. Do metacognitive language learning strategies assist in the SLA of listening comprehension? (please, keep in mind metacognitive language learning strategies not metacognitive knowledge strategies) see the attached word document Vanergrifts classification.

The following references and points are important to this research paper:

1- Please, Id like my paper to be authentic research (Im doing my master degree), using a simple and clear academic writing to represent (a non native writer).
2- My course lecturer asks me to use the following reference

Language learner strategies: thirty years of research and practice / edited by Andrew D. Cohen and Ernesto Macaro (2007). Oxford: Oxford university Press/ Additionally, we can use other Cohenss recourses.

3- Metacognitive language strategies classifications ( Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation) as shown in Vandergrift's (1997) Descriptions of Listening Metacognitive Strategies attached with the order. Also, MAlley and Chamot (1990) have a similar classification learning strategies in SLA. Cambridge university press.
4- The rest of references are from your choice (the minimum number of references: 10).
5- Case studies should be summarized as possible as we can, considering (the purpose, participants, brief methodology, findings)
6- Please dont forget the style is APA.
7- It is a highly substantial to consider the criteria.
8- Using the above outline framework is essential in this assignment.

2. Research Question Title: Do metacognitive language learning strategies assist in the SLA of listening comprehension? (please, keep in mind metacognitive language learning strategies not metacognitive knowledge strategies) see the attached word document Vanergrifts classification.

2. Introduction (approximately 200 250 words)
? Research issue
? Argument
? Brief overview of the structure of your paper
3. Definitions (approximately 100 250 words)
? Remember if you use a quote here, then also explain its significance in your own words (Keep quotations to an effective minimum)
3. Main Body

? Point One of your argument
o General findings from research studies (to support your argument)
o Some specific detail from key research study/ies (this is to convince the reader by using particularly powerful data from relevant research)

? Point Two of your argument
o General findings from research studies
o Some specific detail from key research study/ies

? Point Three/ Four/ Five/ Six???
o How many main points do you want to make? Decide how many words/ paragraphs you can write on each main point. What is the total number of words available for this Main Body section?
5. Implications for Teaching/Learning (approximately 200 250 words)
6. Conclusion (approximately 250 words)

Assignment 2 - A 3,000 word assignment
This assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria:
(i) Selection of appropriate research question on a topic relevant to SLA research - Please note you must relate your paper clearly to some aspect of the SLA research covered in this unit and explore the implications of your topic for the processes of second language acquisition
(ii) Coverage of the issues involved (evidence of extensive reading, understanding of key issues)
(iii) Appropriate use of references to support line of argument presented
(iv) Originality/critical reflection on the topic and its relation to a chosen language teaching/learning/research context
(v) Clarity of expression and appropriate use of academic conventions (e.g. acknowledgement of all references, appropriate use of quotations, etc.)

Best Regards

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Subject: English didactics, English Language Teaching

Content and language integrated classrooms (CLIL); Developing Listening Skills in CLIL

I need to write a research proposal for developing Students? Listening Skills in content and Language integrated classrooms.

The paper should consist of:

Abstract: For example, this a research proposal designed to find out if or how a CLIL environment helps to promote better listening skills compared to strict language or content classes.

1. Introduction
2. Problem statement
3. Research questions
4. Review of literature
5. Research plan
6. Conclusion

References: 10

The paper should be based on an empirical research and has to explain the materials and methods, which should be used to answer the initial research questions.
It is very important to have an empirical approach in this paper and it should show how I would proceed responding to the questions. Is it really true that CLIL provides better listening skills? How can I proof that?

Also it is very important to use the MLA style. I will upload a guideline sheet we got from our English department. We have to follow the rules.

The paper should look like I have a special research question and now I am planning a research with the right literature and plan.

Use below one as a basis. I basically have a research area as you can be seen below so I want you write the research porposal properly on the basis of this written proposal.

Here are the requirements
A set of research questions which clearly outline what you hope
to accomplish in their research.
* An indication that you are familiar with the literature of your
field and how it will guide your research.
* An indication that you have an initial understanding of some of
the research methodologies that you will be using in your research.
* An indication that you have identified the necessary resources
to carry out your research. For example, this could include a
participant pool for empirical studies, or archive or corpus resources
for research on texts.
* Evidence of previous research success. This could include
research that you have undertaken at the undergraduate or Masters level,
or research carried out privately.

The popularity of American and British soap dramas has become closely linked to the present situation of learning and teaching English, to the extent that it has become a social phenomenon. It would be therefore a timely step to look into the characteristics and effects of soap dramas and movies and search for methods by which English learners could benefit from watching them. The goal of this study is to be a guide for English students and teachers in using these media.
Over the past 10 years, the English language learning and English materials which use English films and dramas (especially American dramas) have been increasingly popular in Korea. According to the survey by Ryo (2009), over 53 blogs have at least 100 members for English language learning using films and dramas, one even has 550,000 members. With this trend, a number of famous English language institutes in Korea have opened classes using American dramas called Media English, Movie Class, Screen Listening, Drama SP/WR Listening and Sitcom Listening. In fact, English drama series are generally preferred over films because films are shorter and over a long term course, drama series have more interesting characteristics that appeal the audience. Owing to this popularity, there is a movement to use English dramas for English language learning. Although some people suspect this trend might be temporarily, more broadcasting companies and cable TV channels are attempting to air American and British dramas. As a result, Universities are turning to films and soap dramas as a classroom aid, but teachers are generally unsure how to use this tool to teach students.
At the moment, it is necessary to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using English film and drama for English language teaching and how to maximize the effects of using dramas and movies in college. The differences between the two types of resource should also be explored to discover how they should be used to meet the optimal effect. Contemporary classroom instructors and teachers have many types of media available for instruction. Traditional forms include lectures/discussions and printed media such as book materials or projected text. Visual forms include overhead projection of drawings, slide projection of images, or computer projection of slides. I would like to add films and drama series to this existing instructional media.
In this research, I would therefore like to make a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of using films and dramas as a tool for teaching English to find out firstly what kind of potential they have for English language learning at post-secondary level including university students. Secondly, I will investigate what kinds of language skills can be developed using these media. As a first step I will use questionnaires and interviews to investigate the students thoughts about why they joined the blogs that promote English learning via watching English films and dramas on online. As dramas and movies have a great range of stories and themes, in order to compare the two media types, I will choose films and dramas that share similar themes and focus on themes commonly related to daily life. After choosing the movies and dramas, I will choose certain students among the respondents who complete the questionnaire. Students who watch English movies and dramas regularly will be chosen for the selection of the participants. Once the students have been chosen, they will be asked to set their own standards for what they would like to focus on most in English language learning by using movies and dramas. At this moment I cannot predict exactly what students think is the most important topic when studying English using movies and dramas I hypothesize that the noun, verb (vocabulary) and some routines might be important topics. Based on these results, I will present from a learners perspective, generalized categories of what students consider to be the important standards for English learning using these media types. At the same time it is not only about learners perspective but also, the existing discourse analysis will be conveyed from the different researchers theoretical frameworks as a researchers aspect to support this study. Im afraid I dont understand what you are trying to say in this sentence. It is true that some learners believe unquestioningly in the benefits of watching dramas and films owing to their social popularity in Korea. But, we need to be cautious in exploring how we can utilize movies and dramas for language learning effectively. The underlying aim of this whole research project is therefore to help develop English Language learning and help learners to improve their English skills.
I believe the research will show some unique and positive characteristics of films and dramas as a communication medium and a teaching resource.

I'd like an essay on Thai culture and the teaching of English as a foreign language in Thailand. Ideally I want to state that Thai culture and Thai language creates barriers to effective English teaching in Thailand. This is for a language, culture and society Masters degree course in TESOL.

Here are some useful websites which were given out in the course description:

Asian EFL journal (Quarterly) 2002 ??"
The Internet TESL journal (Monthly) 1995 -
ERIC Digests (Irregular)
Reading in a foreign language (Biannual) Vol 14, April 2002 -
Humanising language teaching (8 p.a.) Issue 1 1999 ??"
Journal of intercultural communication (Biannual) Issue 1 1999 ??"
Korean TESOL Journal
English teaching: practice and critique (Irregular) Vol 1 No 1 Nov 2002 ??"
Second language studies (Biannual) Vol 19 2000 ??"
Language learning and technology: a journal for second and foreign language educators. (Biannual) 1997
Journal of the imagination in language learning (Annual) Vol 1 1993 ??" 2003
University of Sydney Papers in TESOL Vol 1 Dec 2006 ??"
Language, society and culture (Editor: Thao Le)

The book title is:
The Practice of English Language Teaching.
Author: Jeremy Harmer
4th Ed
Pearson Education Limited 2007,Essex England
There is a 3rd ed if you cannot get hold of the 4th which will do.
One is asked to evaluate the book using the criteria below:
For example does the book contents include:
A.Objectives and are they explicitly laid out in an introduction and implemented in the material?
B.Good grammar presentation and practice.
C. Good pronounciation explanation and practice
D.Adequate guidance for the teacher/learner-not too heavy preparation load.
E. Content clearly organized and graded
The essay should focus on the above criteria and a critical evaluation should be primary objective.Discuss and comment on all of the criteria mentioned.
Structure of essay:
Theoretical background
The 6-7 references are to be placed at the end of write up and preceding the Appendix.
Assessment criteria:
Technical coherence,appropriate academic style and conventions.
Quality of discussion (representation and development of the relevant concepts in the arguement)
Evidence of sufficient reading.

Technology in the Classroom

Research methods and techniques of second language teaching for the age group that you are observing in your field work. These methods may include but are not limited to:

Comprehensible input

On-going, specific, and immediate feedback

Grouping structures and techniques

Building background and vocabulary development

Student engagement

Use of technology
Describe the strategy and how it can be used with students in the classroom.

literature review on instructors perception of self-directed learning in foreign language teaching/learning, if possible at courses at college/university level. The literature review should include foreign languages teaching strategies, learning theories, and how self-directed learning is viewed by instructors in this field. Among others, please include Jeanne Ormrod (2004), Human Learning book, as reference.





Topic: Review Research studies on ESL Vocabulary acquisition.

Write a 3 pages literature review for each of the following sources ( total of 6 pages):

Laufer, B. & Rozovski-Roitblat, B. (2011). Incidental vocabulary acquisition: The effects of task type, word occurrence and their combination. Language Teaching Research, 15(4), 391-411

Min, H.T. (2008). EFL Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention: Reading Plus Vocabulary Enhancement Activities and Narrow Reading. Language Learning, 58(1), 73-115.
Customer is requesting that (Tomar) completes this order.

Focus: Socio-cultural factors affecting curriculum and syllabus designin TESOL
Topic:The concept 'Learner-centred curriculum' in TESOL;
Websites: (Cross-Cultural Communication: An Essential Dimension of Effective Education By ORLANDO L. TAYLOR, Ph.D. Good text: This is a very useful text for TESOL students. I am pleased that Dr. Orlando Taylor made it available for us to read.)
The role of grammar in communicative language teaching: An historical perspective . Diane Musumeci.
Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities by Ann Galloway. Communicative language teaching (A Holistic Approach to Task-Based Course Design. (Learner Autonomy: What and Why?)
Multiple Intelligence Theory and the ESL Classroom -- Preliminary Considerations by Karen L. Currie
Teaching Thinking Dispositions: From Transmission to Enculturation by Shari Tishman, Eileen Jay, and D. N. Perkins (This paper is the result of a study on learning strategies used by second language learners. It is related to the study mentioned in the below Website on a study on interlanguage. It is very interesting and usefull, for practical and theoretical interest. You may enjoy it.) (Oral Language Development across the Curriculum, K-12.) (What Is the Collaborative Classroom?) (A Story-Telling and Re-Telling Activity (Teach Students to Interact, Not Just Talk) (Making the Textbook More Communicative) (A Guide for Writing Research Papers based on Styles Recommended by The American Psychological Association) (Electronic Reference Formats Recommended by the American Psychological Association. You should read this as it tells you how to do referencing in your essays or thesis. APA referencing is very widely used in many publications.)

We will offer A LOT more for this one!!

Someone please take!!!!

Email [email protected] for the source.

Here is the paper instruction:

For this Project, you should focus on any two parts of the course except those which have been dealt with in the first two assignments. You can, therefore, choose from the following five parts:

? Pedagogic grammar;

? Written and spoken discourse for English language teaching;

? Sociolinguistics and English as an international language;

? Psycholinguistics and second language acquisition;

? Literature and language arts in English.

Choose any TWO parts of the course listed above, then:

a Give an analytical account of the key concepts and issues in each part. (30%)

b Write a detailed analysis of some selected text(s) written for learners of English based on the concepts and issues you have highlighted in (a). (70%)


? You are strongly advised to begin planning your Project early in the course, and you may find it helpful to look out for a relevant text(s) as you study each area.

? The text(s) you choose for analysis will not be counted towards the 5,000 word limit.

? The Project must be completed in extended writing, not in note form.

Guidance notes

The guidance provided here is, of necessity, general in nature because students are likely to vary widely in both the areas covered and the nature of the texts used. However, your tutor will provide more individualized guidance in tutorials.

This Project gives you an opportunity to examine what you consider to be the most significant content, concepts and issues in two parts of the course and apply them in text analysis.

? For Part (a), you should first review the coverage of all five parts listed above and then choose two which are of most interest to you, or which you consider to be most useful in completing Part (b) of this Project. You should then review all the related reading materials and write an analytical essay on the key concepts and issues in your two selected parts. In your answer, you may consider the two parts separately or attempt to integrate them. Whatever approach you adopt, your answers should demonstrate clearly your understanding of the language knowledge covered in the two areas.

? In answering Part (b), you should first choose a piece of text or series of texts which you wish to analyse. You can choose any texts that could be used to help your learners, or any school pupils, to learn English (e.g. extracts from English textbooks or stories for children and adolescents, newspapers/magazines). There is no fixed requirement as regards the length of texts to be selected, but they should allow you, in analysing them, to draw on a range of concepts/issues from your answer to Part (a).

Before you start analysing the text(s) you have chosen, you should be very clear about the purpose(s) of your analysis.

As you analyse your selected text(s), you should make full use of the concepts and issues you raised in Part (a), and consider the extent to which your analysis is significant to you as an English language learner and/or teacher (or future teacher) from both academic and practical perspectives.

? Your report on Part (b) should be along the following lines:

? Introduction

? A brief description of the text(s) to be analysed, including, for example, its (their) nature and content, and the target learners.

? The purpose of your analysis

? Your analysis of the text(s). This should include illustrative examples drawn from the text(s), and should demonstrate your understanding of language concepts and issues covered in Part (a).

? Implications and conclusion. This should discuss the significance of your analysis and its implications, followed by brief concluding comments on the whole project.

This is a term project for a Post-graduated certificate course and concern about the hongkong situation. moreover, that's related to the ESL teaching and learning

Specifications (please be as detailed as possible) =I need a 5
page research paper on Bilingual Education. The Topic should be Bilingual
Education Methods: Pros and Cons.
The format is APA and it needs to be double spaced. Use Times New Roman
Font size 12.I need a works cited page with at least 5 sources. I need
this source referenced it is a book "APPROACHS AND METHODS IN LANGUAGE
book to fax to you though. You need to talk about the following methods in
the paper:
The AudioLingual Method
The Total Physical Response Method
The Silent Way Method
The Natural Approach Method
Suggestopedia Method

The paper should be an overall view of the different approaches to
bilingual education and should state the pros and cons of each method.
Thank you. and email me if you need any additional info


Maxwell, Rhoda J., & Mary Jordan Meiser. Teaching English in Middle and Secondary Schools. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2005. ISBN 0-13114007-8

Each student in ?Methods of Teaching English in High School? class will present a lesson, Illustrating the pedagogical principles and skills described in a chapter in the Methods text (above). You will be putting together a 45 minute lesson using the strategies that are discussed in one or two sections of chapter six of the text ?Using Young Adult Literature To Teach Language Concepts? pages (181-239). You do not have to put to use all of the pedagogical principles and skills that are described in the entire chapter only one or two sections. I will fax chapter six to you. Your lesson should include the following:

Identifying the chapter?s key ideas for focus and class discussion.
Teaching a lesson illustrating specific components from the chapter
Any appropriate handouts or resources related to the chapter

Each Presentation will be accompanied by lesson plans for the instructor and members of the class on the day of presentation. The purpose of the lesson presentation is to prepare you to be effective high school English teachers.

Each lesson plan should come with a:

Rationale- what are you trying to accomplish? For example, Student will be able to?.?

Objectives- (aligned with standards) I will fax you a copy of the standards.

Materials- what do you need to teach your lesson (ex paper pencils etc)

A. Anticipatory set (2-3 minutes) ? getting your students ready to learn by engaging them in some way

B. in class activities (at least 4)





C. Closure (2-5) End class with a summary. For example, ?okay class what have we learned today?)

Assessment- How will you know when you achieved your objectives.

This lesson should be written for high school freshmen with low reading levels who live in low social/economic neighborhoods. This lesson does not have to be that extravent just as long as it is interesting and its activities are related to the rational and the objectives.

Also, I will fax a model lesson plan, one the I previously ordered from ID 55559) which uses the pedagogical principles and skills that are described in chapter four, ?understanding language, teaching about language.? This time you will be creating a lesson illustrating the pedagogical principles and skills described in part of chapter six in the same way in that chapter four was created.

I will fax some authors and their writings that you may choose from to create a lesson using the strategies from Chapter six of the text ?teaching composition?

The lesson which is to be put together using the strategies in chapter six must put to use at least 4 of the six multiple intelligences:

Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"):

Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")

Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")

Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")

Musical intelligence ("music smart")

Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")

There are faxes for this order.

5 Pages

Language Teaching and Learning in

Words: 1321
Length: 5 Pages
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Language Teaching and Learning Methods:

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Second Language Teaching Technology and

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Traditional Methods of Language Teaching

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Speaking in the Target Language Is the

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Technology in the Classroom

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Instructors of Foreign Languages Perspective

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Bilingual Education Methods Pros and Cons

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Methods of Teaching English at the High School Level

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